(torolino IdatrlinflB. 8ALI8BCRY.THURSDAY.lUNE.il The Watchman for tie CAMPAIGN. 7 months for less than $1 . Ia erder-tbat every one may bavw the nnnortnnitv of b coniiuc posted on the vr " iaeaes for discussion during the lammer campaign, we have determined to pat the price of the Watchman down bo as to en- hle vorv nnn to read it who may wish to do SO. T0 Watchwak, the: oldest paper in Weetern North Carolina, and one of the oldest in the 8tate, will continue to battle, us heretofore, for the light, for liberal and joat lows, fur houeBt government, and for whatever will tend to nroinote the best interests of our town, county and State. It will contain not only the latest and moat important news of the day, hat such nttipr Mfihwr mutter as will enable ita readers to keep thoroughly posted on politics and whatever elpe of importance that may he transpiring around them. We will furnish Hie Watchman from now antil the first of January. 1875, to all new anUcribers, at the following very full tuaeta In i.nr ircMt umd. to our bar oca aud men of genius, without stopping turfiur quire whether they are of our religious creed. or faith ; arhen we as a people can cherish aud honor ear religion without being bigots, nod aaeveiee or- With wkboutsfinsgiug to superstition ; when we cease to be puritani cal in oar notions and become mote tolerant. charitable and reasonable in our lives, We shall have far better cause to boast of our enlightenment and to glory in oar exalted progressive civilisation Aim n -ii I Copy- 81,00 $5,00 $8,00 $15,00 6 Copies to one address 20 i " " " No one can complain at these prices or have any excuse for not being posted on the politics of the day. Persons can avail themselves of these low rates until the 1st of August. By ofedisHf dktop-nV oE DAVID SCHENCK, ESQ, We are in receipt of a letter from a gen tleman of Cabarrus county, in which he com plains that we have done David Sehenek. Esq., the Democratic candidate for Judge iu that District, great wrong. If we hove done Mr. Sehenek any injustice weave very eorry of it ; and shall be most happy to set him right if our friend will show us wherein we have misrepresented him. Taking our re cent article in connection with Mr. Sehenek 's testimony before the Ku Klux committee at Washington, we are unable to see where we have been guilty of wrong. Yet, if Mr. Sehenek or his friends, after carefully eom pairiug our article with said testimony, will show that we have done Mr. Sehenek injus tice, it shall be repaired. Our correspondent sh ould not suppose that we are indifferent about who is elected in his District, he. a use we criticised the action of the Democratic Convention iu nominating Mr. Sehenek. If Mr. Sehenek was a thou sand fold worse than his bitter st enemies would represent him. be would still be infinite ly preferable to Judge Logan. Mr. Sehenek, with all his eccentricities, is still a gentle man of culture, legal ability, and if elected, will do honor to the bench. As to Judge Logan, we can not conceive of any one more Le an acknowledged apecialiij science, aid is raoidlr advstoei he atari preosaiooal eoosiderau ma 51. - M I O 1 tie practice Of uewai owwery w: lone degraded.- from eaws 'inremnWy similar to those evil influences, w hich so long depressed kinderea nraiicues or hk art. Disregarded by educated men, it nec essarily fell into the hands of the ignorant and rude, and precisely as Surgery and midwifery bare gradually esacrged from their barbarous state, and attendant dis- stry is now winning" lor way against all opposition, to , Us proper con sideration. It is a matter of honest pride, that oar country is again foremost in this laudable work. COM. I i 1J ev ROWAN COUNTY CONVEN TION. Pursuant to previoos notice tion coin Dosed of a lare and in m w resent aliou from an ports of f in the Court Hodm at 12 o'clock on Satur day, Jaae Oth. 1874. ' On motion of D A Da via, Esq.. Jaa A Hawkioa, Esq , waa elected Chairman, and Messrs Theo F Kluttz ui inouon the roil or i ownsnips was Inn. lot 1 C7J a:d -imjt . i- ; -,. "' ua Mr. Editor : It is important that the people should know how little baa been done I 1 Asylum for the Orphan Asylum in May. nublish the enclosed verv brief report. With or best wishes. J. H. MILLS. CbNTRlBt; TICKS TO THE ORPHAN IN CASH. , . .ti Paid $41 .50. Concert in Jonesboro. Paid S21.50. Mt. Lebaaou Lode No. 117. ',. &t K<xd. That any attempt, eosae from m sT earn wmie man. ana mat we wiu dearradatioe lenity oi tne never consent to witness the of oat people by eubecribiag to -" . . JT-- . a. " trine, and we bold every white man in toe abetjIlaariBg iifiiinl h delegates, viaBjalisbuTy, Franklin, Unity. Atwell, Scotch-Irish, Mt. Ulla, Liukers, Odd Hilf, Providence and Locke. On motion, a recess of 20 minutes was taken, to allow the townships delegations to . m - SW . . . . - , 1 J . ballot for candidates. When the Convention came to order the roll of lowaships called in pfuer, ana ma result or tne ballot announc ed, J S McCubbins having receive,! the vote of every township for the Howae of Kepres entati ves. was declared nominated, and Geo M Bernhardt having next highest number of votes, several townships changed their votes tor him, making his nomination unau imoos also, for the House of Representative. The ballotiug9 for other officers resulted as follows. F,pr Senator, Capt Win. H Crawford, i . mw jinpi ' Paid l 1.00, Morn iu Star Lodge No. Countv Surveyor. JoseDh Dnhbina. on. ... .1 iTmuinvr. J 5ttrml UTnlk!n. Register of Deeds. Horatio N Woodson. ......I;.... in !..; ra itipx nt onpp thov f enm a naner for nearly seven months for "rly oufit 80eh PiUon. Aside from : T r t ... less than one dollar. the disgusting character of his politics, he is ablv by this ereat reduction of price, still him Judge would be a calamity J. .;. . s as sa I r 1 - onr part oi the contract shall be taitntuuy peop f hia District most fearful, fulfilled. The cash must accompany all Mr. Sehenek has received the noinit orders. AddrPKH BLIUNER and STEWART. Unlew our friends seenre ns large lists iu every imaginable particular deplorably shall be compelled to loose consider- unfit for the position of Judge, -To elect upon the Since domination of the Democratic party, and the Radical party has nothing better to offer than the stupid Gov. Moses, of Sooth Carolina, against Jud 8 Jbomma , , . , , - , , tioii, every man who has a spark of decency whom a true bill haB been found for steal- . ' ItTZLi. ,u ia Kim Kka.tn Dh.ui .1 urn htm kAb nn.n sIa ing and misapplying public moneys, has and Vote Mr 8chenck thos far evadedrial. Several attempts Taawayalaofr wlijiaiiati, forthmw bare been made to arrest him ; but be nas necessary now, in order to get as far as pos by foree of arras and other means resisted 8U1e from civil rights, social negro eqnali- the officers of the law. II is unnecessary ty. miscegenation, amalgamation mexieani to say that this outrage of Moses is bt)t I zation, und other -Radical abominations gen- anothct outcroping of lladical-nogro rule erally. in South Carolina - LAST CONVEN1ION SATURDAY. Attention is invited to the proceedings of the Convention to be found in another column, cided preference for Capt Hie Convention was well attended and it OUR LTATB SENATOR. Davie county has ezpiessed a prefer ence for Capt 0 has Price, and Rowan has through her Convention expressed a de- W H Craw ford. This looks a little like clashing ; but it seems that it oil arises from a mis apprehension of the merits of the ease. If harmonious. The nominees are selected from among onr tut rii iitMw und we do not anticipate aft v verv eftVetive onnosHion to them even should there misinformed, Davie claims the ba'any dUappointed or dissatisfied individuals disposed to make it. right to suggest the Senator on the ground that Rowan had him for two terms pre- Every one has an undoubted right to exer- ceediog the election of Capt Price. This, Paid 8 10.00. each W F Stroud, Kattam- uskeet Lodge No. 338 aud Tuseaiora Lodge Paid $ 7.00, American George Lodge Nd. l 17. Paid $5.50. Bear Swanp Baptist church. Paid $6.10, Eno Lodge No. 210. Paid $0.65. Back Swamp Baptist church. Paid $5.00 each, Sinithfield Methodist Sunday school, Fannington Lodge No. 265, Capt. J J Davis and N W Boddie, Paid $4.50, Phalanx Lodge No. 31 and John T Howell. - Paid 83.50, Roanoke Lodge No. 203. , Paid $3.40, Greensboro Lodge No. 76. Paid $325, Caldwell Lodge No. 180. Paid $2.75 Rountree Lodge No. 243. Paid $3.00. Wilmington Lodge No. 310, Paid $2.70, El in wo 3 Lodge No. 246. Paid $2.00. each Perquimans Lodge No. 106. Express mau and Miss W J Dnpree. Paid $170, Anchor Lodge No. 234. Paid $1.00. each Ceutre Grove Lodge No. 183, Mrs E L Riggan, J J Ward aud S W Kittrell. Paid 10 cents, a friend. IS KIND. Clothing. Greensboro Conservative Club : S W Mitchell, E L Fleming, J W Brown. MrsR M Hester. Cooper & Williams, Round tree Baker & Co, Rosenthorn & Warren, fits Nash Hiflsboro, Uniform for girls, W H & R S Tucker & Co. Two bolts calico, Uurst. Purnel & Co, One bag meal each. Ed. Osboro & Dr H C Herudon, One keg roe ha: rings, Capebart Sc Sou, One grass blade, T H Briggs and Son, One bale hay. each, A G Lee and McMack n, aud J M Wood. Paints and garden seeds T D Craw fofd. One sack flour, each. John Blacknall and Minor and Beasley. One box hats. J H Wiusdor and Co., Baltimore. Oue box books, paper and pens. W J Dulany and Co.. Baltimore. Four mattresses. Klippei. Webster and Co., and Jenkins and Chan dler, Baltimore. Oue barrel oil C West and Son, Baltimore. Knives and forks Fiudlay. Roberts and Co., Baltimore. Oue box shoes, Petterson and Bash, Baltimore. Two bar rels family flour, P A Dunn and Co., Balti more. cine his own judgment and preference in r w the matter of voting : Yet we have no hesiten cy in saying, without presuming to dictate, that every man who went into that Convention, however, can certainly give her no legiti mate claim, since Rowan according to population and voters, is entitled to the and who claims to be a Democrat or Conaer- Senator tw ice to Uavte s once. ,But even vative, is honorably bound to vote for each and I if this claim was valid, it should be re al the nominees, unlcsH he can show good and membered that 4 years ago Davie suggest Two boxes snap. Wade. Boykin and Co.. Oue barrel hour, each, K Law- Clerk Superior Court, Jw. M Horah, Coroner, B F Fraley County Commissions as. D A Davis. Henry Barringer, J G Fleming. L W Coleman. J F McLean. Ou motion of J O Fleming, Esq., the varions candidates when pat in nomination were called out. and expressed their willing ness to abide by the action of this Con en tion. On motioa it was resolved that each township select 5 additional delegates to represent this county in the Congressmen Convention, and 7 additional delegates each to tne benatorial Uonventibn at Foard Mills. The following resolution was introduced by Dr M L Chunn and adopted- Whereas, there exists considerable diasat isfactinn with the present mode of appoiut lug delegates to tne Congressional aud Sen atonal nominating Conventions. Therefore Be it Resolved by the people of Rowan county iu Convention assembled, that after this on all occasions when it may be necessary to appoint such delegates, that each township in Rowan county, have the selection of an equal number, to be appoint ed by the townships and their names handed in to the Chairman of the County Conven tion, or to the County Executive Committee, with the request that they be appointed. The following preamble and resolutions trere introduced by Theo F Kluttz, aud sup ported by him in a few remarks. Whereas ; It is : ight aud proper that on all qui stions of representation, and in all nominations for offir. the preference ol the people should be ex press d aud their wishes obeyed ; And whereas, there is a division of ..pinion as to the first choice of Rouau comity for a candidate to represent this dis t rit-t iu the next Congress of the United States V ' ' Therefbre, Be it RsoIved by the people of : i .4 " , . Important Notice. ereas public advert iaernent in made I Whereas nanv papers that the Weateva North Carolina Railroad with all the f ranebha of every kind belonging to the b aold by certain House door in Saliabnry, on 18th of June next, at public auction : and whereas R is alae atated that the debt for which it b oWL eoawrif tea the that I rat Mn on the property, BY GIVEN THAT THI PRESS COMPANY VALUABLE PROPERTY fv 2& tim. are, thaw, vfun .sal soj fj Ssam. osT3U8lT la a Dessee mi the Cue hqi HP eualiiaiag viHm M Ml BJ i' Mt Saw Passed BtaSaw, fariaw Waw, llliaajTl I l d dfl '"lT Illll H i II i ill i AseUTm. aft VpitOia BlTTKaa, the iiaswm mTfgJA, nfiWsVboro, in se mslB UW l?k!mCmm,ml1nmbVm tw j atoTtaajelljt ' NOTICE. the service of Mr blBM aerve b i oM A lull line off oj to l-aHr.d , I- Janel1,74-1 mo John r. atooaa. wtw win Drags always on G. L. GlfcWO.N, I E. D Ted R. Caldwell, Bmfvm T. KEEP COOL KEEP COOL. by way of Lease an said Property, so exienas. , That it had exclusive priawsaiow ad liarhu anueruinina hereto fur nearly seven yean' and waa wrongfully and forcible, ex pel led b W. A. Smith, Receiver appointed by the Hon: Jndge Dick, and a iwtitioa for iistat athai to She po waawon as wow psaMiBaw Ma se uveost uUrt, ILA. k ike Wsasara Diatriot of North Carolina, at iireenwboro, TW aiaiu a- prera Company will aaaert Ita right agarim wy aad'eeery purchaser, and not being a party to said suit is not estopped thereby So purcbaaer will take notice. T. D. GLLLE3PIK, Charlotte, N. C. Snpt. do. EX. CO. May 30 1874. June 4. 1874. Wotusvejaat Boda fooatainaaad are now prepared far abh oar patrons with the beat aoidwet glaas of bua v ater tnat can he 4sawa Irwaa i foantaia It will he raiaaahatBd that the fia e-t. and ark nowledged taw beat Soda Fonntaia la America, the owe in HehaluUn New York tsnag Sttajw, waa aaananaetnrwd by theaajwy a4aassj hie ftaat oa tains. As regards C temperature, they have sja n UM fW We also offer pem turns le ear for each glass of 8o4a Water ihy ore pre seiited with a numbered sneak wksok ea it tee them to a which will lftth f Joe examine the preaniama. ished f.r part tea. ficnies, i one days uotiee. C. iu BABKEB At CO. Mar 14. 1874 tf. fsWlWiir WlaasUi - - au -- - i na .m a - t taalasraird. Blross Kdlev, ThWsa r? OiibbIii, Jaaaaa QmsbJbb, mmij CaafaaL A H Ji-sj D. VTnawa Aasjaee, . fc. M by1! Ccamat aaid ATajCeJ wl.-theCcort How- door i. mmUahmrI enlS! f- A . MM., 1 W 7 4t, at Public Aactiaa. to taw hifheat Sadder, ssty of every ktod. oaewre asai kwaglaat to the a! Turn W uaJkouwa sun. koap i attawBsM u oa saws, . a wUl Tool is Casat oa the day of JOtkX 9 A M T . ShCSBBMBsaal at -le .a Towns sa bkv. ale, awdwilke cBSssoBwevs tfy .k.. bVbS at oer drawing. aW first J bkwojc atiuncd la taw aU DeereaJ nSaf t4u.sV.at osft oooaaw The said Commtaaaonera are aafVxrtW to oue aa the iid Mtebafl UtaaeAMtU Railroad, ho SBupwii aa4 afiwesa of every mod deaerlptiew ; and all perena who in pc wa-of the aaid Kailioad mm a - dent aw Kisewler I Thia Road, whoa National Hotel In the Centre of bnsinesa caa Main 8 tree SALISHU RY, H. O. I retpeetifuBg inform Ike public at old Guest, that I hnve REFURNISHED REFITTED, AND TDOrOlll.Y RKMO VKZ THB KATI05AL ' FOR THE SUMMER SEASON t E00M 8 CLEAN AND WELT. VENTILATED MY TABLE in tupplied vi h ererthing this A StW markets ajbaa. This Home haa gained a reputation to none in the Country, and the Propriet flTYl ntry, and the FIRST CLASS second will keep itap IN Mde and txperiemcrd Servant m MRS. DR. REEVkS. JVtmrieirtm. June 11, 1874 It EXCURSION OF JUNE 2(Jth. Statr or N .rth Caboldia. t In th i Pro Davis Couktt. Wte Cowrt, 11. Cash, plmlntiff t Petition - s . - a ai of Uefew Sasnuel W. haylor. i Surviving Exeentor of James Beauehauip, dee. 1 Defendant, i The defendant, Samuel W. Naylor. aa the sarviviug Executor of Jesses a a in p. deeeawed, is Summoned to newer the peti tion of the niaintlff. wbieh Is tied io the ofice of the Judge of Probate, of this eonnty within twenty days after the saretoa of thb Sumiuons ou hiin. aod if be Bail to answer within the time aforeaaid apnHsaiina will be made to the Court fur the relief aaked far in the petition, and the same will thea be aeted ou. This 18th day of May. 1874. H. B. HOWARD. Probate Judge (Pr fee $8.50. North Cabousa, Alexander County, f In tha A. C Mclntofth, adra r Court April 27 1874. of Edward Turner Dec kiwi Lfhe er swyefiu dar ikeaaat of tae lo its ptoted, will foraa ewe of taw tawt TWoaocoHTA ans tt ewtir tote; that la frea Maiaabary to UM BCiJOW) mn he It. the Wat trt of the rr BtoBaar oeen esajawoee npoa inu AAA aaaki w. o aa Ameiieaa V. Tamer, t Petition to sell land Emily A. Oryder, Bur saawto to pay John K. (J. Turner, In Ibis proceeding it appearing to the aOthv factk of the Court that Aotericws, V. TmaaWt A Emily A. Urydor, saw aoa 1 1 tin l of tbU State. It hi therefore ordered by the Cowrt that publication he aaale far tlx aprcta wee Blur KV aindor There has Road, ahowt to.006.000 00 Tt w aalujfv a debt of ahowt t l.tOOOOO wkUok earn. Uiuiaa the I rat lien upon the property. The CawBBBiaainnrri, helieee that the title f ike parchaaer, wul he aooa. For any further man Bsntwie. addseva B S.O VfTHKH. 'Moegaatoa, X.C. MARCinrEBWflf, A-herillr, N . C. THOMAS B. mn 5. Hill-bom. X. r. TltbMAS B. KI30QH, Qso-anoasM.C April 30. 1874. et NEW STOCK SPRHfi GOODS. Special Accomadatioi i . NoUfy ing the aaid drfesalaaga to SSanaar at the Ho wan comity in Convention assembled. that a vote of Townships be taan. each township expreseing its preferetn-e. and a j S vu,e tne. MUrity ofall the townships rep- reseuuHi oe cousKteren tne onoice of Kowan Baltimore sen and Co., R Tyson aud Co.. Baltimore, and J M Rohersou, President Hay line steamers. Half ton Pacific Guano y. i ri., n -I.:. HTOUUUV,..lIMIl'H!. 1 .jIA-i! JJ ......I Provisions, Alfred Hobgoo l. Col J 8 1A ,-"5llS.T :vH! laajifartiirj reason why he should not do so. ed the Senator, and, although be waa tak en from onr county, the fact would weigh The proliibitioiiistB of Raleigh, although against her own ruli they elected their ticket at the late muni cipal election in that city, have not yet been able to reap any fruit from the re sult. The liquor men claimed that the election was illegal, the law unconstilu Without defiling io discourage Capt- Uon.il, &c, &c, and got JuUge Watte to My evident. The an- making selections enjoin the temperance men. The question Lf new men iu nearly all the counties; Price, we will say that the people are bent et in our national Legislature to pass any on having new men in the Legislature. and every act Which the caprice Whether this is a wise purpose of theirs is not the questimi. Tin- f tut is auffi eieut- Amis. One box soap, Harris and Blr.ck- tonvenn-be. and are. hereby instrnct- nall, Wilson. One barrel cakes. Branch f. P etthe vote of this county on first and Co., Wilson. One lamp, Herudon. Hunt ? "u M '.""J T VW,W' d r r for the chou-e so expressed ; nod after that to cost the vote of the dbunty at tl eir best discretion, and in 'such manner as shall In thefr judgement best represent the wishes of toe people oi mis coumy. The passage of the reeolations wss oppos ed by Hon t rancis L Shober, in a short speech, when, on motion, the township dele- ga'iou retnred to barot upon them. When THE CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. The New York Sun remarks that this bill opens' a question of the range of pow of hour may inspire. We are aH of us terested to know.' it av. whother mir the convention came to order again, the mil thirty-soven States are, in all branches to"niP waa called, and nine townships bus been argued before Judge Watts, and he bos decided to continue the injunction. The temperance men have taken an ap and it is not to be presumed that Rowan will pass over such geutlemeu as Dr. Locfcey aud Kerr C raise, and vole for peal to the Superior Couit. But it is very ijapt Price. True, it is not because of any doubtful whether they will succeed there, gfcortcomiug on the part of these gentle- i e. j j x or merely organired countie., wbo8e V Jgg-n .TTiflu L1 aimsiiousus ana j-ius are io De inspected nation . by a congressional committee, or its roads and bridges placed under the supervisions It is n little strange that the world will leant nothing by experience. It is still men, for they are acknowledged to have made good representatives, it is owing lo of a detailed officer of the engineer corps responded in a fed; vigorous remarks. Further than this ihere questions of oer- Un motion the Secretaries were requested r m nm o w luruisn proceedings of this Convention to the town papers lor publication. questions ot per sonal rights which follow on this claim unrestricted meddling by Congress. more strange that some people will per- desire for a change merely, and this de sist in believing that the cause of temper- BirO will prevent Rowan from voting for ante van De promoted oy prohibitory any one who was iu the last Legislature. .. . ... t I i w laws, or that it is a proper subject for leg islalion. fa Mr. Geo. W. Childs has taken meas ures to erect, at his own expense, a suita ble inonuuu nt to the memory of Edgar Allen Poe Kxchunyc. The many admirers of Edgar Allen Poe will he glad to hear of the noble purpose of that most hberal aud estimable geutlemani Mr. Geo. W. Childs. We can not anticipate the action of the Convention to assemble at Foard's Mills. but we think if the aetion of the two con ventions is to be respected, counting by townships, Capt Crawford has already gotten the nomination. ROWAN COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, At the annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rowan County Sunday School Association, the following program me for the Convention was adopted viz SUBJECTS FOR DRBATR. I. What steps are most judicious and ne- DENISTRY. Until recently, the treatment of the E. A. Poe was the diseases of the teeth, appear to have been greatest genius tlie last century has pro- eB8 a prop1" speciality of medicine, than duced ; yet his grave can scarcely be pointed a mere mechanical craft , r quiring in the out, and aveu many would-be wise critics operator little more than manual dexterity have attempted to heap ridicule upon bis I and physical force. Surgeons and physicians were, gener ally speaking, profoundly ignorant of the importance of the orgnns to general health, and were contented to surrender them to the care of any who were willing to take Even, now, dental dis eases are seldom mentioned in medical name Und works. This is owing mainly to thvfact thathe did not dis the death of an ortho dox christian ; that is. he was ueither a Puri tan, a religious fauatic, or a christian bigot. There are many people who eau see no vir- tnu in tliiiir fvlloura wKn A, not aorroA oritVi them on all reliaioua subjects, or who refuse I cnarSe them to endorse all their peculiar religious teaeta The puriunisins of this age, the amasing want schools, and eminent professors of Surgery of charity one toward another, is alarming. I have publicly confessed themselves in com Bat do not the heathen so ? The Mohomme- j potent of teaching their students how to dans think that they of all the religious sects extract teeth. Io the course of time, how- are right, an J most certain to make their earl log and election sore. It is natural then that we should have fanatics and bigots on this subject ; but it is very rare that such ever, men of inquiring minds, and studi ous habits, hud ing themselves in the practice of a rude and hm perfect art, the mm wmmmm m . .1. have any great quality. The scope of Ueir 7.' WC miuda is exceedingly limited, aud they were well plaeed by tbe Saviour with the Phari- forced upon their observation, have been constrained to investigate the relations of ses, men utterly -destitute of all noble or j lo iurmuitding and distinct parts charitable impulses. Weil read medteal men. waiving the rflBlf Bad nratio tf iko nrnfuUn r. u.k.i . r !.,.. ti,..a. tb.t r-- r , . - mnmmm turned tbeir attention to dent atrv. and in an age of progress and enlightenment; necessity have applied their previous in but there is much of the cruelty, unreason- formation to the augmentation of Dental abieaeas. ana aoomtnation oi toe uara ages Pathology and Therapeutics ; and finally stiU elingiug to as. -When we learn to do I the manageaaont of tae ttetij has cotoo to the in Oue township voting "No Instructions,' aT9 . WOT iff Art m ... - '. uapv w n orawmrd, being -a tied out Uu motion the invention adiourned. after a most interesting and harmonious ses sion, Anfl Arrangements, nmuu office of the Clrrk of the Superior Cairt. of Alexander County, ai the Court llouae in Taylomeille, on aw hsfupa the tot ahvy af Jute. A. D. 1874. and answer the Petition of tae Plaintiff which Is filled ha. tlai proceed i a awd let Ihrm take notion that if they fail toaavwrev Plaintifb Petitioo within that liana r mrai prommemto will be granted. Wknew my hand ami the aeal of aaid Court thia th day of April, A. D. 1874. Seal Jv M aI K fcNSUN, C. 8. C. April 30, 1874 eix w. BRASS Urn IN ATTENDANCE. j Now Harif m Store. Ws respectfully invito the atentiou of e.iti sens of Row an, and surrounding cwuaties to oar He Stick if Mm, I nst opened iu Salisbury, in which we kep t I m t mm. mnm . a ran nne or evervtntuw usual It keot in a llf ft fa . m TV m . 1 wen ueguiated Hardware Store. Our stock embraces foreuju and Carpenter's Toole, a laree rarietv Black esattha I ools large variety Shovels. Spades r orks. stakes. Kicks. Mattocks, Hoes, Grain. and Grass Scythes, Chains, Iron. Waa.n and lluaiiry Material. Pat. Axes of difiVrwaa nateraa, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Diastou'a Mill, ju roes-cat, and Hand Sawa, A. J. .MOCK CO. t t .1 A their entire slock of SPRING GOODS, wbidi they oAVr at greatly restored prices fiwaa Tbey are aeltiag Geaada atrietlj barter, daaiag away with the oM s I Credit arateaa, belicriaw It to he part tea, od they totawd quality of Gooda alkali aaake it aa to he lafl Their Is the la skis JAS A HAWKINS, dim. THEO'F KLU1TZ. ? J J STEWART, S Secy's Seeing Is Believing If in this liberal age there are persona to be found who are so blinded by prejudices as not to believe that a medicated ntimtil.mt U n cessary to be taken in order to establish item of immen importance In the catalogue ounuay ocnoois in vacant parts ot tbe Uoun- of human remedies jwe should like them to Gov. Vance, Col. Folk, aauum PAINTS, GLASS ftC, and ArmBeld. to deliver '' tuu,w ' I L Dry-Goods, Notions. (Milt Boots fit Shoes, Which wo ore Helling m conaeqoawee of haying determined to do an exclusive HARDWARE BUSINESS. Give aa a call, two doors below T. F KlutU'a Unruaj.sVtore. aud eaaaniae oar v ..m n a V a mx oeiore purcnaams; stsewbera, aa we s tennined not to be under sold by out iu thb State. T m- 1 i 8JHTHDEAL dc HARTil AX. Lie-OTer Tickets good m.? r. i874-w Classes of Goods, ty! witness the wonderiil effects which HoatetteVs IL Is it desirable to introduce the uniform Stomach Bitter are 1.aw .produciuz all over lesson system into our Sunday Schools ? the country in eases of intermittent fever rheu- III. What are the best methods of secur- taattsra, billioua. disorders dyapepaia, nervous ing competent teachers ? IV. What are the chief -obstacles to the success and efficiency of Sunday Schools f V. Is it appropriate and desirable to es- complaint, cooatitutienal debility, mental de- prMuu ana premature necay. io be sure these effect are nothing new. The great vege table invigorant and its cores have been before Ublbhan infant class in every Sunday rhe PeoP,e norethan twenty five yeani. and School f in every year of the twenty-five its popularity 1 I L . . k. V - . -i i . The following gentlemen have been selec- " " reMca na 118 10,8 ZT 0900019 Iargw ted to open the discussion of the several subjects in the order of their names, via : Rev. Sam'l Rothrock, with Rev. T. L. Friplett, alternate. R W. Boyd, with J. C. Denny, alternate. Mr. David Barringer with Mr. John Sloop, alternate. saaltoettota. - - SiUer. with aome . degwos of incredulity. , ueiw Ar, would that all such skeptic could ace with alternate. James P. Simpson, with Rev. P. A. Strobel the "ick ud fbls evtry where, what a staff of Yet there are no doubt many thousands of in telligent citizens Who have never had an op portunity of observing far themselves the anr prising changes which this unequalled tonic and alterative produces in, system which seem to be hopelessly broken, and In cases of di which are not amenable to ordinary remedies. Probably many of these regard the statements made in relation to the sanitary properties of alternate. The convention will be held . in Salem life it ia proving to the aged and a help in time of trouble to feeble what m.mmZ jS - - .a a a n a aw.B . church on Wedneadav ATbnul. C""K P'10" a pe- c . . ...... - cuhar to the sex. what a protection to health bl. nruu .Mr a a. .us .. - oi August, au maiscers or every denomination, and superintendents sod teachers of Sunday Schools in Rowan Coujv ty are members of the Association and are requested to attend. Rev. O. B. WETMORE Chairmen. L Henry Poust, Secretary. Salbbury, June. 4, 1874. and life in malarious districts, what s panacea for languor and depression, what a specific for all diseases in which the system requires to be vitalized and sustained. Of all stimulants it ia tne purest and safest, of all tonics the meet ;enial, effective and agreeable, of all alteratives ADDRESSES. DR. WADES' adapted to the try. of thia re READY BADE CLOTHM, until the 25th over the regular mail Train on W. N. C. R. R. only $1.25 Extra. : Fair unusualy low t I ' ' ll . w : from Salisbury, to Old Fort, & Return $2.00 r .iitfv i t'M -At . Special Cm ft JOHN A. DfCKSOH. AND CURE FOR f 8PBP8I and have the Largnat steek that has been ed In 1 i BIO it limn Ihi wn t fail to Bseet the ia the manr diaoeveriea in madirine of late, few are regarded with mors ittereat tha tbe rateable remediea lev UTsPKPtflA. Of tbeee, none tand higher .suwug fhnae whoaso familiar with iu virtue than the "L1VKR CORRECTOR." Prof. MOORMAN, Phrsieiaa at the White anlphsr Springs, eminent in hie Bniiaaaiiii and being wot! known in Baltiaaore, aava oflt I consider it one of the UBT BKMKDlMn fOK urPJP8!A attended with eonstipatioc that 1 ever used. Colonel GOODE, of Meeklenbnrg county Vs.. sa eminent lawyer, and. a flSBaUessan a unuaai intelligence, says x Alter taajr suffer ing, that tha "LIVER COaWKerOJ?' gave be has Urn took." relief than all Messrs JTrnde, I the least violent and the beneficial results. most certain in Us Nat sit . 4 itl,: fit. it J 1 ' w - Lessee. June 11, 1874 tf. OsW. Ta. BalUmore' MarrUad i DYBPBPrilA, and got mors relief from it dTeas'.whenwouM rise up I rode on boreebaok. or iu ia a manner dead far twain no relief from any madidao uatil I Mver Oorreator. "Mt health ia now atdll. - " w - . . .. w muipi; rnnw. onr inuefHiiy, J. W Gu. T. WuUz, ProgglBt gal by BSOury.ar. rj Mae 7. 1074. - I A full stock of all kind of LADIES, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, RIBDONS, GLOVES LACES, AND EMBROIDERIES, A full and complete atock of Hale, Begar, Codec, April 16, 1874 FRESH ARM Cieaiertiu.KTff! Jaat receired w at R. W. ProVs Family or Cita, SnaTx, Smis, Iilaso, 8USAR CUIEO MEATS, una. Lam. r tamr mmmmmm m ITJ Saliabary, doc 10. 1