(f ir0Ui.1t IU nlf hmn it u. ih wo LOCAL, uch aid. . sir - iirrr- .v t acted ui m nV reasonable refines. tlUt SALISBURY MARKET, OCTOBER. 83. CORN nw old M rmTON-13 a Hi MKAL 65 70. BAOON (county) 14 J . - hog round POTATOES Irish 60 75 Street 00 KGGSWSto 1H CHIC'KENS- a per dog, LAUD 12 a 15. VEATHERP new, 60. TALL WO a 10 JiYK 70 a 60. JiKKSEWAX-30.- WHEAT-SI Qnl 60, ttirrTER-2s, dried fru it Uluckbtnief. 10 a 11. JKcaj 8eM ll')T Nevvbern Times of AKP189.1 by mail f. quit lur J.U. U. Jy. Uutharo Square, ff. V, or 5&s, that ft' WOLGOTT, 181 4m, Tut: State "FAiB.Those of our citizens wno viMicd me rair at uau .ifch, last week, unanimously concur in saying that it was a grand success iu every point of view, so far as the public was concerned. The prepara tions were all on a grand ca!e, and the exhibition exceeded anything be fore got up in Raleigh. They also peak in high terms of the generous and cordial reception given them by the city people. The attendance, particularly on "Wednesday and Thursday, was very large. The llaleigh papers and the Hillftboro Recorder say that there were at least 15,000 people on the Fair grounds Thursday, but some put the number even above that. We rejoice with our llaleigh friends on this suc cess, and trust that it may prove only the beginning of greater triumps in the same way, resulting iu good to the Agricultural and mechanical interests of the Siate at large. ore loach; J tJiMi Scared to f)eitfi the 1 6th, says : f We learn that Mr Haight's Circus did not show at Kin- ston Monday night,' j Jt teems -that at the atternoon performance a woman with her child went in to see the men agerie, wheu the attendant present, threatened to throw" the cnild intfc the lion's den, at the same 'time seizingit; tlie child became badly scared and in 1 mm ' ) .t j i j . Not Disqualified. WASHINGTON Oct. 21 The friend jft Col. Hughe deny t trig he idi-qtaK- ti'Mj far too office ot U-overaor ot V irgima They My he went to Tennessee in .Inly, 1870,. to compose a quarrel and failed to make peace, but. fotfud. that ,tiire would b; no tight. He dellveied ho letter that was understood by hiui to be a challenge tending to a duel, j If be had delivered a GENUINE WL7HAM W ' CHtS SVN r ( 0 D. .The beat and cheapest in the world, and the Lmostaccurnie. Illustrated price tit an. I lwMt rates sent iree. Aniretw r (j tLRft x v-vj., so Bond S Kaf York. 4w. '. ' 'f - - - The 2?a?ic Comb Sent by mail to any one for $1. Will change any colored hair to a j permanent black or blown and cotiUmi no oof ma, Trade supplied t lor rates. Addres, M4U1C COM K CO., Springfield, Ma, STILL THET QOME! AT WALLACE 3 STORE. NEW FALL AM DWIK TE R STOCK ! Larger Better than Bver 7. B4KER, & at! I tfeoeVefcrl THE NEW FAMTXT Tke TiM.c Bvj QCliflUO ai III: - TL. T-t -r . w- w wa vr ill t A WATCH FAX3S worth $30. given gratiH to every live man who will act as our agent. Business light and honable. $300 made in 5 day. Saleable as flour. Everybody buys it. Can't do without it. Hunt have it. $0 Gift Knterpre, no Hombug. KENNEDY & CO,, Fittobury, p. 2w. Jo, we would only call atten tion to our welmauoer, witb witicli a man can earn $2o per day in good ter ritory. It qore any diameter, and ordinary wejlsat the rate of I06 ft. per day. Farm, Town ubip A County Higbts for saie. D3tcri(tive book sent on receipt of 9c. postage. Address A CO eh Co., St. Louis. Mo 4w. Jwt retnraed from the Northern cities with a fall and complete stock, in which great Bargains can be had. 1 hose buying for cash or barter, will Qnd U to there interest to examine bis Stock before buy ing elsewhere, jhanktull lor past patronage and hope by fair dealing aad strict attention to mernt a continuance of the same. MURDER? S 1 ARGE LOT OF LADIES' CLOAKS i coffered at greatly reduced prices, as t her were bought very low. Oct 8-tf. V. WALLACE. chaltdrge f H Matt ih ltiiiMsf e 4d 'tl j though the Gonaiilufiiou of Viiinia ap-jc 1)S YCHOM V N C Y, or sou I CHARMING. IIow litiier sex mav fascinate ami gaiu the love & affection of any person they choose astantly. This simple mental acfpiircment all can iKesa, Iree. bv maii. for Zb . tokjelher with pile to a principal pending or accepting I a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams,- a chtillejKe on'silie of tne Suie, u do.- H"t to Ladies, eddtag-Niht Shirts, &c., not 4pply to one'ldelrfepfrtg a ehaHenge, unless it is delivered iu th - Stale. Heavy Storma. ; IjiY.oltK.Oct.ie. AllffeEjSrop" stertfliPrgTirTivfng withltr the -past forty -eight hours report (eriible gales iron the 6th to the lQthinst, 'senigerf who have often ciossed 1 he oce.m say that the storms were the most serious they ever encouu tered- A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM & Co Pubs. Phila. i 4w For COUGHS COLDS. H0RSENESS, Scalded to Death in Molasses. Wtncheaje Netc$. - A lillle boy, the yonngetit arm of .John Ln ick, near High view, in this county, fell into a pot of boiling molasses on Thursday last. He lingered in great agony until the following morning, wnen aeaui relieved mm or nts suffering. The little fellow, who was sit ting on a chair near the boiling pot, acci dental! fell in head fore most. all Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUTUPONLT IN BLUE BOXES ATKXSO and SURE REMEDY. Sold bv Druggist. 4w "Onr Superior Court with Judge Can non presiding, is still working. The case of State against IIoltMhouscr, on the charge of of waylaying and attempting Jo kill a ped lar for the purpose of robbing him, earned up for trial on Monday ; but the State failed in bringing sufficient evidence and he was ac quitted. Numerous indictments have been found during the Term, for almost all aorta of offences, suggesting the sudden rising of mime one's righteous indiguation, or else that the people have strangely and suddenly be come more law less than usual. It is a fit subject for inquiry, and we submit it to the (Iraud Jury, as conservafors of the interest of the County jyul of public morals. o y fcF"Judge Boydek continues very ill. There has been no such change iu hbi con dition within the week as to afford hope of speedy recovery. Wo regret to add that Mrs. Hoyden is not quite as well as usual, 4 his morning. A Suicide Prince Esterhazy commit ted suicide lately. He was the represen tative of one of the oldest and richest fam ilies in Hungary. His father was a some what eccentric collector of Ji unnuds, who, in the manner of a shah, used to . button his coat with the finest rubies in the world, and decorate his orders, which were many, with the Hawass old-mine brilliants. The Prince just dead may be said to have been the largest landholder in imperial Austria ; his possessions comprised manors, castles, villages, and estates, numbered by hun dreds in Hungary, besides two Minors in Lower Austria, one iu B iden, and one iu navaria. His central establishment in Hungary was' at KisestaOt where he had one of thie l&nest palaces in Europe, with a park stocked wth four hundred orange trees and. almost every Oilier species of exotic. On the north of the town were princely zoological gardens established by the Esterhazy family. Another of his celebrated palates a at tje village of EBUerkag, on Lajpe Meisiedlin Lwr Hungary; still another he had at the Aus trian capital. DOM Agent Wanted. sInd for cataumjge. 8TTC SEWING MACH NE Co., N W Tork The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe savs the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstru ent known to the medical world is j JTJRUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system restores vigor to the debili tated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Snleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KEL- LO(iU. 18 PJattSt. JN. I. 4w ' mm mm. J. mm WM Mm. 'fc mMt mW are : , mmv i rtj on the Tin, Afceetdbm m mn at I . AM in ill riruu kruu.k W .1. . ii -it . P'miw MM !l ng, tiottrrinf Ac., ttUtMgTi T V.U. have lor mIc. Cuini tM ik I rti rr-.Mnad, and that will cic nUktKML I afn i...t reirt1!e fat aav Jt-Lte 11 ttvx . TO CHURCH OFFICERS. I offer Pitre Grape Wise for Cmmunion purpoes. Believing it wrong to sell or ne the adulterated Northern stuff so-called Wine for this purpose, 1 shall keep none but Pure North Carolina made Grape Wine, Inch I can conscientiously recommend. Also, Hanging. Bracket, and Stand Lamp. suitable for tlte Pulpit, wall or ceiling, at moder ate prices. Give me a call. TUEO. r. KLUTTZ, Druggist Salitburg, N. C. Oct. 2-tf. NEW Fill 31 KLTJTTZ, GE AH AM & RENDLEM AN , 2nd Door below Klultz" Drug Store on Muin Street. Wholesale and Retail dealers in General Merchandise. Thev are now receiving their large and well selected stock ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Consisting of Cloths, Cassi meres, Jeans, Shawl-, Flannels, Domestic, Prints, Dress Goods a large assortment of Yankee Notions. SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CAPS, Leather and a full stock of GROCERIES, Which they bought strictly fc. Cash and now offer them to the eitiaens of Rowan aud sur rounding Counties at prices as low as the lowest. They will take great-pleasure in show ing their And Cotton King Cook Stoves. Also, (.buret), Paitor and ufn e .SV"es. and war rant tbeoi to give perfaot satisfaction . Tin Sheet-iron A Copper Work done at short notice aad in the beat manner. Wept. It. tf. . COTTOH SAW GINS of the the best quality Mantif.ictared by J. M. ELLIOTT, Winnsboro, S C. Reference, Tiiotfas Bi;km lv 'AC B. Davidson, Clmrbnus, Q. j l:Jt. , WINE8! WINE8! WINE8! Kncoumce Home Kn- terprise atid bitjrthe pure wine made by S. T. MlCKKT. Sniftn, X. C. His wines have received the premium at the State Fair, at Charlotte, and at all other places where they have been exhibited. They are kept by Tiieo. F. Kt.cttz, G. M. Huts & (Jo. Brn & Wrant may have contracted. Ktencil railing. I am prpmrd to cut good bdeit PXmM for ma. lmox Tobacoo, KW Ac, at dm kM- Onc-tonrth inch IrUcrs &rnu m 1 I. .1 i e tam-lMirttedoa in., UrltrrsT " " . Person lirinr in rjl,.. T -m -ii. . i in i i,r iry, wai.linSiKul 11a l mav calm l.t tk and Mend their order, aiaiina ..r - v. 1 ) m.nw 1 t . I . . . e cjairo and can how that it isthefHKA-' rni the Stencil IM.i. .uA Cm.t i Zi r f m t m -- r Ma r, nut beautiful, delicnlelv arranged, nirHy i if poaribLe, free cftwUge. adjjtMird, easily operated, and m ilil v running of atl tbe Family Sewing Machine. It in r- Thr Liltle -em. r markable not only for the ranee and variety of j I alo hare for sale the "lilt leCrm" for git f 1. - I . i r . 1 . . . , . . . im I. : f-v l A . . . . . inr rlothing. Cards, Jtc.. arith IsderiSle Ink. 1 The h-ttert can be char t t;nt anr aaa very rw-a My. I 'rice -cuai plrie $1 3o. mi sic mD. BlKOTIAM A Co., J. A. Snider, its sewing, but aim for the variety and different kind of texture which it. will e wiih equal facility and perlectiun, uing nilk twUt, linen or cotton thread, (ineorcoarae. roakingthe inter- iCKn Er.ASTlo-KTm-H, like on txah de of the faonc sewn. Thus, beaver may be aewn with great atret oratitcb; and, in a momei never-wearying instrument may be adjusted for nne work on gauze or goi tuer tiarae, or lite tiickingof tarlatan, or rufSing, or almost any otjher work which delicate tinge rs have been known to perform. And with its simplicity of construction; ease of operation; uniformity of precise action at any pccd; capacity for mngeand variety of work, fine or coanw leaving al rivalu U-hind it. " We with pleasure refer the public to thefhdd and Bronze Medals and Ib'plomaa a wanted to oor Machines in A merira, Prussia, England, and recently in Austria at th Exposition in Vienna, where we were awarded flve MedaU, Merit, Pro grexs, and three for article manufactured on our Machines. But it give ua much greater pleasure. cm . j . . tonr(.nl.nll1.1l,liMl1,rnr.i,,r ..nfL Offef extraorJinary inducement, to their (to wl.i.-l. anr on, hminf ik. Jikr! friends and cuMoiners this Sra.o. Their e " rer cloth, or leather, . T,''e U"' ,Vrt ,l c M,,' S,J he WorU, ugth and uniformity I Iwnds. It U very nealy ami strtawly it, thia willing and nde weighs less than lao pounds and eaaTU. pnirg in a "mail apace. Patented Sept. 1.1th. 170: Ag. th, ISTi 1'ipioBja awan1Ml bv tlie American Inatu cxuioition, .cw Torfc, ItTl. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, One or two good Brass Tiniah L V. BBOwl Snli!.orv. N. P JU 17th 1H7.W. IlliOll I lit ent Manufacturer of Machines, for the last four years, made to the receiver appointed by the I can furnish Grapevines, RaspWrrv, Rlack- t . i . orrry, Durrani, iousererry, aim sirawiwry ownf -....i.i.o w- M tno 1 -it , plai.taby the dozen 100 or 1000, at reduced whw,h ahewa iKp ..nmlwr of n.in. prices. 1 have canned peache, put up in self- sealing tin cans, of my choicest fruit. Orders from a di-tunce solicited, and planU Stock whether you buy or not. The invitation a"'1 vine wnl b? ""ail or express, packed so as to secure mem irom uamaje or exKsiu-e. Orders should Ih? sent iu by 1st of December to insure prompt returns. Terms Cash. S. T. MICKEY. Sept. 18;2moa. Salefti, y. C. Dissolution of Copartnership, The fiim of Barxiiardt, HolmcsA Co., have this day dissolved by mutoral consent. All persons indebted to theui will settle their notes and accounts promptly. The books will be left n tlie hands ol Dr. n. A. ohinpock who u is come one come all and see our new stock. We charge nothing-to show you goods. We buy and sell all kind of couulrv produce such as Grain, Bacon, Fruits, Feathers, Hides, Rags, Jcc Ttruu Strictly CuA or Hurler. W. LAWSON KLUTTZ, K. FRANK GRAHAM, Oct. 2-3mos. J. A. KEXDLEMAN. :re old by each Company. 18R9 1870 171 1K72 Storer Mnnf.C'tnr Co.. SO! 17,1 lel. tit V.A Wta-le WUan da Ts.oS t-l.i K4.".". HawMacMn Co rore A llakrr 8nr M chli.r Co , ,1 9 Dimtlc 8 ing tin Wei rw n( do It 7 M lleox A do IT : W'lUon do A erica-Ratt"n-H Ir Over 4$.0Ol T.fC n tut Js W 010 Ww .v. m t SPRING STOCK is larger, more select, and iwnf various thia ever before. It was honcl,t far eash. and at a time when goods wre Vf-jr Urw hi A ' Norther markets. Ileuee. iev are Wurr prpaied thau ever, to aoh all ta'e mid ' FRESH AltRIVAjj. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. cCUBBZNS 6L CO., Wliolesaleand authorized .o collect and receipt foV the same CdUfMKMrniH. Tlie terrible suffering of the eople of Memphis, Tenn., from yellow ftrer,'it is gratifying to see, is abating. One or two white frosts have occurred there, and as usual, this, fearful scourge yields to tbe icy monarch. Shrcveport is almost clear of the disease ; and as cold weather comes on it wtjl disappear everywhere. . I i -o CJum'ks. Our thanks arc due Mr. N. W. Cnft, of Red Plains, Surry county, for a lot of splendid grapes, from bis extensive Nur r , embracing five or six varieties, all in excellent preservation. There was one no table specimen, " the Salem," which far ex celled the louis, Catawba, Ives, Norton, &c. Jtc, in rcsect to size and beauty, if not also in flavor. Samples of these grapes were on exhibition at our Fair. The Supper, given in the Voglerimilding on Saturday evening, for the benefits of the Orphans' Home, jjyOxford, was a success. A pLeusatit and .sociable evening v,as enjoy ed bvlts issineroug visitors, aud tse siuj -f gl2iaUKl J ;W,i fcrWpe the dAibJWitism to this tie-ritorious i utittiti i will become more general throughout the State. Press. X I ' f" f - f A mm may as well expect to grow stronger by always eating, as wisea by al ways reading. .1 ; : . ji lit" ! Foh Sale Cheap or to let on shares, a fifty saw Cotton Gin, in good order; saws 13 ev. Dr. beams. Pastor of the Church of the A; Strangers and Editor of the "Christan Aos" New York, has written a work entitled "JESUS," complete in one octavo volume of 756 pages, beautifully illustrated, flus boo is meeting with a large sale. Dr. DE A MS being a true friend of Southern people, Ins book will be eagerly looked for here. Sold onlv tbroug canvassing agents appointed by the Publishers ror terntorv for this and the errand f ictona Book of Travels "ALL ROUND THE World address, UNITED STATES PUBLISHED CO., 4r llift 13 University Place, New York, Tn e v ti ii ; Neglect a'Cough. Nothing is more certain to lay thefoandation for future evil consequencae Well Carbolic Tablets are a sure care for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs Sore Throat. Colds, Croup, Dip- tberia, Astllma, Catarrh Hoarseness, Dryness of the Throat. Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the L.ungs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, theTabletsshouId be prompt'y and freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, miti gate the severity of the attack and will in a very short time, restore healthy action to the affect ed organs. Wells Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't be found at your druggist's send at once to the Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mail. Don't be Deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a box tlm Q. KELLOGG 18 Platt-st, New York 4w Send for Circular Sole Agent for the United states. Retail dealers in General Merchandise are now in receipt, of a large Stock ; Consisting in part ol Dry Good, Xotion, Hats, Cnps, Boot. Shoe, Groeerie, dt , Ac., which thev are determined to sell as low as anv house in Western North Carolina. They keep constantly on hands the lest ANCHOR BOLTING CLOTHS, and are Agents for the best Freoeh Burr Mill Stones. They are also Agents for Whann's Cel ebrated Super Phosphate, rolapsco luano, tte. Thev buy and sell (irain, Flour, Hay, and all kinds of country produce. Thankful for past favors, they hope to merit a continuance of the same. Be sure and give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. .SAM I.. AICLUBIHXS, J . JJ. tiASKILL, T. B. Be all, D. R. Julian. No. 1, Murphy a Granite Row, Salisbury, jV. C. Sept. 1 8,-3mos. Gold Hill, N. C. M. L. Barn ii a bot, R. J. Holmes.. R. A. Siiixpock. Sept. 11, 187S-l:lmo. Positive and Permanent Cnres ! Read the following. Clayton, N. C, Aug. 16, 1873. TitEo- F. Klvttz, Est.: Salisbury, N. C. Dear Sir: I bought last fall from Wade, Boy kin & Co., Baltimore, 1 dozen bottles of ydur "kluttt s Chill Cure I sold it to ihoxe having chills, and as this is a prevalent sickness in many sections. I was anxious to find a apeeifu: for Chills, Fevers and Ague &c. I looked care fully after the results of each bottle, some of which was used in long-sinndiug cases, and allow me to say thai every bottle effected a cure. I am now selling it and van-anting a cure or no pay. This "Klutti's Chill Cure" saves many a Doc-; tor's bill of $ , $10, or $20. I enclose tlie pay for 4 dozen more, as the last dozen is all gine, every bottle warranted, and not in a single case e-mlnf Machine Co., t,72 14.rTS W lit Holi Medal d UM Floreaeo do 1 . C: X'.fimt 1 T P. Uove no V cf r - do Davis do 1 Ms H e - do 4, 47 SVrrln trn rt r 4., J. K. Brunsdoif do Kc - do BrUlt, Revrr.il. I - do t'. t C14 Hartrtm A i.t o do UO l,(X4 t ' ' Ori nMt w do tUM FiDklc A Lo do 1.V9 14 i 7,t x en 4.'t WUi 4 1 riiptie do 4 raa Em. Ire d TOO S !0 t.& e hT do 1111 sC4 J. O Fo'rra do t MKy do 1 9 H r. r. r; - - d mo 11; Onion Kullun-Uo' do lit Litl do TT1 ia a: WJAt fanrie. and to give h. tier bargains for a4w f ? it-imm Th'Jr u,a,i tlu,r l'rcbiur of v 174 aa cai Dress Goods 21 IU t:,t4 1 IS 7M 1 t"7 lill 1 1 -S7 for ladic. eentlemen and rkildro. !. Administrators' Notice.. The undersigned having dulv qualified zsthe Administrators with the will annexed of John ,M the benefit" of the warrant been applied for I. ohaver, deceased, hereny notiiy all persons in debted to said estate U make payment, and those having claims against said estate are noti fied to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of September, 174, or this notice will Im plead in bar of their cecovery. September 2nd, 1873. HENRY A. LEMLY, EDWIN SHAVER, 52:tf .dmiYiatraors, newly sharpened. Oct. n. Apply at this office. It HryThc first President church, Wilming ton, N. C, has recently undergone extensive improvements, much of which is due to the lady members of the Congregation. The Qoth Session of North Carolina Synod will be held in Wilmington, commencing on the 2ttth October, instaitt. HIPP llha Stateavillc American, whose edi tor Tinted our Fair, pronounces it " a success- most gratifying to the managers and it i us of that place." o IHAPCRIED, At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. B. Smith,. jWTednestlav morning, at 9 o'clock, by David L. Bnngle, Esq., Mr. Row an Horab and Mrs. Rosanna Claybaugh. DIED. In tlits county, the 21st inst., Vrs. Catha" rine Coon, relict bf the late Jacob Coon. In Lenior, N. C, the 14tb inst., Captain L. O. Gilbert, of the firm of Wallace & Gil bert, aged about 34 years. Ho was taken with pain in the- ear and died in a short pe riod bf time. In Statesvillc, of dipthcria, Burrettc Carl ton, son of C. A. Carlton, after a short ill ness. He was a general favorite. SURE CURE FOR CHILLS. Just received a large quantity of Lindsay's Miasma Elixir, the great Southern Chill cure, at UAKRUK Jt CU.' Drug Store Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 28, lR73.-tf. NATURAL DECAY PROTECT THE SYS TEM. The human body is a machine, aad therefore cannot endure forever, but, like a watch or a sewing machine, it will hist much longer if pro perly regulated and duly repaired, than if no "The Rev. Noah CorrcH, colored, who the 15th Sept. last, received from his wife, whom lie had becli flogging, a baptism of acalding water, has so far recovered from ain9 were ukL to keep it in order The tlie dangerous in met ion as to he able to come to town and attend to uaual duties. In apeak ing of his late domestic unpleasant nesa, on Monday, he Very gravely remarked that the one grand error of his life was that of marrying :in ungodly woman. The Purest andSwketes Cod-Liveb Oil i Hazard Caswell's, made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell Haz ard & Co., New York. It fa. absolutely pure and avetl. Patients who have once taken is prefer it to all others. Physicians hav.e decided it superior to any other oils in market. This Trahsportiojc ok Articles to THE LaTK 1' aii!. As au evidence ol the immense amount of freight transported to out gtajo Fair during U lal two weeks, we will state that the Seaboard & Roa noak aud the Raleigh $ (jUstoft Railroads brought over tbeir respective roads some fty car loads of freight, intended for ex hibition ; and when it is remembered that tliis frighl was both brought and returned free of charge, it will be seen that these roads have contributed much to the grand aneceia which has crowned tbe effrts of . ol the iuaWager-of the Fair. Mr. E. G. Ohio, Superintendent of tbe Seabord Road rfMit at the Fair last week, and carried away witb him tbe thanks of i lie friaries of tbe Society for Ibe valuable aid great object of every one who desires a long and healthy life should be to put his body in a con dition to restore the life threatening influences by which we are all more or less surrounded ; and no invigorant and corrective at present known so effectively answers this purpose as he vitalizing elhir which, under the unpre tending name of Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, has been for more than twenty years the stand ard tonic of America. In crowded cities, where the atmosphere Is eon Unlimited with the ehiuvia iqaeparabje from large populations ; in marshy regions, where the soggy soil jeeks with misas ma; ot the prairie and in the forests, where every fall the ajr j tainted with exhalations from rotting weeds asd grasses, or decompos ing -leaves in short, in every locality where malaria exists, ,thjs powerful vegetable antidote is urgently needed. Fever and ague, billious fevers, dysentery, congestion, of the liver, jaundice, rheumatism, and all d shich are generated by infected air, impure water, or sudden changes of temperature, may fee averted by strengthening and regulating the s jem in advance with HostsUer's Bitters, -.Autippn is always a season' of peril, especially to weak, susceptible organisation. Even the more vig orous are apt to be in sojue measu th rtitad aMahpre, lM lous gases preduCtd by yegstsble fall is s period of the year when ll and reulat ion of the living machine is pecu liarly important, and the Bitters should there fore be taken daily at this critical reason. THffllLT OOIB MEDICINE JTHAT at the same timk P u r gre P ii r i fi es a 11 d 8 1 c n g I h , ens the System. Dr, Tutt's Pills are comosed of many ingredieolii. Prominent among them are Sar saparilla and Wild Cherry, so united asset to get her; tlie one, through it.- admixture with other substances, purifying and purging ; while other is strengthening the system. Thus these Pills are at the same time a tonic and a cathar tic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, butmever before discovered. In other words-.they do the work of two medicines and do it much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the system but im purities, so tnat while tiiey purse thev also strengthen and hence they cause no debility and are followed bv no reaction. Dr. Tutt's Pills have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not only purify without weakening it, but thev remove all noxioun par ticles from the chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes imbilitation, so there is no nausea orsieknes8 attending the operation of this most excellent medicine, which neverstrains . . IL .1 i . or tortures ine oigestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner; hence persons taking them do not become pal and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are being removed, the combined ac tiottof the Saisnprillia and Wild Cherry pnri ties And invigorates the body, and action. Price 'Jo cents a" box. Sold by all druggist. Depot 48 CortlaiuU St , .Niw. 4w ieclniont Air Line Railway Richmond tfc Danvillt Railvxty, (.V. C. DicUion.) CONDENSED TIME TABLE. n effect on and after Snnday, Sopt. 2tli 1873. GOING NORTH. re depreseed 5elepr decay Tim e renovation Lkssons from Last Week The exhibitions and discussions of tbe Dast week nave shaken up and waked up the farmers of this State. Hundreds of them havq formed new resolutions in regard to the raising ot improved stock, tbe culti vation of clover aud tbe various grasses the use and manufacture nf tile-drains etc.j etc. This is all well. But we mns not be content with advancement in ngri culture alone. If we would keep pace witti tTie highes, civilization we must not have diversified agriculture onlv. bu d mannfacturin also. We therefore begin with calling, again the attention of the Oity fathers to on oft -Repeated suggestions of an offer of ex e m pt ion from tasation to be made, by tberoy yto sueb 'perjSous as migbt- embark capital in the manufacture of cotton, wool ten, leatner, wooaeu ana iron gnoa in the, flqrpprate limits of oar city of. Lal To-daV we onlv mention tbe snbjct. V e ehajf tborooghly ventilate it 'soon. The reader will alo note that although it i charged that Sewing ll v hine are m1H at en onnoualy high prices, y-t he will see that xver- al firms, that were in exftence have faiU-tl or abandoned an ampmfllable buincss. We rexpei-t fully solicit a call from all panic I desiring a first cla Hewing Machine. At our Store near the Public Spiarc will be ; found the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tucking, Cording, Unfiling, kc. Also Silk, Linen, and Cotton Threads, Needier Oil, &c. infer Manufacturing Co JOHN A. It A MSA Y, I OcL 2-tf. Agent. ' NORTH CAROLINA, A LEX ASDEBCofXTY-I N TH E.Sf PIOB Cot RT 2nJ Sejrt, 187a. P. J. Barnc. Administrator of IV'.cr Iiarne deceased. againrt A. Y. Z. Pennel. Aaron Kal A wife Klizahrth, John K I a 1 A wife Mary, IViliiam Kelba & wife Sarah, Ama K early. A. L. Barues, Kmh Harnea, K F. Barnes, A. M. Chapman A wife Martha, P. Q. Barn-s, Wm. Barn, John Barnes, Klizaltcth Barnes, Choe Barne. Tine Barnes, Noah Brown & wif- Jane, W. W. Chapman k wife A. Y. Z., Jclfrrwin Smith, Beauregard Smith, Christopher C Walktr, Ixiyed Karnes, Lilly Barne, Stacy Barne. It appearing to the s.itMVtion of the Court ih it A. 7. Y Pi nnol (dip uf tlip ilcfcndanta in fijr'iiu. ii uiilfS N est of .-Mhsbnry. near ,,e alxive entitled action is a non-resident of ihi Verv Respect t'ul lv Yours, 11 J 11YALS. g&mB'l CBZLL OVU, contains neither Quinine nor Arsenie, i crfect- ly safe, and makes pMtive and permanent cures. Only 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists aad country Merchants. Prepared bv THEO. V KLUTTZ, Druggist, Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 4, t r " COTTON GIN. I will have a XKW OIN iu operation by the 1st of Untober, aud will ghtd to Gin any cotton brought to im- for toll. fyCharifcs : Oue-Fifteenth, a .J bagging at cost. 'Cotton bought in the seed. the Railroad. Sept. 25th, i7:-lirvo. W. S. NfcGUS Statpiss. Mail. Exprrs Leave Cbarlotte. 2.5U '. M. 8.I5A.M " Air-Liue Juncfn, i 06 " 8.30." - Salisbury o(r " 10 21 " Greensboro, H.l.r " 12.45 P.M. ' Danville, 11.17 " 3.12 " Burkvills, 3:t4 A M. 7 41 " Arrive at Richmond, 6 35 " 10 27 " GOING SOUTH, Statioxs. Mail. Expbexs Leave Richmond, 1.05 J M. 5.00 A. 41. Durkvillc, 4 l " .2D " Danville, e45 ' 12.4 P. M. CreenslMio, 11.3d " 3 50 " Salisbury. 2 03 A.M. ti.06 Arrive at Charlotte, 4.05 " 8.15 " GOING EAT. Stations. GOING WEST. Vail Mail 7,iw. 8.20 P. M I l.N 1.40 A. M 530 " both a'ays, over Arrive :i.3 p. m. y:lo " 5.26 4.:w eutire Greensboro. Company Shops, Raleigh Greeusboro, Mail trains daily. length ot roads. Pullman Palace Carson all nignt trains be tween Charlotte and Kichuioud, (aituoat charge.) S E. ALLKN. tieni. tickci Agent. T M. R. TalcoTt, Eug. Ji. Geu. Sep't. tl. A COW AND CALF FOR SALE. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Warranted Chill Cure. The only warranted chill cure sold in this section of the Slate. Prepared bv the Medicinal Co., of N. C. Purely vegetable, children take it as well as adults. For hale only by (. M. Bues & Co. Money refunded in all cases where curea are not ellvcled. Sept. II, if North Carolina College, Mt Pleasant, Cabarrus Co.. N. C. The next achohuuic lerm of thia Institution will commence Augiwt 4tb, 1873. Expense for S smou of Ten Months : Col legiate Department, Si 47 to $lfi7. Academu- Department, ... lo ;H,. Students received at any time. For Catalogue amlv to ' Rev. L. A. BIKLE, July 10, 4t. President. State. It is therefore ordered bv the Court Ibat publication be maderbrix weekucccsivily in the ''Cnrolina Watchman" a ih-w.i.iimt publish- 1 ed at Salisbury notifying aid dtTend mt to ap ! iiear al the office of the Clerk of said Court at hi office in Tayhtroville on or before the fir t day of November 1 M73 and ;int-r tin- 'i jii.t of the Plaintiff otherwise the -a'ie will le heard ex parte as to her, and Judgment rendered accord ingly. Witness E. M. Sterenon Clerk of said Court at Tavlomville, Sept, lT.!. E. M STEVEXSf5, Sipt. w. V. S. C. . sw-emlily tbn hrretofmv. aud rewlly (M anxious to have their ftinjs rail a4 t tta ainiue tbr stuck. The y lhik it is elega 1 i'am 11 c1'11'! p'eafiug to the rjf. mm4 ()waK sn y (oUMUered; it is uuwsuall cbeap. HU THEIR ASSORTMENT IS GENERAL, comprising all that thoy havf osnatlT k-T. - I i i m m . . - . I w nri auiti'.cai items .! Mirartlt. Ihaf rau iiiei the drmnuds uf tk Farmer. tH -Macbauic. tbe Articaa, and many f ihr Pr frsMooal mau. ll is ptovib n ilh aossii L tbeir r-itiiriii. "Mertttie keeps rV9rf thing .ii. d the bet." They desire to rail F-r:al atteatioa to uew braueh grafted this pilng. to srii : A MILLINERY DEPAKTMEKT. This was deigned for thfl acromta odataa of their holy cust'-ioeis. and it has beew pn uoaored bv inanf- of theui s a !--cidw! mhs cess iu its geueml -r..pe mad itnizrw dHai V. It is uuder the immediate St. p t whi f Mrs. Ilalyburton ami Miss MrMlirray. vtW tkm ever ready to resfM.ad tu the calls uf ibsir oustotuers. Call and see, axd bear prioes. MEHUNEV Jc BRO. Mav R-!f. ' NEW SPRING STOCK. j MOCK tfc BK.OWlT.ire iww recehr. in their uual Urge lo. k f priug trvud, Consisting of all cla mr ofgida adapted to Um section oi i ouiitrr. Their s'iK-k is lull and tion of Print", Black Linens and Drill-, Dn strle-, ld'u " readv made suits, a mut brautiitl selection of C.iim r and waling. Pant Jeans of all kind'. Tin ir Mock ofChMbing, shirts st furnisliiiic itimmU i the larjrtt and mns dewaar ble to be found in ibi- niarkft. A full and cciSa plete stork ot Mmm Hats. )ury gloves, fLm bourse, hugar.l oUic, lolasas, and all kit t "ILI-Iete in ail i B S t aiiU llruwn lh gsoU in the GB0CEHIES. indsasi A LECTURK to voi (. mi: Just Published, in a Sealed Auvelope six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Kmim. Sexual Debility and Impediment to Marria-ze generally; Ner vousness. Cniisunrintion. Bnilepsy and Fit : 'i ee Mental aud Physical Incapacity, lesultiug from ton, or J. K. Dwkki.. traveling agent, Self-abuse, etc. By ROBERT J. CULVER- or address the undersigned nd procui WELL, M. D., Author of tue "Green Book," right Kept, that will tell you how it cat Ac The worhbreuowed author, in thi admirable Lecture, clearly prore from hi own exper ience that the awful consequence of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without mediuine and without daugrous surgical operation, bo igies. iuatrumeut-s, rings or cordial, pointing oat a mode of cure at once certain aud effec tual by vhieq every sufferer, lo matter what hiseouditwm may be.may core himself cheaply, privately nd radically. TBs fcKt.'TUBE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSAND AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any addreas, io a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cent, or two pilotage stamps- Alo. D. Ccvkrweil's Marriage Guide," price 5' ' .cents Address the Publishers. CHAS J C KLINE tft CO- J l27"Bvery, New Toik Post Office Box 4,S6 500 SACKS G. A. SALT, 100 do Marshall's Fine do 100 Bbls. Molasses. Iu Stoi c in priuie order and for Sale by DING HA" M & i O. Sept. 11, tf "attention farmers. If you wib to raise from 3i to 100 per cent, more feed fur Mock on the same hml without exlra expense Or laUir, cull on James Sloan's Son, Greenslmro, Cu t. L C. IIanrk, Lexing- alishurv roc u re a r irm can be done Price or liEctirx. 1 horse Farm - - - $ 3 2 " . . . . - - 5 4 k . . - 10 J. S. RAY, July 31, 2sao. Kernersville Forwy t he Co., N.C. J. sf. JICCORKJ.F-. WM. II BAlt-EY. jyjcCORKLE & BAILEY, A'lTOftKKYS & COUNSELLORS, SALISBURY. N. C Praetiein Iii.v.n. Mckb-nhnrg-CHbsr-n Davie, David., i. Forsythe. Iivdelt. Yalkiu. Stanly aud Montgomery and io th Federal aud SoprtMUH Courts. JoLd W. Mauue , . r.-q.. Spes.'ul Parmer. JuoeW tf. ROWAN C0U JIT T 1 1 TUL SUPERIOR COURT Mary Jane ILdl i7 o.. ( Summons Ibr Divorce. George II . 1 1 ) THE STATE F NORTH CAROLINA. To George Hall the Defendant above named You are notified to be and appvar before tbe Judge of our Superior Court, si a Court to be held for lh County of Rowan at tbe ourt 1 1 u- in Salisi.orv on the 4ih .Mond.tr of ibr .'nl Monday of September and answer the complaiut I which will be deoitt-d in the uthce of tbe i r k ! of the Superior ourt for said County, within ; the fint three day of iuid Term and you will take notice ibat if you fail to answer tbe aid ' complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will : apply to the ( ourt for the relief demanded in J tbe complnint. Hcrevf fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given uider my hand and el ot said Court, this 10th dav of SepteniWr, JOHN A Uf)YDEX, C. S. C. .wa County. Sept. ll.Hw Tlo ir ti-rm' arc rlctly cj-h and barter with a few exceptions. TIiomv vrfio sjt rtlisble aaal prompt in paying their accounts it ffnl thssa, pleasure to aoi ommodate. To enable tbna tav sell sl nt l.rc pri- iich they are dettr-min-d Io do. tins v bs tteen adited, vhea gmids are sidd mi lino li indiseriminale partira, beavy Iomm- will 'in or fr. m tbe Bsnkrnpt akst lloiwstesd prtivisiumwf tbebw. and wImhIosqis are -u-:.. . i I Uv mt rcliautc it is a well fact that so b i are inK and it is ble to -upj-.M that lb- b-- to be made up as far a prac-licablr, fall-on the l."oet isg cts- tofix-r-. I 1 lt-l rtnineu to i4op UUS wMl I - w of at tbe lowest credit no ass a k is of cloinc l.u-in---, bv t !i m' barter pri.i- and unwnrthy of it. Thev are lb u.kftil t. thir dsilr cntomer for th ir trery litsi ml cnt tidenre. an.l bojio lt 'Hhtig f rmd t mod at prices to mtuit thrir cfitieed fvw. friesMfaasW .1.1 isJnss- Mard. T-tf NORTH CAROLINA, Camv4i:m. CorriY St rr.kio Cot rt. Mary Ilir, inrct mud Marvel Ili-. !) A Hi HOUSE PAINTING, 9i4?n Painting. ( an i.uf Painlinff, ( a;'n;ui' I run ill i n , Paper Uanffiiiic, ftr. I am prepared to execute si I irdem in the above lite- Satisaction warranted. Office, next door above Parker's. Ordera froaa the country prom pi lv attended to. U. T. BROWN. Aug. 11, 1873 3mos. ENGLISH aud CLASSICAL, I. TON. X. C. The 16th term of weeks will U-gin4rt 21 of Ja4y. Board from $S to $10, per monh Tuition from $,. to $IS, r term. Rev. J. C. CLPP, A B Prin. Rev. J. A FOIL, A. Ib i . . fill IT l Smm In llti- ex- it v 4sb- f aptiear t the 1 that tl.e d. fi djiil M s ti.tere.icb i U tbe Sets; Therefon il iorth-ard by the Coo rt that pollb cation he made in tj cindina Wstrlisassr a newppr pibrito in the town of Haibery for -IX week. Dt(Uing I t drirndant topMMl spp-sr U f .n the J fdg k lite Kopsrswt Wit for Caldwell ..ui.m. to l beld Use said imtf nl llic ' rt ll'j In Ir-Oor. on Hie ism tr aer t!.c rd Mrtdar in Se4etiibet I! J. D. ROW E. uly a, f73 2oos pdj i slants. ' t-l. -. -mm no nnrrr ti e otiipiis.i ii me niWTt sw J odceio.m sill b la V n r i nl bisa I lief driositdvd in ( mi . ii.I. Willi'-. R B WskrFd Clerk of Court tlie Hhli Mi.i!ir after tl 3rd 1 March i-j d AttrtiM . 1K7I K. U WAKKFlKLDl Aog. 2. 6w. 1 CtC ST AM S4I0(N. I. r-n wUhing nrrrr the r lKt imfMtrU inrs can always litem at tbe TAU SAUf, M'lin Street, :i do a bduk the Smtishmrf All my ulu-kies sswl j! ran dies err direct fr. io tbe be-1 and si.-i rrJislde in .( . 1 kerp no ..iimt-. My wiaws arppsj torted and art of the b-t vsriHies as snv jsjalsw msv st e by calling Mid tasuning or hisjsjflf J. A KM1'KH Jnne 13. oio. pl. i ntstnt. jfcSjfr i J Marriage Cortificatr for mle

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