7 Carolina V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C MARCH, 4, 1875 NO. 71. WHOLE HO. 75- The ""BT"" "Mff- BS""'"' W ate hman .. -i - . - -ma, UBLI8UKD WEEKLY. J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Ed i tot . J. STEWART Associate Editor. J. RATES OP SCBCBIFTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. Ai Y kaBi payable in advane. ....$2.(0 Six Months. f Copies to any .. 1.25 address -y. 10.0 RATES I On Bquaks (1 incli) One insertion $100 S . two " 1-50 Rates for a greater number of insertions moderate. Special notices 25 per cent, more In regular advertisement. Reading notice i cents per line for each and every insertion CASH PRICES $50 00 FEB TON OF 2,000 POUNDS. r GUANAHANI! i AS IMPORTED NATURAL GUANO. AGENUINE ANIMAL DEPOSIT. A MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT HAS BEEN CREATED in favor of this Com nan v b v the Crown officers. The name "frUANAHANI ! " la n "D 1 nm S 1 - a t-t- . a mm i . a . . aw. m ' .o a owmiereu aiwiiae, MAftK at the United States Fa-text Uffice, and all persons are warned from making use of the same in connection with fertilizers of any kind. THE COMPANY GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CARGO will be ANALYZED BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALE. TIME PRICE $68 FEB 2,000 lbs. paya ble Nov. l. THE HIGH STANDARD OF QUAL ITY HAS BEN FULLY MAIN TAINED, AND IT IS CONSIDERED BY TH08E WHO HAVE GIVEN IT AFAIB TRIAL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER MANUFACTURED. Liberal and advanta- feous Terms for Large iots Given on Applica tion. Local Agents at all the Principal Depots. DeROSSET fc CO., General Agents for North Carolina and Virginia, AT WILMINGTON. N. C. Jas. A. McCONNAUGHEY, Ageut, Salisbury, N. C. FURNITUEE ! J. A. CLODFELTER t CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealert in Furniture, nasjD Invite Attention to their stock of Cottage Bedsteads French Chamber Ml Suits, Walnut and painted Cane Seats Chairs Rocking Chairs of all descriptions, Ex tension Dining Table of all kinds Wardrobes, Washstands. What-Notes, Sofas, Reception Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, many other articles which we are prepared to sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the western part of the State. Be sure to call nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, next door below the Express office, see our stock and hear our prices. Our terms cash. Special orders (made from photographs in our office) will be supplied. Examine the Analyses and Letters of Prof. P. B. WILSON, Balitimore : Prof. H. O. WHITE, Professor of Chemistry University of Georgia; Prof. F. A. GENTH, Philadelphia, x-roiessor oi Appueu onemistry , University of Pennsylvania. OK2 MORE Christmas nisjst, 1874. their A OB. TED ONI." Bl GUANAHANI GUANO COMPANY, PETERSBURG, TA.. In offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community s Second Season we do so with the utmost Confidence, feeling satisfied that the high opinion, we 'formed, and expressed last season based on its Chemical Constituents have been most satisfactorily borne out by the test, by which all Fertilliaers must be judged, that of the Plantation. xjash season, uwiug iu we lateness ai wmcn we commenced importing we were lorceu 10 pot our Unano on the market at once, but now having continued oar importations during the sum- m 1 I . - -- . . . I s . . . . . - . v mer and tall, and Having large and well ventilated Warehouses in Wis Lity and City r'oint, we are enabled to put our Guano on the market, in a condition jui to dryness, and freedom from lumps, equal to any Manufactured Fertiliser. We solicit a careful persual of our Circular containing the certificates sent us, and which can be had on application at this OFFICE, or from any of our AGENTS. Having nothing to con ceal, we made an innovation on established usage, by publishing those letters received unfavora ble, to our Guano, but careful inquiry in many cases proves that the cause of its failure waa not owing to any iauit in me unano, but to those far beyond our control- we nave frequently heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertilizer. Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi mony of well known Farmers and Planters from Maryland to the extreme Western counties of North Carolina, justify us in claiming a place for our Fertilizer Superior to many, and Second to None. We confidently expect the continued patronage of the Agricultural Community and no exer tion snau oe spared on our pari to maae QcXS A3SS A33.A3sSL THE STANDARD FERTILIZER ! - FOR THE COTTON, TOBACCO &GEAIN CROPS OF THE SOUTH. By Sue J. Jessaxixs Dickson. One more christmasgone ai last, Swept into the silent past; Yes, one more cbristmas glad t sublime 1 Walked upon the whA of Time. Yea, one more Christmas Span bright! Cheered us with its satiM light, Spread all its glory o'er the earth, Filled our hearts with less and mirth. Oh one more Christmas ! did it bring, Soft upon its gilded wisjk To all earth's children, h and low, Happiness instead of wot, t I Or were there some all wrest , in night, vrer wueae pain no roy . m, The gleam of cbristmas morn could throw, Or lend its softening glow T Oh ! as the light of Christmas morn. Softly circled e'er the earth, Did some poor mourner weep alone, While others joyed in their mirth. Did some one o'er the silent bier. Bend and shed a bitter tear ; And kiss once more the pale white face. Where cold death had left his trace ? And were there some who gaged them back Over times hard, beaten track, While o'er their faces sad and white, Beamed no happy chriatmaa light? If such there were Great God above. Shed around them rays of love 1 Oh ! break the claims what e'er they be, Let the wi etched mourners free ! another, And men ait sad that were glad for sweet songs' sake : The same year beckons, and elder with younger orouier Takes mutely the cup from his hand that wo shall take. They pass ere the leaves be past or the snows be come ; And the birds are loud, but the lips that out sang thf m dumb. Time takes them home thai we loved, fair names and famous, To the soft long steep, to the broad sweet bosom of death : But the flower of their souls he shall take not away to shame us. J or the hps lack song forever that now lack breath. For with us the music and perfume that die not shall dwell, Though the dead to our dead bid welcome, and farewell. From s Philadelphia IMPROMPTU. Paper. On the Turkey Cook's Attack Upon the Honorable Judge spencer s Cap. B9" A full assortment ef Rosewood, Metals and Walnut Burial Cases, which eaa be furnish en at 3 hours notice. March 19. 1874 1 y. -:o:- DIRECTORS. President, N. M. TANNOR, of R owlet t, Tan nor & Co. Vice President, ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & Co. JOHN B. STEVENS, of Stevens Brothers. S. Pj ARUINGTON, of John Arrington & Sons. JOHN R. PATTERSON, of Petterson, & Sons. C. K. BISHOP of Bishop & Branch. One more cbristmas now has fled, Come and gone with waialesa bread; And now my God, I come to thee, And thankfully bend the knee. Oh yes ! I bow before thy Throne, And ask thy blessing here to-night, Make me kind Father all thine own ; And lead me in the path of light. Progress. How beautifully has the Quaker poet W hitter, expressed the mighty march of events the lightening like progress of the age. Behind the squaw's light birch canoe, The steamer rocks and raves ; And city lots are taked for sale Above old Indian graves I hear the tread of pioneers Of nations yet to be The first low wash of waves where Shall roam a human sea, The rudiments of Empire here Are plastic yet and warm ; The chaos of a mighty world Is rounding into form. JOHN MANN, DAVID CALLENDER, W. A K. FALKENER. FRANK POTTS, General Agent. FOR SALE BY MERONE Y & BRO., 8AL18BYEY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. CHORLOTTE, N. C. EPITAPH ON THE TOMBSTONE OF AN OHIO WOMAN. Nenralgia worked on Mrs Jones 'Till 'neat h the sod it laid her, She was a worthy MethodLtt, And served as a crusader. Her obsequies were held at two, With plenty of good carriages. A VALENTINE I dearly luv the singin' bird And little busxin' bee, But dearer far than all the world Is thy sweet voice to me. Oh, very deep is daddy's well, And deeper is the sea, But deeper in my buzxum is The luv I bear for thee. Then smile on me, dear Angelina, And make my heart feel lite ; Chain the big dog and I will cum A courtiu' Sunday nite. In the degenerate age, What ho.-ts of knaves engage. 1 Do all they e in To fetter man. Dreading be should be free : Leagued with the scoundrel pack Even turkey cocks attack The cap of liberty ! We get the above from the Wilmington Journal. Judge Spencer, who ia refer W red to above, died in 1794. Wheeler, in his history of North Carolina, referring to Mr. Spencer's death says : "His death was caused by a most singular cir cumstance. He had been in ill health, and was sitting in his yard in the sun. A large turkey gobbler was attracted by some part of his clothing, which was red, for which color turkeys have a great an tipathy. The turkey attacked Judge Spencer most furiously, and before assis . ii- i. . tance conm rescue mm, so severely was he wounded, that he died in a short time from the injuries." This story seems incredible, but it is so an authenticated as to leave no room to doubt. Singular and Fatal Acident . We have unaccountably overlooked the following obituary notice of the late Judge Spencer, of our Slate, which we find in the r ayetteaville Gazelle. The reference to the particular incident con nected with the death of the Judge, which follows the obituary, is from a Pbiladel phia paper aud has called our attention to the original article in the Gazette : DIED. At his seat in Anson county on the 20th ult. the Honorable Samuel Spencer, L. L D., and one of the Judges of the Superior Court of this Stale "His honor s health had been declining for about two years, but he performed the last Circuit, three months since ; and we understand, intended to have loft home in a few days, for this town, where the Superior Court is now sitting, had it uot Christian Courtesy. I saw same where the other day. a sen- tence like this : "The truest cowrUsr Is the truest Christianity." This is not simply saying, I take it, that a Christian HI be gentleman ; it teaches that the spirit of self denial, foregoing personal ad vantages for the sake of favoring another. is me root and substance of the regenera ted life. Now. here ia a nractical teat. brought near to us in all the scenes of oar intercourse with oar fellows, showing what manner of inirit we are oi. If m are truly, that is, sincerely, courteous and polite, we are serving Christ, showing his example, and exhibiting his spirit. If in tne collisions of personal interests through the day, w$ are more careful to favor our- tD7 kT nwee done. selves, to Secure the best, to be served cisely of the kind of stsfrsseeo Wbo go fir I, to gratify our own wishes and tastes, attl brggi on stamps aa4 eisawbere, and to gratify and serve others, I care not of lUc an limited resources oi the Uwlswi what names we bear, or what professions I States, and decrying m eoaapansoa all Use e maae, er what rHurtwas exercises we pnncipauues ana powers of Karoo. We m m.m . . , - I 1 . 1 m engage in, the spirit of the Master is not cau lueir particular attention to the in us. that the victorious war of the U States closed in 1SC5. and that the Useless Worrv Life has great 10 w,,,ch France was defeated troubles in store for all of ns : and few 1S71. France baa paid an As for Louisiana, we have toati to say a great deal upon ihea We fear we shall be forced to sayja great deal more before Louisiana gets a jest sssd (ree government, and befors Use stayer his civic career, aad which he Mb more than any other mas m to prevent the fulfillment of. is fml filled b r his successor, since nobody any longer expects the fulfillment of it htti--As to the Reveaaa bill which paased the House yesterday, the pretext -? in nasal necessity on which it was put farward it, wa think, as impudent a thing ts eeeaa from such financiers as Mr. Dawes wad bis co-workers in the son port of it. aa m w fsct live to be men and Women without know ing terrible grief. But, fortumatcly, these intense moments cannot fill all the years. Time helps ns to forget, at least the sorest of the pain. To every one woold come some joy but for the little worries that happen with the passing hours cares about money aud the cost of things, small quarrels, petty jealousies, false shame ; snd an awful dread of what "they" will think if we take a little comfort, act to suit ourselves, and know people we like whether they are genteel" or not, and say what wc mean, instead of what is expect ed. Worries sat the life away. Tbey gnaw and bite wrinkles into the face, and bring gray hairs on the head, -and half the time they are not only absolutely needless bat absurd. Why in the name of all that is sensible, can we not wait nntil the draught of sorrow is forced to our lips, and nat sip needlessly at the cup of gall and wormwood ? If every man could say to himself, "Small worries shall mostcer certain not lengthen my face ;" if every wo man could refuse to fret over such trifles as impudent cooks, and napkins with un timely holes iu them, 'more of ns would live out the three score and ten years al lotted to us by Heaven, and we shall all certainly be much better company while we lasted. all w e.a .a luaemnny wiuiin tbese three years, while the Lniled 8tete, by dint of sorts of expedients new to national have succeeded in placing sevwatV'five millions in two years, the $44,000,000 losn ssked for by the city of Pads the other day has been subscribed forty -two and a half times over, snd the Congress of the United States is bow drivesrto ex traordinary and once abandoned means of raising revenue in Older to avoid deficit. If Mr. Dawee and the rest are right, as they are, ia the estimate they pat apo the resources of the United States, now can they possibly avoid I he inference that the difference is because the mas to whom French finance has been confided ' know their boeioess, snd the man to wooes American finance has been coufidsd do nott N Y World. Perseverance Versus Genius. To PaxvxxT Lasd Fbom Washiwo. By using a common rafter level, stop ping sbout fifteen feet, with a Hoe and plumb hanging to the center of the cross bar. With this I moved across the field, placing the foot of the level so as to keep on a level with the ground, and as this level is moved, a peg is stuck where the rear foot of the level stood. Whea the line is ran across the field, I take a male and scooter plow, making a mark fro woo peg to the other, bending gradually from one peg to the other, so as to keep all the time cu s level; then w'uh a torn plow throw op a Urge (bed t) This is done at intervals of from forty to sixty feet apart; thea lay off the rows paralel with the beds, filling in the abort rows la the eesr ter between the beds. Prepare the land by deep plowing, and cultivate with soy low that will leave the surface level. By As contemplated by tbe generality, the two qualities constituting the caption of these desultory remarks are diametrically opposite to each other ; the former being looked upon as a somewhat grovelling tlioneh Draiscworthv Quality : while the latter is appreciated as something celestial deep preparation, gentle rains sink In in its nature, and emanating, indeed, from ground, and oy level culture neavy m frirllv divine snarcA. To drnnunrp forced OUt. and LoereDV lose weir this view of the matter as originating in the purest delusion, and as sustained in a great measure by the force of prejudice and snperstition combined, would be been for the following accident, which, itfdeemed, probably, on our part, as s reek- less snd danng intermeddling with tbe is thought, hastened his death : He was sitting in the piazza with a red cap on his head, when a large cock turkey passing, the Judge being sleepy began to nod ; when the turkey, mistaking the nodding and the red cap for a challenge, made so violent and unexpected an attack on His Honor, that he threw him out on his chair on the floor ; and before he could get any assistance, so beat and bruised him, that he died within a few days after." and what soil is moved lodges against the beds and terraces, making quiets Robert McCord, of Goorgta. Lost In Use DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN SUPER IOR COURT. To Gray Wood Non-Iicsid ear, Tou are here by notified that the following summons has been issued against you (to wit.) DAVIDSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. J. K. JcKES, Again. Gray Wood SUMMONS. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO TUB 8UERIFF OF DAVIDSON CODN- Tr GREETING : Tou are Cray Wood, the be found within herebv n Vflflr iwinntn fn I.a ,,,l before the JUDGE OV OfTtt sinpRwfnw commanded to Summon '.fondant uhove named. if to UOLItr, to he held for the Conntr of TWM son at the Court House in Lexington, on the m Monday aRer the 3rd Monday of March, i m1 suswer the complaint which will be SSSio the office of the CLEliK OF THE SUPERIOR COT! KT ,f-ni.l In offering this Feltilizer to the people of Rowan, and surrounding counties we are satis fied that we offer them the best Qnano for the least money now on the market. It has been throughly tried during the past season and the results have been even better than we hoped for. Below we append two of the numerous certificates we have received. AN IMPORTANT TEST, PAID OVER 600 PER CENT. sL m ... 'Hr mreo uavsofthe next term thereof. r"11 " aiu I'CiCIlUant takn ii.if co that if within nay 1,1 fi mils to an.wnr th Mui1 ww time prescribed by law, the Paintiff will PPI to the Court for judgment again the ieien,iautlorthesum of three hundred aud f.y'.KTe,,0 Dl'"aand Interest thereon n 55,'J 0ct W. till paid. doe return 1 ROt' f "0,umon8 make mj haml and al of said Mhie seoth, day of January. 1875. SSIh . C F. LOWE. "Koftne Superior Courte-f Davidson County. kJJH also notified that the abovo p ut.ti han sued oat an attachment property upon a Bond executed Salisbury, N. C, October 10th, 1874. Messrs Meroney & Bro. Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry as to the merits of the Ouanahani Guano, I will state that I have given it a fair, and, as I think, a thorough test, and believe it to be one of the best fertilisers now in use in our country. In tbe month of February 1 bought two tons and applied it over mjr farm at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre under Cotton, and 100 poundstothe acre on Corn. On the 8th of October I picked from one row of Cotton 14 rods long, which had been fertilised at the above rate, 8 pounds of seed cotton ; from another immediately by the side of this one, of the same length, to which 1 had applied no fertiliser, 1 picked 1 ounces tbe same day showing difference of over 8500 per cent, between land fertilised and not. I counted the number of unopened bolls in each, and making calculation on this basis, I find that the' land without the Guanahani would yield 30 ounces to the row, 80 rows or 150 pounds to tbe acre ; with Guanahani it will yield 12 pounds to the row, 80 rows or 960 pounds to tbe acre showing a difference of over 600 per cent. I have not had an opportunity to test the Corn yet, but from general observation, I feel war ranted in making the statement that Guanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. On one acre of ground, as a test, I sowed 400 pounds of Guanahani broadcast, subsoiling at the same time 15 inches deep. This acre, under ordinary circumstances, has average 700 pounds of seed cotton ; this year the yield will be at least 1800 pounds E. A. PROPST. I've Been Thinking. I've been thinking, I've been thinking. Wbat a glorious world were this, Did folks mind their business more. And mind their neighbors' less ! For instance, you and I, my friend. Are sadly prone to talk Of matters that concern us not And others' follies mock. I've been thinking, if we'd begin To mind our own affairs. That possibly our neighbors might Contrive to manage theirs. We have faults enough at home to mend It may be so with others ; It would seem strange if it were not, Since all mankind are brothers. Oh ! would that we had charity For every man and woman ; Forgiveness is the mark of those ili whom "to err is human. ' Then let us banish jealously Let's lift our fallen brother; And as we journey down life's road, Do good to one another. named against DUrtV IlftIM a 11. ....1 . J , on ik. ... V r " " '"u DJkwuiea liY YOU tlmJK; , October 172. for tfiiS uirin; hundred and sixtv five 80-100 n.,li ZrZ?!2t thercon tUI pid nd that said SanVn . alt"Lhmcnt returnable to the hoSTi, 7, mof David8n to be held at the Court sJoS.r V5 ToWTn of Lexington, on the Gth S&K 3rd Monlay E March, A. D 1875- SS TKSS? required to an Cl-r.L . ' C. F.LOWE. F.k VA J-r sPe"r Court for Davidson Co. 25, 1876-6w, Davie Co., N. C. Messrs Meroney & Bro. Gentlemen: In reply to your inquiry as to the merits of Guanahani Guano, I would say that I used it last Summer on an old field which woold have produced very poorly under ordi nary circumstances but which nnder the application of Guanahani yielded me a very wood crop. I had one test row and this showed a difference of over three hundred per cent, in favor of the Guano. I am satisfied that it is a eood Fertiliser and take pleasure in recommending it to every far mer who wishes to increasehis crops as being fully equal if not superior to any Guano on the market. MATTHIAS MILLER. -r-r-r- r t t -, w TT dt TT k rr k TT A TT A m ft i TTlTk m 1T 1 ( YVJS SJSiilj riiU AJN AtLAJNl JLX rVjti XUJM . Like summer gone forth made sunny, OH THE BEATH OF BARRY CORNWALL. ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. In the garden ef death, where the singers whose names are deathless. One with another make music unheard of men. Where the dead sweet lone breathless, And the fair eyes shine that shall or change again. Who comes now crowned with the blosoms of snow-white years ? What music is this that the world of the dead men hears. s Beloved of men, whosef words on our lips were honey. Whose nsme in our ears aad our father's cars was sweet. ol the land bis songs roses fade not of lips weep not A Cure for Lock-jaw. In course of the Cantor lectnrcs, recen tly delivered before the Biitirh Society of Arts by Dr. Benjamin Richardson, the following deeply important remarks were made upon nitrite of amy : One of jhese specimens, I mean the nitrite of amy!, has within the last few years obtained a remarkable importance, owing to its ex traordinary action upon the body. A distinguished chemist, Prof. Guthrie, rlulu distilling over nitrite of amyl from amylic alcohol, observed that the vapor, when inhaled, quickened his circulation, and marie him feel as if he hsd been run ning. There waa flushing of his face, rapid action of his heart, aud breathless ness In 18G1-C2 I made a careful and prolonged study the action of this singu lar body, and discovered that it produced its effect by causing an cxtremo relaxa lion, first of the blood vessels, and after ward of the muscular fibrers of the body. To such an exteut did this agent thus relax, I found it wonld even overcome the tetanic epasm produced by strychnia ; and having thus discovered its action, 1 ven tured to propose its use for removing t lie spasm iu some of the extremist spasmo dic diseases. The results have more than realized my expectations. Uuder the in fluence of this agent, one of the most agonizing of known human maladies, called augina pectoris, has been brought under such control that the paroxysms have been regularly prevented, and iu one instuuee, at least, altogether removed. Even tetanus, or lock-jaw, has been sub dued by it, and in two instances, of an extreme kind, so effectively as to warrant the credit of what may be trnly called a cure. Printers tee $10.5 F,k I3tb, 1875.-3mo, Freight added. CALL AND SEE US. MERONEY & BRO, To the beautiful veiled bright world where the elad ghosts meet, Child with father, and bridegoooi with bride, and anaruish with rest, No soul shall pass of a singer than this more blest. The same year calls, and one goes hence with long established conclusions of mankind, and a silly attempt, at best, to contro vert a self evident proposition. Let as ran the risk for a single moment. Let ns summon one of two spirits "from the vasty deep" (as Glendowir boasted he could do) die spirits of John Milton and Sir Isaac Newton, for instance, who, when in this world, passed as two of the greatest geniuses that ever lived. Well, the latter, Sir Isaae, we feel saiihcd, on being in tcriogated as to the matter under consid eration, wonld Fay. what ho said in bis life-time, that whatever he had achieved, in the way of science or dis covery, he had achieved "through patient thought" (ho scorned the word "genius," ) sod John Milton would deabtlsss tell as that his "Paradise Lost" was the result. imply, of "indefatigable labor and care." Indeed, all tbe reaily great that have ever lived, equally disclaim this evanescent quality of genius, ascribing their success and renown exclusively to the homely quality of perseverance. from Holly Save All the Boxes. There is nothing that will induce early laying in pullets better, if as well, as to be fed with raw bones, pounded in pieces of the prop er sise. It strengthens them, and prevents leg weakness, which is often seen in cock erels. But for chickens intended for ex hibition, we wonld not reeomend its nse, for it is conceded that growth ceases when the pullet commences to lay. In these eases bone dost will be fonud to an- swer better, as it does not nave tne same effect on the tendency to lay. THE LADIES. ,Thc electrical girl: In the beginning of 1S46, a year memorial in the history of table-tnrnnig and spirit rapping, An gel que Colli o was a girl of fourteen, liv ing in the garden of Bouvigny, near La Perriere, department of Orue, France. She was of low statue, but of , robust frame, and apathetic to au extraordinary degree both in body and in mind. 0:i January lb of the year named, while the girl was, with three others, engaged in weaving Bilk thread gloves, the oaken table at which they worked began to move and change position. The work women were alarmed : work was for a moment suspended, but was soon resumed. But, when Aagclique ng tin took her place the (able began anew tc move with great violence ; she. felt herself attracted to it, but, so soon st she touched it, it retreated before her, or was even upset. The fol lowing morning similar phenomena were observed, aud before long public opinion was very decided in affirming that An geliqne Cottiit was possessed of a devil, and that sbo should be brought before the Patish pneat. But the cure was a man of too much common sense to heed t heir request for au -exorcism, and resolved to see tbe facts for himself. The girl was brought to the cure's boose, and tbero '.he phenomena were repeated, though uot with tbe same intensity as before ; the table retreated, but was not over turned, while the chair on which An geliqne was seated moved in a contrary direction, rocking the while and giving Angel ique great difficulty in keeping her seat. From Popular Science Monthly 'for March. A correspondent writing as township. New Ifasover county, gives following particulars of s remark abts stance in which a child leas thau thi of ag-. was lost and spent the night la the woods on ooe of the oldest nights wa have had this season, and yet who ts still sllva. and we hope in a fair way to recover. Ha mis : Sunday evening the 7th, about 3 o'clock, Mr Felix Met-ks Wtx hwoM to sail oe soom neighbor. As be was ia the art of 1 eating, his little boy. only two Tears aad seven w.nths old. asked to go with hiss, bat kts father told him be tald go if ha woold go to the boose sod wrap sp. The little key aturU-d to the house, and Mr Meeks. in that it was fc eold for the child wiiii lnui. took advantasre of his aud rode off. it seems that Iks little ksw did not go to tbe hoisa. Vat, as soon as kts father left, bs turned and followad biss. Mrs. Meeks. thinking he was with kfj father, as it was his eastern to ssmsUw.se esrrv him around, thought nothing of his abseuce until Mr Meks returned, dark, withoet h m. Search was then but he coo'.d not be found. The slams given aud tEe neighbors turned oat with lights, built up fire, and eahaostod swarf means to find the little fallow, bat aM m vain. At a late hour ia the night tkwv ceased their searches. By day light this (Uonday) morning tbe woods were fsH at hunters exploring every nook and uorasr. and calling for little George. A boat t o'clock this morning the little fellow started nn from between two trees, and asked if Dana was coining, saving, at the "I am so eold." He was picked carried home, where his father and met him as one lost, but fonud agaia, I no oue can express thir feelings. They twCed he woold soon die. thinking he too badly frozen to live. .The neighbors all bad their remedies, and went to work to restore bicn. if Dossible. His slocking were frozen stiff on his his lem and feel were nulled op to extent that it was with difficulty tbey get his khoes off. His hands and frozen, and his ears were like icietea. called in Dr. Ennett. who gave a prognosis. For a little bbi not three old to sleep oat iu an open swampy from three p. m. until 9 a- in., the naxt on such a night, when it was almost II sible to keep warm in a tight mm most incredible, but sueh is tit inington JourmaL Bio Pnr.iMCTiONR The clopedia Briianuiea" has asserlious i "If the natural Amrrica were fully developed it a ffortWostenanee to 3,600,000009 lants s number ucsrly five times as great as the entire mass of bumsn beings bow existing on the globe ! And what ts area more surprising, it is not improbable thai this urodirous population will be to ia tence within three or st most tuiits." .

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