i. - U V I Human Nature. Tlic Wilson Ad vance says: "A blind negro, hailing from Alabama, haa bean playing the fiddle and singing on the streets and begging aim.' lie met with aome aucccaa while here and at tract ad a crowd aa he went along. While inchfaHn front of our office we were truck with the following words in one of hia tongs : Beefstake when I'm hungry, Whiskey when I'm dry, Greenbacks when I'm hard up, And heaven when I die." . ' . . At Dubuque last week daring a storm a ball of fire the size of a man's head des cended from the sky into the centre of the street directly on the head of Paul Renin's and tueir exploded with a terrific report. The hair was burned from his scalp, the blood oozed from bis cars, a gash an inch and a half long was found nnder bis chin where the electric current had apparently made its esit ; the shock had broken his neck, and his body was litterally skinned. All down bis back and chest and limbs to the sole of his feet, the cuticle Was peeled from the flesh aud rolled and curled upon itself, leaving the corpse a shocking spec tacle, which those who saw could never forget. Young and old Wit. 'Dad." said a hopeful sprig, "ho many fowls are there on the table t" "Whv." aava the old gentleman, as he looked complacently ou a pair of finely roasted chickens that were smoking on the dinner table, "why, my son, there are two." "Two!" replied the smartucsi "there are three, air, and I'll prove it. "Three!" replied the old gentleman, who was a plain iuatteroilact mau and under atood things at he saw them, "I'd like to . .. nn .til . 3 ; I you prove that. "basily done, Sir, eaatlv done. Aim mat one i mvine dib a a a-..i nail a t i 4 m fork on the first. ''Yes, that's certain," said dad." "And ain't that two?" point- ing to the Pecond, "and don't one and two make three!' "Really," said the tather, turning to the old lady, who was in .1- i " t : -f aiuazeiuuufc ui iuo immense kwuiuk her aon, "real mij, wne, mil ooyns a geu.ua and deserves to be encouraged for it. Here, old lady, do you take one lowl and r ,i IOWI HUU IU take the aecond. and John mav have the third for his learning-" Thk Great Tuknelsof the World. It ia in Germany that the longest tun nels have beeu constructed, and they have been made in miuing. The great uaio wwn jj f v ita luniuii,. uv aivai I aJ t i.v.:,.u oi f:i i . aO Krnst-August and Georg at Clansthal, 13i and 10 miles respectively ; the Joseph II. at Shemmtz, 9 miles ; and the Roth Bchonberg at Freiberg, 8 mile. The Mont Cenia, 1 miles, is the only other very long tuuuel in Europe. In this country, the Hoosac tunnel, five miles long, la the most remarkable, and the only one of great extent that ha been !.., i'i, C .... ,...! ;.. Va.ai). I WUIUiCKU. i lit UUUU IUIIIIWI ill i-dUtt ... - I four miles a j Iniiir wiiu ramiucaiiuuB mu Jill The add considerable to that amount' Sierra oladre tunnel, began this year, ia to be twelve mile long. The w Eruat-Augtut tunnel waa driven at the rale of a mile a year, which is the most rapid progress yet made in such work. Be in Earnest. The solemn charge ol a distinguished man of letters to his son, "Bo in earnest," should be applied to each Conservative app heart in North Carolina at this crissis. Let us truly be in earnest, for we have incentives to earnestness all around us. What if the Gothic tide of Civil Rights hould welm us in stygian ruin 1 We most strive with all our might aud man hood, emboldened by the justice and no bility of our cause, to save the State. It must not ever again fall under Radical way, which is the course of curses, must, indeed, get firmer control. We We must have seven nut of eight Congress- men. We must have a pnre and elevated Judiciary. We must have a strong Coo ervative Legislature. We most have good ulcu in the county officer. To secure all these blessings we must b thoroughly iu earnest, from now until the evening of the 6th of Angust. WiU mington Star. "Who," asks the Christain Union, "was the founder of the American Sun- day-school f Have we no one4o honor 1.1. 1) . I D.ik.. L J l. . C . i m awuvi b ii.uft.cB, wuo oiarteu me urateu - glish school I'll! "In seventeen hundred eighty-one, 1 A cross the fields in Gloucester toWn ? As the old rhyme goes, it was there "This glorious work it was begun, And is coining, cumin er, cuiniug alone.' ' Yet Robert Raikes, while he lie in the memory of the English Sunday-school tnends, has nothing more than an inaig uificant marble slab over hia grave tn the very scene of his labors. Had he lived tut Liu uiiliv titM'liana nnr vsnn anlhn. . i r -r- . j o - tiusts, teachers and scholars, would have ml up a monument to him long since ; ut who as it is T Why not remember thia devoted Kuglishman in aome sub stantial way, and unite with the schools ou the other side in recognizing a com-. in on foauder of the Sunday-school t The glorious work begun by him has certainly 'co tue along' with us." The Milton Chronicle says : On the 4th raat ., Basil Mansfield, a desperado of horseihit f notoriety, went to the bouse of one Betsy Davis, in the Mountain Hill settlement, and celebrated the glorious 4th by giving Belay an unmerciful whip ping. Sin- got out a writ for Mansfield, and while the officer was reading it to biiu he snatched the writ from the officer aud tearing it up, made him "git up and l " II.. .1 & . . .1... i f Ut iia iiiru went Ml tue uuuse ui uct sv Davis and beat her almost to death indeed, it ia thought ahe will not recover. Another writ was issued and given to the officer (named Slaughter) to execute. He auminooud J. Ilowerton, Nat. Williams, John Deuuy, J. Logan, R. A. Elliott, J as. Marliu and Samuel Karp to assist him. They found Mansfield at the house of Henry fawith ho was eating at the. time, with a gun lying at hi feet. The officer nroceeded to road the warrant, and when he got to the words "bring bim before nr some other mstice," Mausfield reached for hi gun when an order to "fire" given, and five bail perforated the dee DerauV carcass. He exclaimed, "dou't fire any more 1" and fell dead. i laisssansii i aa-ae. " aam m . -.MMMMMMMMMMMMBaaaiwaaaaBBMMaMWweaiMwaaaBMBWMMMMMMMBMMMWMMaaBaBBBSi While Mrs. Porter, of St. Albans, and her two children, were out gathering ber ries on Friday afternoon, one of the chil dren stepped on a rock overhanging a deep hole in a creek and fell into the wa ter. Ther mother jumped in after her child, followed by the other child, and before assistance could be secured all three were drowned. A man's w man' wealth depend more on hi wife than hi income. Some women will cause their husbands to become rich on fife hundred dollars a year ; others can scarcely keep out of jail on I re thousand a year. Democrats to be Galled Forth. John W. Forney, one of the shrewdest and most experienced of living politicians in America, is scandalised at the political condition of the fairest portion of the South, and want President Grant to "take the reposibility" of crashing ont Moses, bcott, Chamberlain, and the wkole plundering crew. In his paper, the Phil adelphia Pressoi the 4th of July, he prints a remarkable leader on what is impera tively needed to prevent the disruption and overthrow of the National Republican party. We quote : "First of all, and above al the Repub licans must find mean to secure some thine: like civilised governments to the fairest portion of the southern country. This ia demanded, not a question of party, but of humanity, it is as uecessary to the blacks as to the whites ; and there ought to be statesmanship enough in the Administration to devise a plan for the removal of this growing sore in the body politic. President Grant ha shown great political pluck on several occasions. With hia vast vrestiae he has attemoted some r - - ' w very bold thing in his peraonai adminis- t - a - - i , Whiil. w nnrai tn aaawM mm w w wieijvw w tiie President is that a little of the same ulock he shows for individuals should be BUbwn in aid of suffering States like South Carolina and Louisiana. It is enough, if neglected, to arouse suvimiu, m i. ;.. q,, r ,u xj.: - - ,e of the; I ub a ii v nnrlinn rf t Vio nmnlii nf tha Snntli I uuvi u hi .... nnn'Ji tnm r ,.a nr . . nnnrooaJ 5Uo I F " L 71 j :7 . u ' rJCW ' I l : i.-. I o l.i: sun a c i I bbsc, auu it wie nnmuncaus uut w mm a I remedy for such outrage as have become V ,i e ..t. t tn common in the boutb, the Democrat will be called forth to redress and adjust the diflieultv M uiuicuuy. Coming from nch a source, these are, a -a - i av va a l indeed, significant word. And thev but. eXP" he puuut icviiug ui tug - iiunu IU rcjjaru W the r rostrate State. A Wonderful Oil Well. The Titnaville (Penn. Herald. of Julv 23rd. thus describes a wouderfu4 oil we tus" ha just been opened : "The road leadiuer to the Parker well o t- . ir ? l .i 1 I Central --) "'e iroint the taveller observes the word no . . . . a a -T a, . I mokmg permitted here' in conspicnouss a mm m a. V l a place. After about two and a half mile ride the top of a hill ia reached, where a loud roaring noise id distinctly heard, and eighty rods farther on brings us in eight of the well, A dense fog or mist en ve lopes the derrick, engine-house and tanks, wni,e 7 one thousand person are tnere gang on the wonder ot Armstrong couuty. The derrick haa conspicuously placed upon it, in large letter. 'Boss Well and Crewell City.' "There are 250-barrel tank, one of which is full. Three dam, one below the other eatcb the drippings ; and the rivulet beyond, we are told, for ten miles a circuitous route to the Alleghany river, is covered with oil. There are two two inch pipe connected with the well, one off which is but completely off, and ont of the other news a steady stream ot oil with immense torce. Ihere is no perceptible interims- m tue Aw and aaitgushesinto one of the twelve hundred barrel tanks, the foam and spray envelope the whole surround- lnS atmosphere in a dense mist. rA trustworthy ganger informed us that hjrtad ganged the well three times since the stream was turned into the l,20fl-barrel, tank, and he found it doing 1,750 barrels, and he estimated the leak- age at least to be fifty barrel per day. He further stated that in hi opinion the well started off out of two two-inch pipes i ' i . . a mn I a 1 V 1 at me rate oi z,ouu Darreis per nay . lie I. . . - - also claimed that although this was al most incredible he believed that if the fall stream was turned on uow it would do at least 2,000 barrel. "The well i claimed to he the laigest ever struck in tha lower region. A farm - or wallrorl nn t na anA A a!l k: " 7 " ,w adjourning farm of 100 acre, for $100,- UUU, wnicn ten days ago, for farming pur- poses, would not have brought $1,000. The surveyor are at work laying out J n.ii n:- " vlcoww" J AS. LEFFEL'S l IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel. ! POOLE & 3rITJNT, Blatimore, ttaaBfactarerft far tha Stk KdSathst - i , I . 7000 now in use, working under beads varying from 2 to 240 feet ! 24 sizes, from 5f to 96 inches. The most powerful Wheel in the Mark And most economical in use of Water, Large ILLUSTRATED Pamphlet sent post free. MANUFACTURERS, ALSO, OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Babcock & Wilcox Patent Tubuloua Boiler, Ebaugh' Crusher for me Minerals. Saw and Grist Mill, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery tor White Lead Works aud Oil Mills, Shafting .Pul ley and Hanger. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Feb. 19. 1874 -6mos. MMMmSmm BBBBBn afF Lk Piedmont Air Line Railway. SSSmMmm Richmond & Danville, Eiohmond & Danville R. W.,N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. o G0NDEN8E0 TIME-TABLE. la Effect on mad after tarn da T JasSta 19 74 GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mau Exraass. Leave Charlotte .... 74 r n 846 am " Air-Line J'act'n 8.16 f 8.66 Salisbury ...... 10.44 " HM4 " "Greensboro..... 2.15 a 1.15? ' DaavUla 6 18 8 36 " " Dundee 6.36 8 48 " " Uurkevills 11.80 Arrive at Bteamoad. r a 11 04 r a QOINQ BOUT a. STATION. Mail. Express Leave Rihimnd 138 m lt.4r " BartovUle- 4.41 - 3.63 a m Dundee ......... 9.36 " 8.33 " Danville........ 9.39 8.S7 " M Greensboro '. 13.30 am 11.16 M " Salisbury.. .... 3.16 " 1.35 p m " Air-Line J'nct'n 6.16 3.60 Arrive at Charlotte... 1 6.33 am 8.66 ' going east. gonio wsst STATIONS. MaiU Maiu Leave Greeaeboro.. J S.16 a m ,Arr. U.ISp m Co Shops ? " 4.00 " a L'relOOO "Baleigli. o 8,10" 841 " Arr. at Goldboro'... 5 10.60 a m J L've 380 m NORTH XT. C. R M. ( 8alem Branch. ) STATTOV3 Mail Expres acra UICCUBUU1U ... Arrive at Salem.... 2. 00 A M 3 30 " 10 OOp a 11.30 3.00 p M 4.60r " 8.00 AM 9.45 " -i i wave naiem. Arrive at Greensboro. Passenger train tearing Raleigh at 5 41pm connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as ria other routes. Train tn Anil frnrn nAint Vast nf Ciwnihiirn connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or irom points aorw or boutn. Richmond At X w . arr loo at Rnrtavilla 1 0 .Tfi un sunaavs ivnctiDurff Accommodation cave m , leave Barkeville 4 35 a x , arrive at Rich M ' 'eave t iTT. T 0?.7 68 i ruimaa raiace ars on all nix tWMn Charlotte and Richmond, (without change) For furthertnformation address K ALLEN, Gen"l Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N C TUB TALCOT Eaxineer Jb Gen'l Snoerintendent FUBNIT URE I K J. A. CLODFELTER CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Invite attention to their stock of Cottage BedstencU French Chamber Suits, Walnut and painted Cane Seats Chairs Rocking Chairs of all descriptions, Ex tension Dining Tables of all kinds Wardrobes, Washstands, What-Notes, Sofas, Reception Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, many other ! 1 " nrtio p WAirh wo hm nrmunul ii aall ma western part wwwe 4 Be sure to call nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, next door below the Express office, see our stock and hear our prices. Our terms cash. . . a . .. a 11 V . a Special orders (made from -photographs in our office) will be supplied. A full assortment of Rosewood. Metal ie ! and Walnut Burial Cases, which can be furnish ed at 3 hours notice. March 19, 1874 ly. C F. BAKER, & CO., sell the celebrated And Cotton Kins Cook Stoves. Also, Chnrch, Parlor nd office Stovwi. and .. ant them to give perfect satisfaction. Tin, Sheet-iron dl Copper Work one at short notice and in the bestmsnner. Sept. 11, tf. Isife Insurance Company OF VIRGINIA, IfoillP fifflPfl Pptprshuro- lTo tt0me UIIW8 reWMDUrg, Va. OFFICERS. A. G. McIlwalne, .... President TJ l Ik. m .. -aa. . ' iAnui i all, .... 1st Vice Fres't. D. B. Tenxant. - - - 2nd " Sam'l B. Paul' - - Secretary & Manager Dr. R. W. Jeffery, - - Medical Director Stock Capital $S8SOOO. ORGANIZED MARCH 1871. Ratio of Assets to liabilities more than two to one. Policies issued on all desirable plans, Par ticipating and Non-participating. Lowest rates of Premium consistent with safety Reserve from premiums invested in reach oi Policy-holders everywhere. PoIiam nnn.fnr. feitable after aecond premium according to their terms, and the amount non-fbrfeitable is written in the policy in plain English, so that there can be no Misunderstanding. Restrictions only such as every sensible man will heartily endorse. The new plan called A VI XUH It R Insurance, peculiar to this (Join nan v. haa nurii. by no other lorm of insurance ; policy-holders, aa well as persona expecting to become such should examine it carefully. ' NAT. RAYMER, Newton, N. C. General A cent Western N. f!. J. W. Manney, Local N C March 19, 1874 ly. Agent, Salisbury. ' TAHT 1X7 If A TTVn-W JUlliN VY. MAU INrjY, 7 Atrorney at Law, D A T rozTTXir r rt a A-a. . . Special Attention given to Collection Office in Court House. March 5, 1874. ly. 1 'j Cheap Chattel es. and various other blanks for sale mW ftaT Mortxrac h THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWNG MACHINE. We claim and can show that It lathe CHSA rr. most beautiful delicately arranged, wcely adjusted, easily operated, and smoothly running fn tk Vatnii. Ha.inc Machines. It is re markable not only for the range and variety of . a - m S J Am aaWaal its sewing, but also for the vaneiy uiu uiucc. kinds of texture which it will eew with equal facility and perfection, using silk twist, linen or luakinc the INTER LOCK ED-EL A STIC-ST ITCH, alike on both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus, beaver cloth, or leather, maw Vw aawn will, sraat Rtrenffth iinU Utllformi t V nfatiff.), and in a moment. UlU Willing Slid never-wearying instrument may be adjusted for Ana arnrlr m a,n Ar crnaanmer tissue. Ol U1C tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almoatany other work which delicate fingers have been known to perform. And with its simplicity of construction; of precise action at any speed; capacity for range and Tanety of work, fine or coarse leaving all rivals behind it. We with pleasure refer the public to the Gold and Bronze Medala and Diplomas awarded to our Machines in America, Prussia, England, and recently in Austria at the fcxposiuon in uemii, where we were awarded five Medals, Merit, Pro gress, and three for articles manufactured on our Machines. But it gives us much greater pleasure, to present to the public the sworn returns of aie, (to which any one can have recess) of the difier snt Manufacturers of Machines, for the last four vears, made to the receiver appointed by the owners of valuable 8ewing Machine Patents, and which shews the precise number of machinea sold by each Company. 1869 1870 1871 1872 Morer mnorscttaf 0., 86.T81 1W.S3W 12 819 TM Wherler A Wilton do kjwo iwjw ""; Howe MacMn Co., 45,000 'irovs A Eker Sswtng MchloeCo., S5,1CS Domestte S Ing tlo Weel tw'ttg do 1387 Wilcox A Olbbs lo lTOl 84,010 14&.0C0 57.409 M.8S8 1091 sa.aea 8ti.m 21.153 59.010 4964 49 444 8S90 SOU 8S.6S9 Ss.ftCo Wilson lo Amerioa" Button-Hole Over earning Machine CV, 7.7M 14.M8 11,060 90.191 18 .va 1&.947 18,90 IS S9T Oold Medal do Florence do B. P. Howe do Viet r do Oavle - do Blea -do Remlnrton Fmplre do J. K. Brannsdorf do Ket atone 1 Bartlett, Reversible do 13C1 15 79 147 11.901 11 46T 11JI7 CU5 4? 4,262 2, 665 1,000 1.000 496 490 614 1,004 S0.051 !, 4790 4 an 2.905 2,064 fM) ?H 147 194 Bartram A Fanton do r .'o do do do do t do do do 811 Ori. inal Howe Finklc A Lyon A-U viiplle Krat Ire Parham J. O. Folron M'Kay C. P. Thmison 1 59 4.MS 8 700 1,141 9 4 6 S0 8 ."40 l,Tr l 100 Union Button-Ho't do Laoavitt do 771 The reader will al note that although it is a . , charsred that Sewing Machines are sold at en- A 4 A BBaaaVSSaavaaSI issasslaaTynr BeAvfVH m. Ml Its SaWaa a ia fjSwtKi gflHS3aSS9M Br im amMHaalpVnS L7 M Lw O'taarrUVBrlBaa m. mW' , ormously high prices, yet he will see that sever cheap , fi f i t fl :n pxUtetu'e have failed or abandoned an ampro6table business. We reapectfully solicit a call from all parties (iesiriniT a 6rst class Sewing Machine. At our Store near the Public Square will be found the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tucking, Cording, Ruffling, &c. Also Bilk, 'Linen, and Cotton Threads, Needles, Oil, &c. linger Manufacturing Co., JOHN A. RAMSAY, Oct. 2-tf. Agent. SE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Coantrr I $50,000 IN VA1.UAEIE 00 I ! 10 BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. 8INE 8 168th REGULAR MONTHLY Gift Enterprise. To be draicn Monday, Aug. 0th 1874 ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, OF 15,000 IN GOLD 1 Two prises $1,000) Five prizes $o00 Kach in UKElMjAIKS. Five prizes $100 ) One Family Carriage and Matched Horses with Silver-rnounted Harness, worth $1,500! 1 Horse & Buggy, with Silver-mounted Har ness, worth 600. I ne Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth $550 ! I Five Family Sewing Machines, - - worth 9 1 uu each ! 750 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all) worth from $20 to $300 each ! Gold Chains, Silver-ware. Jewelry 6c., &c. Number of Gifts, 6,000. Tickets Limited to 50,000. AGENTS WANTED to 8ell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 : Six Tickets $5 ; Twelve Tickets $10 Twenty-five Tickets $20. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the in an n er of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All let ters must be addressed to main office, Li, V. nils h,, Box So. 101 W. Fifth gt. CIBTCIKHATl. O. BUCK EYE BEE HIVE. Having purchased the right to manufacture the Bock Ere Bee Hive for the counties of Rowan, Stanly, Cabarrus, Iredell, Catawba and Davie. I am prepared to fill orders and sell in hese counties this valuable and improved Hive. I will sell farmers rights, when they will make I club of five, at ten dollars a right. I will I i 1 m . . li. . asav men jownanip rignia ou leawuauie terms. Nearly Every body thai examines it bays one. It will more than pay for itself in one year. Al1 weaakia a triaL Uome and examine the Hive for jounselve. and be convinced, Manufactory on East Corner of Lee A Coun sel street, near the Depot. HENRY CAUBLE. April 9, 1874 6mos. Blactier ui BSlwl Attorneys, ounsellors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C WFTtNTES?m January 22 1874 tf. RA0WAVS ready relief CURES THE WORST PATH'S In "from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR SUFFER with faix. BADWar READY RELIEF 18 A CURB FOB BVBBT FAIX. It was the fin an hi Tlio Only Pain tnat bwtaatlr the exernclaUa pain. alUre and ci r ot La n ca. r mm SSUcmttoa. IX FROM OX TO TW BXT1 X1XU 1MB. no alter how violent or (xeraeiaUaf the mIb the KHKVMATlc. iteo-nootn, iiinrm. onppiea. Bvmnl&m, or nrnKrated wtth omosss mtrnf shr. R ADWA Y'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD IX8TAKT 1 IXFLAJtXATIOX OF TUB KIOKBTB IRFLAM NATION OF TfTB BLADDXR. IXFLABTXATIOX OF THB BuWRIA COXOKSTIOX OF TBI LUKQB SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT RBBATH1KQ PALPITATION OF TUB HEART. HTSTERIC8, CR3UF, Dl ITH B RI A C AT ABB H, I X FLUEXXA. HEADACHE, TOOTH ACHB NBLBALOIA, BHECXATISX. COLO CHILLS, AUVB 1 HILUl the appUcattoa or the Bleay Xllrto the part or parts waere tue pan or aiwcnujr exjau wiu i and uomiirt. Tw.my drops la half t ambler of water will taaSrw mombS care CRAMPS SPASMS, BOHR STOMACH, BARTRt'RR, SICK ORA DACHE, DlARBHOBA. UlHKnTBKT. IH1) lit I OA KJWIU, and all INTERNAL PAINS, Travelers ehoaM alwara carry a bottle of Pahfj wty'i Redy Keller with thess. A few firiaa la a mar will prevent aickaeea or paiaa freni ehaaae of It la better than French Brandy or Bluer as a alimulaut FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER ART) AOUE cored for fifty cent. There it mmt a reaeadlal aceat ht UUs world Uaai will tmrm Fever and Aaue, and all other Malerleee, Bllooa. ScarU-i, RaeaTTellow. and other Pvvrrs (ahld bv RAD. WA Y PILUSl M quirk mm RAO WAY k aSUST UM. Uar. Fifty cenu per botUe. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STBORO A WD MTW RICH BlifXlD TrR A tCK Or KLESH AND WKIOIIT-4?l,EAB KKIK AXD BXAUTirVL. COMl'LEXlOM SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S Sampanllian Mait THS GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADS TIIE MOST AKTOXI8RTWa rrRES: SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE TIIE HANUKrt, TUB UUDT 0MOKB4M)Ea, UNDKR THE ISKI.I FN. K or TUIS TBCLY WoNOEBKCL MEDICINE. THAT Every Day an Increase ia M anil f eiiit is Ssen anil Fell Evorr drop of the SARSATARILLIA W BKSOL VENT coiauiunicatri through the Blood, Sweat. Urine, anil other Kluids and juk-ea ml the system the vise " life, for It repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Srrotula. 8vphi!U, Comuiinpllnn, Olandnlar HbH-nne, L'lcrrs Is the throat. Mouth. Tu mors. Nodes in the GUudMand other -arri.i the y(nn. Sore Eyca, Strutnoru:-.. disclianrra Irom Ibr Ear and the worst forms ot Rain diea-. Eraptlona, Kver Sores, Scald llead, CIiik Worm. Halt Rhi-utn. Rryiels. Acne, Black Spots, Worms In the Klcsh. Tumor. Can cers in tbo Womb, and all weaarnlnr and pamral dbv ebarees. Night Swcav. I.o-ar.r Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, arc within the curative range ot this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few eave aa win I prove to any person unlit- uror either ol Uice dieanc iu Dount iwwcr to cure thcat. If the i ntlcnt, ilaily hccomlnrr reduced bv the i and decomposition that is continually prov rising. HK-o-vds in arreatiinr thee waste, and repair the same with new raaL-rUl t.ia.lo from hcattbv blond and this tha SAILSAI'ARILLIAN will aiHt doe secare a euro la certain; for when once this remedy comimnees Its work of periflcatloti, and sticceds.ln dfantuUblne ' be loss of wates, in repairs will be rapid, and every day thu patient will tcvl himself irr.w ina oelte and cronaer, the food digesting bf iter, appetite improvlug, attd flvh anJ weight lncrt:aing. Not only does the Kuirom.i.us RasoLTSjrr exeel sll known remedial agent iu the euro of Chronic, ticro fuloaa. c..n:liuiiono!, aud SlUu diaeajee; tmt tt m Use only Mjaitlc cure for KUliiey C Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb dlwasaa. Gravel. Dtabcte. Dmnsv, Bteamm of Water, Ioewtitlticneeul i'rine. Btitthi's Da tnK, Albuinltiurla, and la all cases where there are brick dust deposits, or l ha water U thick, cloud t . in. zed with sabtaiKcs like the white of an en, or threads tike whitu silk, or tbrre ht a morbid, dark, bi'oou appear, ance, ami while UHic-dust deptaUts, aial wbuu Un re la a prkrking, burning a natbm when paarmc water, and ).a.u lu tlu biuaU wf the Hack aud alutia the Luiua. Tumor of l'S Years Growth Cured by llmlway's Reolccnt. DR. RADWAY'S PerfetPnrptive&ReplatiiPilis perfectly taatelea. rleganny coated with sweet gttnt, purge, nwulate. pnrilv, cleans) and trrush. n. Bad way's Pill, for the cure of all dkairder of the Stnmach. l.lv. r. MowcU, Kktaays, H ladder. Mervooe inaaawea. Headache. Coustlpatlon, C li r r uess , ln4lgal ia. Dye prpaia, Blllnnm . Billon Kevr r. Inflammation of taw MwweK Piles, and all Derangeinrnu of the Interned Vacara. Warrmnted to effect a po-ttlve earn. Purclv Vegetable, containing uo usercury , lauoaraUordeieieri ous drugs. A fewdoaea of R VDWAT-S TILLS will free the svs, tem from all tlks above tuiuicl dirdurs. Price, S&oemts nar Boa. BOLD BT UKUGi.lKT 9 BEAD " FALBB AND TELE. ' Send ot tarns to BADWAT A CO.. No. U Warren retreat Bt Bw wlUbeaent yoo. York tnforuiailon worth Iron in the Blood aBBsWKftWi MAKES THE WEAK STROKG. The Peruvian Snrttp, a Protect ed Solution of Vie Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an tdintvut. as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the si moled, food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own YiUdiziny Agent. Iron in the blood, and cures athou3and ills," simply by Toning up, Invigorating ami ) 'italizing the System, Tlic eu -rielied ami ciUdlzexl blood per meates every purl of the body, repairing damages and waste searching out morbid secre tions, ami leaving nothing fo disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing lyner.sia, Liv&r Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills mid Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitution:.! Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all disease originating in a bad state of the btitod, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system, lielng free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by correspomllny reac tion, InU are. permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, ami new life into all parts of tho eyntem, end building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been cliangcil by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffer inn crea tures, to strong, licaluiy, and happy men and women ; ami invalids cannot reasonably lics-itate-to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU V1AN SYRUP blown in the glass. PainyhloU Free. SETH W. F0WLE & SONS, Proprietor. OLD BT DatCGISTS CEMZftAI.LT. Land Deeds, Trustee Dee Commissioner's Deeds, Sheriff Deeds. Chattel Mortgages, &c For bale at this o flier Dr. J. Walker's California Yin egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the na tive herb found on the low or range of the Sierra Nevada mountain of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted "thct efroiu without the me of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked. " What is the cause of the unpnnilleletl success of Vixbgab Bit TEiLst" Our answer I, thnt they remove the cause of disease, and tbo patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigoratur of tha system. Never before in the history of the world ha a medic. oe bean compounded nuaaeairlng tha remsritahls qualities of Vixkcab Uittbss in h atck of every disea is man Is heir to, are a fratle Purjrative aa veil aa a Tonic, relieving Coureation or Inflammarkm of the urcr ana uccrai urrans in rimoos Disease The proporties of Pa. WAunesfs Tibbqab tJiTTKB are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Canniuatire, Nntritioaa, Laxatire, Diuretie, Sedative, Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Aitera tivs. aqd A at i-Bilious. I Ursteful Thousands proclaim Va boaji BiTTEiis the most m-onuerful In rigonmt that erer sustained tn sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones arc uot de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Biiioos. Remittent and Inter mittent levers, which are so preva lent In tho valleys of our groat rirer throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, luo Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our cntiro country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the ctomach aud liter, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tbo purposo equal to Dir. T. Walker's Vixegar ftirrEits, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid inattcr with which tho bowols arc loaded, at tho samo time stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, aud generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestivo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purify ing all its fluid with Yixxoar Bitters. Ko epidemic can tako hold of a system thus furc-arniod. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Tlead ache, ram in the shoulders, CourIis, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach. Bad Tasto in tho Mouth. Bilious Attacks, J'alpita tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Tain in the region of tho Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, ore tho onsprings of Dyspepsix One bottle will prove a better guarantee of jts merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White SwtUiuga, Ulcers, Brjaipdaa, Swelled Keck, Goitre, Scrofulous luQaminaiioat, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sere Eyes, etc In these, as in all other cvustitutkmal Dis eases, AValki k's Vibboab Hitters have shown their great curative power ia the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Billons, Remit tent and Iotcrmittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitters hare no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. sfechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such a 1'luuibera, Type-setters, Gold beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are sabject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Waixsa'a Vis ecab Bitters occasioualiy. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literacy dug op and earned out of tha system in a abort time by the as of these Bitters. riii. Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Ho system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an theiminiUcs will free the system from worms UK tnese Uitters. For Female Complaints, In young or eld, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the tarn of life, these Tocue Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its imparities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins ; cleanse it when it ia foul ; your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system win follow. a. h. afcDon ald a co.. and Gee. Act San Francisco California. as wsMuafioa ana caarnea mv, a. x. ny an urngguti EVENING CRESCENT, A ConacrrtiTc Dally Paper. RALEIGH N. C. Reiable, High-Toned. Courteous J. S. HAMPTON. r r BBBBBBBBBBBBS I TERMS CASH : Daily $5.00 for six months ; 2.20 for three months : 50 cent tor one month Clubs of Ud $47,00. THE WEEKLY CRESCENT. ' A Paper for the ramily One year$1.50 ; Six month 75 cent ; Three months 40 cents. Clubs of Fire 97: $1340 : Twenty $23.00 ; Twenty-five 27 Thirty $30 W Address J . HAMPTON, Pmprietor. Raleigh, N MEDICAL o TEIUMPH Dr. D. S. PERR1 VEGETABLE A ROM A lie BITTERS Bitters avail wl. f iL. a Th.r I. r,nlL:u 1:1 .1 -J va HK aa.a miami 11 aC latCtB JDC equal to them under trteaan. They weak, invigorate taa lastwe, aad ftw mrm ssa ship load of CjilailBi Pwwedaaa sad adU. are eapectally adapted to so Deri as Dyspopia, Liver Co plnints. Cosiirene ML Weaulria, the ChiUs To Delicate Female, old or especially adapted to sax. IVarTOBwaBBs. and General Daaal charm of HEAR WHAT 18 SAID. nA HEAR WHAT IB SAID. HEAR WHAT IS SAID at: 7ms "Wonderful effect hare resulted Dr. PsaBY'sjBitienL"' 'My Chills are gooe. I can kardlf it. Nothing like tSem here." ! endoa affidavit of ray 1 b4fcs to to conviasM yum of Use -sorely taejr are Um moat tonic in the world." delightful wis "Dr. Wilson aava thai roe are a ssUia ttsaw faCtoC." "Hurrah ! No more Rheumatism." "No more headache, ihaadu to yoau" We could fill this paper tt per twice over whkjajt r pa red under the astwr Mesaaer of theRr vai such genuine extracts, Dc. i nir Hitlers are prei vision of D. 8. Perry, Me College of Physician and of thaBovai m England, and of Uie Medical Clinic of CMaagrV All order should be addresawd to PERRY AROMATIC BITTER CO NEW YORK, U. a The Bitter are aold cither by taw bottle or Case at $1 per bottle. Parties in sending letters for advice as u their diaaea-es will confer quite a Bator by Br ing name of County aa well as Town where thev beaide. It will save us a wonderful araomrt af time and annoyance if this will be observed. Dr. E. PERKY AROMATIC BITTER COM PA NY. GREAT FAMILY Dr. GB.EEN S PIT CURE ! The Great Remedy for Epilpty, Cam Pita, SpsUsBss, Con visions and Nervous Wake fulness, acts promptly, often arn eating- the Fits from the nrst day's use, even where they hare existed for years. COMPOUND EX. COR YD AXIS! The Great Vegetable AlUratiTe, Care Scrofula, NecondarV Svi.hnlis, ErMptionsoa the a 9 a aa a a . sain, ana an uiaoaaes aristog irom MEDICATED H0HEY. A Sorcreigti Raim for Courtis Colds. chiton, Asthma, and all dieae of the air-pas sages and Ltinga. By it timely am maBJ sup posed cases of Consumption ars promptly re lieved and the Longs restored to health. NEURALGIA SPECIFIC 1 A prompt, positive and permanent relief far the eacrociating pains of Neuralgia, tiin and ?v-ialica. FoSale by T. P. ; ; Prepared only by Dr. GREER, LINDLEY & CHARLOTTE 2i. V. Nor.S, 1 173. 1 v. KEARNEYS FLUID EXTRACT BUI The onlf known ssedy for BRIGT'S DLlil And a poaitiwe reiedy foe GOVT, U RAVEL, STRIlTL'RES, DUBI TES, DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUS DEBILITY DROPSY, .Von -retention or Ipcuotiase.ee of Uiiae, batta lion. Intimation or t 'ksistiss of the BLADDER & KIDNEYS, 8PERM ATORRHOZA, Ieocorrhra or Whiles, DUaaaws of the OUnd, Stone, in the Bladder, Col cuius (J ravel or Brick duat LVpoaat cus or Milky Discharges. KEARNKY'S EXTRACT BUCHU Permanent 1 v Cure all Daseaawe at the BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND DROPfflClL RWELUNCJ8, Existing in Meat, Wosnen ami Ohiasss, I7NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE I Prof. Steele says : "One bottle of Kawrwey's Fluid Extract Roche is worth mere than all other Buchua combined." Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six far Five Dollars. Sold by a R BARKER 4 CO. Depot, 104 Duane St., N. Ymt A rhvsuian in attendance to pondence and gitre advice gratis Send stamp fur l'amphl -TO TH1 E Nervous and Delilitatei OF ROTH 8EXK8. No Charge for Advice and Da. J. B. Dtott, rraduate Jederaoa College, Huldelphia, suthorof works, can be consulted on all Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which an especial stud v) either in male or matter from what cause orieinalirw or of long Ktanding. A practice of 30 years him to treat diseases with aajeoass. guaranteed. Charges reason at distance can forward letter describing and enclosing stamp to prepay poatage. Mud lor the (VesoV to Health, rrsee m J. B. DYOTT. m. d. Physician aad Surgeon, 104 Pawns ft. R- Y ii m ,am. .a reo. o ioe u CRAIGE & CRAiqt ATTORNEYS Al LAW. AID Solicitors in Bankrivtri- 17 Special attention paid to n Baukraptcy. Sept. 5,-51 : tuaauua. rlisea Bcauar is lasat LaWBUnde. Want of A r,r-,f.. itr, all .Tteld k Bhe 'sBask inetimabU lUuaia. .mMtm H RD W AKE. When tou want Hardware at W figures, eafl on the undersigned at " Granite Row. D. A. ATWaUJ Salisbury, N C.,May 1-tf. Tata 50 I1U II Sail X k A . AA J 1 vataaaw A H. BLAiBe.Br. Lows, Mo. Nor. 6 le7S-tl KBxch 15,1574-1 a" kiai&sfiL

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