, - naa in aa nnai Iners appointee, for Deputy Sheriff., .iMiali Tb Mr. D A. Davp authorized tMAiiifcnMiii aaaadrnan "anas Wl Inspector forth. Cncliiia HJatcljiiiaii ft ALluBURY THURSDAY RKPTBM Hh. Alexander H. 8pPI, of G, has been renominated for Cong teas. The Charlotte papers say the Methodists of that city are remodeling the par It It pleasant to see that the glif fopU jo ind time occasion j something for the comfort of Omit ud kit Attorney General, Wil- bave ordered the Secretary of War troops at various point in the ostensibly to preserve order and war o races, bet r ally to ra the white and carry the election fur the Rods, if possible. The while every where vote or ii ,)d rote Radicalism arid all its candidal. that made failure almost certain from the start. The saaibiri of the foghdators of that pajjed TfT I CoavaatSo but agreeing to nx weir pay at aava ey proceeded to discus, the kept it up until the last hours of tie Session, when they rushed through a bill submitting the to the people by less than a two-thirds . . - a IMi JLJ vote. The blundering, weaanees, siupiaity, ex- hibited by that body in this matter la a precedent At time when there aa the propriety of the It waa known that it would be opposed on the grounds of illegality, when it that hundreds and thousands of voters would be intimidated and driven from the palls he the threats of ialsi for sore fey the were grave the project with the ey idence of its fol- the yolitithma nrged the call for a Convention. How, when times are most fa tor able, have the requisite two-thirds majority, whoa is no danger of every prospect hi good for would be leaders say that we must not call a rrniTMilinn ! that a HAVE WE A DICTATOR P will get dkr untied and will not vote with us Tk. i. aa .. t ft-.. ;.. I anr more, if w do. Such extreme dmnterest- m. p m ik u iiaiiucu M v mtm warn mtmmvt- I w . . r U tmAn. fn tb South in ntter MM aUlI P" 01 POUIII OWSl SIMM give the above q nest ion some licence, aa it very naturally presents fceetf to every thinking man in this conn try. There ha been no demand made fuse to call a Convention, let the people hold eon Grant in the reeular orleral and eon- hir meeting throughout the Stale and atitnttstnal vol at tho inatancA of a I deUlS a. . , ' i . . 1 The Legislature is chosen to do whatever it ori o j Bd to he necessary to advance the public Patterson, of 8. C, and Spencer and weltre and general interest of the State and Bay, of Ala, he at once atone orders j people: it amounts to nothing therefore that the throng hi tool, Attorney Gen. Williams, Convention question was not discussed in the to the Secretary of war to bare troop hun campaign. Will it promote the public in distributed through the 8outh. Can Is tbnm preanng innm o BT These Preaident utterly ignore the laws of the m lhe quBUo" for W with impunity f If so, is there any Jacobs was appointed Bridge i ulng year. Jason Hunt, Bobt. A C Kluttx, and J. W. n " were granted license to retail spiritu ous liquors hi the town of Salisbury, The following persons were dfewa to serve aa Jarorathariaw the iratand Mnd weeks of the next Supreme Court : JTIE8T WE. lS.8.Trott. If J.Frank David L. Boatiaa, 99 Josepb Lyerly, Noah Lewis, 21 John Mowery, (col.) R. Y. Basinger, 22 William A. Caoble, J. A. Kluttx, 23 Alex Shem well, , 84 John Cauble, hat excite the contempt of the people. Let them therefor repudiate the counsels of the , and if, the incoming Legislature re i - Caleb A. Jesse Ba. J. A. 98 Charles Waller, 9 8W. Mclaughlin, 27 John H 18 Phihw Netsoe, 28 Stephen C. 12 Mi las Miirer, 13 J.C Barnhardt, 14 Dayid Hampton, 15 Paul M. Barringe 18 W. W. Fraley, 17 W. F. Watson, 18 James Eller. 90 Jacob KlnttoT 31 Osborne Holsbouser, 32 S. S.Culbertson, 33 David C Parker, 94 Chai Is Lycriy, 3.5 R. F. Graham, Jr., 36 John Carson. SECOND WEEK. 1 John E. Jam won, 10 John A. Campbell, 2 J. M. Trexler, 11 John Coon, 9 Richard W. Gardner.l 2 Lewis Jacobs, 4 Jacob Brown, Sr., IS W ilson Trott, 8 Beaten J. Holmes, 14 Geo. W. Thomason, 6 Benjamin Knox, 15 E. R. Black welder, 7 G. M. Barnhardt 16 Harvev M. Sssssmsi 8 Jacob Trexler, 17 Jesse k huts, 9 Crusoe Earnhart, 19 Amos Leaser, (col.) wonder that private citizens do 1 The GF If the next L. gislature refuses to ecret of all our troubles is the disregard call a Convention to i e mod el the Gonsti hewn for the fow by those in high places, lotion, to do away with the burden fixed Let the people understand that office hoU upon the Stole by Radical misrule to ders and even President are required to obey give us oar old cherished form of cheap the laws and it will inspire confidence and State and county government it will promote peace. As the matter now stands simply be an admission by that body and Grant ia virtually a dictator, or at least, of the Conservative party, that what the he act the part of one. He know no Radical Party has done t all right and soar except his own will, and the exer- proper aa 8hould now be submitted to. of this has alone given him the right it wffl be a confession that the denuncia- send Federal soldiers South. t,.n nr Radicalism and ha crimes hv the Conservative leaders van all hosh done We can not imagine any thine more L i u i " lor uuwcuuiui:, ttou in. ii ioc main un txuuu . 1 . I . . r 1 eomempuP.e tn;m me irneai.ng or news- to Radicali8in ana its acta was and is that paper to mere party dictation, unless it tbe office were filled by Rads and not no ine enaorsauon ana ecnoing ny toem Conaervatives : That any sort of laws or of the .illy utterances of so-called promi- Constitution will do if only Conservative, nent mcn or self-constituted Statesmen ; f the offiee8 and 8nck Urn govern- i c una, oecomc common in some sec- , oaboiom What a confession ! What tion. to charge treason and eorrnption an outrage npon lhe j,one8t intelligence of pa. any editor who ha th independence the Coantry j Ho w Con wrvati ve to bum party .hackle, and disregard the party fuIfi ig promiae8 to lLe dictate of party hacks, when such eem vitfaoQt . df rhaDge ia tbe org8nic io.iann:n me way oi ms milUmfYammt.Hw public. There is no slavery so degrading clmnged before u.t of 8? by ny a that exacted by party, -no subservieo. mctbod e t tb b Coovcntloo. j . ? m r cj.ou.seusi.ng as nuoxeyHn-ioaay.nr gy, Wft .d ,be of a. . 1 I to woaio oe leaaert ana cringing to uie fc dolC even tb6n by tbe doubtful Lcgil r w I . . a in a . a a - " neo tive mode 1 or shall we call a ConvenUon a A 1 a I (t oecomes me mere s poxes man or i j . :. j ,i.. ,i u party and the supple tool of those few miiv baTe .peedy telief ? The people ma.t w.re pullers who assume to control that have the promised, needed, relief and that party's diastiuy, it will be time to blot it w tbe Oonmtliwe party from the face of the earth : H will have mQgt ppre assume the responsibility . J: t . o. come too nrgmoen ana onsoq.uous to. f . tbe crime8 RicnlUm since the " onCe Mr' denvralixing aflopiioB of the present Coo.titnlion. agent of the moat hideou. type. The man Thftre u 8birkine lb;8 resnonsibilhy if to edit a newspaper should onp Mrtv wi,Hll-,- i:M j... in t)M, Ai. enough M speak hi mind , , onietlv submits to the wronea LI. I !.! . Jl 11 I n. nones, eono-, regnrnnn. m 1 aR4 boroVas that have been imposed upon ROWAN COUNTY COTOOXL. Delegates from nine of tbe tea different Orange in thi County, convened at tbe room of Oak Forest, No. 295, Saturday morning last, far the purpose of organiz ing a County Council. W. M. Kineaid, Esq., was called to preside, and Mr. Tho. Watson fficiated as Secretary. The first business in order was the election of officer, which consumed the forepart of the day, and resulted a fol lows . Wm. H. Crawford, Master. 8. R. Clarke, Overseer. T. U. Webb, Steward. J Q. Fleming, Assistant Steward. H. C. Bost, Lecturer. Rxv. Wilson Kimball, Chaplain. John K. Graham, Treasurer. T. C. WatiK)N, Secretary. 6. A. Bargeu, Gate-keeper. Mrs. J.. C Linn, Ceres. Mrs. S. C. Miller, Pomona. Mrs. M. J. Graham, Flora. Mrs. H. C. Bost, Lady Ass't. Steward A recess of one hour whs then given. and tbe delegates, together with a number of visitor, were invited to partake of a bountiful dinner, spread on benches under the shade of the noble old oaks which adorn the grounds. The feast was got up in picnic style, exceedingly varied, rich, refreshing and abundant. All were served ; and the free and easy enjoyment of the company during this hour was a feature of exquisit pleasure. At a signal the driegalr returned to the Grange room and reeumed bosinevs. A Committee of nine, one from each Grange, was appointed to prepare a Constitution and By law for tbe Council. Duriug their absence on this business, various abject engaged the attention of other members. Mr. J. K. Graham submitted tbe ques tion of direct Importation at Peruvian American K unday s7 shWW ananna-wsnw g Thi institution, so favorably fnown throughout the 1-ngth and breadth of our country a a Sunday School Missionary agency, devoted tuitbe gr-ai work of pleat ing Bible srhoola in destitute eettuas, and suppnn.eo.tii.; the efforts of each a are striving to -xrt a more exU"Ud-1 i tor good, has entered upon iu ailietn y ofsoeewful laln.rs. With its Mission e-xtendine from Maine to Oregon, frow florida to. California, and from the Gulf to the Lakes, it is gratifying to knew thai far hsd cennsry. under the blessing of God, the Society ha steadily eeouraaiua results, a clearly show the wi-dom and adapution of the plans and purposes of iu organisation. Whb a basis of oummb. ia harmony with the great truth of .Protectant chnstiaaity, aad with a literatur? unbiased by secUrian ism. w readily tea that to d$semmat trip to re knowledge among the children and youth of hnf mswliu. trith a view to their eternal m. is the one great object contempla ted by this- time -hnared aad heaven favor ed missionary enterprise . A retrospective glance will enable us to realise more fully the magnitude aad impor tance of the work. Fifty years ago, the population of the United State waa net quite ten millions ; u.w it hv. about forty millions. Then ft was estimated that one hundred and twamty-Mvea thousand pupils were enrolled in Bible schools ; now there are over five nulliouj more than one-half of this number hating bees ga'hered in through the agency rf lhe Sunday School Union, wh' se missionaries bar planted over fifty thousand Bible schools out of which have grou u more than two thousand eh arches of evangelical faith order, thus opening springs in the desert, aud providing wells of water in the wilderness, causing the solitary place to be glad for. them, arid the desert to rejoice aad blossom - a the rose. With a hearty eudoraemeiit uf the same, we are pleased to present. In thi connection, a few "words of delight" from some f oar country's sot OJueei divine and jur ists Chief Justice Marshall. (Episcopal.) "No man estimate more highly than I do the real worth of the American Sunday School Union, or tie intrinsic value of tbe objects it pursues. I am much, very much gratified at the sneeess which has thus far attended its philanthropic and .well directed labors NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC NOTICE. Salisbury sars A Mend writing from Tour sweat, Silvana. is hem wtah hia I have no agent aad I am not ranjo fhfs for any man's show. J- H . MILLS. Sap, of the Orphan Asylum, at Oiford. X. C. TAYLORWG ESTABU I take thi method of laformiac my old friend and patron that I have returned to Salisbury, and opened a shop on Main street is tab buildiagbelow Jobs SahVr. ap stairs, to ao work aa eh p aa as ami! a tteau be aoae ta the State, tor eaab or bar tar. Call aad see me. JOHN A. STOCKTON. Sept. 10, 1774 6mo. State of North Carolina Row ah CocnTT n rat Svramioa Oowbt. Thomas P. Johwstob, The Georgia Home I i To the Sheriff ol Rowan County Greeting . Tea are hereby commanded to the summon Georgia Home Insurance Company the defendan t aoo v e named, if it be found within your County, to be and appear before the Judge of our ttootrior Court, to he held of Rowan .at the Court- House iu Salisbury en the 4th Monday after the 3rd Monday in September, ! 8T4, and answer the complaint which will be aepuaito ia the office of the Clerk of ta 8uperior Court f said County, within the first days of the next Term tncreol ; and let tbe said Defendant take notice that if bo fhilb to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will take judg ment against it- for the sum of six hundred dollars, with interest on the same from tb 10th day of Lseeember. 1874. Herein fail not. aud of this Summons make dee return. Given under my band and seal of the Court. tuts vtft day of September 1874. J. M. HOKAH Clerk f the Superior Conrt of Rowsa Coud- ty. Sept. 1874 a II be i fit to ti tJ J ll -A .LI! ,.,.... v.ea. on . maeru ee Uiem or to remove them. 11 I . 1.- .t.l-J L 1 wm-y. g -nimeu as mnco Tb- mrrnmtmi tkat :t tt Uernedient to mrigbt a the mere politician, offiee-bneter, a ConveuUol fcecnaae pebanee a tjf Jj or fouce rider ; and be should few ,mm. wd nefroeg might ODpa-e view, without fear aud without special re- U h iHf and wiU be ao gardforany particular creed, or the opinions reamrded by tbe people. Why slionld of anv so-called leader. Not onlv we. ha those who voted with us leat A nana t rafuaa the people have begun to entertain a L vote withna an tlmCanventionmstloI 0r Satnrday, Sept. 19th. for tbe so-called lead, i . hxpen- . , , 'Z . - ' : . " "' VM A Uommrttee was appointed ta taught ns end tlu a The consideration of the subject was de ferred for the present. Messrs. E. E. Phillips, J. F. E. Brown, aad Jas. Harrieon, were elected aa mem ber of the Executive Committee. By election, tbe nest regular meeting of the Council will be held at Franklin I hope and believe that the future will not form a contrast with the past." Rev. Wm. S Plumer. D. D. (Presbyter ian :) . "When I contemplate the great work al ready done by 'The, American Sunday School Uuion.'-1 am hlled with wonder. I deser ves universal support." Hev. Kichard Fuller. D. D Baptist.) "Where is tbe pastor who has not felt the grail accession of power which he derives from the American Sunday School Union ? Where is the church that does not bless G d for it ? Where is the christian hat does u t thank God for such an institution ?" Chief-Justice Chas. (Methodist.) in taking the chair at the Society's anniversary, iu 1856. said : "My profound sympathy with the work of tbe boc.ety brought me here ; what it has done iu.the past eaunot begin to measure what is before it iu the future" Here in North troliua, the result . f this Mission work speak oiu for themselves. For the pat six years the Rev. G. S. Jones. extensively known iu the Stat as a success ful worker iu the Sunday School Miosiou department, has deviated his time to the cause in many destitute sect ions, and we are fr-t ified to team tl at over f.ur huu In d abhiUh Schoo'a hvt been planted, visite 1 or otherwise aided through his agency. By the blessing of the Lord, the seed sowiug has bee followed by refreshing shower of di vine grace on the hearts of huudreds of chil dren brought to a knowledge of the truth as it is iu Jesus, and several churches have grt'WU out of this pi on .leer work. In many places where, a few years ago. aehouls where organised in old dilapidated school house, we may now see comfortable buildings erec ted, pleasing exponents of the everlasting effects produced by these enlightening in fluences. Truly, --the entrance ofThy word giv-th light." To establish and aid in sustaining a Bible sshool ia every community wheie denomi national effort is inoperative, and encourage all the religious element to set to work for die honor of God and the good of humanity, is certainly an. enterprise richly deserving the sympathies and generous support of every christian, patriot, and advocate of home evangelisation, may this jubilee year of the Society be crowned with abundant success. Since the 1st of March, in the eastern part of the State. Mr. Jones Juts organised, aad aided, over seventy schools Henderson Ad- aaaaaaf? ..BsHaaV E:Tt ' I BBnanasSa WW A BEAUTIFUL METALIC GRAYS C 6 T E BUG. Is now offered to every one Interested in beautifying and protecting the graves their deceased relative.. ' ' They are made in four sine, with a variety of styles, ranging ha price to $60, according to sine and style. Can he painted aay color desired. galvaaiaed to suit the taste of purchasers. A galvanrard plate, eontaiuiBg inscription parties desire, ie furnished with eaah ssaand ret choree. TH S HANDSOME DECORATION is esn.red af ach prices as to place ic within reach of all. W invite the efchjeas mid public generally to call and examine for themselves. Specimen can be seen at J. A. Kumsay s office. 0. PLTLBR, Afentv If- C Auf. t&Hef- - ATTENTION FARMERS We have torn different varieties of North- Seed wheat fur Sale, cheap. Call a. BEPNH ARDT A SONS. (1 mo.) Store Hsue (or Bal U suiwiDt JAS. LEFFELS Z IMPROVED DOUBL1 Turbin Water Wheel. A GRAND OIFTCOXC ERT f will be given in the Cltr of Greens boro, N. 0. December 31, IS 74, for the purpose of erecting an ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. The Grand Gift ia the Benbow House, worth: tao.ooo.oo GRAND CASII OIU $10,00 0. Real Eataf e CriffYsj, $si.3O0 Cans. t8S,30O Only 100.000 tickets to be issued. Price of Tickets, $250. AGENTS WANTED. POOLE of HUNT BALTIMORE, Maaafactarsfs fer the South aa Southwest; Nearly 7000 now in use, working under heads varying fmm 2 to 240 feet ! 24 aise , from 5 to 96 inches. For further parliculars. addresa the Manager, llox 8, Greenxhoro, N. C. C P. UENbENHALb, Manager. Sept. 10. 1874 8w. EXBIBIT OF THE Clerk of the Commissioners of th- Conntv of Rowan to the first Mouday iu September. A. D. 1874 Amounts and items audited bj the Board to the members thereof. I). A. Davis. pr d'u-m I4.CM) Mees L. Ilolute. " 4'."u Jkea I Shaver. - 24 00 E. Manney, " " 32 00 do do Milleaee 13 .) J. G. Fleming, p r diem 40 00 do do Milleaae 24 25 0. M. IVruhardt er diem 40 00 Ai do Milleage 2100 Horatio N. Woodson per diem 46.00 The most powerful Wheel in the market. And m nt t conomical in use of Water L-.rge ILLUS TKA TED Paml.plei sent poet Ire. M A N U FACT U UK RS, ALSO, OF Portable and Stationary Suam Engines and Boilers,. Babcck Sc Wilco Patent I ubulous Boilers, Eixiugh's Crufhf r for Minerals, Saw and Grist MIU, Flouring Mill Machinery for While L-ad Works and Oil Mills, Slidf'.ing Pulleys and Hangers. sENI FOR CIRCULARS. Sep. 3 1874 -6m..s i . Cedar Gove Nurseries. Craft and Snib-r. Prprietirs : Red Plains. Yaukin County. N. C Ureal inducement ottered to mr chaM'ry of Kmil, Ireentirape Vines, Strawberry and liaplerry rlanU. Price LUt now ready, with lint of leading varities. Si ml lor it. Addreiw. CRAFT A SAILOR, Red Plaims Yadkin ( ' .. N. X. Aug. 6, lt4-tf. For Rent and i ly , the Bkt Stand, for a Dry Goo or mixea rirn ousiuesa. in laleili. ml . am . . . - large areninse attaeoe t. duce. Wag. Yard, Ate A rare ty to estahiish a bcaiaam ta Chi Town euoeesfullv. Apply to, E. B. DRAKE dt 80S, SuteavilW. H.C. Aug 1 IatUlWs. Davie Cocarr. Ooun. e? State or North Cabouax. Davie CocaTY. - IIeur Marshall, PIC PeUtioa for a I of 1 R. O. Joaas, garviriog Ad of Joseph M. H 7Sm . . a s ungm r.3 ana tneai mat me nest ' M - L are mere ii arty manipulators, wire- proceei to do nan Vhatl am told Ihasa are Why ahoaid they gm-angry we nfR..a knni.n kLa iL a... W 1 nnU An if wo crnt t lin uliouaa t If tlinv on, and whoaa love for the dear promotion, and people is really no more fondness for their votes. a helped us to gain the late victory then they did it with the expectation that we would do all in oar power at a party ta bring about those reform wo had ad and which are so much needed, litis a ppointoo ta engage the services of a public speaker for the occasion. Committee on Constitution ami By Laws through the Chairman, Mr. T. J. Sumner, submitted their report which was I aWeptod and adopted. The varioa. item af ilt ta time for tbe good, business, tax- - S II; . l .1. HroffnTl. rToVerrest iTZ puerile cry raised by the policy hucksters d it of the government of Town, that we .hall drive away now friends ia Umg P-ft " dwwu" Citles, Uouuth sand of the State. They Uhu mereat nretnxt .ad rensiada a. ai thlOM Wnica noW a P"f ? $301. IS Distance traveled by the members of the Board iu attending tan sussinas of the same : E. Manner. 2TT miles J. 0. Fleming. 485 do G. M. Beurnhardt. 4M ao HORATIO N. WOODSON. CUrh. ?ont A. IR7J At. THI WATT PLOW. : This splendid Plow is being sold an rigid ly by Foster & Horah that it is with great difficulty they can keen a ouosdv. Etcrv w w or.w m or ground m a tanner snooi prepare with thi plow. Call ou FOSTER Ac HORAH. Salisbury Male Academy. The Fall eion commcnee on Aug. -t 1874, and will continue twenty weeks. RATE Si IF TUITION For Enrliih Branche $3 per month "ChvMiral L Higher Matbcuiatics $5, " " Omtingeat Foe, $1 Monthly Payment required A. S. Jtl KrUT, PatacirAL. Aug. 6, 1874 !mo. AWD TEE SOUTH WEST. drer T a . u . . mt I - ' discard the narrow-minded radicals .f . . 4 . . - . There was nothing liken speech nttomot - iiTcr icueiiire uuunu mui yeioe oeiore ne ' sraaspmsa, asm not permit prejwnicei - . m f - - ed or called for. until tbe boeimsa of th,- mm 5 aw m a 1 ia airnrv ism ranr ih wiiurck aa saa mnsa 1 ana passion ana lauuueism 10 innuence 1 1 . j, . , (hair action, bat be aovt-rnnd hv the. daaire Rads in favor of a Convention than than. W W ,Mhe- W . U. Crawford sq., to do ustiee to all. as administered bv . nrt,iai.a,;a .A t. suumiwen a resonu.on 01 inanas to the v t , . mr 1 vwa v waava f nsivvu vywvawv w he white men, and not by office- officers of tbe day, which, an the motion as ws. . 1 - - - - - design 1 ng pol it ic.ans. lJemocrat.s , of D. Uarringer, Esq., was asaended to Right again nearly always right- Mr. 1 Meeting of County Commi.ioneri,- extend thanks al?o to the member of Oak JtomocraL 1 his is the slogan this is Th n-wiv fti.tPt r,lim xurA m,t .1 ik. 1 Foroot Oranee for their hnanitalitv and the song we have been singing thi. long Court-hou'-e last Monday. Present, D. A. Davis, Mr. 0. then took occasion to make a fe w time. . (J. 0. Flaming, Dr. L. W. Coleman, Henry re marks of a ceneral character It When the tax-payers the men who Barringer, and Joseph F. McLean. Tby were mitii, late, and we feared he would talk l.... .1 S.iK.? t.Wo ... a..tw- IB,7 oy osin in aucn case , . . , , " . .xA, , . fl u I om we are cian 10 say n - a mmm us aassuiuiiHi. 1 vi aa v a . vi . iiauxiiLiin. art in their Bute, county, and municipal U. " did not. Hi. remak. were designed to we wm nave fewer oummcra. On motion, D. A. Davis was elected chairman I promote harmony and good-will between J J . I. 1 I r .... n .... . .. ..1. i. urmagogaes anu iricaavere av uio iiruu oi 01 me new iiard. who 111 ane time declared tha grangers ana Dusiness men wbo were not -a less number buying popnlant y Board ready for business, which waa proceeded member. He pointed oat actions oh the the public expense; better feeling part of both Granger and merchants, inenewiy eieeieu eounry aaseavs presented . . . . . , . .. s their bonds which were accepted, when all were 1 , "T duly oualified bv ta k ine the oath of office. tbe,r NMmy, d should ha carefully I .a a a . - , Th bond of Horatio X. Woodson. Reewter of oKled. Ue claimed that the interest of Deeds, is for the sum of $5,000. The bond of the happiness and prosperity of all the Coroner, elect, Mr. B. F. Fraley, ia $2,000 ; was mutually dependent on each other; and that it could ouly be promoted by a ill prevail ; Men will begin to have confi one ia another, and good result of kind will follow. A MATTF.R FOE THE PEOPLE. Th discussion of tbe Convention question so I That of the County Treasurer, Mr, James 8. far has clearly demonstrated the fact that there McCubbins, Jr., Ia $35,000; That of Mr. J. M. ia but Utile hope of effecting reform measures Horah, Superior Court Clerk, is $10,000; That if they are left exclusively with the politicians, of Sheriff Waggoner, (3 in number) aggregate office-holders, aad so-called leaders. In 1870 $50,000; That of Joseph E. Dobbin, County -71 these gentry were so prudent and so anxi- Surveyor, is $4,000. Ample and satisfactory una to do something to commend themselves to security was given by all. the dear people, thai they determined to call a Convention, after dallying and fooling and do bag every thing a their power ( ignorant ly of course to embarrass the measure. TbisMep was finally taken at a time aud in a manner Mr. D, A. Atvell, having received the ap pointment ns Deputy Register of Deeds, was duly qualified. Messrs. R P Roatman, Daniel Fanoinger, sad Xsnes A Smith were announced as Mr. Wlggc generous confidence aad mutual respect. That it would not do to criminate and re criminate, for like all contentions, these things would sorely lead to miehief, and their on sequences fall on all alike. The Council adjourned in great good humor, and gentlemen and ladies cordial and hearty in eamgratulutiona aad adieus Hal Caat of Impostor. It is so obv ious that physical and eoaatito tieeuri vigor hi the best defense against disease, that even the vendor of drastic purgative ad vertise them as tonic, ahrsshhn and in vigor- Smpi. 3, 1874 tt ante, in the nope or aaiiatlna tho contdence of the public in -the devitalising and pernicious potions. It ia smiling to note how these im postors imitate and copy the language In which the medicinal propesthn of Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters are discribed. Although the effect of their rasping, evacuants ia to destroy the toe of the diiamstive orgns and the bowels, aadaln rob the system of its vital strength, they are un pulously recommended to the weak and prostrate victims odUee as stimulant I It Uun humbug (not a very aaaanafl it is true, thanks to t lie mature common ' of the American people), was stigmatised, as it deserves. Suh miselaawaas aaaaaaanf be exposed mn ssuu aaanca. Hoatetter's St 1 . . .1 m . - . a. . ai 11 uiuern, ue 11 naaaaw uy pisiauuu. ss a stimulant. . It has a spirituous basia, and that basis is the vehicle which diffuses iu wonderful snnitary principle through every part of the system. The tonic, alterative and regulating uigredienta olihe JuUers would be aompara- tivel v inert if they were not, so to apeak , carried to the localities where they are required by the stimulating agent. The cant which protests against the use of a pure alcoholic fluid, when employed as a means of giving lull effect to medicinal extracts ofllie highest utility, is the cant of charlatanism. Every intelligent pbyai- cian ao characterise it. and the sick who are griped, OonvuUed and debilitated by the nan UTR TH CAROL N STATE AG" seousand disanatinc nostrums of the parties "WW In W,'a.lfl til Mil. HU a . . m m . .aa . a . a who put it forth, soon hml to their sorrow that TTTfTT TpTTD A T CAPTTTV it is a delusion and a snare. Hoatetter's Bit- aXllUlil U fUUL OUtilil I . WILL OOaOOnrCB AT r alei g h . The undersigned wishes to inform his n friend that he has received the appoint to sell through ticket from Mtawary. N tl to all point us Texas, Alabama, Muwoun, T via Charlotte, Columbia and Augasta R. Road, and their Southern Connection. Throuah Emicrant Tickets, or First Class Tickets sola. and lUftgage checked through. Pi Hi en winhinc it greatly to their own advantage by oagotialiug with the undersigned at Salisbury. Information in regard to Mates, tame aad Connection will be furnished either personally or through the A. POPE, Gen'l. Ticket A gt. Columbia, S. C J. A. McOON N A UOHEY, A gt. C. C dt A. B. fL, Saliaborv, N. C. LUC IS ZIMMER, Sept. 8. tf. Special Agent. THE FOURTEENTH GRAND ANNUAL FAIR Tf or THE ters, the great sanitary stimulant af the age, is, in Uie truest sense of tbe words, 1 vitalizing, renovating preparation EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having on the Sth day of May. 1874, quali fied as Executor of the estate of M. E. Keese, deceased. Notice is hereby given, to all in debted to make immediate payment ; and all October 10 and Close October 17, 1874, Finest disulav of Blooded Stock. Hnraaa d . a il T . wa ia eL T oame, sneep, noga, rouury, esc, ever seen in the Sonth, will be at this Fair. Grand Military DispUy of decantlv oni formed Companies from sll parts of the Snath. Trial of Speed daily. Machinery will he RhWHEEL anmn M.r.nm ii,Teara. Deft It appearing to lhe satiofact ioe of the Court, that H. G. Jonea ia not a naidiut of the Bum, it is therefore ordered that publication be ass for six weeks auccaeireiy, ia the "Carol un W act h man" a newspaper published ia las Tear a of Saliabury, K. tL, aotifying said E.U. Jone as Admr. afbreaaid, that he appear be fore the Judge of Probate for said Ceenty, at his office ia Mockswille, and answer the sattnea of the Plaint i ff which i filed in this ( rwrt, 1 scosy of which isahw mailed to tbe dt Cendant, vitkui twenty daya after the aarvita of this notice aa bim, and if he fail to answer withia the Usee aforesaid, application will be made to theCcart for the relief aked fsr in the petition, and she aame will ihen be heard and acted on. This ltihdayof Aug. 1874. H. D. HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court. Aud Probate Judge. Ang. 20, 1874-ow. LAND SALE. By order of Probate Court of In 111. I will se l at the Conn Huse ia ou Thursdv. KHh iUtuHer uezt V.M.I AHLK VAJIM, knoa-n aa th lrid Wdd(n hm iminedialelj on th- tin f tbe W-eUfra H. C. K. li. fight indes East of Sutervil!. adjoiuiug Uie Undo of P. D- Chamhav aod others, cnitaiuiog 3fa) xe es. This Kami is ss, a-fll known uo d seriptim is m asaaarf Terms. 5(K) rash, baUnce H and It mealhs credit, with iutereat. Also at the same time aud piaee. 1 will sell 300 UI SIIELn wheat. For description of said land, cauairs aa the preuiisea, or of R. F. Suaoutoa. la Statesville. RUFU8 CLINE. A Jin' i oi Jas. T.Sutbe, 8totesville. X.C. Aug. 20. IS74tX AilDiiuitratir'i Ksdetti Mp All perwona baring claiaas against the enUSe of Mary Marl in, deceased, are kierebv nathVnl to exhibit the same to the aaVnmmd aa er before tbe 20th day of August, A. D, 147. . CATHEW RICK, Administrator with the will annexed of Mary Marlia. Ang. 20, 1874 Ow. NOTICE TO CRED1T0B8 All peraoas having ataiasa aanial thorn bate of Augusta P. Heiiig. daaaaaV af hereby notified to axhibit tho ns) to as uadWwafguW aa ar hmVaa the Ord day af Jar A. O. r CALEB T. BERNHARDT. Administrator af AUGUSTUS F. IIEILIO. Joly 23, JS74 at. Thomaxrille Female Calleet Thin One wehiul prooetv recently purcbaaed by theondenriged consuming of a Ure Acommo diona four story brick building, admirably adapt ed astlmpatpoaawof a ehol,i mated immediate- ly en .tne IS. C. K. K. in a bsaiaisal oaagroveol 17 a . aa .a a a a a :rea wua room all well ventiiateu at neaicu, ill be re-opened as a Boarding School for higher female education ou Tuesday Sept. 15th 1874. Everv de Dart ment of a thoroach coarse of solid, classical A ornamental studies filled by toacheraof kucavn ability, of from 14 to ZO years experience; among them prof. 1. L Right, long A favorably known as Prof, of Nat. Sciences Ac, ia Trinity Cut. . C. lor years, dt as aa able dt suoceaafui instructor in other institutions. Furniture new A Boasfiutahs JEWipffciaf Board A Literary lattkm for 5 montl It $80. For circular addreas, 11. W. KKINH ART, ThosKoaviiM, Davidaoa Co., N C. Ang. 20, 1874 To J.J. Bell h wife Carolina BatL A. Coughenhour, and William C. Cougheo- aoar. loo will take notice that I shall spmV to the Judge, holding at the next Court to for Rowan Cownte- at noose in Saliaborv, on the 4th M the 3rd Monday in Brptsasbsr next, to deed made to mesa heir at Law of John I Blazer and HaiffHL ounaellorn SALISBURY, JT. C Jannarv 23 1874 tf. Spill 1874 125 Bags "Old Tick" Cowaa, 76 Bhla Sugars, 60 Boxes Assorted Candy, V I'ackafe No. 1 Msa.ri, 15,000 lbs Bacon, 2,000 lb Beat Sugar Cured Hams, 3.000 lbs Refined Urd, 600 lb Sugar eared Beef. 86 Don. Brandy r ink 11. 26 " Lemon Syrap, 60 Bogaa Candles, 10 Kegs Soda, 100 Iaa Oywtara, 30 000 Cigars, 160 Ream Wrapping Paper, 30 Dos painted Pais, 100 sacks Ground Alum Salt, 60 " beaken's A large stek of Boots, having claima against the said eatauf. to pre- j" ocmntion 00 the Grounds all hours of the sens mem in me tune presenoen oy raw, or .1w. ,rT.g.mj. v. . WJ Sml f,r Pmninm fiat. n- o nciEJiEi, 1 T M urn T August 25, 1914. Exoontor. b. T. Fuloucjc. Siatary. r . - 1 a 11 a wco ono nunareu ana evemv situated in Rowan and on the Waters of i rant's Creek including the mills eUnated thereon and belonging to Jacob f nagh auhiaar. d fee as ed " the said lands having bean heretofore solo under a decree of the Court of Equity of Rowan County, and rm reheard by my a man tor John I Shaver, deceased." EDWIN SHATTER, Heir At Law of John I Aug. 24, 1 7 1-61. I vtn j r i WsaridhV I l"rraifl-, crVHJ SuriJaMa!sns 3iMaU T one rataSa Osawai dc threfaWfecU ofTabd er than KRine. Uardwara. Saddles. A . A Maehme Oils. fur the eel rranted to stand a Are A fiftv desrrea Fab y safe et vary Uuss say- a We also have a full stock of Liquors, sasa a Footer. Darin. A Bailey. WbuAey Rem. Gin. Gtagee A Blackberry Medena. B berry . ac ma Saga W A.. Ae. The above stock ia safin i at drdsVtatU attaa wavy Uwea aravea. , BlXGMAl Ac t0 May. 14 ia74-f.