t - ,--t-y?i lne Larolma Watchman. VOL. V.-THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C. JITHfc -A. 1874. NO. 36.-WHOLE NO. 19ol I i - . ..U.H r g 1 - T L ' 1 i : ; - ; riIBL18HKI WEF.KLT - Hi m t w STEWART J. J. BRUNEB, PiOprietor and Editor. J. J. Aoociate Editor a ail lit"-" "W'tliiUi BATI OF U BCHIPTION WBEKtY WATCHMAN. ONfl t-. payehUiueAysoee. ....$2.50 . ddrM.. 10.0 o uor1" -: frl-weekly Watchman. otu AVERT1SI XG RATES : Oat Square (1 inch) One insertion $100 ' fer a greater number of insertions, . Snecial notice. 25 per cent, more 0. Woodson Former Clerk 275.00 J. K. Burke D. 8. 16,50 O. W. At well 1.80 f 8, R. H Cowan Lumber W. A Walton Sbff. J. K Burke D. M. A. Smith " J. Thomason J. P. A. J. Mason Stationary br office for four years 0. W. At well D. 8. If. A. Smith M " T (Van font J.K. Burke O. W. Atwell W. A Walton Shff B F Fraley Coroner 17.80 4.80 30 1,50 3 MO - ,a; 5Sh i . - . .. .. -p-oJin- notices aSTettlsemeio.-. o -. ,! verv insertion. ot line ior cowi - Moses Brown D f M A Smith i J A Boydeo C S 0 J K Burke 08 A J Mason C 8 0 J F Cowan Listing Tax and Taking School Census C C K rider Listing Tax A Judge of Election 2,40 1,20 21,90 1,80 120,50 60 30 1.14 15 t. 25,00 k iX0K J A Hawkins " Regt "and Judge of -.lection 15.55 Jesse Powlis Listing Tax 10.00 K A Sliimuock " and Registrar 12,85 C F Wagoner 10,00 A L Hall " Rest Jndge of Election 14,20 Phi Alexander 44 " 14,20 JCBariibart ? 'f 13,31 J P Wiseman " s 10,00 ThosEarnhaU " f 10,00 Thus C Watson Listing Tax and Censes lo,W LeviTrexler " " 10,00 A W Klutts 44 " 11,30 S A Earn hart 44 15,00 Nathan Brown Taxes and Census 15,00 J F Jamison 44 M 21,00 SMFurr m . 1863 H C Bost 16,50 W F Watson Rett A Judge of Election 19,05 W M Kincaid " 44 A Census 21,00 T A UunilLmn Turn A I Villus 1 n flu Mtaia a single particle of Mrucury, or any WHwm Trolt Kegl & judge cwrieos mineral substance, but is of E!ection 6,00 DC Reed " r 11,20 1 ill TMF FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. T anrivalleu Medicine is warranted not to PURELY VCETABLE. cMitsining thoKe Southern Roots and Herbs, which on all-wine Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement f the Liver and Bowls. Ilvrr ttegalator er Bledicae. J Thomason Judge of Elections 6,00 " Listing Tax 10,00 PA Sloop - Reg l minentl y a Famil i Medicine ; and by being krpl readv ftr i in mediate resort will save many mm Wiiir of snftering sad many a dollar in time atid doctors' bills. Afur over Forty Years' trial it is still receiv ing the most unqualified testimonials to its vir- r.A... r.r ll,A IkltTKoat cli:ir:wtpr mill .-.ntKiliic l'minoiii ill vi! ntiH commend AlvlIoX m e most i J- R- Wedington it as tnc most w w ti ....... .i MtilQ TUHAL SPECIFIC & Judge of Election John Sloop D S Cowan " " J F Cowan " " fe Census J 8 Sloan " W Feiker Judge of Election J H A Lippard Richard Small J. A. Gill, Judge of Election 3 00 J. CSnmnrs " " " 3 00 19,05 10,00 10,00 15,00 10,00 1,50 3,00. 3.00 Julius Coleman " J. Allen Brown " M M Tor Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and rk.nge of w uer and food mav he faced wittiout f-.r. A-s Itemed v in MALARIOUS FE VKRS. BOW KL, COMPLAINTS, REbTLE NEHS, JAIN DICE, NEAlfSEA. p TV C3 1DQTJA.XJ. it i. tha iVMMit. rursst and Best Family saielas in the Wor d ! Manufactured only by J XX ZBZlZZf CO , Macon, Oa., and Philadelphia. Price, $1.00. Sold by all Druggists, BOW AN COUNTY. The following list contains a true state meat of all the Tax8 levied and collected far county purposes during the year ending January 31st, 1874. To wit : Listed Taxea $9420.91 Unlisted Tsxee 168,10 Merchants, Traders, See. 676.65 $10265,66 And the Sheriff is credited witl overchar ges, insolvents and persons not to be found in the County 180.08 $10085,58 And for commissions on 10055,58 at 504,28 5 per ct. - $9381,30 Set Apart for the support of the poor, $2400.00 The following Claims were audited by the Board of County Commissioners; P. A. Sifford, Coin. 9 days $18.00 "Milage 9.90 D. A.Davis 13 days 20.00 E. Mauuey " 6 " 12,00 Milage 8,25 O. U. Barnhsrdt Coin. 19 days 38.00 Milage 22.80 J ,Q. Fleming Coin 1 1 days 22 00 Milage 15.40 J. I. Shaver Com. 25 days 50 00 M. L. Holmes 26 ' 52.00 A. J. Mason Superior Court Clerk 153,15 X. A. Shimpock State Case (J.P) 65 J. K. Burke Deputy Sheriff 1 30 J. H. Heilig Com. 5.00 Jesse Powless J. P. State Case 1 .10 II M ii u II M .. M U It li Ii m U M (i R K (I M M u ii ii u u ii u ii i II li u M M li ii ii II u M u It u u 3 00 4 00 3 00 150 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 1 50 6 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 4 50 1 50 6 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 2 00 3 00 ii it ii i Judge of Election 4 50 4 &U 3 00 - 1 50 . a it u u mi m M t It H It 4 50 3 00 3 00 4 50 4 60 6 00 4 V Miller C. W. F. Watso P L. BringK E. C. LeutzH 1 8. J. Picket D. S. 8. R. II i: ris Shff. J. J. 8iimns D. S. J. CO. Graham Const, Jason Hunt (.T C ) C, F Wagoner Shff. J. A. Hawkins J. P. X. A. Smith D. S. Q. W. Atwell J C Miller Const. 'at sou J. P. W. C. Braudou Const. iK. GiMidman D. 8 . W. Cozurt, Const. J. C, Bankia Phi. Alexander J. P. Tilmao Cranfoxd U. 8. J. W. Boun, Const J- A. Bovdeo C. S. C, W. A. Wataou, Shff, John Williams D. S. J B.Fa Const. J- W. Miller J . P. ?ekes Krider D. C. h p Wiseman J. P. . ArKnox Examiue (School) 12.00 t F. Wagoner, Sbff Jail 186.00 " m 8 10 T.CranlerdD.S. 1,50 A. J. Mason Ceiling Room 26,50 1.85 15 75 1.50 1.60 30 45 24.25 45 s80 15 25 ' 80 25 15 55 160 85 $ 35 50 2.10 15 W. J. A. J. Sechler" A leu Rose M Jacob Trexler " Jose, I ill Cook C. A. Miller H. KiuttB Thos. C. Watson Squire Hall M H. Sloan " Thos. Barber W. H. Kester George Lycrlv C. H. slcKiniee " J. K. Graham " Thos. Niblock " J. B. Gibaon M Joseph Watson " J. L. Graeber M T. W. Alison m J. T. Cutherell 44 R. H. Broadfield C F. Baker T. W. Haynes H. Wood J. P. Rimer, H. Barringer S. Klutts W. Morgan W Bean W. C. Brandon J. F. Hodge " T. Goodman M. G. Morgan R. Culburtson J. P. Gowan Regestrar A Judge of Election 44 M 29 75 C. F. Wagoner, Sheriff, Conveying Prisoners to Raleigh Ac 44 59 85 Moving Privev at Court House, 8 00 Takign down Plaster in 44 30 M. L. Holmes, Work on Jail 44 79 45 Brown & Weant Court House 101 90 Earn hart A Co. work on Jail 7 50 E. Crowell 44 M u 2 20 H. Powles 1 Coffin 44 u 3 00 W A. Walton, Shff-. Jail Fees 901 65 G. M. Barringer, for Boarding pauper 44 44 44 6 00 John Bringle Digging Grave 100 J . A Caldwell Medical Service 44 00 m it m . g 00 Summerrell & Gaithcr 44 55 00 C. F. Wagoner, Stiff, paid for hand and Leg Irons " 44 11 00 Merouev Bxo'a or Lumber 3 15 and Drayage 44 " 14 00 Mr M eel v & Walton Blankets for Jail 30 00 J. M. Knox for Blankets " 7 25 J. A. Caldwell, Medical servise 6 50 M. S. Mr I niy re Oiling, A - bett ing Registers Room 44 44 77 66 J.J. B rimer Printing " 10 50 W. N. R. Road Freight 44 1 76 H. N. Woodson services as Clerk oi Hoard izo w Smilhdeal BarnJiart A Co Store-act. for jail 17 00 J. K. Burke, Paid for Blankets act. 7 85 Foster and Harsh, Blankets Ac, 11 85 A. M. Woodaon Blank Book 2 30 C. W. Johnson Building Bridge 15 00 IL O. Miller " 44 125 50 M. L. Chunn u M ?o 00 Q. W. Atwell 44 " 24 00 W. H. Hudson 44 44 12 00 W. A. Campbell " 24 AO J S. E Hart & 6. W Atwell 25 00 J W Miller A M C Morgan Repairing Bridge " 3 00 John Feimster M - 2 00 Ramsom Jacob A D Pen in a er 50 1.95 Civil Rights and Social Equality Tbe colored people oi the count ry are most id need ot friends who will teach them self-government and self-reliance Bat such is not the character of the friend they have to Congress. Tha civil rights bill, which has passed the Senate and which is now pending in tbe House, they undoubtedly wish to see passed, they would have as believe, in their interests. It will kindle anew in the breasts of the white people of the South, and of the North, for that matter, a feeling of anti pathy for tbem which was teat disappear ing. The white aod the colored pnpeia lions et tbe Booth nave been getting along toget hei a great deal better I i ' l a i any one expected at tne elose ot the war. They have been gradually accommodating uie ease ires to the new order of things Tbe hereditary feelings of the forraei , ..a a m. sgairtst tne latter have ben dying out. it is to he feared that the civil rights bill will revive them. We are dad that the bill meets with little favor in tbe House, It is beat for both the white and colored people it should be defeated. It is time that the Sou-hem whites should find a few friends in Congress. The ne gro has been secured his political and le gal ngbtt. Ills social status be should The Bombardment of Bilbao. . - A correspondent of tfflTLoadeo Times , who was in Bilbao immediately after tbe raising of tha stage, says: utfany eftha inhabitants have pale, ramies stotckeu looks, bnt the majority have suffered Was than migbt have been emanated, although their privations have beea very severe. room was shown to me ia a high many persons were huddled together, am one them a women fa child-bed. I heard of another family which far seven weeks lived in a cellar, sleeping m their clothes . W. It SKI Many have naturally suffered from want of tight and sir : food alio was scarce and bad, and for tbe last five days there w no bread, and garbansot and mame cakes were used as substitutes. Cats and rate m - . are said to have been eaten commonly. Horaeteeh wan as. a w, veal 4s., a egg is., a cabbage 3s. There was little wine, snd that of bad quality. "Th inhabitants deserve the highest credit for their resolute endurance. They at a . - declare they were prepared to bold out another month. Few lives have been lost ; less than thirty. Great precaution was taken, doors and windows being for tified with sand bees and planks, and watchmen placed in towers to observe tbe j j. , . , . - mm. ii p i (nu in .V "CH n TT" lu-cu" Iur "eu.omcawo besieging batteries and blow horns warn is.. i . l j l. log ptrwpic in leinc wiiiiiu uooib wueiicr- er a gun was fired. The destruction of Hm Dresses. For the henefit ,,f il. propnTt bowever, u terrible ; scarcely ladies we clip the folios ine iu reward to one n?"e 6M ewtPedi we interior of Miss Nellie Gram's troeaean: mnf '"R dned. One received It was mostly selected in New York ton7" "h". enotber twenty nve. city, as time would not permit of a fell BCree'T wnoie pane ot giaas is to be order being sent to Paris; but the laces were aelected abroad, and exceed in beau- a a! ! . t aw a iy snyiuiug ever seen nere. l here ere two complete sets, one ot white lace and i lie other black. 1 his is the magnificent gift of the President to his daughter. 1 here are silks ot every hue and color. bach gaslight silk dress is made with two waists one tkcnUctte. the other high There are thaw's -from Iudia, laces direct from the manufactory at Brussels, para sole with superb ivory handles, muslin dresses with French worked Bounce. others with puffs and lace iucertinga 1 here are gauzes, greuadiues, and hats for every costume, slipper for esch eve ning dress, and the lingerie is so fine end dainty that the sight of it brings delight to every feminine heart that rejoices in delicate embroidery, soft lace aod fine needlework. thirty-nine days and threw 6,000 shells of old, spherical pattern. In addition to the destruction inside the towu, numerous house were eet on fire by a portion of the Bilbao Volunteers, who were angry with the occupants for syinpaihixinr with the Carliets. Many farm houses around Bit boa are still iu flames. Three bridges in Bilbao hsve also been destroyed by floods The river is now clear, atid t i.e. first steam er that arrived since the siege was loudly cheered by a laree crowd. The Larliats left behind three spiked guns. Tbei precipitate retreat ia said to be owing to four battalions refusing to fight- Witch Burning in Mexico. Oar enterorisfnr neighbors across the Bio Grande have, from time to time, giv en many astonishing evidences of their peculiar civilisation, bat of late years there baa beea tattle to chronicle of s startling nature except an occasional foray on a stage coach or some trifling insurrec- in a remote province. Even the oat- rages on United States eitisens. which st one time were so disagreebly frequent, n to nave become a sabj ct of the past. In tbe State of Binsloa, however, the en lighted eitisens hsve got np s real senatmn, in the shape of an auto at fe. the vietims being two inspected sorcerers, man and wife, accused of havirg bewitch ad a poor fellow named Zachary. The Alcalde of the town in which this terrible example of superstition took place not only superintended snd approved of the barbarous execution in question, but ac tually had the audacity to make an offi cial report of it to the Prefect of hie d is trict. He dies, as sn argument against the sorcerers, that, in order to test the troth of the bewitchment cf Zaehary, they forced turn to swallow some blessed water, hiehbad the effect of bringing np from tbe depths of bis inner consciousness portions of s blanket aod bunches of hair. The ooly inference to be drawn from such i . i. an occurrence lg mat gome poor Indian mast have been missing in that dietrieL The terrible official finally informs his superior that he has his eye ou the other saucerers. In fact, it is said thst two others have since suffered death. It is almost incredible to read of the ignorance and superstition of the days of the luquisti- uon and tbe Hskn witchcraft in the nine teenth century, and by persons calling themselves Cbristains. It is eralifyihs; to leai n that I hp general government of Mex ico has shown a disposition to interfere in i he cause of humanity and to check further outrages by the people of 8inaloa. No nation of the present day can expect to be classed among civilised communities that will permit this astounding brutality- At a meet in a ia Charlotte Towns h in Uat 1 1 .n . ... i rni . . r i it rn.ii iuc u.mii uunwj. a reeoiunon was onereo prop.- 1 ..,. tn k ri.kw lne Uot. VMM a a nomine f..r n k I - - " TT "; J of Congress. Gov. Vance promptly reeeested that bis name be withdrawn a he was of the opinion that Mr. Ashe's coarse entitled hiss to s second term, and private to Mr. Ashe'a friends. Upon motion of R. Y. Me Aden, seconded by Got. Tanee. a resolution Was unanimously adopted recommending Hon. Thomas Ashe as' the cboise of this meeting for re-nomination to Congraas-CAor. Ooservsr. Ex Governor Vance has shown a magnami nit j sad justice that wiQ still more endear him to the people of North Carolina. We h.pe to sea it followed ie ofher sect ions sad other districts. Ex-Gov. Yaoee is a true saan and sueh unselfish ss will yet be rewarded He ooly had to apeak and tbey would have unaniiejusly nominated. But oo; he preferred justice to selt-prwmoUob. 8 a devotion to priori pie and right is rare iadeed. Hurrah fur vase ! " of rain Water ' nttews of thac . I ft S ft . - .ft 1 moaataias nao a. tea an. maw, lean water ia sbaadaaee aod gnassaPy prettj good. As we here some forty odd wtSsF camels, day's supply. When the nigate mam eeid, fm the tas s ler part of January and Use early part of February, while we were some twttty five hundred feat above tha tea Is l si mi" only 8 degrees above freesing Civil Rights Bill. The following is the text of the hill as paaaed by the Senate : All citizen n ud other persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall be entitled to : the accomm odations. advantages, facilities and privileges of inns, public eonveysoees on land or wa ter, threatrea and other places of public amnsement, and alfo of common schools snd public institutions of learning or bene volence supported In the whale er in part .pdid contrast of mountains " aw" -e, uu oi cemrirnr. u weatber wmi DeaatWal, supported, ana aisn tne institutions Known aa Agricultural ('alleges, endowned by tbe tinted Mates, subject only . '. t-i 1 breeaa Hewmg. bsah baaaebM iW snd 1 ran ass are yen who have nineties and even mc the re was plenty of feel jrreat fires were built ant the wood was earned was made m the need and filling with glowing o.g as ntaeb bant the 20th of highest part of February, the ihermomts 105 degree inside of the deats open and a goad But tbe 109 degreea. degrees riding iu the son and whlnh be intolerable in America, is easily without t offering an the desert. To those of as who served In the fs lerate army to tbe end of the wag. Das ort of camn life is DerfeCtlv la We bade farwell to tbe Bed See. its beautiful scenery, ha woadstfisj rise and moonnse, iu Mae wssms ana 'tne i PRESS CONVENTION. The following are Building Bridge 44 44 190 00 J 1 verl v Repairing Bridge 44 69 00 R i uiimrtsoji . " 40 O0 W H Kester 44 " S 00 G Coon 44 20 00 S 9 Trott M 2 00 J Swiok 3 60 Cranio id & Bsrger u " 47 50 Building " " 202 00 Crawford A Heilig for Nalla 55 Wiineas Tickets in State Cases 418 97 John C Miller care of pauper 5 00 M L Holmes amt paid VV A Lents tor Building Bridge 115 00 C F Wagoner 86 00 John A Boy den Stationery for use of this office SO 00 M O Davis, damages done team and Goods I 00 H ML HOLMES C B C HORATIO WOODSON, Oarfe some ot tbe more important resolutions adopted by the late Press Convention of this State. Remlvcd, That the material advancement and solid prosperity of the State of North Carolina mnst be substantially based upon the improve ment of its system of Agriculture, upon the development and application of its resources for manufacturing, and above all upon the en lightenment of the people of the State through the influences of education by which alone they can become conscious of, and avail them aelve of their superior advantages. Resolved, Thnt no more reaily and effectiTe, because all pervading, means for the diffusion of information exists than through the instru mentality of the f rese. Reaobsed. That this Convention earnestly urge upon each conductor of a public journal in the State tbe recognition of the true mission of the press, and that it regard the material interests of tbe State as embraced in iu educational en lightenment, its agrirnltuial improvement and its industrial development as paramount to the less weighty, if more attractive consideration of partisan politics; and that the press of the State be urged to collect and disseminate all the information' embraced in those subjects which may be obtained in their respective lo calities, by which our own eitisens may be in formed and encouraged, and population from abroad be attracted into onr territory. . t , rr. i . . 1 . . 1 n jtcaMveo, xnai ii is me sense ot in is conven tion that we reiterate and recommend the pre amble and resolutions adopted by the Associ ation at its first annual meeting in resard to inducing healthy immigration into the State of North Carolina. Resolved, That the Press of the State be re quested to nmte in setting forth the natural ad vantages of our sou, climate, etc, and from time to time to lay before the public, all such infor mation, statistics as will enable the outside world to appreciate and understand our real resources. Resolved, That we recommend the appoint ment of a committee to bring this matter in its proper light before our next Legislature. Resolved, That the Press of the State, as ex pressed by this Association in Convention as sembled, be requested to encourage and foster the development of our resources, and that we extend our heart v cooperation either to the industrious mechanic or the capitalist who will invest his mentis in mechanical pursuits. Resolved, 1 hat in view ot the vast importance ! of the early development of tbe rich and valu able mineral resources of the State of orth Carolina, it is the duty of the Press of the State to aid in dtssemminating information in regard to the same. Rctoleed. That this Convemion heartilv en- dome the aeneimenls enunciated by our Presi dent in his opening remarks on yesterday on the participation of the press in the approach ing campatgn, and that while tbe Convention recognizes the necessity of zeal and vigor in the conduct of the approaching campaign, vet cour tesy and fair dealings are not incompatible with the requisite degree of animation, and that this Convention, therefore, discountenance the use of personalities and opprobrious language, one to another, and recommend adhesion to the rules of conrtesv which is tbe guide of gentle men in all the relations of social intercourse. Received, That in our opinion, it would be greatly conducive to the best interest of every member for the publishers of all papers to ad- fcere strietlv to published rates, and this Coo It is a startling fact, says the Charles ton Courier Niiis, that during the present week note than two thousand pieces real estate in the City qf Charleston have been forfeited to the State for tbe non-payment of State and county taxes. The owners of the property were unable to pay tbe taxes and the property was offered' I for sale without finding bidders who were willing to profit by the misfortunes of their neighbors, and accept tax titles which will most likely prove to be worthless. ActoDe-Fe in Mexico. City of Mexico, May IS, vis Havana. Senor Uastilla, alcalde ot Jacobo, in the State of Sinaloa, has officially reported to the President of his district that on April 4, be arrested, tried, and burned alive Jose Maria Bouilla aud hia wife Diega for so rcery, it having been proved that they had bewitched one Silvestre Zacaria. Tbe day before the execution Citizen For ms, as a final test, made Zacariaa take three swallows of blessed water, where .1 I.. i r- A upon toe latter vomitea truguionts orAa blanket and bunches oi bair. The alcalde Pdxishmkxt of CoitHcrr Officials Charleston, May 29. The three county commissioners of Barnwell, con victed of corruption, have beau sentenced respectively to ten years, to bine years snd to thirteen months imprisonment in the penitentiary Proscribing Lawyers. The Rocky Mount Mail says that law yers are proscribed, sod publishes a Bat tleboro letter from which we take the following : "In tbe legislative halls of tbe State 44 M r. So-a ttd so of Nssh" has never mark ed the journals in an original pioneer effort of praise. "Mr. So-and-so of Nssh hss only voted and nothing more. Any colored representative hss done the same. For instance, some eitisens, of more then average intelligence in the count! y, think a lawyer should not be a legislator, be cause be would interpret his own laws. This is either sublime smplicity, or crim inal ignorance. Our courts are tbe only interpreters of laws. Who filter to msxe laws tbsn those whose lives ere devoted to their study I She proscribes a useful class. This is noirow-miuded sod blind. It will keep her perpetually chained down to the bnmble car. She is not proud of her representatives, nor t hey of her. Some to the conditions and limitations established by law snd applicable alike to eitisens of every race and color, regardless of any previous condition of servitude. Section. 2. Thfct sny person who vio lates the forgoing- section by denying to any person entitled to its benefits, except for reasons by law applicable to eitisens of every race and color, snd regardless of any previous condition of servitude, the full enjoyment of any of the aeeommon dat ions, advantages, f leilities or privileges in said section such denial, shall for every such off-nee forfeit and pay tbo sum of $500 to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered in jsn action on the case, with full costs, and shall also for every micIi offence be deemed guilty of s mis demeanor, snd upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000, pro vided, that the party aggrieved shall not recover more than one penalty, and when the offence is a refusal of burial, tbe pen alty may be recovered by the heirs-at-law . ItSM naisdng . uure. states that the people were exasperated 1 i -i i , . r -T-w- -j - . agaiuei iue sorcerers, ana aemauaea mat tbey be burned. The sentence was exe cuted with his approval ; and be adds that he has bis eye on other sorcerers against whom complaiuts have been made by the eitisens. Tbe official Diurio of this city confirms the report of the outrage aud says several families in the town have since compelled tbe officer to burn another old woman and her son for the same cause. The General Government has asked the authorities of Sinaloa to send a detailed report of those proceedings snd to take measures to protect tbe lives ot persons threatened with similar violence. he routes through tbe firm and almost level. There is a m m .a. n mm n in this region that caa be salmi msmat merely tracts which remain visible an she rocky parts, bat which tha wind efbees from the sandy portions of the way. Col. Pnrdy marks the hoar, and by the comoass. tbe direction of the eoarre : tbe altitude sod tbe temper- and we are off. As he has to SSon at each change of direction to HOW bearings and mark the note book. Col. Meson and I 'o ubead ot him with our orderlies sad S 'uide to keep s sharp look out fur .Mid generly secure enough for the tinner. About IS o'clock, WO .uder a tree. Until ten o'clock or stea specially when it is warm sod monfigbt, hf rrnnp is enlivened with the leughter snd songs of the soiiders or the dsaoat af the Bedwios to the tone of a lan slifMmJ -pea-r ot banjo. A boat sundown, at son o'clock and one hour before daylight, the m . m . . 1 f . L. v oice ot Muxam is neara m w The Mohamedans have no hells, fact, are prejudiced against the Mosks, one of the sttaanse r take she boar oa hie. gee, ed burial. And, provided, further that all , mmMMm -m ap an the balcony persons msy elect to sue for the penalty . minM firf 0, m twonty-four aforesaid or to proceed under their rights of common law end State statutes, pd having so elected to proceed ia the one mode or the other, their right to proceed in the other jurisdiction shall be barred. But tbe provision shall oot apply to crimi- m iu .thm. nal proceedings, either under this set or j yof these people hsve criminal law 01 any oiat hoed and fanes. Tbey are oecuon j. 1 pai me uisunci aou vir ttours to call 00 the faithful to pre; nice can b bard all over the minarets of its three There iu ue untuue of the n s . ! fioana it rniinng mas oLe Tbei' Urn THE ISSUE. Tbe Newborn Journal of Commerce (a conservative paper) speaking of the nomi nation of the negro Hy man for Congress iii the 2cd District over Judge Thomas, says : 'It is not probsble tbst the negroes will be satisfied with this success. It is certain thst tbey will force themselves into every place where negroe votes can place them. In the 3d District tbey are making the same fight as they made here, snd possibly s similar result will follow. Wherever their numerical strength justi fies the at tempt, white men are pushed from offices thst negroes may occupy them. The Issue of race bey ing been raised, the Democrats are prepared to meat it, to Iswyers in Isw-msking bodies, ere essen- I u tnd or f bf il- There eouh tisl. All chtses should be represented. A ?rbUe meo ? N.orlh Carolina to save the We cnil Courts of the United Slate have, exclusive pf tbe courts of the sever al States, cognizance of all crimes aod offences against any violation of the pro visions of this act, and actions for tbe poaslty giving by the proceeding section may be prosecuted tn tbe lerntorai. District or Clreht Courts of tbe United States, whenever tbe defendant may bo found, without regard to the other party ; and tbe Districts Attorneys, Marshals and Duputy Marshals of the United States and Commissioners appointed by the Circuit sod; Territorial Courts of the United 'States, with powers of arresting and imprisoning and bailing offenders of the laws of the United States, are hereby specially authorised aod required to institute proceedings against every person who shall violate tbe provisions of this set, and cause, liim to be arrested snd im prisoned, or baled, ss the ease may be for trial before such courts of tbe United States or Tctritorial Court, as by law has cognisance of tbe onence, except 10 re party witbout proper exponents of its principles mnst sooner or Inter, come to grief. It is not necessary that the "prop er exponent" should belong to sny panic ulsr class. P inciples are popular iu the ratio that they are sbly advocated. If they are true, their merit then becomes know. In the memory of the oldest man 8 tale horn the fate of her sister on Soui h. What can be, will be done. hsve no fear of the event. When the lines ere drawn it will be seen how many white men in North Caro lina are mean enough to co-operate against the while race. It is reported already that many while Republicans declare Nssh county has never had s month-piece ! he PPW h maa the praise or in public office to sound her wither her scoffers We do not regard the lawyer as pro scribed, the work of all legislatures is ex ecuted by this class of men. The education, business snd habits of tbe lawyer qualify him above all other men for the part of representative. An honest lawyer makes tbe best representa tive, s dishonest one tbe most dangerous. We think the Battleboro coneepondent of the Mail underrates tbe Nash repres entation. Orange county had a lawyer iu the first delegation, she sent to the leg islature in the person of Gov. Burks ; she had one in the last legislature, and she color issue" iu localities wheiethey have the ascendancy) that they will co-operate with ihem no longer. The insolence of the Virginia negroes forced the while men of that State to organise a white man's party not to deprive negroes of their just and proper rights, but to elect white men to office. That is right. Charlotte Democrat. has seldom been without one. Among vention will discountenance anv editor who her representatives were such lawyers as a a . m W S -V V W J Bkl I. W M . M may dev ate from ne same, and (battue prtvc- , Judge Merwooo, juugeasii.juage wan f; tice of ome papers in this State of advertising at leas than the usual rates is hereby condemned. tlemlted 2nd, That the custom of gratuitous advertising in the shape of local notices is det rimental to the interests of the profession, and injurious to iu character, and that this Con vention deprecate and discountenance the same. Resolved, That the members of this Associa tion decline to receive through foreign adver tising agents all advertisements from the State of North Carolina at less than regular rales, exclusive of commissions. ltaral paper recoasssends a quart of brandy to cure taggers. We thought brandy cause the staggers. gum. Judge Buffin, Judge Murphy, Gov. Graham, Hon. Hugh Wad Jell, Hon. Giles Mfcbane, Sydney bmiib, Pnesly 11. Man gum, Cad Jones. John W. Graham, Hen ry K. Nash, John W. Norwood. F. N. Mrudwick. Jones Watsoa and others whose names do not now occur to us. Orange will have a lawyer ia the next legislature. Demagogues without merit have always attempted to prejudice her people against members af the bar, bnt witbout s access. It ia not the profession which should make the representative, hat brains, culture, intelligence, and the spirit of manly Significant Hint From a Widow. A man recently visaing one of the ceme teries at Portland overheard a thrice-made widow, not yet old nor homely, who was standing beside three mouuds, remark to a gentlemen who is known to have been stteutive to the widow iu her youth : "Joe, you might have been in that row had you possessed a little more eour sge. One of tbe moat remarkable sales of blooded slock ever held in this country, took place st Dexter Park, near Chicago. 00 Tuesday, being that of the celebrated Findell beard of shorthorns, belonging to Hon. W. 8. King, of Minneapolis. Fil ty -eight cows and twentyone bolls were sold, the former aggregating $101,615. sad the latter $25,325 beiug an aversg fo $1,982 each for bolls. Buyers were present from every part of the United States, from Canada, and one, Mr. Georgi Bobbins, from England, who made thr most no table purchase of tbe day. spect of the right of action accruing to the person aggrieved, and socb district attorneys shall cause such proceeding to be prosecuted to thieir termination, as ia other esses ; provided, that nothing con tained in this section shall be construed to deny or defeat sny right of eivil action accruing to any person, whether by reus son of the set or otherwise. Section 4. That DO citizen posses ug all other qualifications which are or may be prescribed by law, shall be disqualified for service ss grand or petit juror iu any court of the United Stales, or sny Stale, nu account of race, color or previous con dition of servitude ; and7 any officer or other person charged with any duty in the selection of summoning ot jarornj who shall exclude er fail to summon any citi zen for the cause aforesaid, shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined uot less than $1,000. Section 5 1 hat all cases arising un der the provisjons of ibis act in tbe courts of the United States shall be reviewable hy tbe Supreme Court of tbe United -lates without regard to the sum in con- a troversy, under tbe same provisions ana regulations as are now provided by law lor the review of other causes in said Court. k . aa. bnt that is tbe oolv point of with the negro, they are smell hat very well formed with small hands a J feet. Their fecial aagle it 90 da, end ibe breadth aod loftiness of their foreheads ore striking. - One of tbem has a hand like Hot one Greeley another Is jest like usts ot Socrates. Many have long oval faces with thiu lips, sharp chins sod fine iquiiioe uoe.-s of ibe best Hebrew types. Some of tbem exhibit jest sash types of feeee as we find among ear SslllBf li t lassos ead there eon he aa dene that bsy came frees pare Ctreesaiaa steak. The Egvp'sin soldier is rarely under five feet six inches aod assay are six feet snd over. His comptrxioe w preheat a little darker than that a the native Cuban t and differs in hue from the mulatto tinge. His hair is straight, glossy and black, but not so coarse and stiff as the Indians, at d he wears it extremely short. (The com mon people usually hays tneer bunds shaved with a razor several times e year). Hie form is perfect, with small heads and foot, end he st tnds ss straight as an ar- a a. a . s a 7 as row. Aitogeiner tne pyspm ot sue Egy plain soldier is for superior to that of the French or Italian. Like the Scntbe-n races, be is extremely abstemlont in hie diet. His ration consists of coarse bra onions, lentils, a little b tuer or ft, an twice a week a email sasohj af tre- . mutton. On this scanty fare he asm ataiut a wonderful amouut of labor and fatigue . All the troops I have seen are extremely well drilled. Tbey drill by the Rene system, translated into Arabia, which is the very same one known ia the America as Hardee's drill. The obedience end subordination off the troop are perfect. Among the improvements introdneed in tbe army to imitate onr A atari sen Ohssf of Staff is the eaublisbi schools io which the tbe rudiments of a common education Twenty years ago, hardly tbe field officer of a regiment could read and write. To day 00 s oldiei a can b seises a non-commissioned, officer nitbeat. As eon as a soldier has learned enough to writs him self an application for s leave af absence, is created to him. and yen msy jeexe it ie strong inducmenU These im provements iu tbe last few years are the proof of the wisdom sod illustrious Prince who snd who has done so much to promote tbe progress, pros parity and etvfaUon of bis people. Oar guns supply as will so idiss are taecht it id liberality of the has adopted tbem s good deal of rasas and there h hard! we so f. EgTPt General Colston, formerly of Wilming ton, oow a high officer in the Egyptaio Army, has written to tbe Journal another f hia very inereeting letters about mat- a day while on the march ters and things in Egypt. Tbe tieucral bag enough tor ooe is io command of an expedition exploring I much more. Bat onr maiu .he country between tbe Hed Sea and lb. M upon the Sheen and goats are ipper Nile. We make the following ex- the Bed wise wham we sseoa en the desert tracts from his letter.: st rare interval We are fortunate iu the supply of water. they hsve not had three Before the rains not rained here for d T ti ate io the supply of water, they have not had three feeds of grain in of last Novembc, it bad as many months, ior (hey And enough to far three years, aod near- eat op the desert. i -L

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