1 'rr- imbw - . i as. s. -, -iL- . . 1 - -. 1 . - Carolina tDatrljutait LOCAL. Three horse thieves were recently han ged in Kansas by mobs. The accused were allowed to make confessions, which implicated twenty men. It is intimated t hat vengeance ill be executed on the AUGUST 6. Good Farmers tell ns that the crops in ' this section are very fine, especially is this the ease with the corn. Between two and three hundred dead Sjgflhw. have been recovered from the track 1 Km Ute terrible storm in the West. Th Soda Water drawirie will take plate itC.K. Barker & Go's., next Frio day night. A good time may be expeet-nnV Two and a half acres produced 65 fennels of wheat for Mr. David Sheets, and mot SI seres as Mated in the last Watch nan. It was an error of the types. Arrived. TUt fine mare ot Mr. Isaac P. OneiTs has arrived. Il is said ik.t T. P. will now co to the Modock Springs. The Richmond Enquirer says; J J.1U Ktrhv and J. Alien Wake were banged because they parted their names In the middle. This should he a warning tkr mhn mav be euilty of similar recklessness. Convalescent. We are glad to Wrn that Sheriff Waggoner, who has been lying for some time quite ill of ty pbotd fever, is convalescent. the arrival of Mr. Frank B. Craige, of Tennessee, and Mr. Frank Brown, of Mis sissippi, in our town. These young gentle men are both natives of Salirbuiy and bave been absent several years. They are both farming with success in the States, they have adopted respectively. They are now on a visit to relatives and friends. We hope ere loug to be able to welcome them both back to North Carolina for good. A brutal murder was committed at Itarlville, Bladen Co., last Saturday, by a negro, named Abrahura Jones, his vic tim being a Mr. S. W. Twiggs. The ne gro was in the employ of Mr. Twiggs and a dispute arose about a settlement, when the negro stabbed Mr. Twiggs several times in the breast and under the left loin. Mr. Twiggs lived but about ten minutes The negro made his escape, but every ef fort, as we learn from the Wilmington Star, will bo made to arrest him. VB i a a S. rrult irees. Messrs. Uratt and Sailor offer to furuish the public in this section, fruit trees, grape vines and other plants at reasonable prices. We believe it Is generally conceded that fruit trees, etc., fee, procured from our own home nurseries do better thin those from a distance. nersnns named Clmat&r Kn nf nnwer e i . i "SS r l t . 7 , , . , . r . 01 we ecnoing raruassas aua.neiicou aou thati this it would be difficult to conceive. Olympus of the names of Caesar, Hannibal, 1 ne insensate torture of prisoners in tne Phyrrus, Alexander and Napoleon. Middle Ages wrung lies from them as l has t as He drawn a belt of the most be often as the truth ; and human nature is witching Romance of beauty and of glory so much the same now as it was then 3lon the Southern shores of the Old w or id. ty and magnificent voluptuousness of an ideal South, the same Great .Disposer of e vents has clustered the associations of ruiued Greeee-and Rome of the voieefol vales of Palestine of the tombs of the Nile, towering above toe desert, the minaret and the pa' in that it is useless to expect the truth from men who stand with ropes about tbeir necks, if they may hope to gain a reprieve Lor pardon by lying. Chicago Tribune. The Difference. The farm on which Mr. David Sheets has such a fine crop this year, was sold a few years ago by a Mr. Elliott who moved to die West, because, as he alleged, it was too poor to support his family on. Under the superior management of Mr. Sheets, this same land has been made to yield (rom 20 to 30 bushels of wheat to the acre, and to produce other crops accordingly. Mr. Elliott, no doubt, imagined that he could make a living easier in the West, made no effort to improve his land here, and he was growing poor. Mr. Sheets, no doubt, believing in Old North Caroli na, and feeling satisfied that it is the best for her people to remain within her bor ders, went to work improving his lands But He has woven a wob of scenic and his toric splendor, no less rapturously interest ing no less mysterously fascinating about the borders of the lower Mississippi, the Roanoke, the 8avannah, the Gulf of Mexico and the Spanish Main over the isles conse crated forever by the footsteps of Columbus the gold-ribbed mountains which De Soto sought iu vain the ever-glades of Marion's men and the Virginia hills that echoed the charges of Stonewall Jackson's wild riders the land of cotton -tields and cane -plantations, of cypress swamps and pine-forests the 1 bode of the hospitable planter and high -ton ed gentleman, of the brilliant and dashing young cavalier and charming dark-eyed maid the "sweet home of the SOUTH, which is endeared to us by its very sunshine and its name' Thanks be to God for the Romance of the South ! It sings in the wind-harp that sweeps her oceans of dark green pines it looks out from the pure .and lustrous openings of her starry skies from her r londiau seas of fade less bloom from the eyes of her daughters, fairer than the ladies of Castile and Arragon, of Venice or Circassia.. It broods above the wild-wood graves of the followers of George Washington and Robert Lee over the he roes of the two great revolutions of '76 and '61 it hallows the shrines where repose the GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE CiManknA sar my This Intitntion is again in successful onera- a 2 J ir a a . 1 won, ana oners ail tne advantages of a first clai Female College. Ihe ball aeasion will begin on Wednesday OA. t. T n . . j my. ror catalogue containing terms B. .1 wt 1 xc appiy 10 me rresiueni, BE V. T. M. JONES, D. D. N. H. D. WILSON, Pres. Board Trustees. Cotton Chopper. I DIAHOKD COTTON- CHOPPER AND CULTIVATOR and he is growing rich. This is the dif ference. Let North Carolinians remain I ashes of a long line of Southern Presidents, of 0a i !,.;. A. . Tk.- Authors, Statesmen, Warriors and Civilians, r J famous in the days of yore, and 1 m mortal iz- can find no better homes in the West, or ed by the historic pen. It atones, in a degree. elsewhere. fr uUr lack of those superior advantages of education and refinement, which States, older ami muni ftivuMlilii Bitiiatu1 fur mtmiiif rr.o JfXLDUC &peaKing. uor citizens have long enjoyed- It essays to soothe the have been blessed with public speaking wounds of the bitter quarrels of sections ; Pot ponme nt of Sale of RAILROAD PROPERTY in the uutcoit coubt of the united States for the Western District of North Carolina.. Henry Clews and Hiram Sibley and others, iamAUS Ajainst. The Western North Carolina Rail Road Co. E. D. Tod R. Caldwell, Uufns Y. McAden, The first National bank of Charlotte, John Rutherford. Hiram Kellev. Tbomu G Greenlee, James Greenlee, Mary Carson, A. n. rxiwin, W. U. v. Wilson, Assignee, R. M. Walker and others, Defendants. 1 he sale of the Western North aro Una Kail road h D.J heretofore ordered by the' Court, and advertised to take place at the Court House door in the City of Salisbury, N. C. on the 17th day of June, 1874, has been Dostooned I 1 - M .. " - 07 a auoseiiueni order ot the (Jourt, until the 17th day of August, A. D.. 1874. at which time it will take place at the said Court House door in 8alUbnry, and opon the terms anu condilons heretofore published. B. 8. GAITHER, Morganton, N. C MARCUS ERWIN, AnhevtHe, N.C. THOMAS RUFFIN, Hillsboro, N. C. THOMAS B. KEOGH. Greensboro. N. C. June 24, 1874-tds. l3ksHH Pf es- "saA. Jil ibbbbbbwIbbiKjbibbbI With Planter Attachment. National Hotel In the Centre of business on Main Btree SALISBURY, N. C. sabm Cke pmbUe d oU NEW ftrVKPTIPntmintli r r , LOOK HEBE," REFURNISHED REFITTED, AND THOBOUGHLY WtaTODDLED THE M HATfOHAL Win VW t fiiAiunn n-va i . " run 1 tic otSUIdn I CL1AE AJfD WELL VEjTTILATM, i maisW sn'S IsOTHm Out A other sfercL This House hM gained a reputation secoskl to none in the Coontrv, and the Proprietrem will keep U up IN HIRST CLASS STYLE. 11RS. DR. RKEVrS. June II. 1W4-C' PrvprUtrtm. or the last week or ten days, to a degree sufficiently abundant, if not salisfactoty. The Hon. W. M. Kobbius and Dr. Cook spoke here ou last Friday, Bobbins fairly and, but for the fiendish con upt&on aud tyr- ranny of the so-called general government, might to some extent even reconcile us to the loss of wealth and position through the dread doings of the demon of War. It often wipes away the tear-drop that rises at the 20,000 BUSHELS Wheat Wanted. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Send samples to Eramert & 3ro., at Rowan . . , n n'' aB1Bltul. - wipes away ine xear-arop ine. Mills, N. C. and answers shall be promptly making the fur fly. I be same spoke at I remembrance of those who sleep in silent returned. nigtrt. On Saturday, Robbing, Cook, July 9, 1874 3mos, phalanx along the Potomac, the Rappanhan v it r ati1 a Id mm . .. . a t-Miiio) ( 1 si a in unM Doheon and the county candidates spoke Andersonville and Fortress Monroe. It hov- at Millers a few miles in the country. Sat- era above the snow? seas of cotton-bloom. nrAa Hon T.oonK nr.rl ntlmra mnkn Kor. the lUSClOUSlV OOOreSSiye SCent Of OiaUgO Or i Mlmw)a fhn Taw rt . . n 1 - t . r-r -j Tl A 4 i 1 1 t 1 M . Tf f L" "l I 1 Ct -v - - . . , , 1 tUOlUOt lUO lai-lCOVUtUK Ca iauir swniutK Un Monday Uon. VV. A. Oinitn ana sev- PI4,a.TUt-. thtrri.llv Imciirianttobaeo and eral of the candidates discussed matters at sugar-cane, the lordly mansion of the white The 8 th tnau, the low hiding place known as the ne TO THE VOTERS OF Judicial the Court-house; speaking is still iu pro gress, this Tuesday, in the country. Smith discussed consolidation and Rail Road matters generally. He thought that the coming Legislature should pro vide for the payment of the accrued inter est on the construction bonds, without sell ing the property ; and that it should make gro's cabin, the heights ot Arlingtouand the swamps of New Orleans. But why is it, here in the South, with its a . i - i i t nnanciai poverty anu political ruin us ner culaueuin of smothered griefs aud its Pom . ... 1 . 1 pen ot buried hopes its ruggea mauuersanu its utter want of the amenities and comforts of life generally, the romantic feeling rises in us so strojglv, and binds us to the dear old laud with such indissoluble chains of the District, Composed of the Conn ties of Surry, Yadkin, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, and Rowan : 'THE RECENT INVENTIONS of J. B. L UNDERWOOD, of Kayetteville, N. C. i onqnestionably the GREATEST LABOR SA YERoftheAQE with ONE MAN " que NOISE it does the work of from nix to TWELVE men and from TWO to FOUR horse. It CHOPS nd BARS both sides, WEEDS and DIRTS the cotton at one operation. After which it is converted into a most exedles CULTIVATOR' or use between the rows throughout the season. This machine has been tested upon a srrowinr crop, and proved a thorough, practical SUCCESS II bean the highest TESTIMONIALS from our best cotton planter. It will soon become as indispensable to the Cotton Planter as the Cotton Gin or Press. It has taken the grand sweep-stakes prise, the GOLD MEDAL. lhe Georgia State Fair, as the latest and most valuable improve ment in Agriculture Implements, and the first premium wherever it has been exhibted. Active and reliable AGENTS ARE WANTED in every town and county to whom a libersl discount will be made. Applications for Agsasiss should be made without delay. Retail price of Machine without attachments $35 and freight. A most excellent COTTON PLANTER and GUANO DISTRIBUTER hM been added to the machine. The best most reliable in use, Price $15.00 extra. MORE STOVES. aod better nes than ever. Come now and get the BEST. Get the stove called the ACORN COOK if you want one that will outlast any other, and thai u made of ail NEW IRON, and warrants! to give soiafaction Ac Variooa at t lea, of cook ing stoves at a small profit. 8m eerwp.t in Ws are Agent, for the sale of 17b sfsiJi NAr TiONAL KEEI CUTTER" and niTS in oflering it to the public as lhe use. It oils rapidly, la tawyso SswsT ly fasih in every part, and net liketv repair. Call end examine for a be csavasisd. V e are awe Aaaasa tar flwa celebrated -WATT PUW" lodkmiax. T"' fTKRAUORA IT. April t&, 1873 tf. Administrators' Nolice. The oaderaifftjed ksrinar dulr onalifiMf 1 1 J. Adrainwtrstors with the wHI annexed of Jd,i L Khaver, deceased, hereby nnti frail nerMwwfi debted la said eatate to ansae' pa aoent, aaad Usose having claim again aajiicatals are taatl led to present them to the underngnctl osi or Utre the 2nd day of rVf4ember, 1674, or tLu none win oe I'irtui in tslt of ILetr rccovcrv. HKNRT A LKMI.V. f-J'nlX h II A tcfia-ff Jss MARY SHARP COLLBCE. Kstablisbed in le&l. This old and eekrbra&ad BBBBBl m . i biought about a million dollars worth of the Con struction bouds of the N C R R had been lost, uud that there were now but about scvetiteeu hundred thonand of these origi nal bonds on which internst is to be paid. to Salisbury Academy We invite attention to the advertisement ot Mr. A H. Murphy. Mr. Murphy gives notice thai tbo next session at the Salisbury Made Academy will begin on the 31st of Anguet, inst. The terms of tuition are very reasonable, and as Mr. Murphy is a young man of fine qualifications, and with experience as a teacher, we take pleasure in recommending his school to onr citizens Be was raised here among us, educated here, and he is entitled to the encourages ment and patronage of our citizens. y We are glad to learn that the Commis sioners are considering the importance of establishing a reservoir over the public well. We feel confident that this will be to half Way job, and that whatever they do will be done well. Messrs. Frercks, f : . r j .i ajiuvuw, iueruney, onu oiuer gentlemen ot the Present Board are too sensible to the . AMluUanee of such a structure, to allow it to fail, sod too practical to make a botch of what they undertake. We hope and expect that they will greatily improve the appearance of our public square, and put np something that will be not only useful but handsome.. The town can afford to liberally fr such needed improve- I take this method of giving more general notice that I am a candidate for the office of JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT In this District. It is deemed improper for one seeking a high Judicial office, to visit the sev eral counties and publicly address his fellow unmA Ai-rimirptnpntji inr th com nht inn of tenderest, the most heart-felt affection I citiiens. t o i mi .t .! . : ..n ..e .i. .. I i i :j.i .u: t:..i ti r vt r r. it j t I 1 ne answer in mis queSUOU IS iun u iu i nave ipnum in inn i'ivuh ui my lire, me w esiern Kj n u. ne siaiea a aci wi8joul which books and institutiosof learu and have pnu ticed law in some of your Courts that it is not generally known, that is, that ing never teach for it comes not within their for thirty years. If elected, I will truly and v w... ,,r i ... r :J m .!, rtiinhl fur bttr jnsuy, icwnuwi 10 me oent oi my aaui anu be o-iven bv a Daniel Boone, au Alexander judgment, do equal and impartial justice - . .1 i lm miKlif an. I In imht.iilii.lj I j m . c- j u u a ! ,,... I lUUMAOJ. lLiU io quoie ine language i uia mw. w j , 16 lg74tiU eJrcL .... Vt ........ .V. 1 .. .,,,. ini.oti..u Km hurl I J Mudie : "It is simply because that in Ser- Ile thought the State had better repudiate taiu half-wild and partially cultivated places. .Homnt n.-il.. r,Kll i.-. mau's ciuet occupation aurt couverse are r u'llh nutiiiu (phuruaa. in ruthiirii ham. u-hurn il-.. i.- r -l j i -j c' " r. : . selling ucr xwauroau bwcks anu uxing un- triere is more to tempt worldly ambition and bearable burdens of taxation noon her worldly enterprise. Art is his chief oeenpa- 1 . - . ... 1" 1 . O.I. .1 .: Ml I lion, auu oeco'iies Dy nawi nis cuiei enioy- nexi ocuoia.siic year win neem 99 I l j T.. I i . isi-t. r.xponseti lor nau session, tollowi : Collegiate Department, of spiudles the rough crowding and jostliu for bread that will not permit the tread-mil Yankees to see a patch of blue sky or a green leaf, which has degenerated them so awful ly. Come weal or woe, give me the South and tup Romance of the South aud to "Lice and die in Dixie." E. P. H. notrib. Wp nrcrnA tho camA viAira fivi rr " - 6 " - " I mpnt." u . . A f A m I 1 a h aft SB, VI . - I v . a a a . . ft 0 ug, auu bum ugn:u wim aiuj. it is tne h.irsii utilitarian num oi macniuo Smith in the main, but the Legislature ry, the whirring of wheels and the buzzing has no power to repudiate. We believe a convention of the people would bave. and luch an act by it would uever be call ed in question. A convention of the peo ple of a sovereign State is the highest power known to our form of government, aud it may sit up and tear down at libi turn, with no superior power to question the right. - Maj. Smith's speech was very fair on paper, and we regret that wo were not prepared to take notes that we might further annalyze it. North Carolina CoMes. Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus Co-, H. C This Institution is pleasantly situated in one of the healthiest portions of the State. The August 3rd, 20 weeks, as $90.00 Academic from $75.00 to 90.00 Send for Catalogue, tpply to REV. L. A. lilKLE, A. M. President. July 9, 2874. 4 tins. For circulars and further information, add CRAWFORD ic HEILIG, main Street, Salisbury, Y. Where Great Bargains can also be had in the best Champion Mower and Reaper. They have one car load of Mowers and Reapers for sale : Light, $120: Combined Mower and Reaper $220, delivered at Salisbury. We warrant them to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. If you want Brown's Cotton Oin, come to Crawford and Heilig's. We furnish them with or without self feeder. If you want Telegraph Straw Cutters, come to TIN WARE, A Cora WaM sassiest the M ATKB.1AU on hand or made to order. Merchant supplied at Low Pkjcbb. Cash rAJD for all kinda of Copper, Braaa Ar. Aak for Know Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury, V C- L. V. Brown. I am well prepared to eat good STENCIL PLATES for sssrhing Tobacco, Floor Patent article Ac. Every person doing any kind of work or busi ness should have a standi to advertise his busi ness, as it i acknowledged to be the best and cheapest way to let people know what you are do i tag. One mark with stencil may get a customer, for yon, that will put Huvnaana of Dollar in your hands. Try it and yon will get a cne- tomer you never thought of. MY PRICES ARK LOW, AS FOLLOWS, One-fourth inch letters 6 cents per letter One half and five-eights 6 " " " Three-fourth A One inch letters 7 " " " They may he sent; to any part of the U . B. by mail at a small oast. Bead hi your order staling aire of letters you prefer, and the Stencil will be made neatly cat and promptly forwarded. Fisher street Salisbury, N. C. L. V. BROWN, April 28, 1874 tf. i emale School in ciluated in the nealthy u.wn of Winchester. n a bench Cumberlsud Mountain. TennrM, ( .. ce it annual icssion at, ten ninths on the FIRST M OK DAT hi SgPT&MBER. BtH sW it first and only PreaftdesU, Z. C. G BATES LL.D. For thoroagkaese and cheapness of ednsatisB. is not excelled by say. ebow M tka SontA. Send for iValogne nisaTsisdag sjl es aentisd parti culara. 4w. 0. 8. W ALMS LET NEW MACHINE1 SHOP. I am now prepared to do all kind of repairing with dispatrh. With good tool aad twenty -fire years saptrisaee fa ta bininess.sstifaet..nignaraat-ed tpaeial aivenuoo civen lo Kngioe and B..;ler work. wiiwn " wiicn, aiininw and AvnenlLar.. Machines ; and wod to ruin d all kiadk. Shop on Corner of Fulton and d.noeil Strcn. Salisbory. N. C. - E. U. MARSH. July 16. 1874 -tf. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. stofT Belief for Young the efiects of Errors and Abuses 1SYCHOMANCY,orSOrLlHARMlNti. How either sea may be facinate aad gam the love A s fact ion of say person they rhoose instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can r--. free, by mail, for , together with a marriage guide. Kgatain Oracle, Dream. iiinia to Aaoiea, v A queer book. Address T. Pube.Pbila, Wedding-Nicht bhirta..V. WILLIAM A 00. At thirty-five the Average American discovers that he has an "Infernal Stomach," and goes into the hands of the doctors for the remnant of his life. Prevention is better than cure, but Da. Walker's Vinegar Bitters will both cure aod prevent dispepida, diseases of the skin, liver, kidneys, and bladder, and all disorders arising from an "infernal stomach." 4w. THE FR1XKLIN TEAM WASHER John Johnson, colored, late of Raleigh, InU ..,,1. . I l . I r m riuic n pvLacv Ui'Ufc imu WHICU IlOm PIT. If. Brown, of Robeson co., last Thurs- daj night. Mr. Rrown was asleep at the Wket office of the N C R R Company hen the theft was committed. The pock at book contained about S320. The thief arrested on Friday morning and the , with the exception of a few dol 'lave, recovered ; al-o the Gold Watch and .chain. The thief was committed Mavor in defanU of hail ' p .L ... r The America Farmer. This standard agricultural monthly for - August is at hand, replete with valuable information for the farmer and garden i r by the TBe Stephen A. Douglas Estate IN Chicago. The great law suit long pending between , the heirs of the late United States Senator Stephen A Doug u i a a us ana ine executor or nis estate, was decided iu Chicago on Monday, by Judge Williams, in favor of the heirs. This decision gives the heirs, Robert and Ste hen, about a quarter of a million of dol- ars. it was made under the following circumstances : When Mr. Douelas died he left Dr. P. Rhodes, of Cleveland, as the executor of his property and real es tate in south Chicago. When it was off- er-d for sale Rhodes has agreed with oue Dobbins that if he bought iu all the prop erty he would take one-third off his hands. 1 his was done, and the speculators made an immense sum from their investments. Phe suit was brought to recover, on the groutid that an executor cannot be inter ested. directly or indirectly, in the pur chase of property at his own sale, aud the judge, so decided. But one-half of the value of the property was decreed to the children ; the other portion would have gone to the widow but she was barred, having allowed too long a time to elapse before asserting her rights. -The coming wheat. I Cron Piifrnp'CH n lnrore m a i o f e sbare of notice, hut not to the disadvan- - a- . . .. . . a ui uujer BunieeiH, every branch ot ph stork, special, hnruemade aud com ... MAteUI . I ! . ' jm L , -wni uiauui, ii uil growing, nower gardcuing, the Dairy, the Poultry Yard fe, being treated at length. Published by Satn'l Sands & Son. No Baltimore, Md., at $1.50 a Jfdr, 5 copies $5.00. Specimens sen ". -1 -t v . A pleasant, safe and effectual remedy for - fr'gkt' disease, diabetes, gravel, and all dtsa 0f baiiaer aud kidneva. is Kear- Aa.aL 15 eft a' ... ' gratis. MARRIED. July CCtb.by Rev. W. Kimball at the Bride's residence, Mr. C. B. Litaker. and Mrs. M. L Hehdersou, all of Rowan. SALISBURY MARKET. AUGUST 6 Call at the Book Store and get one of these remarkable aahers. The washing of sn or dinary family can be done before breakfast lan in any other way without the ' wear and tear of clothes incident, to the old way. A large family can save the price o a washer in one year in clothes; a small tamily wil save the price of it in hire ; without any extra lelf the washing can be done on your own lot Save 52 hard day s work for your wife ALSO at the Book Store all kinds of books can be had, Buying Bates : CORN new $100 COTTON 11 a 15 FLOUR $.4.00 a 450 MEAL $1.05 BACON (county) 10 12$ hog round POTATOES Irish 90 a Sweet $1.00 EGGS 10 to I2h CHICKENS $2.00 per do. LARD 12 a 15. FEATHERS new, 50. TALLOW 9 a 10 RYE a 100. BEESEWAX 30. , WHEAT $1.15 a $1.75. BUTTER 20. DRIED FRUIT 6 Blackberries. 10 ets. A touchiugly beautiful farewell was Dr 1 odd's last message to his church, sent. on a Sabbath evening : "Tell them that I have an unwavering faith iu Christ and his salvation, and that I am waiting and hoping for light from the eternal world . I want to see that light and think I shall, 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow Of death, 1 will fear no evil.' and so I stand at the gate like a little child, waiting for it to open to give me a glimpse of the glory. a xirari uucbu. 1 hr is none to uual . ajvaat. 104 Duaoe street. New swvav ouiny diuggiau. Advice neiid for pamphlet. Mount Vernon, N. C. ajLi . w , OUHU4I .tlORNINCl : July 26th, 1874. tf. st li far rrr- -! TM-S t-ti? itT.f Dear Watchman : It has always been uuder the soft and dreamy calm of Southern skies beneath the shadow of the orange the palmetto and the vine that Romance has made her home. Ged created the fragrance an i flowers and music of Paradise in a clime so cloudless and sonny that tradition has located it in South prn Asia. Around the Mediterranean sea, with its j flout iug wealth mirroring all the cereal pie n Manhood Restored.- Impediments to Marriar removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth 8L, Phila delphia, Pa. an Institution having a high re putation for honorable conduct and profession al skill. Oct. $0, lo73.-f-ly. Are yon Gms to Paint ! Buy the READY MIXED PAINTS, all col on, in small cans to suit purchaser. Every man can be his own painter. For sale cheap L KLUTTZ-S DRUG STORK. March 19, 1874-tf. Coughs, Colds Horseness. Am all THROAT SI3EA8EI, TTaaaa Ty life Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. .TRIED and JURE REM1S7. Sold by Druggist. " 4W Chicken CMera ! Crawford A Hftilip-'a. O I M ASSET'S PoriTRY Poti drr cures and nr- vents it, tjures ano prerenta oapes in young Chickens. Fattens for market in a icsaarkabiv If you wsnt Steel Plows, Fairbanks' Scales, snort time, Turkey, Geese, Docks, aad chickens Field and Garden Hoes, come to I and makes them lay better. Price 25 cents, 100 PIANOS and ORGANS iew anu second-Haul, or rirat-Claaa Jtfakera, will be sold at Lower Prices ior casV or en Inetallroents.or for rent, in Cltv or ikunirv during this month, by UORACE WATKRSA SON. No. 481 Broadway, than ever btTore ofl ered in New York. BPBClALTTi Pl.nr-. and Organs to let until the rent money peysVie pries oi me umrumcni. iimnrstid 1 slalaims mailed. A large diaronnl lo Minaatn, Churrl. -es, School, Lodges, etc a uttv 4ar RICH FARMING LMDS i ABBnASK A. Now tor Sale Very Cheap 1 TEM YEARS CREDIT INTEREST ONLY 6 1'hU CENT. only at, Crawford & Heilig's. If you want Glass, Nails, Putty, Locks. tlinges, Strew ; come to Crawford & Heilig's. If you want Carpenters Tools, Bello An villa, Vices, Iron A Steel, come to KLUTTZ'S DRUGSTORE. THE BEST SEWliG MACHINE8, and Sewing: Machine ATTACHMENTS, OP ALL KINDS, ALSO NEKDLES, OIL A TrtKEAD, ALfO A LOT Or 8end for 'the Pioneer, A handsome illustrated Paper, onntainlnc the Uoassrnuo Law. a NEW KTniBlr.lt Jnst published, mailed free to ail parte of tbe world. address. D. F. TUTTl Land Commissioner F. P. R R.. 4w Crawford & Heilig's. STATIONERY, OF EVERY 8HADE, AND TINT, ENVELOPES OF ALL STYLE, MUSIC, tfcc, No extra charge for ordering books or Music not on hands. All orders prompt ly attended to Call and get writing paper cheap. at the Salisbury Book Store. January 2 1874 ly. If you want Alarm Money Draws, Herrings r ire froof bates, come to Crawford & Heilig's. Ifyou want Table Oil Cloths, Clothes Bask ets, Brass Kettles, Knives A Forks, Fenders, Brass Andirons, come to Crawford and Heilig's. aifyon want to build a Carriage, Buggy, or Wig GO TO TEXA8 VIA THE LONE STAR ROUTE ! ( International and Great North ern K B) Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and Little Rock, or via Shreveport, strike this line at Longview, the Best Route in Palestine. Hearne, Waco, Austin, Hunlsville, Houston, Galvaston and all points in Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passongers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tyler, Mineola, Dallas, Overton, Crockelte, Longview and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Polhnan Pa luce Sleeping Cars, Westlnghonse Air Brakes, Mil ler's Patent Safety Platforms and Couplers ; and nowhere else can the passenger so completely depend on a speedy, safe and comfortable jour- BflThe LONE STAR ROUTE has admirably answered the query : "How to go to Texas r by the publication of an interesting and truth, fill document, containing a valuable snd correct map, which can be obtained, free of charge by addressing the GEN ERAL TICKET AGENT international and Great Northern Railroad Houston, Texas. District EJ Spring Stock 1871 125 Bags "Old Tick" Coffee, 75 Bbls Sugars, 50 Boxes Assorted Candy, 35 Packages No. 1 Mackerel, 15,000 lbs Bacon, 2,000 lbs Best Sugar Cored Hams, 3,000 lbs Refined Lard, 500 lbs Sugar cured Beef, 25 Dox. Brandy Peaches, 25" Lemon Syrup, 50 Boxes Candles, 10 Kegs Spaa, 100 Dos Oysters, 30.000 Cigars, Reams Wrapping Paper, 30 Dos painted fails, 100 sacks Ground Alum Salt, 50 " Deaken's Tine " raggon, come to CONSISTING OF Legal and F Is ip of Different qualities, also, several styles ot LETTER PAPER, PACKET, COMMERCIAL, FRENCH AND MOURNING NOTE. SERMON Paper and variooa styles aad sites of ENVELOPES I like Pen Pt'iirilen v.. also a large lot off Morgan s Stereoscopic Views of the NORTH CAROLINA 150 AL80 A large stock of Boots, Shoes. At Hats, (very cheap) Hardware. Saddlt, & Harness. Tanners, Kerosioe. & Machine Oils. We are also agents for the celebrated A lad in Security Oil, warranted to stand a fire teat of one hundred ft fifty degrees Fahrenheit. & therefore perfectly safe Ac very little high er than Kerosine. We also bave a full stock of Liquors, such as Foster, DoUn. 6t Bailey, Whiskey Rum, Gin, Ginger 6t Blackberry Brandy, Porte, Medena, Sherry, tnalaga Wines, Ales 1r Yoeemite and ether noted places which are irwy magnincent. If vou want a Westinehonse A Co. or Wheeler A Meiich Threshing Machine, one Horse I'ow er, down or mounted, come to Crawford and Heilig's. If vou want to build Rail Roads, come to Crawford A Heilig's and boy Picks, Axes, Steel, Iron, Hammers ; Fuse, Trace Chains, Home Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Ames Shovels, Ac Ac, v r t. s ir- :. j If you want Steel Winged Shovels, Tongues or Iron Shovels, come to Bull Crawford and Heilig's. Our variety is too extensive to mention. If you wsnt to buy any thing like Hardware, we invite you to come to I Crawford and Heilig's FUST CLASS STO R E:0 M MAIM STREET also a stock of superior FLOWER P0T8. Which will, be sold low at SinJer Sewinr Machine More on south aids main street, near the Public Square, J Notice to Belters. as jns indebted to Kerna and Brother All perso either by note or aeoouat, at the Liverly Stable or store, or for goods porchaxed at the auction a A - r a . r- a. ana not paia tar. are uereoy notineu to j up at once. Ia say snssecs, pay to Mr. Tboa. H. Vanderford whose receipt will be good. D. L. BRING LE. RacmvEa of Kerns A Brother. May 28, 1874 3m os. HAVE YOU TRIED JTJRU3EBA. ARB TOU Weak, Nervous or De baited P Are yon so Languid that any isjilaa re quires more of an iflurt than you feci xapabie ui luamr.g T Thi n try JTRFIJEnA. the wrmoarfol tor .c aad iuviroratur, which art so beaafsjiany on tbo accretiie organe a to impart vigur to all Liic i iii mica. It ia no sleih lic appetiser, a liich tlmnlat. - tor a short tiuie.nnlv t-. :.t lU ruilsr fall t.. a low depth of misery, but it is a'rceUllv tonie acting directly off the liver arl fbWn. It resrulatea the Howels. ';ukts taa- aerrr. and gives such a healthy tnoe ta the whole xvstem ss tci koiiij make the IhraTid f i bke a new perm. Its operation y not violchl, tut i ckaracU r- ised by great gentleness ; the patient exarr- lenres no sudden charge, no marxrtareeulu but gradaally ais truubbss - s4 "Fold their tenU. Uke the Arabs. And Mlently hteal sway." !5 This is no new nntried discovery, 4rt has been long used with wunderfalmasaaailrasalis and Is pronounced by the biraest aatharftie. ' the most powerCn tonic and slteratirfaaawi.'' Aak yeur dracsrist ur itv - v F-iraaleby WM. F. KlDDhR A CO.. Kw Tork. ' 4V aVBgaaajsaji The Brown Cotton Gin. SALISBURY, N. C. a.r.. txc. The above stock is offered at Wholesale Retail, at the very lowest figures. j We guarantee our Prices as low aad goods BINGHAM dc CO. I as cheap as sny kaanaesa house ia tbeland. May 14, 1874 tf. I orth or South. May 14, 1874 tf. FOR SALE. The undersign oners J-fourth of has China Grove plantation for sale. Tka plantation contain 500 Acres A is well watered. I will sell it la tracts to salt pa re baser. It lire on both sides of the Ji. C Rail Road Mar and around the station. I will also sell lots of one or two acres for building parposjes lo those desiring lo go into easiness at Chips Grove. A good prodoe h ananas fa dene here and with more capital it ean esnly be doubled. There promises to be a good classical school here soon the' first seasaion begin ing the 3rd day of Aururt, 174. Churches of diftVeiSn deaomtnatioas eoaven icnt Address sae at China Grove, Rows a Conntr. K. C, Terms liberal. J. FRANK PATTERN )N. China Grove, C July Ul 174. 'imoa. The attention of planter at;d others is , called to the aboie old ard reliable aiakr . I Cotton Gia. Tbry are famished t bW year greatly improved, snd nothing whiea exprr enee nf thirty years in taefr ssanaaseSjsVe aaa snfTgest baa beati lett uuuone to Bihke (aicm taa mot reliable and perfect Ciftxoc Gin In ma. k. r . As the result of ourt fforta ws need onh: refer te their established reyntstinn snd arkfe-rprr popularity. rVr prerarrios or T'mi a i ssmn UriLhMu tu. Lc a a mi lit v . I.n.uT Kt asrlBu. a. d tjiaamY aud (il alitv of un rwmmma. v chalhrare or apctiUn We are preoeraaj fa nrranl tn st uaonable eVnf frfrrt s'--I'aetHin to erery sdantrH"rsw. - Jaa i am aadd at ta'lwsatt paaasibla srioa. Jar a-. 4 UMcbines. and ua reaawiaWe tersne.. 77 e larite ealiiinatHn of fan plr in ti.e hacaV 4 onr ml asjenu who aril gir all eWice frmairaird rnmt-h spylW-uta with eisroUr . aad oanweadatiH'y laiu-rs fmsa aattias aajig the Gt in ail seetnus f the ctftua plasa- a eouotry Cinalaro. rope hats Man Hi-' infffrroation, may Le obtained of our agt at r br addresir IHI MOW rOTTOXattl . . .v ew iauah Crawford and Ueilig AgruU taaisV bar) N. Cl

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