t . . ' : ' - - - - 7T7 ;1 !' - i " ' v . . l' : I I . i . if. ; ' I-; '. .'..' : - .: l : : : !. : ,hl - :- - - . . I i -T i : ' I . j ' ' ' !' . ' If 'If i! . 7 . . ! . . j' ;. a i . , ' I;' . 1 11 ".' . t v i i ' - i , i rf 1. , 1 i If rl' VK7 . 1 1 H ii. 1 i, If V; k I :.' V -f r . - r i ft tHE GATE OP DEATH, tltA? ft Area'! Gate of Glory '! from the walls of time MiS8tye ptmderonsand bry, , OpetrnoW thy leaves sublime! Lo ! before thy portals standing. 0n! who speaks with voi -e commanding ll hat conferred death and sin LlKhe King ofGloryt! in. KeYet' lnvi with Harshest! thunder, QV-rt IK mttntr htrtffPH move : bolts and hairs nave burst asunder At the potent touch of love. Clear the passage, wide an J bright, Flooded wjth supernal light ; ; Conquerors, too o'er death and sin, Heirs, vf Glory enter in. Qte of Heaven ! Gate of Glory . Iet thy archways, old and htwr. King forever with ihe Ury , Grander than e'er swept before Through the harmonies of Heaven; Tbroo&b the songs of the forgiven. Hailing hi in who entered in, Conacror over death and sin. PHOTER TREATMENT OF MANURE. A constantlj recu;iiig question is this, "What shall we do with our manure, and how shall we preserve it until we want to apply; it to the giound " We have hith erto given expression to our opinions on theso subjects, but they are every day , topics, and will bear spcakiugand writing of often We bare always advocated the plan of banliug the manure direily to the field J and spreading it broadcast irora ine cart, and we can see no reason for changing our advice In this particular. The idea that if manure is left upon the surface, the sua and wind will cause the has of the largef portion of the ammonia has been proven erroneous. Prof. Voelcker ascer tained by repeated and careful experiment that there was no losr of ammonia in barn yard or stable manure except when placed under circumstances to induce fermenta tion. ! 13y analysis of manure at the time . it was voided by tbo animal, and at sev eral subsequent stages of decomposition, he proved that there was uo volaiive am monia formed except in ina?ses where actiye and violent fermentation was in rogress ; and further, that save where'the ermentation is sufficiently active to evolve ammonia in any percaptible quantity, ort'anic acids are fo.med at ihe same time which absorbs it at once and thus prevents its loss. There is then no necessity for composting with ear h for the purpose of fireventing the escape of ammonia in the orm '6f gas. , - s Jjat if from any cause it is thought best to permit tnanure o accumulate around . and'in:the baru instead of taking it to the field aS fast as it is manufactured, it is very liableto i loss in anOkher way; the most valuable pait is very soluble in wa ter, and if exposed to ihe rain in the lot, much of it will be can iedi off in streams of black rich; looking liquid, flowing into galleys and creeks, defiling the water and robbing the farmer of ihe richest pari of his manure! pile. If manure is to be kept any length of time it mu8t-4)e protecied from the rain ; and here another difficulty, arises, if kept under the shelter where no rain can fall -upon it and no water is sup plied in any other way, it is liable to be come too dry and fircfang, whereby xnot of its fertjlL'ug properties are lost. Bat f ibe ra.anuie isxanied to the field, and 'spread as soon as a few loads have accumulated, then these difTculties will all be obviated. There are times and con ditions of the land which may render such a-' eours objectionable, but, they aie of rare occurence, v d may be looked upon as exceptions to the general rule. Our ' owd preference has always been for spreading all the manure upon soil through 'tpe winter, to be plowed in for corn in the eprtg and in the fall to give a light dress ing to the wheat afer sowing, and if con venient before the last harrowing. Early iprtng' is the best time to apply manure to grass lands. As soon as the frost has hfl the ground give the surface a generous covering of fine manure, and then pass oHr the field with a sharp tooth hanow, followed by the roller if possible, and the result will convert yoc at ouce to the ad tdcacy of surface manuring ' K- I Planter and Farmer. ,COWS AND TYPilOID FEVER. x It is very important that cows should have clear, pure, healthy water to drink otherwise ty phoid fever will result from using their milk. Stagnant- water is. no nioret for cattle than for nian. Out of 140 families supplied with milk from i dairy in Islington, England, seventy suf fered from typhoid fever. One hundred nd sixty-eight individual eases occurred within ten jweeks, and thirty died. Ad nhvestigation showed that the cows drank water from an old underground Uuk, built Yt 7.r u. I Bna mucu uecayea. , The milk cans were washed in the same water. ana in all probability the water was also mixed with the milk. As the fever ad "tacked; only such parties in that district as used the milk, tho water in the rotton tauk 'must have been the cause. This is only 'more evidence of the danger of using foul : water and giving it to animals. It has t.been shown that stagnant water acts as a alow poison to animals as well as met), iuu ik u a maucr oi me nrst importance "td all dairymen aud stock-raisers, as wll ,as families, to use ouly pure, fresh water. An old nigro name Pete was verv mnth troubled about his sins. Perceivin blm one day with a very downcast look, his t toaster asked bjm the cause. 0, massa, x m sucu a great sinner !' Um, Petr said his master 'you are foolish to take it .B0. ;mQch to heart. You never see me :. troubled about my sins." 'I known the i leasou massa,' said Pete, 'when you go ones; snooting, and kill one duck and wound another, don't you run after ihe wouaedduckr 'Yes.Pete.'andthemas. aw1 wondcrcd fhat was coming next. r' mal?a' ?V tQe de way wid you ir,"d w(e- 8 debile has got you sure ; but no am not sure ot me he chazes dis cuue ail de time.' .Uh i- . . m , - Senator Morton's "Gbabu Rkturx ."ED.-United States Senator Morton has ft Requested the Secretary of the Treasury .,to. retain the, money to .which he was rjeatiued under the back pay grab. Morlou ays ne aoes this merely to "comply with a formality." " I 1: -j- - - r in this country in the form of a magasine than the September Aiding ; Europe and America have been laid ondef contribtttfon to famish the most marvellously beatt'tful pictures which the best artists can produce Mr. A. F. Hnnner has a series of threej magnificent vjews In the Rocky Mountains: made expressly for Toe Aldine. In these days of tellowstone expeditions and excursions to this famous region, these pictures possess unusual interest. A full base view of Clear Creek Conon, Rocky f Mountains, opens up the wonderful gran-; ueur oi iuose; uiueu souiuue m a wajr m make them seem real ; a large picture of (he Snowy Range of the Sierra MadreJsj wild-, glooniyl and grand, while a sketch Of the interior of the Rocky Mountains! jjiveg one thejimpreeflion that all the world lt made of mhuurains. A charming fnll-j age picture after L-ieune, a French artist l;tllfcd uThb JJIue Bird," shows a bewitch- 'PS young woman confined in a strong tiowejto keep her from her lover, fllr Jrthn II0W8 'i a iNew lork artist, has a full-page study of "Brookside Willows, remarkable for its faithful interpretation of nature and minute detail. A finer ppiej lure is seldom seen. Miry A. Hallock gives a society sketch called "Who Is jit V of two ladies peeping down stairs irt catch a glimpse of the man at the halj doi. Dore,. the great French artist iurnishes two large pictures illustrating the fairy tale; of the "Sleeping Beauty." Due of tlje; shows the wonderful "Sleep! iig Palace,"; with ihe huntsmen in prof found slumber ; the other mirrors" the Sleeping Beauty" in her vine-covered balcony in !i fie golden sunlight. These two pictures! are magical in thier effect, iind full of jtbe subtle genius of Dorel Peter Moran has a carefully drawn picture Called an "American Farn Scene," which is truthful and characteristic. There is also a fine picture of "Emperor Charles y. and Titian, after Becker, which Illustrates a well-kn6wn historical event!. MA k It- Ta ' 1 j " ffaam ffllA mkikrl list I" i i, njg a. i ivi y vi'juo iiv fiauu nob ui ill Jstrations for September.' E tch of these pictures are well described in the letterpress the editorial articles on "Colorado" and the "Sleeping" heauty" of special intrret: Mr. Julia 0.1 R Dorr opens the number an exquisite poem of considerable length entitled "Reiia ; a 'Legend of RosserS." Itiss all the beauty and grace of Tennyr kon's "Lfcksley Hall," which it resembles R. K Week! adJs a gem of a poem call ed "In September," The nrose contri- butiondareall "In excellent. A Great Man in a Green Hat," is a capital satire on the modern art of interviewing," wriiten by G. P. Lathrpp. "F. W." has a charity article "'Concerning Costumes." The Burgo-master in a Bottle, is one of tho? e quaint French stories which only Messrs, Jickman-Uhatrian could have written! 'On The Trflj"ia an exciting love story by E. B. Leonard. W. W. Bailey has one of his pleasant and readable essays on " Motion lit Plants." James Jackson Jarves, the well-known writer on art! contributes a very interesting account of "Mis ; Browning's English Home." The departments of Music, Art, and Literature are each well hlled with erood solid rearU CJ ; , ing matter, if ully maintaining the high reputation Ihe Aldine has long since earned. Subscription price $6,00, including Chrornqa "Village Belle" and "Crossing the Moor."; Jamet" Sutton & Co., bubs Ushers, 58 Maiden Lane, N. Y. "Yes take her and welcome," responded an IllinorU farmer, when a yonug man asked for Ins blushing daughter. "She's run away witu a schoolmaster, eloned whh a showman, shot a wild cat, and whipped lief mother, and the sooner you iase uer me oetter. Some friends of an editor in England lately gave; bim a dinner and put $50,000 on his plate. ' " - 1 NEWSPAPER LAWS. ( We receivlj so many inquires as to the law's governing the circulation of newspapers, that we find it necessary to publish the following summary, which will cover all the questions inai nave oeen auaresseu to ut . 1. Subscribers are considered wishing to contiuue thejr subscription. . M. If subsenbersordenngthediscontinanco of their periodicals may continue to send them until jail arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to talte their periodicals from the office to which tb?y are directed; thev are held resnonsihU till they have Settled their bill, and ordered them discontinued. ! 4. If subscribers move to. other nlaoa without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to tne iortner direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take papers from the office, or removing uu icrtviug iiiein uncauea ior, is prima facie evidenceof lutentional fraud. . 1 1 1 ,i i - ' . - 6. Any person who receives a newspaper aim manes ue ot it, wnether he has ordered it or not. is. held In taw, to be a subscriber and must pay for it. POSTAL INFORMATION. Letters go to any part of the Uuited States for three cents per half once, if prepaid. Unpaid letters are sent to the Dead-letter omce at Washington. i Letters weighing over an ounce, and n. paid a single rate, are forwarded to their des tination, arid the balance due collected 6n delivery, j j City letters must he prepaid two cents pier half ounce.' i Books. -Postage on books, not exceeding " "uuirj iu nriui j- 4 Cents. Each additional four ounces or fraction It i 4 c?nts. ' j f seui irotn tpe omce 01 publication may be prepaid at tb following rates per quarter : j irf: 35cts. per or. Monthlies, (not over 4 oz) 3 ; Quarterlies, " l i Miscellaheoas Matter On lars,inaps prints, engravings, music, cards, photographs, types, cuttings, roots, seeds, 5Cc, On one package to oue address, prepaid. !-. j--. vmuvvo tcma , over I our . uoi exceeding eight ounces, 4 cents. cigu oi pacKages is limited to thirty two ounces. ; Money Qrders Money can he sent to any part of the country with absolute safety, bv obtaining a Mouey Orderfor which fees are; . I -i . . T On not hss than $1, and uot over $20, jlO Over $20 and not exce-Jn ft.m os.,,.1. thaol iSSUed for lessth'an 1 or more Sundry ttemes It costs 15 cents extra, besides theregular postage to register a let r - I ' .. Stamps prxt out from Stamped Envelopes are not allbwed to be placed upon other ht- 1 Nothing finer has yet been produced; FURNITURE! J. AC CLODPELTER & CO. WhoUsaUand JUtail Dtler in Furniture, '. Tmrnt ultontinn lo their Stock of Cot tage Bedsteads French Chaimber Suits, Avlnnt ) nainted Cane Seat Chairs. Rocking Chairs of all descriptions, extension Dining Tables tables of all kinds Wardrobes, Bureaus, "Washstanda, TThat-lfots, Sofas, Reception Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, manj other articles which we are prepared to sell as cheap or eheaper than any House in the western; part of the State Be suye to call, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, uext door below the Express office, see onr stofk and hear our prices. Our terms cash. Special orders (made from photographs in our office) will be supplied. - - ; - .-X. ... if full issortmentof Rosewood, Metalii :nd Wtflnut Burial Cases, which can be fur nished at 3 hours notice. Jan j6 ly. Manliood: Bow Lost flow Eeslortd. Just published, a now ediition of Or. Calverwell's Celebrat ed ZlssaV on the radical eure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Semina : Losses, Weakness. Involuntary Semi nal Louies, Iupotbkct. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. : also. Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induc ed by sf lf-indnlgenc or sexual extravagance tST Price in a sealed envelope only six cent, The' celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years, successful practice, that the alarming conse quence! of self abuse may ba radically cured wit hout the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode o cure at once limp'e, certain, and ef fectual , by means of which every sufferer no matter jrhat his condition may be, may cure bimselftcheaply. and radically, GFrtiis lecture should be in the hands of eveiy youth and every man in the land. Sent hnder seal, in a plain envelope, to any addresJJ post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two pot stamps. Address the Publishers. H Ulldb. J. U. A.LiIiu S L(J.. 127 Boyery. New York, Post-Office Box. 4586. THE BROWN COTTOH GIH PLANTERS should examine the above-named niu ana reliable bin before buying any other. Strengfh and Durability. It Ginsfatand clean, makes excellent lint (often bringing l-4c. to l-2c. per lb. above market,) and is universally admitted to be the lightest running gin made. We have had thirtv vcar's fixnerionnft In ih business, and warrant every gin pefect. Gins constantly in tbe hands of our agents, to which we id t tie inspection. Circulars, with testimonials and fall particu lars, my be bad by addressing. f iSKAEii t BKOWN, President, Brown Ctton Gin Co., New London, Conn. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, Agents Salisbury, C,.j! March 6 4mos. SPIRIT OP TIIE16E r jIlfc Spirit of the Age will present a pair - of fine ntCtllM wnrth $1 fMI r nv cuL scriberibr 1873, who pays $2 50 in advance for L . . a L mi a a a a year s puosenpuon. I lie pictures entitled RaDliael's Cherubs of Lithographic printing; the printed surface o. I. ? 'O." rt "I . . i -. . . a . eacu m.i.i.xa incnes, ana tne pictures sell in the stores for $2 50 per pair. RevTrII. Pritciiaed, D. D., Contributing KevII. T. IIuijsox, Editors. ThelGE is a weekly Fiimilv Pnttor ort .,torl to the jlome Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Tradesman, alike in prrrv aftinn r tho State j it is not sectional in Jts character, nor . a? a -r a a . p.inizan or sectarian, uesnies all the news of the da", collated with a view to correctness and fliinn..ji iia r.l..M. ! 1 1 L 1 1 , ..I vbiiiovj, iuj W1UIUH9 win o uneu will) me choicest matter appropriate to the different de partmnt3 Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketchy, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Read ing, Wit and Humor, Agricultural, Correspon dencean Epitone of the News of the Day, &c. auiUUiUAli SXOiUSS. The Dtlblication of Oriffinnl RtnriAa ia n inwi.l featurf of the Age, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of uomilar and interesting writers. In this Department alone we can promise our readers entertainment equal in character to that of any of the popular etorv paper?. i TERMS IN ADVANCE : One copy one year, (with 2 pictures,) $2 50 is without pictures,. 2 00 ' if" six months do 1 25 Evev reader of the puoltshed before the wnr Mmoetlv to renew their patronage; send for specimen copyjl Address, . ; EtiJ vv iviilJi v. BKOUGHTOm. F?P- tf Raleigh, N. C THE MORNING STAR. j; DAILY EDITION: TlIOTTftlT OVT.V Vixrv vr no TT.f, " m. m , jnno out;, liASsTHE LarcHKt Dilv p;..,; r .. n! kapfr in th State' ttDd a circulation in W llrainerton fiftv nr ni. Iipm, iu ii,.. of any other paper. WEEKLY EDITION : vanuiiinrl F Ait- MEIN makinsr one of the best Family newspapers in the South. Circulation very?large and rapidly increasing. oUBSUKli! ION PRICE: , Daily Star 1 year $7 00 I " 6 month 3 50 T 3 months 2 0 Weekly Stab 1 year 2 ; 6 months.. . ""." " 1 Oo T ' 3 months 5q It'may be safely asserted that no news paper ever established in North Caiolinahas made such rapid progress as The Morning STAR. GTSend for specimen copies. jlAddress, WM.H BERNARD WlL,MIN(iTON,N C. Valuable Land For Sale. mving become the sole Proprietor of the t-. . , : . w "u lormeny owned by Jeremiah Bam niror nnA .,J Vi f r vi..! ume OOUlll- VV es of Rowan Mills ,tation, and having no use &2v.I,ProP,e f 86,1 This track, dmpris- In Wl cr " regarded bv good judges !--- : . ",,u ,UORt enginiv situated in the county It is admirably adapted to the T-k ' y"110"' ooacco, and the LPl,ch bt 75, M in estivation. There is alsoan excellent dwelling and other out build! mpio great number, a good well of water, &c Persons wishing in C0A 1 1 -n '. Xtm if u- r 0 " . u wui apply to Mittr - wf June5;6mo8. MOSES BARRTPR tRAIGE&CRAIGE, AJTTOUIW2YS AX LAW, y . AND . oltritorsjtt3onhrt!)ffi). s W Spec'! attentionpaid toProceeiu-s in ijankraptcy. .. . 0 I ' Sept.5r51;3ms. Marriage Certificates for sale here. . J fit r -:n i Si EXTRA OFFER ! DISTRIBUTION. and a share in the .Distribution 7 of 8730 Pre. minns amounting 16 $41,000. L k ! GIVEN AWAY TO Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly, oun riREsiDU rnixinD Chromos are delivered at once. The distri bution will Positively lake place on 4 be Twen tieth day of August. Eighteen Hundred and seven tv-Three. v rv , OUR CHROMO "CUTE" Is 1 6x20 Inches in sixe, acknowledged tq be thefinest and handsom est picture ever given with any-paper:- ' OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND fs an eight page illustrated family and story! weekly in its third volume, has now over Seventy-GveThousday Subscribers, and rapidly increasing,' which in sures the success or the present distribntion The Publishera-ofOur Fireside Friend have sent to its subscribers ihis jyear over Seventy Thousand copies of thechrpruo "Cute" and are shipping hundreds every day. Subscription Price, 1 hree Dollars Per Year, which give the subscribers Fifty-two numbers of the best Fami ly Weekly, the Chromo "Cute" finelv framed, and a numbered Certificate entitling the holder to one hare in the distribution of premiums for 1873. Subscribe now with the agent or send direct togthe publisher. SPECIMEN COPIES particular, etc sent free, A IT 17 1M T C In e verv own. a' home HU Ull 1 D or jji jgjjg XKT IiNTk II premiumforgeUlng V Till X MmiU up clubs. The. best outfit. Send at once for Terms and particulars Address. WATERS & CO., Pub., Chicago. UTERPmSE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in tht Country 1 S100.000 00 IN VALUABLE QZPTS I TO HE DISTRIBUTED IX L. D. SINE'S 12rd SEMI-ANNUAL Gift Ei IFT ENTERPRISE. Tolcdraicn Monday, Oct. 13, 1873. ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $10,000 in Gold ! O110 Prise $5,000 iu Silver . Five prizes $1,000) Five prizes $500 Each in GREENBACKS Ten prizes $100 J Two Family Girriofes and Matched Ilorset with Silver-Mounted Harness, vorth $1,500. each I Two Buggies Horses &c. worth $000 each I One Fine-toned Rasewood Piano, worth $500. Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each ! 1500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches, worth from $20 lo $300 each. Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry ,&c., &c. Whole ZVumbcr Gifts, 10,000. Tickets Limited to 50,000. AGEXTS WANTED to Sell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums' will be paid. Single Tickets $2; Six Tickets .$10 ; Twelvt Tickets $20 ; Twenty-five Tickets $40. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, and othei information iu reference to the Distribution, will beent to any one ordering them. All let ters must be addressed to main office, L. D. SINE, Box 86. 101 W. Fifth St. Cincinnati, O. sjimrs luxg preserver Is a sure and effectual cure for CON SUMPTION And all the dieases of the THROAT, ASTZX&XA, cfcC. Send for circular to WM. A. Smith, Concord, N. C, For Rale bv C. R. BARKER fe Co. Salisbury N. C. And all principal drus'-Tint in th TInitpH . 00 States. AririlSOm.. T Bewdro of Court JOB HOSES' slIVialViK,s Art erfW; COT-KTr Err.ITKD. 'Ana,f iHwiM ntUator to the rnumlrTJ,u, , m,u.t fri,llrT Tk vmutn Aa tk, m-m o-.lb on w pr.W. All h, r, ,ml . n,, OEMU.NK Pills are onfailiae In tbeci.r-ff . th. 5Ji . . d,'r?u dJeel l.cb III.. cotst tation is nuhjoct. Tlie mo.1. rii. .11 Frr;M t. -iftre .apprei"",D toomenwi. when caused t cold. iMUmmtUB r dwi-; in r 11 caae. ot I-!Ti' J?d. Npl"1 Aff t.on. ain. in h lck ?rKr,T.!iaitlrUe n "liK.h' "ertion. PalpiUbca rV, V hili. tbey . I! eftfet . enra when all other msanj he ti ' . :huh -lelict consu ration. Circular Knlih GmMa and Frach traomd 4i5 bo" "ill direction uul tdrh e. Tb OKStnsn Tilis are oM t moat ilrn lnrtm. bt joor dTTKt-irt cannot etrrr'T ho ;rinsn, . nnt D penaaded to accept any counterfeit i-r Im (ijn sr. ticielratannd Una 1 .,Ur U. the nmpnetor. Job itloaet. 18 fortlan it .Street. X.w York, w.th nro "Preta office at which you will rail li.r th t.aca X'. and a bottle of the okkvink Filla anirelv and ueijr packed ia plain wrappera will ba seal by returm RELIEF IN TEN MifFuTEG. pilTAX'S W.FlltS irT9 wb,Coij". j(rrftM. R!tf.r-Hm.oitH cxpixjtt CoN.DMPTloy ami l.i-r KiKAkKii. Ther th" ""Jrv"1 ot tneJ'0"8. nn rhiM will take THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY? UEljiMAnnFsi sPEcrrn- riLL. Pfepar! by J. G AUA NCI KKt. -Tin 214 Kuo loniburu, w"" PIU are hiphly rec n.mi!in'ei hr ?l.e en'ir Medrsal Faeolty of n u thee-y -ei r. inevlr J' C"M 'rf Sjwrmat-'rrhcra. or rnun.l erknr- J7, Spina; ) vp. su in thi L'riu. Ni-ri u ii. btlity. and ail lha diistl. trj-ft of i-..- a,.:r fc Atn"'d Secret Hali.ta 1tir . ur. t. other rmnetliaa fail, an 1 havhoen ued wi-na.n r jnjr aacoeae l.y the leadin French I'lum. iana di.i 13 r""- lawphlt ' Adic in em-h oox. OJ will be sent Free to any ddrea. I'rirc Vipr !. Kent by mail, T-r'lu 7 MSTI'Dt"? P "Bjr 'Td A cant wvtv vuHuaiem ivr Ante aug 14, '72. 48: ly. if IA OF Opens October 1 ; continues through nine months. I is organized in schools on the eleclire system, with full courses in Classics, Literature, Science (with practice in Chemical and Physical Labor.. fories), in Law, Medicine, Engineering; Teach- ng ana agriculture. Apply lor Catalogue to JAMES P. HARRISON, Chairman, P. O. University firgjiua, Albemarle iCo, V-w . Ang. 14 if. ' . UNIVERSITY VIRGIN -"aaiMamaamaammaamaamamaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaammmmmmmaaammma ' I ; i : " : 1 . .1. ii. ; : 1 - 1 YH&B mmm 1 MIlEIMf Wmm Ant kaowa I at America. I la marlts mr well kjaeiwm tarot;Ut tk KavMtamaa world. It laava tla 3det mA bat rocerd of ainy L.laUamcait im tht wrld. From tlk millions apoa amllU iona of bolt lea oold no complatlait laoa ; over reavehed via, ad at av lieallas; atatd PAIN SUBDUING LIN.MENT. XT HAS 31 0 EQUAL It la recommended with nboanAedf aaeoraaeela all caaea of Cnte. Brniaea. Burn a, 8praiaa, K ken ma. tiarn. Hard Swentnga, Bitea, dillblaina. stulneas et the Joint. Froaem Feet. Ears, Ae Ae.. among all peraooa, and for 8 prairie. Founders, RixxgbooeTFoll rll, Scratctaea, T ind-G alia. Hoof-ale, Bparlns, 8prlnr halt, Saddle. Collar and Uaxneaa GaUa; alao diaoaTca of the Eye and Ear ia Horses, Mules or Cattle. Cvre Kevzalgia, Ehenma tiara. Goat. Lame Beck, Bait Bhevm, Poiaoaoaa Bltea, Ezteroal liooe and Huacle Affections. Sore Ktpples, kc aad mar be Ju-tlxtettbrnecoaforU EXTERNAL. WOUNDS. 7-Remember, title Ldalaaeat did aoft aprlave; p lm m daw or at Fr(prodnelB(Taui JJ01 Aacu avs tnmATCmai. rcats cumo bt Krv-BoBM ajid McsHaooat Lnaxma. Bet vi bare the experience ofererthlrtjr yea re of trial, -rtU tne moat auxartafiLal reaulta, end by a multitude of Witneseea. If tbe Liniment la not as recommended, the Money will be Refunded. Co not be imposed upon by ntlnc any other Iinl ment claiming the aame properttea or result. Ther ere a cheat and a fraud. Be sure and get noUiing but j Mta M? JjmA, J&BOU BT AJX DBT700ISTS AJTD COCBTBT BTOBXS AT 20c, 60c and $1.00 per Bottle. Koncx Eixx or Botox. Bttx-t, Ac. LTON UFO. CO. UAGAN'S Magnolia Balm A FEW ATPLJCATIOXS 1TAEE A Pure Blooming Complexion. It is Purely Vegetable, and IU operation is seen and felt at once. It doe away with the Floaoed Appear ance caused by Heat. Fatigue, and Excitement. Ileal and removes all Blotches and Pimple. diapeUlng dark and nnaightly a pot. Driree away Tan. Freckle, and Bun burn, and by its gentle but Powerful f"1ntnra mantles the laded cheek with. . jYOUXJii'UL BLOOM AND BEAUTY, Bold by all Iroinriat and lancy Store. PepoL WPark Place. KewYurk. , ' THE Scientific American FOB 1873. i BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The Scientific American, now in iu 28th year, enjoy- the widest circulation of any anla gona periodical in the world. Iu contenu embrace the latest and mot inter esting informalion ertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, and Scientific Pro grew of the World; D'cscriptiono, wlUi Iieautifut ErigTaringa, of New Inventioti,Kew ImpletnehU, New Pro cewe, and Improved Industries . of all Linda: Useful Notes, FacU, Recipe, Suggeetiona and Advice, bj Prartical Writern, for Workmen and Employer?, in all the various Arti. Description of Improvement, Dbooreries, and Important Works, pertaining to Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Milling, Mining and Metatlurgy ; liecords of the latest progrms in the Applications of Steam, Steam Engineering, Railways, Shipbuilding, Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, Electricity, MagnetUm, Light And Heal. The Latest Discoveries in Photography, Chem istry in the Arts and iu Domestic or Uotuehold Economy. The latest Information pertaining to Techno logy, Microscopy, Mathematics, Astronomy. Geography, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Geology, Zoology, Uotany, Morticultore, Agriculture, Architecture, Rural Economy, Household Econ omy, Food, Lighting, Heating, Ventilation, and lleallli. In short the whole range of the Science and Practical Arts are embraced within the scope of the Scientific American. No person who desires to be intelligently informed: can afford to be without this paper. ; Farmers, Mechanics, Engineers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lswyers, and People of all Professions, will find the Scientific American to be of great value. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study, Office and Count ing Koom; in every Reading Room, College, Academy, or School. Published weekly, splendidly Illustrated only $3 a year. . - The yearly Numbers of the Scientific Ameri can make two splendid volume of nearlv one thousand pages, equivalent in contents to Four Thousand ordinary Book Pages. An Official List of all Pat en U issued is published weekly. COJ-.-ipeciruen copies sen t Iree. Address tbe put lishers. Mess & Co., 37 Park Row New York. In connection with the Scien tific American, Mwrs.M ess .& Co. are Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, hare had over 25 years' experience, and have the largest establishment ii me wona. ji you nave made ; an Invention, write them a letter and send a sketch . they will promptly inform yon. free of charge, whether yonr device is new and patentable. Ther will also send you, free of charge, a copy of the Patent ajhwi in mil, wiiii insiruciion now to proceed to obtain a patent. Address Mcxn A co . 37 Park Row, cw York. Subscription to the Scientilic Ajnerican taken at this office. Price $3 a year. I nor. 23:11 tf Cbeap' Chattel Mortgages, and various !otber' blanks fora4Ucbcre. PATENTS ' 0 I . Si . I T I . ' . t a WATCHMAN OFFICE j :- -- !is ivell supplied with a Isrge and elegant assortment of Pictorial or CUT; ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, r auitableior all kinds of PRINTING. Also- Finer jttnd more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional i Visiting, Party and Wedding Cards ; Cbllege and School i -i-Circulars of all kinds : i1 Tobacco Notices and LlABELS ! for all purposes ; m iianiis For Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in the t ! Printing Line. TUE (Eardlina iDntdjman i 9 i A8 A NEWSPAPER, i i Is a candidate for publio favor. lU circulation is good, and its standing ! and patronage improving. It is one of tbe best advertising mediums in the State, and offers its facilities on as liberal terms as any. ADOOK.FORT11ESXIIXIOXI taUt l.a,aaral I Vaial a mm I war r taa taati.l aa4 atzty aaan. wit aaaTaaaaaaTaaa aa aamniailH riaaa. llUltllt a aa t a a. taa. aaaf awt 4aT. a4 aatlal urilmlj ta h in. I aaatalaa aaaaiiaaaa aa ata if plfatatia vkan raaataUaa la art-ia. aa laaaX Bla tha art. a arrfaraia la aa4 laaatll iirtiw..an ftaka. It aaaraia aaaiytaia aa la. aa). . r l raatvaaraiaai aka la vanfc ta.aja-.aa ataak at aaaUaaH a aa atkar vara. Ml M aaj aa itrm t puligi) Sj "1t CaMa. IMna Da. SaMa- Dtij iimj . ia . Saa a. I urn. Kotiee ta:tas Ifiictil sal rr&rtcrxU. vrajraaaarlaaaavaaitafliii laii imima MMM aaaarf .ar ana ar taMt raaaaatM .i I lwa' wt a aiiliar waa4i.i ataaaai to, ar fca pl aMayaar aiallUaa. . Batta iiiiiIH a laaMa Waal af i raatail ataiH ky MM f lk i aaliiSiiiiiaf taia 4 lanpa. 4aa i aallaa iraiMlly at r tatt.aataaiy ataaa klaOTa. SVaa aa patina. Sa. U K. Blaaaa I Mvaaa Mariataa Caaaa. t. lU, JU. Iiandj Deeds, Trustee Deeds, Commissioner' Deeds, Sheriff1 Deeds, Chattel Mortgages. &t. For! Sale at this offier. - i PLAIN FANCY PAMPHLETS twwmr : . THEIALDIHE' M An lllaitrated Jfenttlj. Jonli , - sally adoiiied u be the' HinScr' lVnodical Inte World. U RtT ' resenutiTi and Chaipion of Acwrican Tette. 5 intern diaraerislic of ordinal, It ia an element mUJl.n. 'fL11!. gracefal Ineratnr j kad aCecxU( the rareMp-nKeniofanuU and whit. AlUioog!, each nctiL .fiords-a freah pleasure to iu friend, , va.ue and lsutv of THE ALD1XF most appreciated after it baa beat boood l,iU tbe do of theyeai WhU. otbt, 1 may claim auperio cbeapoeW aTjT with rival, of a similar clase, THE JLfilxl u a unique and I Original fH tition in irice or If . a wvtuic l . . . . . . character. Tbe lrM.f 1 Deevnnotdnpllte! t Mmtllti tnlnin. . . J 2 vviiiiui uapnilr IJj. , tity of fine DSDer and shape or number or Toloates fir- to. . AET Z)Sr02LT2LI2:2S7 aNotwithatandinj khe fnciraaei. it',. " suucxipuoo !, i-.n, ben jfe keuuu-, ciuracter, the edim . . " Omillnf lIliHn. ll.. J. I Atuencan public a rernu, atil wiiU a -iKe tort in tbe cau Art li.", luLers anxious tu JuaUfy lU rdr i , " thus drmuoatrated,.Te erted tbtr,M a the uiiuoat to develop and j pITt. n , aod tb. plaoa for tLTcooin X minX ' by tb. a,ODlklT wm til 7 i .be puLlialier. art authorised to ,., dejn from many If lbe toosTkmin," Tr Z of America; j K Id addition. TMALDISELin MVr. jMe example, of the bej fureis-, aa.ateni, with a view to the bight " pte general lolerm; avoKli.MJ, ,, L 57kiS T i-m c, . Tbe quarterly tinted plates for 1872. iiJ produci: lour ol Job4 8. Ostu' iSimiuilriLiv-. sketches, appropnattto tbe touriseaaona -rn , pUt, appearing i. lb. for J.B(7 April, J uly, and OdOer, would U aJob. tbe price ol a year's; subscription. Tbe popular feature of a cop4u-J-ii -Cbrima" uumUr will be ciord To poaeM such aSaluable epitome of it, art world, at a coat so ttifling, will cvmtn,J it, auUcnpUon. of tbousasxls ia crery aedioa U of THE aLDISE tan be hced,i, pn, Uon to the numerical increase af its Nt1rim the publuber. propoae to make rmxtlx i2 ble sure, by tbe following unparalleled cfiVrs. Premium Chromos Xor 1173. Every auUcriber o THE JLi'.V; U pays in sovaitce for tbe year lift, villi rrome viibot't .doiilonal chajre, a teirof Uauuful oil cuiomo, rier JJJ. JHI1, liar eminent liab tniaiei. T.ie pt ciares entiled, Tbe Vilb age telle," rod COaJng tbe Moor," are 14 x 20 incbe i printed from 25 difirnut plai, reqnirin 5 iuipTssjons sod tints to prrfcrtf each pcti. e. Te aame cbronto are , k.W ftc $50 pet iiir. ia ie srl Moies. A it i lU tW teraiinuo.i o ?l coidrco.oke-p TUF AV DIXKoc, o.'ue intcj ocoa)peiiik in rtrrv deparUuen , . kcjiow wi" ur fotu MrnT poiKlinI.- re.c o. 4 . cwn be i fir-d ly other petioic-ls. Ere M-rViber ilJmnre a certi6e, over Mur oieiot jmUl fcriflj'f .o ii ihe cbrtmo- ciiliimd :. eft.nrl oi. emple ruiaiali-uiW bh. or . e poor i'l rtiiiiMW. j" ie diiiU lion o ,'c..i.- o .IiHirde f-ee u.t(M.Un btr o. ,re dol'r ft- oo:crl. aikr . och i ie hi.oiy oj Ai.r siMjcoiidtrixj ik-unjiei-'e.i.ed rtiojnt- u jf rice of li i. A LIHS E iiel, llie marvel .-(J litilM i a tii uncle, eve.i o ile-e Ut4 afquaintiii -the a liifvr neu - o Inventive t-niua i.i it .., u . v ti ..ri a'iuiiifl-a. f (r liiu': tion o -. rluoiuo, at-e Notiulr m.. . THE A LI) IS E) j I Tbe Zdterary Department will cnr tinue under ike rare of Un. HlCll A l;l 1IEN1:V STODDARD, aaittd l.y Ihe Ut writer :.!il iorta of the dav, wbo will Mri tu hsveiheliietatureof THE AtDISF alt. in keeping with iu artistic attriHiou, $3 prr aunom, In advance with Oil CLmmoa ie. THE ALDISE wll bereaflrr. U ol.aii . only by auUcrijion. There Will U u i ed or club rate; cati for uUf it4ici t enl lo the ptibliabert direct, ca-LsiJMi i. 1 local agent, uitltnJ rrrpons&ilij ; except in cases where tbe certiScair . liearing- the uctanV signature if Jai -TOlf & Co. ; j AGEJVTS WAVM U Any person. wUkirtr to act i-rmi.ri local agent, will receive fall and iwir.p uiaiion 7 apciTlRKIO 1 J AMES SUTTQN' & Co , VuhW, 58 MAIDES LASL SEW ) ' 9:-t. The Great Democratic Juiim;;;. THE NEW YORK J ait .: SBX7J. WOOD, Editor . Trop'r. . i A Mammoth Eight, J'aje Steet, Fil:v ni Oolumni of UeadiogJIalter. Contaios all Iks naat. foretnJdometi. ical aod general, with, full and Reliable marktt reports, iacn number also contains sveral abort storie, and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc, etc. coi stituling, it is donfidently asserted, the most complete weekly newspaper ia thu country. TERMS S2 A YEAR. Iducements to Clubs: Five copies, one year. ... X iO 00 Ten copies, one' Tear, and an extra copy to the tender 115 00 Twenty copies, one year, Sod aa extra copy to sender..!. J.'j Fifty eopiei, out year, and an extra copy to leader.. f $55 00 Parlies sending ctubs as alore, way re tain 20 per cent cf tie money rtctirci If them, as commission. Persons desiring to act as agents supplied i peciroen bundles. Specimen ropie sent frt to any address. All letters tho i Mbe direct KBIT TOBSS WEKsLT Kira. I . uox a.T'. SE W YORK CITY tVST Oft'ICE. 9:-if I 1 A desirable Brick! Boose 4-iili ? r r jj all necesaary out bob mi i situated topurchase, can apply at this bfice- ' j tr:I8 - f Ci. rinwani jjiaiiilill AU'M 1 ' IvartSwaata aar " ALL KINDS if COUET AXD GISTRA TE8 BLANKS at tXi& 1v oc. 17" nr ri 3 L Si. aactt ar S Ok la O. aja3a at j ' li 4-

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