: ' ' !: ' ! J : ' ' I: ' ! i. 3 i - . - - , - ' i " - - ....... i I ' . m Carolina aattb nan LOCAL. SALISBURY MARXT. .. i . AUGU8T 7. COBN--ncw70 a 72 COTTON-15 16. iFLOUB $4. a 4.25. IMEAL 75a78. 'BACON (county) 11 a li nog round. POTATOES Iriab, 50 a 75 Sweet, 65 EGGS-Uto 15 CHICKENS 81.50 a $2 per do. LARD-12 a !5. FEAT HE RP new, 50. TALLOW 9 a 10. RYE 70 a 80. BEESEWAX-30. .WHEAT $1.40 a $1.60. BUTTER 20 a 25. DRIED FRUIT -Blackberries, 6 a ... . I'ftt P Y'J'i ofliclliiUl m tbetVcouaeqaanca., Wave by in anocfc that U . thought tMr l ilv( , lhoa .hileMlnconaUefaie The Charlotte Democrat baa entered upon iti twenty-second year, instead of the second, erroneously printed in lest week's Hrucuan. 'Accidents will happen," See : 1ceoval We bad the pleasure of a call on Tuesday, from Mr. McSwxjJK, ; editor of the Fayctteville Eagle, who was returning fro tn a trip to AhviIIe, N. C lie waS looking well, and a happy a a i miller otTdutvl ProS -tie Piedmont JWleaYnUial r . ... til 4 I I . . t. n .ni j vpi ih ii 1 1 1 1 ii h iivinff fin .iiinni. ilihv i - " . - 7 " r- -"6 itt not too much to say that nine Burke county was ki led by lightning on te,y of ... mi.nnJJUnM thllt Ihurad.ay f . ?" week. Ilia two hornet 1 & ja lbe 0-frid' or I , 1 paralysed be will never recover. A company of Canadian capitalists have purchased 15,000 acres of valuable timber and. 1 be price paid was about 40 cents per. acre. A wooden railroad is in con templation and will in all probability be built at an early day- On the land men tioned there' are plentiful indications of the existence of copper, iron and silver, r Says the Winston Sentinel of the 31st mat i I ' t s . . i ;. "An excursion numbering several bun- dred left this place on last Saturday morn ing for Greensboro. Many of tbem bad never aeon or .ridden on thecari before, left here fi(led"with ' cariosity and came back filled with wbiskey. A large num ber of both sexes and all ages assembled at the depot 'to see tbem off, and were on nana to welcome mem Daca again, ana seemed to take as much interest in the affair as if it bad been a hanging' Enterprise in Watauoa A com pany of Canadian capitalist have pur chased of Mr. Council B.ion, thirteen thousand acres of timber U::d in Watauga county. The price pnid wan fortv cent. an acre. The entire tract in covered withil,e 4 .'... I ih! finest and most valuati ttmaer, com- Dr. I. W. Jones of Rowan County waa called in to se'e three patients (col.) at one house aged 93, 97 and 104. The young est died, the other two recovered. The oldest has been blind for 20 years. 1 tattling. Many. a uoble spirit has been excited to sic U of desperation, aud made to sacrifice hts life or tutnre happiness, by this criminal love of interfering tn the affairs of others by reailfng seaudal and repeating what they know to be. false. Society U. full of just such people of both sexes, male and female. 1 he mid night assassin. Who stealthily breaks in upon the sandflies of the private home of a family and thrusts bi stiletto into the heart of the unsuspecting victim is no more respon sible in the sight of God for the life he has taken than are those eternal tattlers who rush ; from house to home, from party' to party, to probe the festering sores pf individuals by the repetition of the slanderer s gossip. Let public senti jneut -i correct . this crvinz evil, and no laws wi'I be required to correctjhe lesser one of duel ling, which it occasions. !nibiiitmi.iii.ii.ia. Am : uSii.iui, laa. in louowwe very teiraU ace oi. moiU wu fr b ,nitwuttJ iti tint wtifraubwUMrt ji't ; crnt rriurn tiini(. M. " priidog blackwaliiiit,the different Vnri tiea-bf ftlfe iak, icbtstmt&cicc. wooden railroad if in contemplation t will in all probability be coiMtruct.Ml at early flay. On the lisnd, fiiiaWsiion plentiful ind'catiorf' of irfppCT, iron i ThsJMost Extbaordin aett Murder ON Record- The Winnsbor i (S. C.) Newsil the 24:b, has the following: We are airam called npon to chonicle aiKulifr singular death among the colored peor'e. Its occurred at White Oak, eight ii'ilea ;N-rtli t tliH place, which, to aay K?i8t pi u lu a chintable point ot view, w, certainly mysterious. Ih ca..', a reported ta us, is that of fa child not exceeding eight mouth? of age. killing another of tiiue months by maiming, biting aim orainiing uuui lire, waa. ai.xpairea or, a bad at pting to bite io dealli another of its playmates i " i mm ' V e lofqi'arj giving nameA tinttl we learn Toe Diamond Cotton Ciioppek ! T!lj- akliou-U from the source Cultivator!-The. above i the nam of j we uurivea pe information mo facts cati- ;ot oe ;tii.putea. l nis oemg ma season y hive been a case may not ; can cuhej in. m y iieuis veil t iei us uavc mc itcis nut wt'iioiiB ii ii 1 1 1 iiiQ,n.a. uipnu vi a fLt which the young cannibal na . V i. spti ifi . , -. . c' . -13 i,, ft lemptetFa few days previous Tn attemj t PAIIM-KILLER over TfflBTV Has vbeeu before the pu tMPOKl1AtN:T:'LK OFl . EW ADVEKTI8EMEXT3 7,7,, Ai.bvnri a ry ingenious pioce of machinery whirls j 't oe .iiitea. ln, wan exhibited yesterday by the inventor he dog dar?; it rnft in iiout of tj.e YarbrouSh House. V(v f pM0 or " ' epnfees o.tir, kMiegeotagijuJr ira pleinqnts is limited but from what wo "do" and ws hope the proper authoiitiei may be alil to s,olve the mystery. O. W. Long living 9 miles cast of this r!ace buiied bis oldest son, aged about 5 yetirs on last Saturday, 2nd inst., aud his youngest aged about 18 months on MoiT- dy 4th. Disease of first, inflamation of know about tlieni we are inclined to re thc brahi; of the last, Cerebro Spinal gard this as .joue of the greatest lah ir- Uis second son ia living; pav,r? w t Xi 1 s , , T I m iIviii( ltli(Vn(rn hut' r(An h; nj'pntw wa lnvpn hi nv'r a vetir Arn. i r. runti i it:n F.um: now imuit n-iw 'n m nit . m ' mi I r ' J R I ' i ' u - t n n coo Mr. KDKCKEaT, or Wilmington, it will ploughs And bills tho cotton .at the same -bauds OfKhe treasurer of Kansas, of which to seen, is stopping for a short time in our tfiflt and will Jdo tlie work of five n el I nobody- ill u?.uin the ownership. It town : and those of our citizens who need hands, and the; work done by it is superior, seems phginaUy to have como oat ot the in many renpects to that done oy a noe. pocket t ot senator romeroy, ana was ft id vrv AiinnlA. lronr und lnruhlp aiuI hunHcd to A. -M. Ynrti mpmher nf the . ii' n . -ii .i I r - i r" r- f ....-,.. -.. .-,.. ,.. ... --. . - Minigf-'tu. renfftatum tbaa anv other prmtriiuirr nAi. cine' of the present day Ax tkia- perrNl there are bat- few unacquainted ;with the menu of the. Pain Kuxsa ; ut while some extol is as a UnimeuU they know bat little of its power ia easing pain whu uken inter nally; wnue. otaer use u internally with treat saecess. bnt are equally ieoorant of its baling virtues when applied externally. We therefore wunjosay to all. tnatius equally succeasful. whether used internally or ezter- 1 1 T t" - ' 1 . . . . naiij. ii ia sumciroi viuace of us virtues as standard medicine to know that it is now used in all parts of the world, end that ita use ia constantly increasing. No curative ageut has had sueh a wide spread i sale or given such universal satisfaction. 1 Davis' Pais-Killkr is a pnrelv vee- ta- ble compound, prepared froin the bst and purest materials, and with a care that insures the most perfect uniformity in the medicine ; and while it is a most effective remedy for paiJi ik ia a j'ruwiy 1410 luouictue, ervu ID the most uuakillful. hands. I It is eminently a Familt UtDlciSEj and by being kept ready for immediate resort. will save many an hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time aud doctor's bill. After over thirty years trail, it i et'll re ceiving the most uoquallified testimonials to its virtue, from persons of the highest char acter and respousibi'ity. Euiioent Physieians eotnmeud it a a most effectual preparation for the fextiiirtiun of paiu. It U not oly the best remedy ever know forl'ts. Barns. Arc. bat f r Dtfeutery, or Ctidtern. br aifj nrl of bowel coinplaiut, it is" a remedy unsur passed f r etneieucy.-and rapidity of action. In the great cities of India, and other hot donates, it has become the standard medicine for alt snch complaints, as Well as' for Dys pepsia. Liver Complaints, j and all other kiudred disorders. For Coughs and CUs. Canker, Asthma, an I Uhemnalic ditficulties. it h.is been proved by the most abundaut and eouviueing testiuiouy to be an iuvaluable luetlieiiie. ' , .-.. v wonM enution the publtn against aU imititimis of Our preparation, either in nauS or ttyle i f putting up. REAI.JRST4TR :' H9?wPa waleohfe- f .'i wiiroftVr.tdr lateral the CKirf HoVe' i saiisuuryt oetwees 11 antl,12 o'jclotlt, Saturday J Angnth, 1873. Tlie following" very de-iraUU, r"'".'! "'""V iih ikhiiiuuwiimm ctiii rrturn imik M- Yimi, A 1 rx . ..T's. ' wa m 9 mm w-a wmiwm inirticuHitdi viluabU a-k- r- cuy and partly in the corporate lua?M,iWiai)d-., wich St , , Y. 4w mn m m mkt a & mmm - r r - in 4 566, toslhr with a j acres of grouudscom- pruinggivruenanu lawn, i lie tiouse is two stories abova brick batftnenU 26x12 feet, with 2 veran das 9x42 feet, 'containing 10 rooms with fire places i hal 4 pantries, and 4 cloaei. The rooms and hal la are olastered in hard finish, and the floors of the basement laid in cement. and are perfectly dry. lbere m aluo.onllie premiites a well iff toft cool water, with a bead of 16 feet, and ao situated, aa to be easily conveyed to the baaement rooms, dairy, and fraroVa : a brick ice house, snd dairy, brick smoke house a substantial crib and stables. Office with brick chimney, and one of the finest of vegetable gar dens, well stocked with choice strawberries, ap plea, pears, cherries, grapes &c ' j ; The lawn is shaded with oak trees wHit h hnve been topped aBbut 8 years. The location has proved to be very healthy., and iatone of the root desirable in this part of the country. Alo, adjoining tlte above property, a tract of CO ncre of lirtrate land, of soft red loam soil, which un der proper cultivation would produce the mo-t satisfactory crops of grain, cotton, and particu larly clover, and is beautifully situated for Tt model farm. There i on this tract a grove ofOarrea. The tree are nicely topped. From the Groremsy be. had a very frneviewof thecitv and surrounding cotiptry. Alo, another tract of lo acres lyinjr in, the survey of Lnion Hill, of excellent lnnl having on it coniueralle wood, alo 5 uprinf oi water anJ a site for Tanyard or DitiIIerr, " The title to these lands is complete and mav be een at mv office. l'nrate oners ror the purchase of tins proper y will be entertained, and Col. J. A'. BrauVnaw will take pleasure in showing the premises or in aiioruing any omer iniormauon. JOHN S. HENDERSON, July 2,tf r - . Attorney. 2-Mb Thousand in Pro S.t. : x,uw more LIVE AOfcNTS WaNTFD Cor ouri UlHSTOXE:28y'rsin Afaica over 600 pag only $ .5J. Look out for in ferior works. Send fu,r circular A proof of the jr re test siiccew of the reason. Keport just in. 1S4 nbs. in six dars. v HUBBAUD BHUd., Pub's, 723 Sanson St, 1 luhu. I'a. ; SUilLROCl- 1E4T.S HAVEPROVED I NEW ADVERTISENIKNTS. JTSiM .T5njt often tbefels a'ny. difficulty in findi.ng an riwner fr S7,00f, and yet that is the. Bum! now cuius a-becsinc in tli For Picnic3, Parties & Festival?. A first class Soda Fountain complete, in all respect? reaJv for use, to rent bv the nav, on ijood Serin-'. Also Ice 'add Soda Water on draught daily from one of Tuflls Arctic Foun- wor k on their pianos cannot do better than ln ?W re?.ls w' lDal T? - li' i 07? r .. ... . lit is. veryanqple, .strong and durjible, and handed to give mm a eaii. ue win promptly Jf adobted'by our eaton planters. ihe Kansa Setiate. Mr. Yorke charcfid Mr. respond to calls left as directed in his begging of negroes to chop cotton at SI 50 Pomeroyl with attempting to bribe him, advertisement. iper-rlay wijl cease i - . t Rkadino Clud. We are always glad to hear of the enjoyment of our people, old and' young, and have been particular ly well pleased to hear of an effort to cul and:ex.hibited the $7,000 as proof of the weignty accusation, mr. x omtroy ex- the money to storth passed over Morganton on Sunday Vorke W;trtist,-tT) te dehveTrd to a cerUin nieht. Mrs. Beach., a hiehlv resoectable Page, who wa about to establish a nation- old lidv of ROl was killed hv liirhhiiii?. al bank. 1 Mr. Paee acquiesced in this - - - j - i j - - rs -------- i ,,i , . Kll.LED BT LiaHTNIKO. A fearful plaiueobilwtie;had gtreis tl mton on Sunday Yorke TO;trhstptofoe dehter While the family were all atsuouei. Mrs. statement, jand. .forthwitli, brought suit tivate social life among our young people B. stepped into another room and was a gainst jYorke for the mney, which, in by formiug a Reading Ulub. Wa trust it getg cup (irom tn? cupDoara. wnen o "cP""lcu " t -it tuJ -1 tt I. n.KI. sne was strucsiaeau. i ne ngiuning ursi ",V5,H; V"U";" may. ucceed in all lb good. Iti. capable flruck a tree in front of u.e houa. then advlsjdfaiat Mr. Page has abandoned the of yielding to its members. h of . the tlli oId jad snitUnd there is no claimant. Had it not best b given to the honest inmates of tho Kansas penitentiary fox a Christmas diuner. ; I tains, at July 24, tf. C. IL BARKETl & CO S. i Drug Store, STOLEN $50 REWARD. O..I-- .l i I . otoien irom tne suoserioer s Vtable, six miles Eat of Salinba ry, on the night of the 9th of June last, a dark cheenut bay, nearly black, black mano and tail, with a small white. Knot on the left shoalder, behiud the collar1. The ripht fore foot stands a little Qt. I wilt pre tho above reward lor the recovery of the Alnle, if return edtome. DAVID BOGBK. Solisbury, July 23J, 187-t. 1 3wpd Desirable Proi'erty to be Sold. Attention is invited to the Advertisement the corner of the house, then this old lady. tier skull was fractured in more than one place, and what is rather unusual in snch a" ae " w w a. a cases tlie skin was torn, tier clothes MEW SPRING SWOOSfi L I 5. F. Bkrskam't Sew TatMse, 2 WATER WHEEL Ts ke the Ct crrr lsTtste4. ft Pamphlet free. AjlJre, YORK Pa iw Dr, WELLS' Extract Of Jurubebi! i prepared directly front the fomh American V i"tY."" U P,r',,,' "it,, all these d fficurv.; u mU clesn-e th Vitiated BJeoH, .trerhtnVn the Life Oirlrff Pevers, aad Renv all UtKtructions from Impaired and Enfrttled I) shoolj be freely taken, as" JoroUba U pre onnced by medical writer the aot rfitieat . . Tonie ,nd eoLnrorirEl knoww ht ike wuok ranje of ancUonal plants- J4w Offi-r extraorJicarr iodcftitBt tn AkU frieaJf and customers this Season. Tbvlr NET BR of John S. Henderson, Ksq.. offering for r onrlr nher family had some "sale the handsome re.idenc. and other tYS&tol.fdmt property belonging, to Col. John A. Brad shaw. There are but few more desirable locations to be found. It is partly in the corporate limits, the buildings are all new, very handsome and conveniently arranged. Persons desiring delightful residence in or near Salisbury should net fall to ex amine fbis property before the sale. The sale takes place at the Court House, Saturday August 9th, 1S73. Press; 0 We do not know the name of the man whotpld tlie following story of Anchises Brown, 1 If we did we would be perfectly A Skull Embedded ik Solid RocajF'!'mff Hrcomme",iuinto nX wa -T.he Osage Miesion (Kas owrrtagiveB- WAAt fcood atrong,- vigorous Jtaf, who an account of a late discoverv near the will hesitate at nothing. Brown, i( is western line of; .-the county, "it is a hu- alleged, us a very bald head, and ho used " . 9 ' I . - ,! .I'll . . t man brd W( it v I charcoal. ! One day the littlo ones grew It is that of ilic cranium of the human hired of jliat game, and started to play BDetiesj of lawe size, faabeddeft In ediifflo- "mumleyrpeg" with a jack-knife, and at merate rock of the tertiarv class, and le firet blow drove the blade half an inch found several feet beneath the surface. to Brown skull -Nobody ever ascer- for the game took a turn Mrs. Win. M. BARKER will resume the duties of her school August 18th. Terms one dollar per month: in advance, or one and a half at the end of each month. u July 10, 4t, j DISSOLUTION. The firm of Daows A Wkast is this day dis solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the above firm will nettle the same With L. V . Brown, who has taken the Tools', and will carry on the Tin and Stove business. Wms. BROWN, W. A. WE A NT. Salisbury, N. C, July 12th, 1873. MDCa CL are now, receiv in their usaat luge stock' 6f "Spring Goods,' Consisting of all crimes of goods adafptea to this section of Obunrrr. ' Tbeir tock is full and complete In sfl descrip tions uf Prints, Black and Btowrt Demestica. Linens ami Drills, Dress, roods liv the wewest styles Lailies' ready lusde suits, a most beautiful slectujii oi.Lnstsimers and Uoalmg. PmU Jeans of all kindi. Thir stock of Clothing, shirts and hirninhing goods f the largest and nu4t desira ble to be found in this market. A full and com plete stock of Shoes, ilats, Hooey gloves, Rib bons &c. Sugar,Coifee','Mola8fta,andall kinds of GROCERIES. Theirjferms arxrtrtcAlfrtshrand barter with a few exeeptrbnsT -Thoseh ird reliable and prompt in pavinztbeiriiccpuritslLatTordMthem pleasure to acebnimodate.Tfr enable them to sell roods at dose'pnees. which thTaredete rained t do,- thU'rvoITcvy lsK beew adapted, when goods are sold en time to indifcf rmioate parties, hearyjosaes will occur from this Bankrupt and 1 1 omeead prov isiboa of the la wnd w h en 1 osses are sustained by merchants, It isa well stated fact that such losses are" met and it ia reasona ble to suppose that, the Iose,tori jmad up as far a practicable, raltsStfrfcfffwiTingcus omcrai? Terhave Jiierhiiak-dicfsft fl'this way ftiTCTt ensh and barter prices and credit no man who i unworthy of it They are thankful to theitd.iilv friends and customers for their very liberal cuMom snd con fidence, sad hope.WaiU(d OeotU at low prices to secure their continued favor. MOCK & BROWN March 27 tf O rs f . ; L-t-i i-i J Neglect a Co:i2h. Nothing ia morrtA!n to lay the foundation fur folurrwilconsenafim A cli ff Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure f..r a!l4 dias of the Ile?pirt- lory Urgan, ure I hr.i.it. Cold, Croup, Dip theria. Asthma. Catarrh 1 Inar..-.... T.-...-r ' r m.' . v. Lung. In all cases of sudden cold. howrrr tV.n these Tablets should be lr)nut,TandrrelTM., They eualite the circulation i, the 1UmL miti gate tht-seventy of ihratlavk snd will in a rrry short lime, restore healthy action to the affect ed orjrans. ells' Carbolic TiMcfs are rut nn nnlf In bltuboxct. Take no nubiitutr lfn .n't be found at your druggi'l's a.nd at once to the Agent in .Vw ork, who will forward them bv return mail. Don't be Deceived .y Imitations. Sold by drusrei-ts." Price 2 rents a box John Q. KELLOtKi IS Platt-M, Nw York 4w end for Circular o!e Agent for the United States, 1 j CH OIL ERA. EPIDEMIC DISEASES ran vthtbd; sr using B ROM 0-CHL0RALUM, The Neie Odorless and Kon Poisonous Powerful Dctobrfccr and Disinfectant. It destroys all bnd ordors and anatrbns sbont your premises, and thereby pre vents contagion and i-ontains no poison and htm 4i0 ordor of its own, and is alway safe. ijpiDmaawsruea by the AyrltlCAX I.NrrrT- CTK to TlLDKN & Co.. for IJRo.MO-CnLORALrM. They consider it of vjslua as bebig non-poisoo- uua anu mooorous, arict can recommend it es pecially for medical ami general honsehold purposes where du-ipfeclion and deodorizalion u called for." Kxijibitok o- 1872. Prepared only Ly ; TILDE W di Co. XSyi'l"! U ,'lnigsiMt .2ew York. SPRING STOCK is larger, more select, and tnnra rarWctha ever before. It was bought f.r eh aad at a time lica goods w-rr t-ry Wr ia,lb Northern markets, llmce, they are better prpaied tliao erer. sut all tat'es ao fancies, and to gire Wtlrr bargalas for cU They made their pnrchate of Dress Goods j for laJies, geatlnnen and f LilJren, more a speciality than hrrtof.re.j abj really f4 anxious to hare their fri-iJ rail and ex aroioe their stock. They think it iselegaMt it is certainly ile.iinc to the eye. and fnvali- t ty considered) it is anusually rlteap. But. THEIR ASSORTMENT IS GENERAL,; 1 - .-u: comprising all that they hae uuallj.kept. with additional iteras of ai traction. They can meet the demands of (lie Farmer. , the Mechsnir, the Artisan, aad many ct the ProfeSMonal man. It ir a rotrrrw'itniom 01 vntfir cuiiomers. "Aierotiey as'epe ery Lbing and the bt." J j i. j 1 Tbey desire to call special atleatiowtio a new branch grafted this Spring, Uviti A MILLINERY DEPAKTMfiiT. TTiis was designed for the arrpm'mod.tto of their ady customers, and it has beeitoru-. notiDced by many of them as a decided Suc cess in its genetal see stij itetnited Jetsi's. It is under the inunediale Sdpervlsisklif Mrs. II aly burton and Hiss ilcnrray. who ! are erer ready to reapond to rails of: their customers. Call and see, and hear prioes. MERoSKY & BCD. May 8-tf. w I i skull embedded tn a roekfiand wasi u pcimiiuw cimuren wamusu mcinftires tht' to. lidif by bListiiig. r. J. G. while he look his afternoon nap by play cibievotOsaee MissfbntliuTdescribes mg tit tat jon bis scale with pieces of Kittrell Springs, in Granville Co., N. C, parts of the frontal parietal and occupital tained who wouldhave won, f cures jaundice and Serofula. bones were carried awiiyby explosion, stopped suddenlyfand Brown Healing Springs, In Davidson Co., cure lbe piece of rock holding tho remains debilitated people, especially have we we.g... eome .ur.y o, uy Punue, w,m koown lt to relieve sickly women and lbr0li5b ,ere runs a veiii rd quaMi. or within the cranium crystalized organic matter, and by the aid of a microscope presents a beautiful appearance. .1 1 ' cuuurcu. j ' The gun Powder Springs, lit Iredell, like the whito Sulphur in Catawba, cure all diseases likely to be benefitted . by uerenrial aget,ts. . . , 1 There are many, other mineral waters at another game in which ho chased each cnrid 'aTquna niui witn a supper. lie lojtrw urii li bia bit nn nnw. Ifir A ihlr I 'ng pneeS, - I If lno.fAiiHh iniih I.H.M VIIV IVMIIII IIVt. IWIVI . One-half and five-eights The Tinning Dusiuess. The Tinner's Tools of Messrs Brown & I Weant having fallen into my possession, I will cultural StxagTT, uMU pu carry on the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper ware 1873, a resolution was pa&ted, i,...;nn. : ... 1 1. ... i?:n ,i..'it . . Roofing, Guttering Ac., at reasonable rate. I trilbnlso liave for sale. Cooking Stoves that I can recommend, and that will give satisfaction. 1 am not responsible for any debts the firm of Brown A Weant may have contracted. Stencil Cutting. I am txU. prepared to cut good Stencil Plates I s -a m m ior mniKing looacco, riour 6., at lite follow- NORTH CAROLINA FRUIT. Penna. Horticultural' Society. vihh'T. At a Meeting of the PexxsyLvaVia Horti- 4he.20th of Msy, as follows : Rttolced. Tho Pennsylvania Horticultural Society having learnetl thai the soil find climate of North Caroliu: is exceedingly uvorable to FYPncTmnD THE aOSPELS AND ACTS. By Rev. Ai.ruf;D sevix. m 15., D. 1) embrai"es the International Series of Lemons for three years. Every pastor, teacher and fami ly needs it. Kndorst-d by ProidcnU McC'oh, Cobletgh, King, Wallace, Bishcri Simpson, Stephens, Haven, sad the Clergy and Press in all parts of the country. Agents wanted. Lib eral terms piven.; Add res- ZIEGLEtt A McCTRDY, 513 Wrch St., Philadelphia Pa. ; 4w A Wosx ar Iktensk 1ImikitiJItixmc v4Lcr 1 OCEAN'S STORY. Ly the giflcfl eon 0 Ihefamout ' PETER PA Rr LEYP The rrfulioj grtnt historical rctenrtk : An Authentic Uii-t)rv of Navasxtion snd its Manifold I)icomirf ninee the Flood. Abound Vitlif tSrUingseirfrxr,.resrrul D'umtcrt, Iw less i'iries.iUI5dyJ?aBJi. and Glorious Arkirt- inrnr4;aIao1escntef Ihrtnj, IdcympMinj, Ocean Ewherits, Ac. Ovfr 200 Spirited Cut, Subject New iVtes Low, AGENTS WANTED. HuI.CAllI) BlUJcS, Pubs, 723 fcwsom St. rt.n-ri . tw Uiltefjr Laige Illa-trstrU 1'ilcc Lut O. O. tacOoy. -j J. It. JJaUey, G. G. McCX)Y &"C Grocers arul Prorisioa MerhscU and aJioJe- me aeaiers in 1 onicctionanes, Lmea U tobacco and grain f 1 " . 1 a 1 OLD FORT, UY. loo, Hides, ' I Fmr, Feathers, ' -i Tea s, Col tern , r I L'cesKaje, and all kinds of Country Proiuce. Cotton vsms. Domestic, Nails, Powder, aod Coal Oil: alvsys oa hand. ( Agents for the best guanp and sJlosp"sates, crdeis solicted. busliels fine Moonlaia Appleal For sale by G. Ct McOOY A OO. 100 4 nice lot of rountrr etifrd hams. Vormla V lowhr "G. (1. McCUYACO. April 17, 1873 tf j l; lot J. M. MCCOBK LE. wx. IT. axtXtY. jyjcCORKLE & BATLTY. Fasten Yodr Mind." The L ncl burg Rffpitbtican ; relates the following: A 5 cents per letter. Three-lburtbs&one in., letters 7 issreu Qreat Western Qon Works Uo. 179. SillTIIFIELI) .ST. PITTSnrRGH PA. i Breei-Iloadine Wir.t (iuiu Sift i. $.100 TV.Mir.ls ?nfi f:..na'e i-ji I and Simreme Courts - - - O J " - . , . " . w ' , v w v ' w. .Jililliv tllill. V1 1 the production of fine r ruit, we hereby esrnesu vc $20 Ritfe, $-S fo$75. Kercdrprs. $4 to S2o ly invite the t rm( (Jrower, Societies and Ania- Pistols, SI to ISS. Gon Material. Ki-liine Tsckle tenraofUiai State to semi specimens of their Large ducO'inl 10 Dealer or Clubs. Army Guns products, sucit as j Apple, iVar, Urape, and 1 KeToIem.lr-; ixiuzht 4r trailed 4irr (iood specimens of native V ine, Ac, to the Autumnal scut by express C. I). I), to be esamined before Exhibition of thu Society, to be held in Phila- paid fr. i 4W delphia. j Os Tcksda.y,:8eptkmber lGih, 1873, To continue four days, and that tables be set apart lor the display of this i; ruitgand that ATTOttNEYS & COVK5ELL0BH, SALISBURY. X. C. ' : Practice in Rowan, Mecklenburg. Cabamta, Davie. Davidsoo. Forsytbe. Iredvll, Yadkin. Stanly aud Montgomery and ia the Federal Persons livint in other Towns or in the conn- Money Premium., aud Med.iU be awarded by . ! a a. .1 -l.i f t i . r A Memphis Matrimonial Misuxdei; STaKDIXO. Memphis, Tenn., has had another sensation, ot rather a complicated I -v V -k M JBm Bv BI H 1 1 11 I L :f BF tanut-rau I Ins wile called at acertain photo- iry, warning oiencii naieamavcaicuiate tne cost mc prosier conimiiiecs, ior sucn collection 01 - aiyiS"y lllMV graph gallery last weelc to order some m"eluI thei ,en2 "UlLin of lturV wi.l,h, Fmh, agreeabl o the published sehedt.le of ' tJLJn , b , J f, , P. O. money Order for the amount, and I will the Society. t ...... photographs of her, and whilo the operator Cllt theStencil Plate and forward by return mail In accordance ith this resolution, the Com- Tl,e startling drawback on nearly ail medicine wi t gonitis ready tho husband gave the if possible, free of Postage. mittee of ArruigehienU will send this circular ajeuU have ever been that in their process of wife a litll adviee aa to how she should ' rarS- sr t.i. m to numerous Fruit Growers, and terons inter- purgation and purification they have slso de- in the State equal. to any in the world, we nature. First, a youthful citz.u eloped : "Fasten your mind on something," aiw,aVe for sale the "LiuleGem" for mark- appose, whose virtues have scarcely be- with a young ladv who was intended by he M He will langh and spile Unz clothing, Cards, Ac., with Indelible Ink. Iff "'c i viiiiin. -uuui cany uaji i i n iivrra ran ue cnangeo 10 pnniarry na beyond rould be i.- la v -wa tl..;. ;MM.:.. I ner parents tor tanomer. and married h ,. f I on Friday last, j The same day the bride 7ur fatheYjgot in jail," and your mother very neatly. Price complete $1.23. come known vicinity it wouia oe weii 11 some one wmi ir hcr tmu, . WHS au bolder, and what you'd been qualified tor the dutj, would prepare tor AHa Was b.ckexUfp by hex l her till the I UMt pited you 1 Jest fastetryour j . :u: .i.:i t: i !?.fT lr .., .1. 1 ..A ' .u... i . ci j:.i. 1 Ut-'and locations. I application for a divorce. Mejintime the ' r- T - -'' newly married husband was not entirely FoaLossxor ArprrrTE. Dyspepsia, Indt. d,c- He snd the intended husbsnd went ge-tion, Depression of 8pirits A General De- mne. .! Wt a wtiipufi.apy cremontotis name m ad rm to that 1 p mtograplis taken. ravsic stad. ; The best Portable Musio Stand in the Worhl ested in this subject, with the schedule of Pre miums, and rtsiectfiilly solicit their aid and co-operation to make the display of Fruit from North Carolina an honor to that Stare. It is desirable to have the packat of Fruit reach Philadelphin on Monday, September l .th O....I. . . . K. . l U J . P" I bilitated the system. To obviate this dir&cultv physicians long soaght for an agent that would l U KG E P U III F Y A X I) ST RENGHEN At one ahd the satuc time. Their research Itis al la.-a teen rewarded hr a discoverv which fully realizes (he fondest desires . . ..... L " . .... ol the medical faculiv, and which is justly re- John V. Mauney, Efq.J Special Partner. ST. MAKY'CHOOIj, RALEIGH, .. C. '4 roUXIJJIlD MAT. mix Right Rev. Thos. Atkinson; D. D- VIitor Kv. Aldcrt SniedeJ 1). D- Rector.': Rev. Bennett Sraedcs, A. M., Assist Sat The sixty third term of this school will cos, mence on the 2?th day of July. - I For a circular a;ply to the Rector. j June 19, lroo. I STAR SALOON irill. . ...i c mi - i. t r I ... She didn't have any for Brass Bands. It is very neatly and atrongly 'h IXu Z"? ' 1 .t..Urai ii-.., garJejM tbe rooM .'...porun, triumph that Phsr i be a f ; inner nan ev Wlitfrin their various for his, FEaao-Piio8K)ii-TPf!,,D'nrle' Pr9ceeded lo '-cn,I,?e shts I .: t a a. JT a . !' l avko Elixir of Causata: made IaxardA. Co., New York, juruggists, ii the beat tonic A ior patients recovering from fever or other sick- , r aaao-rnosro- r r . , life havt as In mad, by CAswell with;,Mch other,-- but, fortunately, aliased W r. and aoM by all their, nark, and then Ml into the embr.ee U.stimulantinl. of lhH: v : , - ;Lir ,T ilf THE WEAR AND TEAR OF LIFE. The cares, anxieties and misfortunes life have as Innieh to do with shortening y are in fact the source of mauy physical disabilities. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, affections of the liver. made weighs less than two pounds and, can .- H .' ( pacaea in a smau spaces ' - Falentetl Sept. I3ih, 1870: Aug. 6th; 1872. -4 Z. iHnroma awarded by the American Institute Exhibition New York, 1872. r ps or u jjT-fcr) IMMEDIATELY, it as . . - . . one or two gooa srass uxuners. Lti V. BROWN. Salhihnry, N. O, July 17th 1873-tf. o Ph iader ion lraporuot at- Ziiver . I. : i hirr mUMwil ien kAniKittVrni nr .Ant I . . T to tha same atWreha. , r . ir I t.. tn-.... ---. vi -.- -m v t , V Yt&ikSi - w,,ich Purif the loKi nd "move all cornmt bapetyttnient humors and unheal, v accuc.ul.tion. from the I t .Ilor.kttltuaf H ill. . m j .. i l i -..j pllia.Julr 1st -rj. J""i Whatever, but on the contrary tones the stomach ness. it has no equal. If uken during the on It prevents fever and ague and other Inter Avitlent fever. 4. , Bogus Charlet BROwxLowi Pom TRAIT "True only to filth, to falsehood, to blackening character, to blackguardism and to W. G. Brownlowr Doubt snck to be tbe case T . Then look npon his ace I -That brow bf bloodless Was , Those snske eyes (in the grass j) Those lurid lips so thin I ' That death's head, in a grin J No demon bajf so fell ' ' - vOasps from the deptjbs ot heUf No wizzaxd may invoke Above bis cauldron's amoke, ' Shadow of ghost or ghoul ' 1 So ghastly and so foulj r i m Mseaulay might not spam A kindlier BarrereJ " I knd Swift's conceptioA sVa A lovelier Yahoo) More mtirderoKs Modoc vou'll jatver see Than ye bogus ptntoo ol Ts He, p. U. JJiU. A rewarkible case of Ion gavUy in one family exista on Flat River, am ot the number of seven brotliers. ate of whom re still living, and wj aggregata 465 y . 5n verf;e of 78 ye ars each. Whert can It & duplicated? TLy h9 ai on "V fce97 in Astgust ana who yioweo last year. TbrthLigM. A young Kentuckian. a Jaw student at I dtstorbances of the bowels, headache hypo- - - . CCOfS.. Heidelburg, leaped thirty feet into the J chondria and monomania are ain ng these I Klllttz'S Dlirrll6Sl SDBCifiC ii,ii! r-.iit t . a .i. . . f . r . . I at ' . . . . imHjrianee mat persons w nose minds aie .i ii -...,.ii-, t--..i. , j - i viiit-i j aasasa i ir. nvi wuifinuiti bus lumi' oppressed with heavy business repousibr.it lea I unbU Family medicine is truly mspecifi -. or harassed by family troubles, or excited by It is pleasaut to the taste, perfectly safe uu- m Rhine and rescued the daughter of the Count of RetgerpV one of the wealthiest South German nobles. Then some pretty things occurred. - Her fattier went himself to tht savior of his daughter, and, after thanking him in the most-touching man ner, brought him to the young countess. The tatter thanked young Good win with tears in her eyes, and said that her life long gratitude belonged to him. During .1 - . .' ' f I- ..'. '! H ' It I m " tne ne rewNiaysnne twovwere een tre and yvyiiodjr in Hwppfctievca that they are i; engaged . nr ijeaTtled. ? v bo wouldn't save pretty jjirlsou bt Rhine from orownnigi ; t speculation.ior perplexed by a multiplicity dfrallircamstnnces. and does not constipate ..!. r , the bowels after using. Certifieiates eon Id In; f enterpr ses. or in any way overtaxed or uU- frmn ,njin (f bejl, i-,.-,. hl!tth. overwork should keep op their sUminalaiediciue is offered simply on U merits. Tr, J?. by i he dad v use of a wholesome tonic, lit. "A single lise will prove its valor. k----i;t;.. i w I i vi huo auunvaiva v I U - X - I 1" . " -! ' The Empress '.Eugenie: has Lopes of seeing bee abh restored 'to. tlie"'ib rone of Franc She aaai "The TufureTis ours, and .Trance wHl lead the reactioa against the forces wbickhave seemed to threaten ib4 -elNiiten4 iot-scW'ty- . and Religion woagnoai Europe.". "Sbsi aawin the future that "France may again!. be at the bead f nations, the' robbers driven out of aoe, the Fop. reatored, German v divid ed Into lujxnifiia JStaleiand Aiutrta again strong. '.'! : - i ' J Til, I Urp." Beaeh , a lad t of ,60 . yearf oOare I Fas killed byJiehtnine in Morranton on Vm S' r. w - -v,. ounpjsy sign. iasw oo says iberjricaiHoni Thousands of persons thus eircumstansed are enabled to bear up against the difficulties in which tbey are involved, and to retain thejr strength,, health and mental clearness, by the regular use of Hostetter's Sumach Bitters. Diseases which are prone to attack the body when debilitated and broken down by over much brain work or exhausting physical la Prepared and sold only-by TflEO. r. KLUTTZ. Druggist, Salisbury, N.C. .June 26 tf. i.ii. SPFfllAr TKRAf OP pnTAMeve'yyt0jd'rrm;n'I the land: " ' , " - . " Sent under nvigofalssh4Jpo4v dnriof !jhe.p-trew of their operation. Titer unite the heretofore irre- Just jwiblis'ied, a now ediition of concilable qualities of a Strengthening Purtative Dr. Calverwt ll'e Oelebrat- and a Pnrifymr Tmc. ed Bnav on the radical cure Dr. Tutt's Pills are the most setiveand sesreh- ( without medicioe) ot .Spkbi.tobhiioe.. or J ing medicine in exlniene, They at once attack beiumal L jssos, iveaiuicis. Involuntary Semi 1 the very root of diseases, snd their actien is so nal IupjTBNCV. Meutal and Physical I prompt thit in aa honr or two after tbev are Incapacity, Impedimehts to Marriage, etc. : taken the pitient is aware of their rood effwt. also. CONsrMPTidN, EftUEPsr and FlTS, indue-I They mar be taken at nnv lime without ras ed by self iui'ilgduce or sexual extravagance traint ofdiet or orcuiiation ;tKrv prodnce neith- CT" Price iu a sealed envelope only Mx cent, 1 Cr nanea, ernpinjor debilitv, and as a family Th - kAlKa was. I ,.i tv tvt.. A V; A.)tnirni1n 1 1 .1 ; i luc vcicuinkcuHiutu' iu tum uviusis nwiv i mffKi icjfis" t.iis?r nifi no ri v I. say, clearly deinchniraTe from a thirty years, J pfice 3 cenu a box. Sold by all DnnrisU (raenoosofself ahsa may 1U. radiialiy cured rouue of internal medicine the knife; ptlnticg out a mode of cure at once idinp'e, certain, and ef. fectusj. by- ocaus of whieh every sufferer nn matter what his ctuiuitiou miy be, may .care ClrTiHs lecture snould bom tn nines dm r Pcron wishing pire hnmeraade liquors and the very best iniorted wines cm alwiyWfind them ai the Star SAUojon '4 ifaia Street, .1 rlnor$ kf S'iJkurj ffei. All my whi'kies and Brandies are obtained direct from the best and most reliable distillers in 3. C. 1 keep no others. Wy wins are im ported and are of the brH Variettt as spy jiidge mav see recalling rn-l -varoir.irt fer hiruself. 1 j. a xinnL Jnne 19, mo. pd. ( '1 JOHN sTll EN DEH SON. Attorney and CoitrlseUor trt Lmvi Solicitor In IlnnLrtip'ry, SALfSBUIty, X. C. - ; 13 Special attention paid to Procttd- tugs in oauaruptcy. Feb. 20,-tf. L Principal office.18 and 20 Plait SL, N. Y. 4w Superior Court. A Special Term of Rowan Superior Court for the trial of Urtmmal and Vtvil issues, to bee in bor. are kept at bay by the resistant power ' f l"e Monday in August 18.3, has -.k kiik- i . i been ordered by his excellency Tod. R. Cald- ",,u iu.uiFroi wmc eattows t well, Governor of North Carolina. the nerviousj system and tbe vital organs. Suitors and all persons bound on the criminal At season. whn th hit i niuir.tiiux tl, P-k as as all witnesses in civil and f - , ;- w ,( i-a w.ifip VII elements of Strength from every pore, an irf- vigorant Is absolutely essential to the safety and comfort of the public, and is required even by the' more robust if they desire to keep .net. aiuieuc capauuuies iu status ouo. Hence a eourseof Hosteter's Bitters is parti cularly useful at tbe period of the year as de fence against tbtt invisible disease afloat in a sultry Biosphere. It is the most potent of all preventive medicines, and for all complaints whieh affect the stomach, the liver and the bowel, and, u interfere with tb perfect diees- tionpd fuj-Utioc, of food, it ts the atand- .. . . Criminal cases are required to attend said Term withoot further notice. JOHN A. BOY DEN. Clerk Rowan Superior Court, Salisbury, N. C, June 25tb 1873. 7w. HVRDWARE. When you want Hardware at lo figure, eall on the undersigned at No. 2 Granite Row. ' ' D. A. AT WELL. 8-!ib.ury,tt. C., May 13-tf. N Marriage' Certificates for utlo Lcre. 1 June 19, tf. eal. iu a plain envelops, to any addres, post-pniloi roei;t of aii CeuU. or two post stan i M. , , Address the PiihtUher. ' ' CHAS. J. C. KLIXO I CO.i. 127 Bowery, New York, IW.-Ofiu-e B"X, VeMj. CATAWBA' HIGH SCHOOL, ENGLISH and 0LASSICAL, IVEWTOfV, X. c. Hie 16th term of 10 weeks will begin the 21st of Julv. . Board from $8 to $10, per month. Tuition froai $8, to $18. per term. ? : Rev. J. C. CLAPP, A B. ,-PcU. . Roe. J.i.roiLr Avll. )Ft July 3, 1873-2uos pd. II New First Class two-horse wagon ,t for saleApply to , - vi . 7 v ilclBB.c.JO. a- llt.UlflliHll;lljld;l Ia the mod powetfol cleanser, strrnrtbener asd remover of Glandular Obtructkx.s known ia Ju ateria Alcdtcm. It U specially adarHed to conditions "worn down "and dcbililate-l bv the war.u weather of spring and Siunra rr, waen the blorxi u not in active rircuUtiun. oniiieiitlv eatherin im ptuities from slnA-il.ne- raanifc-trd by Tumor kruptiurt. BloUhes, Boil, Pimtules Scrofula, tec., dc ; ben weary sal languid from overwork, and dullness drowaiofrs and inenia take the idai of energy and vigr, thesvau-m ntds a Tla'r to build it np and help tfce Vital Fore to regain their recti perativfc iower. In the best of Rummer, frpiently thai Liver SpUimdo not froperlr per(nn iheir functions 4 U-a Uteris and Urinary Orxtias arwlnactive. pYpducitif weaknesa of the stomach ard intes- i0- Ki,pFWHJo biliouj derange-menV 1 Bargains! Bargains !j In order to make room for my 6fing stock, I am compelled o sell tffnjjt, rr ntaining Winter Stock coiisisibr of READY MADE CLOTHING. UAH BOOTS, AND 611 OKH, in all tt a-Tich GEE AT BARGAINS arc given. I VIUTOE WALLACES. Feb. 6. tf 200 HEAD OP BEEF. Cattle ! Wanted. Tbe undersigurd wish o purcbaM Tea Hundred fin lW-ef Cattle. or birb they.ar ptetiared to pay the highest caa prie : They woo d alto lufortn tb- Citizens of Salisbury that thry are furnlthh.g t mark et with b--f four titnrs eajli rri ; ostnely J on Mor.dJy. Weduesdavi Fiiday scd Pat- urday mornings. Mav 22 -if. .... JOUN P.KAKI). LAND FOK SALI Pur-rant to a decree of tie Superior Codrt I will sell at public suctirft stiheio-rt Ilo-Sein Silibury. oa Wdnedav 1st of OrhXer 1173, UTl aiirsc f land oa ihe WijUboro Ptadaiot 8 miles N. V. of Salislmry. aHjoir.isj 'A(Iaiu Lentx, Alraroi NaA snd ct Iters. For further particulars aVe Mrs. FlitatttJ) Miller, who lives on tlie land, cr J. M. l!lrh Eat,.. fcali-Uiry. j ' f Tcru-s $60 cash ; balance tn C timrlha s-tdif . Title reserved as seen ritv. f .. . ; RrFCSBARRINGFfc, Msyl-tf. j Cooisiisiiftrr,

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