L -' ' ' ' f - f ' ' f ft '' JiJk : . - " f ' ' ..,1, i., ,, n..-, -it i m ri mi T, nriiiiii m.iir - ir iiiijilii iM.Vrrri ' hss ' n Tsr"T m t nr mini k - The Carolina Watchman. ' Sfcrislslj 7 , j , A A v' jf 'WW "sPW' TfiO : . a tOrsia47 "i 11 4vBHMPV)j( i, r f 4 ? If VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C, MARCH, 26, 1875 i NO.-WHOLE NO. 78 d ibif: tag t' a BULI8HKD WEEKLY. J. J. BBUNER, Proprietor and EdKoi . J. J. 8TJEWART Associate Editor. r ATKS OF SCBCBIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. Osa I ak, psyable 10 advance, . . -. M mm, c H ' - - - - Jcopieeto any address $2.(0 . 1.25 RATES : $100 1.50 insertion two of insertions cent, more Oil Square (1 inch) One . " t . greater number . u ;.. 1 nr.iwi'H 2o per CASRPEICES $50 00 PER TON OF 2,000 POUNDS. ' " - , TIME PRICE $58 PEE 2,000 lb. paya- f bleNoy, 1. THE HIGH 8TAKDABD OF QUAL ITT HAS BEEN FULLY MAIN TAINED. AND IT IS CONSIDERED BY THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN IT w t -A FA 1 11 TRIAL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER lAUDfACTOBED. GUANAHANI AN IMP0 BTED NATURAL GUANO, AGEN A INE ANI $AL O RfJ DEPOSIT. -.to iff; MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT HAS BEEN CREATED in favor of this Company by the Crown officers. The name "GUANAHANI 1 is a Registered TKADE MARK at the United States Patent Office, and all persons warned from making use of the same in connection with fertilizers of 'any kind. r-rr ANY GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CAR 00 will be ANALYZED BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Examine the Analyses and Letters of Prof. P. B. WILSON, Bal i timore ; Prof. H. C. WHITE. Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia ; Prof. F. A. GENTH, Philadelphia, Professor of Applied Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. GUANAHANI GUANO COMPANY j PETERSBURG, VA fit Never say Fail. BY CHABI.ES SWAIK. Keep pausing 'tis Than sitting aside, And dreaming and sidling, And waiting the tide! In Life's earnest battle, They only prevail Who daily march onward, And never say fidL , With an eye ever open, A tongue that's not dumb, And a heart that will never To sorrow encumb, You'll battle and conquer, Though thousands assail ; How strong and how mighty Who never say fail I Ahead, then, keep pushing, And elbow your cay unueeamg we euviousj--. All asses tnat bray ; All obstacle vanish. All enemies quail I In the might of their wisdom Who never say mil. In life's rosy morning, In manhood's fair pride, Let this be your motto, Your footsteps to guide : In storm and in sunshine, Whatever assail, We'll onward and conquer, And never say fail ! nature she loved him, but never for a mo ment did she dream of being governed by that love, for ncr pride was stronger than love. The lofty old turrets of Maltraver Abby were to her too powerful a temptation to be resisted : and for a lone time she CIVIL RIGHTS AND THE SLAUGH TER HOUSE DECISIONS. From tte Galveston News. J The question why the Civil Rights hill should undertake to secure oousl rights and privileges to negroes in hotels and 1 1 gib m I ' 1 A 7l Jl ft I w . naa maae np her mind to become Lady " on pupno conveyances, ana lndepetMicnee, a meeting was t Maltravers. Her mother had been a 1101 PTe tbena "k privilfgea in schools, editorial rooms of the Charlotte From the Ckariocta Mecklenburg la pursuance of a called mating to dia cuat saeaaarea relative to list proper b ration of the 100th anniversary of the SOlh of May, Mecklenburg DedaratiM of as held at the n Saturday tvening. On motion of J. H. Orr. Esq.. tbe chair was ocennied hw r w f -jf Dr. Joe, Graham, and the seeretariea, desk by R. A. 8hotweU and Chas. R. After speeahes by Judge Sbipp, Gen, J. A. Young, T. W. Dewey, Eq.. Dr. Ntnch, Chaa. R. Joaea, J. H. Orr, 8. P. Smith, Esq., Col. John E. Brown and others, the following resolution was unani mously adopted . Mmtkfit Thai a committee af tea he appointed as a General Managing Com- How to Live. He liveth long who liveth well ! AH other life is short and vain. He liveth longest who can tell Of liviug most for heaveuly gain. He liveth long who liveth well ! All else is being flung away ; He liveth longest who can tell Of true things truly done each day. peeress and from childhood Aiwemorne churches, cemeteries, restaurant. had been trained to believe that tbe great "hoPi mere nan tile establishments, etc., end of her life would be accomplished I wili probably loug remain unanswered. when she was wedded to a man of rank, i "hy the negro should be secured in his And merrily rang the village church nght to sit by the side of a white person bells one bright June morning when m noteI or theatre, and not in a church Argemorne was wedded to young Lord- or school, is a problem that poaalea the Maltravers, and went home to the Abby I nouro DUl to wmcn be can nod no som aa his honored wife. For the old Lord Uon- ETen the men who made the dis- waa dead, and Louvian was in undisturh- tinction ean aasign no reason for it, and ed possession. . 1 do not pretend to assign any. But the The festivities were great and contiu- aDeard7 of seeeeely am nous, but Gerald was not seen at any of PJPU, man us unconstitutionality, m merry makings. He had taken enough bUk vYallacea Iteports, page 70, ct 9eq., mi t tee, to appoint sub-eommiiteea hi to stand calmly by and see this girl whom m lue few 'Orleans Maugbterhouse case, township and elsewhere, as may be he worshiped made the bride of another a aecieion 01 me supreme Court ot tbe ed expedient to make all oecestary ar- even though that other was his onlv u uueu owtea maaes a very broad dia- raagemenU. and transact all brother. I tinction between citizenship of the United connected with the plan for tbe ran . .... m tL 1 C . 1 t M M . 1 . . ' The night alter the bridal, driven forth states tnu cuizensnip ot a state as ea-. tion of the 20th of May proi. by some wild unrest, Argemorne threw a tablished by the fourteenth amendment. On motion tbe chairman be added to shawl over her shoulders, and through 1 ne decisiou is to tbe effect that while the above committee. the white moonlight went out to walk tDU amendment protects the rights of the On motion, it was resolved further that away tbe fever in ber blood beneath the negro as a citiaen of the United States, the committee, designated in the above his rights as a citizen of a btate are not resolution, will harmonise with tbe corn- bus protected. The language of thet court is : 'Of the privileges and immunities of tbe eiiisens of the United State, and of the priviiiges and immunities of the eith ew . a zens 01 tue state, ana wtiat they respee tall old trees in Maltravers Park, and Gerald, led back to his home by some an controblb impulse, met her there. iv stormy scene ensued, tor both were high-spirited, and each one was well aware of the state of the other's affec tions. was unanimously He accused her of coldness and deceit ; lively are, we wiM presently consider, In offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community a Second Season we do so w f , . . . , . Hi lot unii KxumI on ita Phominil (W.ii!nmh hairo Kaon mnat .i t isfactoril v hnrne ont the T uo "lJ I. ir-iy give , test, by which all Fertillizers must be judged, that of the Plantation. Last season, owing to the lateness at which we commenced importing we were forced to put our Guano on the market at once, but now having continued our importations during the wm a p is 11 l 1 11 1 -www "- - 1 1 41.!. - 1 i : T., : Else is that being but a dream 'Tis but to be, and not to live, mer and fall, and having large and well ventilated Warehouses in this City and City Point, we . -I a 1 are enaoieu 10 pui our uusno on ioe marKei, in a coqqiuou m iu uijucm, uu iiwuum uuu LlDGra' SlUd 2lClVlIlia- lumps, eoual to any Manufactured Fertilizer. , r -r 1 We solicit a careful persual of our Circular containing the certitioates sent us, and which can feOUS TCrmS tOr .LSirffe be had on application at this OFFICE, or from anv of our AGENTS. Having nothing to con- . . ceal, we made an innoyation on established usage, by publishing those letters received unfavora- jOt (t! Veil OH ADDiIOCL- hie to our Guano, but careful inquiry in many cases proves that the cause of its failure was not I owing to any fault in the Uuano, but to those far beyond our control- We nave lrequenuy 4i'An heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertilizer. Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi- VlVU I ,, nf UUU Irnnvn l-iritiPN anil Plnnlopj (Vnm Itf amtloni) in iUo ot tpemp VVpRtprn MWintieS Of UIVUJ V. T, . 1 ' ' ' w w Hi'.. A. 1 II 1 1 i v 1 11 . . 1 14 ..Ll . Hi .hi w w..v. . - - " . . a a A . - . . ' i ' . a ... . r". . 3 North Curohna.justiry us in claiming a place for our Fertilizer Superior to many, aua oeconu to None, s We confidently expect the continued patronage of tbe Agricultural Community and no exer tion shall be spared on our part to make . Local Agents at all the Principal Depots. DeROSSET & CO General Agents for North Carolina at Virginia, AT WILMINGTON, N. C. Jas. A. McOONNAUGHEY, Agent, Salisbury, N. C GUANAHANI THE STANDARD FERTILIZER FOR THE COTTON, TOBACCO & GRAIN CROPS OF THE SOUTH, Be wise and use thy wisdom well ; Who wisely speaks must live it too. He is the wiset who can tell How first he lived, then spoke the true. Be what thou seetnesi ; live thy ereed ; Hold up to earth tbe torch divine ; Be what thou prayest to be made ; Let the great Master's stops be thine. Fill up each hour with what will Isst ; Buy up tbe moments as they go ; The life above when this is past Is the ripe fruit of life blow. Sow troth, if thou the truth wouldst reap ; Who sows the false shall reau the vain : Erect and sound thy conscience keep ; From hollow words and deeds refrain. Sow love, and taste it.- fruitage pure ; Sow peace, and reap its harvest bnght; Sow suubeams on tbe rock and moor, And find the 1 arvest home of light. he said she had never loved him that she was incapable of loving anything but berselt. He exhausted himself in fierce and bitter reproaches, and downcast eyes. bhe let him finish and when from sheer exhaoston he was silent, she spoke : "ueraiu said sne, "Heaven is tnv but we wish to state here it is only tbe former which are placed by this clause nnder the protection of the Federal Con stitntion, and that the Utter, whatever they may be, are not intended to have any additional protection by this para graph of the amendment. If, then there witness, I loved yo with mv whole sonl 8 difference between the privileges and t 1 ..a. - IS I I A . . S I at w . w . . . . - . . 1 love you still ! 1 fliall love you lorev- immuuuics oeionginp 10 a ciuzen or tne I uen. J. A. 1 oung and lion. Win. M. S mittee appointed on the 4th of February. It. A. Shotwell introduced the follow ing resolution which adopted : llaolved, That a Committee of three, representing this meeting sod tbe people ot MecklenMrg, be appointed to orialise the General Assembly, tnat tne zuta ot may be constituted a Legal Holiday in the State mi North Carolina, as a mark of recognition by the Stale, of tbe authenticity of the immortal Declaration which has cast lasting lustre on the name ot North Carolinians. Tbe Chair appointed tt. A, Sbotwell, a-king DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN SUPER IOR COURT. To Gray Wood .Yon-Resident, Ton are here by notified that the following summons has been issued against you (to wit.) DAVIDSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. J. K.Jon ks, ) Jgaist. SUMMONS. Oaar Wood, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO THE SHERIFF OF DAVIDSON COUN TYGREETING : You are hereby commanded to Summon Gray Wood, the Defendant above named, if to be found within your county, to be and .appear before the JUDGE OP OUR SUPERIOR COURT, to be held for the County of David son, st the Court House in Lexington, on the 6th Monday after tho 3rd Monday of March, 1H75, and answer the coniplaiut which will be deposited in the office of tho CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, of taid County, within the first three days of the next term thereof, and let tbe said Defendant take notice that if be fails to answer the said complaint within the time prescribed by law, the Paintiff will appl) to the Court for judgment again. t the Defendant (or the sum of three hundred aud sixty-five 80-100 Dollars and Interest thereon from the 11, Oct., 1872, till paid. Hereof fail not, aud of this summons- make due return. Given under my band and the seal of said Court, this 20th, day of January, 1875. BlssM .- r C. F. LOWE. Clerkoftae Superior Court of Davidson County. You are also notified that tbe above named painttff ha sued out an attachment against yoflr property upon a Bond executed by you on the Uth day of October, 1872, for the sum of three hundred and sixty five 80-100 Dollars with interest ibereon till Paid aud that said Warrant of attachment is returnable to the Superior Court of Davidson to be held at the Court house in the Town of Lexington, on the 6th Monday alter 3rd Monday in March, A. D 1875 when and where you are hereby required to an cer. This 15th Feb., 1875. n C F. LOWE. Clerk of the Snnnrinr f!:Mirt fur Duviilson Co. xeo. zo, l87o bw. :o DIRECTOR 8. President, N. M. TANNOR, of Rowlett, Taanor & Co. Vice-President, ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & Co. JOHN B STEVENS, of Stevens Brothers S. P. ARRINGTON, ot John Arrington & Sods. JOHN R. PATTERSON, of Petterson, & Sons. 0. R. BISHOP of Bishop & Branch. A BROTHER'S SACRIFICE. BY HERO STRONG. Argemorne Reoaud was of a French parentage on his father's side, but her lady mother was a countess of England, and the heiress of a very large inheritance. Castel St. Llmar was tbe ancestral home, for years it was noted for the grandeur of its appointments and the uubouuded hospitality of its occupants. JOHN MANN? DAVID 0 ALLEN DER, W. A. K. FALKENER. FRANK POTTS, General Affent. FOR SALE BY MERONEY & BRO., SAL1SBYBY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. J CH0EL0TTE, N. s wa.. 1 1 a . er i tfeiter toan eartb, better than my hope for Heaven ! If to-day, my choice rested between eternal perdition with you. and Faradise withont yon I wonld choose the first I I am yonr brother's wife, and it is a sin for me to say this, but for once my tongue shall speak the thought of my heart ! "Lord Maltravers," she spoke bis name with a hanghty uplifting of the head, remembering the broad title, "is just and noble, and I will be trno to him, but while being true, I shall never feel for him one thrill of anything warmer than the esteem his many virtues 1 1 11 1 w sa must command irotn ail ! 1 shall never love him ! Centuries of devotion upon his part could not win a fragment of my love ! mwwwriad him for his wealth, and because of the proud position in which tie would place me ! I married him because he could make me Lady Maltravers ! "And if I had been the oldest son !" she stooped toward him with bated breath tbe fire of passion in her scarlet lips. "Earth uor Heaven should not have Irani ti Ai-tawr I A Iiah Iamamab fltt sn. v a uo tipcat j auicu ivicv Qi X She tore away the hand he clasped to wu- - - - .ktiA anA .i 1 heart, aud fled from him with frantic Uvl w fsrpcvisivi iiy 0 viiuuuwui uui it . o 1 1 3 youth were passed, in the enjoyment of : ba8Lte fheJkne7 hdaoger and meant l.,,., -MU ,tu n.ran. t w w iu uecu nu woiu a loyai wire. 00 tTCi J I U A U I T n mvil -'Ui 11 J .vu0 w . nit . . . . t alko Hon ti nm tamntaliAti whom the highest wish of the imperious; , , , , , , ' Httl hP...i.v w. lr I GerAld da8hed h- hand mdI7 against Monsieur Renuad was one of those ! bl18 !rehe;d'and 8t,e 7 ,in? lbe misfortune Buauow8 rom me gloomy aarsness 01 a neignooriug ueage in tne pale moon light crept the shuddering figure of Lou United 8tstes ss such, and those belong- Shipp, to draft the memorial. ing to the citizens of the State as such, On motion of Dr. T. Moore, tt was the latter most rest tor their authority Rcmired, That tbe editors of tbe Stats aad protection where they hare heretofore be requested to act aa agents, is arenas rested, lor tney are not embraced in this public intercat in the Ceutennial, and to paragraph of the amendment." invite the ladies of every locality to bold It wonld be tbe vainest show of learn- concerts, entertainment, &c, for the par ing to attempt to prove by citations of pose of raising funds in aid of the measure; authority that op to the adoption of the tbe ladies to accept this resolution as a recent amendments no claims or pre ten special invitation to be present 00 the 00 tion wss set op that those rights depended esaion. on the Federsl Government for their ex- On motion of General Young, when istence or protection beyond tho very few this meeting adjourns it be subject to the express limitations which the Federal call of the Committee of Ten which should Constitution imposed upon tbe States; report progress from week to week, aad such, for instance, as the prohibition hold frequent pablic meeting to keep np against ex posijucw lawi, bills ot attain- enthusiasm, ore a ' ;.- . In offering this Feltilizer to the people of Rowan, and surrounding counties we are satis fied that we offer them the best Guano for the least money now on the market. It baa been throughly tried during the past season and the results have been even better than we hoped for. Below we append two of the numerous certificates we have received. "roiling stones" whpse great lies in the fact of their having been thrust into existence, nobody could reasonably have expected them to "gather moss." Renaud never made a cent of money in his lite, but be fancied that be bad won derful geuius for bargain driving, and his wife was too much of a fine lady, and too little a trades wc man to see that he got cheated in every bargain ho made. He embarked largely in speculation, involv ing his wife's property to such an extent that everything had to go to satisfy the rapacious creditors, and Castel St. Elmar, with all its untold wealth of rare and beautiful things, the work of centuries to collect, passed into the bands of careless strangers, 1 his terrible blow was too much for der, and laws impairing the obligations of contracts, nut, wrrh tne exeentnra of these and a few other restrictions, the en tire domain of the privileges and immuni ties of citizens of the States, as above defined, lay within the constitutional and legislative power of Che States and with out that of I edcral Government Was it the purpose of tho fourteenth amend ment, by tbe simple declaration that no State should make or enforce any law which shall abridge tbe privileges and On motion of A. B. Davidson, tbe meting adiourned subject to call of the Committee. Jos. Graham, Chairman. R. A. Shotwkll, I Char. R. Jokes, ScreUne- Mortality of the Races. From the Savannah Advertiser. Some time ago mention was made of immunities of citizens oftlie United States. I the remarkable mortality amone tbe eol- 2111 4 AN IMPOR t i t II 1-1 V. vi an tbe nappy bridegroom. In tbe dim light his face was ghastly, and fixed despair had settled like a cloud over all his features. He had missed his bride from the revelers, and, full of tender anxiety, had sought her in the park, aud had been un happy enough to listen to all that passed between his brother and this woman, whom he worshipped! A knot of white ribbon, fallen from her hair, lay on tbe grass st his feet. lie picked it up snd pressed it madly to his fevered lips. "She shall be happy 1" he said, qnietly. "What is my worthless life against one littlo hour of her pleasure f I lovo her 1 will make her happy ! If she is never to transfer the security and protections of all civil rights which we have mentioned from the States to the Federal Govern ment 1 And where it is declared Coff gress shall have the bower to enforce that article, was it intended to briug within the power of Congress to entire domain of civil rights heretofore belonging exclu sively to the States t The court held that tbe fourteenth amendment made no alteration in tbe privileges and immunities of citizens of TEST, PAID OVER 600 PER CENT. 1 1 Norm Carolina, 1 - uavie County. " ' v-"k Ebenezer Frost. Admr. de bonis no of John Allen, deceased. Plaintiff: tan Againtt. Uiles Livengood, and Mary A. Livengood, his wife, William Allen, William Cranfill and wue, csarau J. Cranfill, Martha Allen, and Bossn Allan. JnJon, ft) mU Land Jor Payment oj debts. H 'SMk appearing, that the defendants, above nam J. are all non-resident of the State of North Carolina, and their place of residence unknown. it is therefore ordered that publication be mde in the "Carolina Watldinan." a. newsDa- Pg pabliahed in Salisbury, N. C. forsix weeks A. livengood, William Allen, William Cranfill, rh J. Cranfill, Martha Allen and Susan Allen, the above named defendants to appear office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Court House in MocksviHe, on the 29th f April A. D., 1875, and answer the com ploint of the Plaintiff, or tbe same will be fu ex parte as to them. .1 H-B- Howard, Clerk Superior Court, t offiae in Mocksville, this second day of March 1875. ot p hn? SI H. B. HOWARD. Salisbury, N. 0., Oetober 10th, 1874. Messrs Meroney & Brn. Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry as to the merit? of the Guanahani Guano, I will state that I have given it a fair, and, as I think, a thorough test, and believe it to be one of the best fertilizers now in use in our country. In the month of February I bought two tons and applied it over my farm at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre under Cotton, and 100 poundsto the acre on Corn. Oh the 8th of October I picked from one row of Cotton 14 rods long, which bad been fertilized at the above rate, 8 pounds of seed cotton ; from another immediately by the side of this one, of the same length, to which I had applied no fertilizer, I picked 1 ounces the same day showing difference of over 8500 per cent, between land fertilized and not. I counted the number of unopened bolls is each, and making calculation on this basis; I find that the land without the Guanahani would vicld 30 Ounces to the row. 80 rows or 150 pounds to the acre : Printers fee $10.5q j witn Quaiuiham it will yield 12 pounds to the row, 80 rows or 800 pounds to the acre showing They little knew the passionate warmth I have not had an oopbrtunity to test the Com yet, but from general observation, I feel war- ,lhe heart whlch 8iie bMd eTer KeP' ranted in making the statement that Guanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. umucu On one acre of ground, as a teat, I sowed 4UU ponnoe oi uuananani uroaucast, suosomug at the same time 15 inches' deep. Itiis acre, under ordinary circumsUnces, has average 700 pounds of seed cotton ; this year the yield will be at least 1800 pounds . A. PBOPST. plunged into the river and tho next day was the subject of an interesting post mortem and coroner's inquest. And Argemorne, at IS, was left an orphan, with only a small annuity and no expectations. She was one of the proudest women in England, and ber ill-fortnne galled her sorely, but she was too proud to make it manifest by word or deed. All her friends called her cold and soulless, snd wonder- ed if aught on earth conld touch her heart. the United 8tatea, as they previously ex-1 lor every 21 colored iited under tbe r edcral Constitution. It would seem to foil j w, theu, that col ored citizens of the; United States ean cot be entitled, by virtue of the Civil Rights bill, to sny rights or sny remedies which they were no entitled bcfoie the amendment was adopted. ored people of Charleston, South Carolina, as compared with mortality smong the whites, the basis nsed for the comparison being weekly returns covering less than a month. Still more striking results art F i resented by the health officer of Char es ton in the returns for the year. Tbs death of whites during the year numbered 718 ; colered 1,?30. Tbe estimated whits population is 24,000. That of the col ored is 29X00. Thus the ratio off deaths is one for every 23 whites, and tbe ) if"! 45 : Davie Co., N. C; -few Jjlfs-i-ti.3 tri , l , w, i mju jb. r Messrs jMtiruuey x. xru. JfWt.V Am, mm Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry ss to the merits of Guanahani Guano, I would say that I used it last Summer on an old field which wonld have produced very poorly under ordi- kn wklnl. nJ.. .nnlJiMtinn nf Diianahani vlIled DIA a VPrv crood Pmi). I JMeal unit vuvumiMiuww uui m. uuua .ti v iw..v..w.. w. ...... j - j o r i - . , I had one test row and this showed a difference of over three hundred per cent, in favor of the tate of Maltravers Abby -the sest of the old Lord Maltravers. Tbe old Lord mending it to every far-1 uaA tu,n mn Louvian and H-prald. nor jm janw tjuano on me She found a home, after the death of her parents, with a little cousin, bnt there was little sympathy between herself aud the. Hon. Mrs. Montague. Mrs. Montague had been at St. Elmar, and she gave Argemorne a home, solely because her family pride could not bear the mortifica tion of seeing a relative in the bouse of a stranger. Near Montague House was the fine es- 1 1 Guano. I am satisfied that it is a good Fertilizer and take pleasure mer who wishes to increase his crops as being fully equal market. in recom a nam MAT til ,-o.'l!.rZ MILLER. WE SELL GUANAHANI AT $38 PER TON. Freight added. CALL AN&EEm .a-r?m-- n Feb. 19th, 1875, 3mos. i .r. i f 1 1 a -jr m t mm mo. a-Ti if the haughty pride of the countess ; she A i a A . .f Krain norallraia in 1 a than a waaIt r t,s rit.o m n II. a n In i.r 1., alll.h I and after her death Renaud did tbe only ? 7.1 , , sensible thing he had done for years- ,B '' 10 . 7 my precious argemorne suau oe uappy 1 He went down to tbe shore of the lake which bordered the park, aud where were moored the pleasure boats in which he had so often taken her ont aailing. Dark and only a single leap forward, and It was done I They found his body after a longsearcb, and there was great lamentation through all the country for be was a noble gen gentleman, and well beloved. Six months for mourning elapsed, and then the betrothal of Lord Gerald Maltrav ers were announced. For once in her life Argemorne was en tirely happy. The wish of her life near being fulfilled, and if she thought of her dead husband, it was with regret. The clmrch-bells rang a merry peal, and the bridal party set forth for the chnrch. Lady Maltravers wss in a car riage with her hridemaids ; Lord Mal travers followed wilh his attendants. The road to the chnrch ran past the willow-fringed pend, snd for some reason unknown to any one, the horses attached to the carriage of the bride became fright ened aa they reached the little cove where Lord I.ouvian's body had been found. They reared, plnnged forward, and in a moment tbe carriage was overturned. Argemorne was taken np dead her white bridal robes stained crimson with ber blood the false bine blood which had crush the love of her heart for the love of pride and station. Lord Maltravers died two years after ward in Australia, and Maltravers Abby is a ghostly ruin. Credulous people ssy it is haunted, but all good Christians in sist that-' nothing frequents its disserted chambers but bats and lizards. Louvian was the heir to tbe little, tbe Abby, and the bulk of the Urge estate ; while Gerald, as the younger son, had only the family name of Rossmont, and an income of a thousand pounds a year. But the young men were noble and handsome, and both loved Argemorne Renaud each in his own way. Both were courtly in bearing, and as devoted to her aa even her exacting na ture conld require, bnt she loved only one of them, and unfortunately for her that one was Gerald, the young son. With all the depth of a strongly impassioned Sowing Oats. The ost crop should be aown at the earliest moment the ground is in a proper state to be plowed. Manure cd oil lint tha a (m4t in ssr 1 1 1. vsiy rwi uw f w mm vrnwis piv we j three inches deep, sow clover seed, bar row it in witn a ugbt barrow, and you may expect a remunerative crop. No crop requires early seed iag more than the oat. The practice of late sowing and sioveniy preparations 01 pernspa poor ianu uoc mauurr.u, necessarily results in the failure of this crop, and it is denounced as a poor crap to grow, while if the farmi er bad done hia work properly and st the right time, bis crop would have satisfied him. But we are slow to blame ourselves for failure in crops ;Hia always set down to "the seasons, or onr bsd lock." Take time by the foretop, farmers, snd si yonr oats at the first moment possible, and not put it off until you are busy, or ought to be, in preparing your corn land and other pressing spring work in April or May, when it may be too wet to sow or plow. The health . . . .... ssys 10 bis report tbat "rrevious to war consumption among the blacks of rsre occurrence, and then only among tbe well marked scrofula diathesis of the African descendant.' The increase of the disease is ascribed to exposure, dissi pation, want of proper nutrition, clothing and bedding, and tbe h a ih officer says the only hope of saving the race from the fate of tbe American Indians is in secur ing to them mora), religious and industrial education. That this fear of their dyiug out in that locality is not an idle one is shown not only by the general death rate of tbs race, but particularly by the death rate amoug children under five yean of sge. The proportion of colored still bora to whites last year was ss 6 to 1 ; the proportion of deaths under five years was as it to 1, aud this in a community al most equally divided by the two Carpet bagism and Congressional Isrisla tion ot tbe sort fashionable with tha domi nant party for the South will never better, but add to this deplorable co diuoo of the colored people. Senator Merriroon has won laurels by his able and brilliant course in tbs Senate. aud his powerful speeches in vindication of tbe people of the South. He has shown a combination of legal and political to for mation, with talent, industry, and energy which have given him a first rank smong Bens tors and drtne erdil nnt nnlv in him. LCRED Her. An old man bad a poor, self but to the State which be so ablv 1 m -r .. . . . - . . . cranay nit 01 a wiu, who regularly once snd faithfully repiesenta. lie a weea got up in tne nignt aud invited our choice for the position he occupies. If tbe family to see her die. She gave away we bsd bsd onr choice Vance, the noblest ber things, spoke ber last words, msde Roman of them all, one of tbe peace with Heaven, and then, about eight, hearted, largest brained men on tha she got up in the usual way and disao- tineiiL would have taken the pointed everybody by going at her house- still this does not prevent as from hold duties ss if nothing had happened, nisinsr tbe eminent serv ice that Merrimoo mi aa t--- a a - - lbe old man got sick of it finally, and has rendered and honoring bim for it. went out and got a coffin with "t are well, Mary Ann" worked in, snd s handful cf silver-plated screws. Laying the screw driver besides the collection, he invited m her to 'host holler die once more. "Do it," said he, "and in you go, and this farewell busineas is over." Mary Ann is st this moment baking buckwheat cakes for a large and admiring family, while Hiob CauacHi. The nommittoea of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland,- New Jersey, Virginia, and other States, withhold their consent to the confirmation of Drs. De- Koveo snd J agger, recently elected Bisk ona in Illinois and Wiaeonain. because of tbey are drying apples in the coffin up iu their extreme liteh Church and Ritaalia- tbc garret. lk views. i J

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