iwgjw Halt feiB ftALIHYU'KT THUKSDAl OCTOBER Wnt. E COHIGLAffD. In oar lat wh stated as a report that this gentleman is opposed ti a Convention at this time. We are glad to learn that the report it not troe. but tlie. Mr. Conigland is in favor of a Convention and has written a lung and aixe letter setting forth his view In advocacy of it. Ha was opposed to the mrve in 1871, but his opposition was to the mode of eajiiug it. He was then, ax ! nro, in favor of a con vention, if called by a two thirds vote of the Legislature. His recent letter is forcible And most earnest in advocating the call of a Convention by the next Legislature. We shall hereafter endeavor to give some extracts Mr. Conigland'a letter, THE ELECTIONS. The result of the recent elections is encouraging to the Democratic party. At last they give evidence of a returning mm of justice in the North -West, at least, we are embolden to hope that long Radicalism will be among the things of the 'past. The day of de liverance from the domination of thieves has begun to break. We should take fresh courage and never cease to hope for final and complete triumph. Ohio gives 19,000 Democratic majority, and elects 13 out of 20 Congressmen a gain of 7 members. Indiana gives 16,000 Democratic ma" jority apd elects 8 Democrats and $ Rads to Congrese a gainof fiver Large gains have been made in other State and territories. The Yadkin Rail Road. It has been suggested that we again call attention to the importance of this Rati Road to the citizens of this town and county. It is believed that a handsome subscript "ill could be now got ten up, and much moro interest would be taken than ever before, if some earnest, well organ ised effort were made, looking to the com pletion of the link between this place" and Wadesboro, a distance of only about sixty miles. It would seem thai a matter of such evident importance to our people should not lack ti tends or men to take Initiative steps in its behalf, but .such is the case. Wo feel satisfied that the Road can be built if the proper steps be taken to get the work under way. We would respectfully suggest that a meeting of the eitiaens and friends of the Road be called at an early day, say, next week, to con sider the subject more fully. Do not wait one on another, but all take bold. Old Blatherskite Stephens is again on the1 rampage. He can see no impropriety in a third term. Neither can we, if the man who fills it is chosen because of his fitness for the place, aud his emiuent ser vices in defence of the Constitution and the rights of the people. It matters but very little who fills the Presidential chair so sung as be is true to the great tun da mental principles of the government. But Stephens claims to be a Jeffersonian 1 . ai-ix. r . Actuoerat auu ue minus vrrant a great man. Perhaps it is because he thinks Grant a great man that he can see no ob jection to a third term. Stephens does not represent the views of the people of his State in the sentiments he has recent ly expressed. Bat then be is doiug as wall now as he ever did. There is no one who has carefully watched him and atudied his charactei that has any confi dence in him. He is the most unreliable, selfish, and bigoted public mau now living. Wa expect to hear of him advocating Woman suffrage and Free love yet before bailet. H THE WAY OF IT. Mm intelligent, sharp observing gen tleman who travels about a great deal, told us the other day that he had not met with a single man with sense enough to comprehend the importance of a Con vention, that is opposed to it; except such aa are now filling an office or are seeking one of some kind. All the office seekers and many of the office holders, as a general thing, are opposed to a Convention, because they fear that there will be some change effected that will interfere with their selfish plans and apiratious. They cere nothing about the welfare of the great mass of the people if only they and their friends can bold on to the offices. There is really no other object prompting opposition to the Convention but this. It tias already been alleged that it matters not what tort of a Constitution we have, if we have good men to fill the offices -that is, Conservatives, Soch a declaration would come with better grace from the Radical party. We know that It here are rascals in U parties, and if the Constitution gives cut rulers the power to oppress the peo i .i -ii .t - . . pi wcy wu uko advantage ot it when ere it suits them. It is human naturet and the only sure remedy against the exercise of arbit uy powers, or the od prcMton of bad laws or constitutions is to repeal those laws and remodel those Con stitctions. office holders invariably take all the liberties the law allows them. The great difficulty is to restrain them them m i thin the bounds of fist saw. 8c that, if the Constitution ha oppressive under Radical rule, ft wfllbe no leas likely to be so under Jaw. prowed r a iiaillai nU ' . . -W. J Rowan Superior Court, His Honor Jcdie Wilson Pbksidinq. His Honor opened Court promptly at 10 o'clock and proceeded at once to deliver an able ud lucid charge to the Grand Jury. He impressed upon the Jury the importance and dignity of -their office io the administra tion of justice and is preserving the peace j and tranquillity of the community, and dwelt j upon the obligation of the oath they had taken, aa the Grand inquest of the Country to diligently inquire iuto and true present ment make of all violations of the criminal law. He then adverted to certain crimes and misdemeanors over which Justices of the Peace bare, exclusive jurisdiction, such as Fornication and Adultery, Assaults and Batteries, where no deadly weapons are used and no serious injury indicted. Failure to work on Public Roads, etc. Having called their attention to the recent act of the Legis lature making it a misdemeanor for persons to sell eotton in the seed or lint in quantities less than a bale, between the hours of sunrise and sunset. His Honor proceeded to com ment npon the capital felonies which by the laws of the State are punishable with death. Murder, Arson, Rape, Burglary. In this connection he alluded to the facts that a brutal mnrder had recently been committed in this county, and the perpetrators of the crime, being as yet nnknown. had thus far escaped the vigutanee of the officers of the law ; and he expressed the hope that the Grand Jury would spare no pains and labor to investigate the matter and briug the offenders to justice. His Honor t'jen com mented on the many crimes and misdemean ors inferior to felonies over which the Court had jurisdiction, and directed their attention particularly to the laws in regard to Publie Roads, and the duties of Overseers of the Roads, to keep them in good repair. He impressed upon them the importance to the Public of having good roads, and instructed the Jury to present all Overseers who failed to discharge their duty. His Honor conclud ed bis charge by refering to the law in re gard to the selection of jurors. ''stating that the Connty Commissioners were required to select men of good moral character and suffi cient intelligence ; that honesty and intelli gence were the qualifications of a juror that he doubted not the Commissioners had discharged their duty, and expressed his con fidence that the Grand Jury would discharge their duty. His Honor is courteous and ditrnified and dispatches business to the sat isfaction of suitors as Well as lawyers. Joe Dobson, the new Solicitor, fully sus tains his reputation as an able advocate and faithful public officer. The change in tie judge gives things about the Court-house a much more agreea ble appearance. Business is conducted with dignity and propriety and lawyers aMgper nutted to argue their own eases. SYNOD N. C. -The first meeting of the Synod of N. C. was held at Alamance Ch. Guilford Co. N. C. iu the year 1813. After a lapBe of more than half a century, this body convened for the 61st time in Concord, Cabarrus Co. N. C. on Oct, 14th, 1874. This court of the Presbyterian Cb. is now composed of five Presbyteries. At its receut meeting, Rey. J. Rumple, Pastor of the Salisbury Preen. Ch. Was elected Mod. : and it may not be . amiss to say that he fulfilled the duties of this office with admirable efficiency. About ninety five members were enrolled. Among the more prominent of the members aud visiting brethren, were Rev. E. P. Baird, D. D. Sec. of Publication, Rev. J. O. Steadman Sec of Education. Rev. R. H. Nail, D D., Rev. J. R. Wihmn, D. D., who has recently become a resident and laborer in Wilmington, N. C. Rev. Messrs J. H. 8mith, D. D., Chas Phillips, D. D., Prof A. D. Hepburn, and Rev. D. Lindley, Two representatives of the Northern Presn . Geueral Assembly, being ptesent, were invited to seats as cones ponding members, via. Rev. Mr. Darland ol Concord, and Rev. Dr. Mattoon, Pree't, of the Biddell Inst. Charlotte. Both of these brethren have in keeping the moral and intellectual welfare of the colored people. , During the sessions of Synod, Rev. D. Lindley delivered a prolonged, interesting and instructive lecture touching South Africa, where he labored aa a missionary, for nearly forty years and on Sabbath afternoon addressed a meeting composed of citizens aud of Sabbath school scholars of several denominations. The session of this body were held in the new church edifice which is now in process of comple tion; aud which will then be both an addition to the architectural attraction .of our sister town, and a monument to the taste and liberality of the congregation worshiping therein. The item of business touching the con secration of the tithe to religions purposes was, owing to presure of business, deferred until the next meeting of Synod. What is known as the scheme for the relief of - ! - r families of deceased ministers, elicited considerable discussion. This chpm somewhat resembles that of Life Insurance Diversity of opinion prevailed concerning it. And as it is, as yet, in its youth both as to its operation and results, time and coming development must determine as to its wisdom and adaptation to meet the ends designed. Ibe interests of the North Carolina Presbyterian," whose esteemed but afflict ed Editor was present, gats rise to inter eating talks. The publication office of this paper, we learn, is to be removed to Wilmington. Audit vac to be hoped that together with this change, there would also arise a more extended and tion. When will the Presn. Ch. of N. C. learn the wisdom of yielding an ample support to their own and tMr anljmiginm journal : one which week after week comes to tell (hem of the great interest' of r Christianity among them, and to preform a part so important as their moral and intellectual educator. for more than three days the synod enjoyed the kind and generous hospitality of the good people of Concord and after a remarkably pleasant and harmonioua meeting, adjourned late on Saturday aftdr iimhi 17th Oct. to meet fn Greensboro, N. C. ou Wednesday before the 3rd Sat., in Oct, 1875, M. O. 8. Hon. A. 27. Stephens Expresses Himself', Augusta, Octobor 16. Hon. A. H. Stephen addressed the citizens of Augus ta. He spoke for about two boors and a half. He reviewed the history of the government from its foundation to the present time, showing that the great struggle has always been centralism and constitutionalism ; the passage of the Civil Rights biH would. work great evil and destroy the public school system of the South ; referred to President Grant ; would do him justice, he had done his dnty ; as to the third term he had no ob jection to that per se he saw no reason why a President who executed the laws faithfully should not be elected for a third term if the people desired it ; had looked into the Louisiana question aud saw no sense in abusing President Grant for his action in that affair ; spoke hopefully of the future republic ; advised his bearers to obey the laws, suppressed lawnessness and be true to the Constitution and Union as established by our fathers ; proclaimed himself a Jeffersonian Democrat, and bad great faith in the triumph of those princi ples. Mr. Stephens had an immense audience and spoke with clearness aud vigor, exhibiting no signs of weariness. The Elections iir thk West. The results of the elections in the West cannot but be gratifying to the conservative sense of the country in all sections. But let ua not be so highly elated by tbe pleas ing prospect thus unfolded, as to forget that such cheering signs of a general change for the better do not always prove in the end to have been as full of promise aa they seemed to be. It is well euongh to take new confidence and courage from these victories over tbe Radicals, and to consider them, as they deserve to be con sidered, unmistakable indications of the failing fortunes of the party in power; but let us not look npon tbem either as deci sive of a torn of tbe political crisis in our favor, or even as conclusive that all the exciting issues betweeu the assailants aud defenders of the Constitution have beeu so far satisfactorily passed upon. Rich mond Whig. The carpet-baggers and scalawags who met at Chattanooga, having served np their dish of slanders, have adjourned, after voting themselves en permanence. On assembling, they pronounced them selves "the most important convention that ever sat in this country." The re suit of the Ohio elections is an apt and sharp comment on-this pretension. The tale of Southern outrage. is becoming the laughing stock of even Northern Repub licans. We doubt if the Chattanooga wags will meet again. Richmond Whig. '76 and Liberty. We are now on tbe eve of an eventful epoch in tbe life of oar government, says the Richmond Whig. If Radicalism is snccessfnl again in the Presidential elec tion in '76, it is impossible that there can be enough liberty left to afford further hope for the Republic. If a great Na tional Conservative party can be formed in time for an active, thorough and com prehensive canvass of the issues involved, the people may be a roused, the popular mind may be convinced of the threaten ing danger, and the country may be saved. Each successive lie, says the New Yrok World, that is given to the newspapers by the Government at Washington about tne "Southern outrages is invariably beaded by the information that it has "been received by the Attorney-General a - .a' mm a trustworthy source." it is not ust as well that, it should be understood at once that the Attorney-General himself is suen an untrustworthy "source as to vitiate everything that passes through his office, no matter whence it may have come t Why Jewesses ark Beaut mrn Chateauhraiud gives a fanciful hut an agreeable reason for the fact that Jewish women are so much handsomer than the men of their nation. He savs Jewesses have escaped tbe curse which alighted upon their fathers, husbands, and sons. Not a Jewess was to be seen among tbe crowd ot priests and rabh e whn in.nliwt tbe 8on of God, scourged him, crowned him with thorns, aud subjected him to infamy and the agony of the cross. Tbe women of Jodea believed in the Savinnr. and assisted and soothed him under afflic tion. A woman of Bethany poured on his head precious ointment, which she kept in a vase of alabaster. He raised from the dead tbe son of the widow of Nain, aud If . S a siartna brother Lazarus. He cured Simon's mother-in law, and the woman who touched the hem of hia rarment To the Samaritan woman he was a spring of living water, and a eompaaionate judge to toe women inauuitery. The daughters of Jerusalem wept over him. the holy women accompanied him to Ca1vr brought him balm and spices, and weeping sought him in the sepulchre. "Women, wny wee pest toonr" Mia first appearance auer me resurrection was to Mary Magda lene. ue said to her, "Mary." At the sound of this voice Mary Magdalene's eyes were opened, and she answered. "Master " The reflection of some beautiful ray moat nave resiou on tue Prows of the Jew esses The provisions in the ark did not give out. They had as much Ham at th iw tne vwragc as wfres UJy snarted Report of the Board of County commissioners, a For Rowan County, showing the receipts aad expenditures of the Board fr the fiscal year ending September 1st 1874. To amount of Taxes Collected as per lists $13,133 68 Merchants Traders fee. 961 93 - Unlisted Taxes 201 85 14.29746 Subject to a credit for over charges. insolvents Aco amounting pro baby to $300.00 Sheriff's Com. $13997.46, 69987 $99987 $13.29750 The following claims were audited by the Bord. John A Boydeu C 8. C 2&7 79 T Cranford Dept. Shff 9 65 T. O. Hanghtnn J. P. 34 35 J. J. Summerell Medical services 21 85 Do do " 7015 Moses A. Smith Dept Shff 10 75 John Sloop Listing Taxes and Judge of Election - 11 50 James Hellard 1 50 S. M Furr Listing Taxes aud Judge of Election J L Sloan ' A. W. Klutts and Register Allen Rose W. T. H. Plaster 6. A. J. Seehlei Tobias Miller Moses Fespennan Henry Klutts 11 50 11 50 fee. Judge of Election 12 30 1 50 I 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 150 Tobias Goodman M Henry Barringer, " Wiley Bean J. P. Wiseman Listing Taxes and Jndae of Election 11 50 Isaac M. Shaver 3 00 Kiah Fisher 150 Jesse Thouiason M 1 50 J. P. Gowan Listing Taxea " M 1000 Thomas T. Earnhart " " 10 00 YV. M. Kineaid Listing Taxes and Judge of Election 1150 " 10 00 - 10 00 M 10 00 10 00 H. 0. Boat S. A. Earnhart Nathan Brown " J. A. Rendleman J. K. Giabam Registrar 85 360 570 30 480 660 12 00 25 9 50 1355 145 .") 25 90 120 70 IS 75 115 90 90 5 15 50 1 50 I 20 40 5 13 50 . 70 1 00 50 1 10 25 125 5tigo 7 20 X. I rar,f.ru O. W. Atwell Muses A. Smith J. K. Burke C. F. Waggoner R. P. Roseuian J. A. H J . J . Stewart J. K. Burke J. C. Beruhart Dept Shff Dept Const Advertising Dept J. P. Shff J. A. Black welder C. B. Arey W. L Kestler Const Philander Alexander J J. W. McKinsee Const Dept Alhrani Sechivr P. A. Sloop Jason Hunt Jacob VVilhelm Johu P Kymer H. P. R seiuan Officer Shaver H. A. Walton J- H. Heilig J. H. Cress D. Peuuiugr B. T. Martiu Jesse W. Miller bff J. p. Towu Const Dept Shff C'oust Dept Shff Const J. P. J. A. Hawkins & W Johu Giaham J. P. Wiseman D L. Briugle Je89e Thouiason J. K. t irali am A. Luekey J. K. McMiilen ft. U. Bardie Shff A U McLeod Jailor 7 80 C. W. Johuson, A D. J. Goodman Renair Tiff I i fi i tm ins Bridge Rausoui Jacobs Bridge Inspector M. A. 8mitb Dwt shff 4700 37 50 40 30 27 00 34570 456..15 37620 .51 18 3775 13 55 17 65 965 1027 300 600 300 16 00 16 00 1610 40 00 16 15 8970 1600 550 970 450 260 1050 1100 150 1000 1 50 1 50 150 Paul 0. Shaver Listing TaxealAo. J. A. Rendleman Jailor Charles F. Waggoner 8hff w ooason. making out tax Books Notices, rejristerinir orders Aa. A. JudMn Mason former C. 8- C. J. Bruncr Printing H. Hanghton j p. F. Klutts Dmas C F. Waggouer Shff 0. W Atwell limit SIitV John Eagle making Coffin C F . Bearnhardt Repairs done Jsil James Lnckey Repairiug Bridge v. W. Johnson M J. J. Goodman " B.J.Goodman " I.M. Barrier Meroney and Bro Lumber and Draram M. K. Allnvonrl.. OL M . Allexandar T. F. Lee 0. W. Atwell ouu Dept Shff J. K. Burke R P. Kosemaa T. Cranford M. A Smith C. F. Waeconer John A. Bovden C8C R A Kbimnock Listinc- T,. Julim i Coleman Judge of Election John C Snngg8 mcnara Small " F H Maunev - ?!!rRj!!LbtinT making 150 Philander Alexander Listing t.t.- 19 00 1000 13 50 11 75 13 00 1000 160 I SO 150 1150 16U 1 50 2 50 11 50 150 1 50 160 450 1000 450 Wilson-Trott J W F Watson - vauiciwu Jesse Piiwlas M Kiah Fsher Judge of Etaotiou A h. no m C C K rider Listing Taxes and Judge of t . Election J A Hawkina Thomas Niblock J 11 A Lirpard OA Miller making Ballot Boxe A o: Tf1 lt4s, Taxes A Richard Cnlbertson M John F. Hodge a J L Graeber - - B S P Lippard " " Thomas C Watson Listing Taxes James B Gibson 41 W H Eeeler - John Eagle - - M A Fespennan " " PA Sloop Listing Taxes Ac r C- S!n.den Sodre of Election Levi Trexler Listing Taxes J C Bernhardt " " A Registrar Voah ltr Judge of Election Jesse Thomason L'sting Taxes J L Sloan j p 8 H Biggers Dept Shff L F Roger A Andrew Jackson J 8 Ricket -C P Waggoner ghff RSHams " W W Hall ckmst McN eely A Walton for Blankets J H Earnhart Repairs ou Jsil 1 50 150 1 50 1180 1 60 10 00 13 V0 450 10 00 46 75 75 60 50 50 55 460 636 1 96 Jin .arnnan Makior B FFrmleyCoiuW 65 SO W H forte r Special 280 making Ballot Boxes Dr R A Shim pock Jadge of Election George Lyeriy - -Jacob Powe W itness Tickets iu State Cases 200 166 low 450 Expenses of Board aa oer former 80 VIDWDIr i as- T. mP at the Fail Term 1873, in favor Was. W. Blakeney , for a runaway slave, sold by Bo wan oeonty during the war, amounting to w H4BJHJ Permanent debt coat rasa ed in i the year Ico,o icthoataud of which is to be pass in specie. V 5658 $9Jr73JM L HORATIO. WOODSON, Clerk Countv ('miivssiom r-. T he Source of Many ILLS, If all the ailment, bodily and mental,, which torment the human family could be traced to their primary source, it would probably be found that three-tontine of them orininated in the failure of the stomach and the othei orgs bp by which the food is converted into nutriment and applied to the porpeee of life, to perform the tasks allotted to tbem by nature, vigorously and regularly. Thia being the case the vaat importance of a medicine which compels these organ to do their whole duty, thoroughly and efficiently, becomes at once apparent.. Hoatet ter'a Stomach Bitters may be truly characterised a a preparation of this kind, indeed as the dnly one which can be implicitly relied on as com bining the properties of a stomachic, an alter ative and an aperient in such proportions a to produce simultaneously the desired effect npon the disordered stomach, liver and intestine This conclusion i warren ted br the celerity ami certainty with which the Bitten afford relief in chronic cases of dyspepRia. torpidity of the liver and constipation. The falne idea that these complaints and others (hat grow out of them, could be cored by fierce cathartics, has at last, it is hoped, been thoroughly exploded. The ick, during the last hundred years have swallowed thousands of tons of mercury, scam mony, gamboge, croton oil, jalap, Ac, and tens of thousands of graves have been prematurely filled thereby. But every nrnre the principle of revolation, as embodied in Hostetter's Stomach Bitten, was arrayed sgainst "the principle of prostration, aa represented by mineral aalivants and furious purgatives, the latter, has steadily and surely fallen into deserved contempt. The outcry against stimulation- by which concoct or of depleting drenches hoped to give edat to their disgusting and dangerous compounds has only served to increase the demand for the wholesome stimulant, tonic and aleralive which tor twenty-five years irinphed over all opposi tion and is now the most popular medicine in the Western hemisphere. A REPRESENTATIVE AMD CHAMPION OF AMERICAN ART TASTE ! Prospectus for 1876 Eighth Ytmt THE ALDINE. THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA, Issued Monthly. "A Mg , f en Coae. Uou . i..ierfUii.. carrkC out .' The necessity of a popular medium for the representation of the productions ut our great artists, has always been recognised, and many attcmps have been made to meet the wot. 1 be successive tailure which Minvairablv followed e.ch attempt in ilii country to estabiish an art journal, did nut proe tbe indiftt-reSce of the people of America to the claims of high art. So soou as a proper apprti-iftUun of ibe wnt aud an ability to meet it were shown, Ibe public at once rallied uilli euihusiasm io its sufpurt, and the result wan h gre.u artistic and cuumier cial triumph THE A L DISK. THE ALDISE while issued with .11 th regularity, has none ot the temporary or inierwM cuaracierisuc ol ordinsrv ut-no.ii,-,. I. ii i an eieuni uii-ici-iianv ol Dure, livbl .,,,1 Krscrfiil literature ; aud a oulectiou of pictures, - - . ... wl m i tun: ".Kill, t HI DlttCfC auu wnue. Alihooirh each ,; ,)t,, ,..,,,,,-r atrords a freh pleasure to its tru-nda, the rral value and beauly of TUE ALDlSE will be most appreciated after it is bound up at tbe close or the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness, ns coniiMivti with rivals of a similar class, TUE ALMSE is unique and original conception alone aud ua approached absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume can nut duplicate ibe quantiiy of tine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes jor ten timet itt eoaf ami then, there i the ehrvmo, begide. The national feature of TUE AL DINE must be taken in no narrow sense. True aft is cosmo politan. While THE ALDINE is a strictly American institution, it does not confine itself entirely to tbe reproduction of native art. Iu mission is to cultivate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate onlv on grounds of intrinsic merit. Tho, while placing before ihe patrons of TUE ALDljs'E, as a leading characteristic, the production of the m.-i noted American artists, attention will ,1 wuys be given to specimens from foreign mas ters, giving subscribers all the pleasure and instruction obtainable from home br foreign sources. The artistic illustration of American scenery, original with THE ALDINE, is an important feature, and its magnificent plates ait of a size more appropriate to the satisfactory treatment of details than can be afforded by any inferior page. The judicious interspersiot. of landscape, marine, figure, and snimsl subjects, sustain an unabated interest, impossible where the scope of tbe work confines the artist too closely to a single style of subject. The literature of THE a iigni and graceful accompani ment, worthy of the artistic features, with nnlt such technical disquisitions as do not interfere wim me popular interest of the work. rOE 1876 Every subscriber for lft7.S will kn tiful portrait, in oil colors, of the same noble dog whose picture in a former isaua atxr&tjvJ so much attention. "Mans Unselfish Friend" 11 be welcome in everv Kn loves soch a doc, and the portrait is ex-niA,"! so true to the life, that it teems the veritable presence of the animal itnelf. The Rev. T le Witt Talmase tells that his own Bafesl fir all BTavl I a dog (the finest in Brooklyn) barks at it! Al- mouan so natural, no one who sees this premium chromo will hay the slightest fear of beina- kitten Besides the chromo. everv advanaa ki.. to THE ALDINE for 1876 is constituted a invmucr, ami enuue4 to all ibe nrivilewc of The Union owna the ornpinsU nt .n vat? nxjuinc. pictures, winch, with other painUnga Ay nnrn . . . . w . - -' '6'-'S7S ar io oc cn-triouted among the members. To everv serin of s. rtnn...i T I . rm " IIW.I I- oers iw ainerent piec, valued at over $2,500 ! 7i " 7 , "T ine riea full, and the awards of each series aa made, are to be pub- rLBlKl Tm" feature only applies u subscri bers who pay for one year ia odwiaee. Full particulars in circular sent on application en closing a stamp. r One Subscription, entitling to THE ALDINE one year, tbe Chromo and the Art union, o.wu per annum. In VI L. . m vu wsre for poBt rlTir fF J ALDINE. 50 fW. iu frrSr? V obtainable only by subscription. There will be novS or club rates ; rash for mbnmpZ. sent to the publisher, direct, or Imnded u7 lb! ocal canvasser without rtmanmbiHtm to ui pa- ir,ka!r?1 'k th uvaub Any person wisbins; to act pcrmanentl aa I blcanva-er will reeaiv. fuUSLZi uoormation oy applying to AXDHTE C0MPAHY MAW IAJTE. vTw jjfeat-gHtLp M . , i i r i in 1 1 1 - m .mi TasHMre'1 i -v sHBsBBBn -aRr ;lfirv-. V'- TeT BfsflfBwli m B? mMjttj flriHssmad I Kb LsU3 fsLfsHflfrsE BfssC fsfsfsV A BEAUTIFUL METALIC GRAYE COVERING Is now offered to every one interested iu beautifying and protecting the cravsa their deceased relatives. w e They are made in four sises, with a variety of styles, ranging in price from 24 to 160, according to size and style. Can be painted any color desired m. i--..; A . . .f s i wt. i . . ' "naU St B " w lna.inli ... r r- i . . . .iL.ir. i f, , i U mA uw tji ivrw pi' ' vi -w , in "i.-iim THIS HANDSUME is offered at such prices aa to place it within reach g(, ail and public generally tn call and examine for themselves. Specimen can be seen at J. A. Ramsay's office. S C. JLYLBP FDXTZ WHEAT. Fr sale at J. M. K-.ox ic (Vs. Avrag yields per aere 18 bnshels ; ur acre 35 bush els. Ttk the premium last fall, rail sown. DEVIL. I will self my Stallion. Rebel Devil, without reserve st ana ion on Thursday, October 29th, on tbe Salisbury Fair grounds, it being the week of the Fair. ThU is a . hi nee rarely offered to get fine Mooded KimIImwi. I can refer anv Strties wanting diseripiioti and pedigree to toi. no. A. Hull of Salisbury. John Gbahaic. JAS. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbin Wer Wheel. POOLE & i,, Masafactarars far the . BALTIMORE, Scath and "walk' Nearly 7000 now in n-e. working under beads varyinp frm 2 in 240 feel I 24 sisrs, from 5 io 96 incl lb. mot poweiful h-e in ibe rnirk. t And most eroimnir--tl in use of Water I.ir-, 1! I I'SI'Ii I i Ml t..nk..l. . msI tree . MAN I FACTL'KKILS. ALSO. OF Portablr ajil S' ifouarv Ste-tra Kogioes and Boil. is. H-il-iK-k Jc Vilen FaU-t lutmloits B-.ilrrs. Kbaugb's Cm-h. r for MiiM-raia. few nnd Oris MMIs. Flouring Mill Machinery, f r Wnite ld Works and Oil Mills, Shit i.g Tulleys aud U angers. SEXD FOR CIRCULARS. 8ep. 3 1 874 -6raos a a I -mwT .Linn UJMJJ XJO.Lt OUU IU Wafal. 9B The nndetsigned wishes to inform hia numer ous friends that he has received the appoint ment to sell i h much ticket from Salisbury, N. fl to all points in Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Mi"-ouri, Tennessee and Louisiana, via Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta K. Road, and their Southern Connections, Through Emigrant Tickets, or First Class Tickets told, and BajCKaKe checked i hrtMiah. Parties wislting to take Laborers to the above Btatea. will find -iS??K.7..h'irOWr "dv"?leD"U?a. with the.inder-1Knedatl,sb.iry. Information l n Vf V Wi V W 1 f e T A t t , . . . . 1 t ti r. ,c IIU v onnecuons win i lunnxow euner personally or through the BB . rv'1 tjen 1. 1'assenewr A Ticket Agt . I Columbia, & C J. A. MdCON N A CG ii EY, Agt. v. A A. K. K., Sahslsirv. N. C. LOUIS ZI M M ER, Srsvial Aowt 8ept. 3.-tf. AMOimceineiit Eitraortary. Offer the best selection of Jewelrv to be found in Western North Carolina Citing LADIES' AGENTS' GOLD WAT BIR CrasM Opera mm vit C h a i ne, FXWa aOLD PLATED Jewelry. SILVER WAHE, GOLD PEH8t Ct. TTl,ock,W JawaLrv repaired and warranted 12 months, charses aa lowij tant with good work eoosia- 8r. oa Main street, J doors above National IBE AtWn AW aSS JWvVjj syJfwV wli a Kaiisbwirj c Q T T i n gHoumzen pi. ie, containing w Milk L..L. ., . . 1 - A w,,ii ran, ui' Mill U J ' CC O CHQfgt 1 f e invite Cedar Cove Nurseries, R-d Plaius. Yadkio Omqty. N. C, real inducements offered to s,. chasers of Fruit, tnaiim. Wi Strawurrrv and Kar.Urrr I'l.nt. Price Lnt now read, "with hat of ieadi varieties. -JkaajdJoxiil soiaf CRAFT A SAILOR Ant. 6, lg74 If. PinckC KirU ENGRAVEI DESIGNER ENXISS&UAKRIS. RALEIGH. N. mfM 1874. 125 B; ,4fld lirk ' Coffve 75 Bbls Hugars, f0 Boxes Assort (.aidy, ' 3-1. I'arkageti So 1 Mackerel, 15 000 lbs Baron, 2,000 lis. B-st SugT Cured Haava, 3 000 lbs Kt -fined Lard, 500 lbs Sugar cured Bef, 25 Doi. Brandy IWU, 2A " Ir m.'ii 8 inp, 50 B.xcs Ca...!1es( 10 K s.,.int 100 I s Mystrrs, 30 000 Cigars. 150 H- snis Wrapping Paper 30 !.. uaintni lUils. . 4l 100 -ck (Jroaitd Al im .Salt, 50 - Ueakea'a Fi.,e - ALSO . ; A Urge at-ek .f li-..ta. Sbte. Ax HaU, (very cht-ap) Hardware. Sml.ll.-a. 6c Harsass, Tanners. Kerie. & Machine Oils. W are als aareuts for tbe erK-brated AJs4ssk Warily Oil. rarranted to stand a tire last if one hnndr-d tc fifty sVgrs FahraaWn. Ac tberfforp perfectly sale dc very Uule ksj er kan Kenine. We also have a fall stock of Liqoors. Saab . ' u "u n"y. r niwaey mwmw ,nTr rr7 Hraady. Paris, """ ouerry, a. ma lag a v tees, dte.. Are. The above stock is ofTrr-d at Retail, at tke eery loweat fie area. BINGHAM 6: CO. May. 14 1874 tf. State of North CaroliisV kowis CbruTT u tub scraaioa ocsr. Tho as P. JonxwroK, PtauUtf The Georgia H orapany ryissiat. t j To the Sheriffof Rowan Coaaty Greeting . TsS are hereby com umnded u. summon tkisOssitw a Uouie loxiranee Comnanr th . named, if it be found within your Coonty be and appear before ihe Judjre of otr Shf Onurt.Ute held frthe comity oflfowao. st tks Court House iQ Salisbury tbe 4th Msaisf after Ue 3rd Monday iu Septeuibf r. 74. ssa answer the otnublaint which will bs fauiSJil in tbe office of tbe Clerk of the Snpenar OsssT I for said Coontr. within the first dan f tkf neii lerm tnereof: and let tbe earn ueweaaw take notice that if be fails to an-wer the ssJd complaint a i thin that time, the plants? fl take iodgment aminat it for the sssl af sti bundrexl dollars, with interest on the sasasfkesi the 10th day of December. 171 Herein fail not. and of this Seat so as sssss due return: Given under my hand and seal of the Cosrt, this 'Jib day of Ssmteubwr 174. . . - Clerk t f the Superior Conrt of Ews Csae- M. Kent. lW4-aW- . www- rn wl turisuips AJtZI nn - w der the style of McKeely A Waltse, b m T Vl AA.naetnsB.kIs. a. C oay disoireu by uratoal t.ni ! w a are thank ru 1 for t be 1 1 beral as been extended te us, byosr1 Vel- ana bespeak for our ton A Ri. s continuance of the All persons indebted la as will atssss atn tbe old stand, and settle their auueaats awsw. bury. J. D McKEKLT 1. w. WSLTOf KOiiiwr" Ws hare thi. Aar Mr Mr?sv A WaJloo iaa geosral U :ctacd.e at the stand ol tbe old firm. We a-rare the fr. U aeH rwrwwaS JnswtASA VS slaaU uar o ri -t.w ootitlnuaoce rf their patroaagi . gaU ru. -v i w . - Ma far wwi fessf money. , Uall and see ua j. j. BOSS J Salisbnrj Pept- 18. ltt.-9xA ft lid tts'tn'm'jcb regret, lb it I retire frssty mserantile lffo btrt 1 trust ere baag t foJ subaatiawaw. ..- I thank, yon for roar very liberal epeewtj, and patronage and trust that too mtr to your Interest te patronise the wew r' DISSOLUTION. etaaswl 1 sVpt.54lfJ'4V-. J. D. suepsiaws.. !, 'fe. . r; : Is a ju,.' i - 1 . tssf iasww IC wpt ; i tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttmt.jti . - j - k ' i

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