.. -r 0 1 ' . . - 0 - : i I - - - - - r rr r - . rawUhe town f Pefr$0 tbit tbe al moB t frantic pniu a a irties the result was W Warolina . CatchmaiL FEBRUARY, 18. ' ra ' . Pearl Homiuy at 111 A. PARKER'S. Talk about the next Mayor' election begins to be beard. It comes in May. "Why do women talk less in February than in aaj other month f 'Caose its only got twenty eight days.' " (Almanac) Freth Mackerel at A. PARKER'S. There it a niee little girl child (aged about 7 years) to be bound out to a tuna ble person. Further information given at this office. i Mr Fred Kerr, son of Mj. Jaa. E. Kerr of this place, died on Wednesday night (7ih) of raoid consumption, aged 24 w w w mm yean. 'Tit tad to die so young. Hams being scarce The town and she boys say it strike ten folly loud, MmeekMVfcy Mefieeigpeur eV CajietatU soliloquizing to himself thusly the oUler day, in evident disgust, "soma lay be too Was an some say he too alow, an bow ze devele I know fee w fa botVIfe . at the nouse at Charles Magee, colored, of Ml. Ulla town ship,' he in an unguarded moment at tempted to supply the deficiency by ap propriating one which belonged to his neighbor. For this, Charles now lookeih out from behind the prison bare, and will be sent on to learn a trade at the ex- pence of the nun -stealing tax-payers . How our country does groan for the good old days of tbe whipping post ! py Mr. J. H. Enniee, Druggist, calls attention to the fact that he is now in re ceipt of every variety of garden seeds and Flower seeds, and that he will not be un dersold. Died. We regret to have to announce the demise of Mr. Geo. O. Poalson ot Portsmouth Va.t who died at the resi dence of Dr. J. Hall, in this city on Monday night last, Mr. Poulson had been sojourning here for several months and was well known to most of our citi sens as a most exemplary gentleman. Ue s w w was the father of the last Dr. Geo. B Poulson of this place. His remains were sent to Portsmouth for interment. Buis & Barker. -We have hereto- Teacher- Where is ihe bay of Biscay t fore called attention to the enterprise and Pupil The bay of Biscay is west of energy of these young men, as well as to France. Teacher Are yon sure of that 1 Pupil Yer sir, I can go to tbe Mayor' office and say- ttv ion of a very few V a 'mm . ten ng to the mends of toe enterprise. 297 votes were cast for, and only IS against subscription ; quite a comforta ble, majority that. Rowan county will vote in June next upon (he proposi tion of a county subscription of $100,000 to this Road, and its advocates are confi dent of an overwhelming majority. This road is in our own opinion one of incal culable importance to rur town, county and section, and tbe only difference ot opinion in regard to it seems to be as to the propriety of taxing the people to bo:)d it. U poo this subject we shall have more MX ;. It. '.' r i to say in .future, and will only remark here that we believe that when the bill f ..ay jm T ow A - pawed by the Legislature, authorising the subscription is published and read, its pro visions will be found so carefully fram ed, and the interests of the county so wisely and thoroughly guarded, that all opposition to tt will vanish,. After Death. -n S ". h Oh, sweet and fair ! oh, rich and rata ! Thai day so long ago ; The autumn sunshine everywhere, The heather all aglow. The ferns were clad in cloth of gold, The waves sang on tne shore : Such will Xnamraaoe Agency pt d Allan Brown, Office Mala St., Bala oury, XI. u., Representing assets of (lire or Lile) of over one Hundred Millou Dollars, consisting of Foreign and Uorne tympanies of tbe bur best rrade .. i . LDTTZ'S COLDlfli e, such wares will sing, As to Life, be can place parties in almost any Company desired. Arrangements may also be made with some of his Com panies for tbe loan of money here, at a reasonable rate of intereat, and will not require parties to insure unless wishing; to i do so. Fire rinks written at the loweet adequate l tea. Aa regards rates would say be to compete with the I Ml For ever, evermore. Oh, fit and few ! oh, tried and true ! The friends who. met that day ; Each one' the other's spirit knew ; And so in earnest play The hours flew past, until at last The twilight kissed the shore ; We said, u Such- days shall come again For ever, evermore. One day agaia 1 - No cloud of pain A shadow o'er us cast. And yet we strove in vain, in vain, To conjure up the past ; , Like, but unlike, the sun that shone, The waves that beat the shore ; The words we said, the songs we sung, Like unlike, evermore : For guests unseen crept in between, And, when our songs flowed free Bang discords in an undertone, And marred the harmony. " The past is ours, not yours," they said, These waves that beat the shore, Though like the same, are not the same, Obi never, nevermore r rate does net pretend jspjjsajsEh Cafc in w THJGO. F. KLXJTTZ. Wholesale eV Retail Drur 8ALI8BT7KY, N. C i 6,000 Bushels Cotton Seed For Sale by trd Creek 8. F W. X.CE. LORD many "Wild Cat" Co's., that write it 1U JUL CltuallvBi nUUofj" any rare the party wishes. Though KeeTJerS. YOHTlfir Folks. should any one want thi. kind of cheap ftl -iVvlVo firvLra To, re insurance, he can have it written for them uuiyacio, cvxaj. at such rates as they are willing to pay, 1618, FarTOerS, Grangers, socuos. onH Irwarahrw a ba bot will if not reeouimend J. ALLEN BROWN. i tnev w in miad: To TBI what form mi sink saw great troth y a sheold keep tii mm - a ah aiavaae ungiuatrs a an impart ot of the bloW. urif that, and the mo.t rtrpart ; but ,M eouuoi parifv lb Wood uy the nee of Duumawsja draaa. ad vsoauauve anmaiaata. The PrJir ever dasxvvorW m Dr. tasaous v iseqii Brrrsaa, simple herba. of 4w Diphtheria. The New York calls mteution to several foots to prove that diphtheria is not a ow disaaas. as most pepl auppoae, and reminds iu readra that Washington is supposed to have died of the malady. Tbe letters of Walpole show that a disease very similar to it, if not exactly the same, was aa epidemic among eartam of the English nuoility aa early aa the middle ot tne eignteentb center. r ! tbe fact that they have entered into co partnership for the purpose of conducting tbe Drug business. They have experi ence in the Drag business, are sober and steady, aud well merit, as we doubt noti- . . I t Ii.m will ! m IiUomI .ImNi rf tlk OUT OlUeSt I luoJ " " iwic, m umiw n iwn th mh r- Mr. John Shuman one eitiaens died iu this place on Wednesday public patronage. 17iVMnst: aged 82 yeai. Tliu has in to-day's paper. another of tbe band ma ks of Salisbury passed away. "The fathers are fallen on sleep." i See their advertise men t T -1 fj, jmrnvimx-i. - - :l A fresh supply of Mountain Apples jualt d. at A. PARKEhV8. .fit r j n Garden ft Flower Seed. Messrs. Bob fc Bttrker auuounce the arrival ot i heir forge and ell selected stock ot Garden and Flower seeds. Ihey have every "variety and warrant them to be pure and genuine. We wish some M D. would explain to os tbe reason why Colic is so prevalent on election day. We can't account for it. There waa more of it in town last Monday than we have seen in a long time, and it all seemed to be of that particular kind which nothing would help but sper rite. 'Twaut no use offering them pepper tea, pi'ppertniut drops nor any thing of tbe kind, '-not hi it r never would help it bur sperits," they all said. A usually placid aud very devout dea con on going to his sheep-yard one m rn ing caught a large. dog in the act of wor rying the sheep. Ihe deacon dispatched the dog on the spot, and leaving the ear. case where the dog fell, started for the boose, fie bad gone but a little way when his indignation became so aroused by the thought of the mischief the dog had done that, seizing a sled stake, he ran back and begau to pound the lifeless carcass of tbe dog in a most energetic manner. Just then a neighbor came up. and, surprised at the couduet of the dea Libou, exclaimed : "Why, deacon, what are you pounding that dog so for t He's dead I" 1 he deacon paused, aud turning to bis interrogator, graiely and solemnly r plied : . . , "1 in pounding him as an example and warning to all bad dogx, that they may m 1 , 1 an a. oe deterred Irom tbeir evil wave DV a knowledge that there is a punishment af ter death." New Orleans Molasses only 81 00 per gallon at A. PARKER S. Pure Cider Vinegar only 50 cte per 1 aged 60 years and 10 days gollonat A. PARKER'S. In Kowan county, B. C, Feb. 4th, 1875, Mrs. Lamina u. t;oue. wire of Kev. W. it. Guns. Whenever you need aayibiaf in the way af UKUUB, MEDICINKS. PAINTS, OILfi PERFUMERIES, I DYE-STUFFS SEEDS etc., If you want the heat articles for Uast mouey, go to KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. tbe Sale if Yaliatle Permal PRO P ERTY. Havinf qualified as AdejisrfntMri mm iW. estate of Jesse Lyeriv.dsaeaaad, I will eeVr few sale at public auetkm, at ta lata resUaaaeef said deceeeed. brusrr, incunt. the fuUoviee r,i . a head of Horses. 6 kd of rwil. iilLT iLi ikh cow. 20 haul of Hoes, s lot f Um and Lsrd, Com, bei SWO.U, Hay, FaSV ar straw, z 4 nor. Wsgoaa, 1 2 horse Warn mm geanag, 1 1 horse Carriage and be re we. 1 ibkanrjr and harness, 1 set Blarwsaeiih umM. Threshing Machine, Mower and Keeper fWea- IUf tools Household and Kilchea lumuure. :., TEBMSCA8H. ELIZABETH LTBLT. Feb. 4. 1875-u, saa-snvi -p . She was rather hard on them, that lady who said the other day, that "boys e agist to be barreled ap b-n nine years oldj aod Ad through tbe buag-hola until they were thirty ." Look out boys or yonM get up a bad rrpnratfou. HP"- Mr. A. t Johnson informs us that he has pnt up 500 Ions ot splend'd ice, and will be able to supply not only the . . U - I. ..... I. I , . . .KB . wf other small adjacent tow us. ' .U.r at ..,,,lr., .nl Finds work the archer never aeaai.tT 1 - , . e sv sai 'Sjl t . " J 4 Uur local last week upon that young man who weut to tbe Ball again, was appropriated by at least half dozen yonug men in town, several of whom were fight ing mad. Next t!me, we reckon we' I have to do like the Scotch preacher who veiled out at one A his sleepy -headed hearers "Sandy un this is f!i se cond time ye have snored aloud, and if ye do it again I'll call ye out by nume to the congrvgation. .LI 1 Sj Salisbury can beat tire world for pretty Ice. Mr. A. L. Johnson, desires os ladies, and if we were not afraid ot tbe to extend his Aaftke" ta (he eitraens of g(K)d wife, we would like toNrag on a Salisbury fur the very hbeial patronage lew nf 'em by name. Aa it is, we take given him bereiofore, and to say that be plcasnrc in copying from the Charlotte has juea refilled bis bouses with splendid Observer the following pleasant parngraph ice for he present year. in regard to the appearance ot one of onr . m mm if ' young ladiea al the tecent bal maaque iu Returned. We were glad to meet thatplaee: a few days ago in our sanctum, Dr. F. N. ''Miss Carrie McNeely, a Salisbury vis-J mm a. M m.' JK L mL J mL L f - I I a AaV Mmww Cretan Lepers. An English physician who has been visiting the island of the Turkish archi pelago with a view to studying the cause and nature of leprosy, reports that in Crete singular villages exist where every being is a leper, and where the population is increasing. There is no description made public of the appearance ot things in these villages, but tbe view must be a strange one. A viUags where every per - s a n son man, woman aud child is a prey to the roost loathsome duM-tut ; wi er thete is marrying and giving marriage, must be a singular as well as a saddening epectacle. That snebn condition of things should he, that a govern men t should al low such a horrible disease to be perpetu ated and extended, is a sufficient cotniucn tary upon the character of the empire, and perhaps a s;-incient cause for interven tion by other nations, in the interest ot humanity. IN COLO- Luckey,HrlIo hasJust returned from N, Y City, where he has' been sojourning two or three months, for the purpose of im proving himself professionally and physi cally, lie is as jovial as ever. New Mode of Lighting Houses. GuanahanJL We call the attention to the advertisement of this splendid fer tiliaer. It is for sale by Messrs Meroney et Bro. AIT good farmers that have tried fertilizers say it will pay handsomely to use them ; that they writ increase the yield oiotdiuary land ; two and three fold. This being true, it is safe for the farmer to invest all he can in some good ,sBBsnBaaBsnsmsssBSB.amMSBmsaasBewsmwsBmsm FertflW. Pettengill'e Advertising Agen cy. - We have been dealing with this agency for a number of years past, aud we have always found the proprietors prompt and just in their dealings, both with the priu ter and the advertiser. We know of no Agency more reliable or more worthy of the public confidence. "The Rocky Mount Mail says : Solici tor Harris hat drawn over sis hundred t a W Mm m indictments against parties in Mash coun ty for laUure to list poll tax " In Rowan connty there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth about Spring Court over the same subject. We heard the Sberif.say a short time ago that he in tended to hand over to the solicitor the names of all those who had failed to 1 ist or 10 PVb'Mi apart before that time. Much trouble estf therefore be tsrvfl4y parties ikHwjaintt eoming forward and settling op promptly. itor, represented a "Spanish Lady," and was charming and noble. The young man wbo said the was "too tweet to live a minute, was knocked in the bead, not because he storied, but because bis admi ration of her made another fellow jealous and mad. : "r " -" -; . The National Hotel. We availed otrrself of a standing iuvftatlon to dice at the National a few days ago, and we are ena bled to give additional testimony to what we have heretofore.said ; Sod that is, the public will find tbe National a most desirable place to stop at In passing through Salisbury. Mrs- Dr. Reeves, the Proprietress, is one of tbe neatest and moat skillful managers iu the State ; her clerk. Mr. D. R. Fraley, la courteous and attentive, and her servants polite and faithful. Tbe public may always count on good fare, clean rooms, and atten tive servantt , -t US paid a dollar ant) a quarter for It and sent it to hex, that pretty valentine- with eanirUnnd kmm mnA f tog affectlou, and she thought that other wwma . and 1 was Inn imirt tn deny ft, but left ber to believe that be did " The real tender was mad, you bet, jptj never to invest more than ten e-nu that way agaia. Next year he'll tend her a horrible comic-character valen Mne lew An ingenious system of lighting is sugges ted by the Scientific American aa among the probabilities oi the future. Given, say, a large botel!to be furnished with artificial light, the plan Wag gee ted is, instead of having a network of gaa pipe leading to diff present method, to have tne right for the whole buildiug generated in orfe phtee, say in iho main ventilating shaft for the utilizing of the surplus heat. The distribution of the light would be effected by means of reflectors, each throwing into its appro priate lube a: bundle of rays made par allel by, a- lens sumciently intense to flood tbe room to which they were direc ted with a ptore white radiance, which could be turned on or off, or graduated by simply pressing a knob or turning a key. In size, the light tubes need be no greater than ordinary gat pipes, and eveu much smaller, since all the light required for tbe largest room might be transmitted to the reflector av an extremely slender beam. The terminal lenses would close the tube against smoke and- dust, which would dim the reflectors at the angles ; and by keeping the enclosed air pure and dry, the absorption of light would be in appreciable, 9 We take pleasure iu transferring to our columns the following merited complU men tit to onr eitiaens : " We don't intend to be invidious in the mention we make of the fancy dress ball given at the Doyden House in Salis bury, last Monday evening. Miss Shober in the character of the Swiss Peasant was particularly fascinating; 1776 Mrs Over man - was exceptionally good ; Den- Drop Miss Annie Craige j .Daughter of the Kegimeut Miss Kowcee; Night- Miss Dean, excited general rem irk. The two Indian characters were splendidly executed Miss Maggie Young as Poca hontas, and L. McNeely as Opicancaiio MUs Wren represented the Confederate States in an elegant and elaborate costume Eleven stars decked the erowo that cov ered bei bead, from which hung a black veil entwining ber neck and arms,: red white aud blue streamers floated from tbe shoulder upon which was' incribed ihe names of many hard (ought and bloody battles. The drese represented the Con federate flag dear old emblem of "dis loyalty" decked With excellent photo graphs of many oi the prominent Confed crate Generals who were killed in battle. Of course we paid ma attention to the male costumes. ! Amour other prominent non reside-: t gentlemen we noticed on the floor our friend Joe Dobton, ot Surry. ni m eaaea wee- e m mm -r-w The deceased was born of christian parents and was, in early infancy, dedicated to God in Holy Baptism. After reaehing the rears of If niurtu;l (fu .n.f kiiain C . . . 1 1 .. mi m . I m0 Freeh Lemons and Oocoanuts just Hoc d with the doctrines and duties of Christianity. at X. PARKER. 8. eonueoiea nerscu wun urgan crangeiieau uuueru UDurco. ny ner numDie, unitorm and unassuming christian deportment, she demonstrated the sincerity of bar leligkms prufeasion. She attended public raligioos wogthip. with commendable frequency and regularity. She was married twice, bar first husband having preceded her to the grate. As a wife, sbe was kind and affectionate ; as a moiher, she felt her responsibility in the ma ternal relation ; and as a neighbor, she was kind-hearted and obliging. Her death was auexuecteti to her frieud. Ou 8andav Pre ceding, she attended religious worship In St. reter s Uhurcu, and listened with devout atten tion to the preaching of the word. On tbe foarth morning afterward, death came and pu. a period to ber stale of probation. Although death may oome with but little premonition, an approving conscience, euascquent upon an uprignt and pious life, will afford peace and oouilortin the hour of dissolution. Ou gator day succeeding her death, and in the presence of a large assemblage of persons, her mortal remains were cousigned to tbe quiet grave in Organ Church cemetery. In the death of Mrs. Cone, a vacuum has been created in the fam ily-circle, in the church, and ia ber neighbor nood, wnich will loue be felt, oho has left a sorrow-stricken husband and son, and many friends to mourn ever their irreparable loss. B leased are the dead which die in the Lord." 8. S. AMENITIES OF LIFE RADO. From the Fair Play Sentinel x weive or tmeen armed men went to the bouse of Elisha Gibbr, rapped at the door aud told him they would give him nften minutes to come out. Gibbs told them he would come as soon as he dress- i , a. a i ea. Alter waitinc until tbev t bourn t the f i -9 mf W " time was up, tome of the party placed an armial or two ot straw aeaintt the door j and was in tbe act of lighting it when Gibbs commenced filing at them with a revolver David and Samuel Boone, Mr. Kane, and Mr. Reed wete shot. David Boone died the next night. Samuel Boone died u Sunday night. ILatle's wound was pronounced fatal by the phy sicians iu attendance, and he it doubtless dead eru this. Reed received an ugly flesh wound. At er the shooting was over Gibbs picked op two guns, a rifle, and a bat, what had been dropped by his visitors. GARDEN SEEDS. 10 000 papers warranted fresh and genuine just received from Land retb, Buist, Ferry, Briggs, and Johnson", it Bobbins, At 6 cents a Paver. Liberal discount to country merchants at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8TORE. SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected by MeC jbbine, Beall, and Julian Buying Rate : CORN new 85 a 87 COTTON-13 a 14 FLOUR $3 SO to 3 75 MKAL 85 a 90. BACON -county) 12 to 15 - hog round POT ATOES Irish 90a Sweet 75 to $1 EGGS 12 to 15. CHICKEN 2.50 per dos LARD 12 to 15 FEATHERS - new, 50. RYE a 90 to f 1 BEESEWAX-28 to 30. WHEAT - SI. 15 a SI 50. BUTTER -25 DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8. Blackberries, 8 ctt. IRISH POTATOES. 86 bbls, Rosa, Goodrich Jt Peer less, JUST KlCErVED AT KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. said J Notice is hereby miwmm to all Mi . . . I I , , LwIt, K exhil.il ibeeaeae fea tbeaai or before tbe 3rd day of February, 17; K17"0 loaeweo to the said eataie neo make parment vithoai delsT ELIZABETH LTERLY, Ashwrx. of Jesse Lyerty, Der i Feb, 4. lSTo-ow. IMPORTANT SALE or Ttwn Lots and Farm La CLOVER AID GRABS SBXD8. A lsrsre stock, warranted Extra-cleaned, Fresh & Grnuine, at low prices at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. to codhtbTmebchants. I bare the largest stock of Drags, Dyes, Grocers Drags ace., in Western Carolina, and am now prepared to tell at Baltimore Prices, thns saving yon the freight. Special attention to bot tling Ersenees, Laodaoom, Paregoric, Opodeldoc, Caster k 8weet Oil Ico. Write for prices, to THEO. F. KLPTTZ DRUGGI8T Salisbcrt, N. 0. Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring fx tracts, Essence, Spices, Gelatine, Mosurds, Soda, Dye-Siuffs, Toilet aud Laundry Soaps, Lye, Ma tehee, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys Jce, al ways on band of bast qoality at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Ia obedience to a decree of tbe U. 8. Court, tbe urWeraignea saasgaees mi JeK in bankruiKcv, will proceed to re-aell oa tba 20th dy uf Kebrusrv, 1 75. al tbe Court Heaaa ia Salisbury, begioiaf at 12 o'clock, tbe fiMiw ing Tslnable Property belonging to tba tssid Jena Foster, bankrupt, to tit. 2J acres af Land in tbe North ward of tbe Town, kaoea aa the lee Pood Lot. S acres of Land la taw Town adjoining the Land of Hoc. Bcrtoa Craige. 1 acres known as lbs Gravel Pit Lot. Its acres of Firm Lands 2J aulas North Watt of I own, adjoining toe Lauds of Mrs. W- (J. Jfe. Neely, H. C. Dunksai and otbera. AUo s portion of his " masd ia fhs North ward. TERMS: One fourth Cash, balaoos 8U, Twelve and Eighteoa ssontbs, ia saaal pay menu. Parse os wishing to baaoect the ty may do so by calling on us. T E. BROWS. a H. WILEY. I Salisbury, N C Jan It. 1874. (SSl) Order af Publieav agaiass same, it is now Fir YouuMb anil Gatleno. X?:tb.ir; publication, and to that sad to or "Tbe Wadesboro Herald says : Mr. W . L. Rote infoims us that the subscriptions to tba Cheraw & Salisbury Railroad, for Wadesboro township, now amount to 20,000, and still tbe work goes on. We do not know what has been done in other townships, but hope the canvaasera are at work and that tbe remaining S20.000 will toon be subscribed." y We sre very njuch gratified to tee tbaT the people of Anson are taking so much interest in this important Road. The Road cau be built, if tba people of Rowan, Stanly, and Anson, will it. It only res quires determination and effort on their part. r i GERANIUMS WILL DRIVE OFF SNAKES. Trmn ihm Tlurnl Sum. species of snake may be perma nently driven away from an infested place oy planting geraniums .! IS t1"'" Auoiiiislrators Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against tbe estate of A. If. Goodman, deceased are hereby notified to exIuUt tbe same to tbe underaigaed oa or before tbe 8th day of January, A. D. J876. TH0MA8 T. GOODMAN. Adm'r.of A. M. GOODMAN, Dec. Jaa. 6. 1875 6w. FOR SALE. "The Boydeu Hbose at Salisbnry cau now jonVy assert its claims st the bett furnished and beet kept hotel in tba Wes tern section of the State. We were shown through a number of rooms sod found them ueatly and newly carDeted and nm. vW.LtWj?fi'"duu,ty,uri,iture- Vh waua nave oeen nicely papered and every thing lonka clean, neat and comfortable. The table furniture ie new and substantial. The host. Col Linton, it a clever, polite efficient manager. Salisbury, like many other towns we wot of, needed first class hotel accorjomodatjojis, and wo are pirated J to tee this want weft supplied in the 13 y den StatY0HFA4Wfc. Patent county right of Fan Mill for Black smith's forges are offered far sale in any or all counties west of Yadkin river, slao tbe State right of South Carolina. The Fan can be seen at L. V. Brown's Tin Shop. Apply or write to WILLIAM DICKSON, Taomasville, N. C. Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Cos me - lids, Soaps, sehnns, Toilet Sets, Vases, Hair, and Teeth Brashes, Pocket Books dee, in endless vsriety at KLUTTZ'S DBUG 8TOBE. Cinars did yon- Say ? Oh yes, wa have tbem at all prices from 2 cents to 25 cents, and eta cell i hem by the bos at jobbers prises, oar celebrated & cent PECULIAR CIGAR ia acknowledged the heat iu the world at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. SUPERIOR COURT : DAVIDSON COUNTY. Fall Tk&m 1874. Wilis 8AiwT8io-Plsintiff, J. M.Thoxaso, Defendant, It appearing to the Court that a returnable to this Term of the Court, tbe defendant is r 'iraes. ant to be sod thst the defendant is a noa resident af the State, bavins recently teoartad tba on uiotiua .f plain UTs tbe Court, sewed br publieatioa. and to that end is urde ed that the same. o get her with olios of the at tachment hereinbefore levied, be nshlkthsd for six weeks sooscasivoly, is tbe "Caroboa Watchmaa" a aewspapor pblisaaa la lass District. Commanding tba Detsadaat to aav pear at tbe next term of this Court, a asm as or demur to the ComplaieU according ta law. Said So w mows hi as follows. DAVIDSON COUNTY :-Ia the Court. Wilie SaiouiLg. AfmmmM SUMMONS. mea M. Tb. PURE WINES k. LIQUORS for medical and church purposet always on band at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORK. Astral Oil 50 cents per gallon at i KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8TOBE. i t aVtat In South Alri bad h is Istii Sirtga torroooaVd by n Sir Thousht it waa Delirium - 'tLVtimena. From the 'ew Brunswicker. , , , Sniffles brought bis thro weeks' spree to a close on Thursday uiejht. He lay On a lounge in the parlot , feeling as mean at sour lager, when something in the corner ot the room attracted hit attention. Ri- fbg ons hit elbow he gased steadily at it. Rubbing bis eyes, he tttltjf iauiri, and as he ttarad bis terror, greo. Cstlltag hit wrre, Hfcjuea;uuuwyr "What is what, Likey ?" Suifise's name is Lycurgus, and his wife calls hfni Lrkey for short and sweet. "Why that that thing in the corner," said the frightened man, pointing at it with a hand shaking like a politician. Likej, dear, I see nothing, replied tbe wuiuau ' ttyimd.Hi't sea it I" he shrieked Then l's got 'em Oh, heavens ! biw me toe Bioie. aiiranuy, urmg u quick ! Here, here on tins cacred boos l s wear y V O S I aavf vi uvi v wwosaw wet .ffilWlW fetCffwaJMifT asWer to toaeh a drop of whiskey. If I ttisket. A misaKNtary of Soafh AJHcs break sty saw, stay my right band cleave row belt of genaniuatS, arbtbli t4HiuUjJ protected tbo residence from any kind of tAt roof of my abotk, and" Here, catching another glimpse of the tern be obiect ho clutched his wife and snake. A ' lsr yards W 'rom tjtua bogged ia piteoat (ones : geranium belt a snake would occasionally "Don't rente 'me don't lasts your be toandr lri WlwiH VM whoUJ Likey.'? and burrriu his face in the folds m r - m a rata mm & . Jtma a, as aw at ta etwii.rw - t lataraninm is .taaajtv eatseat as arosanUM Qf ber dwaoa. bo Snbhrrt oasi oils lemon sceateuV- musi teen tod, sod Ua .H,inst oat of sfite. pucnaut ta the serpent tribe. m m m m, ml mm. t war mm j into a trowtawa siessjL " . - - ssll I 1. A .Imu m A-Triosspa Oosr Humbug. It is not difficult to alarm, Uis timid, snd invalids are proverbially so.. . Aware of tbi fact, tbe vender of itseudo bitters, "entirely free from alcohol," have raised a false cry against totilc 'preparatfons containing spirits, and no doubt have frightened a few sick folk into purchasing the fermented rubbish which they sellsndrrich, is infinitely, mors injuri- it jS"" ti . i a on man me vueat drams drunk at tavern bars. Bat already a tremendous reaction baa set in against these abominable nostrums, which, being devoid of tbe alcoholic basis which alone prevents liquid botanic prepara tions from turafng souV, decompose almost as soon as ovade. HssteUsrs Stomach Bitters baa li red tana will lire down multitudes of such im posters. A regular recurrence of tba demand m tbe- great alterative invigorant from those who have always been iu patrons, shows that they have not swerved in their time-honored 'allegiance to America's most popular remedy ; and a constant influx or new orders demonstrates bow little imuxea- sion, after all, the bilatant denunciations of tbs mock bitters men have mads upon the general public So long as Hosteller's Bitters continue Jo .core and prevent intermittent and remittent fever, dispepeia, constipation, smney oussssa, arm tne numerous other ail meaSs to wasab shew sre adapted, they will continue se nominate oe tactions oddo- mmmmmm w mwm v.. r- nuu wm win 0c JUM mm long as they are manufactured and sold- Bs unto all bogus nostrum vendera, of wn unto all bogus nostrum vender degree ofJLnAtm. aad kaaverr, tibey can aeveaAooa J -MtT theasseivsB public favcr " The expense of foatetler's Hitters, tne reputation or wiuca is founded, it, were, upon a rock. WANTED. Situations by thtee Teachers of mush as m a 1 mm ssa a s perieuce. leaeb me ssagusa orancoes oniy. Will sceept small Salaries. Excellent refer ence. Appy at this Office, MORE STOVES. and better ones than ever. me now and get ths BEST. Get tbe stove lied the ACORN COOK It P I L nun L S. f von want ons that will outlast any other, and hat is made of all NEW 1 KON, and warranted Uuly 25 cents o give satisfaction Sc. Vs nous styles, of cook ng stoves at a small profit. TDf WARE, a box t Warrranted or money refunded. After years of expert- Shekt Iron & Copper Wasi made of the menline. I bavo at last found the (Jreat k. a i. " best material, on nana or msue to oruer. Merchant aunolied at Low 1 rices. Uasb paid for all kinds of Copper, Brass Ar. Ask for Brown' Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury, X. C, L. V. Brown. I sm well prepared to eat good STENCIL PLATES tor marking Tobacco, Floor Patent articles 4c Every person doing any kind of work or boat neas should have a stencil to advertise his busi ness, as it is acknowledged to bs ths boat aaai cheapest way to lot people know what yoa are doing. Ons mark with stencil may wet a Remedy for Chills, Fever Jr. Afar, dec, and can confidently recommend it to my and the public. Try It. T A S. Finest Teas in the mark et. Put up in air tight, 7cbi cans, 26 per cent less than usmal Prices at Ja STATE OF KOttTU CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Daviaaoa Couaty ing : You are berrby mos James M . Tbomaaoa. tbe above named, if to bo found wilbia Couaty. to be aad appear before tba of our Superior Court, to bo held k county ist Daetse at tbo Court House ta Lesisgtoti. oa tbe 6th bfnoday after the 3rd M'' day of NMteaaber. 1874. aua answer tba omoplaiat wbicb will be tVpnsitow ia tbo Bales of l be clerk of ths Superior Caavt tat said County, within ths list tares says af the osxt tnn. tbrrei.f. - A Ul the aaid de fendant take sot tew that if he fail to answer the said complaint withie the time prescrib ed by law. tbe idsistiff will apply to the Court for the rei-f deru:.W-l iu tbe plaint. Hereof WI not. sod f this Su make due rwtuea. Given unaor my ha ad aad teal of tab! Court, this &h day of May. 1674. rSoal U E, JOHKaOJf . Clerk of tbe Superior Coast, Pari as aa Cwaaty. Said WarraoU of Attach moat aad Lovy it at follows. THE 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA To the sheriff of Davidson County Greet. ina ' It sppeariaff by am turtle to tba pflleers granting this warrant, that plaintiff is entitled to recover from the dant James M. Tbomasos snd that the earned plaintiff Wilis Salatsiag It aboat to commence aa action la this Court aasiost defendant, for tbe loeWiee of Plaintiffs Daughter Sarah A. Saiotstsg by asassaSaat for which bs claims aaotaaas of Firs haa dred dollars sad oust uf suit. Yoa are forthwith eommssmsd to aSlaah aad safely keep all the property of tbo sahl James, si. Tbomasna ia your auuaty. or to raaet thereof as may bo seBeteut to said demand, with lusts and ei L E. JOH1 8HRRIFTS RETOEN. tomer you never thought of. MY PRICES ARE LOW, A8 FOLLOWS, Oue-fourth inob letters 5 eenta per letter One half sad five-eights 6 Three-fourth A Ons inch letters 7 " They may bs want to any part of the U. S. by mall at a small cost. a Send in your orders stating site of letters you prefer, and tbe Stencil will be made asatly out and promptly forwarded. Fisher street Salisbury, 9. a L. V. BROWN, April 23. 1874 tf. KLUTT'8 DRUG STORE. Address G i Portland, Maine. C OfiPer Day at boms. SWtJ - tWSatJ A(lHr s P. Rtiwtow A Ho Jan. 19, 187 3,-1 y IV Short w henerer yoa want Prescrip tions carefully prepared, or aood anything usually kept in a Fint dam Drug Store, aad want to ho tartaJn of geuiog past what yoa) cajl for, aad of being politely sod, promptly sarvad. Bo ssn e ta call oa or sand to THRO. F. KLUTTZ, Dsuoszrr t- BoXitajujtT, M. C. Jan. 28, 1S75 tf. No personal property of the aWiaaa at i. M. Tbomattia to be fooad ia my awaaty to aa'isfy this warraat of attach meat. I assa by lsvy oa J. M. Tb msaos's Intersst raaaa hood red nod ifty aoros of Wad lying la UawbS su Couaty. adjnlaiaf tbo Vwsds of fa. MoEory. SomaeSowors aad bora, afoojl B I L t l AA ntuy vrawa eoniaiaika; mm tens asiwe aw Was ia said Coaaty adfoiuieg tbo lasdsaf m a a asa er s . m a aliatatai Bwaaa. n. j. ojttsata aaa waters, all of wbksh It ta saaasfy tbr warraat fo at. taenmeut Soptombor 13th. LS7d. D. LOKLlKO In Tsotlmoov where.. f I baas my baud aad saTssod tbo aeoi at osees ia Leziuftoa. tbo t9th day of , nary. 1575. rseoJi c r. lows c4. PHatars foe 91AJ0 asajsriur Csaavc Peb. im IIS - w. Tr iotajs fat Saw aaorasa .