- VOL. V. THIRD 8ERI ES. SALISBURY N. C, SEPTEMBER, 17, 1874. ii h i yarn una vvmpnmm j - ' - ' '" 1 1 NO. 47. WHOLE NO. 51 - . -r -' PUBL18HKD WBKLt: j. J. BR UN EE, Proprietor and EdltOi . J. J. STEWART Associate Editor. "WEEKLY WATCHMAN OKB 1 bar payable m advance, . . Z ,,...iu - 5 Copies to t " Tri-weekly Watchman. OsbYba. in advance....- 8X MONTHS Ows Month 1.50 10.0 ...50 SIMONTON T Statesville, N. G. Largs Grape Vine. Some of the papers are claiming that the largest vine in the world is in California, being one foot in diameter. Bat we learn that in Ramah congregation in county, mere is a vine one inches in diameter, elasnins tiehtlv i mightr oak. It is on the farm of Mr. M E. Caldwell. Ludicrous Scene in a Pulpit. New York Times. A South German paper relates the fol- Confession of weakness. Aside from the contradiction between the idea of a matter as self-sufficient to Mecklenburg evolve every form and quality of life, and I lowing i foot three I that of an unknown MWer which evolve I Tn TWwarian town of th rnoKt nro from thai matter perceptible phenomena, nouneed Catholic orthodoxy, the priest it Is worthy of remark how confidently preached lately against the Old Catholics, 1'rof. Tyndall pronounces this latter and related such horrible things about power "inscrutable," insoluble," and "un searchable." There a in these epithets a revelation of great significance. It is a At last the preacher cried oat, "The Old An Awful Fate. The Story of Ike Man Who Was Twdon a RaHroad Track by Bobber. at Salisbury, I till this year. The is named for (if not by Col. Job. ADVERTiaitftt RATES s One Squab (1 inch) Onejnsertion $100 . r number of insertions 25 per cent more inlar Utertisements. Reading notice m2&to for esch and every insertion. California will have to try Rev. S. TAYLOR MARTIN, 3&J? No c,nJh"- PRESIDENT. xxr v u a ,v - We have heard (or read) of a grape The Situation is remarkably healthy, vine on Roanoak Island, a seuppernong, ine Duitding is an elegant brick structure, wkoae branches are said to cover three confession of the impoteney of Prof. Tyn- Catholics are so vile that they will all be admirably arranged for health and comfort. of 1, and the fruit to yield 3,000 ois school to fairly grapple with cast into-the pit, and if what I tell yon is 9tT gallon, of Wine. Will some one faUy o subject they profess to discuss, and not true may the devil take me now on enI "fcrmedon the . abject publish the fact, of their unwillingness mnc that v the. pot r His excitement was terrible, February 5th, "75, and ends June 22d, '75 the case. ow elee ceo do what tky md to do.- and he so struck the cushion that the book Board and English Tuition, 100. Music Borne three or four years ago a corn They know all about it that can be known fell from K. Not far from the pulpit there - - . 9 . 1 m - a $25. For other Information send for Circa- 'pendent ot one of the Norfolk, Va., pa- nQ mereiore inose wno preiena to Know sat an American, wno nan a negro them that his pious hearers were literally !?5L 10 JfJJ00 to.t11 " i . i -i . , . I. lexampiec atrocity, it is as norror sincaeu at wiu u-ainonc impieties, follows NerHeiyvine,Iudiana,on8atarday o Kcvdntmeuvy 7 Net hnspsw night last, August Gardner was rotted wf one of the faret who ovwi and afterwardbawad to the track of the U,? -7- woo to Jetfewouville, Madison and IndiaaapeJi. J ' Bn,Der tte story of the saeeh- railroad. He lived long enough after bed Attorney for tte Crown, Splits beias? taken so JeWa tn tll .i-. that I can at least modify the wssJfet of M fssMfc. J3C'a 1 v..i. oil 4tsaaaa originate from Indi ifthe si .. r lar. From the late Rev. W. H. IfeOUFFBT, DJ). pers, we think, published an account of vineyards visited by him hi the Eastern part of the State, in which he annonneed the rather startling faet f if it be a fact) r& Pr?e99rf that North Carolina had the largest vine- the Lmvernty of Viryinta. , . , , rTr. yard m the world. Who can throw any I ask the privilege of introducing to anv Grape culture is a growing subject in among whom his lot may be cast, my friend this State, some few gentlemen in this and former pupil, Rev. S. Taylor Martin. He i . , - ? -, - .. is a vnnsuan gentleman, a thorough scholar, I 11 ' 1 J k MMwit- wiu uiucn experience in i xuv practical question oi proju may not more are impostors. It a this secret arrogance more, than their attacks on accredited opinions that renders modern scientists so hateful to the public at large'. Men will listen to argument when it is candidly and fairly submitted to their judgments, bat they will not hear matism, which, in advance ,brandi sent as folly. If Y Sun dog dis- i warn anxiouslv houaiit alter. i ; KaohULmI in it- action, healtu is ;.rS.tiln secured. Want of action in .1... I. Ivor muses Headache. Cknsii nation i.nM.lir i- PSn in the Shoulders, Couh, Chills. - . : . . . . r "f .u MBBsaea Hour Hlomscn, nau rasie -n uio mouth, billiotiH attacks, pnlpilation of the heart, depression of pirils,or the l blues nd Nlhan dred other Bvmloms, for which 8IAMUJXD LITER REGULATOR i the best remedy, that has ever been discovered. It acts iui Idly, cffeotuslly. and being a simple vegetable com pound, can do no injury in any quantities that it msy be token. 1 1 is harmless in every way ; it has been used for 40 years, and hundreds of L. I .....I ,..... fnun nil nitrls of the COU fl ue vihui tx ' i ....... - I... Kill ITI.IW I tn it hcinif the potest and SI J W I V - - D of good talents and teaching. He may be depended on to ner form faithfully and well whatever he may be willing to undertake. Few men have more practical tact and efficiency. W. H. McGUPFEY. Vom the Hon. WALTER P. CALDWELL. Greensboro, June 17, 1874 yet be as fairly settled as it shonld be. We know of at gentleman in an been experimenting with Grapes and wine Making for a number of years on a small A Vermont Tragedy. The Green Mountain State has lately eon- least one very intelligent tributed very fully to the tragic annaUof the terror, and oelieviog that he wonl adioinine mnntv vrhn baa period- Three or four frightful murdtis next instant collared by bis 8atani adjoining county who has erred within itslorder. during ty he cried out with trembling vo the last month. A. special dispatch from Rutland to the Troy Times of Saturday, "My name is Aorost Gardner. I bora in France, and have been from that country bat a abort time. I am hot twenty -three years eld I have no rela tives or friends in this country. My father is dead, I was going down to Looievflle in search of employment, and as I bad but little money I ttoewht 1 would walk. It could not have been mnrli not ton n'.lAak Bk.r rant with him, to whom he beckoned to I .nr ZZi Mm nn tn mm ... take the book up to the priest, who pan walking along the track. One of them haps, bad nerer seen one of those sons of demand my money. I told them Ham in his life. The negro at once hat I was poor, having only a few dol- obeyed, and as he mounted the lowest of fli Dl.,do M7 - . , , seised me, two holding me and the other the pnlpit steps, the clergyman repeated searching my pockets and taking my his wish that the Devil might come and pocket-book and everything else I had. take him if what ha had said against the They then threw me down on the treat, old Catholics -is not tm Although 1 that they were going to kill me. the negro went softly the preacher heard aod, 1 beWed bem to m7 Thf7 his footsteps, and turning roond, saw s f"1 "thlog , hot one of them produced a black object solemnly, steadily and surely lo" P1 of "P his I)oeke and anoroachine him. fie looked at him with they commenced to tic me to the track, w . ' r .uu i ii ould be the UTC4 gwra. i was anoiy ingn Satanic Majes. "a15e7eainf nara not to ao . J I Ikat T tA . I .1. V 1 ng voice : "It T T . . . QCT.W ncw is. after all. oossible that there may be "ein' n.a-n never done them any hereto k, tte lJsisJeL charming Ttow, Baarstonsv tte t bat 1 can at Oast modify the history upon tie eta-motor and UesMes his family was truly treat straggle, ami the naato ef tor, Eleanor Faust, daaerves our history quite as high as (if not hsgt or than) that of Mrs. Steele with her aflw- ing of money. Well, from Dunn's tain we had a vast and embraefag tte Pilot, the Bine Ridge, tte Cectos, tte wfld P Usee, fall laden chestnuts trees stupendous rocks vindicate the mountain. It is worth tbe Salisbury to get the views on the Bsewatoin. Between this mountain and town is eke lately-discovered gold mine of I OS it ansl O rowel. I visited it, went into the gat- tenes, examined tne vein, watched toe working and grinding and washing, saw considerable of tbe precious menUl, and brought home some beautiful speeimeaa. A. W. M . the ride from and from scale, who holds the opinion, that Western As one of the patrons of Simonton Female North Carolina at least, is not, and never I which is lacking in no element of horror .11 A. CIA X 911 V 1 V1J1 ' ' I. - . . - . can be. a QOod wine producing eoontrv. A maQ who registered himself as U. V. Kol w w a v sr We are not prepared to give in fall his reasons for so believing, and will not therefore attempt to state them. Mean College at Statesville, I have had a full and fair opportunity of becoming acanainted with the President, Rev. 8. Taylor Martin, and his corps of teachers, and with the sys tem of study and discipline. I would there fore recommend this Institution to all .uv v. J WW . ... ... j i i ii j-i . It n I Barm, ana It LBS mM Imt mm a I mrnn Irl gives the facto, very briefly, of another my.- V ZA .T . " XTZli say nothing of what occurred. Wtil. 1 tenous and ghastly affair a case of suicide , -"-e r w ? " . v" ' w.. ilkin .nA l;- ;.u .1 w . . m s w m m tWmm ft .till m. .m. I I " Sw S W UIUSHI 111 E OT I I Li tut. T uow uioappUwU uo sM w io onu tmuilT ni I- i " eT approaching. Tbe perspiration burst ont keRk on me to the track over on his brow, and fall of despair he called " tUe guard. They tied too length- are even manv s-ood neon e "1 '"f- mm.wwFm WM l,5""7 among tne old Uatnolics I pa rents and guardians as a very suitable place I while, Messrs. King and Hege of Lexing- for the education and training of their chil (iron ana wards. W. P. CALDWELL. ton SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR OR ilxililClNE, Tf hat rtilesa, Is no drstic violent medicine, Ja inre to cure if tahen rejlsriy, Is no tox 'citing be vei E a faiUleH family uicdiciue, Is the chepeHl nicciiciMe ii ibe world, Is given wiib Mie4y nod tbe happiest results to the most delicsie infsnl, Don not interfere with btisine s. TVttmi tint ili-nri the RVstem. Talr. ilia nlnca for Oninnine and Bitters of very kind. Contains the simplest and best i-emcdies. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TO THE Wholesale Trade. From the Rev. WALTER W. PHARR. Mecklenbtjbo Co., N. C, June 1, 1874. From what I know of the discipline, in struction and moral influence exercised by the Simonton Female College at Statesville, products io """" vii iinn nut. a. taviur jtuutta, I can cheerrully commend it to the confi dence and patronage of an enlightened Christian public. WALTER W. PHARR From Maj. W. M. R0BBINS, member of Con gress from the 7th District, N. C. IIoubk of Representatives, ) Washington, D. C, June 17, 1874. Rev. 8. Taylob Martin Dear Sir : Being a patron of your School in Statesville, and having many opportuni ties for inquiring into your method of in struction as well as the progress made by your pupils, I take pleasure in recommend- ing your institution to tne patronage oi tne public Tour friend and servant, WM. M. BOBBINS. Judcinsr the future by the oast, we enter . -- - w with confidence upon this our new enterprise of separating our Wholesale from our Retail Trade, by haying a septate and distinct House far each ; and in doing so we flatter ourselves that it will nof only meet the approval of our numerous customers, but that an "Exclusive Wholesale House" will bring us a large influx oChmw trade, and of a character not heretofore enjoyed. U must be obvious to every buyer that a strictly "Wholesale House.6 arranged and adapted for that Trade only, with a corps of experienced Wholesale Salesmen, with a Stock carefully selected for that Trade only, and moreover, the avoidance of coming in contact with retail buyers, which we and you all have heretofore found to be so irksome, as it fre quently happens that the retail buyer is your very neighbos, (perhaps your own customer). Bnch a house, we assert, must and will com mend itself to the Trade. Font years ago we advertised that we intend ed to make Charlotte a wholesale mart and ours 'The Wholesale House.' We now have the Proud satisfaction of seeing it an accomplished We now call your attention to the fact that we have converted our suberb store into an ex clusive Wholesale House, where you can find ofl lines of goods necessary for a country store, to-wit : Dry-goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Millinery all in complete fines, bought in large quantities and from the very first hands. Our stock is now arriving and will be com plete about the 1st of September, and will be the largest of any here, the pretensions of others to the contrary notwithstanding. Wo respect fully invite your personal inspection, or write to us for circulars. Very truly yours, WITTKOWSKY A RINTEL8. 2 K0:- From Rev. MOSES D. HOGS, D. D. Richmond, Va., Nov. 30, 1873 I am cratified to learn that the Rev 8. (1 .r J Tnlinonn Van r4 TiatfiA j VVVt VO UVUUOUU, ACVJ . y VI A t V It, y Mickey, of Salem ; and some two or three others in Guilford ; and others in Meck lenburg and Cabarrus, are extending their Vineyards, and making Wines which al ready sell more readily thsn any foreign the market. Some of them are shipping their Wines to the greai com merctal centers, where, we learn, they find ready and remunerative sales. This is practice against theory, and we respectfully suggest to our eld and high ly esteemed friend io Stanly, that ttey are pretty strong against him ; and that a1 this rate, ten years wif ' ,rdly go ty to fore he will to ussy Has to yield his theory to irresistatle demonstration. Since tte forgoing woo put Io typo wo have tbe Raleigh New of tte lttt, from which we extract tte following para, vnfta on the subject of the grape ealtare e it of Raleigh. Dear New: J write yon a line to record the very pleasant visit of tbe com mittee on the part of the State Agrienl lins. a guest at the Bardwell House, in Rut land, was found in his room with his throat cut from ear to ear. It was evident that he committed the desperate deed with the great est coolness and deliberation. He had seat ed himself in a chair and permitted the life current to flow into a washbowl on the floor before him. One extraordinary feature of this horrible tragedy is found in the faet that he left an incoherent statement, written in his own blood, denying complicity in some murder of which nothing appears to be known. Numerous small scraps of paper written over in the same way were found scattered around the room. It was plain that the man bad permitted himself to bleed to dath slowly, and occupied his last mo ments in writing these notes. At last ac counts the affair remained a mystery, and eertaiuly not even the morbid imagination of a foe could eoojure up anything more ghastly 1 - - w j m , . u --.u-i: 'tm.;..: lastenea arouna mv body, lers and arms biuvu iug uiu Vjttiuuiiuo 1 i UIUKIUK I I. m L V tbt thi wn.,l,l .ntf hn .rnj arnnnA " non " J goi wirougn i oonja not move " v' v v. uuiuvv iiv wwas si! esse vwuui Thinking f"iene 1 aronnd my body, legs 1 aronnd. When they got through I oook but what was his horror to find that the m7 rmB ana leP- Wdlle 1 nh;w ... pIoa . UmA TM.t;n -hem not to leave me there, they himself in the very rrssp of Beelzebub. o1L 1 k?lw woU JooK turning partly to the negro and partly to ?? Dd 1 tn m7 to free my tbe congregation, he cried ont. "Mar the devil come and take me if all the old Catholics are not better than we are I' The terrified preacher fainted from fright and it was only after sometime that he recovered. Sloven IUeg-itim&te Tbe Lebanon (Pa.) Acsrs contains following startling information: "We are credibly informed by ai ssoa that too family of Mr. Isaac a well-known distiller of whiskey hi , Hanover district, this eonnty, years ago returned home from near i field, Ohio, about three weeks Io 0 conversation he had with them yea torday ttey stated that after going from this eooaty ttey wont ea a farm pesoisOBesl by Mr. Wagner, within six miles of Springfield. The cause for their I . "', i. as they stated, because Mr. Wi j wen i - , , . , , was vo De nanreo to-uay lor of ao infant child of which to was tte fa ther. Rumors of bis bring tbe fetter of? several children by women in bis eaiptoy while residing here, were prevalent at tbe lime, hot their disappearance was nev er aecoun'od for. Since his rcstdenc ii tbe west he is alleged to have been guilty of the same thing, and his last attempt at destroying tbe lite of ao infant was ed by his sons who brought him to ji The excitement incident to tbe Fair Charity, be thou my guest. And be thy constant couch, mv breast. Cotton. ww self and loosen the rones that bound me At first I did not think I would be able to move at all, bat after repeated efforts I succeeded in working my arms and body off tbe track, it swin?iog down. I tried to get my left leg off, but 1 coo Id not. I yelled with all my might hoping that somebody would come and save me, bat do one came. It was raining hard at tte tto mnA mmmm AmrWr T LvJ - hik uim, wuicu w mm iiuiuuu vj urn sue VCll TOU LU y An Example Worth Consider ing. The Charlotte Southern Home, under tte caption, "What Energy will Do," has the following which can be read with profit by many of the young men of the s.f-' " At the outbreak of tne war, a tier- the ears whistle I eaonot feelings. A nereeptible shudder here passed through to frame of too dying man. In a few tecoods tte oars were nearly op to whets I was lying. I gave This golden chain, that reaches from heaven to earth, is much more admired than used -more preached about than practised. It has been remarked by some I a wild shuek and closed my eyes. The : U I IT J T m m m . mm m . 1 m wnter, "iiu universal enemy prevail, cars passea over me, tne w nee is cutung earth would be a Heaven, and Hell a ropes loose that bound me. I suffer- fable." It is another name for disinter- o ff my leg and cutting tte ested, lofty, unadulterated love tbe at- ed intense pain, and crawled and dragged trihtltA nf 1 ) f i I V I tia t mnmmA ttirr. mtilf m frw fnmt 4mm ik 1 1-1- t tuo outbreak of the war, a tier- . 7 ' -v m r. , .r who could hardlv sneak Eosrlish TIQe a 01 reia ,or.0ttr i nwned tea away, ana wnen iTirae to was very tecred in a Soathern Battery. He ree, wne.n UP?7 to. lhf vengeance wd thirsty. It volunteered was still raining, end I dug Taylor Martin is about to become the Prin-1 tural Society, appointed to inspect tbe ipai ol the Simonton Female College at vineyard of Moua. J. L. Labiauz, near Statesville, N. C. My intimate acquaintance I Ridtre way , and report the progress thus ...-.-- w . . m . - .... lv W w. wun nr. jriarxin cnaoies me neamiy io com mend him as a gentleman admirably quali fied for such a position. His sympathy with ibe young, his experience in teaching, and his conscientious devotion to duty furnish to parents and guardians the assurance that pupils intrusted to his care will find a safe ana happy home, and enjoy every advan tage for improvement in mind, heart, and manners. MOSES D. HOGE. OTHER REFERENCES : Faculty of Hampden Sidney College, Faculty of Davidson College. N. C, Rev. Wo. Brown, D. D., Richmond, Va., Judge B. R. Wellford, Richmond, Va., Rev. D. E. Jordon, Oxford, N. C, Rev. P. H. Dal ton, High Point, N. C. Col. John A Gilmer, Greensboro, N. C, Rev. Wm. A Wood, Statesville, N. C, Rev. J, Rumple, Salisbury, N. C., Rev. H. G. Hill, Fayetteville, N. CL General D. H. Hill, Charlotte, N. C, Rev. E. H. Rutherford, D. D., St Louis, Rev. Rich'd McRwaine, D.D., Columbia, S.C. Faculty of Union Theological Seminary, Faculty of University of Virginia, Judge A B. Guigon, Richmond, Va., Major Robert Stiles, Richmond, Va., ltev. I C. Vass, Newberne, N. C., Rev. J. H. Smith, D. D., GreensboTO, N. C, Rev. F. H. Johnson, Lexington, N. C far obtainf d, in the cnltivation of French vines, to the Society at the approaching Fair. Tn ftia of to j :-.: c .u i ery good enterprise. .r t -u: rn A : ''Phis l Ol iixoiio. uauiauA luiivit, iu cuiupaujr with Mons. Lombard, his very energetic and accomplished Superintendent, sent to this country by Mons. Planchon. It would not be proper in this article, to an ticipate the report of the advantages and disadvantages whatever they may be, of this experiment in tbe cultivation of the vitis vioifera. The vineyards cover thirty-five acres. e o o one We visited the next day, the vineyard of Ohas. Petar, Esq., who has forty thou sand vines of American varieties, and will muto Ivantu tVinnaan1 K-ttt1 as nnl year, of his SoarkUng Isabella, Sparkling Catawba, and Sherry. He sells bis wines as rapidly as they caa be prepared for market. So thoroughly is he satisfied of the prospects of the grape cul ture, that he is disposing of his general nursery stock, and other interests, and will next season, plant his entire estate in grapes. He uses was as true as steel throughout the des-. perate straggle. At its elose, without a dollar in his pocket, he married a real help-meet and began life on a rented form of rather poor land. He made excellent crops every year and now has an excellent farm of his own with every comfort aronnd it. He has more conveniences and labor-saving appliances than many wealthy farmers hare. and. is ready to help with hand and puree, in ev- peoalty, imposed b7 the holy law of God. I a hole in tbe ground by my face with my violated by our federal head. It is placed fingers. By doing this I managed to get at the head of all the Christian virtues bv a little water. 1 was so weak that I could St. Panl, the ablest divine that ever graced I not move, and 1 hallooed frequently dor- a puipit or wiciucQ a pen. it is tbe sub- mg tne mgnt tor neip, but no oue came stratum of philanthropy, the brightest I until morning, when I was found. in the UhriBtian's diadem. It spurns is no fancy picture, but the so ber truth, as the people of Gaston, who know Mr. A. Farley can testify. "What a different country we would have, if all oar yoang men would show the scrofula of green-eyed jealously, the canker of tormenting envy, the tortures of burning malice, the typhoid of foaming revenge. It is an impartial mirror, sot in the frame of love, resting on equity and justice. It is the foundation and cap stone of the climax of all tte Christian graces without it, oar religion is like a body without a soul our friendships, shadows ot a shadow our From the Raleigh Crescent. Salisbuy. Mr. Hampton : As you were once a citizen of Salisbury, a talk Witt you about your old home will not be i nap pro- firiate. 1 be month of Angust is not a svorable time to judge of towns so for tng mm. feaaing to having destroyed tte lives of eleven illegitimate children, off wheat to was tte fill tor, at varices tasnes. TJaam this confession be was sent snood to to hung, and the day of execution is to-day. Those are tte facts as ttey have team given to es, and we publish them for what they are wont. Let ua Help one Another. This little sentence should to on every heart and stamped oe memory. It should be proothud not only fas but throughout the world. By one another we not only from tbe pathway, and anxiety mind, bat we feel a sense of our owe hearts, knowing we duty to a fellow creature. A hand or an encouraging word, io ao loss to us, yet it is a benefit to Who has not needed the aid of a kind friend 1 How soothing, when porpl with some task that is mvsterioos burthensome, to fool a gentle bead on tor shoulder and to bear a kind votes whis pering : "Do not feel discouraged; I are doinc a helping and spring of pride, or. what How many idle away stores and cross-roads complaining that the freedmen will not work, instead of taking hold themselves. How many are running unmanly m n r f ii 11 yt An tKmr ffma TfT fits. rn nfrn UMUiutu van weave iuiujo, Be vaav uiauttj I . . aie , . -i , ' , Am nn tkr crckTiA tb. m.kA Cm mU i at impelled mankind in their onward uovu aw wmw Bjbvww MtM sv aaaaaaav w a w t , s WI Q I If respect their calling, it will accomplish ITZTslZIilL TJZ?,1" next jess of a man T ... , 6 . T . "u ""u TT 1 1 1 1 I 1 iL! ue pmc aaamsj auowu u mi uau. , .Y , - . . their Ume about I r ----a-.-" -ry manity, a mere lceoerg time we are unfit to discharge the duties of life, and derange the design of oar creation. Was this Heaven-born, soul I V a af nf ka mnnnt minm nnU.. , a L. I UUI rntlT t PCI tl Vil f 1 f t TTlfl Kl f TO alms, the off- ' . - . . J. . . . Tr. -V is more detesta-1 OlMwance tor tbe season. I5ut 1 am glad w nat strengxn is inspiren wnaa. sospo kn to M7 lhat lb "treeu give evidence of created, what sweet gratitude is toft, and our ua" ;mnro- tm -nrl i4f Kpro mr,A the rraat difficulty is dissolved as door on the ocean ot -r- vr 7 . t. - - r , , mere are signs 01 awaxenine energy, a oeueaiu mo -uoeuioo, icv ua uwu treogtten one another by endeavoring to s re the weak and Ii and eneosraee to town to get into little pidding, TZnu m7.l! fl The present town govern m en t is actively burden of care from tte weary aad Of employments, instead of battling jTloSoTOft at work. Tbe rolluVg streeU, open drain, pressed, that life may glide smoothly r on their farms. If the Grange ,1!!, and gravelled sidcwflk. show adetermi- and the fount of bitterness yield sweat fr..!!Sf toltZ? nation ,0 dispute the reign of King Mud waters; and he, whose willing tend f. lifting the The success without means on rented land shows what might be done by the owners of the soil with the right pluck and spirit." im- w . :n. . u . a v. z t : u 1 vuu 1110 lunt ucdu 10 ucir 10, KUUIQ oe w . softenerl in ita mtin- .nn Ka.- . ooy town in tbe State. 1 bis great and blissful era would dawn auspiciously Pment Bttribated to the draining of upon our race, and Satan would become tfZ fa a bankrupt for want of business. Wars n V A MlffMASai fkl fBBS-SBiiam HfA 11 1 A Catoin the Wilmington Journal says: j u t' and residences. The National and Bov Not a single objection has yet been pub ilmiB:.hLl K.-h Jms. d uA keep op the reputation of the energy. A. Building and Loan Association is begin ning to show its progressive influence. The present town government is actively winter. The health of the neonle is I ever ready to aid us, will reward or generally good perhaps equal to that of I bumble endeavors, and every good The old Mansion House is no longer used as a bote), but. is divided into shops ill be as 'bread cast upon the return after many days,' if not those ws love. RETAIL. Kev. Alexander Martufe . D., Danville, Va. mainly Concord, Clinton and Ives' Seed- nea against calling a convention which Dergpcntion woau be unknown sectarian ta tnt lme Tbe nkt cheap- Rev. T, L. De Veaux.Fayetteville, N. C, mf,.l can stand the touchstone of troth, reason E3"TI er than in your dty-fornishiog better Rev. J. M. AtklhSOn, Raleigh, N. C UTl I- a a..l. and loo-io. One nrnstrate condition ? maktoT,.0f 7? ""f! anrl frnita and drawing mnr.Hil. a.v. y UB;o.wu.u . Die in Qusi me noueenoia oi iaitn wouia , . . Superior Court. The Fell Term of the Superior will be held ia the counties n follows: FIFTH DI8TRICT Jcdgx Now a few words about that. We now oc cupy the superb house heretofore so favorably known as the Messrs. Brem, Brown h Co.'s Dry-goods House, to carry on our Retail business, and as "Excelsior" is, and has sjways been, onr motto, we claim also in thatJine to excel in stock, to excel in lowness of prions; snd to excel generally- We will, in that house, have a corns of thirty Salesmen and Sales ladies, all experienced, aflable, and obliging. ajr We will make the Millinery branch a Pwislty. - ot W. &. R, Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 80, 1874 2mos. Intelligencer Copy. To J. J. Bell & wife Carolina Bell, Thomas A. Coughenhour, and William C. Coughen hoor. You will take notice that I shall apply to Jhe Judge holding st the next Superior rt to for Rowan County at the Court "ouse in Salisbury, on the 4th Monday after 8rd Monday in September next, to have a made to me as heir at Law of John I. Shaver UtCd ono hundred and seventy acres of land Jtaated in Rowan and on the Waters of Grant's including tbe mills situated thereon and bninK to Jacob Couabenhour. deceaa- Sthe said lands having been heretofore ander a decree of the Court of Equity wn County, and purchased by my ances- John I Shaver, deceased." EDWIN SHAVER, Heir i At Law of John I Shaver. Aug. M, 1874-64. Rev. John Miller. Princeton Rev. W. S. Plumcr, D. D., Columbia, B. C. Aug. 27, 1874. t:b'g:o:s GRAND GIFT v .11 be iriven in the boro, NI C. , CONCE RT City of Gree ns era Home : Mr. C. W. Hoyle gives this account of the Lincoln grape. It was discovered by Mr. Hudson in 1810 in South Point, then Lincolo county, but now Gaston county. Mr. Hudson colti 1 . ma . m a manas it. lhe sentiments, as well as wants of all classes and conditions call aloud for change in onr organic laws. Our present Constitution is not the work of true North Carolinias, bat is of December 31, 1874, for the purpose of erecting an ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. The Grand Gift is the Benbow Houses worth; $60,000.00 grand cash qui $1 0,0 0 0. Real Estate tUfts, $81 ,500 Cask " 88,30 Only 100.000 tickets to be issued. Price of Tickets, $250. vated this variety of grape considerably, foreign origin and growth, and under its In 1824, be sold bis place Hoyle, who cultivated it more In 1827, Dr. Butts, of Ohio, in Lincolnton, gave the grape the name of "Lincoln, which tt has borne ever since. Before that, it was called the Hudson grape. m cuuaiuerauiy. o- .p. ' ' , defild religion would then be honor to Mr. Andrew operation MCiur condition has been growing giorified-primitive Christianity t are extensively, worse. We have not time to wait and Jund forth, divested of the inventk hio, then living n poverty under this spawn of home ln he maiesty of ita native scallawags and Northern adventurers. It was framed ander the reigning influence of military power, with the swords and bayonets of the United States Army in our midst as a terror to onr prostrate people. Here is another question worth settling, j These people, who had no heart to vote if it can be done : We have 'heard it very I for a Convention in those days while thus mu-free, they long for an opportunity to make if it can be done : We have heard it very I tor a convention in tnose aays vnne confidently asserted by a gentleman well oder the thraldom of this grinding . , , . . . e n .m itary despotism, are now becoming informed on the sabject of Grapes that ZfiLZTmnZ for an opportunity to AGENTS WATED. For .further particulars, address Manager, Box 8. Greensboro, N. C. r" CP. MENPENHALL, y ' - . - SepL 10, 1874 8w. the the (Linco!n." the "Lenoir and the "Elsingburg" are identical. We have, oorself, compared tbe fruit, foliage and vine of King & Hege s "Elsiogbarg," with, the frail, foliage and vine of William ; Michael's "Lincoln," and could detect no difference. Wo believe they are identi cally the same. Mr, Michael's "Lincoln," in our possession, is a cutting from the grape so long cultivated In the town of Lincolnton, and sometimes spokeu of as the Butt's giape: for themselves a Constitution in place of the abominable one now governing as. Now is the time to strike for it, in spite of the cob-web sophistries and fallacious arguments of the editors and politicians who oppose it. Timid moo rarely favor innovation or advocate reform. Bold, manly spirits are those who have to do this sort of work, and they must expect more abuse than praise. Still, those who as same that toe people of North Carolina are not ripe for a Convention reckon with out their hoots. They do not know of what material oar people are mae. become what it shonld be one united, harmonious family in Christ infidelity, vice, and immorality wonld recede, and happiness, before unknown, would become the crowing glory of man. Pure and on- defild religion would then be honored and would inventions of love liness the victories of the cross would be rapidly achieved and the bright day be nsbered in, when Jeans shall role, King of nations, as he now does King of saints. The Granges The number of subordinate granges now in operation is but a few score leas than twenty thousand. Iowa had the largest num ber on the first of June, the date of the last report, being 1,904. Indiana was 1968. and Missouri had 1,929, while the Kansas gran ges numbered 1323. Illinois had 1,481. and Kentucky 1,101. The cotton and Gulf States alone had 4,065 grangers. Ther are grangers in all the States, not Connecticut and Delaware are without State grangers. not having the necessary number. There are now about thirty grangers io Canada and the Patrons there propose organising separately hereafter. There are no granges in New Mexico or Arizona, wh :,e in the other Territories there are 180. on tbe fresh stores of the West. Mesrs Grnpy & Klatts have erected a steam flour and saw mill on Inniss street. Taste and eleganoe are displayed in tbe recent buildings and in beautiful flower gardens. As to flowers, I feel that I am justified in special commendation of care and taste. The celebrated brass band has recently purchased a splendid outfit, and their silver pieces combine loudness and sweetness to a delightful degree. The instruments are a charming picture .a a seven , in themselves. J hey certainly make exquisite music. Among the interesting features of Salisbury I most mention the venerable Dr. Alex. Long. Far beyond the allotted age of man, be is passing down the even, flowery slope with a ceaseless smile on his heart, cloud less peace on his face and a halo of sweet submission and soft decline about him. How boaatifol such a picture of old ago 1 The two cemeteries of tbe town are handsomely enclosed. Tbe interior of them is neglected. I bono bo mo body will speedily replace the decayed bead boards at the graves of those Soathern soldiers in the Lutheran cemetery. Pity that their earnes should be loot by such negligence. Where is tbe ladies that risked their Uvea to feed these meat when they were in the hospitals t I was gad to find a bow sex ton hard at work, deavg and ropalrfng Stanly, Sept. 21st Union, Oct. 6th Anson, " 19th EIGHTH Distrct Wilsox ob Clots Surry, Sept. 7th Yadkin, J 21st Davie, Oct. 6th Rowan. ' 19th Davidson, New. 2d Forsythe. " lGto Stokes, " 30th NINTH DISTRICT Jpikjk Polk, Sept. Rutherford, Cleave land, Lincoln, Gaston, Oct. 14th 28th it Nov. 9th Dee. 7th rENTH DISTICT Jddob Mrrcirxu. Catawba. Alexander, Caldwell, Alleghany, Beet u Oct, u Nov. SI Wakes, Iredell. We arranre tbe Ooertt in the District according to the time special Act of the LegwJaiaro. the Almsnac has the time wrong. 7 th 21st 5th 19th 2d 16th tad by in BBS i .tit! i

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