" - - -" p y - :. . . .... Carolina Watchman. 1 VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. -e. SALISBURY N. C. OCTOBER, 22. 1874. NO. 52. WD OLE NO. 66 E PUBLISHED WEEKLY." J. J. BRUNEB, Proprietor and Editoi . J. J. STEWART Associate Editor. nmrRiPTiOH WEEKLY WATCHMAN. Aa T ear, parable in ad vaue.e. . . . .$2.5f Six Mouths, I Copiss to T address. . . . Trl-weekly Watchman. Smb Year in advance .$5.00 Six Mosthh Osa Month 44 1.50 10.0 3.00 50 AD V ERTISI JT SATES t 0 SqOAM (1 inch) Oneaertion $100 xuxm tor greater number of insertions Moderate. Special notices 25 per cent, more In regular advertisements. Reading notice I ceoU per line for each and every insertion. 4 i raa aV 4SL learly all diseases originate from Indi- rwtion and Torpidity of the Liver, and rtlief is always anziouMly sought after. If the Liver is Regulated in its action, health is al- BMst invariable secured. Want of action in th Liver causes Headttche, Constipation, Jsondice, Pain in tlte Shoulders, Cough, Chills, Daixinew, Sour Stomach, bad ta.te in the with, billious attacks, palpitation of the heart, dritrtwion of spirits, or the blues, and a hun j ' i ..i L era k:..i. QTwnvo' art i mncr uriiiHrnin, mi- wiiivii BiaaVAB LIVER REGULATOR i" the best remedy, that has ever been discovered. It acts mildly, effectually, and being a simple vegetable com pound, can do no injury in any quantities that if any be taken. It is harmless in every way ; it has been used for 40 years, and hundreds of lbs good and great from all parts of the coun try will vouch for it being the purest and best. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR OR MEDICINE, It harmless, Ii no drastic violent medicine, If sure to cure if taken regularly, It no toxical ing beverage, II a faultless family medicine, II the cheapest medicine in the world, It given wnh safety nnd the happiest results to lb most delicate infant, Does not interfere with business. Ifee not disarrange the system, Takes the place for Quinnine and Bitters of my kind. Centains the simplest and best remedies. tOil SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Out thoughts are epochs in our iiwee; al else is bat as a journal of the winds that blows while we an here. Ihoreau A person in Hard wick displays the following inscription on his fence : "No buddy Inch no bosses to this fens. The daughter of the late President J nares4 of Mexico, is teaching school in that conn try. She is a good little Indian girl. One thing is elear to me, that no in dulgenee of passion destroys the spiritual nature so much as respectable selfish ness. George McDonald. , It is a law of nature that faint-hearted men should be the fruit of luxurious coun tries, for we never find that the same soil psadusss delicacies and heroes. Hero dotus. Honest thinkers are always stealing from each other. Our minds are full of waifs and estrays which we think are our own. Innocent plagiarism turns up every where. Holmes. A Vermont editor says that maple su gar is so abundant in that State this sea son that the girls are twenty per cent, sweeter than usual. it aa.I . 1 i a vju me zuin instant mere win De a meeting of the citizens of Anson county, N C, for the purpose of devising ways and means for the completion of the Gheraw and Salisbury road to Wades-boro. A negro who was arrested in Lee county tia., a few days" ago on the charge of out i a a a raging nis stepdaughter, ana who was being carried to Lees burg by a bailiff and guard, attempted to escape and . was shot dead. Jones, who thought he recollected reading in Longfellow's poems something about 14 Wives ot great men all remind us," made it a point to go to a lecture to ascei talu what the remind us of. Charles J. Hedrick, ot Georgetown and former graduate of Georgetown Col lege, obtained the first scholarship of tb rt . .. m . .. a.. 1 . university ot the city ot AHw fork, to which is attached a purse of $300, and also received the highest mark gained bv w a," . at any student tor the past twenty-five years. The intellect has only one failing, which to be sure, is a very considerable one, it has a conscience, Napoleon is the readi est instance of this. If his heart bad borne any proportion to bis brain, be had been oue of the greatest ineu in all his tory. Lotcell. The Lynchburg Newt, a strong Sou them Dem ocrat paper, say l he only use Not hern Dem ocrats have for the South is to help them in power again. We trut the South will hor. atter look out for itself, and let the Northern uemocracy do the same. Ex. The South would have a sweet time 1no.k-.nk out for itself without the aid of Northern Demo cracy. Whenever we hear men talking this Home after Business Hours. The road alone which the man of busi nesa travels in pursuits of competence, or wealth is not a Mecadetniaed one, nor does it ordinarily lead through pleasant scenes and bv well-snrinra of delight On the contrary it is a rongh and rosred way we can safely conclude that thev r al. Pth, beset with tl e n- and full of . itfalla culating the chances for a bargan and areon the which can only be avoided by the watch- 7immC7 i 7.iTT- L 7 "P" ?f IUI re ot circumspection. After every the South is in the triumph of the Democratic dav'a Lr . . 1 lurnpiRe road, ibe wayfarer needi some r . " return 10 constitutional govern A GRAND OLD POEM. Who shall judge man from his manners ? Who shall know him by his dress ? Pianers may be fit fur princes. Princes fit for Something less. Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket May baelothe the golden ore Of the deepest thoughts and feeling Satis vest ean do no more. There art streams of crystal nectar Bren flowing out of stone ; There are purple beds and golden, Hidden, crushed and overthrown. Qod who counts by souls, not dresses. Love and prospers you and me. While he alues thrones the highest Bat as pebbles in the sea. Mas u upraised above his fellows Oft forgets his fellows then ; Misters rulers lords, remember, Tast your meanest hinds are men ! Mes of labor, men of feeliug, Men of thought and men of fame, wanning equal rights to sunshine, auto's ennobling name. Nji are foam -embroidered oceans. There are little wood-clad rills ; eB? f4u,e inch-high saplings, There are cedars on the hills.' iwd, who counts by souls, not stations, Mves and prospers you and me, rorfo htm all vain distinctions Are as pebbles in the sea. Toiling hands alone are builders Of j ntti-in'i wealth and fame ; iitled latxness is Deusiooed, Fed snd fatten on the same ; ny the sweat of others forehead, T.ug oniy io rrjoice. ment which would result from that triumph. n 1 n . . w The dullness in trade at Toronto. Cane, Am. U. J .1 J! i m .. ui caueru uie uiecnarge or quite a number of those employed in the machine shops, sewing machines factories, and otuer industriai establishmenU. A -I . r a a -oonsiantinopie paper nas heen sun- 9 I . r m pressed and us editor imprisoned on ac count ot an article on the con a u est of ISyaantium by the Turks, in which Mahomet was not spoken of with sufficient reverence. Shamfful. The self-constituted Saints of New York and Brooklyn have not only shut their eyes to the crimes of Henry Ward Beecber and his adulterous inter course with the temale members of his Church, but they have indicted Moulton and Tilton for et posing Beecher. Shame, shame ! Democrat. Every fashionable woman in Paris hangs to her belt an al ms- bug, a fan, a card-case, a pocket-hook, an Umbrella, a turnip- a a a m - watch, a pin-cushion, some ivoiy tablets and a little mirror. And the sons of women like these are expected to knock the nonsense out of Germany some day. Sidney Smith was once visiting the conservatory of a young lady who was proud of her flowers, and used (not very accurately) a profusion of botanical names. 'Madame," said he, "have you the Sep- L ? s .7 as I a a : ten nis psoriasis i ".vn, ene said very innocently, "I bad it last winter, aud pave it to the Archbishop ot Canterbury, and it came out beautifully iu the spring. 1 - ? Ia oepiennis psoriasis is t tie medical name ot the seven years itch. Wa n . i ' n . . . Dromer oowen puonanes a letter in the INew lurk J rihune in reply to the state ment ot Miss. Catherine E. Beecber, io which be charges the maiden siater of the Rev. llenryWard Beecher with having uttered eight separate and distinct false hoods. How tbis world is given to lying w i a a i a . . a It. these riymonth Ubarch people are to be credited, there is not one of them, from .1 . . : I li ft me great preacuer tinneeit down to the most insignificant witness in the case, that is not an arrant liar ; aud the most of them are certainly adulterers and eiunera, Remedy for Diphtheria. The fol lowing is said to be a thoroughly tested 1 lW .1 a J aaa.aa and envctuai remedy tor diphtheria or sore throat. Gargle or wash the inside of the throat frequently with a teaspooufiil of tincture ot black cohosh, diluted with a little water. Commence using it on the Judge Cloud was armed with two l . ci iv . arr . pistols ai ourry court, we suppose the Judge thought that in default of U. S. troops to keep him in position he would arm aud equip himself and go it alone. Winston Sentinel. Of the four Marshals now on the French army list, oue came from tbo Polytechnic I first symptoms of sorcuess or iuflamaiion It does not burn or cauterize, but soothes sud relieves the irritation. Do not swal low, as it will nauseate. Continue the use once in two hours until relieved. 1 lie tincture can be had at auy drug store. To Stop Nobs Bleeding Two smalt arteries branchiug up from the main arteries on each side of the neck, and passing ovei the outside of the jawbone, supply the face with blood. If the nose bleeds from the right nostril for example, thing more than rest : he requires solace, and he deserves it. He m w.-arw r.f dull prose of life, and je at thirst for the poetry. Happy is the business man who finds that solace at home Warm greet ings from loving heart, fond gUuces from bright eyes, the welcome shouts of children, the many thousand little arrange ments tor our comfort and enjoyment that silently tell of a thoughtful and expectant love ; the ministrations that disencumber us into an old and easy seat before we are aware ot it : these and ike tokens of affection and sympathy constitute the 4 r poetr which reconciles us to the prose of life. Think of this, ye wives and daughters of buniness men t Think of the toil, the anxiety, the mortification, the wear that fathers undergo to secuie for you comfortable homes, and compen sate them for their trials by making them happy at their own firesides. A Man Sawed to Pieces. A horrible accident oecured in the Navy Yard at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, by which Mr. Edward P. Sipler, aged thirty-five years, aud a native of Borden town, New Jersey, lost bis life, and the details of the affair are as follows : Mr. Sipler, who has a wife and three children, came here from New Jersey about four months a:ro, and has since been in charge of the large circular saw used for cutting heavy timber in the west shiphonse or marine railway cover, and about 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon was adjusting th - guides of a four-foot circular saw. which was running at the rae of eight hundred revolutions, per miume wbeu he nursed his stroke, and '.be weight of the bummer-bead earned him in front of the saw. As quick as lightening the saw took him before it as it bad been a chip, and iu an iust iuce the ton of his head was complete ly cut off Next, off went bis right arm as if severed bv a razor, the body, still am mate, being the vie i in of the saw, and lying in nieces all around it, a horrible Auhl to look upon. The few horror stricken employes who could be gatbere tiied to render assistance, but another re vol m ion rut (he body in twain above the Inns. In the manirling process the left arm bone was bared entirely, the flesh being torn off, aud iu other places hanging in shreds. Death was instantaneous, aud a ill. ) as soon as the machinery could oo stoppea the mangled body was taken up Wash- ington Chronicle, Oct. 11. Wx should go to God's house to wor ship, not simply to se or be seen, to hear or to be beard, but to worship God, In psalms, hymns pirtitua1 songs ; in prayer in preaching, in exoration. in holy medi ta'ion. in aspirations afler communion with God. Never to indulge worldly or business thought to do bueint-ss, to be ight to laugh, to talk, to be listless or in attentive. His Cross Here is an elderly success ul business man, who draws near the cross. "Any thing but that 1" be ex claims as the Angel of the Covenant points to me cross which is to dash ont hia aue- ss, wreck his ships, break down bis largest debtors. Any thing but that !H Yet nothing but that could nefect the pur pose. Alas 1 even a child might be taken away, aud that could not bow your heart and wean your ambition as the out go Of your fortune, either by your volun tary gifts or by the disastrous compulsions of an all-wise Providence. Salt Rising Bread. Put 3 teaenps of water, as warm as you can bear yonr finger in, a two-quart cup or bowl, and f of a teaspoontul of .salt . Stir iu flour enough to make quite a stiff hatter. I Ins is for the rising, or emptying, as soae call it. Set the bowl, closely covered, in a kettle, iu warm water, as waim is you ean bear your finger iu, and keep it as near this temperature as possi Me. Notice the time you set your rising. Ia three hours stir in 2 lablespoonfuis of flour; put it back, and in five and one- half hours from the time of setting it will be within one inch of the top of your bowl, It is then light enough and will make up g q arts of flour Make a sponge in the center of your flour with 1 quart of the same temperature as rising, stir the rising into it, cover over with a little dry flour aud put it where it will keen very warm aud not scald. In three-fourths of an hour mix this into stiff dough. It wa ter is nsed, be sure it is very warm and do not work as much as yeast bread Make the loaves a little larger and keep it warm for another three-quarters of an hoar. It will then be ready to bake vt nue rising mis last time, have yonr oven heating. It needs a hotter oven than yeast bread. It these rules are fol- 1 mis a . loweu, you win nave nreau an white as snow, with a light brown crust, delicious- ly sweet and tender. COlTv-ENTTON. The Hillebotv' Recorder, in a verv able article urging upon the Legislature the absolute necessity for a Conatiintinn.l on vMition, refers to the popular miscon ception as to the true idea of what a On- veution as a bdy supposed to be entirely distinct from, and above tbe pee- 1 a a aa m ) pie, independent of them, having plenarv aud irresponsible powers ; a body coming into existence by legislative will, let loose prey upon laws and Constitution with out restraint, and to fasten upon tbe pro le just such a frame of government as hance or caprice or hasty passion may suggest. 1 be Recorder says that the difficulties which have been thrown around tbis ex eretoe of popular asaieety have had aaweb to do with the fear that now attends the eall of a Convention. Obstacles almost amounting to prohibitions have been tbe ebarasten-tiea of all our Constitutions. The Constitution of 1776 seemed so per- ect to oor fathers, that there is not the slightest intimation given by which de fects in that instrument, sore to be de veloped by time, were to be made. There- ben tbe necessity came, the School, two from the School of St. Cyr, and one rose from the ranks. Of the 314 Generals now in active service, 18 Gener als of Division and 32 Brigadiers have risen ttom the ranks. "Never bet on a horse race my son It is wrong to bet, and, besides, the horse that ought to win is likely, iu nine out of ten cases, to bejockeyed to the rear. Do not bet at all, my son; but, if you bet on tbe horses, get acquaint! d with tbe riders .' a. I . t. i . i m . . before the contest, aud see bow the tbiug PM ,e anger along t he edge ot the right I m SI I ia aaa Sell la a ko.ili rt tb aw Irio aa t-t abo aa . I t .C LOUjIUK OUl. I .) 1114 t-" UCCXllllg Vi laJ Ul It I w o it it. w l am a ? . r af tor nve minutes and This is from the New Oilcans Times. 1 Governor Brooke, Governor Penn, Gov ernor Kellogg. Governor McEnery, Gov ernor Antoine these are all the acting Governors we have bad this year; but its not our fault that we haven't had more. . a a m. jtr l tmes are hard, and we can t afiord as av noh ati'L aa PaqU Ww aaXtaa " sjjuvss oiiiw ma vvcin ajwiv-as a r T, L Mr. Ream s was the regul It is alleged ia the Springfield Repub 1 tbe house, and said to be the best auction Itcan that soma members of Plymouth Press bard upon it the bleeding wilt ceas6. The Kaieigh JHews says : i be many friends of Mr. II. A. Reams, of tbe firm of Reams & Walker, tobacco warehouse men, Durham, will learn Dying. There is nothing with which we are so familiar, and yet of which we know so little as the process of dying. Tbe great mystery ean only be fathomed in the act We sit by tbe side of a friend or relative in his last extremity; we watch the shadow as it steals over his face, shutting out all of earth ; we suffer with him iu a corresponding degree tbe agony f separation, but we ean never know vhat is passing at tbe awful moment in bis mind. "Of what does he think f" There are moments when the anguished faces bending over them would give much to solve that problem. They know that death is creeping nearer and oearer. They bear him in tbe restless tick of the clock, in the sobs of tbe children, in the desper- ,i j i c ii i allow mai rci m mire wmie, auu ioc the sad misfortune that has befallen bim . J. . ...... i i i ii r 1 moving soaaows an me pane, me twiner in losing his voice and all power of speech. , . . J , . . . , s regular auctioneer of 1 PV" .J V "7 71 ?. Cl -' il Sign Oi me wiiiub, win cease to ue ior wo The Gibl to Find. The true git a .a t . i a has to oe sougut alter, oiie does not pa aa .J a a a i i . rade perseit m show goods, she is not fashionable. Generally she is not rich ii s a a a aw, on i wnai a aeart sne has when you find her! so large, an i pure, aud woman ly. When you see i you wonder if those bowy things outside are women. If you a a ... a w gain her love, your two thousands are millions. She 11 not ask you for a carriage or a first class bouse. She'll wear simple dresses, and turn them if necessary, with no vulgar magnificence to frown upon her economy, one ll keep everything neat and nice in your sky parlor, and give you sucb a welcome wben you com ; borne that you'll think your power higher than ever She'll entertain true friends on a dollar, aud astonish you with tbe new thought of how little happiness depends on money. She II make yon love home, (if yoo don't you're a brute,) and teach you bow to pity, while you scorn, a poor fashionable society that thinks itself rich, and vainly tries to think itself happy. Now do dot, I pray you, say any more, "I cannot afford to marry." Go and find the true woman, and you can. Throw away that cigar, born up that switch cane, be sensi ble yourself, and seek your wife in a sen sible way. Poisoned Milk. driaaly sort of a day Wad n't take yonr omhnll f -aT, , woman, save I, spet j bad laettsw take my umbrill. aa I u4 ibe ambrill and eat vanced on down iards Ringgold aaul I arriv tkar. Well th- first tbi .g I did when I got tbav, was to tsk- a drink "of Buchanan whisker, a htrh waa aatataaaa sava I to mveel.. aar I LI good, and sa boss you fee I better now, sVn'i y.o f - ore. means And while t w advancing arnwiid r l I a . v -m , wr ciur i.i ro-, ana S4s He. In a&e oncle Buck, says Ii-, have yoei aseti nW thing of old urighW Harris f gays 'IV for why I ftays be, the) aid enafc tea gat my umbrill. Afiev awbiV 1 -ied my vote, and then me and Mr. Cde back towards home, and Mr. Cole tighter than 1 ever see And so we advanced along nil we got to who mad forked and Mr. Cola and was the path, as any other gentlemen TialaL and after advancing awhile we arriv to old neighbor Harris settk on a log with the umbrill on his arm, and about that time Elijah Cassaday (tan prisoner,)- corned up, and we advanced on till we arriv ai ciijao s nouse. falijih is my nephew and likewise my son in law. He married my daughter Jane, which is next to my daughter 8ally Arter we had The legislature of 1834 took tbe ioitia- advanced to Elijah's we stood in las yaSmt e in relief, and, while disclaiming sll awhile a jawing, and present l two soma- oooys no up on a horse, which was John son before and Whitfield Caasiday behind: iii as a a a - . a vvhiineid and iviab l.aasadj being same, Elijah aad Kiab ia brotbers, born m tbe ual rai way like anybody else's brothers, no gala between 'ess and both 'em is about the Same age; espeeiaJry Kiab which are tbe youngest. Kiab war drunk and be and Mr Cafe got to tbe fathers of '76, thought it perfect, and one another about polities and I nev-r afterward to be touched. They in the house whar was Eliiab's wife, wnioh did go a little farther, it is true they s my daughter Jane, which is next to my gave a power of legislative amendment, daughter Sally. Well, after jawing a and a mode bv which a Convention of the while with 'em my little nephew, says be people might be called by the Legislature to me, says be, Lrncle Back, lei's go bo both methods so trammeled by con tin-1 Say a 1 good pop, so we pegged oat geucies, as scarcely ever to be availa- I gether, and I beard some body a eaJUn me bat never tentwned em nor advanced back. Well, I got home and was oaths my sapper and Elijah, which is my asava in-law, and married my daughter, which is next to my daughter ally, arriv to alter the Constitution bad not been provided ior. The Recorder continues : live right snd power themselves to alter tbe fundamental law. they adopted measures o ascertain the Will of tbe people and to carry it into effect. 1 bey ordered an election to be held to ascertain tbe will of he people in calling a Convention. This Convention, we all know, met in 1835, ud amended the Constitution so much to their satisfaction, that they, loo. like - ble. killed a man. Says I, the bell you have. And that's all I know about tbe subwiag. for I warnt there I The Convention of 1868 cannot be call ed a Convention of tbe people of North Carolina. It was called into exit leu ee by military power. Its work was not the work of the people of North Carolina. I says to me, Uncle Back, says be, I've It was done by ibe ex -soldiers of tbe United States armv ; by hangers-on of that army wben in a state of war, dropped when peace came or where plunder or a m political preferment seemed most promis ing i by negroes, lately liberated from tbe ebains of slavery, ignorant of the mean ing of the words tb y altered and blindly unconscious of the trust they held ; and lastly, by a few native whites, whose in difference to their mother State io tbe boar of ber peril had rendered them com petent to tbe oaths they took. Bat this Convention, in tbe Constitu tion it framed, did not entirely cut off tbe means of relief, should it, too, prove op- i aA a pressive. It lett the methods ot amend ment and the mode of calling a Conven tion aa they found it in tbe Constitution of 1835. They reaffirmed it totidem ver bis. Thus we have teen what constitutes a convention of tbe people ; we have teen tbe impediments thrown in the way of calling one for light and transient causes ; we have seen the forms given to call one wben necessity arises ; aud we see the soverigu power of the people interposed to guard themselves against the abase of trust by their deputies. Now, every Conservative, without ex ception, admits tbe need of Constitutional reform. Why then should there be longer doubt or hesitation, when necessity, right, power, opportunity all combine to invite and urge to immediate action t A CntNxax CoxsnnuLCY. From China we have intelligence that sixty tboaaasal Chinese troops being stationed at Ten tain, a conspiracy was discovered among taesa to seise the city sod massacre all the foreigners, and thai the ring-leaders been arrested. . 1 bis animosity foreigners i deep seated and geouiue ia China as s similar feeling is in California against the Chinese, and probably springs from tbe same cause, aa tbe introduction of American steamers on lbs Ch loess rivers bas taken away tbe business f thousands of msle and female owners aC small boats. The conduct of many Ameri- . cans and Europeans" who land in China h well calculated to increase the feeling, aad tbe English war especially gave fores so it. A steamer plyiog between snd Macao bas been seined by pirates, officers aud crew murdered and the v robbed, bat the triumph was brief, as tbo pirates were captured. Piracy seems la be s chronic evil in Chinese waters. Church endeavored to organise among the clergy a demonstration of welcome to Mr. Beecher on bis return to Brooklyn. . a ' o o aa a Several ministers were asked to joiii in such a movement, but they all declined, and the project had to be abandoned. a . y-X - a a mm W r .1 car in the State, un the aand ot Sep tember he concluded his toboceo sale for tbe day. ate bis dinner about 2 o'clock and returned to tbe office, feeling as well as usual. Soon after entering bis office he attempted to speak to one of his clerks when be found that he bad lost all power Even sick man : that a few more hard-drawn breathe will bring him face to fans with unfathomable knowledge. They know that tbey may never, alter to-day, get one more living kiss from bis lips, or gain tbe balm of recognition from bis eyes ; and aa emminent physician. He says that a gen Cousin Sally Dillard Outdone. Tbe scene reported below occurred some years aeo before tbe circuit court of Much of the sickness and mortality Pittsylvania county, Va., in the case of among infants may he attriputeo to lm- Commonwealth vs., Cassaday on a charge pore milk. The danger attending the of malicious stabbing. use of milk taken from cows while the i The venire being empanneled and tbe animals are an fieri ng from nervous pros- 'jury solemny charged by the clerk, tbe tration or excitement was forcibly illos ! com mo" wealth's Attorney called, in sud. trated recently in two cases cited by an : port of the indictment, tbe witness, Bock of utterance even to a whisper The Walls of the Second Presbyterian I an attempt to do so is attended with ex While the poor man's outraged freedom aa . . .fa vunlj lifts ii8 feeble vobe. Trtth Md justice are eternal, Bon. with loveliness aud light ; "st wrongs call never prosper Waila there is a sunny right, w. whose world-wide voice is si Hooodless love to you aud me, uma oppression with its titles BM pebbles in theses. Uhurcu in this city are now going up We fear that the building will be too small for a place like Charlotte. In build ing Churches and other public edifices the plan should be to accommodate at least fifteen hundred or two thousand people. Democrat. eructating pain, lhts is indeed estrange case and one that will doubtless excite much interest wiih professional men. A Fortune. There is a young wo man iu Marshall Co , Kansas, laid to be heiress to an estate of $15,000,000, in England. 1 he yarn runs that she was Give a man the necessaries of life, and brought to this country by a gypsy, hav- he wants the conveniences. Give him the concenieuces, and he cravea the luxuries. Graut bim the luxuries, and he sighs tor the elegancies. Let him have the elegan cies, Snd he yearns for the follies. Give bim all together, and he complains that be has been cheated both in price aud oualit of tbe articles. Rail Road Collision. A collision occurred on Thursday last on tbe Atlantic They choose their own chief, I road near Stouey creek between a special Wild Horsxs. The habits of wild Primers well worth studying, for in some PrucsUua tbaj poaaess almost human in- "wrenee kft&aJt Wk Tti goal for departure. salTtbeTfiad fic,d dried wrough at the head of tbe column, am first to throw themselves into a H a river, or an unknown wood. If J J exuoardiiury object appears, the w"". a h)klt He goes to die- According to the Frcedman's Journal, h. . 11 ' a"d after bis return gives 1 Gen. Sherman it not a Catholic, but wben HiriJ signal of confidence, of I he courted Miss Swing ha waa .required, i combat. If a fierce enemy pre-1 before Father ttyde could marry them, . 'tself that cannot be escaped by I to promise as an officer and a gentleman j. me herd nniui tl.mal inm a I that ha would never interfere with his wile hj .,,rcu,ar cluster, all heads turned to-1 io the practice of bar religion , and that centre, where the young animals I her children should be brought up Catho- ttat " 11 u seldom that such a man- I lies. The Journal adds that the pomp h Dot force tbe tigers or lions I and fuss attending Miss Sherman's wed' "wawj a a a Bl S - a 1 train on which were vrov. Srogden ana other State officials, and a freight train by which both trains were wrecked. 1 be Endues t isher and U. . lirant were badly broken up, and nearly all the care smashed. Fortunately no life was lost, and but little personal damage sustained. precipitate retreat. dbg belong to something besides religion iog been stolen from her parents that she is a member of one of the noblest families in Great Britian that the old hag who brought her here, confessed to these facts upon the bed of death. The young woman has received a letter from an English lawyer, which asks her to come over and take possession; she is going over muchly to the great grief of all tbe marriageable young men of Kansas. What wx Eat. So universal is the law that cruelty to tbe animal injuries the meal, that an eminent English physi cian. Dr, Carpenter, in a second letter to the London Times, assures us that tbe meats of animals which have been made fat by over-feediug will sometimes produce gastric diseases in those who eat them. In Euerland it has been found that the flesh of hares chased and worried by dogs, becomes diseased, and soon putrefies Old hunters vAl us they do not like to eat the meat of deer which have been run and worried by dogs, and that tbey sometimes when bunting, shoot dogs to prevent their worry ing the deer, snd so spoiling tbe meat. The same doctrine applies to game traps. tbey yearn for a look or a sign, bis eyes gaze beyond them to some invisible pre sence. His faint gestures are not address ed to them ; his hands wander in search of something they cannot gire him. Is tbe face to which be beckons that of friend or foe T Are those flowers he would fain pluck from some aerial claster of blossoms 1 Does be bear the weeping 1 Does he guess bow near is the solution ot earth's mystery 1 of a U8X OF Adversity. The roots tree are never stronger than iu winter. When it bears no fruit, wben it ia clad with no leaves, the ssp then runs down m . I .Sa into the roots, instead ot being wasted in leavea. If it was always summer in the Church of God if she bad no trials to encounter, no troubles to endure the tleman bought a young cow that he. might get pure milk for bis child, bat that the process ot milking was, from tbe ignor ance of tbe milkers, attended with much excitement and brutality. The child having been fed on tbe milk was seised r ith braiu fever aud never entirely recov ered. Iu tbe other case milk wss supplied to four families by a brutal, drunken dairyman, and those who used the most milk suffered during the entire season from a low tone of physical and mental health, "due, without doubt, to the chang ed and poisonous condition of the milk from excitement." Dr. Hale, in discus ing tbe casea, expressed the opinion that it would be better to feed a child oo tbe n I k from a dairy of many cows than on the milk of oue cow. It has been pretty clearly demonstrated that milk poisoning may result from impurities in the water Inch the cows habitually drink, and Bryant, who being solmnly sworn tbe trutb to tell, testified as follows : Question by tbe Commonwealth's At torney : Tell all you kuow about tbe cutting of the prosecutor by Cassady , tbe prisoner at the bar? ' Answer, Well, gentlemen, it was elec tion day 'twas a dark, cloudy, wet, sort of a drizzly day, and says I, to my old woman, I believe 111 go down to King gold aud 'posit my vote. And ssys my old womsn to me, well Back, as it is a Thx Mkaxixo or Ixdcstrial Expo sitions. In speaking of iuternatioual, Stale, county, and city industrial exhibi tions as noticeable features of the preewi day, and in answer to the question, what good they do, or what is their meaning! President Andrew J. White, at carnal. University, points out that tbey are fniK mately connected with a radical change in modern modes of thought' Ha says : "The greatest modern wart are is rapidly becoming an industrial warfare. Every great nation is recognising this. But the most sinking t lung about it is mm. a ft t a a a in its methods, x ae otu sysi ring war by tariffs and bountisa is yielding to lbs ay stem of del uational taste and skill bv education. That is the meaniug of tbe great exposition of industry for tbe last tweoty-ave y Clot hearts of its members would be luxuriant and proud, and ran much into showy I this fact, together with the probable pois leaves and spacious fruit ; hut when tbe I oning resulting from physical lll-treat- w inter of adversity nips and pinches tbeu meut of the animal, gives cows a terrible W mm m" m ' w - when the blast of tbe terrible naa at a I revenge for neglect aud abuse But un .a 1 . storm against tbe wall, then is mere clinging close to God, then is there feeliug for refuge to Him "who bath neon" snd still if "a strength to the poor, strength to tbe needy in his distress, a covert from the storm, and a shadow from the heat." Haicks According to a special telegram to the T ..ln. fifi.JnrI that lanrl arniaai th .uwi.uw.i uiu.ru, (.nnrafff. linn in id oiipaa ' Hv thin eon . k . j:.: l. j: i at" j Austrian exploring eiwumuu una uiscov . , :n . .t ,k M . ka .L WTL D l a..ia. C . I ., .a. a buvi. a.aaav - - ft ereu near luc ivurui . oio wusnn ut wv u l- j parts, seperated ty a bouhq mirty-oine - miles broad. It was named Ausrtia He that is ungrateful has ao guilt but fortunately vengence in such easea falls upon the innocent and guilty alike. Pisistratas, the General, walking through some of the fields, several persons implored bis chanty: "It you want beasu to plow your land," be said, 'I nil lend you some; if you want land ,1 rill leud; if you want seed to sow your laud, I will give you some; but I will en- idleness. " By this The star , a .a ansa . . t m caught and tortured in steel i bound. 1 be most northern cape, in aui-1 one; all other crimes may pass for virtues vm wtuav f tuds 83 degree, wan au&ed cape in hin Tos-v- A BatDB SorrocATBO rv a Hartlepool, England, has a a m aa scene ot a sad event, very similar to of the Mistletoe Bough. A gentleman by the name of Kerk, cashier of tbe building firm there, baa recently got married. He gavs a party at bis bouse. "His young wife-" aa va ihe naner in hor anrit-te La sort of dark, cloudy, wet sort of a drixsly oui ol the hoi air, ventured up stairs day, ssys she, hadn't you better take ,,d seeinx a small eloset with a vendlatoe. your umbri II ? Says I to ihe old woman .be entered to fasten it, when a cunwaates i speci i naa oeiier lose me omonu. So I took the umbrill snd advanced oo down towards Ringgcld, and when I got down lhar, Mr. Cole corned, and says be, Uncle Buck, have you seed anything of neighbor Harris f Says I to Mr. Cole, for why? Says be. be s rot my umbrill. Tbe witness was here interrupted by the court and told to confine himself to tbe actual fray between tbe prisoner aad Cole lbs prosecutor. Iu answer to this the witness remarked, in a tone of indignant remonstrance, Well, now, Mr. Judge, you hold on for I am sworn to tell tbe troth and I'm go ng to tell It in my own way so taint wcith while for you to say noth ing shout U. Whereupon tbe Common wealth's Attorney being anxious to get rid of the witness upon any terms, told him to go on snd tell his tale his own way. Well, as I was going to say, it was election dsy, Buckaa and Fillmo was running ror the Legislature, and says I T air closed tbe door. Iu vain she to the servants, although she could boar the door bell ring and the visitors enter, and as none suspected that lbs ImptHaonca lady was in the roof of tbe boose all the other parts of the house and were searched. When al last K rk was seriously ill and hysterical. Violent epileptic fits followed, ami the shock being more than the nervous system I could sustain death shortly put aa end sa a ber sufferings. to my old women, old woman, I believe I'll go down to Ringgold and 'posit my vote. Says my old woman to me, says aha, Back, as it is a mat of a dark, rany, rial re A genii emae of our acqwaie the other night, much to his surprise, that his wife knew something about draw; po ker. The way of it was this : TTba sowple have two fine boy -babies. Seeing them asleep in the same bed, tbe e miring famher wondered if anybody had a bettor amsr The wife tboafbt nV The rSrs husband then said, speaking in as be tboughu "If we could dr queens we would have a "tun' ibat" vowM ' be bard to beat." And thai lei I ll paW replied, "Excuse me, if you please; ws'tt pat on tbe pair we have. mmtm I 1 j

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