! i VOL. IV.THIRD SERIES. 'if ;1 SALISBURY AUGUST 21. 1873. NO. 49. WHOLE NO; 89. POBLlSniSD WEEKLY J J, BRU N Eilf The World ; Antonished. J. Proprietor ntl Editor. J. STEWART, . Associate Editor. BATES OF ICBCRIPTIOH Ome Teak, payable in adraoee. ....$2.50 Six MosniSt " 1.50 5 Copies to one addresi, 10.00 Thia unrivalled Southern Eemedy is warrant ad not to contain a single particle of MtncuHY, or an- injurious mineral substance, btit ia . PTJUULV VI3ai3TAIJItU. eantaining those! Southern Boots and Herbs, which an alWiae Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. will CVf t all Dlxtiuut caused by Dtrangtmad of the Lwt. ' I . -V The Svm rroM$ of Li vet Com plai nt are a bitter "or bad taste in the mouth: Pain in the Back, Sides or-Jointa. often mistaken fur Rheumatism; Sour iXomacn; imm oi Appeuce; uoweis uer natel costive and lax; Headache; Lose of mem ory, with a painful sensation of having failed to . di something which ought to have been done ; Debility, Ixw SpiriU, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mis taken for Consumption. Sometimes many of thwe symptoms attend the disease, at others, very few; but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, ia-jgenerally the seat of the disease, and if not Herniated ia time, great suffering, wretched nes and Death will ensue. , TiU Great ftnfaiKw SPECIFIC will net be found Ike Least UnpleataM. For DTSPKI4lA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun dice. Ilillious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Button-Hole, Overseaming 'I.1. ! ' jAND COMPLETE SEWING MACHINE. Th first and ontr BUTTON-HOLE AND I SEWING MACHINE combined that has made its advent this or any other country. 68- The following reasons are given wbj this is the best. A Family Machine to Purchase. 1. Because it wil do everything that any ma chine : can do, sewing from the a nest to the coarsest . material, .hem ming, telling, coram braiding, binding, gstl 7. pecanse you can quickly raise or lower'lha feed to adapt it to thick or thin cloth. 8. Because yon have a short deep bobbin by which the thread is on- ering and sewing on,f atlstaotly drawn from the the same time ruffline. quiltiny.etc., better than an? other machine. 9 Because the tensioaw are more easily adjusted tban any other maenme 3 Because it can worn a beautiful button holel making as fine a pearl as by tneaand. 4. Because it will era brolder.over the edge mak centre ; the tension . con sequently even and does not break the thread . V. iseeause the passer. ! foot turns back ; that the cloth can be easily mnov ed after being sewed. 10. Because the best merehanics pronounce it (the best finisuad and made on the best principles of any machine manufactur ing a neat and beautifulled. It has no springs to border on any a-arment. 6, Because it will woik a beautiful eyelet hole 6, Because it can; do ever-hand .seaming,; by which sbeeta, pillowcas es and the like are sewed ovur and over. .break; nothing to gt out 1 ni order. 11. Because it is two roachinesinone. A Bct- tok-holk WoBKtxo and Sewing Uachiiib com bined. No other Machine can accomplish the Cdlio. Depreswoiioi 8?iriU,SO0K STOMACH, kiml of sewing eUted id Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Heart lfura, sc., &c. Simmont' Liv?r Regulator, or Medicine, Is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the World 1 MANUFACTURED OXLY BY lj. UYZKILIN &CO., ' Mwun. Ga. and Philadelphia. in-, $100. SohJ by all Druggie I (H SALE BY TUEO. F. KL0TTZ. ,;ui.. 1 1 1 1 . j Salixburv N.C. COME TO THE i BOOK STORE EVERYBODY. And ret Bibtes. Prayer Books. Hymn Book 'of 'any. kind yon want: Histories, Biographies. Mui Bok, Music Novels o the best authors;; Blank BMks, Albums o the most stvlish kind: Stereoscopes and Vie use. Slates, Inks,! Writing l'nper JaaHty;iVYra.ll IVper and Viudw Shades n great variety, Mueic Teachers for vocal. Parties using a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. I . It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the root work and do it the best : and this machine can do several kinds of sewing not done on any ofAer machine; besides doing every kind that all others ran do, JTae American ori Plain SeirUig Machine. (Without the button-hole parttO. Hot ell that if done on the Combination except buttou-hole and overseaming. : ' 1 i Salifhury N . t Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine, f T.do not hesitate toay the American Combination: snrpaweB all qther machines. Besides doing ah the work that other machines can. overaanis. works bntton-hoes in any fabric, from Swis mm lin to Beaver cloth. f I hare used Singer's gloats Howe's and the Weed machines, and find the Amer ican, far superior to them ail. MiSS M. RtTlKDGK. 1 have used six different Sewing Machines. The American surpasses them all. 5 Mas. A. L. Rainkt. I have used The Si Hirer and other machines and would not exchange the American for any. . i Mas. U. N. Baipoii. 8a!li8BCST, N. C, May 22, 1872. IfsaoNKT & Bao.. Agts, American Com. 8. M. Sik : I have ussd the Howe. Singer, Wheeler A Wilson. Wilcox & Gibbs Sewine machine, and would not give the American Combination lor all of them, it will do all that is claimed Tor it in tuetircu. lar. I consider its uperior to all others 1 have ever seen Very Kespectruiiy. 'Mas. Cso. W. Habsison, A PENNY WORTH; OF WIT. Here is a penny-wortVof wit. To all that ever went astray. If you a warning take by It. i Iwill daj yoo good another day. i .. . .f . ' . .- - It is a touch-stone of trae love, Between a harlot and a wife ; The former doth destructive prove, i The litter yieds the joy of life. ' j ' ' - ! ;r : - ' As In this verse yon may behold, 1 Set fbrtblby Mr. William Lane. A wealthy jmerehant brave and bold, Who did a harlot long maintain. " :,. I" i ' - , Althocgh J virtuous wife be bad. 1 Likewise- a youthful daughter dear, Whkh might bare made his heart feel t gladUi ... i-Yet seldom them be would come near. ' 1 1 i . '. The treasure which be traded for ! On the tempestnona ocean's tide I)m harlot bad, be brought it ber, . Yet nothing to bis virtuons bride. The finest silks that could be bought, Nay. jewfla, rubies diamond rings. He to his wiontou harlot brought, With pany other costly thing. She still 'received him with a smile, ! When he came from the raging seas. And says, With words as smooth as oil, J My desrest.come and take thy ease. To my soft!bed and linen fine. i You are fight welcome, lore, says she. JJoth 1 alid 'all that e er was mine, f Shall stilj at thy devotion be. He brought five hundred pounds in gold, And after that three hundred more. With rings and jewels, many fold, Aud bi ber lay them up in store. 0 that I wll you need not fear, 1 And so received them with a kiss. Then take the gold, ai d says, my dear . j I'll take a special cat e of this. Theu did they banquet many days, FeHStiug1 on rich delieious fare ; Thus by her false deluding ways, I She drew him in a fat-l snare. When he bad liv'd some time on shore, i He must go to the sea again. With traffic to increase his store, I His wauton harlot to maiutain. On of yoor rerranta yon bad slain. ' And that yor life tn dangr stood. Beseech ber for to shelter tbeew Tell her you do on ber depend. And then alas I full soon joo'U see. How far she'll prove yor eonatast friend. :'' - ' i i, . ' Then if she frowns, go to hy wife, Tell her the melancholy theme. Who labors most U save thy life: Let ber be most in thy esteem.! Father, the merchant then replied, & j.uu must. wuiiHcn pxu,j iave, And when 're eross'd the ocean wi A proof of this I mean to make. And lovin?-friends for ought I know 1 mean thu single penny prize, May be the best I dj 1 bestow, . In all my wealthy me'chandUe. Taking his leave 'away be eamav- '""i ' The merchant ind hr store ot gold, ! At home, he says, I'll prove the same, When I my native land behold. With full-spread sail to sea they went, Neptune the golden cargo bore. j Through roaring waves to their contents At last they reach d the British shore. The merchant puton the poor array, ' The very worst of ragged clothes, And then without the least delay. Unto his wanton harlot goes. When she beheld him in distress, 8he says, what is the matter now T Says he, I'm poor and pennylesa. With that he made a courteous bow. Was there ever a man so eross'd. As I have been, sweet heart's delight. My ship and all cargo's lost. Without your help I'm rntn'd quite. My loss is great, yet thnt's not all. One of my servants I have slain. As we did both at variance fall. Some shelter let me here obtain. ' I dare not go unto my wife. Whom I have wroug'd fr inny years. Into thy ha lid I'll put my life. Take pity on my meltiug tears. 1 You blody villian, she repli'd Dun' I iu the least ou me depeud. Be g us or as I live she cri'd, 1 fur an officer will seod. X NEW CAVE AT NIaSaR A FALLS A recent number of the 8upetsston Btidge Joumsl con Ulna iLe following t ' : ; To ate n named James MnmfordsLod " Thomas Oonrojr, who jhave for ctaay years acted as gwtdes through tht Cave of the Winds on Goat Island, determbed . to ascertain if there was uot another Aw undrr the American Fall.) They repaired to the Iront of the ferrj provided with ropes and ladders. After getting bcyntmd this sheet of water without much dieUy they found it necesary to use their bea.l in order to reach the Q paired locaEtT: Mr. G. W. Simms. an eve witiness, says the men wire ont ot sighs for soma tune, and he gave them up (or lost. The y soon, however, made thejr resppcaraice, and pronounced the new cava orfa oT.tbe wonders of the wot Id. ' I was pitch-dark; In the cave, and In one p ace thejr stiod between twe walls of vatsr. The Vere prevented roaa going fart aer for wani oT more too is ana tome ueas oi nguung the cave.' EXECUTIONS IN CHINA. ONE CAUSE OF U AXID TIMES. We are fist becomW a nation of Outside the trading qairter commence schemers, to live without rennine work. the horrors of the ancient capital ; and the Our boys arej not learning trades: our unwary traveler, following the multitude farmer's sons; are crowding into cities, peacefully pursuing their way, entirely looking for clerkships and places in the indifferent themselves, and unconscious I post-office; hardly one American girl in that strangers may not be so enviably one hundred will do house-work for wares. constituted, finds himself in the Avenue I however argent her need ; so we are send- of Executions, which is simply the june- ing lo Europe for workmen and buying tion between two of the maiu thorough- lef her artisans millions worth that we fares. The whole apparatus of justice loarht to make for ourseWes. Thoarli consists of a shed and a bench, in front of I our crop of rascals is heavy, we do not wbicb groups of condemned criminal are grow oar own hemp; though we are over ranged, whose beads the executioner yan with lads who deserve flagellation, we strikes off, each with one blow of his import onr willows. Our women (unless sword. There s no ceremony, no ruard. deceived) wear-Karon in fabrics: onr men no solemnity; the people pass by, uncon-1 dress in foreigrt doilies; the teys which cerned ; and when the daily batch of vie-1 amnse our younger children have generally Urns baa been dispatched.' a butcher takes I reached us from over the sea. Hence we tbe plaee of the executioner, stnd exhibits I blunge deeper, aud deeper In debt to the joints of beef and mntton on the bench old world. ! still wet with human blood. A little be- We are like I the farmer who hire his vond this barbarously simple slaughter I neighbors son a to cut his wood, feed bis house, the decapitated' heads arc exposed stocks, and run' bis errands, while his own in the open streets, in wicker baskets, I boys lounge at tbe grog shop playing inserted into iron sockets. A slip of paper billiards, and then wonder why, in spile is attached to each of these ghastly heads, I of his best effortb, he sinks annually deeper and lamentable incideut of a wedding in wuose eyes ana mouth are open, witn trie and deeper into debt, till trie sneritt cleans LauuvhIc, ivy., one cay last week, U tkea following inscription : "Justice has pun- him ont and he starts westward U$ begin imperfectly described byp-the Cotsrfer ished theft. Nor is this the worst. The again. We must turn over a new leaf. Journal: On Alondy night last 14 r. beads are not buried after their exposure: Onr boys and girls must be taught to love William lloran waa married lo Miss Fan Removed from their baskets by the crowd labor by qualifying themselves to do it nr Arkess at the residencei oi her farther,: ot leprous and blind beggars, who assem efficiently. Wq must turn out fewer pro- Mr. Abraham Askers. Amonr. the Jn-j ble daily upon the famous "Bridge of (essionals and more skilled artisans as vued guests was Mr. John eram, a broth-j Tears' a fine antione strcclore in mar well as food growir. We most grow er of the groom, and it seems that en some Ue they are salted, and eaten! This and fabricate two hundred millions, worth account he was an unwelcome visitor, one horrid fact alone should make us hope per annum, whish we now import, and so On this poiot two version 'are given, pn ' tliat Pekin may not live for the predicted reduce the foreign debt, which we have the one hand it is said that the brothers century. The great augmentation of com- previously sngmented year by year. We were rivals for tbe affections f tbs voting merce of late years, the gradual breaking rnunt qualify our clever boys to erect and lady, and that John lioraa attended bis of jhe barrier of exclnsiveness, ; and the rnn factories, furnaces, rolling mills, tan- brother's wedding with malicious Intent establishment of wise counsellors abont neries, machine 'shops, etc, to open and Another statement is that the brothers th young emperor, lead us to hope that work mines, improve and fashion imple are Catholics and tbe young !adyi'ng oeifer aays my dp coming, ana tne ream tncnts ana aonuie tue present proauci or i rotcsiantine marnage wfa niueriy sp- . may not be buried in its own dust, but their father's firtn, ro shall we stem that posed by Horan's people. Tbe bride may aiije, and shake it off.' Revolutions tide of the debt that set steadily against was aware of this antagonism between such as that whieb is accomplishing iuelf our shores, and ceaie to be visited and the families, and the presence of the broth- in Japan are, happily, iiif'cti'.04. annoyed by hard times. er was on this account offensive to her. ' - . - I ww I .... ..a . ... Chambers Journal. Saratoga bun. w bile the wedding party was ia the midst: oi tnc leeiiTiues oi tee occasion, a 1 acuity Tkaotc Exd or a WkdoxxOv & Ti hr h save mv lnv mnA ilwur. I W hat venture with me will' you send ? I'lgi you ueither meat nor drink. A good returu you need uot fear. ! 1'ii oh your lacUr and yiur frii ml. Iji :i'1l. tlie says, I'll sei.d ab've I'lVn ti mi iil which thu frlialt puton ; boafdi I kixtM' that unto me. my love, . ! A trt-hit gaiu u will Htf.u J. . Ti said,. next to his wif he weul. . And aked her iu a t-iirufui guie. What venture she wobld theu preut. I o seud with him for tuerchaudtse I 1111 send a penuy, love, said ahe. ; Be sure t" take good care oi it. And when you're in . ther lands, !.To buy a penny-worth of wit. She put the penny in his hand I And said, pray now don't forget. When ybui'are in another land, ;So buy a pen uy-worth of wit. i ; . i He said the penny I'll secure. : I'll take of it, a special care. And lay it' out, you may be sure. So to his Miss he did repair, 1 1 li He told her what he was to boy, ! At which she laug'd his wife to scorn ; On board be went immediately, ; And set to sea that very morn. ) S -r aiiv shelter attall vou have. Of U isty li.ttiisoioe rag.4 y.u sliuk, l-gui e vu bae pr.i nilioua lave. CHANGED HER MIND. Among the passengers np.n the stage timej the length of a foot. The Greeks f to the which a robbed last Snnday night, says made all their statues by this rule. The fome the Nevada (Oalifoniu) Transcript, was ce, from the highest point of the fore- fight ensued ews; School Bok8.afl kiqds in general f. folates. Inks,! Writing Paper of the best rianos, Banjo, violin dec. XL WOUD TO rjULSUBZLS. . , ' ' ' ' Bov a few dollars : worth of books every year for yoiir sobs and hands and take a good newspaper, they will work better and be more cheerful. Try it. ACTOZLD SOrASXSX2Zl8SOZ7B. You have something to be proud and to boast of. The farm is the keystoue to every industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all I prosper; when it fails, all flair, Don't think ! . a vou can't be a rreat man Because you are Waahinirtun. Webater Und Clay were farmer's son, but while they toiled they studied. bo do ye. tlay a good hook, at a time, read and digest it, and sea another. Call and see me and look over books. We the undersigned take gre.t pleasure in giving onr testimony of favor of the American Sewing Machine in preference to any other, believing that it is truthfully recommended as the best machine raade. It is simple, runs vry light and does not get out of order or drop sue nes. 1 Mb3. Laura M. Overman, 5 .. i " A. L. F oust, I "J, Allen Brown, ! ; "A. W. N other n. ' A. E. Joes, j " M. E TaoMASON, W have seen flaming advertisements and heard micb said bv A rents ofotber maenmes. We will forfeit one bunareas; uouars to tne con- tendino- naitv. if after fair trial before competent judges the American Machine will not do as well I IT not better, the wortaone on any otner maenme. ud do valuable work that no other machine can do. ! We have been Ageats far Sewing Machine since 1866 have sold Singers L.ad Webster a a (waters and Floience'a, and have abandoned all for the American. ' . " . ! Send and get sample a work. Ne 40.-tf. ! MERONEY A BRO- Ag'st,. Now they hre gone with men f hearts, The merchant and his jovial crew, From port to port in foreign parts. jTo trade as they weie wont to do. At length' when he had well bestow'd, SThe cargo which was outward bound. He did h&tradiug vessel load. With richer treasure which he found. THB SQDTHBBN MUTUAL TP I it COME TO THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, And Get a Good Picture. j We will give you a good pVetwre or not let yea, take it away ; for we don't intend that any uadiwwrk shall go from this office to in jur us and the business. Call and try. Up Stain between Porters mnd Miss Me- Murray. ', Call and ex ami n my stock of Wall Paper, window bbades. Writing paper. Inks See. Mind I don't iateod to be under sold. - ' ' ' Feb. 27. tf. LINDSAY'S TaiABMATlT.TTtll THE GREAT POISON NEUTRALIZER. Aoure Preventive and certain curejpr and all species of Miasmatic diseases, f ' Send for circular. ! 1 C. R. BARKER ic CO. April 24, 1673 6inos. INSURANCE I COMPANY, of RicnnoiD, VA. I i ; i i ; ; Assetts, 1st January, 1673, - $472,867,23 i ' - ; I' . , i - Zscnet Annul, Sera, rsnd ! . 1 i; . ' Participating Policies. 1 ! 1 i n Farm Property a Specialty. i t t DR. 1. G. DAVIDSON, President. JORDAN K. MARTIN, Vice-Preeident. I J. E. NEIS WANGER, Seeretary. '" i ..I I! ' ' -w ; 8.B. JOrE6, General Agent. J.ALLEN BROWN, of Salisbury, '1 '.; j Canwsing Agent. LEWIS G. HANES, of Lexington, " Local and travelling Agent- May 22, ly. As he his .merchandize did vend, They turn'd of gems and golden ore. Which crown'd his labor with content. He neVer had so much before, Fr joy of this merchant said, Ouo merry bout my lads shall have, A splendid supper I'll provide. Of all daiuties that we crave. '' . The won ton harlot's venture then. Did iunf to great account likewise. For every -pound she would have ten. Such was their lucky merchandize. : -: f Before they set to sea again, iTis said f hey to the tavern went. Where they did eat and drink amain, 'Till tnanv crowns and pounds were . j ape.4t! l f. . The merchant then in langhiug mood. i?aid he for wit had never fough ; My harlot's venture Iv improved. But of ray wife's I've never thought. ! :' One aisgld penny and no more. She haa a venture sent with me ; I was to lay it out therefore. In what you'll call rarity. She bid me use my utmost skill, To buy !k penny-worth of wit. Bet I have kept the penny still. And neer so much as though of it. . Where a;U I go to lay it oat T True wit is scarce aud hard to find, . But come Iny lads, let's drink atxut. My wifefs small venture I'll not mind. There is a .proverb oftea ns'd, V Wit's ne'er good, till broughfull dear. Where 1 right' w!l may be exeis'd. 1 here $ little for a penny here. Ait aged man was standing hy, Wh4sei yenerable locks were grey, H to the lerch ut did reply. Here me. a word r two. I prav. Yonr harlot in pr-sperity. She wiirmbrace you for your gold. Bat if in want aud misery. Vou nought from ber but frowns behold, i And willing to betray thy life. When wretched, naked poor and low. Bait your true-hearted, loving wife. Will'stand by yen In wealth or woe. If you will make a proef of this. Strip 4jff.your gaudy rich array. And thenijretura to the proud Miss. s And the -her yon ve been east away. I -,6 Si.. .-::. ! ' Your riches parted in the maisu .-. . Beaidea is you pass'd through a wood, Dt-u t tWiuk that I'll y-ir crisei keep. VJr iiMil',r mii u-!i asyu-lit- luruM uImiuI and euiud to ween. And hid the vrautou jilt adieu 'Tii said, uekt to his wife he went, iiolit liakfd. wretched, iu distress, lie told hr all the very same. Yet rel mv d hiiu ue'er the less. Crying, iny dear, aiuce it is so. l ake co ofort iu thy loving wife. All that 1 have sjiall freely go. Tc gaiu a rausou lor thy life. I'll 1 dge you in a place secure. Y here i will daily nourish thee. Believe tue, love, you may be sure. To fiud a faithful frieuu iu me. When he the faithful proof had made. Which of thejwo did love tutu best. Unto his virtuous wife, h said. My jewel set you heart at rest. Behold I have no servant slain. Nor have I suffered any loss, Enough I have to us maiutain, No more the ocean wide I'll cross. J My loaded ship stands near the shoTe. With gold aud rubies fully fraught. So much I never had before. The peuuy 'Worth of wit I've bought. Once more he to his harlot goes, With fifteen sailors brave aud bold. All dresa'd in new aud costly clothes. Of silkand rich embroider'd gold. When .she the merchant's pomp beheld, She offered him a kind embrace. But he with wrath and auger HUM, Did strait upbraid her to her face, But she with smiles these words express'd ,1 have a faithful love for thee, Whate'er I said waa but in jest. What made you go so soou from me ? 'Twas time to go, for I was told, You had another love in store. Whom you have furnish'ed with my gold. And jewels that I brought on shore. 'Tis false, she says, I have them all ; With t at the merohat straight repli'd, - Lay them before me, then I shall Be soon tonvineed and satisfied. Then up she ran and fetch'd them down. Bright jewel, rubies diamonds bright. He seis'd them all. and with a frown. He bid the wanton jilt good nighj. When he had took the golden prize. And swept up evry precious stone. Wht, will you rob me then, she cries. Yes, that I will of what's my own. You wanted to betray my life. But thanks to God there's no such far, These ewels shall adorn my wife. Hencoforth vour house I'll ne'er eotne a? near. ouellady. dlie had pted about twenty- iwu eu mm is, Hud whs a resident of Gurny. fr'i.n litil iiin ehe had been cotres po')li.)g "iiu a r-ideiit ol Gra Vily, a raifuT, and a in t exc-llent man. The result waa au engagement of marriage, though ibe partie had never yet met. After the robbery, and on the arrival of thej stage in Grass Valley, ihe prospective bride and groom met, and the wedding took place. Both were hippy, and so continued until next morning, bride claimed, that she was crazy, an knew nothing whatever of the marriage; that all was oblivion to her after the rob bery, except that she had dreamed in the night that she was carried off by the rob bers. Her manner was excited; one minute she was in tears and another in smiles. Preacher and neighbors were called in, and all thought she must be crazy, but in her more lucid moments she intimated that the miner was i:notso well fixed as she expected to find him." All agreed that under the circumstances it would be well if the marriage could be annulled, but how to do this was the question. Penning tbe discussion, the young lady packed up her Saratoga and left Grass Valley for her home. The im portant question is yet unsolved; l .U. k .1 1 j .1 i7. CuEiors Facts. The whole fignre is " y side wall. Here some passed between them, - fight ensued. Daring the straggle the groom drew a knife and plunged the blade into his brother's tide. then with- dr&wing the weapon be bads another thrust, striking bis ear and almost entirely severing it from tbt face. The wounded brother broke away and ran up Waltnt' street to Fifteenth, where he turned and went out toward Chestnut Whether or not the man was dangerously woanied co old not be ascertained, j AV ElTKAORDIKAKY iioCAL StoIM. The thunder storm whi'th occurred iu liaiumore octween ana a o ciock otn- head where the hair begins, to the end of the chin is one teuth the whole height, and the hand, frofcn the wrist to the end ol the middle Soger as the same. Tbe chest is ope-fourth of the height, and from the nipples lo tbe top of tbe head is the same.; From the top of the chest to the highest point of the forehead is one-seventh. If tbe length of the face from the roots of the hair to the chin, ibe divided into three when the eqnal parts, tbe torst will be wnere me d eyebrows meet, the second where the nostrils meet. The navel is the central part of the hu man body. As a centre, iu circumference . t. m a ii would touch the ootnts ot tue ex a . hands and feet. day morniuc was one of :be,mot remark- tended I bie lul 044 eTer occurred to this section iTh. hht ia eou-l to ot the country, and is described by Ihe tbe distance from tip to tip when the bands nV o2lcr. r. U. J. Penrod, as the are extended. heaviest that has occurred since the esta tliehment of the signal itatipn in this city. I There fell in one an boar iuth and thlrtv- DtCAT IK PoTATOts. lwo one hundredths of rain.?and what was i ... : confined to Baltimore and the immediate vicinity, as no rain has keen reported from any of tbe neighboring cities, from Washington to Cape May. At the Wesley Grove camp meeting, some foarteeo miles from the city, the Urge assemblage' ot citizens of Baltimore gathered there pass ed through a calm and pleasant night Arresting Various plans for arresting decay in pota toes after digging have from time to time been made publics sach as dusting with Quick lime, gypsum, elnrcoal-dust, etc. 'rofessorChurch, of Cirencester, England, the eminent agricultural chemist, announ ces that sulphate of lime appears to exer cise a very great influence in arresting the HANDLING A TURTLE BY i WRONG END. Thus he the want n harlot bit. A man name Grisley, who by strict economy and severe industry has suc ceeded in getting his family a little place, free from encumbrance, was fishing in Still river, near the Beaver Crook Mills, on! Snnday afternoon. After sitting on the bank for a eouple of honrs, without catching anything, he was gratified to sec, on a flat stone in the water, a snapping turtle sunning itself. The butt-end of the turtle was toward him, and he thought he would capture it ; but while : he was looking for a place to stop, the turtle gravely turned arouud without his know ledge, and when he stooped down to take hold of what nature designed should be taken bold of while hand ling a snapping tupl i that sociable animal just reached out aud took hold of Mr. Grisley's hand with a grasp that left no doubt of its sin cerity. The shrieks of the unfortunate man aroused some of the neighbors, but when they arrived it was too late to do anything for him ; for they just caught a glimpse of a bare-headed man tearing over the hill, swinging a s'mall carpet bag in one hand, and they at onee concluded it was a narrow escape from highway rob bery. However, it was ifbt a earpct-bag he wa swinging; it was the turtle, and I it clung to him until be reached the White afreet bridge when it let go ; but tbe spread of decay in potatoes affected by the entirely unconscious of the! terrific storm potato disease. In one experiment tlie I mhich burst upon their homes.- Another THE ; B4lt was dusted ove some tubers, partially notable feature of the storm waa tbt decayedfrom this cause, as they were be- rapidity and blinding Wiliaoy oflightotog iiiff stowed away, f Some months after- and the sharp quick detonations of thttn- a I r 1 I I a i ward me potatoes were louna 10 nave atr, indicating the unusoauy close prox suffered no farther injury. A similar trial mity of the overcharged clouds. Ball.- with powdered limts proved to bo much more Sun less effective. ;narzea una I Democratic party, saovec banding of the the Pittsburgh Post to say. "Tbo Democratic parly is now possess ed of mora positive strength than it ever had. for there are ml Una moment more men ready te vote with it, than in its palmiest days. All it has to do is to adhere to its organizations and its lime houcred principles, and be careful in the choice of its leaders and win it most and will. We express; this decided opinion simply because we' believe this country has a great mission to perform and that its performance must needs be committed to the Democratic party. T ed in New York. Francis, about strongly impress Religious Fax aticism.-A eurioojcaje The silly Radical clamor about the dis-1 of religious fanaticism has been discover- lor It. A Auss xiorence forty years of age, be came ssed with the Idea that ber soul would be lost unless she en dared a. prolonged fast, shut herself 'in a room1 In Fourteenth street, and seating herself by a window, deliberately starved bereell. On Wednesday the door of the room ir broken open, and Miss Francis was fbind in the last st resof stavatipo. Fornix days no food or drink had. passed Iter lips. Her body was terribly emaciated, and her life hung apon a thread. . The poor woman was taken to Belle vostHm pi tal, but there is very small pope of her recovery. Who luue had his destruction sought, fr'rhtened mail did not stop until be got . a i a a : a Tnis was a iennT-worth of wit. The best that ever merchant bought. T it I'vnDs tv K nvtrcZT.-.The re cent rains have brought out the corn and tobacco cropn in Eas em K- 'ntucky, and b th promise well. I' the Blue Giaas - m-Mmmmm a 1 region the com and wheat are icetieraliy tr church, and appeared to be much re- I ved tt find that he wasn t. Danbury Nates. borne. When be reachdd the house, the T idicronsitess of the nff tir burst upon k m, and when his wife looked at bis pale lace aud hare head, and dust begrim ed clothes, and asked what was the mat ter, be said: "N tilling was the matter, only he was afraid he would be too late The Macon (Ga.,) Telegrsph and Mes sengertsrs: From all quartets now comes the report of abundant rains in Georgia and flourishing crops. The corn crop is ade, and will be exceedingly abundant. J o far as the statistics of the several I owl Advices from Cameron, Kansas, de scribes fearful ravages among the Caitle in that vicinty. Much excitement pro' rild inasraneh aa nrl v rv familr made, and win be exceedingly abundant. . 7 7 -j-- - So far aa the statistics of the several o'npow. has lost one or mor lahn counties have come in from the Tax Re- f joining Lave Wen ,U I BC1TF iMCTI. MKOJ CQWI sUT9 DO w BC. cut aa a. axv i . . i ceivers' returns, the aereari in present year is agreeably large mneh more so than we have been led to believe. Cotton is small, but it is reported unusual ly full of frait. The caterpillars seem to be on the increase,: but have done no damage as yet. ; in good condition. Cam promises wHl tbnv'boin the central counties. In So ii hem K-ntoeky wheat aud corn look wdl. In Western Kentucky not mjr than two-thirds of the ordinary crops of corn aud tobaeeoare expected, though the recent rains have ; improved th propeet aomewhat Tlie Colorado potato bug has alone great damage ia the counties adjoin ing this city. A'Des Moiavee merchant offered Mrs. Barrett a pair shoes, if the would kiss him, mod she went oar, borrowed a revolver aad lodged a' bullet in hi He hasn't any more shoes to gjvukaway. Miss Fannie W. Roberts, ef KUtery, has been given authority by the Governor and Cooucil to solemnize marriages in Maine, the first instance of the kind in j which a lady was ever given such author- ity in tnat oute. miss uonerts is ficensea 1 1 preach, and is in charge of a church in Kittery. Internal Revenue receipts for the year wilf probably exceed the estimates by 3,000,000 or C3.000.000. 1 bey are ex peeled to reach $1 10,000,000. An Egn WifAt an Egg.VT ssw yesterday a tiny, but well developed egg, not larger than that tt a cat-bird, wbicb was found yesterday in tbe yelk of alien's egg. The discovery lw as made by a lady who was eugsged at 'the time in making a cake, and who, as she broke one of tbe eggs, discovered this little fellow floating in the yelk. This egg within an egg has been turned over to tbe library Mai earn Wilmington Journal. and will die. Tbe disease see as to be communicated by grass e alert, and terri ble burning tever which dries up the acids of tbe stomach and deposits oftbt bowls inaamaiton or toe siessacn leiiows. to remedy haa yet been diacovared. ! There seems to be something in the name "Pertlaads," if in o i other, axjs! that something is closely allied tore. A few years ago Portland, Maine, Was nearly destroyed bjrue element in gute tion, a few weeks age Portland, on the distant shores of the Pacific, !in Oregon, bad a similar visitation, and saw tbe bar bor of the former city is agmin .swept y the temble flaaea. Dio Lewis eonvalsed a Utiat teiienr last Tuesday night br some: advice i Miss Palsy Bobbitt an elderly ladr. married men. He waa talking abowt t and a native of Flat River, died on 8atar- eye. To the unfortunate beoedicta he day, the 14th Inst. Misa Bobbitt was one aaid : "Gaze into your wife eye closely of the numerous descendants of Anther end yon will see yourself looking exceed Man mm. Sr and Lnele bis wife, first inrlf small." The illustration took ia settlers on Flat River) Torch Liglit. mensely. .