' . - v- - '. - J ii I ' I ' . W m. A-rrr w i StiUM nPU J wW I v I i i o I " - urn i i I m I . XX ' i mm i nHiiwina n n hhhhi HfTn;i lnuiiflittiuu, LOCAL. HJIATlftpl , . yerc announcement of mairiagea or death-, TrtUT notices, we publish without would furnish u wuh utu. ,nc" . , f r,.-,,,.i-t.. Hfe skftohe. o obitume. r matter of wbatevei character , not of gen ,1 jhwre4 I.WWJ lea, liffiiivjdiflMJilHKIJa balih-VifflF&ltimore In Wwt.-41c4a. Frol.thI.plac aad Sets. With such miorua we u i aaava ma.Mii us at mm b w m jaaaat i , remK.yb.. ,.,,,, org""' thereby establiah eptinc le learn th er than jit RaleiglU I en, a to Raleigh to Kaleigh Charlotte 2 diacriminati there any w no somebody el Boad and line that wifexaSWiiW,;t9k War at the 1 bit cheapen !aJe3V u'' r. c.r. TlJii N- C Concord Presbytery. This body Mnvpned at Pro-oeCt church, in this We are glad to Daily EmM" , . .., necuniarily. Mr j. V. Holden has ween nominatou county, at 11 o'clocic, limrsaay iasu aa L .i uda for Mayer of Raleigh, and wa8 preaided over by Rew. Tuttxb, the ni Urv. McK'mnon was A 11 I ' t i L. MilasStokps, the co . j. a. . w .i,.r of course. resident paator1; ji .j .n rmin lioia I Aipnipn umnorirv ecruw y . j. OIU1CU uiau t r 'Mt'TJlrm Jit. ' . . vr 1 li I J . J L. A.f o n K.d his trial on tne cnara-vt ""6' " , r rT ,, s HUinaui R,,nrior flPeond dava. Borne resolntions introdtfe- arf ttteuiptoc, rape uc.v M... h,. hv S Harris. Tuesday ana T inidaon I ZL ( rasistioe an officer at the lime College, ana lorciDiy suaiamea uy u.u. . hftautv and Dower, elicited g bis arrest tor Rumole. and Ber. Court last for the offences. . The Raifb papera are daigUted with tbeftrrtop- of .be season, given by Col C 8 Brow a, of ihe National Hotel, Bsleigb, & few days ago. The hop wa, grand succe ss, and Col. Brown and h.s .on arc both higbly complimented for the .i mi,npr in which eic5i of the occasion wi re dene by them. Stove We notice at the reffporVses from Rev. J E. F. Rockwell; and Professora C Phillips and W. J. Martin, having, in the meantime, come iuto the meeting, were HJOM SWO TOM I patting the store of Messrs. Foster! Horah. our a Went ion was called to Burdick National Feed Cutter for tfae o(4fiIAietfiB. We tbinlc is a deeida4iBjpioveniewt over any cutter thai we have ever seen, and faraaert. aedine- each an article. Id dt well to caJl and examine its Thev are also atrents for the L Jl . . . j - , taaous fWatt Plow" See tUir ad. , jMahiMteeral jattl recti ved at A. Pax ker'a. a? 1 Tbfe following ticket ia aubmitted to MOU 9 MA I V JPO Bbte. Moiaaees. In Stftro tn Srt T A raiiva iui jair UT BLSGlUM'fe CO OF ALL KINDS. ALSO 5 THREAp. AL0O jfDWCf STATION 1 '.TU lit 'voHIT FoolrU f . 1 1 V5 t called" We thought they were very summarily dealt with, for tbey scarcely bad time to learn what was the subject the hoaora e,,&Sing the" atleutiou of the Presbytery. Prot. Martin came torwara, nowever, hdu delivered ope of the most successful im4 promptue speeches we ver heard. Prof. Tin Shop of Mr. L. V. Brown, a very puiilipa rose id compliance to calls, but lundiomt cowking-stove, bearing the a- cVln grmcef Qny npt to speak latest ! -i MrAW j;, otw1 tlma wr lnAt tho Ulltll unci U I'll v( caia iumw - Acorp It is said to be lhi in the mark- band bovc name and beat cooking stove now Latest From Bald Mountain. We learn from a gentleman just from I the West, tbajt tile sliocks, or ahaklnge of J , tbeeaith wCve greater on iasi rnu7, than at any previous time. At.Old Fort, the rumbling was like that of a near a proacl.ing.train of cars. We arc in favor r b. . of the volcano, ry We have berttofore called" the at lotion of. the public, to the aplendid lluck Kve Beehive, now manufactured .!.. l.v Mr. Ilenrv Cauble. of iiu i. j this place ; bat as it ia an article of an doubted merit, ono that every Bee raiser and honey producer should have, we take Uinri. in mllin? attention to it a train. It ii,aBiv -BJ ; w ii better worth the price asked for it than ,,niln of the kind we have ever WtST Ward. f any seen. pleasure of hearing him. ' . ' Rev. J. Allison, a graduate of David son, and of Union Theologic 8eminarf , was licensed on Saturday. His trial ser- mdn at 1 1 o'clock waa listened to by some ivo or six hundred people. Rev. Mr. Boyd, a young minister, hav ing received a cail from Third Creek and Uifity, signified bis acceptance, and arrangements for bja installation were made. ' " ' IMie next meetfng of presbytery will be held at Morgantou, Wednesday even ing before the 2ud Sabbath in Septem ber 4 k . Proapect church is one of the largest congregations in the Presbytery, and is situated in a beautiful section of conatry. Its hospitable people seem intelligent, virtuous, prosperous and bappy. The time is near when the citizens of the voters of Salisbury for their favora ble consideration- SX Mt MAYOR. 9tit J& STEWART . bl,4i ob coiriussioNKRs. i S I . ifL.1 ... 'WhHMiv " P. P. .MerODCV. Andrew Murphy, P.N. Heilig, At the urgent solici taton of many friends, I announce myself a candidate for the omce of Tntpnd.nnt nf Saliabur. on the above or any Usher ticket of good citizens my friendTmay agree upon. f,.r. j , I do not think that the election of town officers should be imhittered by forcing in pouV tioal issues or by making, fidelity to party the sole standard of merit, and I shall, therefor, be thankful for the votes of all citizens who feel a deep interest in the general welfare and good order ot tne place, l nave oen a citizen wr about 20 yearST I am well known to all. In my humble way I have endeavored "to promote the interests of the place. 1 can now oniy promise a faithful and impartial discharge of the ao ties encumbent upon the chief officer of the town, in the evenTof my election, J)r. Keen is alao proposed by hi friends for re-election, t have not a word to say against him, should he detefjnine to be a candidate. Ho has made a good officer. J. J.8. CONSlgtlNG OF Leeral and of Different qualities, also, several styles of KRCIA L, FRENCH AND 1 U; 144 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED to engage during the Mm-ib and Summtr in m. business paying $100 per momU in their own r uiisueipnni ra. - - ' -vis. b'4li da ottdw ..''im ; WORKING CLAlf Male or Female. a2fi week employment at home, day or evenine : n capital instructions A raloAble peerage of goo o . lutxniaw, 173 Ureeawtfli b,Ne York, , ... , . .. 4 . l tiid .ii mm 1 be only kn i B 1 'naaia slit Eit own Kmedr for d M BBHrfS DISEASE, And a peahiM laaaedy fa tmWRRIflGE. JLcllefior Toner Mm from . . .a of Emr and. Abues in rrir lffa New rncihod ot irralTnl Sew nA eMiwviy iriucMir. x w a u i a irniiari w-nt e. in H iiiie7 0aye nO'V.KT AftK.'l ATiON, Rn. ?ouia Kianb Hi, l'Ma- IV.ra IaaUtuiei havieca liagh ie u K.r iiunerttUle c-oaOuct uid .1 t:n ' Oct. so, im.-w. r '-. Pdr s, Colds Horseness. r-iL. 1o -Mltl-Mrli.a itennuz ..ik-uaCT upom.Y in itLFB HoxBs. EXTRACT BUCHT GocT.oRAVix, wtmfrrniES, diabe tes, DYI'EPSl.y. KEBYQU& DEBILITY, uHursi,' - Non-reteotioa or TntfnerVe of Trine, IrrUa tion, Infraaatioa or rtcrnliiori of the BLADDER & . KIDNEYS, 4i orx-M.nmnnvm, I asaiililicea or White, fK-ea-e of (he I'ronUle l.land. tone. fn the Madder. j Qlonlaa Oravel er llrWMaat Depoait and Mu- d F. BAKER, & OO., . noi 'gift Mbe Aaeabeaarl t " -as j ajtiai ... Penciled &c, i e oo Druggist, Stareoseopie ws of the T0SJyiS lolfH CAROLIM Yosemite and other noted places which are truly magnificent. , aleso a stock 4 superior i FLOWER POT, Which will be sold low at Singer Sewing Machine Store on South side main Street, the Public Square. instantly. Thi simple, mental acquire ment all can potaem, free, by mail. Cor 2oc. to gether with a marriage guide. Addreat T aee emde. Jerrnuan Oracle. Dreaina, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, WILLIAM A Ac. A queer book Pube, Phila. 4w. JOHN W. MAUNEY, Attorney at Law, Special Attention gireti to Collections Ofllee in Oonrt House. Mawg,5,,lttf.-ly. NORTH CAROLINA millions of.arcks Rich Farming Lands - IS NKBRASK A. NOV FOE sale VERY CHEAP : TEN YEARS CREDIT. INTEREST ONY I, PER CUT- i Deceptive Pamphlet, wiih Sectional Maps, 1 aV - n rw- t w seni iree. t , A THE PIONEER, a bandsome Ulaatrated Paper, containing the Tlniaieii III Law, matted free t ail parte of the word. .Address, e- . . " F, DAVIS, . Land Commissioner (J. P; B R. Omaha. Neb. 4w. BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS,, , Existing in Men, Women end Chile OT Sit MATTER WHAT THE AGE t Prof. Steele aaya : "One bottle of Kearney' Fluid Extract Bochu h worth more than all other Buchue combined." Price, One Dollar per Battle, or Six for Fire I Dollars, Sold by C. R. BARKER A CO. Depot, 104 Duane St.. X. York A PhvRician in attendance to answer corres pondence ana gyre advice gratia: r Sn stamp for Pamphleta, free. BaSaaBzdXj T SaaClBsaBasS And Cotton IClTig Oook Stove, Xtes. Caarrl. Parlor b4 cdsW Htsra. aa4 to cits pari srtwf aaabert noli -e and ia the at. II. tf. JAS. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel. TO THE- SiiTiuaiu Debilitated , OF OTU EXE8. Ko Charge for A deux and Consul teuton. I m aaab' RLaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 1 .4 at I ft HUNT, Baltimore, far ae latAb aae 21 aiaea, irota 6f to 96 mcb tRVl HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, N. C, vied that these iiuuit ho hush' I. Mr Iloaik and Crow- -paHtag to thoroughly develpp the promu s to be very rich, jftpec:- PioVi RTerlmftna. Cant. J. W. Ronik lias hovu ue eouie rich specimens of gold quartz, tukeo from the new mine lately discovered on or near Dunns "Moun lalii uhnnt three miles from this city. It id estiiitatadjAat these Sl'd to tlio Vmsh I. Mr: ell are pro mine. It mens can beseen at the National Hotel of this city. TWA if Yt-fA I. 0. 0. F. Fifty-Fifth Anni versary Celebration. The mem bers of o.rth State Lodge, No.. 26, I. 0. 0. F, will aAesftl a tha Presbyterian Church on Sunday uight April 26th, to hear a Bertunn, appropriate to the occasion, jirraihoiTTiy lkv. J. llumplo. The pub lie are resncctfullv invited. The mera- , Tn- f bars with their taniftiea will meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, on Monday night April 27th where epecchea will be niadeand relre,iliments- provided. tueo. p. KLurrz, N. G. -w liitm B n a Wc have heard the name ot Mr. Jas. S. McCubbins, J r.. spoken of for the office of County Treasurer. He will make a most excellent one. lie has experience iu the afnirs of the office, and is in every way (jyahtied far the the position. He is a cripple ajid it would eminently suit lrini, and wchopc the people of the county may see proper to vote for him against all v ' I 1 I ' I . , : f Salisbury will be called tovote for Town officers for the ensuing. year. It is donbt leaa wise to fill these offices by annual elections, as, otherwise, it might happen that some most unacceptable person should itz wil yield UpJt possession ot town auuioniy ana J i . t , i . ii .i , r.. l. aOUSC It. It 18 WCIl, mcreiorc, iu ua the matter under control, and exercise over it that discretion which the interest and the good name of the Town may Following ticket has hecu handed for publication, i . . I FOR MAYuR DR. T. W. KEEN. FOB C0MMIS1S0XEUS NORTH WARD. P. P. Mcroney, J. M. McCorklc. WESTWARD. r M. L. Holmea, A. M. Sulivan. SOUTH WARD. A. L. Glark, S. E. Linton. "eastward. J. X. Snider, P. A. Frercks. Insures all Classes of Insurable Property, Against Looss or Damage of Fire, On the Most Reasonable terms. Lowes Promptly Adjusted aud paid Writinc by Sound ; a netic fchort-Hand, il on tVip art rtt complete ayatein of Pho- le shortest, most simple, easy, and comprehensive, enabling anyone in a short lime to report trials, speeches, aermora Ac. The Lord's Prayer is written with if strokes of the pen, and 140 words per mine to- The nnem ployed xhouiu learn in i an. rnce by mail 50 cenU .wanted. Address T. W. BVANS A;X) 1398. 7th St., Phila, Pa. 4a ' . Da. J. B. Dvorr, graduate Jeffoem Medical College, Phtldelphia, author of aaeacal valuaUa i - . i- - i.- j ii r ,l. Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made Nearly 7000 new in ae, working under an especial study) either in male or female, no ucaoa varying rrom zwiw tret I matter from what cause originating or of now long standing.' A practise of 80 yean enable turn to treat aiseases wnn aoccess, wirwum... e xri. i dt-terieecan forward letter deK-riMwerrapon And mast economical in use e4 Water. nd enclosing stamp to prepay postage. luerg lLLtaiBAttu t ampoiat aaaa 8end for the Uuid o Health, rnce 10c poal free w 'J. B. DYOTT, M. D I f . v-1 - v i ri'.nvnc iron iaa Feb. 5 1874 tf. i The Hiaheet Melical Authorities of Europe says the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstrtt- ... i. i j en t known to tne menicai worm is It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system restores vigor to the deoirt tated, clcanaea vkiated blood, removes vesicle obstnict Snlecn LOOO if Encourage Home Institutions U. II. BATTLK, JKe raasiUKNT. SE ATOM O.VLES, Skcrktahy. Agent at Salisbury . J. Andrew Mnrpliy Grant Gift- tort . . KINSTON HOTEL twkmv-kk;ii r Tnotswo three hcx uekd Ami Firrv uolla8 IX -VA III! ABLE REAL ESTATE AND cieaneea vitiated blood, remove vesicie rt inn and sets directly on the Liver and i. ! Price Sl a bottle. JOHN KEL t, 18 PlattSt. N. Y. 4w. a tan f 9 a. If a man be overtaken m a raait, 3'ou who pray ard Ipok serious on Sundays, don't stand off and talk about that mail, but go to him And reason w'1'1 bim aud pray with lrtm. When Paul had started to Jerusalem, th nmnhfit" took off Paul's ?irdlc and HASH. TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE the Town is no trivial thing. It is cer- people mai tuus me owner oi u,t g . fajj" ,;e matter of gr... toporUnc, in- JTI'S LJ.'LnS KINSTON N. C. SATURDAY JUIY 18T4- volving mh noreot P p4ulrio, u,, bW;pal nted to kno jl.e .lowing will certinl, uk ple wMk general proapenty man iuubi uwcio uavc erbat they were grieving ion ne saiu ne Uie time to consider a Town that acta was not only ready-no be bound, but that wiselv in tbis'TOatter laya the fouhdaUon be would gladly die for the name of the A C aA u. rn0al . nlf. ! j esus. meiuren, snow us ,uai one r e ,. Pail rtt lhIA hmM . . I . t. IE ... I . A town that eelects unwisely snau just as certainly reap an evil harvest ; for in this matter as in other things : a man shall reap according as he sows. There is virtae, intelligence, property, and repu tation enough in Salisbury liable 8EN'f) FORTH E AND PRICK LIST. MAILED FREE. 100-TiecB China DiDir Set FOR S22 FRENCH CHINA AKD STONE WARE "GIVEN AWAY (almost.) Tea, Toile Sets and evervlhine else same way. Cell or send foaCatalogues. WASHINGTON HADLEY8, otTi Ave. and 12th St., N. Y. 4w Agents ! , if you want to make money sell To William Col'ott. a non-resident : you are hereby notified that the following umi has been issued against you vu : D1YID80R COrMTTi I M 11 K SCPJlBIOI C0CET ley Hingera PortaWe and Sutionary and Boilers, liabcock Sc WUcoa Pmtasjft Tubulous lfoiler, Kbangh'a Craahar fag ineiala, 3a w and Griat Milla, llounng ill Machinery, Machiuery for White Icad Works and Oil Mills, Shafting Pel- v a Elisabeth Collett, Plaintiff, William Collett, DefcialaaL SUMMONS. RKXDFOtt CmuULARS. Feb. 11 1874 -Cmee. 1 SALISBURY, N. X, Dec. lRlh, 1878. STATE OF NORTH CAROLIM. TO THE SHERIFF OF DAVIDSON COUNTY OREETI SO: You are hereby commanded to Summons William Collett, the Uefendant-aboTe nanteo, 11 to oe louna wiin n iK U. ft. Mei neiore we - - -..j- . . , PROPOSALS Will b TtctittA it UiU offine nnlil It M., F.V es. i aasm mm In Locke Towuahip Rowan co.. April 19th, by Rev. S.-Buthruek, Mr. Weetley C Propst. and M'uts, L'cetta E. A., eldest . . Liansrhter of Mr. Josdbh Heaver. to oe i er all the tickets are sold or not. Whole Tickets, 10 Halves ELEVEN TICKETS, S100."' Ticketaat the office of Jofch Allen Brown, where further imformation may be had on application. VI 1. e tQA Qmn. DUCK EYE BEE HIVE ' Having purchased the right to manufacture th Buck Eve Bee nive for the counties of The InrgM iking y&. HtjJfOK,' wit, PATHOS, View. and IArGHTKR, 350 comic cuta. TkCnuvnli.M.m tor iL h mil tell i dull aieta-. .' Show it to a man all lie iirendata. T' nro rrer time. DvnU betktr wilk Lean, book kat tcoWi walkU, Humor is. the thing that take. Ar. Ats AVAKTrn VrraRYWHRR. .,.1 for rrnilses aad EXTRA TERMS to To-PAT MMir rountv. to be aiui anoear JUIMiKUr UI.'ttbtvfl'KiVlvtArt.lai, w s bead far the County of; Davidon, at the Coust House in Lexington, op the 6th Monday after the 3rd Monday of March T874, and answer the complaint which will be rleioiteyl In the oatee of theCLERK OFTHSUPERIOKCtOCRT, of said County, within the hrst three daya of tlte next term thereof, and let Ute saiu ucien dant take notice that if he fail lo answer the said complaint wu bin 'the tune prescribed by law, the Plaintiff will apply to -the Court tor the relief demanded in the Cocaphdnt. H-ranf fail not. and of this summons make doe return. Given under my hand aJ the seal of said Court. thi lOtli day ofijrch. 18 4 L E. JOHNSON. fSerk of the So PeH or 1'ourt of Davidson County. . M,IL PINNIXl i U 8J PUibUB s auoj. j March 12.1874 Six w. from this place to Maorceeilte, in Iredell co. mice a week and hack. SJiedule: leave Salia bury every Friday morning end return froaa Mooretvilie cvrrv Salurdsy. Th'ia contract will Lummcnew TUT- IB, int, ana pir wm m. AU bids mobt be a rinpwed wtrfe aaav fickol security. I). I.. ilKIMiUa, (14:tl) V THE GREAT CAU8I Pdh. Co., PhiUdelpbia, Kew iYoekv Beatoa, or affocted by the character of its officers to At the Siinmouten House in Statesville Rowan .Stanly .Siibarnw, Iradafh Catawba aiid ..mrf avurv p!tipntn ilip mirstii t. of a line I N. C. ou th moruine of the 15th of! fViviP. t am Urenarwd to-ill orders aud sell in V'y ""J wv. "i ar, FT. ' " u.j i.. i.i.-i i.. ; aiean raiuituiv aaim itBi'iwwwai of policy loakifig constantly to their pro- Aprik, Rev J. vv. Wneeler oniciaung, Mr. tcction. tSo wan who mages tins piace nis "' " . ; . w .mk h ..hMli to rnr his familv DOIU Pwr" ul wuury, ksatlrl Uai AartnnA al.riiiliT pvpr siiffpr him self to be influenced by prejudice, passion, SALISB UR Y MARKET. 4 Goad.- Mr. E. II. Marsh announces in bis notice of the dissolution ot copart nership betwecu himself and Mr. T. J Foster, that he will open at once a mauu factoring business. This ia good. Th mtabliliSaani. of manufactories ia the very APRIL 23. 80 EJ gya ioc8 to fad 0! A town w chanics nope tna If 111 ihe way referred to. thout manufactories and me adeacttwiihouA water. WS Marsh may receive every or favoritism- in the selection of ' Town officers. Reason, right, and a due regard e t; - J .U n L..1 :.i.i'kr Ka lOr OIB OWIl UUU IUU UCBI iiucicbi. ui iho pnmiiuiiiitv. should be the rule of eovern OOalJJ new 70 ment. Pnblk officers should be men of C5U 1 1 J -11 a d intelligence and moral worth should be FLOUR $. 425. a 4.50. able to stand before tb world unabashed, MEAL 80 a 85. in themsel vest respecUble, and rejecting BACON (cnuntyj 10 12 -hog round 0 w-rf-k-M a rawv iin a - a r. a -Ae rr credit upon the citizens whom they rep- rui AiUfcJ5-inn vu a owcei si.wr resent. Let 0t those be chosen whose I riuuo lit w rt very presence in public Jj-ringeth shme ; CHICKENS-S2.75 a $2 per doz. but father those to whom we may point LARP 12 a 15. with pride as. faithful, capable and exem- FEAT HEltr -new, 50. pUry: TALLOW 9 a 10 The foregoing ia not meant as a RY-, 1 reflection against members of the present BEESEWAkSO. board or any who may have been spoken WHEAT-1.15 a 1.7 . z elec-1 11 tuu. o"u. DRLED FRUIT tor must determine Blackberries. tO a 1 1. sh iiurxi'' ' iiitaMivninti, tins valu:ib e ami linnroveo nive I will sell farmers right, when tbey will mate a club of five, atleri Sonars a right. I Will also sell Townsldp rights on reasonable terms. Nearly Every bodv that exaeunes it Buys one. It will more than PV ! "Vfr A il Ve as k is a trial. Uome-aaa examine ute I Chicago. ' HPaCatZSBEHatVBeSM thing to revive trade and build op Salis bury. !J4c. Marsh is a Master .mechahic, 1 of as candidates in the approaching elec- and wegre cratifii d to learn that be pros 'on- ur remarks deal with sobieets, net. , j . individuals. Each voter mnat determine 1 d Mr. incourffgCtnent. Hay Market Salisbury ia the finest Hay gsjsjket io thetute or South- rn country. But the great difficulty with our iartuere U the lack of transpor tation at such rates as to justify the farm ers in raitC and shipping it. qna at Wc ara indebted to Mr. Ross, who has kept an aumtc statement, for interesU mg statistics on thie subject. In the winter or70 there was shipped from this point ii.-grjy 5,000 worth ot forage, hey and fodder. During the last winter the -1 ' J f a f - a ' jb ompraent nas neon less man nair Doth ip. qaantitylnd value. . 'Ibis is owing en lbf lo the liigh Railroad freight rates nnd the want of transportation. There was about tbeSme amount of hay and fodder sacd last year aqjasaal; bat tjkera aras no use to bajupit to market as it could for himself, the qualifications and the merits of individuals- Qo ,tho cpatrary, if theskr,eaent board of officers are worthy men, and have proved themeclves faithful to the public trust, they unT not only en titled to tbgttaudacitiziens, but to their con tinncu confidence and support. 1 They are better qualified for service now r. w r t n. ..I i - a man wuen eiecteu a year ago, anu u is certainly worth the trouble to inquire whether they will consent to bear the public burden another year. Frequent changes without sufficient cause cannot be desirable. It is the surest way possi ble to pei pet na e i n co ra pe tency and irreg ularity in all the affairs of the Town. Good mee aboard be kepV in. office long enottgb to acquire the habit of studying Ll I vt. tm vviimIm and nil rvtnVm Manufactory on East Corner of .Lee Coun sel street near the Depot. jih.Mti (jauiui& April 9, 1874 Cmos. eariis Ilnmors frn (be trr: Hr rolnln to Wc inr.i Illotch or Plniple. 1 nj-i iio i 1 ..: lr.i i.y v ;.r nlf t ocn T'iltrr I'lmplca cu t'aceW7o inrics, i:r,i.itw aad v ialntJl St it twcfret.Ucs arr:ai fix 1 bn OFFICE Sonthern Express Company. Express Forwarders. Salidmrf,. C , Feb. 12; 1874. srtl itiao AtlUiVnns eHJOsae flliit. Sl twcive iiiTorvT-arr;i" ai i" :tKcirwflaa SHiaaa' Rorce lalna In Uauoi Vi sore m 'IT I. 1! ' : .. 1 a.- . piedmont Air Line Railway. - 1 ff&i&BEmf nr. B asal Richmond 4k Danville, Richmond '4k Danville R. m. Q. IWataton, ana Tfnrth "Wcitern . C. B.. w Pkcatcal Inebpaciry. OTTLTEHWtLAM. li. J. V. 0 la GesDENSEB TITLE. Xflaat aa aad afur luaday. a iaonwa Ulool or """VJr'y.ri i.inrfni iTciorai pn' i" " cure the most ncvere rewnt or faa wopt 'SJVt IliCUicine nt'i i" . ' . . i.,.. irritniion nni iviievinr "ir liy all DjruMlsls. It. V. PIKKCE W urldM DUpeaaaaurr. Butfaje, J. V. 60 TO TEXAS i eklA THR LONE STAR ROUTE ! lATIONAtWoGKRAT KoBTHER.f R R) Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and Little Rock, or via Shreveport, strike this line at Long v tew, tto j ijeat . Rouf pa fjsjssjtiae. Uearue, Waco, Austin, lluntsville, Houston, Galvastun and all points 19 Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passongers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tvler, Mineola, Dallas, Overton, Crocket te, Loqgviaw and. ail points in Eastern By faatruction from the Superintendent, the tarisT rates or this Company are greatly reduc ed on goods moaey or other . aaluables to all potato, North a.ifrautj 44 Up .Jo . The Patrons of the Company desiring a safe and a nick transportation for any articles mey ... i.h to shin, will find the rates so greatly reduced as to mke it to their advantage to for- -,1 Ku I m VmiMnv Quick time and prompt delivery at deati n.imn 1. mm r:intrwil tn nil. Persons having Jorisuaoie gewss with the present low, taritt, quica ume, prwy delivery, and free drayae. ff3 Administrators' Notice. The undersigned having duly qualified as the with the will annexed of John i. Shaver. dewaj.berebvAaodfy sIl persona in- AhtA to said estate to make payment, and those havinavelaissa againet said estate are ooti c-j ,ni thm to the underpinned on or uw w . ... before the 2nd lav ot .-Nepieuioer, notice will he plead ia bar of their cecover. - EDWIN SUAV hiK, Admit isOaaasa GOING NuBJlj.,, g a Keen ax ox tiil xTt-aa. Taaai AXl KAi'l' St cure of Suiinal w-eVicae, er 8pfa(orraaaWueed bv SeAf-Ahuee. IneaV etitary Baaaaaaaa, . ax. pot. i y. Jaanpaaa Do Inlitv. and lmpcdi"u;uU tuMarjiaeajeaierally j riiaiaiaiiifi-n EniiPv. aud Flu : Mental aal ae. 'ivy nuptni Author of tae' I took," AS 5 Ju,t i'afl.ehad. Mi a 0id .. 1 tvernU. A Lectsre on"t1i N : re. Treatment RaAtraJ artt of rpef piVrtTmt w VtoaSnrxA tawulunterr Ka me. Sexual and " r"')vnrl' " aawnajr wen waJiy ; Mae 1 asanas Ctjo-uiupiiou, Lpih:py "d Fits; Mental aial Phv4i al f;-apjeit) , u-rulting froaa aeMebuee. eU; lv KOHKKT OCLTME WELL, M U., Autt.r of Ue "Green Ituek, aw The world-rrnrrwt-d anthor.ln this tmm rlraiir nrovc from bis own u.ik -p thai lha aarfel oMawiaaeaSaat uiav W (-nVctuallr removed will.eut aiwi without aaiitilrtias sursfcal boa pie. iaMrmwMit. rlafa or cordial, pot (exit a mode ef cure at aaer errtaia and t nal lir wliMh erarv suSVtav. M bis:orilitkuiAuaj be. may car himself fbaanM aicaiiy. th m I-'- n p STATIONS. Mail. Ijih Charlotte.. " Air-Llae bci a M Ratisbary .... ;reenboro.... M Danville .... " Borkevills ..... Arrive at Richmond 7 00 r u 7.38 10 09 aiB a a 6.28 ". 1140 " 2 32 r M tnnWelv and TW IWILL i ttOT A OM A 8.66 " 10.47 -1 15- ' a ST " ao8 ru It. IlV. Til LB , TlrSOH" TO TUOClAtV GOING SOUTH. AVI) THOnBAat Ment niMleeseeJ. toanv addruas. in a aanltat envelope, an the receift at six tare noatair' tamps. AUoTpa. Crrxaxxi.'r -Marriaxe price 50 1 1 n u Address tne ratnaners. CHA8 J C 127 lUwerv. New fork Pi.nt STATIONS. Ueave Richmond. Uurkeville Danville. Ureensboro HaJisbarV Asr Liue J uac t Arrive at Charlotte Mail. ExFnaaa. i "fe I4r- 6 a m 4-ao - nen - I 9Ae ( ins r n I 1.10 AH 4.00 r I W - S.XX " I 6 35 8.66 " I, 6 4 1 . aus " GREAT FAMILY IMCDbv Br. GREEK'S FIT CURE ! The Great Remedy lor Epflpay, Pita, Spasmo. C.n visions and Ncrvona Wi ftAneax, acta promptly, often arrreatlng tae from the first day a aae, esen 52:tf THE FRANKLIN . . STEAM f ASM. and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every nxadMrnf improvement, includine new ami JMeaant ouse Air Brakes, Mil nt Day Coaches, Pullman Palace the interest of the community, ana ol ll&S feeling the rea,ponibUity of their poaitionsJ nowbeea else can the passenger so completely apyfffi rotation nna no luanEB, no pay, (depend on a speedy, safe and comfortable jour- but, too often, pereonat abnse, exclude ay tne po88ioimy ot ntting any one 10 gaara Kails Li.t.jTt.. ..ia VL s.Lt. e i- ue ine puuuc rnjereei. a gpoa puoneomcer is a previous filK Wenay tm regard Itfnflwbtly. But one that cause th sorrow and shame afflictetb those: wbxygnaaiiim pdwer. 1 k '- i !i to theii mteaeet to gire thu Company the h ling of their fretghta. AH goods te be shipped erill be called feral the place of business of the shipper, when it is so desired. AU damages promptly adjusted. iVui iTTfiAiotKn, ,i.lil I' t-.JM , ebrnary 12, 1874 3mo. SXATIONS L Mxi J Marx. Tai- amosbote..! tOOaaj The LONE tWrOTJTE has "admirXhlv answered-the queVyV1Howr to go to Texaarf by the publication of an interesting and truth. fui dooninritj sxajsiaptoajraabla atedrrejX. , winch can be obt nsr ttfe SEN E I addressi Internal w liouaton. lexas. I District E l aiued, free of chambr ET AGENT. nd-Kiaxhirrt Railroad, mfw.0 did )i! Jl- 1 n-11 ifc nook Store and ret one of these remarkable Washers. The waging oft" or- .:i ,.., iw .t 1 mn before breakfast than in any other way without the wear and tear of clothes inciaadt, to the old way. A lanre family can safe the pnofo in-on year ia clothea. A saaall lasaiij w.u save the price of it in hire without any extra, helf Ihe washing can be done on yum own lot Save 02 hard day-vwora lor your w. ALSO aStbedtook Store all kinds of books can be hW7- Co Hbeaa .... Raleigh Arr. at Coldboro'. Att rtaSA t!.40r h lL'ybarn COMPC HID EX COR YD ALII! The Great Vegetable Alterative, TlefOfnla, Serolarv Smhalis. Skin, and all dWaei arising from iaapure MEDICATED H0KEY A SoeereigTi Balm for Coughs Colds, Bona ilia. AMhtna, and all diseases ot the ail ana and Lunaa. H 1ls fitnoly aae anxwy auaav pveanaaty Sn llacta ant Heaflerson, AlfetonieyB, Counselloni , m) ia adad SolksttOaB. january22 1374 tf. , ttdv BtitlMv AND TINT. VVriXrtKS- Ol AlLi 01 n r.-, MUSIC, d:e., Ho enff rkarge for "ordering books or Muic dot on hands. All orders prompt ly, attended to Jll anii geL wxUiHgxiapet at the Snlisboty Bot Store. January 2 1S74 ly. ERN W C ( SAtaai BaAjKH.l avetireeoiboro....-.1 JO r Arrive at Baleai "Lr " Iave aaleni.: a Arrive aAGraewsboro. .130 a a a Passenger traaa ISaFaag a Mgl iWT ewwia. eoBnecU aturoaaaoeeo wiaa taw train aaakiag tU inuckest tiaaa to all Sortliern dries Price of Tieaeia aetno as vta oXhar roalaW. Taaiaw to and points Kaat of iTreensbere eeaaeet at (iraeasboro with Mail Tndaa U nr froaipoiatt Norik or South. Tr.in. ,u,i . boili wave Oe fund ara Lynakbaig Aar a niataan leave lOc hmond at m , arrive at Uaikevuie Rnrirpn le s jd a a , am.r i oit- Dosed caaee at coo- Heved and the I neev reatered to 1KETJRALGIA SPECIFIC ! A prompt, noaitive and perms nent the excruciating pains of Neuralgia, 1 turn and Sciatica. For Sale by T. F. Kluttx. Prepared only by. Dr. GRinr. iunLXY t ; CUARIAjTZK x c. Nov. 6, liTU ly. r li leave end 7 58 a ar . . Pniimu Paiaca Cars on all ataM tee'D Charlotte anl' Rirhm..t1. TaiJioiit aX nr rurtheriofersaatfc.il af ha- ha ngf; h aV al C.ea l Ticket .lgvat. 4 reaihexu,-C TM TALCOT. Png.aaar A Goa l Soperiateadeat CRAMUB. s RAI6E & ATTOI!lli 41 S-olifitorsiaBiiiliiaika. fiT 3pecial aitc nft jn paid toP, n Bhukruptcy. Marriage Certificates for sale WmT WlAlL - A a 1 a r a

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