m m 4t M V I BBBBBB I I f BBBBB aBBBBBaa HaBBBBBBVBB BBBBBBBB .BB- .BBBB BW I BBBB Bh. . - bH III "sXxSOVB. CaWVK 'aaa tR BB x-HB - Wl; vvMf : 1 DIlS.BB r H r im . u ' M iBA A AX BOvyN & - Cv Ov . J . . , . ...... , i VOL. V.THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N.CL DECEMBER 25 18?B. PUBLISHED WF.KKLY : .J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Editor . J. J. STEWART, , asociats Editor. ATM Of St Bf'K I PTION Ohb iWab, peyoblein advance $8.50 Six Months, " 1-50 5 Copies to one oddress .f.:10.0 r This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warrant ed not to contain a single particle of MEBCUBY, nr int iniiiriniiii mineral Hubatance, but is containing those Southern Roots and Herbs, II.w'iha Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It mitt Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the TheRYMPTOMSof Liver Complaint area bitter ar bad taste in the mouth; rain in me oaca, Bides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour Stomach; Loss of Appetice ; Bowels alter A lax : Headache ; Loss of mera- ary with a painful sensation of having fatted to do aomething which ought to have been done ; Hafcility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance af the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mis takes for Consumption. Sometimes many of tkaaasymptoms attend the disease, at others, very few : but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretched aoas and Dratii will ensue. This Great Unfailing SPECIFIC will not be found the Leatl UnpUasant. For DYSPEP3I A, CONSTIPATION, Jaun dice, Billious attacks. SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression ol Spirits, SOCR STOMACH, Ueart Burn, Ac, Ac. Simmons' Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cin is the World : MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. H. ZEIL1N & CO., Macon, Go. and Philadelphia. Fries, $1 .00. Sold by all Pruggivt. FOR 8 ALE BY THEO. F. KLTJTTZ, Jane 19 It. Salisbury N. C. COME TO THE BOOK STORE EVERYBODY. And get Bibles. Prayer Books, Hymn Books of onv kind you want; Histories, Hioirranh'u'h. Music Books, Music, Novels of the best authors ; Blauk Books, Albums of tka most stylish kind ; Stereoscopes and Vlasati Srh,.l Monks, all kind-' in eeneral ase. Slates, Inks, Writing Paper of the best quality ; Wall Paper and Window Shades in great variety. Music Teachers for vocal. Pianos, Banjo, violins dec. A WORD TO FARMERS Bnv a few dollars worth of books every tear for vour sons and hands and take a good newspaper, they will work better and be more cheerful, lryu. WORD TO FARMERS SOWS. Yoa have something to be proud and to boast of. The farm is the keystone to every industrial pursuit . When it succeeds all prosper; when it fails, all flag, Don't think can't be a ftreat man because you are the son of a fanner. Washington, Webster and Clay were farmer's sons, but while they toiled they studied. So do ye. Buy a good book, one at a time, read and digest it, and then another. Call and see me and look over books. COME TO THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, j And Get a Good Picture. We will give you a good picture or not let you take u away ; for we don't intend that any bad work shall go from this office to in ure us and the business. Call and try. Up Stain between Parker and Mist Mc Murray'g. Call and examine my stock of Wall Paper, Window. Shades. Writing paper. Inks dee. Mind I don't intend to lit under sold. Feb. 27, tf. Dr. J. Walker's Call font ia Tiit egar Hitters are a purely Vegetable preparation,: made chiofly from the na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Cai i for nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted-therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost driily asked. What is the cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit tkus?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and lnvigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VrjtlMJAK Hittkrs in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They arc a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the- Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Lfiseases The properties ef Dr. Walker's Yin kg a r lJiTTKB8-are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Tliousanus proc ni... is soar Bitters the most wonderful In Tigorant that ever sustained th sinking system. No Person can take these Hitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones arc not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, aud vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent level's, which arc so preva lent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, (Jtunherland, Arkan sas; Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio G ramie, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire-country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, arc invariably accompanied by extrusive de rangements of tho stomach and liver,' and otlier abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary, lhcrc is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Pit. J. WALKKU'S VlXKGAR HlTTKKS, as they will speedily remove the dark-' colored viscid matter with which the bowels arc loaded, at tlic same time . stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and onefilly-rGStoriug the healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify the body nguiiist disease by purifying all its Huids with Vinkgar Bitteks. No epidemic ean take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, TTead- acbe; Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth,' Bilious Attacks, Palpita tatioii of tho Heart, Iutiamthation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid ncySj-and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia, One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous lufluiuiuatinus, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In those, as in all oilier constitutional Dis eases, Walker;:! Vixkoar Bittkrx have showu their groat curative powers ia the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Kendo tcut and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no eoual. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setter, (told -heaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walkkr's Vis ega r Bittkrs occasionally. For Sk in Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Bheuin, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore Kyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, ore effectually destroyed aud removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no on thohninitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaint s. in youncr or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho tarn of life, these Tonic Bitten display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its impurities bursting through the akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it when you find it obstructed ana sluggish' in the veins ; cleanse it When it is foul ; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the system will follow. it. h. Mcdonald & co.. Druggist! and Gen. Agt., San Francisco, California, and cor. of Washington and Cuarltun S , W. T. Sold by all Drugs tsts and Dealers. R . H. McDO'ALD Si CO., Druggists acd Gen . A gts, San Francisco. California, and cor. of Washington sad Charlton Su.. X. Y. aid by ait Drugg Ut and Dealers. ENGLISH PEINTING PRESSES. IN AMERICA. In the early days of newspaper print ing in this country the machinery came chiefly trout England ; bat when the Yau kees began to invent, the importation ceased, and for many years the United States supplied novel presses to Utitish and continental publishers. But English ingenuity appears to have taken a new start, and has produced printing machines of euch superior capacity that 'New York newspaper owners are now buying Cast presses in London. We lately witnessed the practical work ingof two ol the celebrated Waller presses, at the New York limes establishment in this city, and mast confess to an agreea ble surprise at their perfection and extra ordinary performances. They were built in London by Mr. Walter, the inventor, and set up here, under the immediate supervision of Mr. Gilbert Jones, of the Times. They are known as perfecting presses, that is, both sides of the sheet are printed in passing onee through the press. In ordinary presses, the sheets are introduced separately, printed on one side, then pass ed through again, and printed upon the other side. This involves much handling, the employment of cumbersome machines, and many attendants. DEFERRED ARTICLES. NO. 15. WHOLE NO.Il0r. Consecration of Bishop Lyman. On yesterday Rev. t B. Lyman. B. D. of Califori.ia, was consecrated Assistant Bishop of the Episcopal Dioeese of N. C, This solemn and imposing service tlnok place in Christ's Church in this citv in i the presence of a large end highly inter- Which reminds as of a little anec dote about a very bashful man in In diana. Theu nfortanatefa friends knew that he wanted to be married ; they knew that he deserved to be ; but they were quite as certain that he never would be, if he waited until he found courage to pop the question ; so they of the kiud ever pei formjed in this Church took all the trouble off his haHds; and the Concord Sun. The following is from a private letter, received from a former citisea of N. C , now living io Bradley Co. Arkansas (and who once ecopted the position of Lieut. Geo of Arkansas) and shows that even in that down trodden and over nan State, Radicalism, is fast meetiopsts rowavd. "By aa amendment to ossr State Con stitution, mined in March loot, weave all eutranchised, and hope, at the next dec- If or m the State. Although the eeremonv lhv a oarU. ,f .A ' , ZLdZZiKT 7 . -M , begin .t II . congroga- "Ppi3." 373 ZT. earlv hour v observed lhf virl. rf flt " . ... i'rr v" tor "wi Una " Hn mnnh o r.i c UA Ibe one we new live nnnVr i. .a iKnn.!. m w uauvi ovuvui as uuou, i ' " wbb 1 .1 a e 1 m i I eaMAM l) aA L Q . I J:;l 1 jtnL d tbe auutial evening having passed tio- Br Suu divided into , off merrilv. tha vnnnr mJ. W. dmeU, as to give the connties where Doners wittuirew at an Marv'a school in a Ion? procession nsss lug through the Uapitof grounds. I -i ... r , fnhriwK.lw of (iaimi negroes are most oamerous, the control cicvc i -.iic cicrKT euvcjru wie it esi aoor I . T .. . v.. w KV 0U uuui, i; . . ro- . -teL t6s4 -oir r7 1."- -5. c ,r eang oe f o Kon or psaims. nwivw .arwfr enon m ineir inenars mercifal Providonce, the Radicals made a 1 here were thm Bishops in attendance to behalf. JibtrUt five ittHiutes afW, mistake at the last election, and pot an it: Bishop Whutingham of MaryUod young Benethet, who had evidently honest man in the oCce of Geverno!-, who Bup Lay of the Diocese of Easton and been Wing a serious debate with him- is doing all be ea to restore the rovern- Bisbop Atkinson of this Diocese. aro6e took his hat, an with a mem to the peple and the ixxtsmjmi c T. . . , . n. . , - ervous "good night," made his exit. State, and tka Bsdioali are abasing gy1 Z He was notseen aVin by the bride or (Wvativa. araapplaad' preached from 17th ich.p. St.Johi Gospel, her family uiUUshefollowine evening I -4 eouraging hist. W. hope he llth verse. "And now I am no more in , .""7 wuuwiug eveuiug, 1BT1. Vr A , . r . tha-n hnt ,h.a in .h. w.rM aJ when he timidly knocked at the door V d USBsafh ever the In the Walter press, the naner to be e a a rinted is arranged in the form of a roll, ke the goods in a calico printing machine. This roil of paper, 3 feet io diameter, weighing one fourth of a tun, and contain ing paper enough for say six thousand copies of the Times, is placed at one end of the machine ; the web possess thence between the printing types, which, in the and yearnings for nnity in the body of form of carved stereotype plates, are e Christ, which is so characteristic of the . I - the world, hnt these are in the world. nd wnen ne umiaiy and I come to thee. Holv Father. Keen an(i was admitted. No special cem- throngh thine own name those whom thou ment being made upon his singular bast given me, that they may be one, as conduct, he passed an hour rather ring of corruption. Worda-rf A literary bat has been ased' Vat ween Aichard Oraat White aad Fhasdward Hall. x. Whits having, "1U aad Their Uses," given it as his npjfripa that since the days of Shakespeare mad the King' James translation of the Bible the English language has undergone no greet change aad that the additions to it have been "little, except new wards Tiir new things," Dr. Hall said bloody thai "sock ctud not be the epieion of one whf had given attention to the development sir En glish in modern times, " and oddefl that verbs, adjectives and adverbs had since the time ia question come into om hugaa ge "by thousand." Whereapon Mr. While, najaiug twenty of thaJtanoi. nernt, popular, volaminooa and chexacter ious writers ef the laet haedrlfvara. Goldsmith, Borke, Oobbett, M ill, Macaa. lay, Helps, Bos kin, George EUqi and Trollope, prose writers, and Gray ,Povper, Wordsworth, Boathey, Byron, Krau, Shelley, Tennyson, Browning, aad Jfer ris, poetf, off-ri that if Dr. Hf jhafl produce from the writings of these rep res entative modern astaors, not tboaeand, bat one thoaaaod distinct wordt that were not ated bv the contemporaries el Shake pea re and of the translators ef King James' Bible, or by their fredeaaaeors. and which ore not the names of new thing, "hi? publishers shall pay one thoasand dollars to Dr. Hall or to our benevolent who Strange things eome to the sarfaee in the AtrtKnn.La. Xb O aL A i e v-Nfuuuases iu rjuuiD A naflM Inn v n . we are. comtortaDly in the parlor, and everv- yard. y.wo m4 thif After some interesting remarks address- thing seemed to promise favorably for without waitine- lor the wiLakiaw hoar ed to the Bight Reverend fathers in God, a cure of the besetting weakness, T.he scenes are horrible, aad then their institution that be may select, the clerey and Conrreeraiion. he then 1 pictorial iUustratioD are enough u n,k. I 7 (srmi nnnn tnoiliwiiHinn nf hu anKi. t In i i i ,. x . , , 1 106 DlOOd run Cold. Tb AmmA Ait m Zr Vl-ZI":: :a Pcin tne nour ot he sueaeniy io their . ft " h"7.,.Zu" Se-erai parties 4 ZIL'ZSOZJ r3 to remember that he had for- this wM furnished bv the Ger n.;T"w emigrate from the oU eonntr, la j i ji in o . tu .nmntL;n i 4-i r u: l u..u:.. vi i . ' . . . 7 ik... ..,i.;n tK- f- ..k. mi. to thf eviU of diviMinn ind the Innw'nir, ukw-u wuicMiiiig, uuu dmiicu iut iuo "- wuicn arrive irorn A noon. . , , T" , 7 , ine evUd 01 aiv,8,oni 0 tne longings ? T, . ., . , pera . c.n pMn.;un ck. u.j diaaPDuinted and d.ated. g.,me ' twir two hundred and fifty tons of sand as ballast. faftB l ' eomP"? r" ln 7 w 1 -i . , I " sivju Biie con minrfi 1 it isro-ma . l " v - - a' I" " w cured upon the exteriors of a pair of gear- Anglican Communion -of its willing re- tantly awaited, With indignation most prepatory to taking a cargo of wheat for 80,1 10 Baltimore negroes are eseftedvver ed cylinders. Rollers carrying ink press cognition of whatever ia good in the vari- profound, but under control, by the Laverpool. the vessel was foand to be a rf lwo rrruil'oci' W9n acrainst the tvnes. and the roution of the oas bodies of professine Christians in the bride's mother. Planting herself re- perfect eharnel bouse of human boM gobbled by the police aad found to have in type cyliuders draws the paper along world. He alluded to a divided Christen solutely in the door-way, the old lady "nils one with long block hair that of r J,,J",,on lb bnT ro 1 .. 1.1 . r r .. . 0 I 1 1 c 11 , . J.' J woman !., lumM tt.;K .1. . 105 rears of ace- beadav Sour aaas oeiween mem ana me impression cylinders, aom longing ior nnity. ne paia a oean- demanded to know why and where- IdisiZta aJ.r V , k kT went to the house of John Durban. ciius printing tne web on both sides ; the tiful tribute to tbe men of learning, xeal- fore, what he proposed to do, and Contain stated that xV7. u7J.L A u BalUmore. and forced him U. give ap all the web then passes between rotating shears, eloquence and sainthness of the various whether he was a man or only a feeble sandy waste, and that vessels nTwiLear. "r he had. under the pretedse that which divide the paper into separate bodies of professing Christians. He spoke imitotion, Ac ; in short, why he did ballast from the suburbs of the town which ther were revenue offlcete kwklng Ibr soon sheets; and these, guided by a beautiful of the changes that have taken place in . with his wife, ingfcead of WM "aP" eenturies ago as a grovevord. mojeT' .... M ra aud ingenious arrangement of delivering the Episcopate of the Sooth since 1853. , . a n ,W,m ,.8 WlJ ln8teaa ! Bodiesof men. women and child Lk-" The latest spiritnol med.um is lira. Onp- tapes, are discharged in two separate piles, He spoke of Bishop Bavenscroft as tbe at the end of the machine opposite to that ragged' indotnnitable fearless old man. where the white paper enters. The paper I tie spoke ot Bishop Folk as tbe entnnsi travels through the press with a velocity astic champion of sound learning : of Dish nf t, 1. Lun M I ... J J.. I Pi.,... ..J rUW - . 'Wr.ll TsIiaiiU lika Knl Tikm,'k ' . p ' - . .... w 1 j itxerv. lmacpK. coins .md i,m uJi .h... ... Iivrra at. tta htorlioat a r...or) atmo uitiian I thoir hrtirht nnmnlii mnA Invnlv olina. I mftvhA In Kof tor wait aichila Tor (nor .l . . . . . . 1 i l i . .11 . suuKiag oaco: to nis oia quarters . h .rfrinnLr- . , z. rr . rp, , e , - , . , 2- 1 eu oy eartnouakes, are now bleechins in the lhe bashful SOn-AO-law Stammered sun. and may be counted by the hundreds out, as the elderly female scused his within ten mi notes' walk from the heart of hat and backed him into a chair again, U)wn; n io the eob it dug out of th . , . . . ..v. ..... . . . w I ffrBVM in I u miwm n .. . . . 1 . m us u'inui i .1. h ill i. n I nm py. of London. graves in of a peatly ealm aseoeurea by thousand printed conies of the Times, 1 tian characters which, as all oar readers know, is a large His tribute to Bishop Cobb was eor- quarto paper one ot tbe largest l:i tbe passingly beautiful, lie spoke ot htm as countr y. A single number of tbe Times one whom he remenbered with tbe fondest contains an amount ef type matter equal affection. As the sermon will soon bo to 147 ordinary octavo book pages. Per- published, we will not mar it by any at haps we cannot better illustrate the as ton tempt to report it. We content ourselves ishing rapidity of this machine than by with the simple remark that it was able. saying that the printed matter it delivers eloquent and impressive, aud exhibited the talk among the eord it might make neighbors V The Danbi ry Nf.ws Man Outdokb. Naoon, of the Republic Courier, poor fellow, bos loot h is dug. A gentleman of bis ac quaintance gave him a turtle the turtle is gone. He mournfully writes in number of his paper as follows: spirit world, made of knotted twine and w fl own The philosophy in Rhakspeare's men lies in themselves and tbeir characters more thoa in what thev sav. the last They do not so maeh utter philosophy as wiey eontom philosophy. Their actions, If CAsraixo Laoamrnra. The leagm flanh of lightning U a family lira 3 led. The looanst known was M. K. Petit, at Toulooas. Thia floab and a half mile lone. Arogoooce aerie, which averaged from aevento i in length. The longest in terra 1 between s flash and the report was aseeaty-two seconds, which woaM uuiiaspuail with a district of fourteen mile. Direct leasorches boveBOown that a atorrn i arldom beard at a greater than from apven to ten roiloa, while the i are barely heard over four or firt miles ThU fact i the more curiooa. oa cannon may be distinctlv beard doable or treble that Wii.i. He Ever Pome Rack Tf one. I their behavior, their whole eonrae of eon iu one hour would cover more than two temper and spirit of a large hearted chrir- body has seen a black-ond-ton dog answering duct, are philosophy rather than tbeir 10 'P"1 ca" mn hundred and thirty-five thousand book tian charity, while it was an able defence pages, or nearly four hundred volumes of of the tenets of his church. Raleigh Sen six hundred pages each. tinel. 1 hese remarkable printing presses are built with steel at all of the gearing parts, are the perfection of mechanism, and ran with the steadiness of time pieces. One a a machine, attended by two men and two FROM WASHINGTON. News From Spain Via Washington. Wtsnrvr.Tnv. Dm. 7 A number nf boys, iscapable of a duty nearly equal to colored persons have arrived to attend the f at ot two of the 0 d style, separate sheet, National Civil Bight's Convention, which ten cylin-Jered presses, operated by twenty- convenes on Tuesday. It is programmed tove men. Une ot these old time monsters that Pinchback shall preside. The dele now stands idle in the Jim press room. gtttion from Lonisiano, sixteen in number, It is twenty feet high and forty feet long, includes Col. James Lewis, General A. and full of complications. The new and sim- E. Berber, State Senator and Hon. Da ple new comer, by which it is replaced, vid Yonng. occupies hardly a third the room of the The protocol signed by Admiral Polo other. I w;tb Secretary Fish ou 29lh of Novem- We have not space here to describe the fcer, wa3 with the full approbation ot his various outer mecnanicai appliances em- doyed in printing the Times, snch as dou le engines, boilers, blowere, steam ink f t 1 a pumps, loiuing machines, stereotype apparatus, etc., all of which are of admira ble character, and have cost tbe prop tie tors over oue hundred and twenty thou sand dollars. This peculiar machinery, taken in connection with the enormous editions of the Times, exemplifies to a cer to the name of Pedro roving about in East ern North Carolina in company with a hard shell turtle, that won't answer to anything, and eertaiuly won't answer to tackle, as the dog can tell yon it you ean get him to atop long enough, please halt tbe eloping pair, as they ore the property of the editor of this paper. We are fondly attached to the dog on account of his vogobondish Bohemian habits. He knows every dog io Craven WOrdS. I hey do not make nbiloaonhir speeches, enunciate aphorisms, or declaim set phrases and sentences of morality, bit their own several individuality ar a many immortal' stadies in moral wisdom and moral beauty. Nobody believes in William Tell days, savs the Sou Froncisao Call. HU county by name, and is on speaking terms pple foot is regarded as a myth. Bat there with nine-tenths of the granger dogs that is no eecaaioa to doubt the feats which Mr. eome in under tbe wagons and in market Stevens of the City Gardens, ean perform boats, and he knows more of the inhabitants with a rifle. He, yesterday, at thirty paces of this city than the Ux collectors do. The blew a half-dollar piece into dust, held aloft turtle sent ap by Dr. Barker, from hia by the hood of oJoolhardy man He repeoted pianuuiou in vaiweiev cuuq,;. a ujjic i me ieai. aoa is apparently qualified to eon ri'Ciu ci uimiihu. ii was uawru iu iu imue It. An i) new Jacxsos was onee making a stomps peech in a coontry village cert Wee. Jest as be was concluding. Ansae Kimball, who sot beside bias, whispered, Gim em o little Loun. Oeaeml. they won't be aaiis - i&beatit." Tbe "hero ef Mew Or " iestootlv thosmht of a Sew phrases he knew, end. ia a voice of thunder, Wesjad now-a-l 0p his speech by eseloiming : "E plariVos nnum. Sine quo non. Ne pins nttro, Mnltutr. in pareo " The effeet wo the shouts eould be hard for ntUeS. government after mature consideration of all its consequences, and since that time i has expressed no intimation whatever for a change of its terms. The exeitement in the Island of Cuba and tbe alleged threat concerning the Virginius gave a reasonable foundation for a fear on the pai t of many persons that the vessel and surviving passengers and backyard yesterday, and the dog spent on hoar and a half trying to entice it to come out of its shell and be sociable. The old iron c'ad maintained his reserve, however, until the dos; crammed his nose Ogarinst the forward part and began to snuff. Tbe pair seemed to come to some sort of understanding A , B - at once, foe tbe dog mode on impetuous remark on a very high key, and they both started on a trip. 'Wftien the dog jumped over Dlek Berry's ccok -house we thought he had struck the eastern current and would get right through, bnt we learn since that he changed his course and landed in Hyde conn tv. aud was seen saunteiine aloof like a ..... . . a r Parties in Kansas ore divided into Repub licans. Democrats. Independent Democrats. Independent Renodlicaus. Republican Re. formers. Formers. Anti- Monopolists. Aoti Corruptionisu. and General- Principle iste. The evidences are. however, thot outside of the regular Radical organisation oil the rest will gradually settle down upon tbe old De mocratic hard pon. crew would not be oromntlv delivered to tain extent tbe wonderful progress which th United State nuthoritiea. aennrdinc whirlwind, the turtle stayiuir by him. We the world is constantly makiug in knowl- tne term8 cf thc agreement. But snch should be very sorry to loose that dug now, edge and the mechanic arts. apprehensi ins have not been shared by .h bM acquired a very important .and the Executive branch of our government, . ' ' An. n i2..ff.eaa Don't Bk Inquisitive ''Here's yer for it con be positively stated thaj there is d iu milhtv hard to find a real aood turtle nice roast chickens," cried an aged color-1 nothing to diminish iu confidence in tbe jnf?. cd man as the ears stopped at a North sincerity of the purpose of the Spanish Carolina raiiwav station. i Eoreriimciii., ui ib aunuy m cciu; ivb Amkn. Myrover, of the FayettevUle a k a a a a V . I , . aa - S fa 1 l 1 "Here's yer nice roast chick'n'n Uters, engagements. The delay of the transac 7 fa,!if loe P- all nice and hot :" holding up his plate tion has been unavoidable, and only re sent weea. n visiten toe none m and walaing the platform. eently the arrangement for the eonsumma- tienerol Assen67 JSTxS y 1 L "Where did you get that chicken, un- tion of the terms has been completed. "- " r de 1" asked a possenger. Whatever may have been suggested here- following extract irom mis true s, as wo Uncle looks at the intruder sharply, aud tofore as to tbe programme, it can now be co" join wn.u a uW7 then turns away, crying : asserted that the Virginius will be deli v- said : "Here's yer nice roast chick'ngentle'mn, ered to one of our naval vessels within the "We made the acquaintance of a great all hot ; needn't go in the house for dat." next ten days at a Cuban port in open day, y members of the legislature, and "Where did you get that chicken i I and the surviving passengers and erew be I nny ,a inenus CT repeated the inquisitive passenger. transferred to a United States ship at M Sute. W e met McLeod lurncr "Liook-a-yer." says uncle, speaking Santiago De Uuba in an equally open " " j . privately, "is you from der Norff manner. The vessel to perform these yers. We were college mates, aud then "Yes." services will soon be. if they have not Turner was a splendid, stalwart young "Is you a friend of the culled man )" "I hone I am." of the Navy "Den don't you neber ask me whar I affairs to-night, Sensible. A gentleman of great wealth in New York,, but who has never eared to mingle much in fashionable society, recently settled $15, 000 a year on a laughter who had married to bis sotitfactioa. Ia speaking on the subject to a friend the other dv. be remarked be Was willing to do the some by his other daughters, on one condition hat they married respectable, upright and industrious yoang men. He did not core how poor they were, if they were ooly of this deecription. and their characters would beer inveetigotioa. J They wont retrenchment. Eleven bond- red dollars per annum for repairing a set of harness need by one of the Treasury officials seems to be an insignificant item to be complaining about, but as a type of the prevailing looseness in the keeping of accounts it is most suggestive. Confederate General Joseph E. John Assured. aanowvtoaJM Tub Electbic MouxTaim Tbe er's experience ua tbe electric high and ranch egpeeed rouge San Luis Pork from West Musalalu SsJ in Colorado) ores meet aaeaem.P Wmf eeeld oaoreoly haoeta tbeir sparks beiog swelled at ever? too en l rifles, too. snopped under tbe alsesm SB fluenee. ond were ia eontioool dangef ef go ing off. while, when caught is a thesjer storm, their hair literally stood on end- Tbe whole party experienced shocks more or mm severe, but none were injured. Continuance of the Revolt The positive so cone so of the Rodieal principles ood c aoduiatao Ot have settled a point free neatly revoltioe Rn ibKcons. whose votes aided a those of the Democratic party practically wiped out from tbe mop of Radicalism th whole Northwest, will a t be notion! with the posseMiou of the oouty treasuries, tbe legislatures, or the State governments- Ai res ly they ore kwki og towards a renewal of tbe engagement in the Coogreesaemd db- tricts. tbe .Senatorial elections, the elections mm loeeee ore olreodj m m aa a a Uoe a victory in tbe r res id years hence. This means thot no RepabtbBIB convention can decide who shall be returned to Congress ond the State governments, aad that wherever ia the West Democrats are awt returned men will be returned who la all tba essentials on the tariff question, on all mas ters of monopoly ore deputed to principles. A'. T. Wvrid. - Bton'e "Narrative of Military Operations ro nef lhe Directed by Him Daring tbe Late Wor jwo year8 lff Beiwee tnhe Suteo" is in press at Apple- ' ton's. . It is said to press be written Apph ia terse, V" II1RD WARE. 'f -o " When you want Hsrdware at low figures, call on the undersigned at No. 2 jQraaUe Row. D. A. AT WELL. 8Ksbury, N. 0., May 13-tf. already been, designated by the Secretary fellow, of model physique and appearance. jnci,iTe and vivid style, and will be sold e Navy. This is the condition of No"" move8 pa,n,Iui,7 "S on xwo by rubscription. which has served to in- crutches, ooweu uown anu woays got dat chick'n again. Here's yer nice spire a hope of continued peace with Spain, suffering suot to pieces in me great Totbll i House's Age. The fol roast chick'n, all hot." in order that the United States may conn Gettysbmg battle. Turner is engrossing iowing i. aaid to be s sure test of a horse's The Hickory Press soys : One of the shrewdest financiers in Catawba present financial dil and has guarded personal disaster ever since by int every cent he eould raise ia whiskey at then drinking the whiskey, lie is proo ogainat bonk failures now. i the train started. STAR SALOON. Perrons wishing pare homemade liquors and the very best imported wines eon always find them at the Stab Saloon, on Main Street, 3 doort below the Salisbury House. All my whiskies and Brandies are obtained direct from the beat' and most reliable distillers in N. C. I keep no others. My wines ore im ported and are of the best varieties as any judge may see by calling and examining for himself. J. A. SMDtK. Methodist Singing. The Pittsburg Advocte laments, as wc all do, the deca dence of Methodist congregational sin ging. It says; The singing of Methodism used to be grand a glory and a power. It is not any more. Ichabod is written on it. Some Delilah has bad it in her lap. That Delilah is the modern choir. tinue to give their support to tbe Castcl lar Government in its efforts to establish a Republic. Admiral Polo has lately received a communication from Captain General Jovellar, in which there is no reference to the subject of bis alleged resignation. i i x .v. u...i. n a ft h a aut ft A I . I , .. ciera in me ocuawc uuC ui vuC k me affe . Atter a Dorse is nine years old a Senate ever had I wrinkle comes over the eyelid, and every We call to see Major John Dunham, Tear thereafter he has one well defined , , , 1 . .1 tr 1 : l conbnea to nis nea at me uriwruugn House, suffering dreadfully from a wound received in the defence of this country. Major Dunham represents Wilson in the Senate, and is ot tbe moat talented young men of North Carolina. As we sat before tbe fire in Dunham's wrinkle for each year of his age over nine. If, for instance, a horse has three wrin kles he is twelve years old. Add tbe number of wrinkles to nine and you will always obtain his exact age. Who say 8 the Chinese are not civil ized ? Wooden Butmess cannot beat the room be to ous left, writhing on bis bed It has done following, which is well authenticated : in agony, and Turner on oar right, at a miserable work it baa well night des- Adulteration of tea has become so com troyed congregational singing. It has mon in China that out of 183,000,000 given ns a substitue. And what a sub- which through the stitute it is! Solos, duets, quartettes, ... , . i i 1 070 j 1 Sometimes we come across a few that do the business up completely. Here, for iostanee, is an example : ;afal might as well try to shampoo aa elejahaort with a thimbleful of soap suds as to Ad business and ignore advertising.' To Wash Woolens. Wn m caena hot soon sods ; rinse out ia clear he ora tor, and shake out the wet wuhnmUj Bows ing through the wringer. Worsted dseee goods should never be wrong when avamV ed. GooD.-Gen. O. O. HowaHL of that moment racked by the awful pangs rhich come upon ail twenty times a day, our heart melted in sympathy, aad ear soul was fiUed with bitterness and and a ceaseless succession of new tunes , T., i- ' JSTIz indignation against the accursed spirit of many of them after the most approved tne monn J ' 7 radicalism and abolitionism which brongbt ft;-,u. tu-- ;I-s7.fc commission found 10,000,000 pounds , 1.. ..j un oaa-riad. nf and silently witnesses the performance, utterly unfit for human consumption. hireli g lhe to Bpread races for five thousand years is mpresen mi . 1. j 11 l Tn o o,'nrlu aIimI a msnmat hmno-ht , ., ? , 1 . 1 1 I ted in the difference between n wiewac xuai migui ao wen enougn ir an 1 v,...- 0 . aeatn ana aesoiation every wucrr, auu , , ,, . . . . - -0 .r ai.jS.n.. aa a t iH,b.lU oat forty-three per B U o. Uv. Wilier W. ,b,t I. ,p.rl u. ,ibo,nd. - r- - " '"r Refined homes are the end of civilisa tion. All tbe work of the world, the railroading, the navigation, digging, menu factoring, inventing, teaching writing, Freedm,g Bnewu notoriety, hstfUt fighting, are done, first of all, to secure I To .l r -a.- JTaT each family in the possession of its own . ir?. . ,JZJ v. u . .La Vii , A .. Colored University at WsifliimgtlML many hearths as poeoibU with grace and and a negro, (Lengnton) has bees givma culture and beauty. Tbe work of all his place. Tins is in aorjordtyMtWtfll the eternal ntaess of tbtsafa,v tor assuredly a negro College should have eW How-ua 4 June 19, Cruo. pd. God's sancutary. )7V J in bits of iron colored green." tnguisu ana sairerjng. i m iu,6"V i 4 : one hmg peried of anguish 1. ... . ; ; .

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