" - ; . j- ... ' ' ft V-l J I he Carolina Watchman. - ; : Z -a-.aw isiifttfl QlTTflBHRV XT n TANTTABV 1,4 l Qsyje " ? I I uaj. aaxxaw kjm , , . . I i mi. oo. WHOLE KO. . an. UBulStlSD WUUKLY. J. J. BRUNEB, Proprietor Mid EdltO! . J. J. STEWART Associate Editer. M'l'VKl-Y WATCHMAN. a- - The Fence Question. Ms. Editor : At the fanners eeem to be peaking out, through your paper, to the present Legislature in regard to their interest, I have concluded to make a state ment of a tew facts and figures in regard to the fence question, or rather the No Fence Question. And in order that there be a proper understanding of the impor tance of this question, I will notice first, ar -ft y-w i S a ft I t A. payable in advaue.e e- " the ezpenseol Keeping in repair tne teiices. .T ! IM I hannened to know the expense on HIT MI1K I not . - rr - 5 Copies to ant address 10.0 two fitrmji the past year, 1874, ol the fenc ing. These two farms paid tor the year AD VERT I HI K A 1 I lb?3) nboat one hundred dollars State and .--, Ro.T are (1 inch) One insertion $100 County taxes. 1'here were twelve thou OllS liu vo l ft0 Hi at fi hundred, . ......I...,- nf imurliniiM t J J M 11 . t I I o.. fnr a irrenicr - maaitir sixi v uouai s. i ue cobi oi unu Or - . - niAPA w iUr advertisements ierate. Special notices 26 per cent, more , Jj j.,., tie j,, IM, lbft f.,,,. w- t i.i- niciriMr ncn"'- -.-. a is i ii .i 5 rents per line for each and every insertion SSfeSJ forty-five dollars, or five dollars more than I than the Stale and ''tunny taxes. And besides this, there was a new feuee made on one ol lb farms, the cost of whieh was ahout tWHtity riv- dull. us, making, with the new tet.ct-. lb sum t ne hundred and thirty dollars. Now I think that we might put the cost of fencing down as ! equal to ibe n f and Comity taxes, aod i mil an bevond the iu.uk. The. ha i only to turn to the Auditor's s atem-ut 'aod we shall fiot loom aatoMabttSfHi that I the cost ot touring in ihis, Aoimmi (inty alone is tile enormous atuout toi $22 440, 00 annually. And by taking the trouble of deducting the taxes derived from other sources than the laoded properly and property connected with the farms, Till,' VAVOlllik HOME UtiMKDY Is eminentW Vmf Mldltlst d by be could very nearly approximate lue cost ot : u . ....ti, i..r itiimi'ilnite reori win saee rasnr an hour of suffering end many a dollar in nd doctors' bill. .... ... Ifler oter Forty Yenrs trial it is still re ceiving the mos unqualified testimonials to its virtues from nscsons of the highest character and respansibiliiy. Eminent pby-dciaas com. aind it as the most VICTUAL SPECIFIC For all dUcases of the Liver, Stomach and 8pl The 8YMTOMS of Liver Comphifnt are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Bark, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; 8oca Stomach ; Loss of Appe tite ; Bowels alternately cwtive and lax ; Mradacbe ; Ls of memory, with a painful aeusaiioaof bavina failed to do something which ought to hsve been done ; Debilitv. Low Hniriu ft thick telh.w atnearance of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mistaken for Con sumption. Sometimes many of these symtom attend the disease, at others very few ; but the LlVK, the larfesl organ in the body, is generally the seat f tbe disease, nhd if not Regulated "J "me. great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will T5 DYSPEPSIA, CCNSTIPATION, Jaun dire, KWaus attacks, SILK HEAD VCH. Colic, Depression of Suirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., Ac. . The Cheaest and Purest Family Medicine in the world ! Manufaetnretl only by . J H ZBI1XWACO.. Maooi Ga., and Philadelphia. Price $1.00. Sold by all Uiuggisis. OH HEARING THE STEAMBOAT BELL TOLL WHILE PASSING MOUNT VEEN0N. Tbe following beautiful lines were wiitten by J. Strieker Bradford, Esqr., of Washington City. Back ninety years on History's page And when the Nation's Ufa was young ; When men there were both brave and sage, Whose deeds and names have since been sung ; Men of a stamp whose honor stands In oonlrast to the custom now ; Men of pure hearts and stainless hands, With truth impressed upon each brow ; One sacred nsme and ai I the rest, On tented Field, 'mid battle's brunt, Where 'ere the serried squadrons pressed, His victor helm was st the Front, From Halls of State, sedate and wise, la after daya when peace was won H is fame ascended to the skies, - And Heaven had claimed her Washington. His dust now lies beneath the mound Thst rises by Potomac's shore, Too lately shaken by the sound Of deadly strife and cannon rn.tr, But could thai dust have risen then. And have resumed living firm, To marshal into ranks the men Whose peerless valor lr..v,,i the siorai ; We should not he whm now we nr . We would noi see w.i it w 'e seen ; But risen from success! nl w ir, Virginia' fields wouUI nil he grim. Yifgiaia's sons again may shake Her grand old banner to the breeze; 4fe Semper, yet 'again may wake Wild echoes over Southern leas. Toil, toll the hell. As tbe boats pass by ; Toll, toll the bell, For the soul on high. Each southern heart, at the solemn sound, Its homage yields to the aainted dead ; While mournful memories cluster round 8he shows where southern blood was ahed : And spirit of the good and brave, '7 ho died defending "sacred right," I Keep silent watch around hia grave. And shadowy forms, by day ami night, fair haried boys and stalwart men, With tattered garb and hungry eyes, ill march by hill and glade and glen And gather there in wild surprise, I'bey guard tbe grave, they wait the hour, Their sons and kinsmen to inspire. rben once spun, in steadfast power, The southern heart shall throb with fire. leucine in the State And now, Mr Editor, in view of these facts and figures, what we want is a law that will save as from this burdensome tax. I do not propose Pi sav what this law shall be, 1 take it that our Legislators are capable of forming a law without tin "soft soap" proviso And these are not only my own individual opinions, but they are also those of sora of tin oldes planters iii the county who have large stocks and an abuudance of limber for the purpose of fencing in their plantations and whose opinions ate entitled to consideration. It is said that in Germany there are no ' fences. cultural R. N. Craves has his good shares of con solidated laid away, and a slice of California-of unknown dimension the profits on both of which would to-day net him over $200,000. Gen. Tom Williams, of Nevada Sharon Democratic opponent for the Senate has made over $2,000, 000, so that when the next political fight comes off the general will be about as well "qualified" for tbe Senate as any body. The amount nf money made by the great firm of Flood & O'Brien during the last six mouths must be unparal leled. It is understood that there are four part tieis in the firm; J. C. Flood and W. 8. O'Brien, in tins city, John Mackay and James G. Fair, in Virginia City. They uwn a coin rolling interest in each of the mines mentioued say 60,000 shares of each t 'nneolidaied Virginia sold yesterday after I he board at $400 per share, and California at $360. If the number of shares credited io the firm is correct, tit' v are wmtb. in these two mines alone, $45,600 000, or a i title over eleven million dollars apiece. In the midst of their vast "flood" of wealth these gentlemru have not been unmindful of l heir poor friends, and there are scorea nf men and omen, too, in San Francisco who have beeu suddenly lifted out of poverty s iron grip by a timely bint from Flood fc O'Brien. Many people have made money who are not known on the Course. Tlmy be long to that class who "never touch stocks, sir !" who -end in their orders in a round a It. nit way, pretty much as tbe late ec centric W B. Bourn used to do, "to cover up his tracks," and who quie;ly bank their profits, button up their crats, and turn up their noses when tbey pass Calilornia street. Many of ibe fair sex have pronied by the exctteuieut. 1 here are STOCK OhaCLES AMONG THE LADIES as among the gentlemen. They get '.I aw,,..!.. I.nm I 1 1 1 i rr 1. 1 i 1 I i ii 1. 1 i iinil uiiiiiir iit.tu in ii ' n't' hieuds, and cointnuiiTcate with each other by mysterious signal. A few days since a ladv uatutd Mrs. A. called upon her fiieud Mrs. B tKks came up for dis cuss ton. Mrs. IS. said she never dealt In Timely farm and Flantatlon TO-1 From the Daily News. PACS- Water Power of North Tamil T. rs their This gentleman sets so exasanla t tW young men of tbe eoantrv whieh -A -'' will do well to copy. Mr. 8twurtss ak4 . place of busrneee ai about $ o'clock every morning. He tides in an omnibus when it anil a 1. 1. ... cvuvrmencc. He roes to Mr vJ se at bom of mor abi iim, Tumi i we saw ...JrUi JS !" "fo h which kmVmda HZ Tl. 0Jt. r ft. t rr rv- j ni fki T.n!,;-. - I . -" r " vrmm wni 10 j.tcu vncu x "V- nroaa sutements are frequently made bare burst loner upon this kralui L..J. A friend who has devoted much atten- regard to tbe manofacuring capacity A deluge of in iq city, deep, black and tion to vegetable physiology, especially in ov the State. Those who take an interest horrible, surges and roan across tbe con ns relation to agriculture, lately showed maiier win oe gtad to nave sotneMinent. from Maine to Mexico, bilin ns two interesting specimens of dried aennne tacts ana ngurua. I be following 1 ot fandemon in m'g lava lake dash plants. One was the common oat, which I statements, tbe result or a great many ebon spray a rat net rest the botanists class among the Grnminca, aneasutemenls and calculations, give a I f n. Never since the first or grasses, and the other vetch, a lego- reasonable approximation to tbe truth of tal race became a fratricid mtnous plant, silted to tbe garden pea. the lue matter : sera pn guarded falls of Paradise, has bean, the lupines and the clovers. Tbe rtrsx, l heoretical Estimate. The mm tne sickened and groaning earth beheld plants had been grown fp flower pots, of all the river lengths in the State is aeh a carnival , of wickedness shame from which the ball of earth bad been about 3.000 miles ; tbe sum of their falls K very sod nf half a hemisphere reeks taken and carefully washed away from ' 30,000 feet, or an average of 10 feet ta with tbe blood ol slaughter. Every breeae is the roots, leaving them unbroken and en- the nie- Allowing 100 boree powers to burdened with the wail at the uioagad tire. Tbe oat plant, or rat her clomp of the foot of falls as aa average for an ftvej outraged. Every newspaper preea iu all plants, presented a mass f roots which erge river, as for Haw River, for instance) our wide domain staggers beneath its wmitrl liblw v ttnlrknislk ika - the aUUIUTata result for t Via riv.ri .Inn. dad V rftrnrfl rf .i. I.L. J . -.t ving farmer, and open his eyes to the ne- (taking no aeconnt of hundreds of creeks, that would hare appalled the very funds ?ZT-?ll Homt tke eaUSelousdtSB cessity of giviug hie . crop breadth and and many very large one.,) is 3,000,000 generation ago. Tbu winged Hgha- uaasaal " ' ' kli. m T d. pth of soil, as well us K"Wlhiug to feed horsepower. Adding 16 percent., for ninge themselves have grown wearv aad n 1 i ?"l'""f','r upon. The bulk and weight of the root lhe creeks, the aggregate is 8.1SM1 uuukfui ut heart, uf tsesau? eves keartaeswAsW 1 ..lla. . . T"?sw(aMBTisl were, we think, two io one at least as com MO. of baseness, broujitv and infamr. Hell's k- Lin. ,..,tll , ,p " . T,lVis4 " eusm aeaw PWeW wm 7K merchant who doe 860.000, and owes fire Covered with canvas drawn ever koupl "l.r - l box, and iTb? veuiete niled with parceU -tas-i f Broadway into WaH strert fn the eeev with tbe driver sat tbe merchant ea-iswr aa carelt-ee of the remarks uf - K ought alwajt to be. Mr ptewatt got out ,n front of Drexell's stocks It was a dangerous business and Fhe Secr'tary of he Ohio Agri- I demoralising. Presently in came a me Society iu traveling thrnmrh I seueer. 11 said : "Mrs. B.. 1 am sent Germany speaking of the country near I by Mrs. 0. wild this echanlillou ut black. Dresden, Says : "c very foot of laun nut. iu forests is cultivated. There arc no fences ; the field is plowed up to the road side, and fruits and flowers are grown by every roadside that I have traveled; no one disturbs them. The cattle, sheep and swine are kept iu the stables, or, if taken out, are under lhe charge of a shepherd or herdsman. Here and there doited over tbe landscape we saw sheep in pasture, l.... I . mi o.ive seen no cat ue ur fwiiir ground. In the vetch, on the contrary, average elevation of the State above sea and ber foul catalogues expended to ae- nnt tne proportion was reversed the i oots ieei. nun Deen em mated commodate onr demoidca le inrnnmm making not more than one-third of the at 550 fet ; but a careful compulation advances in guilt.! Crimes tor which oar entire bulk. Now tbe vetch, like the Wl" g,re he former figure as much near- fathers bad no names, now flaunt thm. clovers, is found to be exceedingly rich I i T the truth. Tbe average animal rain I selves, in open day, on all our streets in 1 tand Hy aaanUnw and peradine ike streets, while seen Hue Mr. fttueran V a. riding ia a bergs gr-er on or wediaa tkn as ii m slush oa The genua 'loaier runnm" hi tin- about loose. L..L. I L. IV liu "11 1IC1G. I am, yours, &c, On the Fbnce. Wadesboro,.Dcc. 23, 1874. From the San Franciaco Chronicle. THAT "BIG BONANZA." Alladdin's Lamp Cast in the shade the Ladies Get Their points. How "The Comstock's the place, after all, my boys 1" remarked a veteran sage brush opei a tor, as with spectacles on sfiis nose and ineleucholy smile, be noted 'Con- Mrs, savs it is cheap at any price, and you had belter get thirty or forty yards tor a full suit. This brown silk may be good, hot she doesn't know whether ii will wash well." Mrs. A. didu t under st a i d the message. Mis. B. instantly aroee and said : "Excuse me, ma chcre. a message from my dresmaker ; I uiuSl go dowu to the White House and attend to it at once ; as a surprise for hubby he 1 -vrs blck silk.' Mrs. A. retired and a few moments thereafter Mrs. B. as a I V might have been seen enteiing tile otnv.e B. C & Co , broker-, where an order whs left for forty shares of Consolidated Vir ginia and twenty shares of California as a flyer. As this occurred a week since, Mrs. B can realize quite alot of pin money, even after dividing wilh Mrs. C. There is honor among the female opera tors. Who ever gets the point first, and communicates it, is entitled to one-half the profi s. Asa reueral rule the points are reliable. How the women get I ho, points is a question open for discussion. But they do. at. Hie credit ia - - - ' ' earns Lfal "f- The other via a gentleman whoee farther failed la Wall in nitrogen, and therefore very valuable mis aiaie is o niches. It we sup an our nigh places. Matricide, patricide, be th. hiUr. -wJL. mZT " as a green soiluig crop. When ploughed pone 70 per cent, of Ibis amouat to ee fcatrieidr, fratrkide, sororicide iu- wife bud settled . w'w'. iit.H.,i ii nnii..l.i,j il,u ami K I CJI DC DV e V ft nfl T t inn vhi.h pMUki,.. I Nnlifiita nH . n i . . ,1 . .LJ . I ... r wmmm mmi i 1 "7 a ii 1 ' 1 I - u ivjc, wjucikjh, seaoc- eetate Tne cams- iKn n nnln.it niifnui nXmtfA I ble CStimat. certaiiilv tint tM amftll lkM tinn r.-.ktuirv I I a I . . . u.i M , 1 1 . , . v. ,i w vo i rial i hi ivi . J -.w.ww " , .'. i s i , r , biiuii si u ml IB LI mp n L . ... ....... . I : , oi i i . , i i ... - W here and bow this and similar plants 1 af meaieu eu ue carried on by emoessiement, swindling, riot and mass tors But th ik- 4 -j l get the vast amonnt of nitrogen, which drainage. This gives 46,000,000,000 aere, public and nrivete pillage, salary lecky on ibe hoi mf'"!1 . they store up io eurich the soil, is perhaps t0', which will develop 5,300 horse pow grabs, railroads bond piracies and every whieh smoke was' then aeTaaeM -' an open question, it was lormely be- K" k' ,UUfc maaing a toiai ot a,- aoomination wnico the name racked ima lieved that plants like vetch, garden peas, 369,676 boree powers, which is just equal gi nation of man or devil nasi conceive buckwheat, etc., whose roots are compare- to he entire power of all tbe steam eogines these heinous, terrible, sooi-sickeuing, are lively small and limited extension, absorb uf Kuglnnd, both stationary and loco mo- tbe ever whirling Iguree in our mad dance ammonia directly from the atmosphere llVe- Tbe correspondence of these iudV to destruction ; and preachers, govern- through their leaves. Laie experiments pendent estimates ia very notable, and ia era, senators, chief justices and presidents seem to show conclusively, that this is confirmatory of the estimate above given set the example and lead the way. Asesarh. not the case. They get it through the for the average elevation of the Sute. nation has beco mo eel i mated. ' Murders, roots exclusively, bat it still appears ear- We have here, therefore, en amount uf which would shock aod shako all to rope tai . thai it must bo tbe at mosubere which ,orce which would require for its artificial to the core, are treated aa trifles. Srnun. supplies it. It ia (in iu elements) in tbe development an annual consumption of drele, whose plenbVringa of ike people bT "f Griewcid, at Cleavusaad, Okka, air, the rains and the dew which permeate "erly 4,000.000 tons sf coal. It would mount into tens dnd hundreds A tbous- ciIB" Ourder. a aagro, bought a ticks lie soil, and in that laboratory nf nature, course be an endless task to gauge all ends, instead uf paying tbe penalty of cl 10 lM flreM circle of ike Academy of decomposed and made available iu the the streams of the 8tate ad so get the their villainies in the eUtee price, parade in that dty, aod was refused ad form of ammonia These facts, thus ggregate of their actual force, but the our streets with unblushing front and mi,ion lo tbe seet as indicated on the brefly and imperfec.ly stated, teach sev measurement ot a few f the larger rivers proclaim themselves gentlemen The licot, the msasajn telling bias tkat k eral lessons of immense practical value to art' given as having per aps an interest of very fountains of justice are polluted could early go into the gallery. GarsWui the farmer. J. That different classes of their own. Popular sentiment sides with so-called brought a su:t, and has it decided aramst p'ants have different modes nf feeding, as shown by their roots. 2. leguminous plants, and pro them, iu a greater or less degree, are pur- I i using tins as an average tor ed. 1 be whole saiaajtrj is rotting .. .. . r . .. I. . r J 1 III In It II . Dil.ii rmm ll.nm . I. VA I I a . I . 1 - . re j mi o oi no rogcoous piaiit toon, ana - - viumw mi i ei- umc. rwaieTicans i mere must be a re- should therefore be made use nf as greeu don, between which places the fall is 356 formation among o, or the judgmsolt of soilinr crops to enrich the land fur the '''et lo1-11 horse powers is in round God will fall, surelv. swiftlv and he.eilv e ft - . . ... - aw r -r - - m numuers aOout 1ZU.UUU. 1 be Yadkin unon ua. b-inenk-r ftl .j n.. mnrrah ; their wildest dreams of oollniinn A Dactsioir as to t oloxxd Pbopls'i RlOlTi , Tal S A TEBa. The ever-ru-. curnng queeUen of ra eluding regrue frees i or a tree is Uie select ef a fresh decWieu t xoe n.onoae, measured ut 11 asktu's respectable enmtnab. Purchasable juries Bl e rtswoid rules that, alt bough That certain 'rry, at lowest stage ot water, gives ap- refuse to convict them, or purchasable eTerj eiu'n stands oo a legal equality. bat ly all ot Pru,""M"J noree powers per loot executives easily pardon tbem if convict- " rH"'7 es not apprrtam to eoeiei al tar ll,r or ,a MJ maaaer effect tne fulls jr. tke i i ii s a grains and the Ulire bearing plants, tbe lime and other ash element s being cheap ly obtainable to complement tbem. 3 That in view of the fact that the fertilis ing elements which an: elaborated in the soil come so largely from the atmosphere, it is of lhe utmost importance that the at n SeM U,W kit- cult i cation, so that air freely petie'rate it. Improvement of Clayey Soils. One of lhe principal defects of clayey soils, especially where they rest upon a Savixo IS Wealth. One great cause s- Itdat. d Virginia $390,' on one side of of the poverty of the present day is a failure of our common people to appreciate the bulletin board. The history of this operation Is the history of a great many ! operators On the street, who have for sixty days past been thinking, with the bears, I The market is loo high ; must break soon." And yet the market was never stronger than no It operators were ' ciazy thirty days since, they should now lie nut iu straight j ickei and packed uff small things. They do not realise how a daily addition, be it ever so small, will soon make a large pile. If the young men and young women of to day will only begin, and begiu now, to save a Hi tie from their earnings and plant it in the soil -ot some good saving bank, and week ly or monthly add iheir more, tbey will to bedlam it Laiilornia and Uonftohda- wear a happy smile of competence when o viiwiiua were in me clonus inirty ihev reach inuuile lite. iXui only tne oe w i a- - increase it will also h J . " : ... .1 . . k .1 . I. ua s since, now i nev must ne reacniug j aire out ability to into the seventh lieav-us. Day after day "! trrow. Let clerk and tradesman, laborer and artisan, make now and al once a begin nine. Stoie up some of your youthful force a. id vigor for futuie contingency " . . ... .1. : l-i.l l .. (io treasurers of lladdlnTs ualace Ml,d uri pareuw u-aci innr cuimreu lowpn M ..... I'.:...' l. ... .i.....! . ...i.. -io... early to save ft'Clu at lhe foiiulain ..f'-li' l,5-ll t i,i,fUHBlllllll llftll I llT l . . & , 1 .4 . .. ... . .... I .1... , .. . , ..I .. ..... iichu i o coinroi nit- nuinuio 01 ciiiiiii g nice to choose between poverty am riches. Lei your yonug go oil in habits id extravagance for fitly years to come as an vie s it" m TBK BIG BON A N - l sh"a ii. cteased values bv ihore extensive ne.elopmHMs, proving iiches tie loir wh:cu ip- rator-, li- l vei B It ft!.. - ft v ho all along have had taith tn la after ream, tne bell steamer still shall toil. cuoea on the b re exes swell Lad e'er the placid waters roll rave sons ef those martyred deed II bend in reverence at the sound : time's soft radieuce still shall shea) re oar that hallowed ground they have lor fifty years past, and we shall have a nation of beggars, with moneyed aristocracy. Let a generation of such as save in small sums be reared and we shall be free from all 'waul. Do not be ambitious for extravagant fortunes but do seek that which is the duty o every one to obtain, independence and comfortable home. Wealth, and enough of it, is wiibiu the reach of all. It is ob tained by oue process, by one only saving. pio-iits t to- t'Oinsiock, are in j posyion to dy to reap rich rewards, wi;iie ilme nho ph ad taith in lhe Call's utterance-, and sold their slock as securi-ii-s, i-urse not loud but veiy deep. The dUrover) uf this immruse body of ore has abeady spread far and wide, and before maoy days roll round there will be repre sentatives of the whole World's wealth knocking at the door of Consolidated Virgiuia, explniiug tho bonanz t for the benefit of science. The excitement on California Streets increases day by day, and the brokers, despite their arduous labor, are well satisfied with the situation. And well they may be, when the sales in their board aggregate, on an average, TEN MILLION DOLLARS PER WEEK. The bears have very quietly taen a back seat. Iu the expressive and curt language of Jack McGenty, "They cau't Stan' th pressure, the pressure on the bears baa been very strong the balls sweeping everything before them A raid on a few weak brethren hae been made here and there, but the entire Conutoek presents a Strong front. Quite a number of felines naturally gather behind the im pregnable ramparts of the leading slock, and manage to keep warm. Oue day the current sweeps down towards the Gold U ill cud, only to sweep back the next with redoubled force towards the Vir ginias. LES H0MMC8 QUI RIENT. Among the men who laugh in conse quence of their "excellent judgment " hi buying consolidated Virginia and Calh furnia, the following may be mentioned : trust hi appearances.' River, measured near the Railro id Bridge al Brow i. 'B Ferry, gives 315 horse pow-ro per foot, or 166,000 for 625 feet of fall to the otate hue, taking no account of the numerous large effluents which euter it between those joints, carrying the estimate and be well broken up and the soil kept h ,,,n tl'e State line up to the moolh of tbe ios and porous by ludtci ius atid freuueul C',K,U rtVri ledum county at the and moisture can rda rac'ory, (tormeily Owynu s;) we get 208,000 horse powers. The power ot iiaw Uivcr and Deep River was takeu ouly a few days ago, and while tbey were still somewhat swollen I . ; . . l a a uy recent rains, so mat uie nrnres for subsoil of the same nature, is lhe excess I those streams, 200 and 125 respectively, of water which is held in them. The only are subject lo a considerable reduction, eft cuial way, in a majority of cases, to I especially the former. Haw River, at the get rid of this is by thorough underdraiu- I figures gtveu, aggregates a force of about lug. 1 his draws off by imperceptible 100,000 borse powers, in a fall of 513 degrees all the excess of water, and opens I feet from the Piedmont Railroad bridge the soil lo tbe tree admission of the air. I to us continence with Deep River at fiav which iu its passage through it imparls I wood. Adding the above figures lor th warmth and such fertilizing gases as it Cape Fear, we have 325 horse powers may contain. Open drains or ditches, I or aboat the same amount of force as that thoughtless effectual, are useful. In some I of the Yadkin; and the fall of about 100 cases, water furrows, terminating in some I teet to r ayetteville gives 32,500 horse ravine or ditch, serve a good purpose I powers. Deep River, in lis descent Lime is exceedingly useful as an ameliora-1 596 fact from the North Carolina Railroad tor of clayey anils, inducing chemical I bridge uear Jameeiown, develops a force combinations, the mechanical effect ol I of about 60,000 horse powers. The sum which is lo break up lhe too great tenacity I oi tbe powers of the Cape Fear and tastes, or fash i one of Heece he decides that the aft . . 1 . . . tursirc nae tne as me right to liking in tbe admission or exclusion of persons from his property that a beaasn- arr ecHpeed by every city ia our western b,oldr re keeper hae, anal shea, aa v. . af I fl I ..I- .Ift. a , . . . worio. Kemember Mabylon and Nineveh ; v'""u" prevoteU before be proud, rich and powerful, all their glory hd fio4 aa entrance on it, be re reived has departed, their paleors aod banquet- doe 7 was infuse,, ing balls bare, for ages, beeu tke kabita- He kowTW. Iks If a negre is ad lions cf the moles and the bats, aod tbe ",tud 10 tkeatre on a ticket property gannt wolf howls where their holiest al- P"1 for' flly be ejected as tare stood : and vet. eomnarrd iih nn ''sT he ut orderly. He does not raw their sins dwindle to trifles, and tkeir I lB Civil Rights act aa affecting laie . T I at blackes. sums become white as wool. class of Reform our law makers, enforce our laws, and punish al! breakers ; or read tbe continuation of oar history in tke story si ell tke dead nations of tke oast whoee gigantic crimes have called do w a upon them the fearful indignation of aa infinitely pure, holy, lost and powerful God. who cannot look upon 'sin, either individual or national, with the faintest shadow si allowance. Reform or perish if o. Caucassian. Thk Silver Bulls. In Eastern poe try tbey tell of a wondrous tree, ou which rrew an I den mnlpt , nA ka.ii. . . . w v w " v.. w. vena , wuu b I Wl lima ik a - I a a A ' vmv. un t aye acill UT Mil III Bf-fl the fragrant branches, a akowee of thoee b,Kl b7 Jw to golden apples fell,; and lhe living bells " e oee tbe woru "negro thee ehimed and r,.,l..A f..,il. : I include members of the nerro j iii.ii niru nu i m IS : . l i ,i i . I not thmorli anv mmr.i nf L ,,. i v. iraiamh mmm nsnri irrr larre i j . - r Cbildrwa'a friend Appeal to the LeglslattLr. We respectfully ask our IrgisUfcare !" bill to tbe following effect : 1. Tkat negroes shell not seine white orphena, wk -u tkeir pur-nta die, and IsaSsV " them as slaves during lawir una ire mlsn J. That poor and degraded a ft a men shall not hire out to girls under eighteen, nor ibeir boys twenty one years of age. 3. That white bovs and rlrls shall Si ' be se to oi me ciay, wmie it aims, al me name two puncipai inouiariee wui somewhat mrnm -a..!:.. kl . r in. hbem. Wr .rttnioui to iI,h, nAi. lime, an element of fertility which may exceed 175,000 P"- .' ta , than tkoao which aZfr4 with the porno toepeeted, therr property peertrd, aaa perhaps be wanting. Gypeum, or plaster sufficient to turn 7,000,000 sp.ndlos-.. on Ajfcfol.a h. their cb-hlrrn taught u be vVaw JTf of Pans has the earn- effect inaalill more I here are in fact on this svslein of waters ? t . " . ." i . , . rT. neaven langn toys, and wberu too wind I w " m'"rr -o "ars some nsraa, powerful degree. Ashes, coarse vegeta- more cotton ketones than anywhere eloe bKjwh whera it Ik-ieth, the .ootb wind H" wh lh7 r"r- d ble manures, straw, leaves, chips, etc .are tn lhe Stale, their number being aboat .sj asia i thrir fat hers .,. de.f Tk- -aU k also very useful, adding new materials to ten ; and their aggregate of spuidlee is I mDOI. :LV. , K . elected to the Irislaiure manv able sn lhe soil and tending to separate Its par - probabl) not more than 10.000, and nf , , . . , ...d manv who a,c known lo be wusms. tides and destroy their strong cohesion, horse powers less thai. 400 ; so that even t io tricud- of .u Ma Clayey land mnsl never be ploughed when I on ibis beet improved of our water cour ses, not more than one seven-hundredth part of the available force is nti a a a a a s And to make the case still strong Cape Fear and tbe lower part ol Deep River have beeu improved et the expense ot the State, iu the slack water naviga tion w oi ks constructed before lhe war ; of which most of tbe dams are stiil standing, at least in part, (and about halt of tbem have been recently repaired by private ei.t rprise ;) the force rendered available at these dams uauouatiug to about 40.000 horse powers, or enough to turu 1,600, 000 spindles, which ia more than half the number footid in all the factories of Massachusetts. These facts are sufficient, although, (let Ait Incident. At one of the Boston restaurants, last week, a mechanic, with his overalls, took his seat at the table and called for his dinner, when the following scone occurred : Waller"! wiH take the money for yonr dinner." Gent "I usually (.ay after I have eaten my dinner." Waiter "We must have it before." Gent (leisurely and with some display, and turning down his overalls, (taking from his pocket a 3100 note) "Can yon change llii V Waiter "No. Have you nothing smaller?' Gent "Yes, plenty. Here is a $20 bill, which yon may change. If yon had chosen to wait until I finished my dinner, I have plenty of small change with which I wonld have paid you, but now yon can take it out of that." Tbe resell wee tkat the waiter bad to go out for the change, and the numerous specta tors of the scene had their laugh over the new illustration of the old truth, 'Don't Wet. Clover as Accumulator of Nitrogen. Apropos of what has been said in an other paragraph in regard tn tbe legumi nous plants as nitrogenous fertilisers, we find it stated that Dr Voelcker, by a ser ies of the most exhaustive analyses of the soils and of plants, has discovered and established tbe fact, that an immense amount of nitrogenous food accumulates in the soil during the growth of clover, especially in the surface soil ; amounting. including that in lhe clover roots and lops, to three and a ball tons of nitrogen per acre ; equal to four tons and a third ot ammouia. If this be a fact, the wondeiful IUSIC, here rootle tonee and fovfal others, . IT 1 eeboif ft through the r ,Z ' rf lhm9tml Noi euiy explained to r'i i I MberMl 10 define, thoee joys ere score delightful. a e : tee eon sew devout affections end effects of clover, vetch, ami similar plants jt k repeated,) the figures are only ap- on the soil cease to be mysterious, and the farmer need no longer buy ammonia in his commercial fertilisers, bet only add to the soil tbe time and oilier aab elements required, which can be cheaply furnished in available forms. proximate, to give denuilobces, to our ideas, both of oar immense manufacturing power and the fact that we have not even begun to improre it. W. C. K. i Cheated The Bromus Secalinus Swindle Some time ago a specimen of wheat, io The American maiden who finds no oue to her choice in the land of ber birth, rrarhra lerou tbe Ailanlir ar.d indflia. which there were a few grains of chess, A deanltorv Lord from th rink t . faai or cheat, wae presented to Philadrlpbia thinning nobility. Hiss Forbes, of New Academy of Natural Sciences. It seemed vork. has inat taamrrd kr ua.r id-i.. at first as if the scientists were lo be coo- ftn the I L- nl r.k...,i mnA -i,k... founded and Natnm made to coatradict ,lrikiug a single blow for hie liberty, be herself. 1 he specimen laid before the yied. to fate aod places a coronet upon learned men of the Academy was a bead her brow. But we should not complain, of wheat, to which small branches of chess Perhapa it is patriotism tkat inspires our were united, and apparently iu a very na- enlfivaiiag country women, who see oo tore! manner Thi-specimen was finally way to n-publicanise theae titled up referred to the "microscopical section," ,UrU kt mvrJ tbeui. who report that the thing was a trick. The chess was neatly inserted into the The Raleigh Sentinel says ; A mar wheat stalk, and held there by a substance rted man a little stiff iu . the joints, baa "which the committee believe to be rum beeu carried bom for repairs. H aeconnt but tbe sweet sense of exerciee of all the grateful and adoring emotions God-ward ; tbe dull oi sinful passions, itself ecstatic music ; un exulting sense ef the security of the well ordered covenant ; tke glad ness oi surety, rightrousneee, and tbe kind spirit of adoption encouraging to aay , "Abba, Father," .11 the delightlul feelings which the spirit ef God iaereeeee or cre ates, aad which are) sss earned op hs tkat comprehensive word Jos ks tke Holy Ghit." 7 tvme jodicinus h-gielation fcw fit of neglected and un pro lee ted ia needed and exit-cud. Lei not th. that reasonable eipeetations ot the penelr he The disappointed. The orphans ran oof, vote; we wet they have as a ay Mends and who will vote bercaiter. rke IP gnm i oeeu carruu oom lor repans. ue tried tragacan th. Rural Carolinian for Jan to slide down Fayette vi He street, and He has strutted bis brief hour on the stare uanj. got tee scat of bis breeche mambled. and that's the cud of him . .... ' Big 1 n vex i ws Lloyd, tke Unseen map man, who made all the map toa General Grant and lhe I'uion army, em it be tea of which he nwklbhed. has tnt . a a". ' invented a wey of gettiag a relief from steel ee so to paioi Lloyd's Map American tmiineut - shews frees on one entire sheet of bank note 40x60 incur large, oo a ligklniar pret . aad colored, StSed and varnished for the wall ee as BS stead was bang, end see iii eg anywhere ia the world See Sft usb, or smverutaked far 10 cents. This ssap shows the whole United Slates and T tones in a groop, from sorveys to 187, witn a million pieces on it, seeh as towns, ciiie, vi li ages, moenuias, hakes, rtvwe. streams, geld mioee, railway steiiens, 4c . This map skoeM be ia every boose. 8end 15 eenta lo th Lined lf.n .mmm promptly in tne matter and you . . ' " -rwr--y ill aoou have a lew Daased riviaw town- D""P'". 7 get S eeny ay -k; .i a L' m m return mail. nips me rigni io toic lor fence or no fence. One of tbe first things which the llre . ocratic party should do wbeu it finally gets into power in Washington is to akol- tab keek ike Bureau f K duration. tke Agricultural Bureau. They ore I ng but coo tn ranees to giro pUcee So men who cannot earn aa honest living i t teey us-mi lonastvy. i be trovrrnment ot the Lnitrd Statee was not formed to attend re eft her rrieultars or edecatioo - iv. Y. 9m. i - f .. From the Charlotte Observer we leers) that tke new tease low which has of lute been adopted by a e amber of so wueksps m Mecklenburg Coonty b daily growing hi favor, and tkat these who first opposed tke proposition, are-now Ua w arm est sup porters ; that evuw tke colored people would not new do Sway with sk Now is the lime for our farmers to agitate the ques tion. Act promptly iu the matter and you A Michigan paper dsslaiia that "Dr. Mary Walker's life is one eootineed struggle to keep her pants kitebed up without tke nid of sswpsudess,', wkick ratker gets Mam Mery ear tke kip. Tbe excitement ever King Kalakaua baa quite subsided, aad he will now reiir. "d .5 m a. t . .. a-n ' - - - v i 4.,. V . - . - a I ;.. e.4 i ' . a- a - - - - Sft 'X 'Be 1 l I . ii ii Tin i mi ass. LasB

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