1 1. - . r .- V it. .M .. 1 r J f lnr mi?nfTl I 41 - - - vv. .ii : .-.w.i,i.n . I .1 fOL. V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C. MARCH, 11, 1875 If iVlfl f -t r- L NO. 72. WHOLE NO. 7ft. mi ' 1 r $ . ine GUANAHA NX ! AH IMPORTED NATURAL GUANO. .T AOENUINE ANIMAL DEPOSIT. THE POLICY OP THE REPUBLI CAN PARTY TOWARD THE SOUTHERN 8TATE8, SPEECH OF. In THE COMPANY GUARANTEE THAT BTXBY CARGO will bo ANALYZED BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALE. K - OF NORTH CAROLINA, the House or Representatives. Wednesday, February 10, 1876. The House being as a committee of the whole on the State of the Union f nvnnTvn . . . n t . ....r. . . . . opwiicr, lk is MONOl'UL.I UJT TUIO VAJ.UABL.JSi IJISrUOir MAS BBKN UKEATED undeniable that the policy pursued toward I in favor of this Company by the Crown officers. The name "GL ANAHANI !" tbe South since the late war, with the oaten . Ussdetered TKA Dr. MA KK at the United States Patent Office, and all persona ara sible purpose of rehabilitating that section waned from making use of the seme in connection with fertilizers of any kind. land restoring to it prosperity, happiness, and hopefulness, has resulted in a most lamen table failure. This is substantially coufes- sed, even by the partisans of tbe Admitm tration, in the continual charges they are making, that the South is full of violence. disorder, and bloodshed, and that there is no security there for the personal and political rights of a large class of the citizens. Be presenting in part one of those Southern States, I indignantly repel the accusations of violence and lawlessness pot forth against our people, as basely false and slanderous, born either of pitiable ignoranee or diabolical bate, out that tbe course of treatment to 1 it a V 1 . - a a m wmcn me ooutn nas oeen subjected with a view to its restoration has been somehow or other fatally defective is amply demonstrated by the fact that that n at u rail y fertile and glor ious regionpies this day in ruins, while the peo pie, alter ten years ot weary waiting add un told hardships and self-denial, are not only bankrupt, but profoundly disheartened and dismayed at the prospect before them in deed, contemplate the future with leas hope and courage than they did on the day of the surrender. It is a sad, fearful spectacle to see an entire people, by nature proud, brave, energetic, and high -spin ted, reduced to the a a , . " , - a . , . I vi urunu uj uuniy, VUlllCWiUUt our uuiiu uu u.i.i, uusx, uui iiuw iuuwu uu'. .rTT.." : ,,V"B . robbery, slander, and the persisteut injustice mtr mi? fa", ana navmg large and well ventilated w arenouses - v,y ana ui, i o.ni we and impiacalle hatreU of tUe , uUjn r. naoia no n our vjiuwo on me uaraei, in a couaiuon as uij. uwuvui iiviu Kxam ne the Analyaes and Letters of Prof. P. B. WILSON, Balitimore ; Prof. H. C. WHITE, lroSBSo of O'bemwtry, I nivenut y of Georgia ; I'rof. J . A. (tJSXf Til, Philadelphia, 1'rofeMor of Applied Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. RTBD ONLY BY CUANAHANI GUANO COMPANY, PETERSBURG-, V. la offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community a Second Season we do so .iik tJto ttttnoat Confidence, feelinc satinfied that the hiflrh opinion, we 'formed, and expressed laat afgkna based on its Chemical Cor.nti:ttents have been most satisfactorily borne out by the ttst. by wnlen ail rertunrers must be judged, that ot the rianiauon. IjMT vvn. owm h uut lateness ai wnicn we corameneeu nu,iuiung nc cic in.cvi iu piu lumiM. eaual to anv Manufactured Fertilizer. We solicit a careful persual of our Circular containing the certificates sent ur, and which can be bad on application at this 0F9ICE. or from any of our AGENTS; Having nothing to con eeal, we made an innovation on established usage, by publishing those letters received unfavora ble to our Guano, but careful inquiry in many cases proves that the cause of its failure waa not owing to any fault in the Guano, but to those far beyond our control We have frequently heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertilizer, Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi mony of well known Farmers and Planters from Maryland to the extreme Western counties of Norm Carolina, justify us in claiming a place for our Fertilizer Superior to many, and Second lo None. We confidently expect the continued patronage of the Agricultural Community and no exer tion shall be spared on our part to make i"" THE STANDARD FERTILIZER FOR THE ! C0TT0N, TOBACCO &GHAIN CROPS OF THE SOUTH. Co. 1 t DIRECTORS. - Presided, N. M. TAXXOR, of Bowlett, Tannor & Co. Vice President, ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & JOHN B. STEVENS, of Stevens Brothers. 8. P. ARRINGTON, ot John Arringlon & Sons. JOHN U. PATTERSON, of Petlorsou, & Sons. U R. BISUOP of Bishop & Branch. . JOHN MANN, DAVID CALLENDER, W A. K. FALKENER. FRANK POTTS, General Agent. FOR SALE BY MERONEY & BRO SALISBYHY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. CHOJILOTTE, N. C. one class of their population against another ; interfering between the capitalist and the operative in Massachusetts or the employer and tbe miner in rennsy i vauia ; recognizing or deposing governors and setting op or patting down State governments at pleasure ; imagining all manner of evil concerning them and ever ready to believe tne tyiug nones oi limi WTT T T k Iff TUT TlflTlTinTCI their ene,me8' and vnegdeB ; stiowenng all llUn. TTILLIAJu IU. llUlJljlrlu. our favors upon the base and venal among ' I iKam rm nn.n Airriint fWilltlalia.1 A won t it rorc VUVUI VI UJWU WIU waWWHWBW.W whom our own society naa vomited forth upon them ; driving immigration and capital away by holding them up to the world as brutal and barbarous! speaking of them commonly aa traitors, murderers, and bandits; sending oar military officers among them to hector, browbeat, and threaten ; and if under alt these accumulated iujories and insults they showed the least anger and resentment, or despair drove them to any rashness, feeliug all the tyrant rising up in our souls and long ing to clutch them by the throat and crush them iuto the earth as re el slaves. Look on this picture, 0, men of the North, and tell me, how would you like to have it yours ? It is ours. Were that condition your own would you believe yourselves living under a free government ? Would your philosophy and self-control enable you tone always calm. always wise ? Would not the American freemen's soul within yon sometimes burst forth in wild passion and irrepressible rage ? We are learning to bear these things with patience, rauence and enuarauce are our watchwords, and will continue to be so under all the provocations of those who apparently seek to madden as that they make the capital out of our exhibitions of just reseutineut Such trials are sore indeed, and would crush the manly spirit of almost any people: but there is a vitality, a fortitude, and a high met tle in that magnificent race of southern white men which will, I trust euable them to go successfully through the dreadful or deal and come out of the craeible with finer, grander, nobler qualities, and fitted to stamp tbeir impress upon the pages of future his tory in characters even more resplendent than those which reoord their past. Because the radical leaders did not know the South, nor the motives and spirit of its action, nor the real temper of its people, they never comprehended the problem they were set to solye at the close of the war. The task of re storing the Union at that time was far easier and simpler than will ever be believed by those who have so wofully bungled over it. Even assuming that the southern people, in entering upon that great conflict of arms, committed an error of judgment, nevertheless, it is beyond doubt that they were faithful to their solemn convictions of duty ; that they were true to their honest opinions concerning the adjustment of powers under our system of government : and that they verily believe their cause was the cause of true liberty on thin continent. With this failli in tnem tens of thousands died for that cause with the purest motives of patriotism, ana wun uie cncernii resignation oi martvrs i nese are sooer truth-., ana l should think the northern people would love to recognize them as such. If thev do not, thev must judge all those millions of men who are now their coun tryineti to be concious and willful traitors and criminals of the worst type, and surely there would be small RatisfactioH in thinking thus of so large a number of those who are fellowciti zens with them of this great (omitry. On the other hand no one question that thoxe who fought on the aide of the Union were likewise honest, partiote, and thoroughly true to their sense of duty, and the cause of liberty and conn try as they viewed i. The differences of opin ion which divided the combatants were aa old asp: he Government itself. Tl ey had been de bated bitterly in this very Ha 1 for two genera tions, but they remained undecided until finally referred to the dread arbitmnicut of arms fruits. Failure, shameful, wretched fail ire, where each side maintained its views with a is the outcome of it all. The people of the heroism and devotion which struck the nations whole country have said so in the verdict of ! wilh awe anJ "hed y't iosUr upon the utter condemnation they gate iu the late American name. The South was overpowered elections against the republican party and i l? !he g PfP1' Sve up forever aH its Doli-v claims of the right of secession, and submitted i - l e i,.i : i e . .u . without repining to the abolition of slavery as In spite of the overwhelming defeat that hnvi the immcdiate of7 the party has so recently experienced on account in wllich th were defealed. When Of its mistaken course, its leaders here show j the WM fairiy decided by overwhelming, no signsof heeding the popular voice, and through 4he force of numbers, their armies in the Administration appears more reckless- the field, they yielded at once. There never ly resolved thau ever to push forward in the ; was a great war lhat ended so suddenly and path of the usurpation. These meu seem left so little resentment in the minds of tbe stricken with a fatal blindness, so that they cannot or will not see that their arms are a i x . i mm -mm v - . . . m a aa umpneuin uie neia, aia not care to nak vote the radical ticket. A restored Union uuimiung tne questions inereoy aecraea to a I no saw ootoet, mk m UBMa in wMeh the radi- new trial before a court and jury. Pardon nry leal leaders could role and revel in power and aaying another thing. If the death-penalty 1 plunder. of iW bad been resorted to, whether by regular trials in the law-courts or through drum-bead court martial, it would have been out of the inaction to put to aeath the whole wit hern people, or even any considerable portion of them. Per haps a hundred, or at ail events, a thousand victims would have satisfied a blooJ-thirstv people, and I nave already said that the men of the North are not of that disposition. Now, I hope I shall not be considered as indulging in bravado when I express the deliberate opin ion that if the southern people con Id hare fore seen all that has befallen them since the sur render the infinite wrong and ruin, the Op pressions, humiliations, petty iaswlta, and ia deecribable villainies and had been offered the choice of suffering all that or, on the other . . , "-j u:j .L ' T . "l l orveuoone eisewnere, as a crime agiinat em hand, to stand up and abide the casting of the action. When I speak thus, I know there ar " ? fai whole number I eho wiU seXto .pTrVirty mSS a kuuuwuu uieu 10 ue ouereu up as a ssennce .IMII1IIU.. ignorant freedmen were given the ballot, ail utterly unprepared SB they were to use K ex cept for their own injary and that of the eom muuities of which they formed a component part No impartial man can deny that the grant of universal suffrage to the colored race so won after their liberatioi. waa a most dan gerous experiment, foil of peril to popular gov eminent, fraught with evil to that race itself, and leading to inevitable civil confusion and pecuniary rain in several State. Even its mad authors shrank back at first from this moaaswe and confessed it wild and impracticablle. B3t the need of votes for their party overcame their scruples and drove them on to perpetrate what I unhesitatingly denounce here, aa I have often Oone elsewhere, as a crime agiinst civlt- are marvsksM thing, and ret . a - - - praie so ranch aboot tbe "life mem" should be skins Lo di y. Ir. ine Inter Occsa, ooeof the inent organs of radical opinion, I Iv a fow days sine tbe bold this is no Iobsmt a tmnuaedl ooosent of the people, but a force." a to the wrath of their enemies, they would have chosen ine utter alternately aa the more mer ciful. Frequent reference is also made in the de bates here to the liberality which has been shown to the southern men in the removal of disabilities and restoration to the privileges of citiaeuship. But it ought not to be forgotten that those who now boast of removing disabil ities first imposed those disabilities and for the most selfishly partisan purpose that they I and noiaonea with an iudk e. might Ue the haud of the most intelligent and I No Wend ofthenegrocould falltoperceivethat nervert mv meaninr snd charged me with hostility to the colored ixmpie. nut l nave no inch leelinr. nor lava those whom I represent here. Be tween tbe southern whits people and the negroes, with acarcelr an exception, there al ways existed a good understanding and een- umeauoi mendshin and kindly regard. Thi Is inoomprehenfible to those self-conceited fanatics whose knowledge of southern affair is no derived from a study of the (acts bit ' evolved from their own inner consciousness' implacable hatred of the ulera. Such is to-day the miserable situation of those tea millions of white men who fill that immense domain stretch tug from the Potomac youder to the far-off Kio Grande Instead of rebuilding the waste p'aces left by tbe war, our desolation grows more deso late ; no progress, no money, uo aeeamula tion of property, no opening to euterpnse no hope. Need we ask who is responsible for all this ? There is no difficulty in deter mining where the responsibility rests. It rests upou the leaders and so-called states men of the republican party. The close of the war found that party omnipotent iu this country, occupying all the departments of the Government, controlling tbe Army, aud haviug, also, prestige of the great victory just won in the field a conjunction of favor ing circumstances which might have insured to that party perpetual predoiniuauce had not tbe splendor of its achievements been so soon eclipsed by th magnitude of what I shall call its mistakes history will call them crimes. The task of rehabilitating the de feated States, and replacing them iu uormal relations to the rest of the Union, necessari ly fell into the hands of the radical leaders. It was theirs to devise aud execute the plans for this purpose, and there was noue to say them nay or seriously obstruct them. States ship never had a grander opportunity nor a nobler field iu which to exhibit its resou o s of skill and benenceuce. But behold the really destructive to all that the American people hold dear. They imagine or pretend that they are saving the institutions of the country, and yet fail to comprehend that those institutions, when transformed as they seek to have them, would really be destroy ed or not worth saving. For exauipie, they are trying to suspend the wnt of habeas cor vanquished. They might have kept up a guerrilla war for an indefinite penod, and bankrupted the continent. But they j iekkd to their fate with that resignation which became a brave and patriotic and Christian people, as they are; for they fell they were surrendering not merely to the bayonets of their adversaries, but to the inscrutable decree of the God of battles ; and they felt, also, that the welfare of their country required that, if they yielded at all. they should yield without reserve. That In offering this Fellilizer to the people of Rowan, and surrounding counties we are satis- a w. lT. Tk 7V : P,e YJE" .amL ,eade". Vrt Uod ftsd that we offer them the best Guano for the least money now on the market. It baa been fair elections, forgetting that the only object fearing heroes, like Jackson and Lee, may throughly tried during the past season and the results have been even better than we hoped eiecwous ougm to oe io preserve aacu s- r have been nuataxen, but must have been con- . W r - 1 . m at I J MHiatlimiio ms 1 wi Mrs. ,,f atsjKaia . for. Below we append two of the numerous certificates we have received. AN IMPORTANT TEST, PAID OVER 600 PER CENT. i cred privileges as the writ of habeas corpus from ever being suspended. The reasons which urge the republican party forward still in its unwise course are the same that have led to failure iu its whole policy toward the South. It may be useful to inquire concerning the reasons of that failure. I shall not have time to notice j Salisbury, N. Cm October lOtb, 1874. I many uf them, but only one or two of the Messrs Meroney & Bro. moat promiuent- I Gentlemen : In reply to your inquirv as to the merits of the Guanahani Guano, I will state The first that I will mention is that the ! that I have given it a fair, and, aa 1 think, a thorough test, and believe it to be one of the best meu who have coutrolled the repubheau fertilisers now in nse in our country. In the month of February I bought two tons and applied party never did know tbe South, or uuder-1 - - - . - - S AA l..it TT1"1 .1 Hover my hum at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre under Cotton, ana luvpounusiouie sere on stand its people, uuuae every otuer poiiti-. rsu ine oin OI UCtOOCr X piCKeu irum oiis row ui vuiwii i"i """Bi . cm wKBUiziitiuu nuiu ima r.-i r a lairu iu the U uited states, uie republican party is , essentially a sectiouat j which tbe Father of his j . I .nntFit ir.i iMuk.l thu nuAnlu o niiinal tn Vila ' ritilOUt theGllamthani A 5U1 nnncsHii the row. 80 rows or 150 pounds to the acre ; , i .u... ... - . " j j - - - , - i lareweii nuui t-so. iu no uiilu umi iiai i ilh ( :. :n iJ i .1 1 ... t. n . ,0 j n QAll rtniimla trt tlto .lire HllOWintZ 1 . . r ' rgy w'" 7u puouus 10 "v v 0 was sectioual. When it acceded to power - "nmw ui over wo per cent. Bcientions. How easily could the breach between the sec experienced class of the southern people until carpet-baggers and negroes, backed np by the military, couiu seise upon tne governments or all those States and contool them for tbe re publican party. Tho manner in which those disabilities were imposed, was also in violation of ever' principal of justice and liberty, for they were in tne nature of penalties laid upou individuals without trial, and for offenses whereof they were never convicted Their op eration was most unfair and ineanitablc. lor they often fell upon men who had been at heart faithful to tbe union, while many of tho most active confederates entirely escaped. Those disabilities were never removed until the radical loaders supposed their grip upon 'the South was too secure ever to be seriously en dangered bv any opposition. And now, when they behold the intellect and virtue of the South once more partially unfettered, .and ad vancing to that supremacy there which those attributes always will and oaght to maintain in every community of enlightened people, the Administration in V ashineton becomes profoundly nueasy, because ignorance and dJn h one -ty are losing control of the South; and at this very moment the most high-hauded and tyrannical schemes are being devised here by which new shackles may be put on the limbs t f southern white men.jo that tho subservient tools of the Administration may be enabled to wriggle their slimy way np again into place and power in that hapless section. All this is done, too, upon tbe pretext that the South is plotting a renewal of the war, when every man in America with a spoonful of brains ought to know that such an idea is at preposterous aa it would be to expect a rolcauo to burst out this day on Pennsylvania avennc. N ; the course of the leaders the of dominant party is not aud never has been magnanimous to wards the South but tyrannical, unpatriotic, exasperating, and thoroughly selfish. For 0110, 1 have always believed if that kind hearted man who was nHsasiuated in this city on the 14th of April, lefi6, had lived to deal with the problem of reconstruction, the South would have beou generously treated, and would have been happy and prosperous long ago. Not that the man who succeeded him in the Presidency was wanting in honexty or faithful ness to his sense of duty ; bat Abraham Lin- I coin wastheouly man able to control the ro I publican party who possessed tho spirit of 1 . 1 oi, v mm fli-iHt v. Tliorp rirn 111 mi c t i hir men lu high places equal to bun, perhaps, in intclect, but he alone of them all scorns to bare had any soul. 0, mysterious Fate ! to quench the warm pulses of that kind heart, and turn us over totho tonder mercies of bitter, implacable tyrants ! Among the causes which have gone far to produce incalculable evils to the whote country, and greatly hindered tho solution ot tbe prob lem of southern restoration, must be specially uoted that selfish ambition of the radical lead ers which has prom; t -d, and still prompts them, to labor with far more zeal for the per petuation of their own political assendency than for tho welfare of tho American people and the preservation of our free institutions. I say tbe leaders, because I wish it to be well understood that iu this as well as every other point of my arraingnment of the republican party, I draw a broad line of distinction between the motives of those kadt r, and of the mouses who have followed and been misled by them. I believe iu tbe people, I have an abiding faith in tho uprigct and patriotic impulse of the popular masses, bo'h North and South, in their fidelity to tbe principles id frco government, aud in their wish to do rig'it, if they know what right is, and are not uiUled by demagogue and deceivers I am satisfied that tbe northern people, and especially those gallaut Union soldiers who constitute so considerable a part of that peo ple, and between whom and us there sprang up so profound a respect fur each othor in the long aud well-fought contest, would never nave sanctioned the unjust sud despotio measures If 1 mistake not. the lasssAaaa aoon demonstrate to even bod V that tain a renr different opinio. M would make our burtn Mtl (M I has been trying for years to rale ten mill auzens by lore and fear ; and if U cs, pray Sow aMefc liberty JJ5-- oouid aae- esraocsi rea liDSMp. Hons have been healed then by the exercise of imuoM u UUwn the South if they could have ol those whosliaped the policy of the victors. Suppose, when the folds of the old flag of our fathers, so glorious with their deeds, floated out over us again, there had come with it the assurance that we were under the ais of con stitutional law and liberty, even as understood by our adversaries when the fight began. Sup posefjit had been said to us, "You have sought to divide the Union. That never shall be done known our real sanations and purposes, and if i A, - , i i . i. , moir passions ana prcjuuict.. uau am m-eu ' aroused against us by those schemiug, dariug plotiers who sought a aellih advantage from these actional stnfes and hatreds His npon 1 these, aud not upon the people whom they hare deceived, that my cenNarcs are meat to fall. What words can portray the wickedness of j those who have not allowed the people of the ' two blccdimr sections of this country to be at Corn. On thn 8th nt w,.k..r T ninkml from one row of Cotton 14 rods Ions, which had been fertilised at the sKn.o mt 8 imnnrl. nf seed cotton i from another immediately by the side of this one, of the same length, to which I had applied no fertiliser, I picked 1J ounces the same aui has beeD always day showing difference of over 8500 per cent, between land fertilized and not. I counted the part-.,, thiU2 wbiel umber of unopened bolls in each, and making calculation on this basis, I find that the land KjJJy- warued the l I have not had an onnortnnltv to test the Corn vet. but from general observation, I feel war ranted in making the statement that Guanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. On one acre of ground, aa a test, I sowed 400 pounds of Guanahani broadcast, subsoiluig at the same time 15 inches deep. This acre, under ordinary circumstances, has average 7 W pounds of ased cotton ; this year the yield will be at least 1800 pounds E. A. PKOl'ST. P.. if Imrincr bavmI tht Union anil ih-st .loved ' nCACfl thotlHl the hsht Was OVCr; WOO have the institution which threatened it, we now" in- ; kept alive the strife ; who have fanned the vita you back to your place under the common flames of discord; who have, for ten long years, Viovernment. Let us forget our strifes and be been nurturing the seeds orhate, because out of brothers again, and unite in building up and all this wide-spread mincry and ruin they could beautifying our common glorious heritage." ; reap preferment of coin gold for th melvesl Could there but have been to the ruler, of this Snrely, surely . the exeorstjon of posterity nni f.vl,h -.1 ..h,rH m I,... a,lrpn 1 theinaljdioiuroflleavon most light upou tbe n si set lation of those relations of mutual confidence and benevolence between him and the white people among whom his lot is cast is or the Highest importance to him. But t pretended friends of the negro have done all they could to bring about race antagonism The negro, when freed and thrown oat to shift for nhnself, needed to go to work iodaauioas ly and without distraction, so as to secure a competency for hinatelf and familv. But the radicals diverted him from this .plain road of honest thrift, and made him a noisy, lazy poli iician, ana in too many rases the only thing he does now ia to steal and vote, while the men he elects to office govern and steal. Suf frage was given to him, thev said, to enable him to protect himself, and now they aay auOrage ia no protection, but a peril to him and they propose to nam the most extraordi nary laws, even going so far aa to suspend the writ oi anoeoj corpus, in order to secure to the negro his right to vote. Through snch contra dictory theories and inconsistent pretext the devious policy of the radical leader proceeds, consistent only in this, that its sole and con stant aim is their own aggrandizement. Instead of fostering pesea between the so needful to both and especially to the weaker, these selfish men banded the negroes together in secret, oath-bound leagues, instilled into their minds jealousy and hostility toward the white people, led them to the polls raswiaw to vote into office tbe vilest of man, used them to overthrow tbe governments and plunder the people of mates, to ruin credit, insu!t decency. ana trample out all hopes ot prosperity-, ia short, these men havf led the negroes to dbvracc themselves by their miserable failures in sphere of action for which they were unfit, aad also to become, aa far as poaaibla, a nuisance to the com munities in which they live. In spite ef aft this, the generous-hearted people of the South, who know the poor negro, do not hate Lira they only pity him. They know that be is lit tle to blame for it all, for in his ignorance ht has simply been the deluded tool of designing hypocritiea, who told him pleasing lies, bat cared nothing for him except to get his vote. One of the great incidental infuries dona the negro in this whole business is that he has been taught to depend so entirely on others and not on himself for his advancement a Unit which is naturally prominent in his negative, paras itical character, and needs to be eradicated and not fostered, if yon would make a man of bim. Another thing is tbe wild and extravagant notions that have been awakened in his bosom concerning what is to be done for him, concern ing his rights and his wrongs, and bis whole relations to be American Government and peo ple. For example, some of you sedulously in culcale uiton the negro, and try ourselves to believe, that his inferiority in menial and mor al advancement is tbe result of his former sub- lection in the South, t have more than on-e heard the expression on this floor that the "ne gro has been brutalized by southern slavery .'- It is time for such preposterous and slander ons nonsense to stop. A century or two ago the nearoes went into that slavery, a few utterly degraded, besotted, grub-eating, snake-worship ing savages. Jen years ago they came out from that yoke, millions of civilized, Christianized men, even able, in jour opinion, to help gov ern this glorious com. try . strange bruuu tine" lhat ! But the negro is kept unhappy and rcstlssa wilh the idea that lie is still a terribly wronged man. Instead of teaching him to use wisely the gifts he has received, yon keep htm pining for some great imaginary blessing still ahead, some El Dorado, some Hesperian garden, to which your legislation is to transport him, where the Ills which, alas, mast always oppress poor humanity, white and buck alike, cannot I was grealJ) struck with this thought the oth er day during the debate on the so-cal led "civil riahU mil. Una colored member said, r this bill and jrive my people a chance in the race of life." Another said, Hiive us our lib erties: give us our rights; give us our privileg No thought seemed to enter their minds Uut anything had yet ben done for them, or that there wua any savor of absurdity or ingratitude in their present clamor. A rcw years ago th men were slaves, hoeing in some ssastars cot ton-patch or corn-field. Now, they are not on ly freed and made citizen, bat promoted to be rulers and law-makers for the proudest nation in the world. If there be a spectacle on earth more transcendently ludicrous than all others it certainly ia lo behold a corn-held negro United L t , m uis ianu r i nere are i i who Ulk about aJairata pi, and Arkansas, as if i Central or South Ai vital It a a that the gamgreaw which ia hoyaauas. Usare . the extremities will soon sstinto the heart el toe body politic, if hia not HIM I Hi II are told that the "leanim of thai aYiJnnVahanfai secured, and it u under this pretext that aaost of the dangerous innovations in onr yetesn of govsrnasaut are being made Ofeoanwa,atWBt of those who fought on the other aide, I cannot with decorum, aay that von ought not to asenre the legitimate results 0 the war; Inst avary American baa a right to ask what thaw gun to prevent ast was Ik awfa which your brave 53t Mows b Its Tbe war was bewun to orevent or ine union. That was the orii helming numbers acainat us. Has not that result been secured ? Has it not been tew years - bullet-rent battle-flags, and swore bv lbs Wosmc ot soldiers to accept the Union as fsjMnntt' iou ought to believe as, for whatever earn we have done, we have never dwittJ roe. Vt did not do so at the beginning of thai Tl a r.ere was no sneaking cot orable doable-dealing en ztonreaantattvas west forth fr proclaiming openly the purpose of lha mr movements were all made hi the daylight, without or rrand. Standing before vou, there a, la the attitude of men who have never been fobs as honor, we demand that yen toast an ashes sjajg give our sworn pledge of eternal fidelity to the Union. If (be should attempt It, we shall see woo can strike the moat gallant defense. Dunne the war tka laa ded so aa to include the abolition of 1 ry. Many of your soldiers were they were induced toaeejaueace epoa the thai It was this slavery thai tne l nion. nine tbe war wan fosarhi tl and no other que, lion arose durilg IU 1 uar.ee. Tbe negro waa freed, every State so amending Its constitution aa forever th Croiubil involuntary eervitode within aav ardcrs. the perpetuity of the Union and the pation of the negro. All other 1 1. a . . 1 suiu 01 ine war, or which we bear so moon, are ingenious anbterfagca, invented war by those who weae seek I which thev could cajole a eonidii supporting them in Ihe ter designs. Aad so subtle an these plotters acquired, that if looks back to and longs for 1 republic of the fathers be Is b bom." The results of toe war, indeed ! Why. sir, if tbe gallant heroes who fell under Che SUrs and Stripes conld see the ruin yoe wrought, tne outrages yon have States wrecked, millions of while the travesties of governments you karew eat am, bayonets ia legislative halls, faros aasj traasWy stalking alternately across the stage, Ameneavt free institutions themselves ia deadly perfL ig people into J? something like the ieSedeteeerBHaw w would tenasjawin and I mam close, which eesabl toha patrious people to -peak to real foet- nd could hear you aay this fought and died for, they their graves this day. Mv ti me ia nearly out. leaving many things nnaah said, in justice to the bun est. who aent me here. Before I ever greaa, I longed for the opportunity the people of the North from platform like Ibis, and tell them tbe ft . a a eat inga ana purposes 01 tne soreiy-esau pie of my section, believing that, if the lar masses of both sections could understand one another, we should atones see gonad as and friendship restored. This I have ored to do on the few occasions during this term of Congress when I conld obtain tbe fleer ; bet in doing this, you can bear witness UntlSfM have spoken (aa I never shall) ia the whining tones of the whipped spaniel, kejt tn she ksssV pendent and tearless spirit ef a ssawBssawwasi represents freemen. We speak oat boldly and bluntly our thoughts, bees nas we have ne sift er designs to cover up, asm we are ton to be treacht rons. If ever the time shall here when I must tuna my voice lo and speak with bated breath for fear of trig some tyrant, then I shall leave these aall forever, aod aewking a boms io on quiet eovs of our mountains, try lo forget that I ever fMfo eooutry. r- But. thank God. no such evil faiaeaoiSaT as called for now, for the future is biightaarla the old-lime spirit of American likwwey is ins out of sleep. Tbe arrest Nona has through the mists of misrepresents which radiralt-m ha so long hid tka traSSi peeling the afLira of the Sooth, ami in the fa U elections pronounced ber emjhstic C tion of the men in power. e ia the has aran lea wUh dcraUnd what this mesas. Ik fellow-couatrvmen of the Northern willing lo trust our patriotic mon country, iu iriatiieiiosw, its aire aims, aod iu future and we are resolved not to faience. I am aware that and we shall be subjected to I know that the radical leaders. In th tr at ihe prospect ef dssaosSlion f Davib Co., N. C. Messrs Meroney & Bro. , Okntlemrm In reply to your inquiry as to the merits of Guanahani Guano, I would say that I used it last Summer on an old field which would have produced very poorly under ordi ry circumstances but which under the application of Guanahani yielded me a very good crop. 1 bad one test row and this showed a diflerence of over three hundred per cent, in favor of the uaao. .. . I am satisfied that it is a good Fertilizer and take pleasure to recommencing it to every r- who wishes to increasehis crons as beinc fully equal if not superior to any Guano on the orket. I WE SELL GUANAHANI AT Freight added. CALL AND SEE US. MERONEY & BRO. in 1860 it was exclusively sectional, and the natural result of its entrance iuto authority was the hostile array of the two sections against each other in mortal strife. To this day that party remains sectioual iu its whole spirit aud toue aud leadership, and inaiuly so its composition ; for, with the exceptiou of a small minority of honest, but poorly-in-fonned men, its outy supporlets in the South are the negroes and carpet-baggers, a few pliable gentlemen who joined its for the sake of office and spoils. Duriug the six years of Grant's adiuiuistratiou, no southern man of auy race or color has occu pied a place in his cabinet. Jnstead ot giv itg meu of that section a share in the Fed eral administration, it has been common to send northern men down to fill the offices among us, to be legislators aud governors for our States, thus eonveruug tnem into radical satrapies instead of self-governing commonwealths. In brief, under tne repnb- . aa nnn fUfWr I ,lwlu lmrty one ena OI lDIS co"11" goverus n-tU I JJ1V A V-TJ-v . 1 the other, and home-rule is utterly ignorea I . U .1. mt.U .sv 11 .1 . . wot n .1 11 ine uuruicru ucuuie wuu w unuciawsuu how gr'mdiiig aud irritating this is to us let them imagine the tables turned aud consider how they would like' to have the people of the South inter meddling in all their local ana domestic concerns : watching with a jealous and suspicious eye all the moveinenfs of their social life ; espousing the cause of MATTHIAS MILLER. country the faiih and charity to have sisoken such words, the wind and wares of .sectional conflict would soon have subsided iuto a great c ilm. and the people would have wellnigh for eotten. before this time, the horro's of that -mm M ill 1 strife. 1 say this knowing as wen as any now the defeated felt, for I was one of those who fought it through to the last, with my whole soul enlisted in the cause, and with no thought of giving it up while there remained a shadow of hope ; and the bitterness 01 ueieal wes msue more poignant to me by the recollection of many dearest friends fallen in vain. I have heard republicans in thu Congress boast of their magnanimity to the boulh that they put nobody to death after the war. Well, as I will not be unfair or unjust, I deem it due to lay, what is a mutter for universal pride and congratulation, that the American neonle. both North and South. are free from that blood-thirsty temper which marks some races of men, aad which takes delight in blood and butchery for their own sake. History will record with satisfaction the fact that no venge ful slaughter of vanquished foes added to the rivers of fraternal blood which Uie war it self had shed. But candor requires the confes sion that no such slaughter could have occurred except through wanton barbarity, and in con travention of the law ; for it is, I believe,, well understood that even the confederate president was released from prison without a trial for treason because the ablest jurist of the country mm it as their ooinion that he could not be. ninth u 11 i.ir.il Irle.d oriminalit ! When the subject Is looked at closely. It Is astounding to perceive how greatly the leaders 1 of the republican party have been governed in their whole po.icy by the ambition to strength en their own grasp upon tho reins ol power. Common sense might have tanght that, in re- 1 building the scattered fabric of civilinstitution in the South, those olaases ol people soon in I have been allowed to bear a share in the work I who.: experience aud knowledge of affairs titled them for it. rtut uy the ingenious contri vance of disfranchisement and tert-ths, most if those men were banned and excluded froui i" ! the council nf their respective Si ates aud com munition at that niwt trying and important crisis. Why was this doue ? Simply because those were men of two stubborn and indepen dent material to become the tools of the domi nant party. It is false to say they ware ex cluded because they would have beeu danger ous to the country by forming new plans to reopen the war. Every man knew that this was impossible; and none knew it better than those who, having jnat overthrow u the miirhtv armies of the confederacy, felt them selves able to put down, without the slightest effort, auy new outbreak. No, sir; thoe men would hare built well enough for the welfare and peace of the country, for the restoration of the Union, fur the happiness and rerewed prosperity of the defeated Sta'es ay, they were the only men, with a few exceptions, who could secure these things but they would not serve the ends of the radical lead era. It rive taisaw Is lo standing up in the toaayress 01 tbe uniteo lU roykl Je.pcraiesndsWisaj asses, btstoaand axclaimang in piieuua tones of grief ,)rt, U,T , prpoof revering control fee taw ana siiMtiicauon, 'lto give ma poor .-irican some chance: give SS our rights : give ua our liberties." After what I have said in regard to the folly and absurdity of the policy which has been pursued with respect to the negro, it is proper that I shall add lhat 1 know of no serious pur pose on tbe part of anybody to deprive the ne gro of the privilege, of voting, ur auy other privilege which has been conferred on hiui. We do, scene of as, think that the Government might wisely cease lo bolster ap ignorance and incompetency, mainly represented by the negro, stop interfering with the natural order of things and trying to aaakeUhe pyramid stand on it apex, aod allow the virtue aad intelligence of the Hoot h, at present mainly lound wiUi the white race, to resume their normal control in that section. Tit rtnLcal plea ia to make slaves often million white men for the prt-len-ded good of lour million blacks, Oara iale rltape the conduct of aaVira that all, both while aad brack, may be happy and free. Ia a wonl, oar principle is "keens rule." Since every other purpose of recoesstssf bouih. Tbsy even 000 1 ass 1 asm a of the writ of I el as pas, that grant of peraonal liberty, ia and exapoU ihe them to desperation. heard in the political ctrcses of the intent ion is to provoke out breaks and aaackA. a Sh -SB Sk S shed in th Southc rn ?ate, and taat aimed really to bi ing about be perfected before this aeanhan ef esfassSBstas. The a pretext ia to be rending the military iato ail limidale and overawe the cure their votes in lha next praaideastial el or And excuses for throwing them osJt I et messv to these sVaspcraie are people, and either aa- u not now convicted under the laws of the land ; and the w&3 not happy. nr .pero a, resurrected States Government of the United States, having trt- that wen wanted ; it was States bx, programme has tailed, would win to try thur Another grand reason, which I must asention bat have not time to elaborate, why the radical policy has failed ta restore confidence and tran quility to the Pooth and to the whole eooi Is that U:e readers f lhat party bare JsSSjh' se cretly engaged iu revoluiionauig ofir Govern ment in its very essence. They never have been willing to se she' finvemmetK rs-eatab-1 is bed on thee w hereon Us fathers founded it, even with slavery abolished and the privil eges of the negr?' guaranteed. Herein is a steer; eesT-. ntici count. 1 et messy to lhe SJaaperntei that we mean to foil their plans by the tv of oar patience. Keep the psama, easaj law, and treat in God and the jnatsos Aaeerieaa people. Tasne are ihe gUx by which we shall cootinee to look forward with cwftssV iheacliieven of s ptorions victory by ennaereatTve and the dcnsnrratle voter ,.rtli and Roaih in the rrent contest of whrna Prexidcpt who re Veres the aad respects popular rights shall lake eontr l of affairs, and the centennial of A ami area In. dopendsnce shall dawn upon onr country ln nv and unilssl. and our free cued from the perils which now threaten it, t 13lh. 1875. 3mos. imh;

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