(Utaitna lUauijmcn 8 A lit B J U Y Til I J KS D 1 OCTOK m. J . Or. xxio iMfii, Scoundrel, swindler ami murderer, is employed by Gram's tools, Attorney Gen eral WJliatas, to ijrauise over the people taf Alabama. In the capacity of U- 8 Uty Marr-bal belsitotefuUMdf tr ' "TV "V fiug defenseless citisens on drummed up evidence lor the purpose of intimidating tire people and keeping tbein from going Co the polls. If the villain bad received bis deserts be would have been banged 20 jeers ego. Bat he is a fit representa tive of Grant's administration. .. . See. SPECIAL NOTICE, After the first of January next the law requires every thing that goes through the mail to be prepaid ; We will be requir ed to prepay tbe postage on all papers sent from this office, and we hereby notify all persons who wisb tbe Watchman con turned to tbeni, that they must not only forward their subscribtions in ad- bat tbe Postage also. The postage oa tbe Watchman when paid in advance will be about tea cents a year, We hope oar friends will promptly re new their subscriptions and send on the ten cents extra for postage, as We do not wish to set off any sne, but we shall be compelled to do so, if these terms are not plied with. . . I The postage will not be any more than nereioiore, oniy u is rcquireu to ue paia the paper is mailed, and in ads TUB CONVENTION QUESTION We give up much of your space this week to make room for tbe views of such distinguished gentlemen as Judge How ard, George Davis, and a number of others who have expressed themselves on this important question. It is a matter in which the people have great interest, and we feel that we can not just at tbis time luruish tbom with reading of more vital interest. A large number of the ablest and best men In tbe State have spoken out boldly and earnestly on the subject, and their telling arguments should not be lightly passed over. It is In the power of tbe Legislature to say whether we shall have a Convention to relieve us of the present oppressive Constitution. Tbe people can do much in determining the action of that body by calling priamary meetings, and giving expression to their withes. Let us have a meeting in this county. rVrAirrs qs Checks. The lw re. quires every cheek on a bank to be stamp I aa e ...... m. many or onr citizens nave Habitually, either from ignorance of tbe law of inat tention to Irs requirements, neglected ibis. An offici 1 agent is now traveling from city to city investigating the rubiect, and ail found neglecting to conform to the froviions of tbe law will be summoned rrts) tbe United 8rates court and fined. As one-balf the fine paid goes to the agent, there is no mistaking the fact that ho will perform bis duties to the utmost It will save annoyance and expense if all who hove business a! any bank will at tafji to tbe caution we now give. As every man's name is on It is checks, there Is to chance of escape, if the agent, when he makes official Investigation in Char lotto, should lay information 'against any one. Stamp Your checks. Chnrlnftr w -- - We haye, no doubt that tbe people eompl as fully with the law requiring stamps on checks and other papers as it is possible for them to do, or as fully as any reasonable man would expect them to do; but this don't satisfy tbe rapacity, ofBciousness , and tyrranny of the corrupt vUbuooos crew that happens to have eon rl of the Federal government at this iiThe liw is worthy of its sauce worthy of tbe uupriucipled and unscrunu lep jswe that gave it bisefa and fixed it rwin'-t1ing people ; and jt is only kept in force to give employment to a S3t of infamous spies and pimps of power While it is a great source of aonoyanae to the people, it brings in but littls revenue ; for it costs u early as much to keep up the Jota of espionage and to enforce tbe lew us the reveuue atnonutj to. But then it is one of the brntutie of the Bad ad minisleaiioo. . . i Jjs it , UiLEUUATION OP tie of Independence , !!.!., Hay tOth, 1889. In glancing over in old file of tbelftsfi em CerW&uin, May 84th, 1888, our eye fell upon a Jengthy account of the celebration of the Oth May Mecklenburg Declaration, in Con cord, wherein the names of many of the ac tors are given, many of whom have finished their courae ea earth, but some of whom yet rsnd to read a brief reference to that in tetestirig occasion. "tie reporter of the day's proceedinir. Dr. Benj. Austin, says that there were not less than T000 people in the streets of Coneord on uiat day, which is described as beautiful. Three volunteer and three cavalry compa- mssin their gayest oostume,ere on par- S4e. uoi. Wm. U. Means was Marshal of the day. assisted by CoL John A Shimpoch. The procession was formed with great care, having 16 divisions, and marched to a grove pear the .Presbyterian church, m which stand had been erected. It was splendidly decorated by the ladles with flowers, wreaths pf try mid cedar, Ac. The ceremonies were oiieaswMyrer by 4w Rev. Jas. E. Mor rison. rjOV.jMhn iiobmson, D. D., road the - CgrisluJpfof guns. Col. D. M. Bamnger, was orator of tne day. His speech is printed in full in the paper before us, and breathes a noble spirit Her. P. A. Strobcl, closed the ceremonies ?f by. l Tf-"" ..m i i . m iritb the he nedirtion serobly was dismissed with the benediction. A iimsjuinrcist dinner wee prepared for the occasion by John B. Moss, at the Con cord Hotel. After the cloth was removed from 'tbe table, first came the regular toasts. read by the President and Vice-President of the day, one at each end of the table. These, and also the volunteer toast, which follower, are rather loner for our present pur nose. Of the former, however, we like the following : " The Ladies: Bright eyes and soft voices are their weapons the 4JordV of creation are their trophies. Their is the only tyranny to which our chivalry will ever submit." Grant was then a baby. The following persons offered volunteer toasts : Gen. P. Barringer, Gen. Win. Allen, CoL Geo. Bernhardt, Dr. Kiah P. Harris, Col. D. M. Barringer, James Young, Esq., Col. Wm. C. Means, Wm. Barringer, Esq., Lewis B. Krimmfnger, Esq., Wm. 8. Harris, Esq., Chae. W. Harris, Esq., Dr. M. M. Orr, Dr. Ed. R. Gibson, Jos. W. Hampton, Sam'l. Harris, R. W. Allison, Thos. C. Cook, Col. John Shimpoch, Col. John O. Wallace, James Willeford, Dr. J. B. Young, Dr. A. J. Shan kle, A. II. Moss, J as. Scott, T. S. Henderson, Thos. H. Brem, John A. Jetton, Maj. J. X McLean, Capt. Wm. M. Henderson, Joseph O. Pharr, Dr. B. Austin, Dr. Wm. Rankin, v. a save s , ii . it iuobUh as i . vv ua. nun Wa,ker phifer jj S, Gorman, John L. Beard, Wm. A. Long, Chas. N. Price, Chas. 8. Partee, Hugh A. Dobbins, J. H. Hodges, Sam'l. H. Christian, Rob't. 8 Young, Capt. Joha Still, Jr, These toasts took in almost every variety of thought, though most generally thev were of a patriotic character, expressive of love of country, love of State, admiration of the great men of the country, and love of the ladies, which, strange to say, seemed to be as strong a passion with the old actors in the scenes of that day as with some young fel lows we know of now. James Young, Esq., delivered the most laconic and expressive toast, perhaps, of any. He said: "North Carolina slow but sure." A number of let ters in reply to invitations are also published Among those whose responses were read, we find the following: Ed. B. Dudley, Rob't Strange, Lewis Williams, D. L Swam Henry W. Connor. Gu. J. B. Gordon. While in At lanta last week attended the Re-Union of the Survivors of Gordon's Corps. Escutcheons with tbe names of Gordon, Lawtou and Evans decorated the walls, while the large audience chamber of the House of Representatives was deusely packed with an enthusiastic assemblage. Gov Smith presided, and introduced the speakers. AU were warmly welcomed ; but only one caught our attention. We listened to Gordon because be is a United States Senator, and representative man ot the South. la his tipoetroplie to tbe fl en heroes of the "lost cause." he uttered the hope that their courage, resolution, patriotism and love of liberty shall de scend as ati inheritance from generation to generation of Southerners till it rests upou those who shall take up and com- plete the work of bouthorn independence! These were not precisely the words, but they contain the sentiment. And how tbe rebels yelled ! It was tbe old fash ioned howl of triumph and head long pur suit. Again, said Gordon we shall use every honorable means to preserve our liberties, but if the worst comes, we can but take our lives in our bands and go forth for a mightier couflict than ever was known to the past ! But first he would ask the immense audience of former soldiers to uledtrH themtlvB m tmt halt-way any advances made by honora ble men ol the North to restore tbe Union; and again ihe crowd became t ramie in applause. Charlotte Home. A CASE IN POINT. The recent trial of Robert Barnett in the county of Pearson, of which mention is made in our local column's, is one which ought to go far to correct the wicked mis representation with which the people of the South have been assailed in tlrt trans actions with the colored race. Here was a man, most respectably and influeutially connected, arraigned for a horrible crime upon a negro gri, and put on his trial upou the awful issue of life and l.n.i with family iuUuence powerless to shield him, the distinction of race unable to ex onorate him. In the stern presence of the law of the land, all these distinctions faded awwy, and the colored victim of brutality was accorded the same vindica tion of her rights tjiat under the laws of the State had before been eiveu to the v t - - ' m an a whites. And it is, and so it hss always been when North Carolinians have been free to administer their own laws. No taint of corruption has ever attached to our na tive born judges, no com plaint of partiality Ha ever been whispered to their dispara gement. Whatever of violence or dis order has grown up in the State in years now happily gone by was the product of factitious condition ot things, the result of the elevation of men to the bench who knew little of raw, had less principle, who are governed by their partisan prejudice!, and who delighted in denying justice to the white man, and in smoothing the way to escape for the colored man arraigned for his crimes. Violence, the summery vindication by society of its rights, and the redress of its wrongs, was the natural result of this. The political revolution of 1 870, a revolu tion that is still in progress, restored the Mate to its reverence lor law, to its obe dience to authority . And so it will be in all the Southern States, when the curse of carpet bag rale is removed, when the native whites of the South are free to Sorry out their own impulses of generosity, and their own suggestions of reason and J sound py,-Mqym&totfer, Mecklenburg Declaration, prefacing it with highly interesting and most impressive remarks, in which he related incidents of his own memory, reaching far back in the past. When he had finished, the military gure a THE PBOPLBf A eONBeport of the Board of County t VBNTIOH. A large and euthuatactic meeting of the citizens of Crave was held last week at Newborn to give expression to their views in favor of a Convention. The meeting was largely attended and many of the most prominent men in that section of the State were present snd took a part in tbe proceedings. The following expressive resolutions were unanimously adopted: 1. An unalterable attachment to popu lar liberty, and the principles and forms of law established by our fathers for se curing the same. 2. The Constitution under which we are now attempting to conauei public affairs (usually called the Canby Consti tution) needs many amendments, lu order to secure popular content, industry, thrift and happiness ; and, before, indeed, there can be any efficient legislation for the advancement of these ends. 3 Without going iuto details, not now practicable or desirable, it needs amend ments in our judgment, in tbe judiciary, and in the county government, which should be reformed, simplified, and made more economical; educational affairs, now a scandal to tbe Slate, should be overhauled and put upon a respectable footing ; cor porations and private and local laws should be subordinated to public authority ard public interests ; the power to tax and incur debt for the public should be more zealously guarded ; the eight amend ments made by-acta of the assembly in 1373 (supposed to be of doubtful validity) should bo affirmed : the platitcdes and trite moralities interpolated into tbe bill of rights, tbat grand old magna eharla of our ancestors, should bo taken out of it ; many provisions admitted to be unintelli gible or absurd should be made plain or expunged ; and tbe Constitution should be throughly unloaded of all matters found there, not consisting oi fixed princi ples but belonging to the field of varying policy, and not therefore having proper place iu the fundamental law. 4. Of the modes prescribed by the Constitution, tbat by convention is deem ed the one suited to our case. Tbe varie ty and complexity of ibe defects in the instrument to be amended make the other inappropriate, if not quite im practicable. 5. We are therefore ot the opinion the approaching General Assembly should call a Convent ion to review the present Constitution, and by proper alterations make it consort with the interests and wishes of the people of the State. We disclaim all purpose or desire through such Convention to disturb tbe homestead provisions now secured by law, unless it be indeed to make it more sure and valuable. Aud also aH purpose or wish to disturb the condition of tbe color ed people of tbe State as secured to them by tbe Constitution of the United States. And as we arc advised, a limitation may be put to the powers of tbe Convention by tbe organic laws of the assembly, we are content that these should be so limited as not to touch the subjects in qws.iou. With good will to all men, we seek to establish a stable government for ourselves under which we may, in peace and with some prospect of success, labor for tbe attainment of prosperity and happiness for om selves, and for the honor aud dig nity of the State. We seek a limited, localized and eco nomical government, without which there can be ho personal freedom. We seek equal aud exact justice to all men ; no partial legislation, uo partial dispensing of justice, uo partial nor need less taxation, holding our self-government well tu band aud warring against all as sumptions and usurpations of power. We desire to see governments rigidly restricted within the legitimate dominion of political power, .by excluding there from all executive and legislative inter meddling with tho affairs of society, where by monopolies are fosterred, private inter ests snbserved, privileged clashes aggran dized and individual freedom unnecessarily and nppressingly restrained. This is the platform on which we stand as constitutional reformers. The crisis is important aud suggestive. We are said to have, of those who agree with us, a two-thirds majority in each branch of the Assembly, (a rare providence in the his tory of politics in free governments.) The necessity for a change is acknowledged and urgent. Wby then should we not act 1 As practical, sensible men, we must either do so now, or conclude to remain saddled for au indefinite future, to be ridden by am bitious aud dextrous demagogues. We lay our views with all respect before our fellow men of the State and especially before the members of the ap proaebiug L-en era I Assembly. CONTAGIOUSNEW OF GLANDERS. Regarding the contagiousness of glandera Mr. Percival submits (he followiug deduc tion as the result of facts gleaned from his own experience: 1. That farcy and glanders, wbicb constitute tbe same disease, are propagat ed through the medium of stabling, aud this we believe to be tbe more usual way ia which d isease is communicated from horse to horse. 2. That infected stabling may harbor and retain tbe iufectTou for months or even years; and altl'ougb by thoroughly cleansing and making use of disinfecting means the contagion might be destroyed, yet it Would not be wise to occupy such stables immediately after such supposed dr alleged disinfection. 9. That the virus Or poison of glan ders may lie for a month in a atate of incu nation in tbe horse's constitution be fore tbe disease breaks opt. Of this have bad tbe most positive evidence. we 4. That when a stable of horses becomes comaminhted the disease often makes fearful ravages smougtBefu before it quits, snd it is only after a period of several months' exemption from all dlseasec of. tbe kind that a clean bill of health ean be rendered; Gov. Brogden has agreed to an exchange between Judges, McCoy and Kerr, by which Judge Kerr will hold Sampson County Oour4 and Judge McCoy, tbe fall term of Randolph Ct t. Commissioners, For Bowan County, showing the receipts aud r b i t.i u r j: u . i i a-vS - 4SC DQiug OPfiruiurr ih, iwn To amount of Taxes Collected as per lists $1 3.133 6S Merchants Traders Vs. ',4 S 1 1 "T r ' f Unlisted Taxes 20185 $14.29748 Subject to a eredU for ever ehares, insolvents &o amounting probaby "v? to - - 9300.00 Sheriff's Com. 113397.46. 69987 $99987 $13.29759 The following claims were audited by the Board. John A Boydeu C. S. C T Crauford Dept. Shff T. G. Ha ugh ton J. P. J. J. Suiuiuerell Medical services Do do " Moses A. Smith Dept Shff 2x7 79 965 34 35 2185 70 15 10 75 John Sloop Listius Taxes and Judge of Election " 1150 James Hellard - 1 50 8. M Fuxr Listrusr Taxes mud Judge of Election 11 50 J L Sloau A. W. Klutts aud Bqgister " A 1 If ii Bose W. T. H. Plaster G. A. J. Sechlei etc. 11 50 " Judge of Election 12 30 1 50 I 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Tobias Miller Moses Fesperman M ' Henry Klutts " M Tobias Goodman Henry Barringer, " ' Wiley Bean " 1 50 : 1 50 J. P. Wiseman Listing Taxes aud Judge of Election 11 50 Isaac M. Shaver ,4 3 00 Kiah Fisher " 1 50 Jesse Tboiiiason " 1 50 J. P. Gowuu Listing Taxes M " 10 00 Thomas T. Earuhart 10 00 W. M. Kiuoaid Listiug Taxes and Judge of Election 1150 H. C. Boat S. A. Earuhart Nathan Brown J. A. Reudleinan 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 85 360 570 30 480 0130 12 00 J. K. Gthatn Registrar T. Cranforu Dept Shff O. W. Atwell Moses A. Smith J. K. Bnrke C. F. Waggoner R. P. Rosemau J. A. H J. J. Stewart J. K. Burke J. C. Beruhart Dept Coust Adverting Dept J. P. 9 50 1355 145 t5 Shff J. A. Blackwelder Const U. B. Arey W. L, Kestler Philaud.-r Alexander J. P. 23 M) 1 5i0 70 j 15 i J. W. MeKinzee Albratu 8echler P. A. Sloop Jaaou H nit Jacob Williflm Join) P Rytner K. P. H Stiitiau Uiiicer Shaver H. A. Walton S It 1 f Const LK-pt bff J. P. Tovru Contt De-pt Shff Conat D.pt SlifT Coust 75 I 1 15 Oil JO 5 15 50 1 50 I 2 40 5 ia-" J 11. llKltlg J. H. C'reatt D. Peuniui(tr B. T. Martiu Jesse W. Miller J. J. A. Hawkins 4c W p. A. Luckey J. 50 70 1 00 50 I 10 25 125 Gd'5 7 2U 7 80 John Gahain J. P. Wiseman I) L. Hriugle Jesse Thomason ' J. K. Urahatn K. McUiden Rl.tr K. U. Uardie A H IfcLeod Jailor C. W. JehnsOU. A D. 3. RfMlinen Hmnm.i,. ing liridge 4700 ltauom Jacobs Bridee Iminnotor 37 50 40 30 27 00 34570 456,15 M. A. Smith Deut KhflT lul 0. Shaver Li stillJV Tar,., A-n a. ueuuieman Jailor Charles P. Wagirouer Shff H N Woodsou. making oat .tax Books Xotieea, registering nrdera ic. A. Judson Mason 1'i.rmer C. 376 20 .51 i :r?75 13 55 17 tio 9H5 IU-J7 3 00 000 300 10 00 16 00 1610 40 00 16 US 20 70 1600 550 970 450 200 10 50 1100 1 5u 1S0U 1 :u I 50 1 50 J. J. Bruner Priutinr 'l' n 11 t D T. P. Klutts Drugs ? C. P. Waggiiuer Shff O. w Atwell Dept 8hff John Eagle making Coffin 0 P. Beamhardt Repairs done Jail James Luckey Uepairiug Bridga C. V. John sou " " J. J. Goodman ' " I). J. Goodman " D- M. Barrier ' HlW - Men -ney and Bro Lumber and Dravaee M. E. Allexauder Shff T. P. Leo O- W. Atwell J. K. Burke B. P. Uoseman T. Craulord M. A Smith C. P. Waggoner John A. Bovden Dnpt 8hff C8C U A Shimooek List i in Tt.. Julius Coleman Judge of Election Johu C Suuggg " Kichard Small " P B Maunev " Oathew Rioe Listing Taxes and making 1 50 13 00 Philander Alexander LUtit g Taxes J P Jain son - 10 ou 13 50 1175 1300 1000 150 1 50 Wilson Trott ' W P V Jesse p - , .i Kiah P JbSera of El Potior, B A K L C KiU r Listing Taxes and Judge of Election J A Havrkim , Thomas iublock " J U A Lir pard - 0 A Miller making Ballot Boxes t u s Cowan Listing Taxes et Bichard Cnlbertaoa " " John P. Bodge - ' J L Graeber u M B S P Lippard M " Thomas 0 Watson Listing Taxes James B Gibson i ' W H eider . v ' u John Eagle M A Pespennsn " PA Sloop Liating Taxes Ac W t Brandon Ikidre of Election Levi Trexler Listing Taxes J C Berahardt " - 4 Registrar Noah Peeler Jodge of ElecUou Jesse Tbomason Lasting Taxes J L tioau . j. p. S H Diggers Dept Shff L P Roger Andrew Jackson ' J 8 Bicket S I TV" 0mK R S Hams " WW Hall flonst McNeely A Walton for Blankets I 50 1150 150 150 260 II 50 150 1 50 50 450 1000 450 J 50 1 50 1 50 1180 1 50 JO 00 1320 450 10 08 45 75 75 60 50 566 50 55 450 5 3T J U JGarnJtan .Xepairson Jail John Earuhart Making Ballot Boxes B P Frailey Conroeer W H Porter Special officer I B Sain making Ballot Boxes Dr R A Shimpoek Jndge of Election George Lyerly . , M Jacob Pows 44 44 Witness Ticket in State Cases Expenses of Board as per former state 1 25 55 SO 2 HO 200 150 150 450 4230 ment - 90115 Judgement obtined in the Supewor Cxmn. -jMrLSg, wsu county during the war. aoooutinf to Lh W B jjaJMOOO perwneot debts eontraeted in ) is&.M the rear labB.onethoagandonrbich ' t k tu Iwm mini in ikani.t 1 h.wl . BW SFm0fr B 1 1 1 III HORATIO WOODSON, Clock County Cmmision r T heBoi-of sylLLS. If all the ailments, bodily and menial, which torment the tinman family eewld be traced to their primary source, it would probably be found that three-fourth of l Ik in orininnled in the failure of the stomach and the otbei organ' by which the food is converted into nutriment and applied te the purpem of life, to perform the tasks allotted to them by nature, vigorously and regularly. Thin being the case the vaat importance of a medicine which compels thene organs to do their whole duty, thoroughly and efficiently, becomes at once apparent. H octet -ters Stomach Hi iter may be truly characterised a a preparation of this kind, indeed as the only one which can be implicitly relied on as com bining the properties of a stomachic, au alter ative and an airient in audi proportions a lo produce simultaneously the desired eflwet upon . 1 X 1 1 J f . f the disordered stomach, liver and intestine This condition in warren led by the celerity and certainty with which the Hitters afford r-lid in chronic caxe of dypeiia. torpidity of the liver and constipation. The false idea thai these complaints and others that grow out of them, could be cured by fierce cathartics, has at last, it ia hoped, keen tboroMehly exploded. The aick, during the last hundred veers have swallowed thousands of tons of mercury, seam roouy, gamboge, croton oil, jalap, Ac., and tens of thouaunds of graven have been- prematurely filled thereby. But everv in e the principle of revolution, as embodied in Hoetettera Stomach Bitters, was arrayed asaim jhe principle of prostration, as repreaented by mineral aalivanta and furious purgative, the latter baa steadily and aurelv fallen into deserved contempt. The outcry against stimulation by which concortors of depicting drenches hoped to give attfet to their ditguiing and dangeroua compound has only served lo increase the demand Tor th wholesome stimulant, tonic and aleraiive which tor twenty-five year iriuphed over all oppoai fieri and i now the moat popular medicine in the Western hemisphere. , k REPRESENTATIVE AND CHAMPION OF AMERICAN ART TASTE ! Prospectus for 1875 Eighth Year THE aTdINE, THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA, Issued itfonthly. Mtgti.ficeriiCjt.ee Wunr(aU carried ut .' The necessity of a popular medium for the reprcaeutaiion of the productions of our great ; . I i . . . . ar.iHiH, uan ai w ay oeen recomzeu, anu inaot atU-miM havf Ix en iiiuot Ot mtil ili wunt 'I I10 Piiccensive failurea wiiidi aoinvairahly followed each atleaipt in ihix country to etabliah an art journal, did not prove the iaditfercuce of the people of America to the claiuw of high art. ?o aoon .w a proper appreciation of the watu snd nn ability to meet ii wereahown, the public at once r.nlud v. in, enthnhiaoaj lo it support, and the result wait a rel artistic aud commer cial triumph TJIE A LUIS & THE ALDISKUiW mh with all the regularity, ha, none of the temporary or timely j intercut 1har.1cUrij.1ic of ordinary periodical ! llManvlvKaHtiiibecvllauy of pun', Jlghi, and gracelul liu i tture; and a collection 0 piclurer, me rarew K4K;ciiueiih 01 anutic akill, 10 black and wliile. Although each fi.cvcet.tug uumlK-r atlurua a lrt.-h itiea.ure ti iih fri. i.U ih value anu bcuutr ol Till. ALOIS K a 1 - - - - y . . , . . will be i't appreciate.) alter it is Uxiiid up at Ibe clone ot tbe year. While other publication!, may claim auperior cheapneits, as corn'mii-d wuii rivals of a simitar clasa, THE ALDlSEx unique and original conception alone anil uo apiroachvd absolutely without competition in price or Hi i meter. Tbe po.-r of a ooaiplcte volume can not iliiplicale the quaotitv ol tine paper and engravinga in 'any oilier abapv or nuuiber.of villumva Jar tern timrt eifa eoM; and then, there the cluomo, brjutlet. Tbe national feature of THE ALDISE mnat be taken in no narrow sotae. True art i cosmo politan. While THE ALD1XE ia a strictly American institution, ii does jkm conbue iiarlf entirely to tbe reproduction of native art, lot mission ia to cultivate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate onlv on ground- of intrinsic merit. Thua, whlleplacing before the patrons of THE ALOIS h, as n leailing cbaraeteristic, the prodoctioes of the mot noted American artiata, attention will al ways be given to npeciiiiens from foreign ma ler, giving aubacribeni sll the pleasure snd iniru-tion obtainable from home or foreign sources. The artiatie illuatratioa of American scem-ry, original with 1HE ALUISE, ia an important feature, and it- magnificent plates are of a site more appropriate to the satisfactory treatment of details than can be afforded by any inferior page. The judicious interspersiob of landscape, marine, figure, and animal subjects, sustain an unabated interest, impossible where the acoue of tbe work confines the artist too closely to a single style of subject. The literature of THE A I WIil? - - - it -.. . r . o-ei-'r. ia a ugni ana graceiui accompani ment, wormy of tbe artistic features, wilh onlv such technical disquisitions as do not interfere Willi tbe popular interest of tbe work r&SMZVM roa 1 873 Every subscriber for 1875 will receive a beau tiful portrait, in oil colors, of the same noble dog whose picture in a former issue attracted so much attention. "Man's Unselfish Friend will be welcome in every home. Even-body loves such a dog, and the portrait is executed so true lo the life, that it eems the veritable presence of tbe animal itselt The He v. T. De W itt 1 almage tells that his own Newfoundland dog (the finest in Brooklyn) barks at it! Al though so natural, no one who this premium chromo will have the siiRbtest fear of bettur bitten. Besides the chromo, everv advance subscriber to THE ALVISE for 1875 ia constituted a member, and entitled lo all tbe privileges of THE ALDIN2 ART U.7ION. Ihe Lnioa owna the originals of all THE ALD1SE picture-, which, with other paintings and engravings, are to be distributed anion? the members. To every series of 5,000 snbscri bers, 100 different pieces, valued at over $2,500 are distributed as aoon as the series ia full, ami the awards of each aeries aa made, are to be pub lished in the next succeeding issue of THE AL DINE. This feature only applies to aobscri bera who pay for one year, in advance. Full particulars in circular sent on application en closing a stamp. One Subscription, entitling to THE ALDINE one year, the Chromo and the Art union, 6.00 per annum ia adwance. (No charge for postage.) Specimen Orpin of THE A L DINE, 50 CknU. THE ALIUS E will hereafter be obtainable only by subscription. There will he no reduced or club rates ; cash foe subscriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, without renwntibility lo the pfc lUhen, except in cases where the certificate in given, bearing the fac-tamile signature of JaXES Sutton, President. . . CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wishing to act permanently as a local canvasser will receive full and prompt uiHiiuuuvu uj BPP'7"t w THE ALDIKE COMPANY, m MAIDZ LAKE, NEW rOJfJTl-Jept 24. 1874-iy. A BEAUTIFUL IITALIC GRAVE CO V RIM G Is now oHered to everv we iuertsUiJ ib ir deceased relatives. Tb-V are inade in four sia, with a variety ofMjba, ranging in price from its lo SOU. accornin lo iae nun aivie. smn galvanized Ys suit tbe taste of purchasers. . . . t i x- mir tmi.h rkbrit4a iiPitin-. i I'lr'niiiHTi " HIS HARUSUBK UCuUKA I IUN is oBererl at iucn prie s as o pieer w viiuiu reacu oi a.i. e iuiic the titiaaa and publis etierally to call and exauune Specimen cam b seen at J. A. Ramsay's oftc " m wmm. , C PLYLER, Aent , SailiBb-n,. K CA. 6. J874- " FULTZ WHEAT. For sate at J . M K' s cOi'i. Arnip yielda pr aere le hish4a ; "ii- am 35 buah ls. Ttmk thtt)r-uiuiui ImiK (all. call aoa. DEVIL. I will sell mir Suljion ReVl Devil, without reserve at auction on Thursday, (Xtohrr 5ih, on the JWlinbiir Fair j;romtn,ilbine the week of the Fair. 'jUi ia a i-hence rarely oflt-red to Ktt a fine hlouflvd Stallion. 1 ean refer any parliea wautin; diacriHitu and pedigree to Col. Jno. A. liuiliralibarr. John tjKAHAM. JAS. LEFFELS IMPBOVED DOUBLE Turbine Wer Wheel. POOLE rf- o..i BALTIMORE, Kaaafaetarara far tas Sooth a ad Saatkwast; Nearly 7000 now iu ue, amkirfr umlcr lieail- varVing fiom 2 lo 240 feet ! 24 cizi !, from 5; i 2G inches. 1 lie most pot.fi fol Wbwl iu lh' in r 'k I .Ann en t I'C.o.otQical p : us of Water Patnliplel sent Lirj.- I LIA'A III A Till) Lirj- p,,t frH.. " . v . . . , ., , . ., ! 'f r.itd. ALSO, OF ' I ruaviit a.ot n:.iMi; ii v I. I.. S-'OJIt . . i If Wiicx r.tt-tit and Uotlcr. Bibcock iTc I u bu Ions B fl rs, 1-J augi.'s C.nh. t br Mincraia. Saw and ii ii Mills. Flouring .Mill Msrhtuifry It Wfnie lid Wrnks and Oil stifis, Si. it i-.g l'uil. ys at.d II tiigcrs. KEXIX FOBCfRtUJLAttS. - Sep. 3. 1874 -binus, p3r AND THE SOUTH WEST. Tbe undersigned wishes lo inform bis nomer oos friemU that be has received the appoint ment lo sell through lickels from Salisbury, N. II loall points in Texas, Arkansas, Mi i--ippi, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee and LneiiHiana, via Charlotte, Columbia and Aitirusia K. KtMkd, :inrt ilieir Southern I onnectious, Thruuab , Kiuigraut Tk kfts. or Fir-l CIsni Ticketa sold, and IWeage clir-cked ihroiigh. Parties wibing to take Laborer- to the above State, wilt find ' it greatly to their own dvantageby negotiating wiib the undersigned at Salisbury. Information in regard to Stales, lime and Connectiooa will be furnished either personally or through the mail. A. POPE, ben'I. Passenger A Ticket At. Columbia, 8. G. J. A. McCONNAUOHEY, Agt..C. C. A .. R. Saliburv. N. C. Sept. 3. tf. Special Agent. AnnonacemeDt Eitraoriiian. Offer the beet selection of Jewel re to to. iouno in est era .urtb Carolina, Consisting of LADIES' A GENTS GOLD WAT EES' Csold Opera a seal Vest Chain.. FIWEOOIDPLATED eTewslry, i SILVER W ARE, GOLD PENS, nfc They are arail for tbe c.lrbrtl TUmwm-A SDectsxlesral IjreQls ed from MiuBte Xrystsi PEBBLES. Vt atches, CIscka and Jewelrv repaired and warranted 12 months, charges as low as rnnsfa lent with goods Work. Store on Main street. 2 d. ato v.t t iiiei. Eltt lft nKaB-sVvllnH BrlnnW " g BELLA BP 0.. iu bcauliljfng snd prdh-rting ibe rrsvet a t j . w paniitu coioXyUesi; A glffavrnWl jM?9om1m "i." upxiuu ct in r rnuri for tltStnat-Kr sy la r-n Jj Cedar Cove Nnraerii i.refl aud Jai1..r Pr....XT7 . U-4 Plaiua. Tadkhi Cooat tires! iii ioceoienu ot cbast-r of Kniit. i Ane. 0, lir Pinck C. EXMSS & HARRIS. RALEIGH. N. C. im stocl 1871. 125 H ies "Old Tick" CoBee, 75 Bbi 8egars, 50 lt.izi-s Asoried Candy, 35 Package No. I Mackerel, 15.000 lbs Bacon, 3,000 lbs H-et Sntr-r Carrd 3 00 Has Krfiieed lyerd, 500 lbs 8 tj(sx esrcil H-ef, 25 I .4. Brandy IVarke-a, 5 44 Lu.ou Syrup, 50 H.xes Candlee, 10 K' jrs Suda, 10U I) .a Oyate-m, 30 000 Cigirs, 150 R inn N'ri;. Paper, HO It x (i-iinri I'nih, 1)0 - ok- id Alum 8K, 5o " 1). jilei.'s 1 leie AL80 A Ih- ..ri i.f Nits. Shoe. St I v.tv rVii'l llardwar.. Sailll. tt HsiHeiaij Tann-rs. K-r.i.i ,.e. Al Marbitie Ud. WtJ are also ayH L. Uief sVbast-d Ahvelia Security Oil. Waratttt-d to Maud a are toes f one 1 QiiJred & fifty d-gre FahreaeBW k ther.-f..r perfectly safe 5. Very little Vgjk We ale bar., a fuH stork of Liquors, sssb SS Foster. Duliu. or Bailey. Whiskey laay Gin. Ginger Ac DlaVkbe-rry Rraady, Fna, Mederia. Sherry. &. ma lag a Wioee, Alas. Ac. Are. The .il.oV. j.torV ta offered at Wholasajs dt Retail, at the very lowest figures. RINGJIAM et (XX. May. 14 1874 tf. SOMETHING NEW. I am now prepared to take Picture atyle. I am located just this aid of . Hall in a splendid doth Ifooee, aod kwreaW best light I ever Raw. Gail and szaasiae far yoiir-elves. J. S. 3BOADWAY. Oct. 22, 1874 , Fanners' Cskoii Hub. Will sbip your Cotton to any market desires' and make liberal advances on it. Ws tsrmiucd to make this roar market for and prod.ice. Prompt attention given to mil as drr. ami concintsenU. We have (he aaency of six first class Life and Fire InMirance Companies of New York, sati shall be pica! to serve oar friends at eat rite. W Otfi e in Store VwlerfoH A Wns. A near Market Hosv-e. v r T. J. FTBa A alblmrv Oct, 13th I-" ;. T.lf.C. ' " . i HmyvanfTTr sasesa. Price Wmrjtam rea i , witk kitu of haftatr srielieMtaaS lu9iajuJeBM& sSa . a x o ' etb T!"d Plains. V JkM .Jdtt 'w Enniult t . i, W. 1SB, BALTIMORE EYE EAR Institute. JULIAN J.CIilLbOM. si. D, sot oEyemmd Ear ZAaeases as Sto Proi University oj Md., Bnrgenn is Ufsargs. This I.ti iitior., esiaMIabed ro eaw mi Slaw larxest and finest dwelling, in tbe dty of Be timore, is throughly QaWnniarej snd fitted Sf With every convenience for tbe eaclosiv mnt of persons so fiVring from Eye and Dssensea. r-ach pat icn l has s chamber to receive swry atuntion frosa seHbd The Sorec.r with his fasnih resedea in the Institute, a very .great convenience to especially lh-e orrated noon, who v in ted at all limes and at a geSTTTaoas desiring information will SJ-p7 .v letter to JL'LIAN J. CHIL80M, UJk 4 w 66 Fi snkUa Bl, Bshiawjra sfs The HAflOH HAJILII ORGAN CO., Winners of THREE HIGHEST ULDhLt mmd Diploma s Hoasw i Viesma, 73, eaW Pwfk 17, now ojer the Finest Isnrlsissl mfkU Baw Cabinet Ovwaas esv sto werkfi, lailiKsg SfT sftyle wiib recent improvements, not omAJ M elusive iv cash, as fbrmerlv. but also OS w plans of easy pavments. the esestfaeovmkssirSSf oflered. Organs RENTED with PRI V1L-W of PURCHASE, to almost any part countr-y. First gill Address VA9QN A HAMLIN OsoasO. w 1-oaxojr Nrw Yos; v 4 i r I i 1 i 4

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