I , lne Carol ina Watchman. ' , ;, :' . , VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C MlY, 1874. NO. 33. WHOLE NO. 1927- I m . ..1:1 1. PUBLISHED WRfiKLY . J. J. BRUNER, J. STEWART, Associate Editor. nt 4l I! M 1TII OV SI BCBIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. Thar, payable iu advance 92.50 Six Mostbs, " " - 5 Copies to an? addresi Yri-weekly Watchman. Qxt Year Id advance . . . a .$500 glX MOBTHB " " 302 &VERTIS1 RATES I Ou Square (I inch) One imertion $10Q two " 160. tt.tM for a greater number of insertion, w.tr Special notices 26 per cent, more T.n rwMilar advertisements. Reading notices 15 cents per line for eaoli and every insertion. 1.50 10.0 I plodded through rain, snow. ice. and sleet' To the borne of that Eetelle. I found her as t thought she would be. Gentle, kind, good, loving, true, She thought perhaps that I'd come to see, An there find out what I'd do, I a number of short visits paid. Escorted! her to a party. During there something funny was said, Causiug a laughter very harty, We met again at other plane. Exchanged glances and smiled. Present were other pretty faees. Some had come for many miles, But all the faces very pretty, Fve seen or expect to see, Saliie, Julia, May, or Bettie, Estelle is die face for me. N. S. DIANTH. 1 1 rM e4 1 THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This unrivalled Medicine is' warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY V GET ABLE. containing those Southern Roots aud Herbs, which on all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevsll. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement ef the Liver and Bowls. llaasss' LUcr Regulator er Medltne. Is tminently a Family Medicine ; and by being kept ready for immediate resort will save many sa hour of suffering aud many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After over Forty Years trial it is still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials to its vir tues from persons of the highest character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend It as the most . , - EFFECTURAL SPECIFIC For DvsDCDsia or Indigestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and change of water and food mav he faced without fear. AaaRemedv in MALARIOUS FE VERS, BOWEL, COMPLAINTS, RESTLE NE88, JAUNDICE, NEAUSEA. XT 3C.. Jtf O BQPATi. It Is the rreapsst. Purest una Best Family Mdicine ia the Wor d ! Manufactured only by J B. ZEI1IN dC CO , Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia, Price, $1.00. Sold by all Druggists, "Sknd the Bill to My Husband." Realize, my reader, the anguish of a lady compelled to stand by another lady wear ing larger diamonds than her own, or more point lace, or a longer tram I What will the world think, as under the chandelier this painful contrast comes out ? Such . . ... . i . moments of deep humiliation cause sleep- less nights, and the next day result in bills that become as crushing as criminal indictments to poor over-worked men. Under the impulse of such trying scenes as these, many a matron has gone forth on Broadway with firm lips and eyes in which glowed inexorable purpose, and placed upon her arms or fingers that which might have helped her husband forward. The Last Victim of the Wyoming Francois, but notwithstanding tbe fact Massacre. At the commencment of tbe that it was offered" is low as $2.00 an war of 1812, an American crossed the acre, nobody couk be fonnd willing to River St. Lawrence to Canada in bis risk his life by takng up hit abode on canoe. At a blacksmith shop near the this ill-omened plac . For this reason the shore were assembled several persons.- heirs petitioned the Legislature to accept Among then an old Tory was narrating the Letevre estate n behalf of the Com adventures of bis early manhood, one of men wealth, the bedevoted to any public which I give yon. He (the Tory) was use for the benefit d tbe county of Law one of the party commanded by "Brandt" rence, on condition that the same will be in that terrible Wyoming massacre. He known as "the Blody Field, or by any j said tbat after .every one was supposed to (other appropriate denomination reminded nave been slain, an Indian discovered, tbe actual generation ot tbe impunity lying in a cradle, a boy about two years somewhat inexpiable of a double mar- old, in sound sleep ; he raised his toma- der under more inexplicable circumstances hawk to strike the innocent sleeper. The at each years' interval." They also ask boy opened his eyes and, seeing the paint- that sum of tbe taxts paid on the estate ed warrior, smiled. The tomahawk ft 11 from 1845 to the .resent time may be powerless at his side. The Tory continued: reimbursed to them, ant a bill drawn in "The Indian could not kill the child, but the interest of the petitioner is now be- Idid." "Did you kill him?" said the fore the Indiana Senete for us action American. Yes," replied the Tory. 1 thereon. "Then," said the American, "I'll kill you;" and, suiting the action to the word, be seized a bar of iron and with one blow broke the Tory's neck, and immediately made his escape to the American shore. N. i . Observer. semblage. On tbe following day tbe bride waa conducted with great pomp to the palace of her distinguished husband. In tbe van of the marriage procession rode the Per set of Police on an Arab charger, richly panaoncd, accompanied by a brilliant suite of officers. Following these marched a detachment of cavalry and foot soldiers. Then came the ulemas and imams chant in invocations for the happiness of tbe 44 Molly MAGUTRES." Terroisnt and Wholesale Assam tnatxon in Pennsylvania The Carbonari of the Coal Region. COLD-BLOODED MURDERS. ( Every town in the coal regions of the 'Motile Mag-he" organ! is controlled by tbe leaders in t A correspondent of a writing from Scran ton. Pa., journal start princely couple. The equipages of the I Ug pen picture of tbe state of afairs in the ladies belonin to the household of the eoal recioos of tbat'State. lie savs that Khedive and of Prince Ibrahim brought probably no State in the country is so over tl.o .r fnllow-d nd fln hv run wtw roooers are tiirauoee as reau body of canvasses. The carriage which -os- every largely pop cou.nea me rnncew ..no, Urly organised band of outlaws, who hold by six horses. Tbe sreeta were lined with ja" iu Wrro. by thair f,o0t Md troops, the forts thundered out the salutes, torrible depredations on persons and proper- and vast multitudes thronged together to U.. The aets of these semi-educated vandals witness the procession, which was in every outstrip, ia many i I r m a m. way a grand success. The Arkansas Troubles. The following may be taken as the history of the present Askansas imbroglio in a nnt shell. A to the present status of the case our readers have been inform ed by telegraphic reports from Little Rock: Passing Awty. Three events have occurred within a week, in different parts of the country indicating, we sincerely trust, that the bitterness that has so long existed be tween the people of the North and the people of the south is apidly passing away. In Norfolk, on Saturdai last, the mor tal remains of Commodore Dornin, of tbe Federal navy, were born to the grave by eight pall bearers, of arhom four be longed to the Confederate aud four be- A Brave Iceland Girl: Feminine Bare-Back Riding The BarU ing Kiss in the River. "One Joseph Brooks, Dem. claims to longed to the Federal sertice. have been elected Governor In 1872, and instituted a suit in a circuit court to gain possession of the office. Iu meantime the the gems that would be mill stones about Altorney General of the State brought nis nee. xuere re uiuy uun&eo w ,n t nil llnwmnr HTtPr. Ken w in heroism, but if you want your breath : nft-RP--:-n ftf ik nfrW and the floral wreath aa "an humble tribute to In Mobile, on Moods' last, when a statue, commemorative of the valor and patriotism of the Southern dead, was about to be unveiled, the ex-Federal soldiers residing in the c ty presented a taken away, go to littany s and see some Snoreme Court of the State decided that largesonled woman, who will not even it uad n0 ;liri,,4j( a . . count the cost or realize the dire conse quences, but like some martyr of the past who will show to the world the obiect ot his faiih though the heavens fall, she marches ui the counter, selects the cojtli est, and says in tones of majesty, "Send the bill to my husband JX. x. ra per. t-- was iu possession jurisdiction over a contested valor and unselfish devoion to a cause held dearer than life. "The euas which election case of that character. The leg- were fired upen the occation were loaned islature in 1873 opened the returns and by the Federal military luthorities ; and declared Baxter to be elected. Meanwhile the officers of the pail presented a gift of Mr. S. E. Waller started for a trip in Iceland in June, 1872. He gives an aceount of 'Six Weeks in the Saddle,' in a little volcme from which we get an idea of the customs of lift people there. Tbe Icelanders are almost inconveniently hos pitable. It is difficult to get a tanner, who keeps you for a day or two, to ae eept pay. Our author seems to have done his best to requite his hosts by mak ing himself amusing. Here we have an instance of native kindness and temiuine courage. In tbe morning I made a small study, and after a very tolerable meal and many good wishes, we rode off. All went well until we came to the river Markafijot, which happened to be very much flooded. Not liking to attempt to swim under the circumstances, we rode on down the bank attributed to the bonder loffiana or the i peradoes of tbe Far West. Tbe cause of ail this terroism, in wrhat is generally supposed to be a eiviliaed State, is attributed to the manner in which the criminal eases are managed. The legislators who make tbe laws, and the lawyers who handle theui are, mk a rnl. shysters : and. if a criminal has aony.a fob ia very easily arranged by Which he is allowed to go scot-free. While oandrels and burglars walk the streets of the principal cities unmolested honest mea tre dying in the State penitentiaries. Unless ome radical change is effected sooo, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will have such a reputation for outlawry that strangers will avoid it with shhdders. Sc ra d t on ia situated at tbe upper end of tb renowned Wyoming, eoal region. Near here, and in the same corporation, is Hyde Park. organisation, wUeh tbe Wyoming and Schuylkill rei big job ia to be put op. delegation are Met from tbe principal headquarters to "is aasuraoee doubly eve." mm i - j A man's leg, which hmi beta nsslty amputated by a locomotive at Newark, h . J., on last Monday, was carried by the engine to Bristol, Pa., (about 100 seilee), and when the engineer discovered the limb on tbe cowcatcher, be kindly in quired by telegraph all along tbe Mm whether anybody bad missed a lec. Ne wark answered "Yea," and the Teg was promptly returned. It was too late, ever, to be of any service, for the a i v . a. owner was ueaa. Bat, then, it exhibition of touching t dweeoi part of the engineer who took it o OLD LETTERS. How we prise them, how we love them, Letters old and faded now, Soft'y anfold and slowly read them ffT iOnce we read thein, thus we know. y Once they came so gladly welcome Arwl mn hnotilv WA broke the Seal fkUU OV j " In an editorial condemning the practice of carrying concealed weapons, the Chat tanooga 7 ones save : "The carrying of concealed weapons is one of the greatest curses of tbe South. Our authorities here thanks to the Board of Alderman of 1873 nd .Judge rlOTL have pretty effectually broken up the practice, so fur as this city and county are concerned. The effect ( tUim policy have, been moev happy. Chattanooga, once as famous as Kimxville is tiow, for murderous tows, has become one of the most quite and peaceable cities in the country. This shows that to reduce that species of law- breaking which has for Its principal in gredient murderous violence, it is only necessary to create a public sentiment tbat will see to it that the law is enforced against those who violate the minor and preventive feature which denounces a penalty against the cowardly practice of carrying concealed weapons." in a demurrer to the jurisdiction of the flowers "as a mark of respect to the mem- I for some miles, and fortunately fonnd a higher court was entered in the circuit court, and a few days ago, in the absence of the counsel of Governor Baxter, the iudge overruled the demurrer and issued a judgment of ouster. A writ was placed in the bands of the sheriff, aud Brooks with an armed band forced his way into the Governor's office and ejected him. The party.also broke into the State Armo ry and seized about one hundred staud-of a place of some ten thousand population. this place baa, of recent years, been . a TUB SCENE Or MANY OUT B AO EC, perpetrated by the "Mollie Maguires, horde of desoeradoes who infest the countrv. It is said the "Mollies" originated ... . iron a secret organisation whien existea lor many years in Ireland lot Dana, wnicn between fifteen hundred ana two moosana strong, is led by Tim O'Doonelly whose headquarters are in a lonesome, unromanue orv of the fallen dead. a.i4 in recognition house. of their manly and geierous action in Knocking at tbe door, we aaked: "Is contributing to the deco aiion of graves the river very deep !" "Very, ' said a in the National Cemetery at Mobile, Ala., voice from the inside, on the 30 of Jniie, 1873. "Is there a man who will show us a In Washington Citv snd on tbe same ford t" we asked again. day, while our brethren ot the South were j "No," was tbe reply, "both John and holding memorial services over their dead, Oliver are up in tbe mountains, but one the Federal Congress was holding memor- of the girls will do quite as well. Here, ial services over him who only a few I Thora, go aud show the Englishman the Arm. wbereunoii Gov. B ixter teleirra plied short weeks ago was one of its most wav , r . .. . a tn Preaident (irant. asking that the com- prominent members, over UIIABLES Suit- Immediately an exceedingly nanusome mander of the United States Arsenal be KKR, who had been at once t lie idol of the young woma i ran out, and nodding aina- directed to sustain him, and Brooks tele graphed the President to give him posses sion of the Arseual. To both of iheseap- North and the enemy of the South. Amotlir thoae wlw p ' o worrl a r 1 . eulogy and kindly feeling and honest re peals the President replies in the negative, gret for lh death of the Massachusetts and refuses to have anything to do iu the Senator, and to whom was a-signcd the controversy as it now stands, referring the parties to she proper action ot the courts. ii' e a- - Braxton Bragg. Gen. Braxton Bragg was interviewed by a St. Louis leporter the otiter day, and expressed himself on the subject of Jeff. Davis, secession, the Government, &c. We quote a portion of the account, tollows post of honor on the occasion, was the Jap AH Clo via. This plant, sosso times called Spanish clover, is "bne of the greatest boons that has yet fallen tbe sooth, aud to whom wo are lor it is a mystery that most likely will never bo solgod. Tbe same plant grows in Japan, and that circumstance led Prof. Gray, the bo tan it?, to name it Japan clover. No one has the slighte idea ot how it got over from Japan : bat the moot reasonable coclusion at which wo oaa ar rive, is that the seed, or possibly a single seed, was brought across hi oottotVaf shipped from that country. Japan clover ia a heavy grower, and will abode oat almost any grass or other species of grotb It is an air feeder, and therefore does wall on almost any character of soil, ihsnah a nch clay soil suits it best. The inpMI ty with which it spreads is perfectly m tooisbing, the asoro since its seeds ore not winged, therefore can give ns no of how they obtain their quick fr-m place to place. Mobile Register. ly to me, went around to the back of the . . . . and not taking the trouble to fetch a sad dle, vaulted ou his bare back, and sitting astride, drove her heels into his sides snd g.tllooed off down the river baok as hard Honorable L. Q. C. Lamar, a Georgian as she could go, shouting for us to lol- by birth, a Colonel in the Confederate low. Army and a Representative from the We became naturally rather excited at Northern District of Mississppi before the 8uch display of dash on the part of such war as well as now, and a gentleman of a pretty girl, and started off immediately whom the whole Southern laud may well iu chase. But though we did oar utmost b? prond. Aud thus has presented to the to catch her, she increased her distance world the greatfu), doubly grateful spec band over hand. Thero was no doubt a- tacles of Federal soldiers doing honor to bout it ; she had as much courage as ever Federal dead, aud Confederate soldiers we could boast of, and, in point of horse Wondering "now what precious secret' Hath this messeuger to reveal. Ah ! the roses gently scattered Along our way by those we loye, And the gems of untold value. Affection, truth, and sonBtancy to prove. Tokens of their deep devotion, Those old letters to us came Beaming with those fond professions ! Sacred e'r to friendships name. Each fadeded page is but a whisper From some fond heart to ours, Round each word sweet memories cluster - Of other days and by-gone hours. Every leaf so richly teaming With beautiful hopes and promise fair, And many u sketch of girlish dreaming So trustfully confided to our care. . '. we are all but idle dreamers . . , - i at . n youtns origin gay moruiug ituic, Weaviug scores of fairy garlands Around our future to entwine. Origik of the Battle Flag. After the battle of Manassas, in 1861 it was ob served by the principal officers of the army of Northern Virginia that it was difficult to distinguish, in tbe field, the Confederate from the United States colors. 1 attempt ed to get rid of this inconvenience by pro curing foi each regiment its State colors. In this t was unsuccessful, except as to the Virginia regimeuts. Governor Letch er had the State colors made for each of them, and brought them to the army him self and delivered them to the troops wit h his own hands. After failing in this at tempt I determined, to have colors for use before the enemy made for the army, and OB BeporterI suppose you favored bc and Confederate statesmen doing honor to aiauship, was a hundred yards ahead of Cession l xeuerai ucuu. euticr ui uo. General I did. I thought, and think May the time speedily come when the For about half a mile we rattled along now, that it was necessary for our honor, people of all sections of the country shall when suddenly she pulled up short on n Onr institutions were being encroached up- once more be linked together in the bonds gaud bank. on in a maimer that demanded action. 1 of true fraternal feeling, each mindful of 'You can cross here," she said, "but would have favored fighting under the old the feeling and respecting the rights ol yon must be careful. Make straight lor gro wing flag. We were maintaining the true Con stitution, and not the other side they should have been called rebels, and not us. Reporter what are yonr feelings jnow toward the Government General I have no government. I am disfranchised ; that is, I suppoee I am, as I have not ihquired into i he mat ter. I take no interest iu it. My prop- the other. Royal Marriage in Egypt. The fete givon bv the Viceroy of . , - Egypt on the occasiou of the marriage of his daughter, the Princess Zeiueb Hano- urn, with Ibrahim Pasha, seem by account civeu of them in the Turauie. to have A Nsw Us to Co Meal. In diao meal as a fertiliser is enthusiastically a . mt mrmr Wfe I . spot ou Keyster's Mountain, lu Myoe rara recommended by a New Jersey fs aud this city, no lees tnao twelve peraou. Qe g u i Boprlor lo Peruvian gaaaa. have disappeared mysteroosly. aud are aaio , . f M u He ha to hav been "put apray" by toe "ioi. lea. nn MM nd wheat. Ibis rear. K is saiu mat uey wuu w i . - . - KZZSTI r8.n.,. ..H ii ia a mat- with eicelleot results, and gU IUI l IOII AWVU vi ava awwvaa fn,nmnn Vvoliof that two of the aadine Tarmers generally w iry it lor ri ui , " m I . . . . . , a mAtw nffirinU are members of the band. Applied in lulls ot corn it nan Their Dlan of operations is said to beastoi- effect in stimulating growtn, toe lows : When the "Mollies" have determin- euano. ftnd like tbe latter it killed tbe ad upon the death of any one who has incur- wj,en jn contact with tbe red their vengence, lots are orawn, ana um oni. to whoee dutv it falls to dispatcn me , . , .a a ;m ioM his bloodv work silently out surely. A man named Jones, a "Mollie," warned L f,; .., .) m aUlr nua - - "marked man." A few days afterwards Jones himself was found dead upon the highway. Upon examination it was found that he had been stabbed to the heart. Near where he hud was the emblem of tbe "MoU lies,1 A COFFIN, SKULL AXD CSOSS-BOXXS, to which was attached on a card the words: "So dies the traitor." When tbe band wish es anv one to leave the neighborhood, a no tiee bearing some horrible symbol of death is placed ou the door of bis residence, with the written injunction tbat be must leave In twenty -four hours, v It is needleee to state that the werninr if generally heeded. Tbe v...-- O - T m "Motue siaguirea voeir t iu nnj- thing and those that incur their displeas ure. In any part of the e ml region, are made to quit the country or forfeit their lives. . .. In the Shuvlkill region, especially about Mahoney City, Oirardville. Loeust Gap. Centralia. Mt. Canel and Shamokiu. the Mollies" pursue their depredations without gens. Tbe stimulating effect of meal most bo owing to the mi elements coulaioed in it. Its consts in a fine powder renders it speedy of de 9 t jMewaaAtf eaee mm W eaa W9tl Charcoal for Poultry. Fowls ol all kinds are very fond of charcoal, and will eat it with great relish if property prepared. Pounded charcoal is not fai tfct shape in which fowls usually food, and ennsequeotly ts not very 9MMm their palate fae ing to them. To pic charcoal should be in pieces of about the size of grains of corn, and if these are strewed aronnd tbeir quarters, they wfll readily eat thereof. Corn burnt ea tb cob, and the refuse (which consists almoot entirely of tbe grains reduced to caartaflL and still retaining their perfect sImm) placed before them, makes a marked IP provement in their health, as is shown br tbe brighter color of tbeir combs, and tbelr sooner producing a greater number ei lo the flock thau before. Treatment or Bos D -i i id. MAnl it Inf in eoafttant fear of i Stewart's America Farmers H UI O 1 - - ihir Uvea. Hardly a day passes out tnai 1 ,,,-( v waa onnfiBAalod and '. T had nothing I f . L 'II' . J .! . Tl. asked .in the army) for designs. Many "V a tT . a Deen ol uownpiwu, x uC were offered, and IL of several presented ! lel1 mJ but .debta and hV6p bad t0 fetes commenced on Sunday, the 2 1st ult., by General Beauregard was selected. I , k "J l? TW, tbe when the Princess was conducted from modified it only by making tbe shape 1 Eeporter-would you fight fSr tbe ,hc Uec of lhe Vieero7 l0 hmi of her Square, ih8tel Jf oblong, and prescribed j Government VjWjpMf grandmother, his Highness'-mother. Her the different sizes for infantry, artillery I . SZJLrL departure was announced by salvoes of andTavalry. Tbe proper nimber was "Jvmg the nationality f ko Gvern- arlUery, and for three days following the V.L.a '.j.. AlJ t M:- ment, I might. I am strictly with my f,,a. wcre carried on. The invita- a "mysterous death" occurs. A few days since a miner, Miebeal Dougherty, waa passing along the main strict of Centralis, when, all at onoe, be was Seen to totter and fall Persons ran to him; and, upea reaching tbe spot, they found be bad been shot. As no shot was beard at the time of tbe occur rence. the matter was regarded aa very mys terious Tbe man was carried to bis home. and on tbe door of bis 1 ouse was the Inscrip tion. W. L. Cabell, the chief quarter-master of PP" , A- :rtnZ 7k 'a r. luu UL r.. ; ces would have to be extraordinary to ui- me army, auu pmu iui uu iuc iuuo m his hands for military purposes. Gen. Johnston's Book p. 602. Jr. m l What if time hath made its impress, And should writing once go plain As ws read we almost fancy Absent loved ones back again. Take them, hold them, in our fingers While we read them o'er and o'er, Love aod truth still in them linger As they did so long ago. Salisbury. N . C. April the 20th 1874. EULA. vn m - Mill For the "Watchman" TO E. E. C One winter eve, I was walking out, I viewed a cousin far, With her, a girl somewhat more stout, ; ' Than enuains ffenerallv are. I was by deeting led to visit, The dear old home of my birth, Where I met a young girl ezqusite. What I did't dream was on earth. Tall, graceful, young, beautiful and fair Not rich in diamonds and gold. But with manners, from, features, and hair. Wealth enough to win the soul, An Introduction given on the street, Although formal, answered well. Ddsperate and Fatal Dukl Be , -w a i wren two liiRLS. it is related that two girls! Royal tobacco factory at Madrid recently killed each other in a hand to-hand contest. I he mode adopt ed by the combatants was as romantic as it was barbarous. 1 he antagonists, who were both about twenty years old, aod re markably handsome, repaired one Sunday morning, accompanied by certain of their comrades, to a village some four or five miles distant, where they breakfasted sumptuously at different tables. The re past ended, tbey closed the window cur tains, stripped themselves to the waist. and requested their friends to leave the room. Then, at a given signal, they at tacked each other with their navajas, and slashed and thrust until both fell to the floor mortally wounded. When a few minutes had elapsed their friends re-entered tbe room. Estefania, one of the com batants, had received ten wounds, from which the bled to death in about a half an hour. Oasilda, her antagonist, died somewhat sooner from a ghastly wound in the neck. duce me to serve under such a Govern ment as now predominates. There would be but little inspiration to fight for a Government, controlled by snch men a9 Ben Butler and other such men now iu office. Tragic Narrative of Facts. The heirs of two brothers, named tions to the fetes were iu accordance with the rank cl each guest. The ulemas, or members of tbe priest hood, received a special mark of honor by being invited on the first day. The next day was devoted to the en tertal nine nt of the consuls-generals and of the higher functionaries of tbe State, civil aod military. Thirdly and lastly came the religious heads of the Christian com munities and the vice-counsels, the Gov ernors of Cairo and Alexandria, and the that rock over there, and when you have if lii'il it. vou wi II be able to see the cairn of stones we built to show the land ing place." All right," I ssid. "Good bye." She looked puzzled for a moment, and then said : "I'll come through with you ; it will be tafer." Good gracious ! Bajarni, don't let her come." I said "she is sore to be drowned, and I can't get her out with all these wet clothes on ; tell ber to go back." But before I was half through the sen tence, she had urged her horse into the TK- fnowed by skulls, eroes booes. water, aud in a moment waa twenty yarda ROd otn e r hideous emblems. By this it into the river. Of course I followed quick .i IIDM known who committed tbe aa nossible. and. after a great deal of No attempt is ever made by the authorities I the crimes, aa everybody tears smasuiog. reacueu iuc lumun. . , - m - , -. 7 . !.. -i :.i W th vehirenee of the terrible organization. nooo. "iow, sue .a.u, u. ..... - conced-d that there is uo law hersc up sbreast with mine, and pointing " n'.9m with her whip, 'there's the mark. l ne .'Mollies" number about 2000 la the water was running level witn tne norses Schuylkill region. The lesders are many wiihrra. and it was only bv luting tbeir ... oromioent one is said to be heads very high they could keep their maa by the name ofBaroy Dolan. who lives nl..,r ! near Loeust Gap. 'Citizens, buaiiss men. UU,M VIK1M . . . . . !. I , eoal operators aud miners, nave ei ner wee a driven from the regions or Drutsuy 'HE BET RATED THE BAND. Bleed I plats ef mix. W- burad "Good bye," she said, "God bless you," and before I was quite aware of it she kissed me on the cheek I was about to return the compliment, aud a few minutes after I la a J A m..truj ultor V Franco!. W-r hr, NMMp-' '"b"' 'J KTkfcSi: torney, presented a me- cities. Alter tne uanqnei was a magniu- 7 " , through their attorney ? ... .. ... . . monal to the Indian a Senate, w Inch reads cent display ot breworks, ana on tne same more like narrative of actual facts, evening a ceremony ef a different charac- Jacques Lefevre came to this country ter took place in the apartments of the about the year 1830, and settled ia Law- haremilk, whore a uumber of European renee county, Indiana, near St. Francis- ladies and other notables were received by ville, on the banks of the Wabash. For the Viceroy. Tbe Princess, however re- fifteen jrears he toiled industriously on mained in a private room with the Prin- bis farm, chopping wood and selling it cess-mother and aunt of the Khedive un for foel to passing steamboats. til after dinner, when she received her Tn 1 RAS ltk Wsi 4 jri n rl pvf i! hot while Av rnata in another apartment, where - ot - 7 . v" r. i j . . . .. v . irallnnin? over the nlain if ;..;.. ;n Teeland is a custom similar AllOClllb O . ,11.1 nated on the highways These brigands are bound by tbe moot terrible oath : aod, if one is selected to com mit murder, and then tails be is compelled to die by bis own hsjnd, in presence of tbe entire organisation.. Pat Hester, who is now in the Eastern to shaking bands here. I had thought Pejiteutiary, ia known aa tbe king of tbe of it in ordinary situations, but a kiss j "Mollie Moires." Doring the mejora in the midst of bouudless waters wao, ble "long strike ' of ISfl 10 in tbe miasi oi uu"u" - foree Paiber Koobeof Shamokm to allow to say the least of it, strange. It was consecrated certainly the wettest one l ever uao in my , , v w Ttf19tA ht a I ; I . . ' m . I riot. The State troops were eanea out, aaa he, together with several others, were ARRESTED AJTD IHPRIHORED. It is during a miners' strike that the "Mol j ps" raise the mischief generally. Murders , aays : " l ne treatment in lis tores resembles that for glanders. the neck rein, taking aboot thi blood s then take aod thoroughly gether one tables nocnful of gunpowder, 0 of lard, one of soft soap, two of tar, aa oao of pulverised gum myrrh : put a SK-'Dfal cs this down tbe horse's throat at far as yea can with a paddle or spoon . Do this a day. At the same tune make a decoct ion of tobacco as hot as the lu with which wash his aeok three times a day. In connection wit abova aire the animal as much resin aa be eaa be induced to of a aoood each day at tiro parts sulphur, each as oats and eut feed ; or. if in better. No com till after reeowry. work while suffering. Keep stable wa fumigated." Tbe notoiiona California robber, Y qoes, has been overtaken near Loo Aa gelos and has been compelled to taa SO the mountains, closely pursued. IN Vasoues is one of the moot romantic of bandits, an old-time highwayman, at times and at times ferocious ; ft who robs with grace tbat deprives bery of half its disgraccable features, murders with a calmness and prompt hich secures admiration. It is to m hoped be will be caught and wb hanged. He life RereoistratiohiwNobthCabolika. Practical Cremation. sta. I oi cremation oaa viwna telly, and the burning crMf op by tbe eaa, as tali if others. A writer I standing near his wood-pile wailing Tor were displayed tne cosiiy marr.age prea- Mncb doubt seems to exist aa to whether . u: A :... . u .u Rnlian The room was mumm wa w. m. . . , an approacumg o-aujci. u4,0h w eUi.B cc.t 7 . - - --- - . ... om:n- st-t- elections tne people Up held, but tbe mystery of the assassination profusely and richly aecoraieo, a carpe -fatM". A gentle- ' .r nrietrated. "mine breakers" aad other was not solved, and the incident gradually of the rarest furs covered the floor, and oJfdsboro writes to the Private ' property burned. Dsriug tbe "long strike," a . m . I ll t .1 I . i nlaa ivara linni, WMtli n I Mian vt xjawtvaw ' . ' . a 1 - oinnnen oul or ine recollection oi iu tne wans anu ccii.uk , nrn,,ai nn n,, w than one nnnuren Teran ieu L th nPicrbhrtrhoAd F.iirht vears briea of inestimable value Elevated in rwi" . " . " : , . A ladytn New York is the mother of ! a large family of children, and they are all rather diminutive. A few days after tbe birth ot tbe youngest, not long since, a little niece of tbe lady called to see tbe baby. After looking at the tiny specimen for a few minutes, the little girl sail: "Aunt Maria, don't you think it would be bettor to have leas of em and have 'em bigger." later Fraocois Lefevre came over from the middle of the room were tbree thrones France to collect what might be dne the covered with fine silk tissue with gold estate of his brother, and to live on the embroidery. On one of these the Princess, farm; but a few monthe after his arrival resplendeut with iewels, took a seat, her be, too, was sbot on precisely the same mother and grand aunt seating themselves spot where his brother fell, and bis mur- the one on tbe right hand, the other on derer was never apprehended, nor any tbe ten. xo mew u clue ob:aiued concerning his identity. Highnesses tbe maternal grandmother of The Lefevre estate cousisted of sevety- the Princess, tbe mother of Ibrahim Pa three acres, and ei nee Jacques was shot, aha, and the wives of the Khedive; as although the farm has oroduced nothing, thev entered the room they opened bags, ed to U the Uud since the aarjer .l ihey &ng ou the hede of tbe festive reB..tered eu.-Bafc"J vraoera. Seereury of the Oor-J-J J JTSuT'L . the ..hjeeL Hf J- "E4"" ol ,h. U. -I. W-i twenty-five atrocious murders were perpe- tn ne the same old reeisier doo b..u others think the whole registration should J be commenced afresh. In eonversslion ..jfollie Magurism' is increasing ia allthe with Hon. W. N. H. Smith, he showed I aigtricu. and evjpntnaMy nothing eaa be us a late act of the Legislature providing done by tbe citizens.' unices sanctioned by for the elections this year to bo held iu the organisation. fcoeh a Mate of affairs everv narticnler aa in 1872. and adopting wonld almon seem imposible in the State J I . .. . - r -I D Mi Hancock, aa m I, nt m.ituri irn st nroc r 1 the Same enactment tbat appnea 10 voav. u. . .TZ" , 7V 1 " i" Thi. entee.r, .rb- P-ovide. that the '.Z re, utration tut ehjl be rered M u to M d , rMm M the . . 1 .a-va-aaa-ftft MW lA IUI . . a i u, w , hi f,,r rr of attack arhlle in DO lectors to Uiaht t r tear the eities. all the males and many of the fe males go to their place of business armed. The disevasioe of cremation baa liaaat up the ease f Shelly, and the bum leg efbit body when east u Treiawaov and New York World, brings to notice tbe ing of tbe body of Heorv Laura plantation in South Carolina, oa 11, 1793. Laurens succeeded President or Ongreoe, and waa al Minister to Holland. The story of ment in the Tower of London is wftllkl The following clause was found ht will : "I solemnly enjoin it to my SO a indispensable doty, that as soon as bo veuieotly eaa after my dec so is to eoan body to bo wrapped ia twelve yards ef cloth, aod burned until it be entirety and then collecting my wherever he may think proper. Unreni a-aa aeventv veers of are atvO time of his death. His body was feraod be his So on tbe plantation, aad tbe obS carefnll v rat he red and placed in a silver OA It is said that Laurens feared being alive, aod for tbat reason left tbe dir quoted from hi will. CharUanm Ne I

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