Carolina Watchman1 . IrlHTKY frllTtHDaT. JANUARY 2. FEBRUARY, 11. CANVASSERS WANTED. We ara offering liberal inducements to j.. rsons canvat-sirfg for tbe Watchman. - - rf King Grant hat aent to Congress u 'characteristic message on Arkansas (T.iirs. lie talks "mighty big;" and he d u't seem to remember that tyrants a" -real as he have been beheaded for oat- raging public sense and decency. lyThe moneyed Ring is now moving heaven and earth to defeat the Usnry bill before the Legislature. Will they sue eeed f And if they do, what will the people say f They will say retire to the shades of private lif , ye unfaithful ser rants, and they will retire. j2T If it if dangerons to call a Cons vention because it will arouse Grant and Sheridan, it is dangerons to talk about the mattei, or to at'empt to amend the constitution by the legislative mode. Iu fact, it is dangerous for the legislature to do any thing without first sending to Washington to ascertain whether Grant will allow it. The people of Ashe county held a meeting a few days a.go, and instructed their members in the Legislature to vote for a Convention. And no one proposed to go to Washington to consult with democratic members of Congress as to the propriety of the measure! They are almost as reckless as the signers ot the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ ence. Pi It is proposed, iu case our legisla tors deign to call a Convention, that it be do .e on the Senator! basis, that is, have no morn members in the Convention than are now in the State Senate. We hope the Legislature will contenaoce no such wild goose scheme. Such a body would not be a popular assemblage in the MORE DIRT! Prepare to geMbwpitm, sssronr marrow buiies, one and all ; for the lower of tbe rump Congress has passed the Civil Bights bill, and the Godfathers of the people are crying out at the top of their voice from one end of the country to the other "be quiet ! Say nothing to stir np, the wrath of your mister, the northern people!" These self constituted guardians of our liberties and our honor, sar iu so many words, il you have any manhood letfany self respect any in dependence, strip yourselves of it at once and bow your necks to this new yoke with alacritv : nrenure to receive this j i r . new insult with becoming obsequiousness Lick the hand that smites you, and thank God that those who heap insult, disgrace and humiliation upon you and your chil dren forever, yet permit you to live as the equal of the Hottentot and the inferior of vour recently emancipated slave. Xo, 0 w r - no ; say nothing that will excite the wrath of your masters or show them that you have any honorable impulses left. They arc brave and magnanimous and only mr-.-in to dbcinline vou. You are too ' n : - - stiff for boot-blacks, and you do not read ily assume your proper status as the so cial and political inferior of tbe negro Still further humble yourselves, say the servile, time-serving statesmen and so manly anses who have done as much by this sort of dishonorable advice, to bring oa new acts of oppression as the iufa mous Beast Butler himself. No body South craves or desires anoth er war; nor does it meau war when we ootofa proper regard for the dignity and honor of our race, and a due respect for our manhood and independence as free born citizens, to say nothing of the sacred ties which bind us to a brave and noble ancestry,' and our inalienable light to share the Immunities aud prerogatives of the government declare that we will not willingly give our sanction to these -infamous measures which are only intended to humiliate aud degrade us. party on account of the Civil Rights bill. YMh infamous measure bas been the pet schema of i he Rtdieal leaders and bus been before Congress for nine year ; and those gentlemen have aidedabetted it, thus far, by acting with and defending the Radical party rheir Stale Executive committee, but a few short weeks ago, helped this vile measure by passing resolutions iu a formal manner, endorsing all the tyrannical and. unconstitutional acta of the. party and of Grant. The fact Is the Radical party is gos . a , i .1 MS down down, down, ocueain lue mighty weight of its own rottenness, aud it wilt soon bo consigned to merited in famy by an indignant and long stiff -ring people, and we may expect, therefore, to see it deserted by those whose fostering care was faithful to its death, for it is not now profiable to take care of its corpse or keep vigil over its grave. Now, as a sequel to the dramatic scenes of the House referred to above, we re spectfully snggest, since our legislators can not agree upon the vital importance of a Convention, that they proceed to hold a caucus, 'H wo-thirds concurring," and nomi uate Mr. Glenn, aud Maj. Foote, as our canidates for governor aud Lent. Gover nor in 1876. It has been the policy of the Conservatives to take up and put for ward eleven th hour con verts, aud those who have done the least for tho Conserva tive eanse, and we therefore hope that our suggestion will meet a hearty response. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ENCOURAGING OTJR MIES. ENE- We do not profess to be wiser nor braver sense conveyed by the idea of a Conven- than others, but we believe we are in a tioh of the people; it wcnld not be just to great measure indebted to the sycophancy, the the counties, as they would i.ot be timidity, and serviility of our so-called represented separately, but in a body or leaders, for ranch of the infamous legisla- by districts ; and if the Legislature has t ion that, has been hurled at the South the right to make such a change, why since the termination of the abolition war not go on and confine the representation of plunder and hate. Many of these men to a member from each Congressional die- to whom the masses of the people have trict, or say that the Convention shall looked for counsel and guidance, have be composed of but two members, the shown such a remarkable capacity for same the State has in the U. S. Senate? i dirt-eating, boot-licking and degrading Such a change was never contempleted by submission, as to encourage such political the present or former constitution, and is bullies as Tliad Stevens and Beast Butler at war with the fundamental principles to invent other and more exacting acts of of representative government. oppression, simply because they had be come convinced that there waa no man The castration that Mr. TWn nood amonS us to 80 mucU M Prole8t the other day gave Beast Butler, the pro- aBalust U,e od,OU8 nud Uttml,lat,ng totypeofthe Infernal, will be enioved tua their devilish ingenuity and applauded by every true man and migbt Ae' I"81"0 of refusing to . 9 . a I ahlsv n vt nh rr msA tli-atr ft fr iraAn Arnitl woman 10 trie land. "J .v pgr Butler and his Radical associates iu ccecne to the defpotic and degrading acts CoDirmu ilAtmnn . a l ot our relentless and viuianous toes, we 0 - ... . v. v cYi-ijr ujr I whale section of Counter. eiht million. t have rather courted insults, wrongs and - i o I . ... i . . . .. ... ... people, as asassins, thieves and murderers. hm,1,y -he aiaetniy i- i -- as ; . w and when a southerner hurls Wr .1,- have embraced whatever has been impose vile slander in the teeth of the scoundrels ed- Iu 80m0 tae8 we have anticipa- " i i who utter it, they are at once called to "r Vlle PSm 7 asking that order, and arraigned before tbe bar of the we miSht 8 fanre tne uonor of torRrnS lBe House to be censured by the tool, knave, ebaU18 with wb,ch 10 dSrad southern and h ham whn ncinnii ilia .n..),'- t,; manliood. j vg,, oj;i.Hr4i i c vllUII Butler is itchiug for an unen viable fame suck as Preston Brook gave to Sumner and we trust Borne southern man will yet gratify htm. AN IN SUXiT TO THE PEOPLE. In the most obsequious manner we have hastened to bring ourselves into subjec tion to these illegal measures of violence and turpitude. Some-of our public speak era and newspaper editors have not lack ed for honeyed words to cover up and condone thft e rim en rtf nor viiwluttvA It has been charged that the whole Con northern enemies. We have thus en gremooai aeiegaiion trom this State form- eooraged them In their madness and rally -rfdvised the Executive Committee tyranny, lowered ourselves in our own against a Convention. Thisv is not true. stimafion, lost the respect of the better We have seen the telegram in which this fff-T 0 lhe nPrlnern Pepw. nd iudeed i . . . , , ui ueei, uuruun oi me ciYillseu world. auvivv ir duiii 10 oe, ana we Know tnat there is no such counsel given in It. But suppose they had done so, should they be A BBAMATIC SCENE. obeyed t Are tbey our masters t Must If there was any thing needed to show we go to Washington to consult our Con. the weakness of human nature, and the greasmen, and Grant, and Mars Butler, toadyism incident to political matters, it whenever we think it necessary to reform was furnished in the dramatic, "exciting our internal affairs 1 What do these men seenes" in the House of Representatives, knerw about our wants more than our own at Raleigh, last monday. Mr. W. B people. -more than such men as Grv. Glenn, a Radical, of Yadkin, rose in his ( I r.iham, tho Hons. Burton Craige, Gaith- seat and offered a resolution against the er, Howard, Smith, George Davis, Robt. Civil Rights bill, and thereupon proceeded Strange, Y . L. Steel, Col. Johnson, and to address the Honse in an "able" and hundreds and thousands of the purest and effecting manner, j He don't like the Civil beV meu in the State, who have studied Rights bill, and this is his excuse for re- and looked iuto the matter, and who are nooncing his allegiance, at this late day, to not wffice holders or office seekers? We that most brutal, vena) and infamous or- card not if all the Democrats from all the ganization that God Almighty ever per- fctales are opposed to this measure, it is mitted to have an existence upon the no reason Why we should hesitate, if we earth, the Radical party. really think we need such reforms as a Mr. Glenn was followed by one Mai or Convention will give us ; and all admit Foote, a Radical from Wilkes, and well that we need them. It is an insult to the known in this section as a former Deputy people to tell them that members of Con- U. S. Marshal of the straightest sect. gross advise against what they (the peo- He too made a speech which was "able ptejUcnow and declare to be necessary for and well" timed. His objection to the thefr wellbeiug. The idea of going to Radical party is also the Civil Rights bill, Washington to consult about such things ! which has always been an inseparable it is contemptible. If the people do no. feature of that organization. regard such officionsness as an insult to We are told that the excitement, the their manhood and intelligence, then we shaking of bands, aud general rejoicing, have, indeed, fallen upon evil time. If on the Conservative side of course, which ve have sunk so low that there remain no followed tbe speeches and apostacy of di luliiiess, no independence, and no self- these men from their party, beggars de- respecf , to revolt at such degrading sub- seriptioo and we are glad for we think, ei vie ev'aud trcukling sycophancy, we mere was too much ado about nothing. 1 wi . m - m ... lire iu a deulo.a'jle condition. 1 ese gentleman profess to leave tbeir CIVIL BIGHTS BIIiL. That most abominable of all the force measures yet devised by the enemies of the. South, parsed the lower House of Congress last Friday by a strict party vote. The Rads bavins changed the rules in the House to suit them, will have no difficulty now in re-passing this bill should it be sent back from the Senate with amendments. If it does not now become a la w( it will be because the malignant enemies of the South and the corrupt Radical lead ers in Gongress are too cowardly to assume the responsibility which such an act of villainy will impose. And here is our main hope for its defeat. Should it be come a law, it is not probable that we shall so easily get i id of it as some imagine. Wc may have a sufficient Conservative majority to repeal it in a few years, but judging from the past, we cannot count with any certainty that our party will be a unit for repealing it, notwithstanding its odiousnegs. We fear there will be some who will say, "O we had better not undertake to do this thing lest we arouse afresh the northern people lest we bring down upon us worse measures, more reconstruction laws. Sheridan or Graut," That there will be subservient tools and contemptible boot-licks who will use such arguments against interfering with it, we do not doubt. For example, who imagined two years ago that we would now have men among us claiming to be democrats opposing a Convention simply through fear of Grant and the Radical party ? Who imagined two years ago that a Legislature claiming to have a two-thirds majority of Democrats would allow any obstacle to stand between them and constitutional reform 1 Why, such a want of manhood, of independence, of firm ness as has been exhibited in opposition to this Convention question, is utterly irreconcilable with the idea of freemen. Such conduct is worthy of slaves only, and tends to degrade and humilate onr people in their own estimation. For very shame, for decency's sake, let us have the courage to do what we believe to be right and necessary for onr own well being and the good of oar children. To come back to oar subject, we can see nothing but ruin for the colored peo ple, in this bill, as well as trouble to the white race. It will brio about an irre-. w - pressible conflict between the white man and the negro, which will eventuate in the destruction of the latter. This bill pro po-es to do what can not be done. aws of God can not be changed. nature of man is equally immutable. There is an instinct of superiority implanted in the heart of the white man that no legis lation can crush. It will out-live and transcend all the efforts to supplant it. It will grow and expand by attrition Force bills will narish aud sustain it, un til dignity of race and supremacy of iutel lect shall triumph over all opposition. Men may be persuaded to do many things, but forced to do but few. They fall into - 1 r ': 4 many errors ana tollies, and run iuto many extremes for the want of a motive to resist. So that if we are in danger, as some suppose, of becoming merged into the negro race, the effect of this bill wil be likely to arouse aud perpetuate sufficien opposition to save us. Tbe wickedness and enormity of the wrong intended to be inflie'ed upon the south by this vilest of all the infamous measures of a venal Radical Congress, are such as snggest bat oae remedy. Bat as there is no disposition on the part of our people to resist vi et armis, aud no pros pect of success were they in a condition to do to, they will submit, as to force, with that dignified and manly protest which becomes a brave and high-tone race. NORTH CAROLINA, Davidson County : Is th Supku- ior Court. Elisabeth Ward. Grav Harri and wife Elisabeth, Jameo E. Ward, John Ward and Sarah Ward, hy their Guardian John Hedriek, Jane Ward, lv her Guardian John Leonard, Charles F. Ward; bv hi Guardian A brass Crcea, Plaintiff. S. L. Stout, Mnitbew 8toet, and others whoae names are unknown, heir-at law of Peter 8tont, deceased, William T. West, Jem' ma Wert, Baehel Wert, Sarah Wert, Sam'l Wert, and William Yarbro', heira-at-law of Hannah Wert, deceased, Dtftndu' J STATE OP NOKTn CAROLINA TOTHE SHER.FF OF DAVIDSON COUK TY. GKEEBTINO. Yon are Hereby Commanded to summon S. L. Stoat, Matthew Stout, and oilier, wlioae name ire unknown, heirs-at-lnw of Peter Stout, deeeaeed. William T. Weat, Jemima Wert, Rachel Wert, Sarah Weal, Samuel West, and William Yarbro, heira-at-law of Hannah rTert, deceased, the defendants above named, if to be found in vour Countv, to be and appear before tbe CLERK OF OUR SU PERIOR COURT, for Lhividon Countv, at the I 'ourt-l louse in Lexington, within twenty day from the service of the Summons, exclusive of tbe day of service,1 and answer the complaint which will be depontted in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of. aa id County, within ten dav ; and let the said Defendants take notice that if thev fail to answer the said complaint within tne time prescribed by law, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereef fail not and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal this 6th day of February, 1875. Seal C.F.LOWE, Clerk of the Super. Court of Davidson Connty And Judge of Probate It appearing by affidavit to the satisfaction of the Conn, that the above named defendants in the forgoing Summons, to wit. : S. L. Stout, Matthew Stout and others, whose names are unknown, heirs-at-Iaw of Peter Stout, deceased, William T. West, Jemima Weat, Rachel Wert, Sarah Wept, Samuel West, and William Yar bro', heirs-at-law of Hannah West, deceased, are proper parties to this action relating to Real Pro)erty in this State, and that said defendants are non-residents of this State and that their residence is not known ami cannot with due diligence be ascertained, and that said defen dants cannot after due diligence be found with in this State : Ordered that the Summon lerein. a conv of which is hereto annexed, be served bv publication of the same once in each week lor six successive weens in I ne .-rounn Watchman." a newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, in the 8th Judicial District, State of North Carolina. C. F. LOWE, C. S. C. Feb. 1 1 , 875 6 w Pr. fee 3,50 . IJL 'f.'-UL. 5,0 W Bushels Cottcn Seed For Sale by V F. LORD 3rd Creek Station W. X. C. R. R. 3ts. To thb Afflicted No matter under wbnt form of sickness you labor.. thert is one great truth y n should keep in iniud : All disease originates iu an impure ronditiou of the blood. Purify that, aud tbe disease must depart; but you eounot purify the blood by the use of poisonous drug, and exhaustive stimulants. Tbe best Blood Furifirr erer dis overed is Dr. Walker's famous Vinegar Hitters, coiupouuded of simple herbs. 4w Sale of Valaa'ole Personal PROPERTY. PKhsflifllBsdBMSt The Tb J. C. HOOPER & Co's, SALOOJN, Having qualified as Administratrix on the estate of Jee Lyerlv, deceased, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the late residence of said deceased, on Tuesday, the 28rd day of February, instant, the following property : 6 head of Horses, 5 head of Cattle, three being milch cows. 20 head of Hogs, a lot of Bacon and Lard, Corn, Wheat, Sheaf Oat, Hay, Fod der, Straw, 2 4-bonse Wagon, 1 2-horse Wagon and gearing, 1 2-horse Carriage and harness, 1 Buggy and harness, 1 set Blacksmith tools, Threshing Machine, Mower and Reaper, Farm ing tools, Household and Kitchen furniture, Ac., TERMS CASH. ELIZABETH LYERLY. Admix. Feb. 4. 1875-ts. Notice is herebv given to all lteraons having claims against the Estate of the said J Lyerly, to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February, 1876; and all persons indebted to the said estate are noti fied make payment without delay. ELIZABETH YE ULY. AdmrT. of Jesse Lverly, Dev'd. Feb. 4. 1875-w. i A B IMPORTANT SALE op Town Lots and Farm Land. In obedience to a decree of the U. S. Dirtrict Court, the underHixned assignees of Jehu Foster in bankruptcy, will proceed to re-ell on thn 20th day of February, 187-5, at the Court House in Saiinhury, begining at 12 o'clock, the follow ing valuable Properly belonging to the Said Jehu Foster, bankrupt, to wit. 2 acrea of Lmd in the North ward of the Town, known as the Ice Pond Lot. 8 acre of Land in the Town adjoining the Land of Hon. Berton Craige. 1A acres known a the Cravel Pit .Lot. 181 acres of Farm Landx 2 miles North West of Town, adjoining the Lauds' of Mrs. W. G. Mc Necly, H. C. Dnnham and others. Also a portion of hi Homestead in the North ward. TERMS: One fourth Cash, balance Six, Twelve and Eighteen . months, in equal pay men in. Persons wishing to inspect the above proper ty may do so by calling on us. T. K. BROWN. 1 . . H. II. WILEY, j Asrtg Salinbury, N. C. Jan. 19, 1875. (4ts.) EAUTIFUL HETALIC JJRAVE C0TEBII6 I now offered to every one interested in beautifying aul protecting tie anj. tbir fiecessel relatives. Tifj are made in four six-, with a variety f tvlt-s, tju'ui rn pricv iri H to 660, accordiiit to six and style. Cm be painted aoy color d sired, si.d-d ' fralvaaiixel to suit the tasie of parrhaaeni. A (f.lvmiiad pi '-, mutaii.tng whaieVa niscripii-n pariit-s d-sirr. i furwisli-H with eneii m-uud free of c'larn t THIS HANDSOME DECORATION " is offered at such puce as to piece it within reach of M. We ini.c the ti. teas and public gcueraiiy to call aud examine for th-ms elves. ' 1 Specimen can be Been at J. A. Ramsay's office. . C. PLTLEH, Afent m 4 ga7is6wry. CswsiaL 6. 181 4 f , WANTED 25 BUSHELS Union Sels at jnees- .fI.Vsa.'' BOVECORIVER . SALISBURY, N. C.t SUPERIOR COURT: DAVIDSON COUNTY. Fall 1'krm 1874. WlLIK SAlXTSTXO-lMninlifT, fr) J. M. Tiioy akon. D- ffnda A GOOD O jp P O RTU M T Y. tv are dntax sa exieasfre besfaissia n.OTR INT. aad CUSTOM TAILOUSVJ. tkronfti Local Afenjta, who ae supplied' with samp'es sbowiuf onr ftysily-made ami Curtora I'iece tiooda Mock. The p!n i- W rkin well for CoeMwetB. Afcnta. snd eOraelTcs. We desire 'o extead oar basiaess in this line, sod fr that purpose will correspond with boos fide applicants for a fences. Send real name and reference n So character. DEVLIN dt CO P. Q. Bog aaSC Hew Xork City. NORTH CAE0LINA COLLEGE, Moukt Pleasant, t'ASABurs Co., N. C. The second fire months term oi this Institu lion will begin Jan. 4th, 1S75. Expenses for Board, Tuition, Room Rent, Washing, Fuel and Lights, frum $70 to $90. r Or Catalopie apply to L. A. B1KI.E, President. NO RTI1 CAROLINA. Superior Court. Ni xi to Mriottt y V Bro. EN NIBS' LOOK OUT Special PrtM-dinaj I Vt it ion fur Divfrce .tBBftBV BsajjBjpar , JmSI ' J - ga Alkxaxdek Pouxtt. Villiam Bowman, Aksk Howman. la this case it appeariui that Aoae Bow wan. the wife of Petiii mor. William lUiv is a uon-residVul of the State of North 1 Carolina. It is therefore rderei that puhlicatioo le made iuthe Watchmau" a nuwiowiper pub- iied in -alishnry .North Carolina for si iu- Ofr the hest nelcciinn of Jewrlrr i We sueavaslTe wet-ks. notifying the sa d Anne ound in Western Korth Carolina. CotMuWisc of Bownnaa. l)efeufut to apna- at the next 1 S.iprrir CiMirt to I heM f!.r the Com. it of LA DUX' A fJENTS UOIA) WATCHES Alexauder at tint Court UoWee in T vh.r- cij rfa -1 eill ou the third M.ndaf i, Mrcl, uexl. GOIl 0fra "4 V rl C ana answer in coini!aiui ..r the CSainnff TX3IU S 3LZ f! It-ATim wiuSu the 6rt tlnv. days ..f said Terui tncrvofur tlie I'leiutiJT . i i bike idgeiuent ' BELL& BBO. Jewrlrr. :Y Order of' " 1 1 i'"-1" wiji uhe j-.ugeiu ' f it ti- fr the relief duiandVil in th cMiiplaiut. 1 ubhea Wituw. S . A P h.: rh-rk S,.ori..r Coi it, ) lion. rr alexaudr Ouur? m o0t- in Tay'o nrt at ofTic in Ta?'. ra il npMar:ng to the Court that A Summons ill, -u Una .lay of Jauu.irr. Iro. rw urnah'.f to this Term of thn (?oiirt. imImi fSeai ' v. a imh' Have just received a fine lot oflmported and j the defeudaut is returned, not to le found.' C. C. ' SILVJ.U U AUI (iOIsD ;V5,sfc. Tliey arc a-ut- f.r ihe rrleholixl J) fcnecurirs L-Iuisi. 3rRn Native brands of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, GIN. - RUM, Ac, Berry Foster's d Bailey's, Celebrated Whiskey. G. P. Thomas d; Co's, celebrated (G.) Bye Whislcey, and North Carolina Corn Whiskey. Pure Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, and French Brandy, Ac. &'c N. C. Apple and Peach Brandy, J. C. Seegera, Larger Beer on draught. Best bottled Ale, Champaign, and other wines, Scuppemone wine and drape Brandy, from the celebrated Vineyard of C. W. Garrett & Co., N. C. Bottled and Canned meats, Oysters, and Fish, Cheese, &c. W.T. BUckwell & Co'a celebrated (W. T. B.) Chewing Tobacco, and tbe Original Darbani Smoking Tobacco, Cigars ,and a supply of the SaUie MicJde chaam pipes, and the Jet or Ti-ti stems. Call and see aa. Feb. 11th 1873 -3mo. Carolina Fertilizer. CASH PRICES $50 00 PER TON OF 2,Q0O POUNDS. TIME PRICE 858 PER 2,000 lbs. paya ble Nov. 1. THE HIGH STANDARD OF QUAL ITY HAS BEEN FULLY MAIN TAINED, AND IT IS CONSIDERED BY THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN IT A FAIR TRIAL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER MANUFACTURED. Liberal and advanta geous Terms for Large Lots Given on Applica tion. Jw. iv r. $:. i-j. ALUfcxaxuKK Coi'XTV. j juH.ri..r Cwnrt. JWAl'.V TAMi:S. and that the d-rfnlaut is n no resident of Jan28. 1875 ts. k..;...i - ..... i . a i .i. ' J- same, it is now on utoliuu nf uUintiir. NORTH t'A!tUIA eounst-l mlerel aud tjMdj:d ly tilt Uotirt. that the service io this nrtiin lw rvl hy publica'ion. aud to that ud is orde -d thnt the ssine, io ffethr with no'ire oft thn at tachment heninh'f.tre levied, lie poMisht-d for six weks successively, iu the "Carulius Watchuiau" a newpaer pihlishe4 in this District. CuuiniMndioK the DefeiidnKt to ap pear at the next term of Hi.- CuurW answer A--at lift. X- J Stamf.s. Sfneial priteeeding I'elilion for Divorce. fr.Hu ICir.atc Crytl fr'AaSX Watihtv. t !wk and Jtwrlrr retairel sm warrai.?el I bhimU, rliart a K. M , tani m'.u ! w t1. . -lurv uu jluim urret. 1 dint aLove Ilcael. Iu thiscasitam.jiriua thai J. J Siin. I the hushitud of petiti tur !ary Stamen is a uou reside ut of llie Slate of North Carolina. HARDWARE CHEAPER TKAR EVER. By eareftl oWreaihin aud crperiescs ef several rear in ike M.rcuntiie A llardwar a a m. - It; tnereror -r-l. r.-: that puldfratiou he made io the -Carolina Watriiuiau" a n . . .1 ....... - . . a I 4 - I . . ij: 1 - -. 1. 1 1 ' a. t - a . 1,1 v-unipiaiui, arcoraiug w , f!er ynunwu iu .-aniuury. .xi.rtu ar..!n.. huaintv. v have U-vn rnabted la lor six sureesaive weeks, uofirjir.ff the said pretty w It, vhat the eople need in on, Lisa, v . J. ManiKS DehVndatit ! sppar at tbe o-st snd we hsvr purehaed onr ptixat larf aas! Snperior urt to U-h-ld for the Cinly of well a- .rtrd rfm-k with pciil referee is Alesatder at the Curt House is Taylors- their wanU .We Oatler naraelvea that areas villa, on the 3rd Mondxy in Xlxreh next, ami dese our frif.d and lhe fmhlie gtaerally, answer the coinulaiiit of f fi plaiutiff within "ln " ln njt al ru. OiraSocfc law. Said Summons is ss follow. DAVIDSON COUNTY : In the Seperior Court. Wilie SaiutMLg. j Agnintt SUMMONS. James M. Thomason STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Davidson Couu'y Greet ing : You are hereby comuiauded t Sntn inons James M. ThoinaiMm, the defnudsut above uamed, if to be found wilhlu your County, to he aud appear before the judge of onr Superior Court, to be held for tbe county of Davidson at the Court House in Lexington, on lhe ftth Monday after the 3rd Monday of September. 1874. aud answer tbe complaint which will be deposited in ths office of the clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of the next term, tbenof. and let the said de- iissf. feudaut take notice that if he fil to answer I SpeneerSurrail, Wm.Surratt.Pr., JsmesBurratt r - a i m m tne trst tii-ee days l said Term theof or w tIcnimii uiskv kh in our Mae, m as she wil! take i.idgemeut for the relief demau- f jf, tsMs I'lTf.KKY. HSTOLS ss4 dnl In lhe complaint. OUH, Il.a-kmiih and (,n--;fr,i T Witness W. A. P.h.I Clerk of said Curt rc n kind of W.roo A Well Chsias jA.lm$nvm'M''m' Wajrou and Bu-y MatoriHj v. R. Z. LINNEY, Atts for Plff. Feh. 4. 1875-Cw. A. POOL. C. S. C. Pd. DAVIDSON COUNTY :-l.N THE&Ul'tK lOK CS3URT J t-si: Lane Apmr. of UEVTJiLY, .crratt, l'i.rtr. V Summon. The Attorney General of the State bas given an opinion to ths Legislature that it woald be unconstitutional to impose s special tsz on dogs. What s pity 1 No hops for wool or sheep in this State ! Farewell mutton chops, Ac Charlotte Democrat. Local Agents at all the Principal Depots. DeROSSET & CO., General Agent for North Carolina and Virginia, AT WILMINGTON, N. C. Jas. A. McCONNAUGHEY, A rent. . i .t r1 oaiisoarj, m. kj. the said complaint withiu the time prescrib ed by law. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Hereof fail uot. and of this Summons make due returu. Given nuder my hand ami seal of ssid Court, this 5th day of Msv, 1874. fSeal L. E. JOHNSON. Clerk of the Superior Court, Davidson Couuty. Said War ants of Attachment and Lew is as follows. THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA To the she iff of Davidson County Greet ing ! It appearing hy httidavite to the officers granting this warrant, that the plaintiff is entitled to recover from tht-defeud- dsnt James M. Thomason and that the above named plaintiff Wilie Saiutsing is about to commence an action in this Court against defeudaut. for the seduction of Plaintiff Daughter Sarah A. Saiutsiug by defeudaut for which he elaims damages of Firs bun- drfd dollars and cost of suit. You are forthwith commanded to attach snd safely keep all the property of the said James. Si. Thomason in yoar count?, or so murl thereof as may be sufficdeot to satisfy said demaud, with losts and expenses. L. K. JOHNSON, Clerk. SHERIFF'S RETURN. No personsl property of the defendant J. M . Thomason to be found in my county to satisfy this warrant of attachment. I here by levy on J. M. Thomaaon's Interest is one hundred sud fifty seres of laud lying in David son County, adjoining tha lands of Win. McRary, Samuel Sowers and others, also I levied on one other treat on the wslers of Reedy Creek containing 99 acres sjors or less iu said Couuty adjoining ths lauds of Michael Evan, H. J. Grimes sod others, all of which is to satisfy this warrant io at tachment September 12th. 1874. D. LO FLING Sheriff, Io Testimony whereof I have hereunto sot say haod snd affexed the seal of said Court at office io Lexington, the 25th day of Jao uary, 1875. Seal C. F. LOWE CleA. Printers fee 815.50 Superior Conrt. Feb. 4, 1874-8 w. Printer fee 1 20 50 fIoae-bnib?ins Material, nrh aa IX'Ka, HINtihs, KEWS, ;1m NAILH, Petty. Ac. Brat of white PAINTS, KADDLEBL URIDUCS, 1 1 A R N EKS, CHECK and BCGGT Lines ; Diton'a Circular A I'prigst MILL SAWS; two and one man I sad Hand Saws: tA.Uma mil Leatbee Celling; Plows sad Plow Moulds; Iron and .reel Buggy and Wag on Tire ; .-iraw Cutler, Meal Cutters, Dnniel Sorratt, Lwi Surratt. Dehanh (ilorrr. Clark Loflin A wif., Jerry Morris A wife CORW SJTTsTJEriS ATTRR. r ranves, note t eacock bv his next friend VVm. Peacock (Jar, I Surratt A Spencer L Surrali, snd many oiber thirpi to- i.timcroua to sseo- 8miK OF NORTH CAROLINA. Srre. 2 do., War kl.tu: I, Stort. asd TO THE SHERIFF OF DAVIDSON our stock and bear prices before por COUNTY GREET ING ; j ch"inn elaewhere. Yob aojs her est Com m a !ctu to Sr-, Special attention riven to Orders, mon. hpencer feurratt, Wm. Surrart, hr SufTHrr w tlmmu v Jarass Surras Daniel Surrall, lwis turrati bM ITHDEA,, " AIITM Ai . A Itabaaba (ilover. Chirk Llin A wife Linny, , 8sliUiryt Nov. 2C, 4.-3 mm. Jerry Morria A wife France, Mote Peacock, ' iiarej Surntt and anJ Sjnncer L. Surrall, PALL ATT TT PVVTSR' the defendan s-above nWl .f m J VsXULl 211 J . H, JLaXXIIOD found, in vour count r, to be and appear before the (4.ERK OF OCR 8CPKKIOK COURT, for Davidson Coimty, at the Court House io LiexiDfrton within tweuty days from the service of thf summons, exclnaire of the dav of service, snd stoswer the complaint which 'will be de posited io the office of the Clerk of the Super, lor Court of said county, within ten dav and let theahJ defendant take notice i hat if they fail to answer the said complaint within tbe lime pre scribed hy law, the plaintiff will apply to tbe Court fur the relief demanded in the com plaint. Hereof fail not and of this so m mon make due return. Oieen nnder my hand snd seal of said Court, this Htth day of January, 1875. C F. LOWE. Clerk of the 8 n per lor Court of Dsvidsoo County, and J udge of Probate. It appearing by affidavit to the statisfactioo of ths Court that tbe defendcota Garel Surratt, ana spencer snrratt, named in the forgoing Summon, are non-mudenta of this State, and cannot after doe diligence be found within this State, and that their place of residence cannot afttr due diligence be ascertained, and that aJd defendenta are proper parlies to this action relating to Real property in this Slat ; Therefore Order that the said Sommooi, a Of which m hereto annexed, by on said defendents. Garel Surratt a nd L. Surrall. by publication of lb s week for six sucxeaaire weeks in The Cr- lina Watchman a newspaper publibed in tbe town of SaJiaboiT in the Stb Judicial Dbtrict. Dooe at office in Lexington, this Wd day of January. 1876. C F. LOWE. a 8 a I DRUG copy 1 E M P 0 R I U M, AS It present Great Attraction to all e ciallv U the ck and alQiced. Yrvm tke fact be has on hand a Large and well I saaortmetit of drugs, mn DYES, PAINTS. OILS. PATENT MEDICESES, WIXES, LIQUORS, dV, Which fa ta detemined to sell ss cheap a cheaper than any Drug Hons io the Stale. ALSO Csiognea, Toilet Soaps, Combs. Tooth k Hair Bmanas, Tobacco, Safari and Snuff. Jan. 98, 1875.t-v. fc 110,50 Copperas, N. B. Preacrintions csrefuUr and compound at ALL HOURS OF THF DAY OR KICHT AT REDUCED PRICFR. JOHN If. EXXfflS, Agent. At C R. Barker A'Co'i. stand nest to Men 4 Bro s, i

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