7 lH sirrt T f i ir ur 1911 edit I ' ' I II H , , - ! h 'l - -f-i: ' .t : i , I . " . - : - : . ....'-. -. . , VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C, JANUARY 8 1874. NO. 16. WHOLE NO. 1910u PUBL18HUD WEEKLY : J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Editor. J. J. STEWART, Associate Editor. B VTKS OF M K Utl I ION wfg 1 ear, payable in advance. $2.50 gix Months, m I Copies to one address. ...... . 1.50 .10.0 LeS. bbbbbbshbsEEbv sO Thls uiiri v:l led Southern Remedy is warrant ed aot to contain a single particle of Mercuby, or any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. containing thoae Southern Roots and Herbs, .kir-k mi all-wiso Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It mil Care ail Disease caused by Derangement of the Utter. The Symptoms of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth : Pain in the Back, Bides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; far Stomach; Loss of Appetice; Bowels alter aately costive and lax ; Headache; Loss of mem Wy, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance ftue Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mis taken for Consumption. Sometimes many of theaeiy mptoms attend the disease, at others, very fw : but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if aottteguiaiea in unie, greni sunering, wreiciieu efw and Death will ensue. Hi Great Unfailing SPECIFIC will not be found the Least Unpleasant. Por DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun dice, BilHoua attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., Ac. Simmons' Liver Rr?alator, or Medicine, Ii the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the World! MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, 0a. and Philadelphia. Price, $1.00. Sold by all DruggUt. FOR SALE BY THEO. P. KLTJTTZ, Jane 19 tt. Salisbury N. C. COME TO THE BOOK STORE EVERYBODY. THE OLD YEAE AND THE HEW. An old man totters on the road Bow d down with age and car ; His locks are white and float about Like snow flakes in the air ; The clouds are gathering darkly The night seems settling fast. The winds sends forth a moaning sound, The owlets flutter past. The old man halts along the road, He sees the gathering gloom No hope has he no power to stay His fast approaching doom. He sees the children pass him by, And sadly turps his face ; -He knows too well that he must die, the JNew i ear take his place. He hears the children clap their hands And shout aloud for glee. He marks them hasten on their The triad New Year to see. And then he hears the midnight chime Ring out his funeral knell; His life fade fast he rests at last, The New Year breaks the spell. 4' I A little fluid now leads the way li is step is light and hold, His hair is bright and floats about Like threads of burnished gold. The clouds are passing swift away, . The morn seems soft and clear, The night has pass'd the sun's bright ray Brings in the glad fcew Year, j Farewell, Old Year 1 your work is done, A new one fills you place: The darkest night will pass away lhe morning dawn apace I We cannot bring the dead to life, .Nor wasted hours recall ; But in the coming year we may. i. erhapa, atone for all. L - The subjoined lines were suggested by tbe death of the young lady from Ga who was burned at Salem college a short while ago : From the Chronicle and Sentinel. Augusta, Ga THOROUGH THE FIRE. e . t amp into tbe sea and was drowned. This drama surpasses the fiction of Charles Readers "Foul Play." The horror of such a situation as the six teen men who composed the crew of From the Tallahassee Floridian. A Staghound Following a Buck ta Sea. During tbe recent camp bunt on St. J ames Island by some o t our citizens, an the Eden were in, is almost beyond the j iucident occurred which is perhaps with- reuiu ui iiuagiuai.iuii, unu is auoiuer out a Parallel in the anna In nf hunting ' r m v MMIHIIIfci proof of the truth of the saying, that truth is stranger than fiction. Dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. John Tilkey, of Augusta, Ga. BY PAUL HAYXE. she passes as martyrs passed, Through the awful pangs of fare ; . But around her the arms of Christ are cast (As the cruel flames expire) And they bear her npto the central light. O'er the golden streets to the sacred Height Of a ransomed sours desire. I II. And get Bibles. Prayer Books, Hymn Books of any kind you. want; Histories, Biographies, Music Books, Music, Novels of the best authors : Blank Books, Albums of the most stylish kind; Stereoscopes and Views : School Books, all kinds in general is Slates, Inks, Writing Paper of the best quality; Wall Paper and Wiudow Shades in great variety, Music Teachers for vocal, Pianos, Baujo, violins &c. A WORD TO FAHMERS . Rny a few dollars worth of books every year for your sons and hands and take a good newspaper, they will work better and be more -1 r m . -r L - cneenui. l ry it. , WORD TO r AIvHSRS SONS. - Yon have something to he proud and to boast of. The farm is the keystone to every industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all Prusoer: when it fails, all flag, Don't think vau nan't be a great man because you are the son of a fanner. Washington, Webster and Clay were fanner's sons, but while they toiled they studied.; So do ye. Boy a good book, one at a time, read and, digest it, and then another. . Call and see me and look over books. O, mother ! whose bleeding heart, In the torture s stress grows wild O, father I whose heart-strings seems to part, At the name of your perished child, Think, think, of the woes of life Its agony, passion, strife, And comfort take as you look on her, Clothed for the tranquil sepulch re, With her closed eye and pallid brow, That never more, Yea, never more, By sea or shore, Can the frozen pulses, grown so still. To the wrench of a mortal anguish thrill, OrherBpirit writhe with that speechless pain, (A very madness of heart and brain), Which rends your spirits now. III. And think for each pang she bore, The angels have brought her balm : Think, she hath only gone before ; Think of the crown and palm, Of mystic robes on a deathless form. Whinh the handrof the Saints have given Of the realm that never hath known a storm, And "the great White Throne" in Heaven ! Legislative Summary. The time ot the House yesterday was wasted by the useless filibustering of Republican mem bers. 1 he .game began over a bill to fur nish improved anna to military schools in the Slate. It came out during the debate on tbe bill that Governor Caldwell had refused to furnish arms to yt he military school at Charlotte because Gen. D. H. Hilt was one of tbe Professors of the In stitution. 1 his display or partisanship on the part of the Governor was charae tenzed and denounced hy Messrs. Brown, of Mecklenburg, and Jones, of Caldwell. Messrs. Bowman. Dula and others on the Republican side ot the House endeavored to defend the action of tbe. Governor in the matter and to prevent tbe passage of the bill. Mr. Dula was particularly clam orous for the production of the correspond dence between 3ov. Caldwell an? Colonel Thomas Superintendent of the Military Institution at Charlotte, until Mr. Gorman, a Republican, intimated that Gov. ('aid well's part in the said correspondence was as objectionable as that of Col. Thomas. The bill passed its second reading after much captious opposition on the part of the Republican side of the House. Again, on the bill to arrange the 4th Judicial District and to change the time of holding courts therein, was much valua ble time wasted bv the filibustering on the part of tbe Republican members. All sorts of frivolous motions were made and tbe yeas aud uays demanded on each of the motions, to the complete clog of all other legislation. They even attempted to break a quorum by a number leaving the Hall at a preconcerted signal. In spite of their opposition, the bill passed its second reading. No valid objection was raised to the bill and the opposition arose simply from lobby efforts. The Senate yesterday was occupied al most exclusively in the passage of a large number of private bills. L he consolida tion bill came back from the House with a number of amendments all of which were concurred in, with one exception. Eal eigh News, before christmas. and deserves to be recorded. A lare buck, closely pursued by that famous stag bound, Old Ring, belonging to Mr. Hop kins, took water, and headed right out to sea ; the dog without hesitation boldly followed him in his voyage over the "dark and treacherous waves." They were watched with intense interest by the hun ters until each was a mere speck upon the surface of the sea, and until they were finally and totally lost to view. After some time, when it was supposed that both dog and deer had found a watery and per haps a bloody grave,. in nortal combat, or been devoured by sharks, a small object was discovered, which proved to be old Ring returning from his long swim, much exbansted, but reaching tbe shore in safe ty. But to the greater surprise of the spectators, after a time the dfer also ap peared in sight, making right for shoie, on reaching which he was shot down by one of the h outers. A Definition of An Editor. We have seen many definitions of many names, words and phases, but the follow ing of an editor, given by Josh Billings, is about the best we ever yet encoun tered : An editor is. a male being wboze bizzi ness iz to navigate a noze .paper. He writes editorials, grinds out poetry, in serts deaths and weddings, sorts out manu akripls, keeps a waste basket, blows op the 'devel,' steals matter, fitea other peo ples battles sells biz paper for a dollar and 50 cents a year takes white beans and applesass for pay when he kan git it, raizes a large family, works 19 hours out ov every 25, knows no Sunday, gits dam med bi everybody, and once in a while whipt bi snmbody, livs poor, dies middle aged and often broken hearted, leaves no money, iz rewarded for a life ov toil with a short but free obituary puff in the nnse papers, Ecchanges please copy. tbSome skeptic carried a dark lantern to ere entertainment of the Davenport Broth ws, at Westerly the other evening, and t hen the dark scene came, and the gui lars and bells were bny, turned on the ight. One of the brothers was found to be untied and was lustily swinging about the instruments. The performance came to a very sudden close. Sunday was a sad day for many in Gloucester, Mass. Year by year a death roll of those who have died at sea in the fish nig fleet is kept. The year 1S73 shows one hundred and seventy -four marines lost iu the icy North, and services were held in their remembrance. All the dif ferent pastors and congregations of the town joined in the service, which were held iu the town hall. Pay as You Go. Johu Bandoloh once ejaculated, iu bis shrill tones, while a member of the House of Representatives: "Mr. Speaker. I can cry .Eureka, for I have found the philosopher's stone. It is "Fay as you go V 1 be example of the French is given as a case in point. The French, "who never go in debt, and who have been saving money since the days of the first Napoleon, have become the richest people in the world, which seems proved by the fact that the German in demnity of a thousand millions of dollars, wbich thev were obliged to pay, has been all discharged in two years, while we have been struggling for eight years with twice as much, l'eruaps the wealth ot the French farmers arises as much from the small farm system and the high cultiva tion they give the soil. There is a vast difference between farming in s loose way and having all work done in the best man ner. A Lake Mystery. A Frozen Boy Steering a Yawl Boat. Sunday morning two fanners and thier families, who were driving to Maiden to attend church, noticed, when about eight m'les below, or east of the town, a ship's yawl on the lake, heading towards the beach, and abont a half mile away. They could plainly make out a man in the stern sheets steering the boat with an oar and, although there were no vessels in sight, and the morning was so pleasant and the sea no smooth that it was supposed that tbe man bad put "out from the shore to pick up somet hing, and Lot little attention was paid to the yawl. Passiug tbe same spot on their return the men found the yawl hard on the Beach, and the man sit- tlngnished tiug stiff and motionless in her stern. Leaving their wagons tbey discovered that the man was ' lifeless and frozen as as bard as a atone. He sat bolt upright on the seat, the oar out behind and both hands clasping the handle, and it required hard work to wrench it from hi death grip. There was about one foot of water in the boat, but the craft did not show rough nance. The man 'a 1mm erl McClellan's staff during his on were almost covered with iee as far up as tue armT hve shown him great HIS Knees, and the hnrav had dflahed rvr nun. his back and Statutr oh Limitations A is made and now pending before Jaajlge Henry, involving the question of the run ning of the statute of limitations. Tbe motion is based on tbe idea that the Or dinance of tbe Convention of 1 90S. re- enaenng me Urdinanee of the Com of 18C6, repeals all acta ai operation or tbe statutes of limitation of tbe Revised Code. This ordinance was paaaed March U, 1868, and it is claimed that tbe limitation run frem that tfsae, inatead of from January 1, 1870 aa tffw held by tbe Supieme Court.' North State. k General and Mrs. Geo. B. MedeJfesj are spending the winter at Nice. WbJse in ram lieneral McClellan received d- attention. He was riven a prominent seat when be attended the French Assembly by invitation, and at the trial of Baaaine was alee tieelad jse a guest deserving tbe highest considerate. Of tbe latter tribunal General McClellan writes that it was a most dignified court, and iu proceed inga appeared to be con ducted with a strict regard to tbe ui jupuce. me urieane princee A QUIET LIFE. A little crib beside the bed, A little face above the spread ; A little frock behind the door, A little shoe upon the floor. A little lad with dark-brown hair, A little blue-eyed face and fair ; A little lane that leads to school, A little pencil, slate and rule. A little blithesome, winsome maid, A little hand within his laid ; A little cottage acres four, A little old-time household store. A little family gathering round, A little turf-heaped, tear-dewed mound ; A little added to his soil, A little rest from hardest toil. A little silver in his hair, A little stool and easy chair ; A little night of faith-lit gloom, A little cortege to the. tomb. A Pithy Sermon. Many a sermon has been spun out to an hour's length that did not contain a tithe of the sound, moral instruction and counsel to be found in the following brief and pithy sermon from the pen of that witty and racy writer, Iter. Dr. John Todd, deceased : "You are the architects of your own for tunes. Itely upon your strength ot body and soul ; take for your motto self-reliance, hon'e&ty, and industry ; for your stars, faith, perseverence, aud pluck ; and inscribe on your banner : 'lie just i.n l tear not. Don t take too much advice ; stay at the helm aud steer your ship. Strike out. Think well of yourselves. Fire above tbe mark you in tend to hit. Assume your position. Don t practice excessive humility. you can't get above your level water don't run up bill. Pull your potatoes in a cart over a rough road and tbe small ones will go to the bottom Lnergy, invincible determi nation, with tbe right motive, are the levers that move the world. The great art of commanding is to take a fair share of the wqrld. Civility cost nothing and buys everything. Don't drink ; don't smoke ; don't swear ; don't gamble ; don't lie; don't deceive or steal ; don't tattle. Be polite; be generous; be self-reliant. Read good books. Love your fellow man a a w as welt as you love uoo. rove your country and obey its laws. Love truth. Love honor. Always do what your con science tells you is your duty, and leave the consequence to God? Take Heed. Kesp out ok Dkbt. Hilf tbe pei plezity, annoyance and trouble that men have in this world is in consequence of getting into debt. It seems to be natural e 1 : ui: .: - Strange Effect of a London Fo I 7" i "ZITa upon Cattle. paying ready cash. Give one of this sort The London correspondent of the New a chance to buy on credit, and tbe ques York World, under dale of Wednesday, tiou of price and conditions of payment the 11th iust,, the third day of the r matters that he cares but little about. extraordinary fog that euveloped the city, But what a crop of trouble springs up mentions, among other things, the great from the seed ot debt. How many sleep- mortality it had caused among the cattle 'ess nights result from it ! How mauy exhibition at tbe annual show of the gray nairs u onngs, ana now oiten u suort- On Monday, two days ens life sometimes leading men to com- mil suiciao or muraer. Ana yet now easy a thing it is to keep clear of this ier on Smithfield Club. before, there was not a single case of sickness among the large number that ap peared before the judges, but by Wednes day at least one third had disappeared from the stalls. The explanation of this singular fact is that the long continuation of tbe fog had so vitiated the air as to poison them outright. Twenty-five died in twenty-four hours, and ninety-three had to be removed during the same time. None of them, no matter how big and hardy, seemed proof against the attack of this strange enemy, wbwh seemed to single out cows, bulls and oxen for distinction, leaving sheep and hogs unharmed tbe latter not appearing at all affected. COME TO THE A PERIL OF THE DEEP. The ship River Eden cleared from London on the 1 5th of September for Valparaiso, with a general cargo, in cluding something over one hundred tons of gunpowder, and a quantity of lucifer matches. Nothing unusual oc curred on the voyage till the 7th of Oc tober, when the master, Capt. Bowden, commenced to behave in a strange manner. His conduct was attributed to insanity. On the 14th of the same month the bark Elizabeth Graham was sighted. The chief mate of the Eden, Mr. Clarkson, sent a boat to the Hdiza- KatIi firn lio in f f vast nicf linr onm m o nilor PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, to come aboard. He did so, and had a consultation with Mr. Clarkson, whom he advised to place the Captain under no restraint, as he seemed hamless, but to soothe and keep him quiet, and to make for Pernamhuco. About mid- Wa will give you a good pieture or notlet llt -u- ' fftnn j ti on . i t . m i 1.J.U-.! "---- - r you lane it awav ; ior we au i iiueou t-t , , t any bad -ork Sail Ro from this office to in- In in attempt to secure Captain Bow- ure as aud the business. Call and try. den, he wounded the second mate by Up Stain between Parkers and Miss Mc- a pistol shot. The crazv Captain had nnnrpJ namfinp nil nn hia ruhin floor. Call and examine my stock of Wall Paper; firT:f The tprrifirl erew had only to leave the ship. The Captain refused to go, and Jwas left by the crew, wno puiiea on ooara tne Dng Jannita which was fortunately near. T , 1 1 ,4.--.1 When you want Hardware at low I V wswiuuwa. figures, call on the undersigned at No. 2 " .ap. waep ,,ana succeeaeu, Granite Row. l&nd almost immediately the River D. A. AT WELL. I xJAien Diew up. uour aays aiier tue No matter how intimate you may be with the friend with whom yon may have business transactions put your agreement in writing How many misunderstandings arise from the loose way in which busi ness matters are talked over, and when each party puts his own construction on the matter and it is dismissed by each with the words, "A'l right; all right." 1 ' Bib JwSl - ' And Get a Good Picture. ; I " ffclif MB ft. ' Window Shades. Writiug paper. Inks ice Mino I dou't intend to ut under sold. Feb. 27, tf, II 1RD WARE. Frequently it comes out all wrong, and becomes a question for the lawyers and the courts. More than three-four! hs of tho litigation of the people of the country would be saved if people would put down their agreements in writing and sign their names to it. Each word in our language has its peculiar meaning and memory may, by a change in a sentence convey an en tirely different idea from that intended. When once reduced to writing, ideas are fixed, and expensive lawsuits avoided. Nathan Rothschild. v t we- .at a t ir In Harper s Moutuiy ior January, air Junius Henri Browne contributes under the fanciful title "Tho Knights of the Red Shield." a history of the Rothschild fam ily, with portraits of its principal members Those of our readers who may not be millionaires will feel a grim satisfaction in pernsing the following which may serve to make them more contented with their lot : 4 The wretchedly rich Nathan Roths child never went out alone after dark, never entei red an unlighted room, . bad servants within call of his bed chamber, slept with loaded pistols under his pil low. A fellow Frankforter, dining with him one evening, and observing the luxury of his household, remarked : "You must be happy, 13 iron, with the power to gratify every wish." " u Happy, indeed !' was the response. 'Do you think it happiness to be haunted always by a dread of murder, to have your appetite for breakfast sharpened by a threat to stab you to the heart unless you enclose a thousand guiueas to some unknown villian V "On one occasion, when the great financier had been to an evening party, and bad gotteu into bis carriage to go home, a friend, wishing to make an ap pointment, stepped out to speak to him. The timorous banker mistook his familiar friend for a highwayman, and thrttsf a istol out of the carriage window, with lav oi ate cry of 'Murder !' before he could be acquainted with the situation." rible monster. Every young man should form a fixed and unalterable determination, before commencing his active business ca reer, not to incur one peuny of indebted ness under any circumstances. Never borrow. Never buy anything unless you have the muney to pay for it at once. Pay no attention to splendid opportuni ties," "-bargains," "lare chances," and the like. Such affairs are only traps which m m debts set to catch victims. If you see anything that you would like to buy, or if any offer is made that you would like to accept, look first at your money pile, and make tbe answer depend upon that. Always pay aa you go. If yon are short of money, you should gangc your demands accordingly. Foster habits of economy, live within your means, buy nothing that you cannot properly afford, and you will go on through life free from the mis eries aud troubles that forever beset the path of the debtor. is back aud sboulaers and froze there. There was no uarae on the boat, and the person who brougJit the information to Windsor yesterday could not say. that anything was found on the person of the man to reveal his ldemty, or to show bow he had been east adrift. It is not believ ed that he put off from any vessel, but it. is the theory of soma of the marine men that he was driven from some of the is lands or from same point down the shore. No one could say hpw long he had been afloat or when death overlook him , but be must have been dead at leaat three daya or more. There was neither sail nor mast to the boat, and nothing in it but the one oar, showing that the poor fellow had not intended a long trip anywhere, and he must have been blown off the shore. He bad cscd his oar to keep before the wind, aud had froze to death on his seat, where he was so firmly held by the ice that it had to be broken wilh a stone before he could be pulled off. For days, and per haps weeks, tbe frozen man sat there with his icy fingers clinging to the aahen oar, and the gales aud the waves spared him to reach the shore and receive a cbristain burial, while a score of hardy men who manned a staunch propeller saw her go down to a grave in be deep waters and followed after. Trsjly, the great l.ikea hate their mysteries! as well as the broad occeau Detriot Free Press. Salisbury, Iff. C., May 13-tf. ! rescue, Captain Bowden managed to The Scientific American publishes a full description of the proposed great tow er to be erected in Philadelphia at the centennial. As to height, anything of pious device sinks into insignificance be side it. Tbe towtr of Babel was a common affair, in all probability, and the St. Pe ter's, at Rome, St. Paul's, London, and the Pyramids of Egypt, will "look like pigmies." The tower is to be one thousand feet in the air, of circular iron ; one hundred and fifty feet at the base and thirty at the top,' with a spiral staircase for the use of any one who is foolish enough to attempt to walk up, and an elevator for thoae who are willing to risk a ride. Whatever you would not wish your neighbor to do to yon, do it not unto him This is the whole law ; the rest ia merely the exposition of it. Japanese Women. Naturally, there are no figurea more perfect than those of the Japanese young women. The child ren, up to the age of fourteen, or as long as they have the free use of their limbs, 1 are models of symmetry. About that 1 time they begin to fasten long garments . about their hips, the effect ot which is to j impede their gait, and give them an awk wad shamble. In course of time ii dose worse, and interrupts the development of! their limbs. Among the laboring clast, an additional misshappening is accom plishd by the practice of canying burdens, from an early age, npon the baek, for the support of which broad straps aro passed 1 1 i 1 M over the shoulders and crossed in trout, pressing directly upon the breasts. When a Japaucee girl reaches the age of siiteen without having undergone either of these processes of deformity, she is a wonder to the eye and remains so until twenty-five or possibly a little rater. Then she ceases to charm, for a certain, period, in any way excepting her manner, and that is gencrs ally preserved to the last. But as she The Dean of Canterbury on Open Communion. The Deau of Canterbury was one of the speakers at a public meeting held on the evening of the 1 Oth nit. at Ezeler Hall London, to receive reports from dele gates resently returned from the Confer ence of Christains from all Nations, held in New York. The Dean said that since he came home he had been some what abused, though not more than his excel lent predecessor, IV. Alford had been. He has been charged with breakiug law, but there was no such law, and, iu btdng present at the comn.union in New York, none was broken. Iu England, perhaps, the attachment to the State Church had I its disadvantages all was not gain. But in America there was no established chuscb. (Great cheering) lie believed there was no stronger profanation of the Lord's Supper than to turn it into tbe test of the community to which all belonged. It was just as gcrat an act of love for Dr. Stoughton and others to take the commnn ioq with him as for him to take it with them. (Cheers) The whole proceedings of lhe Conference hod been a surprise to him. and bad been most cordially treated. He believed he might have stayed a year, travelling and visiting at no expenae ; America was a grand and noble country, and inhabited by a grand noble people. A Philadelphia letter to tbe New York Tribune aaya that by tbe recent failure ef Jay Cooke & Co., Jy Cooke mmmm estate belonging to him individually that waa once thought worth nearlr tl,0Ov 000. Mr. iloorhead had $2,000,000 if property, it is said, before he entered ate firm, and is now, of course, psnwileaa) The other members also lose large private fortunes. None of them can possibly save a dollar from the wreck, judging from present indietaiona. Tbe General Assembly of Virginia mes in Richmond on Thursday. Tbe Senate coosieu of 43 members, of which 34 Oo& servati vee and nine Republieaua, two af latter colored. Tbe House cooaieu ef 131 members, of which 99 are Corner vatives, and 32 Republicans, 17 of tbe latter being colored. Tbe Conservative majority on joint ballot la 89. The New York Times does not aee to be kitidly disposed towards tbe Vh ginue. It thus writea her epitaph : "Blockade runner, filibuster, and beam of a fraudulent register, her history begioa and ends with deceit and violence. Tbe blood of the men murdered at Santiago de Cuba would have clung to her name and i . . ner recoru even under a new registry and a more creditable occupation." Throat Cot. Christmas getting the better of Plumnier Johnson and George Bobbitt, at Littleton on laat Wednesday, tbey fell out and went together to settle a little difference of opinion springing up between tbem. In the rencontre Bobbitt cut tbe throat of Johnson very seriously, and the latter threw up the sponge. Then quiet was restored. Dr. Willis Ala ton was called to aee the wounded man. Tbe Doctor thinks there, ia no danger oi hia patient dying. Weldon News. pist ln's . First Frnits of the Forty Third Congress. The two houses of Congress having adiourned over to Monday, the 5th of January, 1874, the record of their doings for this month of December is before the country. It does not amount to much, and it warns the country to prepare for a long, exhanstless and compaiatively pro htlesB session. Five minions ot money have been voted to complete tbe repairs commenced by the Secretary of the Navy on our available ships of war ; a miserable apology in the shape of a modification of the increased salary and back pay grab of the last Congress has been passed by the House ; also a general amuestry bill and a half-way re-construction of the Bankrupt law all of which have been hung np to dry in the Senate. A bill providing for tbe redemption of the loan of 1858 (sixteen millions) has passed both houses, and this recapitulation covers the legislative works of the two bouses since the first Mouday in December. N. T. Herald. In his autobiography in "Ten Minute Talks" Elihu Burritt tells bow he studied mathematics. He couldn't afford time to attend school, so he uwd to do certain problems "in bia head" while hammering away at bia anvil. Here ia one of tbem : How many yards of cloth, three feet io width, cut into strips .an inch wide, and allowing half an inch at each end for the lap, would it require to reach from centre ot the snn to the centre of the earih, and how much would it all cost at a shilling a Mat Killed. On Christmas eve a young white man named Eli Vick, recti iug in Northampton county, K. C, io at tempting to cross the Seaboard and Rnoj noke Railroad track at a point betweem Seaboard and Handsome in front of the rapidly moving down express train, was struck by tbe engine and so seriously inje cd that he died early yesterday morning. Portsmouth Enlerpist, 27fb. The error in the line of Mont Ceoie tunnel, when the headings were broagtat together, was half a yard, or about aa : I. .1 i . trt i nc ii iu i-vcry uiouhuu ivei, wuua mm Hoosac the whole . variation was ajajsj sixteentba of en inch, or lest than one sixteenth to the thousand feet. It is gravely related in China that ei the audicnee given by the Emperor the ambassadors were so overwhelmed by tbe auguatnesa of His Imperial Majesty that not one of them could apeak a word, uaai most of tbem bad to be led oat in a ing condition." mat yard ?" He would' not allow himself to grows old she has a chance of becoming j make a single figure wkh cbalk or charcoal quite delightful again. There is nothing in working out this problem, and be would nicer than a dignified and white-haired ', carry uome to ins Drotuer an tne muiiipn- old Japanese lady. She is al way s h ppy , for she is always much respected and cherished by her youngers, and at a cer tain age the natural high-breeding of the race appears in her to attain its crystalli zation. Whatever her station in life, she is almost sure to suggest an idea of ancient nobility, and to be surrounded by the at mosphere of an Oriental Faubourg St. Germain. Atlantic Monthly. A Comet Truss a Bcxlkt A discarded lover in Evans villa, ftnasV ana, attempted to ahoot the lady be not win Tuesday evening, one m the window rolling down tbe curtain the shot waa fired, but tbe ball, strikinf tier corsets, tailed to injure Mr. Y Indies who decline offers will noi bly adopt the coret as a coat of The proprietor of the London lelegrapJi is about to raise the price of the adver tisements to 2s 6d per line. The nutnbe of tbem has become so large as to interfere with the news, and he expects by increas ing the price to make more, room iu bis columns. Tbe daily circulation of tbe Telegraph is now about 170,000. Edwin Turner and Lafayette Groves, editors of rival papers at Lexington, Mo., got into a personal difficulty about a year ago, and after a aeries of severe editorials, Turner killed Grorea. On tbe 17ib, Turner was tried for the second time on a charge of manslaughter. Waa found guilty and sentenced to the penitentary for two yean. , cations in his head, and give them off to him aud his assistant, who took them down on their slates, and verified and proved each separate calculation, and John Ly Pennington, formerly of eigh, baa been made Governor of Dakota Territory. Mr Pennington learned slat printing business in Raleigh , and dnrlnaj the war published a paper in ReJeWK called 1 he Progrese and also publiebnaf found the final result to be tbe right one. paper in Newbern, N. C. Salem When the Legislature of Massachusetts, Tbe exsQuecn Isabella, who which State waa opposed to the Mexican, sponsor of the youngest of hie war, refused funds to eqmp a regiment, Caleb Gushing did the work at his own ex pense, and was appointed Goljnel with a inn of Daniel Welater aa bia Major. While in Mexico he waa made a Brigadiei General by President .Polk, and waa one of tbe three officers detailed to examine into tbe difficulty between Scott, Pillow and Worth. A western editor met a well educated farmer recently, and informed him that be Would like to have something .from his addressed a friendly letter to Baxaiue immediately npon hearing condemnation. Sue haa alweya bered hw serviee to her throne wfeej was a child. The Marshal replied an eloquent letter, which Isabella ia in have read aloud, weeping the her friend. naneajae I at er seed tank te pen. The farmer "sent hiia charged him $9.75 for it. a pig, and aa Frog bunting for the Boston market ia aid to be a nmfitable emulovment in I? - r , j Newbury port. The frogs are kept in tuba and fattened with meal and afterwarda shipped to order. Twenty-seven Nashville ladies mined to practice eonomy, vewed wear anything more expensive than dresses to church, smd they sti none of them have attended since. "He winnows 1 her into Paradie u fenee rail." is a nw phrate ia W journalism far wife nur Ier. Now fur iay . a a . m . traopfnaii"n w? initiR tin is a rapid. BrsidV. if good Mnftnlme be believed, the sex dou't go there. I 1 T If

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