The Carolina Watchman I VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. 5S SALISBURY N. C. FEBRUARY, 4, 1875 NO. 67. WHOLE KO. 71 . . , .1 V W i . a - -mm . . ,.. . vx - t a . . UBU8HKD WEEKLY.' J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor sad Ed i tot . J. STEWART Associate Editor. J. RATKSOF IHJBCBIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. 0E Year, payable in advance. Six Mokjhs, 5 Copies to any address. ..$2.f0 1.25 10.0 ADVERTISING RATES On BqVAEE (1 inch) Oaejnsertion $100 .. . & greater number of insertions moderate Special notices 25 per cent, more in iwular advertisements. Reading notice cnU :cr line for each and every insertion THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY Is eminently a Family Medicine ; and by be ing kept ready for immediate resort will save mnv n hour of mi fieri nsr and many a dollar in time and doctors' bill. Aftr nar Fortv Years trial it Is slill re ceiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from persons of the highest character, aad responsibility. Eminent physicians com mend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC vnr -11 tiltfUM o? the Liver. Stomach and The 8YMTOMS of Liver Complaint are lii tier or tmd taste in 'the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Mala, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; 8oua Stomach ; Loss of Appe tite; Bowels alternately costive and lax j H-n.lstohe . Lous of memory, with a painful seusation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; Debility. Low Snirit" a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Krc. a dry" Cough often mistaken for Con- umiilinn. Sometimes many of these symtoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the 1 arrest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Reaulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue The State Debt The conference between a Committee of oar Legislature and the holders of N. C, State Bonds took place week before last at the capitol in Raleigh. It was private or at least only those holding bonds were ad mitted to tne conterence. The ReDOrt of the Chairman of th Com- mittee will be found below : Pursuant to the joint resolution of the two Houses of the General Assembly, the "Joint Select Committee on the State Debt and Liabilities." met in the Senate Chamber at 12 M ., no the 14th of January, inst.. to con fer with the creditors of the State, and re mained in session during that and the two days following. Daring this bine, gentlemen were present from New York, Virginia and North Caro lina, representing in the aggregate about two millions of the "old" and "funded in terest' bonds, with less amount of "new" and "special tax" bonds. Numerous let ters, addressed to the Governor, the Chair man aud members of the Committee, from persons in various sections of the country owners of different classes of bonds of this State, were read and considered. Several propositions were made by bond holders looking to a settlement of the State Debt. Those from North Carolina very generally said that they had entire confidence r a J a i . . 1 . in tne juugmeut anu iairness oi tne legis lature and would accept such terms as it might propose. One of the Virginia gen tlemen expressed his willingness to accept any terms of settlement which might be offered by this General Assembly. The other Virgiuia creditors present, represent ing over half a million of dollars of the "old" bonds, aud professing to be able to influence a very large amount of the entire debt, proposed to surrender the "old" bonds and the "funded interest" bonds with the accumulated interest on them, and take in lien thereof a new bond for the face of the others, bearing 4 per cent, interest for years and then 6 per cent, for the remainder of the term. The chief representative, for the New York interest proposed that the ''old' bonds, "funded interest" bonds and the acquired interest on the same, be taken up with a new bond at nfty cents in the dollar That the "new' bonds, .not "special tax,' be taken at thirty cents in a like bond, and that the ''special tax" be discharged by the same new bond at fifteen cents in the dollar. He said, however, that he did not believe the State was morally bound to pay any portion of these "special tax" bouds. but that iu order tit get rid of them would advise such compromise as suggested. Separate propositions were made in regard to the settlement of the "construction" bonds. One holder of half million of these THE ONLt REBEL. The Hon. B ft. Hill, of Georgia, has just made at Atlanta, Ga., one of the noblest and most forcible speeches of the day. In the course of this logical, bril liant, and patriotic effort occurs the fol lowing grand and brief parallel between Secession and Radicalism. We believe that it will find a cordial response in the hearts of the great body of the American How Oysters are Born. Oar bivalve, does not spawn after the manner of mollasks generally. It is in its own way viviparioos. It does emit eggs; bat, at the proper time, sends forth its a -- w e young alive, l he eggs are dislodged from the ovaries and committed to the nursing of the gill and mantel. At first each egg seems to be inclosed in a capsnle. It is of a yellowish color ; but, as incuba tion or development progresses, the color chances, first to a gray, then to a brown, people : afterward to violet. This is a sien that "Secession was a mistake a terrible the time of eviction is at hand : for nature mistake: bat secession was no crime now issues her writ to that effect. And Great applause. It violated no oaths wonderfnl little beings they are when the it trampled upon no individual rights ; it writ arrives to vacate the homestead ; for dispersed no legislatures ; it throttled no whole troops of them can go gracefully State; it sought to shed no blood; it burnt and without joBtling, through the maziest no cities; it invaded no homes ! Radicalism evolutions in that tiniest sphere a drop is no mistake. It is deliberate, intention- of water. Nothing is more curious than al, wicked, ever-increasing crime : (up to see, under the microscope these little planse ;) it has trammeled npon ten thou- rootlusks, travel in a drop of Water in vast Sam! Oaths to support the Constitution n ambers, mutually avoiding one another I It defied the Union as a fact that it might crossing each other's path in every direction I destroy the Union as a principle; under with a wonderful rapidity, never touching pretence ot reconstructing the btatea it . a r i l W - f and never meeting, rue parent oyster has destroyed tne states, it nas sworn has, indeed, a prodigious family to turn to support the Constitution only to seize out upon the world. But wheu this time upon power to enable it to subvert the does come, though winter be near, her Constitution; under pretence of restoring actions are summary, and the wee bairns peace it has blighted the country with are every one ordered from home. They war, poverty, and sorrow; it has burned are spit forth, or ejected from the shell, cities, it bos dispersed legislatures, it has ruled with water, the valves are sudden robbed the poor, plundered the helpless, ly snapped together. Every snap emits punished the innoceut, and it has chained a small, whitish cloud. Though a little of liberty to the car of tyranny. I arraign the milky fluid be in it, this whitish cloud Radicalism to-night before the bar ot this is composed chiefly of the tiny fly, for outraged country as the only real inlen individually they are almost invisible, tional rebel in American history. Ap indeed, who shall count the oyster's off" planse.J It is a rebel against the Cousti spring 1 Science, by her own methods, tution of our fathers; it is a rebel against has made the computation, and so she the sovereignty of the States ; it is a rebe gives us the astounding assurance that a against the domestic tranquility which the single ovster daring one spawning season Constitution was intended to insure; it emits 2,000,000 embryos ! Science Ex- a rebel against every principle of justice Burnt to Death, t A BtAmrri. Tofio Won aw Sacxin- cn Herself aid Marks Out Her Gravr. Preserving Mawitbr. The Boston Journal of Ohemistm states that the w - - - scources of loss in the storage of man a re are two : first the escape of volatile am monia and other gas, and secondly, the on of valuab e salts by leaching The first difficulty may be obviated by cover ing the excrement with eight or ten inches of good soil or loam, which will absorb Hoxksdai.e, Pa., Jan. M. Crissv ti t r a a I r a . . an escaping gases, a trasnei or so of I iiocaer, a rHigioue fanat.c, burned ber- plaster may be advantageously scattered self to death nt "White's Valley, this over the heap before the soil is thrown I county, yesterday. She was a young and 'Ik 1 I 1 IJ . 1 7 I I . fl - . I uii. iuc wuui miu tnoum oc oeriecuv accurapi i? nea woman, me aanerhier of ... !-.. n ... .i 1 ttt ;, . -.-. -.. um cuveieu, leaving no emmney ior gas i m. iiocaer, a wealthy tanner of the I Uwfal eons exudation. 1 he danger ot leaching I abore place, bhe had for five or six may be avoided by covering the heap J years labored at intervals under the hallu- with hay or straw sufficiently thick to cination that she had committed grievous shed most of the rain. If kept iu this sin against what she termed "ber Imman- way a sufficient, time, the manure will uel," and was in the habit ot building is change. securities was frilling to take a new 5 per For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, J aim- bondiu exchange, if interest ws secu- lice, IiiIioiih attack, MCI. tr.v V-. '"S red. Auother representative, ot lialt million ' . ...... c"i'-v f i'ir . . . I.. . Peprwton of binnl, ouuj BivaAwi, np these last nauiei bouds was couteut with I irt Kni n. xc. Vc The Cheapest and Purest Family Medicine in the world ! Manufactured only by J. H XBZLZir A CO , Macon Ga., and Philadelphia Price 81.00. Sold by all Druggists. From the Madison (Ind.) Gmrier. THE TRAMP. RY h&S HODINO. On a morn in dreary winter Came a worn and weary printer. With his handle on a splinter O'er his Travel, stained, he was. nd needy Aud his appetite was greedy For his present position, hut both were willing to take stock il the North Carolina Railroad Company in exchange for these bouK at par. Attorneys for these holders of the "construction'' bonds presented a bill which they had prepared embodying and elaborat ing the proposition to issue new 5 per cent. bonds in exchange for the 'construction bouds of the North Caroliua Railroad The Committee are seriously considering the differeut propositions aud deem it proper to report progress in order that the Gen eral Assembly may he in possession of all the information elicited by the Conference, and hope to make a full and final report at an early day. All of which is respectfully submitted- R. P. Waring, Chairman Joint Column tee. back POWER OF THE FEDERAL snack." COURTS TO COLLECT TAXES. Confederate Forces. General DH Hill's Magazine published the following carefully prepared estimates ot the Southern forces during the late war, condensed from calculations made with great care, by Dr Jones, Secretary of the Historical Society, and approved by Gen S. Cooper, Adjutant General of the Con federate Army. Is it uot amazing that the gallant GOO, 000 could successfully mamtaiu the field for a period of four years against the com bined forces of Yaukeedom and the rost of mankind 1 1. The available forces of I he Confed erate army did not, during the war, exceed 900.000. 2. The Confederates never had for the'r defense more that 200,000 men in the field at one time. 3. From 1861 to 1865 the Confederates actively engaged were only 600,000. 4 Losses, the total number of deaths during that time was 200,000. 5. Lossei of prisoners counted as total losses, on ot the Luitcd Slates policy of exchange, 200,000. 6. The loss of Confederate States riny by discbarge, disability and desertion amounted to 100,000. 7. At the close of the war, the force of of the Confederate Army was less than 100,000. - . I -V -V AAA -.... o. uut oi yuu.uuu men, ouu.uuu were lost to the survice. and a rebel against every blessing of lib erty. Tremendous applause. J Will Keeping Sheep Pay P A Brats Davdt A great daajy was the first Earl of Hntlaad, well kam fc history. He was hi fTor at tbe siRit of James I. and Charles I.; bt vWt tbe dvfl war brake oat, be at firwt gifej vfefc the Parliament against tbe Kmc. In aa unlucky hoar be went orer to tke royalist .!. t m m iur. wok ap arms against tRa wealth, was defeated, aada prie to trial, aad daly sealsaced to bead. He appeared npon the wuiie aatm vest and cap, trimed witk ail ily gana ecu were ike peranisttes ot tbe iranatia-i--i t whom tbe Earl said as be appraaebai tbo block : "Here, my friend, let tor bodv and my clothes slooe; tbore b tea pom& for l a . a m . 1 tnee; mat is better than my i am sore. Aaa put Mr .. a a a k o n ii i nrr n n - . . undergo spontaneous decomposition, tbo I alters in her father's fields and sacrificing head do Rot take off mr aan n TImm law produeu of which wiU be ready for im- lamba as a burnt offering to appease the in his neck anon ibo blS k!iu5" mediate assimilation by plants. I ratn of her offended deity. I "Stay until I rive the aim iia " Uy both the above processes we have Yesterday Mr. 1 rocker went to Carbon- brWf nrtr.r k -.7i.:- u.j 7 some of the most valuable constituents of dale after a load of coal. His danehter in. i ti, , ! vl ""'"J uioniiCTiea gna oi a recurrence oi hl8 iipg wb(,, tkt tfc - - llAM 1 n m t I S I B 1 ..IT I 1 k ff I I A -. urr oieuoiwj, uc into nireu man 10 iook after her, her mother being dead. The man went away at aoon, and did not re- mauure rhich bis body at a The Sultain and Satan. There is an eastern story of a Sultan ho overslept himself, so as not to awak en at the hour of p.'ayer. So the devil came and waked, and told him to pray. "Who are you 1" said the Sultan. "O, no master," replied the other ; my act is rood, is it not ? No matter who does tho turn to the house. Mr. Hnckcr came back at about 2 o'clock to tbe afternoon. Entering the kitchen of his bouse he was horrified to find the body of bis daughter lying on the coals and ashes of what has been one of hei alters, snd burned to a crisp. Her was sevtred from stroke. Illinois Romanes : 4 ot UtterviUe, married a second wife. s a i . uandsome lady about twenty-eirht yi bf age, a year sinee, died last July, leav ing among other assets a son aged twenty s rri i . m . uTe. i nis yoone soon of tbe For tbe printing office steering Till within the door appearing, Where he bowed, as one revering. .Wheu he spoke, Saying, in a voice as solemn As trratis Buchu column. 'I am broke! Is your city I'm a stranger. Dusty, seedy as a Granger F -r I slumbered id the manger Of a barn desire a small donation And some easy transportation For my corn. Boat? I tried to work my passage. Moving freight and rough expressags Living on bologna sausage I.ry aud poor But they found I was a printer And tbev hustled mc instauter To the shore. Tbea I sadly recollected Days when printers were respected For their skill. Now I'm ejected Fore and aft. Jnst because somk have by drinking Set the steam boat-meu to siuking All the craft. Tims do sober workmen suffer By the vices of the loafer. Till indeed whene'er I go for Work I shriek Lest another's imposition Throws on me a foul suspicion That I driuk. Deeply A it wound and grieve me When a man will uot believe me. But dear sir if you will give me Fiftv eents, I will, by iu proper using. Show you I'm above abusiug Confidenee." By his doMul conversation Roused he our commiseration. And we made the "small donation," Whieh he sunk ; ut while goiDg to our dinner We observed that hardened sinner Beastly drunk." Thus do sober workmen suffer jy the vices of the loafer Basest coin will often go for t. Purest stamp. maest ones who most have trusted Are most thoroughly disgusted With the Tramp. It has been: a commonly received op inion among the people and, to a large extent, among the lawyers, that where a corporation as a city, county .or town was sued by its creditors, and judgments ob tained, on debts to be discharged by tax ation, that thb Federal Court had the power, after exhausting the force of a writ ot mandamus, to send tne United States Marshal, with the tax list and force the people to pay the tax to him, in Taking A Cold. This is the season for t. iking cold, first afew snipping cold days, then a long spell ot damp, foggy weather, so mild that winter garments feel oppressive, and yet one does not dare to take them off. Wheu some unfortunate sits with throb bing brow, stuffed head, sore throat, and a vexatious little cough, when alternate chills and fever fits run over his whole other words, where there was no sheriff bony and he feIs 'mo miserable," if . - I . Jt 1 1 a and commissioners to attack for contempt for not collecting tax, that the Court could collect it through its mar shals. And we arte infoimed that in one in- m . t stance where tne ocmmissionera oi a county, and the Sheriff resigned, to avoid the collection of taxes, to pay the coun ty's bonds that Judge Bond did order the Marshal to collect the tax, and pay it into Court. It will therefore be some relief to our anything in the world can interest him, it is the flood of remedias suggested by sympathizing friends, or the "certain 1 1 i I . I a cure ior coias which meets tne eye in every newspaper of the qay. would not be sufficient even to brief mention of all these remedies alio pathic, homeopathic, hydropathic for i ' cold" is one of the most common as wel as one of the most uncomfortable of ihe ills to which flesh if heir. Not long ago we read somewhere an article on "llow A writer in the National Live Stock J our anal gives his idea on this subject : Sheep pay better than any other stoek, no matter what the kiud of stock is, I have been feeding some 300 bead of cat tle, and I am satisfied that, even with the most favorable condition for selling, when the time comes, I shall make a great deal more money, dollar for dollar, on the money invested in sheep than I shall make ou the capital invested in cat' 1c. I have 600 sheep, running without any particular attention or care, und have sold St. 400 worth of wool this year s cliu and have 2.00 lamb b .-sides. I do not think it posible to have done so well on an equal amount of capital invented in ca'tle.' Oue great advantage cheep have over other stock is, they never die of the contagious diseases whii-h they contract. They get the scab or foot-rot or something else, and if unchecked it get them in bad condition, and would ultima tely, perhaps, kill them. But the very woiot contagious disease to which sheep are subject, give the owner ample time to treat the affected animals, and tbe dis eases are generally of a character which yield readily to treatment. But a man may have a lot of hogs, and feed them lrindreds of bushels of corn daily, and about the time the bottoms ot his cribs are neared and he is thinking of selling, some disease breaks out among them no one knows what it is or what to do for it one animal after another following in rapid succession is affected, and the great er portion die. 1 have knowu farmers to be well-nigh ruined by the appearance of contagious disease ot this character. Sbeep are happily exempt Irom such rapid and fearful mortality. B -sides wheu a sheep dies and they will die sometimes his pelt is sufficient to pay for his keep from the last shearing to his death. It makes no difference when he dies, or what kills him. the sheep never dies in debt. I ! I !. It i.xr i I ffm mtA tl.a unu f U - - l.-l 1 . I . . !. . 1 v- -- . gooa action, so long as u is gooa. les, . .UH o'" wv- imuc xrrvu ceieoraiea mew isars 1ay by replied the Sultan, "but I think you are ud escaped. She had constructed the marrying bis father's widow, and tbe Satin. I know your face ; you have some a'lPr or pyre out of a set of quilting frames, happy couple are new living at tbe eld bad motive." "But," says the other, "I She torn ap a portion of the carpet homestead." am not so bad as I am painted. You see ana laiU ".on tne alter, and made a pil- He led her to tbe alter it was In I have left off my horns and tail. I am a pretty good fellow, after all. I was an angel once, and I still keep some of my original goodness." "That's all very weel, replied the sagacious aud prudent Caliph "but you are tbe tempter; thai' your business ; and I wish to know- why you want me to get up and pray." "Well," said tbe devil, with a flirt of ira palieuce, "if yon roust know, I will tell you. If you had slept and forgotten your prayers you would have been sorry for it afterward and penitent ; but if you go on now, and do uot neglect a single prayer for ten years, you will be so satis fied with yourself that it will be worse for yon than if yon had missed one sometime and repented of it. God loves your fault mixed with penitence. rages give d counties, (and also to the Leg-1 to avoid taking cold"-a practical poin - , aaa. Ik . , . I . ,.-... 1 A W - I r -h 1 4 1 . 1 . J- - -- - cities au islature, whieh has been threatened in case it did not levy the tax to pay interest on the Special tax Bonds) to know that the Supreme Court of tbe United States has decided that the Federal Courts have no such power Xja force the collection of taxes. In Jxcs vs. Sty or vvaienown i ai lace p. 107, the eourt says : "The pow er to impose burdens and raise money is the highest attribute of sovereignty, ana t which everybody would like to understand for his own personal comfort, 1 he gen eral idea advauced was that when the bodyis at its prime, with youth, vigor, purity of blood, aud a good constitution on its side, no ordinary exposure wil cause any unpleasant effects ; indeed ordinary precautions agaiust colds maybe disregarded without danger. But when the blood is impure, the body disordered, to wane low for ber bead. She reclined on ber right side and her cheek was resting on her hand. Notwithstanding ihe intense agony she mast have endured ber face wore a calm aud peaceful expression, and there was a smile oo ber lips. In the family Bible, whieh was fonnd lying on ths parlor table, opeo at the book taken possession of bar seal ; for sbs bad oi j oo, was the following note addressed I on at tbo moment of oollapas some f l,- mj u.r muter : OUU worm of icwola lurk th . man in the gallery had given her. 8tflL don't suppose that she gave ap tbs bird in ner iiiiy-wtnte hand- Tbsy her to, aad made them one. Wisconsin church bat iost as I about to plight her virgin faith, sbs saw a discard lover in tbe gallery, gazing down upon ber with a mixture of sorrow and anger extremely piteous to heboid. Sbs did what she could under such embarrass iag circumstances she fainted away. Remorse and anguish had very properly IMPERSONAL JOURNALISM. In commenting oq tbe avest of While law Reid, editor of the New York Tri- virtue seasoned with pride." SbVd FOB Shkeida. In bis more than your b ln Uerull enunciates the following last Sunday, Rev. T. De Witt Tslmaga, rather novel doctrine but every word of which is true : "But there is another point which con cerns us as journalist. Mr. Reid has often said himself, in the columns of bis Missouii'a new Senator, Gen. Cockrell, is evidently ambitious to preserve the reputation of his State for eloquence in the Senate. Iu his speech acknowleding the) honor ot his election, he said : "When the mar of the last hostile gun died away, with more than the heroism t the Roman Curitus, we filled that chasm I a pistol at him in ike with all our hopes for the establishment I ucar tt ja aQ( of a separate nationality, and bowed in recogniiiou of our alligiance to the Fed eral Union and our love to our common country. We bespriukled it with tears, and immediately there sprang up as it by institutions, we despise it. Law is the the hand of mgic, beautiful perennial muter of all men, journalist as well as flowers of the richest and sweetest fra- tue IHre libel a citizen we are grauce, which wafted love and peace and perfect! j willing to answer for it. If tbe friendship and goodwill northward and press ever gains so much power in this southward and eastward and westward, country that it can assail private characv and we planted ourselves in the midst, eo, instead of beiug a safeguard of with tbe olive branch mot peace extended liberty, it will be tbe weapon of black to those who had differed with us during mailing aud tyranny, Foi ourselves we the war, and we proclaimed peace, friend- wjh no SQCb immunity from the law. ship and love, and voice has reverberated We are very i are that Mr. Reid will be throughout the length and breadth of our oniy -144 lo welcome the action entire land, aud we oceupy that posiliou brought against him by Governor Shep newspaper, that he . believes in frequent actions for libel. We share that belief. A journalist has no more right to assail the private character of a citizen than he has U pot a knife into his side or lo ure dark. When ws noise about the "in vasion of the liberties of the press," "lim itations of the rights of editors," aud an attempt to enforce s gag law" and an in- terferance with a prerogative of Republican Wbitechapel. Those tsssa are that hopper for tbe mill that is grind 1 ing up tue bodies and soals of women and little children. speaking to New York people, said : "There are io this cluster of cities I mean New York, Jersey City, and Brook lyn there are 600,000 people jaasmad together in tenement-boaaas, with aa op portunity for seclusion or deeaacy ; aad do yon wonder that so many oi tbssri far get lbs covenant of their God 1 Forty and f.fty familes sometimes crowded under oaa roof. One band rod aad sovoaty thousand families living fa 17, 000 This tenement-hoass oatrags is terrible than anything to be found in all Christendom, potting oat of sight almost the London stories of St. OSes aad to-day." A Truo Lady. Beauty and style are not herd, and to prove, before a jury of his fellow countrymen, what he has Said in the columns of bis paper." A singular prophecy fulfilled. in Westmoreland county, Pa . s are not tne surest past-ports to respectability, some of the noblest specimens of womanhood that the world has ever seen have presented the plainest appearance. A woman's worth sv s Detroit has a policeman who has thoroughly studied human nature' and who has a heart full of kindness. When be sees a lady fall he steps forward and .it s a i I 1 t is to be estimated by tbe real goodness 01 1 picks ber up in tne most graceful manner. her heart, the goodness of her soul, snd I Realising her embarrassment, be remarks : the purity and sweetness of her character; 1 "No one but myself witnessed the acci- - -a. 1 a m - I m , , , - Evans was hung for killing John Cissler with a shovel, lie protested h8 innocence under the gallows and declared that the killing of Cissler was accidental. He and a woman with a kindly disposition, In 1829 and a well ballanced mind and temper, is Joseph lovely and attractive, be he ever sohomely, Old Fatheu Time. Time no man ; it travels onward with uninterrupted, inexorable step for a .1 y - 1; 1 ; . .t s exercised, first to raise money for pub- , nn T.gor e OUg.uB -o wane, men . . . maIi m oi til r 1 nnWA t vnl ,M mi innn t I lie services, and second by the power oj w... -P., F.. Legislative authority only. It is a power slightest and without any .' Irnniirn oynnonro I fr t n iiiinnfltr anon, a that has not been extended to tue , , , s - - k - . I 1 Ail mil tr (U AJMMIO At -.- CUlll V M It An judiciary, especially is it beyond the power --3- "VTV" ZZLZZ IT" oj f ederal juaiciary to uajsumc wc 1 of a Stale, vk Vie exercise of this author ty." So we ma now feel a little easrer about the payment of the many fraudulent debts iucurried by the carpet oag omceie, wuu come down tin rob and impovish U3. The Legislature is not subject to tbe ! p writ of mandamus, and the United States r....i,.,l. m-mI Rnllet the taxes, and if JVLGtl -.lit...' m. T ' hee holders of the fraudulent ,' onmnromise on fair terms. will have to go without payment. Char lotte Observer. I PSS - . 1 a pcisou witn a reeuie constitution irom ''taking cold," as it is termed. To be secure from tbia evil the vital processes must be strong and iu a healthy action. Consequently the best way to avoid tak ing cold is to build up a good constitution by obeying all the laws of health. Those who arc permanently and incurably weak and feeble must doubtless submit to their fate. They must carefully guard against a . -it 1 . 1 bonds 1 exposures auu even tuen win uouuuess t '! :. i. 11 1.1.. thov ne imicwu wuu cuius. she makes the best of wivesand the truest of mo'hers. She has a higher purpose in living than the vain yet supercillions woman, who has no higher ambition than declared that as he was innocently hung ' to flaunt her finery in the streets, or to there would be no other persons hung in gratify her inordinate vanity by exacting that county for a period of forty years, flattery and praise from a society whoso Aud he also named the witnesses who complimcuts are as hollow as they are in swore falsely against him and declared sincere. . that not a mau of them would die a na- j - tural death, Siugulams it may appear, there has not been an execution iu the county since that Evans over forty-four years ago, and, what is still tbe more singular of the witnesses he mentioned one was drowned one was kicked by a horse, and from the injuries received, died ; one was hung in Ohio, tor horse stealing, by a mob, oue was struck by lightning and killed ou the old postage road, standing on or near a water tank, when a train of cars rolled left the lifeless remains o round mass of human nesh. 1 nose ar For several days there has been a sort of sadness iu the atmosphere, and now it a man artta prr.ontlv found lying inseii- is all explained. The Lmpoier of China .a 1 . ,,f Vi . I 1 , ' J..-J .nil ma 1. . nn ilnnkt Via will Kf I Bible iu the street oy me ponce u . is Ueu, - - -- -r..M t . - more. He has since been ciaimea oy a ; saaiy misseu m me wsui, - i'euerrv. 01 Jiont-fomerv . 1 1.. ;, ni ,.H him ...Y m!..t7 nrnrts and relatives to mourn t7 and a negro named Hoaea Robin- WT jP;' hv a -ouoe man, a I h'ia nntimely end. Hia bereared friend., tfiSESi a ' r . si . bo..., a i i" " L. -w-.njr.iu tuv i.ui mil. i . i.:,A ft..f tin. man is nis iaiu- the reuecuon tuai no ia -f ensued and Deberrv stubbed the ne- 1Q 83 t"M- I r,, am , J . . " 1 I wm now with raits an even, without accommodating itself to the delays of mortals. The restless hours pursue their course; moments press after momeuts; day treads npon day, month aud years, un mindful of his delay, are never sluggish, but march forward in sileut aud solemn procession. Our labors aud toils ; our ideas and feelings may be suspended by lilence and death tut Time is beyond the power of any human being besides dent, madam. Those boys are langhiog about a thing which happened here two days ago. It is very pleasant for a bad day, madam. Your folks aro all well 1 hope 1 Lots of people baying Santa Clans presents just now. Tbe boys are laugh t 1111 11 ri.i ing Decnuso a oaia-neaaea man ten down. Boys will laugh, yen know, when they are tickled. w tab to tbe ear A . - 1 a , - , - madam T Well, good day. Xou can real assured that no one saw you fall. Some ladies strike on their bead, bat yoa only stumbled, madam a mere graceful stum ble." . , 1(leag aua tilings may t i him over and j B, darkuess snd si f the witness a 1 mav Veign around us, be t . 1 ! S ! rested ana tried ior maraer nave eituer Omnipotence. The clock may cease to been sentenced to various periods in tbe .:. .i. . .1.: 1 i.. Penitentiary or have escaped tbe horrors strike, ibe suit to shine, but tbe li.iiii i,.i- i.i! l i.i- tt.niillia Mud 01 tne g.ooet oy swallowing poison ou lue wuiinu to move forward near approach of tbo fatal day busy years The aping ot royal airs whieh General ! mn iiiaii-Mi.tilv rrA ti i ii-n'. 1 in Apt W e learn from the uztord papers that . . enuinaee with gaudily livercd the store house, entire stock of goods and books and papers of Messrs. Hunt & Wright at Tally Ho, Granville county, were destroyed by fire on the 19tb inst. Loss about $2,000. No insurance. coachman aud footmen has excited the emulation of some of his admirers. Very naturally the imitation distemper breaks out most violently iu a stable. In a re cent number of one of the court journals, the Washington Chronicle, a horse bar- A,i,;ii T;Ar ; ;(mrA : ber named Javior auvcrtiars nimsen as A tic aueimc -m. nvai te lu.uiutcu luu. - t , . . Joel Lavin and Jason Hyde of Graham ! "iroiessionai unpper to tne i rcsiuent. ... i. k., .-. ca t ak. ! If Mr. I avlor could get up machinery to Albany penitentiary for counterfeiting, ! off Grant s third-term sspirations, thi has been pardoned by the President and I country would have some reason to rejoice is now ou their way home. lu U1S wuon. xi And now it appears that Fornsy, tkm owner sod editor el "my two papers both daily, and a recognised leader m ths Republican party, has had so see little to do with the Pacific Mail swindle. Irwio. the manager of tbe subsidy, testifies that be paid tbe immaculate John W. Fornsy L . -t oc aaa t .: :J t wic ruui ui ior U'B aia in getUOg the bill through Congress. True John W. was "reluctant." He wished to have nothing to do with the matter, bat whan the sum offered was mentioned, his asm pies gavs Way aad bs accepted ssrviss ia the ranks of the lobbyist. Tbe ssoaty wsa paid him, Ii win says, beeaaes be could keep Sam Randall, it seems, would not keep quiet, as he both spoke aad v ted against the bill. Nctc. Jocksalism as a UusiXRSS. In com menting on the failure of a newspaper manager, the St. Lauis Globe tells a plain truth in the following words: Tbe busi ness of journalism will continue to be an inviting field for experiments to those who have a large amount of egotism. A man who, having edited a newspaper Qutil be was forty, should suddenly announce him self a lawyer, would be regarded as a fool by tbe legal profession ; and yet we often hear of lawyers of forty making sudden pretensions to journalism. There is an idea that tbe basines of editing requires no appreutitefhip : that editors er come forth Irom law offices and colleges fully armed for the profession, like Pallas from tbe brow of Jove. It is a mistake ; there is not in America to-day, a single journalist of national reputation, who has not devoted more time and more hard work to his profession than, with equal fitnes snd application, would have made him a good lawyer or a good doctor. And yet ninety oat of a hundred men yon meet on the street will hesitate about carrying a hod or making a pair of shoes; whereas, there will probably not be one in the hundred, whs can't according to bis own judgement, edit any newspaper ia tbe country better than it is edited, no 1 matter bow or by whom. ''Seated at a emiatry fireside tbe other day, I aaw the fire kmdle, blase, aad ge out, and I gathered ap from tbe hearth many reflections. Our mortal life is just like the fire on that heanh. Ws pat on tbe fresh fagots and tbs lamas bar at through, and ap, and oat, gay of sparkle, gay of flash, gay of crackle emblems al boyhood. Then tbe fire reddens into coals. The heat is fiercer, aad ths mors it is stirred the mors it reddens. Wfcb sweep of flams it clears Ha way till all tbe hearth glows with intnasity -ssabisms al fall manhood. Then com "a a whiteness in tbs coals. Tbs beat leeeeas. Tbe flickering shadows have died away oo tbe walls. The fagots drop apart, tbe boase bold hover orer tbe expiring embers Tbe last breath of smoke has bssa lost la ths chimney. The fire is oat. Bboeel op the while remains. Ashes." Tal-mage. Tom Evans disco arse tb thasly in tbs Sentinel, about tbs Raleigh law: Ab! She got bsr, that I hey lived in this city, young just married, and she lived with his you know. She never aaid a word. the old woman kept peeking at ber, but I the other morning jast at day, dd woman was just man. (and both of 'em iu bed,) that it time that hifalotin young thing sairs was get tin' ap, aad that she'd bs the ruination of their oo Job o ths door softly opened, aad lbs young wife landed a whole bench oi fire crackers ; ths pow der just spilling, in bed betwixt ihe old man and hia wife. Tbe old woman kick ed a bole through tbe sheet big eooogh for a dog to crawl through, and the old man is now gring about town, feeling perfectly wretched. He says that between John's wife and his own he is not long for this world. I 1 1 I v w UHiin 1 ... 1 1 ci. i fc-

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