i". i. i. i-1 V:' " ' - j J 1- . 1 1 i f flTrtrrtTtttiti ai1nffTimrtVw-,T A wocwEDi-Tte fecial term of AlTrTTTHT oq mm . COTTON la a, 16. ,.:, ; j'LO U lt-e-$ 4. a 4 J25. . . . . j . -. . -MKAIj76 a 73.1 - " BACON -(w'oo(jr)H l2-ttogrxnnd lOTATOa Irih,;0p;a 75 Sweet, 05 EtiGS 44 io L5; !V vS1! - . CinCKENS-$l50 A ttlptx do, , .-, LAUD J 2 15.r:::-v'.'--''.';T:; FEATI!Earnew.50. TALLOW 9 a iO. . RYE 70 a 80 r? . 3 JJEESEVVAX 30. WHEAT-$1.40 a lJ60.' BUTTEIw 20 a 25. - 4 PRIED FRUIT' - . Jilackberne-7 a 3. r JfadgeTbos. A. It. K. flefeoo, of Ten nessee, is dead. . t - ' 3 1 , ,: t ' : The Thermometer has been ranging in the niueties for several days-back. ' ' ' - - f3P Mm ALIOS itJUsox- will re-open her School on Monday' Sept.', 15:h, 1S73- Mr. Thomas Caohen,"ot Ltticaftti-r, S4 C., was rubbed ot $110, at Charlotte, a few days ago. - . - - -r- r Tub' ItBADiffo; Vpvu will . aaeq't at the residence of Dr. Summerell, - Tuesday bvtu'wi next. "' " " !'n i jit has been quite scarce this season. Ii.feiior peaches harp been sold ,,prejty rcadilr fur one dUlaf per bosbeL Lxnn k ATTENDjiNCB.The Attendance at the Funeral of John l. S!iver7'Kj., 'a the largest sver seet) in this city, . A QOMPLIM K'T TO QCR MAYQft. Our excellt tit Mayor was made President of ihe Tobacco'ssoclatloii, laet weelc at OnK TilOUSAUD AND IJTy PotUKS hayu been subscribed to establish a sehool, n-ar China Grove on the JJ. C. Rail Road,, to bo Lnow'n as the-Union' Jfule- And, J-'emale Institute i, , , -; .fy See'Advertiaementof Mwsrs. llc- Neely & Waltou. They are uow paljhi alien lion to the third stock of goods this year, unities -order in the interim,, , . , MeMr. Mills, Kerus & Co.? have dis solved copartnershipi The bnsiuess will be continued hy Kerns, Bro. All kavy J i'dument. Mr. VicAdden,' of t'liai lotto, obtuiued a judgment against the VVt-flteau N. C. iRail .Road last, wojt k, bt lore Judge Albertson, for two' hundred and pixty thousand dollars. Uis claim coneieted of nots bought up against the Road. AVhy don't the 'Road go into Not Safe. It is said that the brjdge. across the N, 0. Rail Road at the toot ol Fisher street is not cafe.; We wytaat it a few days ago While a team was passing over it. and we noticed that it shook so badly as to frighten the horses. It ought to.be made perfectly safe before the Fair; and -we bava no doubt our Torn Commis sioners will sen to It that it is made so. : . two smart; bots. 5 We deii ev to procure, two mart boys as apprentices to serve,, in this . o63c? and learn the art aild mysteries 'of the print inr business. None ncil tiuuiv who are noi willihg to tlnd'thennelre to stay at lcit three yeara, or longer. Applicants must be able to read and write moderately ' will. :' - ' - - iV tfJ Scuppernosg WiNB.t-.Thia celebra ted North Carolina production is extend Jng far and wideband bids fair to "become .'an important item of North Caroilrla trade. It has been slow in ita travel towards j.he mountains of our State, mainly for the reason, that we' np country folks have no occasion for anything stronger than waters. Col. C. S. Brown, at the Boydtm Houae, . M agent for the sale of it in this place, And we suppose those wUorwant a puit ample of Scnppen'ong will -call on him. j Tjte Muddbrkks of Willie Qar teb.- Near ilmington, N. C. After a long, tedious 'investigation, by the Coroner's Jury, the Mrs. EHs-ibtb Carter, step-mother of the murdered boy, and four small bo j hijvebeeu cum mil ted to jail as' the" instlgntor and1 perpetrator of the horrible crjoie, , Ms. Garter insti gated the murder by offering the boys teu dsllars to. murder- little Willie: ' She is, we thinks the most culpable siuco. tht- boya are quite yonnj' 'v. i Clkax Up. Our. Mayor, is .great on .having thing cleaned up abeut Town, nd we value his leryiceft Jn tat direction yery highly je- haf done mucii"!in;thai way aTud seems determined to do much more,: All rigittUraw'a ltitiefcrteant ot last in front of ;oux;pcrjit,js;hich from five to ajiozen wiigoni'are draWti ery night and tlicknp there. ofsdlot;toclenitWlth Aiierno a cnance at Hn' 91 .Linr.UtnSP v We'll Whim W BeuncYnal and make It Pay. ,J '- i.J-MvJ i AwocitKEDi-XjyiJpecial term of oar Soperior Court was aa)o4nrned by his Honor Judge J. W. Albertsbi, lai Tuesday, after was more tmiea disposed of than in any six weeks since the war; and what wa donerwat Wf 1 iness was pretty efTectually cleaned up and wherever cases) were Continued thepartir rfoia,'TJe impartiallity, dignityi and businesl'ta'ct of the J udge hav elicited for many compli Missionaries Cnisiiiiliilfi Lot- tie Moon, of yirgiiita, missionary under the Board of Foreign Missions, Southern Baptist offvHhUorterfYftiefday m-rnlpfor TJMm aw Ufcj Misat.6)rdof the"Presbyteri4n.church. The missionaries will sail from San Francisco on the iat of September. Th ladies. pent to New York to take Ae train-for 3an FrancUco. Two missionaries of the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mes-rs, Davis and Painter, or 'Virginia anil North Caroiioa; wilkffliii the ladles Tn New' York, and accom'pny them to ChinaL Baltimore Sun, lOih. PiVi? efre to is, no dnubt, the Rev. John' m'bavis of ihiscity.and sou of Mr. D. A. pavia, the Banker. Rev. J. WDa w ir j- young; mar of n brilliant taints In-ijih Y0 i (rliissnar. ijx$ko GHuiviiicL pio. fasl;fifien yirsli i DEATOOflV SajeEsq But f.fej'im4kHjlenjii: W b rn in Nortl) Carolina than Mr. Johii I. Shaver, wliojud-atr bis rtfcidence in this city last Monday morning. Hf) began life without money and with outl frtagii2sAf jrtaflniMcev..- bixt teUiwaiinat long in procuring both. Possessitig an indomitable euergyan ind.-peudent inr(m j5uoitii4 woaiQ( oon prospered in Uisiness aud.woa ihe confi dence and respect yf hjs fe!lov i-ititeii. His splertdiJiuiihe4 f.qttpifw-iton and fin judgei?ffeerrlemoli8trat1f at a very early age. Ifc bgan work in a black smith shopand veypooiiliwwliseenat the head of a crri ge m-tnufucturirTg etablUh ment cmpjy(g fr;y or City, workman. He tohdu&od jii idiffarent times, and aN way 8 with marked -success, a carriage i'fc&ry, A 'buich'ey , ah-itd and the tf yfiJ Uuviogadingf the-Rail . UoaaMiiear tYvs places he wa a large contiacto and fulnllud his contracts with pi-ampuiea:' mdrtifofay3 ufw' nh.i..l ..f I.! . L.I P I I' y. . pitMtu u ma jroinnni, nut succesJwl ru g'es,wil th world., IU was ntfTasfaamrd ... vi.) uuokjuuuwu iji iirsi suacejj-'eg tO UM lO(l(ltl VSRIIfi diliiroiit mnl:. -rf j 'o "jijjiiciimni iu whatever he undertook. And a more suc- cesful;jD.ni ia.tarely to Mtkuft. Every thiiig ho touched et erned to prosper. He rfP!d,y .accmnijUted proper, notwiih. s)aidiiigihe nay to4"audb paidtut amAiaftyas seduritvVor nthip nhM?Ti,o i ; - - large -amounts hje gave to thp ior. As a public officer, (laud he held some one or more important trusts the greater part of his life,) he waj efficient, faithful, and firm. llle wottli"do,what hebetiev&l tn bqrlht egarjleis of jtiej carpin'gs of fM(fS U foes.yiTe exerefsid1 Very great influence, and was deservedly popular. the'truVcliaracte1!- bf indffidiUon alghi . also, of controlirjg men, and of impressing his viewsupoa oUieri..owi) has ever ted in this county wuo was so raucli misseda8 Jlr. Shaver will be. pub Ik Dbi, his general usefulness, his chari ties, amoW ing toM fionVaqda. annually, his kindness to the poor and the friendless, are: uneqiiUedftt KmanH if not in the State. The town, the county, and even the Stae have sustained a loss that is in many respectsJJ jjepnible The poor, both white and llaek, have lost their best mortal friend. iA great man has fallen iu Israel a good jauduseful citizen is no more. Peace tq his ashes. At a. meeting f tb Mayoj and Cominis- 25th day orAiig-jsiltRi folTovJ-itig pro ceed'! ngswere h;ul : Whereas, Thi B ard of Com inissiouers Ims heai-.V wiiiabV'ifAsirr'Uhat Mr. Jo'hu I. Shaker, died tljis ulorniog at 5 o'clock, aud Whereas, it is meet aud proper, that such au ffc-Qt should, Hfwb9 aLKwe,d iodjasa wi htMJt some public recoguUion of the ereat.-n guuion oi me e, nss this coyimnniiy bai shitajiued ia the death of Mr S!j:aVeVnheref. .i'; ' 'i - Btisolfed 1st, That in the death of Mr. John I. Sfnaver. the. Coanty1 hurystV valuable p jblic oGTcrr'thj State, one of the most pub licprHetleTtiieu WhrwaS e4rr Iu r: hW front rank of those who were, laboring toadvauce thebest IntereStsfcif 'thy -;peTe,r ttf T.vn. oue .who has often disch trl ile di:i.-s of Mayor, and of aCoihtnissioiierivith faith fulness and zeal, fhe poor, oue whose ear was fvt',h9 4ke ihft4itcesd. and whos baud wa$ i-vex read to adimiii-ter re- tld this Bputd-teaderatoihe famft itrsWcere sym iiJelftfiib'ftoy Moiriud. That J-vUW of -the! many jUWirdt hwld iv the .deceased-' and by iiin w fartitfrilynlmchreed.i thj Uitard re cninmeida lhat alt!i.F5; ;bfnpeuded dn?T6 the "fa nerai -'seWlces ike; place to- C-VF0 LofpIf4i'fiWck A. M.And A i 'ehjslc F. At 'ReScfWed 8rd?That hejeeeings be swJriilogpi copy sejiilgjttfat-ltitt amfa copyaewiayflAOr Xei& yrluctikalfv.It!dt!l)ufib1adJew w -. 1 "-- w.5 va"" vne irti VAB rnad.e fbeojeiti pftjSpj-nd six re- I ceived the white' Veil.' 4 The Eclectic jfor epU iober is ouNmr table, and Is fces bellisbed with ai exefn7Tllv life-like and finely engraved portrait of the late liase jibe contents are; Lectures on Mr. bar fcin's jpAilosopfrfllZrnguage, by Prof. Max yrX;M$rfiage;ilf JFramfDie Bronte The-Punk lMri (Eiy by a Wiewenite ;f V kJSlrits. A Hymo by'Deau Suuiey TooS&h&A Novel by the author of Party" con cluded I naHieli(y Comen1 Pekin ' $tie WeatJif'andi (Ae Sun, by Richard "ti.. Proctory F. R- S.'; A Run t Vienna and Peslh Manzoni Paul Templar: Prose Idyll, by Edward Jenkins i and A Lost Art. The editorial departments deal with literature, science, and art, and form an enterafhtug and aluables,fcacnfe h( the magaxine. : --- Publishfd by E. R. PKEToy, 108 Fulton Street, :Kew. York. Terms, $5 a year ; two copies, $9." Single numbet, 45. cepts. Ex-Governor Palmer, of Illinotsin-a recent ipeech before a farmers' meeting, urged that there is no necessity of "any further legislation in regard:to "railways. He took the grouud that the Dirlmouth College decision is the law of the laijd, and cannot be opset short of upettiugor amendirtg the Constitution ; that railroad charters are contracts between the corpora tors and the State and canuot be-ameud-,ed in .any material respVc: without the consent of the corporators thatrailroad companies arecrtmmon carriers, and;ar tilgtct! to the obligations imposed by the com. noi' law ; that the common law is ample in its powers to correct all abuses t rv!rOftd and other carriers, if enforced; and, filially, thitt we have more laws on ib statute book, additional to thy common law3, than we can entnfee - ' ' An exe.hange think there is danger .that the-Renh'iean party will outlive its use fulues ' But there is '-really rio such dn the party having no irsetuhies to oiuiivKt ! THE WE AH AND TEAR UrVLU The scares, anxieties and misfortunes of life hiivie as much to do with shortening it as disease. They are in fact the source inatiy ailment and physical disabilities. Nervous weakues dyspepsia, affections of the liver, disturbances of the bowels, headache hypo ehoudriti and monomania are am -ug 'hese distressi g fruits. It; is, therefore of great impirtauee that person whose minds rare oppressed vu( heavy bnsioesu rtfonslbllities of haiitWd by family troubles, j r xcited4y s'peculatioo. or perplexed by a I multiplicity ofr enterprises or in anyway overtaxedur overworked, should ke up their stamina by the Idaily uae of a wholesouie tonic. Thousands tf persus thus circumstanced are enabled ;t bear up against the djQlcnllies in which tljwy are involved, and ti retain their fitreng'h, health and iiieuiai elearuess, by the regular se of Hostetter's Storrmch Bitters. liseaseswhih are prone to attask the body w,ltu '"hlitated aud brokeu dou by over much brain work or exhausttug physical la bor, are kept at bay by the resistant power with which this incomparable tonic endows th r,rvious system and the vital organs. At season, when the heat is evaporating th-eh-menu )t streugth frai every pore, an iu yfgoraut is absolutely essential to the Rafety aud comfort of the public, aud is rej tred even by the more robust if they desire to kep (heir athjetic capabilities in statua .quo. Henef a;,cnu se of lIosteteri( Bitters is parti cularly useful at the ptuh! of the year an de fence against the ini "wible disease afloat ip a sultry mosphere. It is the most potent of all nrevetitive medicines. Htid fir ! iMinnlxinta which alftjct the stomach, the liver and the bowels, and interfere with tb -.perfect diges tion and ftsimilatiou of food, it is the staud dard remey. , That Favorite home Remedy. PAliM-KILLEf Has been' beAn-e the public over thirtv years, add probably has a wider and better reputation than any 'other proprietary inedi ciue tf the . preseut day. At this period there are; hot few unacquainted wuh the merits of the Paik Killbk ; hut wi ile some extol is as a lioiment. thev know lmr IW Im Mf its power in easing paiu wheu taken inter- uhiij , jiiiij uiuns use ii, nut-many wnn reat success, but are equally ignorant of its healiui; virtues when applied externally. We therefore wish to say to all. thatltis equally tiuceeshftil whether used internally or extr ually. It is suthVieut evidence jot its vittues as standard medicine to know that it is now nsed iu all parts of the world, and that its use is constantly increasing. . No curative agent has had such a wide spread sale- or given sneh universal satifAetiin - D tvisj'lAiK-Killer is a purely vegta bte'compunf, prepared from the best and pTirest m.-xteHals: and whh a care that iusnres the most perfect uuifnmty in rhe: medicine : and while it is a most effective remedy for paij. it is a perfectly saf medieiue, eveu iu the inosi jiuskillful hauds. .-jit is eminently a FamilMedicixe: and by beiuglkeyi ready for immediate rsort. will save inatiy an hour tf sutferiut?. and many a dollar in time aud doctor's bill. After ..yep thirty yearn trail, it is at 11 re ceiving ihJemost uuqnallitied testimonials t its virtuH, from p-rsous of t!e hiirhest char acter and responsibi'ity. Emineut Phyticians ciu mend )f as a mostefTectual preperatiou for the txtit:it)jn of aiu. It is not only the best remedy ever know f.r Cuts, Bums. Ace. but for LH-seutery, or Cholera, or ary sort ot bowel cMoiohtiut, it is a remedy uusur passed fori etficieucy. aud rapidity of action. Iu i the great cities of India,' aud other hot eliiuates. it has becouie the .-Uodard mediciue for all sui complaiuls, as well as for Djs pep'a. Liver CompUiufs, aud all oiher kindred dlaorders. . For Coughs aa.l tJolds. ('anker, Asthm.t. an 1 Rheuioatie ditGculties, it has been'proved by the most abundaut ad ttmvincing testimouy to be'-ad iovahtable Thedieiue.T :' ' : -' - : - - Ve woqld caution the - public against all imitations ;of .our, preparation1, either lu name or style splitting Up '' " MrsSarah Wilstfn'S School, For little i boys and girls 'irilf open at ier resi- dence on the 23th tit' August: a ate-, as here- tofore. -' July 31. tf. $72 X)0 EACH-WEEK Agents wanted evej-y where. 1 Businesn strictly legiumate: ISParticalara free. Address, 36 iy. -JvVoirnr&co.,st: Louis, Mo. j EcLMricMAaAzrt. T I itEntaiiai.Bii.-kwrt r i . .! - . .-. - - - 1 - - Tl SURE CURE-F0 ."Si jy?iyed ahirge quanViir VtW m 1 mm a Jtiaia U greal JSouthera Chill HERE WE ABB :At?f; AND STILL THBirlfg! McNEELY & WAtTON are receiving their late Sammer.aodtaSy i .'if - ' - - .( - iJi, FALE i GOOmr embracin m Py.Goods ' of Wfryig lion, 3 ti 9- BOOTSr&,-SHppJ-; HATS, : OABTaBii s ; as ,it All of which were bought at Ibo.lwejf prices, consequently they are prepared. to offer bargains. Call aud examiae t'uryoai selves. . ; . "5 ' " A They are also agenCi.far $ ' t imoro Tumx'miiiV a very Superior Fertilizer which evlrv Farmer should Wier.' - - Also agents lor ; , "STARKES DIXIE PLOW which will recommpnd itself. -Those wishing to buy should exami'ue thlPloty before purchasing tlwhere. ' McNEELY Sc WAtTON.'V: Aug. 21, lino. - 1 - BANK OP 7 SIAT3SV1LLE CII ABTKD CXDBB ACT OT TDX (JKTEKAt APSKiBtV or Moari-OAKQkiXA. i:cI " ' '' d.-iz. Authorized Capital, 500) pjQ.. - . f THIS BA'KjJiM been orjaniaeduoder the Laws of the' State, and all the requirements complied with. .'. ." Depofiit received subjectto Check, and when f "j - . special arrangements are made Certificates of Deposit will be issued pajablo with interest at - "r ..... (he rate of 8 per cent. Executors, AdrnioistrctDrs, Guardians, or others holding money In Trust, are authorised by law to deposit in this Bunk.- Highest price pail fjr Gold and Sittt'r Coin and Old Dank Bills ; and General Banliina Business transn rtr.l REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE. Agent for the tieiebiated Websr and sTCIkIV I mwm. . vaicaeriug- arianos . .- - m . SS These "liArnitfcnM bivfl a tCoWvIde reputation as "uaqaesjjonable the best '" and very Reasonable is Purrr Thv ar guaranteed n such and fully "Jfyarraritod aS represented PurHhaxer-tikiiould addrest J. F- BDECKRT. . Sole Agent WilmivqTo-, N. C. P. S. Tnni;ig.ordi;ij atlenduJ to from .any" part of the country. ' f ' PRIVATE BOARDING! " -' . .. tJ - j .-''.. -'i.vi . Mrs. Dr. .Revbi .propose", to tlc-vitafew boarders. She has. one coluiimble sjtareeJiiim ber, furnished.'snifabltfo a UxtrvMixxftilk, or for two single perwinx.' rihe will tkmni, or table boarders, t$I2.oQ per month iAu.wllfHl-wi accommodate transient cimomerA, anrt brieves she will be able b give Wis4artion i All. Residence, East cdrnee-0f Main -ariJLibtrtv street ' f' Jryailu)0. Mrs. tWm 1VL B ARTTRR will resume tlieduuesof hersdiool Aflwwt:18th. Term one'dollrtt per nionth. - adaiiee, or one and a half at the end of tach 'month u The Tiiiii ip- &iulnaG The Tinner Tools of -atelffown A Weant. having f-llefl iato .myforaep-siduywill carry on the Tin, Sheet I rem anJ Oupjw-war business in 'itsj vaiiyiuhraAche WUl 'aUlu, Rooting, Guttering Acii. at reason Me'Tr tey, I will .liui liaro inr u iIl. .' -r!u'?i.lJwiu.1i, t 1 can recommenu, nna mat wilt give aual d,'na WeAiranybU.4hAfirfa -f . WW 4 'i, W. .4..1 1 t . & . . . - l v i am no.respoii(ulte -for anyWbU 4hA lti Brown & Went mavhave contracted- I am well prepared to' cut goSienclI Plate for mai king Tobacco flour' ita.', at"tae)Jowt ing prices, ... . ' ; , .V t v One-lourth in;"h letters: J' , '!& cents perTIttcr! One-half and five-eighui i t'z,u niree-ioiuthsUeiaJcUewr Persons livinlaot'Mer Towns.oV5 t-AC6un. try, wanting Stencil Prite wactleuhrtthei-osi and send their orders, staling e oJ 'lettersTw it h P. ()- imin..v Orrtp f. thi iiAnnnt n.l I v..;:l cut tJ.eStet.cil Plate and forward by returajuail ing clothtpft Carils.T1., with JodeliWle I-nV. -v ii. i n.iiw .ii'. a-w txn iii 3 1 i ne leiiersrcarTTre cTlangeaioprinranyTiame vry nelly. ' Pfic cvrni-leie.4li.i-.5 The best PorLdiie Sfuslc Stal'iujthe VVorel for Brass Bands. It is very neatly an4trohgfy mide weighs kwtbim two potrnds'-atri can fee packed in a iaattYpC..f? J - PuU'd Sepf.ilyUTOnrwlT Dip fooi t airs'rdeJ by the AnjeritarCloaUtal Exhibition, 'ew York, l7i. jqi,w:4 L ; W A N T KI ) I M si fiDlAjC EILV4 x ' One or twe f ood HraXinHheTs. Salisbury-; K. C., July 17tk 18 ' mi3a x-r. e-noronEm3:T2n. flisn. Pfprjxjhj Bcsrii'tiao' ?r i(h mwH - Ri.prfllir Jllir-I S ir X. .1.1 fts. youii iiiuieiv mug ladies. tj29 CKva.e., wfl f reopen pLjZth, IVJI6tcUk Mr. A Mrs! SepL J7lh, VV. U. 51 Brooklyn StatesviHc. it; ?t0 nfeTt-3m6 ' ti WxfWOR BE ST V il ' JPIANOSK r4f-TIJNlNa At MuslrSt I . It. Mcreety,-aTMtKeTrJ:-TX;irvea, U. D.;l. - , t-,u. .amu .j.. xxiklyn. ' - - 'x&H'tTik if' AuS.7tf.- - OTrTA - . A m. r m I- rB". V W a J m. I r - .A I mmmmmmmmmmW R.D4JLIT Kluttz's DiMThfta&fi'n .... , j1 -2- If lTTIftlnrvJr ...II : . . . :r""" I11VJ.1- It- iiUm ..f fi. '. '.:. .. ."tpxt HID- tne-mWi?FTfr M4tv.r iz . . , 3S5t ?rf"Ur be" citi-- hurtle i W dose.-wtl Improve its varue.' : i .Pron.rJl ...I.J t f-TT'' ,(W;f (MW u JIMUUUIT (IT 4 ,-T",?fl: 1,Pruggii,Sa;iburj, Nrj..;.' JuDeSO tf. ' . t " ?ATTHTI0N FARMERS. c:Ijroa xih to rai fnm .t:t tn ion L. more feed lor Block on the im nA ,T w-m aMIU HI1UUIIL ngbIpthAl wjl tell yoo Low U cah fl..e A jj, ' 1IM.UIT.. 1 horse arm -.2? f .h o S. KAY. Kernernville ForsytheCo.iy.C Ml ! Q B SXOCTJT. &. TfRrtTTTTTT . : . . ww w , iiv w itcvi T mgr their ttuat forge stoi k of Spring Good, Lonsistinz of nil classes orw-l .h .ii bi.:. section oi Conntrv. w Their stock is full and comnletp in ll d lions of Prints, Blac k and Brown Dora-sties, Linens arid .Drills. Irw : tv... i esjadies ready made xuits,-most beautiful fwctou,-of taiinersaiid Coaling. P.nlJe-ns faJl kinds. Their stock uf L'IoiI.m.ct tl.tri.nmt Kxl i the largest and m.t dtslsa o e jo be tojind in thi. market. A full and om plete sto..-k ol Shoe.s Hts, llosey KloveSRil boo Jtc; Sua ir, ColfV-e, Molasna, ay kiadi of GROCERIES. TK eir term are saru tlr . - Miner fllill a few exueptiMis. 1 noe who re pliable and prompt in paying tj.eir accounts it. oCi rds then 5lea;ure to acconi.ioduii. T. .1.1 . k. ... - - r - . infill IK jrtfSPOds at do-e pi u-e, which they are jiticr UP4 do, this policy has 'een'.id-i.titlien .'oo.Is aie sold on to,. i indi-criminaie parties lOiuestead provisionsof ine law, and wln lORes w n miiiih vy. r.iennams, n is a well UteJ - --,- .u iuci ami 11 ip rcxHona lIe jo appose that ithe Josses to be made up as Tar as practicable,- falls on the honest pajingcua tomers. Tl.ey bavedelermined to stop this wn Jf doing business, by selling at the lowerta1i find barter prices jnd credit no msn who u unwnrthy of it. f . They are thankfifl to their dnilv friendii and enstorocrs for their very liberal custom and con hdence, and hope selling (Jood (.ioods at low prices to secure their continued favors. w , MOCK & BROWN. March 27 tf. . For Pjart&JeiTals. A Swt cJwVio l-il Founts inomplefc,'-Jo all resictivady.forsi,.torept bv giefay, on zood terms. Also Ice cold ftoila Water on draught d.iiljr icom Us of Tad is Arctic Fuli taius at A J ' i , -, . i JeU tV : : BARKtfR Wf. -i "I Iig Store. Npiim Carolina: jpeuit. Ponnui ; -HOrtlcn ItiirTi l XfaM v At a Meeiinz of the PKSX.syLVANi.v IIouti- Cl lri ltAL Sm ikiVJ held on the 2Uih of May, ISi 'o, a rcsolulloi) whs passed, an follow: J .WiW, The Pennsylvania ll -riicnltunil ' SocU-ur hiring I carded Unit ihcsoitJiKtclitnutc ' of Nori'i Ciroiin a js exceedingly favorable to the production of ti A v Prnit, we turebv tartiest- 1 iy invue in" rruii yrowers, societies ami auia teumnf that Slate jo send specltnen-t of jlu ir prnducis, such as Apples, Pear-, lirape ai d specimens oT native. Wine, &c, to the Aututnii il Exliiidiioa of vhis rjc-cietf, 10 bo held in 'Phila delphia . J . . - O. Tuesday, r.PTEii'hER lC h'. IS73, To contihqe Ton- djiys, and th ;t tables Oaet apart for the (Ispfay of this pr.iit, and that Money Pretuiiiak, ;and Medals be -awarded In- ine proper committees, lor iuc!i cuiK-clion ol Fruit, aurccablv to tlie oubliahcd schedule n. J the Society. ) I In accordance whh this resolution, the Com- i niitpe of Arr meiii-rts will semi this circular ' to nrimeroHs FriiitHirowers. and ieronfi in'.er- 1 esled in this sulijeiii, iviih the Hcliedale of Pre- i miuins, and" respijri Lilly ;licil their aid uml ! cooperatU:i to nnkethe di-play ot Fruit from ; North Carolina au honor to ilia! ..Male. ! It is desirable tj hare the r.v k ;es of Fruii j reach Philadelphia) on Monday, September 15th. j Packages m ay bl- ent by Kx press, addre.-sed toTiUH. A. AxiJinjws.Siiii't 1 lortioultiiral Hall, rt -s ,i a 9 . ; .,, , .. . ' ,1 ' . v, . s , - . . I.eiurs respecuag toiunbmions, may W sent to the same addre- IVU,,,,VK I HO.S. A h, 5Nnarft of KrhibUmK llortliiulttiral ll.ill. Philadelphia, JuW 1st 1S73. 1 4f5:tf - T T . ; 1S T A T E F A I It 1 8 7 3. Thirteenth Grand Annual Pair ' - OK THE ' 02R1I C1C0LIM JcmKll.TlT.tL SUCIEIV RALEIGH X (.'. .Tau Tio"san.t Dollars in Premiums. New ud attractive lifoui.il- . . Sianlrlcent Biil.dfogs. " " . . 1 .... I iliiJ. f . 1 RJlroa4- arraiJgeumnt. the m.-i liberal KVer iniJeAvr-.h ahy AgncuTtUral or M,c:..i..i- fjl iii'lfl V.' Ill till SmIw. Articles t'.r ExhibitioU Uac-pr.r;il I'tfEE ar;d .delivered l"in ihe cars w. thin , tlie Ground. Fare for passejigeis ou Ii iilmads ip" North aroiitiH 1 J per i.U-, .Kxcursioii trains from very.dircjiou daily. Special iruius forpas ugers will rurt to the Gronuds, fi.ni.lh" eity-very tifieen uiiuuies. Farts only TEN lENTS. Hob. DANIEL W. VOORlIEES.ofln dianaf Will delivei the Annual A Jdre. Esay tn the; Cultivati-.u of Cotton by D.VVIL) PICKSQN. Ewi.. of argia. . rand-P ise UistrirutioB lt BIOoDFI) STOCK. ! WEvrON. th Great lVdstraio. in Wonderful Feats f En.i'irance. TU'O BANDjOF MUST i Single admissioo tn ih Gr'ind"." " Single admis'ioti forchi'.Jreu nudei 12 . . Vrars of age 1 hi is r0.: 25o Seud for Pretniim Lit. Tl M. HOLT: Pre'id-nT. J R T. FULGIIL'M. Sec etary.- -Ati.i2l. tf. . ; i i. -'SCIIOOli NOTICE. IUEMa'.e and Female Schools h'erefofi.re " tinghlTn tRe Uodcmr in'tlnf'iTiir of the PrWiTterfan Chan3rwiIIbcoreW onToesdav September 23th, ' ' ' ' lire jOwle'Uernnrwe-i -wiiri-. i-mr-new ut .cUki Dkv)4 and,the,few,djby Mw :5irCatiWEt.ii. - 1 . I Jrt teritTlWFI R. - . - I. . JL PacyEr.. ) ' f k..V.J'. :. J.-MMfJtKLCSa, UnZ Lr SV? ieling agent, alh,tirT. i Ed E mil v tm-. i&i a rhai-& -ii.!' . ii iiiiiiiwiih smvi w a w r t k a sa tver tHW i of AJii. 1. SiU.4: J!ry!.". yV ANTEDAll men wi-hiu-tomVo mrn . r'hW,,rtlt !P-rttiiteed. lUtctLle Q1lLoirari...,i - 1. j . I , . 1 - . , , -. . v,, Tirnin? no caii se of ,, wnl frM k 1 F. BIRVWAM'S - 3 ,W iB'-Uif. Has b-en testetlat VOKK. PA., wIZ ti. yt ifii K c v j -iMJil!,OI-Y,,Kr.iMASS.rhy K tor pim, l,Ut ;,. i;rlH,rl J. w-- " N. l'. nrRxriAMjrp' KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Uatod nt ASIILAXI) !'; n..v,c ..r -tAViind Old favN.svvL.i 1. lX Coi;, v, i "perutma, with Thirty v..,,,,,-, a.J(j Jr'T'M,M- 7 ;"'""-. tf.u. l.ourthnq fr,,n, t-t w. ..... I. rr yvt r-R. ..... iri.-iit I:it.:ht;.. ,.l the S.n,,: tor ciiean. thoiuuch hi.d nrae Vl t omiI. , ForCatai,,re..ddre... . TliMut p-eut.aextiipti., Xj. A WOK tor ktnk Imihi.. OCEAN'S STORY. ?Vvij'tZl''H "f ''"""' ''VET Mi p.in. Vf "-iory ol .Navagalion and i ley cy,ioodv;;,,,.t4. .ad ciioriw.iri,. At Over I'OO Sjriurt Cut. 5u;,w 'Vr! :V;Ky WANTKl). n.V "i'W. rubs. ?T3 Sausom St. i a in. a., i a. . i he startling I-.wuack on n,ar!v ail mclirine ajtents have ev r b -n that in their oxc-m of uurg:ition and pur Jcation thev have alsode biliir.!tl the c.tia. To obvjate this diihcultr physicians long sought for an .agent ihat won Id PU HOE V U It 1 FY-A I ) jjrit EXU HEX At one and the rame time. Their research h discovery which fully realixe ij.e foixlt-i de-ire j ot ihe medic. I faculty, :.,id w1ii,-h is ju-tly re gardexlas the most imiKirtant irjrmip,tji3t jjinr. ; laacyhas ever achieved. Tla iioporiam de-' sitlersfnm is - j r. Tutt a Vegetable! liver Pill. ' Which purify the b!..od and niniovc all corrupt : humor, nnd ui.heaiihv acc n nliiion- from U lioly, and yet proluci no weakness or. lassiiud i whatever, but on ihe 1 -ontrarv the omn l. and invigorates tlie body d:.riiig the pnrc. of I their operation. They unite the hereU f..re irre eoncil.ihle qualilie.ofaSireii-,-iLi-:.ir.g Pu-gative ! and a Puriivin Tonic. J Ir. Tutt's Pills are ihcmtM aVtivcnr..'. search- ; ing medicine in existence, T!ii-v .it o;ice atlack the very root of :n I tj.'eir acii-.i, is , ' prompt that in an hour or tw,. ;.fi..r il..... 1 tnken the paiienl is aw ire of ihoir e ol c-fl-s t-, ! iraml ol iliel or iN-cnpal u 1 ri 1 . 1 ; tl.ev pioduee I., jilt j ir nausea. 2 raping or iii i.ilrv I medicine thev have f.o rival. lid as a f.iu.:'v j Prire 2 rents a tx... Sold 5r all rrL-ji-t-. IK A 50Corfa-dt m., N Y . j : 1 rincipal i.rice, mmmmmmmmmmmrmmmtmmmmmw-mmmmmmmmmmmmmTmmJtmmmmmmmmmT Is the m-t (Kiwerfi.i cleanr, utreugtlK nt and remnver of tihndt.lar Ob jn-.ctir.. known io M uUrutMi '.ei. r It is specially adapted U ctn-:iii .. w.'rii down "and dcoiiit.iied bv th-' w ir reithir of pring and nrnriu r, 'win-n I i. . : i, : in active circulation, conv.p;, titty - i-l ri:i im pnrii ies from lniishue- iiiniitft -1. d by T .m..r Kruptions, BioU-l.es, Boi:-, result- .vci... ila, itcl.vc. ,.V'hen weary and languid fr.-jn o rw tV. nn.'. dtil!ne" drtwinis :n1 ii.frti f-kc1h pHn of energy and viii.r, the f urn i..-els a l i. l . i I : . " . . ..ii i .i - - iii ouuu ii up auu neip liie ua. r orv l IO rega.a their recnitraiivc i.wer. ! In lie of .,,.., fr.,, ;vn:!. tl.e L.vtr ' .Sia do not pn-iK-riy perfoi.tj tin ir luncMon, I (.-It.ric tlnd I rinnrv Oruii.. areinn. UM, yTotwuv, weakne-s of ihe .iJm. I, ai.d infc- !: i . . ,: t. ,. . limn -i rtrw I . I u i ' . 1 1 1 . i . I . . . i i : . r . t. i meiit. Dr. WE EES' Exlracl Of Jyrubeba i prepared directly from the J-outh Anu-iican Plant, and, is in'cilini i ,- Mi'i'ed to all ihu t dil!icitics ; it will ch ange the Yiii: il -I'i,o.! ' st reghtht-n the Li fe C i ivin 1 'o t r-, :n d P.en.t.re il Or-ti uclionw fi t .-ii lu.j aired i-nd I'-i.teeblt-d Oru-iiis. ' , ll j-bould be freiiy taken, as J urul-t-ba i- j ro- '. i nonn.-en bv m,M si vrif.i-. ue ro-t effi. irnt 1'nrilivr, 'io,.ic and 1 'e.i:r.i ..l knowu ir tii-wh"ic- rai eol l it. ieoi.il p'j-.'j-. 4w . CATAWBA lllGS! SCHOOL, XGLIiSl aad t'LASSICAL. XUVTO., X. The ICih term of lo w.-.ki will U gin thv 2Ul of July. ! lioard from ?S to K), per ntontli. Tuiliou from ix, U Slv per ki-na. P.ct. J. C. CLAI'P, A B. Kev. J. A FOIL, A .-IS. ) J. II. ROWK. ' July 3, lS73-t!!iKs p.1. J Prin. AxiUulf. A tor First C!.t tw-liO. Wl 'fill hJI.-. app! V to McCUlJltlXS CO. June 19, if. t. . , . jit- Pleasant, labarrus Tlie luxt 'a:ic term ' f ItjMi'.uit.m . , . . . ' will commence Au;iK 4to, lTtJ. Exj-iises f.r S-p-ion ot T n Months: Col Kpi.ite Drpsritneiit, S ! J 7 to 5 1 7. Ac i'K-niiv.- Iep.iriniv..t, ; I iw 1 i . ti !i nt re'riTtl l .r.v tiin.i. For Catalogue appi' U J I " Itev. L. A r.:: KLK. f . Julv 10. I i ' , TI i T lv r 'T 1? 11 1V M A It L, f When v.m wv.t II it. I-. T iv at low fi,nrrr rnil r.a lti undciri ' (r . .Uraniie uw. i-d at No 2 r - P.-A.-AT A ELIj. SalhrbnTj, 2f. C, May 13-tf. . T - ; " aria CVrtificxttis for alt !n'. 11c Aur.lirra iuirk.i. ti' V;' ... wr. vjej are Urtlrr prrfrj th.u rr .i9 -,0;t ,,,5 fanrit. and tu v v. t-i I..' , 'ri . . r . ' vo iir Cksi-. ...it j--i,.ie S-00 01s ijdr r.ir i.j: t - . . :j . . .., u.iriB-n una cntwrn. more a rj-r.-niy in neretofore, and r..ii. ri anxiou, to luve thrlr Weeds !eal .n4 aa.i ae their ttk . Th.TTM V it Li Hepatrt : it IS rert-.uly llrtrix LMbe -yk (q,Uli tt wn-idrrrd) it is aausuallj rpc--.Bttt. THEIR ASSORTMENT IS GENERAL, - 7- T . . -omprinng .'J tJial a j, LU. -dJiiiuu.1 item, if afjrafW,' w tail lli-fl Ih dinxri.ta ,.t .1. -. " .1 - " -i yvu. iiifi Meeh u.ir. the Artizan. 1 tofional man. It is m proterbwtth - .wMV V. KwA P .k rrvnwnii mm "X'"7 iHmr a-a uie neS.". 5f .1- . They deir i calUpciAlaltttioB"'la w brauch grafuwi tlA. pi. ty win .J A MILLIXEBT LEr This was desitrniHl f.,r tt.. I of tl.e.r lady cttmm.r. and ft lias bevn nit- . . vi lunn 1, ajarnara vte- ce in its gt,Hl -copeaiiheaiilAtaiW. It ij under the ii,mMi.teupiViAAyac3jjtt. Halyburtou aud Mi MeMoj-rak who are ever ready io r-pp...d W the eUsof their cummer.. JJaJl as hlu lr.r rn'Crlj Wi-rtUMjYii BRO.i May !f-tf. O. Q. XslcCoy. J.J-.Cwiley, G. G. McCOY & co. (IrocxTs ail Profion MfxkanU and wbJv Nile deaJen io CoafixUoiariw, Lried .IiuiU tvbutxu ai.d gtain j ( ' OLD FOUT, x. c. Woul, links. - - Fur, FcotTxrs, ; ' " pcctrai, .d al! kin! ofConi tnr Produce, rotten rtm, lVuieii NiiN powdi-r, and :al Oil, a'lvats on hand. j 1 Agerns for the bx-t guano and phorphaleL rdi--M Kilit-ti-d. - j t Wibiu.h Ci. Motiuuiu 'Apples. Fr 1 VVNihr by C. G.McCUY A CO. ni loti f coanuy cvnd ha a. lor low Lv i. 1: V.aiv trn - April T -i VfViiitKi c vc h. aiujt. jyj c C ORKLE 8c BAILEY, ATTORNEYS i CorNSllLLOUS, j sa usb ray. x. ; Practice iu Rowan, Mrrkktiburp.Cabarrof , .L',f..n Ah idimiKAmt'iy .nu'rtr't-hV VvJA'rit a..l t i e Cl.M. f J .'.o V. Mi-uner. Kq.. Specljil PartTierJ June 2ti tf. h ST A x$ SALb'oxTl I' r-on ibiie pure lionmadi liquu. antl evtr Ik. -1 iuii-.iud wii.ea cad alaaiaLnd t! I ;hcm at the tau aixjx, v- i . J.iu Sim'., Z Lmm 1-aLic the Sal.tbtirj HotucL i I f All niv whiskic jul J'(.bdUs;ar. oblaiusri dirtel fri-ui the bci and i:nit reliable diuD ' in N. C. 1 keep no otLi r. Mv )iitir art Itfl- jiorn-d and are of the VhM Tarieiies as any jidiv ' mav .- Iv culling rnd examining for b. maelfi ; j.a,s:mdr.- June IV, Cmo. pd. , j JOHN S. IIKNDKUSON. Aiiuruiy and Couithllorul Lav a M . y., ... i Solicitor iii- Itnnkrnp'cj-, sa U6ULj;y, s ic. I I t Special attention paidjto. Proceed' ings in ltankruptcv. j . i ; ' Feb. 2t,-!f. : I Bargains! Bargains!! j In order to make room lor my -Spring , stock, I am compelled to sell off my rt mninmy WipUr Stitcl; mnsisiirr .' RKADX MADE CEO'J 11IKO, UATc, BOOTS, AM) MlUKtf, ii allot which (ill EAT HAK(;AlN.re aiven. f Vlulolt WALLACE. Feb. C. if . 200 HEAD OF BEEIf. f'nttlc Wnntrd. ri. TheiiiiHeryiifued wifce to ratrba. Hmxtred fine IU -f Cett'e. for whirh bw is prepand to iajr ihe highest ciL prier.' j lie w..ud aln ji.f.nn I be Citis-w.fl JaiifiKiry thai he i f un.U&itig the mar -t u .iu b-.l U.ur U:oe acb rrt-ek ; saiiielt. acb rt-ek ; namely, : uay, Tfiday .cd Sal- JOI1X BF.AlJD. i it. Iiii.il .v. "i-iliii.i!jr. Tri t.r.A C.l nruar nioiuif g. ' jo; !a2.-tf. I i " LAND Fvit feALK. i j Im'aia to a o rcs of. tine iJiprioc C "ouri I , vi ill fccil at i.blic aia.livn at thtoprt Iltaiteln SaliU.nry, n W'o'i.ed v lt of Oilobtr ISTSl, 1 lo-JJ a. mk rf Yi4 mi the TPk ro Pod atsifct '. ! mill N- W. f Nili.l-iry, wljotning Adaku ' Ietiit, Alrarm N h riwt oi kr. por forll.r ru. un - pj r. Fliubtth 1 Mill, r, wliw lives en iLc lid, tr J. 11. lltrih i F-'p. alibury. . t Krm ? 0 oab ; t.sir.cr rnpfoonta credit. Ti:! rc-r v-H Tiv. I I lU''tf4 B)l:itlNtiKR,t 3Iav 1 if. i Cl wsaiMwwW. mimiTif' .'inn i.i. ai i i '.' i miiii , III I 11 I III! LI 1 1 I IXIVJU ; Operu cVAr-r l;nuniqiKllifx4if bfiin.iAwAthr 'iiUurtuA lul .4- witT. rittlce in ( 1irtn!r at tr. Itrnraj Irp-i-ti.--, in l-aw, MlWIie, jny&rnlf, Tet ii. c ai.d Agricuiiu.. wlf.lt kr t aialogLe Io J VMl-S P. JlAUJIlx ," CLuKio, P. 0. riilver-i'v i.f i.giioa; Albemirle Co., V. Auc 14 tf. 1 ' STt7LKN--$50:KEWAHl. r f r. '.Tt ibr- anr.aet IT.r " fl' .la.v.ia u.:! r:i.f 5'Lbi- 1 l tf' yr ih i..f HTtHlHbrjuA; . a a . - i ii-rk i ',: : ut hr. fiairt Jsn.ev vrmr i,..i. ..o.i. k "d v b :iu!l WuiQu - t'-n iS- 11 .UuilArrwAwdMb MlUr. Toe rush'. lr- Unfl-4t'I .-l.Ul gti e the aKoV Tevratd !or iLt rwxiT. rj ! tbv 'ilul-. if refaird to h e. I) A t TI) lIOCUU. t.::-1ary. Jt;lr WJ. 1-73. 3-pd i Dress f Mi ll. l.lll Uli M i -1 1 ; ti t f; i 1; i ii I! : .i I! : i i:

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