Carolina Watchman. FEBRUARY, 18. and tbe law which control human na ture and foretell hum n destiny, teJLns that a Usury lav will bring on a pawck. The My that the money kings mho now have mortgages upon the million, for mon- CANVASSEBS WANTED. We are offering liberal inducement to 7 l &k l P8 nt persons can vat-sing for tbe Watchman. It 1 reported here that the Usury law has pasted. It true, tbia is some thing good the Leglslalae ha done. j-y Tlje onjy COIpetent judges of the eapaeity of the present Legislature either Mve in Raleigh, edit newspaper there, or ere hi some war connected with tbe lef telative branch of the State Govern ill at once foreclose these mortgages, and thereby sell theeeemtry-ont of house and home. Now there is no probability that tbia condition would be realised, for the reason that contracts that are now in force and that will be in force at the time not not 3T The stupid Arguments of some of the gas bag in the Legisletute . Against a Usury Uw would be simply ridiculous, were it not that the people are paying at the rate of about 1 100 an hour for the time np in their delivery. of the adoption of a Usury law will be interfered with by it ; and it is probably that men will call in money on which they are getting 12 and 15 per cent, in-order that they may lend it out gaiu at 6 or 8 per cent : Provided the contract was at first legal. But if tbe moneyed men of the country have it iu their power to sell tbe people nt. of house and home, is this not tbe strongest argument against longer toler ating a system ih-u places such power in thier hands t Does it not show the e x - treme danger of snch system I tional interest or free money power, and it will increase so long as the teaehineal, and k no greater than baa happened in many other State in adop tine new constitutions. The present con stitution f New York was framed and adopted in 1846, iu disregard to the pro visions of the constitution that preceded it, it being held hare, as it ha been held elsewhere that the permission of the Leg islature and ratification by a tn ijomy ui the people was a sufficient warrant. Urant ha iiutt aa much letral authority to rein state tbe old constitution of New Turk aa be has to aeud an army to revive tbe dead discarded constitution of Arkansas after the people, acting under the authority of the legislature, have etabiinea auomer. Conven- gave this ty We give the able opinion of Judge Keade in the case Cloud vs Wilson. The law and common sense both seem to be j Legislature delays. We know that a on Judge Reade's side ; but the Court, lead great many people will bo sold out whei by tbe great exhausted, say not. If Per- ever the money lenders say so. But this son's decision is not exceedingly muddy does not justify the continuation of the and labored, then we confess to a great want of appreciation for his peculiar style other do Of argument. system. Let it be stopped at once that - not become involved. With those who have borrowed money at 12$ and 15 per cent and mortgaged property "My dear," said a wife to hr husband, "we haven't chairs enough for our com pany." "Plenty of chairs, my dear, bat too much company, respon Jta ine nu band. A backwoodsman, describing a ateai boat, said: "It has a saw mill on one sid a srrist mill on the other. shop in tbe middle, and a great tig down stairs a-boiling all tbe while' The Civil Rights bill ha not yet to secure it to the lender, the selling out is become a Uw. Grant and the Rads are hut a question ot tune ; tor no one can pay desperate, and they will leave no stone nnturned between this and the 4th Match that will serve to continue for such usurious interest, without becoming of bankrupt. There is a hope for sncb in the enactment of a stringent Usury law ; an W mm . . . . a a i a l hour their hold on power. Tbey are ripe tnr interne is reduced, he may stand a for any measure however revolutionary ort chance to borrow at a rate he can pay dangerous. It is sad but true, that the only hope for tbe restoration of free gov erument in this country remains with the Northern people. HP What has become of tbe Conven tion question ? Where are the men who promised ua a Convention f What an swer will a Democratic Legislature give the people whom tbey have Leen promiai g such relief as only a Convention ean give I What has become of the pledge of the Legislature to give the people Con stitutional reform 1 We asked the Legislature last Novem ber to go to Raleigh, perfect a few impor tant measures, call a Convention and adjourn. But that body, after nearly 3 month session, at an expense of about ffly thousand dollars, ha not perfected a ingle bill of general importance, and is not likely to do to. without taking all be make. A it ts now the interest consume all the fruit of hi labor aud he has nothing lett with which to reduce tbe principal. Free money ia a delusion and a snare. . sr. a. a It means tbe continuation or one or me most dangerous and oppressive systems that ever had the sanction -of law. It means a moneyed Oligarchy which w to or y ' crush out all men of moderate means control labor, and concentrate all power ia the hands of a few. It tends to make t he rich richer, and the poor poorer ; aod all its advocate simply attempt to make the people believe that it ia better for them to borrow money at 12 anil 15 per cent, than at 6 or 8. How stupid ! Prom the New York Herald. Pre3ident Grant's Arkansas Grant's Message. i iST It is said that the money men will have the country sold out If the Usury law Is passed. We think it not improba The closing sentence of this extraordi nary document conveys a clear intimation or threat that if Congress should follow the advice of the committee sent to inves ble that they will foreclose the mortrairea tlgate the condition of things in Arkan- they bold, sometime before the meeting of l? lhe lono the Resident I U' 1 I 1 lit I Uff.j c . . r Ilia AUM anl Iwrl1n ,. w iii luivnwn uk uio u n it stissuwi ij iu up set tbe tato government, depose Garland and install Brooks as Governor. This is the boldest menaee, aud it fulfilment would be the most daring act ever ven tured upon even by Geueral Grant. "I earnestly ask," he says, that Congress Will take detinue action in tbe matter to From the Boston Ad rertwer Republic u. Blackguards. The trouble with Mr. Jobn loung Brown is that he did not know how to be severe and parliamentary at tbe same time, in these days, when onr legislative halls are filled with chevaliers of courtesy, and violation of the strict proprieties ol i . debate ia an intolerable offence. Ho great the difference is 'twixt tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee will be teen by a study of Mr. Butler's speech and the rulings of the Speaker on point of order, in com parsion with the speech of Mr. Brown and the action taken aud attempted on that Mr. Brown was unparliamentary ; bat there are not a few, eyen among those who hate the political school iu which he ha- been trained, who will more easily tolerate hi lawless invective than Gener al Butler' parliamentary aud protected slanders of States, parties aud peoples That it is the deliberate purpose of Gener al Butler aud those who train in his com pany to taunt and insult the South to the pitch ot exasperation and overt acts nt re taliatiou observant meu can bardly donbt. I tie danger is that the large body of Re publicans who sincerely-desire peace and ustiee will too lone neglect to rebuke and repudiate the interlernal policy o provocation upon which a few of their unscrupulous leaders are bent. It tbnr conduct sbnnld sting some the more hot-headed communities to mad ties the future historian, calmly re viewing these times, woold rightly blame us and not them. If Brown, or McLean, or any other hot-tempered Southern member, had shot Butler fur his provoking characterisation of their eon stituents a few years ago, or hi worse in sults of yesterday, we believe it would have gladdened the hearts of a reckless faction, who see no way to perpetuate their power except by kindling again the unreasoning passions of war. Tbe sec tional spirit Will never be conquered by weeping denunciations of an intelligent population a "banditti." "murderers" "assassins." General Butler has done more within a week to perpetuate strife and rancor between the sections and races than can be corrected in a generation without a prompt and decisive repudiation of him and his allies. Let the country bear in mind that he ia already repudiated in Massachusetts, and let tbe Southern people rest in the conviction that this Commonwealth and the great majority of the Northern p ople have indicated a strong disapproval of all his elan. The North wants peace and good government, and m this respect is m - v i . i v J ot one mind with tbe south. What i oow doing is the desperate throw of political gamblers struggling for another chance, as revolting in most particulars to our A "Big Injun' strayed away from bis camp and got lout. Inquiring the way baek, he was asked it he was loot. "An," said he, disdainfully. Indian no lost; wigwam lost !"' fcltciking exclaimed: "Indian here." "Which do yoa love beat." said a vis itor to a little girl of fix summers, "your doll or your kitten T" The little daugh ter of Eve deliberated long aud earnestly; then whispered to ber questioner: "I love kitty best, bat don't tell dolly." Lawyer : "How do you iodentify this baud kerchieft" Witness: "By its gen eral appearance and tbe fact that I have others like it." Counsel (cutely): "That's no proof, lor I have got one jut like it in my pocket." Witness (innocently ): I don t doubt that, as 1 bad more than of the same sort stolen." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L I I1UU Mr H S MMMMmVs'sT v LnMLHK r r m mm nv aw mm a sji a aaaaaaaaw--? m mv . v., mane- .-. poTTaa7tKeir papers will be phased ia tbe bands fj By. SfBnsrf fjja of aa officer for collection . rchard"Gr.e. Timoihv Seeds. Kentucky Blue Mi 11 -JTsM MffKM 9 m w or m am. -v art s.bsw.a. - - hmbsssssssssssssssi mmw T-wssasssBsssssr n Garden Seed acts sLa payw 404 perienL. Ferry's celebrated CabbfgwBeai, at J I EXNISS' Drug Store, Salisbury N. C. Feb. 18. 1875. tf. GARDEN & Hi m. LANDRETH'8, BUIST9, A TTERtfrA A large lot of Seed from the above Seedsmen jut receired and sold low. Send for a cata logue and call and bnr vour Seed, if f ou wih lo haTe.n-eOaSdenlfrpt TT Vj J7 ' BUIS BARKER. Feb. 18th, 1875. tf. An Irish pedler aaked poulterer lhe price of a pair au of itinerant fowls. the next Legislature, in order . to bring about a reaction against the law. if possi ble. But the people, after the sad expo- A m ' al I 11 ti a aa rieoce uiey nave uaa, will naraiy ever place such dangerous power iu their hand again, by repealing all Usury laws. people as theirs. Their day of power to couple of limited means, about starring out do mischief ia nearly over. Patience, a upnu their matrimonial career, and was it short patience now, is the virtue 'hey and we are called upon to show. The North eauuot be led into a canselps war for white or black, by any leader, watever bis rank, bis office, or bts fame. We do net apprehend any serious dan- relieve the Executive from acting upon gar from the proposed law. Ail that have the question which should be decided by not already bankrupted themselves by 5 hVt,Te brncD ot weovwuuient." not act, to adopt a coarse parallel to that which be has uursued iu Louisiana. con their creditors. Money will be cheaper strnine the silence of that bod v aa a oars anogust as plenty as u has been. paying enormous interest will be enable to shake reasonable arrangement with iy The Usury bill hangs fire in the military force legislature. There are several causes mission to follow his own judgment a to woo is me ngntiui governor, aim to put him in office aod maintain him iu office b military force. The demand that Con press act on the subject iu disregard to .1 j..S if i . . t . vue uuvicc .i uue m ive own committees a.sigutd for this ; but the most potent one wun ,,5.:, !L o.,, -11q la probably the effect exerted upon timid iuto ita affair is absurd. If, as the com legislators by the sledge-hammer arsru- mitte think, the uew constitution and the tin of the Raleigh News and the Char- Garland government are supported by a large majority ot the people aud are legally valid, what occasion ia there for Congress to "take definite action in the matter." or l..4. t s a iuusj wscrtcr. xi ta only necessary to them here to satisfy all concerned k . - m i mat w are ngnt in tnis conjecture, and to act upon it at all ? He might aa rea- that these wonderfully able and aagaeious aonably ask Congress to decide whether journals have even out-done themaelvea ra."ildeii is the legal Governor of New v I. s.i. : i- J . 1 . r , if that were possible, in skillful and con vincing argument. Since the country York, with an implied threat of outline him if Congress declined to go beyond ita MUlhnritV Mild naa nnnn him vUima I r press is expected merely to reiterate aud i a ubiect which Conrresa has no ritrht enaorse whatever i said by ita more lu intermeddle, and its forbearance to act ' 1 . -1 . . a a ' - m favored aud intelligent City eotemporaries 6,10 g,ve 1 resident no shadow of ex tuw w ueriuruw uie oiaie Kovernmeut we mJLy appreciate the delicacy of the B ii.inn ..,;n ... ... . . I auo put d. 1 "' " wm nuuw as w give more thau an extract from the articles which have won for the editors of the a v I rooks 111 otnee. A A .! ti n . acco ruing 10 toe rresiueu 1 Message be bas much stronger grounds for sup porting the claim of Brooks than be ever aforesaid journals laurels, in this branch of d for auPPorting thftt of Kellogg. H political economy, that will pot the finan eial skill and monetary wisdom of such old foftto M the Hothchild and Stewart to open shame. The News think it would damage the' Conannrntive party to pass a Usury law ; "aix shilling, srr. "In my dear coun try, my darling SPU might buy them for sixpence a pecu.' "Wiiy dou't you re main iu your own country, then 1" "Case we have no sixpences, my jewel. "Your handwriting is very bad iudeed," aid a gentleman to a friend more addic ted to boating than to tuddy ; "yon real ly ought to learn to write better." "Ah, ah," replied the young man, "it ia all very well for you to tell me that, but if I were to writ" better people would find out bow 1 spill." : A sad commentary on capital punish meut, exercised in the case of murder e 1 . wv a esses, is tiiat ot ti e jew muuswick wo man, who recently gave birth to a child that ia to be deprived of ita mother next mouth by banging. A woman who wis recently hanged iu England, too, asked to suckle her infant as the last act before as cending the scaffold. We learn fro-n the Hillsboro Recorder that Captain James Iredell Wadded, the Kal taut eoininauder of the 'Jon federate cruiser Sheoaoduah. ha received tbe apuniutiuetit as comma jder of ue -f the Pacific Mail Steamers, plyiug between San Francisco aud the ports of China and Japan. He will enter upon his active duties ia a few weeks. Skksibj.e Parbkto. A young lady of Ballarat, Ivtgl-iud, about contemplating matrimony, was asked by her friend a hat kind ot wedding prevents she would like; she replied that ehe would prefer useful to ornantental ones. Her wedding jour ney consisted iu going from her old home to a cottage in the viviuity; and upon ar riving there she found a barrel oi dour, a jur of butler, a . complete set of cooking utensils, a pi. ce of merino, a set of crock ery Ware, kuive, forks, spoons and glass ware,1 enough household groceries 0 last six months, and ou her parlor table a re ceipt for the, pre payment of a year' rent for the cottage, with two il) notes pinned to a paper, on which was writ new, " r purchase something useful." Was uot this the right kind ofntilitarianism tor a young Iliie BLATCHLETS Improved CUCCM i E ft WOOD PUMP is ibe acknowledge Stand aid of tbe market, 'by beet pump fr A BEAUTIFUL 1 ITALIC GRAVE C0TEBIS crested iu beauulyltsg and pretfftn.g rhe t di n variety of styles, reagiag in price treat aj Can be paiutod any color desired saaaai chasers. A galvanised plate, containing l manu rrvc nj charge. iFflnRmnrj "i . - aas m tmm . - Is now offered to ewswwwsB interested iu beautirytrrg and prateein g rh ttM Th-y are made in four sines, with to $60. aoeordinr to siae and style. zalvajiiaed tonnit kbw taaV f pnaekasjei lascriptiuB psaJk-w'deaire, U rWoiat.ed with ech moand fret nj charge. TH IS HANDSOME is offered at such oi ices as to olace it within reach of all. We lurne il, - w m m. . - v , l M and public geuaraily to call and e?fnineor tbemaelvee. Specimen can seen at J. A. Ramsnw o pT.vT.Pn a - omuuovrg. i. , Aug. b. lb"4-j noouur verdict, the beet pui tbe least mnuev Attentin is iuvited to Hl-itcblej's Impntved Bracket, tbe Drop t :hec k Valve, whieh can pa witk- Ji awn without disturbing the joiuta, uu'l the Conner cbauibtr which never kTJ&tt4&tAkd astli lent Uuie. For sale bv Dealers and tbe trade generally. In order to be sure that you (ret Ulatcbley V Pump, be carelal and see that it baa in v trade-ntark a above If joe do ma know where to' buy. description circulars, together V with the name and address or tbe agent nearest vou will be prumutir furuiibed by addressing with stamp. JOH 506 North Cabolwa, AlXKXAMDKn COUMTT. Mabjt STSjnnsa. A gain t Superior Court. Special pmeeediof IViiiioofucJiiv J. J. STARNE8 F lb thf ease ft apnf arine that T.J- 8farnr. the husband of petitiooer Mary Starve ia a ! uoD-reeidiit of the Slate of North Carolina. It is therefore ordered that publication be IT f Net to M a B made in the '"Carolina Watrlunau' paper published in Salisburv. North Carol! for sir soecesaive weeks, notifying the aa'nl fJ.J.Starues l)feudaut to Hpp-ar at lhe n-xt AS 6. BLATCULEY, IXaanLiciArrr, ifiwmui' Wun u a WU for the County of )6 Commerce 8t., Philaderptiia, Pa. rAhWdr-tf the CdrT nonee id Taylor WANTED 25 BIT Union Sals at A Brax J LOOK OJJT 9 lOR COUBT. FJiuheth W&rd. Grit II;.rri 1 tndwifaElixabelh,JBiE.W)ard, 1 jr JoUu Ward and Sarah Warn, by KM their CJuardlan John Ilrdrick, 1 MVVF ) Arte for Plff Jane Wsrd. hy her GnartTisn John Leonard, t;harli i . V ard, bv bis Guardian A Oram Cross, AfaimM. S. L. Stout, li althew Stout, and others whose nam unknown, heir-at Uwof Peter Stout deceased, William T.W ct, Jemima West. Rachel Weal, Sarah West, Saiu'l West, aud William Varkro', heira-al-lnw o( riaonah W eat, deceased. Witness W. A. Pad Clerk of said Curt at nflre in TayUtrsvitle ou tbia the 30ib day of Jau. A. D. 1875. "vIK W. A. POOl. C'8. C INNEY, Summon .o Feb. 4, 1875 6w. pd. A GOOD OPP J.RTU N ITX Why Farmers are Poor. It is believed that seven-tenths of tbe planters of this country, North and South alike, are staggering to their fall under load ot debt and mortgage. What is tbe matter 1 As a class fanners ate uot lazy. Tbey are seldom idle. Thy work aa hard as anybody ought to work. uot more beautiful than duplicate plated Hif li-knives, and other trash usually given said complaint within the time upon like occasions f Our Granger. Sure sign of a cold season all the bees wore for overcoats last Summer. Now prophets, step forward. What kind of a Sunuper will we Lave sent sea son ? How many farmers have lost more than they will make up in an entire season through neglect in properly housing their implements. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ro TI I FKHER.FF OF DAVIDSON t'OL'N TY, GREERTIXU. Yon are Hereby Commanded to ttfnman A. ' nainM are asdfeawsH J'yaatbua. 4tl Jfeter, deceasgd, tilHam f. K, Jvmtna Weat. Hiche. , WesL Sarah Weal, Samuel Wt. and William Yarbro', heit-at-law Hannah 7et, deveaaed, the defendants named, if to be found in von r Couolvlo be and appear before the CLEKK lsr OGlt SU PERIOR Q)CRT, for Davidson County; at the Court-Houee in Lexington, within twenty days from llieaerviceof the Summon, exclusive of the day of aervicf, and anawer lite complaint hi. h will be dcioiied in the office of the Clerk of lhe Superior Court of said A'outtUL within ten day ; ami let the said IJessnisnu lake notice that if thev tail to smrwer lhe prescribed bv law, the Plainlin" will appiy to ebe Court ftr the relief demsoded in the complaint. HereefLiil not and of this summons make due return. Given under rov hand and seal thia th dav of Februarv, 1875. Seal- ; : Ck.P. 4LOWE,; k Clerk trk3nper.Caotof DbaidaS fioftftf And Judge of fro bale It anpearine bv affidavit to the of the Court, that the above named in the forgoing Summon, lu wit. i S Wa arc luin an ninuif buiintu in t'l.uTH- rf!CG aad CUSTOM TAILOU1SU. tbrouth Local Agenta, wbo are aappHed with saaip'es sbawtag our rV-adr-naSe and Curtom Piece Hooda Stock. The plaa tawrkiee well fr (. onnmer Areata. aaa raalaai. we otaars o exieaJ ear beat neaa ia thia line, and for that nertoae will cortwsiad 1 with Soaa flde appiicat.u for agencea. bead real name ana relcrea-a a to r.i aa trf . Dsvunrdk eo ay. q BoxaW XXew York Cltr. XKJmkM LLT aJEaaaLasaM AM MM lllllltllk llUVl nr i t o rr a OlTer tbe beat election ot Jewelry to W oaod ia Weatern North Carolina. Coniiisg sf LADIES' AGENTS' GOLD WjtTCHU Gold Opera mm Ve4 ' mMm 'welrt. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE nt?KT The' Uot onfhn lern ot thia Inalitti- 74. ili on, Room Rent, ion will ujtk'" Jan 4(h, 1874. Kitenea for Board, Tuilio Vaahing, Fuel and Lixhta. Iroiu $70 to c." . : l?orC.stic sde te r - ?V? N ORT II CAROLINA Alex ASiERrf sty. I Snprrior Court. vAiki Bowman. The wise man will now look to his They make, taking one rear with another, trees; a little digging and urnuiue ensures I hro'. heira-at-law of Hannah W u .... j j . l . . . ' k.rfU.h.fl.tniluai uu ui ut- cwiifiucrru, uiiour ine pre a ncner crop. Avoid patting your fowls in too damp a vailing standard of agriculture, fair erops, and thev get, a a rule, good prices for the surplus products they put into the maiket; uade ; chickens ofteuer die Iron colds whoa names are nut, d Rachel Yfiuiam I ar ose, deceased, are proper SairtWbttitastha Matintr to Real Property in Una KUteanU that aalduelendanta Matthew Stout unknown, hci William TWl Sarah Weal, Sa anu ocienv nnftfTedE 1. ri, mOel vf&LAna and they get, as a rule, good prices for the spot, wbeu you let them out for a prome- SJeTce U rmt still they don't get rich in fact, are eet- that from any other complaint. ung poorer ana poorer every year. Why Don't plaut toe early ; rough weather in is it so I To say nothing now of a faulty is ofteu experienced iu February aud the I system of cropping or all something elst and interest, the reason which II cotton, all wheat, early part of March. or ot credit. loan we bad in Blo.d or the Hl mm SvsTaat. The Itown ef aasbdiasy.en saw mind with which to point this naraeraDh axiom that "we die daily," ia aptly illus is that it costs too much to make otrcroos. trated iu a paragraph of Prof. Re does not pretend that Kellogg was legally elected, aud be bas recently stated, in Hessage to (jongress, his opinion that tbe Louisiana election of 1872 was a "gigan tic fraud," and that he sustained Kellogg because, between two invalid claims to the Governorship, he thought Kellogg's the least objectionable, lint he misgive l IT - trc giow poor, no. so mucn oecause our incomes are so small as because onr out- goes are so large. The expense of mak- a crop has not been reduced to a mini mum. We fence in too large a field and travel too many acre? to produce leu bales of ctton or a hundred bushels of corn. Y e pay out too much for labor and for fertilizers for tbe results produced. The remedy must be sought iu sounder meth ods, labor saving implements, and better trained labor and less of It. Rural onrx Unian. him ia. to luuR a taw init ii r, .tnn . : . . i. i t it i rr y f f owp iu uigB reoutjcLing me ciauua oi urooKS. He the oppression of the many by tbe fuw ; asserts that gentlemau's title to tbe office that will not allow a fear moneyed men Governor In the hj Uie sanation of Uw to deprira the i" f?l! laborer of his substance and tbe fruits of lil iudnstry. To do tbl thing wonld damage tbe party ! Indeed ? Then all we government. have got to any i lv1i damage the party nna ne a og-oned. Tlbi CkarTotle Observer says, If a 0 ry law U passed, the moneyed men will take, their money aud invest it hi U. 8. bond Wring 6 per cent, interest ; and aa these bonds are net taxable, the State will have tn look exclusively to the land ban.Ur to run the gove rnment. This idea and we are not imrpriaed that legislator re making baste strongest possink ws tbe pieced en set for himself in Louisiana General Grant' as soon as the session close, will send tbe army to Arkansas to revolutionize its By declaring his belief that Brooks is the legitimate Governor be has invited him to make an application for federal assistance in putting down on position to bis authority ; aod it is plain from this amazing Message that tbe Pre- si . 1 ai k men i mien as 10 compiy wun snen a re quest when It is made, unless Congress ilea up his band. We warn him that tbi will stir np a greater commotion than was caused by military interference with the Louisiana legislature. We will not discuss the Arkansas con . - Otbari mi ' wowiy. eqaally wine aod learned in tbe pbiloanpny ef finance aud govern meat, atitution now, for tbe deliberate judgment formed af of Judge Poland's commit teo, formed tar careful investigation, renders such a discussion unnecessary. Suffice it to say thatrbt allegsd irregularity ia mrely A Hard Bed to Fill The Junior Sditor of tbe Gallatin is noted for hi modesty. When school boy he and the writer were inseparable compan a a ' a . m at- UW,m ions, prooaoiy oecause we ootn stood in such holy awe of the gals." A pair of mischievous black eyes would stampede us quicker than a "big dog." One day doo was Bent to neighbor Shaw's to inquire about some straw for filling beds aud of course the writer went with him. Mr. Shaw was the father of six batefnl girls who bad rather laugh at a fellow tban not, and wben we arrived they were all seated at dinner. I dodged behind tbe corner while Bob edged carefully in at tbe door and with a sacred look stammered. 'Mrf Strnw, can yon let me have enough Of a it a a . . aaa . . onaw to nu my neo r "Well, K , said tbe old gentleman, glancing aroand the circle of astonished faces, "I suppose so ; nere are six besides the old woman i but I'd rather ye'd leave ber if the girls win be enough. Take them all and God bless you." Perfect ehiieks of laughter went up from those mean things nod B took to bis heels, followed by me writer and cries from the old mau to come hack and he'd "throw in the old ed fern's paper ou Biology, recently read hefttre the Brit ish Asaociation. Uefernug to tbe blood. it is said that the deration ot lib in any of its particles is but short ; they die aud their place are occupied by others, and so tiaues a su hotitullou wnicn. ouly en dath. After eveiy iheal aa amaziug Dmnber of white eorpneele are added to the blood breakfast double' their -proportion three times, and dinner Uiakea it four time as great. They come from solid glands, aa the spleen. la tbe blood' going to this organ. their proportion u one to 2.960; iu that re torniug from the spleen, it ia aa one to six ty. Perhaps the uut tupeudods fact of organisation is the steady maintenance of but slight variable characters iu the living and moving blood, which is every tuoineul undergoing changes of differeut kinds, as it circulates through each tissue and organ of tbe body. a . diligence be aacertaiued. and thai said defen dant canneit after dne eHliiiwe BWUrd with- thU State : Ordered that the Hammona in, a copy of which is hereto annexed, be aerved by publication of the same once in each week for aix ancceaaive weeka in The Carolina Watchman," a newspaper pnbliahed in the town ef Hataaberr, n Uw tft JeaSaata aJtstatct, SuteaaKorth Caroliaar u- aai a iimu 'ie:C F.-LOWE1, - Feb. 1 1 , 876 ow Pr. fee $1 5,50 WlLUAM 1 tOW MAN, Spril Proeedinc IVtiliou for Divurc-, In this rase it appearing that Ai ue Bor- wwrr. the wrfc of fMirivP'er. William Bow taau ia awen-reaident of the State of North Carolina. 1 i it 1 therefore ordered that paaliaatlon be made i utlie Watehtuaa" aoewspape pub lished in aiiabury North Carwltaa for aix ra- i re weeks, uotifyuig tiio saduiie . aeieuaent lo appear at the next Conn to If held f..r the County of exauder at thw Court House iu Taylora- thseMaBk Monday in Marrh next, wefiaetpinpiaiui of the Plaintiff n the Brat thiv dava of said Tawaa t SILVER WARE, GOLD PENS it. They are amenta Ur lhe oelibratrO I Sneatooles and Bye Olasses, Kaai ed ron Minute Crystal PtrnLrX V an-heft. L'locka and Jeweiry warranted IS maa (he, charges aa low lam wun ftoon work. Store on Main atrrel. 2 door abotc National Hotel. 2p . 1874 ly. LnuuiaB mS.j. ml I BUllw! PH i a Al " " vi, le ..o J aud an I mm . . 1 WIWI HARDWARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. -flnefc, W.AoT,l tlerV ooerlor C By eareful wbaervatiee and aeveral jfs in to MercanlUa. buaincva, we hsve been etmbreil pretty well, what the people need in oag Liaa. and we have pwrehaeed our presi J0J esd well atoned atm-k with apiriii rvfi rises Is their wants W plenae onr f ri r-naV ad ike bith a to QtialiiT and t utle M? H'-f'C dTE J. C. HOOPER & Co's, on rt tor Alexander County at uilee in Ty 'ora- Ule. no tbu day of Jaauarv. 1875. L. 8. C. Pd vine, on tbia day or January. 1075. I of pnekel arnl (IfTKS, Waifcasa Trace, ail .kn.4, of CUTLERY, ilk 1 and PUTTOLS sad rarpeaaer'a Teab! A Well Wam nd Baggy Materiil: I fon-e-building Material, tll.NUUSnX'KKWS. lil At. Bert of white SALOON ti v sio iior i: corker flALlSBDRV, N. C , Have Jen Native brand, of Geo. M. Bum, Late of G M Bali Co. C. R. Babkkh. La of 0 a Barker Oo BUIS & BARKER WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dmmists Corner Main & Fiabet Streets, SALISBURY, N. C, Where may be found a foil assortment of Pure Druga, Medicines, Dye Stuffa, Fine Hand kerchief Extract, Foreign A Domestic Col ognea, Soap, Hair, Tooth A Nail Havana & American Cigars. AU grades of SMOKING A CHEWING TOBACCO. A fine lot of Braea A Glass LAMPS; celebrated Perkins A House Nou-x Kerosene Lamps which we warrant for twenty years. v niskey, reneh Brand v, bcuppemonf Wine by the bottle or gallon.' Blackberry Malaga, California Sherry A Port Wine. a fine lot of Imported and '' not'-. BBANDIBBv ---c we w eaui BUM; Ac, ' Barry Faster a BmUgg's, Osiahmsed Whiskey. (r. P. Thomas & Co's, celebrated (G.) Rye Whiskey, and North Carolina Corn Whiskey. ' M - waU Pure Jamaica Bum, Holland Gin, and French Brandy, Ac. Ac., C. Apple and w t wa a Si jfm. S mw 4Tf ' w. reacn jsranuy, J. Ki. qeejsri, draught Beat hot tied Ale, C 'ether wines, Scuppemoog wine and Grape Brandy, frotnthe celebrated Vtueyard J DAVIDSON COUNTY : IN THE SUPER IOR COURT Jnsan Lava aduk. or UBVKaXY m-rkatt, PLTrr. V Sumniona, AgaimtL SkiencerSurrait, VW Surrait.Sr., JameSurrau Siniet sorratt, lwu Surraii, Debaeba Oiore, Ark Loflin A wife Lin nr. Jerry Morris A wife crancea, aatawea x emcoca oy nu next Iru-rul Vi an. Peacock, Garel Surra (I Apencer L, Surratt, lieir-at-Law, Defendenu, 'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. TOTyfiHlillFFOF DAVIDSON COUNTY G REE 1 1NG ; -Yon ana hereby Commaxdetj to 8cm- MOB. Spencer Surratt. Wa. Surratt. Sr.. Surratt, Daniel Surratt. Lwia Sorratt A Debaaha Glover, Clark Lodia A a if- La.oy, Jerry Morris A wife France, Moaea Peacock, tHrel Sorratt and and Soencer L Surraat. the defendan-a above aimed. if to be found in vour roomy, to be aod ppear before the CLERK OF Of'K sr'PKRIfnTT i HTBT fat Davidaon County, at' the Court House in LSington within tweftty dava Trom theaervice of the summons, exclusive of the day ef service, and anawer the rooipUint wbkh will be de pooited In the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said couair, within ten days and let tncnaiu uriflluaniB nunuUCtUlal II iKov tall In. aa LOCH. KAILS, Pas. PAINTS, MtiaOLB. CHEA and l;Lujl BULL SAWS ; R,sttysw,irNESS., LhsK; DUtoa'a dree two and one man Pal2s1as Cruaatut and Hand Sis; Leather Bel una: Plows sad ; Ira end Steel Unay and War nraw cotters, Jalrat on 0. W. Garrett Co., N. 0. Bottled ami Cannew ssestar,' tyaWrS,- hrrd Fish, Cheese, 4c c. W. T. Black well kz C'a eelehrated W lOeS. I t a & rm. m.r-m AL l a m a . Imported Gin, and in fact everything usually ( W. TH l T"Mfst anBAke kept in a first claas iimg Store. Oaw fresertp- OrfsTinal Durbaru Smokinr Tobacco. aaute mmm$ Ti-U QUI an4 Mi WhUA HMm Jk .vuu ju a on Tire CORN SHELLEUS AXES, and many other thinya too numerona le saea- t ion W e invite all to give a a call, ea Jbss Street, 2 sisets Mew A'wOss Drug jaws, sad exatnioe onr stock and hear prices before per- chaaiaf tUrwbcre. SwblAl attention given to Order. SM ITH DEAL A H ARTMaN fbh-biiry, Kor. to, l-S maw rWore. Oar prvamp- Orifinal Durbaru Smokin tw aJss aonafs of aae awe sa. ea nW Store daw Cigars .and a supply of the I ryT'"' PV daav cbaum pipes, and the Jet er and night and no ou need .apprehend geriu having their preacriptiopt compound-en. Feb 18th. Ifi?R tf i 3awer the aid complaint within tbe ti ine pre--ibed by law, the plaintiff will apply to the tyun lor tbe reuef demanded lu ibe nlarnu llereof fail not and of thia summon make dac return. Given under my hand and anal of said Court. lei. 1 Stalk .1 C f mmmrnm iB iwq uaj oi wanuarv, loo. VhL ... . . C. F.LOWE iiera oi the Superior Court of Davidaon County, and Judge of Probate, . i xt appearing by affidavit to the suthuactiaai oi the Court that the defendenU Garel SurraU. ourrau, nameo in ine lorgoiAf Snmftjons axe non-reidenU of thia Stale, and cannot after due difWc be Tound withu ibm jstate, aitd that their place of rniiirarai I cJtnnot after due diligence be aacenainasLad that said defendenta are proper partiea io thia I cion relating to Keal property in this State m. herefore of(iL4 Hnwimnne eopy TrV heret? "nexed, by aerved on auo detendenu, UareJ Surratt and aWi I sweceanite weekwia -11alDaT01 ewapaper published in the Jp the 8th Judicial Diatrb ntexingtoo, tbia 22d day of C F. LOWE. C 8 C. Printers fee $10,60 a mm a a . IfWnAUarr January, 1876. sat oJao CALL AT J. H. ENNI88' R U G EMPORIUM, .4 Ms If present Great Attraction to all, say Mcmllv lniif nek and atfhcte. Kreai Uct he haa on liaod a Large aod weU aeksSS saaortmetit of D it r g s. nu t m DYES, PdJNTS, " OJLhX PATENT MEDiCEhZ , .i WINES, LIQUORS, d., ' Wbieb kw aa determined te eJl aw cheap cheaper Usaa any Dtwaj Hoaae in the BtaSa- Calognea, Toilet Soaps, Combs, teaa Hair XnLabe. aav eawW aa ToWew, ftfttrt and Sana. N. B. aV.'luUeai careaally aaa eompnund sA ' ALL notHW OF THE DAY OR AT EEi)UClDPincm . 1 i JOHN H. ENM9S. At Barker A Qd. stand aeat Araa. 4.t '

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