a Carolina UJatcbman LOCAL. SEPTEMBER, 17. Tho best Saear Cured Hams, Beef Tongues and Breakfast Strips for Sale at A. Parker's. A fine lot of Mountain Queen Apples just Rec'd at A. Parker's. Communications and other matter o importance are crowded out of tbis issue The thieves and honest people of New Orleans were fighting at last accounts. Grant has p rod a mated, taking sides with the thieves. Rain. After a long dry spell copious showers came last Tuesday, which were more than welcome. Not Dead . a young man of this place a e & boxes of sardines, lbs of crakers, 2 bottles of peper sauce, A pint vinegar, drank dozen glasses of water, an is not dead. Our Fair begins on the 27th, Oct. and lasts five days. Every preparation ia progressing to make it the grandest success ever witnessed in Western Caro lina. , Qen. Col quilt, the orator, soldier, and statesman will deliver the annual address, and many of North Carolina's braves who learned to honor him on the bloody battle fields of old Virginia, will thus have an opportunity to shake him once mora by the haud. A large number of entries has been made of fine stock. Mr. Baken, of S. C js expected here and will bring quite a number of fine animals, among them the celebrated racer, Lady Washington ; also Mr. llarvey with his fine stock ; and Capt. Salisbury Dramatio Club. This Jas. Norwood, of Hillsboro, aud the fine o':ub will appear again on Monday night Sept. 21st, with a select programme. A foil bouse is expected. Gone North. Several of our mer chants have gone North to lay in new stocks of goods. Returnod. Our Mayor, who had been rusticating at Healing Springs, Davidson Co., returned last Saturday. An attempt has been tnado to assassin ate the President of Peru. Corn and meal have been quite scarce in our market for some time. Corn Sold Although we cannot give the exact ma iority in the State for Col. Pool, says the Newbero Journal of Commerce it ean now nearly approximated. All but f ar c un I have been heard from, officially and semmi -officially, an J by adding up the vote s a a . a . . t given lu me laDtiialeU Statement presented elsewhere, it will be seen that the inaiority thus far is about 11,800. The eounties to be heard from will iucreaie this at least 700. So the Democratic majority will not fall short of 12,500. It cannot be claimed that this splendid result is trie effect of a light vote. 1 tknell, it is true, talis behind the Caldwell vote ; bnt Col. Pool will lead Merrimon about 1000. If the Congressional vote is taken aa a basis, more than 100.000 Democratic ballots were east on the 6th inst This is the largest number ever before pulled by sny party in the State, and goes to show that the Democratic strength is steadily increasing staring With TO.UUO votes in 1868 ; giving 84.601 for Seymour in the same year ; 87, 000 for SHippin 1870 ; 96.731 for Merrimon m 1872; and 100,000 in 1874. These fig ures are significant, when it is understood that the Radical party started with 96,000 in 1868, and its fall strength and largest vote was polled in 1872 when Caldwell received 98,630. If mean and office-seeking white men would let the negro alone there would be uo difficulty with him, and he would soon quit meddling in politics, as he has already found out that voting does not procure bread and meat. Every man who is "diligent in bnsinees, serving the Lord," is a sermon brimful ol the energies of life and truth; a witness to tN J8B,J LARGE SHOW THAT m eiMkit ii JAwpUK THUBSDAY, OCTOBER fith me traveling wwatf 1874. jflrl j Bk xuvvvaawvaV ' 4t If SmiuumStL ' HHHtoX 'V 9 2Kw9 HLWV -w a n l mi m racer, Jack itouinaa. 1 nese are only a few of the celebraties that anangements have been made for. Our countrymen are nearly all expected to have something on exhibition. Those who fail to attend this year will miss a great deal, that wil prove, not only interesting, but instruc tive and useful. Let all come without the comprehensiveness and adaptability of OLD JOHN ROBBiNSON S Great World's Exposition ! AMERICA'S FAVOBITE SHOW, WITH AMKKffiA'S VKTRRAV MAVAP.PI) THE MONABCH 0! AMUSEMENTS ! MY BIGHT Done dare Dispute ! 1 AiiiRBtratort Hetice to fMSr reat wantea. - m m a aw m All POTTOS having Ui ma sjpinat I lie estate of Msry If arlia, di gc d, are ltwby notiGod tn exhiltit the nmlo t)t anJrwned o or before the 2Utliday ofAugnM, A. 1., 1475. C.VTHEW BICE, Administrator with the )! annexed of Marv Msrlin 1Kx1. An- 20, 1X74 Cw. MighfU Cash Prices Paid. SotvI mmplc to rmirl A National Hate 1, In the Centre of business on Maiu"Slree SALISBURY, N. C. I most mamUftUm . inform iU ptUlc & old (Jcl, thai 1 Ucc "REFURNISHED REFITTED, AND THOBOLK1U.Y Ith.WoDDl.tD THE " RATIOS XL KUR THE SCsIHER SEASON L00X CLEAN WELL TcBTiLATZD MY TABLE w tnpfdied rr everything tku d oC-er markeU afford. This How hw glr.ed a reputation second to none m the Conntrr, and the Proprietress will keep imp IK FiKST CLASS STYLE. loide and experienced Servant in attendance, UHH. Ml. KEEVES J'rotiUtr June 11. 1874 tf. for one short week : See the fine stock, fast races and shake hands with old friends. The fifth session of the Rowan Snn- day School Association was held at Sa- here last Saturday iur $1.07 per bushel I lorn Church in this county on the 19th and and meal was nor to be had at any price. 1 20th of August last. A goodly number fail and give themselves np to enjoyment Christ's religion: a preacher of righteous-1 THIS CONCERN IS C0L0SSAT TH ATT of delegates was present. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That in the opinion of this ness in scenes where none can preach sc effectively or so well. Bayne. Cicero, who was born 106 years before Christ, wrote: "I consider this world as a place which nature never intended for ray permanent abode, and I look on my de parture from it not as being driveu from my habitation, but simply as leaving an inn. It is the Sabbath day. Let evil im aginings, hatred, cares, he put aside. Stop strife. Be at peace with your neigh' ITS PROPORTIONS J Come now aud gel called ihe IiOnff Staple Cotton We have been Bhown by llobt. Murphy, Jr., a specimen of tbi beautiful cotton raised by himself. It u really very superior to Association, it is the bouudeu duty of this bor, if you cannot bo with your God. the ordinary cotton, but its fine lone staple 00dy t0 use al1 practicable means to a- cut, by all means, be nt peace with him vr avail a uecper inicifsi in vuu onuuay School cause in this county ; aud we do recommend, that wherever it be expedient, we establish Bible Classes, and Sunday Schools wherever ten pupils can bo got ten to attend. liesoloed. 1 hat a committee consisting of one member from each denomination here represented be appointed to consider the ptoprietv of recommending for the use . r j li i cv l a . l t . i sufferers. His loss eonisted in the de- Vi ur 1 u"ua oc ,a ",e Aaiernaonai uniform Lieson system. Impossible to move by the ordinary moans by SMALLER CONCERNS, it rrqairca MANY SPECIAL TRAINS to transport ihia COLQSSAL OF ALL EXUI13I- iLJri, wiycu contamH THOUSOS OF LIVING ANSALS, MYRIATS OF RIRTXS, COLONTE3 OF MONKEYS, 6HOOI5 OF AM Pi 11 HA, MILES OF UEITILES, is not its only merit : its yield is much larger to the acre and the price it demands much greater. Fire in Charlotte. -We regret to learn that a disastrous fire occurred in Charlotte on Saturday morning last. We are sorry to learn that W. J. Yates of tho Democrat is among the bravest truction of two stores. The Observer estimates the entire loss at $17,000. The suffers are W. J. Yates. J. Mayer, B. N. John K. Graham read the follow ins: : Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention are due and are hereby tendered Smi.h, J. L. Brothers & Co. McMurray U l"0 good people of this congregation tc Davis, Sheriff & Bro., Stenhouse, McCauley & Co. Tho fire is now believed to have origi nated accidentally. Our Living and Our Dead. This valuable publication is now issued from Raleigh in handsome Magizine form, and will appear monthly hereafter instead of weekly as heretofore. It is a publica tion that should be sustained. J. K. Burke, Esq. We are glad to know that the reason this gentleman was not qualified as Deputy Sheriff at the last meeting of the County Board, is that ho could not be present, being kept away on official duty. Having been re appointed by Sheriff Waggoner, he has since qualified as Deputy Sheriff, by .giv ing bond and taking the oath. He is a good, reliable officer, and we are glad that he has been retained. Eating Saloon. Mr. J. A. Snider has fitted up a neat Eating Saloon iu the rear of bis Bar, where meals can be had at all hours. Mr. Snider will be remem bered as the proprietor of the Saloon at which such large numbers were accommo dated during our last Fair. He is now equally well prepared to furnish meals to those who wish it, and he always has the best the market affords. and community, for their kindness and hospitality to the members and visitors during the session of this Association. Tbyatira and Unity churches invited the Association to hold the nest meeting with them. Tho Coming of the Great Show. Old John RobbiDSov's Great World's Ex position, one of the most reliable organiza tions in Ainerica,witl visit S iliibury Octo ber 8th. The Show is undoubtedly among the best known to the amusement .loving public From an exchange we clip the following : "This vast combination has taken the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny by storm. Vast appreciative audiences crowd the pavillions ct each entertainment. The exercises in the arena are among the best witnessed in Pittsburgh. Slickney and Wilson, and tie great menage act of Miss EinmaTjake. are witnessed with admiration, and are worthy the enthusastic and flatter ing reception accorded them. In fact the entire eireus is decidedly good, and is pa tronized in accordance with its merits. The menagerie is composed of very many speci mens of rare animals, and the gigantic amuse ment enterprise is well managed and con ducted. The company remain but two days longer, giving, four of their really pleasing entertainments." John Robinson is keeping good his promise made the public of giving them one of the best exhibitions fusible, and it is no wonder that his show is iberally patronized." Alarming Sins. If I were called to point out the most alarming sins today those which are most deceitful in their influence, and most soul-destroying in their ultimate effects I would not mention drunkenness with all its Lewis Scales, a small colored youth not I fearful havoc, nor gambling with its crazed having the fear of the law or man before jJJH ,nor h?r,t,77i!h1 I but the love of money on t his eyes, entered the tin shop of Messrs. the Jove of display on its hellish orgies: the part of men, and the part of women. , . T . . 1 TT . vjo io uie sancruary 10-aay. near me story of devine love, and resolve upon a better and a truer life. "The greatest step to heaven is out ol our door, over our own threshold. It hath cost many a man his life when his bouse r w.is on nre, a covctousnes? to save some of the stuff; which, venturing among the flames to preserve, he has perished him self. More have loBt their souls by thinks ing to carrv some of their own stuff with them to heaven; such a good work or duty; which they, like lingering Lot. have been loath to leave in point of confidence; and have themselves perished.' GumaU. DIED. Niffer W.is., infant son of Rev. W. & P. E. Kimball, suddenly departed this life last Sun day, Sept- 13th. 1874. Ho wa ; the darling son j of the bericvec family, and all who knew him acquiesced in the opinion that he was a child of great promise aud taien ts. Bat it seemed this world could not retain him, 1W while yet pure and innocent the LiOrd saw nt to take him Lome toa more blissful abode, where "it is well with the child forever, " and whe:ei-are and sorrow shall never como nigh its peaceful breast." The Lord hath done it, and -'lie doeth all thiugs well" ''blessed be bis name for ever." SALISBURY MARKET. SEPTEMBER, 10. Buying Rates : CORN new 90 a 95 COTTON 11 a 15 FLOUR $3.25 to 3.50 MEAL $1.00 BACON county) 12 to 15 hog round POTATOES Irish 90 a Sweet $1.00 EGGS 10 to 12J CHICKENS $2.00 per doz. LARD 12 a 15. FEATHERC new, 50. RYE a 80 BEESEWAX 30. WHEAT $1.15 a $1.50. BUTTER 20. DRIED FRUIT-6to 01. Blackberries, 8 10 cts. 80 TO TEXAS VIA THE LONE STAR ROUTE ! ( International and Great Northern R R) ft JT mn& T MORE STOVES. and better onen than eve.-. the liEST. Get the stofe ACORN COOK if Tom want one tint will ontlaot nnv o'her. mn.l that in made of all N K V IKoN.and warranted to give Hittsiaction X. ariuua fUrle. of cook ing stoves at a small profit. TIN WARE, Sheet Iron & Carrca Ware made of the best Materia., on hand or made to order. Merchant Mipplie at Low I'eicul Cajh eaiu W all kind of tv;-r, liraMAu. Aak Cur DrfowN's Tin hl.op Main Street. Saliabarv. N . C, L. V. Iirown. I am well preit.ired.to cut cood STENCIL PLATES for marking Tobacco,: Flor.r Patent article Ac. M.H.4, X. C. anJ returned. IsJi W. 1874 fw , abai! he promptly NOTICE. II urine, qualified a if i liaiaJrlfaT OH ll.w Uterf Unrj A. McJki.iSl.i, I kr'd, J4ter ia horebv pf Ten tn all furwaw Indebted tn the m- tatcof.n.l Ai,rV A. McKugbl to make im me Ji.iie payment ; and ail prrnw bavin rlii g iirt aaid estate wil! prefect ihtn for a it within ti.e ti will be I' prrect tketa far m ike wjr tsiw, or t ia piewdra) tm bar tof their nn jvarr U. K. RKSE. AaI.20.1874-4t The Brown Cotton Gin. Tkcaltmtiun of planters and others ia i clledtoihe a'o'e old and j:able maVe ol Ctton Giu. TLey are fnmiabd Hdawrwar greatly improved, and uulbinf wkUk si j i r am i t.irt yeatwia tiicir :ba IKI! Every eron doing upv kind of work or buiti- neju tliould have a stencil to advcrliae bin bu-i- uesw, as it is ickn.jw!rl;ul to U- the bct and cheapert way to let iop! know what yoa are doing. One mar; with trrcil mnv get a ciiHtoairr, for you, that will put IIi'nirki of IXiLeaks in your hand. Try It and yoa will get a co tom'r you never tluiiarlit of. MY Pit ICES ARE. LOW. A8 FOMlVf-. One-fourth inch letters 5 ccnU per letter One half and 6ve-elghta 6 " " " Three-fourth A One inch Utter 7 " " " They may be cnt to any part of the U. 6. bv mail al a tunall cuM. Send In vonr order taling ite of letter von prefer, and the Stencil will be made ncat'v cot and promptly forwarded. r uher atreet aubury, N . C L. V. EROWX. April 23, 1874 tf. ucctt La jvi vU nndotit lot mott reiiaMc and ?erfcct rttoc Gin ia LA tne reiilt nt otirenrt we i.e. J op) lheiretablili d r iutati u and popularit v. rr Tea fctis or WoaXMARaair BTaasoTH, L)cbai ility. Ln itT Kt XMiso.and r'ATiTT and vrALiTY of tiar rw ntcki. w cha'.lftirc cCiprtitn. Wo av Dreai-d la aa( to any renaoaable extent jrrfKt Mti. dii u cyt ry planter or ojnvtor. Tata Oiaal old at tkc iuot poible ptio for ad macninea. and in re amualile term. TTe iutiia cvai'iin;.ion i f t'p mr-.i-l in ttr RaJ.d t-t or local .eent '.m will give all dealred in. formations: fomih :.!. t vita circular. d CUMIier.Utol v U :t4 D lloU! I'Silies BfitWaT the ("in. iu all an tine "f tl r cajtnu plkntirg ettnntrr Cinnlare Pxiee lut. aa other informatb n, tumv Ik- btajred 4 ourarents or by u-bi: S THE IIEOW.V COTTOX CIX CO Krw London, Cotn. Crawford and liciiie Aleuts Balis- bary N. C. Workitg rcple. Male or Female, Kan- plovmcut ai home, $20 per week warraaOvd, mm capital nrpitrrd. I ar.u -.Jars and Valuable samples sent free. Address with ermx return tsmp, I KofM, v illiamlN;ry, Ji. T. 4w FREE SAMPLE Ag-nta- Ladiwa Cow", biuation Ncdle-lMMk. with Ckroswna, Smd sUo.p D?.AN C... N. R. .!f..rd M EMBRACING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE NAGrSRIE, AVIARY AND AQTJ ARUM ! IN THE WORLD, CONTAINING LIVING SPECIMENS OF OUB CREATOR'S GRE1T SSWDHVOKk, OF WHICH "They went in, two and two, unto Noah info the ark. The male and the female us God had commanded Noah." -0- Bakcr & Ncave, a few days ago, laid vio- !le V?n sends ita thoasauds these ' " ' I fAahiAnahlo aa Fsi tt o rn rl mnn brcnnnti aonn ihaiv itwuiouHuiv caaiva aa y a va j uuuigbiivui tbiiva iuvii lent bands on oue cake of carried it off. He was and taken to the lock up. They begin young. Largo Potato. Mr. W. A. Lingle baa laid on onr table a sweet potato, weighing five and a half pounds, this year's growth. If there are any persons who can beat tbis, let them bring 'em in. We learn from Mr. Lingle that his crop this year is quite good, lie- began to pick cotton last week. Mr. L. is one of ttatriAna nni an tornmo m farmers. Godcy's Lady's Book for Octo ber has been received. It is a splendid number. It contains the prospectus for the year 1875. The subscription for the next year will be S3 for single copy with a handsome chromo given to each subscriber. Fifteen cents extra must be seut to prepay postage, as all matter sent through the mails after the 31st of next December must be prepaid. - lo response to no morons inquiries we strain publish a lilt of the officers of the Fair t Passenger going to Texas via Memphis and Little Bock, or via Shreveport, strike this line atLoncview. the Best Route in Palestine. Among which are tho following 8pclal Noveltisi wate wi Oa-inatoa to lxaialt, ar tho MONEY WILL P.E REFUNDED. MARK WELL IllESK LINES We will Exhibit at each place THE GREAT SHOW visits A HERD OF LIVING GIRAFFES. COSTING $62,000 IN GOLD l OR THE M05EY RE FUNDED I A BLACK SUMATRA N RHINOCEROS ! OR THE MONEY REFUNDED ! THE LARGEST PERFORMING ELEPHANT IN AMERICA ! OR THE MONEY RE FUNDED ! A GIANT OSTRICH. 12 FEET HIGH ! OR THE MONEY REFUNDED ! MONSTER SEA LIONS !OR THE MONEY REFUNDED ! A 3 HORNED AND 3 EYED BOVINE FROM THE HOLY LAND ! TH E ONLY ONE EVER EXHIBITED 1 OR THE MONEY REFUNDED ! THESE ARE SPECAL FEATURES THAT ARE NOT OWN ED OR CONTROLLED BY ANY OTHER TRAVELING EXHIBITION, IN ADDITION TO WHICH IS THE All oyer the world can be found Asrenp' of John Robbinson's Great World's Exposition, ever ready to secure, "reardlftw of ezftenae, any rare living Animsl, Bird, Reptile, or Monster of the Deep, or Special Artist for the Arenic Deinrtmcnt, that will tend lo make his Great Combination the Lanrest and Best in the World. Its immense Proportion?, Mammoth Di menaions and colowal m.icnitutle mark it n the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH ! OBSTACLES TO HAttRIAGE. Harp 7 B elief for Yonnir Men from ihe effect of Error and Abu in earlv life. Manhood Restored. Impediments lo Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circular sent free, in sealed envelorte. Addreas, HOWARD ahmih;latio, n, South rsinth St., Phila delphia, Pa. an Institution baring a hijrh re putation for honorable conduct and proAafHiun al skill. Oct. 30, 1373. y. THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and Sewing Machine ATTACHMENTS, OF ALL KINDS, AIn NEEDLES, OIL & TilRhAP, ALSO A LOT OF STATIONERY, ooNsiernsG of Legal and F Is t p of Different qualities, aUo, several air lea ol LETTISH. PAPER, PACKET, COMMERCIAL, FRENCH AND MOURNING NOTE. SERMON Paper and vhrfoos style and sines of ENVEL0PE8 Inlet Pen Penrlles &r, also a large lot off Morgan's Stereoscopic Views of the ' NORTH CAROLINA IXTork At h tnr male, or fenta; for all w.k. day i.r evenmaT- No Capital. W- send valuable parkac of (rda by mail free. Address with six cent rwiorn vtasafs M. YOliaa. Greenwich Su, N. Y. 4w AGENTH f.r the Selling Artielea in the World 2 00 worth of samples given sway to thoas who will sw- eome at; nt. J. UR1DE & CO-, 767 Browa- y. N. Y. 4w START IN LIFE Tlie Unitod States PoblinhingCo. J.i ( nirmnty, fine ffem Jar. Want Aceata erorvwhr for the following : Sl'IKl l OF THE HOLY BIBLE. Edited by Frank Moor. An elegant 8v 600 pp., 5(10 Engraving from the Ola Masters. Price. 5 00. a hi'cawnr finn 1 a i i j::-- ni u.ouBanua io oerumou. xaey sear vne Hearni, Waco, Austin, Hanteville, Houston. persued, caught, ,?2S iSj SLSS Gal vaston and all points in Western, Central mu.. hie shell of worldiness, debauch the affections Vaatarn anA stur n Taa EMBRACING f al from ever high and heavenly object, and make man or woman the worshipper of self. While doing all this, the poor victim is allowed by public opinion to think himself or herself a Christian ; while tne drunkard, the gambler or the prostitute is not deceived by such a thought for a moment. Jh-. Vroaby. The Valuk of Extradition Laws. A curious exemplification of the value of extra dition laws was furnished in the courts yester day by the arrest of a merchant charged with burglary committed at Stockholm in July last. The man confessed his crime, and will probably be sent back to Sweden to stand his trial. W ith the progress of enlightenment dishonest people may probably discover that roguery docs not pay. Nothing is more likely to exercise a restraining influence on the dishonest than the knowledge that wherever they go they remain subject to capture. Maj. M, D- L- McLeod.Messrs. Wit kowsky A Rintels have secured the services o this estimable and popular gentleman, as Man ager of their Retail Department, Ma. McLeod is well known in this community, and largely through out the Carolina, as a thorough busi ness man : a clever, courteous gentleman- and an exemplary christian. He served gal- lantlv in the army as Major of the 1st rs. C. Cavalry, in Gen. Gordon's brigade. He has for a number of years been residing at Rock Hill. 8. C : and his many friends cordially welcome him back to his old home. Charlotte Observer T. W. Keen P. A. Frcrcks, A. H. Boy don, B. t . Rogers, President First Vice President. Second " " Secretary & Treasure DIRECTORS. T. W. Keen, P. A. Frercks, A. H. Boyden, P. Meroney, D. L. Brintrle. John A. Snider. J. O. White, J. 8. McCubbioa. Wm. Howard. H. G. Boat. Andrew Barger, J.A- McConnangkey.j April 23, 1873 tf. LOOK HEBE. Eastern and Southern Texas. Passongers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tyler, Mincola, Dallas, Overton, Crockette, Longview and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Air brakes. Mil ler's Patent Safely Platforms and Couplers ; and nowhere else can the passenger so completely depend on a speedy, safe and comfortable jour ney. The LONE STAR ROUTE has admirably answered the query : "How to go to Texas f bv the publication of an interesting and truth. ful document, containing a valuable and correct map. which can be obtained, free of charge by addressing the GENERAL TICKET AGENT International and Great Northern Railroad Houston, Texas. District E. 350 ACRES LAND FOR SALE. HK We will expose to public sale, on the 26 day of Sept. 1874, at the residence of the late David H. Patterson, all that Tract of land (350 acres mere or less) lying on Witherows creek, vunui auu Tract is in a high state of cultivation ; the other half is native forest. There are several fine bottoms on it, all necessary building, well watered, &c ALSO At the same time and place another Tract 1,000 Living Wild Beasts and Rare Bird. Diminutive Ponies. 1 ,000 Men and Horses. 5.000 Animate and Inanimate Curiosities. CO 40 Musicians. 100 Male Performers. 80 Lady 5. Golden Cbariote, costing $10,wu adioinimr Nathan Neely, Milton others. About one-half of this valuable We are Agents for the sale of Burdicks N A- of 62 acres, lying on Sill's creek, adjoining J. TIONAL FEED CUTTER" and take pleasure B. Parker and others. This Tract is mostly in offering it to the public as the very best in bottom land in high cultivation. All necessary nr. . a ! J? I a. 11 Riders, Buropeon Celebrities. 50 Cages of Wild Beaata in Gold DAILY EArJJiiNlill'UKK 9,000. Over 50 Cages of Rare Animals, in addition to wbiCh the Rhinoceros. Giant Ostriches, Girafle Hippotami, Sea Lions, Elands, Hartbeasts, 1'acihc heals, xaks Herds, of Sacred Cattle, and the wonderful Three-Horned and Three-Eyed Bovine from the Holy Land, are specialties only to be seen in this Great World's Exposition. GRAND o I Utah. I PAGEANT A scene of splendor and dazzling magnificence, not witnessed oftener than once in a life time liiving Anions ana riser juootc ia tne street A dbmlav of over 2 miles in length introducing an endlecs number of brilliant and beautiful decorated CAGES, DENS, TANKS, and VANS, containii me. it cuts rapiaiy, u easy to torn, is strong ly built in every part, and not likely to get ou of repair. Call and examine for yourselves and convinced. We are also Agents for the celebrated "WATT PLOW," and keep an est sortment of them constantly on hand.' FOSTER & HOBAH. buildinars. but small. tknT" Terms, cash, I in 6 months, and the remainder in 12 months. Tittle with roll pay ment. J. M. HARRISON, J. M. PATTERSON, Admre. of Jane L. & F. E. Patterson dee'd. August 13, 1874 tf. BIRDS, REPTILES, and SEA MONSTERS TWO BRASS BANDS.aFC DOORS OPEN AT iflpO containing my vast collections of BEASTS, ORTY MUSiriANS. AND 6:30 P. M. ONE TICK rill visit every MITS TO THE ENTIRE ENTERTAINMENT nd Village of note in the States of Vinrinia and North . . &ept!7. AD Will visit every Town an Carolina. i . Don't forget the date Salisbury Thursday, October. 8th 1874 Yoscmite and etner noted placet which are truly magnificent. also a stock of superior FLOWER P0T8. Which will be void low at Sinawr Sewinc Machine Store on South side main Street, n the Public Square.' OUR FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. Life of tiie K .-public. By C- Edward 12 monthly parts, 90 pp. each Royal 8o. 50 cts. each part. LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVCIES OF CHARLES SUMNER. By C Edwards Letter, 5th Edition, reviaed and enlarged. 8vo 700 pp. $3-75. THE NEW YORK TOMBS. By Warden 8vttnti. A eomolete history f Noted Criminals of New York, and the Romance vf Prison Life, 8vo, 077 lip. $y.50- Circulars, speeimen pages, aud terms to agents ou application aa aavva. 4w. 1SY HOM A NCY, or SOUL CHARM iNG. How either sex may b facinat aad gain the love affcclioua of any peraoa tkey chooa iti-tantlv. Thi nlnmle mental aconir ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25, together with a marriage gnide, hgplatn Oracle, Dreaaaa, Hints lo Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirts Ac A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM A on. Puba. l'l.ila, For Coughs, !C c ! d s H orsen ess. ASTD aUSRILOATDZSaAIII, Use Wells' CarboJic Tablets. ti t rr oklt in blCe boxer. ATEIED and SURE U1CSDT bold by lruggi. --$20- ManW: How Lost. How Restorefl ! g Jtiat nnhlinhed. a new edition of 3 Dr. CnlverweU's Cclcbra w tedSssav on 4 he radical cure ilhout medicino) of Spkrm atokkuf.a or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal LnMa ea, I M potency, MsnUl and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc ; also Gowscm r ttox, Eptlctst ad Fits, induced by self-in dulgence or sexual extravagance ; Ac ry Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrate from a thirty yeanr successful practice, that the a I arm inz conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cored without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and eftec tnal, by mean of which every sufferer, no mat ter whit his condition mar be. mav care him If cheaply, privately, and radically. WtW This Lecture should he in the hands of every yonth and every man in the land. Sent andrr seal, in a plain enve'ope, to any address, pot-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamp. Address the Pwblishor. CH AS J O XLINB oV CO 127 Bowery. New York Tort Office Box. 4386 WILL BUT A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM EONI INDUSTRIAL tUB T108 CO., JSrH YORK. Authorized by the Lcgb iature of the State of New York. First Prsmioi I r wisg sept. T. 1174 CAPITAL PRLMIUM, - - 9100,000 Address for bond snd lull in format ioa, M )KiEN TH At", BKI'NO A OO Finanrial Ageni. I'AKK BOW. T. P.O. Urawer eeirrd. AppUcaJum jar Amm$ ray 4w HAVE YOU TRIED ARE TOD Weak, Wervoua or Debilited Are you so Languid that any exertio re qnin moro ofn eOorl tiian yon feel capable of making T Then try J ITRL rtETi A . too wonnarfal U nte and invigotator, which seta so beneficially est the secretive organ: a to mijn vigor to ail tbe vital foM-e. It is im a'enbnlic appetlset, ahMl athesUte for a chnrt time, on! v to let tbe snfiVrer Call te a low depth of misery, bet it is s tori- acting dtrectir nnthe Lvcr an It rrguIaUs tbe I'owelr. quiela tbe and gives such a healthy tece to the v system s to stmn maks tbe invalid tike a new person. Its operation is not viojent, hat is elwfart ited by great gentlrnMsi ; the patient tap iences no sodcn rhange. no marled leeahs bat gradnallr bis treobJse "Fold their tents, tike the Araea, And silentiy steal aay.M This is no sew untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial resu. i and is pPiaonncedby tLe highest ssbsritiev Ak your druggist far ii. ., F. r sale by Wk F KIDDtB A.L. Mew York. iw aervee. iol fevl a - a m

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