C L The - - - Watchman Larolina VOL. V.THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C. MARCH, 18, 1875 ft . NO. 73.WHOLE NO. 77 BULI8HHD WEKKLY: J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Editoi . J. STEW ART Associate Editor. J. GUANAHANI ! I ATBIOF SVJHCBIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. 0 Tear payable in aavanee. 2.f0 Months, " ' -- i f CopleBto any address ABVBTI8I RATES t On SqOAM (1 inch) Onertion $100 Rates for a greater number of insertions Sodlrate. Special notice. 26 per cent, more WS" advertisements. Reading notice i e oto Per line for each and every insertion liialSzeT CASH PRICES $50 00 FEB TON OF 2,000 POUNDS. TIME $68 PER 2,000 lb. paya ble Not, 1. THE HIGH STANDARD OF QUAL TTY HAS BEEN FULLY MAIN TAlKED, AND IT IS CONSIDERED Br THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN IT A FAIR TRIAL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FIRTTL1ZES MANUFACTURED Liberal and advanta geous Terms for Large Lots Given on Applica tion. - A GENUINE ANIMAL DEPOSIT. EVERY CARGO will br ANALYZED BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALS. 1 AN IMPORTED NATURAL GUANO, l - I A MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT HAS BEEN CREATED in favor of this Company by the Crown officers. The name "GUANAHANI ! " is a Registered TRADE MARK at the United States Patent Office, and all persons are warned from making use of taasesa in connection with fertilizers of any kind. This poem, written by "BleuV (Mrs. Es- tella Ann Lewis) at the ace of fourteen. Foe said was "the most beautiful ballad of the kind ever written :" wr.-- THE COMPANY GUARANTEE THAT" - It hath bean said for all who die There is a tear ; Some pining, bleeding heart to mgh O'er every bier. L But in that hoar of pain and dread, Who will draw near Around my bumble couch, and shed One fare well tear?. Who'll watch life's fast departing ray, In deep despair, And soothe my spirit on its way, With holy prayer ? hat mourner round my oier will come In weeds of woe, And follow me to my losg home, Solemn and slow? When lying on my clayed bed, T J Wl . W-. - ' I Who there by mire affections led. Will come and weep ; By the pale moon implant the rose Upon my breast, And bid it cheer my dark repose My lowly rest? USURY AND NATIONAL BANKS New York Journal of Commerce. The old Bourbons (whether in church or State) learn nothing and forget nothing. We have just receiyed from a very intelli gent bank officer in North Carolina a copy of the Usury law which has recently been adopted in that State. It is a most extra ordinary enactment a disgrace to the Com monwealth and an open defiance to the proper and decorous public sentiment of the age. We have heretofore given in oar columns a complete synopsis of its provis ions. It fixes the rate of interest at six per cent, where there is no specifio agreement, but allows a written contract "so great as eight per cent." (some o their colored leg islators must have drawn that !), and forfeits not merely the principal of a loan when more than eight per cent, is taken, bat double the value of such principal, and sub- lects the offender, besides, to a fine not less than one hundred uor more than one thous and dollars. North Carolina may now go to the . i m , 9 rm . . . . . neau oi Daroane oiaies ; nomoreweqaUa or impolitic euactment was ever placed t r - . m a i tne pages oi a statute nook. Because a cap Vr.mino ll.o A n.lruu on.l I .t T t T U WTT UTkXT H.lillMIAM . Tnf TT C JMIM1IW ... V ailWTUUi MJU VI A IV. M. . J . " llJUWi'. JJli 11 IHU I , .1. .W. 1. W. WHITE, Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia ; Prof. F. A. GENTH, Philadelphia, j m r a . i . a t t , i- -w- - - x roiessor oi Appiieu vnemisiry, university oi j-enusyivauia. - - GUANAHANI GUANO COMPANY, PETERSBUBG, VA. In offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community a Second Season we do so with the utmost Confidence, feeline satisfied that the hieh opinion, we "formed, and ex pi cased last season based on its Chemical Constituents have been most satisfactorily borne out by the test, by which all Fertilizers must be judged, that of the Plantation. -w i . m. . . 1 . . J . . juast season, owing to tne lateness at wmcn we commencea importing we were rorcea to puv oar Guano on the market at once, but now having continued our importations during the sum mer and fall, and having large and well ventilated Warehouses in this City and City Point, we are enabled to put our Guano on the market, in a condition as to dryness, and freedom from lumps, equal to any Manufactured Fertiliser. We solicit a careful persual of our Circular containing the certificates sent us, and which can be had on application at this OFFICE, or from any of our AGENTS. Having nothing to con ceal, we made an innovation on established nsaee. bv publishing those letters received unfsvora- a. i r ; ?i . t ' . , . . , -t 2. r M Die to our uuano, oui cnreiui inquiry in many cases proves mat tne cause 01 iia lunurt wa uuw to any fault in the Guano, but to those far beyond our control We have frequently Could I but know, when I am sleeping Low in the cround, One faithful heart would there be keeping Watching all around, As if some gem lay shrined beneath - That cold sod's gloom, Twould mitigate the pangs of death, And light the tomb. Yes, in that hour if I could feel From nails of glee And beauty's presence one would steal In secrecy. And come and sit and weep by me, In night's deep noon, Oh! I would ask of memory No other boon. But, ah! a lonelier fate is mine, A deeper woe; From all I love in youth's sweet time I soon must go. Draw round my pale robes of whits In a dark spot. To sloop through death's long dreamless night. Lone and forgot. italist yields to the importunity of a borrow er. and relieves him bv a loan at the market rate, he must forfeit twice the amount he lent, and be fined besides, if such rate hap- .1 ... . pens to ue more tnsn eignt per cent, per annum ! When the bank of England pats its rates at ten per cent, per annum, and money is worth one per cent, a month in New York, no man in Noith Carolina can lend his mon ey to people of his own State at the market rate without violoating the law. We i know that this statute will be a dead letter. The usury laws are inoperative everywhere in tne way ot restraint upon high rates. In fact, they tend in every case to increase the rates, and they are no protection whatever to the honest poor, as they are never plended in toe courts except as a cover to fraud or disreputable dealing. We wish that they were strictly enforced, for then they would be repealed everywhere at the earliest op portunity. If borrowers found that the moment the current rate was above the le gal limit all lending stopped, or was confined entirely to such eases as the lenders might be willing to accent at the lower figures, they would seethe folly and injustice of the attempted restraint, and free trade in money would be restored think otherwise, as well as those who have capital, who look this matter la the Case aid the effect of such hisrh rates noon the entire country. The Journal of Commerce, no doabt.be- ieves itself to contain all the oolite learssW and wisdom of the age, and that the very numerous elass. both of the Dress and lewte- ators and people of the countrv. who dilsr with it on ibis sabisnt Me in ta laasraam oi the bank oAeera, "as t or. in Tta prejudice," and that the enactment is "a disgrace to North Carolina, aad an open defiance to the proper aad deeocoos pabtis sentiment of tne age," and "North nai sliaa may now go to the head of barb an e States." No doubt there are those nearer loses who entertain the sentiments espressos' by the Journal of Comwtarct. Now we think the legislators who passed the usury law and the Dress which advocated it and toe people who savored it will som the declarations of the bank president and rgans of monev cliques. We hope the Isw rill be vigorously en foreed. and feel sure, if it Ma 1 iswihai the euontry. instead of working on a borrowed capita! at big rates, and contin ually grow fog poorer, will confine itself within its own means and go to improving. and that capital, unable longer to demand and obtain such rates as is almost universally t m. sj a . M a . ruinous to tnose Borrowing and consequently detrimental to the State, will find employ ment in investments in agriculture and man- t . f if, m , 'ii ... . . uiacionea, woion win nunc up, rainer man i moorish the country. As to the legal question, we only have to say that, for the public weal, we nope the decisions of the New York courts may be the law, and so declared by the United Stales courts whenever a case is preaeuted. Dup lin Record. FmnjiiM At like ! ing ot the Ueneeee L'ountv. N. Jm Y ers Associstton, the following DOCB Jobn Johnston to Ii. T. was read : Yoar latter was received twe days aa, but being now nearly eight y-for years old, I find wiiting quit a harden. I need lime frees 189 till 1844, at from 40 te 5 bnshels par aere, and fennd a large proit on dry land, bat no benefit wheo wheat woald heave eat. In 1844, I limed six teen acres, with fifty bosbeU par acre, aad two acres with one handred baskets par aere, aad I newer aaw wheat rqasi ta thst. Losing all my crops ta 1838 by a nan storm as nearly all say ami ia 1848, it crippled see ta credit and fi so that I nosed none tiace. I tile draining in 1838, and found that wee tfte starting point for s and ezpeaded what I eoald raise in way. it took sae twenty CI mm . my draining. I isaa is a met, bat not better tana sail to tbe acre. Salt makes wheat risjsss four or five days earlier. It saved me an immense smonnt of wheat during eW- midge year. Ia 183, a farm joining bbssjsV averaged 29 bushels. Bait and did that. I think lime will do no on light loam or sandy soil, but it ' feed the crops - i iUOS, owins heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertiliser. Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi LiOC&l Aff BlltiS 3,0 811 1 North Carolina, justify us in claiming a place for our Fertiliser Superior to many, aad Second We confidently expect the continued patronage of the Agricultural Community and no exer- mv door, and begged that I would come in and eee a dying child. 1 went with them to the close, hot room up sta:rs in a One Duty More. I .ate at night two women knocked at the Principal Depots. DeROSSET & CO., General Agents for North Carolina and Virginia, AT WILMINGTON, N. C. Jas. A. McCONNAUGHEY, Agent, Salisbury, N. C. Important to County Officer. Mr. Pinnix, of Davidson, a few days since introduced a very important bill to the House of Representatives, which pass ed its several readings in that body Fri day without a dissenting voice. It will doubtless pass the Senate with a like unanimity. It provides for the safe keep ing and rigid accounting for the funds of the several counties in tbe State stiff soils ftiable, and they better. How to Corn Upland." on Sheriffs, Treasurers. Clerks of the Superior Courts. But we wish to say a few words upon the Registers of Deeds and all county rfficers tion shall be spared on our part to make THE STANDARD FERTILIZER FOR THE COTTON, TOBACCO & GRAIN CROPS OF THE SOUTH. points submitted by oar correspondent, who is an omcer ot a leading bank : Wilmington. N. C, Feb. 24. Editor of the Journal of Commerce : Pleace be kind enough to answer me through your papers : a tin. .1 rt. ttv - i. v ih'Ut in me aiaie ot ew York ana a a into wnoee bauds any moneys may come by virtue or under color of this office, are required to make an annual report, under oath or verified, signed and addressed to the chairman of the' Board of County Commissioners, giving an itemized and (Southern Cultivator.) e a What I state is no guess work with sae; I have tatted tbe esodbu operandi that I recommend. As his land is adapted to cotton rather than corn, I Infer thai H Vi inclined to be stiff, with perhaps a day substratum. He should then first lay off hie rows feet wide, with a long 6 er 7 inch scooter. Then oo each aide of this furrow run 4 more, with a long 4 inch scooter, as deep as the male can well draw it, leaving no space between farrows not thoroughly broken. When ready for planting ran a deep furrow with ten ban shovel, right in tbe centre of the plofnal land, which will be where tbe first furrow was ran. This shovel should have an ear, about lg inches long on the two top comers right and left, to prevent the dirt from tailing back into the fusrow. He - FUENITUEE 1 J. A. CLODFELTER k CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, rmmutu Twvtte attention to their stock of '""r Cottasre Hcdateadrt French Chamber BbbW SuitH, Walnut and painted Cane Seats Chairs Rocking Chairs of all descriptions, Ex tension Dining Tables of all kinds Wardrobes, WaMhstands. What-Notes, Sofas, Reception Chairs and Parlor Suits. Also, many other articles which we are prepared to sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the western part of the State. Be sure to call nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, next door below the Express office, see our stock snd bear our prices. Our terms cash. Special orders (made from photographs in oar office) will be supplied. :o:- DIRECTORS. President, N. M. TANNOR, of Rowlett, Tannor & Co. Vice-President, ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & Co. JOHN B. STEVENS, of Stevens Brothers. S. P. A Ii KINGTON, of John Arlington & Sous. JOHN R. PATTERSON, of Petterson, & Sons. C. R. BISHOP of Bishop & Branch. JOHN MANN, DAVID CALLENDER, W. A. K. FALKENER. FRANK POTTS, General Agent FOR SALE BY MERONEY& BRO., SAL1SBYRY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. CH0RL0TTE, N. C. tenement house and found there six or seven neighbors, all women bat one, crowding around a little cradle in which lay an infant of a few months. 1 be sign of death was set upon the round, smooth face and the glassy eyes were turning up ward as if to penetrate the unseen, but the restless movemeut of the little hands and occasional faint cry from the lips through which breathing was almost lnr preeeptable, showed thai the spaikof life still lingered. The mother knelt beside mm n ill a the cradle, and cooled the not arow, or moistened the parched lips with lee, work ing with all a mother's tender love for the child that was slipping away from her with every moment. I spoke a few words of comfort to the mother, and then asked her if there was aoy special service that I could render. 'Yes," said she, I have done every thing for her that a mother can, but one thing, and that I have neglected till now ; I want to consecrate her to God." I told her that the child was then other States in which there are stringent detailed statement of all moneys that have w11 tbcn have a deep open furrow ta usury laws forfeiting principal as well as interest, national banks are exempt from the penalties. 2. Whether there are different decisions in different States on this question ? d. If there have been directly opposite de- come into their hsnds, from whom received, the date received and the amount in de tail. Also how disbursed, the time, amount and to whom paid and on what account, ice. The reports are to be made apart cisions in different States, why ha vV not the on JY September 10 each been carried to tbe United States 7- k"c7 l" " ""Uk7 - r w book, mark on the back of it the date pass ing away. "Yes," said she, "I know it, bat I want to give up before she is gone." I asked, "Do yon think it will save the child to baptize her? "No," she replied, ''but it will be the last duty that I can do by her, and please, don t let me leave it undone. cases Supreme Court for final decision ? The above questions sre prompted by the fact that the members of tbe Legislature of this State have just turned savages by pass ing the enclosed law, which is more stringent than any other State usury law ; and the friends of the bill claim that they can reach national banks with it as well as State banks ; can they do so ? A vr i -I'm i y. 1. In this State the Court of Appeals has when registered, tbe page of the book on decided thai tbe penalties of the State usury law do apply to the national banks, although Congress, the National Bank att provided much milder penalty for those institutions. It has also gone much farther, for ia the case of the F srtnera' Bank Fayetteville, respon dent, v. Mark Hale et a!., appellants, it de cided (Church, Chief Judge, giving the opin io:!.) that tbe State banks are subject to the same penalties, notwithstanding a special stat ute applying to a milder system to such State organizations. This statute was based upon the belief that tbe act of Congress relieved the national banks from the penalties of the State law. The Legislature therefore ap plied the provisions contained in the act of Congress to the State banks, declaring that it was the purpose of the statute to place ceive his seed corn and fertiliser. Drop the corn from 31 to 4 feet in the bottom of this furrow; heavy sprinkle of compost made of seed and swamp or pond mock U bottom of tbe furrow um a a ell as between tne corn. Holten straw Commissioners are required to beeio suit and leaves will do as well or better. on their bonds at once. Whan the reports d oottoo seed, than the are nassed noon the Chairman endorsee I och prefer to sprinkle my on it "approved," the date of the approval I aniformily aloof the drill, instead of pas aud signs it. The Register is then to ting It in handfalls close to the sore. La mw M register it in a book entitled. "Record tne lormer case, too corn wiu of Official Ronorts." furnished to him bv drought much better, and will have . T . . . I - V. the Secretary of State, index t in tbe nurc 10 reeu upon wnen eanng. it - f - i a - m - . - not mane as mncn siaia ana toacer obi more corn, than if put in bulk in proximity . . mw a . . L I . , . " winch it is remstered and sirn his name wuu iuc bccu. and file it in hiB office. If nv rerorls be Cover tbe corn and manure with toe made which the Commissioners disan- furrow, made by a small bull nrove. thev shall comoel a nroner renort scooter, bang sure to run t t aside mf (M ta Kp made in thn anm manner as if no Uiroe fHrrow , btUtwOttC OS to SBaeef tkt renort had been made. I or asoaitre. To ran the covering It trill be observed thst by tbe provis- oae oi me isrgc rarrow is very impov- ious of this important bill every safeguard t" as soon as me corn ts planted, . M is thrown around the finances of the sever- certain ia turn naca immeuuuciy 1M al rouniics. Anv tax naver or other break the middles left, with a nerson who desires to know the conduion shovel, or in lieu thereof, with of the finances of the county or whiihea plough, haviog the point bent down, m s a . . van at t i i to see whether any pfficer has properly mat u win go wen into me sou. discharged his duties, can examiue the Record of Official Reports" and by aid of the index soon find the reports record A full assortment of Rosewood, Metals snd Walnut Burial Cases, which can be furnish sd at S hours notice. March 19. 1874 ly. DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN SUPER IOR COURT. - To Gray "Wood Non-Beaident, You are here by notiied that the following summons has been issued against you (to wit.) DAVIDSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. In offering this Felt ilizer to the people of Rowan, and surrounding counties we are lad that we offer them the best Guano for the least money now on the market. It has been throughly tried during the past season and the results have been even better than we hoped for. ISeiow we append two of the numerous certificates we nave received. ;n tKl t aj. I ad. or he can find the original on file. sir, don't let me leave it undone." " . TTTC :, 7 . . JT. 7. . Tt wl no tim f,.r fnr.l.r word, and an wiin we national DanKs. i ne t.ourt itaicign nncs . , . . , , , , . of Appeals then decided first, in a given .uuCv.o0 .vui, w..u ou. r "? ' case, that the extreme penalties of our slat irom sympatnising neignoors, mo mue ; ufje . an(, when a State bank was afterward babe was dedicated to God by the kneel- brought op, tbe same Court declared that as ing mother in words unspeakable solemn the law places State banks on an equality THE BEAST AND HIS BAD LUCK. The Beast has had bad luck and tender ; was sealed by the baptismal with the national, they too are still subject j rite and commended to the loving care of to the old requirement. ' a heavenly r ather, and to J esos, to who come AN IMPORTANT TEST, PAID OVER 600 PER CENT. J. K. J(..NKS, AgaiaX. Cray Wood SUMMONS. )hv commanded to Summon Oray Wood, the Defendant above named, if to Se found within vour count v. to be and annear STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO THE SHERIFF OF DAVIDSON COUN , TY GREETING : Tou are hereli before the JUDGE OF OUR SUPERIOR COURT, to bo held for the County of David son, at the Court House in Lexington, on the Wk Monday after the 3rd Monday of March, 1875, snd answer the complaint which wiU be depoeHed in the office of tho CLERK OF THE eUPERlOR COURT, of said County, within ths first three days of the next term thereof, and let the said Defendant take notice that if m faibi to answer the said complaint within the time presaribed by law, tbe Paintiff wiU Ppl to the Court for judgment again t the weneant for the sum or three hundred and xty-five 80-100 Dollars and Interest thereon wvsii me ii, Oct., 172, till paid Hrnnf fail .1 r . i. Salisbury. N. C. October 10th, 1874. Messrs Meronev & Bro. w I a u Ck j V j w s a l u o Gentlemen : In reply to your inqnirv as to the merits of the Guanahani Guano, I will state v mi that I have given it a fair, and, as I think, a thorough test, and believe it to be one of the best e . , . " t, you fertihxers now in use in our country. Jn tbe month of t ebruary 1 nought two tons snd applied it over my farm at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre under Cotton, 'and 100 poondsto the acre on Corn. On the 8th of October I picked from one row of Cotton 14 rods long, which had been fertilised st the above rate, 8 pounds of seed cotton ; from another immediately by the side of this one, of the same length, to which I had applied no fertiliser, I picked 1 J ounces the same day showinga difference of over 8500 per cent, between bind fertilised and not. I counted the number of unopened bolls in each, and making calculation on this basis, I find that the land without the Guanahani would yield 30 ounces to the row, 80 rows or 150 pounds to the acre ; with Guanahani it will yield 12 pounds to the row, 80 rows or 960 pounds to tbe acre snowing s difference of over 600 per cent. I hsve not had an opportunity to test the Corn yet, but front general observation, I feel war ranted in making the statement that Guanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. On one acre of ground, as a test, I sowed 400 pounds of Uuanahani broadcast, subsoiling at the same time 15 inches deep. This acre, under ordinary circumstances, has average 700 pounds of seed cotton ; this year tbe yield will be at least 1800 pounds . A. PROPST. Davis Co., N. C. Messrs Meroney & Bro. GsNTUBJfEN : In reply to your inquiry as to the merits of Guanahani Guano, I would say that I used it last Summer on an old field which would have produced very poorly under ordi- Hcreof fail not' aud of Uua summons make I nT7 circumstance but which under the application of Guanahani yielded me a very good crop, duo return. I had one test row snd this showed a difference of over three hundred per cent, in favor of the said, "Suffer the little children unto me." Then the mother leaned over the cradle, and smoothing the thin hair from the pallid forehead, said with a pathos indes cribable "Mother's done all she can for yon now, little Alie, she will stay while yon go down to tbe river, but the blessed over. A brief silence which seemed an age of waiting, then a little gasp, a small parting of the lips and the little one had crossed the river, aud was forever with the Lord. The mother's duty was all done, and her heart, though grief -stricken, was at rest. But are there no mothers, who, if their little ones were taken suddenly away, nave to mourn tor many nndoue duties? There are those who hardly know their children till they are grown; there are those who only think of the care and labor which children bring to them ; there are some who have no thought for tbe spiritual welfare of those most dear ; bnt how few could say, MI have done everything for her that a mother can, bnt one thing." Oiren amlpr mv hnn1 an1 tha a ma I rt uai.l Conrt, this 20th, day of January, 1875. 1 RS I . C. F. LOWE, erkoftho Superior Court of Davidson County. Guano. I am satisfied that it is a eood Fertilizer and take pleasure in recommending it to every far mer who wishes to increaaehi crops as being fully eq.ua! if not superior to any Guano on tbe market. MATTHIAS MILLER. Tou aro also notified that the above named Pintifl has sued out an attachment against Peropstty upon a Bond executed by you On thu 1 1th A-- r rku i ovtt r .v.- ' SseS WB SELL GUANAHANI AT $40 PER TON. "arrant of attachment is returnable to the oaperior Court of Davidson to beheld at theCourt -'"eintnoTown of Lexington, on the 6th aiondav fitter :ini fni.:n u..v. a t iq-k. , vasn and where youare hereby required to an iu m i.ti n m'aii i wrr - A VUii I" il . C. P. LOWE. -wS v2"5 the SuPerior Court for bavidsoi Co. -o, 1875-o w. Printers fee $10.ro Feb. I3tb, 187$, 3mos. Freight added. CALL AND SEE US. MERONEY & BS0. Treatment of Horses. When the lees of horses swell from standing in the stable, it is evidenee of debility, general or local. It would be well to increase the food in quantity or quality. The following might also be of use, viz : Powdered sulphate of iron, one and one-half ounces ; gentian root, two ounces ; chlorate of potassa, one ounce ; mix and divide into twelve powders. One of these given in cot feed aa little moisten ed as possible, night and morning. Ground oats would be better for food than corn. Friction by rubbing with a coarse woolen cloth upon the parts affected would also be found beneficial. 2. There have been different decisions in other States. The most noticeable, in tbe case of tl e Central National Bank New York v Pratt, before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts (115 Mass 539), wherein the case first alluded to above (First National Bank of Whitehall v. Lamb. 50 N. Y 95) is brought forward only to give point to au adverse opinion. The Massachusetts Judge (Morton) declares that "notwithstanding the great respect we have for that eniiuent trib unal (New York Court of Appeals) we are unable to concur in the eoncluaions it has reached." The court then decided that only the penalties of the national act applied to the national banks. This, let it be remem bered, was note Massachusetts case, for that State is free from such odious restraints on money lending, but a New York case, gov erned by New York law, bnt tried in a Mas sachusetts court. That court took the re sponsibility of interpreting our law in opposi tion to the desision of our highest court. In Ohio the same conclusion was reached in the case of the First National Bank of Columbus v. Garliug-house, 10 Am. Rep. 751 ; 22 Ohio St. 492. The same diversity is found in the decisions of other States, but the preponderance favors tbe Massachusetts decision. 3. Tbe eases cannot be carried into the Supreme Court unless they are between the citizens of different States. The Usury laws are founded on ignorance and prejudice. They are unjust in principle, totally inequitable in their application, and everywhere operative only as a protection to fraud and dishonesty." We copy the above from the Wilmington Star in order that onr readers may see in what esteem the North Carolina Legislature and tbe people, who go with that body, are held by the president of a bank and the New York Journal of Commerce, as well as for the information it eon tains. The president of the bank, in his letter to the New York paper, declares that the mem bers of the Legislature turned "wages, when they passed the usury law. We suppose- all money lords who have grown fat and sleek on interest at from 18 to 30 per ceut., will echo the sen liineut. But those who have McLean, of Texas, went for him tell ing him he was a murderer. John Youxu Brown, of Kentucky, told him be was pusillanimous iu war, inhuman iu peace, forbidden iu morals, and infamous in politics. Blaine, of Maine, no longer ago than Saturday night, told him he was a "damn ed pcoundrel." And now comes Poland, of Vermont, an elegant old gentleman of the old school, who wears a tlue swallow-tail coat, with brass but toon, and in language strong bnt leas elegant than his dress tells the Beast that he is a "damned liar." Here is what Polasd said : The Washington correspondent of the Tribune gives a verbatim report of a col loquy between Geueral Butler and Judge Poland during tho Wednesday night session of the House of Representatives. Butler had impudently ssid to Polamd that be did not believe that tbe Utter had aoy desire or intention to bring np his Arkansas resolution. Tbe conversation then proceeded in this fashion : Judge Poland Yon have oo right to say that. What evidcuce have you f General Butler None, perhtpe ; bnt I believe it. Judge Poland I don't believe that you believe what you aay you believe. General Butler I do believe it. Judge Poland I believe that yon are a damned liar. General Boiler My courage, sir, baa never been impeached. I am qnitl able to resent an ins alt like that. Vcu had better be careful. Judge Poland I don't think that have much courage, bnt I have quite for the occasion. Not moen is giown poor and lean, paying the same, will and 'Spoons ! Pusillanimous, inhuman, infamous, mur i derer, damned scoundrel damned liar, of The com will come np in a ditch, at my neighbors say. Wait till it gets tan or twelve inches nigh, before you ptongn iU Then side it deeply with a six or even inch scooter, or on a little narrow er, if necessary Rao two farrows mm side with this plough, lumbliog a amount of dirt around the corn, and ering up all tbe young grass. It w01 need oo hoeing. Burst oot the of tbe middle deeply with a plough, which will leave your corn hi little hollow or shallow cradle and in tun riebt condition for the sweep. The second olonshuig should be with a 21 inch sweep: broad wings, the right one so constructed as ta dirt to the corn. Do not scrape 1 sweep go several inches deep, bat do cut corn roots. I hut ploughing be giving when the corn is on the evi bunching for tassel. Una four rows tween corn rows, which will fall up water farrow and leave a Urge ridge in the middle to be opened for Open this ndge deep with tbe shovel. Drop the peas 2i feet apart 12 to tbe bill; cover with a harrow, ing the ground level. Plant pea before tbe 15tb of June, and tun June. The "Miller pea" is the beat. Aa soon as the peas will hear dirt, ran tbe 21 inch sweep around the corn aad then tbe peas. Four farrows will lam both by aod leave the land nearly level. In cultivating a corn crop, always nut round the entire crop first, and thaw tars bsck and run two more furrows, nasi so oo. until the middles arc ploughed owL Do this each ploughing, aod oo part of the crop will suffer for work. If a ui y rain should fall upon the land altar it M prepared and before plan' ing press da the eared shovel wish a six i neb s easier, in preparing tbe farrow for the grain and manors. Tbe foregoing plan will leave the land nearly level after the second plougw. ing, so that tbe rootlets can rasaify- ia every direction through tbe said dice. If my plan is rigidly carried oat, the earn and peas will stand droogbt beyond thm most sanguine ezpectarioos. If "Young Fanocra" sail to make earn and paas apoa "poor upland," after sal lowing closely my directions, I woald ad vise him to go to the Rail toad, or run for onto county office I J CMOV W. Oilfli wx. Jefferson county, Ga. V". ilff . , . mmMmtd.