i i - First Introduction. Ad. mi Madam, I'm Adam, Kve Adam, I in Madam. No ohm objecting, they embrace I saw Eau kiss ..- Kate ; The fact is. we all three saw ; I nw Ksau, he saw me. And shn mw I mw Eau. r A yoang man sought to scenre lu Sweetheart by strategy, be took her out for a boat ride and threatened to jump overboard into the lake if she didn't con sent to marry him. Hat it did not work. 8be offered to bet him a dollar that he daren't dive in. - ; A girl, hearing her mistress ask her hatband to bring "Dombey and Son' with him when he came home to dinner, set two extra plates for the expected Ja?g Cloud is an original, if not a very learned Judge. The Western Sentinel iuforms the public that when Dr. R. K. Gregory applied to this legal lumi nary for an order to force the Coroner of Surry eoonty to hoi i a post mortem e amination of the Siamese Twins, he ren dered tho following summary decision : 'Go to bell ! Thar now." , - Tbe Pacific Rural Press thus sums up the object of the Patrons of Husband 1. I in ennoblement of labor and the prod u iog classes. 2. Bringing mote closely together the producer and cutis inner. 3. Mutual instruction. The lightening ol labor by diffusing a better knowledgt of it s) aim. , 4 rtocitl culture. ( 5. Mm n il relief in sickness and ad versity 6. EffeviMnion of litigation. 7. Prevention of cruelty to animals. 8. The overthrow of the! credit sys1 teill 9 ftuildiiig up and tottering home in dustry. 10 M u. nil prelection to husbandmet. ug.ii .i Hturpvr and monopolists. Butts w i instituted Saturday in the rtupeii M (J. nu t of Wake county, says the lUlelgh. Sctcs, by August Belmont & Co., bmikeis of New York City, jar plaintiffs, to compel the State Auditor to collect the special taxes levied on all the taxable property in the State bythd several acts of tbe General Assembly j creating the Special Tax Bonds, for the payment ol the interest for the years 1870-'71-'72-73 and '74. The 20th day of the present month has beeu set by Judge Watts foi hearing, at Chambers, in thin city, the motion for a peremptory mandamus. Hon. Reverdy Johnson, Walter J. Budd and R. 0. Badger appear for plaintiff. 8hould the State Courts decide adverse ly V, plaintiff it is the intention of the counsel to carry the eases to the Supreme Court of the United States. Prom the Wilmington Star. The Twins. smwaaawawm Carried No:itii for Autopsy Owing to the fact that the sleet inter rupted telegraphic communication between this city and Greensboro, we were unable yesterday to furnish our readers with in formation concerning the movements of the scientific party which visited Mt. Airy for the purpose of securing the bodies of the Siamese 1 wins. Delow is a brief letter fiom our correspondent, dated Groensboro, February- 4th i " 7- The Siamese Twins arrived hero at 10 o'clock A. M. und went north at 1 o'clock P. M., in charge of Drs. Pancoast, Allen and Andrews. It is supposed they are now the property of the! Philadelphia Medical Society ,-and they arc being taken to Philadelphia for an autopsy and other scientific purposes. The wonderful pair were found well p.eservcd, notwithstanding the reports of lusty Interment. Tbe broad chair used by them was also with the party. It is a common home mado split-bottom affair, about 3 feet wide. What ia " farming P Says the Rural New Yorker : Thre are two classes of so-called farm ers. "One of these classes says farming does not pay ; the other asserts that it does. This suggest the questions : Why is there this difference of opinion ? If Juan Johnson or George Gedd, or a son or other men we could name, should assert that farming does not pay, we should be inclined to believe there was something in it! But we never have heard, that they made such an assertion VL. J . iA. .1.- r ... " no uo in.e uie negative or tins QBCS al 4 A .1 uon iy Are may men who make agricul ture sJetudy t Are men known as mod el business men and who base their asser tion upon incontrovertible facts and figures, realised from intelligent, economical and yet liberal treatment of soils, crops, live stock, ice. T Can these men give na an uvuuiuun ui farming i we are anxious to be enlightened on this subject. Will not some oim who believes farming will not pay give us the grounds of his belief, based upon a clear definition of what he means by farming, with the facts and figures' In detail relative to the manage ment of his farm t We are anxious to get at the' root of this matter to know wheth er the reason why farming does not pay certairwsaen is due to tbe soil, climate, location relative to markets, want of adap- tatioofSf crops cultivated to the market demand, management, railroads, middle men, taxes indolence or ignorance ? Who will bo tho first to tell us what farming is and why it will not jury T Grata Greenwood, in a recent Wash ingtooviotter, tells a little story of a fami ly of Missouri "crackers," carehss, shift less, and intolerably lasy, the daughters if hreti were accustomed to go barefoot, till tlmsolfs of their feet became hard like unto horn. One of these young la ties, om poming home one day from a long t ramp jn the rain after the cows, was stan ding a the hearth drying her clothes, when her old mother drawled out, "Sal, thai-,sa live coal under yer foot. "' The girl slightly turned her head, and drawled back, "which foot mam- NEWSPAPER LAWS. We receive so many inquires as to the laws governing the circulation of newspapers, that we find tl necessary to puDiisn me lotiowiog a a aa .1 i summary, wmen will cover ait mequesuoas that have been addressed to us ; 1. Subscribers are considered wishing to eontiaue their subscription. 2. If subscribers ordering the discouti nance of their periodicals may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. ' 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodical from the office to which they are Utrecieu, tney are nem repousi oie uu they have settled their bill, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to tbe former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take paper! from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence or intentional fraud. ' 6. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether be ha? ordered it or not. is held In law, to bo a subscriber and must pay for it. POSTAL INFORMATION. Letter! go to any part of the United States for three cents per half once, if prepaid Unpaid letters are sent to the Dead-letter office at Washington. Letters weighing over an ounce, and pre paid a single rate, are forwarded to their des tination, and tbe balance due collected on loll very; City letters must be prepaid two cents per half ounce. Books. Postage on books, not exceeding foar ounces in weight 4 cents. Each additional four ounces or fraction thereof 4 cents. Newspapers, Newspapers sent from the ffice of publication' may be prepaid at the following rates per quarter : Dailies, 35 cts. per qr . Weeklies, 5 ' " Monthlies, (not over 4 ox) 3 ' M Quarterlies, M 1 .Miscellaneous Matter. On unsealed circu lars, maps, prints, engravings, mnsie, cards, photographs, types, cuttings, roots, seeds, Vc, on one package to one address, prepaid, not exceeding four ounces 2 cents ; over four tnd not exceeding eight ounces. 4 cents. The weights of packages is limited to thirty two ounces. j Money Orders. Money can be sent to any part of the country with absolute safety, by obtaiuing a Money Order, for which fees are ; On not less than $1, and not over $20, 10 ents. Over $20 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents. . .' mm a - o ontt-r issued tor less t nan Si, or more than $20. Mi miry l'emes It costs 15 cents extra, besides the regular postage to register a let ter. Stamps cut out from Stamped Envelopes are not allowed to be placed upon other let ters. Insure Your Life, IN THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society (cfN. Y.) Assets $21,000,000, Income $9,000,000. Dividends Declared Annually. I ' i Canvassing Agents wanted. Apply to j J. ALLEN BROWN, j Gen'l. Agent. WR1 YOUR HOUSES, FURNITURE, and MERCHANDISE. The Imperial (of London) Lon & Lir & Globe, (of London,) Under writer's Agrency (N. Y.), Franklin (of Phila.), Georgia Home (of Colum bus, Ga.), and Old North State (of Warrenton, N. C.) are all represented by J. ALLEN BROWN, Ageni. FERTILIZERS. Pure Peruvian Guano, Sal Pacific Guano, Navassa Guano, Baugh's Raw-Bone Phosphate, and "No. 1." Lump Lime, Kept on hand, or ordered at any time. Farmers will do well by Engaging what they want at once. Time given to parties giving undoubted security, or lien on crops. J. ALLEN BROWN, Office No. 2, Granite Row at AttccU's Hardware Store. Salisbury, N. C. Aog. 88, 1873-tf. 1874, NOW READY. 1864. 37 YEAR OF PUBLICATION. Turner's N. a Almanac for 1874 is the lar gest and most valuable Almanac published in the State. For Sale by McNEELY A WALTON, Merchant, Saliahtirv. V fi wwvnn in), THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE. : We claim and can show that it i the chkap- L mot beautiful, dfclicately arranged, niceiv adjusted, easilv operated, and smoothly running of all tbe Family Sewing Machines. It re markable not only for the range and variety of its sewing, but also for the variety and different kinds of texture which it will sew with equal facility and perfection, using silk twiat, linen or cotton thread, fine or coarse, making the inter- locked-elastic-stitch, aiiae on D0U1 Slues Ol the fabric sewn. Thus, beaTer cloth, or leather, may be sewh with great strength and uniformity of stitch; and, in a moment, this willing and never-wearying instrument may be adjusted lor fine work on gauze or gossamer tissue, ot ine tucking of tarlatan, or rufiling, or almost any other work which delicate fingers have been known to perform. And with its simplicity of construction ; ease of operation: uniformity of PRECISE action at any speed; capacity for range and variety of work, It T J li i i usj one or coarse leaving an rivam wumu u. We wirh pleasure refer the public to the Gold and Bronze Medals and Diplomas awarded to onr Machines in America, Prussia, England, and recently in Austria at the Exposition in Vienna, where we were awarded five Medals, Merit, Pro- . m . P -a. J gress, and tnree tor articles manuiacuirea on our Machines. But it gives us much greater pleasure, to present to the public the sworn returns of sale, (to which any one can have access) of the differ ent Manufacturers of Machines, for the last four years, made to the receiver appointed by the owners of valuable Sewing Machine Patents, and which shews the precise number of machines sold by each Company. 1869 1870 1871 187S Singer . Mnofctlng Co., SS.TSt 187,883 1'1,2' 0 819 759 Who-i. Wtlahn la 7Bf bft S8.20S 189.526 174.084 Howe McMn-Co., 45,000 75,156 84,010 145,000 Grove A Baker Sewing M .chine Co., 85,1s 5 57,402 Domestic S-wing do WeedSew'ng do 19,687 8,202 WHeozSGIbba do 17,201 2S,90 Wilson do 500 50.SM8 1UJ97 89.655 80.127 21,158 59.010 49,564 43 444 88,689 22,664 American Button-riole Over coming MR chine Co., 7,792 Gold Medal do Florence do 1361 14.573 8 91S 17,660 20.121 IS 662 10,947 13,986 IS 897 IS 798 B. P. Howe do Victor - do Davis - do Biers . - do Rem ine ton Empire do J. E. Braonadorf 'do Kej stone - ; do Bartlett, Reversible do 496 Bartram A Fanton do 420 Leeor do Oriein.il Howe do Pinkie 4 Lyon do 1.89 2.42A Aetra do 4 543 '6,806 Kliplle do Empire do 8.700 8 560 Parham do 1,141 1,7f6 J. O. Fo'ron do M'Kay do lr9 C. F. Thimson do 100 Union Button-Ho'c do Laeavitt do 771 14,9"; 11,901 11 569 457 11,876 6068 4,989 4,269 2,666 1,fHt0 1,000. 614 1,004 90,051 7,689 4 720 4 565 2.966 2,056 980 813 1T 124 311 The reader will also note that although it is charged that Sewing Machines are sold at en ormously high prices, yet he will see that sever al nrms, that were in existence have tailed or abandoned an amprofitable business. We respectfully solicit a call from all parties desiring a first class Sewing Machine. At our Store near the Public Square will be found the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tucking, Cording, Ruffling, &c. Also Silk, Linen, and Cotton Threads, Needles, Oil, &c. Singer Manufacturing1 Co., ; JOHN A. RAMSAY, Oct. 2-tfr Agent. SPIRIT OF THE AGE rnHE Spirit of the Age will present a pair JL of fine pictues worth $3.00 to every sub scriber for 1873, who pays $2 50 in advance for a year's subscription. The pictures entitled Raphael's Cherubs is executed in the finest style of Lithographic printing ; the printed surface o . each is 22x28 inches, and the pictures sell in the stores for $2 50 per pair. Rev. T. H. Pritciiard, D. D., "I Contributing Rev. H. Ti Ifrjijsoir, j Editors. The Age is a weekly Family Paper, adapted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Tradesman, alike in every section of the State ; it is not sectional in its character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its columns will be filled with the choicest matter appropriate to the different de partments atones, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Read ing, Wit and Humor, Agricultural, Correspon dence, an Epitone of the News of the Day, Ac. ORIGINAL STORIES. The publication of Original Stories is a special feature of the Aoe, and for this year we have procurea several from the pens of popular and interesting writers. In this Department alone we can promise our readers entertainment mml in character to that of any of the popular story papers. TERMS IN ADVANCE : One copy one year, (with 2 pictures,) $2 50 " " " " without pictures, 2 00 " " six months do l 25 Every reader of the Spirit of the Ace published before the war, is earnestly requested to renew their patronage; send for specimen copy. Auuress, EDWARDS aV. BR0UGHT0M. eo. la, tt Raleigh, N. C The Wilmington r ESTABLISHED Only SIX YEARS DAILY STAR. Has the LARGEST CntCTTLATION of any iany newspaper in the State, and a circu lation in Wilmington Naerly Twice ai Large as that of any other paper. All the news of the day will be found in it conuensea wnen unimportant, at length whe of moment, and always presented in a clear, in telligent and interesting manner. SUBSCRIPTION (In Advance) une I ear,., .i $7.00 Six Months,. 3.50 lhree Months, 2.00 WEEKLY STAR. PRICE REDUCED THE WEEKXY STAH u v.: - ' ' . mmw nvn VUIUVIUCU with the CAROLINA FARMER, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the tuiiuwing REDUCED RATES : One Copy, One Year .1.50 One Cony. Six Months. .1 nn tdClubs of 5 to 10, One Year, IJUi per copy. EFClnba of 10 or more, One Year only 81 00 per Copy. X3t Specimen Copies sent on applica tion. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Editor & Proorictnr WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 4 1873.-tf. Ra R Re RAOWAVS READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOWK Iter rea lir IM nhwmcnMirt Md mmy dm scfpbe with rant. kadwavs keaoy rklikf u a eras roa EVERY PAI1. J It vu th flnt and Is The Only Pain Remedy that Inatantlr a(np the mo excradatimr i-in. allava fnaamwatloiv. and rare Conir-iion. wbethrntf i do t.uiiica. StMisjich. Buweh, or iKbrr (laadsor on an... br oaa aaillaaltni IN FROM ON'K TO TWBNTV MIXL'TES. in matter how violent w txrrmeUitng th- r-aln the RUKUSt VT1 Bed-fWtten, li.nnn. Crippletl. Nerroaa. Scuraltric, or pToalrated with sfrBBSS uiajr sutler. KAUWAT JJ KtAUT HtLltf !-... win H . n w mmm-m . wnx afford instant bass INTLAilM ATIi ) OT THR KTDNEYS. 1 INr L M V ATION OP TH8 BLADDER. IN FLAMMATION OP THK Id .V KI.S. I-ON.JKSTIO.V OP TUB LCXCS. SORB THROAT, DIFFICULT IlKRATHTXO PALPITATION OK THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CB3UP, DIPTHERIA. CATARRH. INFLUENZA. nEADACHE, TOOTHAPHB. N K r II A I.GI A, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. ACUE ( III 1. 1; nMaSOTSsMM! or tliv Rpudv KfllePto the paHor parta where the pain or difficulty exfaxa will afford eaaa and Comfort. Twenty drops In halfa tumbler of water will In a few moment cure CRAMPS. JTfA!MS, SOUR HTOUACIL HB A RTBI R V, SI K nADACHE. OlAKRIiuEA. DT8BNTEBT. COLm, WIND IS THE BOWELS, and all INTERN A L I'A IN Traveler aboaWI alwara earrr a bottle of atataV Wmjra Brady Belief with them. A fw dmpa In watar win prevent alofcm or palne frotn ehanta of water. It la better than French Brandy or Bitlcra aa ctimulaaL FEVER ABB AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE eared for ftftv eenta. There I not a remedial agem In thle w irl! thai will ewre P-rer and Axue. and all other Mabtrt... Kii-nv "earlt. Tvphoid. Yellow, and other Ferera lakled bv RAO win PlCLMI an quick a RAOM AY'S RE.vDY KK. LIE F. Piny eenta ner botfta. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH RLOOD IN'CRBAFE OP FLESH AM) WKIilHT iiI.KaR KKIN AND BKAL'TIKL L COMPLKX1UN dBCUREU TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S Sarsapariiliau Eesolvent . THE GREAT BLOOD PJ1IFIER. HAS MADE TTIE MOST A STo NTS rTTNrj rTRP.S: m QUICK. So RAPID ARK THE lANiK, THE HOOT UNDER) to BS, UNDER THE 1XH.I KM K OF TlliS TRULY Wo.N'DERFL L MMDICIIfB. THAT Every Daj an tease in FM and few i Seen and Felt Beery drp of the SARRAPARILLIAN RRSOU VENT C"iMiiiuui.-.it'-t 1 1 1 r ur '): BI.kkI. Sweat, t'rtne, and other Kluida and juice n( the tyatem the viitor of life, for it repair the a'eaof the body with new and ottiid material. SemtHla, SvphUU. Cui.ainptinn. tilandiilar dieae. Ulcer in the throat. Mouth. Tu mors. Node" in thcijland'iand (her artoftb v.iem. flore Eyca. St rumor.. .! iliacliancet Inmi s la-- Em r- and the worst fnn of Sktu dHea-e. KriiHi4,u. Fever sr, ScaM Hetnl, Biiitf Worm. Hah Rltcum. Broiprlaa. Acne. Black KMt, Worm III lite Fleh. Ti.mor. Cau ser m thn Womb, and all nenkeniu; and iiainful H chantes, Nisrht.Swcaus, Ixof 8nn and nil wlesm the lite principle arc vriihiu the curative rnnue .,i thi wonder of Miderii Chemi5tr. and n t" day.' u-- will prove to any ; rson ti.- in.- it for elih-.r ot Uie'ae form of Jieeaac lu potent po-.vcr to cure them. It tbe -atlent, daily liecomln redaecd by the wastes ml decomposition lli.tt I Coidinnally provr.v.lin. mc. Ci'eda in arresting i.'.. -- waMea. and" r?air lite rame with tmte tuutrrinl tundc from hrnhhv bbaed ami i his tho SARRAPARILLIAN will and tbaea a.'cnre a cure i certain; for tvIicii oiicc tbl ri-in.-.lv comsnrweta its work, of pnrillcailou. ami oc-eed.lii' dmdni.bluv liar Ions if w.-i.to.. it repair will lio rapid, and ser alajr the patietrt will feet him- - I I irrowliis: bt-tte, and .troiier, liar tood dhtcKilii lietter, apitUi' unpru in.-, and fie?h ail I WeiKiU lti'Tr:.-::: .'. Not only doe the S.rjrpn.i.i vx ttr.vtt.Tvyr excel all known rmedlnl acenta lu thernrc ot" tihmnie. ht... IuIoim. t'oiiatiiutiona!, cud SWiu diseaaca; but It la Ute only ioaltlvc cure for Kidney 0 Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Worth rtie.ic. Cravcl. Diabetea. Dropay, ppatfo of Water, Inciuiliiictsceof Urine. Brlslit'a Di. a-. Albaniinaria, And in all cae where there are t.i lekilwtieMita, or ihe water l thick, clondv. iniKed rli .ub-tam-ea like the white of an ere, or thread, like ''- ailk. or there i a uiorhid. djrk. hdiou .i-..-ar-eiff. an 1 white liom -dut lt-HMit, aul wle.ll tli.ro la pricking. Inn nlu . ualioii wle-u paitie water, and I'j.u 1.1 tU. Mii-.l if i;.o Hack au4 aloi. tbe Loiua. Til mat' C11 red 12 Years' Growth II ultra tj ".j Ilesftl rent. DR. EiADWAY'S PensctParpu?eep!atiiiPills perfectly t.itclc. le-.'an:!y coaled with wert enra. puive. reculaif. purify, i-h-anee and .tretnttneu. Rad w ay's Pill, tor the'eure of all disorder of the Momach, Livir. Howe!, hUdnet. Bladder. Nervous Disease. Hradache. ttoMstiparton. Ouelrrncra, Indleestkia. Dys pepaia, Bilitinea. Bilion IVvrr. Iiitlammatinn of tbe ttowel. Pile, and all Iseraasjamenta of the Internal Vlccra, Warranted to effn-t a H-ltlTe enre. Parelv Y'iretable, containing no uicrcsKy, iniueralaordeleterL euadrnits. A few dose of RAOWAVS T7LLS will free tha tyt t em front alllheahnvw named ilinrdera. Price. SS eenta t-r Box. HOLD BY DKUOOISTH. UK A I) ' KAI.SK AN O TRUE." Rend one letter stamp to BaUWAY A CO.. No. .TJ Warren St.. New York' Information worth thousand will be sent yoa. Iron m the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. T7:7 Peru r inn Sirtip, n Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined an to hare the cIm racier of an a intent, as casifif digested aiul a.inim'lttted v ith the blood as the simplest food. It. increases the. 'uaiititi of Xat lire's Own I ttallslnm Aijcnt, Iron in the blood, and cures "a fhoH.iHint ills," dimply bit Ton in-j up. Incigoratintf and Vital ir.ttnj the Sifs'.tm, The en ri cited and viUillzed blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and icamtc, searching otic, morbid secre tions, and tearing nothing for disease to fee I upon. This is the secret of the 1C9K dcrfut succes s of this remedy in curing Iyiip;rsia, l-icr Com plaLjt, Dro;vsy, Chronic Ii;ir-rIi.o,I5oil.s,l-7crvoiu;-Virections. Chill? niitl Fevers, 3Imi:ors, XiO.i.s of v ii;;tit!it:oii::l 'isror, ;i.;in::c:; of tio Bladder rci:sr.1 rH;!ncy. ai;I Coir.i!aitits, end all diseases originating in a bad rf ate of the blood, or ac companist Cj d bUit.j o.-alow state cf th z system . he iug free from Alcohol. ii ang form, its energizing ccc!:i arc r.ot fal lowed ly cr,rrci:pontLhig reac tion, brf ere jtrrjwtncnt, infit sing c'.rirnati' r'n.-n : r- i I ;:. ) '! p.erfs cf ami bu'ut: stllall.,:i. U.nvr. . 1J ihe t ircal;, slcUl tltrc::, i'j c'l happy nrcn iff nij. her a : . J 7-"o:i:c Si VIA SETij W. FOmLE . ""o. 1 illlo;, ! T! T T - tlfl It) 0,1 tnper dav. Areata ted, ev- 91U 6U lUery where. Particular. A. H. Bi.air ft 8r. Louis, Mo. Nov. 6 1873-tf. free. THE SdUTHKRA MUTUAL a LiBB INSURANCE i m 1- i altars I i wi to1 COMPA OF RICHHOD Amu, 1st Jaaaary, 1673, - 8472,867.23 1 and Issues Annual, Term, Jill j ti.iiifi WlirWPV- tl ting - Farm Property a Specialty. : - .. i . 1 :; Dg. U. O. DAViDSON.TwtJJeai '" JORDAN N. MAU I' IN, Vice-President. 1 a la. ' ' , I I . 1 J. K. NKISWANQER, Secretarr 8. B JO K , General Agenf. J. ALLEN BROWN, of Salisbury, :-vw'A Canvassing Agent. LEWIS 0. II AXES, of Lexington, Local and travelling Agent. May 22, ly. BANK OP STATESVILLE CHARTED l" NDKR ACT OF THK If EN KB AL ASSEMBLY OF NOBTA CAROLINA. Authorized Capital, 5 00 000 THIS BANK has been organized trader the Laws of the State, and all the requirements complied with. Deposits received subject to Check, and when saBaBaweseaaas 'sresasr -. kr aaassaaVeeaaBT special arrangement art made Cenificalea of Deposit will be imuel payable with interest at the rate of 8 per cent $ Executors, Administrators, Guardians, or others holding money in Trust, are authorized by law to deposit in this Bank. Highest price paid for Gold and Silver Coin and Old Bank BiUs; and General i i Banking Business transacted REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE. SAlfL. McD. TATE, Prbswbnt. R. F. SIM0NTON, Camber. Statesville, N. C, Aug. 21, lri73-3uios. PRISE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country 1 . $100,000 00 ! 10 BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE'S 43rd Semi-Annual Gtift Ei TFT JLiNTTRPRKF To be drawn Monday, March 30th 1874. ONE GRAND OAPTIOAL PRIZE, $10,000 IN GOLD ! One Prize $5,000 in Silver ! Five prizes $1 ,000 ") ' Five prizes $500 V Each in GliKENBACKS. Ten prises $100 j Two Family Carriages and Matched horses with Silver-mounted Harness, worth $1500 each Two Buggies, Horses, Ac, worth $000 each ! Two Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth $650! Ten Family Sewing Machines, - - worth $100 each I 1500 Gold and Silvr Lam Hunting Watekf, (in aU) worth from $20 to $300 tack. Gold Chains, Silver-ware. Jewelry Ac., Ac Nnraber of Gifts, 10,000. Tickets Limited to 60,000. AGENTS WANTED to Sell Tickets, to whom Libera) Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $2 -Six Tickets $10; Twelve Tickets $20 ; Twenty-five Tickets $40. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All let ters must be addressed to Lain office, L. D. SINE, Box 8. 101 W. Fifth St. CINCINNATI, O. a a a i a a u i a I all $72 00 EACH WEEK e M k.1 I M .C 1 Agents wanted everywhere. Business strictly legitimate. Particulars free. Address, 86 ly. J, WORTH CO., 8t, Ldnia, Mo. The Biffht Ian, f , PUBIJSHEJJ AX CONOOBD N. O. The Only Paper in the Southern Atlantic States devoted Entiraly to Masonic Interests ONLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR t Circulation now 6500. Clubs of 20, or more, 75 eta Every MASON in the land should sub. sen be. Address. Publishers Bright Mason. Concord N. C iy A limited number of objectionable Advertisement will be received. Jan 29 1874 if. X I 1 !i NY GIFT ENTER A..Vl -. - - - - ' muuv I aaaa. kul ff aMItfaJ latsh al "1 lkl4-:ivWlBBlBliV Dr. J. Walker's California Yin- egar Bitters arc a purely Vegetable preparation, made cfctorly from the na tive herbs found oil the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of whkh arc extracted, therefrom without tho uso TJT"Alcdhol. ' The question Is almost daily asked. 44 What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit TEJtaf Our answer Is, that they remove the cannc of di.sasc, mid the patient re covers his health. They arc the great blood iHirifier and a life-giving principle, sjFsridet Innovator ntul Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of tho world baa a medicine been oummiuitilcl TKscAsftia; the remarkabio .Ml.l.a:.a . C TTaaaa... cuaJiti t( Vixkoab HrrrKBs hi hcaltuc U sick ot every ui-casc man m neir lo. i bey are a 'gentle Purgative aa wall aa a Tonic. reKermr. Oonaoum or Iunainmation of the Liver aud VisceraloOrgana In Bilious Diseases The properties of Dn. fv a i.kbr'b VtXaMAABlltTTKMareAporicnt. Diaphoretic, Carrni native. Xatritiona, Lscxativa, Diuretic, Sedalfrr. CoaTtter-frrilant Sadonfic, AJtara- tive and Anti-Wiiotu. lirsU'lill i li(MilUUS prori iiMi Vi!f. xoar Bitters the most wonderful Id- vigorant that ever suataiaod th- aiukina system. No Persou can take these Bitters accoprfingto (Mreetimn. and remain long Unwell, provided their lames are uot de stroyed by mineral ixiism or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond reparrt Itslious. Kemittent and Inter mittent 1 evers. which arc so prcva Jeut in tlif yalcyK of our great rivers throughout tht OniteHl Stitea.eafecially those of tlu) alissisaii, Oliio. NJisstMii i", Illinois, Tmnusaec, (uiubcrlaud, Arkan sas. Redi Colorado, llnuos. Hio Grande, ""lirhiAlalKima; Mohile, Havnnnah, Uo anokc, James, and many others, with their yat tiiht.it.irics, throughout o;:r entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are InvariaMy accnmpaiiied hy extensive de rangetnents of the cttmmHi and liver, and other abdominal via:era. In their treatment,..-! purgative; exerting a jwv.--crful IVfluence up ;i t!:csc various or pins, is essential iy neeessarj'. There is no cathartic (or pm puie equal to Dk. J. Wa1.kki:'s ViNiUaAt: Bitthrs. as they will speeilily remove the dark colorr,! viscid lii.ittcr with uiiich the bowels are hititlud, at tho sa ne time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, ami generally irstring the healthv functiuns of the tligcative o: -mis. Fortify the body against diseas by purifying ail its lluidsuiih Vi.ki:.r Bittkhs. Xt ejii'lvuiie e;m take ho.. I of a sjrstoni thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or ludigesliou, Head ache, Paui in the Shoulders, Ctij;lis, Tightmss of the Chest. Di.ineKs. Smir Eructistions of t he Stomach. Had T;isto in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, I'alpita tation of the Heart, Inllanninitinii of the Lungs, Pain in the re-ion the Kid neya, and a hundred othtr painful symp toms, are the. offsprings of I)vsepaia. One bottle win i. rfvc a better gmutnteo of its merits than a lengthy advertise nent. Scrofula, or Kin-'s Kvil, White Swellings, fleers. Ervi'ln. SwHIrd Neck. Goitre. Scroftdwu liillaniiualioaA. Indolctit Iiiflannnations, alenairial A !rctious. Old Boron, Bruptitwts t.ftho Skin, Sro Kya-. etc. In tuoso, as iu all oUier cunstitutiunai Dis eases, WaLKKb's Vixkoak ItirTKos haro shown their fwaat ettrativc powers hi tLe most obstinatofoud iutractAida cues. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Uemit tent and Intermittent Fevers. 1 uscaaes of the liusnd, Liver, Kidneys ami Bladder, these Bitters have no cntial. Such Diaeasea are caused by Vitiated IUsmkI. Mechanical DLsoases.- Persons en gaged in Taints ami Minerals, such as Plumber. Trpc-rtter. GuLl-bcaters, and Miners, as ikoy ad v ante in life, are sabjret to p.iralysi.s td" the Botrrl. To guard agaiast tlii. t.ike a dose of WaLKBB's V in Bo a a BiTTF.its (Kx-axioually. For Skipl Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, Illntches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boil, Carbuncle, Kin worms, Scald bead, Sore Eye. ErviH-!a. Itch, 8curr. Discolnmthms' of the Skin, Humors and Diacaaea of tbe Skip of whatever nama sflt nature, are literally dag np and carried out of the System in a short time bv tbe uaa of these Bitters Pin, Tape, aud other Worms, larking in the svstcm of so many thousand, are effectually destroyed and removed, ho vstem of medicine, no vermifuges, no aa thalminirlcs Will free tbe system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in jounj or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonie Bitters display so decided aa inflaenoa that improvemeat is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its impurities bursting through7 the skin in Pimples, Lruptione, or Barm: cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins ; cleanse it wbea it is foul ; yoox feelings will tell von when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system wiU follow. 3 . . - ... &. r. h. McDonald w Dntrruta and Gen. Acta.. San aaa cor. or Waahinrton and Chariton Sta.. H. T. Sold by 11 Druggist, and IWalcra. Ft. H. BfeDOVAUS B CO T-sir--rJ" - 'sti sa run ism, "infiii aaasaa mj au Ifand Deeds, Trustee Deed Commissioner's Deeds, Sheriffs' Deeds, Cnattel Mortgages, &c , For Sale at this ofiis H 1RD WARE. When von want Hardware at low figures, call on the undersigned at No 2 Granite Row. D. A. ATWELL. Salisbury, V. C.,May IS-tf. CATAldfM HIBfl SCHOOL, NEWTON, N. C. l7,hJaerm of20week" n hezia Jae nary 5th 1874. Tuition, fsom $10 to $12.50 per term. 1 in familiea, from $8 to $10 per month Rev. J. C. CAPP. A. B., Principal. Bev.J.A.FOIT A. BTl . T" j. it wnwv r p Dec. 18 18T3-tms. ' WATCHMAN OFFICE is well SttppHed-with large and elegant of PLAIN I FANCY T JOB TYPES, Pictorial or CUT ILLU8TRATION8, 4C. suiUblcfor all kinds of HANDBILL at PRINTING. Finer and mora Ornamental Tvpet for Business & Professional GABD8 1 Visiting, Party and Wedding Cards ; College and School Circular! of all kinds ; PAMPHLETS, Tobacco Xotices a ad LABELS for all purposes ; faht blanks For Clerks. Magistrates s and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in tht Printing Line. THE Carolina IDatftimii AS A NEWSPAPER, la a candidate for public favor. Ill circulation is good, and its standing and patronage improving. It it ens of the best advertising mediums la the State, and offers its tnctlitiea an nfl liberal terms as any. 200 HEAD OF Cattle Wanted The undersiarned wishes to norei Hundred fine Beef CaUle. for whieh he prepared to pay the highest eaah prises lie would also inform the Cmaese of Salisbury that be is fareshiesi the aBmt et with beef (bur times each week ; aaaaely t on Monday. Wedneeday. Friday and Set or day morotnsjs. JO UN BaAfcaV. Maj22-t. j Cheap Chattel Mortgages. and various other blanks for asJe Bsa. A Second Hand FOR SALE. Inquire al this office. Marriage Certificates for ws ktpa. 'L4aT '4 i :-,,'!. ! 1 ' . 1

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