. -3 I I -' we - : - -TerOaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .11 1 1 ii i m inr rTTTmiiiMiini , ,. , j -,tn , M)BwpagpM ' ' ' " ' r"V7 ' g- ; . . . 1 SALilM)L-ltI9 H. UM UVIOBEK 9, 1873. NO. 1 VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. 4. WHOLE NO. 896 PUBLISHED WF,KKLY . J, Jf. BRUNER, Pr -;t..r an I Editor. J STEWART, Associate FMitor. J. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS tt xv. OF H Bf IIIFTIOK si :ar, (layOde in art vanee. . . . ix Months, ' ' ;.H-s to uu address, k Agent Wanted Cash Salary, or Cotnmi- ion allowed. St rid I v lionorshie, Address. F. A. ELLS fc CO,, Charlotte. Mich. 4. WOB.KZi.Va CZ.A53 MALE OK FF M VLLS-iO a welt iic.ir iiitPHii K-,ectat f2.50 . 1.50 10.00 employment at hope, day or evening ; no-fapi,. lull niTu-fion A vl'juiil tal rjirtu a' oi good sen tree liv mail Adflrv. vr-H eeikt return HtHiiin. M. Young Wk St .! .V Y 4w MURDER? BBtv. If Sa .sBeWncieBa 1 jv 4 would 'ii. a ,.i which a man can ti ill; l " . ritory. It bore :- ' w. Ii at the raU' ; , t nhip A County f'aljU ' u book mnt on m-ipt of 9o Avof.k Co., St. Louis. Mo The Use of the Cross. The ajmhttl o the cro ia ud by both Rnmiruip-M ai:l Epofoplian. Bnt i ir t .v itak- to tMippopt- that tin use -f th.i? ffa ol ! j urtdy Ciirintain ori 4 fust t-ttp wh'i jrofrt-e fait li in iri1 !!) urn it to fymt'oliz- that fai'h, ' H trii-- j i LM 4 Ua i?" Ol Cwiifin-d to hi tU- g ChnMiri relief u ; na, ..hf -tsh-l anhor Jsf tlu ir he. W; i itivr beifl xplofinp a li'.'le this bui-jecr. 1 that 'wkoi ut.-,et Kt-v rv r:fl-etit.p mioi, LUauokb, with 4 aji wjll jrive bii- flv the r-suh o. -ur uay in pi ter- :Iiri-i;-.Ho!,-. in tin hmx that oilirt -an , l l ' ' 1 1 ! I Combat In Mid Air. Deadly Struggles on a Tight Rropt 1 One Combatant Hurled to the Ground and Ih.stui-ly Kdltd Savage Triumph Of the Victor. ix .1- onlv call atm . J arrn,T- Kit Descriptive (o-u gv. Adlrt 4w. h'imrt' l l r H hi; tliHVe IBOl- pui-n tlie , ulj- ct tnrtlier it which t The Nile; The aoorees of th- Nileara oonUinrd in the raiti cloud of the equator, which poor th.-ujs, 9 down on the foreat-pUt-fua, firm into a thontaod riVera, and Dual lr Coi'fct in enorunous laka-al the uifeit Little did to tena ol thooaaod cf men, j number i-nd important of whu-h are yet women and children, who thronged the I to h d-termiurd. From BArr Albert pb!ie sqiiKte .4 Agram. Croniia on the j Nyai.ia, th- moot northerly in Utitude, 15 h ol Augna aiuicipate that they were t and loweet in level, ..f ihee inland neaa, aboal t witueaa a apeeiacle -uch aa wu, i eh Nile run toward E-iropt( and plan pet hs pi newer before eeu a motal trug. j pt into the Sahara. Front its rteat ffl- i md air. The occaaton (,f the rarath i eouatorial reervotm it n-eeivea a sufficient to mtiiitiiu ire exinteuee throughout ihh land of fire, where all other The e!os "wa loi.p known to the 't ei tk ?.a pei forma:. re on the light rope. I cv 0f water i o . otiiii8, Aiidira. XVolter and r raucif P i.iai:ch, were u appeae on the rope wh:h hd been stretched from a winddw io the court-houee to a windo I - v. H ' " -fc r etent jgyiitaii(. Mauy genuine eroawea in me eourt-iionae to t winnow in an oppo ! I ..... I k. .. A .......... ika k...l(.ll!l .f .ita 1. 11 1 ! A . . . a ftijtnM.E. OA ... 'Tl. Un v f uri'u imiiu piii'mie rvupixii. " uimiumii uicmiivi "saw irri . 1 lite en FOE ?0ftfBLB 'AK. STATIONARY '-TEAM Their goda are of tin 'acrobat were (o meet midway, and th sTA.Tfr a n Tv a txt -aa-T-r t a ! reun st-itted a holding h cro-j. Whatlbe paa eacbotber: yxsy -fr . awi I 8Tmhni munt i not known U. an tana- When the clock atroek itbe actobum Thin ii 11 rival h-d Houiham Remedy is warrant ed not to contain a aingle particle oC Me ecubt, or utv injurioua mineral tmbatance, but is PURE L Y VEOETABLB, contaiauig thcac Southern Root and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence ha placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. Jt vUl Cut c all Difue4 caused by Derangement of Lkc Liter ' TIicSySiptoms of Li ver Complaint area bitter or bad taste in the month ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joint, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sow Stomach; Loss of Appellee; Bowels alter nately costive and lax ; Headache; Lorn of mem ory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; L&bilitr.' Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mis taken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others, very few ; but the Lrrsk the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretched ness and Death will ensue. Tkil Great Unfailing SPECIFIC will not U found the Lead Unpleasant. For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun dice, Billions attacks, SICK HEADACHE. Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac, Ac. Simmon' Liver trgiltUr or Medic inr, Is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine io the World ! MANUFACTTTRKD ONLY BT J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga. and Philadelphia. Price, $1.09. Bold by all DruggU. FOR SALE BY THE0. F. KLTJTTZ. June 19 tt. J 8alibury N. C. COME TO THE BOOKSTORE EVERYBODY. To cut from 300 to 3000 feet per hour with one Saw. Gang, Mulev Sash Saw Mill, Portable (irist Mills Letters Turbine Water Wheel. and every kind of Machinery accessory to the manu facture of Lumber, j Address. J GEO, PAGE & CO., No. 5. N. Schroeder St., Baltimore, Aid BBSend for Descriptive Catalogue and Price List mm mi M B . . rtaiiB. 1 he term oi toe ernee touuu la wnai ia known ae the Anthony's cross iu which the part of the beam above the croaa ia crooked or looped aa a handle. The celebrated Mr. JLayard to his in- tereetinr explorationa among the ruine of 4w. Nineveh that "exceeding great city of three days journey" found the same mvaterioua croaa among the remains. etBerged from, their respective windows dressed in tight and without balance pole. Kolter walked rather caationaly, while P rgo witch came to meet him from the opposite direct ion with a nervous, quick . at I a WACLTTXTPfPn'M outsids and in ni A iMI 1 It 1 1 1 1 Hirns a iifvth v a v. TED for a complete history of onr National j Among the relics sent to England ie a co Capital. Its origin, growth, excellencies, abuses, I lease! tablet from Nimroud containing a beauties, and personages are ait portrayed in t figure of Tiglath Ptleser, from the neck 141 grpMij' wiikh ot wftici, hang8 a cross ot the Maltese pat Geo. Alf. Townsend, among the foremost newspaper correspondents of the time. It gives bold startling, truth ful inside views of Wash ington life, and Congressional and Lobbying Jobbery. Books ready for delivery. Extra terms for State. Address. James Bett & Co., Hartford. Ct. 4. MM Affent Wanted. SEND FOR CATALOL'GE. D0ME8TTC SEWING BACH MS .. V wTark Write for Large Illustrated Price Lift. Address O-reat Western ana Works No. 179. SMITHFIELD ST. PITTSBURGH PA, Breech-loading Shot Guns $40 to $300. Double Shot Guns, $8 to $150. Single Guns' $3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to$75. Revolvers. $6 to $25. Pistols, fcl to $8. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to Dealers or Club. Army Guns Revolvers, Ac., bought or traded for. Uoods sent by express . 0. D. to be examined before paid for. 4w NEVER Neglect a Cough. Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation for futnreevilconseqiiencse Wells Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs, Sore Throat. Colds, Croup, Dip- theria, Asthma, Catarrh Hoaroeness, Dryness of the Throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial lubes, and all Diseases of the Lungs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mii sate the severity of the attack and will in a very short time, restore healthy action to the aiiect- ed organs. L i Welhr Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue boxes. Take no substitute. If they can't be found at your druggist's send at once to the Agent in New lork, who will forward them by return mail. Don't be Deceived bv Imitations. Sold by druggist. Price 25 rents a r John Q. KELLOGG 18 Platt-st, New York 4w Send! for Circular Sole Agent for the United States, I, y Aud get Bible. Prayer Books, Hymn Book rfif miy kind you want; Histories. Iliagraphies. Music Books. Music. Novelsof the best authors : Blank Books, Albums of th most stvlish kind ; Stereoscopes snd Views ; School Books, all kind in general use. Slates, Inks. Writing Paper of the best quality; Wall Paper and Wiudow Shades in great variety. Music Teachers ior vocal, Piaaos, Banjo, violins fee. JL WORD TO FARMERS Bay a few dollars worth of books every year for your sons and hands and take a good aewsoaper, they will wwk better and be more cheerful. Try it. aviiia Ba BS? t THE ONLY OOfK MEDICINE . a.- a w- .a m tern. qk also do the rungs taken trom the rains of Nineveh, aud from the hall of Nieruck, wear crosses. The cross also ts found among Babylonian bricks, gems, cylinders, d-c, of the St. Anthony pat tern, flow what these crosses were in tended to symbolise we most leave to others to discover. We are merely trac ing the evidences of the existence of this symbol among the nations that flourished many hundreds of years before toe Master wss crucified upon Calvary. But ibis is not all. In Tartary. in Thibet and in Bhina the same symbol has been found. How comes it to be used in the distant East ? In India too, "in the cave of Elephants, over the head of figure encaged in maesacreiiig infant," ts to be seen this same Christain symbol. Indeed according to judicious travellers there are evidences to show that there are many striking resemblances between the prac tices aud ceremonies of Romanism aud Boddism. Father Hnck, a Roman Cath olic missionary, is 'the chief authority in in such matters. In hi well-known "Re collections, ol a Journey in Tartary, Thibet. &c " he says : "The cross, th mitre, the dalmatica, the cope, which the Grand Lamas wear on their journeys,, or when they are performing some ceremony out of the temple, the service with doable choir, the psalmody, tbe censor suspend ed froth five cbaius, and which you can open of close at pleaaure,-the benedictions given :by the Lxtua by extending the right hand over rhe head of the faithfu etc., '? are analogies between the Butidhi.-ts and ourselves How is this! When could Buddietn a re'i ': i thai exieted lone before hns tianii ..s heani f, and thai "held its thud CE.'umetiiCiil Council" more than ho n iii died years before, the cuicifixion, .w;d hundred ot year before Komauipin had aiiy existence how could this very Hiicicuit religion have copied tiwse thiniis' froni Christianity T One of the ( ' iihidii- misMionaries. umiti visitine- to. the first time the lai.d tit Buddhism, w"; hvame as follow s : There i not a pi- ce'of dres, .. sacerdotal function imt acereMio'.iy "t .1; Court of Rome, which the devil has hot copied in this cn u ii try." Wecopy the following from Mr. Nevins, long a missionary in China : "It may be well to reft-r to a general resemblance between Buddhism and Ro manism, so marked that it is recognised and acknowledge by the Romanists them rivers are speedily extinguished. Bnt tbe Kit not only flows through the Sahara. tt also overflows the flit country lying near its month, snd, casting mud on the surface of the sand, creates that meadow which is call i d Egypt. Now this black mod does not some from the equator; tbe waters of the Nile are clear, or while; and a! though the lakes can keep the Nile alive in lis journey through the desert they cannot, make it an awa a ' . ov. rnow. v hence then proceed these step. At last they met, snd the suspenee rich soil laden aud redundant waters to tbe of the crowd underneath changed the next 1 weary Nile? moment io a feeling of indescribable horror. On the right-band side of that flowing ergo witch sudden tly uttered an angry river, between its waters and tbe Red exclamation, and dealt Kolter a blow oa sea. a cluster of mountains rises in tbe air. tbe bead, Kolter staggered and fell, but in These are tbe Highlands of Ethiopia, tbe so doing succeeded in clutching the rope roman'ic Abyssinia, S itzerlaudot Africa; J.t- 1 J ! ,t . - . a . ... .m. wiui one nanu. wmie wun tne oilier, ne and down these hilly slopes, at s certain sea grasped the left leg of his assailant. Per son of tbe veer, man two noisy t teams, tbe go witch now fell likewise, bat passed his Blue or Black Nile, and the Aibarm, right arm around the rope, so that he bong which, stripping their country of its black upon u wun comparative security. Ana l upper soil, fall into tne IMle, anp be low now began a life and death straggle. upon it such a wealth of water, that, a Kolter, with his right hand, tried to drag I soon as it escape from tbe rocky wall rergo witch from the rope, while Pergowiteh which line its coarse in the Nubian desert, icked Kolter with bis right foot, and it is forced to overflow. 7 with his left hand endeavored to loose bis I Thus the Nile iscreaU-dbv the isiiifall of the antagonist's bold , No one was able to I epuator, Egypt by the rainfall of the trop- enterfere, and tbe result, it was easy to tea. If the White Nile did not exist the foresee, mast be the death of one or both Black Nile would be nothing, it would of the acrobats. Many women fainted, perish in the sand. But if tbe Biack whi'e strong men wept like children. Nile did not exist, tbe White Nile would What added most to tbe general despair be merely a baren river in a sandy plain, was tbe appearance nf Roller's young with some Arab encampments on ita sT V . ife at the open window from which her husband, a few moments before, bad set oat upon bis fatal walk. Her piteous screams were beard above the din below, and ber appeala to Pergowiteh to spare the life of ber husband would have moved tbe heart of any Apache. The struggle in mid air lasted, perhaps a minute, when Kolter uttered a loud cry, lost bis bold and fell, striking tbe ground violently, and expired almost instantly While the people gath ered aroaud tbe body of poor Kolter, his murderer on the tight rope managed to get on his fee: again. W ith a diabolical expression nn bis face he uttered a loud yell ot triumph The pei feet of the Police ordered Per gowiteh to surrender. Iu cs he should not do so wi'hin five minutes, be would be shot down like a dog. He then ran to the window, where be surrendered huu Self, begging that he might be protected IV mi violence. There was greitt danger of his being executed by the people who loudly clamored that the iuuid rer be given up to hem; but the. miliary by a bayonet charge, cleared the public .-ijuarc. Pi rgowiieh being a-k a whi -had caused him io perpetrate this crime, said there hud been a grudge between him aud Kol ter ever since, the la terh id married youi g Rnsita SetgatMitf, a Polish giil ot rare bi-ainy. K I 1 ,i a fit ol j ilot, had . im i hat he knew one ot Ii iu W Uni h i . io i.ie on litis ai count A idreas K. . i W is the ouiigeet member of tbe ais.i i 'uiUed family of acrobats of that m banks. VERY 8ENSIBLE We beard Fred Douglass when be "ora ed" in Raleigh lel year aud did full jus tice to his kindly and in erecting remarks He is a man of iuteligence. Not long igo be made a speech at Louisville, Ky i a S as- aa to ins colored brethren and hi talk was decidedly aeusible. Tbe following sample is good good for any latitude, any na liouality or color: "When I ran away and came North, I worked for nine dollars a month and saved money. For twenty-five years, or nearly so, I worked foi $ 400 per year, and I saved money, and every man hi this count ry w ho is a man can save money if he -rill. Bnt be will not save it by walking the streets and smoking cigars. He will not Tm Killed " A Humorous Inci dent of the War. By Cspt, R. A. 8, in -Our Living and Our Dead Too call for contributions for your col umns. I will give you a humorous inci dent, which is strictly a nfttier of fact. Liea. Col. G , pf the -4th N. C-, was an English fficer, as brave as a lion and a bit of a wag. Daring the beat of tho artillery duello at Gettysburg, oa tbe 3d of July, 1863. when over two hundred pieces iu each army were thundering a murde oas symphony, a shell struck the earth a few feet in advance of ibe 4th, and dashed a 'bower of pebbles in the face of a certain Captain . Not a man was hurt, bnt the aria! visitor caused a slight commotion, lesulting in the precipi tate flight of Captain W , who rati with the speed of a deer screaming: "I'm Kill edll'm Killed ! I mKilled I At i In instant the ahnll voice Lieut Col. G. was beard above tbe din, call ing : Where are the litter bearers!" A broad Paddy with a pipe in his month promply responded, uUere, Colonel: here's one uv em be Jams f" "Well," said the Colonel, drily, I ghees yoa had better go and earrv Captain W to the rear it you can catch him" I be roars of laughter with which this ally waa received went far to enliven tbe meu for the desperate assault which took place a few minutes later, with so much auvailiug valor. ... Eight Lives Saved by a Bog. A number of years ago, vessel was driven on tbe beach of Lydd, ia Kent, England. The sea was rolling fwBboely. Eight poor fellows were crying for help ; but a boat could not be got off, throngh storm, to their assistance, and they Ber in constant peril, for any moment the ship was in danger of sinking. At length a gentleman came along the hnarjh striae panied by his Newfoundland dog. He diverted the animal's atteatioa to tbe vessel, and pat a short stick ia bis rooatb. The intelligent and courageous dof at once understood his meaning, sprang into tbe sea, and fought his way Utrowgh the angry waves towards the tibbii! He could not, however, gal dose enough to deliver that with which be waa t hsigad bat the crew understood what waa ssesvat, and they made fast a rope to aasjtber of wood, sjad threw it towards him. nobis animal at once ttrsaptd bis piece of wood, sod iaaasedtalely that which had been thrown to him : tfsea, with a degree of strength and da termination scarcely credible for be was again and agaia lost under the waves be dragged it through t tbe surge, sad do livered it to bis master. A line of munieaiioo was thus formed with the sel, and every - 1 Small and insignificant as they art in dividually, collectively they are boss by billions, snd are worth many Ktdxkt Worms i Rwtvi KAn-, of dollars. There are now in use worms, hoi b in bus a..d sheen, are uarasi- hundred and three different classes of tie insects. Iu sheep it is called fluke P4 tamps, and twenty-six Therefore, to core the animal, some remedv "beet of one hundred stamp must be wiven iht will nnu ikmn.l, printed each working day. The the liver aud kidneys. . f tamps used annually is a boa 1 660,000,- Among the remedies are white lye, from 000 - lketr orage value is $18,000. hard -wood ashes, to be repeated daily To prevent error and fraud tbe sheets si uaiil the effect is produced. Turpentine t"P n coented and recounted tan or thoroughly rubbed upon the loins is a lwcl,'e iim The7 klnaled by good auxiliary, and It ia also 1 used inter nally, in doses ot a j tablespoon! ul every day in i he food for three or four days. Coppers pulverised, in doses of two or four ounces daily, fed iu soft boiled food is good; also half-grain doses of arsenic to be iucreeased by inne-quater grain easb day for three or four day-, or until an ef feci i prod need, the animal to be constant ly given access to fresh earth during the treat meat. As a preventive allow hogs all the soft (bituminous) coal they will consume. Since using coal we have not been troubled with ibis difficulty,. and it is somewhat surprising how much will be consumed. Rurul Alabamian. mi m- a a l be romance ot a neb young girl, is told by a correspondent of the World from Oirawav, Canada, as follow: In the cholera season of 1855 a yonng c-uiple caiue to Ottawa with an infant, a girl only four mouth old. The father save it by playing billiard on one of your laid mother both died auddently. Laving the child, who was adopted by s childless woman who had been employed to wash the mlected clothing, and grew up in ig- THAT AT THE SAMS TIMS Purge, Purifie and Stensth ens the System. Dr. Tutt'S Fills are composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are Sar- asnarillit nnd Wild ( 'lierrv. so united as act to gether: the one, through its admixture with I selves; who account tor this tact by the other substances, purifying anu purging ; while I supposition that batan has counterfeited other is strengthening the system. Thus these .u religion so aa to pre-occupv and satistv the miudu ot the people wun tne PUls are at tbe same time a tonic and a cathar- -t .j i i. e i rj; i mc, a uoMoeraHim long sougni iur uy mni ... . . t m. - , len. but never before discovered. In other wwwswajw ",c oci.wu . ww. WORD TO SONS. ! words, they do the work of two medicine and do it much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the system but im purities, so that while they purge they also strengthen and hence they cause no debility and are tonoweu ny no reaction. Dr. Tutt'S Pills Have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not only purify without and genuine. This correspondence hold in minute particulars. Both have a supreme and infallible head ; the celibacy of tbe priesthood ; monasteries aud uunneries ; prayers in an aukoown tongue ; prayers to saints and intercessors, snd especially to a virgin with a child : also prayers for Making of Bit i ta Without Milk. then another. Call and see me and look over books. You hawe something to be proud sod to boast of. The farm is the keystone to every industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all " t . i . 1 1 m r ,. ,L!L t ' ! . ""' -" weakenins it. but they remove all noxious oar- I j -3 . r .u. you eau't be a great man because you ore tic!e, froin the chyle 'before it is converted Into w T ' rer-"""" r .rTT T " She son of a farmer. Waabington. Webster fiuid and lhuB iniWUution, so there is no f rosary ; works of mer.t and saperero- and Clay Were fanner's sons, but while they nausea or siekness attending the operation of gation ; self-imposed austerities and bodi- coiled they studied. So do ye. Boy a good this most excel lent medicine, which never strains ly inflictions ; a formal daily service, con- book, one at a time, read and digest it, and or tortures the digestive organs, but causes I listing of chants, burning of candles. them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; .prfngiw of bo,v water bowings, pros hence persons taking them do not become pale 1 . f".: I . . ' . ' and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all I 'f1 n,f lnrcbings and counter march'ngs impurities are-being removed, the combined c- I otb have also fast days and teast days ; tionof the Saisaprt Ilia and Wild Cherry puri- religious processions; images and pia- nea una invigorates me oouj, anu acuon. im-e turee are revere and worship w w 25 cents a box! Sold by all druggist. Depot 48 I .i Cortlandt 8t, New. , 4w. shL.4U : TJT. My HUHa lie icij tvinnwi . have hut space or time to pursue tbe sub ject farther. We have stopped to consider these poiut because they are strange and show that much of christian practice was anticipated by heathen nations long before tbe ad yen t of the Redeemer. Baptism was used as a symbol of purification both by Jewa and heathen nations even as early aa the Babylonish captivity. We take leave of the subject by saying, that we presume no satisfactory answer can be ever obtained as to tbe origin and mean ing of the symbol of the cross among the heathen nations ot antiquity. Sentinel. back street. 1 dislike a miser, vet s mi ser i more respectable lhau a spend-1 In it: 1 1 i not necessary that every black man should become a rich man. but we most have a representative class at .any rate. There must be an actual number of rep reaeutstive of intelligent aud wealthy men. Compulsory Vaccination. The benighted Asiatic, says an ex change, fi d. io their sunrise, that Russia has a very summary method of prac i cally enforcing the bebst of European civilisation, (jie.it biituin s tenporixiug method of dealing with tbe Orieniials finds no favor in Hussion eyes. Re cently small px msde its appearance in The latest achievement ot practical nne rf the Asiatic possessions of the Cxr science is the making of butter without His officer at the post requested the pen milk. A company with a capital of five pie to come and be vaccinated, Compli hnndred thousand dollars to be cal ed auce with tbia invitation being summarily the Olesmargarine Manufacturing company refused, a few medical officers, well sup- has been established iu Philadelphia hu plied with lancets and vaccine virus, were the manufacture of the new product. The detailed for active service. These sur- process is thus described : Tbe new geons were accompanied by a regiment of butter is msde trom the same meterial as Cossacks. The dashing lancers ran down ordinary butter, but this material is oh- every man, woman, and child in the infect- tained by a much more si "pie and natur- ed district, and held them each and all al process than that of milking the cows, until tbe physicians pronounced them fee In ordinary batter it is not the thoroughly vaccinated. Tbia ia advane- cream that ia made into batter, bat the ing humanity at the points of the lance oil in the cream. The butter when made I and lancet. is composed of oil, mixed with sour milk or batter milk. If the butter is warmed up to a certain point yoa have nothing bat oil. Now, this oil was secreted (and S a v norance ot tier parentage. i ow comes in tbe uncle, rich and heirless. Tbe ordinary novel style, yon see. He discovered the yonng girl, neatly grown to womanhood. With him she goes to New Ynik, haa every advantage of education aud society, comes back to her fostet mother, on a visit, finds her poor and resolves to stay with her. Her ancle dissuaded her. She persisted. She Rave up her easy borne in New York uli all the aeeeseoriee of so ciety, dross and prospect, doffed her silks and put on humbler but quite as becoming Snnts, obtained employment in the Bank fote Printing Company's office, and is there still, living; with her old foster moth er, to all appearances aa happy as when in New York, where she was a budding belle and s probable heiress. Who after this true recital, shall aay that there are no romances now a-days! stop to COME TO THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, J- - And Get a Good Picture. CONCERTO PABLOK ORGAJTS art uu mokt beautiful ia aiyie ana perfect in ever made, 'I UK CO.V ItK IO STOP w Uu I erer placed in Hill so x t ra net of rmm W will give you a good picture or not let you take it away ; for we don't intend that any had work shall go from this rdaee to in jure us aud the business. Call and try. Up Stairs between Parkers and Miss Mc Murrap's. Call and examine say stock of WaH Paper, Window Shade. Writing paper, Inks dec. Mind I don't intend to he under sold. - ' . Feb. 27, tf. LINDSAY'S WATZSF -Afc - k was - sbtwbbbbbbbbbpbPbV "MB BBBBM tt.H l DSTOFuUtiest nnrHrKin ali BklBBBBm tVEFH:fT.,C.iJ IttflOtTf saABtsS. H ING AND SOI L. B VsriRRn-G RH ITS I .HIT ATI OX Uof tht Hl'iHAN 1 pbb.E JL2llU iSB(;ATEfeeTrey prlcea for cash, or part e h, and balance in pro rem cut., Si75 m K ' rm o-Oe-tave,70. D6lBLi:.RCEnORCA.S. 4 STOPS, THE GREAT PulSON NEUTKALIZER. A Sure Preventive and certain cure Jar tcunt taMinitUrt, CklW, a no; h stops at-.. SitndmVt-AkaalA. Bnd Sll rtM-p.lv. of Ui.ninatiff Amt,mmt,n Seud for circular. C. R. BARKER & CO. April 24, 1873 Ginos, H 1RDWARE. When you want Hardware' at low figures, call on the undersigned at No 2 ; j ran ue ttn D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury, N.C, May J 3-tf. According to ex -President Fillmore, the last words spoken to him by Daniel Web ster, wss a profound regret that be had ever voted for a soldier President. The rrea statesman said: u There ts no use In saying my friends i advised me to do it ; I did not believe in it, and therefore there is nothing I can say in tlutl direction to apologise for it. He referred to Gen. Tavlor. If he had lived to see our dsy, his re- I fret would bavre been intensified How TO Get Along - Don't tell stories in business hoars. If yoa have a place of business, be there when wanted. No man can get rich by sitting around the stores and saloons. "Never fool ia business matters." Have order,' system, regularity, and also promptness. Do not meddle with business yoa koow not lung nf. Be sure to pay as yoa go. A mau of honor respect hi word as he docs bis bond. . Learn to say No. No necessity for snapping it out dog-fashion, but say it mail to about tlnrty-nvs) thousand post offices io tbe United States, and orders are received daily for about 13,000,000 stamps. A Government agent gives his receipt for tbe stamps, sad obtaias corres ponding receipts from those to whom they are distributed. They are manufactured by the Continental Bank not Company and during the month ef July the aoas pany had a stock on hand of 175,000,000 stamp, valued st $2 308,000. Of these 54.770,300 were three sent stamps, 11, 167,500 one cent, and 5,651,700 twootrnt sumps. i A Chiyksk C la i m ask. " History tells us," ssy s the Pall Mall Gasette," that one day daring tbe reign of the ChiBsee ;Eav peror VYoo a gentlemanly young nan, dressed ia Imperial yellow and seated Is a sedan chair covered with tbe same ma le ri al . presented himself at the gate of tbe capital, and, in reply to the questions lite officers on guard, announced to be tbe eldeat son of tbe lata K whose death had been publicly proclaimed and bewailed some years before. Tbeneara of tbe illustrious stranger spread like wild fire through the city, and the mandarine hastened to seek an audience that sVrw might offer their allegiance to their right ful sovereign. One ef their number, bow ever, more astute than the rest, look wish him a pair of handcuffs and a detachment of police, and on entering the pseud-Imperial presence walked straight np to the gentlemanly young man, and instead of . aa aA i t joining general kotow, laateaed the acles on his wrists and handed hi his followers. His next proceeding introduce him to the torture chamber is his Yam on, and there, we are told), tbe sight of tbe various instruments hanging from the wall produced a visible effect on the claimant, who after some slight hesi tation acknowledged that, far from having any right to the imperial yellow, hs was the son of poor parents, and that be had been induced to personate tbe beir-a -nt by reason of the strong liken be bore to him. This confession wo du ly reported to tbe Emperor Woo, who, af ter careful consideration, ordered the ad venturous young man to be cat into tarn thousand pi BlsfsA The Mark Lane Express concedes that England must import 96. 000, 000 bushels of wheat to make np tor the deficiency of went into the milk from tbe fatty tissues I this year's crop. Other authorises have of the cow. It is a roundabout way and I placed the deficiency a good deal higher not always very cleanly -to obtain bat- Itian this; but taking the latest estimate, it ter Nnw th new nroccss of making I is large enough to absorb all the surulus butter ia to go to the original source of tbe that is likely to be obtained from tbe wheat-1 ' uy "d respectfully growing countries wnicn export to oreat Britain. More especially ia this the ease wheu it ia estimated that France will need 48, 000, 000 bushels from abroad this year, and that Russia and Germany will have less to spare than usual. Tbe total ex- cloths and the nil nressed out. laree iron I portt of wheat and flour from the United r . a nn . . I. presses being need for the purpose. This I states to n.nrnpe mr tne year enniogj nne is,QII, KrpuWiean haa an account of a roost oil ia then cooled down to about 60 de- ibe 30,1872, amounted to 24,000,000 terrible affair which rx.k place near Kiugs- greaa,aa ordinary churn, adding tbe same I bushels. So far the receipts of wheat In I bury, M issoari, some days ago. It ap auantitv of water or milk tboue-h I be- I Chicago for Eastern shipment exceed bni I pears that a young girl, whose name ia a W -nr v . , . . a mm . I " heve they now oa sour milk in preference slightly those of isst year, aud it ia qatte not gi aud a little ana to, a vegetable prepare- Pn q,wtwn betnr we can spare tion used to color cheese, when tbe chum- orer 30.000,000 bushels of wheat for ex r I . t .1... - . - .- ... ,1. . lug commences, in lour minutes the P"" l,uut rwF l" J""- operat ion cease, and a splendid article of butter is turned oat. The water or milk is then ''worked oat," as the ordi- oil, namely, to the fatty tissues of the animal. Tbia fat taken from any beef creature when killed cow, steer, etc is taken aud ground into a fine palp. It is then warmed np to about 118 degrees Fahrenheit' when it is enveloped in Tinea Use your biams rather than those of Others. Learn to think and act for yearself. Young men! cut this nut, and if there be any folly in the argument, let as koow. Snocxivr. CRiMiXALiTy. The 8t. An Indians journal describes a ble aerolite which fell in La Fayette ty in that Bute. Moat aerolitis art solid metalic substances; this one is quite diBat cat. A box of tbe fragments have bass aent to the Smithsonian Instant for as aminatoin, classification and ex the museum: Tbe mass seems to been hurled in liquid slat throngh tbe air. The fiagmenu are . enrienalya joey- comed. loe oatside presents tbe appear nee ot a soft body that baa struck! Bps solid partie.es, as tbe indentation of graa blade, straws sod slicks are plainly dis cernible. One of the fragment had fallen on a large stick of wood, snd conforms to it exactly, l he very tan tore of tbe wood can be aeen. Little balls of the earns ma terial, perfect spheres, were found lying a .a a S mW m-m near where tne main body fell. iven. living near the town named. was discovered by ber parents to be enciente. A few days after the discovery they took their daughter to a cornfield nary butter milk, and an ounce of salt to that, as a law of Nature, every spotted the pound added. The company are now dog has the end off bis tail white, and every m - . a - i ft .iii t a truniny out about a thousand nounds oer spoueu cat tne enu oi me tail Olx.c. XI - - sr sr day, and it is estimated that wheu the ad near tbe house, and forced fmm her a A QcxF.R Tale. A correspondent of I living child. They then threw tbe babe the Countru Gentleman haa diacovered I into a shallow hole in the ground and dit tonal machinery is introduced, they Will turn out ten thousand pounds daily. All they can make now is taken by a few leading hotels and restaur tut s. says he has examined many dog aud cats in Fence, England, and America, and al ways no ti iced tbe same result. Oar for mer minister to Japan, Mr. Harris fir-; mentioned the fact concerning tbe dog iu a letter published some year since. H mmntninnt sr I baa looked al many painting of dogs in r "w i - . tv i , deliberately stamped it to death, so fright fully mangling it that when they com pleted their hellish work, it waa difficult to distinguih tbe flesh and blood from the mud and clay .The prreute were arrested. nnfin Jnrdr and rn PTntl at Fort Klamnth nn 1 ffalleries of Pail and elsewhere in tbe 30th inst. 7 10 od even there the I dogs spotted always in order, proving to IDS WnOfce numDer Ot mngeg in tbe I him that the artist bad inrariable copied I that hs will aeeep the apiKiDtment. It will United States i 662. I after Nature, be sMaRy announced at aa early day Chict-Jcsticb or the Uxrrro Statxs StrrkkBk Court The Washington eor respondeat of the New York 5a says; I am able to state positively that pveaideot Graat ha Wnaiad to appoint the H n. Beanaa Cookliog Bsbe Chief-Justice, and that a has received from Mr. Loukling tbe aosoraoea AtOTHBB MlRACI.B DBCLAkKD.i The Paris Uni per s aaya the extxaordioary favor accorded to a yonng girl at Blast, who was a deaf mole from her birth, bnt waa made whole at Loardea, baa been tbe ubjeet of aa episcopal inquiry. A ess mission was appointed to investigate the miracle on tbe following beads : Th past sod present state of the child, and tbe coarse of cure , whether means or stances purely natural might have about tbe resell ; the condition to mike lbs care a miracle: whether, the pr sent case, tbe renal t shown should be considered aa a miracle pesfssr, or a one nf those surprising favor which tbe ebarch is not accustomed Is regard aa miracle, and which it range among the extraordinary blessings of hea ven. AfS. long and minute investi gation on oath the commission ban gists io its opinion that the cur w really a sJb. Tea ibop, considering ha declared that it ieriag all uftmm est ansoicsjarnssV I I 1 i .