An oU gentleman died recently at Al lontowu, pa., who bad been married four Sies, the ceremonies haying taken place hie fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, and seven- birthdays. The city tax of fifteen dollars per quauter on all Chinese laundry men in pan Francisco has been declared uncon BtUntiooal. Vermont is always Eadieal. Bat her people can stnmblo on the right thiog once in an age. They have- defeated J ndgo Poland, author of the infamous nresscae- law. 1). C. Jjrsison, Independent and Jlcpublicao, is elected. The Deniocrast made some gains in the State. National Hotel, 8AfcisBrjBY.-w-We plopped a day in .Salisbury last week, at the National Hotel, and found it all that a firsUelass hotel ought to be. It has re cently been refurnished, and put in thor ough reeoair by Mr. Linton, a live man. and a fientleisan. who cives promise of becomeiog a first-class hotclist. May bis shadow never grow less. Tub State election occured in Maine yester day, The Ropublicana in that State have been harping upon (be ''Southern Outrages," but the J ortlan'l Aryux makes the following significant remark : 'Thre arc some voters, even in tne Repub lican part y, who tit is year' just for once, pro pose to look a Utile after things at home. They have a roihl suspicion that demagogues are veiling over the South to divert their at tention fit 'in some little mutters considerably more important to Maine than negro squabbles in South Carolina." Long Funeral Processions, such as Jrish Catholics have been accustomed to indulge in at great and unnecessary cost have always been discouraged by the clergy. We read that a Watertown, Mass., the Irish people recently followed the body of a ft ieud to the grave on foot, giving the money which catriages would nave cost to the family of the deceased. This action is warmly commended by the Rnatnn PilnL which savs "llow man v .-. r... A a a a fivArv Aav fY.L 1011c aaaiivstaso va w j bvo v w w v vss v 1 lowintr thn remains of noor men whose Z " o .... . I clnldrcn w.H bo sent to the poorhouse "- ww. 1 tttv tti T.r ttth qitttattov i. " " We should cither resrard the South as a military conn nest anil covern it by pro- Mna.,l oa a,.,-..; lrm.nt nf thn Lnion'atid worthy fraternal snvu nguts. H we cannot trust t in oouiuern states let us restore 1110 mimary aepart- mcul and send our generals uown to com- mand them. Huch a change would be welcome in some rcpnects. for there would I ecrtainiy be no war bctweee races, noleg islative repudiation. If. on the contrary, we can trust tho Southern States as Bister sovereign commonwealth, then we must hnw a "i nnl nnd r.ouraureoB fcclin&T. - - w Boys, do toit Ukak That ? A New Orleans paper tells of a printer who, when his fellow workmen went out to drink beer, during tho working hours, put iu the bank the exact which he would bavo spent if ho had gone out to drink. He thns kept his resolution for five years. Ho then oxamiued hie bank account and found that ho had on deposit 8o'2l.SG. In the five years he had not lost a day from ill-health. Three out of five of his fellow workmen had in tho meantime, become drunkard, wore worthless and were dis charged. The water drinker then bought Ottt tho priuting office, went on enlarging bnainees. ant) in twenty years from the time he began to put by his money, was worth $100,000. The story, whether old pr new, teaches a lesson which every boy pad young man should lay to heart. Tint New Bankruptcy Law. It is set tortn tn section twelve ot tno new bankruptcy law that "in computing the number of creditors who shall join in snch Sctition, creditors whose respective debts o not exceed $250 shall not be received." Judge Blatchford of New York has ruled that the clause referred to tho computing of a number of creditors only that must sifrn and verify the petition, and does not affect the amount of debts that they must I represent. There must be represented I by the petition one-third of all the liabili ties to tho debtor sought to be adjudicated a bankrupt. An Enterprise it PBOspicnvn. We have heard a rumor, only a rumor vr r t- o. " t- . .'I Mia. JiuBHry,ui 1110 oiaiesviue jsinamcirK, and Robertson, of the Cherokee Herald. Wli t-Pronr onnvorf. tn h. . -w - v-. . . . . . uu bi.uj uuiauun temperance cause, will shortly start a temperance organ for tho West. Avery, of the Pied tnonf Press, and Woodson, of the Raleigh JSeics. are to be regular contributors : t.i-1 it : r.u r j 0 . f Whilo Hams of the Concord Sun, is to be . J !a J lira BBPiaiaii. euuorr anu general dusiubss manager. Now, wo don't believe a word of this, nor do we ask our readers to do BO . m - m we merely give tne statement for what it is worth, hoping, however, that the re . i ii . , . ni,,,-iniia - - Lharlotte Observer. If "Cherokee" don't iro for tbft Ohs.rwo- - l.t .I , . . , , , man now, wo shall always think he ouerht W ' " O $9. Wc have iust learned the nartienlar. f , . . by Hannah Cox, of Kindolph county, About three weeks ago her father carried Want., Wr Harn T7l V" . " MO arose at seven o'clock, feeling quite weU; and friends meeting at that place, and as she although still very week, yet I was able to en bad been complaining of dropsy he left joy my food, and whether eating or drinking, her there with the understanding that everything tasted sweet and pleasant to me. .ho W..W a, a, to th. moonuta. d ffTaT-gJ epcuu rome nine ior me oenent or ner lieai tn. un last lnorsday night she went to the New Garden depot to take the train to come to this place, the tram being be bind time. After staying a while she concluded (be train had passed by when she returned to the family she was stay ing with. After returning she was taken with, she said, a severe case of cramp colic, and on some pretext she sent the girl, who was waitinr on her nntnf tb i ' W9 waa, a, trwaua vvnv V the door and refused to let her in aerain. The girl resorted to the family that aha heard a child cry in the room and it was sometime before she would open the door to any of them, and only did so after 4 sV a i. I l.o ' J... 1 A 4W HiivaiD iw uiona iuu uuui uuwu. Alter I in ,search waa made and the body of a , wiw no .uw vuk waa iuuuu in a traveling satchel. The girl made her escape, bnt Ve hear she has been arrested in XJUUVWtMton Sentinel What the Hew York Sun Thinks of it. Ho law of the United States was offen ded which called for the intervention of the President. Neither of the Gover nors made any demand for the aid which the consti lion authorizes in certain contin gencies. It was, therefore, a gratuitous, offensive, and unauthorized exercise of power, wholly prompted by a low patisan motive, and designed to intimidate the whites at the coming election, whose suc cess the Kelloggs, Spencers, Pattersons, and that tribe began to fear, in spite of the support ot the administration. The Wonders of a Ben's Bgg. The following interesting observation on the changes that occur from hour to hour during the incubation of tne ben's eggs is I from Saturn's Reflection: The hen has sarcely sat on her eggs twelve hoars before some linaments of the head and body of the chicken appear. The heart may be seen to beat at the end of the second day : it has at that time somewhat the form of a horse-shoe, but no blood yet appears. At the end of two days two vessels of blood are to be dis tinguished, the pulsation of which is visible ; one of these is the left ventricle, and the other the root of the great artery. At the fif tieth hour one auricle of the heart appears, resembling a noose folded down upon itself. The beating of the heart is first observed in the auricle, and afterward in the ventricle. At the end of seventy hours, the wings are distinguished, and on the bead two bub bles are seen for toe brain, one for the bill, and two for the fore and hind part of the head. Toward the lend of the fourth day, the two auritles already visible draw nearer to the heart than before. The uver appears toward the fifth day. At the end of seven hours more, the lungs" and the stomach be come visible, and 4 hours afterwards the in testines and loius and the upper jaw. At the one hnndred and forty-hour two ventri cles are vissible, and two drops of blood in stead of the siogl eone which was seen before. the seventh day the brain begins to have some consistency, At the one hundred and ninetieth hour of incubation the bill opens, and the flesh appears in the breat In four , ?H 4 .V" fa hours attar this thn nh annpa.r. formino- frbm bjwk and m very an we II as the e a II bladder. The bill be- asimaa irruin at tka nil rf tars. Vinnlrwt ami - . o. . . . ... thrity - six hours, and if the chicken be token out of its covering it eyidently moves itself. At the two hundred and sixty-fourth hour the eVesappear. At the two hundred and eighty- SUKt. t SSI gtolnach nd the lan the chest. At the end of three hundred fifty-five hours the bill frequently opens and shuts, and at the end of the thirteenth dav of the first cry of the chlnken is beard. It after- wards gets more strength and grows oontin tinally till at leugth it is enabled to set it self f ee from its confinement. ONE BOX A PERFECT CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER. PERFECT PREVENTIVE OF Chills and Fever. NO QUININE ! NO MEHCURY ! HO ARSENIC ! Dr. Bellamy s Pills. This invaluable medicine involves a PER FECTLY NEW TREATMENT of CHILLS AND FEVER, and will effectually cure and 1. All other remedies must not ho taken nrhon tVi, .kill ami iniw fit J . .1 It-1 I OUU I I 11 I I WUUIUIUl UK ID WU , UUt tUO " I.l'l" Jamy" Pill can be taken just as safely when the fit ts actually on as at any other time. Take once a week during the season of Chills and Fever, they will Positively ward off and ore- vent an attack making a residence in the most infected districts perfectly safe 2. The "Bellamy" Pill is also a sui sure remedy N U ca8 of Intennittent Fever, Remitteut I Fever, Typhoid Fever; Sick Headacho, Indi- eastion. and Liver Complaints of all kinds. I 3. After you are entirely discouraged and hopeless and all other remedies have failed. make one more trial, procure one Box of Bel lamy s Fills and take them. The proprietor guarantees you an absolute and perfect cure. Rrtfornnre is made to thn nxtriinnlinai 17 akm . ' . w 1 wTT . . r l oi-rroiessor jjawrence, principal or tne Insti tate8 of Elocution at New York and Philadel Pha. He SayS SS follOWS ! 1 ..ii . . Lti. -. . awui tcu venre oau. wuue resiuiue 1U New Jersey, I had a violent attack of chills and fever. The chill would come on regular at ton 'clock Md continue for nearly I Tv .a "" - ",u .1BVW more than five hours, which no medicine would relievo ; and I became so week that I could I a II aw a. nanny walk across tne room, and could not ce110 one flight of stairs in less time than ten minutes. My life became a burden to me. t i.:.. j i . ii iuh'iucuqvoiv muu vi iuuu, auu even water tasted tn inn Hkn niinmnu T nnnM aa tin refreshing sleep either by night or by day : the -.j:.:.., :i j r . v. i 7 uiouitiuo piM-iiuvu iur uiu ujr puysicians gave me no relief, and I was fast sinking into the " r j ,j i . giavu. uue uny a muy persimuun me to PUT has a hn- of nniimv mk iv at twelve o'clook noon, and three at nieht-. I After taking the two doses I felt better, and tw naht fi.r uL , m. 4l. I "ajar- -uuBaavy i awav mK) V1IUV SU tUlUU UIVUbUB 1 slept for fully eight hours, The next morning i ieu muon oetter, anu took tnree more pills. ?'?.lM"P50oaea 1 Prepared, myself ior my uaiiy emu, out to mv intense iov mv welcome visitor did not nomn .nl eating a hearty dinner at one o'clock, I took tQree morePi"8. nd at night three more. The nextmorning, after a delightful night's rest, I Ten years have elapsed since then, and I have I never Had another attack of Chills and Fever. "P. LAWRENCE. "New York Conservatory of Music "5 EastJUth Street." In conclusion, the proprietor has only to State that he will guarantee to cure any case of Chills and Pever. No ice will ever in snob case be exacted. The patient is at liberty to fc iaftfiS & 1S!f'!!tW 5 oerUficate f &W cure t an early Q t . PR liTR! OMF, TIOTT A R PVQ HAT gold by all Druggists throughout the States ' wd Territories! 8ent by mail to any address on receipt of price. rHILIP L A WRENDE. ran i 0a . vr ' v a 0 JJeV Street. NeW YOrk. 1 IZJ ?arfer' - Salisbury, N. C iedmont -or ine Railway. Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Danville R. W., H. C. Division, ana North Western N. C. E. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. rn Effect en ana after Monday August 10 1874. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mao. Express. Leave Chariot - .... ri 8.35 a a - Air-Line J'nctfa SOU M " ealtsoej lt it 10.54 " " uraensboro ..... 2.15 a 1.15 p " Danville b.i9 " 9 96 " " Danuce 6.25 " S 48 " Barkeville 11.30 " Aii-ire st U c-ssond .9tra 11.04 r . GOING SOUTH. STATION. if ml. Extras Lsave BX53 , T 11.46 r a " Barkeville- 4.9 S.T a x " Dundee 9. 6 " 7.40 m " Danville 9.99 u " Greensboro 19.90 a a " Salisbury... .... 3.15 " Air-Line J'n.-t'n 6.16 u Arrive at Charlotte. . . 6.32 4 u 8.90 " GOING EAHT. GOXlQ WEST 1 STATIONS. Man. Leave Greensboro.. Arr. U.16F st L'velOOO " 2 " 641 " Co Shops Raleigh Arr. at Goldboro'... g L ve 2 30 p m NORTH iWBITBUT V. C . R ( Salem Branch. ) Leave Greensboro .......... 9.00 a at Arrive at dalem. ...... ...... 3 30 " Leave Salem ..... 9.90 ri Arrive at Greensboro 11.16 " Passenger train leaving Raleieh at 6 41 r m connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern ones, i'rice ot Tickets same aa via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensboro at meeiiBooro wun Man Trains to or irom points North or South. irams uaiiv. doiii wavs On Sundays L vnehburer Acnnmrnniktifin Ipavp Richmond st 900 A m , arrive st Burkeville 1943 r a , leave Burke v i lie 4 35 am, arrive at Rich- mono 7 do A if ruiiman Palace Cars on all niirht trains be tween Charlotte and Richmond, (without change) A-iieni suai nave arrangemenu to advertise the - iLl- ... . Miiruuie 01 iuis company will please print as soove. For further information address 8 E. ALLEN, .Gen'l Ticket Agent. Greenahnrn. N C. TJM R TALCOT, Engineer A Gen'l Superintendent FURNITURE ! J. A. CLODFELTER A CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture, invite attention to their stock of untage Uedsteads French Chamber Suit, Walnut and Dainted Cine &ita Chairs Rocking 0hain of all descriptions, Ex tension Dining Tables of all kinds Wardrobes Washstands, What-Notea. Sofas Tteoonti Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, many other articles which we are prepared to sell as cheap . man an j iiouse in tne western part of the State. ' Be sure to call nearlv onnmit th Ar; Hotel, next door below the Express office, see our stock and hear our prices. Our terras cash. Special orders (made from nhotno-ranha , our office) wUl be supplied. i A f,,ll .1 . . r t-i . . . . n. iuii anunuieni 01 rwoseworwi Mota ix arm walnut Bonal Cases, which can be furnish ed at 3 hours notice. March 19, 1874 ly. J I ) V MAUNEYj at Law, Attorne SAzisBl YN. a Special Attention given to Collections OtBce in Coort House. March 5 18711 10' XJ' jtlO tt $20 Agents wanted e? re. Particulars .fre a.U BLAIR X ri .Mo. . 1873-tf. H 4.RD WARE. Lt ' " " fi"" Z-l a?? Vt Z JS undersigned at No. 2 vv hen von want Hardware at Iai Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury, N. 0.,May 13-tf. THE FRANKLIN (All at the Book 8tore and a?et one of thesn remarkable Washers. Tl washing of an or- dxnary family can be do is before break fast than in any .other way wil bout the wear and tear 01 ciotnes incident, to 'he oSd way. a large iaraiiy can save tne price o ' a washer m one year in clothes. A small fnmiw arm M.iK.n.;. u- rr ' Bare 52 hard day's work for your wife ALSO at the Book Store all kinds of books can be naa, OP EVERY SHADE, AND TINT, EN VrJ LOPES OF ALL STYLES AUOAU, CSC., fTTXJTt i Vr. awi- -l.-ae,a t s T. . T j WI ti 1 " or nam n nr nn hsnHa All 1 . . Music not on bands. uruera prompt- ly attended to Call and get writing paper cuvap. at the Salisbury Book Store. January 2 1874 ly. NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing with dispatch . With good tooll ana twenty-are years experienee in the business, satisfaction is guaranteed. Especias attention given to Engine and Boiler work, cotton Woolen, Mining and Agriculture nocuiuea ; auu wood turning of all kinds. Shop on Corner of Pulton and Council Street, oausDury, n. u. E H. MARSH MAIL. i 2 215 am Z " 4.00 o 8,10 " 2 1U.OO A M - "-K-aK SrLsl STEAM WASHES. THE NEW FMILT SINGER SEWNG MACHINE. We claim and can show that It Is the cnaap- rr. moat beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily operated, and smoothly running of all the Familv Sewinz Machines. It is re- mar it able not only lor me ranp anu varicv- w . . I ., J 1 its sewing, but also for tne variety anu uiuereu L( J T . i!.L U :il lk winal KlllUe OI texture WniCU Ik wiu mvw wh facility and perfection, using silk twist, linen or makinsr the ikter- LOCKED-ELA8T1C-STITCH, alike on both sides of - I v m t . . m the fabric sewn. Thus, beaver cloth, or leather, mav be sewn with oreat strength and uniformity of stitch! and. in a moment, this willing and never-wearying instrument may be adjusted for fine work on ganse or gossamer uuc, ui , tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almost any . a . , . . lit a. r V.n..A 1 otner worx wnicn oeiuaue known to perform. And with its simnlldty of construction; ease of operation; uniformity of precise action at any speed; capacity for range and variety of work, fine or coarse leaving all rivals behind it. w wirh nlp.qsn re refer the nublie to the Gold and Bronze Medals and Diplomas awarded to our Machines in America, Prussia, England, and recentl v in Austria at the reposition in v ienn, whprp wp were awaraea nve xaeaais, aenu i- . . . r , V".. t . 1 . w i jin n!ir gress, ana tnree ror aruows nuuiui-twiiw. Machines. But it gives usmucn greater p-wn tr. nront in thp nnh lcthesworn returns 01 saie, . r- : r . .u j:a lin wh Ph nn v one can naveaocoa ui ent Manufacturers of Machines, for the last four years, made to the receiver appointed by the owners of valuable Sewing Machine Patents, and which shews the precise number of machines sold by each Company. 1869 1870 1871 1878 star M-nafseUns 0... 8S.781 1SW 10 m IK Whei- er 1 W lion ao no.-w J'.r-r": Howe Machine Co . , 45 ,000 Orovs a Bak-v Stwlnf 75,156 &4.010 145,000 Machine Oon 1, 1S wing do 57,409 60,SS8 in,897 SS.SU 80,127 21,153 52.010 49.554 49.444 SS.SSS 22,666 f-nmsisittn aUwlns? Weed Sewing So Wilcox A OlbbS 1701 SSW Wilson 0 500 Americm Button-Hole itver- es-alnc Machine Co., I, ijw; 184KM IS.8,7 15,798 107 11.901 11JTS OM 4,262 S5 1A1A 1,000 811 flofd Medal riorenee B. P. Hows do Victor - do Bavls - - do Blei - - do Realnrton K mpl re do i. B.Brsontdorf do KevttoM . 'to Bartlott, aevervlble do 49 Bertram k Fanton do 420 leeor do Orlelnal llowe do nnkleSLon do 19 2 42" Aetra do 448 6.80S Rllplle do Crnplre do 8TA0 8JM0 Pa'ham do 1,141 1.TSS J. O. Polron do M'Kay do 119 O. V. Thomson do 100 Union Batton-Ilole do 614 1,004 T.SSS 4 720 ne tso S1H 1471 124 La"vitt do 771 The reader will also note that althongh it is charged that Sewing Machines are sold at en ormously high prices, yet he will see that sever al firms, that were in existence have failed or abandoned an amprofit.ihle business. We respectfully solicit a call from all parties desiring a first class Sewine Machine. At our Store near the Public Souare will be ion no tne i LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS for Tucking. Cording, Ruffling, Ac Also Silk, 'Linen, and Cotton Threads, W Jt Sa a a jseeaies, uu, dec. Infer Manufacturing Co., JOHN A. RAMSAY. Oct. 2-tf. The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Countrv 1 $50,000,00 W VALUABLE GIFTS ! 10 BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE S 169th REGULAR MONTHLY Gift Enterprise. V T drawn Monday, Sept. 1 0NE GRAND CAPITAL I4f 1874. PRIZE. OF 15,000 IN GOLD ! Two prises 11,000) Two prises 5W V Each in GREENBACKS. Five prises f 100 J One Family Carriage and Matched ITorses with Silver-mounted Harness, worth $1,500 1 Horse & BusSTV. with Sil ver-mnunti Har. neas, worth $600. One Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth $550 ! Five Family Sewing Machines, - worth $100 each 1 7RA il-IJ 1 CT( T TT ml T , . I -m .1 on v Gold Chains, Silver-ware. Jewelry Ac, Ac. -rnmLP ram. sA Tickets Limited to 50,000. AGENTS WAITED tt Rell TiVlr.f. I .;l , . ,, , w wuuim nocra 1 remiums win De paid . Twentv-five Tickets $20. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, mnd other information in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All let ters most be addressed to KAnr office, L, D. RINE, Box 86. 101 VY. rifth St. CINCINNATI, O. BUCK EYE BEE HIVE. Having purchased the right to manufacture I ay uee niTe ior ine counties of Al Th t V aaa sa-are f . . . owan, Btanly, Cabarrns, Iredell, Catawba and I tv " w " . ' r-1 , .... Lavie. 1 am prepared to nn oraere and sell in nese counties tbia valuable and improved Hive. I will sell farmers rights, when they will make a club or five, at ten dollars a right I will also sell Township rights on reasonable terms. 1 .7 .every body that examines it bays one. It will more than vmw for itself in one year. All we ask is a trial. Come and examine the Hive for yourselves and be convinced. Manufactory on East Corner of Lee A Coun sel streets, near the Depot. HENRY CAUBLE. April 9, 1874 6mos. Are you G-oina to Paint! Buy the READY MIXED PAINTS, all col ors, in small cans to suit purchasers. Every I man can be bis own painter. For sale cheap KX.UTTZ'S PBUG PTOBE. March 19, 1 874 tf. BsBwB-SaVfek -PSLf-sv-W DiftmtetoiIe RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAIXS In from One to Twenty Minutes, NOT ONE HOUR wvb ram. BAOWATW RKAOY Rsuar IS A ctrb roa every ram. It wsa Um first aai st Only Pain that iBstaatlr atop the pioat at ssawfaaalsat: ssjSaa aUavs OsBjsas-Bia js-HBi jsTSas n other slaads or him., mj Inflammations and cores Lan, Stomach, Bowels, or owe application. ur raoaowKTOTWsjiTi aismaa. no matter how violent or eii iwalarlsa the aala the ATI 1;, Dwmatn, if Xcaralgte, or prontrated with IsSrsa. Ortpalwd. kerroas, c RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL A f FORD IMSTANT KAKX. iBFxaaif ation or the kidney s. INKLAMMATION or THS l.iruuiJiAiiun ui i tin n'wr.i coMoasnov or m unsoa SORB THROAT, DIWCrLT BRF ATITTSo PALriTATIOS Or TUB II BART. ETSTBRICS, OBODP, DIPTHBRIA TOOTH AHU R NIL' R A LOLA- COLD CHILLS, AOCB CHILLS. The application or t he Blaawy Matton Ute sart s parU where the pain or difficult- exists wUl aflbrd ease sail ni furl Twenty drops In ualf a tumbler of water will In a few momenta cure CRAMPS, srASMS, BOCR HTOMACH, HBARTBURM, SICK HKADAC HR, DIARRHOEA, DY8B.VTFRT. COLIC, WIND IB THE BOWELS, Traveler ihould alwavi carry a bottle o Way Btead Relief with t he m. A few water will prevent atckneei or palru from rl water. It la petur tbaa Fieaub Braady ar Mm JM ail iniauiAb rAina. Of In of t? FEVER AND AGUE. FKVBR AND AOCB eared for flrtv cents not a remedial agent In tMs world that will care revar and Aroe. and all other Mslsrteai. Blloaa. Sasrlat, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Keren aided by BAD WAT'S PILLS) eo quick a. BAUWAT'S RBaD RB- LXar. Fifty seats per aottls. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STBOBO A1TD PTTRR KTCH BLOOD INCREASE OP KLKSH AND WKIOHT CLBAB KKIN AND BBACTin L COMPLKXION SBC C RED TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S Samparillian Eesolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE HOST ASTONTKHINO CURBS: SO aUK'K. SO RAPID ARE THE CH ANUKM. THB ODT UNDER KRS, UNDER THB INKl.l'ENi R or THIS TMULY WOVOXBrCIt MBD1CINB, THAT Every Day ai Increase ii Flesh and WeittM is Seei and Fell Everr dmn of the SAR8AFARTLLIAST BBaOL. TENT eoeamnnlcatee th roach the Blood nasal Crtaa, and other KlulJ and juloea of the aystesa the vigor of life, for It repairs tne wawee of tne body with new aaa tound materlaL SorofBla. Syphilis, Oon-uniptlon, tbe throat. Month. Ta- Olandular dlaeaao. Ulcer in mora, Nodeain theOlandiand othcrpartaoftbe Sore Byes. Stmmoruaa doaharrce from thr E Ute worst forms of Skin dlaeaee, ErapUona, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Bias Worm. Salt Raaa. Eiyataraas, acne, niaca opou, norma in ine Man. Tasaora, can- eon in the Womb, and aU weaaeaja- a ad painful dav the Womb, and all weakening and painful dla . Night Sweats. Loasof Snerm sad all waste of ehsrree. Night Sweats, Luaj of Sierm sad all watMs of the life principle, are within the curative ream of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a lew duys use wlU prove to any person using It for either of these forms of its potent power to cure tltem. If the patient, daihr hccomlns rc.lncej by the waste and decomposition that is continually pfiwiasslssj. aae eeed In arresting tbese wastes, and repairs the seats with new malrrlnl roslo from heattby hi - nil sad this the SAKSAl'ARILLlAN will and dor see are a en re B certain; ior wn n onco ina n mciiy c work of puritlcatinn, and soccecdK.ln dt loss of waatc. ita n pairs will bo rapid, a the patient will feel himself growls. MIS Is certain; for when onco this n nicly Coinmeneaa Its lltnioi.hlmx lbs snd every day Hit nnd strnsuer. use roon tiiB-esun. better, sppeuie ini'rolng. and nean and wclaht Incrt'osiog. Not only does tho SsBaariauiAias Bssoarawv excel Sll known remedial asv-nts in the cure of Chronic. Scro fulous, Constitution:! 1, and okiu liliissas; bat R k Uss only positive euro for Kidney C Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb disease. Gravel. Dlabrtee. Th-r-nsT, StopiMfc 01 Water, Iucontltieneoof Urine. Itriclit' Dis ease. Albuminuria, and in all canes wprre there are brick. Oust deposits, or ihe water la thick, eloudy, mixed with substances liko tho while of an e. or thrals like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, billoa apnesr-aiH-c, and white bone-dust dcpiaits, and when there Is a pricking, bu; ulns swTatl'Hi when pasama wafer, and pa.u iu the biuaU of tbe Rauk and alwag toe Luins. Tumor of 12 Yean9 Growth Cared by Hadway's lUAvcnt. DR. RADWAY'S PerfectPiirialiTe&EeinlatiagPills perfectly tssteloas. cletranfly coated with eweet rum, nurve. rcgulntr. turlfv. cleunse and alrenxthen. Rail way ' Pilts. for the cure of all disorders of tne stomach. irfver, now bis, e. Kimiys, uiaaoer, nervous Headache, Constipation. CoativeDcss, Indigetioa, Drs- che. t osati nation, uoativeni , Biliousness, Bilious lever. pepwta, Bilkiasnaes, Billons fever. InflammaUon of fibs Bowel, Plies, and alt Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a poaHIre ears. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, mineraborMwSwrt oasdraca A few doses of RAD WAT'S n LLfi will free the are tea from all the above named disorders. Frloe, Meant per Boa. SOLD BY OKUUttlSTfl. READ "FALSB AND TRCK." Bead one IsHsr Stamp to CAD WAY A CO.. No. tS Warren St., New TwrRlafurmatloa worth tboaaaada wiU be seat yea. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide 1 Iron, is eo combined as to have the character of an aliment, as) easily dlgesteil ami assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. 11 increases the nuanUly of Nature s Own Vital llr.0 Agent, Iron in the blxnl, and cures "a thousand Ills," simply by Toning un, Invlrjoruting and Vitalising the System. The en riched and vitalized blood ;r r tneatzs every ;..' of the body, rejxiiring damages a. id waste, searching art morbid sec. c tions, and leaving notlsLng fa disease to feed upon. This is the secret, of the won derful success of this remaly in curing lyspepaia, Liver Com plain f, Iropy, Chrraie Ilor rhoeis Boila, Ncnoa" AlTfectlosia. Chills ami Fever. Humors, Loss of Constltutitnnl Vrjor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Fcmalo ( -p'aints, and all diseases ortjlsttlng its a bad stale of the 6. 01 ;', or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably Iics itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Psunphlotai Froo. SETH W. F0WLE k SONS, Proprietors, If o. 1 BUI tats ptaca, -Ttlai SOLI BT DULCCItTI SSIBSAL.a ..trtfl IJPPfia. ' TllfttAo Tloo , - Commissioners Deeds. Sheriff Ade Deeds, Chattel Mortgages. & I Hampton, Proprietor. For Sale at this o&c 1 rchis,i67w-tf. BaUik-. wm mat T1IIIJJ l.V.lLs. si -1 'ilvlAnilvtsl HIMiN Dr. J. Wal ker's CallfbrnU Tin cgar Bitten are a purely VegetavUe preparation, made chiefly from the na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tlio medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tbe question is siinoet daily asked. 4,Wha. tho cause of the unparalleled success of Vixkoab Bxt tkks V Our answer Is, that thoy romore the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They ore the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world baa s medicine been compounded poaeseaing tho remarkable Sali ties of V15 ko a b BiTTBBS in healinathe S of every disease man it heir to. They are a gentlo Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion ot Inflammation of the Liver ana Visceral Oraaas Billons Diseases fBJI The properties 01 iv. nvalkxb's Yibkg a tt k ittbbs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. P WrmtefQl Thousands proclaim Vnr igab Bitters tbe most wonderful In- vigorant that ever Miatfirj- nkinfl No Person can take these Bitten socording to directions, and remain long no well, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilions. Remittent and Inter. mi ttent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United 8tates, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, lsWort, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas. Red. Colorado, Braios, Rjo Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Eo anoko, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout oar entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and Uver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful inliuonco upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowols aro loaded, at tho same timo stimulating tbe secretions of tbe liver, and generally restoring tho healthy (unctions of t bo digestive organs. Fortify tho body against disease by purifying ail its Uuids with Vdtega r BiTTEns. No epidemic can take bold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head echo, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizriness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tatioD of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tbe region of the Kid dots, and a hundred other painful symp toms, aro the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Seroftila, or King's Evil, White SweUings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mcreurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tbe 8kin, Sore Byes, etc. In those, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Wax ebb's Yi.neoas Bittbbs have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractablo cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Romit tcnt and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Heehanieai Diseases, Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Misers, as thoy advance in his, are nhjirt to paralysis of the Bowels. To nerd against this, take s doss of W axe si s V is boas BrtTBBs occasionally. For Skin Diseases. Emotions. Tot- w, oati-Xwaeam, uioicnea, bpota, t Pastules. Bods. Carbunclea. Rin. o 1 a a a s-T a . Discoloration 1 of the Skin. Hi of tbe Skin of wfsatura or nature, are bterailv doe ud and ou of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms. lujxins- in the system of so many thosssSBsts. are eflectuslly destroyed and removed. Vo 7 stem of medicine, no vanmreeea, no a&-tiiel-ainitkwiUfrae the syetem from worms UEa these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the davm of wo manhood, or the turn of lite, these Testis Bitters display so decided an i"rtm that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when. ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or stores: it when roa find it obst siuggun m tne veins ; cleanse K (t ts fool ; your realm ri will tell rou the blood pore, and the hssflh of the wis follow. H. BsaDOSALD CO., oor of W 1 ST. T. by all EVENING CRESCENT, A C'onscrvtiTe Daily Paper, RALEIGH N. C. Re table, High-Toncd. Courteous. J. 8. HAMPTON. i TERMS CASH : Daily $5.00 for six months Srt 20 for Lhraa montliH : ) c;iiU lor one month. Clubs of Un $47,00. THE WEEKLY CRE8ENT A Paper far the family One yearf$lw50 ; Six month 76 -: months 40 cents. Clubs of Fire 7, Sl-v60; twenty BCE5.00 : Twentv-S-a i7 &A --wsv I a,A Art - ' 0. F. BAKER, & CO ell the celebrated And Cotton Kinir Cook Ht. Also, Ckorck, Parlor sad efllee Stovea, sas aat tsoss to give sorfoot satisisetioa. tm sk Copper Work " tit SSSlSasSi one at 11. tf. Is lib CossaawT. OF VIKtlMi. wma Home Office Petersboir Tt. officers. A. Q. MclLWArxa, CAacr Paul - - Sasti. B. Paul1 - - Dr. K W. JrrKEBY, - . M Stock Capital $38 ORGANIZED MARCH 1871. Ratio of Assets to liabilities Policies issued on all tWinkla ..1 a, Ucipatingand Non-participaUng. Lowest rates of Premium cosssisteat mkk aaety. Reaerve from prcminms in vested ta fc Policy-holders everywhere. Polices m fcT feitahle after soeood premium according to tkssr tss ins, and tbe amount noobrfeitabie h vriasa in the policy in plain English, so that Users aa be no Mm-NDBitsTAvruKo. Restrictions only such as everr seniUe oaa will heartily endorse. The new nlaa A VIIVC S B Al la peooliar to thu Corn pan j, has as well as persons expecting to should examine it oarefullv. NAT. RAYMKR, Nbwtob, K. C General Agent Western N C. N Jc. W" MtMO7, LooU ATaL' 8-i-y. March 19, 1874 ly. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, Greensboro, .IT. C. This Intitntion b again in snceesaful oosrv t ion , and offer al 1 the ad van tares of a fsrat csao Female College, The Fall seasion will begin on Wedasndav 29th, J nl v. For catalogue containing Israw Ac applj to the President, REV. T. M. JONES, D. D. H. D. WILAO.V, Pres. Board Troaloas. GREAT FAMLY Dr. GREEN'S FTT IICNE- CURE ! The Great Remedy for Epilpsy, Cures r its, raraa, Con vision ami err ou W.t. fulness, acU promptly, often arrreatiasr the Viu trom the first day's one, even where they have existed for years. COMPOUOT EX. COSTTJAXJnr The Great Vegetable Alterative, Cures. ScrofuU,Secotidarr hyphalia, lirptjosoa the nam, ana an nissasuiarsstngft MRDICATFTi wnw-Rv A Sovereign Ralm Iur Cougbs Ceoii chilis, Asthma, and all diseases of the sages and lunga. By its umely naa aaoay sjp poaed cases of Con su rapt ion ere ptomptly re lieved and the Lungs restored to health. NEURALGIA SPECIFIC ! A prompt, positive aad permanent relief (or the excruciating pains of Neuralgia, RawasaBsa tism and Sciatica. FoSale by T. P. C t Prepared only by Dr. GREEN. LINDLEY 4 BENTLIT CHARLOTTE N. a Nov. 6, 187S.-17. KEARNEY'S BUHU Tbe only known edv for BRGT'S DI lit, And a positive reeatdy for OOCT, GRAVEL. STRICTURES. DIABB TBS, DYSPEPSIA, NEBYOT8 DEBILITT uisurvT. BeunliiMM nf I'rias Twisv lion, Indentation or Ulceratioa of the BLADDER A KIDNEYS. BPERMATV RR11HA, or Whites, nfttM Gland. Stone, in the Col cuius Gravel or Bricfrdan Deewsit aad Ms- cos or Milky KE AH.VKY'S EXTR OT B TJ C HTJ Permanent r Cures all I ni tmmtrn ni ta BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND DROPSICAL H WELLING, Existing in Men, Wonaen and Children. tNO MATTER WHAT THE AGE I Prof. Steele savs : "One bottle of Kmrnnrft Fluid Extract Bocbu Is worth more than all other Boch os combined.'' Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six (or Five Dulara. Sold by C. R. BARKER A CO. Depot. 104 Duanc St., N. York A TOvsactan in attendance to answer e pond en c and give advice gratia. tT oend stamp for Pamphlets, free. TO THE Nerrons anti MMA OF BOTH SEXE8. No Charge for Advice and Da. J. R Dtott. College, Phildelphia, author of arreral works, can be consulted on all aliases Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has aa snpeciel study) e-lber la aaatle matter from what caons originating or long starwling. A practice off SO him to treat diseases with Cuanrea eaa forward i and enclosing stamp to prepav rost Bead for the 5U u BamM. J. B. DYOTT. M. D Physician and Surgeon, 104 Fek S 1974-4 N. T. CRAIGE & CKAIGE ATTORNE AX Al LAW Asm . olirtters ta sshruplrf. 17 Special attention daid to ine in Bankruptcy. JBaa- -aBBBww .jssssst t? BS?,g31rtT'J 1 - SBjBjSftMa- jA t5s-swsCT kcBCTAsjMCsk 9fmm0m Llaan 10b 5,61 ;

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