' J (Carolina lUntcljmaii . L OCAL. 4.25. SALISBURY MARKET, NOVEMBER. 13. ,ADV-new 60 old 65 a rl.0UR-375. HAD-470 a 75. I BACON (county) 14 15 -hog round POTATOES Irish 50 a 75 Sweet 50 fir,S-15to 16 rfllCKENS SI. 50 a 2 per doz. LAUD-2 a l5 FEATIIKRF -new, 50. f ALLOW 9 a nyj.;70 a 80. BEKSEWAX-30. WIfE AT $1. 40 a 91.60. RIITTKR 25. DRIED RU IT Blackberries. 10 a 11. The Hickory Fair wan a success. North State Lodge O. O. P We have been requested by the Secretary to State that It is very desirable a fall attendance of allUhe members of North State Lodge, No 20, J, 0 O. F. he had next Tuesday night, as business of impors tance will come up to be disposed of. Livery Stable. -Attention is called to the advertisement of Messrs Terrell and James, who have opened a livery and sale stable at the Mansion House lot. Persons desiring to hire horses or vehicles a m 1 cm always be accommodated. Hordes fed and taken care of, on moderate terms. There was snow in the Wednesday morning. mountains last The New York papers regret that the scarcity of employment has forced many thousands of young girls to resort to the paths of vice. In Salisbury, at the house of the bride, on the evening of the 12th inst.' by the Rev. J.. G. Reiner, pastor of SL John a church, Thomas (jroodman of Rowan, and Lucinda n. Walton of Salisbury daughtir of the late Sheriff Wal ton of lio wan. Flour. A lot of fine famly flour at A rarkets. x . i Fresh Pork is selling in this market at right cents. Choice cuts uf beef are still demanding 8 to M cents. Maj. Engelhard, of the Wilmington Journal, was registered at the Boyden TJousc last Tuesday evening. The City of Wilmington seems to be infested with thieve and pick pockets. The papers contain daily accounts of bur glaries. Sec. Mrs. Correll has removed to the Man - i it rin.. ..: II0I1 Itousc. . i lie uuiiumg previously occupied by her has been purchased by Mr. SteD Swiccjfood as a residence. Acquitted- Mr. Clynard mentioned in our list as having been arrested and taken to Lexing'tf" 'for tri al on the charge of larceny, tin, are glad to say, acquitted of the charge at Dajridsou court, Closed. An injunction, issuing from the II. S. District Court, closed the Messrs Kerns Bros last Monday evening. They announce, however, that they will remove ill difficulties and resume business in few days. Indian Burying Ground. We learn from Dr. I. W.Jones that another In dian burying ground hue been discovered, on this side of the Yadltin rivef, near the old Trading ford. The Doctor informs us that he frund one grave whose occi pant mcasn red 6 feet and 7 inches from crown to heel. In this grave was found a tomaha w k, made of hornblende stone, and weighing seven or eight pounds. It re quired a triant, indeed, to use it. The Doctor also observed that of sixteen skulls examined not one had lost a tooth or had one decayed. The bones are very lightly covered in the sand, but as soon as they are exposed to the air crumble to pieces. We have been promised the totua- lawk and other relics bv the Dr. When w ; we get them we will take pleasure in show ing them to friends. The College at Mount Pleasant We arc glad to learn that this institu tion is iu a very flourishing condition, the nnmber of students in attendance this session is largely hi excess of that of last session. Situated in a healthy moral com munity, and with an able corps of Profes sors, there i? nothing in the way to make it one of the first institutions in the land For terms, Sec, address the Presideut Rev. L. A Bikle Concird Sun. MARRIED. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Living Advertisements. A medicine that has done more than all the prescriptions of the pharmacopeia to pro tect the human system against the bodily ills superinduced by unhealthy surroundings, is certainly worthy of universal confidence. It is mainly on account of its extraordinary preventive properties that Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters is so exceedingly popular in lo calities subject to the visitation of miasmatic fevers and other diseases produced by em poisoned air. A family that has escaped sickness during a sickly season in conse quence of using the Bitters as a safeguard. is a living advertisement of the preparation. EW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW FIKM KLTJTTZ. GRAHAM ft RENDLEM AN, 2nd Door below Kluttz's Drug Store on Main Street. Wholesale and Retail dealer in General Merchandise. They are now receiving their large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER 60008. ConKiatiner of Cloths. Caasimere. Jmk. Shawl?, Flannels, Domestic, Prints, Dress Goods a large assortment of Yankee Notions. SHOES, BOOTS, HATS. CAPS, Leather and a full stock of GROCERIES, Which they bought strictly for Cash and now or .i . . - r oner mem 10 me citizens oi iwan ana sur rounding Counties at prices as low as the lowest They will take great pleasure m showing their Mock whether you buy or not. the invitation is come one come all and see our new stock. We charge nothing to show you goods. We buy and sell all kind of country produce such as Grain, Bacon, Fruits, Feathern, Hides, Hags, dtc i lerms Strwclty Uasn or isarter. W. LAWSON KLUTTZ, R. FRANK GRAHAM, Oct 2-3mos. J. A. RENDLEMAN. sent by mail for 50c. that re tail quick for S10. R. L. WU1JUUTT. 1R1 Chatham Square, N. Y. 4w GENUINE WA LTHAM W 1 TCH ES SFNT C 0. D. The best and cheapest in the world, and the The whole neighborhood realize the fact. ) mostaccurate. Illustrated price lint and lowest 1 . . . -ii. .... ... t, CJt a. i,i- lfnr.i.FR x, i oo "1 couldn't have believed it, ' savs one. "1 1 IT" "r""- 1 - I Knnrl Sf Maw Ynrfc- scarcely cremtea me aavenisemeni ; out one must believe what 'one sees says another. "It is the very thing we need in the unwhole some section of country," remarks a third. 4w smi- v mm . A . -xwae waic uomo em uv man to any one for $1. Will change any colored hair to a permanent black or blown and contains no poi son. Trade supplied at low rates. Add res. And the result is that the instinct of self-de- MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass. w4 a. - list a. 9 . -s umce, me nrsi iaw oi nauire, muuees mree- WATCH FREE worth $20 civen m . . i 1 . wtff3 fourths ot that community to obtain a supply gratis to every lire man who will act as oor of the irreat vegetable antidote before the "g: Business light and honable. $300 made ... . j . , m 5 days. Saleable as flour. Evervbody buvs next sickly season sets in. In winter, when iL Can't do without it. Moat have it. Nn SALE OF VALUABLE Land aid YliH : By virtue of decree of the Superior Court of Rowan count v, the nnden-icm d.as Coiumi-ion- ers, will ofllr for sale at ryhiie auction, on the premise, on i itefuiay Ute ZOUi dav of Novem ber next, one hundred and twenty-five acres of valuable l.iml, where on is situated a 1 1 nut and Saw Mill, known as Peter L. Barrincer Mill place, lvinz in the county of Rowan, on the waters of Second Creek, adjoining the lands of Julius A. Neelv. M ir?aret Rohion and tho oannger Home tract.... Here i a rare chance for investment, this being one of the beat Mill sites in this country. Terms, one-third cash, the balance in equal instalment at twelve and eighteen months, with interest irom date. JOHN' C. MILLER, n , RICHARD F. GRAHAM, Um " October SO, 1873 tf. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SIWIKG MACHINE. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happv Relief for Tonne Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in earlv life. Manhood He-stored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Sooth Ninth SU, Phila delphia, Pa. an Institution having a high re putation for honorable conduct and profession al SKIII. Oct. 30, 1873. ly. C. F. BAKER, & COT" sell the celebrated the system requires extra vigor and elasticity Gift Enterprise, no Humbug. enable it to baffle the effects of damp anM w ruisvurr, fa. serviceable. Rheumatism will not bo apt to Mil H HE H 9 ? ZJ??"1 i mi iu uui nuuAeuHiit, Willi It. KENNEDY & 2w. fasten upon muscles and nerves that have which a mau can earn $25 ner dv in crood ipr. been braced up be this excellent in vigorant ritory. It bores anv diameter, and ordinary And Cotton King Cook Stoves. nervine ; which have snch ll I . f 1 f J ' rn ' ii ... e wcnsiib uic iawu tuvit. per Uiiv. p arm. lown- uui n iii in on . ivico ui biic onaouu I -u:-. I. . i - .1 . book sent on receipt of 9c. postage. Address Auger Co., St. Louis. Mo 4w. The Salisbury Watehman is wrong in supposing that Mrs. Carter has been ac quitted of the charge of murdering little Willie Carter. Her case was severed from that of the colored boys for obvious reasons, and stands, for trial at the next term of court. Wtlmmgton Post. disastrous effect on the pulmonary organs of the feeble and delicate, he likely to exercise the same untoward in fluences in cases where the stomach and eter nal surface of the body (which always sym pathizes with the digestive organs) have been toned and stimulated by a course of the restorative. The tits of indigestion and irre The President Las set apart the 27th of ibis mouth as a day to be observed in thanks giving and Prayers. Gorernor Caldwell has also selected the tame day for the same purpose. Concord Sun. This live paper bas been increased in size and otherwise much improved. We are glad to see this evi dence of prosperity. The good people of Oabatrus ought to sustain the Suny and we belicvo they will do it. Hon. Jefferson Davis. Baltimore Sun 8th Hon. Jefferson Davis, with his son, who is on a furlough from the Vir ginia Military Institute, are at Baruum's Hotel. Mr. Davis has been in Baltimore some dAys. It is understood he will sail for Europe shortly on account of his health, which is bad. Since bis arrival in Balti more Mr. Davis has been visited by a large number of his old friends and ads mirers. " -pSYCHOMANCY.orsoul CHARMING. IT How either sex may fascinate and eain the love & affections of any person they choose instantly. This s:mple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25., together with a marriasre etude. Eevntian Oracle.. Drpams gularities of the bowel which proceed from I Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirts, Ac, sudden changes of .weather may always be A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM & Co. averted by a timely use of the Bitters. Pubs. Phila. 4w. THE SUN WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY We learn from the Asheville Pioneer, that on Tucsdry evening of last week, at Brevard, in Transylvania county. . D. Dtckwbrth was shot and mortally wound d by Julius Poor, in a Grocery store owned by the latter. True to Nature is the title of one of the prettiest Chromos we have seen. It is pren away with Godey's Lady's Book, without any increase of the old subscrip tion price of 8 3. Address L A Godcy, N E corner sixth and chestnut streets, Phila delphia, Pa. The Bible Cause. We were pleas (1 to receive a call from the Rev. Mr. Strobe!, Bible agent forNorth Carolina, last Mouday. He was looking well an fine spirits. He crives a verv cheeriner Kcount of the progress of his work. Since Iwt April he has visited fifty two counties, sllected $,200, and sold $3,000 worth f BiMes. Commissioner's Court. The case of Win. Bryant, W R. Blackwelder, Joseph Gray, Ldward Ltpe and Daniel Lipe, charged with dealing in counterfeit came up before U. S. Commissioner last 1 bur's day. The two first were committwd to jail in default of bail, the other three were bailed in the sum of $5,000. P. Black, of Madison, Rouhiiighaui co., previously bailed, was discharged, there being no evidence against him. Greensboro Pa triot. S. W. Terrell offers his Services to the Merchants of Salisbury as Salesman. With liis experience in business will guarantee satisfaction. Railroad Consolidation. We learn that the Westeru North Carolina railroad has been purchased by the North Caroliua railroad, and hence (he two roads will be consolidated, which will secure the comple tion of the former west to the State line at the earliest practical day. The contract for this was made by the North Carolina roaJ, of which Major W. A. Smith is Presi dent and Receiver of the Western, in New York, last j week, by transferring to the North Carolina road the bonds, judgments. 5ce., held by the Southern Security Com pany aud tit. Y. McAden, Esq. We learn that Jlns jplan was proposed by a former President Of the Westeru North Carolina road several years ago, and strongly recom mended, without success. The wisdom of the final success of the measure will be felt n the certain completion of the Western S objective points and all its ac- THE WEEKLY SUN is too widely known to require any extended recommendation ; but the reasons which have a' ready given it ntty thousand subscribers, and which will, we hope, give it many (thousands more, are briefly as follows : It is a first-rate newspaper. All the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligible in teresting manner. It is a find-rate famil paper,full of enter, taining and instructive reading of every kind, but containing nothing that can offend the most delicate and scrupulous taste. It is a first-rate story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are carefully selected and legibly printed in its pages. It is a first-rate agricultural paper., ine most fresh and instructive articles on agricul tural topics regularly appear in the department. It is an independent political paper, belong ing to no party and wearing no collar. It fights for principle, and for the election of the best men to ofhee. It especially devotes its energies to the exposure of the great corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, and threaten to undermine republican institutions altogether. It has no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It reports the fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men, especially the cattle-markets to which it pays particular attention. Finally, it is the cheapest paper published. One dollar a year will secure it for any sub scriber. It is not necessarv to get up a clud in order to have THE WEEKLY SUN at this rate. Any one We have no travelling agents. Por COUGHS, COLDS. H0RSENESS, AND all THROAT DISEASES Use WELLS1 CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED and SURE RE IVIED Y Sold by Druggist. 4w Also, Church, Parlor and office Stoves, and war rant them to give perfect satisfaction. Sin. Sheet-iron & Copper Work done at short uotice and in the best manner. nept. 11, tf. COTTOH SAff GUIS of the the best quality Manufactured by J. M. ELLIOTT, Winnsboro, S. C. Reference, Thomas Brem. & A. B. Davidson, Charlotte, N. C. l:7t WINES! WINE8! WINE8! Encouraee Home En terprise and buy the pnrc wines made by b. T Mickey. Salem, N. C. His wines have received the premiums at the State Fair, at Charlotte, and at all other places where they have been exhibited, ihey are kept by We claim and can show that it is the cujuj- niost beautiful, deiicatelv arranged, nictrlr adjusted, easily operated, and smooth I f running of all the Familr Sewiiur Machine. It is re markable not only for the range anil variety of b wwiqc, uuj. ai lyr me vaneij snu ainoreni .... . . . Kinas oi icxinrc which it will scr with eonal facility and perfection, usinesilk twist, linen or cotton thread, hue or coarse, makioc toe iXTliR- LOCKEivKLAsmc-HTiTCU, alike on both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus, beaver doth, or leather. may be sewn with enrat strength and uniformity of stitch; and, in a moment, this willing and never-wearying instrument njay be adjust d for One work on gauze or gossamer tissne, or the tucking of tarlatan, or raffling, or almost any other work which delicate finrers have been known to perform. And with its simplicity of -construction ; esse of operation; uniformity of precise action at any speed; capacity for range and variety of work, hne or coarse leaving all rival behind it. We with pleasure refer the public to the Gold and Bronte Medals and Diploma awarded to our Machines in America, Prussia, England, and recently in Austria at the Exposition in lenna, where we were awarded five Medal, Merit, Pro gress, and three for articles manufactured on our Machines. But it gives us much greater pleasure, to present to the public the sworn return of sale, (to winch any one can have access) of the differ ent Manufacturers of Machines, for the last four years, made to the receiver appointed by the owners of valuable Sewing Machine Patents, and which shews the precise number of machines sold by each Company. 1969 1870 1871 1879 tlnrer Monfac1nf Co., SS.7S1 1I73SS 1M0 tlt.TM Wt A WUsab do T,M , lrOflt 1T4.0SS Howe Mac1 In Co.. SB .000 Or . re a Baker Srwlnr U ohlneCu , ,T Dontr stle 8-lng to fVee t Kew n . do H.SST Wilcox A Oibba do 17,201 Wllion do A" ericar Batton-noleOrer eruln)r Machine Co., 7,79J 4 t it i at i iic i inning jjusineas. The Tinner's Tools Ac of Mtn Brown A Weant having fallen into my possession, 1 wil carry am the Tin. Sheet-Iron and Copper mum business in iu various branches. Will do House Hoofing, Guttering 6c, at reasonable rates. X in nimo have for safe. Cook inr Stores that I can rvnmmend. and thai will give aatisfseuesi i am not rrsrjnusiDle lor aar dvbaa Us brss SM Brown A Weant may bare cor traded. Stencil CvttiBff. I am welt urrnurtd to cat rood Stmril PUtM t5 r Tm m 7 .... or uj;u King i ouacco, r lour &r., el the follow- v ing prices. One-fourth inch letters 5nts per letter. One-half and fireifhta W - - - luree-fbnrlhsAone in., letter 7 Persons living in other Towns or in the coun try , wanting Stencil Plate may calculate the coal and send their orders, stating size of letters, with P. O. money Order far the am oust, and I wilt cut She Stencil Plate and forward by return audi if possible, free if Postage. The Little Gem. I alo have for sale the "Little! icm" for ins clothing, Csni, Ac, with Indelible Ink. The letter ran be changed to print any very neatly. Price comidt- $l.i. JII'SIC STAD. The bc-t Portable Maaic Stand in the World for Krass Bands. Jt is verv neatly and made weighs lesa than two pounds tad, a. as aa pacKed in a small pace. Patented Sept. 13th, 1870: Aug. 6th, 1871 Diploma awarded bv the American Institute Exhibition, New York, 1871. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, or two rood Brass Finisher. L. V P.ROWN. Salihnry, ?C. C Julv 17th 1873-tf. r mm i liio. 75,1 7.40 COO S4.SI0 143.000 M HI I04ST sssu S0.1J7 tl 1M 5-2.010 40 V4 4 J.I 44 SSjSSS t'.OM Oc 1 t Medal do Florence do 1VI1 I. P. Howe do ITicl'r do Davis - .do Ble- . do H- r in ti n fm rr do ). C. Braonadoif d R i rt do Biitiett, ReverMbl do Bartram ft Fantun do Leeor ("o Ortrlnal Row do flokle a Ljon do ftttra do riiplU do Baa-Ira d Pa ham do- I. O. Po'ron do M'Kay do C. F. Thimson do Union BatloD-IIo'e do 14.STS III 1T,00 M. HI lJifti 15,147 1 6SS 4&T 1'9 IMS 1700 1.141 TT1 4P 420 I W 8 MO 1.1 1 I 100 14 1,004 10.061 7.CS9 4 7 4 ft IMS I0M ) til 111 lit 1 6.90 IS SS" 11 TW 14J7 lll 11JT ( at 4J89 4jm I.SS5 ISS 1.000 SU Offer extraordinary indnc menta to their friends and customers this Season, Their SPRING STOCK is larger, more select, and more various tkmm ever before. It was bought for cash, and al a time when goods were very low la the Northern markets Hence, thev are bettor prepaied thn ever, to ait all taste and fancies, and to give better bargains for caah. They made their p'irchase of Dress Goods for ladies, gentlemen and children, more a speciality than heretofore, and really reef anxious to have their friend rail and ex amine their stock. They think it iselegant: it is certainly pleasing to the eye. and (quali ty considered) it is ouosoally cheap, But. Bingham A Co., J. A. S.xipek, TnEO. F. Kluttz, G. M. Bop3 fc Co. I can furnish Grapevines, Raspberry, Black berry, Currant, Gooseberry, and Strawbery plants by the dozen 100 or 1000, at reduced prices. I have canned peaches, put up in self sealing tin cans, of my choicest fruit. The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe Orders from a distance solicited, and plants says the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstru-1 and vines sent by mail or express, packed so as Agents Wanted. SKNF FOB CATALOUGE. DOMESTIC SEWING X ACH N E Co., H- Tork Godey's Lady's Book The December number of this old and popular Magazine of foliiona, has been received. Of its kind it has no equal. Besides its splendid illustrations, hihion plates of the latest styles, &c, each number contain a great variety of useful and iatereauoi rendi matter. Price $3 a year, ud a beautiful chronio given to each subscriber. e will furnish the Iady s Rook and the Wa'.cbman to new aubsribers one year for $o tnd the ctiromo thrown in. cruing benefits. Statescille American. Not Settled. The discussion in ro pan! to file date of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence has again lb resumed. We hope the matter will now be ecttlad. It is strange that the accuracy ' n occurrence which is alleged to have fcken place but 98 years ago can not be fttablished even by tradition. We are 'ble to see that it id a nutter of uiueh ltnt..... J . I a I 1 i . 1 ruancc wneincr me ueciara.ion was Me on the 20ih May, 1775, or the 31at y, 1775. Death of Samuel Reeves, Sr. Il '8 again our painful duty to chronicle le death of another of Rowan's best Citi en- Mr. Samuel tteevea, Sr.; who died bis residence a short distance from town Thurad4y eveniiiL'. was well known &d tuljersally respected for his many .niag qmlilie8 of uaefuiIieM ail(l kind He filled many important trusts obii and lwy witb fidclity and ad' An C WM man rUttt act'v'ly pniMH 0( characr ttll(j WA9 per- ll'irvj ...4 . . oho in niUi , . ... , pwu wim more public and pn u...BS lhan IV i i W n .. J "u county. ir. lo years of age. other citizeu was about seventy TBS WE BELT UW. Eight pages fifty-six columns. Only $1.00 year. Ho die counts from this rate. The Semi-Wekly San Same size as the Daily Sun. $2.00 a year. A discount of AO per cent, to clubs of 10 or over. 'HS DAXX.1T STJW.-A large four- page newspaper of twentv-eight columns. Daily circulation over 120,000- All the news for St cents. Subsription price 50 cents a month or $6 OO a year. : lo clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per. cent. Address, THE SUN Hew York Ciy. Nov. 13 1873-6t. i road to i 1874. NOW READY. 1864. Nixon was executed. He shot a stranger in a frenzy of ungovernable fury. Graftney suUercu death on the gallows. He killed a man under the passion of loses at gamb- 37 YEAR OP PUBLICATION, Turner's N. C. Almanac for 1874 is the lar- hng and while temporarily insane through eest and most valuable Almanac published in drink. 1 liev were Door devils, and if the state they had escaped the gallows by luck and gone to hmg bing would have been put to hard labor and treated to shower baths, blows and the solitary cell. Stokes deli berately and daintily picked off bis enemy while the later was in a trap, and genteel f iJ i v 1 1 is v ly urea on uis aeaaiy uerringer with a gloved hand. He escapes hanging and will live like an imprisoued lord or like the young murderer Walworth at Sing bing But Ins friends are highly res pec table and they have plenty of money. V. jr. Herald. For sal McNEELY & WALTON, Mtrchint, Salisbury, N. C. Oct.30th lm. STILL THEY COME! AT WALLACE S STORE. NEW FALL AN0W1NTER STOCK! Larger and Better than Ever ent known to the medical world is JURUBE3A. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system restores vigor to the debili tated, cleanses vitiated blood, remove. vesicle obstructions and acts directly- on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottl. JOHN Q. KEL-1 LOGO, 18 Piatt St. N. Y. 4w. T) ev. Dr. Deams, Pastor of the Church of the Strangers and Lditor of the 'HjiiRlsTAN Age" New York, has written a work entitled "JESUS," complete in one octavo volume of 756 pages, beautifully illustrated. This book ismeeting with a large sale. Dr. DEAMS being a true friend of Southern people, his book will be eagerly looked for here. Sold only through canvassing agents appointed by the Publishers For territory for this and the Grand Pictorial Book of Travels "ALL ROUND THE World" address, UNITED STATES PUBLISHED CO., 4w 11 & 13 University Place, New York. NEVKR Neglect a Cough. Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation for fritnreevilconsequencse Wells Carbolic Tablet!! are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Dip theria. Asthma, Catarrh Hoarseness, Drvness of the Throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Loncs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be Dromntlv and f reel v used. They equalise the circulation of the blood, miti gate the severity of the attack and will in a very short time, restore healthy action to the affect ed organs. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are put up only in hlue. boxes. Take no substitutes, if they can't be found at your druggist's send at once to the Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mail. Don't be Deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a box John Q. KELLOGG 18 Platt-st, New York 4w Send for Circular Sole Agent for the United States, to secure them from damage or exposure. Orders should be sent in by 1st of December to insure prompt returns. Tekms Cash. S. T. MICKEY, Sept. 18:2mos. Salem, N. C tm mm There are indications on all sides that the next session of Congress will be close ly watched by the people. Many ot the most devoted of the Republican journals . B IS arc giving nonce mat unless there is a genuine spirit of reform developed there will be trouble. I bus the Cleveland t i a 1 a a a . m a a Leaner, winch has tasted the flavor ot a little independence in local politics, and liked it, says : " l he fine has come t r a general reform in the manner of doing the public business. There has been not only too much corrupt legislation and too V. WALLACE has just returned from the Northern cities with a full and complete stock, in which great Bargains can be had. Those buying for cash or barter, will find it to there interest to examine his Stork before buy- I . I ma ' a ii a - ing eisewnere. xnanictull to- past patronage and. hope by fair dealing and nrict attention to nierrit a continuance of the same. Oct. 9,-tf, LOT OF LADIES' CLOAKS are tiered at greatly reduced prices, as thev were bought v - jww. Oct 9-tf. V. WALLACE. Li ottered STRAY BULL. A stray Bull came to my plantation in Mar a m . w " - - or June last, and has been running with my cat- ue eTer since ite is nine below medium in much stealing, but a too general loose- 'ze- The owner isrequeshed to come forward and . ; i i . 'Vha iwmn o . nn fnllv .nf I '"'c - I'ruucriy, pay cnarges ana uxe nun : r 1 J this and demand that it shall cease. The eyes of their constituents will closely THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT THE 8AMK TIM K Purges, Purifies and Stength ens the System. Dr. Tutt'S Pills are composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are Sar- sap.irilla and Wild Cherry, so united .is act to get her: the one, through its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging ; while other is strengthening the system, ihus these Pills are at the same time a tonic and a cathar tic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, but never before discovered. In other words, they do the work of two medicines and do it much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the systeni but im purities, so that while thev purse they also ' . . . . r A LECTUBK TO VOl (i MEN. Just rublished, in a ccalcd Ana-lope. ee six cents. A Lectnre on the Nature; Treatment and Radical cure of spermntorrt:o'a or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emius, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally; Ner vousness, Consumption, Kpilepsy and Fits : Mental aud I'hysical Incapacity, icsulting from Self-abnse, etc. Hy ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. D., Author of the '-Green Book," The world-rcnowed author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be elfectually removed without medicines and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effec tual bv which everv sufferer. i.o matter what his condition may be.mav cute himself c.ieaplv, privately and radically". THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSAND AN I) THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, iu a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also, Da. CuvEawKLL's "Marriage Guide," priro 50 cents Address the Publishers, CH A3 J C BUSTS dk CO., 127 Bowery, Ntw In L Post Office Box4,58rt FRESI ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER G00D8. XKcCTJBBXlYS 6L CO.. Wholesale and Retail dealers in General Merchandise are now in receipt, of a large Stock ; Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, tc , drc, which they are determined to sell as low aa any house in Western North Carolina. They keep constantly on hands the best ANCHOR BOLTING CLOTHS, and are Agents for the best French Burr Mill Stones. They are also Agents for Whann's Cel ebrated Super Phosphate, Polapsco Guano, Ac. They buy and sell drain, flour, Hay, and all kinds of country ptoduce. Thankfnl for psst favors, they- hope to merit a continuance of the same. Be sure and give then a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. Sam'l. McCubbiks, J. I). Oaskim., T. B. Beam., : I). R. Julias. Xo. 1, Murphy Granite Rolt, Salisliury, X. C Sept. 18, :Jiiios. LartTlU The reader will also note that although it is charged that Sewing Machines are sold at en ormously high prices, yet he will see that sever al firms, that were in existence have failed or abandoned an amprohlablc business. e respectfullv solicit a call from all parties desirine a first clans Sewing Machine. At our Store near the Public Square will be found the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tacking, Cording, Unfiling, Ac. Also Silk, Linen, and Cotton Threads. Needles. Oil, 4c. Singer BZ a nufact tiring Co JOIIN A. RAMSAY, Oct, 2-tf. Agent. HOUSE PAINTING, siiiii Paintitiff. Carriage Painting, Carriage Trimmjn , Taper Hanging, Ac. I am prepared to execute all orders in th above lines. Satisfaction warranted. Office, next door above Parker's. Orders from the country promptly attended to. 11. T. BKOWS. Aug. 11, 1873 3mos. Positive and Permanent Cures! Read the following. Claytox, N. ('., Aug. 15, 1873. Theo. F. Kluttz, Esq.: Salisbury, N. C. Dear Sir: I bought last fall from Wade, Boykin A Co., Baltimore, 1 dozen bottle of your "Kluttr's Chill Cnre ' 1 sold it to those having chills, and as this is a prevalent thickness in many sections. I was anxious to find a speeife for Chills, Fevers and Ague Ac I looked care- ASSORTMENT IS GENERAL, comprising all that they hare usually kept itti addm-ma items of attraction. Thv can m?t the demauds uf the lirmtr. ths Machanic. the Artizan.aud iuaot of the Pna fessioaal man. It is a piovt-rb with some ot their customers. "Merney kepa every thing and the best." They desire to esll special attention to m new branch grafted this Spring, to wit : A MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. This was designed for the aecomtrt odatsa of their lady eusttners. and it has bee pra uonnced by mau of them as a decided ttte cess in its genet si scope and itemized detail It is under the imindiate Supervision of Mrs llslyburton aud Miss McMurray. who ever ready to n siHind to the calls of t customers. Call aud s-e. aud hear prices. MERONEY A BRO. May 8tf. NEW SPRING STOCK. MOCK fc IIOWV, areosr ing their uual i.ir-v slock of Sorine Gc Conxisting of all clases of goods adapted to section ol Country. Their stock is full and complete in ail descrip tion, uf Prints, Black and l'.rown Itocnes&i, Linens and Drill, Dress goods in the mmwrnm styles, Indies' ready u.-ide Miiu, a most leautifsd selection ( ( .i-inn r Coaling, l'ant Jeaas of all kinds. Tlicir stock of 'lothing, shirts i ftirmtlnnc goMls is He larpowt and most ble to be found in diis market. A fall and nlete "lock of Shoe. Ilnt. iltev sLitml bon&c. Sugar, Coftee, Molassas, aud all kinds si GROCERIES. Their terms are strictly cash arxl barter wtdi II RD W A It E. fi When vou want Hardware at low gures, call on the undersigned at No. Granite Row. watch members of the coming Congress. Woe unto them if they are found wauting!' The most extensive family wedding on record occurred the other day in Cin cinnati. A widowed mother, three sons and two daughters were all married at once. away. EDWARD SHEPHERD. SpringHill, near Salisbury 3t. Oct. 30tb, 1873 f GENERAL NOTICE. I). A. AT WELL. strengthen and hence thev cause no debility and Salisbury, N. C, May 1(3 tf. are lonowea oy no reaction. Dr. Tutt's Pills have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not only purify without weakening it, but thev remove all noxious par- tides from the chvle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes imbilitation, so there is no nausea or sieknesa attending tne operation oi this most excel lent medicine, which never strain- I or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; This "Kluttz's Chill Cure" saves manv a Doc tor's bill of So, $10, or $20. I enclose the pay or 4 Unzen more, as ine lat dozen is all every bottle warranted, and not in a has the benefit of the warrant been applied for ery Kcspectitillv lour, II J HYALS a few exceptions. Those who axe reliable prompt in paying their accounts it afToads d pleasure to accommodate. To enable I heat at fully after the results of each bottle, some of which was used in long-sUnding cases, aud allow me to say Wat every bottle e$eeU4 a cure. I ami good tl .,rieeBf whic, lhe. ardeaf now seuing u ana worraaiiac a cure or nopay rained to d0i thispolicv has Urn sdanted. whew I goons are sold on time to indiscriminate pmrusa. i heavv losses will occur from tlx- J'ankmpt sm all gone, Homoste.nl provii.i.nsf ihe law, and when losses) single c j are sustained by merchant, it is a well stated SURE CURE FOR CHILLS. Just received a large quantity of Lindsay's Miasma Elixir, the great Southern Chill cure, at BAKKEK &. CO. S. Drug Store. Salisbury, N. C, Ang. 28, lS73.-tt Piedmont Air-Line Railway Richmond it Danville Railway, (N. C. Division.) CONDENSED TIME TABLE. This ia to notify tlie public that I will not, hence persons takiog them do not become pale from this, date, be responsible for anv debts con traded iu my name by any member of my fami ly, or other person's, except it be done by writ ten order given by me, or by ravselfiiidividnally. JOHN SMITH DEAL. Nov. 6, 1873-3t. and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are being removed, the combined ac tion of the Saisaprillia and Wild Cherry puri fies and invigorates the body, and action. Price 25 cent a box. Sold by all druggist. Depot 48 Cortlandt St., New. 4w. TO CHURCH OFFICERS. I offer Prr.E Grape Wink for Communion purpo.-es. Believing it wrong to sell or use the adulterated Northern stuff" so-called Wine for this purpose, I shall keep none but Fare North Carolina made Grape Wine, which I can conscientiously recommend. Also, Hanging, Bracket, and Stand Lamp, suit :i hie for the Pulpit, wall or ceiling, at moder ate prices. Oism me a call. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Druggist Salisbury, Jf. C. Oct. 2-tf. Ib effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 12th, 1873. GOING NORTH. Statio5s. Mail. ExraMS. Leave Charlotte. 10.00 P. ll. 8 If. A.M. " Air-Line Juncfn, lOOfl " w.:tu " Salixburv, JOGA.M. lo'2l " ' Greensboro, :t: IS.tfp. M ' Pa::ville, G.iifl " :t Vi ' " Iturkville. H :C 7 .TU " Arrive at Rich mot) d. 1 17 P. M. 10.17 " GOING SOUTH. Statto5S. Mail. Exprf a Leave Richmond. l.'W p. M. 5.00 A. M. " Durkville, 4 5 8.29 M " Danville, 9.H " 18 4H P. M (Jreenslwro. 12.20 3 50 " " SsKsbnrj, 2 :t8 A . If. 8.10 " - " AiLineJnnc. 4 29 G0 Arrive at Charlotte, 4.05 8.15 w fart that such le arc met anil it is ble to iippie that the hisses to be made wm H far as practicable, fi I U on the honest paving ews tomer. They have determined to Mop this www of doing business, by rellinc "t the lowest cssfe am' barter prices and credit no man wbe is unworthv of it. They are thankful to thf-ir daily friends customer for their verv lib. ral cr.Mom sad fidencr, and hope bv selling Good (ioods at prices to secure their continued favor. MOCK & BROWN. March 27-tf. I CHILL CTJ contains neither Quinine nor Arsenic, i ly safe, aud makes positive and permanent! f Inly w rents. Nr.M by all Inigf ists and i Merchants. I'rej.arr1 hr TIIKO. F. KLUTTZ, I 'nijpi, Salisbury, V.C Sept. 4. tf. A COW AND CALF FOR SALE. A PPLY A T THIS OFFICE. Warranted Chill Cure. Thealy warranted chill core sold ia this aeeiKjo of the Slate. Prepsicd Ly the Medic Leal VuiA N.f. Purely v. peiahl-, thildresitake it as well as aaultf. rr ole only by U. M. lines A O. Money refunded ia all cases sksa cures are not effected. Sept. II, tf GOING EAST, Statioss. Mail Ijcave llroen-lMtro, S.iCi A. M., " 0iJ Shnns. " Raleigh, Arrive at Goid!Kro. 3.05 4 45 8:t5 II 15 GOING WEST Stathms. Mail. LeaTeOoldxU.ro., 2:'o P.M. " Raleigh. " " O.. Shop-., 9.K -Arrive at Urecasboro, 12.2c A. M. Administrators' Notice. The anderaigmd having duly qualified seals Administrators with the will snnejwd of John 1 . Shsver, deceased, hereby notify all petsow in debted to said estate lo make payment, SSkd thtaw having claims agninl said estate are noti fied to present them to the undersigned est er before the 2nd day of September, 1&74, or that notice will be plead in bar of their osoovery. September 2ml, 1873. HENRY A. I. KM IT, EDWIN Ml AVER, 52:tf Adm, Marriage Certificates for sale bore. 1 r