f I I Cmlina UJdtrbmao THURSDAY AUGUST. Hominations. FOR C0NGKEP8 : HON. W. II. ftOBBIKS. I : V gUP'T. sUMC ISTRUCT02 I COL. S. D. POOL. FORJUDGE : THOMAS J. W1L80N. - FOR SOLICITOR I JOSEPH DOBSOX. live Tirket for Eswas ky SS COBBIJ CSBTes JOB THE LEGISLATURE : Senate: . f JOHN H. CLEMENT. The Richmond Whig Corres- pondent. The Richmond (Va.) Whig, of the 30: h July, publishes a corespondent, beginning ai follows : Old Fort. McDowell Coubtt, N. G., July 251874. There would be ao lit tie to amuse or interest 7onr readers m an accoont of oar trip from U'.chmood to .. Q.i;.WnMi tl T ali.-ill tuiviii m iot t in era proveeoisuetaiaed. It derives but little, if - i Ji& I . frnm that nlaA ayliM.li flf.'n nnrW the fit- the bible and cannot, there- " , ' , , " I JR1... olaM nf T tin rri.lim no Ml At ntial or aa tending to V 8 r T -7 l. 'Z a h pinAif in np mnrniiii. oretitMiiB niiv- ri ;a a thi. i o uui nit " wmm . " EMOTIONAL RELIGION. The peculiar emotional religion of Henry Ward fcecher has elicited considerable com ment from the press, since bis exposure by Tilton; and the strange feature about the news- :, ;;, that it ia in the tnaih favora- tiCCOHSer VatiVC I ble to Beecher, so fares the Northern Press ia concerned, at least. But it baa, in our opinion, taken the wrong view of the whole matter. tWohpr-Um is a euno and most continue to any, fore, be defended the salvation of men. Of nepresentauves i JA8. 8. McCUBBINS, GEORGE M. BERNHART. FOR SHERIFF : CHARLES F. WAGGONE1 rOR CLERK OF 8UPERI0R COUI JOHN M. HORAH. . FOR RKGISTKR OF DEEDS t HORATIO N. WOODSON. For Ireasurcr: J AS. S. McCUBBINS, JB. FOR SUVEYOR t JOSEPH E. DOBBINS. FOR CORONER : BENJAMIN F. FRALEY. ..... I LlIllIiT UUl till Iliviwot; Lucaau.t. a Sun rutxk,genuine religion is not somucn a 8aift 0 the vile8t t0 in tUe 8ute mauer oi reeung as oi prucipw. h(lt to there several right thinking, develops itself in right acting, . return. I orndentlv soDDress and ends in a condition of love to God and ODinan ot its neonle. which is based good will toward men. The attempt to violate principally apon tne appearance and man- mis oruer nu w jump uuvc mu i ners 01 soms nait dozen oi us rauroau menu of results which are only to be reached officials. Suffice it to say, that I was by long and patient labor, is a mistake which glad enough to jump aboard the "Pall- causes moat of the discredit into which religion man palace cars of the Western North and its advocates have fallen with the world at Caroliua railroad and flee away as a large. The transient excitement produced by dove into the mountains. singing, praying, and impassioned exhorting Ti RU!hmond yru xi . L.Ae. ,hlls which multitudes esteem the chief element of . religious experience, k found, in practice, to " w.uu. be of so HtUe avail in making men honest snd eorrespondence. Every citiaeu of onr good, that it has ceased to command the re- town will instinctively regard this action pact of sensible people, and the real article of with indignation. Can the Whig defend Which it is a coonterai seasaa w De Opiaoi u or u p ,ndjffer6llt w !t f along Wth it, . . ' I VibuutM in anv PtrrPP .nnU ti. mm Whatever gushing orators and sensational I . , 7 . preachers may say to the contrary, it ia no WMel,uu,TiUB, or w " wuoto commauuy, .a possible, in the ordinary coarse of things, io( grave word to use j bat when needlessly pass directly from a state of sinfulness into a j and causelessly applied through the col- truly religious state than U is for a confirmed in- umns of a public newspaper, as above, valid to be at once restored to health. There nn fk. vMonM f u rt snij have, it ia true, been caaea of miraculous spirit- :. . . . x. : j Li ' , . , ,. ,. ... it is as astonishing as it ia unpardonable, ual as of miraculous corporeal healing, but they .. . . . . ' , do not occur often. The only means that can Doe8 lhe Rwhmond Whig offer such be relied on, as a role, to effect a radical and things for the gratification and pleasure permanent cure requires time for its applica- of its readers i Do the people of Rich tion. The spiritual teacher who promises in stant salvation to his followers is as much of a quack as the self-styled physician who adver- ; lines to cure diseases by simply giving his pill, without chanee of diet or interference with T- I . . . 1.. . e business. Both may succeed in aivina tempo- 01 8ame populauon Pitt ot morals, rary relief; but both in the end are sure to leave intelligence, honesty, or wealth ; her ciU their patients worse off than they found sens are as Jiberal and as hospitable. them. Paid 81, Mrs. W. B. Royal!, J. 8. Al len, Mrs. Harriet - Broadaway, Uriah button, Mrs Savage, Rev. J. C. Clasp, Dr. Aberoathy, W. H. Williams, J. M, Brown, R. M. He raue, Mies Mary. Mor rison, Miss (Stonewall) Jackson, O. W. Nichelson, Mrs. E. S. Nicholson. Paid 0 cents each, J. W. Davis and S. M. Finger. Paid 25 tents each. Miss Lizzie King William May and J. J. May. Paid 10 cents, each, Lilly, William, Benjamin and Bettte Nichelson. iv xan. 10 Barrels of flour, Dr. W.J. Hawkins. 1 ton of Superphosphate, Waltou, Wbann & Co. 2 pair shoes. It. D. Melvio. 1 ex cellent Sewing Machine, Singer Manufac turing company ; I box clothing, Ladies of Beanie' Ford. I lot of bacon, floor, batter, shoes and clothes, collected by Adoniratn Lodge No. 1 49. 1 lot of pick els, A. Crews. 1 large load of hay, J. H. Horner. 1 lot of bats and fans. Miss I. An Unwholesome The dosing days of winter and the early days of spring are very trying to the feeble and sen sitive and are ant to elect unpleasantly even the more robust and- vigorous. Nothing Can be more uncongenial to the nerves or more depressing to the aplrita than damp, chilling winds, fogs and cold rains, and of such unwel come visitors wa have a superabundance at this reason. Common-prudence aoggeata, therefore, the propriety of fortifying the system against ions enemies of health and "comfort, and the experience of more than a quarter of a tury points to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as the all-sufficient sanitary safeguard under such untoward circumstances. An "g-fwi of vital strength and energy is what is required to meet and overcome the unhealthy elements now present in the atmosphere. This increase of vital power, ao necessary to meet the extraordi nary drafts which an inclement season makes upon the system and the constitution, can be readily acquired by taking from two to three NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TO THE PEOPLE 0 F THE thees - KIMMT JUJJ1U1AL T1TC TRICT. -aU All is hating claims I person: Mm. - ... w em at lata ot Augustus r . Meiilg. rt iissti 1 are hereby notifted to exhibit the aaaSe tth undersigned on or befora thwfctrd daj ol July A. U. 1070. CALEB T. BERNHARDT. Administrator wf AUGUSTUS F. HEILIG, di-cd. July 23, 174 (it. A CARD S"W SatrtllSaf The undafBhrned lor reasons nnuelf. takes thw method u wuhdraw ame as a Candidate fur the nfiioe of of Howaji, tor thu present cauva-s lie prefer ins cuuins at a future time. Vest BassracTrnLLT EMASUAL MILLER. July 16, 1871-21. a-CaodidU for the i the Superior Court of this triet. As the oOee it one that shoeU k. v l 1 .U I ..I eoureij iur uwiui iuuuf nee of rgbi " polities 1 asa nt the candidate of aaypan and have no political iipttriostosaZnaCar' shall make no canvass of the Duiri7T i it uubecomiug to a cacd I nl naaW .. jodiekHi: it a .lOALf f TO THE PEOPLE OF ROWAN CO Oet linger. 1 valuable box of Dry Qoods doses of Hostetter's Bitters dally daring the citizens of Wadesboro. winter and Spring months. The nature of this celebrated restorative is well known to the pob- Am Home and no Home. Every person's home is his castle. To him it should be the centre of the uni- lie. It is composed of an absolutely pure dif fusive stimulant, medicated with the extracts and juices of the most effective tonic, alterative, anti-bilious and laxative roots and herbs known to medical science. To the combination of I hereby announce mraelf a Gaskdadasa for the office of High Sheriff of Rowan County. If elected to said office I will endeavor to discharge the duties incumbent upon me with naeitty proanptnem nd atnek unparUelitv, knowing no party in the discharged of ear of. bead duties, i Respectfully, DAVID. L BRING LE. July 16, 1874 -till day elee. ntelligencer please copy. mond and Virginia regard North Carolina towns as vile, and Salisbury as the vilest t Salisbury will compare favorably with any town in North Carolina, or Virginia, vrsa, or) in other words, the place around these excellent ingredients, in proportions sui whicb all hia thoughts and iffMLinn. table to the exigencies of enfeebled, lanauid centre. and di8ea stems, the great tonic-alterative I would say to each one, lore and !!! ite effifdenc7 M TenUTe .ffdou,mti ... . A course of it commenced now. will Drevent all cnensn your Home with your whole heart, danger of fever and aeue. rheumatism, or other You cannot prize it too highly. You cau- im,ents arising from cold and damp peculiar nA itn iM k. J t i to the spring montha, and also prove a safegnard not strive too hard to make it pleasant against sue attacks of dyspep-h! land live7com- and attractive for your loved ones. Re- plaint which so frequently occur at this period member you cannot always keep them ol ine vear- wim j uu. xuc pa nour oi parting must In religion, as in the management of bodily health, the one great point to be steadily kept in view is abstinence from sin. Every physician j. f. Mclean, j. o. Fleming, of experience knows that if men would only re- fOB COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HENRY BARRINGER, D. A. DAVIS, DR. L. W. COLEMAN. July 9th. tdc. frain from improper eating, drinking, and ex posure, nine-tenths of the sickness of the world would immediately cease, and the remaining tenth would not be slow in passing away like wise. The science of medicine is every day be coming less one of drug-giving and more one of regimen . To find out the cause of sickness and put a stop to it, is seen to be a much more sensi ble proceeding than to let the cause go on work ing, and only try to remedy its effects. When the teachers of religion come to the same con- We speak what we know, and we defy j the correspondent or the Whig to show to the contrary. Contributions to the Orphan Asylum, in July, 1874. IN CASH. SEND US THE NEWS. The large majority of our readers will heard the result ot the election tn respective counties before this paper them. To those whom it will before the election is over, we would I elusion, they will have reason to expect success Sw work until the son is down for the in their enorts .to reform the world, snd not la j Asa tir.lcpf. Snnd n. thA re.nlt oeiore. Christianity, the prevailing religion or this count rv. is. as we all know, based nnon Judaism. THE REASON WHY. it- Founder emphatically declared that he did The Raleigh Sentinel gives the following not come to abrogate the Jewish law, but to ex whv the Deonle should not votP for Plain and amplify it The basis of that law is candidates of the negro party on to-day. the Ten Commandments, which both Jew and I -.a a . . a a a a- a use 1st. The Republican party is dristian accept as suu binding, and which, . 1 J i 9 a 1 a nartv of fraud and corruotion in hbrh re " DieS"" Pr"OQ ery rengion a w - . o It was a Republican Legislature that come. Unc by oue thev will be aVm from you ; and then saddened indeed will be your life, if you are to be haunted by the memory of lit le deeds left undone, which, had they been doue, would have added much to the comfort and happiness of those who can now be with you no more ; bat blessed will be your lit-; if you can say, UI have done what I could to make them happy." The exercise of thoughtfulness and care will make home an earthly para dtse. While you are enjoying the light and love of a pleasant, cheerful home, do not forget the many all around you who have been deprived of that light and love. The cold dark grave holds their dear ones, and the places they once called Contingent Fee, uome are now occupied by strangers. un, do not refuse to open your heart Cedar Cove Nurseries. Craft and Sailor. Proprietors Red Plains, Yadkin County, N. C. ureal inducements ottered to por ch asera of Fruit, trees Grape Vines. Strawberry and raspberry flanta. Price List now ready, with list of leading verities, oena lor it. Address. CRAFT A 8AUjOB, Red Plains, Yadkin Co, Aug. 6, lg74 tt Paid $570, Twenty-fonrth-of-Jane 1 d " i yT T" celebration in Raleigh. ' .h?,: , tUem ' f er P.iHSifto o i-, t v. 1 are od8 little ones ;'' and has He not aa vwawa sail n lUlllUK AaWUCQ J Salisbury Male Academy. Tbo Fall Session commences on Aug. 31t 1874, and will continue twenty weeks. RATES OF TUITION For English IJ ranches S3 per month ciaxical v Higher Mathematics S, SI Mouthiy Payment required A. S. MURPHY, PXIRCIPAL. Aug. 6, 1874 1 mo. la 1868 voted millions of corrupt debt upon the already overtaxed people of North Caro lina, and inauy of the Republican members of that body are now asking the people to treat them again, and the more effectually to deceive the people, now raise theory of hon esty ia office, reform, retrenchment, acts ad nauseam, just as the pickpocket is the fore most and loudest to cry stop thief, when he himself has the watch in his pocket. Because Snd. All their leaders are .broken down political hacks w ho have sucked the official teat so long that they, will starve if that panacea of all Radical ills is taken from And use 3rd. If thev are elected our neo- w a pie will find fastened upon them that most infamous of all the creations of the deyil, the sivil rights hill. That bill that forces "the metre te a social level u-ith the white man forces the children of the poor white man Who is unable to send his darling to a pay aehool, to sit in the class on the same bench with the little dirty, black monkeys that a laaatical party, for its own corrupt party pur poses, has forced up to the level of the white man, whose people have carried light and power and knowledge into every corner of the world. We say nothing about the polit ical rights of the African, but in the name of all that is holy in our traditions of the past, let US not be instrumental in bringing the great sin of social Tights upon our race. The negro has bad undisputed possession of a mighty continent since the creation of the World, and that continent, rich and teeming e Is its soil, blessed as it is in elimate, vein ed by mighty rivers, " arteries of trade, H iSaade to day ss it stood in the beginning. teba&nted only by the savage and the wild beast. The Afru-an had as his neighbor. SO Egyptiau, with all their learning, but lived on in ignorance, Arabia illumed work! with the glare nf scientific light. and Africa remained ia impenetrable dark ness. Other nations of the world advanced ftn knowledge, learnt the use of the metals to build houses, to write, to print, to paint. She use of the mariner s compass and all that e man civilized, and the African still re in darkness, still went naked, slept fa hollow trees, brought down bis game with n arrow pointed with a fish bone. Sad look ed nnon the white aaila of the white u wno neasiionaliy visited hjs coasts, as the creations of another world. And still we are told that this woolly headed blot upon the mm a . . - W - lamny oi uauons. is the equal of the white the equal of tbe people whose ancestors to their waists to meet the invading ens. and ever smea that day wherever Share has been neei d of high, heroic dariug arsd haul . unselfish brain labor, there has been seen the "blue-eyed caxon with his yellow bajr." " And H aunb as James II. Harris say that She aiicftMr is our menal, moral aud social quJ in the face of fcheajr facts, sod the fart J seat not a uongn jn Africa ajiows a thing now that bis ancestor three thousand years Sgo did not know- Paid $100, Hon. W. A. Smith. Paid $80, Mebaneville Church and Lodge. Paid $65, Ladies of Washington. Paid $51 95, Fayctteville Lodgo No 329. Paid $38.75, Phoenix Lodge No 8. Paid $35, Collection iu Yancy vil le. Paid $30, each, Clinton; Lodge No 107 aud Buffalo Presbyterian Church. Paid $2855, Miss Mary Jordan's school exhibition. Paid $2650, Ladies of Wilming ton. Paid $22 60, Carolina Lodge No 141. Paid $2185, Collections by J. C. Blocker. Paid $15, each, Mecklenburg Lodge B ' in the world. Of these Ten Commandments, all but one point out sins which are not to be com mitted, without saying anything of church going, revivals, prayer meetings, or hearing WWW L . . i - aa sermons, we are commanded not to worship v ha ... vv. n..k..:." a. '. other than the one true God, not to take His I v name in vain, not to labor on the Sabbath day, paja $i0, each, Farmers Warehouse of not to steal, nor tell lies, nor murder, nor com- Danville, Catawba Lodge No 248, and mit adultery, and. finally, not to cherish even L. A. PaachalL the desire of doing such things. It requires no Paid $9.30, Episcopal congregation of argument to show that if men would only faith- Henderson. fully follow these few simple precepts, there Paid $8,68, Sharon church of War would be an end of sin, and earth would become ren. like heaven. ' Paid $8 W. W. Smith. The difficulty is, that simple as these lsws Paid $6 25, High Brighton Lodge No appear to be,Uiey are amazingly hard to obey I said, " Whosoever shall give to drink un to oue ot these little oues a cup of cold water only in the name of u disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall iu uo wise lose his reward ? ' And, also, "Iu as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye havj done it nnto me Do not, by refusing the love and sym pathy which will cost yyou so little, but which will be above price to them,' add still more to their cup of bitterness, which is even now filled to overflowing. You have not known, as yet, the deep anguish of the heart of one who as he stands by the newly-made graves of thoe who were dearer to htm than all beside realises the solemn tact that iu !1 da, world around him there is now no olace to which he can go aud say "here is my home." But this is a world of constant change, and Uhou knowest not what day may bring forth.,, You who are to day fieling secure amid the influences of home may be the homeless wanderers of to-morrow. Then be kind to the borne-, less ones, for "with what measure ye meet, it shall bo measured to you again." ISO high judicial p.itioo to do so. fRHli 1 desire to usnaxne the office n Sheriff "bligstbms to party or sect, that I mat U le mkJ able the more easily to hold the vaaj . justiee evenly balanced. Saaehorv. V r June, 18th. 1874. WILLIAM H. BAlLEy 8ahshory Intel! ig beer, neJem - Winston gentiuel and Republicin. Daabar v Reporter aad Mt. Airy Visitor. ea oil 4,1 of election and send bill to W. H. IL a , Imt tat gewnT for Yornro ladhs. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL RALEIGH, N. C, Founded, 1842. Rnr. P. A. ftroxMia, t Mm. K. M Stbobsl, The nest session of this Ii commence u Monday August 3rd, 1p74. 1 he course of instruction Wilf bnti.uroawi a . : ! i : ,i , muii iacuci, riuumciug ail Uj WSS uaually taught tn the beet Femnle8ann!i i n niiowtag win be tn rates' per -saioD ninotitba. mm i Lnglish branches from mlJdno .. ftiwn i naaaeee wun ... .-T a aawee wun nnsaent Unguawaa snasa fri. - . f a a.i . ... . I I " ine sixty-nnn icmd ol tins aclxwil will Use I instrument Hm commence on Thursday. S-p. 3rd, 1874, and IncidnnuU a-.,. coulioue twenty weeks. Thu KjllotriniH N.nr bat Ihomarblf aaiiwani T.i term will room inenee Jan. 21st. 1875. will be emrdoved in tha di&wn aC? and end June 10th. In beaotv. acoeaaibilit- menra. aud bealthfulnessof situation ; aocial. liter- ll-.ard. ineludios- lirhta ac fuel fn.n, ait a. ary. moral aud religious advantages ; and to $12.50 per month. moderation in charges, this school is not sur passed by any similar institution in the country. r or a circular contain ae full particulars apply to ine Hector, KEY. ALDKRT SMEDES D. D. Raleigh. H. C.-23, 1874-tf. 3 staHaCsa mk 2 SS& aj aPsM C X KBSaK Z sflHsVH 3 aaaMBSaVsVaW r BaaP' STOLEN Reward STOLEN from the subscriber's stable. Thurs day nightla-t,(July 30th),a large CU EST NUT SORKKL I10R8B, My place is iu Carbarrus count v, on the Gold Hill road about 10 : nil - from Concord. The horse has a white star in thu faco, a slim tail, show much of the white of his eye wbon looking around ; has white Specks under his tail ; onn white leg, and is quite a showy ani mal, lie was tracked in lhe tlirection of Salis bury, but could not be tracid further. iy I will jrive Rf5 for tho' recovery of my horse, and $J-" more for thu arrMt and convic tion of the tbiof. Address me at Mt. Pleasant, X. 0. MOSES KLUTTZ. Aug. 6, 1874 2t. WATEB WIT ' The beat tn the sold sS lass) arice than any I Wheel. a Pamphlet and be W. 7. Bcasraa w.Tosk. Pa. oar in practical life, and all sorts of expedients have been Invented to get around them. In devising these expedients none have been more zealous than the ministers of religion themselves. One fiction, which they have popularized, is that it is impossible to obey the Commandments, and that, therefore, obedience is not necessary. As if God would trifle with hn creatures by en joiauig upon them an impossibility ! Another fiction ia that membership in ecclesiastical or ganisations is a protection against the conse quences of disobedience a kind of insurance policy, as it were, against bell fire. Another is, that no matter what sins we commit, Jksus Chrjht has suffered our punishment for us, and therefore we shall escape, lo come fairly and squarely out with the scriptural doctrine. "The soul that sipneth, it shall die," is the last tiling mat seems to ne thought ol Of course, it has been found tbat none of Farmington Lodge No. Wilmington Lodge No Energy Lodge No Lodge No Lodge No. Paid S6. 65. Paid $6.25, 319. Paid $5.20, Mt 140. Paid $5, each, Gen. Robert Ransom, Orr Lodge No 104, Black Mountain Grange No 320, Mrs Col. Saunders, Jor dan Lodge No 184 and John Beavans. Paid $3, Buffalo Presbyterian Sunday school. Paid $2 80, Taylorsville S. S. Mission ary Society. Paid $2, GO, McCormick 228 Paid $2.50, W. J. Tolar. Paid $2.10, Greensboro 76. Pa ill nO V.n T r.A ono . WLT1 m Methodist Sunday SchoS and aChailotte the fruits of truly religious life, and further t!j K . ; . n measures have had to be resorted to to sup- , xreaqyierian o. o. ol lew- plf the deficiency. To continue the parallel ton of the body and the soul, the glow of health Paid $1.70, Mt. Olive Lodge No. oemg wauuug, us aosenee has been sup- I IDS plied by stimulants ; just as the glutton takes brandy to relieve his indigestion, or as oui- um is auminisiereu to uestroy the Sense of pain. It is not too mueh to say, tbat niue tenths of the existing machinery of religion naa naa us origin in ine enort to produce a semblai.ee of geuuiue fervor, in breasts which are so filled with natural bad passions that there is no room for heavenly affections. The corporal titillation i f exquisite music and architecture, the thrill of oratory, and the ; aJ . a .. rousing lervor oi cout'reaationa sim?inc nr made to do duty for the ' nobler aud higher a t-i a.e i a . m . earnestness mat res hits irom a tife of strict obedience to the law of Goo. And the con? sequence is that. wih millions, religion, as we have said, has come to be regarded as an r.: ..t ak... . ... .. i ... auair ui tuu emotions a tone, Without any necessary connection with honesty and vir tue. It is seen that there is no inoompati- 1 I-111 V. -1 . a 1 i . wiiuy ueiweeu most ieriu religious ex perience and'1 borough scoundrel ism in everv day life. Emiuent church -going Christians and eloquent talkers about their love to Je sus, their sweet out-pourings of soul and their ecstatic euioymeut o heavenly contem plation, are found to be none the less cor rupt politicians, dishonest merchants, tricky lawyers, and bad husbands, fathers, and cit izens generally. If abstinence from sin. ia obedience to the divine laws, were made, as it ought to be. the chief and prominent ele- Bistnarck's daughter, it is said, fell in love with a young Catholic lieutenant, and wheu Bismarck proposed to elevate him, so as to make marriage with the premier's daughter equal, the young lover pleaded his religion as a perpetnal bar to the marriage, whereupon the maiden pro posed to adjure Prottstautistn, so much did she love him. Among the individual accounts with the Frst National Bank of Washington mat were overdrawn at lhe closing up of the concern was that of U.S. Grant to the amount of a fraction over two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars. Paid $1.60 Cary Lodge No. 198. Store House for Bent in Statesville. For Rent and possession given immediate- 7' ' UMl oiAwi. mr a lry uoous or mixed Stock business, in Statesville, with a large Warehouse attached for storing pro- j war -r a auce, wagon iara, o:c. A rare opportuui . ... --V r.i:t. 1 . . , ... r u eBiunau m ousiness io tins growing own sirc.e"siuiiy. Apply to, E. B. DRAKE & SON, Statesville, N. C. 4ug- 6 3Uns- la sflh''j 'Vsl' T ' 'iaaaaaBa nHtr:;:::"-"" Mm as wm 'SKsVavS1 -" '-' gfc - 1 - aKM Ot aaHBHBEaSnPP'?"'' -" - '''.ariWBaffll afimsaCKmbSrSKS Siontoi Female Collep. STATESVILLE N. C REV. S TAYLOR MARTIN. PRESIDENT Fall term begins Sep. 23. Jc74. and ends Feb. 5. 1875. Spring term begins Feb. 5, 1875, and euds June 22. 1875. Board & tu- ltlou, flUt). Music, $2o. For other iuformatiou send for circular. July 23rd, 1874. tf. 0KK BOX A PERFECT CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER. PERFECT PREVENTIVE OF Chills and Fever. H0 QUININE WO NO MERCURY ! ! Hoi: Hoy Lost, Hot Restored ? arjtja Just published, a new edition of -i(a n - f i i v avr. viuvsrwcu a voicDra tcdSssay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPKRHATonBHOXA or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loos es, I m potency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also Coxsunp- ttox, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-in dulgence or sexual extravagance ; Ac ' Price, in a sealed envelope, only aix cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences, of self-abuse may be radically aired without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every sufferer, ao mat ter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. WOT" This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under aeal, in a plain enve'ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of aix cents, or two post stamp. FOR PILES. Send for circular. Address the Publishers, C H AS J. C KLINE a OO. 127 Bowerv. New York Post Office Box. 586,' FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Having been solicited by numerous friends I hereby announce myself an Independent Conservative Candidate for the office of County Surveyor of Rowan County. Prom the experien eel have in surveying I feel confident that I can give satisfaction iu the discharge ot the duties of the office, J. C BERNHARDT. July 93, 1874 till elect, pd. vV A BliUflFUL MiTALIC GRATE COVERING. "I -vwaova imHim rPl. J a a , ... re a m r 8lze8 Vw a vanety of yles, ranging in price from lie, defraud, indulge iu revenge and adultery THI HANnQillisC nCPADATinil nor ;u any way io wrong inir iejiow men. . , V liniisfwwinii UbUUIlrl I lUfl mw 3 ww. rapvov iumo accoruiugiy, aOU I . r w piav-u it wi.iiih rvacil Of ail their display of religious emotioa, instead of a" public generally to call and examine for themselves. eL-.wufe' cottiempi., as u now too onen does,. specimen can De seen at J . A. Kampay's office "UUI" w n orajsr hi sjiai e ju ius euioy- We invite the citizens mpt, O. PliYLEB, Afjent. Sathsb uy, N. CAug. 6, 1874 -f NOTICE. In compliance with a Law of Con areata, an. proved June 23rd, I860, providing for the re issuing of mat or destroyed Land Warrants. Xaotice is hereby given that I will annlr to the Hon. Comnmvionersof Pensions for a nov certificate, or Land Warrant, in place of Land Warrant No. 41 15 lor 160 acres, issnod tn m in the name of Jons Casssxs on the 22nd day of April, 1816, for services aa a Private in Cant. cuuci a vuuiwuj, tout yj. Q. Ill lam IT, in the war of 1UI2. Which Land Warrant was issued to me under act of 1812, and was never sold or located by me, but was lost or des troyed. I- was living tn Montgomery Couaty, North Carolina, when I iwceived ssid Land Warrant, also at the time it was lostordes stroyed. which was in 1JQ4 or 18 T now reside in the town of Gadsden, County of Etowah and State of Alabama. Ms JOHN T. X CASSEL8. mark Jnly 16, 1PT4 -iv week ir.inu.afee 8.af.J Dr. Bellamy s.Pills. This invaluable medicine involves a PER FECTLY NEW TREATMENT of CHILL AND PEVBK, and will effectually euro and root out the Uicae irom the system. 1. All other remedies must not be taken when the chil and lever fit is on; but the "Bel lamy" Pill ran bt taken just as afclu the the fit is aetntillf ,,n meat ant other time. Take once a week: during the season of Chills and Fever, they will Positively ward off and pre vent an attack making a residence in the most infected districts perfectly safe. 2. The Bellamy" Pill is also a sure remedy in all cases ef Intermittent Fever, Rmiiteut Fever. Typhoid Fever; Sick Headache, Indi gestion, .Hid Liver Complaints of all kiuda. 3. After yim are entirely discouraged and hopeless an 4 all other remedies have failed, make one more trial, procure one Box of Bel lamy's Pills and take them. The pioprietor guarantees you an absolute and perfect cure Refercnce.is made to the extraordinary care or rrotesior.L.awrence, I'nnoipal ot lhe Insti tutes of K locution at New York and Pbiladel phia. He say s as follows: "About ten years ago. while reaidine in New Jersey, I had a violent attack of chills and fever. The chill would come on regularlv about ten o'clock, and continue for nearlv two hours, followed by a burning fever for more than five hours, which no medicine would relieve ; ,n.d I became so week that I onsld hardly walk across the room, and could not ascend on slight of stain in less time than ten minutes, My life became a burden to me. I loa'bed every kind of food, and even water tasted to me like copperas. I could get no refreshing sleep either by night or by day ; the medicine pre scribed for me by physician gave me no relief, and I was fast sinking into the grave. Ons day aladv persuaded me to pur cha-e a box oi Ballamy's Pill. I took three attwelre o'cbKsk noon, and three at night After taking the two do -tea I Mt better, and that night . for the first lime in three months, slept for fully eight hoars. The next morning I felt much. better, and took three more pills. As ten o'eltick approached I prepared myself for my daily chill, but to my intense Joy my unwelcome visitor did not come ; and after eating a hearty dinner at one o'clock, I took three more pills, and at night three more. The next morning, after a delightful night's rest, I arose at seveu o'clock, feeling quite well; and although still very week, yet I was able to en joy my food, and whether eating or drinking, everything tasted sweet and pleasant to me. In about seven days' time I was strong enough to walk four miles, and felt perfectly cured Ten years have elapaed since then, and I have never had another attack of Chills and Fever. MP. LAWRENCE, "Nsw York Coxsrrvatort rr Music. "5 East 14th Street" In conclusion, the proprietor has only to state that he will guarantee to cure any ease of Chills and Fever. No res will ever in such case be exacted. The natient ia at litwrt t. nay or not. All that h desired is, that he will forward a certificate of his cure at an early date. PRICE, ONE DoTlaR PER BOX. Sold by all Druggists throughout the States and Territories. Sent by mail to any address on receipt of price. PHILIP LAWRENCE, Payments will be expected one half advance. For Circulars. Address. REV. P. A. STRCBEL Mt. PLEASANT. Csrbarru. i . July 2. 1874 1 mo. .' " . 25 Premiums Given aiaj i am art a on toe 1st. ot August o r We propose to have another Rods Wav premium drawing on the nieht of Aor la. at which time there will be twentr-fre ta premiums. Given to onr Soda Water cass Baans. Parties holdinc No. 1498. St 280 arefadataw ed they have drawn the 1st 2 preeaiuajk, ssi are requested to bring up their eh k and take their premiums and in case they fail to call k the next drawing the premiums will be ar&ia drawn for. C R. Barker d Co. June 18, 13747:0. . North CaRouva, In the Probate Cuan Alexander County, j June 12, 1874. Vasdever Traove Moan Teagce. ) W. 8. Tragi a, V ExncVTORs. or Vajtdever Teagce, Sa- J In this proceeding it appearing to the aatis faction of the Court tbat William p. Auatiu, Vandever L. Aaaun, William Belt aaftf wiia Elisabeth. White A wife Ktiinira, and tke Heirs of Leander Au-lin, whoae names aessfMt known, defendants in said proceeding, are owa-ro-idcnU of lli'u Stale. It ia uli rtUre ordered by the Court that poUkation be made' for six succeaaive weeks in the " Cauouka W atco- man," a uewapaper puUiahed at Sadssbnry, S. C, Snmmoning theaaid defendant to ,tpja.' before the judge of probate of JtlfxinoVr Conntv, at hia office in the Const Howe st Taylorsville, N. C.f on the 1st day of Sept-av ber next, and answer plaintiff complaint, a copy of which is deposited in the oftre of aid J udge of Probate otherwise the case will as ex parte as to them. E. M. STEVENSON, C. 8. C. and Judge of Probata June 25, 1874 if. Printers fee $S.W J DR. WADE8' LIVER CORRECTOR ANDCURK FOR DYSPEPSIA Among the many discoveries in medicine sf late, few are regarded with more It-trrvst Una the valuable remedies lor UY8PEP81A. Of these, none stand higher among those who we familiar with its virtue than the LlVSk CORRECTOR. Prof. MOORMAN, Physician at the Waits Sulphur Spring, eminent in hi press, and being well known in Baltimore, says of it : " I consider it one of the BLST RBMEblO FOR D YSPKP31A attended with eonanpatios tbat I ever need. Colonel fJOODE, of Mecklenbnrg conntj. Vs.. an eminent lawyer, aud a gentleman a unasal intelligence, says : "After long ssJhf ing, tbat the "LIVER CORRECTOR" ga him more relief than all oth-nnedicine b aa took." Williamsburg. Greenbrier Os-, W. Va. Messrs Wmde, Beg ktm f Cm., Baltimore. Maryland : Ossrrs I used three or four bottle of year "Liver Corrector" Lai summer for my traWSSl DYSPEPSIA, and got more relief from it teas from any medicine thai T bare ever taken. s great was my suffering I was notoMe to a anything, was taken with numbueas aad faV dine, when I would rise an i ndnaalj or ertes 1 rode on horseback, or in other words in a manner dead for twelve months, and ft no relief from any medicine until I fovea year "liver Corrector. "My health is now staaeklf and rapidly improving. Your iraternlly. J. W. On Fur sale by Theo. F. Kluttx, Druggist 81 isbury, N. C. May 7, 1-74. 3m. 23 Dey Street, New York. Cheap Chattel Mortingcs, and various other blanks for sale bare i . Kef Hardware Store. We reepeetfally invite the atmttoa of aiu sena of Rowan, and snrroundiug euODti to our Hei Stock of Hardware, lust opened in Salisbury, in which we kssy Safulliiueof everything usually keptis' Well Regulated Hardware Store Onr atoek enbravoes foreegn and eNwsstb Carpwnter's Tools, a large variety BUc smiths Tools a large variety Shovels. Spaesv Forka, Rekea, Pleka, Mattock.. Hoes, Gra: and Grass Seythes, Chains. Iron, VVaf- and Buggy Material. Pat. Axes of diff1. paterns, Tueket and Twble Cutlery. Dnsssa Mill. Croaa oot, and Hand Saws, PAINTS, GLASS SC., . We also invite your attention tooer stock of Dry-Good, Notions, ClotMm M & Shoes, Which we are Selling of at esdi in consequence of ha vine determined an exeluaive HARDWARE BUSIXE?-- Give ne a call, tare eVeews befow T Klutts's Dnme Store, and examine uor sa1 e rmrrbajrtng elsewhere ss we " ir.ed iwS to be uuder so'd by any SMITHDEAL At OARTIA- May 7. lSTl-a. term in tb'is State. - - i I

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