wfcajiiiiiiiii. eiiiiiwtiM Hi, ii a stasias m0jHmim0mHmmmmKmmmmm swam, -j -' l- , . f m . . Ill A T TTT T fill mm I m M I Liiv varuima watcnman. VOL. V. THIRD 8 SALISBURY N. C OCTOBER. 29, 1874 NO. 53. WHOLE NO. 1 - m. it . . ... . . . . ' rus wmilt: BR U N EE, J. J. BTttW ART Associate Editor. I CHIlTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. Out 1 BAU, payable 1U advance. Kii Mouths. f Copies to any addre Tri-v ckly Watch temTut la advance $5-00 laMoitii'' V B B ttOTU ..$2.5f .. 1.50 .. 10.0 3.00 50 AftTEBTISIXCr RATES tel (1 inch) One insertion f 1J : two I.oO eveeser number of insartioa 8peeia4 notice X Per cent, mora i jg- ajgverttsememH. nnwinj nonw t tessvilns tor each snd every insertion. for a Pstienee Mid gentleness are power a colored preacher at Sparta, tia., some time ago, was heard to say in a funeral ifenUMak hi. mother I T I j - aies no lonirei amnnnsr ns : be have ex- what made hit nose to red. He answered, onerated front the syllogisms of this world's (e) nnffiug, mamma. discrimination, and, when he cite to de ik.i- i . : ..l; cold, dry stream of de river Jordin, de " V? wr rrr? Ifcroainea and Perinheus will meet him opp.Dovii.i.g o.v.uj, Idar to row bin mmmi mm A Umi A. . 4J....I. A i(Mh mmYkn ' " T swa w i iiHHii in i if ii l 1 1 1 1 Ik . ii. mauiiua i .... Wonderful bright flash of lightning. "Oh, mamma, she cried, "see the dark open !" Pilkios thinkinc that an exhibition of conjugal affection might increase the qual ity of his dinuer. called his wife "my sweetest." She merely asked him who 1; W hie others were. A writer thus undertakes to convey some idea of the greatness of the popula tion of China : "The mind cannot rrasD v a the real import of so vast, number. Four hundred millions 1 What does it mean J Conntit. Night and day, without rest. or sood, or sleep, you continue the weary "Herodo;... my son, what time i. it V SS M tt -7 " inquired Mr. Bpiikms of his eon, who had!' . - the court. Winding for miles along un uiurv uwu aa many yeara ueiore me euu silverstering city.' BEAUTITJX STORY. Extract from a speech of Oca. Cullen A. Battle, at Toscumbia During the winter of 1863-64 it was mj fortune lo be President of one of the coarts-martial of the Army of Northern Virginia. One bleak December morning, while the snow covered the ground and the winds howled around our eimo. I a mm THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Is eminently a Family Medicine ; and by ba le I kept ready for immediate resort will sav ssaay an hour of suffering and many a dollar ia time and doctors' bill. After over Forty Years trial it is still asiviag th ssoat unqualified testimonials to its virtues from persons of the highest character nbility. Lmincnt phyaiaana it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC of the Liver, Stomach There wae a young woman named Han nah, who behaved in a frivolous manner while her pa stood in prayer, she put tacks in his chair : which he sat on, and cus sed his Hannah. When a Brooklyn woman feels that re sietanee to tyrants is duty to God. and kicks her husband through the front door, she borrows the sugar plum language of the paator, and calls her action an ''out ward manifestation of true inwardness." Qnin, the actor, being asked by a lady why there were more women in the world than men, replied : "It is in confoimity with the other arrangements of nature, we always see more of heaven than of earth.' ' Chloral its Ska-Sickness. Dr. Ogilvie will say in a severe voyage across the Atlantic be gave chloral in eighteen castas of sea sickness, and in only one did the drug fail to produce relief. He gave them 30 grains in sweetened water, direct ing the dose to be repeated if relief does not follow in twenty minutes. He advises a little light, easly digested food to be taken before sailing, and the chloral to be taken and the patient to lie down on the first symptoms of the sicknes presenting themselves. just come home from college. "Well, ah, tatber, replied the youth, pulling out his watch, "let z represent 11 o'clock, and y equal tea minutes ; x 2y is the anewer." apiikins pondered tor a moment, and then said be thought it moat be about bed time. For all d Hplsen. asas iwsasswvi, m v . ISMi HIM luHB or Stiver omniaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the lack, Bides or Joints, often mistaken for hhiintsalism ; Sou ft Stomach ; Loss of Appe- IILa 1 - .ll.rinlul. wtl iul Imm . Headache ; Loss of memory, with a painful custom prevails sssasnnn or having railed to do sometbing ehka ought to have been done ; Debility. Low virile, a thick yellow appearano of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mistaken for Con sussMien. Sometimes many of these symtomt attend the diisaes, at others very few ; but the Livaa, the iargsst organ in the body, is generally the seat mt the disease, end if not Regulated in time. su fieri ng, wretchedness and UK A Til will A Beautiful Custom. Id the Tyro lean Mountains it is the custom of the women and children to come out when it is bed time and sing their national songs ill t I a as a until their D us bands and brothers answer them from the hHls or on their return home. On the shores of the Adriatic such There the wives of the fishermen come down about sunset and slug a melody. After singing the first stance, they listen awhile for the answer ing strain from off the water, and hear the well-known voices come borne on the tide, is a . a a a telling that tue loved oues are near borne. "Got anything for a aiaksaan to readi" inquired a pug-nosed boy at a news stand the other day. "xes, anything you want Bibles, poems, religious books, and so soforth." replied the clerk. "Bibles 1 poims!" echoed the boy, "do ou -le t lit s a jt . minx aaa s a nangel Lrtmme a lively dime novel one with an Iaiun sealpin a solger. AN ew Catechism:. Whom did Adam ft ft , . marry, anu wnen am ne marry net I une Eve. What was her bridal dress 1 Barely nothing. not even a ribbon 1 no, she bad no need of one: she was a rib -bone her self. When Adam and Eve were in the gar dening business, what time did they com menee picking fruit 1 In the bill. Why didn't Cam make good sugar T Because he wasti t Abel. Spirits as weU as sugar come from the cane ? Abel got slewed. What reason have we to suppose that Cain also got slewed I He went immedi atelv to the land of Nod. Who was the wisest man 1 Knower. What did he know 1 He kuew euough to go in out of the rain. of the tedious task can Us reached. He o supposes this mighty multitude to take up its line of march in a gi sswt pro- saion, placed in a single file six miles smart, and marching at the rate of thirty miles a day except on the Sabbath, which is given to gas. -D- after day the moving column advances, the trail push ing on far towards the rising sun, now bridge the Pacific, now bridge the Allan tie. And now the Pacific is crossed, but still the long procession searches on, stretching across high mountains and sunny plains and broad rivers, through China and India and the European king doms, and on again over the stormy bosom of the Atlantic. But the circuit of the world itself affords not standing room. The endless column will double upoo it self, and double again and again, and shall girdle the earth eight times before the great reservoir which furnishes those numberless multitudes is exhausted. Weeks and months and years roll away, and still they come, men, women and children. Since the march began the little boy has become a man, yet on they come in unfailing numbers. Not till the end of forty-one years will the last of the long procession have passed. Such is China in its population, and if Homer eonld preach eloquently on the vanity ol man as moral, wi n equal eloquence, had be seen or coutemplate the millions of China, could he have preached ou the vanity of man as an individual. certain paths. I at length arrived at the court ground at Round Oak Church. w-v JL a a Asay alter day it bad been our duty to era!, I have one shell left; toll see hays; he utterly i saved me uonor ot Marv and Lnev t" I raised my hat. Once more a Confed erate shell went crash inr throawh tfca raoks4of the enemy, and the hero sank by his gnn to rise no more. Heaven knows, my countrymen. I lov ed that loot case, trot this, in which wo ere now engaged, is no leas sacred. We will do our whole duty in this cam Dai m. and, if need he, in the moment of d-ath. fire the last shot in our battery fur the honor of Mary and Lucy. thai army, military law; Pj'WWHsaav' QsBs9sMMOtt For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jann eise, Bilious attacks, SICK HEAD VCH. Colic, repression of Spirit-, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., Ac.. The Cheapest and Purest Family Medicine in UM world I Manufactured only by ft. M. itltlNACO, Macon (ia , and Philadelphia. Prls $1.00. Sold by all Dreggists. A WOMAN'S I YES, IN LOVE, 1 mo. am older than I was A SOore of years ago ; And oo the little games of We I've learned a thief or so. And one of them is simply this A thing all men should know. That women, in affairs of lov. Transpose the yes for no ! Just ask a girl if aha intends To marry such a beau, Auti f.r an answer you will get Oh ! no. sir, surely not. Whils all the time to bring about Tba match she is uct slow. Whirl) proves a woman's yes, in love, Is alw ays changed to no ! Or ask a maid of thirty years. Who thinks you do not know If she is over twenty yet. And, she will tell yon no. Ibe has no wish to natter you. But think you rather slow If you have not discovered yet That woman's yes is no ! 0o ask the heartless, cold eoquette. If she could strike th blow To rush a lueklees fellow's heart. And she will answer no ! Bat try her, if you have a donbt. And all your love bestow To her, and she will teach the feet That woman's yes is no. If yon by chance a widow meet, Clftd in the weeds of woe. Just try if death has bumbled bar With its unwelcome blow ; To do so. ask her again Her love she ootid bestow Upoaanother, and in tears And sobs she answer no. Bet press her to confide in you, Aod breathe in accents low The story of your constancy, Asd tears will eease to flow ; While smiles will lighten up her face. V w'tn fwUQduesa glow, A certain proof that woman's yes, la love, is always no. Osrgood old mothers, like the rest. This transposition show ; Asd often for the firmest yes. Will give the sternest no, Fr instance, when she sees a chap w0f wealth, who makes a blow : Tou ask her If she likes bis style. ehe answers bluntly no. lot let the wealthy chap sail la T see her girls, and lo ! . greets him with approving smiles. And lets her daughters go Absoad with him, just anywhere. Is rain, or sleet, or snow; Which proves that in affairs of love A woman's yee is no. at is the fashion everywhere. He matter where you go I ot find it wsth the rich aod pour, 1 stations high and low. And tbotgk it may not he amies, mmP WU enough to show "JM women, ia affairs of lovs. uire their eousent with a Col. Thomas M. Holt. The Fair of 1874 has been a great success, and the JStft a society lias gracefully expressed its in debtedness to this gentleman by his unan imous election a third time as President In doing so, they have but reflected the 7. . i ii. mi tut sentiment ot tne puoitc. l ne r air is a benefit to North Carolina and to Raleigh We are glad to preceive that the public begiu more fully to appreciate the arduous services of the President and the Execn rfti fi . a . as i tive uommutee, wuo nave iaoorea so faithfully for the public without reward or the hope of re ward . Daily Newt. O. B. Lamar. The Boston Post has the following little item : The noted Mtssissippian, - Mr. G. B. Lamar, ot cotton claim fame, rhose death was recently announced, left by his will $100,000 for the estab lishment of an asylum for indigent negroes. This is a subrtantial evidence in favor of the notion that the real friend of the black man are to be found among those who were born and raised with him, and hot among the canting philanthropists who have been misleading him in order to use him for political and revengeful purposes, Mr. Lamar was an original secessionist. After the war he was pursued with un usual severity. Abnseo and plundered, be has only come by a part ot bis rights to die and make a handsome divide with his dusky old friends of the cotton patch. Bricks Kt. JJR. r ritch ard. in oar yes terday's issue we slated thet Dr. Pritchard would leave the city in a few deys for the purpose of consulting a Northern ocnlist in regard to bis failing eyesight. We were in error. Dr. P. is now nnder the skillful treatment of Dr. Geo. W. Graham of this city, and we ate pleased to an nounce the gratifying intelligence that he is rapidly improving, and a permanent rocovery is hop fully anticipated by bis friends. New. The area of the German empire is only 212,000 square miles, or scarcely four times that of Illinois, and on ttus sma'I space dwell over 42,000,000 people, which exceeds the present population "f the United states, scattered over twelve times that extent of territory, aod Uennaoy produces eoou wj- - r breadstuffs and meats for the support Dooulatiou. and raises a sufficient quantity of beets from which to manufacture nearly all the sugar and molasses consumed by her inhabitants, whereas the United States, with their great variety of climate and soil, ........... 1 a I fill AAA AAA tka r.,,r.K u of thnsA MOmrnoditiee from ironical countries, i Germany grows must of the tobacco consum ed by her people, and they are inveterate smokers. Awenty Centuries Old. A correspondent of the Cleveland Leader, writing from Persia, says : "Com ing from Bagdad, which, in a direct line, is forty-four milee distant, three immense mounds appear in succession, which have the appearance of natural hills. But close examination shows that they are composed of bricks, and are the rem tins of large buildiujf. These are on the east side of the Euphrates, and the largest is about one hundred and fifty feet in height.- They are supposed to be an ancient citadel that defended this part of the town, the the royal palace and a temple. How im mense mnst the original buildings have been, which it is considered that these monnds have been the storehouses from which, for twenty centuries, bricks of the finest description have been taken to build the greet cities of Csesiphon, Selu cia, and Bagdad ! Fragments of alabas Hit of ter Tessejg aD(i images, fine earthernware, 0f'jr ' marUe, and great quaaties of enameled ties, tne coionng ana giaamg ox woicn are still surprisingly fresh, can yet be found in these mounds. On the faee of every brick is stamped, in cuneiform, the name ! and title of Nebnchadnezzar : They are all laid faee downward, and the cement in which they are imbedded is so hard that tbey can only be detached with the greatest difficulty. JUDGE HOWARD'S LETTER. Tarboro, N. C ,Oct. 14, 1874. Messrs. Engelhard tt Saunders : Dear Sirs: I think it would be well for the people of North Carolina to have a I proaching, the President of the Constitution established by themselves, free from the supervision or control of others, both as a matter of sentiment and fact. But independent of this, onr present Constitution is strikingly defective the Convention that framed it seems to have been far more intent on perpetuating their legislative policy than on establishing in t . , B mm 1 well denned terms the "tundamental principle ot liberty." The general ambiguity of the instru ment; the uncertainty ot the terms ol office, and the lesultaut embarrassment to the administration of jnstice, if the late opinion ot tbo Attorney treneral dinning the judicial terms be correct the estab lishment of all ths courts, thereby re straining the discretionary power of erecting and modifying courts to meet the varying wants and interests of the people try the gallant sold iers of charged wua violations of hot never bad 1 on any been greeted by as ou that morning awaited the opening at the Court. - Case after ease of "The Confederate Stale vs. Edward Cooper" was called charge, dosertkMs. A wu murmur rose spontaneously from the bat tie scarred -spectators, as young artillery man rose from the prisoners' bench, and iu response lo the questiou. "Guilty, or Mot Guilty I" answered, "Not Guilty." The J edge Advocate was proceediug to open the prosecution when the Court, observing that the prisoner was auatten ded by oouusel, interposed and enquired ot ibe accused. " W bo is your co ne replied. "I have no counsel." Sup posing mat it was nis purpose to re pre sent himself before the court, the Judge Advocate was i as tr acted to Every charge and specification against the prisoner was sustained. The prisoner was then told to introduce bis witnesses He replied, I have no witnesses." J tonished at the calmness with which he seemed to be submitting to what be re garded as inevitable fate, I raid to him, "Have you oo defence 1 Is it possible toat you abandoned your comrades and 1 m a aeserted your colors in ibe presence of the enemy without any reason " H replied, " 1 here was a reason, but it will not avail me before a military court." I said : "Perbape you are mistaken ; you are charged wiih the highest crime known to millitary law i s your duty to make known the causes that influenced you sc ions. For the first time his manly form t rem -bl d end bis blue eves swam in tears. An. a mm court be presented a letter, saying ae he did, There, General is what did it." I opened the letter, etid in a moment my eyes fill ed with tears. It was passed from one to another of the court until all had seen it, and those stern warriors who had pass ed with Stonewall Jackson through a hundred battles wept like little children. Soon as I sufficiently recovered my self possession, I read the letter as the defence of the prisoner. It was in these words t My Dear Edward I have always been proud of yon, and since your connection with Confederate army I nave been proud er of you than ever before. 1 would not have you do anything wrong for the wrold : but before God. Edward, nnl to amend the Coswtk touoo. Wbeu, in the history of the has any party held one Legislator two-thirds vote, aad He three-fifth vote f It is Sk wise nor prudent to exchange the certain present for the uncertain future. It hi our deliberate opinion thou, that If the Conservative party would Constitution it ssuet do it surely t shear er. k t From the Wilmington Journal. VEBW8 OF LXADLYG FORTH CAJLi- ui.aLm.a3 0a THE COffVXWTIOI" QUESTION. we have the Of laying J Uvy a mr a oo florin Carolinians In addition to this, the coot of the changes would he greatly lues Ai Convention than by the liaaiiaihi The Con vesuiou nisi of eawlw . and thai not of at . a . wm carry weight with them, not oely in the Cape Fear section, but in the whole State. We trust that onr mtmrr.nM wno oppose tne call of a Convention will give thetr readers the benefit of what these distinguished gentlemen of the Cape Pear have to say oo the sub j ec t. LETTER. Wilmington, N. C, Oct, , 1874. Messrs Engelhard st Saunders.- G INTLKM EN I be undersigned baring received letteu from you asking their views upon the Convention now under discussion, have conferred together, and concurring in their opioiooe submit the folio wing joinr reply : You aek us, in brief, to res pood to the following enquiries : "1st. Do you think the beet interests of the people of North Carolina require their Constitctioo, the "Caoby Constitu tion" so-called, to be materially aod speedily amended f 2d. If, in yoqr opinion, material changes in m made the people should be tive enactment lion 1 remodeling the Cuuotituuoa ami would do hat suooh lose eces. The risjnssltL would do its work, well cad thorouguly, at a east of lose than S30.000 ae will ap pear roes a simple nssrulctica By lego ialtive enactment net half the) week aov half so well dews woetd coot more ihea twice that amoant at least. Aod Unit it toother serious object ion to pi ssmssBB by legislative enactment growing net of the rules of parliamentary Law that govern al legislative bodice. As has heasaaeid, uaeV I mm mm m,. lor tne reason aireauy accigoed, alteration iu the Constitution no how tnvml, must be the separate hill before two tue laturec. 1 bey can not be all put ii s a s .a a mmm m- " bill, so tbat tbo effect of individually, and of all the sit 1 mm k. a k I. I. well koown rule of parliamentary law that there can be bet ooe bill under considera tion by the House at a time. There stay be as many ae a hnodrrd hills upon the S m mm, calendar, each containing a i atsou. but cccn bill mutt be .1 - . " mrmm x:m.u will la wst CI1 lit l(J trcO Had,' whi'h Jht P!dil7 d perfected by itoelf end withoet regard 1 wn ,M V img ,hOWS Ch; lb olb" ninetynine. This beingV res, do you think the best interests of does not every ooe familiar with lW every ooe familiar with legisla tive proceedings and paritametrtary law, see at a glance bow fruit Uct will he the) attempt to render consistent and bswsjas. n Wilis at fvnat itrtl lAn I haaaO ? a k. ill i ir i iiiim-rwHiiwa. i r rvi n mm , t .w., - east v wiyUJ'rci gaLAG UaVTlV 1 ehanawarl aaa c ef I VUBIiaMS huvinii aft wa n t. Hwi ki . J . L ; J W .....i i .uuuuvitu iwo-ioira vote iu our, T of .Nor h Carolina demand adopted, that by Legisla- that by Conven or each House of the General Assembly, what do you think is the duty of that party in reference to the calling of a Coo ve i tioa by the Legislature at its approach ing session for the purpose of amending the Constituti-n T" In reply to the first question, we beg leave to cay, that we ere decidedly of o piniou thet the Constitution of the State needs to be changed in very many and very material respects, end that too right speedily. Indeed, the daily experience ef stz years, in our Legislative Halls, in the Courts of J ustiee end iu every wcJk iu life shows tbat it is an insuperable obstarU u good government. This "Can by " Constitution was liter ally conceived in sin and born in iniquity and it must ever be a symbol of wrour yon come borne we must die ! Last night : nQ oppression, we could submit to the I was aroused by a little Eddie's crying outrage, however, perpetrated upon ut in and called and said. "What's the matter. ; iu "adoption," so-called, if it was not the Eddie f" and be scid, "Oh, mam aaa, I'm frui ful source oi so ssaay evils that time the limitation of jurisdictions embarrsss I hungry ?" And Lucy, Edward, your j almost fail us u refer to them iu ing the adjustment of rights and increasing I darling Lucy ; sue never complains, but detail. This however ia not necessary, Ihm Mino and nnr.-rt nfv nt lit s-at ah I Sne 18 growing lOlllUer aild tUinncr everv J arc wrii anown or all men. the localizing the iodgps when thedy. And before God, Edward unless Suffice it to tay then, tbat in almoet every you come nome we mnst die. Touu Mart Turning to the prisoner, I asked. "What did you do when you received ibis letter I He replied ; "I made aouli- I in so many partieaUri at The hundredth bitl or an at to the bend red th ball may uoecfhlr render the other ninety -nine rctafro kut possible, or at beet inharmonious and in consistent. To perfect the constitution and to render all its Darts, harmnoioaa BJ w 1 and consistent with each other and with the whole, the body attempting the took must have all its pert eeder its entire con trol until the eery last momeou Tact la absolutely seaeniial, aod this by Isglils tive enactment is absolutely impossible. By Co oven lion oeJy is it pcestolc. Conveoiioo mode scare years meat Ladiks Comparing ths in Gartbrs t The other day , after a meeting of a certain famoue woman's club in New York the ladies amused themselves comparing their garters, to see which were the hand somest, for garters of extravagant expense have lately come into fashion, and several of these club members wear theirs clasp ed wish gold had precious stones. The jewellers are all introducing new designs for garter clasps that promise tnoruy to coat as maeh as the bracelets that fashion has discarded. A charming woman and singer in society is said to wear a pair of garters that cost 8500. Thc Cumberland Fair. We beg to remiud our people that but tour weeks 'Writ intervene now before the Fair of the Cum berland County Agricultural Society will be held. The officers of the Association have lt-ft nothioa? undone on their part to render I the exhibition superior to any previously held ; the grounds and buildings will be m floa order for the convenience and comfort of visitors and th accomodation of exhibi tors, while the race-track aad all matters pertaining thereto, nnder the superintendence I , m , mm ol vol. i j. uonea, win oner uuusuai mcui- ie for fine displays of fast and blooded- stock. Let Cumberland surpass herself this time bv an exhibition which will add to her former enviable reputation and we cordially invite all the neighboring counties to com tpetc with us for tba many prises to be award I VJ a a a . sea ' - ed to ex be lie nee m different departments. Mr. J. E. Garrett. Job Printer, has fon- ished the premium fist, and it is by this I time in the hands of ths pople.Fojrfcetiie Queme 15 mrt- v A Regiment Perishing from Thirst When the Egyptian troops first conquered Nubia, a regiment was destroyed by thirst in crossing the desert. The men, being upon c limited allowance of water, suffered from extreme thirst, and, deceived by the appearance of a mirage that exactly resembled a beautiful lake, they insisted on being takeu to its banks by the Arab guide. It was in vsin that the guide assured them the lake was un real, and be refused to lose the precious time by wandering from his course. Words led to blows, and be was killed by the soldiers, whose lives depended on bis guidance- The whole regiment turned from the tack, and rushed toward the welcome waters. Thirsty and faint over the burning sands tbey hurried heavier and heavier their footsteps became hot ter and hotter their breath, as deeper end deeper they push into the desert, further and further from tbo lost track where the pilot lay in his blood ; and still the mocking spirits of the desert, ere the afrites of the mirage, led them on, the lake glistening in the sunshine tempting them to bathe in its cool waters, elose to their eyes, never at their lips. At length the delusion vanished the fatal like turned to burning sand j Raging thirst and horrible despair 1 the pathless desert and the murdered guide ! loot I all lost 1 all lost 1 Not a man ever left the desert, but they were subsequently discovered, parched and withered corpses by the Arabs sent upon the search. reasons had recurred requiring rotation of circuits and various other restrictions upon Legislative action entirely beside and in no way dependant upon the great provisions that should constitute the or ganic law and protect the rights of the citizens from unjust or partial legislation there all demand revision or rejection And this, not more to remove the grievances resulting therefrom than to discontinue the blending of ordinary legislation with fundamental principles, and the judicial legislation incident thereto, than which, nothing is more apt to increase the growing disregard of Constitutions and to confuse the people end weaken their reverence for and relinnee upon Constitutional sefeguards. I entertain no fears of revolutionary action should a Convention be ealled. I am sure it would be traly conservative, tbat it would not weaken, but better de fine and strengthen every provision that seeares the right of life, liberty, property or borne, or thai limits the power of ex cessive taxation, or issues the control of corporations. Ou th question of suffrage, its action would. I believe, no only elevate the right, but prove a grat restraint upon the commission of crime and fraud up n the revenue ; ii, thai ii would deprive of the right all persons convicted atier iu adoption, of perjury, larceny or other ii. famous crini', and all who tail to contri bute in some degree to the sup ort of the government. tviihal, I would have our people show that free from bias of - cmoq, of party or race, they can establish a Constitution. consistent with the broades justice, pro tection and guarding the rights of all, limiting the excercise of all powe injnroua to the weak, or detrimental to the minority, yet allowing tbat elasticity and adaptibili- ty of legislation suited to a progessive civilisation. You preceive that I am for numerous end important amendments to onr Con stitution, by a Convention to be called by the approaching General Assembly. With my conviction, unhesitatingly advise prompt aud decided action. Tours truly, Geo. Howard. one ot tbe maty instances wher th uCanby" Constitution varies from the old Constitution of our fathers, ths difference has been productive of unmixed evil. In our opinion the sooner we return to thet cation for furlough and it was rejected: 'd Constitution the better it will be for again I made application and it was re- poople of North Carolina, observing jected; a third lime I made application and oi course the changes rendered necessary it was rejected, snd that night as I wandered Dv llje war and its result. And we deem backward end forward in tne camp, think- 'l proper to say here, ia order to prevent iug of my home, with tbe mild eyee of n7 possible misunderstanding, that we Lucy looking up to me, and the burning believe no one contemplates, as no one words of Mary sinking in my brain, I was ought to contemplate, any change ia re no longer tbe Confederate soldier, but I sT" to the Homestead Exemption save was the father of Locy and tbe husband such as will enlarge and render more te- r m, mm , m - . t S I am ot Mary, aod 1 would have passed those ora tnat wise and beneficent prevision, steps at the earliest p-issihlt lines if every gnn in tbe bcttery had fired We deesa it proper to say also that we ho- call a Cooeeotion. No mer upon me I l went to my home Mary , ive no ooe contemplates, ae no one ought I ef Expediency' cue justify ue ia ran oui to meei me, ner angei arms em- comcuipnir, cuange in to ooo- to perform oar plain ft I ss i a a j-v a mmt m J : a u 1 r u nracea me: ana sne wnisoered. u nuauon Kimmr w iapir ids nnu ot ist asnt nnr n a By tbe months will be consti tution to be put into operation. By tne iegwiauve mod tour elapse before Legislator regular session under the s stituiioe to give retoif to the psspie. Ws are ct opinion, thea state, the the mode ef ascending the Cositilsnistl by Convention is the only oee that will ssoat the demands of our us sale. Iu reply to your third mtorogAery sue hog leave to sey that we think u it the plain duty of the Conservative require its members iu. the a i laze prompt action in calling a lion. Malarial rihsssst hi ought to be ssade and to be made speedily. The Convection ouTsw the csmssmvA, surest end speediest way u stake these change. Believing thee, t w do, that it is u sacred duty the eoocerv alive party ewes to itself aod the poople to eefce thant the speediest, cheapest, aod most mode of getting relief from the many grievous burdens growing out of the ' stiiuuon, we eaa cccctsvo of ae reason why that party should not i it members io lb Legislature satacsasst 'lsjlea j 'O I Edward, I am to happy 1 I am so glad you got your furlough ! She must have j felt me shudder, for the turned pale as ' death, and catching her breath ct every . word she said, 'have yon come without your furlough ? 0, Edward Edward, go back ! go back 1 Let me and my child go down together lo the grave, but O, for heaven's sake, save the honor of our name!' And here I am, gentlemen, not brought here by millitary power, but in obedience to tbe command of Mary, to abide the sentence of your court." Every officer of that court-martial felt the force of tbe prisoner's word. Before tbem stood, in beatic vison, the eloquent pleader for s bnsbend's and e father's wrongs ; but tbey had beea trained by their great leader. Robert E. Lee, to tread the path of doty, though the light ning's flash scorched the ground beneath their feet, and each iu turn pronounced til verdict guilty. Fortunately for hu manity, fortunately for the Confederey, tbe proceedings of the court were review ed by the Commanding General and up on the record was written : A clergy man says : "I once married a handsome young couple, and, as I took the bride bv the hand, at the eloee of the ceremony, aad gave bar my warmest eon- tood solitary Confederate soldier, with gratnlations, she tossed her pretty head, tbe blood streaming from his side. As bis Headquarters A. N. V Tbe finding of lb court is approved. The prisoner is pardoned, and will report to his company. R. E. Let, General. During tbe second battle of Cold Har bor, when shot and shell were failing "like torrent from the mountain cloud," my attention was directed to the feet that one of our bsttenea was being silenced by tbe concentrated fire of the enemy tin w a a . a a... w nen l reaeued tne nailery every gun but one had beea dismantled, aad by it aod, pointing to tbe bridegroom, said, 'I I be recognized me, be elevated think bt m the eeet be eegratulftted." I aberv th rout wf baSAm aad eci voice stitutioo tending to impair lb rights of ihe colored people. In reply to your second lot rogatory we beg leave to eay tbat we arc decidedly of opinion that the mode of amending the Constitution by means of a Convection called by a vote of two thirds of each House of th Legislature i vastly prefer able to that by Legialative enactment, being the cheaper aud more speedy, if not the only practicable mode of accomplish ing the desired change. The Constitu tion is so fall of mischief iu to mauy par ticulars, in what it ecyt end in what it does not say, that it will bo nearly if not quite impossible to make it conform to our wishes and to our wants without rewriting the whole instrument, and this it will he i i. i , , maaueeuy impracticable to do unless it be done in Convention. The mode of amendment by legislative eecctmect is adequate only when one or two specific amendments are desired, but is ucsuited to the condition in which we find ourselves for tbe reasoe that every ooe of the many changes, even the minutest and most tri vial alteration, would htve to be tbe sub ject matter of a separate bill before two successive Legislature, if we would avoid the doebt now hanging over the meats recently supposed to have adopted. And thte being so, w would be obliged to content ourselves with oely a very few of the change so accessary to he ssade or the Legislator would be com pelled to enter upoo en codices aad inter minable field of Icfwlation. But there is sunt her objectiea to the mode of ea amendment by legialative en actment tbat is insuperable, to w it the uncertainty that the Conervative party will have a three-firths vote ia each Hoe ef tbe General Assembly iu 1876. TJnle ! that pin v shall have such a vote la duty. Ner eaa ai the If she the people that dares net do right. Conservative party, bcvnng ibe power afford relief lo the people, saourd to do so this winter, we shall took with dreed to ihe coo. queue of the elections in 1876, for we know not answer oar party will bo able lo when arraigned at tbe bar of public opto- f I mm a a -mmmm- ' ' ion tor being a raid or aawilli tbe power en (.rusted to it. Wc arc dent tbe people will not tobmii io to such c course. W must not that tbe Conservative party will be to a strict acountahtility for lb people have pat ia iu tanas by two-third of eath Hoeee mf the Assembly from is raoks. We the most serious conseooeoees from a fail ure to call a Convention, hat wo appreheod none whatever if the Lag ilaturc hall da its duty aad promptly call caw. it Use Ltosassrtrto-OenesrvcSlvs t slice as hold fear ef is to be pledged to a policy ef timidity if it it te win glorious triumphs ea heed fought fields oely tor the cake of a leg? bonfire aod illuminations il it is to he always afraid of grasping the IsagJthl and necessary fruits of victory for offending somebody we may rest tbat ft will toco tar mer of strength prestige by chilling and disheartening wane set supporters tbea It ecu gain by coocflketiag its susmlss, who are toe enemies oi good goi it not king w bar to so much as a indifference. Very rssj itlfefly, W. Av WW-, O. P. MtAftct. r-y ML"e 'ftm, fJQswauutBa S tuff scid, yms Hee ru the Ugislatftr la leTC, U trill TUTsrwejwziaxe. -