John Faulkner, model gentleman of Parson county, died from overstrain in lifting logs, we learn from the Milton Qknnidc He wu 47. j Tbkasure in IIka ven. The pearl of great price which the merchantman found made him rich forever. Poor, and blind, and naked before, after that he was rich beyond all the necessities of time and ternity. Getting a competent portion of the good things of this life is right and duty, since slothfulness is everywhere improved, and Christians are exhorted to be 'dilicent in business bnt to ''seek first the kingdom of Qod and his righto oosness" is the great duty and the high tea wisdom. He who baa the treasure of Im earth, without the treasure laid up in is still a poor man. When we consider the prevalence of the custom to dub every body who went to the wars with the little of Captain, Colo nel, General, etc, there is a peculiar ap nronnateneas in the following resolution, w - . - : - . . . which was introduced ?.t a meetiue 01 Confederate soldiers at Atlanta, Georgia, the other day : Resolved, That the President appoint committee of one to inquire into the re for matter of whether there were ving privates of the late war. any aurvi' If I Had Leisure. "It I had leisure, I would repair that weak place in my fence," said a farmer. He had none, however, and while drink ing eider with a neighbor, the cows broke in and i mured a prime piece of corn. He had leisure then to repair his fence, but it did not brine back bia corn. "If I had leisure," said a wheel wright, mat Winter, "I would alter my stove nine, for I know it id not safe." But be did not find time, and when his shop rauerht fire, and burned down, he found my f W : 9 leisure to build another. 'If I had leisure," said a mechanic, " should have my work done in season." The man thinks his time has been all oc- ea va ijiiviv luuisii uui - i . ... The Commercial characterised The Richmond Dispatch sharply bakes the Cincinnati Commercial opposing the admission of Ne Mexico as a State because its population is composed of illiterate Spanish half- breeds ike movement to admit the Territory (which, by the way, was defeated) as "the work of degrading our institutions." The JHspatch reminds the Cincinnati paper that it was in accordance with the advice and approbation of the Commercial that negro suffrage was fixed on the South, and justly remarks that no man who ee ooused negro suffrage in the old States .1 Wood Ashes as a Fertilizer. This is one of the most valuable fertit izers within reach of the farmer. The unleached article has the more potaeb. but the leached is thought to be quite as valuable. In leaching they shrink a good deal, and lime is usually added, which increases their value. They are generally sold, too, at a leas price. Ashes are well suited to all farm crops, and are very htneficial in the fruit and orchard. Most farmers still sell wood in the cities and villages, and, rather than go home empty, they should carry back ashes and other fertilisers to replace the potash, lime ana phosphoric acid that have been carried off . 1- tl A l the croDS ana animais soia. .asues Scene at the Expulsion of Thorne. Raleigh Sentinel of Thurehay evening. Aa the hand stood at eleven laat night the House took the rote and expelled J. William Thorne, of Warren, for the bias. phemous pamphlet his pen had indicted. The voting Was prefaced with considera ble debate. Three colored members mingled their voices against the expulsion. One was rampant. He howled like he waa on a corn pile. Said he was at first in favor of expelling de'man, but had siuee read his Bible considerbul. and should uow vote karmlv airin it. When Paul waa on his wav to Damascus he hearn a voice u Mcvrnnv a urv nr 0iTTT. rlHO." How either sex may fascinate and iul they i nin the lore A affections of knflM infttantlv. TbJa aimole. mont all can Dowa tree, bv mail, lor wc, Shirt, Ac., A LI AM & Co. Pnba. NEW MACHINE SHOP to teh. do all With kin of ia m the crops immediate effect from their application, hearn a voice, "Paul, Paul, what yer and at the same time last lone to the soil, nrosccute me fori" The House come TIipv ara varv hiffhlv annreciated in the down with a bur lansrh. and the member onion errowine districts, but may be ap tried it again : "Paul, Paul, who do thou nliad with enual advantage to ordinary nrosecnte me ?" The House laid back ' "a L-li J - farm crop. and hollered, and the lnembei tried it on: "Paul, Paul, why prosecute thou me,' and the House screamed, while the mem her swept on like a hurricane to blow down and rip up another fair field of the English language, when the vote was Oub Young Members Again. Says the Greensboro Patriot : "Decidedly the ablest speech that has been made in the General Assembly this season was thatot taken the Speaker gave Mr. Thorne suurise l to np h ia Rr-.-it xx cuiiuuuuuucm . '""u'"' He nrelerred to rema n. tie showed no shell savs ; " Permit me to Biate that the I .i w tt : ij , . - j. i i J : ' ... emuuuii hi uiu ruaiuu uo u su um umu, smoked a cigar after dinner and I spent le of Cr,Ten wlU ever M aj aoft as soothing tarn linnrflnn hp. struct t.1 1 kill ? UOn&eUBU ..: .1 U 1 : .1 . V,.. ...,,!,... f I - . - - . ... Iliac LUC uuiigauuu kuoji ma wuuu Pinnix, the energetic and talented qneer book. Address T. WIL Puh. Phlla. 4w OR. S. VAN METER & CO Proprietor of the famoos Charlcsioo 111. In- Armirr r nHnrMfl in the last iatoe of the . . a m ft.a a a -i I m a a s A ajT Nations Journal or Health" xj men 01 pmp jay 10. leva. u. inence South and riorth. Also oy anj niwr ters of various denominationa. An opportunity ! nnwnflfewwtln nbtain a thoroorh examinaUon I am now ranairinir wit and IWanlf-flve 9 mm 1 1 1 1 .-n to Enann mmd Bollrr wora, Cotton Woolen. Mining and AfifaJtSlie Machinea ; and wood turning of all kta4a. Shop on Corner of Fulton and Council Street, fUU.b,.It.C. . H. M AESH. AJTD THE 80UTH Wa Life and treatment without havina tO TUUt the Infirmarr. Addrem t once UK. 8. V A Hi!. 1 nn, a w7 4w Charleston, III. lanuraace C y OF VIRCJIIA. Home Office Petcrsburf , Ya, OFFICERS. le sjsalssefssaad wfahai to iafe m friends that he has rvnirmd .u. sWaash tickets froa Sali T potass ia Tasaa, ArkaMM. w T7-' - to sail C to all A lata, Mi U Charlotte. aad their a take Lsssaori to the easts : it greatJT to their wiih toe A.O. McIlwajjie, IXAbct Paul, sFlisFsFSamolcato AreoU. Ladles' Combi- I II Kb t nation Needle-book, with Orumoa D. B. TawKAJrr. - Send stamp. F. F Glccx A Co., New Bedford Qxu'v B. Paw. - -Mass. Dr. K. W. Ju mv, faMthlar for Tom. Bond stamp and tOCk apt t a I iret HURST, 75 and 77 Nassau Street, New VnrV 4W. a wi let Vic PrWL Secreunr A . Medical Director. M8S . bADD f l A. rvra,iw 1. mmm ugu 1 irkei 1m J. A. McCONNAUGHEY. Agt.C.C.AA.E.R8alawrr, 5 C. 1AJL1B ZIMWi B O&QANIZED MARCH 1871. Piedmont Air Line OfMTtaa grcry fclnd. 8d Myap Ratio of to liabiliUes tkmtmoU easily made by selling TEAS two hours on the street talking nonsense with an idler. 'If I had leisure," said a merchant, "I rou Id pay more attention to accounts, The chance is. mv friend, if you bad v m leisure, you would probably pay leas at tention to the matter than you do now. The thine lacking with hundreds of far- . w w AM an apology of a reason to object to mers who till the soil is. not more leisure, ri0:nh VM. aJ .1.:. vt. i : I . . 1 .- .1 j. 'I" Territory. M. H. Representative from Davidson. Mr. Pin nix has evinced much sympathy for us in our lamentable condition, and has, by word and act. ereatlv benefitted ns. It I . w w is a pleasure to record the valuable ser vices of this taitbtul public servant. i 1 - A syrup, ana his mco oy no looking one. means au ill- ut IMPORTERS PRICKS, or clubs in towns and country for Tea Company in Amanca. inents. Send for circular, CO., 148 Chambers St. N. Y. Betting np the oldest Greatest iuduce- C ANTON TEA 4w. M PLOYMNT in this New Mexican How to Talk, T 1 - If you have the ability to amuse, talk but more resolution the spirit to do to do now. If the farmer who sees the fence in a poor coud'rtion would only act at once, how much might be saved. It would prevent breechy cattle creating quarrels among neighbors, that in mauy cases terminate in law-suites, which take nearly all they are both worth to pay the lawyers. Annual of Phrenology and Comforts and Luxuries of the Farm. in company, and in a way which rs that you understand what is said around you. But do not talk long. In that case you are apt to tire your hearers py for , 875. mm sjweo wv Bssnus j ava vwaawe "wj wow they have nothing to talk of, never know a Mi mt 11 rm ( wnen to leave ot talking, xnere are some who labor under so great and insati able a desire for talking, that they will even interrupt oatbers when about to wank. We should in society never talk of our own or other's domestic affairs. Yours are of no interest to them, and theirs should not be to you. Besides, the There is a class ot tanners who are living only to grasp more acres. Their farms can never be large enough, nor can didn't give them more. They their workmen or themselves ever do quite him 111 the yard and told enough work. They cannot be satisfied with the income of a farm, nor could they be with that ness. But those who the highest object in labor is not simply not rob him of many years. They then a I . . to make money, bnt to provide toe largest bound him flat of his back on the ground About three months ago in the edge of amount of the means of improvement and and built large fires around bim to bake In Those Days. The following remi- nisencc of the late war is ahead of the comanchea and man eaters themselves. Col. Taylor, the Senator from Henderson. te lis ua that mst at tue close ot the war Kirk's raiders rode over Western North Carolina iu a perfect carnival of fury. They came to bis brother's -in law, Col. McLean, of Henderson, and after finding what little gold he had hid away in the wall they threatened to banc him if he marched him to choose his limb. Col. McLean, an old man near three score and ten. told them he would SAMPLES and i npte Outfit Sent Fret. We want a suitable perMn in every neigh borhood to take orders and deliver goods for oar established C. O D. Sales of staple and family goods of all kinds in constant use and wear. The oldest C. 0. D. house in America, Sales over half a million in 1874 Lauoe Cach Pay to the right person. A real chance for all, male or female at your homes or traveling. No risk. If yon go to work wo will send you free and pott-pout a line of samples and comple outfit. Addreaa at once and secure vour territory, n. J. HALL & CO., 6. N. Howard Street Balti more Aid. w Policies iamed on all desirable tici paling and Non-participating lxwest rates 01 rremium as-far. Baaerve from premiums invested hi reach 01 Policv-bolders everywhere. Polices n 00-for feitable after second premium according to their r - --. r i, terms, ana tna amount non-ionciiaoie is wnuwu in the policy in plain Engltab, so that there be no MisvKDEJurrAjrDixo. Restrict ion on It sash as every sensible 1 will beartilv endorse. The new plan called HAVUiCvS B AKK peculiar to this Company, has merits by no other form of insurance ; policy-holders, as veil as persons expecting to become sat! should examine it carefully. NAT. BAYMER, Nkvtox, N. C. General Agent Western N. C. J. W. Mauney, Local Agent, Salisbor N C " March 19, 187 br. K. .P. BATTLE. F. H CAMERON. President. Vice President. W. H. HICKS, Sec'y. lichmond TV. -.-p. n ABUTUC mm. . 1 Horth Western, W Dan villa. tieiiMi . f4 16. Divi-un 3 c. a. w. C0NDEN8ED TIME-TABLE. Ia XsTsct sa and after laaaay Ds. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Maiu Lxnm. Leave Cnailetss .. 'men rm hm m Air-Lias fact's 10 OR - Its J SaHsiai j IS.1U a i . " Grsssawsrs S4S mr- Danville a is sat " " Das4se ........ fJBl 1 as . " BarksTills It Si - a a . Arrir st RicUsssaa. SSI m ties , UOIMS S)ITM STATION . Leave An Extraordinary "Birth-mark.' Columbia (Ky.) Spectator. of any other busi- never hunt his own gallows, to hang him COUOhS, ColdS HoaTSeneeSS 0 understand that as Boon as they pleased, that they conld , J Tuni- mop.ol.a Jror subject iu of so delicate a nature, that with the best intentions it is a chance if we do not make some mortifying mistake, or wound the feehugs of some of the com ptny, itusseJi county a cniia was born into a family iq which other children had pre viously made their appearance from time to time, all (except the last)being well formed and healthy. This last is an un usual ptodnct of natnre. Tbe body from the head down to about the hips is in form and color, with few exceptions, very much " . . W I . , . 1 e like other white children 1 around the bips out with incessant drudgery it is perfectly black, its legs beine yards blossom with flowers, like those of an ordinary child. The innocent enjoyment that the world affords, can make the pursuit of agriculture furn ish more luxuries that really contribute to our well-being than any other employ meut requiring an equal amount ot capi tal. Their farms are not so large as to make slaves of themselves and their sons, . 11 a.. their wives and daughters are not worn Their door their tables are supplied with many varieties of well be determined, aud music, and a taste for the pure and Deadly Shooting Affrays iv Mis mUl.-St. Louis, March 10.-A special bd apotted, and the hair upon it is as grown delicious fruit, their houses are Jianafeh saw. . A Hesnm-adn amd Hall Mf as the bristles of a hog. The sex of made cheerful by the in6uence of books teok a noero into a saloon at Waverlv. child wnnot 'J' Z. SB w Mo., kept by a man named Boot, and at tempted to place him on equality with white men under the Civil Rights bill. The barkeeper protested, but Hall insis a a - ted, and the barkeeper chased the negro The mother gives the following explana- innocent enioyments of life is developed tion of the treak ; A short time belore n tneir cnnuren. xiere ana mere a the birth of the' child, a vicious wild hog farmer's home exemplifies all the couteut- broke out of his pen, which was near the Hbouse, and with devouring intent name- out of the saloon at the point of a bUtol.Pintely made at a child that was playing . 1 s . i . j nil 1 z 1 Another negro, named Bell, then inter fered, and the barkeeper shot bim dead. A difficulty occurred at Marshall, Mo., last Saturday, betweea Thomas Doak and J. T. Waddell, in which Doak fired several shots at Waddell, missing him, but mortally wounding John Morrison and a young boy, whose name is not giv en, Doak was arrested. ment and nappiness possible to a race doomed to labor and disappointment. Practical Farmer. him to death, and the old man would have been roasted whole had not hi sister sent word for the captain of the gang to come to her, and she told him to bring his crowd the next Friday and they should have the money. This saved ber brother. The next Friday night Colonel Taylor and a large number of returned Confeder ates wre set in ambnsb, and Kirk's party sot within a mile of the house, when the negroes told them the news, aud they about faced a..d left that country. Senti nel. A Bill Impoetakt to Solicitors. A bill has just become a law in this Leg islature makiug the duty of the Solicitors of the several circuits to attend the fede ral courts and prosecute revenue officers and other officers of the Uuited States who have been indicted in the state courts and have removed their causes into the Federal Court, under the act of Congress. The bill allows the Solicitor a fee of $20 for prosecuting each cause, and allows him to procure some attorney to prosecute in his stead when he is unable to attend. The U. 8. District Attorney having de cided (hat in all such cases it was his du ty to defend the defendants in the U. S. Courts as "Prosecuted officers of the Gov ernment," sneh causes have heretofore been dismissed without trial from the fed eral courts, for want of prosecution, and some of the worst offenders in the State have thus gono unwhipped of justice. Sentinel in the yard. The mother witnessed this scene, and so imminent was the danger that she was greatly terrified. She sprang to the little one s assistance just in time to save it from the furions animal The hog was of that kind known among farmers as listed, that is, having a "strips" across bis shoulders : the remainder ot his body was spotted. The marks on the child correspond to the color marks on the hog. The hair on the child's head is simply a number of stiff bristles, project- A T - . . mg out from the skin. Up to this time Eloquent Tribute to en Eminent North Carolina Scientist. In his "sketches of North Carolina" for the Norfolk Landmark, Governor Vance, alluding to the tragic death of Dr. Mitchell on Black Meuntain, quotes the following eloquent tribute to that martyr of science from an address of Professor Charles Phillips, of Davidson College, formerly of the University: "There, of tt B m -w s a -r- .ii it has been healthv. and bids fair tn rrnw says i'rotessor Charles fhillips, once a s 1 up to youthhood. a beloved pupil and long a fellow teacher in the University, "he shall rest till the Judgment Day, in a raansoleum such as no other man has ever had. Reared by a a n s, the bands ot Omnipotence, it was as signed to him by those of whom it was given thus to express their esteem, and it National Hotel, Raleigh. While spending a few days, this week at the Slate Capitol we sojourned with that prince of land-lords, Col. C. S. Brown, who, attended by his gentlemanly son Mr, was consecrated by the lips of eloquence glass which modern art can claim with as warmed by anection amidst the Glass. Probably the Romaus were the first to employ glass for wiudown. Some rcniuanls of glass paue) are to be fouud to day in their, frames, iu the buried house. 01 Herculaneum and Pompeii. They substituted glass as a material for bottles, in place of the leather which is still in vogue the poorer classes in the Orient. Epicuieans in wine then, as uow, determined the age of their article by the seal upon the cork, and the label impressed upon the glass. Glass goblets were less popular. Gold aud silver re luctantly yielded the palm to their new fangled rival, which sought popularity by appealiug, not to the poverty of the poor, but to the desire of novelty among the rich. Even artificial stones and pearls of glass were known to the Romaus ; but whether they depended exclusively as they certainly did chiefly, upou the re sources of the Jews polished metals is a question of grave dispute among the learned in such matters. A dispute into which wc snail not venture to enter. It is safe, however, to say that the only use of AND ALL THOAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AND SURE REMEDY. Suld bv Druggist generally, and FULLER & FULLER, Chicago, 10. SHORT POSTPONEMENT DAY FIXED-FULL DISTRIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT Montpeler Female Huue Associa- TIOX XT ALBXAXnniA, VA. MARCH "29th, 1875. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance Danger. DanviU 8aUW7. Arrive t C Mail. I SB r m 4.-41 - SB A u 9. a n IB St KO-.S. I if r 4.11 -6.46 - KJS -9M - COMPANY, I.LEIGH. N. C. CAPITAL. $200,000. STATIONS. . Man. j N1L r tnaboro.. IBB . 1 : An 11 HWs- , T B.SB J L't loll 10 B SB - If - BBS 1 1 1 -SB a a L r.lStri r r Laave Ot "Co M Raldr A rr. at UoldborV... over losa. LIST OF GIFTS. Graud Cash Gift 9100,000 Grand Cash Gilt $0,000 Grand Cash Gift t I 10 Cash Gifts.. 15 Cash Gifts.. .r0 Cash Gifts.. 100 Cash Gifts.. 10.00 Cash Gifts.. 1,000 Cash Gifts.. 20,000 Cash Gifts.. f 10.000 each. 5,000 esch. 1.000 each. 500 each 100 each 50 each. $20 each. .25.000 100.000 75.000 50.000 50.000 100.000 50.000 400,000 22,170 Cash GifU, ammounting to $1,000,000 Scott Brown, and the notable "Samuel." have obtained a worldwide reputation for our holy religion Keeping one 01 ine oesi nouses lor gooq fare and other desirable acc mmodation Jn the South. I ho house was not only crowded, bnt a very large number were 1 rites ot Before him lies the North Carolina he loved bo well and served so faithfully. From his lofty coach its lulls and valleys melt into its plains as they stretch away to the shores sorance, as its own, is the employment of at iu those optical instruments which are in once the children and the parents of so much of modern science. turned off to seek accommodations else- of the eastern ocean, whence the dawn of tx-v. r .v. t t i whcre.and still the throng beset the the la-t day stealing quietly westward, as Death fOne Ofthe Lincoln As- office beseeching to share the most com it lights the mountain tops first, shall in this awake him earliest to hear the greeting, of "Well done thou good and faithful servant." -Tm PoutTax indictment Un- der the provisions of the law, Solicitor Harris has recently raised a little rumpus by causing indictments to be made against all parties who tailed to list their poll taxes in 1873-74, all parties so failing being compelled to give bond for their ap pearanoe before the next Superior Court. The cost to all parties so indicted would for table accomodations dispensed esiaousnmeut. we predict tuat, the time ia not far distant, wbea the National will 1 . . nave 10 oe greatly enlarged to accom modate its patrons. StatesviUe American. Milking Cows. m -mmw ... , ... - I TS 1 -11 r 1 he INew lork Herald think th nivil xveguianry in muaine or cows is ot as Bights bill as passed of but little moment muclr importance as regularity in feeding tried by military commission for tnem. in a state 01 nature, the in its operations. Uommentiug on it, it says : The manager of a theatre will ron the risk of a verdict for damages before seating black men by the side of white reach some $10 or $12, the Solicitor's fee onL'8 in the parquet and dress circle. It being $4 on each case. The Senate yes- WH he some years before the aristocratic a. 1 a 1 , 11 . S . I il.t.v f a mi terday passed a bill releasing all indict inents upon the tax receipt being exhibi ted and the costs being paid, the Solicitor, denizens of oullivan and Thompson streets will be allowed to oceuov the boxes at Wallack's or Booth's or Dalv cow IS relieved of its milk a great many times each day. A calf allowed to remain with its mother will help itself seven or eight times each day. Under such circu in stances the udder of the cow will remain small, and if allowed to retain the milk secreted during the twelve hours, feverish sassins. Port Tobacco (Md.) Independent. Kdward Spanglcr died at the residence of Dr. Samuel A. Mndd, near Bryantown. in Charles county, Maryland, on Sunday night last. Spaugler was arrested with Herold' Atzerott, Payne, O'Liughlin, Arnold, Dr. Mudd and Mrs. Surratt, and the as sassination conspiracy, which resulted in the murder of President Lincoln in April, 1865. Booth, the leader of the conspira cy, was killed in an attempt to capture bim ; Herold, Atzerott, Payne, and Mrs. Surratt were hanged in the yard of the old peuitentiary boilding on the 7th of July, 18G5: Dr. Mudd, Aruold and mm ATM m . . t I T 1. .1 ft ft t Dhentt and Clerk to receive each itwenty- n reality tue bill is a pretence, not a measure, and it results in pleasing no body. Mr. Sumner would have spurned . . . nl 11 . nve cents costs. nouid this but pass the House it will give relief to the large symptoms are likely to be produced. O'Laughin were sentenced to the Dry 'pi .? r mi In . i.T- i a i a. i ionugas lor tue, aim opangier W six 1 1 be practiee of milking cows more than twice in 24 hours causes the capacity of the udder to be greatly increased, and NUMBERS OF TICKEST 100,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $20 00 Halves 10 00 Quarters 50 00 Eighths or each Coupon 2 SO 5i Tickets for ,..100 00 Tlie Moutpelier Female Humane Amoci tion, chartered by the Legislature of Virginia and the Circuit Court of Orange county. proposes, by a series of Grand Gift Concert-, to establish and endow a "Home for the Old, In firm, and Destitute Ladies of Virginia" at Mont poller, the former residence of President Jame Madison. GovKR.voa'8 Officb.Bichiiokd, July 3, 1874 It affords me pleasure to say that I am weU acquainted with a large majority ofthe officers of the Montnelisr Female Association, who reside iu the vicinity of my home, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well aa the public confidence, influnnce and substantial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KKMPBK.Gov. Virginia. Alkxaxdria, Va.. July 8, 1874. I commend them as gents of honor and integrity and fully entitled to the confidence ot the poo ne R, W. 1IUG1IES, U. b. Judge East'n Dist. Ta. Further refcreno br permission : Hi Excel lency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Govenior of Va. liun.Kobt b. v ithers, Lieut -Gov. of Va. and U. S. Senator elect ; Senators and Members of Congress form Va. lteinutances for tickets bit be made bv ex- oress pre-paid, post office money order on Washington, 1). C, or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials. Aa... send for Circular. Address. Hon. JAMES BAEllOUR, Pa-s'TM.F. H. A. Alkxabusxa, Va- Reliable agents wanted everywhere. Oct. 1, 1874. lv. At and of First Fiscal Year had 900 Policies without sustaining a single l'mdent, economical and energetic ment has made it A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION. This Company issues every desirable form of Policies at as low rates at any other First Class Company. Imposes no useless restriction upon residence Or travel. Has a fixed paid np value on ail policies after two annual payments. Its entire assets are loaned and invested A2 H0MEt to foster and encourage borne enterprises. Thirty days grace allowed ia payment of pre ruiutus. With these facta before them will the people of North Carolina continue to pay annually thousands npon thousands of dollars to build up rortiirn Companies, when they can secure insurance in a Company equally reliable and ever dollar's premium they pay be loaned and invested in our own State, and amoog our own people 7 The. F. KLUTTZ. NORTH WEITUWV.O.l l ( Sai.EM ) Leave Arrive at Leave Arrive si 4 . 26 P S IS - t.fl ast - st S SB rm RUFFIN ATAYLOE. Cen'l. Dis't. Agt's. Dec SI ly. 1 J. D. -icNKELY, Ast'a. i.C. Salisbury, N. n. a E. B. FOOTE. M.O. I 120 Leilutoi ATBiie, Cor. K2SthSt., MEW YORK; An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE. AMD JjeUerA from aU parts the Civilized World. IT VAT If CoiuDctiDi a Medical Practice U m Passes gar trsia Usvisg lslstga ooBserW K. i usBars wits law o trsia; nakiastaw swsckast ttssa to all eirlss. Priosef TlcksSs ssn as vis otker i Ttalss to sad trim soinu Ksst of r.t conurct st ; fnfcorv wlas Mail TnOss from poir.U Xorta or Kostk. Two Trais dally. WU ways Os staadavs I.VBchtsare Ac RickatoBd at SOS A a . -niva st BarasvilW IIO a . leave Barkevilto 4 3t a a , arrivs st Has ond t M a PaUaaaa raises Cars oa ail a i slit traiaa ks- twreo Charlotte mad Ricaaoad. (VltWst cassast Pspsrs BBst have arraasMaeaU srbedala of IAms company will pi above- For further iafomattoa addr 8 Y. ALLEN. Osw'l Ticket if est Crssaskun.. XC T M R TALO0TT, Eagiassw A Gca'l ftapsrinteadect TUE GREAT CENTRAL ROLTE: Chesapeake and Ohio B I Oa ami aftsr Jaaaary trt , 1171. PA8SESGER TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. MAIL Leave Salisbury ltM " Greensboro -143 ' Danville via RID 8 13 - Ta, midland 630 " Richmond " CbAtilottawriUe. Arrive HuDtington, " ClncinnattJ. " LcuUviil. - i: 136 s tn a : P EXPRESS. 164 IJS p 3 43S AM M St. Louis. 73S p vj 748 L (135 aat 13S 113k Mi LTWO Wumeroui PatienU in Europe, the West India, Uss TV1itfri of Canada, and in every of tits Union. ADVICE CI V EN BY MAIL OF CHARCE. vi a years imprisonment and labor at the same place. O'ljaatruiii died at tbo Dry Por- number who have fallen under the law, t from him with contempt. In omittine probably assists iu maiuUiuing the lacteal tugas during a yellow lever eprdemic, and wmio it win materially reduce the the school clause everything that was sum that wonld have crone into the Dockets of vital iu it is destroyed." tne omciaia. We learn that some 3,000 persons had been indicted in this county news. Xection for Intoxication. In the Superior Court, at New York, it was decided last week that a street rail- a . I - way sompany nas a pertect right to eject intoxicated persons from their cats, and that the company is not responsible for damages in the event of the fatal in- of How a Little Boy Died The Virginia City (Nev.) Enterprise January 12th has this little paragraph : "Little Eddie Nye, who was run over by a flat ear last Friday evening, and was so badly injured that he died next morning, was a rare, bright child, and one of the best children in Just before he died be sang "The River" with a voice as thought secretion long after pregnancy has taken place. Wheu, however, by an artificial system, the cow, has been enabled to re tain her milk without inconvenience for twelve hours or so, she onght to be milked regularly at the same hour, the time for milking arrives, the usoauy becomes cestended to its utmost capacity, and if the milk is not speedily removed, the animal suffers considerable pain. Lasea of fever, the result of allow- HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA. ARE YOU aboutjthe close of President Johnson's ad mimstratiou Mudd, Spangler and Arnold were pardoned, the petition for the clem ency of tue 1'resident being signed by the Weak, NervOUB Or Debilited 9m omcers anu men eiaiioueu at me ury When lortuga?, a number ot whom were attend udder ed by Dr. Mudd and nursed by the other JJIX TU f1 pWe prisoners mentioned through the fever. Then trjr JUBTJBRBA, ths Dr. Mudd, on returning to Maryland. took up his residence on his farm, where he has continued to reside. Sam Arnold FREE tally a-mrty or , AS SMBI ssa- asctad wtth sasB aast m sssaaalf sassttsi, www SSaySB ass-B-B-ssSsS By kaaar as te ItjaSiBi Ths lattsr ara aB rta.tltc"atedll fwilil BylBJv J's- the city Beautiful ing animals to remain too long unmilked, returned to Baltimore, as did Spangler. i t .1 .... ac tuuecu, ny no means or untrequent l he latter, about two years ago, went to occurrence. It is especially necessary to live with Dr. Mudd, between whom and . c rann , j , i . "UH" '"m wim a voice as inougu: wvvwibuw. it is especially necessary to live with Ur. Mndd, between wh Ssc.-1 CbTef attend to this point for some days after Spangler great friendship existed. only dismissed a complaint ot this kind, but warmly oommended the conductor whose act the oompany defended, on the ground that the conductors should be encouraged and protected in the exercise of the duty of saving passengers from being disturbed or endaugered by the disorderly and lm pro.wr behaviour of drunken men. There can bo un doubt, however, that conduc tors should exercise care in such cases to save the intoxicated persons from bodily harm as far as possible, in executing the ejectment, also they and the company may be liable m case Of personal in jury ,.k:u v.:. .i i , . , I " av.i.cui uittaiis is useiv 10 oring on limoie. wiiorn he wnrKed lor mnnv " ""Ulu" yti a , v nmtu ma muLiier iiau LRUfrn , - . .. . . o j j : i i m, , n tha. most tatal of a 1 malad ea. fever. If nnrlpr Mr .Tam0a ti(..A n m- i,!i. F' . ine cniia an his life had a lisp, bnt u , iiZ ' "I" r, ienc-8 no sudden last nraver fell from hi. tnn with. TZTZTtTI TT r oro, on laaing .ne position but gradually his . . . ' --- - ucip vuc poor ammai. ju ausorp- jot stage carpenter, at rord s theatre, em- "Fold a halt or qmver, bnt rather, steady and tion of milk into the blood will tn nmJnAvl Rn..i.. - ...-- And i on the brink of which his spirit was then iremuuu. Aiier ine song he repeated a little him this out clear, and yet with a far-off tone, as though another's voice of infinite sweetness had seized upon his lips in the supreme moment, to leave an echo in his anguished mother's ears which should last as long as life, Shortly alter the little nraver the buddy eyes closed, and little Eddie was gone' On Sunday his funeral attracted the Whole city, and there was not a dry eye around the dear child's bier." me animal nas brought forth its vounc. ror during that period very little irritation Spangler was a native of Pennsylvania, but learned his trade of carpenter iu Bal moved Snanerler as an assistant. Snan ... . ... I " i o i I extent take place, and that which remains gler was rather a stout built man, and in the odder will become if torinrntpil When neglect to milk a cow at the rego lar time is repeated several times, the ses was about fiftysfive years old when he died. It was alleged that be took charge of the horse of Booth on the night of the cretion of the fluid is permanently check- assassination, but turned the animal over ed : and there are many cases where bv to "Peannt .Tnhr." tn hold nd .Un th-t mm uiuiu u ucuuura ury ne nao arranged witn xootn to nave a in less than a month. Irish Fnrmrr's Lir banA. L. tt. !.. f u ' - . " mmmm 1 w mmj bvii, vuU Ul M HteOUe IU1 UUU WU escape, wonderful tonic uiid invite, ratr, which actn n beneficial) v on the decretive organs as to impart vigor to all lUH VlUil IOICCK. It i no alcoholic anpetirei. which stimulates ior a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a low depth of misery, bnt it is a vegetahls tonic acting directly on the liver and Kpleen ii regmateH me ttowois. qmeu the nerves and given such a healthy tone to the wbol svstem ss to soon make the invalid fa like a new perxon. not violent, bnt in character neuweueaa ; iue patient ezrer change, no marked result. troubles their tents, like the Arabs, ilentlv teal awav.'" This is no new untried disco v err. bnt has been long used with wonderful remedial results 1 and is pronounced by the highest authorities "the most powerful tonic and alterative known A 1 - J l a. m f . jjsa. your uruagiHi ior iu For sale by WM. P. KIDDLR A Co. Ww ZOTK. Ix. . S. FOOTK. Box 788, ACENTS Da. roots ia tb WANTED. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and c thsr various blanks for sals hert Zrm S50,000 Tim, t M iLn ilm Tau," bbhb riiiaHy pafeSU-wa, wbtek ass aata to Um nhat of T0.000 eoptoa ; -. of - Senses Is out oTtntx vS ks saal tjsa sa sBsteboa to either Dr. ToOTS, or ths tounj WM MMhSV Mibi Si la Baas aa4 wbbsbv-wbbSbS t sab verbs. "Ptnr HosrsT--a- to rn'wls!" Stovtol's1 1 0i i Vi'sbvst BBbbsrnta- jTy-toSB-T I ths SvaaBj varbs. "Sonnrcs rs Stobt bb osly ba bsS of Mmts or st Obi "Alibis - rLATK HOSS TALK " la svhBabai to) bash aba ADPUas AM PoiuU with XorJiwsst, dailr except Connecting at thr Trunk Lines for the California A Texas Mail Trains ran Ernress " ThroQKh Ttokats far sale at B K. Charlotte. Salisbury , and G recx. b.o. Lowest Frvaaht Rate made by taw av-- For Rats and iaforauaUoai ss to hUaU. Ubw pp'y wj ty EMIGRANTS QO (IN EXl'M TRAINS. W. C WICK HAM. rPre&i : C. R.HOWARD. Gtn. P. at T. B. S. PITCH. Otm. J-VeijA will run aa I Point It Richmond, Tosjc Rive xrt CnsBAKAKK ad Courxn. Rtcsmoxn. April lots Un and after TUESDAY, April Slat Pas- freight Traiaa on thia Tl. rj. t... mmm sulci A IBW M n I - mond at 3 P. M. (Snndars exeeptsd), mmt riroK at Richmond from Wst PaiaS mm U., dailr (Snodara excepted)- l The xDlssHlid stesjxten HATA-7 LODI8K. srill ran in connection witbt"r and will leave West Point daily (0f"Pi c-ptad) on the anival of the trsia Richmond at 3 P. M. arriving BsJtiavb for Washington and the Bast. Korib and v awi and leave Baltimore dailr fSuodart at 4 P. M , connecting at Wert V 1 dae at Rtehaftowd at 10 A . M.. nass Fare to BaJUmore,3i ; Battisssf turn. ST. WaabinUiii S4 Far te phis, f7 , to Philadelpfais and reurs. SJT Par New Tot. $10; to Hew Tstt sas turtr, 19.G. Boston i:, .. Preifkt train, for throush freight ll!T-t Richmond daily (Monday erreptrf) J, M., eonnocting vtta sSsaasera ai Wsstr that deliver freight ia Bsitissats moraine. Thmnb rneivsd o1'" Ppsicht traJn. vilb Pinrrr CSX for freight between Richmond and We leavea bUchmond Honda ra. W Phdava at 7 A- M. Issoal freifht Tuesday b Thuradara and 8eiardar EDWARD F. FOLfiE Supermu-M W. N. Baaoo. Msatcr of Ttnsportats,

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