HOW THE BABY CAME. The Lady sfoon came down last night She did, you needn't doubt it lovely lady drstcd in white; I'll tell you all about it. They hurried Lea and ine to bed. And Aunty said. "Now, maybe That pretty moon up overhead Will bring us down a baby. "You He aa quiet as can be ; Perhaps you'll catch ber peeping Between the window bars, to see If all the folks are sleeping. And then, if both of yon keep still. And all the room is shady, She'll float a cross the window-sill, A bonoie while moon-lady. 'Across the sill, along the floor, You'll see her shining brightly. Until the comes to mother's door. And then she'll vanish lightly, But in the morning yon will find. If nothing happens, maybe, 8he's left as something nice behind A beautiful star-baby .'' We didn't just believe her then For Aunty's always chaffing : The tales she tells to me and Len Would make you die a-laughing. And when she went oat pretty soon. Len said, -'That's Aunty's humming ; There ain't a bit of lady-moon, Nor any baby coming." I thought myself it was a fib, V And yet I wasn't certain ; So I kept quiet in the crib. And peeped behind the curtain. I didn't mean to sleep a wink. Hut all without a warning. I dropped right off and don't yon think, I never waked till morning ! Then (here was Aunty by my bed, And when I climbed aud kissed her, She laughed and said. "You sleepy-head ! You've got a little sister! What made you shut your eyes so soon 1 I've half a mind to scold yon For down she came, that lady-moon, Exactly as I told you! And tply it was not a joke. In spite of Leu's denying. For just the very time she spoke We heard the baby crying. The way we jumped and made a rash r or mother's room that minute ! But Aunty stopped us, "Hush ! Or else yon shan't go in it' And So we had to tiptoe in, And keep as awful quiet As if it was a mighty sin To make a bit of riot. - But there was baby, anyhow The funiest little midget ! I just wish you could peep in now. And see her squirm and fidget. Len say he don't believe it's truo (He isn't sneh a baby) The moon had anything to do .With bringing us that baby. But seems to me it's very clear, As clear as running water Last night there was no baby here. So something must have brought her f Marg E. Bradley, in Christen UniQn. ; !-ssx .f Too Big for Sunday School. - Young man boys, who thinks they are too old or two smart to attend Sun 1 1 11 a a. oar sen oi, suouid conaid r one or two points worthy of their attention : school, for general intelligence good char acter and trustworthiness. 1. How do the young mien and boys of meir acquaintance, wno ioat about the street and go off on pleasure excursion. on the Sabbath, compare with those who are fatthful in their attendance at Sunday school, for gem ral intelligence good char ter and trustworthiness 1 Who tarn ont to le the best students, clerks and apprentices those who refuse day privileges and advantages of the Sub .est t t n: i r cnooi, or tbose who are as true to their several classes as the dial is to the sun I 3. Who can command the best recom mendations when they need work those who prefer wandering about the streets or in the woods on the Sabbath, or thost Who prefer to do their walki 9 wlmn ii will not interfere with their Sunday school UUIK'S f Jn .1 t Who are the most trustworthy men in the community those who honor the sabbath , or those who dishonor it by hunt ing, bailing, sailing aud lounging about on me aay or rest and worship 1 Vast numbers ol -illy young men and boys imagine that the restraint of the Sunday school does not comport with freed and manliness. They think it is well Mongh for small boys and for girls, even Tor young ladies, to attend school regutarly every Sabbath, but young men must uave a Prouder margin to move in So they forfeit the splendid chances offer d to them tor intellectual, moral aud spiritual culture. What a pity Chris tarn JX anAKS TT 1H5. "HOW do VOll trt A Sm A CJ.. ..... Kir a nine aaia a aevoted wirn t w.r ..... 1 iL J i - , .. w buna, a downtown merchant in the oi the panic. "Oh! I shall weather the aiorrt, but I wish I had only a lew ban urea uoii.irs more. It would be verv cnn. vcnient, w say ttie leaet." "Don't vou . . . j with you had married a rich wiff aid be, iu a teasing way ; then rising and go . - ' v ing to uerYooni she returned with rather more than tho amoiuit required in United oiatew oonus. " w by, where in tlio world aia you Ket this T" said the bewildered llllKhuixl 'W..1I .1 - . 5 chamW,e supper even years o and on your mtajftdin. I'rZ L SlH it u iu v uear. von wonr trtni therov rather dimcult. oVr.n.!, kL shoe, cloves, and a Ih'h XiZ u:T ' on the caroct. I n.,t it "I.T"., I lii pi- w..l,. . " J "U iriiuu . - v. o u vuii lii iiiiiiiiiii it I i...4 .... 1 When niidinip vnu wnm u io an so, 1 invested it; aud here vou hwiU" 6 yU J . . 7 ! V,.. it i ... - .....BCBwr aiassacnusetts) 5Spy jm k oniric session ot tbe iSonreme vui k uciu iii mat city on tbe 10th Oct over tweuty divorces were granted, and of these, a dozen were for adultery. Down - - - uo a Ulrfrpi or all the journals of Northern civiliatifti, to shoot at, but it seems to be considered all right up there. And this ia the "clv iliz Utou" tho latter day saints of Radi cafiaaw are constantly endeavoring to force upon the "barbarian" of the South ! A mtt) should not be measured bj his podsAHons or gifts, but by the use he iuakea oi theui. NEWSPAPER LAWS. We receive so many inquires as to the laws governing the circulation of newspapers, that we find it necessary to publish the following summary, which will cover aH the questions that have been addressed to us : , 1. Subscribers are considered wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers ordering the discontinanee of their periodicals may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodical from the office to which they are directed, they are held responsible, till they have settled their bill, and ordered them discontinued. j 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take papers from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. 6. Any parson who receives a newspaper and makes me of it, whether "he has ordered it or not. is held In law, to be subscriber and must pay for it. POSTAL INFORMATION. Letters go to any part of the United States fdrthree cents per half once, if prepaid. Unpaid letters are sent to the Dead-letter office at Washington. Letters weighing over an ounce, and pre paid a single rate, are forwarded to their des tination, and the balance due collected on delivery. City letters must be prepaid two cents per half ounce. Books. Postage on books, not exceeding four ounces in weicrht 4 cents, Each additional four ounces or fraction thereof. It - 4 ceuts. Newspapers Newspapers sent from the office of publication may be prepaid at the following rates per quarter : Dailies, cts. per qr. Weeklies, ! Monthlies, (not over 4 02) 3 44 44 Quarterlies, 44 1 44 " Miscellaneous Matter .On unsealed circu lars, maps, prints, engravings, music, cards, photographs, types, cuttings, roots, seeds, ficc, on one package to one address, prepaid, not exceeding four ounces 2 cents ; over four aud not exceeding eight ounces. 4 cents. The weights of packages is limited to thirty- two ounces, j Money Orders. Mouey can be sent to any part of the country with absolute safety, by obtaining a Money Order, for which fees are : . On not less than $1, and not over $20, 10 cents. Over $20 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents. No order issued tor less than $1, or more than $20. Sundry I'emes It costs 15 cents extra, besides the regular postage to register a let ter. ! Stamps cut out from Stamped Envelopes are not allowed to be placed upon other let ters. FURNITURE! J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers inJfurniturc, Invite attention to their stock of Cot tage Bedsteads French Chaimber Suits, Walnut and painted Cane Seat Chairs Rocking Ohairs of all descriptions, Extension Diuing Tables tables of all kinds Wardrobes, Bureaus, Washstands, What-Nota, Sofas, Reception Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, many other articles which we are prepared to sell as cbeap pr cheaper than any House in the western part of the State He sure to call, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, next door below the Express office, see our stock and hear our prices. Our terms cash. Special orders (made trom photographs in our office) will be supplied. VW A full assortment of Rosewood, Metalh :nd Walnut Burial Cases, which can be fur- nished at 3 hours notice. Jan 10 ly. ERPR1SE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country 1 $75,000 00 VALUABLE GIFTS I IN TO BE - DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE'S 104 REGULAR MONTHLY Gift Enterprise. lobe drawn Mouday, November 24th IS73 ONE 0RANr CASH PRIZE OF $3,000 in UoUM ONE GRAND CASH PRIZE OF $5,000 in Silver ! Two prizes $1 ,000 ! Six irises $500 Each in GREENBACKS. iwo uwd ana &uver lrner .'fi,'n W..i viuouver, vest -unam, Solid and TVmMU. rwitcu oiivur-ware, Jewelry, &c, & number of CHfts, 10,000 1 icKets .Limited to. 50,000. WTED to Sell Tickets, ""ITJ be paid! a n T,,rn, . i - """Si St li nckets $5 ; Twelve a." ?V. ?J Iu,j ?f Pes, a de- " """I Ul lllf mailllfir nt ilrntrintr -.,.1 1 ;f , -.-...s, M..u uuier I i . . t7i iii.ii ii in in ro , . rv i .. I ... . v-. . w nc A'lIMriUlllIOn, W1" be sent to any one ortWi ntrtbcm A II 1.. . i . 5 7 o aa.ii icir JV," "ressea to ZFl. L. D. SINE, Box 86. 101 W. Fifth St. CISCINXATl, O FOR. BEST PIANO iORC-i ANK UNINO.4t.MUSt STTmrr hn world nh inA d . -! IDC pest guaranteed as such anc I fiiy Wat4SteS m represented. PurshaJraKJdldS It r. A Sl I RT.V Tvr 1.. mi - J. Wi KUECKERT, r a gent WlLITNOTOir, N, C P. S. Tlinincr nnloM jj . part of the country. . . auniueu io irom any Aug.7 tf. U-1FT ENT AlftT 1 I !- Insure Your Life, IN THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society (cfN.Y.) Assets $21,000,000, Income $9,000,000. Dividends Declared Annually. Canvassing Agents wanted. Apply to J. ALLEN BROWN, Gcu'l. Agent. f Ml YOUR HOUSES, FURNITURE, and MERCHANDISE. The Imperial (of London) Xion & Lir & Globe, (of London.) Tinder- writer's Agency (N. Y.), Franklin (of Phila.), Georgia Home (of Col um bus, Ga.), and Old North State- (of Warren ton. N. G.) are all represented by J.ALLEN BROWN, Agent. FERTILIZERS. Pure Peruvian Guano, Sal Pacific Guano, Navassa Guano, Baugh's Raw-Bone Phosphate, and "29b. 1. JjUmp Liime, ivept on hand, or a " w ww , ordered at any time. Farmers will do Well by engaging what tuey want at once. ara . a Time given to parties giving ttndoabtcd security, or lien on crops. J. ALLEN BROWN, Office No. 2, Granite Row , at AhveTVs Hardware Store. Salisbury, N. C.. Aug. 28, l$73-tf. BANK OP STATESVILLE CHARTED CNDEB ACT OF TBI GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N'ORTA CAROLINA. Authorized Capital, $500 000 THlb BAtsK has been organized under the T 1 . .. . iaws oi me estate, and all the requirements complied with. Deppaita received subject to Check, and when special arrangements are made Certificates of Deposit will be issued payable with interest at the rate of 8 per cent. -nuiuiuiKiraioni, uuaruians, or others holding money in Trust, are authorized by law to deposit in this Bank. Highest price paid for Gold and Silver Coin and Old Bank Bilht and (Ifitftril Banking Business transacted. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE. SAML. McD. TATE, President. K. P. SIMONTON, Caher. Statesvillc, N. C, Aug. 21, 1 W3-3mos. Valuable Land For Sale. Having become the solo valuable Tract of Land fomrl . i u Jeremiah Barrine-er. and for V TaSCT UT . U T . 7 ..M.UUUUI- l ...f; acres, is regarded bv POnd iiwlop. acres, is reeanfod lv as one of the very best and most eligibly situated in the county. It is admirably adapted to the cultivation of corn, cotton, tobacco, and the grasses There is at least 100 acres of bottom, of which about 75 is in rnlt;tr.:nn ti i a wiiuu, -a llcl t II. also, an excellent dwelling and other out build- ML Pleasant, N C. Juneo:Gmos MOSES BARRIER. CRAIGE & CRAIGE, ATTORNEYS Al LAW, Solicitors in lonkrojiffo. Special attention nA t,T..: in Bankruptcy. e II- - Sept. 5,-5l:3ms. A HOOK FOR THE MILLION rrW4 or ihsac abnut teiirr oh the ,.h Wciral rjTtri. . and rlUucif Guide. t 4iMTri in pro, to .r.rv. ih cnmi k o .rarve the omrljiou hr outriBf, rp.illi num-raut rnemviog.. ma4 II li t I I ffrmn. for tboi ko are mTT.!. - SBMgaj ".l U worth kumiyl TVmlkfSS KotiM to tht AfBicTed t&d UnibrtTinate. -JP" yiMSlS tioo. lctl who .dvertUr Im vaia lii miltar ahi r. . i: . - lr. Ban. oceupk.. holw f ,w.,tr 4 1T mu f the mo.t crlcbr In. niumrr and Kntou, aad or bjr, on the diwaaca m ultod ifih, .r caa he .a- Mdl- r." " "'J pr lor.. k. 1 X BBS (". 1 1 K. Kichih i.r-L ralaa Chi.aat, t. UaU, Ma. nilaa ia w ... great numoer, a good well of water, Ac., xi T" W hlng to the nnd il Iply to Mr. Tobias Beaver nn tb z&i !'"--i wi hi v sen near The World Astonixiieci. the American I i Button-Hole, Overseaming AND COMPLETE SEWING MACHINE. The first and onlv BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that has made its advent this or any other country. fcgr The following reasons are given why this is the best. Family Machine to Purchase. 1. Because it will do 7. Because yon can even-thin g that any ma-iquickly raise or lowerithe chine can uo, sewing feed to adapt it to thick or from the finest to the thin cloth. coarsest material, lietn- 8. Because you hare a ming, km imp, wording, shoit ueep DODDtn by braiding, binding, gath- which the thread is cm- enng anu sewing on, atstantiy urawn rrom the the same time ruminc, centre ; the tension con quilting.etc., betterthanisequently even and does any other machine. not oreaK the thread. ie pai are more easily adjusted foot turns back ; that the than any other machine. icloth can be easily rrmov- 3 Because it can work od after being sewed. a beantirul outton noie, iu. uecause tne Dest making as tine a pearl aamerchanics pronounce it lv the hand. ' 'the best finish ad and made 4. Because It will em-on the nest principles oj broidenorer tne edge ma k any machine manufactur ing a neat and beautiful ed . It has no springs to border on any garment, break; nothing to get ont b. Because it win work of order. a beautiful eyelet hole. 11. Because it ia two 6. Because it can do machines in one. A But over-hand seaming, by ton-hole Woheiko and which sheets, pillow cas-Sewing Machine com es and the like are sewed bined. over and over. y No other Machine can accomplish the kind of sewing stated in Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Parties using a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve meats. It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do it the beat : and this machine can do several kinds of sewing not done on any other machine, besides doing every kind that all others can do. The American or Plain, Sewing Machine. (Without the button-hole parts), does all that is done on the Combination except button-hole and overseaming. MEUONEjI & BRO., Agts. Salisbury N. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. Ldo not hesitate to say the American Combination, surpasses all other machines'. Besides doing all the work that other machines can. it overseams. works button-holes in any fabric, from Swiss mm in to Beaver cloth. I hare used Singer's Sloats Howe's and tbe Weed machines, and find the Amer ican far superior to them all. t Hiss M . Butlbdos. I have nsed six different Sewing Machines. The American surpasses them all. Mas. A. L. Rainet. I hare used The Singer aud other machines and would not exchange the American for any. Has. H. N. Bbingi-b. SalisbcsY, K. C, May 22, 1879. Mesoney .1 Uko.. Agts, American Com. S. M Sir : I hare nasd the Howe. Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Wilcox & t'ibbs Sewing machine, and would not give the American Combination for allot tl. fin. it will do all that is claimed for it in the tircu lar. I consider its upcrior to all others 1 have ever seen. Very Hcsiiectrally. Mas. Geo. W. IIaerisom, We the undersigned takegret pleasure in giving our testimony of favor of the American Sewing Machine in preference to any other, believing that it is truthfully recommended as the best machine made. It is simple, runs very light and does not get out of order urdropstiches. Mrs. ka M. Overman, " A. L. Focst, "J. Allen Brown, 44 A. W. Notuebn. 44 A. E. Jones, 44 M). E Tho mason. We have seen flaming advertisements and heard much said by Agents of other machines. We will forfeit one! hundreds dollars to the con tending paitv, if after fair trial neforc competent judges tne American Machine will not do as well if not better, the work done on any other machine, and do valuable work that no other machine can do. We have been Agent for Sewing Machine since 1856 have sold Singer's I. ad Webster's A twater's and Floience s, and have abandoned all for the American. Send -ami get sample af wo k. No40 tf. MEBOXEVA BBO Ag'st,. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL t R E INSURANCE COMPANY, OF RICHMOND, VA. Att"' l" Ja"U"y' 'b73' 7t7.3 Issues Annual, - Term and Participating Policies. Farm Property a Specialty. DR. II. G. DAVIDSON, President. JORDAN N. MARTIN, Vice-President. J. E. NEISWANGER, Secretary. S. B. JONES, General Agent. J. ALLEN BROWN, of Salisbury, Canvassing Agent. LEWIS C. HANES, of Lexington, Local and travelling Agent. Maj 22, ly. r VIRGINIA OF Opens October 1 continue through nine months. It in organized in schools on the elective "yatem, with full course in Clasaica, Literature, Science (with practice in Chemical and Physical La bora toriea), in Law, Medicine, Engineering, Teach ing and Agriculture . Apply for Catalogues to JAMES F. HARRISON, Chairman, P. O. University of Viraiiiia. Albemarle Co., Va. Ang. 14tf. $72 00 EACH WEEK Agents wanted everywhere. Business strictly legitimate. Particulars free. Address, 86 ly. J. WORTH & CO., SL Louis, Mo. 1 i UNIVERSITY 23 O YEARS AGO MEXICAN ! LINIMENT Vn firat known In America. lis merits are writ kn B throats hoist t he liuhltul.l. world. It liaa the oldest hid heat record ot KB jr L.1 nlineil t I at the world. From the millions upon mill ions of bottles sold mo complavtnt kai rcr rcsehetl us, and as a healing and PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It Is recommended with unbounded assurance la all m of Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Sprains. Rheums Mam. Hard Swellings, Bites, Chilblains, gtlfines ol the Joints, frozen Feet, lssa. c, kc. snstshc sU persona, and for sprains. Founders, Bingtsme. FoU rwWK IUr and Hstuum QaUs ; aiao diau "s siTu. scrstcnes. halt. Ssddle. Collar of tbe Eye and Ear in tt nar.i.. ... n.-i. ttWHCS, IViUlt'S Of Utllie. LIBIT VOL aLSO Core Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Lams Back, Salt Bheum, Poisonous Bites. Kxternal Bone and Muscle Affections. Hore Nipples, 4c, sad xnsy be j ustly termed the psnsces for all EXTERNAL WOUNDS. sT Remesabsr, this Liniment diet not prlng up in a day-or a year, producing. Tars MOV JlBSOBB US USSATCaUX CUSSS Ct-USOEB ST New-Bosx .no MuaasooM Lisrjassia. Bat we asvs tho experience of over thirty years of trial, with the moat uhstaatsl results, and by a multitude of witnesses, j If the Liniment fa not aa recommended, the Moneyj will be Mfliidei Do not be km posed upon by using say other List, ment claim ins tbe aamc properties or results. They are a chest sad s fraud, ho aure sad get aothtag but yirm JjxmL as ass, Dacooiara a an Cvcmt 26c, 50c. and S l.CO per Dottle. KoTxcsj gixx or Botilz. Brru. kc ? LYON MFG. CO. S ATHAIRON Only 5(fCents per Bottle. ft promotes thet KOVTH, PRESEB Ua COLOR, (bad Increases tate Vsajor and BxLsUT of Uao IIAIJK. as Orss TarrsTT Teams aoo Ltov'b Katcaiso roa TKS IIais was first ulaoed in tho market by Fi iiiassng E. Tliomas Lyon, arraluato of Friacstoa Callsasw Tbe name is derived Iroru tho Grosk, " K into," sig nif ying to cUanse, fij)f, rrjurrnalr, or rtitort. Tba faror it lm received, nad tte popularity it baa ohtaSSsd. is unprecedented uuft incrvdiUe. ft increases the OaowTH and lir. tf tlio ITais. It ia a delightful dressing. It c rati ion fca Dn Ir'iff. It prevents the Ha:r from tuminj enpr.- It kenp the bead cool, and fares the hair a rich, sift, glossy appearance. It to tho sams in QuAsrriTt ndUuAUTT aa it was over a Qcabw TXB of a CrjrrusT Aooj and is sold by all Druggists and Country Stores at oufy Fifty Cents psr 9otUo. Woian Glory is Her Hair. t.YON'8 ATHAIRON THE OltEAT 11KMKDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can Jxj cuicl Jry a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as h:is been proved by tic hundreds of tcstimonialsjrcccived by the proprietors.j lt is eded by ihany prominent physicians io Ihj the most reliable Pix?p unit ion ever in troduced for Ihe relief and cure of all Idling complaint, and is otlbid to the public, sanctioned ijy the experience of over tbily ycara. AVhen resorted to fn season it. sel dom tails t eflect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Hronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throaft Pains oi- Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &e. AVistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and. leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens au4 cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removifig the cause of the complaint. ritEFARED 11T BETH W. FOWLB 4 80K8, Boston, w And sold by Drusjfb-Uand Ltoalcrs gvmenOy.' Iiand Dees, Trustee Deeds. v-uui iiuMsiuiiur a jreeus, oneniT Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, &t. For Sale at this offinf , MUSTANG M mm SaWaawawaaJv Ajf waSHl 'SBawF ' waw. aaaaaaaavLaaa aaawsWD rJjHMJJtjM VawPL if JafW - J " ' sfwsWawf bbbbsssbW aaPwats ! f-s s j WaWj S sl aasaaf B Sa mKr flaaw' sHal.aaS IwLiaa THE WATCHMAN OFFICE j is well supplied with A large and elegant assortment of PLAIN I FANCY af 08 TYPES. Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS &C A 1 suitable for sU kinds of HANDBILL PRINTING. Finer and more Ornamental Types for i Business & Professional GABDS; I a Visiting, Party and WedtUng Cards ; College and School .i i Circulars of all kinds ; PAMPHLETS, Tobacco Notices and LABELS f for all purpose? ; lato For Clerks,; Magistrates and Solicitors : Or anything el$o required in the Printing Line. THB l Carolina 111 at cljman AS A NEWSPAPER, Is a candidate for public favor. Its circulation is good, and its standing and patronage improving. It is one of the best advertising mediums in the State, and offers its facilities on as liberal terms as any. 200 HEAD OF BEEF Cattle Wastes.. The andersiafiied wiahea to nnnl..u Hundred fine Beef Cattle, for which be la prepared to pay the highest eaab prioee. He would also inform the Citiaens of Salisbury that 'he is farnishinsr that tnarlr - et with beef four times each week ; natnelv : on Moods r. WedueadMV. PriJ.. .-j oi. arday moruiugs. as , J0HN BEARD. May 22 tf. ALL KINDS of COURT AT)Jfil. GISTBATES' BLANKS at this office Cheap Chattel Mortgages. and various other blanks for sale here Enquire at this ofEcc. I i flanks I THR Scientific American FOB 187. 1 BaUUTIFULLV II.LUSTaUTlil. The SciEimnc Armciy, dow in iuwv jmr, sstjoya the widest rircoianor, of Mv tons periodical in the world. ' Its oontenta en brace the lstet ind trbnat iv. raj luiviuiairni pvi lAllllllir q j. mnA CI .ICT Va I World; DeacriptiotM, with Beaoiifal rXa.;- of Hew Inrentions, ew I mplcmawds, firm cewaea, and Improred loduatriea of U liTT Useful Notes, Facts, Recipes, SturJ J Advice, by Practical Wrilera, tut Horktacb and Employers, in all the virions An Descriptions of Itnprovrwienta, ana important works, pertaining t0 atecnanicsi engineering, Milling, Metallurgy Kecorda of the latest the Applications of Steam, Steam K at : I et a a saw rwanways, nip-tiuiiaine. Asrisraii T-jT Br.pnv, ,r.cgr,un r.npoeentif, Uecthcitv, Msgnetism, LigLt and Heat. " The Latest Discoveries in Pbotiarraphr, Cheat, iatry in the Arts and in Domestic or UosssesaaU Economy. The latest Information pertainitsg tb Tedtea. IH1 . mm . . w 'SHI vseograpiiy Meteorolog, alii Zoology, Botanv. MorticuItuML Architectnre, Rural Kcoooaiv. 1 finassln 1 1 Health0041, Li,,,liBf ' He,tina YniiSoii, and In short the whole range of the Sciences and Practical Art are embraced within the scope of the Scientific American. Npereow wfcooVsires to he intelligently informed can afford to he without this paper. Farmers, Mechanics, ffssriauii, Wentors, Manufactnrera, Chemios, Lovers of Bcience, Tencher, Clergymen, Lawyers, and People of all Professions, will find tho tScieniihc AmcrioaB u o oi great ealoe. It hould have a place in erery Family, Lihrsry Study, Office ad Count ing Room ; in erenr Iteading Room: Colleoe Academy, or School. Published weekly, splendidly Illustrated onlv S3 a year. The yearly Numbers of the Scientild Asssri can make two splendid Tolttaea of earl r one thuosand pagem, equivalent in coatenlsto Fssr TkofiMmd ordinary Boot Pmye. An (iffitial Li ef all Patent, issued is published weekly' air8pecimen copies wnl free. Address the pub lishers. Mi kx A Co.. 37 Park Row New yZ, In connection with! the Scien tific A merica n.M eatrs M i yy A Co. are Solicitors of irmmi. can and Foreign PstenU, hare had over ti tears' riprnrncr, anu nave ine largest tl tnhnnst is the world. If yoa have made an invention write them a letter and send a sketch . they will promptly inform you. free of charge, wl.'rtler your deetce is new and patentable. Thev will also send roo,re of cmargv, a copy ofthe Palest asaws in mil, with instructions how o proceed toobUin s nstent. Add MCTrwaoBL, 7 Park Row, New York. Subscription to the Scientific American takes at this office. 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ORIGINAL STORIES. The publication of Original Stories it a special feature of the Age, and for thU yesr we ksvs proaircd serenil from the pens of Hjkaolar-aad interesting writers. In Ihia Ilepartntent alone we can promise our readers eutertainrSent equal in charade to that of any of the popadar laory papers. TERMS IX ADVANCE i One Copt one resr, (with 2 pirtorea,! $i M " " " withont pictures, J 00 " "six raontlia do ' 1 IS Every reader of the Srinir or tbe Aoe aa poblialicd before the war, ia earnestly requested to renew their patronage; send for specttsea copy. Address, EDWARD. V BROt'GiTOaL Feb. 13. tf Rsleiw h. X. C THE MOKiNLNG STMi DAILY EDtTTOX THOrGH ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD. HAS THE largest Daily Circulates f aay newspaper ic the State, aud a rirrblatioa ia Wilmington fifty pea; cent, larger than that of any other paHr. WEEKLY EDITION : I Now coiubined with he Cakolix Fal si er. making one of the best Tamil j Wowspapers in rh. South. Clreulatiwa eery large and rapidly increasing. ! 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MiUnd Mining ,d i f i-rain a w aa i a PATENTS peryaub. Iranoe for -enUtisd Aug. 28, tf. jan. l r.

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