z l A Miehiran lad y sitm-d a contract witL her husband Ui rvsuaia frith Mm a certain tang th of time, or lea, aa be wisbed, wben be ill uoiify br ; to well some property ; lo nut Liiu iu business ; to ban; uo cow "William," Said one Quaker to another Hbee knows I uver call anybody name, Lot, W ilium, if the Governor'of tbe State 1 l . I I T..L. ououia come 10 mc mua say, a it tbe to find me tbe ligfest liar la State of Mew York.' I would come t and say, 'William, tbe Governor Wants to aee tbee particularly." London ia 1 iterally built on a foundation of pipe. In some placet it would be difficult to find room to lay another pipe. One gas company eeoplies two districts with nearly tour hundred miles of pipes. Then there are tbe underground telegraph pipes, and 2,500 mile of drain pipes, tbe lead and iron pneumatic tubes, tbe sewers, hm water pipes, and tbe underg round rail way, i a r-ti f 1 . eently visited tbe State penitentiary, and while there bad bin bair cut by tbe prison tWher While andrrroinr the tonsorial process a party of ladies and gentlemen visitors looked iu, and tbe legislator was made happy by catching such remarks as, "Ugly look about tbe eyes," "Vicious anouth," "Looks capable of any wicked - ," "Wonder what be did T ate. Three more American ladies are about to be married in Europe to noblemen Misses Jerome, Forbes and Wiekersball ; the first two of New York, aud the latter of Philadelphia. Extensive preparations are Leing made for these forthcoming vents, and resident Brother Jonathans in Paris, their wires aud daughters are, as the Parisians sav. on the am viae. These weddings will take place at the American Lfation in Paris. A Qonrrioff IN Chkicistry. When the celebrated French chemist, OrfiL, was on one occasion a witness ate trial for poisoning, be was asked by the preei dent if he could stale the quantity of ar sonic requisit to kill a fly. ' Certainly, M. le President," replied the expert;11 but I must first know beforehand tbe age of the fly, its sex, Its temperament, its condition and habit of body, whether married or single, widow or maiden, wid ower or bachelor. Classifyiko Butte. A Western paper says dealers in butter classify it as wood grease, cart grease, soap grease, variegated, tessellated, cow grease ; board ing bouse breakfast, inferior tub, common tub, medium roll, good roll, and gilt-edge roll. The terms are strictly techni cal. The Manchester Union speaks the sen timents of the sturdy Democracy of New llampshire wben it says : 44 We are obliged to agree with Mr. Grant that neither he nor Congress can do anything or ooum oaronna. ouppose me govern- l .i i . - d -r i ment of our State should tax us ten times what it does, and steal the money what eould Congress do t Suppose this taxing ..lliiniion Iam nttiravbil r"v Warn I Mtiucnce was too powermi to be oTer thrown by the ballot what could we do? We could not resist or repudiate, for the General Govern met it will sustain tbe rob bers. We could only pray for such a government at will respect the primary right of self defense." When Napoleon tbe Great died at St IT UCII iiauuirun I uc un oi uiru elk Ol ti i -i-ii.L . i : n. iii ii'iia, an riitrnii iiuyaicnii ions cnarce I rfliia heart, debiting U filled wi'.h water. Two tapers burned I dian felt nervr.nlv near it, but the custodian ' B,v I enxious while watching night, and did not sleep. it throoeh tjie . j In tbe silence of midnight he heard a rustling sound, then a plunge into tbe water end a re bound on the floor all occoring with the quickness of thought. lie sprang from bis br d to see an enormous rat dragging the precious relic to his hole I A moment more and the heart which bad been too vast in its- ambition to be satisfied with the sovereignty of eon utinental Enrope degraded than the " " wonld have been more aIusI of imperial Ccesar Thb 11k ast is bis Lair. A corres pondent describes Ben Butler at home in the following style t "In domestic life no man could be more charitable, gentle and pleasing than Gen oral Hutler. He rends everything, be semembers everything, ne knows every sjbiog. By tbe charm of perfect courtesy nod brilliancy of hit eonversadon be grows almost handeome. His wife is a woman a i . a arav aw f iwAclltgence and enltivation, with the WWaaj of an empress. They live quiet- ly, extending a delightful hospitality to u few favored friends, who say that the rcmemberance of that pleassnt home, be- Core the beautiful and accomplished daughl ter leit it, was one or the most charming yictnres in the world. 'J'lIK drSth of F.t.finv T? T C.t lev of Edgecombe, It announced as having occurred in Tarboro, on Tuesday morning, t . . A . .111 W. . a a jaiier a proiraciea mness. At will be re auembered that the deceased eame to the Oeibernstpjriel Chair of the State in tbe r of 180 1, sureeeding Gov. Ellis who died that year, Gov. Clark being rresioent ot eOov. Ellis' the Senate at the time of death. He remained in of- 3ce a litther a year, being succeeded by Gov Vajcck. His administration was Attended with much trouble, it being dun ang those days when officials of a State, as well as the commanders in the army. were compelled to exercise both discretion smd firmuSm W Gor. Class aesAsJneetmStmf tot ion of bsjsb himself end tbe office be filled , and in bis death the people of North Carolina will "Z1 the loss of another link .f I " - - at tbem to obe days is urbieh tmey battled for what they hefieved to be right. Netes 13 mat. Tmk PAssffiv won ROBEeL The flo mans were passionately fond of roses. Cleopatra received Anthony at one of her banquets Iu an apartment covered with rose leaves, and Anthony, when dying, requestea0HaJft fen, est his (rave. Uose vaterswmm tbw iaverita neintuc of Eomau beHlbey evesi used it hi their baths. The Turks believes that roses Mnrinir fro-Ti SaVai kraaalh nf lfahnmet. frur which reaaeaTtLw uewae tread oa a rose. nor suffer one lo lie oa tbe g round ; they also soul pture roses en tbe tombs of un married ladies. The language of flowers has au impassioned eloqunce. t tfW-W All Tbe German shall not die for iyelf bat only tor others)' lor whose company I shall be tarn ; tor sclf, tip hour of death is tbe hour of birth to a new, glorious life. 'It inn sets and rises, the stars sink beneath the horisou nod returns agaiu and all tbe spheres con- miue in lueir chcuuk uw 'fTXiTTK never come bark exactly in tbe same sute as they disappeared, and hi the bright sources of lite is life itself and its coutinu- sources anee. Kvery hour brought every morning ana erery eveniug tin as. with nefr increase to tbe world ; ue w life end new love thrill from the spheres as the dew drops trickle from tbe clouds, sod embrace nature as tbe cool night does the earth. All death in nature ts birth, end at the moment of death appears visi- I bf y the rising of life. There is no dying principle in nature, for nature Uireogttout is unmixed with lite, wiieu, conceaiea De- bind tbe old, begins again and develops itself. , Death and birth is simply ttsettoa eirelina of life In itself in order to present Itself ever more brightly and mote like to itself.- LA i M , . Future UOlui Crops Agkicultural Prospect or the Country. The Illinois correspondence of the Country (rentleman makes the following statement "It is my impression mm me corn crop oi iw iuu light as compared with those of lol and 1872. and probably a good deal less than of 1873. Indeed I dp not expect to see teuer than once in ton years seasons ss vo ruble as 1871 and 1872, and I question whether we shall ever again see the amount of corn in Illinois or indeed in the corn re g ion. we saw in 1872. As compared with tbe wheat region the1 com region is rather limited iu area. 1 consider the corn region proper to be also par excellence the graaing region, and to be confined to that climate and area where lift y bushels of corn is the average yield for good cultivation, and where permanent pastures may be kept and main tained through the year pastures which will carry horses, sheep and cattle through even the coldest winter, with the assistance of hay and straw stacks to run to in rough weather Through all this region of corn and cattle, hay, grass, hogs and bad roads the tendency is to more and more pastures wrery year w irss corn w ue cousuiueu uu the farm and less wheat and other small grain r. The TI avana correspondent of tbe New Orleans Picayune says : The Cubans are making great navoc in tne sugar f a . a plantations of this island. The destruc tion of property is fearful. Numerous fires of sugar estates are reported in the Juris diction of Bemedios, Cicnfuegoes and the whole surrounding country. The ooject m Durning plantations is to pre vent the Spanish Government from ob taming a revenue from its exportation of sugar, xne patriot army tbrongbout tne island is estimated at 35,000. Of late they have been successful in aeveial en- ii ,w s t c jam. jTi r gagements with the S5aniards. Although the war may be prolonged for one or two years, nobody here doubts that tbe Cu- bans wilt achieve their independence. I In speaking of Lee and -Grant "the Hector and Achilles of tbe American "Iliad," tbe London Saturday Review says: " l he Virginian a character was ot that noble kind which retains its full measure of dignity in the shadow of ad versity. 1 hough 'nothing succeeds like - I success, vet. in the Ust meetinir of tbe . ., ' ' , . . . rcs ajiu cuieuy k mm woo surren- der ui iwor1 i1 viewing them as they M t i ' . .. . ' i PP" " wiver years, wnen tneir ior- i i ft . i.u.. . . -i . I .- .i... mm : i . 1 tunes diverged so widely, the President of the creat republic looks small and commonplace compared with the broken- hearted school-master of Lexington." . . Tichborne i morninsr Hit Kkf.pf.ks When tbe claimant eutered the court on the ,.l kukivw ma wwie luaj UI l II I II X of his eou vict iou, he l.xiked nervous end auxious. and seemed struck bv the auoear- ance of tBreo u1eQ lu Plaiu eb.thes who Mere. "j"0? rif h ln front of him: aHd who UP that day had not appeared in court. Their services were shortly to be required. The? were constables iu plain clothes, prepared to ! 9 SASS O. a 1 . aa retire ir me jury should acquit ; but other wise ready feu. lay their hands upon the broad shoulders of the man, who must have bevu more than human if these three strangers so like the expectant demons in the old legendary dramas had not inspired hi in -. a - i a av a wun uismai lureueaings. What Paris is h Mads of." The a e m ! Ii -- e a . . . . cn,ef ou"ain? tanal of ans is n soft, raas-co,oreu sanastone, wmcn becomes moderately haid on exposure to tbe at mospber. It is easy to cut indeed, too tender and has to be dressed down after J ver7 pleasing scene to the eye, bot in a tew years it begins to discolor, and eventually turns a dirty, sombre brown. I anything but cheerful or nlea ant tn viAav Thaaa ta awv k.:u: . Paris, as this straw-colored sandstone is all the material they have. It gives the .aV city a sameness bf color which is exceed ingly monotonous. The grandest public edifices are constructed nf tkU iUn. well as the commonest huildi... vL the monuments of the cemeteries are chief- ly composed of this vellow sandaton. mmi Marry ins a Serious Matter. It appears to be no easy natter to get married in bwitzerland. A citizen of bchaffhausen, who bad removed to anotb or canton, asked from bis commune the necessary permission to marry. The president of the commune in reply told him that in addition to payment tor the needful documents lie would have to pro for ibc riKts qf bourgeoise it his niiaucc were a owiss sou rrancs tf S foreigner. The man was told, moreover, tbatjie would have to prove by certificate that be was provided with n - wedding outfit and a fortune of 800 francs. He would be required to pay, in addition, 23 fra"c the school fund, 20 francs for toe asillitary tax of 1873, and 86 florins 12 kreutsars for expanses incurred by his commune when he was ill in Germanv. The claims thus amounted to 882 francs 40 centimes, irrespective of all other ex penses ol permissions, tranlations, stamps ana urn cost or documents.. The totally unable lb meet this claim, and refutations to i this effect were made to the coonsel of his commune by a socio- ly ior encouraging marriages but all their euoriB arc useitss Amputation- Necessitated a disease Last aigbt, at twenty-tew mm a to eleven o CI02K. Sirs, iraarsrarir McCarthy died at her residence, Ho. W1 frove atreet. Mrs. McCarthy's cast is a most singular ne. She was with heart disease, end. strangely this complaint supevindnced dry mortih cat ion of tbe leg, and about five months ago it was found necessary by the pati ent's medical advisers to amputate the limb below the knee. Mrs. McCarthy did not rally fully from tbe schock of tbe operation, put contiunea w sin ciMMr Iv until last nisrht. when she died. Jer sey City Journal. - Tan Democratic Advance. Tne ke tones of the Democracy in the East and West ens not be explained sway by th estate merit that this is an off year, and that the Republicans have allowed the elections to go by default. Large Democratic gains are annoouced at tbe different charter elections as well as in the Nutmeg State, and tbe only rational -way of accounting for this is upon the hypothesis that the people have seized the flat opportunity that niwattitod warning the Administration that it s time to unload" in . onrnoU Chmrlttmi wsnrr, Trouble. Artnough nearly a decade of vears hu passed at nee the Reconstruction measures were hrst inaugurated bv Congress, tho o.um try is yet in the midst of trouble consenuent upon ineir enforcement. Louisiana nA South Carolina have served to furnish fresh iooo ior inoaght and sneeu tat ion f,,r W oi- past and now Arkansas has stepped up bold hr ly to the front, and challenged the attention of the world. Iu 1872 the contest for Governor va h. tween Joseph Brooks. Democrat, end Kliaha isaxter. Kepubbcan. As the conduct of af fairs was in the hands of the Radicals. Bax ter was. or course, declared eletl. Hnt tn accomplish this object the vote of four entire counties and or several towashiDs in other counties, was thrown out. Hrooka franA of course contended that he was elected and nave siuee continued to maintain that fact, and now the troubles have culminated in two armed bauds in Little Rock, both da- ter mined on supporting the claims of the ri val leaders. On theJ5th, Brooks took the oath of office before Chief Justice McClure and in five minutes after had taken forcible possession of the State House. He present- ea nimseir at Baxter's office, at the head o " . iu uniiu 01 men ana demanded no. session. This Waa refilSPil. u-hun torn men seised Baxter and led bim from the room, since that time Brooks haa been in possession of the State Houe. while FUxtr has established his headquarters at St. John's oiiege. lie immediate!? called unon the President for assistance from Uuited State troops, not ni application was refused. At the last accounts, the two Governors were supported by armed adherents, but.no open act of hostility had yet taken place. Wil mington Journal. Humor ijf a Dictionary. One mieht suppose tnat a dictionary wonld be free rrom any very entertaining reading, but the folio winp- nanpntrf (wi.nH n V-. lers ouarto work, and well illustrates the i . o i o " U IW remark of Professor Gibba that there perhaps no word in tbe English language capable ol performing so much labor and fY 1 ' attortting at tbe same time a clear and intelligible sense, as the verb "to get." Mr. Worcester quotes tbe following epeic. men of its capabilities given by Dr Withers : I gnt on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I VOt to Canterbury I got a chaise for town ; nut 1 QOl wet through before T att to . v- ' tMnteroury ; end i have aot such a rolrl Tin i , " : I ha" -t be able to get rid of in n yww uw a rvaevry aooui noon, bt fif t of all I got shaved and' dressed. t ... ' i. . .77 . "w y mjw me secret or getting moTnftni.ai r , . . , i ft. n L. i i . , i ft.n. ...... unua- ixic uoara, DOS A COUU1 not get an answer then ; however. I aot intelligence from the messenger that should most likely get one the uext mot in. As soon as I oof back to my bin, 1 morn as soon as 1 not back to mv nn. fL'TO.' f ! Tt0 P the morning, I got my break- n . m- - - ' aMd then ' 9ot ou.1 m 1 im to get an nswer to my memorial.. As soon as I 9ot int0 the chaise, and got to Canterbury bX'lbree. nd aboot three I got home. I have got nothing for you, and no adieu " PUBLISHED AT Concord n o. Only Paper in tne Southern Atlantic States Devoted Entirely to ONLY ONE DOLLAR i TEAR! 6500. Circulation now ; Clubs of 20, or more. Every MASON in the land 75 cts. should sub setibe. Address, I Publishers Bktiht Mason, Concoid N. C. ST A limited number of obiamtionaikla Auvemsement will be received. a i .i. . .... - - Jan SB 1874 tf. The Wilmington- Star ESTABLISED Oa 1 SIX YEABS Has the LARGEST fiTPPTrr. ATTOW nt any xnuj newspaper in the Slate, and a circu lation in Wilmineton ifW Twi. T . waaaaa. aai 4BaM SB WSS v Large as that of any other paper. All the newt of the day will be fssski le It condensed when unimportant, at lettwth wkaan of moment, and always presented in a clear, in telligent and interesting manner. SUBS CRIPTION (In Ad ranee) ..$7.00 ...350 One Year,. . Si Months. 4 . . Three Months,.. ...2.00 WEEKLY STAR. PRICE REDICED THE WEEKLY STAR is new combine! with the CAROLINA 'FARMER, and ia on of the cheapest papers in the country, at the tollowinf REDUCED RATES: One Copy, One Year 1.50 Une Jouy, Hit Months, 1.00 Idsruiubs of 5 to 10, One Year, 1.85 per copy. Clubs of 10 or more, One Year, only 51. uu per Copy. : l7SpeciiMn Copies tent on applies. iron. Address, Editor A Proprietor, WILMINGTON, V. C. Dee. 4 1873.-t WW daWaV . t-S dkS dBV VW dtdk Bw XJ a Tbe Bright Mason , w emjajBsmmaH SINGER SEWING MACHII We claim and can tnt it beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely aaaiy ofjateteOVanUsnMMwiTruiii ss Family Sewing Machines, ttiafa Biasaaoie not oniT ior mc j. , iim aevintf. but also for the Tan St? anST dJfcreiit is sewing, dui ",c ... ' . . i & 1 r . u onnso enn vnxienv us Kinaw 01 lexture wpiui n. " , - - - : -rt , facility and perfection, nsing silk twist, linen or -r" ' -?.r u.s. jam r LOCKElELASTIC-STITCH, SJiae w - ' " mv Thaa, bea-rer clean or with great strength and u n iformit? I. a moment, mis nerer-wear-ing instrument may be adjusted for fine work on ga use or goamer tlasne, m ae tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or loHratp iineers have been known to perform. And with its simplicity 01 construction , 0 operation ; uniformity of .precis action ai any speed; capacity for range and ?ariety of work, fine or coarse leaving an rivals ni Wa. wlrh nlpnanro refer the DUbllC tO tttC UOlU and Bronse Medals and Diplomas awarded to our Machines in America, Prussia, r.ngianu, ana recently in Austria at the Exposition in V enns, where we were awarded fi?e Medals, Merit, Pro gress, snd three for articles manufactured on our Machines. But it gi?es us much greater pleasure, to present to the public the sworn returns of sale, (to which any one can ha?e seeess) of theOAflSr eat Manufacturers of Machines, for the last four rears, made to the receirer appointed by the owners of ?a!uab!e Sewing Machine Patents and which shews the precise number of machines sold by each Company. 1869 1870 1871 ' 1879 arr ManufACtlnc Co., 8S.TS1 17.8W 11.V0 7iS Whlt k Wllfon do 7S-bS RS.j ISSM .4. H we MacMii" Co., 46.UPU OrTt &twng M chine Co., S9,1S8 PiMaSlll S ilng Uo Wee 1 Sew af do 1S.S8T wiicos a OsW- - S 11.201 WUwe do liMricu BaUan-Hele Orar- n.iM $4,010 1 45.000 17,404 SS.S0S SMse MS SSillS 10.S9T SS.S9S S0.IS7 21,168 4S.SM SS.6S r In Mehin.C., 14.5T3 Stlt 1T,60 tO.ltl is sat 1,S4T 19.9SS 1SSST ol J Medal do Florence do B. P. Howe do Vevr - do Darla - .do Ble-i - do Bvaalnrton toiplra lo J. E. nrAanedorf do Ke'oie do Brtlett, Rererible Uo Hartram A Bsntoa do Looor do Orlelual Ue do rtakle A Ly e n da Artra " ' -' do eilpH do Em ire d. rrhM da I. O. Fo'.rea do Kay do C. V. ThtBton do Oolon lluUcn-Ho'e do 1V61 l7tt 11.901 SOI S7S et aaa 11W SI sjsst 49C 614 1,004 Sll 10.061 IX 4 W 2 965 5 SM ISO tit 147 1S4 ljst 8 TOO 1,141 t.4A S.8SS tsso l,l i s ll0 LaamelU - do TT1 The reader will also note that although it is charted that Sewine Machines are sold at en- ormotul v high prices, yet he will see that sever al firms that wen- in existence have failed or Abandoned an amprontable business. We respectfully solicit a call from all parties desirincr a first clam Sewins Machine. At oar Store near the TOblie sqnare win oe a a II a-" ! 1 I found the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tucking, Cording, Ruffling, &c. Silk, Linen, and Cotton Threads, Needles, Oil, &c imrer Olanufacturing Co JOHN A. RAMSAY, Oct.2-tf. Agent. .Site-; NTFJPR1SE The onlj Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country ! $60,000 00 I 10 BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE S 166 BEuULAR MONTHLY Gift Ei I FT NTFRPRKF To be drawn Monday. May 4A, 1874. i a a- a 1 lllbi TWO GRAND OAPTICAL Of $5,000 EACH IN GREEN SB AUKS ! Two prizes 81,000 ) Five prizes $500 V Each in GREENBACKS. Ten prize $100 ) 1 Horse & Buggy, with Silver-mounted Har ness, worth $600 One Fine-toned Roaewood Piano, worth $580! Ten Family Sewing Machines, - - worth $100 each ! Five Gold Watches & Chain, trorik $300 eae Five Gold American Hunting Walektt, north $125 each. Ten LadieJ Gold Hunting Watches, Worth $100 eaea : 800 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting (in alL) worth from $20 to $300 Gold Chains, Silver-ware. Jewelry Ac., Ac. r of wis. Tickets Limited to 60,000. AGENT8 WANTED to 8ell Tickets, tn shorn Liberal Premiums will be peid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Ticket. $5 ; Twelve Tickets $10 ; Twenty -five Tickets $$0. Circulars containing a fell list of prizes, a d senpiaon of tee manner of drawing, and other information in reference to tbe Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. AU let ters must be addressed to MAIN OFKICE, La D. SINE, BoZ 86. 101 W. Fifth St. CINCINNATI, O. 200 HAED OF Beef Cattle Waited. The undersigned wishes to purchase Two Hundred fine Beef Cattle, for which he is prepared to pay the highest casb prices. , lie would also Inform the Qtitaws mi Salisbury that he is furnishing the mark et with beef fonr times each week ; namely : on Monday. Wewssilaf i ainuf Mmi let uruay mornings. JOHN BEARD. MayaS-tf NEW aawaaaaw eVWrl mwmml mmmttaVaW lolYfr 1 U W .Sm7 amPsxsa VffiHVH wf '" l I o teNjk m-v - ..-.-ir .iiir.v- t virT t - IK.: 'HEADWAY'S READY RELIEF In from One to Twenty Minutes. I MOT ONE HOI II afler rtx las tfcta idrgrHwul 1 SCFTBS, WTTH rAlX. uDffATi nnanv nsxsEr n x 1 roa EVERY PA. IK SltrM iWSrx SMt U Only Pa l Hemoil.v 1 1 im tly stop, ike mv titrwhl wk. or i jmm osmjltnaii i:im TO TWKTTT StXtms. rtddn. rnSim t nr rxermm OrlBvtoS. t yrwirsieS w ii h RADWAYS READY RELIEF will Armao isiitast basx. ixrLAxy ation nr tm Kiutstn 1 sn. v v m no or im bladdib. UHIOXXaTIOM OKTilK H..WKI.S 1 OS ifUTION OK TUB LCXi.A. SOBB THROAT. D1VKH VI.T KMKTilNO PA I.l-ITATION or TUB BUUCT. UTSTEIUCS, CB0UP. UIITIIBaiA. CATABBU. t.VI LLKXZA. n bad a-1 ie. tooth Am e MKL-BALCIA, BHXV If ATI R X. cold rniu.-i. Aornrmi.iA Th apcailu'i i.( ih Krud) Krllrrto thr panar nth i..r ia rm or a jSch wis w Si M.a.rf. Twnurdrop. In hAlfa UBl4r r w.tr wit; iar. Trnly dro. In hlf a (Mernrvtlrr will la a raw nuturt l Kr. sr ASMS, WW RIHUIIL vu.s. mi k iikaDi-he. DiAaaaoa, DVSBNTBRT. POUC, WIND IN TI1S luWIU. alllBTBRKAl. I-vINs - bmm iiv, carry a bonk of u A fa IS prl aackaaa nr uaiii fruau claaaaW af II U Ualier llian I rucU brmn.1 at Bkuara aa a aw FEVET- AKD AGUE. AXD A CUT. cur! far flfly rJita Trhld. TrHwW. mm! othrr Tfvrrt laataal tw BAjf WAT'S IILMl - qalck aa Kill AT' MKaOTkB. LIB?, rtny eenu prr Hniria. Au. aud aU Mliar MaJarl.a Mklwaa. ScarWt. mi aavwf m inia rw inn: win HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! stbonq a n n rvnr. mm mxton-ixcatr: Or rLBnll AND WKIOIJT I.KAS SBIN AX At ALU SB AUTIr L L COMi'LEXIOX aBCUBBlf TO DR. R ADV.' AY'S Sarsapariilian Hesolreat THE GREAT OLOOO PURIFIER. U as ATr. mr. ot A$Tori.mxn runes OL'H'K. S( IIAI'U O ABB TUB riMNSSA TttB BIY 1'NDF.B' )KfL CNPBK TUB INri.1 L BMt'B ICtSB. UK THU TBILV W(l'lBJtri'L TUAT nan Irery Day n Increase ii Flesh and Weifiht is Seei aii ML Koyr drop of tha FARS M'.M'.If.LtAN RKSO TBVT r..iniiuiui. at- ihromil (lie Bl..,!. Sweat. L'rta L, 2r UMl "Lm t r nniu. and mice or ilia ryatena Hha vwar or raaairaihe waaea of the ly vita ow aad aaJaaaf Material vrofula, ivulli, CanauMMiaei. Ulaadslar .lifuw. L'lcr aa the llaaaot. Month Tu oaara. Kodaain the OlanJ. .m.l other cru ,.r iha-ar.aaaa. are Byae, Sueaaotvu dtarSarrr ireaaj ir Uar MM llae wofft ii-nn of . in Jiaja i i. BraaiUnaa, I'm Surva. ScaM Uoad, Bine Warni. aatr Kfaraai Crvataela. Acne. U lack saeu. Wwrpia in i ' . Kleah. Taroora. 1 aa :ara in Hie Taaib. and all arrakrninr ami paioral 4U- ekarrrf . Night S weaM, Ijtm i .- r in ao J H waste nf Um lile pri,-iplr. ar wlihiu ilia curative raaaaa i (Ma vaeaAer nl HuOcni nemlatr. a i Ml a law dare" aaa will rove id an eraan iaiii( u mr aimer B M iunaient power to rure tbam. If the i alient, ilailr locoiiiliif rf.1n.tJ bv the Wl ,.1 Aatiiiloaillcaii that i. r,.ntltiuallv unai. ia. ed, in ai realine; ne j4w and" repair tn aaaa with avw Mian rial ibuiiIo f r.iiu liealthv tVlood aaJ ihie I be SAUtiAfAKILLlAB will and dor aaawra -a cure la certain; for wlien snee ihU remnly corn aaa nee pa warkaf purllk tln. ami auereceaUn 4lminMilar th ls of waatea. it rvpaira will b rapid, and rt,rj day ttaapaiieul w itlin lliinuacli gr In ueni andetraMrr, Uaa iiv-r.; i-; bttrr, anpelilc inprol. and Saah IN wcic'ii iii.-rt a.iiiS Not only dura the MaatartaiiJUAK ail knowrt n-uu-dial ;o ui In tnecar lal.iua. t'jnatituiional, aud fckiu dac aa, Mat a at Uaa Miljr rii'.ha curu i r . Kid tic i G Wculdcr Com plaint $, I'rinarr and Womb dlaraara, Crarel. tXabete. Dtaar, aVpuearaM Mater. IncwuCiuclauiicM L'rteie. Mne Ufa LHa if. Albuminuria, and ia aU caaaa where llaere are brWk-duald) noalta, or the water U lltark. ekawd, . miiad with aubaeancra like Ike white af an m, r ihaaaSi UBa whit ailk. .-r ilirre la a iiMrlld. ,i..rk. Mllatbe ApataaT-n-. an. I whit i m dnt tlraaarM, and wn.a tura la a pricking. I nniin .. !.-m. i tarn aia irr. aU ymiu i.i tlaa Mual -f lb Rack aul alns ihe 1 Tumor vf 1'i Years' Growth t'urnl by lUulicay's lUsttlrrnt. DR. rJADVAY'S PerfectPDriati?eMeplatiiPill! perfectly tattea. elecantlr conir-l with im bam. tewulate. urilT. ckaaw and airvawtlaen. a- war'a Fait, tor the curr ui all ihanrdera ui th niaaaach Livrr. Hawrla, Kidnt a, Kladder. .Vr.on. Miaai ea. Headache. ('-4itaatMu.tativ.-iic, lndiUn. Dra nepaia. Sillou-nea.. Bilioua Kever. liiSaminaiha mf Uaa IxwiK rib-, and all lrai-iawnu at th Intel ail Viaccra Warranted tnraVri a K-ltJee ear. VeajeUbla, cwnutuattig uo wcrcr able, coiiLainmj uo ujcrx er; . atneraUtar A few doaeacf R.VDvVAT rTI.M wl'.l fr tem (mm all I he above named tliaureVrra. Mr Box K01.0 BT DK L .. I .-rs IU r.ur. a.m inir. naa to B4DWAT A CO . Xo S3 Warrnai SB, Mrw lafurnratluu worth thonaauda ana ha aaaat jaaa THE (ij;iiAT lUwslEDY FOR CONSUMPTION wliic;li can xz curecl hy a ttMiely resort to thin stand ard preparation, as lias Imjcii proved by the htindretls of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to le the most reliable preparation ever in troduced ior the relief and cin e of all Lung complaints, nnd is o He red to the public, sanctioned by tbe experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom lails to e euro in the most cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, 'Wlwophig Cough, Influenza,, Asthma, Colds. Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho C I lest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as ia the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED BT fBTH W. FOWLS Land Doeda, Troatee Deed Hit RT r VSBNT at all I! TraT.lrO aad aSeV asa, a" "ISSSMtrTMSbi', "i aTn aaal JPeyVjpgJQQa Com missioncr's Deeds, Sheriffi Deeds, Chattel Mortgae es, m For Sale at this omm at iCeV Jr MKmr lit' mm tfaLatv rJwP X Amm M Ammmmmimmm9mmmWmmLYmL. VBaL Am aaaaaSBB. Dr. at. Walker's CaUfWrntm Tin- eaar Bitters are a purely Veewtttbss preparatiofi, made chiefly from the na Ure herbs found on tfte lower ranges of the Sierra KcrndanionntmiasefCattfor asa, the meflicin.il propcrtiea of which are extracted therefrom without the toe of Alcohol.- Tho queetjari Is almost daily ashed. " What ia the cause of tho unparalleled success of Vixboab Bit TBRsf1 Our answer is, that they remore the causa of dismsn, and Use asetssBt rs eovers Ids health. They are theTreat blood puriflrr and a li fc-gi vine principle, a perfect Renovator mid lnrhjorator of tho systetuv Never before in Urn history of the world has a mcdioine kwam com pound M p-iascaeinr the awmarkabts qualities tl' Vism; a a UiTTKaUi ia heaUuK thS sick of erery disease uun is hair to. They are a ftentle. lunratire as well as a Tonic, relieving Conation 'r Inflammation o( the Liver aud Visceral Organs lu DUious Tbe properties of Da. Walkbr's VlkG ak Uittkbs arc Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative. Nutritious. Laxative, Diuretie, Sedative. Counter-Irritant BadoriBC, liteCSr tive. and Anti-Bilious. bratelul ThousaudH proclaim Vijk BaUa Bitters tho most wonderful In Tigorant jthat srer sustained th- sinking syrteui. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain loug unwell, provided their liones are not ds stroyotl -fby tnincnil jKiison or other means, atid vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Ilcuiittent aud Intor- Wlttcat I CTCrs, which are ao rrva lent m the valleys of our great rivers throughout the Unitett 8Uitea,esieciany those of o Misissipi, Ohio, Missouri, iljlioij, Tciinrssre, ( 'uinbci land. Arkan sas. Kill. Colorado. Brazos. Kio GratHie, rcarl, Alaliama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, Janiesr-nml many others, with tlidr v:ui tributaries, tlironjrhmit oor entiro country during the 8u inane r and Autuin", and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably aecc m pan ie d by extensive tle ratigemeiats of tho rtomacli nnd liver, anaothcr aUlouiinal riaccra. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful inlluence upon these various or gans, is essentia! ly necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to 1)U. J. WaI.KKK'S VlNRllAR HlTTKRit, as they nf!l scelily remme tho eiark colored viscid ntattqr villi which the bowel are loaded, st tho same lime atimulatiiig the sccretkMBt of tho liver, and geimrally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive orgatu. Fortify the ImxIv afraiust dijaeajto by purihing all it s fluids with Vinkcar BlTTK.lts. . No epidemic can take bold of a s stent thtrs lorc-arnird. Ih siiepsia or ludigeKtioii, Head ache, raiu in tba Sbouldrrs, C'ouglis, Tightness tif tlio ClieKt, Dlxzine. Sour Eruel numri uf the Stomach. Had Taste in the slodth. Bilious Attacks, I'alpita tatiou of t!e Heart, Inll.immalion of the F.ungs, rain in the region of tho Kid neys. and a hundred other )aainftil syaip toms, arc the ofrpriiiga of l)ysNssia. One bottlnwill provo a Iwttcr guarantee of its merits tbalt a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's F,tU, wwto Swellfngt. Ulcer, Ervaipclaa, Swrllvd Neck. Goitre, Scrofulous liiflauiimatioiaa, IwJyUaaf, Indainmatiwiis, MitcuimI Agoclioa, Old bore., Kru j.tiont in the Skin, Sore Kye. ate. In then, as-iii.aJl other conaUtntiotiAl lhs. eaae, Vai.vkkx Visbuab Bittbbs have tliown their preat ciiratirs powrra in the Uioat uhstmate and iiitractahle cue. For InQatuntatorjr aud Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Itcmit. tent and Intermittent Kevors. IHseasesof the Blood, laiver, Kulneys nnd lUadstec, these Kitti-ra Jiave no ecjuaj. Such lhacs are caueJ y Vitiated Itloud. Hechnuital DLseases, Persons en- Rgrd in l'aints and Minerals, such at itiiihens Tj M-vtr. CoM-lasatcrs, sad Miners, as they advance ia Ms, are aajhjstt tw paralysis: of the Bowels. To guard sgsinst this, take a do f WaLKBB s VlB eo as Hittkr,. ierm.4nially. j or Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-lthertm, Blotch.. Sjta. 1'imi Pustules, Boils. Caruunclas, Kins worms. Scald-head, gore Kyes. Eryaipela. Itch, Scurfs, DiseolDratiotis of tho Skin, Humors and Dfseaaes f Um Skin of whatever nam ar nature, are literally dug up and earned out of the syaieau ia a shun time by was BOB of these Bitters. Pin, Tate, and other Worms, lurking in Uie avatars of se many thousands. arh eflectaaUy destroyed and rssnovsd. ty statu of mejlkine, ns vermifuges, no aa tbalminitics Will free the sjsteui fruui wonas like these Bitters. For Female Com plain ts, m young or old, married oisingte, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the tnrn of life, these Tonis Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement U soon perceptible. Cleanse Uie Vitiates! Bloosj wbea- evsr you Gnd iu impurities bursting through the skin in Rtmples, LrupUons, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins ; cleanse it when it Is foul: your feeBnga will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health ef the i j mat Wfll feUow. T 11. H. Me DOW ALD aandOew Afta. Saa of WaaSAJteum aaxi l J aal W. It. ear.eTWs EVENING CRE8CENT, A CoiiHerrt ire Daily RALKIGH N . c. 8. HAMPTON. TERMS CA8B "al Dairy tsVOO fee six asoothe ; W.S0 tor DSktat: t eestts tor osj Clubs of ten $47,00. WEEKLY A Paper for tW lamUy Oae year $1A0; Six aseatb 76 eeau i months 40 centv OaU of rite $7 tlS.60; Twenty 123.00; TwtasW lie t7 Thirty $30.00 AAerest J. 8. HAMPTON, PropriHer. Raleigh, N , C March 12, im-tf " rasiirffvor Lit. 4 j .T?SB. EQUITABLE LIFS i !2' r f , IS'I v- Society T.) -I- '"VJir M il mat 3 -a d- DiTidends BecUiiiiully, Can Agents wanted. Apply to J. ALLEN BROWN Oea'L mm m wl FURNITURE, and The Imperial (of London) Lorn lair fc Globe, (of London,) Undar writer'a Aceney (N. Y.), FiaiUjBi (of Phila,), Georgia Home (of Colest. bus, Oa.), and Old North State (tf N. C.) are aU represented bf J. ALLEN BROWN, FERTILIZERS, Guano, 8U Paciflo Guano, Guano. Ba uh ' Raw-Bone Phosphate, aaaf "No. 1. Lump Lime, Kept oa bead, or ordered st suy time. Fanaers will do veil by Engaging what they want at oaee. Time given to parties giving undoubted security, or lien on crops. J. ALLEN BROWN. Office No. 2, Granite tow at At wdt t Hardware Stan. Salisbury, N. C. Aug. 28, 1 871-4 f. THB SOUTHERN MUTUAL IRE INSURANCE COMPANY, eite. , lit January, 1673, - t47t,8o71t Participating Policies. Farm Property a Specialty. DR. U. O. DAVIDSON, Prosideat. JORDAN N. MARTIN, Vice PrstsJamt, I J. K NK IS WANG KB, Secretsry. S. at. General Agnate. J. ALLEN BROWN, of Salisbury, Canvass ing Agesrt, LEWIS C HANKS, of Islington, Local and travelling Agewt. May 12, ly. Christian Advocate. K ALKIii H. N. C Ear. J. 1. 10I1ITT, loitor k Ihibhsbaf . ESTABLISHED IN 1865. COCLAtToN IN THE SI AIM DBVOTBU TO- ! M. E. Church, Sooth. It has iU support, i ttsMlwUtere, (all of We eater ao iu While it it Mothotflstie ia all eh, rebea. h a wHeusss visitor to ..f.ll ItswUeaad MOST EXCELLENT ADVERT Tee 60 MtMItTM FOR BUBINSRi M OEKERALLT. tW Terata. tt-00 Per Aaaata, hi 1 SS Ft sb the 1

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