' ;- . 1 ":X" 1 -.- .."!!- . x f ; V" - - - ? x;'X. x: v r -?-- j.- 'Usy-' . I . " j 1 s,X;-- ::-. " - 'i . -M '' '' " X" ' ' " "r .r H'V X V ' " ' j J L , J i - .:" , , Di TTD-nnDV t n nnmATiwn ft r, . J ! ? : r . ; ; i : t - ' . - - - .i .JMMM..M.MM ? I VOL. T.-rTHIRD SERIES. FUBUSUifO WEEKLY . J. J. iBBUNEE, Proprietor and Editor. J. Jr STEWAET, , AuoeUte Editor. BATES Off ICBCniPTION gixi Months, ' jl qopiet to one' AdJreM, ...92.50 i mm m 1 ...10.00 A NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. I ( , - i A OILS AT 30Z7SAXOXX ? Agents Wanted. Cash Salarrrtf UoniniM- aiou allowed. SlfidlT lionorable. -Addnm. F A. ELLS t. CO.1 Charlotte. Mich. i. wouniriG class male or fe llALE, $tU a week euanteeL'. BeonecUble em uIot merit at home, dar or evening : no carl- 50 1 U 'Mrd:fnlli)ntraetina& valuable pack 1 i Re K00 c,,t Fr b.T "J1 Address with iix ct-ni return utarap. m. loitng fc Co, 173 Ureen- wich 5st.t iN. I. 4w MUBDEB? WASHINGTON Thia unriTalled'Southern Rerftedr w warrant ed not to contain ja ninghe particle of Mercvbt, or any injurious mineral nutwiance, out is j containing thoe Southern Roots and Herbs, whichran,aJUwiie Providence has placed in countries where Ltre Diseaenrjost prerail. It will Cur e all DUeaatt caused by Dtrangtm- of the Li tt i ' ' ' TheSTMrroMS of Lirer Complaint area bitter ! or bad taste in the mouth; Pain in the Back, ! gides or JpinU, often mistaken for RheumatUm ; i" Sor Skmach; I s of Appetice; Bowels alter- l with a painful sensation of having failed to VfflJVSJ r l .Ty' "...ts Mi., ,n k. h ,lnn. JobberT.' Book f do torn em nig wmui , Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance f il.o Skin and Eves, a dry Coueh often rois- t taken for Consumption. Sometimes many of 1 thesymptomd attend the disease, at others, very . but the Liver, the larzest orzan in the hodv is generally the seat of the disease, and if nottteguiaiea in ume, grennuuciiiig, ncss and Dea'tiC will ensue. JIU Great Unfailing SPECIFIC will not be found the Least Unpleasant. ' For DTSPBP31A, CONSTIPATIOy, Jann- iice. RiMiouH attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic . .Depression oi Spirits, SO D R STOMACH , Heart Barn, 4c., Ac. Simmoni' Liver Regulator, or Medicine, I the Cheapest, Purest and Beat Fainil Medi cine in the World 1 MANCFACTCRED BY IJ. U. ZEIL1N &C0., Macon, Oa. and Philadelphia. Pice, $1.0d. Sold by all Drugget. FOR SALBT TriEO. P. KLUTTZ. Juno 19 tt. I Salisbury N. C. we WOnul only call alien ion to our welli acker, with which a man can! earn $25 per day in good ter ritory. It bores any: diapseter, "and ordinary wells at the rsteoflSO ft er'dav. Farm, Town ship & County iliights Mr sale. Descriptive book sent on receipt of Qc. postage. Address ACQERCpnSt.Tjoiiis. Mo 4w. roa F0srBLic ami tAtxoAay tit am. PACE'S PATEITT! PORTABLE. CICULAR SAW MILLS To cut fronrOO 3060 feet per honr witfr'oive Haw. Gang, Mujey Sah Saw Mills, Portable Grist Mihs ffels Turbin? Water Wheels, and every kind of Machinery accessory to the manu facture of Lumber. ! Addrtss. ! GEO, PAGE & CO., Noi 5. N. Schroetier $t., Baltimore, Mtt "Send for Descriptive! Catalogue and Price List. . I I 4w. OUTSIDS AND IN SIDE. AGENTS WAN TED fori a complete history ofonr National Capital. Jtsorijjip, growth excellencies, abuses, beauties.! and ueiMonaees are all portrayed in that graphic style wliich has placed the author, Geo. Alf. Townsend, jamong tne loremost newspaper correspondents bf the time. It give bold startling, trnthful inside views of Wash- Conere8sionai and lxbnying readv for delivery. Extra terms for State. Address. ? James Bett&Co., Hartford. Ct. i 4. roa THE CAROLIKA watchma. I, BIDDIaB.. God uttaW AdAm oat of dtut. - -Bot thiaglit U beat to- ma&e ino Sr - So I wm midtt befure the man ' To oHrr God's inoat holy plan My Wdy He did make eomplHo - But wttoat leg or anna or feft ; 1 My vy od actions lie did entrol And I; a made without a soul. A living beiujf I became, Twas Adam who gave me my name ; lhu iroiu uia preseuc & uuuw, No mon of Adainvr knew; I did my Makvr's laws obvy. From them I never wfOt aatniy. Frmi thousands I did rauiu fear; But seldom oa this earth appe&r, . But God in me did something see. And put a living tool in m. A son? of me my God did claim. And took from in that soul again. And when from tne that soul was fled, ' -1 wa'tb sain as first made; And without bauds or fet or sonl I travel jmw from pole to pole, I labor hard both day and night, . To fallen man; I give great light. ' Thousands of people both young and old. Will by my ueath great light behold. No faf of death dovh troobjle me. For happiness I cannot see. To Heaven I can never go. .Nor to the grave, nor to hell below. The Scriptures I cannot Wlieve, ' If right or wrong I can't conceive, Al hough my name there in is found, They make to me an empty t ornd ; Ascnts Wanted. I SEND FOR CATALOUGE. DOMESTIC SEWING ACH HE o.. N-w York Myer and. two others, wtre saved with the Tyson party fiLJA few minu tes later those on the Polaris saw a boat launched and caxnned by 'the three men making for the place where their comrades were stationed. In a short time the storm and darkness Bhut oat every' objeet from their view. The feelings of the men can be imagined as, with half the crew left to perish, as they supposed, in the desert of ice and i - - ! it 1 ay, neipiess, t up at Life gloomy en- e little pros- the Polaris; snow, the ship drifted until at last she brooz Boat Cove.1 The prospect was no ouch. There seemed to iect of their remaining she still leaked i fearfully and in her damaged condition Buddington had no hope of getting any further south with her. . It was therefore determined to beach her, ! but the question was how that could be done. The wind being favorable an opening in the pack was finally discovered, and the shiu was i i xi Li- j t Dorea uirougn unuer canvas, -everything apparently favored the-" work, but though the ship was only a few miles from shore it took twelve hours to get her close in. The next considera tion was how to provide for the shelter of the men on shore. All the timbers And "now my friends, these lines yon read from between decks ' were torn out. And search the Scriptures with all speed, provisions were deposited on the ice. ,0,d,iy meyoaTd? ul The coal was removed. Everything I'll think it strange, I do declare. f . , ,, . . COME TO THE ', I BOOKSTORE EVERYBODY. Write for Large Illustrated Price List. Adtfresl Great Western! Qun Works X7o. 179. SMITHFIELD! ST. PITTSBURGH PA Breech-loading Shot Guns $40 to $300, Double Shot Guns. $8 to $150. Single Guns$3 to $20. llines, $9j to $75. Revolvers. $6 to $25. Pistolx, $1 to $3. Gun Material, Jishing Tackle. Large discount to; Dealers Or Clnbs. Army Guns Revolvers. &c, bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D, to be examined before paid for.1 I 4w "NEV'KR Neglect a Coufh. Nothing is more certain to lav the foundation for futnreevilconsequcncse Well's Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure.for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs, Sorie Throat. Colds, Croup, Dip-fJ,JVi- Astlimfi if,fltnrrhh IToarseness. Drvness nfit.u Tlrn.i Winrttiirio nr Rpnnollinl Til I if. I strange, I ao declare. I r i j rru it COM BT O. usctut ocviucu, i.uc wans ui a fi t blished in the n0U8e weretben builtof heavy planks, 1 nr1 Ko Jv"" " roof was made of sails. In such a home the long Winter was passed. Some help was received from three xsquimaux, wno discovered tne wreck ed ship and agreed, for a few paltry presents, to convey provisions over the ice from the vessel. They gave still more valuable aid by supplying skins The above was Watchman daring the war. We are un able to itolve the riddle, but will be glad to hare some expert do so. A Stirrixxg Story of the Sea. " Our i readers are already familiar with, that most wonderful of all sea- perils from which their escape seemed i i . . , . . .i a i most, miracuioa, tney sncceedea at last, through great exertions, m Teach ing Cape Parry. A fey miles below the Cape, at Fit Clarence Rock, an encampment was made. Every night, when tne labors or the flay were over, the boats were hauled up upon the floe, and everything taken out, and) the only hot meal of the day was prepar ed. 1 he apparatus employed in cook ing was of the most primitive charac ter. Each boat carried a quantity of Egging from the Polaris, and a can of oil. V ith these a fire was made in the bottom of an old iron bucket, lea was the only thing that could be made with such an apparatus. They state that the privations they suffered were not serious. The life was rough, labori ous, and monotonous; but though dan- gers' occasion iv presented themselves well calculated to in pi re the greatest fear, no serious accident occurred, and on the 21st of June the boats reached Cape York in safety. jHcre they were again close beset with foe. On the 23d their troubles came to an end; A whaler was descried a few miles off, and the whole party ras at once in a turmoil of excitemenr. A great fear seemed to take possession of them all at once that the ship jmight get away before they could make themselves seen, and they put forth every effort to push through the ice with the least possible delay. The vessel proved to be the Ravenscraig of Dundee. Capt. Allan sent his crew to their assistance and took on board their effects,! and one of their boats, the other being left behind. Capt. Allen treated them, they all say, in the kindest and most generous manner. The rescued sailors 3. WHOLE NO. 89 the sacrament of Reconciliation. Let 1 Horrows on the Taraa Twa.J ... r .1 TT I o i o vji utu union armies invite our oe-1 -i t ; u BKOWXSVIU.R. ScdL 24. fane of freedom, add there in tlie holy A. scries of robberies and marderi 1 pound consecrate to brotherly love nav.c recently been committed ca ! I bury our dead strifes eternally out of United States citizens raiding or tray-' ' l m',u- t u: Lr v l. i ill!n(. An k. r-: i y -.,( ' ; aiub. jlkii tutu yi iuv nuna onng ""ft caiwu; uurucT OI lofj with him the memories of Bunker Hill, State. Within a short time Mr. Moot a ; Saratoga, Brandywine,andall the ven- gomcry was attacked, robbed and lefV ! crauic irauiuons jot tne oiacn time. lvt ucu u noue n Monterey. i Let him of the Sputh come with the f 090 Ravexie was beaten in his store ' I proud historic contributions of his sun- in Camargo and left for dead, his ti ny land to the votume of his nation's sailanti discovered in time to prevent eiory. Ana there let us both with rouoery. elapsed hands lay. down together our A he ferdie family were robbed on offserings on the presence of God and the highway near San Fernando, and myriads of assembled freemen, by the men women and children left to stxra memory of our fathers and the hopes n an unlrequented spot. Mr. Hea of our children to ihe latest generation derson and two companions were robV swear to preseve ftrever Liberty, Fra- bed and one of them killed in China, ternity and Union. A wo Americans were attacked atxj' ; xiext folio wed fighting Joe Hook- j one wooded in the road near Marina,- J "and be paid our "boys in escaping onjy alter ft desperate ftzhu , n the highest compliment vet rc- in which one of their assailanti . vu : er, Gray ceived' from a Federal source. He too was full of kindness and concila tion. He cloecd by saying : I have jtrst come from a celebration by some of the survivors of the Mexi mortally wounded. ! i Dr. Haggcty was killed in his house and the premises robbed. The per- r t. . ' . f jivuttKUBui wicov crimes j were arrcsied n,I L! Mi 1 l.. uuvi tiicit guitL cicany csiaoiisncd. ex- says that when thrv were nickwl nn tlipv hntl hrrnil stories,: the long voyage of the Tyson for clothing, of which the crew were 'enough for one month, but it is the party on the sea-floe. They were left greatly in need, for many of their general opinion among them that they on the ice by the Polaris, and after the clothes were worn out, and many more J would not have succeeded in reaching most romantic ot voyages were rescuea were lost when the vessel broke away any settlement. Chester, however, ! at last.i And now we nave a tun ac- on the night of the 15th. Ihe is- j who is spoken of in the highest terras count of the Polaris and the part of qaimaux had plenty, and, though they j of praise by every one of his compan the crew that were on board at the were filthv-smellincr earments. the ions, has no doubt whatever that ther time she separated from the ice-floe to castaways gladly adopted the full Es- j would have got. southward without w which bub waa auuviicu. IC I uuimaux cos hi rn e or iur trousers, coats, anv assistance. w w , a . i can war, of our victory in that strug- cept in the Perdie case, yet not one 6f cle. But that was a contest warred them was punished. th authorictiea against a foreign &e. Those whom tc 1 either being indifferent! pr nowerlcnB. lougnt in tne late war were oi an en- cxa nave ucen proven beiore Urelv dtScrent ca ibre. I fousrht them, unitea states and fought themj I have had oppor tunities of seeing some of the armies of Europe since: then the French, Prussian, Kussian and Austrian, and I tell you it would be down hill work to fight them coropaed with our late ferring to foes ("Loud cheers, which were kept sa3s : up for several moments, with cries of The great contest of the Rome Fair " go on" has been that between the girls for a Why cannot we fight our battles of cooking stove as a premium for the the rebellion over again in friendly best dinner. The result of the contest feelings with ouf late Southern foes ? has been looked to with carer in terttt. ine principles ox war cannot be cnang- ami the awards were delivered amid ed in our day. rousing excitement. The best cook That consummate Bummer and Os-1 amonir these contendinf -ehannrrn wk " 1 J I Consul a and sent la Washington, in the hope that retires will be demanded. ; j Georgia Girls Competixo ir Cooks.- The Atlanta rwifu.W r. the Ueorgia State Fair, t i'. whole storythat of the Tyson party, hats and boots.. I Capt. Hall was regarded as peculiar- that character. and that oi the isuaaington pany is lhrough the long, dreary winter the ly adapted for the great cnterpnse foolish s 4- vrf intAH(n 9T l nef fll ATI fTo O Tin fn I AM I. 4 ilvA.. .M.Xn .AM.n KIM I 1 1 " . 1 1 11 1 1 " ' 1 1 1 ' mic uiuou iiiiiioij iuoaMaw U1UU uu uivir uu us rciuiirKiiui v unaer nis cnarcre. ana an lamcni nis asnamea oi 1113 neriormancc tertaminsr of all that record adventures well. The snow fell heavily, but it untimelv end. As to the statement hissreech.and it was decu trogoth, Phil. Sheridan, made, as was decided to be Miss Hattte J. Johnson, to have been expected, a foolish speech, to whom was awarded thc first pre-' A Philadelphia paper says : " having mium in the shape of the John B. Gor- heard himself called " YY rath s Archan- don cooking stove. To Miss Octavia gel' in the poem: he seemetl to be anx- Shropshire Mas given the second pre ious to make a diplay of himself in mium. This second premium was H. racter. lie made a bad and L. Leo stove oflered by Messrs. Seny peech. y s friends were all & W alkcr. The committee foi e read - j found, it hard to decide. Thev recommended ledlv of the that twentv ilnll upon the sea. The most singular fea- served to protect their frail habitation that the ship might have aided the j " Bummer" sorf. Alice Camp, a twelve (year old gvi ture is that all should have been saved and make it more comfortable. Their party on the ice, all agree that it was We are really glad to meet with for the very excel lent dfnncr she coo butone. a ne j ew iorK jrtoncsa, arrangements were so complete mat no , mtDossible after the l'olans broke such unexpected kindness from soldiers cocted. Thev also rerommeruLvl to i r . u r 1 I 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1... : juqgingirom uic resuiis 01 wvtx j visit to tne snip was necessary beiore adrift to learn even the whereabouts ot tl and all Diseases bf the Lones. - mat judging irom uie resuiis o imtw; j visit to xne snip was necessary beiore adrift to learn even the whereabouts ot the Korth, and hope that such sen- in aii cases oi sunken com, nowever taken, extraordinary aa ventures, iiieiroians January z7, when they went lor a of those left behind. Everv eflbrt was tiraents mav continue to prevail and expedition having "endured all man- supply of wood. Fresh water was ob- ' made to find them, but to no avail. ! widen until the whole North is filled ner of hardships and encountered un- tained in abundance by collecting pieces I The U. S. Government has tele-; with them. Mischievious papers and numbered perils of starvation and ship- 0f icebergs and melting them. Toward eraphed to the American Consul at ' sillvdcraaeojnjes do more to widen the wreck wfth the loss of but one man, the end of winter Chester suggested Dundee, to provide! everything neces-' breach and to deepen the old sores .. !.,- 111... . ... . J i J- - - . - ' . ... the very saiest business in me worm j that some means should be agreed up- sary for their comfort and health, and than any others. It the brave soldiers tlceTabletsshotild be promptly and freely used They equalize the circulation oftlie blood, nim- gate tne severuvjoi uieauacK aim win in s ver short time, restore healthy action to the affect ed organs. j " Well' Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't be found at your druggist's send at once to the Agent iii New York, who will forward them by return mail. Don't he Deceived by Imitations. Soldi by drugeists. Frice 25 cents a box John Q. KELLOGG 18 Platt-st, New York 4w Send for Circular Sole Agent for the United States, And get Bibles. .Prayer Books, Hymn B.mks of anv kind you waut; Histories. liioffranhifs. Music Books. Music. Novels of ihn Wst authors: Blank Books, Albums of h imiBL Hivlifth kind: Sterooscoiies and VWs : SchMili Books, all kimls in general use. Slates, Inks, Writing Paper of thn best quality; Wall Faper and Window Shades Jn great variety, Muic Teachers for .vocal. Pianos, Banjo, vlolius &c. AWORD TO TAILZsZSZLS. Bar a few dollars worth of books every year for yont sons and hands and take a good newsoaper, they will work better and be more -cheerful. ! Try it. A WOH.D TO P AUMEHS 80X78. Yon hive om'et'hiog to be proud and to boast . The farm is the keystone to every industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all prosper; wben It fails, all flag, Dou't think yon caVt be a fet uaan becaase you are the tea o a farmer. Washington, Webster ana Clay were farmer sons,' but while they toiled they atoJie4. go do ye. Buy a good Look, one at a time, read ana digest it, and then another; j ! Call aad see me and look orer books COME TO THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, And Get a Good Picture. We will gyre yon a good picture or not let yoa take it awav ; for we don't intend that any bad work shall go from this office to in jure ns and the business. Call and try. Up Stairt Ittveen Parkers and Mist 3fc Jfurray't. Call and examine my stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades. Writing paper. Inks See. Mind I dont intend to be under sold. j ; Feb. 27. tf. EXXASnZASLlXIIL. THE GREAT POISON NEUTBALIZER. A Sure Prevent iix and terlai cure Jor cniLLs AX7D ruvun, and all spc-ciest Miaematie diseases.. oeud lyr circular C: li. BABKER & CO. Apnl?4, 187;l-6mos. THE ONLY KNOW MEDICKE I THAT AT THE SAME TIME Purges, Purifies and Stength I ens Ithe System. Dr. Tutt'S fills are composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are Bar sapariila and Wild Cherry, so united as act to gether :Hhe one, ! through . its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging ; while other is strengthening the system. Thus these Fill are at the same time a tonic and a cathar tic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men. but never before discovered. In other words, they do the work of two medicines and do it much better Ithaii any two we know of, fur they remove nothjng from the system but im purities, so that while they purge they also strengthen and hence they cause no debility and are lounweu ov no reaction. Dr. Tutt'S tills have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not only purify without weakening it, but jthey remove all noxious par ticles from the chyle before it is converted into fiuid.and thus makes imbilitation, bo there is no nausea or sieknesS attending the operation of th is most excel lent med ici ne, which never strains or tortures the digestive , organs, but causes (hem to work in a perfectly natural manner ; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are being removed, the combined ac tion of the Saisaprillia and Wild Cherry pnri fies and invigorates the body, and action. Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all druggist. Depot 48 Cortlandt St., New.- 4w. dollars to Miss E. J. Shropshire. The awarding oi the prcmiuns wa very exciting. The Dcke oh Edinburgh's Caks. We arc informed that Mr. Joha Arctic exploration. ou to extricater the party from their to send them by the first ship to New of the two sections had the manage- Railroad Refreshment Rooms has been Anestoryoi me jxtuiugiun vi- perilous position. inc provisions were York. ment oi matters, they wouiu soon res- ;ntrT,1 t. ru-u-: . . iL.r i il. 1 , ,. . . , . i . , . . i ' . r, .. . -.Mn,,Hn;HMuK,..HK.ur, ways is so. interesting, uai we iay me i gradually aimtmsning, anu me iuei, main points beiore the reader, w tne 0f which only six tons had been ob exclusion of other matter. We avail J tained from the ship, was nearly ex- Soldiers Condlatory. The "Army of the Cumberland" , has had a mutiny at Pittsburg, Penn- tore harmonyl and peace. SenlinrL liydrophbia. i Jnleretltng Oases from Different me oi the bride cake which is to grace the royal break fast-tabic on the occasion of the mar riage of the Duke of E1 in burg with the only daughter of the Emperor of Russia. The cake towers to a height of seven feet six inches, and weighs upwara oi yj pounds, Jt.isinstx Medical Rrcord an cure in a case of hydropho- tiers, and resembles the' famous poroe s bitten by a mad lam tower of Nanking The cake Is ourself of the report by telegraph in hausted. The Polaris still available .i m f . . rrl a : 1 . -"l I . , - tne inoune. i.ne party were picKeu ior materials, and it was now propos up by the British whaler Ravenscraig ed to build two boats. A survey by ! sylvania. Many speeches were made. Standpoint. un uuiy inoi. iicjr w.. viiesicr sihmcu mat uie lining u uic tjsesar was present, some lntoieraoie v ca :n v.n taKea to xunuee, owwauu, uic caotn coma oe used, ana in is was ac- gtnft, called poetry, was read by one nnt.n ne .!.!! AM: TU. niw4tr J Z 1 J T A A'.fC ' 1 I r o r .1 aCCOUni OI wiiiiiiiij; sicauiw Atvwv. r.v iwuiugij uu. a ue uim- toi. lticniana jvciii. oorac ot tne Yxa A little trirl was rescued are Capt. u. isudding on cu Uy then arose. Ihe planking was speeches by prominent soldiers breath- d ho ont her right cheek a covered with a fretwork of flowers and sailing master; Ur. ,mi l uessei, cntei all pierced with nails, and how should ed a very kindly spirit towards the piece the sire 'of a silver dollar and shells of snow-white 'purity, white rf iia cnlonflfip rorrva 4 lin Kit Kr mi1fl nrifrt Irrb f 9 Tlio U it C.ril..m r. n f ... (Cl.. t . 5 . . ' r 1 1 1 , - a Hubbard C. Chester, first mate ; William Morton, second mate; Emil Schumann, chief engineer; A. A. Odell, assistant engineer; W. F. Campbell, fireman ; Nathan J. Coffin, carpenter; Herman Siemons, Henry Hobby, Noah Hayes. The men are all well and show no the boat be made watertight? The bouth. Someof them are of sufficient Jiso bit her right arm and leg. She gracefully depending from a vase of crew all say that Chester showed him- importance to justify us m copying a was trcated by immediately cauteriz- exquisite design at the summit is a pro- self equal to all emergencies. With portion of them. Gen. Durbin Ward, the carpenters help he put the planks 0f Ohio, delivered the annual oration, together in so deft a manner that the He concluded an eloquent effort with difficulties which had seemed insur- the following pacific language, which mountable vanished. During the if adopted generally in the North, Spring months, with the thermometer would close up at once " the bloody 23 degrees below zero, and often in a chasm." Gen. W. said : blinding drift, the building of the And now, comrades, citizens of the boats went on. The situation grew redeemed republic, is it not time to marks of emaciation such as might daily more discouraging, but the work sanctify and secure our victory by uni- have been expected after their terrible was never relaxed, and the courage ot versal amnesty? bhall we seek to inc the wound with a saturated solu- tussionot orancc-blossoms, etc tion of carbolic acid, and keeping it Manchester Eng,) (iuardiaii wet constantly with a weaker solution ; i of the same, while two drops of liquor A Boy's Leo wortii ten Tubes ammonia, forjis were given her every AND Dollars. A Jury Astonishing two hours in water. Three days after- a Railroad Company. An important ward, the wound was cauterized a se- case was disnosod of in the Circuit condtime with nitrate of silver and Court at White Plains, Westchester the dose of ammonia was increased to county, yesterday. About two years three drops. This treatment was con- agon little boy named William D. tinued till August 9, the wound not j Thurbne, residing with! his parents in separation of the crew is gathered irom J by the end oi j une, determined to pusn rather propose to our tormer enemies conversation with several of the party, southward. Just at this moment when 0f the South citizens still though they 1 he Polaris had been leaki m PA2L0R OROAJTS I 1st WATERS' C0NCZET0 art the most besivtif ! Style And perfect In tn icvermaact 'a aaas con. a vch i m vrur u w sn v-xs ver placed in mmf :vraa jiuprtsuetabf 11! an extra set tfned. pecnlinrlr voiced. the 12 FPJGCX cfwkiek UVl OST C ISARSI. sxirriivo a ITS JJS ITAT1 OH tf tht II CJ RI A II VOICE 18 BUm PlXB. nrmiUberal. GREAT OFFER. HORACE WATERS S01f ,481 ell a ,i , AJ m l 1 1 UWa VISA 4 ft 1 11 CSO V J m waa aa w '. -- - . j v aa 10 experiences. The following narrative the men never failed. Advancing keep alive even so much as the memory being allowed to be dry a single in- Morrisana, was run over by a horse- of the mcidents that occurred alter the steatuiy tne crew were reauj to aepan, 0t the old quarrel 7 &naii we not 6tant durine the whole period, and it car of the Harlem Bridge, Morrisiana was healed without leaving a scar, and Fordham railroad, and injured so As two years! have since elapsed with- that he lost a leg. An action j for ner oadiv leveryuunz was m readiness im y were were enemies once--tnai, we uranK io- Brnnrr r h n u ; k. sinnm . nm hmmht l.iK- before the 15th of October, 1872, and alarmed by the appearance of scurvy, gether the waters of Lethe and remem- lieve that the tient ig nJireiy out little fellow's father against the com- her situation ultimately became so iiappuy, nowever, tne attach proven ber no more tne sectional natreq tnat of danger. panv,and vesterdav it was disposed of alarming that it was deemed advisable slight, and a plentiful supply of walrus embroiled us ? We are the offspring Gn frida-last a Mr. Edward Haw- in short order bv the jury rendering a to make preparations to abandon her. jiver, wntcn tney oDtameu irom uie 0t the same gaiiant;ancestors, and nur- ley, a resident of Scraton, Pa., dien of verdict for the full amount claimed, Hquimaux, enabled them to avert tne tured in the same institutions, language hydrophobia! About three months in accordance with the earnest appeal dlS' , , ' and religion. Thflj North and South ttgo he was bitten by a small dog. He of plaintiff's counsel for defence rave When the boats were launched they arc twin brethren,!and now that the subsequently! gave indications of rabies notice that the case would be appeal, leaked a good deal, but the men deter- Red Sea of our deliverance from sec- -ninn i,.f ion.inv v..a rni-n ..prp. V. V irnlA 9SU I 1 " I .1 1 11 .1 1 I I 1 i A 1. XUom nnl cnntnn . 11 J I I.' J A -.1 . I wnue otners landed on tne ice, ami iiui w trusi. uiem, mm, dwiu6 uonai oouage iias uwh unjtu uu wui lv ill with the final fatal result men- they began to get out stores, with the aboard all their remaining provisions wanderings in the wilderness of civil tionC(i jirj Hawley's case is interes- intention of taking everything they and ammunition, tney said iareweu to war ended, why shall we not enter tins as invol'yinz the failure to the re- enuia neea tnra inner Rninurn in tnnse i xiie xxjai vxjve. i "v mciiwht nana in nana murine iruiuicv ttiu frozen reeions BrcadwaT, if. 1va aiyete tf 300 mnd ouhans ff trst-clasa niaJcejs, -finding WATERS', d extreuelr lw PTlcea fforali, r part cn. ami balance im mall monthly rflvminu. New9)ctara flnt-clase PIANOS, oil modern tm proreinent, for vk. (mm 5-Oe iare,70. DOCBLE-HEEDOnRANS, A STOPS, ailOl M STOPS. lUat. t rated Catalogue walled. A tarft fM to Minuter, Vkurrke, Snndai.SHnnlM. I SocMestU. AG EHrrS WANTED, II 1KD WARE. When you want Hardware at le figures, call on the undersigned at No: 2 Oramte llow. ; I D. A. AT WELL. Salisbory, N. U., May 13-tf. The determination to leave the ship was arri ved at on the 15th of October, at which time they were in lat. 76o. Some of the crew remained aboard, sorces which ingo ranee and supersition Between 10 and 12 tight, the boats proved themselves ex-1 0f perpetual pea4? Gallantly the have so often vainly applied in cases proceeding, a very severe gale sprang J to roWj "w . fl . - m lw 1 . - a lw .1 ' o7clock at night, while this work was cellent sailers, and remancaoiy easy spirited Southern struggled in tne 0f hydrophobia. When he first show- proceeding, a very severe gale sprang to row, and on the nrs day the voy- ".Lost Cause." Uur victory was over Byraptorui Df the deadly efl up, and the snow began to fall heavily, agers reached Sontag Bay. no mean foe, and fr no sinister pur- tne thejdog which inflicti pose, nuaagiicu W'Y " -. wound was duly killed, and in deadly effect of rn in flirtnl the with strong but variable Winds. Opera- After remaining there a short time pose. It has given ps the whole pco-.WOund was duly killed .and in order tions, however, were continued and to regain their strength, the party pie of the Union Ihe mightiest ma-' t m k the cure more ,1 the alter tintinns eflbrts the boats were maae ior nasiuyt isuinu, wnere wie tenai empire, tne irecss peopie, me time-honored fo v of anolvino-the ha r got upon the ice and a large supply of expedition was brought to a stand-still grandest future that Heaven has ever of the anira:jl to the wound was tried, provisions taken out Suddenly the by a tremendous gale which blew for vouchsafed to any nation. Nor has jt i8curj0Us to reflect that in thissge the hawsets by which the ship was made three lull days, with a continuous laii cruelty sullied the tnurapn oi tne vie- most ; traditions of a past day of last to the ice gave way, one snap- oi snow ior an uiai. iujuicuw wr, no reoei uiopu uu hwikm we superstition ihould still survive. vintr. the other tearint? its anchor from flocks of auks, a bird of the penuia ! executioner's block. 1 In their civil wars , i its lodgment in the ice. This was species, were enountered here, however, Americans may fall by the sword but j about mtdnio-ht. The anchor in start-1 and, as tne men couiu easuy iane up they never pensn oy tne axe. xo pass ing toreff a large piece from the floe their guns with three men upon it. and as the I shot, there Polaris drove nast them, thev cried I fresh provisions. out in an aeonv of terror. "What are thankfully received. Occasionally their , heroes of Christainlty - ' i! Pi. . Awr Kocnt nnl .'f it-a a 1 l: 1 U 1 We tO dJ T uuy craiia were bswj wv,,uu nM . unve uiuv.i. 1 .i.i,4. .ki .wkm t , ' . ... . I- i 1.1 1 1 .1 r n n,. ;-i r:iL..i r J snd an el?bten snooter swang t biro at Uapt Buddington shouted back that iearea tney wouiu vw gnc. u xnc wnwuuni .rvu7 fhe timc nd srjral aide-arm-. He he could do nothing for them; they they were among the ice, and there pendence will soon dawn upon us. On WM npnPt. M beinff a walking had boats and provisions, and must was nothing to oe aone iout to iorce . that natal morn let ine ooutn ana Mncna, This i, we belirrr, th fir.t shift for themselves as best thev could. I passage ! southwards. After enduring North sit down together on the old timo that hs bat been seen sioee Dial was Note These three men. Sergeant! many privations and encountering benches in Independence mil and take arrested toms two weeks ao. Stevk LofrKET, the last of the Lowcry band, who hre been for ao long a time a and kill ten ot them at a the vanquished under the yoke was terror to toe emxena oi uouroti county, was a plentiful supply of. the remorseless usage of heathen anti-'. seen staoding near the rail road track , which were verylquity, but how much nobler in the J"1"" ll. ,,onL. . n , i x flT.n.l rrmcua noh icea. i ne nomw oaa a ayvr mm e aa v double-barrel Ik1 gan aernat hia rhonlder. A Woman Horse Tuiep HAxnrr ix Texas. The Gainesville GazeU says : Nancy Hill, the notorious horse thief and ranger, was hanged about , six miles irom this place, on Denver creek, several days fcince. Her body has just been discovered fcaperdeu from a postoak. Her saddle and bridle ' were lying near upon a"; rock, and her pony was found a mile or so away, jit b supposed that Dave Porter, her boo- sort, was killed at the same timejbut his body has not yet been found. jTbt woman Hill and Portcrjwcre together only a short distance ahead of (heir t pursuers when lat seen,- which was at Victoria Peak on TlitiRrlav evchinr t-.A I What hat niggrinn done lor fWV Carolina! Litten. While white men fa 14 Georgia's Lnnda aell in Wall atreet at 90. South Carolina's 6 per cna, payable lm Jsnoary and Joly, arc nn wanted st li eenu! If this is not an eaty on rainj aad wreck, wh.it mor in goHnea namf, ff needed I LyHch(rg fietcs.