! . I I iLl I I llll tewm -ail r.fwjL 4 !?afti h4.itJ( tkA t, fi 1 ' " I I v ,V II li !' liifVl I i s -. ... f . . .. ' ! f il VOL. Y. THIRD SERIES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - SALISBURY, N. m OCTOBER 23. 1873. '.! Ill r ' '7 J- rusi.tsnsD wbbilt ; j. J. BRUNER, Pn.rtetr an Editor. J. J. STEWART, Associate Editor. B TK OF SVBCHIPTIOW v r a ii payable in advance $2.50 rroneaddre 10.00 r A A OH. EAT SENSATION Agents Wanted. Cash Salary, or Loroiuis Hion allowed. Strictly honorable, Address. F. A. ELLS t. ,. Charlotte. Midi. 4. J i 1 This unri valled Savmw , , to nti,in a -ung le particle of MfcBCLKY, Ml, uMurimsf niinernl suUHUnce, but is jUMlYVBOBIABLU, ntsiainl S5e S.tl.trn Roots and Herbs, ' h aaali-wW frovidv.H.e has placed m Iri. s where Liver Disea!H most nrevatl. It SeSYBPTOMSof Liver Comid dnt area Litter tale iii the mouth ; lain in the Back, JtSm -'ten mistaken for Rhe.miatum; Loss of Appellee; Bowels alter- costive anu iax " ' , V.r, , " a painful sensation of having failed to .."''Vw.n., wl.uh o.utht to have been doner Lbilitv. Low Spirits, a thick yellow appeance h-ei-vinptoms attend the disease, hi omr.., . j OS LlVBB, the largest organ in he Sir is generallv the seat of the disease, and f sf . . utaVinff. wretched- MALEvOR FE MALE, tiO a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or evening ; no capi tal required : frill instruction & valuable pack age of goods sent free by mail Address, with six cent return stamp. M. Young & Co, 173 Green wich St., N. Y. 4w x MnPTiFP f1 we wonld onIy cal1 atten 111 U il JJ III 11 . lion to oar AVELLIAUOfR, with which a man can earn $25 per day in good ter ritory. It " bores any diameter, "and ordinary wells at the rate of 150 ft. er day. Farm, Town ship dc County Rights for saie. Descriptive book sent on receipt of ;9c. postage. Address Auger Co., St. Louis. Mo 4w. F0K POBTaBiE AM STATIONARY STEAM FN O N V 8 PACE'S PATEHT P0ETABLE. CICULAR SAW MILLS To cut from 300 to 3000 feet per hour with one Saw. Oang, Mm ley Sash Saw Mills, Fortabte Grist Mills Left'ersTuridmMTater Wheels, and every kind of Sjach'mvry 'accessory to the manu facture of Lumber. Address. GEO, PAGE & CO., No. 5. N;Schrocder M., Biiltiniore, Aid. JBTSend for Descriptive Catalogue and Price List. ' - 4w. WAQHrMPTniJ OtTSIDS AND IN- TVAOnIlHUlUi,i SIDE. AGENTS WAV TED lor a c.nn4tte hiitorv of onr National Captal. Its origin, growth, excellencies, abuses, beantiei, and peronage are all port ray l in that graphic style which lias placed the author, GEO. Alf. Tijwnsfnd, among the foremost newvpaiicr correspondents of the time. It gives bold startling, truthful inside views of Wash ingtjon life, and Congressional and Lobbying Jobberv. Books readv for delivery. Extra terms for State. Address; Jamfs Btrr & Co., . ...i t..iU mtrnmi niaring. wretched :,s rW-."ii'iie" in nnand UlCATII will ensue. r. , ! . c nVfiTVTff mill tint he found i'Mi (l ent Ij Hjamnn o v- - - tht lifJOM UnpieumMn. v .r , . V S V i: P3 1 A , CON ST I P AT10N , Jann , i,,t,r.sMonol s.Hiits.HOLRSlOMACU, rS1 Hum, da-.,0ic. MlMM' Liver RvguUtor. w. WWWr i, thr t heaiK., I'nresl and Best tauuly Medi cine in the World.!. MAMFACTUUEIiONlA BY J. II. ZEIUN & CO., Macon, Oa. and Philadelphia. Price $1.00. Sold by all Druggist. FOR HALL BY TUEO. F. KLUTTZ. Jum ll tt. Salisbury N.C. COME TO THE BOOKSTORE EVERYBO DY Aeit Wanted. BI'Nt roit tlTALOlMiE. D0ME8TTC SEWlKG 'JIM H KS o., V w York Write I'rti Lnrgc 1MitrauMl Pilri- List Address Great W: st:rn Onn Works No. 179. SMITH FIELD ST. FITTSBURGH PA. Brecch-lnading Shot f-Guns $4ii to $300 Double Shot Guns, $ td $150. Single (.inns' $3 to $20. Rilles, $8 to$75 Revolvers. $6 to $25 Pistols,. SI to $3. Gun Material. Fishing Tackle. Large disconni to Dealers or Clubs. Army Guns Revolvers, &fc., bought jor traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid lor. 4w N E V B R Neglect a Cough. Nothing is mote certain to lay the foundation forfntureevHconsequencBe Wt'JI x Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs Sore Throat. Colds, Croup, Dip theria, Asthma, Catarrh Hoarseness, Dryness of the Throat. W indpipe, or Bronchial rubes, and all Diseases of the Lungs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly and freely used. They equalixethe circulation of the blood, miti- cate the severity ol the attack and will in a very short time, restore health v action to the affect ed organs. . Wells' Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they ean t be found a( your druggist's send at once to the Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mail. Don't be Deceived by Imitation. Sold by drugeists. Price 25- cents a box John O, KELLOGG 18 Platt-st, New York 4w Send for Circular Sole Agent for tbe United States, ,! And get Bibles. Prayer Books, Hymn Rn..k. f nV kind vou want ; Histories, Biographies, Music Books. Music, Novels of the best aathors; Blank Books, Albums of the most stylish kind; Stereoscopes ana Views; School Books, all kinds m general e. Slates, Inks, Writiug Paper of the best quality; Wall Paper and Window Shades is great variety, Music Teachers tor vocai, Pianos, Baujo, vtolius oce. A WOXLB TO Buy a few jdollars wopth of books every yfar for your sons and hands and take a good nvrsoaper. they will work better and be more "heerful. Try it, ' ' " . " J A WORD TO FARMERS SONS. You have something to he -proud and to boast of. The farm is the keystone to every industrial pursuit- When it succeeds all prosper; when it fails, all Hag, Dou'tthiuk vou can't le a great man because yu are the son of a farmer. Washington. Webster and Clay wer farmer's sons, but whila taey -tolled they studied. So do ye. Buy a good bok, one at a fime, read and digest it, and thea anotlver. ,(all aud see me and look over books. Witt IVH j COME TO THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, And Get a Good Picture TBE OEY Um MEDICINE Til AT AT Tlli SAME TIME Purges, Purifies and 8 length ens the py stem. lr. Ttltt'S Pills (fixe composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are tsar saparilla and Wild ChilriT. so united a act to eether: the one, through its admixture with other sul)stances, purifying and purging ; while other is strengthening the . system j Thus these Pills are at the same titne a tonic and a cathar tic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, but never befor discovered. In other words, they do the work of two medicines and do it much better thanmy two we know of, fr they remove nothing tRpm the system but ira purities, so tnat wlulej; tney purge tney also strengthen and hence they cause no debility and are followed lv no reaction. Dr. Ttltt's Pills halve a wonderful influence i cm the blood, lhey not only purify wit Itout weakening it, but they remove all noxious par ticles from the chyle before it. is converted into fluid, and thus makes imbi Citation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the operation of this most excellent medicine, which never strains or tortures the difcsllve organs, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are being removed, the combined c tionofthe Snisaprillia? and Wild Cherry puri fies .md invigorates the body, and action. Price 25 cents a box. 'Sold by all druggist. Deoot48 Cortlsndt St., New. 4w. A Busted Breeches-Maker, A ndy Johnson s Lroose Cooked. "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.' Dirinr the great popular freny of 1865, in the North, when tbe super-loyal pa i lor-castied : warriors of PuritAnia a shallow and lying Chriatian civ ilia at ion, panted tor a gory victim on their shrine of hate, a falsely condemned woman lay in the Washington felons' dungeon. Her grief and ahame-etricken danghter fought her way through lines of glistening bayo nets, cold hearts, and insulting lackeys, to the gates of the ruler of the people. On her knees, she implored admittance to htm who held in the hollow of bis band a life dearer to her than all the world beside tbe life of her mother, if per chance her streaming-tears her aucon trollable and hnconcealable sorrow and wretchedness her agony-bowed soot and humble prayers might touch the heart of tbe monster' who occupied the Execu tive Mansion drunken, beastly Andrew Johnson. Her snpphca lions fell npon brazen ears. '1 he heartless minions had ordered to deny her admittance. She could not give tip the hope ; she struggled for the privilege of fulling at the P'csi dent's feet. Ala ! poor stricken maid ; she was ruthlessly kicked out from the kingly portals j driven off by wild beasts in human form. - The ear tbe low bread ear of tbe elevated ex breeches-maker now turned ghoul, was deaf. It was barricaded against the piteous fries of the poor girl, and she was driven out from the accursed precincts of the White Mansion unhealed ! The humble tragedy was enacted, which will forever link the name of An drew Johnson .with the heaven cursed and damned of earth. The body of mur dered Mrs. Stirratt was thrown as an appeasing morsel to the blood-lappiug populace. f ' Years have passed away, but the damn ed pot on the escutcheon of Andrew Johnson won't out. The very fates have conspired to overreach tlia chief actor in this horrible deed. They have brought his tottering form t the grave's hank, and in. -is us it to protoug ins misery ana tantalize hi. ifwaiuing davs, turned htm lo :- to hobble bacic to tbe haunts of men A d now comi'S the news th.it. bv the ! - 6 . . failure pf the First National Bank of Washington City, w hich occurred on the 23d ult., he loses, at oue fell swoop, $60, l!00 his last nickel and Ii ft a miserable, pauper; a candidate for some friendly lunatic asylum, poor pest or charnel house. Thus ends the lordly rule of one-who. in his evil day of prosperity, was feared, pited and execrated by millons of his countrymen. The rise and tall of this man is a narrative of misdirected steps from the tailor's bench op the totterriug heights of tam, and down again to-ruin, pauperism and the grave. Yesterday, roaling in eae, hi bank account flush plenty all about him. To-day, an aged bankrupt and a pauper; his only bope the cttaracly of a world, which the lesson of his example has helped to harried against both charity and himself. Ven geance is mine, saith the Lord. As Andy Johnson tossed upon his now far more than uneasy pillow, praying for oblivion, he has but to wait fr the second whipering of the angel ; 'Fool, this day thy soul shall be required of thee ?' and then all will fbe over. Down devils -down with htm ! Down with all the monsters who have revealed in a nation's woes ! A J., a long farewell to all thy greatness. Caucasian. This will do as a piece of mad, re vengful raving, but nothing more. John son is not rained by his loss nor damned by such writers. we are satisfied, however, that our peo ple will not generally adopt so suicidal a policy. But if our lands are retained, what nust be done with them t To rent them oat to "croppers" seldom pays for they are imperfectly cultivated, either from laziness to let them lie idle wbilat enormous taxes have to be paid on them is ruinous to run them extensively in cotton, as many have done, has proved worse still. What then f For one we say sow them down in snia'l grain, clover, grass, &c; the cost will be small, the pro fits, we think, will be huge. Ou every side we hear tbe cry of sear city of labor, how shall we manage it 1 The answer is ready nse hat you have on that which pays well, and only on that. It is folly to cultivate poor land - no pro fit in it .the labor consumes all. It is decidedly cheaper to enrich land than to spend year after year, very expensive labor on it. Make one aero yieidVes much as two has heretofore don, and vou will need little more than half the labor bith erto employed. Instead of averaged yield of coi ton bring one bale o three acses, let it be a bale to every acre. It can be doue, it is being done by farmers here and there all over the South. Why not all do it ! Increase Of the National Debt. t.lr.r.rl v .nil aaLnlt... . f lA f ution which he and his tribe both i.iauir- urated ana Kept alive Bisnop aimpooii, like hie new made peer, Bishop Haven, highest earthly hope, according to his thrice-avowal. is that a nigger wench may j yet be President of the white-born, bin black -bedeviled republic of An erica, and a white man her huabaad. What a precious pair, these tw. f un healed, morally accursed wretches are! No wonder the infidel world ridicules the blessed, religion of the Rcdremer, when such fellows are chosen its chief custodians and exemplars. Caucasion. NO. 5. WHOLE NO. 8ftJ From the Southern Cultivator. 1 Our Old Farms What Shall we do with Them P Tbe restoration of our old farms to their Some weeks ago we stated that the Na tioual debt was steadily increasing. In this assertion we are sustained by the chairman of the recent New York Demo cratic State Convention. We make the following extract from his remaiks. It is a fact that the increase ot govern ment expenses tor the present year over last is 818,000,000. It is a fact that tbe expense ot the general government for the present year is estim ited by the Sec retary of the Treasury at, and will exceed, J-JDSj UUtJ.UUU. 11 IS a Met III it tuts is two and oue fifth per cent, of the asaecsed value, real and personal, of the united States. It is a fact that the assessed value of the State of New York is 81, 907,001,185 (Ills a fact that the share of this .State of the cost for this year ot i in Federal Government will be $45,274,- 020,07. Il is a fact that the cost of tin r edeial urovernmeul tor the current year to each tax-payc r averages just two and oue-tiilh prr ceiU. ot his assessed valua tiou ; or, $2 20 ou each $100 of such as sessiuent. I; is a fact that in 1860 the expense of the Federal Government was only about ouefifili ot what it is oow. It is a fact that the cost ot the Executive Department ot tin- government in 18G0 was only $1,829,804. Il is a fact that this year it is $17,000,000. It is a faci that the cost of this department under Lincoln iti 1804, when tbe war was raging, and when lor Secret service and other ex traordinary purposes incident -npon the war unusual expenditures were necessary, was only $4,433,041. in currency when gold ranged as high as 2S5anc greenbacks were worth as low as only 39 cents ou the dollar. It is a fact, therefore, that under Grant, in 1873, during peuce, the expenses ot tbe President's own department are over ten times, allowing for the depreciation of greenbacks, what they were under Lincoln in 1861, while tbe rebellion was1 raging It is a fact that the expense of the. War Department in 1860 was only $16,472, 202 It is a tact that ibis year it is $32, 895,00011 or twice as much as in 1860 It is a fact that the expense, of the Navy Department for I860, when we had a com merce to protect, was only $11,514,640; and it is a tact llrat its expenses this year 44 where is our commerce?" is over $20,000,000, or double what it was in 1860; aud the same ratio of enormous in crease in the cost of administering the de partments above enumerated applies to tbe other departments of the government. It is a fact that under the present Credit Mobilier saUry-grab Congress the con gressional expenses are several times greater than lormerly. In 1864, when greenbacks were depreciated to less than 40 cents 'on the dollar, Congress cot only $2 957,192. For the current vr Death-Valley. The Boaver fUtahl Enter wimm k.. A. following rrspsswiog tWi tBb noted valley: "The Vaey of Death a spot almost as terrible as ibe prophet's Vaiv of Dry Boort lie joM north of the -old Morax iroad to California, a region thirtv mit-s long by thirty broad, sad surround d. ex cept at two point, by inaccessible monn tafns. It la totally devoid of water and vw nation, end the shadow of a bird or wild b-ast never darkens its white glaring sands. Th Kansas pacific Bail ua4 engineer dis covered it. and also some oa.r. -Wh Msrrrsro of the Peeks Associatiox Report orttoirMrrr Ess-A 1'lemt Gathering, &-. It was understood by the Presa of the Slate that a special meet ing of the- iakslingees of North Carolina would Le held in Ealeigh during the Fait week. it f Accordingly on yesterday afternoon an imprompin meeting was held at the .Se cretary's office and adjourned t meet in tin- parlors of Jordan Stone, Esq , at 7. The meeting waS duly called lo order at the above time by th President. M -j. J. A. Engelhard, of l he Wilmington Jour nal, (.'apt. Win. Biggs, of ibe Tarboro Southerner, was. appointed Secretary. Being an informal meeting of the Associa tion to hear reports of Committees on spe cial business, Col. Cameron, of the 11 dis horn Recorder, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Advertisements, made a verbal report: The Chairman read on this subject a semi-oracial statement from M ij. Mann, ot the Wilmington Post, which was lolly discussed by members present, -including Messrs. Argo, of the Mechartc s Journal, My rover, ol the FayeUville Gazette, Rob-, ioson, of the Fayetteville Statesman, Wil son, of the Kiuston Gazette. Harris of the Concord Sun ; Manning of the Roanoak Xeics, a I'd. ol her. After a full and free discussion of all matters pertaining to the duties ol the es pec lives Committees the following resolutions were introduced by Mr. ltob- iison. of the F-yciieville Statesmen : Resolved, That, having full confidence the direction of the Committee, which iave invited our expression of views, we wi I hi k e no explicit recommendation, but remit I ho drafting ot the bill in regard to L-iral Advertisements, Agricultural In it.rfsls aud Immigration, to tbe gentlemen appointed at the State Conveuliou of ihe Press Association. I be following representatives of the Press were present a large number in the ciiv beine absent attending on "lorras divine :" Biker, of Louisburg Courier, Myrover, of Fayetteville Gazet'e, Argo, of the Mechanics' andWorkingmen's Jourr nal, Williams & Stone, Daiy News, Har ris, Concord S tn, Wilson Kiuston. Gazette, Lee. Clinton Reporter, Cameron, Hilisboro' Recorder, Manning, Roanoke News. Engel hard, Wilmington Journal, Woodward, New York South, Robinson, Fayetteville Statesman, Weston, New York Sun, Ilus sey, Piedmont Press, and Bigg, Tarboro So ullxerncr . News . dw the ftitec the lust Montgmaery train which ruie sooth frvw Suit Lake in 185a guided by a Monooo. Whe Bear Death -Valley some earn t eouehitfon that the Mormon knew nothing about the eountrj. they apptriutew one of tbeir neiaber a leader, aad broke off from the party. Tha leader tamed doe weak so with the people aud wagons and flocks ha travelled three day, and then descended in.o the broad valley, wt.we teaaeberoae mirmre promised water. They reached the centre, hut only the whites, and bounded by searehior peaks, met heir gazf. Around the valle? they wan dered, and one by one the men died, and the panting flock- stretched themselves in death under the hot sun. Then the children, cry ing for water, died at their mother's breasts, aud with swollen tongues and $uruingvita!a the helpless m .-hers f l owed. Wagon after wagon was abandoned, and strong men tot tered and died. After a week wandering, a dozen survivors fonnd some water in the hollow of a lock in tbe mountain. It lasted but a short time, when all died hut two, who efcap-d out of tbe valley and followed tbe trail of their former eompanicins. Eighty seven families, with hundreds of animals per ished here; and uow, after twenty-three year the wagna tand still complete the iron work and tire are bright, and the shrivelled skeletons He tide by side." Sw York, Oct. 18.-A .peclallle tU ew York JYaseay the cvntiv-7" Trsy about the burning of ColujafcuL" 8. L be received a quam fofntal deJ termination by the Britiah-AjTnerica, mixed commission. This nnadieu i sy grew oit of claims for cotton daefc stroyed in the barn ing of Celumbea, which claims were bused optar tWd aasumptiou that the city was burned by the Federal soldiers acting under tiff authority of the Federal comraandenC' The vast amount of testimony taraT on the subject was before the com mia sion. AAer giving it careful attention every one of those claims was disallow ed. The total amount claimed walw between six and seven million dnlran." A semi-official statement of the fin an. of tbe Govern n lent concludes : w ' is m apprehension that Congress impose sMstKXkal taxes tp supyh supposed or actual deficiencies in thja" receipts, bat rather restrict the appro-, nriations to the economical limit and Cubiocs Statistics or Marriage. To the people of a statistical rather than a sentimen'al torn, tbe mathematica of marriage in different countries may prove . .1 m a t an attractive memo ol meottation. It is tound that young men from fifteen lo twenty years of age marry young women averaging two or three yean older than themselves, but if lhey delay marriage until lhey are twenty to twenty-five years old their spouses average a year younger than themselves; and thenceforth this dif ference su-adily increases, till in extreme old age on ibe bride-groom's (part is apt to be enormous. 1 he inclination of octn genarians to wed misses in their teens is aa everr-day oecurrance, but It is amusing to find in the love matches of boys that ' statistics bearoutthe sarin's of I hackeray and Balzac. Again the husbands of young women aged twenty and under, avetage a little shove twenty-five years, and the inequality of age diminishes iheoeeforward till for women who have reached thirty the respective ages are equal ; after thirty five years, women, like men, marry those younger than themselves, the dispropor tion increasiug with sgef till at fifty-fire it averages nine year. Tbe greatest n ii tuber of marriages for men lake place between tbe ages of twenty and twenty five in England, between twenty-five and thirty in France, and between twentyfive and thirty -five is Italy and Helgium. r :o illy, in Hungary the num commence no new work that may sot: he appropriation which Congress wilP Ih- :iktil to make at the comimr seSI' oav bion inc lude thr estimate for Ibe fial year, and a large deficiency ftw the present rear. There m LwaS a. believe that thev will be greatly in excess of the appropriation for any, : .l. l' ' f .'s ' yvai oiuer i uc oeg i lining oi xrtiace Graut's administration. Liurio K.t KKMkST How straogssjK wc overlook tbe value o the Iicnid rxm. meal of oufaniasls ! A cow, ander SsdK nary toed ing, furnishes in s year SO 656 pounds of solid excrement and shoal 8, 000 pounds of I q aid. The comparative mon ey value of the two is but slightly in favor of the solid. This statement baa heea verified as truth over and over ajgaia. The urine of herbivorous animals holds aeawlp all the secretions of the body ahich SfB capable of producing the tich nitrogens compounds so essential as forcing or Jet forming agents in the growth of plaslaf I he solid holds the phosphoric aad, the lime and magnesia, which go to the sSsato principally ; but the liquid, holding nhreV gen potash, and sods, is needed In for meng the stalk and leaves. The two forms' of plant nutriment should never be sepa rated or allowed to be wasted by neglect. Tbe farmer who saves all the mine ef av animals doubles his mammal reso areas every year. flood seasoned peat is- at immense service to farmers, hen need as au absorbent, and the stalls far animals should he so constructed as to admit ef a wioe paaaage m lue rear muu generous passsge room for peat, to be used daily wiia tbe eicrcmenL Host n Journal Chemistry. ancient fertility and thea advancing them to a still higher degree of productiveness j year the expanses of our salary-grabbing must every be the leading problem for . statesmen will be seven or eight limes solution with us. "Excelsior" is the j tbat amount, even if at tbeir next session Southern Farmers' motto, aud not with- ! they do not grab any more salary or back Charlotte Observer on the Gov ernor's Fair Speech. The remarkable part of bis speedi wss her of individuals who marry is 72 ia a is a i I,; . thousand each year ; in bSgland, it is "He would say to his Republican friends 64 ; in Denmark, 50 ; in France, 67, the and beitig a member ot that party he bad city nf Psris showing 53 ; in Norway 35. a riffht to sav it. lake uoon yourselves no Widowers indulge in secortd mariiages fantastic airs in coming in beie because tbree or four times as often as widows. you arc a Republican. Y-u are no better tor example, in hnglaud (land of Mrs. than anybody else ! To bis Democratic Bardell) there are 60 marriages of widow friend he would say ; Be not ashamed ; ers against 21 of widows ; in Belgium you are in good company." there are 4S to 16 ; in FranSe, 40 lo 13. We never knew betore ihat Republicans Old Mr- Welk-r's paternal advice, Ui boasted of their social worth and e-ere "bewate ot tbe widows," ought surely to disposed to put ou "fantastic airs" in a be supplement by a maxim to beware f . . m dre Domas " soc ial way But ba Excellency's keen vision, it of widowers. LippincoWs Magazine. "Double" axo (t it. .Akxai Domas used lo tell the following m dote ? Being oue evecinr at tbe Crlo, Naples, lie entered into- enuVev aalion with a stranger rittiag in rW stall next to him. "1 fopo." mii hst I 1 t S.S a latter at me eioee oi t tie perti "ibat we may uae the meeting again, I am Alex an "Oh ! indeed ! " replied the novelist, with his gay lanrb : MaS aaslP Tbe stranger Mcoliapscd." A nun whose morning dram had hssst ton much for Itim, hi saddling his haras got the wrong and foremost. Just as Hi was about to mount, a neighbor came sfi and called bis attention lo the mistake. -Tbe horse man gamed for a moment at lbs intruder, as if in deep though and theaj said : "Yon let that saddle alone, flow do you know which way I osa goio 1 aVag be looked daggers at tbe omctous Bf bor. standing all (lie croakiugs we hear aud the supposed ignorance and lack of enter prise and energy which our "bretbreu" and foreigners attribute to us, we utibesita, tiugiy assert that the agricultural interest o tbe South basadvauced and is advaucingf just as rapidly as her means and surround ings will justify. Nowhere, if Germany pay. Clerical Demagoguery. More Funaiicism from Bisltop Simpson. One of the conferences of the Northern Methodist church was held at South Bend, the fair fields of my client with impss and without pokes then yea, ibea deed, have our forefartheia fon;ht and aud died in vain !" Y.'ATEKS' W will ive vou a irood nietute or .not let yu take it away ; for we don't .intend .that any bad work shall go from this etoiin jure as and the business. Call aud try. Up Stairs between Petfw 44 Hiss Mc Murray's. Call and eaav.y stock ot wH irapor, Window Shades. Writing-paper. Inks &c. M'md I dou't iuUjiid to ibe under Sold. Feb. 87. tf. C0FCE7.T0 PASLOR ORGANS a s vie mo , i Dcauiuui ia Innr.d perfec t in tone evermaule TXIC: t O.A. ( Lir.O STOP u a beat ever ptacoa t any vrgavn II u pnaucea cy cxrra net oj mat, 'ulia-.lv voiced, ; ou Et?i-xcT(ia :i!HOST(':ilARIff. A'D SOI L STIRRER tchiU ITS IMITATION f the HVniK VOICE IS St . hKn sty rwaaatira vjuawExi Broadwa ana UKii.i.N IPPER. ATIlRS&SONSI r, N. Y. tn-llrft-oSOO PIAXOt MlASMAEulZIR THK GREAT lOI80N NEUTRALIZE. A Sure Preventive and certain cure Jor CHILLS AND FEVER, and all species of Miasmatic diseases, fennel for circular. C. R. BARKER & CO. April 24,1873 6uios. of f irstaclnss makers. i- tludiuQ WATERS', extremely low prices f or rath, or part n V and balance i a ma 11 monthly-;xiynn.. JVew 7-Octa.vo flrstclaas Ii.os all modern im provement, fr SS93 ctff. ' rmi ft-Oc lave,rO. I0 1 IH. I -It I ; F I ORGANS, 4 STOPS. SI 10 5 S STOPS. st5. lUwa crated tlltalciiruM mailed. A In roe dit- count tnMiniiU,r:t I hun he, S.indv-S. hoott, Temperano Societiet, etc. AlPfCT SpSJeSSOS. ' H 1RDW A R Er When vou want Hardware at low figures, call on the undersigned at No. 2 Granite Row. D. A. ATWEliL. tiabury, N. C, Way 13-rM. , . be excepted, are theapplicationsof Science : Indiana the home of Sixteen Reasoned lo agriculture, more diligently studied and ! Schuyler Colfax, ex-Nice (oriee) Presi practiced than at the South. We venture dent of the Ureuit Mob o -liars Ornate ot the assertion, that the writings of Vile Ameriea on the 12ih inst. The "veuera are more reaq 4u (leoigia to day than in hie" (as he is dubbed) Btsbop Simpson his own country France. Bat to return, j presided. WImmi th subject of schools The leading ideas presented have been, ! was under discussion, the reverend musk tbe reduction of hoed crops to a minimum j et-backccl invader of peaceful churches in area, rendered very productive the ulil- ! the South said : "l'urdon the digression i . i . i i want tbe tune to come wiien waueii will vote. It is my opinion thai we cannot get along without women voting. It is not good for man to be alone." In the notorious prostitutes' and gam zation of surplus land by a great exten sion of clover, grass, pea and small crops and lastly the preservation cf existing forests and the cultivation of valuable lim ber trees. In the.older cultivated portions ot the biers? hell of Harry Hdl in New York City, toto pra.r South, everyfacre of exiting fonsts hould i tuay beread in glaring letters on t'ie J" "v see ins. has discovert d a hujre bump of self-conceit and vanity ud.-rmng the Kadl- j .N n w iTHst Axthxc; the falsehoods of young backwoods lawyer latrly cal noddle, um nuc ci hi tue puucu up certain persons in tne swrrwiiaing vina- his arruments in the case of bearing of some of his brethren, ue aemo- ges, propagated for selDsti purposes or from ceB for ijury done by the defi irhes their preteneiors by tins sockdo- malice, the banks tn this city are ready to . wine, with the fi.llowins' snblisaa oger : "You are no bi tter than anybody pay tc-day every dollar of their indebted- j if g, n'.lemen of thr jury, the defen else 1" "And, he might have added after nest. We never borrowed a dollar from dotr- art; permittd lo roam at laree thr m inner Ct IMS Illustrious preucxessur, any vans in Wiianoue.or iioriu Carolina, before he joined tbe church, "and a d-d and are under no obligations to tbem in eight worse I" But bis excellency did not any way for favors of any sort, bnt we say ibia. It would not have been pro declare that wc believe them to be as good dent for him lo have done so in ibe and solvent as it is possible for a mouted presence of hi in who said, "Nichols and institution to be, and keep our money on Gorman are with us, and of the bald deposit with them without any written headed Irishman, " who discovered obligation. CtarZofe Democrat. Kaleigh, and of that greasy portion of the We have not heard that any person, in Mate Judiciarv, which drives a bull an ymanner, had express d a doubt of the named Josiah " Turner, Jr.," and iu the solvency of the Charlotte banks, and must august presence of a little army of think that the ''vil'age" of Slateville had revenue officials, government understrap- no part in propagating the slander referred pers, and oiber small fry tbat swim in the to by ibe Democrat. Theeudorsaiion of waters of Republicanism." Observer. j Mr. Yates as to i heir soundness ought to I le sufficient to satisfy ihe most sceptical. Turlnn Hunting. Perhae these injurious reporta are circa- l I L 1. I 1;. Indian method of hunting the deer U7 P-...n. woo , - to dopeseem- to a looker-on" not heat borrow and no money to deposit. sra a 1 bursa'- remain uncleared. If the timber oji them ; i'1?)' wall The Mllll Mlltl bw tbo ehase. cruel spot. But fowl is the , ..bjct of the indian huuter, and he is won- derfully ucce.-fully in seeurinff 't. N 'twlth- stau.liug their great speed aud bottom, there animals seldom escape their pursuers on the rie. Mouutidon ttiair swiii pome. i, l.....ni it were a pack of at ruu ly sight. is judiciously removed, old and dead tree j not. more only taken off and eye hail to thinningout instead of dis criminally cutting) the youn ger giowlh will soon replace the older and a perpetual supply of timber be kept up Iu additioti to this all the steep bill sides, rocky kn'ihei and other places nnruited to tbe plough and boe should be allowed to grew up in limber again or planted in selected kinds, as chestnut, walnut, cf'c , Tbe thankful student of history knows the great power of the laud owners in a country. Perhaps in no part of the world ia the ownership of all the land more es sential to the continued domipancy of tbe ruling race, than at the South. Though less persons, and some pressed for means, , will sell portions of their land to the blacks; GrowthofOLivks is the ?octh In the U. S. Agr. Report f.r 1871. (page 151) Is abatement lhat"Xr. .las. Poslet of Brsnswick, Glynn Co.i (i-o . hasJ260 olive trees, 30 feel apait, planted in 1625, In all directions 'all in Lftariiur. and cvn a"- & gallons oil q iniatuMis from bcripiure j h M-rehiof tbe e,autry with eye j each season, with but a liile cultivation infamously applied than this tlltt( erythiuif. O discovering doer no amj wilb rode p,, nf manufacture. eatWs Soda Bisciit. One quart of and one even traspoonful of super ate of soda ; sift three together, rob the floor a table-spoonful of butter ; to taste ; wet the flour with soar unlit a soft dour. h is formed, make issu thin biscuits, and bake iu a quick SWfS work it very little. A philosophical Kentuckii but one shirt, aud was lying in bed etWsS the garment was drying on lb I., tl.tt wpj .i.mIuI .m mm ' iiii. u nil. jmiB, wo piviuni . mm clamaiioo from bis wife to the the calf bad eaten it" "Well," said K'-n tuck an, wilb a spirit hypocritical one, iu relation in ihe f I -tt-mntis msdo at eoucealmmt, but. with L. a . 1 aa rSS S . . a S? J ' - till nrnrkfr ruli i vnr inn miuI n irliincrv goodedness of man being alone. ' bridle rein betwiteu their teetn, loauing j? ' j the product might be made of a quality a little wine for your stomach s sake, . g0n. or -dlastiug their arrow as he, ride. , v U n repeats Harry Htll after the manner o( the )hunters bears d,,wu on the doomed ao amnnted to 1 ,250 gallons, Paul o invalided and dyspeptic Timothy, u. ia. Off bouu . the d.er but J fc dollars per gallon. No injuries -It is naifeood for man i" be alone the , 17 Th. from iniecU or 'disituef reported." Olive choros in which hoib Simpson eouot Vhiehat rsl wmed open, narrows oil sella for S8 la 10 per gallon. and vagabond Harry Hill line in the 11 eiwie. The deer double on ihein- one as a priest of Baal aud pa' rout of shIv. Heininel iu on every aide, there is I fresh better lose." cause, "them w mm. effect that worthy ef s I T 1 Li the richer, as prostitutes, the oiber as a reverend pro- st i tutor of Scripture. Surely no living man in America has contributed more to ward the demoralization of religion, hence the promotion of social eeil and shame, than this same sniekeriug, white cbokered pbarisee-Bishop Simpson in hia ruthless dealings who me deteneetesi l'rofauity never did least cood. So man is haonier. or wiser fcr it. It no one to any society. It pi diagoataW to the refined ; abominable to the fSj0i ; insulting to tluee with whous ssaja- sociate; dejrradinir to the mind; Ws profitable and injurious te socaety. t Sentence of death wan aaeaed aft Has - . m - .1 i ... i . l .... . .... i m i mm m r.an jiiii ii Vi.iiiiv .1 v im uuxno th-. mi el and inearrnw .i. m . ----m, j , work. All their bootiag. whether man or f ora hoarding ec'i 1, came to her honest hrmt. inrolwe a seateea of surroun ling. It old father's breakfast table, instead of is ibis method, thoroughly underti.Hl. and apravta. English, and sayioe, "Good invariablly practiced where numbers will at- .no,," a. ,poke Frebeh. and said, 1 low. tht renders the Indian S lonnniame .n the prairie. Althcngh nuinbera are ia at the heath, there is ao depute aa t. the diatribu SioBB of the e eeaeara. Hum. with the Xan ' - Bon yours, congregations of Uie Souib, dunug those Jon. Bern in the October Galaxy four." Of course the bone ? if you say so, " respond d the practical old ceutlrman, as he handed bar the ossified portion of a beefsteak. fall term of the Superior Court county, for David Collins. wkit,auek ander Bray lex k colored who were i lo be hanged -Friday, Nnrees bar 7 th, be tween thehonrs of 10 and II o'clock, ftsrlss murder of Allen Jones, caddies. Wall tnt b c.uite. The outlook in commercial circles is eJftart ng. The outlook for the ia pncAiimcrintr. WW 1 fi ; -'k. I! .-'.. b ,-tnr. -S ' ..'I '' i 1 "Vp ut1 t- i'livf b' ui! h-?..v-'V b" ,

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