DEATH-IN-A-WELL; 11 St, Joseph (Mo.) Gaictte, July 11 Yes'-erday crenfegv'one of the most ru. o.nalitfii thatt bus bsDDened lu kr rari..n-t1a mar eontiaae ta "'-"ibis city for soma tima occurred 00 the them ami! all arrearages are paid, corner of Main and Faraon etrceta. At 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to T , . .. i 3 .ki Amm-A from the office to which au a a uau k va wu a a, -" wiv 10 It DOIIll rOCaiOM a llrjr-Bkure, yuw- r --i . i t, ifr. Joseph Bdllioiore, au old resident are directed, they are held Ci T..!l! .1 frt th rear of they have settled their this is a wTllsothe thirty feet deep! sur dTr T move to .Swunded bran ordinary carting. About Lf.psst 6 o'clock, Mr. BulIU Mnr;nr nf thp atahle. wentl ont to the Well lor Hie purpose oi resucr . t. l... 1U.. in Tn hrrler I n thi- h, found it neewsary to defend, ilj fr irnnrvl Light, a young man empiojeu in; m r aUble. Mr: Bollimofe got inside the eurb- log, took hold of the rope, and requested - Mr. Light to let him down. The latter complied with .he request. Alter going down a short distance Mr. B. reroaked "" that he thonglit he "would go easier now." VheYi about halfway' down his hold on the rope gave way, and lie fell to the but- "Mr. Light was, of coarse, perfectly s i a r i w 1i1n1oa tn relieve the Unfortunate mui. I - . . 1 I lie instantly gave tiie alarm, ana in aiew moments lime Several persons gainerea at the spot, among whom was a young nan named Jacob Kike. The latter at man namea uacoo nr. nm once rolunteered to go down into the well and recover Mr. Bullimorr. Mr. E. Fink- 'X' vattem ana anoincr KuiKu,1,, rci down. Wb'ft about bait way to tne waier Mr. Fike called to be polled op. The par ties above promptly complied with 'the ' request, and had sacceeded in drawing Vim op just within reaebii.g distance, ; when the rope suddenly slipped through fcti bands, and he went whirling to the bottom. I I ' A perfect shock of horror for a few I . i vnAinenta naralrzed thosa above. I wo I mtn were certainly dead down in Iiat I narrow eavern. an d the stoutest hearts .1 itood appalled. The reaction came quick . ly; however, and half a-dozen men voljin leered to go down and bring up the bodies. The work was accomplished in teu min- . ; ntes time, and two forms lay side by side on the ground. Mr. Uulliuore was about 40 years of 5 of age, and anold resident of St. Joseph. ' Mr. Fike was an unmarried man, about S3 years of age, a blacksmith by trade. tTi;., ADOUT EVEN. ( ; loi inirouucea io a spienuiu rirari: m - to the ears, says "John" the travelnii correspondent of the New York Sun Simply by bis sitting down on mv cirk hat. This didn't improve the hat, it kill ed it, but we conversed : ' 8ayt I, "Ifietory tells as that some kind of vegetables possess conversational powers." Says he, "I guess not." 8aya I, "I guess yes." j 8ay he, "Quote, air, quote." 8ays I, ''Well, sir, how about Jack and the bean-stalk?" -i There I had him. He whistled th' third and last ttanz i of "Bftsy and I are out;" then twisting himself around my way, says he : "Stranger, it's an nnderstood fact that twelve hard-boiled eggs won't hurt a day old child." . - Says I, "Not if they are boiled real ' hard V .- Says he, "No, sir." 8ays I, "Perhaps yon will tell mj wliy t,- -,,.. -l,;u ,u.i usn J T"' v.... v... Xdoortbthw Boydcn Houc. is man I M : k 8ays he. 'Yep, sir, becanse a day-old ehild won't eat 'em.J' There he had mc. - f A MIDSUMMER-NIGHT HORROR . - " " i Joaquin Miller relates a story horrible enough to satisfy the most ardent lover of , . sensation horrors. It i -about, a raining camp in a luueiy uisinci in aiiiornia T where ihe scurvy broke out. Tliey had no way of treating the afflicted ones, when , one of the miners happened to rememb -r a cure he had formerly heard called the "earth cure." So they dug six deep pus In tlm ft 1 1 n ur nf lintrn ntnn .nJ Kt.vInJ " " ,uo paueuia up o no ciim, naving nrst lakn off their clothes. Lhe earth was j shoveled hack and closely patted down about them, and the six heads in the ; ingin resurrection to meet the judgement. The bnried raen, like all hard working miners, soon dozed ott into a deep, stupor- watching their, grew dozy, too, and crawled cff to their beds, and slept aoandly till morning, when they went ' to aee now their companions were ge' tinr oh. They found that they wolvea had been down and eaten off every one of the six beads level with the ground. Thb Uoop Wife The Honorable! John F. Kennedy, of Baltimore, who died Dronertv and made her his sole executrix, with this ' mention of her in bis will ; "I have rea- fwti t thank Cud for nuuy .bleastnes, for tauoua as nave taugnt me the more to rilM H; lor .opportunitiei of public ferrice, afforded me throngh the confix nce of uy fellow-townsmen, in more n ne honorable tnict ; and above all, f 'f a home made dear to tan by the affec i innate lud constant devotion of my wife, wh. has done everything in her power to lender me happy ; whose rare virtues of mind and heart have given the most eom pl smcccss to her endeavors." - a! ; - 1 . t a Wilbur F. Storey, editor of the Cbica XTimC3, distinctly charges ia his paper that the d.-ath of his wife, six months ago, came of the gross recklessness, careless ness, and neglect of the attending physi cian, i The matter is ta he investigated. atnasr. jnHMsnn, the physician, has placed jk eUtemnf of the rise before kin profes sional brethren. Dr. Johnson, it is said, always enjoyed the esteem and enfi. denee his professional brethren and the fttbiK. recently in his seventy-seventh year, amid n,?li"K p' . ll,e P'-ntitied M DOmeroHs writings with delight, gave each U 22x28 inches, and the pictures selHn the his wif the whole of his laree Dronertv stores for $2 60 per uair. kind friends, worthy kinsmen, prosperous ? ih H0"1 Circii the Fanner, the Mechanic, an4 coatented life; for a clieerful temper, ' ! JT'i 22? Ini Te7 T,ion of lh ,,-fpl.- n( i - . ,'ri Mate; it is not sectional in iu character, nor STtfT? a 8 n or sectarian, Besides all the new. of .?kC,,UFlcli oruy uy sucu alter- ine aay, collated with a view tororrectnew NEWSPAPER-LAWS: XCm an man. inquires aAtu lira law:! t i u nMM kfc 1 Jeammary, wlrich will cowan wieHwu. mat pave ween uaira v. . . ., 1. Subscribers are eoosidered wishing to eontttiae their aaDscnpiiua SL If subscribers ordering the discootioane sena . t take they respoosible till d ordered them 4 other places without informing the publishers, and the Hotel, next door below the "'"J.e JX'Sh, former" direction, they bur stock and hearou, vric trto. , cu mAA o, ne couns ua ucoiuc nanrM from the office, or removing and leaving thetn uncalled for, is prima facte evidence of intentional traoa. 6. Auy person who receives a newspaper nd makes use of it wfietder ne nas oraerea it or not. ia. held In law. to be a subscriber and most pay for it. POSTAL )R5t ATION. Tetters iro to anr part of the United SUtes for threecents Der half once, if prepaid. Unpaid letters are sent to tne ueaa-ieiier - . i- - - - ... a -v i a office at Washington. Letters weiglnng over an ounce, ana pre paid a single rate, are forwarded to tneir aes tinatioo. and the balance due collected on t n . deliver V. 1' . , I . . ...i( Ka. nraniil tiriant(i npr iuy icuers muoi, F.tK.- . r- AXn 4 .nts. : on.l four ouuees or fraetion Each them)f NjWg la omce 01 puoucauou may u ,.eP..u ""- tiiowing rates per qua.ier : - Dailies, -35 cts Weeklies, 5 ' per qri Monthlies, (not over 4 01) 3 Quarterlies. " 1 Miscellaneous Matter. On unsealed circa lars. maDS. prints, enrravings, music, card. photogfllphg, types, euttimss. roots, seeds, Arc.. on one package to one address, prepaid. not exceeding four ounces 2 cenis ; over four nd not exceeding eight ouuees. 4 cents. The weighjts of packages is limited to thirty two ounces Money Orders. Money can be sent to any "v ww--.-- -j part of the country with absolute safety, by obtaining a Money Order, for whieh fees On not less than SI, and not over $20, 10 ceDt9 n,- ton and not ereepdinir 450. 25 eents. No order issued for less than SI. or more than $20. Suudry Isemes It costs 15 cents nxtra, besides the regular postage to register a let ter. Stamps cut out from Stamped Envelopes re not allowed to be placed upon otner let- t rs. Valuable Land For Sale. Having become the sole Proprietor of the valuable; I ract of land formerly owned by Jeremiah liamnger, and located one miieSouth- est of Rowan Mills station, and having no use for if, 1 propose te sell it This track, compris ing 6.5 ; acres, is regarded by good judges as one of the very lest and most eligibly situated j in the county. It is admirablv adapted to the cultivation of corn, cotton, tobacco, and the grasses. There is at least 100 acres of bottom, of which about 75 is in cultivation. There is, aIo, an excellent dwelling and other out build ings in great number, a good well of water, Ac, .Persons wishing to see the lnnd will apply to Mr. Tobias Beaver on the place, or myself near Alt. i'leasant, JN. U. June5:6mos. MOSES BARRIER. DR. J, F GRIFFITH, DENTIST. Having locateu in oausburv. solicits a prac- lice in tne town and surrounding country. CHARGES SXOSSILATS, OFFICB iArncr or .nam a: Hank MrceU Two p r it w mm CRAIGE & CRAIGE, ATTOltiVKVS AT LAW, AND Solicitors in ponhrnplfn. . - ln Bankruptcy u u y ttcntiunpamioi roceers8jjvc Family Sewing Machines, worth flOOeach I 8ept.5,5l:3ms. THE BROWN PLANTERS should examine the above-nan old and reliable C in before buying any other, It combins the required qualities of Simplicity. Strength and Durability. It Gins fast and clean', mak excellent lint (often bringing l-4c. to Wo have had thirty year's experience in the business, and warrant every gin perfect. Gins t""?wuy " e nanus oi our agents, to wlach lars, may be had by addressing. ISRAEL. BROWN, President, I Brown Cotton Gin Co., New London, Conn. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, Agents Salisbury, Jiarcn o 4mos SPIRIT OF THE ACE 'piIE Spirit ot the Age will present a pair JL of fine nictues worth 3.00 tn .nkL scriber for 1873, who pays $2 50 in advance for Rev. T. H. Pritchabp, D. D., Contributing j. x. uuwkjs, j Juii'ors. j The Age is a weekly Family Paper, adapted arwt accuracy. Us columns will be filled with th choicest matter appropriate to the different iJ parunents btones. Historical and BiovrauhLI oKCicne, travel ana Adventure, Sabbath Read ins, u aaa unmor, Agncnltural, Correspon dence, aa Epitone of the News of the Day, Ac. OXLZOZZTAZj SSOZLZZ29. The Publication of Original Riatuiu . t ... . : : " leaiure oi me AGE, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of popular and interesting writers. In this Department alone we can promise our readers entertainment eonal in charade- to that of any of the popular story TERMS IX ADVANCE : one copy one year, (with 2 pictures,) $2 50 without pictures, 2 00 " six months do 1 25 Every reader of the Spirit or tri An published before the war, is earnestly requested to renew their patronage; send for specimen " EDWARDS . BRODGHTOM. t mo. id. tf Raleigb. N.C COTTOMGIN - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in furniture. thmr utork of Cot "Hr Ure Bedsteads Fiuich Chaimber Suit. -"l Walnut and tainted Cane Seat Chairs. I nWriDtion. Extension Dinirfir Tablestable of all kinds Wardrobe, Bureaus, Wa-hstanda, What-Nota, Sojas, ttntinn chnirn and Parlor Suits. Also, raUj otner articles which we are prepared to ell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the western part or tne Mate Be aure to call, nearly opposite the Mansion a fall assortment of Rosewood, MetalU znA Wnlnnt Kurial Cases, which can be tar nished nt 3 hours notice. Jan Ifi ly. NEW TAILORING SHOP IK SALISBURY. The undersigned after an absence of mor than 20 years, during which time he has mnehernerienee and knowledge in the proper management of business, has returned to SalUbory, and opened a Tailor Shop door .1 ar n 1. o'i ci ui in hill ,ine All work warranted and fiu -llaranteed. Everv Dossible expense MTej h customers. He is in regular re ceipt of the new styles and fashions. Trade taken in exchange for work when suit able to parties contracting. THOMAS DICILSON. Feb. 12, 1873 tf: 22 - " - Ci irrmTTtd c Tnrrr xirr'Tk SMITH S IMPROVED Patent Well Fixture. We call the attention of the public to this admirable invention It is especially recom mended to private families, being conveni- r . , Iur JUC ""S emptying anu ease m urawiug. " uuaurpasa- rope ana oucaei are protecteu tnm the weamer. 11 is so arrangea as 10 secure ao solute satety irom aeeident. even in the hands of the mo8t careless, and willfully uegligent person. MER0NEY & BRO. 7:-tf. The onlv Keliabic uui iieiriuuuun in iiie Country! 50,00000 1H VAZiUASLB GIFTS! TO "BE DISTRIBUTED I2t L. D. SINE'S 102nd Eeyular Monthly Gift Enterprise, To be drawn Monday , A ugust 1 1 th, 1 67 3 . 1 ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE of $5,000 intSoId ! Two prizes $1,000 1 Two prizes $500 V Each in GREENE A CKS. llve prizes $100 J One Family Carriages and Matched Horses with SSuver-Mounted llarneu, vorth $1,600. Qne HSrse and Buggy, with Silver-Mounted harfiess, worth $600. Oije Fintlohed Rosewood Piann wnrili $Z,Ctf j - - - w m m w va n w a mm w 0 Gold and Silver Lever Hvntiva Watches. vorth from $20 to $300 each, Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry ,&c, &c, Whole Ilumber Gifts, 6,000. Tickets Limited to 0,000. AGENTS WANTED to Sell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be naid Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5 ; Twelve Tickets $L0 ; Twenty-five Tickets $20. i, . r,:.i .T: . r . vii cuiu b vuiiLniiitiig m iuii 4111 oi prizes, a ae- scnption of the manner of drawing, and other miormauon in reierence to the Distribution. .11 1 V- . . J ., .... 1 uc ncm mnj one oraering mem. All let ters must be addressed to mais office, L. D. SINE, Box 8G. 1U1 W. J?ltlhBt. f CIKCINKATl, O, The Great Democratic Journal. I THE IVEW YORK New; anU. T700D, Hditor S. Prop'r. A Mammoth Eieht la?e Sheet. Fiftv-aW D O F J " Columns of Reading Matter. Contains all the H?m. foreicm rlnmixtio rwti;, ical and general, with full and reliable market reports. Each' number also contains several short stories, and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc.. etc.. con stituting, it ia donfidenUy asserted, the most complete weekly newspaper in this country. TERMS $2 A YEAR. I Iducements to Clubs: ive copies, one year: $9 00 1 en h Copies, one vear. and extra copy to the sender SI 15 nn . r j . - - 1 wenty copies, one yrar, and an extra copy to sender $25 00 titty j copies, one year, and an extra copy to sender ASH no Poflict tending cluls as above, may re- J- tin. " tain 6u per cent or the money received hy tm - T "'L a .j - re-ona oeamng to act a aeeata aarolted with pecimen win die. Specimen ropiea aent free to any addreaa. All letteroahnnld he directed to JMKW lORK WBKKI.Y FITS. I BOX 3,790. pfEW YORK CITY POST OFFICE. Sfc-tif: $72 00 BACH "WEEK. Aieenta-wanted everywhere. Bainesaatrictly legitimate. PartimUr- free. Addrea. UlJ-J J- WORTH A CO, SL LouU,Mo. ALL KINDS o COU JIT ANDMA QJSTBATZS' BLANKS at thi cftc v.' i Weekly f T EMRff OFFER T g$(F ' SECOND. ' ANNTTAL DISTRIBUTION. THECRTTOMO "CUTE Eleztntly Framed and a share in the Ditrilm(lon of 8730 Pre minus amounting to 41,UU0. GIVEN AWAY TO Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly, oun. rimcsiDE rnuanD Chromos are delivered at once. The distriH button will Positively take plac-e on the Twen tieth day of August. Eighteen Hundred and seventy-Three. 1 OUR CHROMO "CUTE" is 16x20 inches in sire, acknowledged to be thefinert and liandaom est picture ever eive'n with anv Dater. OUR FIRES1 DE FRIEND is an eight pageJ iiiusiraiea ramily ana siory weeklj in its third volume, has now over Seventy-tire Tboasdav auuscrioers, and raptaiy increasing, which in sure! the success of the present distribution. The Publishers of Our Fireside Friend have sent to its snbscribers this year over Seventv Thousand copies of the chromo "Cute" and are shipping hundreds every day. Subscription Price, Three Dollars Per Year, which give the subscribers Fiftv-two numbers of the best Fami ly Weekly, the Chromo "Cute" finelv framed. and a numbered Certificate entitling the holder to one share in the distribution of premiums for 1873. Subscribe now with the agent or send direct to the publisher. SPECIMEN COPIES, particulars, etc., sent iree. Jlf,L,TrPC In every town, at home MVJILIM I J or travelling. Large W V V a "m w anvsl w v.t.-u uaiu auu uirciai onttit. Send at onoeior Terms and particulars Address. WATERS & CO., Pub., Chicago. FINK (SIPtfltTlvD ENUHAVnGI Large eize) for Framing or for Portfolios. This catalogue of engravings comprise a list of elegant works, from the best American and European artists. t,very variety of subject is represented Portraits, Landicapes, Animals, Figure. Marine V lews, ana Historical fictures irom socn wen Known ariiKin as LAutM, herring, wilkie ROSA bonheur, and others. OVER 700 DIFFERENT SU1UECTS. Tbey are of all sizes, from 12x15 to 26x40 and ran be sent by mail or exprews prepaid, carefully done up in roller, and without injury. Price, from $1 to SIC, according to size. tfi?"A discount made on large purchases. t'ATALOGlKS SUM KUKKTO A MAUDKKSS. We also furnish the SLX2CTZC OALLIJILT OF FIXE STEEL ENGRAVINGS. (Snail size) fsr the Port fa 11 r, Scrap-Bk sr lllast ration. These engravings hare appeared in the Eclectic Magazine and comprise th Portraits of nearly every distinguished man of tbe past and present centuries. Our lixt contains portraits of HlMUKlArh. POETS, ARTISTS. WARRIORS, KINGS, ; STATESMEN, HISTORIC AND IDEAL PICTURES &c, Ac. Nearly 300 DIFFEREFXT SUBJECT-'. They nre printed on different fized. paper : either MuaIlsizA7xl0,ur uartusizr, I012, and can be sent hv tnail, eareml'v dime nt in roilt-r prepaid, to any addrt-t. Prlee saiall 10 f . Qiirio ir 10 r t .4 specimen of each she mid catnfnjue sent on re- i criptvtj z.) cent. CATALOGUES SKNT FREE TO V XDDRESS. 33. H. PELTOrJ, FublUber, los'cxro.Y-sr., xew youk. May 1, tf. . SJI1TITS UJXG "PRESERVER Is a sure and effectual cure for CONSUMPTION And all the dieases of the TZXB.OAT, ASTZZZxIA, lO. Send for circular to WM. A. Smith, Concord, N. For salebv C. R. BARKER fr Co. Salisbury N. C. And all principal druesi-t" in the United States. April 3 9m. ' Bewaro ot oounterieitt . JOB MOSES' MiVMl!c?ilKIP8 Art KmnrrlwCOVnrZKmTZX). IHthoneit Prtgvirtt adMiar to f ( wtaAe nr later priitt. The emmac hapr tkm nam sf Jab Afaaea mm nrk fmrkattr. AU n'h-rt nr. umihlr i,ifU Th. "TTf PUreuafailiD4tln the cure of all thoae paiaful and daoeroua diaea to which the fetnaia ancaf totion ia anbj They moderate all eieeaaire vmA tnrm all soppr of the isaoaM when eaaaed mf a,d r 4mm. In all eaaaa of Hwria and Spinal Aflpctio-ia. Paina ia the Back f?w u " -Karbt eiertioa. PalpiUtMia a tha Heart. Hratanca and White., ther wUl elect a eare when all other mean hare failed, and altbooch err powerful, coataia botbinc hnrtfol to tha aoet elieata oonau tatioo. CSrcBlar in Knlih Perm an and FVencb aroa4 mm jju iwn ion nirectma and adri U yam dracrist runn b persaadml to accei M-oriuiMi ruiaai ir kM it nntt 4rng tUtr, bat .pmaadod to accept any roaatrrffnt or Mm iena una lKur tn the at prnprMlor. Jk IS frtUnlt Stwi, Nw York, with m m oftte kt which yam will call (or tk pack- W inra ae.and a bottle of the ukmcixk PIIIi arcvrvlr aa4 aaf7 pack ad ia plain wrappm will b Ml my iwtan RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES'. ItTtTAT'R PTTLMoiric WAFER at ntre CxcaR, Colm. Aitbma. Pkoik wrria. Koaa TWBOAT. HOaRHEMKIM. IIrWrLT BHFTBU.O. lK- pnzir Conmvmrrvm tn I.wwo nmiuara. fimr -I tne.floliMi. .nit anr rhiM will Uk Wav h,e born r-1wi to haalth that bfor aBBpaireJ TmMm'Hj airn i hiKlrl em. Aak for BKYAN'S PULMONIC WAFKRS. Frier) 35 rents rr box. JOH MOSKS. Preen. er. 18 ConUodt Street. Kew York THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. DELAniltR E'S SPFCIFIC PUU. w Pmparerf hy J. G AH A Ni'l KRkC Nn 214 Rue Lombard, Pari. ' uTUJ". Vin ar hiirhlr rxmBBol(Hi hj tha Mtir MSareal r arullr nf rruca a thr bm tmm ad IS ail ca-a t hpe ..rrbcra. or hriuiiu.l Waafcaaaa W, Hio: lt K ia tbe I rtaa: H mm Da-' Mbt. and all tbe ichantL tria of Laeaaa mnmmt fro Ab and Sarrt Habita. Ti . wkra mi ether reramtim fail, and baf been uar-d with aau luab- ! mee a l. th leatn Frenrh t'hraieiaM dtnni W I raa . Pamphlet of Adnee ra each bom, r will bw aent Yrtm Ui ny addre-m. Prtrw Stiver BMt nf mail. r"r " ym ai earw i. hi mwiitt of pn hy aay adrerU eed A V (1. MoJsKM. lH VTI.H1 Wr - WrT.T Jsnstal Agent for A anaa. a " au? 14, '72. 48: ly. A desirable llrick Jloune with 7 toot. atd : aituated in tbi all nPcCituri- illt iiiiUMeM : most desirnlilo nurt nf To n. Poranna wiahine I . . . " . V " wpurcnase, can ppIjat . 1 tf:!8 WZZiSOITS LITER RKMEDY. A sure and permanent Cure for all diseases caused by a deranged Liver, such as Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Heartburn, Fe vers, Nervousness, Impurity of the Hldod, MclanclitftU i Cosiiviness, Sick Ucadnclie, Tains in the H tad, and all kinder cd diseases. EVER Y FA MIL Y SIIO ULD II A VE IT. SOLD By ALL DRUGGISTS. ' Prepared only by , WXX. S 0X7 tfc 33LAC2X. March 6-5mo9. , ,CWW4v & 2L. .3SS . i.. I il.i r ; :L mi, c; Sm1 ,ll-. !, yEaBS AGO 3i. ( '.I I0STMG X i yifflEHT Waa flrat linown' tmt Atttertra. Its BairrUs rw well kn .'M at lkrew;let Ike )aMthle orlI. K Itaaifcte tUa mm beat rrrard t mmf Ltalairat lm tha waxlel K am thr nallltaaia my-m Mailt tan ef ban ra ol.l n complaint Hmm war reavrll tea, aad at n Uealing natal PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT. i IT XX-S 50 EQUAL. " ' ' , It la recommended ariib bounded aararmneetn a' I caac of tit, liax Irn. Pprtlna. Kbn -t lit J bw llin a, bitea. tUUbaiua. bt-0nea 1 th JotiU. rox n :. fara. Ac . e . ivort all e bod-, aixl I r hpralna. Focoora. Bia(bia. Pell ril. .-iratcL a. Wiiit! ail. HoofVr. hpaTina. 8innc halt. Kaddla. Co'.bir tnd tUrlku 0-l j also dnoa Ot the Lye a&d tar la Tl'ies, Mules or Cattle. UST. w iu a Lao Cnre Kenraleia, Cheum ttiatai. Gout. Im Cark, Kalt l'.heum, loiaooooa hitea. La ten 1 loce an d Muacle Affect on a, hlora Hippies. a.c, and tuxj ha J aaUy tanned tha penac for all EXTEENAL WOUNDS. I ar nrminVtr. title!nant 414 t jap.intt up In n day or n ear, producing thb 'MOST ABtraD AD CkHATTaAl. CTaXa CLAlkaD BT Kcv-Boaa akd lrHitoof LutiMurra. PtebaTa tbe experierre of crrrr f lilt ti ri a cf trial. wUt the moit aubala&t al raaul la, and ty a xnUtd of ; witnt urta. I f the Liniment ta not t cccwifr.etvUd. the Money will be Refunded. ; ro not he lm poaf i r jrn by nring any other Linl 'tDrut claim iinj iLe a m ), or raaulta. 1 b-y are a chtat -Ad a lraud. i-a aura and get nothing but ; imi ME -Sold bt all Duccoura aXx Cocxr bt Stobxi at 2Cc, 5Cc. and Sl.CO per Sottl. Korarr Site cr Tcml, Fttlx. 4-e, LYON JlTFO. CO. HAGAX'S. Hagnolia Balm A FEW AJTLIC.VTIOXS A Pure Blooming Oomplexion. It la Purely TejtrtaMe. aa-I IU ojwatlon la aeen and feltatouce. Itdoeaaway Willi tbe Y a mhr d Aapear. aoce cauaed by Us t, 'aU e, anrt.:Tnliaent. Uraia aal remoTfi all lt1i(cbaand rimplr. di.poitlBt; dark and unaigbtly apoU. Itica away Tan. yreckiea. and SoDbun). ami !y It pnt'e hut powerful lnfl aanoa untlae tha faded cheek with YOUTHFUL BLOOM A29D BEAUTY. Rold br a!l T-ntTtr1t and Taacy Store . IlK)t, 63 Park piac. New Vvark. TIIE Scientific American, FOR 1873. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The Scientific American, now in iu 28th year, enjoys the widest circulation of any anla gon periodical in the world. Ita content embrace the latent and most inter- eating information pertaining to the Induatrial, Mei lianical, and ocientihc I rogreaa of the World; Descriplionn, with Beautiful Kngravingm. of New Inventions, New Implement, New Pro- cesse, and Improved lndnstriea of all kinds; Useful Notes, ract, Kecipes, Succestiona and Advice, by Practical Writers, for 'Workmen and Employers, in all the various Art. Descriptions of Improvement. Discoveries, and Important Works, pertaining to Civil and Mechanical Jngineerinj; Milling, Mining and Metatlnrvv ; Record of the latest procrera in the Application of Steam, Steam Engineering. liailwavs, hhip-buildine. Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, Electricity, xnagneiism, ligni ann iieai. The Latest Discoveries in Photrgraphy, Chem istry in the Arta and in Domestic or Household Economv. The latest Information pertaining to Techno logy, MicroHCopy, Mathematics, Astro no iut. Geography, Meieorology, Mineralogy, Geology, Zoology, isolany, Morticiillure, Agriculture, Architecture, Knral Economy, Iloosehokl Econ omy, food, Lighting, Heating, Ventilation, anc Health. I In short the whole ranee of lhe Sciences ai.d I ?rH.iTi, A!Vr abra wi,Mn lhe Tr,f the Scientific American. No person who qeaire to be intelligently inlormed can afford to be without this paper. Farmers, Mechanics, Engineers, Inventors, If f . 'l - . . . r t' Teachers, Clergymen, Ls;vers, and People II n a aaa a . . ' . an rroiessiona, will hnd the Scientific American to be of great value. ' It shonld have a place io every Family, Library, Study, Office and Count ing Room ; in every Reading Room, College, Academy, or School. Published weekly, aplerulidly HI unrated only $3 a year. The yearly Numbers of the Scientific Arori can malce two splendid volume of nearly one thnuaud pap, equivalent in cohtent to For Thousand ordinary Book Pages. A n Official List of all Patent issued is rublishetl weekly. lfSpecimen copies sent free. Address the pub lisher. Mfww Co., 37 Park Row New York. In connection with the Scien tific American, Mmr.M cits .& Co. are Solicitors of Ameri can and F6reign Patents, have had over 25 reara experience, aad have the largest esUblisJimeot in the world. If yon have nude, an invention, write them a letter avd aend a sketch . they will promptly inform yon. free of rharsre. wither your device is new and patentable. They will also send you,r of charge, a cony of the Patent Laws in full, with instruction how to proceed tooUain a patent. Address Mrixs Aoo 37 Park Row, New York. SuWriptlon to the ScientiJic American taken at this oflSee. Priee S3 a year. dot. 23:11 tf Cheap Chattel Mortgages, arid Tarious otier' blanks for lale Isert. MEXICAN Ill LIIliilEIT mm X T ,rj f arS Hill A VaV.! ' PATENTS THE ! f I. t .1 tf i'i WA1CHMAS 0FFI0 ia well supplied with j. - - : a Urge and elegant ajworiment of . PLAIN i FANCY Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. Also- Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Visiting, Party and Wedding Carda; College and School - f . ja-av -, XI l- S XV S W i . Ual "W "'w Na4 Circulars of all kinds )!1 i T tf I 1- i t i 1 N Tobacco Ntices and LABELS for all purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrates - f ( ! and Solicitors ; r Or anything else required in tbe Printing Line. i THE (Carolina iJDatctjman JLS A KETT8PAPER, Is a candidate for public favor. lU i circiilation is good, and its standing I andi patronage improving. , ;l or o It is one l ! 0f ,e best advertising mediums in , I of l State, nd .offers lU faciIlUea on SB I I liberal terms as any. iPoonroBmEMimoxi raaa mmm m r"SM A l..-rt..aai n. .lan mmt Vtaaat SlaMnrtaa U ataalaaa frwrmmmmt a f riafc fatal a aa l.wiiN mm I in k.a4r4 aa4 aUtf mm, rnimh mi'm aaa''a. aa4 trr. aa4 aatlaM nn ini; aavat iaa mw. Il iii.ui iaa aaaartaaa aa4 aarkaa mt a -iil. mi. an a avrta-w.. mm ia.all a. la ak. mrU i aravw mt mrnrnry I lkrcaa ia mm turn rrtata mm aaa ar. araatra wma taaa tm rt kmmwmf, at aa-a la aa aaaar mmrt. Saal ta aar mmm ttrmmmt nwiat) r 1 rflfiy Bjkta,Ha. awaw aalra M aW a.tar.a.ama-t aa trmUm mmtmt mmj a.t M fmi I f. atu' Hrt mm mmnmr tkMwtaMii, M a aaatar Dr. Itw a 4aaa) aaa at f faarrrr :lal kna.iaBM ibraiaa aali iianiw .1 aatoaaaawy aaa IiMMtaaa aaia ImmmrwM. Ummm mmt aartara, mm. II' 1 Sato Iiitnd DeeiJs, Trustee Deedi, Commissioner's , w tmm Deeds, Chattel Mortgages. &e. For Site a! this oHitf , , tTroip CD -xs. tnniTr,TfrT Mant-!y Jottrilt illy adinmdtf hevlle llaTS. u mrnTitrre and Cht&.t.w'. Not for Skirt Hook or .V . r. refulanty, lias r8 at irw ttr-.,.,, fl ' interest rharactrriatlcof brdisrT tl.-J1 It is an decent mict-llsrrt of r.,.- ' . jactsijif-ittr.i mod a fwlWrtiouT? woe raxrv-fpeumrns oi artiattc tlltl andVtiir.' Anhoerhead fiords a freh pleasure to h frier , Ti.aand tbtt of T1IK ALlp mt a nnrwl . t s-A O I. I... i . I " . wtn lJ 1 fUAnrt'u an4 nnhhtA.fli 4 1 . I l - . lit in it. rviAffi a Al.Mi.k W -ai a .-.ivw v. vonivrr, lit r i a complete Tolome connoldnniioW ireJ lily of fine paper and cra! hape or number of Tofuraee fnr I - , . J.I .1 ., . . ' Q mJ n eomt; and fin.; firr, mtlit tlnvmuZ?. ' A1X.TI D32PAUT2air trr KorwitliMadinf he iacVetae n nt " . J BoUcriptionlaM Jail. wLfn Til P. j iV if.: ".. --- ui 1 1 aomie aiarici Mm jam VtT ; vrmxr, American puUjc atrreciaie. t.H .;. a in-re eCbr in Ihe caue of Art. Tli . IWrera, aoxioiw to jfletifV the readt x iT d-aioniarated, hare exerted theiu-altV it uioiun iu ut-TfioD ana. jmx.mre il. l and lle plana tor lhe cwnifir year, a ! by the monthly uue, will MtooUh and i? even the moat aufuiue ; Ineoda! of ALDJSE. The pubhftlier are antlioriied lo itxtmvm ' ' dmgn from maDj of the nuoat emiin ar 1 of America. j , i Irr addition, THE ALDtXE wilj m, ; ' eaara4ef th Lr-i fcrei matur, i wilh a Tiew to thehisbct irtUiic ctr- " jrreatef general interrvt ; ateidinr. edi uJ bec(e familial lhronh i bHr-;ra.k. orui.J of an; kind. ;T ! The quarterly tinted i.latia for hZ. ni.i aketchc. aPox. jriate to the f.ur mrl j plates, apjannp in the aun Ut 1 . . i a r . l ... u the price of a year' a MiWriiaion. The ptipular tVature of a epH;4rin!rrn Chri1irja' nntnWr mill 1 crnii-'ntd. To rw auh a Talualte utim of tlf world, at a cot kn Irifiinr. trill comir,.. ubacript ion of hottand In o err ,, , the cou n try ; ImU J I be o m-ful na a rul a t tm 1 u t of TIIE ALlJlElnn ethatt,iii t. ' lion io ii. e numerical ircrt aae cl u -m r-4s the fxiKifher prtpoa to mke "at:r-trft i,,:. tit aure, hy llfulhvwinjt gn.ari:l,J ,,, Preminm pbromoi Tor 1173 Ever aubncriller to THE ALl'LSH tay1n aihrarvce or the year lTU, k& tmn, witavvut aUilK il charrr, a air if i Ua. oil vhrornt., aflr J. J. li t .iiiit.rtii l.f liah'ri inter. Tlr? piciurea DtitWtl. , "Ite lielle," and roairc lhe MM r," re 14 , r inc,,t'-re td from 20 .lTartit ,., S requirinK 25 i mjt-Ktvion and iir ti. j.n.. e-cfT picrnrt . i ne name enromr mJo(. : $30 r jnir. in tie art ur. An.iU ifrniir.tioii f iuVt odiM lorti Li 7A . I filSE out of thetrtarh -f rifi.iu, : i , . ieartrutnl, ihr chrtania. will U- i4.i- iijlii lr ahead L f ain iliai :.f( I, . . . Kh- t- rnrx .i j Every Milijl . i a cnroraif, o r hr nature ! il . ; t ' I try, can tiamao jht llir ciij-v'i. ... trfialllK' initial io il- fatai-l il . tr lhe money ill-r ri fiir.driL Tl ' iin of piciuria tf fiu jrrmle. frit tn il i -i . tnra lo a fire d...llar h rive! j ,' ill jmch in ihe I. i-t.rf f An ; ait o.i.m.L nj impree Irr.itnl hepne ft i v fri 4 . ALhlSE il-elf, 4e rurv-J till- J.nJ u a miracl, even to flir 1-tt.t rjnaii.i. : the acieremerrta tif inrrnti v run. mJ proyed BiiThatitca aj liaU4i. ( l-r il.i. lion f i)ue (hrr'aic, Mt NlArulr' i;.. THE A LfiFSF.) j i j The Xtiterftr- Department arill cooiu.n nrtdef the care f M a. klCill . IIKNKY STODDAUli, arv.iird r iU writeta and poet of the dvj W1m wiW lirit. ;. liar the lite?atijre of TllE i A LJllSF al . io kecking with itjiri(i aliradivua, $7 per anrfutn, in adranrc villi Oil (hrotDoi Free. TIIE A UflXE imlL fcerraCier, beolUir. only by auburriplivfi. There -a ill uA miiK ed or clnL rale ; cnrTi f"r Milripii n tt.uK U KOt Co ibe puMa4eT tiirert, frr handed to ii local apenl, aniAoat fetjntililit tolkf vW. excepi in ce vjiete llie ceriiLrate i! ri". bearinej tb fatbmUe aif autre of JailM7- AGENTS WAiVTEIl. . . . k i. Anr neraon. wuhlne to art )nn:itiM'r ' local apenl, will receive full ad promj4 mai ion l.v appl vinf t ' JAM AS Sthi'ON i: CH., ' - ' M MA IDES LAS El XEll' tOI.k. :-tf. . i ! J THE MUUNLNG STAK. DAILY EDITION: Tiiorr.ii ONLY FIVE VF.AIlsbU'. HAS THE Laret Dailv Circalation -f ij uewiaitr in the State, and a circulation Wiluiingtti fifty per cetit, larger taati of any othr-r pr.' WEEKLY EDITION:. Notc combined with 'h C4KomvaT her. making one1 of the tt 7axatlT I7eTpapers is .lh- Salh. CircuU:.a vrrj large Miid rapidly incrraiug. SURSfjRIirriON PRICE; Dailt Star I jear tn 0; months.. " 3 months... Wrr.KLY .Stau 1 p ar ' Clnonths... 3iufctlt... It mar W saMf asertd .3 'J ; :2 2 ..... ... 1 .1 that io ! paper ever ettablih-d in North Ca pita ' mad such rapid prtgres as Tue Moeiv Star. W ti1 fnr FpertmeB cftpis. Aiidrea. , VI. IJ ilJLHNARl WILMINinON.N "The Oldest and Bet f thei Kelectic ' . 1873. Eclectic! Magazine- gsubsciuiTe now With the ncn.Wr for Jancary.tbnt. LE( -TIC entr-rs upoo Hllwenty-wiatb ya ' gl-an Kb ciH4ct article lre th- ' fi-ld of foreign j tvjiral literature. i 1 TU U-rt SCIENTIFIC AltTlfl.tS The heft ESAYS. The bert UKVIKWP. ! Tl. l.i I'lflXIiilsVK The best BitKlKAPIIICALBKETCHE The beM NtiVKW- ! The be S1IOKT STORIE??. The Wt POEMS. ' ThWntMIfirELLANIEf.! Tne-'floeit ?TEEL KNGKAnN The aiu.of the KCLCrTIC i-1' ftrticlivejThour ntnc du!T. at de.v rithMityeitir iraviaJ. . lteai wl itf usatioa JTeii i aniusein-iit '-"c ' 4Ui UiaL4 7ru. H ajreor ; Stngle ! tbe doe of ihejtrar, Vhk ier KUlaV r may claim r-perior rbe.pnea. JT-,. v with riraU of a imi!ar claa, TJlpjily it a unique Sand oririnal eoiwiJ''J 1 rusiee ueeai, rrtvirrr - iZi ;n, Aihr m 1 Mi .rT "a r A ddrcu r 'T? rT.TOV.5nr.MaXr. i :i FMltrn 5-lOttf '

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