3 5- a . ' ' ' I VOL, V.-THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, NOVEMBER 20, 1873. WO. 10. WHOLE NO. 100 PUBM8UKD WEEKLY . J. J. BKUNER, ' Proprietor and Editor. J. J. STEWART, Associate Editor. f K 4TF OF S17BCBIPTIOH has "Year, payable in advance $2.50 gi H0HTM, " - ...... 1.50 j Copi out address. 10.0 1 r n.i. .M1 Southern Kemeay m wii d not to contain a single particle oi MmCTIT, r en injurious mineral substance, but is MKBm 1 IV aw'BBW -. A. MMMMK aVTVv' M containing tkose Southern BooU and Herbs, hk ae all-wise Providence he placed in untrii where Liver Dineaaea most prevail. It (MtaU Diseases caused by Deranyement of the TheSTMrroiw of Liver Complaint area bitter ar Wad SB in the mouth : Pain in the Back, Hides or Joint, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Uwr Stomach; Loss of Appetice; Bowels alter nately eostive and lax; Headache; Loss of mem try, with a painful sensation of having failed to U something which ought to have been done ; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance ..i.. Mkin anil Rvm. a drv Couch often mis- uken for Consumption. Sometimes many of tbee symptoms attend the disease, at others, very c. Kut tk I.ivr.R. the Unrest orsrnn in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if est Begnlated tn time, great sunering, wreicneo wm and Dkath will ensne. TkU Great, Unfailing SPECIFIC will not be found Ac Least Unpleasant. War DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION", Jaun lias. Billions attacks, SICE HEADACHE, Colic Depression o Spirits, 80UR STOMACH Heart Barn, Ac. , Ac. liBBftY Liver Icxalator, or Medicine, Is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi etas ia the World! M AWVFACTUBEI) ONLY BY J. H. ZEILfN &CO., Macon, 0a. and Philadelphia Price, $1.00. Sold by all Druggist. FOR SALE BY THEO. P. KLUTTZ. J ane It th 8alibury N . C COME TO THE ! ii'j BOOK STORE EVERYBODY. Ami get Bibles. Prayer Books, Hymn Kanaka of ant kind von want; Histories, Biagraphiea, Music Booka. Music, Novels of the haet authors ; Blank Book s, Albums of the most stylish kind; Stereoscopes and Views ; School Books, all kinds in general ate. Slates, Inks, Writing Paper of the. best aaality; Wall Paper and Window Shade la great variety. Music Teachers for vocal, l'iaoos, Banjo, violins dec WORD TO FA.RIvT.EKS a a few dollars worth of books every year for your sons and hands and take a good aawspaper.they will work better aud be more fiTryii. -r. tor ms soars. Tarn have something to he proud and to bsast of. The farm is the keystoue to every iadsjatrial pursuit. When it succeeds all reaper; when it fails, all flag, Don't tbink yea can't be a great man because you are the aaa of a farmer. Washington, Webster aes Clay were farmer's sons, but while they ! teOM taoy studied. o do ye. Buy a good oak. one at a time, read and digeat it, and Call and see me and look over books. COME TO THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, And Grot a Good Picture. H gW you a good picture or not let - . take it away ; for we don't intend that any bad work shall go from this office to iu ure ae and the business. Call and try. Jnf WaaVf between Parkers and MistMc AT array's. Call and examine my stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades. Writing paper. Inks fee Mini I don't intend to be under sold. Feb. 27, tf. Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the na tive herbe found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and luvigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world hat a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vixeoab B itters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative at well at a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bittkrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. ; H rat el u I i uousands proclaim Vnf XOAB Bitters the most wonderful in vigorant that aver sustained th sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which arc so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri," Illinois, Tennessee, CumlftMiaml, Arkan sas, Bed, Colorado. Brazos. Uio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat ami dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the ctonpoli ami liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a ih crful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walkku's Vis hum: Bitters, as they wilt speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels arc loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tSic healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease By purifying all its fluids with Vinecar Bitters. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus lore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of lite Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Hilioaw Attacks, PulpUn tation of tho Heart. Inllammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kid Iteysj and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, .Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous liiilannnatiims. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A flections, Old Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin. Sore Eys. etc. In these, us in nil other constitutional Dis eases, WaLKKR'S VlNKOAK ItlTTXRH llUVO tbown their great curative powers in ths most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory mid Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, lirmiit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladdsr, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are canned by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons cn gftged in Paints and Minerals, such as l'lumbers, Type-sett rx, (old-bcators, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against thin, take a dose of Walkku's Vis EQAR Bittkks occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Khciim, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes. Erysipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Biscoloratiotis of the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried ont of the system in a' short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the Kvstem of so many thousands, are enoctually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thel mini ties will freo the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluegish in the veins ; cleanse it when it it foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system wUr follow. it. h. Mcdonald a co.. Druggists mult ;n. Agt.. San Francison. California, and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.. N. T. Sold all lru(lu and Dtaltl. R. h. Mcdonald at CO., TERRELL, AND JAMES. Mm, Sale ai Feed Stable, SALISBURY, N. C. We have thcronirhlv the well known and j opular Mansion Hocsk Stable, aud are prepared to accommodate all wuw ivor us wiin a call. Wi l kn for hi good safe Horses and Bueiriea.and Saddle Hor ses, at moderate pnoea. Also, good Hacks for excursion parties, Ac. Will board Horses bv tne single feed, day, or month, on special con tract. We have a large and commodious lot for the accommodation of country people, and trovers especially . TO STOCK FARMERS: We also announce to th FtkiumN nf i,r.n and adjoining connties, that we have purchased YOUNG- REBEL & . Mi Urn nne young btallion. 5 vears old rnrt Tnn Kebel is a beautiful mahogany bay, and perfect ly kind in Harness. Was sired hv Rimi tw;i of Tirginia ; he by Michael Angelo; he by Zin ganee ; he by 8ir Archie ; his dam by Fanny lmcas; sne Dy Waterloo: ehe bv Standard: sne by Monsieur Tonaon. Young Rebel is a thoroughbred by hit sire and from a fine dam of good qualities and supposed to be of fine piooa- rteoers style and beauty, when seen is sufficient advertisement. Young Rebel took the first premium at N. C. State Pair. We offer his SOrvipPK onr stable this rail Beaton on the following terms: Sinarle service, $5 . for Season of 3 month fmm Aov. 1st, f 10. For Insurance', $15 money due at tne end ot tne season, and as soon as the mare proves to be in foal. The chango of pro perty, in either instance, will forfeit the Insu The A Terrible Story. Detroit Free Preaa, Nov. 4L On Toeaday last a man named Lvman Arnold, a business man at Aroea. Stenhen county, N. Y., left the towrl without infor ming bit wife or friends of hit departure. and before night it was discovered that he bad forged notes and checks to the amonot of S900, and obtained the eaeh on them. lie was the hnsband of a very estimable woman, his second wife, and is the father of tour or five children. From some word he let drop the day before, it was thought that he had started for 1 etroit. and a telegram was sent here. The Chief of di: .i T. i.. a x uuce gave me case to Asetccuve Disnop, and the detective began wotkiner it no. After sending the telegram the route ta ken by Arnold was more exactly ascer tained, and Deputy Sheriff E.B.Higgios, of Avoca, started on the trail He was fortunate to find the forcer at Niagara Falls, just as he waa preparing to come West, and he took him back to Avoca, arriving there Thursday, to find that a mysterious murder had been committed during his absence. Liring in the Tillage was a yonng wo man named Emeline Tower who, had once worked for Arnold as a domestic. fTM . la . t . I mere was taiK tuat tne two were morn intimate than they should have been, and the village gotsip had created unpleasant ness in Arnold's, family, so that Miss Tower did not visit the house and was net on speaking terms with Mrs. Arnold There was, however, no suspicion of ranee. The mare aud toal will be heldrespon-1 separation between hnsband and wife, or tible for the Insurance. Will usa rrv nr-1 r k i ; v.i n.nt; . . .-j,- , ' Ul M,D uu""" w'" w Kruw ou w mo - ..v. v . w Ll , Mill Al' V MJXJ responsible for any that may occur. Will be thankful for a share of oublic natronAare and will endeavor to give satisfaction. Hoy. 1, IS73 3m) T. A J. Original Limit of North (D1 fl til tOfl P61 AgenU wantedevery flU lU QZiU where Particulars free. A. H. Blair A Co. St. Louis, Mo. .Nov. 6 1873-tf. Ra Re Ra RADWAVS READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after ruling this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAV8 READY RKXJRT IS A CUEB FOB EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is ' Pain The Only Remedy tkt lntUntly itopt the mort exerucUUng pains. l!r , ana earn uongeanona, wnetner oi tne other gl . Bowels, or other standi or orsans. br one application. IN FROH ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. aa matter how violent or exeroetetlng tne pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, a RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILT. AFFORD INSTANT INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OP THS BLADDSR. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS CONGESTION OF THE LUNQS. SOBS THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHERI A. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Relleft o the part or parte where ths pain or difficulty exists will afford eats and Comfort. Twenty drops In hair a rambler of water will ia a few moments care CRAMPS, 8 PAS MS, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Had. ler with mem. A few drops in i or pains from change of i Brandy ur Bitters as a AGUE. sick it is Dsjoar loan i rencn FEVER AND FEVER AMD AGUE eared for fifty cents. Thar is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and aU other Malarious, B lions. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow,, and other Fevers aided by RAD. WAY'S PILL8 SO quick as RAD WAY S READ Y BE LIEF. Fifty cents per botUe. HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG AND PURR RICH BLOOD INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SarsaparilM Resolvent scandal. Arnold was supposed to be an honest man, and there were those who took his side and defended him, Wednes day night about midnight Mrs. Arnold, who waa sleeping alone, was aroused by having a buHet thot into Uei head, which passed oat of her mouth. As ahe sprang up a person in the room fired two more sh ots, both taking effect in Mrs. Arnold's body, and both producing fatal wounds. 1 bete waa no light in tiie room, bat in the darkness Mrs. Arnold heard the rustle of a dress and saw a female figure, at soon as the wife fell back dying the figure tied. It waa some time before any of the children came down stairs, they having been chloroformed, as was afterwards ascertained. They aroused the neighbors at once, and the dyine womau made her statement about the female furore, thou ' at the time it was thought she waa out of her mind and was speaking at random. It waa found that the person who had committed the deed had effected an entran ce by climbing upou the kitchen roof, and theu raising one of the chamber windows of the house. Miss Tower kuew ! of this route, bat no oue else outside of 1 the family. On Thursday morning, afterthe murder had become known throughout the village, and after she had disscusaed the affair in common with others, Miss Tower took the cart for Detroit. This circumstance, in connection with the hint dropped by Arnold that he was coming this way, led to the belief that the two weie -connected with the murder, and were going off to gether. A telegram was sent here atkiug that the woman be watched. She arrived here ou Saturday morning and registered herself at the Cass House under the name of Mrs. Hunt. The same morning a trunk belonging to Arnold arrived by ex press marked "Mrs. L. HnatlGass Hotel, Detroit," indicating that the two bad arran ged their plans together and were to meet here. Arnold, of course did not reach here, being under arrest. 'The woman waited until Saturday, and then, perhaps thinking that he had been captured, she took the train to Dexter, and from there drove out to her ancle's, seven miles north, in the township of Linden. Detective Carolina. When, in November, 1789, North Caro ina acceded to the Union, it was com posed of States, with a single exception, ying en the Atlantic. To-day, after a lapse of aizty year, her senators and representatives are discussing the admis sion of a younr anrl wealthy territory lying on the Pacific and fronting the ancient empire of China. I presume that it is not generally recollected that this territory, some three thousand mites to our west, waa originally a part of North Carolina. In the charter given by Charles 11 of England, to certain or bis countries, Carolina contained all the land lying be tween the Atlantic and - Pacific Oceans within the parallels of 29 and 3G of north lattitude. Its northern limits en tered the Pacific at the Bay of Moanterey, only a few miles sooth of that of Ban r rancisco, and is famous as the hue of Use Missouri Compromise. Its boundaries contained the present States of North and South Carolina, Georgia 1 enuessee, Ala bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, almost all of Texas, a large part of Florida, a large part of the territories of Old and New California, aud New Mexico; and portions of the Mexican provinces of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Coahuila. 1 his magnificent grant, feeding at present five millions of in habitants, was made in con sideration of a yearly rent of sixty-four dollars and thirty-seven cents, together with one- fourth of all the silver and gold ore which might be found in it. Although this might during late years have been respectable income, yet it ia weH known that the royal donor never realised any thing from bis stipulated return, no gold or silver having been discovered within these bounds at least to and considerable amount until after the Revolution. Such continued to be the limits of Carolina until the peace of 1763, when the land lying u e tot the Mississippi was ceded by Great Britain to r ranee. Having subsequently become the property of Spain, it participa ted in the revolt which some thirty years ago resulted in the erection of the repub lic of Mexico : our own eyes have seen a large part of it reannexed to the dettiniea of its parent State. 8. F. Philips. TWv fall to far Now artaeia a U mhi Mt smsss) a & mmm A. worn to Planters. u i winker. A The Athens Watcktman hat the follow-1 Btmtf insr riPf!lnt arlvir tn th far-tnra 1 mtl 014 "Mnii Rsi.n awn T.waa rWnn - w,r,r w rwn tat or ll. Let thm in th- fnlm hm ik w.rrk.w PP'T lbe wa railed nf Rnntl,. w i I a coou trnoa. a rood Lk.t .v,01. l a . Ta dart, rood for infants and oM folk a. p . uiiuuivr m auu iuiusv- i . v W houses well filled, and had saved their " "n W1W. domestic manure ( which, for Vaat of au fM w F f a farmer ought to ( . : tx . i . . uite niru o l an winnr ui bam vcunun, waa santrru vo wmm VO wasiei 10- I , , r- Stead of creatine liens to niireliaae runa. U- lber r fert' reqaUitaa. One thev eon Id snan their hoecn n the fae w im wr oc'r , of Monaicnr Pnie. OI oatrinowe sWOW Th a-rrt Hr.irstnm ni.nt.f. reguianty m SBilkior and faWkwr. ami baa always been a plan by which to so- ki?dl, 4" f0! for r- , aMaaaa i,J Why. a rood cow is owe of ttwj fasaflw. dientt have been suggested many learn ed essays have been written many im and attar eJU to a practicable plans snrrcsied. Notwith standing all these failures, there to a plan so simple, so certain and efficacious, that it to absolutely amaxing that it has not been adopted long ago. It will secure tne object sought, beyond all peradven turc it cannot possibly fail. Let Southern planters raise their own snppliea af bread, meat and domestic ani mals, and let manufactories of all the common necessaries of life be established in oar midst and no cotton sold for 1 than 25 cents ! Planters have the dy in their own bands it to simple, safe and certain as simple an the prophet's 1 following prescription for the cure of Naamaa's leu-1 reported to have taken place at rosy. Y hy will tbey not adopt ill la 1 a tne young riria, living with almost. Everybody afeowld bar a k4st t - ev 0 - - 1 word for her, She sboald he looked la with respect. If thsjre to dainty in the food line for and -V. - L 1 J I re . u iuouiq uavc u. ii a rooo sag aamai ty of the rich lacteal lead to wasted, ahe should he regaled twto a day wfch aoase sdee want slop or bra aad com steal Yoa can no more get moth milk from dry food, thee yoa aaa get blood fresa a tsjr nip. We wait everybody to have ptoaty of milk, and we weal cows la have warm shelter and plenty of food to 8 uicrDB or Nm Can recent China i t the to to bars ee- Why the Tornade Capt tired the Virginia and Why the Captur ed Passengers were Shot. As far back aa 1869 the Captain-Gen eral of Cuba threatened to detain and search any vessel in Cuban waters sot pee-ted of carrying anna aad am unit ion to the insurgents. "Secretary Fish protested against the execution of this threat iu the case of an American vessel. The decree was shortly afterward modified by the Spanish Government to obviate the other wite inevitable recognition by us of the fact that war wat roinr on in Cuba. At tbat date General Raw lint waa ttill alive Shortly after this modification, and as if to defy the United States, the American steamship Florida was detained by .Span ish ahipe and searched on two occasions, not in Cuban waters, but on the high seas ; once just outside the Danish waters off St. Thomas, and again jntt outside the British waters off Nassau. ; These insults to onr flag and to intcmatibn law were al lowed by Secretary Fiah to pass anex plain ed and nnreeented. And now what won der that Spanish naval officers should rely upon our cowardice, and ptesume upou the immunity vouchsafed them, to repeat their outrages wherever and whenever a safe opportunity ociars. Or why should n all the wills bora differs seethes it because, like Naaman, they desire to l families in the village, lw anma ma I lkli.Tl 1 1 i rA mrt 1 - So long as cotton baa to pay for corn, Seeing the misery and teal to bacou, lour, horses, Mules, clothing eg mesibers oi the fsmfliea with ricultural implements, furniture, groceries, I lived were subjected, and and even mature, it will require all the I slave life obedience of wives to cotton we can make to purchase these of their bnsbands, the da wis sis fcn a a aaa i at a m supplies --and under the inexorable laws came to tne resolution of petung aa of supply and demand, the larger oar to their earthly nreara. whtoe to crops are the lower will be the price of the 1 carried into esTeet by commodity. nptramdi to that of opiusa-poiaooiag, ie W hat probt is it to the planter to Dike vague in llonr Kong. I he nine a bundled bales of cotton, if it requires met by appointment we the hawk of one hundred and ten bales to pay lor bit river, at the entrance of one of the family supplies, including guano T Is it I in the vicinity of 'brown's i oily,' not indefinitely belter to make but 25 in heavy winter a bales, at 25 cents per lb., aad his own supplies T Whatever the cotton brings will be clear profit. The planter will then have capital to invest in manufact ures, or oiberwtoe. Tbto is no empty theory. It to a well eitablksbcd fact. Let any planter look aronud him and inquire who has been compelled to borrow money to farming operations. It u the cotton plan ter who goes "the whole bog" on cotton. From whom does be borrow f From the man who raises, first, his own provisions, and afterwards, what c.tton he can. make. Is not this always true ? Mo one will pre tend to dispute it. What to good for one individual, ia good for the whole commu nity. Let our Southern plan.ers adopt the policy recommended , and instead of being "hewers of wood and drawers of water," they will become the moat prosperous agricultural people the sun ever shone upon. r 3; i I (a Um H h fl it I i 10. a a a a bad sown all together, iu order la a ae para lion. w ails that nei ted ia heart, and mind, the to the deep. As Ibis I the time of the festival of tee reuii, descended f called the 'seven listers all aorta of em peri li lions eonclasionee are draws from irry on it. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. aaa made nm host astoiiishiro cures : so QUICK. SO EAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE MODT UNDERGOES. UNDER THE INFLUENCE TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, or THIS THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesk aii Weight is Seen and ML drop or the BARSAPARILLIAN RE80L- LINDSAY'S MIAIMA T1T.TTTH THE GREAT POISON NEUTRALIZED A Sure Preventive arid certain cure Jor mui AUD FEVER, all species of Miasmatic diseases, ttad for circular C. R. BARKER A CO. BeUlsj? oaaos. TRNT coramanlcates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and othsr Fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for It repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material scnusis, eypaiue, uoBssunpooa, QlanduUr disease. Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tu m o rs. Nodes 1 n the (Hands astd other parts of the system, gore Eyes, Strnmorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of 8kin dleeases, Eruptions. Ferer Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, ears m tne eharges, Hignt the life Drinc Die Womb, and all weakening and painful dls- sweats, liossoi ope run ana an wi Tu mo rs. Cm. is. of , are within the curaUve range of this r of Modern Chemistry, and a few days1 use wUl proretoany person using it for either of these forms of disease IU potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by Ue wastes aad decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds In arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood -and this the BARSAPARILLIAN will and does securea sure Is certain; for when once this remedy commences Its work of purification, and succeedajn diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day 3wMles7twftfMikhiMe tr oncer, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh body be surprised tbat the Spanish Gov eminent, which has learned by ample experience that the threats of Secretary Fish are empty words, sboald instruct its officers to disregard them ? These facts suffice to account for an occurrence that would certainly arouse the nuiversal indignation of any nation Out his. But there is another fact tar m re no tent, and unfortunately for our national Bishop had kept track of her movemeats, Lonft, f-r more disgraceful. Snaiu through and when Sheriff Higgins arrired here ou lCT Ministers in Washiuwton has learned Saturday night the deteetire waa ready the efficacy of a liberal use of money where to go with him. ;t would do the most good, and has aptly On Sunday they went to Dexter, and ,,a;ied herself of the knowledce. And then procuring a carriage drove to Linden, even un(cr the present circumstances any reaching the house where Miss Tower departure from Mr. Fah's traditional was stopping two hours after the family pojcy WOold probably be not unjustly bad retired. She was called up and aires- regarded by the high contracting Spanish ted, but was the least excited of the three, powers as a direct rioluipn of a bargain. bearing herself coolly and not even exhib- The Spanish agenta and their aliiee in iting any curiosity to know the charge city have circulated p rumor that the against her. In her trunk was found a Virginius at the lime of her capture had revolTer with three empty chambers, and h0iated another flag : but they know full the ball brought along trom tne scene or we tUat the commander of Uie J ornauo the murder was an exact fit for the wea- wouM not have dared to insult any other pon. Further than this, she had a bottle except the stars and tripes. partly filled with chloroform. The Spaniards of Santiago shot four of On her way mto the city she was into,-- ttie caDtured neeseucers. be cause, although HEAVY ON COLLEGE-BRED CON GRESSMEN. The Nation has an article on the mem bers of Congress who hare bad the benefit of College life and those who have been less fortunate, or more fortunate, if its criti cism is just. We do not question the correctness of its criticism uot knowing very much about the intellectual status of oar present Congress. The Saturn think that college men are not the ablest man ia Congress. Some of them would never be taken for the alumni of any respectable in stitution of learning. We dare say that this is true, for we have known many srrarli a es of coll, res who were ia the The Charlotte Observer ears : Cavi. Shotwell, while ie Grant's Albany Bee ule, was employed in He says the institution thousand pairs per day, hot be fait dent none of them would ever fee way South, becaaoe tkwv were all tee large for our neat footed fair Owea. Tbt' greater pert of each case of 60 paste anew t is ted of the higher numbers, such ae ei at, sevens, eights and nines I Indeed, se well known are the pedal cbaracteristica of the different sections thst ths foreman of the establishment said he what pert of tbe country from by simply looking at New England and the Hoesier Stales de mand the very largest no rubers and a plenty of fancy trinring about these. Tfcsj better classes of New Tore aod B ordered nne shoes, ranging frees t fives. But for the Southern smallest siaee were wanted, many white kid wedding slippers being used for children eould tell the sum ordered Tbe Chinese La Georgia. Augusta CoustitotiaHet. Nov. 5th. 1 We learo that '.he efficient and aeMrt Contractor of the oifot ha? Aagosta eaa ia oMaiui the oU-very bndj E'fithaV of two hundred of med of the murder aud of the arrest of Arnold, bnt she had few questions to ask, no excuses to offer for her conduct, and no to vosterdav noon, when she started - w they knew the charge of piracy waa en sured, and would uot he allowed to any other power on earth indeed, it had nst a. A .a been abandoned by Soafn heraeli in tne and weight increasing. Not only does tbaBaasAP. all known remedial agents in i excel edial aeents in the cure of Chronic, Scro- fuloos. Constitutional; and Skin H MM; but It is the only posiUve euro for Kidney & Bladder Complaints, ma a r and Womb diseases. Gravel. Diabetes. Drops: Stoppage of Water. Incontinence Of Urine, Bright ease. Albuminuria, and in all cases where the brie k-d ust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy. for New York, she had not shed a tear. surrender of the British jeaelu Deerhonnd The woman is twenty-six years of age, of w;tB her officers aad crew--they also knew medium height, and quite handsome. Tbe ,i.at hcv had paid defenders in this coun- Sheriff is positive that she is tbe midnight try hy whom any little difficulty would stranger who did the shooting. be arranged amicably, aa: family difficul ties ousht to be. N. I. tsnn. i like the white of an eea. or threads like white silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious Drncfiats and Geo. Acta., San Francisco. California, aad oor. of Wasbinfton and Charlton Su., N. T. Balat ay saJMnili avavsl XsasOara. STAR SALOON. Persons wishing pure homemade liquors sad the very best imported wines can always find them at the Star Saloon, on Main Street, 3 doort below the Salisbury Rous. All mv whiskies and Brandies are obtained direct from the beat and most reliable distiller in N. G. I keen no others. My wines are im jK)rteu ano arc oi tne ui varieties .' i - BKAD "FALSB miv gee hy calling snd examining for himself. stamp to radwa J. A SNIDER. Torilafomsauo. June 19, 6 mo. pd. ancs, and white SWSS MS deposits, and when there ia a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Tumor of 12 Tears9 Growth Cured by Badway's Besolvent. i e DR. RADWAY'S MectPiirptive&SeplatiiiEPills perfecUy tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet rant. awa vwsj Eloped with His Own Wife. The Springfield (Mass.) Republican has i ust eloped w m states that a Lowell man with his own wife. He deserted her The Fashionable Scant Effect. Mrs. Buruham's Letter to gu Louis Repub lican. j for I The extremost plume of the fa hionable Bowels, Kidney s. Bladder, Biuous rvrvr, uu an i Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely no mercary , mioerajs or utwt a hw riMM RADWAT'8 FILLS will free tne sys tem rrosa all tne above namea aioruero. rnw, ' BOLD BY UHUUU1SI3. M V AMU TKLK." BSD WAY a CO., No. SS Warren St.. Mew worth thousands wiu ne sent yoa. another woman seven years ago, and she scant effect waa reached Sunday by a lad y went to California and got rich, and re- Wu0 walked up Fifth avenue iu a navy turning a few days ago and found him blue eamelVhair drcs. fNot a pucker or repentant and quite tender towards ber I H visible seam, or a particle of trimming, and her money, so they met by appoint- I broke up the beautiful suffsee of that wo- ment at the depot and eloped in dnetorm, m.n. She was an unbending level, and California brine tbe objective point. how she cot into tbat straight-jacket of a dress I couldu't imagine rjll I took a rear view of her, and found she wea Lattoned Corn Beef. The Setentific American Up behind from neck to hem. J wo un- informs tbe Indies that if they wonUI have obtrusive box-plaits lurkod in ashy wy cAmed beef inicv after it is cold, and not each side the opening ; ' otherwise thst as dry as a chip, tney simma put u inw i garment ioKa iikc a oiqairti ui!liiii- i ... ' I .1 . :. . l IP t ii. II 1.1 . 1L OOlling water wnen uu-j me u mi vu ema, i ipg. Anu waiK - w cm bibi cvmuii wH, aud ihey should not lake it out of tbe pot I very well, and in ease of pre that woman hcu am , uutil cold. would be fried iu ber owq fat. truest sense of educated men. It says For instance. Mr. Trumbull did have the advantages of university trai ning ; but his esteemed colleague, Gee IxGran. was graduated at Louisville Uni versity . Mr. Poland of Vermont was as unfortunate as Mr. Trumbull ; but our much respected friend, Gen. Batler. ie, classically speaking, aa alumnus of Water villa, borne men ot whom one would feel sure that tby had received tbe bene flit of college training and aasociations did not ; and moat notably, Messrs. Bay ard, Conkliug, Sherman, Tbarman, and Edmunds. Others again, as to wbom one might safety make oath that they bed never seen a college save through the wiodowa of a railway ear, are recorded ee having received e collegiate education ; and among them are Mr. Posaeroy of Kanaas, Mr. Conner of Texaa, and Mr. Voorheea of Indiana." It says farther, that "the records of Cengreas show that the common boast is true that meo of tbe humblest position can rise ie the honor of soverninr the country : but they also ahow that the honor becomes very small and is continually growing less- To the cultivated and refiued there Is nothing more distasteful than to be com- -V ... as. i ie led to mingle with undignibna, uneou rated, self-atsuming colleagues. Boys, Note Tutsi Don't forget to take off your hat when you enter tbe Vue. Gentlemen never keep their hats on in the presence of ladies, and if yoa Jways take years off when mamma and tbe girls are by, yoa will not torget your self or be mor lined wben a guest or a stranger happens to be in the parlor. Habit is stronger than anything else, and you will always find that the easiest way to make aura of doing right oa all occa sions ia lo get ia the habit of doing right. Good manners cannot be pet on el a mo ment' warning. f U of tea brooebt oa froaa LwoisvilU. twenty-five of tbesa. He pat yeatsrday morning on ths canal nnt to Um lock a. first. He is lo bring one eotv-five more froea Lusia they eaa he brought ou bow he peon sb rapidly forward Ie tOB. esBBaea- Dier or DiPTHBaiA. Maay of who knew bun well, will rasrrwt learn of the a-mxh of Jama s Blraia. lesw m ... a . . r. lyrrvoviiUh o. V. oo waa a pxawasB lawyer sf that olace aod a director of Air Line Rairoad. He i Taeeaay. the iXn LaaV to of C a 8araaATiow or Tirtr Mkt Ama Yr.M.-An brother aod sasaer. after a veara. uok olare at W tbe other day. The SpriagfieU says : -The forties were Mrs. Oil minftaa. Uel . tk Ireland when sbe yra ago. YLxeh had lob dead, bet a mutual friend aad relative end. recently, tn see Mr. Metloa's aai a a4e4 register at nWaUsaa. and aa iog sltaeovrred him to be the very . . .ii;.wti i. t bTIaI av E.U Ketlee.kaT to Una coeatry. fifty uf thoeeht tbe atbar .US Kemiers. inalrity in Virgiuia is 27.908 a gain er Walkaea rete of V. toSft. fcleaa per received larg unieilM-r of colored votes a good sgn that this class is finding out its best frie A and iu true interest. UiUskor Uemrdtr. Caaouva MiUTaBT laarrTirra. This military Collega, bsving a prej d partroent attached, opened at est 1st October last, nasW the tewdaaee af Cad. J. P. the Sob ih Cesaliea Military A Gen D. H. Hill, that veteran Professor in the TVparlBaewt of tics ; Prof. W. SJDadley ie the man t of Physical Bcsenee ; Prof. Lyaes m Bi & j SmbLJ in tne L ommemal drpartseeai, earn sae uVtmrtaaaat of iesgeegva. Cat baa charge of Hiatorv. BsMsb Utteta. This is aa excrtUnt aehooi well leeated in thriving town. Iu building are lefge ami a handsome, the seam one being fib by 30 feet. For particulars seas) for a Circalar. . - J A 1 a

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