m in a - -lirt Al OtPhTHQTI WO Invite nttntilin- ft,- J I PnWln T.crUaT. A1vn.r.. T- V" I tkla .... . ff - . J . 1. . 1 N TIT nl -11 . 1 NcNipcr, ai mueuieo. to ueo. rt , iuiias, tne most - successful newspaper man in America, LU t A J- , I Regular monthly meeting nf the Bull-. Hot a copy of the Public Ledger Almanac . r-1 t & V T A HIT I 11 IT (IS I U III V aw I 1U 1 1 IBriPIB III III .. . I .1 I Inn T W . I 1 a n . . rt . . t h n a W ....- J 0rri y TBU K9U A I , J Ail u A I I r. I n " " AOIHUT low- torn mvuci ui guuu wsir Hnu 4 Aiiciuinjj o ubii. many new oeauiy in we maae up, ana a store noose jjgji ye pimm" i uccn muu iuu me i.ssocia I 01 varieu auu vaiuuie iiiiurmauon. - -,re oen. No further danger of tion is in capital woirkiu order. Fatal Accident. We learn that on ix. w m . ownship, and near the church of that name. Ue was packing a bale of cotton, and after the seres' had been raised, was bending This is the last chance to take stock Friday, a fatal accident befell Mr i the new Serie.. wno uvea 10 rrovmence a 01 are indebted to Dr. F. N. Luckey. V . illustrated papers. Home-Grown Clover Seed Vt7 li.i.. Iwu,.i -1. - A AT mi i't 11 I ftvnr tli r-r Aviiior tViA K i r iri rT wlipn . . na o uucii on 1 1 vr 11 u v mr. 1 leo. r . 1 - "-bb "bi of a fence R, Drurist. a fin .i Ue P'bieh held the sinker broke and More of it G j i t , - . . caused it to fall upon him, from a height B.wu aim icaiieu ror me martei Af twelv ft W.. rmCoil to death by our enterprising county-man T. W. almost instantaneously. Havnes. Ken.. "Let fnimoro I Mr. Knox was an excellent citizen, and m . I 1 II w. uuuaw - I ' 1 1 .antr-a wrrir trf N ... - j 1 1 i i 1 i m v n ijull v a -Ji;uv m'i x i ui u - i 1 1 i i i uraa mat v ii.ii m hwr i njiocin nu rnti it on out table, bright and fresh as people of bis neighborhood t ' . - . . 1 a wife and four children ' JLfinKlTihnro Honf o-tithq 1 fW Mntleman has left a i it It is a good thing, week. The Planter on exhibition yesterday is quite a curiosity, being an attachment to the ordinary plow stock, it drops the un rolled seed evenly and covers them a the same time. It is the Planter that took all the premiums at the great ceutest at the New Orleano Fair. This machine will also drop corn or peas, at any dw tance desired, and is used also for distrib ulintr fertilizers. Aud does Ha work well. Grand Masqnrade Ball. Th last Hop of the seasou will be a grand It IB USXLE88 TO ATTEMPT to cl&n & atrAJun While the fountain is imnura. 7vmni tompUints of the lirer or kidneys, eruptions of e kin, scrofula, headache, and all diaeaa arising from impure blood, are atonee removed OJ JJt. WAI.KEE'8 C ALIFORM I A VlStOAB BirraRS, punfier of the blood, and renovator of the system. It ha never been known to Ja.iL NOTICE. At a meeting of a majority of the Commis sioners for the Town of Salisbury, held on the Urst day of January, A. L. 1975, the followin Commissioners being present, to wit: P 1 Meroney, S E Linton, P A Frercks. A M 8ulli van. A L Clark, and J M McCorkle. P MORE STOVES. and better obci tlian ever. Come now and gat the BEST. 6at the stove called tke ACORN COOK TRY CHRISTIAN Urge lira, family p. ptine masn tirade ball to be given at the opening jority of the Commissioners voting tli t . , xi ,l0 c.i, rtr 1. It is ordered that the Town of of the Boyden House, on the 8th of eb., mib-cribe lhoo8and doAn t0 u, and Ipresiding T W Keen, InlendanL when the following proceedings were had by a ma therefor. Salisbury fiftv thousand dollars to the Canit&l under the ansuices of Mr. W. T. Linton. Stock of the Yadkin Bail Road Company. -- ' iU mnmt minvnKlp i subject to the approval of a majority of the w uu " T-d qualified voters of the said Town. He leaves aflair of the seasou. We understand the I 2. To meet ths payment arUing by reason of Mr. Knox wad vnn. tmAUm mi.kino' e nbnrate lire- 1 lunneroraereu inaisata i j ft o 7 f yon want one that will Outlast any other, and hat is made of all NEW IRON, and warranted o give satisfaction &c Various styles, of cook- ng stoves at a small prom. TIN WARE, Sheet Iaox ft Coppbw. Ware saade of the best Materia?., on hand or made to order. Merchant Kus'piied at Low Prices. Cash paid for sll kinds of Copper. Brass dw. Ask for Baowv's Tin shop Main .Street. Salisbury, X. v., a. v . liruwn. I am well prepiml to cut good 8TENCIL PLATES for marking Tobacco. Floor Patent articles Every person doing any kind of work or bui- neas should have i stencil to advertise his busi ness, as it is acknowledged to be the beat and cheapest way to let people know what you are doing. x uc i , . . ... 'I Utlt mfiriC Wl h strnei msv wl a rmnmrr . - i . .i . i mi u iir j i 1 1 1 vr inirrniL n l ins raia fii si sr 1 1 l rur i - j ssi"-"- - - - - i with their martial presence, and no doubt Knox of the firm of J. M. Kuox & Co of w c. S. T.if Tn.omnce Co.. whose ad- rent ner annum .ml .mUnn.iu for u,t P Htit nRcns of Dollars tneir line appearance aud skillful evolu- this city. TyC o aactartanin, polnics, pilU If k or ad rert isemeou. Oofv 73 year! .Snd 10 etmU f m n ( fim m 1 ff UssfSf ill Splendid Map Premium. Aawis wanted everywhere. Bir Cosasalassaaai aUI n. A. rvASTvxua, mo Wash' Mass-, 607 Area 8L, PhUa., Pa. 8S B-Ssjj IMPORTANT TO FARMS AND PLANTERS. MAKE YOUE OWN FERT1XIZEE8, snd sare from $10 to $J0 per ton. Oat tkw -iHssulved and Pore Ground BONES ft CHEMICALS t i : r i. 1 1 i i .i u .i i . -i t m r - vyiuiuiiiKjwiieni Biiiii iur uunu id uie nime oi a uruuiei -m-iaw oi kjuvv. o. a. vjoh, ui nrai nn. (u xv-o nt rns! times. I 'i ..t c.k.i . -r fi. I It TJ Ti:jt- n . I , . n. . A. ' i y. .w " "V I iubuwiubiiiwuij iu Lite aiuuunt ui but Thn residence of Mr. 11. B. WlUiams. V urwora, nave accept mis cuy. -juariowe toserecrr. . thousand dollars in sums of from one hundred Charlotte, was consumed by fire U.t M an invitation to grace the Centennial Mr. Kuox was a brother of the Messrs A Prafccal mustratio " W' - I 1 - . :W w- torday morning. Loss $3,000. Trom VL J. 3 aad S3 &.uth Chsrlca 8l, Ballissatw. BQu Price lists and formul.i - - a "jsbj ni'jMieaiion. rttc lor- aad Mr. J. W. Wards worth has sent the tions will add greatly to the intereat of snt per annum and payable semi-annually. f J ' T , , ., .;.ftmQt ,J i n,ih,T l.,mn 3. That two thousand fave hundred dollars r'Zr"Tr": '.-T - rrt- - : '"' of the bonds issued as aforesaid shall become 1" .eV",u?.V proposes to lend all lU mouey la the due and payable on the first day of July, A. D, "x A; r u t t ' r 1JL'i;WB. lhe 2few YoA WKstaTI V Sirtna News. Markets V'.. .i wniuijVa ja, PostaM paid. - w,wv tirvu lanoo in laree Send for free sample copy. Mr. David McLean of this city has i!tr nf tlio ( Mi nrlni t n 1 ipftifirmt heM. fho occasion. But lookout how, and Dull Times. We hardly ever eo I ii;, .u ;J A. .n mU. 1880. and that a like snra of two thousand fire L yne-,wirth inch letters 5 centa per letter uihii mv vuw.ww ppF.wt 1 : j l l a iv.amj "uwc iciiinii , , , . . , . , , , it , . vine-hall and uve-eicbts 5 .lehius: twenty -four pounds. carry small pocket pistols with you.. out on the street and fail to hear some of -,ood fai,h htl. made ioang in Salis J ku S? - " " I - u I .... . I 1 I ou.m..ii. jCUi I m 1 . .3 complaint of hard times. And it is a tact bur wjluiu the last fortnight amounting of said bonds shall become due and payable . xne7. w P" ox u- 1 .... . .11... .. 1 An nr iw hn uit tirsit n w rt n u tk. i -j ..... . i. mn fiiwil T?.ie-ht.s A awt-n-tatn that DUSluesS IS dull, DUt not duller in to two thoueand dollars, four t mes as : . t.J 1 ' ' Send in rour orders statin .'tie of letters rnn " A m A ah a I . n wvs am vi it 1 ' .1 as -v a - I v,v- 1 1 .a 'a a .a nncu ui.. vu-ujr.uM,., " , ,a;.toroj ,i,a v.ini u.ni ana mooeu ine wnoie country, are suner ...w.x......yf S t r . 1 . w . . ! . I 7 imii a ra yjvwi va taaviv'it 1 I wibii wo uuiv tuy uviuui iuv-u uuvu aaj itivua 1 vu wa nib muimv iuuiuiviiu tmv uu. . lw""vi ivu ' t inn. an la a suiutic lb LW Uit t l ill. .. . - 9 annual interest accruing on said bonds issued APru AO' , as aforesaid, and that whenever any of said uights si 11 co, and demanded accommoda tinna. flre-nt waa his in when innrmd VYllhlO the last SIX weeks Or two months, The Sentinel. - Jus reported that fc fc honse fc we have been in many o the iarge aod 1 fi. ,4 aa Sv la I 4 11 . . a. UBewa ' - aj i i r j i piiihii i-ii m iiii w i i taxes to pay rf - - 7 , x - panics lor the uxin oj money Here, at a interest, and provide for payment olthe princi- around for magistrate, lawyer, &C, he negro and scalawag misgoverniuent of the reasonable rate of interest and will not T1 of the bonds, and that thirty days notice of madeasndden onslaught and succeed. South. Weknow that time, are dull, and rea aire oarties to insure unless wishinr to iS. : 5 - u t J l t v I ii . eu in making ius escape, aucr Knocxing that the dullness is general, and wc have do so. down one or more of bis captors. Rati iff; no doubt that the causes here enumerated Insurance Agency Of J. Allen bonds shall become due. that a further tax be Tlis mnlnttosltin. we have hn informed, f"" Cities and towns ol tne country, O-flRno TVTnin ft. fUllsk. levied and collected, to be used in the extin- t .1... I. 1. V.i f,nl i.u. 1 tn.ui tli I 'I- -3 t f 1 ... .t I ' - 1 suushmenl nf the nrinetnsl. e " renresents litmaelf as r'ost-master at I ; lies- " "' iiimiit, i name ihnrv nl n Ronrosent asaeta f . ; r..i .u. n . . 1 1 1 I . - .1 ,r 1 . - e ( - sww aa sua uici utucicu tviiisv a 11c: wniLfuua him x, is not un Known as a wi m r. c n eomnlaiut of hard times. The cause of r v: , t :i Tf.,J the aforesnid bonds, when dne. shall h rcr- 1 V X. ISC JS AJUTT I M UTCI UUC AAUUUl 1 . " . J " 7 ' - r trio rlnllnnju Sn Kiiuitioaa an il ilu ftf . -rv . . . , I ed in the navment of all Town taxes. Tbs Rev. J. B. M..ck, of Ro.ky Riv- A . T,f. , " " ,on sonars, consisting 01 roreign ana fl. It is further ordered that an election be f.r....-i a "Fjr x. x tt ... iraoe is accoumeu ior in many ways. Home Oomnanies of the highest erade. held at the Court House in Salisbury on Mon Will nil Pi W Mi in. tku-m... I rstM W . , J TJ..U if J .V.r e - t: - - . --r .. . r,. I M .L.icl J r A n'tMt t. eioie r..ii ivuun b wue ana 0100 01 uis 1 anie attribute it to our national f iuan- t . t 1 ..1 : 1 . u,c 1 J' u1.v Ul rcuruary, n.. u. 1040, iun- bsen auoouucod, but will remain .T.. ... . , , , , , 1 o xj.ic-, uc cn p.at. psn-ice .. iuj,k r rnitting to the qualified voters of said Town, , l r'T" vi - ..cui w lU5 ..o.c any Company desired. Arrangements the propueition of approving or reject ins; the ireiv .v 1 t1!, .... n.AA n,w k.M...k k.n. ii : . 1:.: 1 ji.: ..r .t. r..nn;... .t 1 l : r I vu.u u.vug,u Mircawuing uuiuicni cuuuiuou ui me mav hn mjlflp w th some nf h f!nm. vii...B yi im wtuluu.., iUQ miii( ui :-.u. i..- u;i.:i- i.u: .l .t.J y bonds and the authority to levy . 1 1111 1 lit v 1 'm l liint,. n 1 r itfiisviiii pn 1 nrru rn inp nrnsr ror n 1 1 pni in r p 1 r .1 7 1 The young man who went to the Hop . l. 1 j:.i..t. . ..r l.i. leveral days afterwards, saya be won't 0 any more. Drink, Drank, Drunk. This b l . .1 I -.. . .1 t . .. . . . Iiai IUCT UIU titSb iwiuiuuj uucniuuu ... . . 1 . KllllUUt IUM1 iu iu(,r, v"ii wi pivimm l-.: U.'l...MI :. 1..1 iiimitiviit " wmv .. - J Shot. Mr. Jas. D. Hodges, a Depu ... 1 . 1- t .... rti . i.t ly internal ikereuue vuiiecinr, w no duui and wourded in tho arm, while attempt ing to enter a Gastou county dUUllery, on Fiiday last. Help the Orphans. We are requested to say that the Concert tor tne benefit of the Orphan's at Oxford, wil certainly take place on the lO.h of Feb- rti!i. I 1 1 T IT ruarj wen. j icacis can vc unu ui . Knuiis, Salisbury. Chance of Route Aerents. Mr Saw) er of Ashcville h is been a poin d Mail Agenf on the W. N. C. H. R , vice THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and Aewinff .Hachine ATACHMENTS OP ALL KINDS, ALSO NEEDLES, OIL A mitfiAU, ALSU A iOT Cr capital required. Particulars and pie sent free Address with 6 cent . KUs Williamahurw N Y ,1.1 vak'i A Us il ssli ills) PSYCHOMAITCT, or 80 TJX CHAM- rlKG luw either ni - ; snd gain lhe love A aneciiooa of aaj psasata thev chooae instantly. This sisanlf m. quiremeni an can poaseas, tree, v maiL for Be, .ujTincr wiiu m marriage imMSv Oracle, Dreams Hints to LadSea, .ieni onirv etc. a aueer hm wnjJMiAOi -v rm.iiiffch. ti I offers $50 reward for him, but says noth ing about wanting his wife bark the un gallant cuss J A Stranger Accomodated. Not long since a foot passenger drew up here and applied for a nights lodging id the Station House, supposing that as in cities, we were charitable enough to shelter all comers. The police very kindly escorted him to the Catabooee, where he spent the night. Be it known that the City's Ho tel presents very meagre accommodation?. In the morning the old fel was thoroughly disgusted , and assured the gentlemanly policemen that "he'd be damned if he wban.cd any more staping in sich a sti tion bus as that." We don't blame him. are the real ones. We believe that gen eral prosperity will come only when we shall have remodeled our present finan cial system, rid ourselves of negro, scala wag and military government, and put in office Democrats who will respect the constitution, the rights and liberties of the people, the sovereignty and independence of the States, and administer the laws for the benefit of all classes and all sections with honesty, dignity and impartiality. When we shall havo routed Grautism, Sheridanism, and Radicalism, we may hope for more prosprous times, not be fore. The Wilmington Star. This Mr. John L. Bailey, resigned. A mail excellent paper has been the head and sgeuts place is much mote interesting front of the opposition to the calling of a since the advent 0 postal cards. Convention. 1 hat it has been honest ana sincere in :ita opposition, we have no .UlCC BreaI. We are indebted douht. But since the Democratic Exocu to Mr. Jerry M. Brown for a loaf of nice I tive Committee, of the State, speaking for bread. Mr. Brown has connected with the party, has recommended is the Legis his Notion and Confectionary store, a first hat rue to call a Convention, the Star haa class Bakery, and is prepared to fill orders j not uttered a word against it. It no doubt STATIONERY, pence r" and also notice of said election shall be tA vortiooil nt t It a ( 'rtrt TTrttaaa s4fw-ht In fianl Kaalatss rv 1? ire neks written at the lowest adequate And that at the election held as aforesaid those rates. As regards rates would say he approving um proporution, ahall deapomt in the CONSISTING OF a j . . . I ballot box ballots with tte printed or written I Ta1 QT, a xaAla . does not pretend to compete, with the a . .u a.. .,. i-iegai and 0010 1? t a 1 nwiuo " I f " vTva, uinniimuiuia kUC I many "Wild Cat" Co's , that write at ? "hall deposit ballots with Uie printed or of Different qualitfes, aUo. several styles ol wrni nil urntvia "hai ta nnpnooi - t m rate the party wishes. Thoueh 1 1 r rurv fl -A j 300 PIANOS & 0SOAIB New aod Seeond-riaad. of First -Clans Mafc- - v tn.mUU mid at Lover Pries sr oada, ST on Installment, sr for rent, in City r Country, during these Hard Times ami Hat . JL HOLIDAYS, lj HORACE WATERS dc SON. 481 Broadway, than ever before otfsr ed in New York. Agents wanted Is asff Waters' New Scale Pianos, mud Coaasrsa Organs, niostrated -Catalog oea Mafias! Great lodoeeinents to the Trade. A IsVft discount to Teachers. Ministers fharnlnai Lodges. Schools, etc. 4 w. 1 "tt any t mill,! .nn ..no u,..r,t 1 1 . ! .. t. ; A I T T. P '. TM.'I." ' T uiig noiil Ulio KIUU UI DHEUB I m ' "num.. I nan ranee hp run hnn it wrHtt fn than, Sec'y, Pro-tem. at such rates as tbey are willing to pay, but will not recommend suchCo's. tf J. ALLEN BROWN. Intendant. JrfO Fire. It is perhaps not general ly known that the nniortuiialo prisoners who get into our jail during the winter have to remain there without fire, no mat ter how cold the weather may bfs Wc have just heard of a prisoner w ho has lost hia toenails from the effects of ctdd suf fered while in our jail. His . feet became severely frostHbitten. But he is not tLe only instauce of suffering that has come to us from that quarter. The intense suffering of these unfortunate peop'e will be better understood when it is known MARRIED In Rowan Co.. on the 17th, by Rev. W. Kimball. Mr. William Ashbr and Miss Rozena E. Rogers. On the 21st bv the same assisted by Rev. W.R. Kelchie. Mr. Edward L. Linn and Miss Martha J. Ketchie, all t Rowan co. P. BATTLE. P. H CAMERON President. Vice President. W. II. HICKS, Sec'y. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. LETTER PAPER, PACKET, COMMERCIAL, FRE2JCH AND MOURNING NOTE. SERMON Paper and various styles and sizes of ENVELOPES Ink Pens Peociles .. also a large lot off Morgan's Stereoscopic Views of the NORTH CAROLINA For Coughs, Colds Hoarseneess AND ALL TH0AT DI8EA8E8, Use UfTI I Q' PAQQni IP TaDI CTO vs-s.s.w unnuukiv I MULL I C. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AND SURE REMEDY. POSTPONEMENT DAT h' Sold by Druetriat senerallr. FULLER & FULLER, Chicago, IU. SHORT KlXK.n-KITI.I. niKTftluiTTirkTJ 1 T T . I i ' 1 i i T . . i - - - - nompeier reiaie mm um- CAPITAL. $200,000. DIED. in JNewton countv, Ua.. on Mart F. Rkadt.sy. atrcd. about w rears. The deceased was a daughter of the late uev. west Harris ot Covington, Ua. II er g lustand l cd iu Louisiana softfc IT or 13 At en1 of FscTl Yejr hnd over years ago, leaving her with twchildren to w p0,itieg wilhont wttllni , pi ,e om rear and educate. Her life was spent in use- Prudent, economical and energetic manage- fulncss ; the early portion ot it ib educating ment has made it several of ber vounacr brothers, whom she had the pleasure of seem? enter unon a ca- A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION rcer of usefulness in various callings. The This Company i-wnea every desirable form of Yosemite and ctber noted placet which arc truly magnificent. also a stock f superior FLOWER POTS, Which will be sold low at Singer Sewing Machine Store on South side main Street, near the Public Square, latter part of it, was devoted ,to her own Policies at as low rate as any other First CI children. Her life-work was school teach- Company. inr Ttv thl4 tneAna she anataSnel lioraolfl ImPOC5 no UselertH restriction nimn rntiilenA Oil and after that tbey have no fire during the winter. and children, and fitted them for the duties or travel. T UIS DAY, Tli Sheriff nrrvif1.s tVim witli npppairr I of life. She W&s a christirn mother, and I IIiu a fixed naiil nn valuean all nnlioiM I April 21st Psb- or supply bread, cakes, c, toau comers. 1 regards the action of the E.xecuUre Lorn- j .. ,.,y,t. tjUt ig ot BU left an example worthy of imitation by the I two annual payments. miMee as seiiuner me quesuon, as it. aocs . ., , , ., . ' 7 : . . r 1 m cuuib an!. are wancu mu lnvcaiea I ldiJ slum 1, nA tvormn ami t lio nniinnon t. A rA T 1 .... A r... 1. : I Grand Grift Coaoert-We are as- most assuredly, so far as the party is con- . MnvfnrtM. it i- nntr. it i- unto me. Write, blessed are the dead which A HOME, ii 1 .-Ll i L i .1 .? ... . I " " " 13 -I " I r . ' . - .. ... Richmop. York RrvEa and Chesapeake Railroad Comtaky KicaiioxD. April lrtu 1 1874.) urcd that the drawing will certainly take j cerned, and we commend the patriotism, i . n I - i -r,l. VI... nl, 1 a 1 r . f 1 Pw unxH.wr,wu mm, .v. 5 UW3 w"Ba"""u' " brkk walls and donrive them of the com TAC 1 C - - I ... ow- forts necessary to health and life. No nil i . f l i a a. . i l no oDject ot tue uoncert is 10 raise funds (o erect an Odd Fellows Temple, and is therefore praise-worthy. inhnmen. it is ernd to neu neonle nn in 7. T IZ " "v"" uwwu'" ' r-TCV 10 ,aner ana encourage home er.terpn ' ' i r r ine opirii. iiku incv mav resi irom ineir la-1 tu: i n j hors and their wnrltn tin frllrtmi- thnm " I J m J 1 . . J' . " i miuros. Also, on tne lotn Uec.. last, in lieorgia, xnier and treiciit xraina on mis roan wul run as lollowa Passenger Train for West Point leaves Rich mond at 3 P. M. (Saudays excepted), and Ar rives at Richmond Irom Wct Poiut at 10 A. M., daily (Sundays excepted). The splendid . steamers HAVANA and LOUISE, will ma iu connection with thi road. and will leave Went Point daily (Sundays ex Itiox AT AI.ETAKnaU, VA. MARCH 29th, 1875. i Grand Cash Gift 1 UraudUaah UUt I Grand Cash Gift 10 Cash Gifts.. 10.000 15 Cah Gifts.. 50 Cash Gifts.. 100 Cash Gifts.. 10.00 Cash Gifts.. 1.000 Cash Gifts.. 20.000 Cash Gifts.. H 5.000 esMk. 1. 500 100 $20 AwJ A Swindler. A private letter in form us that a traveling scalawag, deal ing in aa asratus for marking clothes, haa swindled some of the boys at Hills bore Military School. He left there for I self of the benefit of its couusels liiagham's School. The Fayellecille Gazette thinks we have been hood-winked. Well, the Gazette can we imagiue. See through a stone wall. We can't. We may sometimes be de- eicved : but the Gazette never. We are glad that the Gazette is so wise, so sagaci ous, and logical, for we can now avail our Cotton. Over 500 bales changed bands during the past week, and at golly wboppin figures. We will have to have anew cotton platform and weigher soon, and then we want Joe Caldwell of the Charlotte Observer to come up and report for us. What do yen say aonney t will cost something, but let it be doue, or oas "A he, h" "d 0Ul ?PPim; x i .1 i j . mem 10 aeu uuvesa iickcu mwi ewamur, xi rcraap. o a.i. patvjr tot US cease to boast Of civilization or CL to all points in Texas. Arkansas Mississippi. all, desire a Convention and it is to influ- I (.kriatian hnmanitv I Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee and Louisiana, ence sueh as the Gazette that the leaders make a pretence of opposing: it. Who knows ? t l 1 . 11 i'u loni. in uctnuio, i:.U l C . t. r i 'ii .1 1 I un mil ivac 1 uiuv u.un 1 punuat b v a- Mr. West IlAnms, brother of Mrs. Bradley, t ' .u o - 4" . w,u u" cepted) on the arival of the train which leave prisoners whose death is noticed above.-Com. .1a I "f "unue 0, ,W nn na. y Kichmoud ttta r. U arriviup st HalUm..re next - T. morning in anipIoUme to e:.unctt with trains up Foreign Companies, when they can secure fr Washington and the Bast, North and Weet : insurance in a Company equally reliable and and leave Ualtiinare dailv (Snndnrs excepted) every dollar's premium they pay be loaned and at 4 P. M , connoatin? a? Wet Point with train invested in our own State, and among our own due at Richmond at 10 A.M., next morning people : Theo. F. KLUTTZ, J. D McNEELY, Agt's. Salisbury, N. C. The undersigned wishes to inform his numer-1 KLFFIrs & TA 1 LOE. uen 1. i M.-1. Agrs. ureensooro sn. Dee. 31 ly. matter how base or wicked the may be, they are intitled to comfortable quarters. This we suppose every one FOR with proper, cbr'slian, or human impulses SOUTH "vVES will concede, then why is not the iau properly warmed ! It can be done by a furnace underneath, or by steam pipes extending; through the upper parts. It vin Charlotte. Cnliimhi a nrt Ainri,L R. RnnH. We are also told that there is a stench! and their Southern Connections. Through tbat emanates from the upper rooms, foul Emigrant Tickets, or Vint Claw Tickets sold, 1 'i Mil itamranajThailrnn lhAiih ft ' r-f i na w talk! nrr enough to kill an ordinary man subjected to take Laborers to the above States, will find to its influence a reasonable leuirth of time, it greatly to their own advantage by negotiating . f ... j I with the undersigned at Salisbury. Information There is no excuse for this, aod we are in reard to ata time and &nnociion will 0 miHiMnoo t hit it ia nvmif fni f r ramnm I r- fnrnichpil Pifhor rvorattin 1 1 v nr t h rnurr h t in m Ivl I . I l ouiunovu tajts ao uvausiiii.i w i , twain i - vu ., j-viuvuuu umvmam iw vub use wi luifcco, uia-Biuiui Biiupo, , . . . ,. . , . mail. AsAt .u m- ol" I there. Are there ne disinfectants to be occ, now on exniumuii m iuo a iu onup ui A Good Thing. The wind Mill Fare to Haiti more, f:ir0 ; Balti more and re turn, $6. WahiagUn.$4. Fare to Philadel phia. fC ; to rhilndelphia and return, 132.". Far to New York- $10 ; to New York and re turn, $19S. Boston $!." 25. Freight train, for through freight only leave Richmond daily (Monday excepted) 10:30 At M., connect iug with steamers at West Point that deliver freight In Baltimore early next morning. Th rough freight received daily. Freight train, With Passenger ear attached,' for freight between Kiehmond and West Po leaves Kichmon! Mondays, Wednesday i.i mm m a m k . rnuava si 7 a. m. uoeai ircigni re t Snperiutendc t W. N. BaAGO. Master of Transportation. Mr. Lewis Brown, is the beat thing out. obtained ? We respectfully call the atten tion of the County Commissioners to the matter. A. POPE. Oen'I. Passenger & Ticket Agt.. Columbia, S. C J. A. McCOXN A DGILEY, Agt. C. C. & A. It. 11., Salisbury,; N. C. i LOUIS' ZIMMKR, Sept. 3, tf. Special Agent Sled. We regret to hear of the death t destined to take the place of bellows. ot Mr. Jesse Lyerly, which occurred at I it produces a steady current, does its 1 1 e i . . I cr 1. 1 a I js ens 1 .us nouse in mis county on ine ,uu. woric more torcioiy ana oetier tuan.me We clip the following from the report oi lipnoiaroeumonia. sir. ..yeriy waa u peiiows, ts cneaper ana easier woreu ; if tnQ audUing committee of the artisan's i mm a i . I - .a m 1 louustnous, usetul, and respected citiaen, and, as between tue two, so tar as meu Build5 & Loftn A8SOcUtioil of Phila 1 . a . v. a. : m m A r 1 1 1 and will be much missed m bis Uciguoor I is concerned, u is all m favor ot tne wind I (,.,hia- . 1 Cliun uiiuii-iuMutir ii , luiu ., TV. .1 J Mr. Urown, or trom Mr. uicuson, at Auditors have accomplished the dunes W -, ;...i..k....i . ax Tt..;- Thomasville. assigned to us. and find the books and i, , , . , , ., vouche" of tho Secretary and .treasurer Barker for a bottle of Scupenionf wine. correcW ftnd &QSUlciU condition of the v n trr . t ItA.AfAM I . . . t 1 3 .1 t . rn, - .... " - , -ii- tun. mm, Niv-n, isig invenrion.ioy (i, un; iuujuus 1 association propperou8. i nis examination MAIL speak as to its merits : but if it is like mnn man wi10 made all the maps Gener I has also shown that the immense capital Leave Salisbury 12.i0 What tkw l,..,.r. w im rrn.rA 'Priatl , .1 .1 TT t I of this and kindred associalions. from ' Greensboro 343 VI V ' " a U-raul and inc union army, ceiuuuuivD - - . Danville via R I) 6 13 kP every variety of wines, and of the Af whieh he nnblished. has tost tovelltidl",L'," Tr'JTll ' " midland 6.30 - - I - - ' J I Ou u 1 I T7 TY1 iQiHnWI I I 1 W PflTllin U 11 I 1 VI I -, r. m m I wh; i Kicnmonu e.io a way ot getting a reuei piaic irom sieti accumula!ions of one raillKn dollars "Charlottesville, 1.36 so as to print Lloyd's Map of American monthly, is the backbone of Philadelphia; Arrive Huntington, THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE : Che sapeak and Ohio R . E . On and after January 3rd , 1870. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. FIRST AND FINAL POSTPONEMENT or THO GRAND GIFT CONCERT, To have been (riven in tlm Cltv nf rirt-pr boro, N. C, on December 31, 1874, for the pur- Tuesdays ThurHclayn and Haturdava. pae of erecting an ODD FELLOW'S TEM-1 ElJWABD F. FOLGEU, PLC. has been postponed until n KUAEsuAY, MARCH 1Tn, 1875. At which time the Concert will certain lv be given and the DRAWING GUARRANTEED A partial drawing could have been made at the time appointed, but numerous letters, from Agents and ticket-holders, urge the Manager to make a short postponement in order to secure r C, i 1 1 il i n I r r The (iBAXU GIFT is the New and Well- I Ur Dill W atei W IieCl turnisheu BEN BOW HOUSE worth $60,000. Grand Casn Gift, - iil 0,000,00. Kkat. Kbtate Gifts; - - 81,000,00. Cash Gifts, .... 82,500,00. 22,17u ChAA GiU, NUMBERS OF TICKEST 1 PRICE OF TICKETS Whole Tickets. . . f H-,T WOO Quarters.. ....OBfJt Eighths or each Coopoa.. ......... Urn oi Tickets for .100 UP The Mnntpelier Female Ha mats Isna tion, chartered by the Lrgislatar of Vfcwbla .4 m I. M VI 1 . . . m uv un vircuu uwn of i r proiKwc. bv a series of Grand Gift esUbliah and endow a "Hu for Ub Old. firm, and Drtitoe Idie of Virginta1 at MoitH-l.er, Uic former H-idana uf Pnaid 1 Jamt Madison. Uoykkkor's Office. RicnMoaa, Jalv J, ii uurii ;ne pleasure to car that I acquainted witii a large majontj of iko mi of the Moutpelbr Female Aasoiarfc, reiae in u e vien-itj , ( mr borne, snd I sttl St mcir ii.ieuigt i re ai.d t: ejr woru and fcp reputation n rentlcn rn. an well s tv kiu ennfidencff, iuHurr.ce and snbwtanUal umbm lpcraily repreii'Ml among them. J A1IK L. KKMPKK. Gov. vlrgtate. Alra xiuia, Va.. Julr 8. 1874. I coiDintiij thein at genu of hoDnr sadiaaaaaHl -ot tbs fa JAS. LEFFEL'S IMPEOVED DOTJB1.E best brands. a m o. t a m p m uSwaU0W8 Homeward Fly. ' Continent showing from ocean to ocean by elevaling the character of iu people . . . B nomewaraf y; "T ' 2i tm nn iuu an,r,n opening new streets, on which are erected Cincinnatti, " Lruisville, " Indianapolis, " St. Louis, 7.30 H.35 p m a m EXPRESS. 1D.54 am 1.15 3 30 ti.20 1.15 5.25 6.00 120 11.35 8.40 Grand Total, - - - $164,000,00. References We refer, by permission. to the following gentlemen nf onr City, and would be glad if the credulous would write to any of them : R. P. DICK. Jndge U. S. District Court, Western District of V. C. p.m THO. SETTLE, Judge Supreme Court, .i T. B. KECQ I, Heenster in Bankrantev. RO. M DOUGLAS, U. S. Marshal. Mr ci 1 1 t i T- ... t x . . , n . . am w. n. i)rvij, toitor .ew sonn state, p m DUFFY & ALBRIGHT, Eda. Patriot, am HA. E. SHOBER, of Ann of Wilson 9c V Shober. Baukers. a m JULIUS A. GRAY, Cashier of the Bank of P m f:r..nB,oro. If a a POOLE d- nUNT BALTIMORE, Maaafaetarsrs for Us South aad foithw it, Wa are glad to see returned to Salisbury -on One entire sheet note paper, 40xo0 LLfortable homes with all the modern -s. Alex Brown and Thos. Crawford, incue. large, on a gu5 PT conveniences, within the reach ot all Connecting at these Point, with the great R. M. STAFFORD. Sneriff of Guilford. ur tormer fellow-citizens who have been ed.saeo ana rarnunea iur wc .T. u prOVing mat ;ne men anu women oi Trunk Lines for the iNortn west, boutawest I J. D. WHITE. Post Master. Uvbr in T-. . xr,i, .nA washing and mailins: anywhere in monthly and weekly wages are, by co- Uamorais 'lexae ODELL, RAG AN dc CO.. Merchants " " bouic TDUI. iivii." i or n . . i . , . ., r.li I M Al 1 Tnunt i CamlSn. xr.u , I !. wm-M fVir 25 cents, or uovarnisued for I npriion, ncu, ana nov ine capua..Bw 'ua ius i (in ri . i . rn iininna itpiil h- i liivj n vn- ' 7 1 10 cents. TOs map shows the whole on,J' United States and Territories iu a group Una for men. Burglar Arrested. charge of burglary committed in High tians, lakes, rivers, streams, gold mines, relet. The Sheriff nf flnSMrJ --Mr railway stations, &c. This map snouia those of the copntry. .- v vi a 1 mj ' For Rates and information aa to Route time Ac apply to J C. DAME, So Agent Greensboro N C intn ihu list of Sprint or ? RA find TflWi tt 1 K MillfAit nlaAOil ! . nA ra si U Ct . . A nejrro man from surveys to 100, wuu a the names 01 nepuoncans wnose niaiea arrested here last Mondar on a on it, sueh as towns, cities, villaget moun- have wheeled into the Democratic ranks, . . "cro aionuay, on a 1 " yet these men are daily opposing their M S5W "Z 12 rEMIGEANTS GO ON EXPUESS renresented in the Senate that 1 KAirsb. 50 HOWARD, Gen. P. d T, Agent; R. S. Republicans, 5 Liberals snd 19 Democrats. 1 T1TCH, Gen. Jf retght Agent ; Mail Trains run usuv except aunuay, 1 1 w sirTT '- fUtnnlar. ' ' Through Tickete for sale at R. R. offices at l Price of Tickets $2.50 Number of Tickets Charlotte, Salisbury, aod Greet sboro. Lowest Freight Rates made by this Konte : issued only 100.000, now to Remit Money should be sent by Registered Letters. I'oat Office Order, or Nearly 7000 now in use, working under heads varying from 2 to S40 feel ! 24 sizes, from 5 to 96 inches. The most powerful Wheel in the market. And most economical in nre of sir Large ILLUSTRATED Patnhplei sen post free. MANUFACTURERS, ALSO. OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers. Babcock Ac Wilcox Patent 1674 and fully untitled u the t ne R. w. ncunBs, r judge va. fu 1her refcrt-r' 1 r n-rmikir. : BTsK&c-l lenc CilbeilC. f- - rilBSM af Xm. Iltui-Uobt E. v ilherA, Lieut -Gov. ofTa. uf U. 8. Senator elect : Senators and Member ml Con jrefc form Va. Remit tancea for tirkel may be made to ea- fwrm pvepaM, poi f.ibc a a a h aKDington, it. u or by t or mil partioalerw. for Circular. Addreaa. BARBOUR, Paas'rM.F. U. A.Ai VA. Reliable arenhi OCA. I, 1874 ly. . Una. jiMU CDCCmplnio riitl"ion Needle-book, with Send stamp. lluiACo.. ew HAVE YOU TRIED which acta mo baneAtiaily ea mar as ts hspart vm U all Express, with name. Post Office, Ooonty aod Tubulous fritters, Ebaogh's Crusher for mm lumbers 1 county be in every house. . 1 you will get a copy by return mail. . . . 1 at nrviiun l t h 1 1 1 1 ii 11 w i f - r j a - t . . . - - quarters in tue county w,u fT" . .7 , . . . Ibodv would stand 48 Democrats and 26 1 W-C. W1TCKHAN, rses-Arssiaent ; 0. K. re,ns for kleptomanias. Sweet be his Lloyd Map Company, rnilaaeipnm, mna Republicans, instead of as at present. State, of the purchaser, written plaiuly. For further particulars apply to the Man ager Rox 8, Greensboro, N. C. CYRUS P. MENDENIIALL, Managat. J . H. KNMSS. Agent. Salisbury, N. C. Dec 14, Itb. Minerals, Saw and Griat Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery for White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Shafting Pulleys aod II angers. 8END TOR CI RCULAR8. Sep. 3. 1874 6m. JTTRUBB&A. ARE TOU or DeblllUd Are yon so Languid that any quires more of aa effort than you feel m saaaing 1 Then try JURUBEBA.tto rilinf I and nrvtgecatar. therretire organr tne vital loreea. It is no alcoholic 1 h.r a short time, only to let Ito a low depth of atlaary. but It it a tonie acting directly on the Hrer aad 1 It regnlate Ibe Hnwala. aula aod give nuth a healthy tone to tto ytem to awun uaae U like a new peraoa. It operation I' not rlelert. tot la 1 ised by grr-.it gentleness ; tto patfaut leneea no insaau atonge, aw aaanrau bat gradnally hia truuhlea - Fold their tenu. Uka tto And aileotl teal aa ay." Tni i no new nnwVd dlmrw en toen long need wit a wnaorfalreaaak tlrtsarta aod ia prunooueeU by tLe hial tnr nirT prwenni iot.ie ate ( Aa yowr arngrt! JT lt- V raaleky WM. P. HDD El A I Tart.

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