J I- - j. f Births are betng announced o "Our ia.it-. r .1 rn i oung x oiks Tor june, hi me i urucr VnU, Mass., Reporter. Tlie Washington Star uetiiis the story lUl, George Allied MUM umbrella dosrn the throat of his eiilagonipt and hn nnnJ it Collins (Irares, ho rode bo fast down the Mill Biver valley to warn the people .n..Akin 1nir in aaid tn lif lIlP v "ft" I Iptr .first milkman who ever ran away from ,ev xwater. eays If there is one time more than another svhen a woman should be entirely alone It is when a line full of clothes comes down In the mud. A well known Son Francisso dentist, fs having a sign painted for his office door, I giving his hours for business. It start the folio wm : r rst, here the raw mater .off with ".Tooth-pulling soirees will be jal is produced, and by working it here held.'' etc. various expenses incidental to its trans- The Western Radical papers are uij- , posed to laugh at the 1 armers Independ- ent movement. Hut the antedeluvians mocked old iSeah even when they were .up to their arm-pita iu tho flood. Quite extensive strikes in the building trades of New York have taken place. The bricklayers are now idle. They demand four dollars a day. It is prob bable that sbis will be conceded. Already , one man has been severely stabbed for working against the wish of tho stnacrs 11 is assailant was arrested. A Detroit female, bruthine herd aud ..nving . Urge hickory cue, ran down , the street, the other morning inquiring if anybody had seen a "smsll cioss-cyed man anywhere along here 1" Several persons asked, "What's the matter Vf But she hurried on, saying, "Haven't time now ; J want to get my paws on the fawuing sycophant for just a min ute!" Mr. Halitead is no chieken. and there is nothing verdant about his observations. In personal appearance it may be said that tie is gifted, his physical charms fairly lie emulatine the virtnres of the good Deacon Richard Smith. He is also a poet, and has written much of a sentimental roman tic character for the periodicals of bis native countt v. his mvi upon "ine Young Girl, Maria," and that weird epic beginning : The boy stood on the burning desk, Selling pt-anata by the peek ; Beside him stood the girl in blue. Who said she'd take a peck or two, will long live as evidences of a talent for iiit-LritTiti cu in in in 1 1 tun iii'iiiHLurciv nijiiu i , . doned for the unmusical realities of jo urn aliein. Courier-Journal. How touchingly beautiful this is! Three little New Hampshire girls, not long since, lost their mother by death. Hearing that a lady friend of the family was dying, these three little children went to their grandmother, called her aside, nrl wliiinpmn in linr onr! "Afro ia I dyiug, and we want you to go to tell her . 1 ... lo sire our best love to our mother," 1 Who is She ? Who is the girl Helen Biases, to whom the boys so often appeal in sadden pain or peril's darkest hour ? A day or two ago a young man trod on a piece of orange-peal, and sat down on the pavement, at the same time exclaiming, "Helen Blazes 1" Aud that same after noon the yonng man struck his toe agaiust brick, and taking his foot up in his arms, he, too cried, ''Helen Blazes 1" There may be such a patron saint of hint In the calendar, bnt we can't find ber jtbere. 'Courier Journal. When several men meet to disenss finance politics or religion each comes with his fixed prejudices to money, men and creeds. Each one tries to convince all the others to his way of thinking, and as a result each goes home more confounded than when he entered the in quiry. Let but the Spirit of Truth, with all its powers, come into such meeting. Let all those who have had convictions submit them to the test of truth. It is not the triumnhs of indivi dual judgment which ever convince the many. It is only when the people's judgments and will are convicted by alUpowerful truth. The sur render of opinion is then unattended by any humiliation ; it is truth, love, wisdom, God, that has the triumph. Antiquity of the Scriptures. Few of us e?er stop to think how old iho Bible is. Yet "the Scriptures are be ttered by candid critics to contain the most ancient forms of truth now known to men." With the aid of chronological Ubles any one may easily make profitable comparison between the antiquity of the books and that of other writings and erents. The Scriptures contain the only nthentic history of the world before the Flood. We find in the Pentateuch one ? rr"L. " ui.nui iuii.iii penuu. a uu ni'urcw s Stai nes were enacted a thousand years before Justinian reformed the Roman jurispru dence. In tho Bible we have the record nf chartered rights secured to "the people more than two thousand years before the .Magna Unarta. What a sensation would be produced if the first chapter of Genesis should appear for the first time in one of the newspapers to-morrow ! Yet there can be no doubt that chapter contains the oldest writing, twenty five hundred years before the invention of printing Xenop hon's record of the conversation of Soc rates, in his Memborabilia seems an old oooa to us, yet similar topics were din cussed in Ecclesiastes six hundred years before. The works of Tacitur, Plutarch, and QiunUlian are not modern ; but the books of the New Testament are older than they. As to the (book of Job, its Jlge ia beyond conjecture. Those who make it as modern as they can are com polled to place its oriein at least one thou sand years before Homer. When Priam was King of Troy, Job was of remote an tiquity. The name of Alexander has no modern sound for us, yet when Alexv ander iu vaded Syria the Book of Job might have been read before him as the work of an author more time honored then joow. than the name of Alexander Thewritintrs of Confuius are modern 7" m w tne D.Die j and the most that tbe Hindoos cm justly claim for their saciwH honka tti VJm ia t j ... r ., 1 that they were written five hundred years nftm the death of Moses. Tha Koran is a hook trrab from the press compared wi the Scripture. Dr. Upson. COtton Factories for North Car- olina. ' Fac ts an? oo' nstanly arising to prove that the South is destined in the future to he the scat for the manufacture of heavy cotton goods. Georgia has long manu factured cotton goods successfully and pro6tahIy, and South Carolina is waking p to the importance of poild.ng cotton lactone, a corvesrpomicii n iuc m. a. Journal of Commerce writing from Lnng- Mill- near Aikin. boutb Carolina A manufacturer rf cotton yarns rMm l hi,. iinr H.norlano. Alter Inokin? iiviu &uiivi r C ' ) at our books, told me that we manufac ture cheaper than they did by about the difference in the value ot our currency and that is to say. four and three fourth cents per pound. Among the advantages enjoyed by the south over tne ixortn in manufacturing cotton may be enumerated I jj . Ul08C whf inve8t capital aud ,bor . removing it from pi, nortation could be saved sucn a pronts time ace to place ; insurance during transportation loss by samplings and stealings from the bales, becond, experts claim that in our Southern clime, cotton works to better advantage as hitrh as ten per cent. Third, the reclamation oo false packed and damaged cotton is direct aud easy. Fourth, freights on manufactured goods are less in proportion than on bulky and hazardous bales of cotton. Yarns can be delivered in New York from this vicinity from 60 to 80 cents per bnudred. Fifth, ?" aoanannnoppiy o. .pmu.... i i a . m J .! I" U. a I s -J "3 Southern Mills admit the -superiority of eupenonty our lactory hands, the whiles, and the ease with which they are controlled. 1 be average wages paid at the Saluda mills is 8142.82 nor annum. Sixth, the mildness w we wiiuots vij . i , ik. mnta ot. ah aa Iho nnprtivi In enjoy a larger propartion ot comlorts on a given amount ot wages. In a cold climate a larger proportion of carbon- aceOus food requisite, which costs more than fairnaceous food, nor do the houses for operatives require to be so expensive iu the colder regions. Lumber of the best kind costs only ten to twelve dollars a thousand. The short winters require less fuel. Land is cheap, and each household can have its garden, cow ana ptgs. Seventh, there is a home demand for the goods the larger country stores keep supplies of yarn for sale as regularly as they do eheetiugs. Lighth, by purchas- ing seed cotton from planters and ginning it at the mill, the lint is in a better con- I rliiinn fnr rv r rlr i n or tlian flflf-r it VlUS Kppn com d int0 lj8 Wld the expense-of . . , nackint? the cotton, bagging, ties and handling would be saved, as also the ex pens of running it through the picker file wastage cotton undergoes hi different ways bas been csumatea at - .11 one-tenth to one eight of a bale. Loulu the ( n tire crop of cotton be converted into yarns at the South, and shipped off in that form, ,1 ji r jLj j .'7 it would add one hundred and fifty mil- I.'am 7t77ve .nnolln tn tlio WAwlth ftf itlia 1 l C .l. TT.: Sf.iu Vam ihi J . I portion of the United Stales. Foreign mills would adapt their niachii e y to working np the yarns instead of the raw cotton. It but one quarter of tne crop could be thus converted, it would bo a great blessing to the Sou h. and enable it . 11 numbers of women and children that are now dependent on others to support them selves." JAS. LEFFEL'S IMPK0VED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel. POOIiE & HUNT. Blatimore, Massfsctsrers for the South sad Snlkirtst . V . . . . . - 1 Wearly 7000 now in uso, working under heads rarying from 2 to 240 feet ! 24 sizes, from 5J to96 inches. The most powerfnl Wheel in the Marke And most economical in nee of Water. ILLUSTRATED Pamphlet sent post free. MANUFACTURERS, ALSO, OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines Tubulous Boiler, Ebaugh's Crusher for Mineials, Saw and Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery for White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Shafting Pul- leys and Hangers SEND FOR CIRCULARS. HFob. 10, 1874-(Jmo8. F. BAKER, & CO., I sell the celebrated And Cotton Kin Co ok Stoves. A' Church, Parlor n$ office Stoves, and war- rant them to give . perfect satisfaction. Tin, Sheet-iron &. Cooper Work ( done at short notice and In the best manner. Sept. 11, Urn BUCK EYE BEE HIVE. Having purchased the right to manufacture the Bnck Eye Bee Hive for the counties of Rowan, Stanly, Cabarrus, Iredell, Catawba and Davie. I am prepared to fill orders and sell in i8 these counties this valuable and improved Hive. i win sen larmers nzhts. when- tbev will make lTlulL-. ??"are nhV. Wl11 1 I r . w 4 jumiMuu risua on reasonaoie lerms. Nearly Every body that examines it buys one. It will more than pay for itself in one year. All we ask ia a trial. Coma nri crunin the Ail we ask is a trial. Come and examine the I Hive for yourselves and be eonvi need. Manufactory on East Corner of Lee A Coun- streets, near tbe Depot. HENRY CAUBLE April 9, 1874 6mos. Piedmont Air Line Railway. Richmond 6 Danville, Richmond & Danville R. W., H. C. Division,' and North Western N. C. B. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. ' a Effect on aad after Sunday, Fab. SSd. 1874 . " GOING NORTH. STATION8. Mail. Ex prims. Leave Charlotte .... 7JW m 8.36 aJ$Z " Air-Line J'nct'n 7 25 8.5G Salisbury 952 " 10,54 "Greensboro 2J5 in l.lftjp.- "Danville . 6 It " 3 36 " Dundee 6.26 " 3 48 " Barkevills 11.80 " Arrive at Richmond. 2.22 p m ' 11 04 r m GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. I Mail. Express. ! : Leave Richmond.... 138pm 11 45 a m - Bnrkeville 4.41 2 52 " Dendee 9 &33 " Danville 9.52 8 37 " "Greensboro 12.40 am. 11.68 ' l " Salisbury 3. ' 251 P M , " Asr-Line J'nnc't 6.24' " 4.54, " Arrive at Charlotte. 6 30am 5,00 " Arrive at Richmond GOING EAST. GONIG WSST. STATIONS. 73 Leave Gieensboro.. t '' 3 30 a M - Arr. U.40a x L'velOI6 " -a B41 " L've 230 pm " Co Shops " lUleiirh 313 4 a. o . 3 7,30 " a i.i jl 1U.2UP M WORTH WESTERN N. C. R R. ( Salem Brakoh. ) Leave Greensboro...., 1 SO a m Arrive at Salem .300 " Leave Salem 10 00 pm Arrive at Greensboro.. 11 30 A X ill iave uraiuuoro n r ..; !,:.. t..i:..u K it . u connects at Greensboro' with t lie Northern bound tram; making the quickest tune to all Northern cities. Trice ot tickets same a via other routes. Tsains to and from points East of Greensboro connect at Graensboro with Mail Trains to or iSfJ' 0n gundaysLynchburg Ac AcommoiUtion leave Richmond at 942 A m, arrive at Bnrkeville 12 39 p m , leave Bnrkeville 4 35 A X , arrive at Rich mond 7 68 a x Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains be tween Charlotte and Richmond, (without change) natk 22 f or turtuer information address 8 K. ALLEN. Gen'l Ticket Agent Greensboro, N C THR TALCOT, Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent - oyT - p -vrjm tt-q "TT vJ J, US -L-L U JLTLJli I J. A. CLUDFELTER & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Invite attention to their stock of Cottage Bedsteads French Chamber Suits, Walnut and painted Cane Seats Chairs Rocking Chairs of all descriptions, Ex tension Dining Tables of all kinds Wardrolies, Washstands, What-Notes, Sofas, Reception lAnaiAn I linmn I'ah Lna a! nil lrtr,1 I r . -. I . I . Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, many other articles which we are prepared to sell as cheap or cheaper than any Honse in the western part nttUa of the State. UO SUre tO Call nearly opposite the Mansion . ymvm ..tv uAutcm uiliw, ncv I HOWl TIDTf lCCV Vli. I W Ih. t4lvn,.Af. (V. I our stock and hear our prices. Our terms cash, Hiuun'.l -.1,.. , m.l f ..1. ... 1 I our office) will be supplied rcx.u. vhkio Iiuituc lruiu UUUMIKraPfM in tc ill i" i 1 or A full assortment of Rosewood. Metaltc and Walnut Burial Cases, which can be furnish ed at 3 hours notice. March 19, 1874 ly. Manhood : How Lost How Restored ? fgfWfta J,'st published, a new edition of - f m m -wm i i i a m r. vniyerweu s ucieora a. -i mmm . ,. teaxissav on ine raaicii cur (without medicine) of Spermatorrhpea or seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal es, Impotescy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, nnpeuimeni8 10 .Marriage, etc. ; also Consump tion, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance ; Piles, &c." tw" cj , in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated anthnr in this ailmlpaKla Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' , ' .v. m. i ..... v successful practice, that the alarm'tnir conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and efiec tual, by means of which every sufferer, ro mat- ter what his condition maybe; may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically.' This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain enve'ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamp. Also, DK.SILLSBEE'S REMEDY FOR PILES. Send for circular. Address the Publishers, CHAS J- C ELINB dk CO., 27 Bowerv. New York Post Office Box4.586 ' Lire Insurance Gomnanv OF VIRGINIA. Homo Office Petersburg, Ya. OFFICERS. A. G. McImvaine, .... President, DArcy Paul, .... it Vice Pres't. D. B. Tennant, - - . 2nd " " Sam'l B. Paul' - - Secretary & Manager, Dr. R. W. Jeffeby, - - Medical Director. Stock Capital $383 000. ORGANIZED MARCH 1871. Ratio of Assets to liabilities more than two to one. Policies issued on all desirable plans, Par ticipating and Non-participating. Lowest rates of Premium consistent with safety. Reserve from premiums invested in reach 01 Policy-holders everywhere. Polices non-for-feitable after second premium according to their terms, and the amount non-ibrfeitable is written in the policy in plain English, so that there can be no Misunderstanding. ' Restrictions onlv such as everv rauiKla m.n will heartily endorse. The new plan called SAVINGS II Aft If Ibm.. peculiar to this Company, has merits possessed by no other ibrm of insurance ; policy-holders, as well as persons eroectinsr to hwyn. -u should examine it carefully. NAT. RAYMEB, Newton, N. C. General A sT?nt Wilprn X" 17 J. YV. .Manner. Local w -w o " V. Agent, Salisbury, N.C. March 19, 1874 ly. Bl JM n n A Unn rl nun nn DMIIoT 311 MUuTSOl . . . HMwrneyp, ounseilors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C January 22 1874 tf. Mail. ST 'afsBI ' sfc THKJNiJW FAMILY SINGER SEWING TO We claim and can show that it la theCHEAP B8T, moat beautiful, deliesieiv arranffedi nV' adjusted, easily operated, sndssfoothly rawunt fn .bo Vsmilv Kwinr Machines. l Mm markable not onlj for the range and variety of its sewing, but also for the variety and different kind of texture which it will new with equal facility and perfection, using silk twist, linen or cotton thread, fine or coarse, making the ikter-LOCKsavBLASTio-STTTCH, alike on both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus, bearer cloth , or leather, may be sewn with great strength and uniformity of stitch; and, in a moment, this willing and never-wearying instrument may be adjusted for fine work on gause'or gossamer tissue, o ne tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or a i mum. mi j other work which delicate fingers have been known to perform: And with its simplicity of construction; case of operation; uniformity of precise action at any speed ; capacity for range and variety of work, fin n. wMNa louvincr ill rivals behind it. Wo Wh nlMnn refer the nublic to the Uoltl nn,l p.rr.tvP MmImIs and Dinlomas awartled to onr Machines in America, Prussia, England, and recently in Austria at the Exposition in lenna, whprp vp were awarded five Medals, Merit, Pro gress, and three for articles manufactured on our Machines. But it gives us much greater pleasure, niwont tn the nnblicthe sworn returns of saie, (tn whinh mv one can have access) of the differ ent Manufacturers of Machines, for the last fonr years made to the receiver appointed by tne owner of valuable Sewine Machine Patents, and which shews the precise number of machines sold by each Company. 1870 1871 1873 Slnrer MsnafaeUng Co.. 8.Tfa 1S7 6SS l"l,f0 219 7.S SS,2'8 12J6 174.08S T,15 84.010 14S.000 Whe-1T a Wilson do H"we MacMne Co . , 45,090 Grove a Baker Sewing Michlne Co., so.l-s Ilnmrgtlc 8iog do Weed Sew"nff do 187 wucox k Gibbt do 17,201 M.40S R',2f3 S3.SS0 500 ao.sw 1097 SS.65S S0.12T 21.15S 52.010 49,554 4. 444 SS.6II9 S26S Wilson do American Button-Hole uver- t Unas "n"- R so American Button-Hole Over Florence mo is61 iritto iMM 15.TS8 S. P. Howe So Viet r do DtU - do Blei - do Rm!n-ton Pmp'r do J. B. Braanadorf do Kev store - lo Bartlett, RereribH do Bartram A Pantun do Leenr do Orl"lnal 1?we do Pinkie k Lyon do I4JM7 11,901 11.ST4 6 058 4.989 4.29 2.S65 1.00S 1.O4I0 SU 11JSS MACHINE, isHaT hi w m Usl TtiV V "" ya3ss 45T 4HI S14 429 1,004 10.051 1.T9 2.4S0 7,f9 4 548 6 80S 4 720 4 W 8 TOO 8 5C 2.95 1,141 M'S t.SSS 980 IS 918 100 1T 124 Artr Co PllpHe do Gm'-lre do P hum do J. O. Folrnn do M'Knv do C. P. Thiroson do Union ltulton-Ho'e do La'avltt do The reader will also note that although it is charged that Sewing Machines are ormously high prices, vet he will set n J .i . i miiu a v 1 1 - see that sever al firms, that were in existence have failed or Abandoned an nmprofitable business. desiring a first class Sewing Machine. . . rt . .1 - Tl.t-I' 0... e rwpeeuuii v uiitu it tan I.-...V- A I- . 1 I I - 1 . ! I 1 Cw. . ... oil n.pllAS At our Store near the Public Square will be found the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tucking, Cording, Unfiling, Sc. Also Silk, Linen, and Cotton Threads, Needles, Oil, &c. Singer Manufacturing Co.. JOHN A. RAMSAY, Oct. 2-tf. Agent. I The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country 1 $10,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! 20 BE DISTRIBUTED IN L D. SINE'S Uth SEMI ANNUAL Gift E 1FT NTERPRISE, To be drawn Saturday, July 4 th, 1874 ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, 10,000 IN GOLD ! ONE PRIZE $5,000 IN SILVER! Five prizes $1,000) Five prises $500 V Each in GREENBACKS, Ten prizes $100 ) Two Family Carriages and Matched Horses with Silver-mounted Harness, worth 11.500 each I Two Buggies, Horses, &c., worth $000 each 1 Two Fine-toned Rosewood Pianos, worth $550 each ! Ten Family Sewing Machines, - - worth $100 each 1 1500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches in all) worth from $20 to $300 each I Gold Chains, Silver-ware. Jewelrv Ac., Ac. Number of Gifts, l.OOO. Tickets Limited to 50,000. AGENTS WANTED to Sell Tickets to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid Single Tickets $2 ; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 ; Twenty-five Tickets $40 Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to ike Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All let ten must be addressed to 101 W. Fifth St. CINCINNATI, O H iRDWARE. When you want Hardware at loi figures, call on the nndersierned at No. Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury, N. O. ,May 13-tf. Sill tn 0OflPer day. Agenta wanted ev fv IU fOUtry where. Particulars free A.rl. JiLAiR gr. Louis Mo. Nov. 6 1873-tf. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and Tarious other blanks far sale here R R R RADWAY'S ready relief . CURES THE WORST PA IMS In from One to Twenty Minutes. MOT omc uniit after rr ln fhl ftJ v.rtNrmriit nrej MP MM KCPPF.B WITH PAIS. RAOWAVS KKAI-V EK.;.IE 18 A -CURE MR imr taiw. ; II WrittKlflrt ,!! .1 lOf Oiil v I'll in ltemoilv Trio lli.il in-tniitU- 'i;. iho jhii 'ScrOialtB a . hIU I .rinHimnli.... M t-0M Ct.nrrVtiM. WmMbf-T of Ik-. I.afcv. si.itnai h. lvwihk orutWr kUimI ur vrgutt, U , oiW iUca;kn. IKPaOVOTBTOTff t.ri VITTTICS. n mcr Now intonl or vxcrmekithm tlw mM IS KM Kl MATH. Rrt ritt.Vn. f Inn. .IppW-J K rrutt . N i. untlic, or MSJMWMfl witii Jmm Duty MiShr. RADWAY'S READY RELILF f VIl.I U'f-OKP INSTANT PiSB. I- IfPTilH tTtllV (IK T1W K'UVVT-J lSrt.MHATIuN of TUB HLADB7TR. IXFLAHVATIOX OPTHK H. r.'.jt ri) ;KrrioN or THE 1vs:a. EOTt" TIT BOAT, tHfritHJJ.T RMEaTIIIMI PAUirATiif urrtiK heart. UVJTERIC.-l, CROUP. Dirri'BRIA. CAT VKRH. TXn.tTPXXA; IT A DA'" I IE, TOOTUArnB. KKURAtiOT.. BHET X ATfFX. COUP ('mULS. A5l'E run. IX Ttee appUctiHMM of IIh- ttf.j, Strllrrio .r part nr part wherr tli pnlu urd m.u,.j MUlafltaru vnf Twvitry drops n UalC s irnit.'rr "f r'rr wli: In w n.mri ,n-e PR AMI'S1. KfAWS. tCR KTtA'"rr, itKAitmruY. sn k i;: : .i.'i.k. ixakrhorai 0VKKNTKRT. rrI.Tn. WIXO IX THE SoWEU. Trin-iftn Ii.iiM nl. frrv s rx.riW .if ITnA- nil IKTSRV4I. TAlNv wy' Krndi Krllrf m:U Hi-.a. A lew rv In. iif wilt jirvvi-n' -icritr- r pin- TV.mii r-bantc- ip wm. r. It htlMivr ltnt KloMCh u.-ku'I; ... HrtWm . MtauaJant- TZVZH AT T A OUT!. ' 1 PKTXB AN'n Af!Vr. ciirisl rr,St r -it-- Tifv tt fvntrtlinl att ui in fill morW tlitM wihriwv r mitt AtfUf. and uU t.ll.er X:ilaiiu-. HC-.R. Srsr'.-. Tvi.lu.fal. V. II.. w. :.n. twki-r l s r. la:tM hr K ri W.Wii I'lLt..-' . ,,.roK RAUWAY BL. vDY lilt 1.1 Ki' Piil rrtWM-r Mrtlle. HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! rrnovrj Tt prSf? r.i-.i p.w..TT'-rP;T: OK KI.KI! AM WKIt.tl T -t I.K K ASp WSAUTIKLl. COUrUiXlUfL rt: LREli TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsapsruia Pjsoiml ' TH: CR-kT QLOOD F J " IFIER. nxP x.r ttif. vo-rr AiTojcrsnrxq '""UKlSr yilrK. si iAru a ki. TirK riiA.viK.. T I l;u:iY l'KiKHil-'A, Ni'KK TIIK lKrl.1 HkljH (f T!IIS TULXH U'ONuERKl." j MKOH ISS. t:iat t Etcij Bi Iiiarsasa k Flesh Rverv .imp of t; S .r.S.PAl:H,M.V BKSOt, ml iilir Klnl.1 mul ink !' the - -ti m tho viirnr oi i. ii-. I'.r it n-1. 1 1 1 1 1 i !-. u' ih:- l-aly wllit nmw Nfed iwiiiiI wairnnu jM-roinia. r- ix.ii.i-. i :... nm .i i..n iJkiiHliilnr llrtuH-. I'lxjr lit tin tltroat. W..uih Tu in. in. Xoile.n tb.' Utand- nn-l n41' r !: - ii. v- rfi .- Eyca, Hiriinrrti H iclt:i nr. nut tn- Rn -in.' wort lnrMK i'f NUn ... . Hi n K. xt. 4r.. Sea lit Head, B'n; Wnrni. full Htw-um Pr.!,"-! Ai in-. Klack : ii, W..rian iu tlw tir-li Tumor-. .1. 3.r in the Wmnlx. mul nil nrrk'iilii- a Jxain'iil Tt' skantrv, M.;t.l SwtaiN, 1" l'm aiul all i..u.,. ih" life prlnrlnln, a. 3 within ilic efi.alt- rau.i- i in wnail'T rn Huilfn I'linni 1 1 . . anil a ! day' u-.- wil !: x tunny j : u-i. It fi.r rllU-r 01 lltrw H.niis.vl lifa" Its pi'teut irnwtr lo eiirv them. Ii Hi.' 1 ulout, .l.i.iv lacroniitir; r.lin eil by the "iR . ftn.1 i!--f i.ijH.-i.i-ni I lint i Ciinliiliiallv rir--im.'. -O. wed in .11 reiti s IIm-c-. w.nMrt. ami r .nr- tlar - jin wiib new m::ler:tl ina.'.o lr..tu lieclthv IiIimmi auJ iki tb v Ml- M'AIMI MAS w ill ami Hum ret-nre h r,u, Ih ccnain; fnr when mc thU remeilv :-..,;n,i. i.i -ji-work i.f t'tlfilteati'KI. Mild MieecolAjli ili.iiim-hili ; ifl lots ii wtv. ii reiair will Ih ruiid. ami run la the mti :. t will 1. 1 1 Itlniisctl -.'r.i'.x iiix- uciie. ami 'Ir.nijr, the nxxl dlqe-tlirg better, r.piwtite iuiprvvin. and :irh and weiirbt incr. aluc. Not only doe l!te tUasir.iii.iiix R'joi.vrT ei 1 all knnwn reme.lt" I jwin In Hie cure M"f!bmute. Hof... tulou. lUxwtiluiional, aiul Lm tluutacii but. u u U. only Kitlc cure for Kidney & Bladder Complaint xt I'rlnarr an.1 Womb dleae. Gravel. Uinhe:. DrunVv, M"ipayo at Water. IueutitaiciHtcot t'rlnr. r.n.- . 0. 1 ax. Albuminuria, and in all where iher" ire Ii ick flu-t ile pi ml... or I he water l thick. elwud . n. t with uleitMne like lh white m uiitrj, n thrutil. In. w hlte Mlk, ur Itiero 1. n MerlU. dark. MUmm ai-peer nee. and white I . - lu-i ilemlt, ami wl. ..1 1... n 1 a prirkimt, iMimhitf aenathHt wIm-ii Ma--in iter ami pa. n iu 1 Uu Muu.i of tl.x iUivk auJ ui..i. ihc lwina. Tumor vf J'3 Trans' a roup h Cured hu lladtvay's lUstUwut. DR. RADWAY'S PerfectPnrptiye&Seplatin2?D!s rrfwlr ttelo. r Vcanflr roa'. 1 with if t fi-in. Misc. rnlulat. purity, t tvaiiM- tui.l vtri-Mie -trrjt. Kwl way I'iIK tnr tho run ul u 1 i..r.U-r- '. i. nftiiti. Liver. HutreLa, KUnrvs Hl.i.l.U-r. Ni-i.h. IWt.. Headache. Conllpalln. C..-ti . m -. 1m.(, , On Mfaia, BIUoua, Blliuuo IVm, liiUnmniailwi 4 lb BtfWeU, filcn, and all Itormwrnent ' the Internal Vlaaera. Warranted IhpiIti n ioltlr cre. fur. l. Vajretnble, coiituiutn uu uktcu.-j , imueraUur l lciri Iff drat A few drein of RAOvvAT'3 ril.T.5 will frro the Mfcrrotn all the alare imnie-1 rtiM.nh r Price. X3c Mr Box. MOLD HY 1 . i . . I - i - 13f Ituu rAiiPft aau i in r. 7M7fii one srurr m to R A D A T A t-O.. ... n r st.. New W liifni at WaSi worth lhomajiil will ! mm vmi MAKES TiiE WtaS STRGf: TJtc "Peruvian Syrup, a Prt:ti cd Solution of the Pi'vUKcldq Iron, is so coiii?fuerl rs tu ttttr the efurvaetev of (inulhiieu easily it iy eat at anl ws.sww with thr blo-nl as the t-:a:pl' food. "Jt hwrcit&es ';'fi:t: of Future's Oten 1 ifctizr Agent, Iron in lit-- "..'.;, !. cures uthjii.4iiul ill,' . byToniny ay. It: r'-ytrnlin . 1 italizlr.y the Sys'' in. Tf: - r riehed and ; italizetl Moot! it i Mcates every part of the t.-,m-repairing da may t .t t mi i ( ttcarehiny nut i::or!,l:l st-fn ticn?. :ird fearing i.ol!.'i:j-j -itiseasc t't feed v- This is the xecret t f flu- i0'm iierful suceess of thin riainm i.. curing DysjK i- ia, Livci O u, plaint, Uroiisy, I..-:iIc IJi:;. rhoeTt,T5i:.scrvrtti A fT- f. . Chills r.ncl l'uvciii, Xi:!pu Loss of C ncaiai In :it.l IvLwoa.s of tli; Iif'.;y- r.i.. Blmldcr, 1'oiivtlc kiut; int ami all u's.ase oviuituillny .'. a hud state cf tf- f.' .-od, oA cc compa:,ied by dcbU'ttf : tot: state of fit: nyy.'im. fi injj'rr. from AltoJtol, in ny f.tr.. ent rgizlng effec': an , ;.:! lowed by corr&spondi$t j .--..c-tion, but are jtermaiu i.f, h fa sing Strvllfth, rig,::-. . life frttr 6M pitrfs rfl t:ud baildinj vp a.i ( ctiiKtlon. Th o asa n ? ; ? r r f: rr . e-r' -by Vic us? ofta'n remrdtt, j treat.-, sici.ly, sujfer'i.g r tares, to str ing, hr-r'h?,? f . happy m'n and km;;i; -invalids ran r. t, rettftcK . i.--L itato to give .1 1; trie See f.'tat earn hot Lie J. ( VIAN SYRUP bi4$,o$i. Xaiuplilota Free. SETH W. F0WLE a SONS, Procter. Ao. 1 NUlM I1avr, Solp bv Diroauri Otm!iti.f 1 T j r j m liana Deeds, Trustee Deed Uommissioner's Deeds, Sberiffs ueeas, unaitei Mortgages, cU For Sale at this ofiriff , Iron m.s ViBtCrVRBlTTn iM3 Dr. J. WaTVcrt California Tin egar Bitterer are a purely Voretnblo preparation, nmdo cU&lf from Ute na tive herbs found on tho forrcr mnpes of tbe Sierm Nevada mountaina of CaUfbr nia, the modichml pnjct ties of a-hich aro extracted tb ore fro in withoat the uso of Alcohol. Tho question Is almost daily asked. "Vhat is tho eauso of tho unparalleled socccss of FiXBOAR Bit TFitsf Our arpwer is, that they rcmovo tho cause of disease, nnd the patient ro coTers hit hoaltlu 11 icy are the groat blood purifier af id a ILfc-gi v ine princ iplc, a perfect Renovator and Fnvigorator of tho systenf. Never before rn tbo hiatory of the frorUl has a medioina been compounded peaseiwing the rcniarkablo qualities of Tixmbab BrrTKta in heal in a the sick of txfity daeaea nuui is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well aa a Tunic, relieving Congeftina ot Inflammation ef the Liver aud jVUceral Organs in Bilious Diseascfl The properties of Dr. Wat.kxh's Vixkoas itiTTRts are Aperient. Diapbnrctie, Carminative, Xtsritious, Laxative, uinretic, Sedative. Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bflious. - tirmtefiil Thousands proclaim Vrx xoar Bitter the most wonlerful In vigorant that frer suetained Ui sinking syetem. No Personjcan taTkc these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones arc not de stroyed by mineral oison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilioas. BemiUeut anil Inter mittent 1 evrs, which aro so preva lent in tho valleys of onr ffrcat rivers throughout thi United States, especially those of tho a issisHippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tcnnc see, Cunibcrinnd, Arkan sas, Red, Colo; ndn. Brazos. Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, JamcsJand many others, with their vast trilutaries, rtimnghmit onr cntiro count ryhlurin? the Summer and Autumn, and remarkaldy so during sea sons of unusual heat nnd dryness, aro invariably accrenpanicd by extensive de rangements oi tho ctomuch nnd liver, and other abdAminal viscera. In their treatment, a pargativc, exerting a po-.v-crful inlluciicej iiMtn lueso various or gans, is cssonkuUly nuccaaury. There is no catharticjfor tho purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vixkgar Bittkiw, as they will aacedily remove the dark colored viscid: matter uith which the bowols aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating thp secret ions of tho liver, aud gcncmlla restoring tho healthy functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the 1ndy acrairst disease by purifying al Hk tttthhf with Vin:ar Bitters. KojcpUlcmic can take hold of a system thas fore-armed. Byspcpsialor Indigestion. Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Cough. Tightness or tho Chest, Dizziness. Sour Eructations ofjtbo Stomach, Bad Tasto in tho Mouth. Bilious Attacks. Talpita tation of the Ifart. Inllammatioti of tho Lungs, Jain ia tho region of the Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, nro tho inffsprins of Dyspepsia. O110 bottle willjprove n better guarantee of its merits lau a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Eryxipolaa, Swelled Keck. Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammation, ludulcnt Inflammationa, IMereurial Afl"octin, Old Sorea, Eniptionafof the Skin, Sure Eye, etc. In those, as in ill other constitutional Dis eases, Walkkbs TisaoAa Bitters hare hown their grant curative power tu the most obstinate nnd intractable case. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism! Gout, Billons, Kouiit tonUand Iutcrnattcnt Fevers, Diseases of the BIMid, lavfer, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitters hade no cqnal. Such Diseases are canscd by V tinted itlood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, TypcJscttcrs, Uold-bcalers, and Miners, as they adranco in Kfc, aro subject ' to- paralysis off tbo Dowels. To rnard apaint this, tiki a dose of Walk a s Via EGAa DiTTKRs 4casiually. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Bhcaml Dlotclvrs, Sput, limple, Pnstulea, Doils, Carbunclc, Ding-wor.n --. Scald-beMl, 8ii Eye, EryxifiHas. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of Uio Skin, Humors and Diseases of pie Skin of whatever name or nature, are .literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short tiuio by the use of these Bitters, j Pin, Tapei and other Worms lurking in the stcm oi so many thousands are effectually dfstroyed and removed. Ho system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an tbelmiuitics will free the system lrum worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in yonng or old, married of single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the -tnrn of life, these Tonic Bitters display ah decided an influence that improvement ts soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities banting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish hi the reins : cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell vou when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. R. St. HcDOKALD CO., Dmppitu nn! Gen A?i . S in Francisco. California, aad cor. of Vahurtnn and CUarttoa Sss.. ST. T. Sold bjr mil Prase Lt. d Dtslsn. n. H. BrDOKILD CO.. see ear, of WssMjge and CksHtsaa St, y. Y. Soad kjr sUlDwcsasSe sussl DesUvr. 4 EVENING CRESCENT, A ComcrrjliTc Daily Paper, RALEIGH N. C. Reliable, High-Toned. Conrteons. J. r HAMPTON. TERMS CASH Daily-io.OO fcr six months : 2.20 foe three I lT.i'' 104 T months : 50 cents for One month. Clubs often 547,00 Y CRESCENT. A Pa for the ramilr One year"$l WEEKI KOI -5a ; Six month 76 cents; Three " w viuw oi rive Wi : Tei $i3.6o , Twenty $23.00; Twenty -five 27 50 months 40 cents. tlubs of Five 7: T 7ru J. 8 HAMPTON, Proprietor. PIJI! VEGETABLE AROMA1IC BITTJERS J mt These Bitterii moat become the universal i edy ef tiit age. There i. nothing like then or quai u theea Mil rr Mtwna. Tujf tessore the week, invigorate the feefelfi, and ' " life and tooe to the broken down ej stetSL Isnhhr matic and i jaiiaaw disaritf itw sjaSw iealtk a ship lead of Quinine powpden and jhIU. The are especial lj aflapted to persons strsering trm Dyapepsim, Ltver Complaints Ohllla and Tewer and Files. To Delicate females. Ladie-s MpeesaMy adapted to diseases peon) aax. Nervooeaeiw, LaaaitoaV, Wist o seViOsMsal LHrrn I it v, all MfiJ tu the of these ineeSimaaSe UHterm. UEARWUAT IS 8A1D. urn: !-' HEAR WHAT IS SAID. r J HEAR WHAT 18 SAID. "VtoaderfuJ effects have resetted from vc ty e, . M . . ur. 1 uai sjoiuen. My Chills are gone. I can hardhr "Send me one ease Paaar's Nothing like them here.'' ' 1 cncloae affidavil of mr car. 1 had to da ro to convince you of tbe wonder rare." "Mirely they are the moat delightful wine tonic in the world." "Dr. Wilson says that vou are a public bene factor." "II., I. I IT m .. at ii iiii j i,u Htwre iMieumauaas. uHo more headache, thanks to yoa." We could fill this paper twice ever with hmt Mich genuine extracts, bat the above must suf- uc. Our Hitlers are prepared under the saner- vUion of I). S. Perrr. XI em ber of the Rots! College of Physicians and Surgeons, Iondon, f'wuu, nu oi me Aieuicai i unic 01 utasgow. All nnlers ehoold ha addressed to The PEKF 1 AUOmATIG BITTER CO. NEW YORK, U. 8. The Bitters are sold either by the bottle or Case at $1 par bottle. Parties in sen dine letters for advice as in their dinseases will confer Quite a tn bv . ing name of Countv as well as Town wherr tW beside. It will save us a wonderful amooot of time and annovance tf this will be i sail mi. Dr. E. PERRY AROMATIC BITTER COM P NY. GREAT FAULT MEDICINE. Dr. GREEN S FIT CURB The Great Remedy for Epilpty, Cures. Kit, Spasms, txxi vision and Nerroes Wake fulness, set prompt lj, often arrrealing the Fits from the first day's use, even where they have existed for years. C0MP0TTHD EX. COR YD AXIS ! The Great Vegetable Alterative, Curei. Scrofula, Secondary Srphalia, liipLMusou the Skin, and all diseases arising from impure Blood MEDICATED HOMEY. A Sovereign Rslnt for Coasts Cold, Bn. chitis, Asthma, and all dires of the sir-ps-uges and Lnng. By its timely ae many sup- iKet case A Conuroptlon srs preeapUy r iieved sod the Lang restored to health. NEURALGIA SPECIFIC ! A prompt, positive and permanent relief far . , . . . , . . me excruciating pains oi .M-uraigia, rvnroc Usm and ScisUca. FoSale by T. F. Kattx. Prepared only by Dr. GREEN, LINDLEY & CHARLOTTE N. C Nov. 6, 1873.-1 f. KEARNEYS FLUID EXTRACT BUI! Tbe only known remedy far BRIGT'S DISEASE, And a positive remedy for GOUT, GRAVEL, 8TRICTURE8, DIABE TES, DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUS DEBILITY DROPSY, Non-retention or Incontinence of Uriae, Irrita tion, Inflamation or Ulceration of the BLADDER t KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHOEA, Leocorrhma or Whites, Disaasea of the Prostate Gland, Stone, in the Bladder, Colculos Gravel or Brick dust Deposit and Mo or Milky Discharges. KEARNEYS J t Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Man, Women ami fbnoieo, nr.NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE I Prof. Steele says : "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Bochu is worth more than all other Bochu combined." Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six for Five Dollars. Sold by C. R. BARKER A CO. Depot, 104 Dnanc St, N. York A Physicisn in sUendance to pondeoce and give advice gratis. P mr Pamphmm, TO TUE- Nerreuasu Debilitated OF DOTU SEXES. No Charge for Advice and Consullatitm. Da. J. a Dyott. Rvadnate Jefterson Menieal College, Phildclphia, author of several valaokes vrarks, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Orgs, (i an cspeciaj scuoy i either in male or matter from what cause originating or of oaf stanaing. a practice of SO him to treat diseases with success. Cares guaranteed. Charges rmssmmbia. Thorn at a ditancecsn forward 1-Uer desenbsssg semssssss and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Onidr to Hssdm. Price 10c J. B. DYOTT. M. D Feb. 5 1674 tf CRAIGE & CRAIG& ATTORNEYS Al LAW, ASTTJ Solicitors in oakntofrB. Ten T Special attention paid toP n Bankruptcy. 8ept. 5,-51. a! i Harchl2,15l4-tf. I i

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