ii I ,"." .1 ' '. it ; .1 - i : " ' . " I ;; ! . J,. . , ; 1 . - - . -r ; ; j . j J i 1 ft f ,. ,.i - - iJ 0"7 .Or:?,; l t VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N;C; 14 ER 181878. NO. 1. WHOLE 89.3 A 1 i ; ' - . : h 1 ; - i - t r HiaCOv 11'. Y.- . A & k , I .... ' ; , ... . -.. t. . .... . SEPTEMB r PUDL18I1KD WEEKLY . J. J . I BItU N ER, Proprietor and Editor. J. J. STEWARD, ' AHclt Editor. It ATRN OP Rl'BCniPTlON Ojje "Yeah, payIiein advance g,x Months. k 5 Copies to one 4lrea. . ..$2.5f ......11.50 ...10.00 Ideas about our State Debt. j ;' i IR. GOODLOlf S OPINION. Daniel II. GondloeV Esq., has written of euffrage that large and intelligent class of. vatxi upon j wliom disabilities ere ittiH nnnefl bv the first of the recent amend ments Sto the 'national Constitution and by the; Recotisirurtinn acts. Bj the form- That Big Beatin California : New York Journal of Cooi&ierce. ' The most' powerful "ring "Vest of the AUeghenies has beert orerthrown in Cali fornia. The great tle hitherto iririncible Central Pacific IUilrnad power has at last fnlleiu That tifmendool tSonopolr has owned California. It bas:, elected a letter to the New jYiprk Sun concerning er this claos wjis drpnred of the ngiit to ihe recent election in this 8tate and the hold office, and br ibe JleconetrucUon acts debt of the Slate, in the course of which they were deujed the rtgh; to vote tor or !!! : . t . I f A. V r j. Ill lie lyves expression jo the doctrine liiai agai.,s a couTeniMm, or ...r r aMPn Ti.Uiures. Senators Renre- the LegWature of North Carolina, which ratification ofJm .Jonstitulion. dui mere r.' -jiV Mayors. Sheriff; ir in in pnnvpnnun i -- . .r . . tronera. and all the bnblic officials worth ..1-1 Mnfar tlio r irht to - V" :v't rmtoH Aeht of ral fnillinnn. waa an was no dental of Dower to the convention r .-r-r r I- . i.j ' . . 1.1 t llmnrrt illegal Legislature, because its memlei8 to giv them the right ot sollragetaiinongn hftVi' were noi eiectea dt an me voters 01 we State) qualified. Mr. 1. says : . "Shortly after tbe meeting of the Uon ventton which framed the new ionsiuu- tion Nn December ii8CS, lion in iecemoer, iooa, a u.na waa ... w roiiJreM ailrna(1 Ring whenever it wanted a vote formed among the members and others for the Convention s powers, and Congress e,Dln Iu power was felt tin l DOOV con.: no romrr mc ng . . . i . r , bold office unill the individual should be rtAffaBVte relieved by Congress from the disability. J' b,,C?,i, I uT ' rruc.ry 'T"fe . ..-i but whatever his political UIm;I, he was UonsiHO- ine n8fJJ"8 "7f pretty sure to prove a useful friend of the 1 Rink was class was therefore wuhio the scope of F J b: Ii.. M Thin nnrlralled Southern Remedy is warrant ed not to conUin a single particle of Merccbv, vor any injurious mineral substance, out is PUIOJLTr VEGETABLE, rnntsinin those Southern Roots and Herbs, the purpose of speculating iu the Slate accepteo tue Aion.utuuou wuuk uu- w bon The principal of he, ru,UMn ftf tifieAtJ(m thi, henchment in every State on the Pacific debtww then neayjteaillionn , and,the On the q of t'fi"Uon thu electing tbem by iu money or ita unpaid interest wbichbad accrued amoon- clause waa we calculated to-secure tbe vVashinrtorT it was narti tedPto nearly halt ai much .mou rbe majority of t5PPUr vote fbr the Com .3. I V u I'll I T MUUK, vviug vcum. . r ww schemeoi toe truiy jioyai ana pr, .c tn , rm i r- ,hl;.t l0KKv -reP ae at thtf CanitoLand .i l...... ... fiMi t rinvii l i that int ramintt.itnfrjmea 1 rnian norae. 1 r tv . . ... ' creall 01 me . otaieianu lucrcuj "b about a depreciaticnlof the bonds in the ... . mm. P mi I usual "bearing" style. J-ney were auc- cessful. and investedl no debt to the full extent of their resources. I have myself seen an article written, or procured to be Vhich an all-wise Proyidence has placed in seena article wriiteo, or procureu io u ci countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It written, and published at the instance of w rfi Cu.it all DUeatct caused by Derangement of the w0 tarpei.hag members in a New York m freighted with! enemies to carpet-bag rule It conferred tlje right of suQerage on the whole educated governing class, which had been . excluded from the polls, when the dfelepatesiito the Convention were It embraced all men in the ataTe moulding legislation at ita will. f Sudden ly - as in 'a night this giant monopoly has gone down before the will of the peo California Baadita. ; J 2Iurdc ' ntf Robbery. j Ilollister ( Ang. 27,) Cotrespoadrnce of the 8aa At 8 o'clock eigl4 Californiant rode tip to the store of Mr. nyder, about twelve miles from Ilollister; at the cross-road from Tree ' Pinos ; to baft Benito River. ' No suspicions weirjaroud, because tbe native Caltfomians are very numerous and gener all inoffensive. T(iey dismounted abd entered the store. Some engaged in coa- Teraation, and others Occupied the attention of the clerk, John Utxratb, until all seem d to be. in remdineai. when thev drew their revolvers, and ordered the inmates of the store, some three or four in number, to lie down, which they did. .80 quietly did they proceed, that? the ' clerk was sur prised when he looked around to see the prostrate formiaod was still more '.so when requested to lie tin w tr himself, with two or three revolvers pointed at him. lie laid down, and a part ftf the robbers pro eeeded to bind their bands behind their 1 - Were "Wrongs' BfcrhtedL UrmsiscrxcEs or PcBufc II rx - The If stolen money, like a laving hen J"tt lUevUiaef could cackle, what a racket there would f"B. "- M loipwing icier- In some cy.pockels and. premises. , ...Vrf rZ nw V..IL If stolen goods, like Chanticleer, eooM J - - '&. only erow. bow ntany pern. wonld be - Ui.TlC bmkea of their rest and kept awake by 7 ' , . ""T- ' ti , j .-. ..... .T . . r I balronr of the FAYtltrviII ITnt! ?fn' nir'it, it the hire ot latnrers kept back , ' V, . , , . . . ."if by frand could talk, likje Balaam's beast, what braying would dm "some employers ears If tbe wronrs ot tbe widow and the last Presidential campaign; and be then stateo that be cauld recall the caja of his boyhood, when he used to come over iht orphan eouU spVak.pow many unjust ff, I onrt would be eonuTually troubled bthe a fra '.T11? fl f !. i .t,;;. wsgon. He spoke of his MtoniiLment rmgtrg of voice. la tbir ears, Myijg. d J greklDeaskad splendor Hiive us our ngbta. If some lordly , . , , , rr -til toansiona-irared by illgotten rain-1 lf fof l UBa FJetU?ft w kb tc Iowa vi .vuiiu varoiiBs. . i ' under Sthe Government liver. iT. ... .... newspaper in December, 1867, or January, States.1 and the- number or ex.rosimasier 'TheoYMrTOMS oi xji ver jnu , tl. Rft tn h I l.mAn F.iv there were notlar anortOI . . .1 .L . 1 J U.olr I lOUO. WUICU ICUItKU mw " "S - -- bad tMte u, rT... L r"l ni.r.Z! bankVnntJand stated that the a thousand officers. . It included all ex- Kidesor JoiniSjOitew uiiwcM wi - r I r .1 t oiunu" . . n 1 1. Ii . . 1 L j - - . AmnmiaA I am TnJmi mirhn At the ljir Sntir Stomach: Lioss 01 Appeuce: uoweis aiw 1 nest tninz to ue uuiic "so iu iuiuummB 1 uuinvvi - -o tW j' .. ' ill ll'j..! T t I . . ... ..l.. I 1 L f- uvk !! isiature, aitorneyv, .wr w oath, A oenevpi to auppork tua vuiwHut- . ''11 ! 4 MM nH f bIiiA ... .Ann. ty bad livingnpot less than titty on tne averaere. 1 l! There was formidable dimcuity to pie of California. Let those faint-hearted backs, and pinion tbelft,lega together, i ones who are despairing of the republic look While this waa goisg on within, the at this wonderful revolution and take terrified prisoners were startled, at tbe bich L, . . ft ....L.Mi nt.rU .11 tl iavbi Davidson, proprietor oi the hotel. Air the State eivins anti-monopolv Redlerd a teamster, and. ft Portuguese voters were all out; a Chosen. emnraceo, u men m iuo oi.-.o . - , . . . nf ,iirM .8.tAi ,if. .i,KAt K ho, prior U. w.r Ui WH.T. "3. SKrf u bi C diiTVlMn nt ot tne uniiea i --j - I v .v- v-.i i but of nately coslire and lax; Headache; Lroaaof mem- the fleDt Doubtless many other articles orr, with a paiiinil sensation oi navmg uuieu 10 f .Jmilar tenor were published in Worth- "?i lfltlniadPKjs; a dry Cough often mis- if you wil consult your price current taken5 for Consumption. Sometimes many of reporters of that day you will find that 'thwe'symptoms attend the disease, atothera, very the State bonds depreciated considera- fewjibut Ihe Liver, the largest organ In the ji The R- havW laid in a supply tody, Is generally. U.e seal oi tne .W' of' the depreciated bonds, then went to not ltezulated tn time, great suffering, wretched- Ul "T"- rni... - ti nM and Death will ensue ThU Great VnfaUiny SPECIFIC will not be found . : the Leatt Unpteamnt. Tot DY8PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jann dice, Uillious attacks, 8ICK HEADACHE. Colic, Depfesmon ol bjinw,auuJioiuMAv,u, Heart JJurn, Ac, Ac. limniDBi' Llier Rrgalator, or Medicine, U the Cheapest, Purest and JJest Family Medi cine in the World I ... ' MANUFACTURED 02TI.Y BY , J. 1I. .Z1CILIN & CO., i . Macon, Ga. and Philadelphia. Price, $1.00. Bold by all Druggist. 1 FOK SALE BT-TUEO. P. KLUTTZ. -1 Jnne 19 yt. i. Salisbnry N. C. COME ; - . TO THE majorities. The voters were all out ; i merpucruef, uiuo uum.uwu. there never waa such a ralljing to the that these three men, eii.g outside the polls. At Sacramento, where tbe com- building, did not readil obey tbe com could articulate, many a atone would cry out of the wall, and many a brick and beam from the timber would answer it : uWoe to him that procuteth wicked gain for his bouse, that he may establish his nest on high. , If all thin unfaiily got ten and wrongly retained could be et free and remanded toT'thjeir rightful own ers, what a wonderful exodus would there be from bouse to bouse,' from person to mm m person, from purse to purse, from capi tal to labor, from labor! to capital. If some spini-medium, going imm noose to bouse, could cuter t a a chambers plain an furmtare was bouebt with other men s money, and could set the! several articles in motion each in the i direction of its rightful owner what a rattling of silver i- r-t.- L.. Dtair. aniyes. loraa ana i.Dwni : wu pany has its workshops, and puts on airs of proprietorship in the bodies and souls ot tne people, tne mog was wmppea uy 1,000 majority, when the best that bad been expected by the "Amis' reduce the Ring majority to 300. was to 1V .1- -..ii: i Tpntire Lne it I nr maioritv 10 juu. r nu overcome, x of o auow iuia wrgo ' i . . - , , - class toil vote at the first election Pre8?n' u,c pp kUC 7T .t crent would ereatly endanger the ascenaency W , - . m.mm of the carpet-baggers and their allies. Precaution had been taken in making the Constitution io confer long terms on the officials with arge salaries ; and now, if this should fall into the handa of others, BOOKSTORE work to raise their market value, lbey were accordingly seized with a spasm of "honor and good faith" which culminated in the adoption of the guaranty clause above quoted. 'jj. I If the public debt had not been more than duplicated by the very men who put this provision into the Constitution, it miirtit have' been more bearable. But under existing circumstances, supposing the " new bonds" to be legitimate, thitf cluse of the Constitntion requires every member of the Legislature to take an path that he will vote taxes which would amount to the confiscation of ' nearly all the net earnings of the people annually. The above ia not a random assertion. Tt la mippentible of demonstration. For theiwhol onlv ab debt, if we count in -the "new Don as as a part of it, amounts' to $35,700,000 ; and thnnnnal interest.' at six per ceni is $2,62,000, or 2,8 per cent, on the whole ; Constitution y the mei real and personal property of tbe people, j the very act; of introd It U well known that a whole peoplef es npciallv where agriculture is almost the W mf . -l PxMiirtivft interest, realize, one. year with i ers have complete possession oi ooiu Houses of the Legislature (which insures the election of a Reform Senator), and they have nearly everything else down to the humblest municipal offices. We judge that they have gone clean through the and that for one I O. -. '.I- .1 ii .t i. i.L.i! 14 k :. Thv otate wnn uieir pureirs, an tneir wuuwuuiu w. i .u. r -.c. t:r a therefore ordered that the election of .11 7r V" " the State officials, including the Legiala- "jr...e ....- - mands of the assassins or attempted to escape, and were instanilv killed, two of them beiug shot through tbe breast abd the other in the month. The robbers then Droceeded to search for plunder abd money. Mrs. Snyder lives in tlie house adjoin ing the store, and the robbera ordered her to deliver up all the mpney she hal, which she did readily. Tn they went to Mr. Snyder, and released bim on bis promise to give op alt bis money, which he did. amounting to some $500 in coin and several hundred dollars in checks and draft. After corn- pleting their search for money and jewel ture, should be held at the same places Pt. c"ari which! were designated for the ratification reported from San . .L r.....:U.- ...!: ko f.,rtUar nr. manager of tbe Km utiru vu. -j . R-nV-l.-an ncrlilull V(a tllkpt tlllnlc- . . I " . . 1 .!. l A characterislic incident is ry, having ransaeaea tne money ors-rn mmm I . 1 T .11 ... m .. h . mm Francisco. 1 he ana tne pocaeia oi an vucirvicuui, mc s campaign at that proceeded to divest themselves of their :-. . !" .i j i ktr. o . J -. na. i It Many still living here, while rtaditg recently the newspaper accounts of the great French property ease, In which ilou. Jodah P. Benjamin has been tp gaged, and in which he hii proved the heiriolaw to be two! ladief of Ceorgta, hare been parried back to the early ptrt of their lives, when they used-to have' . certain playmate In the schools of Fay etteville a little, no prepossessing felloirj sickly, frail, with Jtwuh (catnm, but with a Lricht and active mind, andi a i going imm nouse . , r .. - a -T i all Yhe parlor, and 3mckof" ! V?1" tnd otfr .d irineelj-hot Jentand.ng which gave ptomue of hU . ..iT... .. fuiure greatness, ilis family moved rhffe the schoolboy was took op lleir abode (a - bustling of chairs and tipping of tables ; and would not many a bed of ttari'get op and walk 1 i If evil spirits, at the present day, could enter into the various forms l property gotten by fraud some thipg besides swine would rush into tbe sea ! Many a tat, fancy horse in the carriage or under the saddle would, 1 wren, -make its way rapidly down "ibe steep,,and choke rider and all in the deptha 1 j "As the partridge siteth on eggs and hatcheth them not ; sr he that gelteih riches, and not by right, iball leave tbem in tbe midst of his days, nd at bis end shall be a fool." It is a great thing to have a conscience void of offence toward Ood and man ; a great thing to te able to say; "I have wronged noon greatnc farther South ' still a lad, and Lootsiaoa. 1 The farmer boy who followed the wa( on ws the luinre member of Uongrett and the Minister to the Court of hke Catholie Majesty, the Queen of Spain.-- The obscure popl t the common school was afterwards Secretary in Xavis Cali uct, honored barrister at the 'English bar,' and to day Counselor of her. Majesty, the Queen of Logland. Roberts hii registered byS he military to vote for or against a contention should be auowea io vote for members of the General Assem bly, for Stated ;and county officers, and for members of fjongress. The registration, le taxable prpperty of the State is I as I have explained and is well remem-,.,-! in nnn nnn The nnblic ' hrpd i hv intellisrent men. excluded e.U Ulllt tf&.&VVWVWW - ' k mm v - m i - -- r C7 - EVERY BODY. And get Bibles. Prityer Books, Hymn Itooks of any kind you want; ;Histories, lliouraphies. Music Books. Music, Novels of the best authors;! Blank Bok8, Albums of tha most sttlish kind; Stereoscopes and Views'; Scho.l B.w.ks. all kinds in general use; Slates, Inks,! Writing Paper of the best quality ; Wall Paper, and Window Shades in great Varifty, Music Teachers for vocal, Pianos, Banjo, vtolius dec. A WOULD TO FAZLBXERS ho were excluded from holding office by the Nationalf Constitution, though they were made legal voters under tho State - . .... men who made it, in aciner it to the wurldi Th0 State convention in 1868 assnmed that doneress meditated this gross infrac- amither. not more that 2h per cent profits! tion of the '(institution and invasion of so that if taxes werL levied suflicient to the rights ot ijt he otate ana peopic, pay the interest of toe whole genuine and carried it otvt under the supervision and spurious debt of theState, to say nothing ' surviellance f the roillitary commander of current State expenses, the people would of District Ni. 2. The election of the ao be robbed of their whole earnings. : j called; Legislature waa therefore void, and tt ia no uncommon thing for States, as the men chores wheii tbey assembled did well as individuals, U find themselves in I not constitute a Igislatnre of North Car circumstances which make it impossible olina. Thejvwere clothed with no legi ts Kiv .their debta. Let every man ask . tnnate authority, ana mey naa no ngm hi like an cr in the: h wi that blood ve N predicameut. There representatives for the Republican legislative ticket, think ing that would win against the "Antis;" but during the election hours he saw reason to believe that the Democratic ticket was the best to stand by, and he suddenly shifted his followers to that. But it was all of no use ths free and independent candidates beat both of the others. This Utile item reveals the tactics which the Railroad Ring has always fol lowed. It cares nothing for either party except as it can use that party ; it is as rady to betray a it is to bribe. cblhes, and dressed np in JUr. Snyder best clothes, of which be bai plenty upon his shelves. Only one of J,be band was masked, aud two or three 4f them were well known no one defrauded Era. no oae." Christain Who is the oldest lonatiq on record f Time out of mind." - Tbe Rev. Mrs. Fannie U a m annouueed that when called upon solemnize manures ibe will reverse custom and kiss the bridegroom. To the toast, "Woman she is a link between Heaven and earth- Prentice corrupted once n Pn"?, : "So U a "P T ,1. "GrkAT Surrn. Commenting upon (Imrrit Rmitli'a rMMnt dealsration thiit no I judge ought to respect a Constitution, the All the time they conducted themselves ! Lynchburg Yiryiuian says : in a cool ana lntrepia mauper, proving j themselves to be the desperiu band that . . . . .l i Vasqnez has so long peen e,reauea wun lt-ading. But little was said and that in in tin sir If Chang and Eng. the Siamese twi should get intoxicated, what a picture! H would make. We should probably sto Chang high Eng raying. , A Beloit, Wis., editor "Oerrit Smith ia not lingular in his opinions, for there are thousands like him, at the North, who entertain the san.e views takes rhinoceroses may inn grace it nptn himself to say that "Cows,je!ephants, br acemlly. bat wo men uevcr. 1 The Massachusetts papers describes: ft .. -t ii- . ?.!. I respecting toe ODiigations pi uie milium- i . . ' V . i o r tL tioi. Their idea about a.i 'absolute and mh" l "kn oi 8ttff- Home Supplies. At a Fair in Georgia a few weeks since Hon. Ben. Hill, who is one of the most sensible men in the whole country, assert ed that it was cheaper for. our planters to a whisper. Vasqnez himself remarked Lhat 5 000 reward had beck offered for everlastincr Maw.' a 'law higher than the his head. constitution,1 ft r - . . 1. . V. L. . .!.. ... 1 J .!.!. .!!.... ... .k. nrr.M all'the horses they culd fiiid and left, what brought on the late war. Aud now most of them going toward the 8an they are making a great ado Ix cause J fT Benito. j ersoo Davis recently inlfcnated that ihe Knmo .ro nnrhenive that the New '. RnniU would never abandon the eiute of Idria stage may meet this baiid and suffer constitutional liberty, for which it fought hotel is to be kept ihis season at onejof at their bands. I four years. Tbat, in substance, ia what me watenng-p area aj ipe w.aow ji be said, and all that he manL It is probably only the liquor inn spectre. A plucky policeman in St. Louis wlo was covered by a burglar's revolver, merW ly mentioned that "banging wasn't plac ed out," and secured his prisoner. j A Western paper tells us tiat a favorite A pretty T . O 1I..t1. U . . I.UimKlilJ ... it a .. w .HMifti. . trir;i.uui.u . Ijaft&n. p-.. . 19 I I .... ... . ,heir own nmvisiona than to have offering $1,000 reward for the capture of set are they to be prating about rebellion - ... . 1 a Mm f t Hm- I17- . . ihpm hrnuo-ht Irom the North or West and hit or all of the parties. Sheriffs Wasson, given to ihem at the nearest depot free of j of Monterey, and Adams, of Santa Clara, all cost and charges 1 I arrived at noon io aay, organizea a pany I In mnv noun d like a aweeuiu? asser- I of men and started in pursuit at 5 P. M. . I .. . . . tnni n.-.l. seen at r uiow vree, hen thev never were willling to be bonnd by the compact and the letter or spirit of j the constitution exccDt when it suited tbem. Here is a man who served in Congress, and took a solemn oath to sup- ' . . t i j -. i -l I ni LI .. wniAw iTiMlr ' m : - a a m . 9 w . ... r linil mmmm mw -w m mm mm m mm. Hliril mm Linm a mm auuwaH wtBV anw ww - w 'a . M . . m L- s A & Bk n W Km ril a II V I III 1 1 lT 1 fu m . r " w . - . - . . r B T . fta..l- mseif the question wen, now ne woa.u to pige V, Ala M..ela.irs manner tbat it cannot fail forty miles beyond Tret Pinos, by a eamp- port a eonsutuwon wn cn ne utteny c- to H under the solemn, obligations t Weither in law nor in mora.-, w.u WJ - - ln .rtw at darlirht this morniur. temni and dendfi, and want no judge to p. to devote hi. whole earring toh .1 bind tbe peopk, to redeem or pay ...te est ; -7,-". 11"' --Z- : " i regard! The fact that hcre were .0 editors, leaving nothing, literally, noil.- ? on bopds which they or their agents - we t no Castelar ill the Catacombs. many like him North of M.o and Dixon's g for the education of his children: and or misapplied,! Tin. i. the ...u Mrreprr.sib e conflict- purchase of the l simplest comforts tor the taxpayers ? uw uwtl,Uh ZtmV" t.,b Atfth rn amount . . .. . deluged the land with blood. ixt is family. I know that the Shylocks p e of the State ot all parties. , Above, toe tempies were magniacro , lh responsib ty rest where of right it is lamiiy. a anw ,..J.lmA;V t. -;i i.a f thm mav millions realized you pay for raising the five mil-1 nrrrtu . , ith ,mrAnm mnA meadows. I !.?. 1 - 6 Uaav mat it wu uib wh lam., hu mm o o.m ;. -- ., . . 1 u . 1 11 .iri ----- 0 r . , dciooci. i bjijt viik " ? t , l4 j..jt 1 linn 111st double cost of nroduction 1 tlall I . . li. u:i. :. ..:... . . ,u"b $ he should Pay the forfeit Ot his lite- issued by antnoriiy 01 inia pre nueu irK-( .. .. , 1 wnere innumerauic uiruB i v- , ue buuuiu yaj i 'f . '. .. ? i., jl i thi Inlmr and snnnhes emnloved in raitflug I t. j J :.u 1vn. I i : but such will not be the righteous ; isiature, a teir nunarea tnousano na. c u.. , - - ----- - , - r - ---r - pmniov.a maroie vesuouiea .uor..c w.u -uu.w- NtW PoLiXICaL Movkmext is Ice- rdict of public opinion. The people , appli to b Id a railroad in the western - - r , statues, where tne cunmng -c-P- tAKD.-Iceland ha. got warmed np a. urth Caroliua found themselves in this part of the State, ti mia oe irue, iri, , - o 1 . ,, gae to me mer b.uuu ... , Ustbv a sort of farmers'movem-nt,and a " : ' a a . m . 1 r mill nil iiiii r 1 1 1 1 1 aiim tiuiiai . m-m m m a - a . ii.a . mi in who advancad their money on tne irauuu- V'7 ' " , , r. " .w. vitality 01 me soui ; niucuiua . . . lenM political agitation lias commence j r,ai iui ;uui m newspaper, they will work better and be more cheerful. Try itJ A WORD TO TAItlVIEHS 80X73. tho Legislature could not take their seats lent bonds have the road. Mnv a fw dollars worth of books every until they had fiist taken an oath to tax It is a wMl recpgnizea principle 01 .w year for your sonif and hands and take a good them out of all their net earnings for and of ethicsr that a manjs not Douna oy Ml 1 1. . V. mora I . f ! . J.L. .! . -.l.) rrivftn hnlpr llnrPM. Ana it IS al- the purpose 01 payiug iujjv.ovi picug v" , on them by fraud. I I so a settled principle of daily application But I will nowishow that the "new in the courta that the holder of a forged bonds" have no validity, not because they ' check or nrjje cannot compel the payee were issued in violation of the states which named in it fa make it good. In ihe case .nilmriooil thpm. nor heeanse they wero before ns we.have a combination ot these UUfeUVI M ff - - mf t r m rm off wl" and misapplied by the knavish felonies, with intent to rob the people 01 agents in whose hahd tbey were placed, North Caroliha. First, there is the duress, half this labor would raise more than you needed for supplies. You could employ much of it, also, in enriching your lands, and improving yoar property in many ways. Then you would come to the end of ihe year with your cribs full of corn, your smokehouses full of meat, yout fami ly full of smiles, yourselves full of inde pendence, and your pockets full of nwney for investment. And how would you in vest 1 In cotton factories on the water- . ' . a falls which Cod sent all through your haIiI ia I m r . jii-lt 1 Kvmivai safe serration or tbe swords ot the eariy neroes , ba - fof -u Qh-t ,be ormhro 1 .1 . 1.!.. .!. i.aL . . ..!. I 4 . . . ana 01 tue tropuiea iucj i un . tn the darkness close city rbile beloi You have something to Jbe proud and to m t Af a. 1 L , .,. AAar I boast 01. ineiarm nine eTwuB.ucwj , ., , , . . . l, u:K ikii..n.MH ..n varnprl awnv industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all g" mwuu uy w.-.-g ""f --7. country to run spindles. This would prosper; wieu it fails, all flag, Dou'tthink the greater reason tha the body wfhther make iou independent . of Old England you can't be a great man because you are authorized their issue in the name of the and then thw is the forgery of the great 7 England. Then, also, you would the sou of a farmer. Wa.hinKton. Webster State of North Caro iua was ot a Legist seal of the State, by a pretended Legisla- k"! u of husbandry, and Clay were Tarmer's sous, but while they Uthre elected under ita Constitution, but ' ture, to bonda for millions of dollars. Ihe 7WU. toiled they studied. So do ye. Buy a good ,hat it was fraudulently chosen in viola- holdeb must look to the forgers for thier and this would make yon im ?pPe"Jen book, one at a time, read abd digest it, and lio-j th m08t e8jential clauses of; that money. I in, very respectfully. Pennsylvamafoundcies and MassadmseUs then another. .-....., . l.a wtiiok inrA h T ill TIavtvt. II, finnmnK. workshops. In a word, every improve- ... . I IIIB41 UUlCllt. I . kUVOU t. ivm w I 1 ' -' " I to those wonders of history, elose to those miracles of art - lay the sombre temple of Christian worship, entered like the dens of wild animals, and peopled by iotne humble figures symbolical of sorrow per sued by despotic cruelly, ani ofien tortur- .! m Hrnnitn nr rria . " o n d of the . . ., , j.i oppressions 01 Uanish monopoly ana ine complete separation ot that iniana irora Denmark. A great public meeting was held on the 29lh of June, at which it was resolvad to use every eff.rj to put an end to the Dauish rule in Iceland, and 10 ob tain from Denmark a tree Constitution which should give tbem a Government of bond left being 11 Mr.-, wl.odied last summer on a and improved plan. ! An Indiana woman's snitr for divorce had lingered along until she- was com pi o lly out of patience, burst into her lawyer's office last week, her face radiant with jjy, and exclaimed, '"Squire, tlio old man's dead!" ! TJchtninr recently struck a telerranh pole and ran along tne wire into the oGco at Goateville, Iod., when ihe operator, seated at tbe instrument, excitedly tele graph c a back, "Don't send so d d fast." ''Thomas," said a father to his (n, "don't let that'girl make a fool of you lie member the adage tbat 'Love is blind." "Ob, that adage won't wasfc ; talk abint . ... 1. r . .? love being uuoai u oy 1 see ten uies as much in that girl as yon do." j General Rosecrans, who has been rail roading in Mexico fot a nucsber of yer, thinks lhat the Mexicans iare brae, generous, docile and ihiifiyj much mpre eisily led lhan driven, and more suscepti ble to and appreciative of loudness than any people in ihe world." j j Whew 1 W hat a Name. The nicer .. .1 t X 1 ft " ...... I m. . t 1 iiiui. int. in nnir nonn ipil DFinr iiimi. 1 t . i 1 1 ... .... ........ , . . . . 1 ,. , j d 1 1'incuiK'Ca. who was uncc liiuKniii x nen iuctc ...ft.vft- ... rV l of common severeign. It iibu is yieiaeo, tions dv temperament, aeciaucu m uaia . . it m ai.t.rl tkn f .lan1ra will then break ness. believers in the crucified Jesus, these from jjeilIlwrk altogether and ally insane preachers, these passionate see- lhemsevt.8 Norway. tarians mc iccuic, mo jwi, .j.... , Call and see me, and look over books. instrument. right of suffrage. I raise no issue about the! constitutionality of the Reconstruction acta of Congress, nor about the validity of the Constitution framed by the carpet baggers and adopted nnderunillitary su pervision and control. But the point is that tbe Constitution thus made ana tons ratified was wholly "set asidf and violated in the "election" of the so-called jbegiaia ture whieh issued the stolen -bonds. The carpetbaggers and some of their nnscruoulous native allies would have And Get a Good Picture, disfranchised the great body of the white ueoDle who were not ready to vote wuo a. -a . their. But this they feared 4o do, lest it I 'it . . .1 r-i-.r... -1 !.:. 0..natf. m. !n i ; 1 nnat mifiii cause me reieciuni oi mrn II O Will KIV YO'4 K KWU WICVUIO WI ....-. I p "if . .. .111.. .L. you take it away ; for we don't intend that ntion ; and they reiuctanuysy ieiaeu i u. dt bad work shall no from this office to in- prevalent popular Will, which demanded 4 . n . 1 . . . . - Come to the photograph gallery, lure us and the business. Call and try. ITp Stairs betveten Parlert and Mies Jfl Murray't. ? Call and examin my stock of Wall Paper, Window Shadw. jW riling paper. Inks A:c Mind I don't .intend to be under sold. j Feb. 27. tf. IiliYDSAY'S 1IAGIVIAI3I,IXIH.. THE G RE AT POISON NEUTRALIZER. A Sure Preventive and certain curejor , K CXIZLZiS 1 AW3D PEVBR, Jind all species of Miasmatic disease. Send for circular. ! C. R. BARKER .& CO. April 24, 1873 Cmos. that every man, whatever his antecedents, should enjoy the right of suarage.vc cordinglv the sixth article section 1, de fines the qualifications of! an elector as follows; j Every male person born in the United States, and every male person who has been naturalized, twenty wine y earaold or upward, who shall! have 'resided in thU State twelve month's next preceding the d thirty davs ih the county in which he fiefs to vote, stall be deemed an 'elector." ' h '. Tt will ha jeen that this provision o ihe State ConsUtotion admiu to the fight . . I .1 : . .1 were, alter an tnose eummuncu iu awaken and to call down the living flame id WarrentQ, N. C. Aug. 18, 1873. The plea of Charles O'Cpnor. lhat there r i.:.i. . r W.I ... V.'. f iK. .trit nn llm IntAIIMtM ind COrrRDt r .1 m'A four shots were fatal, and the lory must worm, wuicii uhibuiitji iiih v. . .. ... - . . . t. 1 ' v 1 .L...1.-, nmt him. ia not original. It is based on the argument of llm Western Governor of Iyioisiaua, has jthe following tngraved on his visiting card : Ex-Lieu tenant-Governor Pcrey Bysche bbelby Pinchbeck, ofNcw Orleans, La." Modest, aint 11. world. WUICU DOlSOnea wua iu uriiiea m.ii . . m . ... t. ment would be built up in your own conn- . lhc ham8lI eon.ci.nce, 1 jrefore acquit him, is noi "Bin... ia . a . -.-1 m ma. 1 m - 1 1 a naaiwi nn iiip iririiTTipnL ni inn mm rptri 11 try, and an the improvements wuum gi NoBiLrrri; of La bop. Hardly any thing is morii contemptible than tho eon- ciet which rests upon social position ; the conceit of these who imagine that tbey are thus divorced from the slay of com mon men ; of those who shrink with hor ror from tbe idea of work ; as something that degrades by ita contact, and yet who, likely, owe tlieir present position to some not very remote ancestor, who, recogniz ing his call to work, lived more honestly into vour own pockets. . . . , Go on as you are now going, making cotton your chief crop, and slavery is the doom of vour children and your children's children forever ! A people who depend : on other people for their food and cloth- ills'. ar and must be slaves. Make cotton .. a. 1 . ..--! i i IB U out even maienai u.mic. . . . , . .1 .u. .nAil..r rrn' What strength had they T Arms! Their j v"'u' " ' " f " wl.,1.1... 1 nn.-tr r.ii h.' What ! dog- MYoa her he,n Pn.lleBen of lUe power t That of resignation and suffering. ' JaiT Had they legions 1 i ne legions 01 , mar tyrs. Had they property T That of the tomb. What they really possessed was a force which is unconquerable, a weapon a . a a 1 am iui iu ww uivn your surplus crop, and'your wealth. Hide- .g neTer blunted, riches that cannot pendenceand power win mumpiy assure- be og, powessions tbat cannot be ex- ly as the years increase. bausted. The ravsterioos light without shadow, A JOUBNALISTIC HACK. 1 be Hew ana which grows not dim ; the living nre, said the eloqnent advocate, "you hev heern tbe witness swar he saw the nrisoner raise his gnn, vouihev heern him swar he saw the flash and heered the re port, yon hev heern hin swar he saw ihe dog fall dead, yon hev heefrn him swar he dnr ihe bullet out with his lackkuife. and 0 i you hev seen tbe bullet produced in court. hat whar. rentlenren. whar 1 ask von. is the man who saw that bullet hit that dog.' Ill V I mVM. VWManAjaOaVaW ftllU " BBj w 9 4 w - I . v mLT I TT J 1... m . M . 1 I. at. in the worlds than they do, and was not York Times and the xsew iorx ncraia which quickens and is not quencucu ; ic ashamed of the soiled thumbs. It is one are both seemingly engaged in a coinpe- im0Bortal soul of nature, lhi acimg Spring of tha-meanest things for people to be titive race to occupy a position m ine of BOC,etyf tbeair in wmcn mcsoui irrc, ashamed of ihe work which glorified their journalistic world similar to that of the an unfailing faith bestowed themby ancestors more, with their soiled aprons Times in London. The only points of Heaven with the gift of miraeles.; The and black gowns, than they wilh their comparison ia that both papers nave -oiara- COOqUered were conqueror. ; wic prvBtr.u fine ribbona knd fiashy jewelry. It might ted HenglUh" editors, who write heavy ed became powerful ; the dead regivert - ' - . ... .r.An . I. ..! k.u I . fi. .1 1. .:. .!. ni.r.l llV be like a lily, more lucuomions on suojec.s uF. 5; loi.iue; me weaa, - f";r J have the least information, l nese metio tbe nails ot the cross, yanquisneo tuo politan journals, iu order to splurge on j savagefiercencss of barbarians. . L J l.t 1 .o1riinl( alita fill I mmmmm i iheir editoral and reading columns with "Mary, why did you k ss yourhands be a fine thing to be like a lily, gloriously clothed than. Solomon, and doing nothing as if we were lilies. Advan tageous position is only a .little more emphatic calf for work; . and while those who "hold the! advantage may not be com and therefore it equally honorable. Bz change, i urn cuihiiu auu - o . . , . - . -ii .i.,A. f ol.Krr.tt trash unavatema I to the gentleman opposite, this morning I Alt Sfc I ISA m UI VIAWI , j I SJP T a a a nil mother to; ner niooming tbe gentleman had the row a kiss clear aerosa the course I threw it back ...6 ;--r.- m: v lJ-. u . .. specially imported, to give character to indignantly, xou w..- Aeir pretentions. - leourmgv ' -r"r""6 - ? ' ' . - 1 . I 1 ....ll.l. . t . . 1. .1 .a.K I aftt4 m MM I . 1 J .1 i i i inaa v .mnmn inn uniun iicicu u imi - peueq to nayau aruagery, mey .., r'-rr- -., , ..SnrM(i. Lwh,.P Wh.-. recognize the f4Ct that manual drugery t" irnaio m. - -o-- w o . 2 .... -7. 1 1 i:. ; ..Ii nf these iiornila. has a I lmnudenee to th may be nerformed in tne same spmi aa i uewwu. . . . . I ' it r" Tr : P?"ururu " "ou v l. , Vnw .nd Irili renortpr. I street to me. and of that which characterizes their own wora. i irc ciuu T A Family Burxid tq Death. At an early hour Sunday rooming several frame buildings, once used as Uovernroent . . .a . . . a I a . T . stables, knd a rope-walk adjoining, three I and guard the otate again miles south of Louisville, Swere fired and j men. Observer. IIUIIIV ClltllCII VUII.m.M. . ... 0. ,.m-m - ... Willi-, hi- wife and four children, living anderbilt is s -r .l. L-:ii:. l A ; granger out in one m ine uuiiuiug, , - w-mi . . fl.-.- mA KnmeH to Heath": -Trent Willis. 1 something . ...i .. 1 t it I so much money I WOO IS DO CAUTiiru n-jvv.. m w i That "honesty is the best policy" may be exemplified by tbe following little loci- dent : A man at Belmont, Mo., sold to a mill owucr a saw log which proved td be hollow. As be sold it for a iiound log4, be Toluniarily went and gave bjsek the price. and haulii'g it to his own yard, chopped it op for firewood. In thij operation he found ten $5 gold pieces which somebody had secreted in it. i- I The Washington Republican, in all lad ing to the State debt of North Carolina and the probable action of the next Leg islature, says lhat danger exists in tbe fact that speculative "rings" hive been formed for the purpose of inflaenctng leg islation on tbe sotiect. This is a note of warning to us. Let us not disregard It. We hope Mr. Turner will unchain) his watch dogs when the Legislature meets, the -ring" 1 worth tmOOO.OOO. est wants to know if A tbero akff the suspected incendiaries have been ar rested. Brown tinted note pauer l now the - ---- t u fashion in London. The la sheet i cot in legal shape, and turns at the top, in stead of at the side. Th novelty will toon be the rage here. wrong in one man ow when a man who -has earned nothing by productive iudnatry, bnl who has simply handled the product of Kbor, has accumulated that amount Ut a pnraber of years. It iaja proof jlhat nothing is wrong, ine nne wrong lie in this, that we arc getting ! too litut mr lour products, andhose whd handle thr a t are getting too muen. t t .:.... t ... ' .! . - , i " ' 1 1 ' i ... r i ' I I' 4 . . .j j r , . r ,. . " t J - 1 11 - A ,

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