W" L - ? - - I i ' . CaroUna Watchman. LOCAL. FEBRUARY, 11. Lent began last Wednesday. The snow wan falling fart, the wind M whittling merrily through the streets, nd tire nn was shining with increased brightness, all in tlitd city, at the eaine tiare, on lust Sunday evening.- Salisbury has a euchre club. Send 'em a missionary. Netcs. Ah 1 Woodson, you know how it is yourself. ; Qeu. J. C. Gorra in has been elected Mayor of Raleigh hy the Commissioners, vice, J. W. 1J olden, deceased. Bp. sure to tote for the Rail Road next Moodayv Mayoral ; and Magisterial : Not hin c' to report .in either one of these courts. Salisbury is the most orderly and law abiding place between the two oceans. Grand Fancy Dress Ball. The Be opening: of the Boyden House. Died We regret to hear of the death of the wife of the Rev. W. H. Cone, of this county, which occurred last Monday. Obituary next wk. R. R. At the meeting; on Tuesday night last A. K. Murchison was elided third Lieutenant vice M. A. Vanderford re signed. Three additions were made to the list of the Company. A Fine Oal Mr. H. G Miller killed, a few days sgo, a calf 7 weeks old thai weighed 112 pounds. We think that was a fine call. Some people are very fond of walking these cold nights, we hare heard of one young man that did not stop until about 124 o'clock on a certain night not long since. We are glad to see that our puhlic-spir i ted business men ate subscribing funds to be used in improving the Mocksvitle roads, both new and old, leading into the town. This will be money well spent and we trust that the wagon trade fri the up country will appreciate this ac tion. Capt. W. F. Avery, of the Charlotte Observer, was ranrrhd last week to Miss Lotus Atkinson, af l'.incrion, Johnson county. The ceremony wii pi-rformed by the Rev Albert smedes, D. D. of 1U1 eigh. Rural Carolinian. We arc in re eeiptof the February nnraber of this most excellent magaxine. As an agricultural journal, it is far superior to all others we get. It is gotten up with special refer ence lo the Southern section of the coun try, and is well adapted to the wants of our people. Printed at Charleston, S. C , for 3t,0O a year. I- Changed Hands. We understand that ihe Gold Hill mine? have again changed hands. Messrs K. Mauney and oa now taking charge. We ore glad to ee this valuable property fall back into the hands of onr own native citizens, and especially such enterprising and respon sibto gentlemen as the Messrs Mauney and son. There is promise in this change. Lieutenants Thus. C. Whitehead and Eugene M. Wilson of the Rowan Rifle Guurds, attended as delegate" the mass meeting for the purpose of arranging for tho coming Cpnlennial celebration. Lien! Wilson was placed on the committee o arrangement, and Lieut. Whitehead on that of invitations. The Ball given at the reopening of the Boyden House on Monday night, Feb. 8th, was, we are of the opinion far a head of anything of the kind ever before teen in our city. To attempt to describe all the numerous costumes is impossible, we give however a list of characters, which was adopted, and well acted. Indians, Pocahontas, Miss Mag-rie Ynnnsr; Opicancano, (brother of Pocahontas), Louie McNeelv ; Queen Mab, Miss Lynch ; Soldier, Aler Murphy ; 1776, Mrs. Chas. II. Overman; Highlander, Steven Boyden; Fisher Girl, Miss Lena Shober ; Sir Walter Raleigh, J. N. Bell ; Swiss Peasant, Mi ss May Shober; Swiss Herdsman, Frank Shober; Aurora, Miss Sallie Coffin ; SailorYT. C. Whitehead ; Dew Drop, Miss Annie Craige; Fireman, A. E. Cbandlet; Bonny Blue Flag, Miss Bell Boyden; Nimrod, (Modern.) Walter L. Steel ; Daughter of the regiment, Miss Annie Row zee; Drummer boy of Shiloh, Walter Blackmer; Polish Girl, Fanny Shober; Swiss Lassie, Addie White ; Mrs. Tom Ihmnb, Nelly Noble ; Highland Lad. Lamest Shober; Insurance Agency of J. Allen Brown, Office Main St., Sals- bury, N. C, Representing assets of (Fire &. Life) of over one Hundred Millon Dollars, consisting of Foreign and Home Companies of the highest grade. As to Life, he can place parties in almost any Company desired. Arrangements may also be made with some of his Com panies for the loan of money here, at a reasonable rate of interest, and will not require parties to insure nnlesa wishing to do so. Fire risks written at the ldwest adequate rates. As regards rates would say be does not pretend to compete with the many Wild Cat" Go's., that write at any ra'e the party wishes. Though should any one want this kind of cheap Insurance, he can have tt written for them .' - m a , . at such rates as tuey are willing to pay, but will not resommend suchGo s. tf J. ALLEN BROWN. Queen- , Miss Pet Bradehaw ; KLDTTZ'S COLUMN. THEO. P. KLUTTZ. u noiesaip cv iceiail uruff- SALISBURY, N. C. m war i w lomercnants, wouse- Reepers, Youner Folks. Old Folks, Smokers, Pain ters, Farmers, Grangers, ami r.veryDoay eise. Whenever you need anyiuing in the way of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERIES, DYE-STUFFS SEEDS &c, If yon ant the best articles for th e least money, go to tfLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. "When the devil was sick, the devil a sai nt, x would he, When the devil got well, a devil of a saint, was hej" He Baid he:"wouldn't do so any more," that young man who gots sick after the last Hot, but there he fas at the Fancy Bill last Mon day night. Who would a t hunk it ? "Write on the sand while the tide is low, The tows of men sre broken so." die. Life Insurance appeals to be unusually brik juatNow, and agents are very so solicitous td secure every body's fatn-Iy Irom want. If every mm in town don't get a Policy now it will certainly be his own fault. Insure your lives, gentlemen, it will secitre onr back subscriptions, and i hen the widow can marry to to much better advantage, you know. C Regular Meeting of Fulton L"dgp N . 99, AyF. & A. M. will be lit Id every Friday night. Officers 'for the present Masonic year. Climb Gordon, Master, Our Living and Our Dead. -This splendid N. O. Msgaasine for Feb ruary is on our table. It is the cheapest and mnst'hitcrcstiug peiiodical printed in the South The serial, stories, by the distinguished authoress, Miss Fannie Fisher, and by Mrs. C. VV. Harris, grow in interest. Other contributions and selected matter are very fine, and upon the whole, the t umber is a most excellent one. price 83.00 per annum. Address Col. S. 1). Pool, Raleigh, "N. C. The Night School : - We are glad to be able to state, that onr snggestion of lastufeelr, in regard to the establishment I of a night school has already excited prompt action in the matter. Mr. A W. Owen the very man for the position in form im that as soon as he can perfect the oecessary arrangements he will open the school; this will be probably within the next fortnight. In eoramon with all wHm desire the elevation of the race, we are gratified at this .prompt action, and trust that Mr. Owen will meet with the success he deserves in his laudable enter prise 4 v .mi -j. -. . ! Improvements : Mr. David R. Julian is pushing forward to completion, with his accustomed energy, his elegant dwelling on Main St. Our worthy townsmen Mr. John Fraley has 'recentry completed a comfortable residence on Fisher St., and Mr. Stephen fihuman is now orecting one in the same neighborhood. Mr. J. W. McKenzie is erecting a spacious dwelling Qn Ellis street. Goh boys! We'll build up the old Burgh yet, croakers, dead heads and old fogies to the contrary notwithstan ding. .1. F. Ross, it. F H'giTs, K. U. Xeave, V.. Wallace, J. A. Bro"ii, L. V. 11 own, M. A. ennhh, Vote for the day . Smiior Warden. Jauior Warden. Senior Deacon. Junior Deacon. I reasurer. SecrHarv. Tiler. Rail Road next Moh- Debating Societies : W e a r e glad to learn that the young men in d-f-erent parts of the county, are forming debating clubs for discussion of interesting and current topics. Such associations are highly improving, and should be u couraged. By-lhe-way, could not one be started here, of first-class material ? Who speaks first ? OharlotteOordey, Miss Mamie Henderson; King Alfonso, Geo. Harrison ; Divernoof Miss Augusta Holt: Scotch triiptain, VV alter llolt ; Confederate Stales, Mies Mollie Wren; Lost Cause, Claud Mills ; General Mosby. Jesse J ulian; Night, Miss Bagly ; Prince in White, J. Douglas Browu ; Night, Miss MatiieDean ; German Peasant, Miss Palmer, of S. C ; Queen of the Roses, Miss Julia Youug ; Rifle Guard, D. A. Ramsay ; Maiitann, Miss Nora Beard ; Gipsy Count, Rob't. Long. Queen of the Butter Flies, Mis9 Bell Mur phy; Bo Peep, Mitfs Fanuy Mock; Kitty Clover, Grace Noble; Black Knight, M. Vanoy, Statcsville ; "We cannot refrain noticing further some of those beautiful costumes. "Con ederate States," with a crown of eleven tiara on her head, from which hung a black veil, around her neck and arms chain ; lrom her shoulders, streamer of red white and bine, with the names of hard faught battles inscribed on them. Her dress, which represented that once glorious banner around which our fathers and brotheis used to r.illy and for which they died was decked with photo graphs of the most prominent Generals of the late wai" It vaJ most beautifully gott'-n up and n fl cts much ctedit on the a-carer The pri..ce in aline, was decidedly the handsomest dresred gent in the room, much taste ws displayed in the selection of his costume, and produced a mol hap py effect. I he music, Ftutr, violins and harp, an Italian orchestra, was elegant. The caller seemed to have been thoroughly acquainted with the art of elocution, he called .be iigmes with tnueh, vehemence at tin; same time gesticulating as if iii the midst of a great argument. Mr Linton deserves much credit for what he has doue in the way of building up the Boyden House. Saiibttry can now boast of two as good and well con ducted Hotels as any place of its size. No traveler need have any fear, but that he nil' Hnd as good accomodations here as elsewhere. A Triumph Over Humbug. Jt is not difficult to alarm the timid, and invalids are proverbially so. Aware of this fact, the vender of iendo bitters, "entirely free from alcohol," have raised a false cry against tonic preparations containing spirits, and no doubt have frightened a few sick folk into purchasing the fermented rubbish, which they sell, and which is infinitely more injuri- ons man the vilest drams drunk at tavern bars. But already a -tremendous reaction has set in against tfiese abominable nostrums, which, being devoid of the alcoholic basis which alone prevents liquid botanic prepare' tions from turning sour, decompose almost as soon as made. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has lived and will live down multitudes of such im posters demand for the great alterative invigorant nd Johnson, & Robbins, AtJ Liberal discount K J. B ATTLB. F. H CAMERON. President. Vie President. W. H. HICKS, cWy. NOBTtl CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY, 1 RALEIGH, N. 0. C AFIT A L. $200,000. A T rA r V.i f- 1 V !! "7 ' twmma isnel over v r-oiicies wuint oeUining a ninglc Uaa. CTodenl, economical and energetic bo nan at has made it I A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION. Tbis Company Mmes every dcMrahl farm of inmiaes si as low rates as any other First Claw iocnpany. Imposes no ueel or travel. upon rm Has a fixed paidap valueooall policies after iwu annual payments. Its entire asset are loaned aad invested AT HOME, to fatter and encourage horns enterprises. miaSAs. With these facts before them will the people sllV GARDEN SEEDS. 10 000 papers warranted fresh and genuine I : . : i l t i t . A xesnlar recurrence of the Ju" ,rom narew, naisr, r erry, from those who have always been its patron, ft rsnta a Punor shows that they have not swerved in their L . allegiance to America's most 10 coanir7 mercnants at KLUTTZ S DRUG 8TORE. IRISH time-honored popular remedy ; and a constant influx of new orders . demonstrates how little impres sion, after all, the bilatant denunciations of the mock bitters men have made upon the general public. So long as 1 Listener's Bitters continue to cure and prevent intermittent nnd remittent fever, disnepsia, coi.s.ipalion. kidney disease, and the numerous other ail- LESS, JUST RkCElVKD AT jucuia iu itiiieii ineT arc nuapieti, vny will continue to dominate the factions oppo sition of humbug, and that will he just as long as they are manufactured slid fd Be it known unto all bogus nostrum venders, of of North Carolina continue to pay annua thousands npon thousands of dollars to build op Foreign Companies, when they can secure insurance in a Company equally reliable and ever dollar's premium they pay be loaned and invested in our own State, and among our own peopie r Tbeo. F. KLUTTZ, J. D- McNEELY, Agfa. fialishnrr. V t KUtFIN &TAYLOE. Cen'l. DisL AgPs. Greensboro X. C Dec. 31 ly. NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am wv prepared to do all kiesV if, repairing with dispatch. With goo too w and twraty fiv yeers experiewee la tKsr1 awaeaa-sauistaruon is rnaraatrisL attest tea eivsw to Easriae aad ftuU xJ. Miaiae aad IsrUliM. Machioes ; sod wood turning ofallkisafia. Shop oa Cwrar uf Fulton aud Cooacil Saxwt, Salisbury. S. C f K. H. MAESsf. " " Jaly 16. 11 - tf. sCPBP"1'1'" HEC"Uon Needle. book, vitk Send sump F. F Ulccx ft te.. Nit Mass. tfcinr for Tot X HURST. 75 and 77 S York. stamp a-.d a Sttrrt. Ktf 4w. by selling TEAS at IMPORTERS' PKICES. aw mOrngmpii clubs ia twns and ewratry fur tW essWaapi Ta Com pan ia A ma nee- fl tea Ian ialsaw rsents. 8eud fir ciredtar. CAHTOWTEX vaj.. IM Uaambwra St. N. Y- IV. T. iwfo wmmt Mil I COTT - PleU 0tt Sent Fret it' - . ni want a suitable person ia very oornnnd to take oraVra asd deliver gunde U. oar published C. O D. Sal-e of at pi aasK any go.jos oi all kiuds ia eosvstaut and wear. The oldest C. 0. D. boaee America. SaW over half mil1w. .. ir Thirty days irace allowed in Mvnmt of nr. Lame Cach Pat to the riarbt nr,.n. J rmm cimoc lor aii, male or fetnala. at yoor homes or traveling. No risk. U yea mo to wn ma hi waa yoo J ret and p line of samples and courpl ootfit. at once aud secure r..ur territnr. R Howard Strert Baltl- -vr POTATOES 25 bbls, Ross, Goodrich & Peer ust Received at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. fVPI-V SsatyMsa nf :mJ iitv nitrl L-n-n-or- thit I w they can never hope lo'pnff themselves into re8n J; nl ,ow IVicee,at pnblic f iver at the exjcn!e of Hostetter's KLUTTZ'S DRUG STC 'ORE. Bittern, the reputation of which is founded, as it were, upon a rock. MARRIED In Rowan County Febuary 3r1., by Rev. W. Kimball, Mr. John J. Coon and MibS. Susan. S. Botiau. Feb. 4th by tb same. Mr. James B. Bar ringer, aud Mi?s. Ann E. Miller. Fob. 7th. by the same Mr. Wiley R. Overcash aud Miss. Regina Rogers. May pPHce prosperity and happiness, at tend these loving nues through life At Iiock Hill. S. C. on the 4th ins't by Kcv. (ion. IS. Wetmore. .Mr. W. H. Wet more, of Charlotte, to Mis. Sa lit-, third daughter uf the late William Frew. On the 9th. at ihe Mause in this City by TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. I have the largest stock of Drugs, Dyes, Grocers Drugs &c, iu Western Carolina, and am uow prepared to sell at Baltimore Prices, thus saving you the freight. Special attention to bot tling K'seuces, Lnudanutn, Parcgorie, Opodeldoc, Caster d: OwcelOil &C. Write for nrices, to .TUEO. F. KLUTTZ DRUGGIST Salisbury, N. C. HALL dc CO., 6. N. more Md. a. AdJreae AdnLiiiistrators Notice to Mors. All persons bavin claims aeainst the etate of A, M . Goodman, deceased sre hereby notified j to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before ihe 8th dav of Jannnnr. A. D. 187d. THOMAS T. GOODMAN. Adtn'r. of A. M. GOODMAN. Dec. Jan. 6, J 875 w. toughs, Colds Hoarseneess AND ALL THOAT DI8EAfiE8r Use A WELL8 CARBOLIC TABLET?, PUT UP ONLY IX BLUE BOXES. " A THIRD AFD 8TTRI RXMXDT. 3 Sold by Dnireist Bonerallr. and FULLER A KULLEK, Cbieafo, III. . - av Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring Extracts, Essence, Spices, the Rev. J. Rumple, Mr. Charlie Schmidt Gelatiue, Mustards, Soda, Dre-8tnffs, Toilet and Lvnudry Snaps, Lye, Matehea, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys &c, al ways on baud of best qualit at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. FOE SALE. Patent conntT riyhts of Fan afill for Black smith's forges are offered for sale in any or sll counties west of Yadkin river, also the State right oi South Carolina. The Fan can be seen at L. V. Brown's Tin Shop. Apply or write to WILLIAM DICKSON, Th m sville, N C. WANTED. Situations by tbtee Teachers of much ex perience. Teaeb the English branches only. Will accept small Salxnes. Excelb-Bt tefer Appy at this Office, enee. SHORT lOSTPOXEVIEXT-DA i FIXE 'J-FULL DISTRIBUTION. ' FIR8T GBAKD GUT COXCEBT Monipeler Female Hsioaie iawts fcnox at AurxAs.tsu, va. MARC 11 "29th, 1875. .St M&T OF GIFT9. Grand Cash Gift &i 1 Grand Cash Gi't I Grand Cash Gift 10 Cash Gifts.. 15 Cash Gifts.. 50 Cash Gifts.. 100 Cash Gifts.. 10.00 Cast Gifts.. 1.000 Cash Gifts.. 20.000 Cash Gift. tl 0.000 eaaeu 5.000 each. 1 000 each. 500 each 100 each 50 each. 20 each. .50.1 !0o!fWM 75,000 , 100.000 50.010 400.000 11,170 Oul Gift, s $1,000,000 nt tjrermany oc miss. ahmiiiU Fnla uf Rnwan., By a. L. Hall Esqr.. at the residence of tht hruU Fath.-r on the 4.h d hvb, Id75, Mr r ew t . y.wK'o. t'. jacnits to Miss Jane r. Un x. Both of Uowau Coiintj' For Tow Ladies and Gentlemen. C arolina Fertilizer. Attention is called to the advertisement of this fer tilizer in another column. According to the observations of the editor of the State Journal, Capt. J. R. Thigpen, the Caro lina Fertilizer is very superior to all oth ers as applied to cotton, and equal to any other if not better for other crops. It can' be purchased of Mr. J. A .McConnangh cy iu large or small quantities. We ro lad to see our young friend Mr. A. C. Harris upon the streets again. Mr. Harris has ust recovered front a se ere illness. We don't know whether it is that no body dies or gets married jn Rowan, or whether tfceir friends don't want anybody to know it. Any way inch events are ry infrequently reported to ua If our friends 4ont furnish us such information, wore promptly we'll go to publishing the iust at birtiti just for devilment. And then won'vthe tellow with aeonstantly increas ing list of gal babies feel bad t In the Sun erior Conrt of New Hanorer. last week, it was decided by a jury that a stock holder in a North Carolina local Bank (the Commercial Bank of Wilmington, which rlhl bnineH3 before the war.) was not-liable lo the I ttaud; who M the apologist ot thieves; 1 . BSS S . ' . a CON J RE S3. From the House proceedings of last Thursday we get the following : There is a great excitement in the House to-day, arising from a speech of Brown, ot Kentucky, on the civil rights bill, iu which he spoke of . Butler, of Massachusetts, in the following terms : 'What should be said if the accusation of the Southern people should come fsom one who is outlawed in his own home from respectable society ; whose name is synonymous with falsehood; who is the champion, and has been on all occasions, SALISBURY MARKET. Correetid by McCubbine. Bt all, aud Julias Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Coeme- creditors of the Bank for double the amnnnt of aia stock in the Bank. Charlotte Democrat Every man liable for a poll tax, and who fails to list himself for taxation, should be in dicted. Rvery voter should be made to pay a poll tax at least. No Board of County Coni mhwioiier, hereafter, should allow exemptions to Sherifta on account of so-called insolvents especially for poll taxes. craL Charlotte Demo- The American Newspaper Advertising Agency of Geo. P. Rowell Jc Co., Ne w York, is the only establishment of the kind in the United States which keeps itself per sistently before the people by advertising in newspapers. Thy evidently receive their reward, fur we have it from a relUble soure e that advertising orders issued hy them for their customers have exceeded three thou sand dollars a day since the commencement of the year, mid this is not a very good year for advertising ei (her. Bros. Hussey and Mallard of the itatesviUc Landmark were both at the fancy fastball on Mondav nieht last. rou just ought to have "seen Mallard tiling, while HusBey looked niightly news saying lo himself: ' Backward, turn backward oh time in thv flight, 7 Aqfinake ioc young again, Jimt for to-nignt. Cameron- Elected to the Uxitkd States Senate. Milwaukee, Feb. 4 The election of Mr CuOieron was brought about by the coalition of the Democrats with the bolt ing Republicans. The latter offered the Democrats fonr names from which they might choose a candidate. Judge Cole, Ex-Goveruor Lewi?, Gen. Gnppey and Hon. Angus Cameron. The Democratic caucus last night nominated Mr. Cameron conditionally upon his acceptance of the p'atform that includes hard money tariff for revenue only, aud the supremacy of civil authority in time of peace. Mr. Cameron, the Senator elect, was born in Caledonia, Livingston County; New York, hi 1S26. He eame to Wisconsiu iu 1857, and has served six years iu I be State Legislature, and was Speaker of the Assembly in 1867. He is a lawye who is such a prodigy of vice and mean ness, that to describe him imagination would sicken and invective would exhaust itself. Iu Scotland, years ago. there was a man whose trade was murder, aud he earned his livelihood hy selling the bodies of his victims for gold, he linked his name to his crime, and to-day through" out the world it is known as Burk ing. The Speaker Does the Chair under stand the gentleman to be referiing in hisJanguage to a member of the House ? Mr. Brown No sir, I am describing an individual who is in my mind's eys. The Speaker The Chair Understood the gentleman to refer to a member of the House. Mr. Brown No sir, I call no names. This man's name was linked to his crime, and to-day throughout the Woi Id i t is known as Burking. If I was t desiru to ex press all that was pusilauimous in war, inhuman in peace, forbidden in morals and infamous in politics, I should call it Butleriz!ng. For this violation of parliamentary irder, a resolution of ceusore was passed npon Brown after a very exciting debate, and was administered by the Speaker, the civil rights bill then went over till to-morrow, House to meet at 10 o'clock. We are gratified to see that there is at least one man in Congress, who has the nerve to denounce as they deserve the infamous defamerg of the South . One reason why so many white' people are starving in Northern eities for the want of employment is because the legislation of a miserable Radical Cougreas cripples and injures business ia the South, especially that of those who buy Northern products. Bat the poor starving fools hurra!) wheu such measures as the Military and Negro Bills promment member of the Episcopal wa paMed by Congress to injure Southern Buying Bates : CORN new 85 a 87 COTTON-13 a 14 FLOUR $3.75 to 3.50 MEAL 85 a 90. BACON county) 12.V to 15 - hog round POTATOES Irish 90 a Sweet $1 50 EGGS 12 to 15. CHICKENS $2.50 per do. LARD 12J to 15 FEATHER? new, 50. RYE a 90 to 31 BEESEWAX-30. WHEAT - $1.15 a SI 50. BUTTER -23 to SO. DRIED FRUIT -5 to 8. Blackberries, 8 cts. NOTICE. l . At a moving of a majority of the Commis sioners foi the Town ol&t&lbury, held on the first dayof Jau;upy, A. D. iJ5, the following Commissioners being present, to wit: P p Meroney , S Li n ton, P A Frercks, A M SnlK vau, A L Clark; and J M McCorkle. Present and presiding T W Keen, Intendant, when the following proceedings were had by a ma jority of the Commissioners voting therefor. 1. It is ordered that. the Town of Salisbnrv subscribe fifty thousand dollars to the Capital Stock of the Yadkin Rail Boad Comuanv. snojeci to me approval ol a majority of the qualified voters of the said Town. . 2. To meet the payment arising by reason of said su bscription, it is fust hex ordered that said Commissioners shall issue bonds in'ihe nanie of the Town of Salisbury to the amount of fifty thousand doilarsin sums of t'rom. one hundred to five hundred dollars. with coupons attached, and bearing interest at tne rate of eight per cent per annum and payable semi-snn-iall y. 3. That two thousand five hundred dollars of the bonds ined as aforesaid shall become due and payable on the first day of July, A. D., 1880. ana that a like sum of two thousand five hundred dollars of said bond.- shall become due and payable for each succeeding year, ao that all of said bonds shall become due and payable on or before the first day of July in the vear nineteen hundred. 4. It is further ordered that the Commission ers for the Town of Salisbury shall levy and collect annually upon all subjects of taxation authorised by law, as tat sufficient to pay the annual interest accruing on said bonds Issued as aforesaid, and that whenever any of said bonds shall become due, that a further tax be levied and collected, to be used in the extin guishment of the principal. 5. It b further ordered that the Coupons on the aforesaid bonds, when due, shall be receiv ed in the payment of all Town taxes. d. It is further ordered that an election be held at the Court House in Salisbury on Mon day the 15th day of February, A. D. 1875, sub mitting to the qualified voters of said Town, the proposition of approving or rejecting the foregoing proposed subscription, the issuing' of bonds and the authority to levy taxes to. pay interest, and provide for payment of the princi pal of the bonds, and that thirty days notice of aid election shall bo given by advertisement in the "Carolina Watchman" and "The Intelli gencer" and also notice of said election shall be advertised at the Conrt Hoose door in Salisbnrv. And that at tbe election held a aforesaid those approving tbe proposition, shall des posit in the ballot box ballots with tbe printed or written words "approved," those disapproving the ame shtll desposit ballots with the printed or written words "not approved.' T. W. KEEN, J. L. CARKE, Intendant. tics, Soaps, achnns, Toilet 8ets, Vases, Hair, and Teeth Brushes, Pocket Books &C, in endless variety at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. CiiarSuiiyon Say? Oh yes, we have them at all prices from 2 cents to 25 cents, and can sell them by the box at jobbers prices, onr celebrated 0 cent PECULIAR CIGAR is acknowledged the best in tbe world at m KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. PURE WINES Sc LIQUORS for medical and church purposes always on band nt KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Astral Oil 50 cents per gallon at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. PIL Only 25 eeuts (I L S. a box t Warr ranted or money refunded. After years of experi menting, I havo at last found tho Great Remedy for Chills, Fever & Ague, Sec and can confidently -recommend it to my friends and the public. Try It. Tl E jAl S. Finest Teas in the mark et, Put np in air tight, lib cans, 25 per cent less than nsmal Prices at KLUTT'S DRUG STORE. MORE STOVES. and better oaes ihmm ever. Come now and get the BEST. Get the stove called the ACORN COOK f yoo wsnt one thst will outlast any other, aad bat is made of all NRW IRON, and warranted o give satisfaction Ac. Varioos style, of cook- ng stoves at a small profit. TIM WARE, fiiiKET Iao5 & Cornea Wake made of tbe best U ATEhi a i., on band or made to order. Merchants supplied at Low Paicaa. Cash raiDfbr all kinds of Copper, Brass Ac. Aak tor BaoWs Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury X. C, L. V. Brown. I am well prepared to cut good STENCIL PLATES for marking Tobacco. Floor Patent articles Ac Every person doing any kind of work or btsai- neassuould have a stencil to advertise his bum ness, as it is acknowledged to be the best and cheapest way to let people know what yon are doing. One mark with stencil mav cet a customer. for you, that will put Huxdbki of Dollar in your hands. Try ft and you will get a cus tomer von never thought of. MY PRICES ARE LOW. A8 FOLLOWS. One-fourth inch letters 6 cento per letter One half and five-eights 6 ' " " Three-fourth A One iacb letters 7 " They may be sent te any part of tbe U. 8. by mail at a small cost. Send in your orders stating size of letters yoo prefer, end the Stencil will be made neatiy eat and promptly forwarded. Fisher street SalUburv, N. C. L. V. BROWN, April 23. 1874 tf. KUMBER8 OF TICRtST l00,0h PK1CE OF TICKET. Whole Ticketo attnnn fttl 10 OA Quarters 50 00 Eighths or eaeb Coupon 50 &i Tickets for 100 00 The Mosftftelier Female Uumane Aaaocsa tion, chartered by the Legilatare of Virgiafau and the Circuit Court of nnm propose, by a series of Grand Gift ( Wrrtvto esUbli.h and endow a "Hnta fcr the Old. Isw firm, and Deatituu Lad, of Virginia" at Montpeller, the former rtudn.r of Jame Madison. (iornioi's OmcB.RtrnxPxa, Julr 3, J74 It affords me pleasure to ear thst f am wU acquainted a itas a large majority of the officers of the Montpelisr Female as opto, fret, what; reside in the vicit-itr of my borne, aad I attest their intelligence acd CT.eir woith ard high reputation aa gentlemen, as well as the pobbe confidence, influence and mbstantial ttsi liberally represented among tbem. J AMU L. KsmPKR.Gov. Tirgiaia. ALFXAXDiiA, V a.. July 8, leJTa. commcud them as gent of honor and integrity and fully entitled to the confidence ot the pith R. W. nCoHES, U Judge East'a Diet. Va. Farther referene by pennies on Bis Rzel lency Gilbert C. Walker. a-Uoveraor of To Uon Robi E. Wither, Lieut -3w. ufTa. audi C. 8. Senator elect ; Senators and Members of Congress form Va. Keaaiitaaees for tickets may be made by n press pre-paid, post ofiee money order am Washington, D. C, or by registered letter. t For full parUi-alar-, lortiuionials, Ai., teid for Srcular. Andrew. U-n. J AKEJ BARBOCK. I'BMrM F. B. A.AtaXSVMUA. A Reliable agents wanted everrwbere. Oct. 1, 1874. ly. JAS. LEFFELS IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbin Water Wheel. POOLE t HUNT BALTIMORE, Maaafactarsra far the 8caU aad feathw st; HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEEA. Al:E YOU Weak, Nervous or Debilited e Nearly 7000 now in use. working andcr beads varying from 8 to 40 feat 1 24 sixes, from 5$ to 96 inches. The moat powerful Wheel in the market. And most economical in use of Water Large ILLUSTRATED Pamhplet sent post free. MANUFACTURERS, ALSO. OF Portable and Stationary ft team Engines Are you so Languid that any esertio quires more of an Ourt than yoo feel ol making f Then try JCBCBEBA. the wonderful teals sud Invigorator, which acts so beneficially ta the aeeretive organ as te impart vigor to all tho vital foicea. It t no alouhulie appetiset. which sun olatea for a short time, only to let the ttnerer foil to a low depth of misery, bat it is 4 rei etehto tonic acting directly oa the liver aad pi en It regulate tbe Bowols. qatota the nerv s aad gire such a healthy tune to the a hot sratem :a to iwon asaka the kavaJid fe like a oew person. IU operation i not violent, hat b character ised by great gentlrnesa ; the parhat rarer ienoea no suddee ebsugv, aw auarked teonka bat gradually has troubles -Fold their tent, like ie Araha, Aad silently teal away. 1 This no new antrfeV- di-covory. act baa been long used with wuod rtaJ rraoedatl n suits and is proeoanced by tbe hiahaaa ,wijuuii the nxst pnwerfnl tonic art! allot etiva ln,mn. Ask yonr druggist for it. F r sale by sM. F. hlll-LK A ( Few Twk. NATIONAL HOTEL w w r t i . . I'l un't ns reoosneo aor boftioeea ia tbis well known bows, aad aha i- - . a i x friends so J tbe public at tsrge Ik short whenever you want Prescrip tions carefully prepared, or need anything usually kept in a First clou Drug Store, and want to be certain of getting just what you call for, and of being politely and, promptly served. Bo sate lo call on or send to THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Dbugoist Salisbury, N. C. luinuraiiiu nMiionoj nipura engines , tueods ao J tbe public at large. OnSBto 1 and Boilers, Bibcock A; Wilcox Patent stopping at tbis iIuo will ia.d BwlbJa Tubulous Boilers, Ehaagh's Crasher for neglected that will add te their aaarfarfo Mineran, Saw and Grist Mills, Flouring u""""" t Prt oi tho rrofunetre-a nor Mill Machinery for White Lead Works thVnf ! ' I'J K ,Krs and I Oil Mills, Shalting Pulley, and JJ' t STtLlti Hangers 8ESD FOE CIRCULARS. Sep. 3. 1874 -6mos SE tof 20per 4WAddreaaO. Portland, Maine. Doe. 31. 1874-1. Kerosene and Solin? Oil lSTOM tree At RednceJ ?r.c.s tt I -w rj - 1 white men Democrat. -Hec y, fro-tem. Jan. 7, 1875, 4ts. J Jan. 28, 1875 tf. 8-njrroB 4 Oa. .. . .. ... Jan. 19, 1875, ly. 1 exi to Mcroncv a era.

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