Carolina ipaupait LOCAL. JANUARY 8. new supply of Sally Mickel's pipet tt A. Pfrke"- Two colored men were drowned near hevil.e on Newsyear's day wWegeU ting ire. Joe Baker, who was to have been hanged at Charlotte on Friday last for the 9 order of a colored man, has bcn respit ed by Gov. Caldwell tintil Friday the 16th of this month. We are gratified to learntbat Mj. W. 8. Coles, formerly of Anson, has bought property in this place and will locale here permanently. - - Mr. H. F. H tscrs has also nought a bouse and lot ami will settle here. Cm. Thomas It nth i. son of tho late Judge ltuffin, id spoken of as a probable candidate forjudge in the 7ih district. JtyFreih cncnnnntB and lemons juet re ceived it A- Parkers. When, the only ntwspaptr dies in a eontmnniw, it h whii a liUt goee out before the work i done. Only one man may hare tended the light, but all miss it when it is- gone. New Advertisements. Do not fail to read the many new advertisements wbieh appear in this paper. Rain! Rain! We have had a great deal of rain since-new year's day. It has heen almost a continuous shower up to nvsszij a yesterday, and as warm as May. Strange weather for this time of the year. capital invested in the Newspaper business, are notoi ioutly smaller, as A general thing, than on any other business. It is therefore more important to newspaper men that their busiuess be conducted strictly on the cash plan. They have to pay cash for everything ; paper, ink, labor, &c, &c. They can't do this, when they have to wait on their subscribers six and twelve months. Pay as von eo should be the motto of every one now. There is no Ion ger any excuse for the old credit system And wheu we take into consideration the pleasuie that is afforded when we remem ber that what we have or aie using is paid for, it becomes a duty we owe ourselves and one another to adopt a system so de sirable: and so well calculated to promote peace and the geueral interest. We have been very indulgent with our patrons, and we have suffered by it hun dreds of dollars. There are hundreds of dollars ou onr books accrued within the last two years ; but we tbink and hope those whom we have indulged, at a sacri fice to ourselves, will pay us soon. We know that each of them can pay the small amount opposite his name, and we believe tbat each and all will do it. Still, in or der to cany on our business successfully, we must adopt the cash system. We therefore urge our friends and patrons to come forward without delay, pay up old scores and renew their subscriptions. It will enable us to give them a better pa per, and they will read it with more sat isfaction, having paid for it in advance. on a wall, and she had daily recourse to the hot ing. bath to scrape off the color Tax Purest and Swfetest Cod-Livek Oil is Hazard & Caswell's, made on the se shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard a Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it pre fer it to all other. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in market. HARRIED. In Marklesburg, Pa., Dec. 25th, 1873, by Rev. J. . Heilig, assisted bv Kev. . Mc- Henrv, Mr, SAMUEL G. ISETT, of Hunt ingdon, Pa., to Miss NELLIE C. HEILIO, daughter of the officiating clergyman, and formerly of Cabarrus co., N. C FRESH ARRWALS ! Cheaper than Ever! Just received at R. W. Price' Family Grocery Store, fresh stocks of choice Coffees, Sips, Syrups, Iota, all kinds of SU3AR CURED MEATS, Fresh Meats, Pork Sansage, (received daily), Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal and a splendid assortment of Confectioneries for the Christmas NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. sent by mail for 50c that re tail quick for $10. R. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. 4w. 0 Brings von free hy mail the verv beat dO'BL A8TIC TRUSS Write at once to Pemekoy Co., 744 Broadway N. Y. 4w. Tradeftip-at low Salisbury, dec 10. tf prices." DEATHS. DIED In this County, Jan'y. 1st, 1874, MARY LUOLA, infant daughter of 8. G. and Mary J. Patterson, aged eleven months. Another lovely flower has been transplant ed from this sin-stricken earth to bloom in the Paradise of God. Another voice has been added to the angelic choir around the throne of God to sing redeeming grace for ever and ever. Another ransomed soul has been added to that multitude which no man can number, whose robes have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. Bereaved parents be comforted. The Lord gave and He has taken away. With your darling child it is well Rev. A. W. Mangum and family have been spending a short season in this city with their friends and relatives. Mr. Man gam is an agreeable pleasant gentleman and devoted popular minister. He is al ways welcome in this section. Rkligious. The Rev. J. G. Neiffer will, by special request, preach, next Sunday night, in the Lutheran church of this place, on the " ministration of holy angel" The often popular, but unscriptural and absurd idea, that after death human beings will be come angels, will be duly noticed. Executor! Mce. This to give notice, that the undersigned has obtained from the Judge of Probate of Rowan county, Letters Testamentary on the tale of Nathaniel Hoyden, deceased. All persons having claims against said dee'd. are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the nndrsigned on or before the 19th day of De cember, A. D. 1874 ; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. A. H. BOYDEN, Executor. Dec 18, 1873. 14;6w, The Marie Comb Sent by mail to any one for $1. Will change anv colored hair to a permanent black or blown and coo tains no poi son, trade supplied at low rate. Addrca. MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mas w4- Kuaint, Kueer & Karious Is the valuable book we give to all. Full of facts, figures and fun. 64 pages. 50 picture. Mail for two stamp. Address G. BLACK IE A Co., 746 Broadway, N. Y. 4w. i . ' Relief for the effects of Errors and Abu in er lift Manhood Restored. Impedim.-nu to Marriage removed. New method of treat ntent. New and remarkable remedies. llonk in Cm iSiv --iit free, in sealed envelope. Addr-0. IUV. 1 1 ASSOCIATION. No. 2S..uth Ninth Si, Pin.j- delphia, Pa. an Institution having a high re putation for honorable conduct and profession al skill. Oct 30, 1878. 1. AGEHT8 wanted for the Centennial Gazetteer OF THE UNITED STATES i Showing the gigantic result of the first 10O years of the republic, A book everybody wants Send tor circular. Address, Zicgler & McCurd v, a a r. i i aw a . - oie Arcn at, nuiaueiuliia, l'a. 4w contains neither Uuinine nor Arvnio urfoM- " Suffer little children to come unto me," ly safe, and makes positive and permanent cures. Only 00 cents, sold by all Druggists and country Merchants. Prepared by THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Druggist, Salisbury, N.C. sept. 4, u. " for of such is the kindom of heaven.'1 Cam. On the evening of the 1st January, inst., LILY AGNES, infant daughter of S. H & j1. O. Wiley. The church of Third Creek, Rowan co. was called in the Providence of God, with his fami ly, friends, and the community in general, to mourn the loss by death, of one of its oldest and most valuable members, in the person of Mr. David Waddell. He had attained the ad vanced age of about 76 years. He was a regu lar attendant and liberal supporter of the church which he joined more than forty years ago under the ministry of Rev. J. D. Kilpatrick. He was born and brought up in the same vi cinity, where he spent his long and useful life. Having had in his early life few advantages of schools, yet of good natural talents, he acquired a good practical business education. His large experience, metnocicai naoita, ana stern integ rity of character, rendered him in general a wise counsellor. He avoided all litigation, and was the promoter of peace. Not aspiring to EgTaI bls OR A aaja.1 at the Da.J.P.1 ar "iVrirCtahl. Tl li m nm I I gvzntt it aa laiOlibl. cure for Nrra. Kit- Ovttl A New Book. There is now in Press and will be ready by the first of February next, a new K. G. Justice and Form Book. It is compiled and edited by Qnent Busbee, Esq., The proprietor ship rests in Mr. Jas. H. Ennisa, Book teller, Raleigh, K. C. From what we hear of the work, it will prove of very great value to the J ust ices of the Peace, and in fact, to all public officers. It has been compiled j with great care from the statutes in force and the decisions of the Supreme Court, with fall explana tory noted. Every public officer and business man (should have one. Price $2,00 Hull bound sheep $2,25. : Good News. It is cause for thanks giving that through all the rainy days and tempting festivals of the past two weeks, not an incident has transpired to disturb the calm surface of our orderly communi ty. What tetter news 1 The young peo ple were joyous but they did not forget the rules of propriety. Our olden people were sociable und enjoyed the cheerful anniversaries, but they were, as usual, on their good behavior. A people who can keep goodlmunred and quiet through all the rain and mitd wc have had recently in onr town, dcBerve "first honor" ou deport- The members of the Lutheran church had a Christmas tree for the benefit of the chil dren of their Sabbath School, on the eve of that annual festival, which proved to be an occasion of rare interest to all who attended it, The pastor, Rev. Mr. Neiffer, was hand- any public office, he confined himself to the somely remembered in the distribution of affairs of bis farm, and the quiet of domestic presents, havinsr been resented bv the Ves- life. Of great industry, and accustomed to la try with a purse of $30 to accomplish a bor from his youth, he acquired a competency, a neat and complimentary design. and always enjoyed being busy when his health r . IJCIIIIlucu A gentleman of the old Presbyterian stock, The AMERICAN Farmer FOR JAN- he was polite and hospitable to all. and es- I .9 a. i i i : CiBT.-Thi. ,,nd.,d joarn.1, g-ff - ' - - old in years loses none of the brightness vonth. with whom he lved very hapv 5-i years, of vnurh nnd cornea to na this month in survives bun with four daughters; two married WtCkffvaaa iutu.Ker.Tiu EwinrUHi P. torr pamphlet (tnamnteejrmtU. f 50 Reward for an Thw John. N. C. a new dress of freshness aud beauty, as well as enlarged and otherwise impro ved. The Farmer does not aim to be sensa tional, but solid and reliable. Its corre spondents are prominently known in tbeir several branches, and are numerons and able. Special attention is paid to Live Stock, the Dairy and Fruit Growing, though no other branch of faim work fa neglected, full space being given to To. bucco. Cotton and other staple crops of w i a these latitudes. Bpsides the Poultry Yard, Apiary, &c, there is a Fireside Department for the ladies, with Useful and Domestic Recipes, Hygiene ore. fcc. Published by Saml. Sands- & Son, No.9 North St., Baltimore, Md., at 81.50 a year or at $1.00 to clubs of five or more Verv liberal premiums- are offered for J r clubs. Specimen numbers sent free. with families, and two unmarried, to lament his sudden separation from them for a season . .1 . .? . I T". . or. ratner iney leei warneu in me rroviaence os God, to make ready for reunion with him, in that better world where parting is unknown. Bis decease leaves a vacancy in society dimcult to fill. No further seek his merits to disclose, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, ( There they alike in trembling hope repose ) The bosom of his Father and his God ISEX IS, For COUGHS, COLDS. HORSE AND all THROAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXCS .TRIED and SURE 1BM11 Sold by Druggist. 4w LARGE SALE. A large sale of personal property will take place on the 6th day of January, 1874, and to continue from day to day, at the plantation of tne late John 1. Shaver, miles north of Salis bury, comprising about C. F. BAKER, & CO., sell the celebrated The TiHailM Buin The Time's Tools Ac, of Mot Browa 4 Weant having (alien into my i i iiIm J ail the Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper wa in lis variotaa branches. Will do Hoose GutteriaB 4ku. at rsaeomble vstea. f will also have for sale, Cookia recommend, and that will givei 1 w Dot reapooatble for anv debts the ins of Brown A Weant may have contracted. Ste.mcil C lifting. And Cotton King Cook Stoves. A lap, Chorcb, Parlor ana office Rtevea, and war rant them to gire perfect satisfaction. Vim. Shee t-tron dt Copper Work done at abort notice and in the beat manner. Sept. 11, tf. 1 tm W premmwd to cut good for mai king Tobacco, Floor Ac-, at the follow ing price. One-fourth inch letters 6 One-half and 6 re-eight Three-fourths A one in., letters 7 - Persons lirint in other Towns or to there try. wanting Stencil Plates may caJcwkle the and send their orders, slating star of aft tecs, P. O. money Order for the amount, and ) f iU cut the Stencil Plate and forward by ret urn maT if possible, free of Postage. The Little Uetn. I also have for sale the "Little Gem" for marl ing clothing. Cards, Ac with JndeiiSle Ink. The letters can be changed to print any asM very neatly. Price complete $1.15. MUSIC STArfB. The beat Portable Music Sued in the WorlJ for Brass Bands. It is very neatly sad made weighs leas than two roends aa packed in a small space. t ratented Sept. 13th, 1670: Aog. Cth, 1874. Diploma awarded bv the AaaawiasiLaalituti Exhibition, New York, 1871. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, One or two rood Brass Finishers. L. V. BROW. Salisbury, X. C, Job 17th 1878-tf. . -VA- iiWsrMaSmy "Sasfi Tl W 2000 CORN H. Enniss, sole agent Salisbury, YICJCS For 1874. 10 bead of Hoses aai Holes, one Cotton Gin, a large quantity of Hay and Shucks, three 2-horse Wagons and Gear, some farming Tools, several head of Cattle, and oth er articles too tedious to mention. tW Terms of sale cash . TT S W 1 T ST N EDWIN SHAVER, Aam Salisbury, Dec 10th, 1873. ts. SMITH'S LUXG PRESERVER Is a sure and effectual cure for CONSUMPTION And all the dieases of the AO. NEW SPRING 200 fAGlXt 600 ENGRAVINGS, and COLOKED PLATE. Published Ouarterlv. at 26 Cents a year. First No. for 1874 just isiued AUrerman eauion at same price. Address, JAMES VICKS, Rochester N. H". December 4th 1873. tf mcnt. 9fi? a The ReV. P. A. Strobel, for some time the acceptable and euergeiic Agent of the American Bible Society in North Carolina, ban resigned that position to take effect the first of January, 1874. Democrat. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MARION HIGH SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, at marion. Mcdowell co., v. 'PHIS SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED JL JAN. 19TH. 1874. and continue 20 weeks. Rev. 8. R. Trawick, A. M , Principal.assisted by Mrs. S. R. Trawick and others. Primary Studies, per term, io uu Intermediate, " 20 00 Junior and Senitor, 25 00 Latin. Greek, French or German, each 5 00 Music on Piano Forte, per term, 2000 Use of instrument, 500 Board in the best families, per month 9 00 tST for further particulars, apply to Dr. . H. Gilkey. or Maj. W. H. Maloue, Marion N. C. for Circular. December 5th. 1873. Dec. 24. 15 : 1 mo. CRAIGE& CRAIGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AMD Solicitors in Banhrnplc 9. 7 Special attentionpaidtoProceeings n Bankruptcy. Sept. 5,-51:3mos. 500 SACKS G. A. SALT, 100 do MashalFs Fine do 100 Bbls. Molasses. Iu Store in prime order and for Sale by BINGHAM & CO STILL THEY COMB! AT WALLACE'S pTORE. NEW FALL AND WINTER STOCK ! Xiarsrer and Better than Ever V. YJTAXilaACS haajmt returned from the Northern citien with a full and complete stock, in which great Bargains can be had. Those buying for cash or barter, will find it to their interest to examine his Stork beforo buy ing elsewhere. Thankful for past patronage he hopes by fair dealing and strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Piedmont Air Line Railway. Agents Wanted. KKN I) FOR CATALOUOE. DOMESTIC BSWIMO MACH HE r9., V W York The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe says the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deo bailm ent known to the medical world is It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system restores vigor to the debili tated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and nets directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. K EL- LtKiti, 18 Piatt St. X. 1. 4w. Send for circular to WM. A. Smith, Concord, N. For sale by C. R. BARKER Co. Salisbury K. C. And all principal druggist' iq the United States. April 3 Wm., j TO CHURCH OFFICERS. I offer Pure Grape Wine for -Communion purposes. Believing it wrong to sfll or use the adulterated Northern stuff so-called Wine for this purpose, I shall keep none but Pare North Carolina made Grape Wine, which I can conscientiously recommend. Also, Hanging, Bracket, and Stand Lamps, suitable for the Pulpit, wall or ceil tog, at moder ate prices. (Jive me a call. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Drvggist Satuimrw, N. C. Oct. 2-tf. COOK 4l BJLOWTT . are now ing tbeir usual lane stock of Sprint Consisting of all classes of goods adapted to ibis section of Country. Tbeir stock is full and complete in all tions of 1'rints, Black and Brown I i nstns rwt T W 1 1 m T 1 atwwi(a S as ika swssaar- mrm uibi las lev wwweae v styles. Lsdies' ready made suits, a saoM ka0Rjnl : selection of Csasimera snd Costing. Past J sana of all kinds. Tbeir stock of Clothing, shirts sad furnishing goods is the largest and Basal desira ble to be found in tin market. A full aad sjs- plete stock of Shoes, IfaU, Hosey gloves, Rib bons Ac Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and all kit kiodW GROCERIES. Their terms are strictly casfe and barter a lew exceptions. Those who are reliable and ' prompt in paying tbeir accounts it affords them pleasure fo accommodate. To enable tbens OS) i sell goods at dose prices, which they are deter- . mined to do, this policy has bee adapted, w Business Changes. A few busi ness changes have taken place In our city since New Year, but as. a general thing the old firms remain in statu quo, show ing a satisfaction with their success and various enterprises always gratifying. Amonc the few changes ivhich have taken place, we notice that the 6rm of Messrs. Mock & Brown has been dissolv ed, Mr. Brown withdrawing, and Messrs. Bingham and lUnkiu, two enterprising and clevoH Jloung men, taking the place of Mr. Brown with Mr. Mock, Mr. Gaskill bus withdrawn from the firm of Messrs. McCubbins & Co. He will enter,' business we understand, with a new firm. RattirjlBd. We welcome back to North Curolinu, Mr. W. T. Marlin, who left Ireru about four years ago for Arkansas, where he has been living sinoe that t Mr. Marlin. like nearly all those who -I Bf 1 " leave North Carolina in the hope of bet terinf tbetf condition, has no doubt found that he made a great mistake in removing horu'tne 5$tate. There are thousands of North Carolinians scattered over the VVea tern country, who would gladly embrace an onrjortuuitv to return to their old homelTMrlr'ff HSrerfl offered. But many of them have oipended all their worldly goodsstfTt means in sercb of a better conn y tcaf'tW in : They have not . found it. and 1 Ley are unable to return. What P'ty that people will not let well enough alone.- Stay at home you can not better Jour condition. North Carolina is the bem place for North Carolinians they have ercr been able to find. Cash System. Many of our ezefaan g( s have adopted, unequivocally, the cash iyitcnv-SWta the first of January 1874. hence fofkglty pdjitively refuse to on kr'iy names or 1'tfcrir books unaacompa j"i'd with the cash. This la as it should ',f'- So loigas the credit aytt m is in-Qulgf-d, bu loug will the newspaper bu si eis be aokavg. Tne profits realized Ou the Fatal shooting. On the evening of the 24th utt., a man named Hare was shot and killed by a youth named Mielten, son of Captain John Sheltoo, of Madison Coiiutv. The affair occurred at an illicit distillery on Laurel. Asehville Pioneer. A negro known as Bill Henderson was killed on the night of the 27th ult., near Davidson College, by 4 or 5 other negroes at a dancing frolic. No matter whether any of the negro murderers are convicted or acquitted, the tax-payers of Mecklen- burg will nave to pay a ueavy out ror Court charges and jail fees. CharDemo-crat. WAR CLAIMS. Having been appointed Special Commission er of War claims for N. C, all loyal persons that haveclaims against the United blntes, for property destroyed or taken by the Federal army, can present them to me, as I am authoris ed to take depositions and forward the same to Washington. J. M. UUHIW Com. of War claims. Jan. 1 1874 tf. Breach-loading Shot Guns $40 to $300. Double Shot Guns, $8 to $150. Single Guns, $3 to $20, Rifles $ to $75. Revolvers, $6 to $25. Pistols, $1 to $0. Uun Material, r if h ing tackle. Large discount to Dealers or Clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, A., bought or traded for. Goods sent bv express C.O.D. to be examined before paid lor. 4w. $20 SAVi-D! Ib meet ike urgent demand of the times the FLORAKCE SEWING MACHINE CO. have determine REDUCE PRICE? and will hereafter sell th ir $70 Machine for $50, and other styles in proportion. THE FLORANCE Is the ONLY Sewing Machine that feeds the work backward and forward, or to right and left, as the purchaser mav prefer. It has been greatly INPROVED AND SIMPLIFIED, and is better than any other machine in the market. it is now the Cheapest Florence, M No v 1373. 4w JOHN S. HEN DEfcSON- Attorney and Counsellor at Late YD Solicitor in Bankruptcy, SALISBURY, N. C. tdP Special attention paid to Proceed ings in Bankruptcy. Feb. 20,-tf. HOUSE PAINTING, Sira Painting, Carriage Painting, Carriage Trimmin , Paper Hanging, Ac. I am prepared to execute sll orders in tbe above lines. Satisfaction warranted. Office, neat door above Parker'. Orders from the countrv promptlv attended to. H. T. BIOWN. Aug. II, 1873 3mos. Richmond & Danville JL. Danville, W., H. C Richmond ft Division, and North Western N. C. B. W. Fine Pigs for Sale. r -t: - MR. JOHN C. MILLER, a farmer and citizen of this vicinity, offers to deliver Pigs, safely caged, at the depot in Salisbury, when old enough lo wean, at $10 per pair, or ?b a single one, Tbe rigs ottered are trom his highly improved Sow which has taken the nrst premium n 1 v mree inst r airs at oni isbury. Her dam was imported Trom Eng land crossed by the Essex ana iNooue. My premium sow is jet black, lengthy, head short and broad, short legs. Has from ten to sixteen pigs at A litter. Would net, if fat, 400 lbs. Orders sent from a distance with the money, wtfl be promptly attended to. I have slaughtered pigs this Fall from 3 different litters of in v premium sow : The first was one tbat took 1st premium as a fat ted hoe, at Salisbury Fair, 23 months old netted 503 lbs; pork. The next, was one that took 2d premium, netted, at 17 months, 405 lbs. The next, lot, was three sucking pigs which took 1st premium : butchered at 5 months, leas a few days, and netted 127, 125 and 122 lbs. pork. I have one young sow which bids fair to surpass the dam of these slaughtered lioga, when fall grown. JOHN C. MILLER Salisbury, Dec. 21, 1873. 3t CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. la Effset on and after Thursday Jan 1st 1874. GOING N OUT 11. 11 STATIONS. NOTICE Tfl DEBTORS ? All oersons indebted to us are respectfully but urgently requested to call and settle with out delay. JUHiN 41. ISAKtlAKI & UU. Dec. 25 187331. Leave Charlotte.. " Air-Line J'nct'n " Salisbury .... " Greensboro... " Danville " Burkevilla ... Arrive at Bichroond. Mail. 7.00 r x 7.16 10.09 " 2.15 AX 6 38 ll.40 ' 2.32 r a Express. H. 33 8.60 10.47 I. 16 3.27 8.06 11 03 A M i M r h r m Facb PxntTraG. The belles of the present day should take warning from the fate of Lady Coventry, the celebrated beaut , who killed herself by the use of paint and cosmetic?. She had her face and neck always bedaubed so thick that the pores of the skin were completely closed, perspiration stopped, and then resninttioai totally ceased. It is said of Lady Mary Wortley Montague- that the paint ou her skin was as thick aa plaster Assignee's sale of Real Estate In the matter of William F. Waton, bankrupt, In Bankruptcy. Bv virtue of sn Order of the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, I will sell at public auction, .a rn m a?l I at the Court-House door in me lown 01 Salis bury, on the 10th day of January, 1874, the re versionary interes of Willi am F Watson, bank rupt, in the Homestead allotted to him by law, consisting of 235 acres, more ojr less, situated in Rowan county, in Locke Township, adjoining the lands of T. C. Watson, Mary Watson, J. B. Gibson, and others. Terms cash. Dated this 17th day of December,' 1873. 14:4t) JOHN S. HENDERSON, Assignee. SALISBURY, N. O, Dec 18th, 1873. PROPOSALS Will be received at this office nntil 12 M., Feb ruary 26th, 1874, for conveying the U. S. Mail from this place to Mooresviile, in lreueu co., once a week and back. Schedule: leave Salis bury every Friday morning snd return from Mooresviile every Saturday. This contract will commence July 1st, 1874, and expire June 30, 1875. All bids must be accompanied with suf ficient security. D. L. BRINGLE, (14:tf) Postmaster. CATAWBA HIGH SCHOOL, NEWTON, N. C. The 17th Term of 20 weeks, will begin Jan- uarv 5th 1874. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Leave Richmond. .. " Burkevi'le " Dsnville Greensboro " Salisbu y " Air-Line J'nct'n Arrive at Charlotte. Mail.. Express. I 1 48 r m 6 13 a m 4 68 " b.28 " 9 63 " 1 1 "3 r a 1.16 AM 4 00 " 3 56 " 633 " 6 2i " 8 53 " 6 30 AM a 00 " GOING EAST. igONio wasT. STATIONS. Leave Gieensboro.. ' (Jo Sbofs " Raleigh Arr. at Goldboro'.. Mail. 3.00 a a 3.55 " 8.30 " 11.40 AM Mail. THE OET KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT Til K 8AMI Tl M K Purges, Puriiien and tenzt h ens the System. Dr Tutt'l Pills sre composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are Sar ds psril'a snd Wild L 'hurry, so united as act to gether: the one, through its admixture with other snost ces, puruying ana purging ; wauie other is strengthening the system, inusiliese Pills are st tbe same time a tonic and a cathar tic a desideratum long sought for by medical . 1 r j: ' 1 I. ..!. men, ouv never ueiure uijh.tjvcicj. ah hw word.thev do the work of two metlicines snd do it much better than any two we know of, for thev remove nothing from the avsteni but im- mintiM ho tbst while thev pnree they also strengthen snd hence they cause no debility and are fallowed bv no reaction. Tlr Tntt'i Pills have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not only purify without wpukenmsr it. but thev remove all noxious par ficles from the chyle before it is converted into fiuid, snd thn makes imbilitation, to there is no nausea or sieknexs attending the operation Oi this most excellent medicine, which neverstraina 1 . 1 A r.r tortures tne diaesiive onrans, oui cause them to work in a perfectly natural manner Positiye and Permanent Cnres ! Rend the following. CutTTOH, X. Au. 15, 1873. Theo- F. Klcttz, Lpq.: slislHiry. N. C. Dear Sir; I bought last fall from Wade, Bovkin & Co., Baltimore, 1 down bbttlcs of your "Klutti's Chill Cure'' 1 sold it lo fbose having chills, and as this is a prevalent sickness in many sections. I wss anxious to find a tpeae for Chills, Fevers and Ague Ac. I looked care fully after tbe results of each bottle, some ei which wss nsed-tn long-standing esses, and allow me to say that every bottle ejected a cure. I am now selling it and warranting a rwe or ae pay. This "Kluttz's Chill Cure" saves many a Doc tor's bill of $3, 10, or $20. I enclose the pay for 4 dosen more, as the last dozen is all gone, every bottle warranted, aud not in:a single case has the benefit of the warrant bees, applied for. ery Kespectiully 1 ours, li. J pLYALS. FURNITURE! o J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. Wholesale aud Retail Dealers im Furniture, Invite attention to their stock of Cot tage Bedsteads French Chsjniber Suits, goods are sold on time to indiscriminate parties, heavy losses will occur from tbe Bankrupt aw Homestead provisions of the lsw, and when lease are sustained by merchants, it is a well stateS tact tbat such losses sre met and it is reasons ble to suppose tbat tbe losses to be made up as f a s a si r r-r4 a Wl a f 1 1st nft lha 1 in a 4 visa JsaBsm. SV I'l SVIIVUI Mlir UH itic iivwcat ISBIMIB torn era. They have determined to stop thia WiT of doing business, by selling at tbe lowest rasa and barter prices snd credit 00 man who unworthy of it. Thev are thankful to their daily friends sbjS customers for tbeir verv liberal custom and fidence, and hope bv selling Good Goods at prices to secure tbeir continued favors. JUC K JBKUWK. March 27 tf. A LECTURE TO YOUUfi MBN. Just Published, is a StuUd kmreloi. sir erats. A Lecture on thr Nat-re, Trestment Radical cure of spermatorrhoea or Beminal Weakness, Involuntsrr Km ins. Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Net- vnusness, Conuuiption, .pilepsy and FlU : Mental and Physical Incspacity, ioltibg trvm Self-abuse, etc By ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. I)., Author of tbe "Green Book,"' Ac Tbe world-re nowed author, in thi admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own sapor ieace tbat the awful consequences of Self Abuse mar be effectually removed without medicine and without dangerous urgical operatioaa, bougies, instrumeuU, ringM or cordial, pointinf out a biode ofcuro at once certain and effec tual br whicnevery svffererr lo matter what bis condition may be. may cure himself cheaply. pnvsteiv sna rsnicsiiv. iiiid iim.ilss WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSAND AKD THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in 0 plain sealed envelope, on tbe receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Alto. Da. CUVBB will's 'Marriage Guida," price 50 cents Address tbe Publishers, C HAS J C HLIZTE dt CO I Bowerv. New Tori Post Ofics Box4JSSf GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE- Dr. GREEN'S FIT CURE ! The Great Remedy for Spilpty, Curat. Kit, Spasms, Con visions and Nervous Wake fulness, sets promptly, often sirresting the FVsa from the first day's use, even where they bovo existed for years. COatPOUHD EX. COR YD ALIS ! The Great Vegetable Alterative, Curaa, Scrofula, Secoodory Syphslis, Eruptions 00 tho akin, and all diseases arising from is par Arr. 1430a sL' veto 08 - m 640 " L've300r NORTH WESTERN XT. C . &. B. (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 4.40 r M Arrive at ialem 6 86 ' Leave Salem 800 a x Arrive at Greensboro.. 100 a 9 ssenger train leaving Raleigh at 7 40 m connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train making the quickest time to all Noranern cities' Price ol Tickets same ss vis other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensboro connect st Greensboro with Mail Trams to or from points Norih or Sooth. Trains daily, both ways On sondsys Lvncbburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 942 A M , arrive st Burkeville J r u , leave Burkeville 4 86 a a , arrive at Rich mond 7 68 AM ' Pnii.n PoUco Para on sll merit trains te- W alnut snd nsinted CsneSeat Chairs. Hooking Thai ra of all descriptions, Kstension Dining Tables- -tables of al 1 kinds-J-Ward robes. Bureaus, Y ashntauds, vt liat-xfots, bofas. Reception Chairs and Parlor Spits. Also, many other articles which we are prepared to sell as cheap or cheaper than any Boose in the western part of tbe Htate lie sure Bn call, nearly opposite he Mansion Hotel, next door below the Express -office, see onr stock and near oar prices, unr terms cash Special orders (made from photographs ia hence persons taking them do not become pale our office) will be supplied . . . . . , . 1 - 111 &nd emaciated. Oui on tne contrary, wniie an impurities are being removed, the combined se-1 - - n 1 1 1 inn 1 - . tion Of the osisspriiiis aim w uu inerry pnn- fio. nnA i n v lororstes the bod v. and action. 1'nce 25 cents a box. Sold by all druggist. Denot 48 Gnrtlandt St.. ew. 4W. MEDICATED HOVXT. A Sovereu n Balm far Coogao Colds, chilis, Asthma, and all diseases of the sir pan sages and Li ng. By its timely use many oao posed cases of Consumption ar promptly re lieved and tbe Lungs restored to health. :iTE UR ALGI A SPECIFIC f A prompt, positive snd permanent relief for tbs excrncisting pain of Neuralgia, tism and Sciatica. Por Bale by T. P. Prepared only by Dr. GREEN, LINDLEY 4 CHARLOTTE X. C Nov. 6, 1873 -ly. Warranted Chill Cure. The only warranted chili cure sold ia section of the Slate. Prepared by the. Lo., of n.u. mrrty vegetable, childroa tofeo it as well as sduits. Fur sale only bv O. at Bues A Co. Money refunded ia sll cases waul cnres sre not effected. Sept. II, tf e Oin - oo RA t. Rnsrd. tween GhsrloUs sad Kicumonu. iwudq.v teflSsftomW uisro onthT ' For further informstionsduress Rev. J. C. CAPP, A. B., Principal. Gen-i Ticket Ageat. Rev. J. A. FOIL, A. B. ft ,-Vs.,i, Greeasboro, X C J. D. ROWE, wmanw. T M R TALCOTf Dec. 18 1873 6tms. Engineer a Gen l superintend!. A full assortment of Rosewood, Metalit snd Walnut Burial Cases, which can be tar nished st 3 hours notice. Jan Iff If. cnres all Honors from the worn Ola to s common Blotch or Pisa pie. From two to alx bottles are warranted to care Salt Bhenm or Tetter, Pimple on Vsk.ce, aaoiaO. Erysipelas Sad Liver Complaint. Six to twelve bot tles, warranted to core Serofnlons awe 11 Inns sad Soma snd sit Skim and Blood blseases. By its wonderful Pectoral properties nwui eme tne severe recent or ttaeertag Cough la ball the time required by any other medietas snd is perfectly sate, looscaieg cough, aoorh- injr irritation, and rcMevtoraoiiueaa. Fold bvsll DrngrtsU. B. V. Pir.Rf E, yt. IX VsrMalMspc0srri BoastoTk. YTZ Important Bantam Sale of Hercbamulse. Sales at Panic Prioes. By virtue of aa order made by the U. fi. Dis trict Court in Bankruptcy, in aa Jdhn B. and Tho. M. Kern, the undersigned as Receiver, offers their entire slock of Good a the lowe-t pi ices ever charged in this market. ; Cnsnc un-meiiiatt-l v, or you will lose great bargains. Sold at Store with sign of 44 Kerns A Co,' oa Msin Street, DAVID L. BRIN'OLE, Doc. Uth. 1873. .H..uij Uooriver. Administrators' Notice. The undersigned having duly quslit&rd ssst Administrators with the will annexed nf Jsa I. Shaver, deceased, hereby notify sll persons tleUrd to said estate to Osaka payment, oa thcMr lis v ing claims against said estate are not ffed to preenl them to tho ondnssjojaod'oo 4 before the 2nd day of September. 1874, ss- st notice will be plead In bsr of their cecov ry. September tad, 1873. BKKST A. LEMLT, EDWIN SHAVER, If) trt tOn P"-dsy Agents wanted flU IU f 60 wberr Partirohus frso. H. BLAia A Co. St LouU, Mo. Nov. 187$-if. ALL KINDS of COVhT Ah DM A. GISTRA TKS JiLAAKS ml fast V 1

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