(Carolina w latcpin LOCAL. MAY, 88 , i - 4 ' Special Hotice. Mere announcement of iuai riages or deaths, or shor religious notices, we publish without cbtfgr, and would be glad if ministers and frisndu would furnish us with such . Bat all oiii uancu, tributes of respect, life sketches, or othar matter of whatever character, not of gen- el interest to the public, are charged as adrer tisemcnts. fgfflickncm in the family of the Associ ate editor has hindered him from the more perfect performance of hit duties this week. Asttkaabssn reported thnt I here with in wn y r.r.rae from before the convention for tbe perior Court Clerkship, I take this method .of sjw.rin ' my friends that I am still a candi date. Though I will abide by the voice of a convcation. f HOBAH Mr. K. H. Marsh is progressing fir. ally with his new fouudcry and workshops. The crops in this section arc suffering considerably for want of rain. A pAitswn lias opened bis Ice Cream Sulonn, for the Season. Messrs Brosdfield and Thns.-H. ,Van- Jerfnrd are preparing to erect residences on Fclfon strecU BUILETXO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION meets next Monday night, apparent gain on Slock 1. 45, come to the meeting and aave yonr fines. Do not fail to read the advertise ment of Messrs McNoely & Walton. They are jnst in receipt of a large and well se lected stock of goods and they arc offering special inducements to cash bnycrs. In the Grocery lino, Messrs. Bingham tc Co are ahead. They have enough .coffee alone to fill an ordinary rare-house. .Sr;ar. Molases, and other articles in pro- portion. Early Cabbage. We understand from Mr. R. Murphy, Jr., that he has had whitehead cabbage, this year's growth, several days past. Rather early that, every thing considereed. Mr. Wm. Murdoch, our worthy towns man, is due onr thanks for various Glas gow and Edingburg newspapers, sent us fiom Fcntlrtnd, where he is now on a vis it t ' relatives and friends. Mr. M.rx- ; rts to s, end the large part of. the sum- ror abroad. T Honey. Mr. Henry CnuhV brought to MS a specimen of Bee work, performed in tfcn patent Hive ho is now tntldng ud sell- a;v It was in a frame 0x12 inches, heauti f white and clear, 3 lbs, in weight. He tititk 8 such frames out of one Hive, Monday inw.itiij. returning as many empty frames tf.rtlie Hees to fill? La roe 8tock In the way of Hard ire, See., See. Messrs. Crawford 5: Heilig h ive undoubtedly gt the largest and uw at complete stock of Hardware ever hrought to this place. There is nothing nn their line they can not furnish. Our Fair. We notice that the prc ihira li.t will soon be ready for distribu tion. We. have not exami icd it closely, but understand that it is quite large, aud the beauty of ft is, all the premiums offer ed will certainly be paid.. It is to be h 'pi d that all our good farmers in this iseoiion will make arrangements to have something at our Fair, as we have good reasons for saying it will be the best by far we have yet had. We notice in several places limbs hang ing fiom shade trees over the streets, par tia'.ly obstructing passage and otherwise presenting au unsightly and dangerous obstacle to persons riding through the streets. These limbs were split or broken iby the sleets last winter, the ends were afterwards chopped off, as high as a man could reach standing on the ground, and now thwy are liable to strike any one riding In the face, putting out an eye or inflicting other injury. We hope it is not ttoo much to ask that they bo removed. .' We would call the attention of qnr readers, and especially thope who are in terested in machinery, to the advertise ment of Messrs. Pool Hunt, so widely and favorably known as Engineers, Founders Machinists. Ever determined to be among tbe first iu the grand march of improvement, and to keep pace with marvelous advance of the age in science and tuaehanics, this firn spare no expense in perfecting the working capacity and appliances m their splendid establishment. Their new Pattern and Price Lists, with an my valuable additions, are now ready for distribution, and will be sent, post paid, to those who make application for them. They have also on hand an excep tionally large and comprehensive list of miscellaneous machinery patterns. WA8HINnX)N7MAY23rd, 1874. En tors Watchman : After sitting H night the Senate, at seven o'clock this mornings passed the so-called "civilrighis Bill." The Radieal Senators had deter mined in caucus to have a vote on it be fore adjourning for the day, and the pa. biotic Democrats and Conservatives to a n f0ogh t against it alt night . As I sat at my table writing , for I could not sleep tsuch a time, it was impressive, as bo a,fter hour rolled way until the jnoruing begajr to dawn, to watch the ''got keep biasing on in the dome of the maintained tbe contest and that tbe great outrage was not yet completed- But the fanatical majority carried their point a at last, and passed the measure. The Capitol showing that our noble champions real aud avowed parposwdf: itfjk to com pel companionship between tbe people and especially the children of tie two races, so as to destroy, they enJk the pre judices of race. It ought to be entitled a Bill to destroy free schools in tbe South, to bring about social intermingling of whites and blacks, promote amalgamation, and monerelize our people like that of Mexico. The Bill has yet to pass the House be fore it becomes a law; -We 1 snail resist s passage there by every available ex pedient a ad to tha last extremity. There will no doubt be some all night sessions on it in the House. But the Radicals can and probably will pass it before Coo gress adjourns. County and town author i lies in North Carolina who may be de bating the subject of levying school tax es will take note of this. My main purpose in writing is to keg the people to take a decided course in this matter with all candidates for office who ntay be before them, compel them to speak out squarely and say if they are for or a gainst this law without any dodging every time they mount the stamp. Con gress would not pass this Bill if the white Radicals of the South would openly and unitedly denounce it. It is the dough deed manner in which the Southern Radi cals deal with this question that is going to cause the Bill to pass and they will be responsible for it. -Let the Conservative press continue to "cry aloud and spare not," and make every Radical candidate, little aud big, say how he stands on this Bill. If it becomes a law it dooms tbe children of the poor to grow up in ignor- and or go to school with negroes. Is it possible that any decent white mau in North Carolina will hereafter vote with a j- J , - S party which docs such things ? P. S. Since writing the above I learn that an amendment was offered last night that the Bill should not be so construed as to compel mixing white and black children in schools, and this amendment was voted down. So there is no mistaking the animus of the Ridical majority in the matter, on the results of the Bill. Its terms are perfectly plain, aud include schools, hotels, churches, railroad cars, steamboats, cemeteries, and everything. It reaches from the cradle to the grave. R. Ctood BSen for County Commit tiontrs.--.We woe respectfully suggest to 1 U Lenoir, N. C our county convention tbe following names from among which a Board of county Com missioners might be selected. We need never be at a loss for suitable persons to fit! the position as long as we . have such men among us as Jas. McCubbins, J. K. Graham. John Graham, John Bice. Calhey Rice, John C. Miller. J. M. Harriac nJ J gtoai. J. B. Parker. A. J. Mock, J. G Fleming. E. Mauney . Tobias File Henry Barriuger, Cal. Reed. Frank Barber. J. M. Steel. B. A. Knox, S. R. Clark, J. A. Fisher. J. B. Gib son, J. A. Hawkins. Chas. F. Baker. Jess-. W. Miller. E. McNeely, Col. Houck, Chas. H. McKenzie, Dr. Coleman, Dr. Shimpock. Reuben Cress, J. M. Coleman, Thos. . Brown. Dr. Sifford, Monroe Barger, An drew Barger, John Earnheartv Thos. F. Eamheart, Lewis AgOer, Dr. Rossman, J, F. Freese, G. A. J. Seehler J. D. Johnson, Ransom Jacobs, W. R. Fraley, E. A. Props t. A. Peeler, John Verble, W . M. Kiucaid. Dr. Chonn, George Lysrly, W. A. Lingle. Jesse, Lyerly, John B. Beard, A. Pester, W. F Watson, P. N. Heilig, B. F. Fraley, Sam'l Linton Dr. Suminerell, R. J. Holmes, 8. S. Trott, J. M.-Horah, P. P. Meroosy. E. II Marsh, snd a host of others as good men as any now in the Board whom we might name. With such a list to select from, it strikes us that there can be enough obtained to fill die county Board and not he compelled to take those of whom it is said that the couu ty can't get along without. It is an insult to the intelligence of the county to say that the county government eant he run without Messrs So & so are kept in th Board. If the county affairs are half as badly muddled as they are represented to be, we have had a little uvu much of these born or Heaven created rulers, so-called. If cor people will post themselves upon tbe records of the Poor House alone for the last few years. they will find enough to make them repu diate without hesitation these itnmaeulates. We tell the people there is great need of a change in the county Board. If ws were not opposed to any one having a lease for life on any particular office, we wonld still urge a change in the county Board; and there will be a change unless white men help the negroes to vote in certain of the present incumbents. This is the game now Why are these men not willing to come before the county convention and abide its decision ? Becanse they know that their conduct has been of that kind, the bet ter class of people will not endorse : hence they declare themselves independents, and trust to the negroes and vagabonds to cover up their misdeeds. Will the good people allow them to do it yB t rttv. iwn erv FHfA CAROLINE FAUCETTE. wrfs of E. W. Fauoette apd daughter of John and Mary B. Dowlap. OBITUARY. At the residence of Richard Culbertson, April, lath, Mr. John C. Towel, aged about 36 years. He died sf consumption, contracted or developed while in Texas, whence he returned to his native State and county aboot the 1st of April, only surviving his return a few painful dag. . r 1 The deceased was s very promising student si Davidson College, which place he left sud denly snd without apparent cause about two years ago and went to Texas, where he en gaged to teach school. His health soon failed him. however, and he delayed his return home to the latent poaible day as above indicated. He had an imwraaeeon Us life, and we Warn that this will secure any creditor he mar have left behind. COTTON CHOPPER. I I AYIOD COTTON I CHOPPER A3D CDLT1TAT0B. IRE STOVE belle r onm than ever. sod get the BERT. Jst the stove COOK if yon went one that mill outlaat any other, snd that U made of all HEW IRO.V,and warranted to give sal infection kt. Various styles, of cook legatee at a small -prates. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. called the ACOHN ifwmTEMIIRt WUffitl fr .1,. via aad laesawr. $160.00 In eat h r ial i bend for sfeeals UbaVcivev foil ZIEOLEB A EcCUEDV, Phihv 4w. th r Pa, ; SALISBURY MARKET. MAY 00 UN new 98 COTTOtf-.ll.15 FLOUR-.a25.a.50. ttrULtl. BACON (county) 10 12 -hog round POT ATOE8 Irish 90 a Sweet $1.00 EGGrU 12 to 15 CHICKENS $2.75 per dox. LARD 12 a 15. :u FEATHER? new, 50. TALLOW 9 a 10 RYE a 90. BEESEWAX 30. WHEAT $1.15 a $1.75. BUTTER 25. DRIED FRU IT Blackberries, 10 a 11. Editors Watchman. Gbstlemes: In yo jr last issue,- I find these words. (f the Associate Editor, i presume.) with regnrd to the receipts aud disbursements of the funds of the Town, for the Municipal year, eudiug May 4th. J 874 : "Tlii Kep.u t. tho Lhw require t be made THE. FRANKLIN TEAM WASHER GO TO TEXAS VIA THE LONE 8TAR ROUTE ! f International and G uk at Northern R R) 5a5a3 TH WARE, Snnrr Tro & Gprrca Wabjc made of the EST Materia L, on hand or n made to order Merchants supplied at Low Pairn. Cash paid for all kiudftot Copper, Brass eV. Aak for Baows's Tin shop Main Street. Salwbarr, S. C- L. V. Brown. I I aa well fwcyaiea1 to eat good STENCIL PLATES for ssarking Toiaccu Fkmr Patent artide die. Kf erj pemon doing anr kind of work or basi neas should have a stencil to ad Teniae hi baai nesa, as it is acknowledged to be the beat and cheapest wav to let people know what rou are Willi Planter Attach PaaenKer8 going to Texas via Memphis and Little Rook, or via Shreveport, strike thia line atLongview, the Best Route in Palestine. liearne, Waco, Austin, HunUville. Houston. ualvaston and all points in Western, Central Eastern and southern Texas. Passongers via .New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Trier, Mincola, Dallas. Overton. Crockette, Long view and all points in Eastern and northeastern lex as. This line is well built, thoronshlv eauinned with every modern improvement, includine New and Elegant Day Conches, i'ullman Palace Sleeping Cars, WestinghouHC Air Brakes, Mil lers ratent Safety rlatlbrnis and Couplers ; nnd nowhere else can the pasaenger )o completely depend on a speedy, safe and comfortable jour ney. The LONE STAR ROUTE has admirablv answered the query : "How to go to Texas f by the publication of an interesting and trath. ful document, containing a valunttlu and correct map, which can he obtained, free of charge hv addressing the GENERALTICKET AGENT, International anil Great Northern Railroad, Houston, Texas. District E.1 Call at the Book Store and get one of these remarkable W sabers. The washing of an or dinary family can be done before breakfast than in any other way without the wear and tear of clothes incident, to the old way. A large family can save the price o a washer in one year in clothes. A small family will ave the price of it in hire ; without any extra, by the clerk, for Some reasou or other, the clerk has made no report. Sec. : thus throuirh i i. advertence, not designed, charging me with ' helf the vajshind can be done on your own lot an uu merited dereliciion of official duty. I I 52 hard d3r'8 work for your wife deiiy the existeuce of any Law tu the charter i LiS) or elsewhere, requiring said Report to be ; at tne Book Store all kinds of books can be uiuun i', ,iir iitift. t nr uii it jtn" 'or- till- HilCl iu y on the Treasurer. In See. 12 of the old charter, is the only Law, prescribing the clei'k's duty in the premises, "aud said Coin iiibiouer4,shall cause a copy of said account, (the Treasurer's,) for the year preeediug every 1st day of December, to be made by their clerk, aud posted in the Court House, u Said Town, for 20 days next previous to the 1st day of January iu each aud every year" which accordingly (except as to time, iiow changed,) has been done, . There is no Law requiring publication in a Newspaper, but it has been customary your kind-offer to publish gratuitously Sec. will uot be suf ficient authority, for me, as clerk of my own matior. to furnish the desired Copy, I will do so, with pleasure, .when authorized by the Board, whose servant I am. P T. O. HAUGHT0N, C. B. C. Mr. Haughton is simply mistaken as, I think, I shall be able to show in next issue. He is not merely the servant of the Board cither ; for both be and the Board arc liable to indictment for failure to com ply with the law in this particular. With all due deffereuce to Mr. II., we will here say, the charter has uot been changed and it has not been complied with Shiloh Grange mot and organised on the 15ih day of May, 1874. Names of members as follows : Males J V Fisher. Da wait K I tuts, T H Webb. W S Brown, P A Ritchey. F M Houtshouser, A L Peeler, John Fisher, Heury Brown, Micheal L Browm, Wm Stephen Kirk. . r EMAL.ES Mrs T H Webb, Ceres Miss Sarah Hart man, Pomona Miss C R Brown, Flora Mrs C C Lyeriy, Lady as. Steward Mrs J W Fisher, Mrs D Klutts. Mrs A M Lowder, Mrs S V Holshuusor, Mrs M M Cauble, Mrs G Brown, Mrs P Kirk, Mrs Aj L Peeler. Mrs S Kirk, Mrs W S Brown, Mrs Wm C Dunham, Mrs Micheal L Brown. wairiNo PAPER OF EVERY SHADE, AND TINT, ENVELOPES OF ALL STYLE. MUSIC, &c, No extra cbargn-for ordering books or Music not nir hands. AM orders prompt - y attended to Gall and get writing papei heap. at the Salisbury Book Store. January 2 1 874 I v. h2C; IBaaaaaiafw vCt -HalaHaVHaKVitBaiaHaVawBfli Master. Overseer. Lecturer Steward. as. Steward. Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain Gate Keener C Dunham, Davidson College. The Commencement at Davidson will take place on Thursday the 25th of June. The roll of the graduating class contains nine teen names. On the day preceeding Com mencement, there win be interesting exer cises : The Rev. M. D. Hook, D. D., of Rich mond, Va,, will deliver the annual oration On the afternoon of the same day the Hon J. G. Ramsay, will deliver the address before the Alumni. The reputation of these gen tlemen will doubtless attract a Urge audi ence upon that day. There will also be a sermon before the graduating class on Sab bath preceedmg, ana representative speeches from the two literary societies on Wednes day night. And When we add that the Trustees will then elect three Professors for the College, it will be seen that this Commencement will be one of the most important that has ever been held since the establishment of David j son College. Notice to Debtors. ' All persons indebted to Kerns and Brother. either by note or account, at the Li verly Stable or Store, or for gpodn purchased at the auction and not paid for. are hereby notified to p-iv up at once. In my absence, nav to Mr. Thos. H. Vanderford whose receipt will be good. D.h. BRINGLE, Receiver of Kerns & Brother. May 28, 1874 3mos. siring I Snmw The Brown Cotton Gin. The attention of planter and others is again elled to the ahavc old nnd reliahle make of Cotton (iih. They are furnished thise yoar area ly improved, and nothing which exper euee of thirty years in their manufacture cnld suggest has been lelt undone to make tnem the most reliable and perfect Oottou Gin iu market, A. the result ofourefforts we need only refer te their established reputation and wide-spread popularity. For Pkbpkctiox op Workuaxsimp .SraKSGTit, Durability. Light Ki nnin.. and QUANTITY aud QUALITY of LINT PRODUCBD. we challenge compctium. We are prepared to warrant to any reasonable patent perfect ati faction to every planter or operator. The Gins are sold at the lowest possible price for god machines, and on reasonable terms. Y7e invite examination of the- samples in the hands of onr local agents who will give all desired in format ionand furnish applicants with circulars. and commendatory letters from parties using uie urns in an sections ni the cotton plantinc country Cinularo. Price lints, and other mformatinn, may be obtained of our agents or oy auuresKing TUK BROWN COTTON OIN CO.. New London, Conn. Crawford and Heilig Agents Salis bury N. C. THE BECEST INVENTIONS of J. B. UNOEBWOOD. of Kayetteville, N. C. Is unquestionably the QBEATEST MM SA VER of the AQE- wuu one MAN and one HORSE it does the work offrom six to TWELVE men and from TWf to FOUR horses. It CHOPS and BARS both sides, WEI ft and DIRTS tbe cotton at one operation. After which it is converted into s most excellent CULTIVATOR. r use between the rows throughout the season. kTbis machine has been tested upon a growing crop, and proved a thorough, practical SUC&CSS- II I"1 lkc highest TESTIMONIALS from our beat cotton planters. It will soon become as indispensable to the Cotton Planter as the Cotton Gin or Pre. It has taken the grand sweep-stakes prize, the GOLD MEDAL al the Georgia Bute Fair, as the latest and most valuable improve ment in Agriculture Implements, and the trst premium wherever it has been exhibled. Active and reliable AGENTS ARE WANTED in every town and county, to whom a liberal discount will be made. Applications for Agencies should be made without delay. Retail price of Machine without attachments 35 and freight. A most excellent COTTON PLANTER snd QUANO DISTRIBUTER has been added to tbe machine. The bei4 most reliable in use, Price $15,00 extra. For circulars and farther information, addreas CRAWFORD & HEILUi, Itlaiu Street, SAlibur , . C. Where Great Bargains can also be had in the best Champion Mower and Reaper. They hare one car load of Mowers and Reaper fur sale : Light, $120 ; Combined Mower and Reaper JftZZU, delivered at Salisbury. c warrant i hem to give perfect ftatinfaction or money refunded. If you want Brown' Cottut Gin, come to Ccawlord and Hei:ig'. We fnrnih them With or without aelf feeder. If yon want Telegraph Straw l intern, come to Crawford & Hcilig's. ; If vou want Steel Plows FsirbanU' Scales, ! Field and Garden Hoe, come to Crawford & Hcilig's. Owe mark with stencil mar get a customer, for yon, that will put Histrki o Doll a as in your hand. Try it and ;ou will get a cus tomer yon never thought of. MYJKMJES ARE UtW, AS FOLLOWS, One-fourth inch letter 5 cents per letter One half and five-eight 6 " - " Three-fonrth ft One iscb leUers 7 - They may be ent to any part of the U. & by mall at a mall cost. Send in vonr orderwatating ite of letters you , and the Slaoeil will b bmim neaily cut ptly forwarded. atrset Saliahaij, Jf. C : 1. V. BROWN, April 23, 1874 tf. ; SONGS of Grace & Glory Taw very heat fl iaj Oil WaW Book. Bp W. F. KHEItWIN awdB. J.tWlL, 160 PagssSptesdid Hvmna, Cheacs Msjajfc, Tinted Paper, Swperi. r Kinding. Price ra ard 2Sc $jwt 100. A Specsaaen Gmt SsiWpsr Cov er asailsd (as aooa as iassi,) nT Irsaispi of Twenty-five Cent. t90rdra filawS t Inrw. READY MAY let. HORACE WATERS A SON, ' 481 Broadway, New York. w .4 jt Mr Coughs. Colds Horseness. BTo all ' TJae Wells' Carboiic TaMets. BLl' It B0aT59. PUT CP ONLY IM Sold by FLORENCE Stawer, Wheeler A U rover 4 Baker Cc VZdO.oon, .f mm Owl (& L'aiMST StKm km favor of the FLORANCE, waiah sjstw has urosefi tin Mtmoptj mf uifk Teachtr. StudenU Clergymen, Postmaatera, and wide awake Yopag Men, and Men sad Women of all claaaes : - You can earilv earn a firat-clsaa Sewing Ma chine ;or Bvok sufficient to Mock a Library: or ome valuable Pictures to beautify your homes ; or a nice Stereoscope or s good Time Keeper (Clock or Watch) : or a Music Box ; or s Gold Pen; or a IMiotograpliicAlbum; or a Stand Kero sene Lamp for your Parlor ; or a Fins Accor deon ; or Webster's illiMrated Quarto Diction ary ; or Roger's World Renowned Statuary Group; or a Fine Vfclin ; or a Remington Rifle Cane: or a Remington Double Barrel Breach Loading Shot Gfjnj oi a Cabinet Organ worth $140 ; by simply working ap rear an occupied time in a wav explained in the ciaco lars the M. H. P. Co. 'iVriectlv legiiimale ms pectablc ; wiarv would say philanthropic Ad drew M. H. CO., 129 East 28th St., New York. April 23 18743 mo. IU ONLY wMcaame IS sr ts radht awa toft. Tk Sold for Caah Onlv Terma to CLUBS and DEALERS, Mass. 4w. The H say the ent Medical Anthswitasaaf 1 Tonic, Pswiier amd Distatis- I woridia It arrssts decay of viul force, iisaaaajiia e the iosaaystem retoTigor la the awbili- nbalrnctions aad acts dirertlr on the Lirer and 8pleen. Print $1 a bottl; JOHN (-V JCEL- 1AXK, 18 Plait St N. Y. , 4w. 500 SACKS p. A. SALT 100 do M xsh ill's Fine do 100 Bbls. Mlassers. Iu Store in prime raider and for Sale by BINGHAM UCO OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. a Happy Relief for Young Men from the etlect of Errors and A boar in early life. Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. jSew method of treatment. ewand remarkable remedies. IVtok and Circular sent free, in sealed envelopes. Addre, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2Sbuth Ninth St Phila delphia, Pa. an Institution having a high re putation for honorable conduct and profession al skill. Oct. 30. 1872. ly. J Agent! If yoa wamt to make mm? sail 7V torsest tamo fir won. wrr. fatbos. The peaple yearn for k. k w42 a m bbow it to a man and he i It la sure ererv time. Don't kotker miik U faaWt miW. U Humor it the thin that takes. Aosarra wasted ETnTwHtr. Send for circular sad j:xua t hm. to To-Sa n Pub. CkK, PailaddpMa, Kw Yark, Boatssk or Chicago. 4W Aug proncriie. la A Splendid New Stock OF GOODS. Special Inducements to cash purchaser. The undersigned are now receiving their Urge and varied aasortment of Spring and Summer Goods which they purchased after tbe great decline in the New York market, and they can, therefore sell a better article cheaper there than can be l bought elsewhere far the same money. Their stock embraces a full and elegant aa sortment of staple and fancy goods, a complete stock of groceries, Boots, Shoes, hats, clothing, and in fact every thing belonging to their line. Having bought the present stock on most i favorable terms, they are enabled to offer special inducements to cash purchasers. Give us s call and be convinced. McVEELY & WALTON. If ay 28, 1874 Imos, If you want Glass, Nsils, Putty, Locks, Hinges, Screws; come to Crawford & Heilig's. If von want Carpenter's Tool. Bellow. Anvil Is, Vices, Iron A Steel, come to Crawford & Heilig's. If you want Alarm Monev Draws. Herrines Fire Proof Safes, com to Chicken Clera! HUE Massey's Poultry Bswder cures sad pre vents it, Cores snd prevents Gspes in young Chickens, Fattens for market in a remarkably snort time, Turkey, Geese, Dock-s and chicken's snd makes them lay better. Price 25 cent., only at, mu1V;S l KLUTTZ'S DRUGSTORE. Spring Stock 1874. 125 Bags "Old Tick" Coffee, 75 Bbls Sugars, 50 Boxes Assorted Candj, 35 Packages No. 1 Mackerel, 15,000 lbs Bacou, 2,000 lbs Best Sugnr Cored Hsros, 3,000 lbs Refined Lard, 500 lbs Sugar cured Beef, 25 Doz. Brandy Peaches, 25 " Lemon Syrup, 50 Boxes Candles, 10 Kegs Soda, 100 Dox Oysters, 30 000 Cigars, 150 Beams Wrapping Paper, 30 Dos painted Pails, 100 sacks Ground Alum Salt, 50 " Deaken'e Fine " ALSO A large stock of Boots, Shoes. 6e Hats, (very cheap) Hardware. Saddles, Sc Harness, Tanuers, Kerusine, Se Machine Oils. We are also agenta for the celebrated Alsdin Security Oil, warranted to stand a fire test of one hundred 5c fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Sc therefore perfectly safe 6t very little high er than Kerusine. We also have a full stock of Lienors, sneb as Foster, DoHn. Sc Bsiley, Whiskey Ruin, Gin, Ginger Sc Blaekberry Brand v. Porte, Mederia, Sherry, Ac malaga Wine's, Alss. .Ace Ate. The above stock is offered at Wholesale f Retail, at .the asry lowest figures. BINGHAM Sc CO. May 14, 1874 tf. ;: " ... Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for sale her Crawford & Hciligs. Ifyou want Table Oil Cloths, Clothes Bank ets, Brass Kettles, Knives A Forks, Feeder, nraas a no iron, com to Crawford and Heilig's. Blacimer and Hemtan, Attorneys, Counsellors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C January 22 1874 tf. If yon want to build a Carriage, Baggy, or waggon, come io Crawford and Heilig's. If yon want a VJ'eaU'n chouse A Co. or Wheeler & Melich Threshing MicKid, one Horse Pow er, down or mounted, come lo Crawford and IJeilig's. If yon want to build Rail Roads, come to Crawford A Heilig's and boy Picks, Axes. Ste!, Iron, Hammer ; Fuse, Trace Chain, Flora Shoes, Morse Shoe tfaila, A mas Shovels, c (sc., If yon want Steel Winded Shovels. Bo1 longues or iroa o novels, come to Are joe Going toTaint ! Brih, RUDY MIXED PAISTl H 1 or, in small enus to m purchasers. Fvery roan can he hi own painter. For sale cheap L K LUTTJCSS DRUG STORH Marcli 19, 1874 tf. THE BEST- SEWING MACHINES, .and Sew in Machine ATTACHMENTS, OP ALL KINDS, ALSO KEEDLGS, OIL A THREAD, ALSO A LOT OF STATIONERY, CONSISTING 6F Legal and Fls ap of Different qualities, atari, several styles of LETTER PAPER, PACKET, COM MERCI A L, FRENCH AND MOURNING NOTE. , SERMON Paper and various styles and sixes of ENVELOPES I nk Peats Pcnrile also a large lot off Morjfan'i Stereoscopic Views of the NORTH CAROLINA JlcsoLr SI ued 1 r- .. t.i in lort-rrir-r trma!'- il cticrocl powrrf lp.-.i!cro,3C;oWruMcs KCI 1.3TOVT.7, i. Icurroet bk i r.tl r ireu v-'.icS are all i ai i-.:uv,.-j Ol an t ..jU i - - i i . . . . . nose r -. lcoi ,-.MBricz'.-rthinht Itar-i Hetae Ir : 'mzI be a!!? lms on! v in: . u. x.t .i . i U Cai J raeaH Kmc C3TI do jm r- tt a-jtiiie l i oi pas -arc z : ci-jcr k - v.'jbca i icxirt wn i-)ni T-.ic.iui c:rpi that Cm prvjicicior ri -i ftOv Mol ward for a ca-e ct"i.ui i iaas- nrl Administrators' Notice. The undersigned hsr ing duly qualified astas Adminisrralors with the will annexed of Joha I. Misrer, deeeaaad, bereby notiff all psmssMfsv debted to said estate to ssaks payment, aad those having claims against said estate art Doti fied to present them to lbs saaWaned on or before the 2nd dsy of September, 1874, at lass notice will be plead in bar of their cecorarr. September 2nd, 1873. HENRY A. LKMTT, El J WIN SHAVER, Uat Crawford and Heilig's VALUABLE RAILROAD PROPERTY for Salt 1 USUANT to a Decree of tbe Oreak I Coart oi the Unkcd Stales, far tbs WssSaas ik r n 01 .innn v .muni n i tm mi - 1874, at Oreensboro, im fwoneediag tbsa aa4 here pending; in Kquiir to fare dos a. mortage roeniioncd in the piesdioar beti Henry flew. Hiram Sibley and rianliBs, A yam. The Western North Csrolina Rail R md Ca Rofu. Y. l.Adea: first National Bank of Uavlo ta, J oka IE. D. Tbt fi Tod R. Caldwell, RM. Rutherford, Hiram Keller. Tk Orsenlee, Jsme (ireesiUe, Msrr ( t s. sk i . 11. JUwu, A. U. WU Walker snd others. The nnderigoed. br th Court ai tbe said April wtl sell at the Court Hssjas door ia tk Ckry nlUnnrir, the ISih atey t at Our rariety is too esteaaiTs to mention. If too wsnt to boy any thing like Hard vara, we invite yon to come to Crawford and Heilig's FIRST CUM STORE ON MAIN STREET Yost-mit e sad ether noted places which are trulj magnificent. also a stock of superior FLOWER POTS, Which will bs sold low kt Soger flowing Machine Store on South side main Street, near the Public Square. JOHN W. MAUNEY, Attorney at Law, SALISBURY ft. C. Special Attention gireu to Collections. Oficc in Court House, atareli 5, 1S74. ly. Grand Gift Concert KINSTON HOTEL TWESTT.ItlCaT TflorSUD THICK US MKU KM) FIFTY HOLLARS IN VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AM CASH, TO BE DISTKIBL'TED ZO. THE TICKET HOLDDRS AT THE GfiAJU) OIFTCOXCERT.TOBE HEI.D AT LONG HALL, KINSTON N. S. SATURDAY I01Y iWt The drawing will oestsjaly take place wheth er all the tickets are sold or a4 SALISBURY N. C. We guarantee onr Prices as low aad goods ss ckeap a- any business house in tbeland Vfcfkett. U19 ELEVEN TICKET, 100. I a Tickets at the office of Joki Alien Brown, where further information msr be bad oa ' anulieatinn. at Public Auction, to tke bighoat kidaW, a tbe frsnefciaas, road-beds, rolling stock asm fwam. erty of erery kind, astare aad imnljilki ks iongm w int ssia ihi WSJIIIM Cabousa Rail Roai ConrAinr, and described ia tbe said Decree. Tbs purchasers will be required to dsy is tke Commissi oa en Td TiiotsAsn boo lass nr Cash oa lbs day f sale, and will bs girssi credit for tke balance o tks pswekaas moaey the Cth day of Joly, 1 874, tbe first rule day of said Court, at Urecat bora, N. Q,msjBj enduing after tks day of sale. Tkose wbo purchased st said sals asm Idas' lkw k knMM rJ ika - I oiungaac vmii'jnra in ine safes retain their shares of the !"ieba ceptas to the ss id sum of $1 6,00,00 br ing to the Lommlmioncrs aa equal smoaMsf said bonds. Tke said Commissioners are snlknalaad. sa sooo aa tbs said sals shall bs rosjfii miA by tke Court, to gire immediate possesion of tbe id Railroad, iUnoperty and eftects of erery kinft snd description ; and all peraans vbo mar ka io possession of tke mid Railtoad or any of in property are commaadad to surraodar rasas to the Durchaser upon tke fwodaatsan of tke Cofr.rauMonerK deed to I hem. This Road, when iu conoscxioaa anaTl be completad, will form one of tke sanst laroa tavt TnoaoucarABjBS is tks antfia nil is. imnn iu oi lie, oi wnica 110 Ttilm is mm McDowell canary, st tke i t ttlne Ridge ; and the greater part of tW r. saajmoer of tbe- road w rradad, or nearly as. c , ,. -".rTjj asm For any further io (brasstioa. addram a.H.(iAITHJOL as & i - Iailbmnro, K. C. THOMAS R KEOOH, - J Apiil SO. 1874. wreensboro,C i ' - ... - North or South. May 14, li74tf. 1 March 5, 1871-Imos. I

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