The Carolina . -f.W&mmOOr -r-Or Watchman. 33 v. VOL V. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY N. C, APRIL. 15, 1875 TV I " . . - - -' 7 awaaavwaBBj1 - - . j - , , ,., a a, f - III I I ., I - - "" r BUL18HKD WEEKLY; j. J. BRUNEB, proprietor and Editoi . J J. STEWART Associate Editor. I BATS OF SUBfBIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. payablein advancfc. ....$2.(0 ImohthB, " " 1-25 iCopleito tT 10.0 ADVERTISi: RATES om Rocabe (1 icn) 0ne inrtion $100 V two " 1.60 o for a greater number of Insertion JU,rJ.. filial notices 26 per cent, more In rtil advertiaementiiReading noice eentTper line for each and every insertion - GUANAHANI ! THE OCEAN DEPTHS. AN IMPORTED NATURAL GUANO. MM AGENUINE ANIMAL DEPOSIT. A $58 Carolina Fertilizer. CASH PRICES , $50 00 PER TON OF 2,000 POUNDS. TIME PRICE PER 2,000 lb. paya ble Nov. 1. THE HIGH STANDARD OF QUAL ITY HAS BEEN FULLY MAIN TAINED, AND IT IS CONSIDERED H THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN IT AFxYltt TRIAL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FRTILIZER MAMACTOm Liberal and advanta geous Terms for Large Lots Given on Application. MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEP08IT HAS BEEN CREATED in faror of tbia Company bv tbe Crown officers. The name "OUANAHANI !" I m y n.t t ii 1 Tl 4 Tit' If A 1 T ' . . w - . a. . ... . ncreu mtxirr, miviv at me unuea states 1'atent uffice, ana all persons are warned from making use of the same in connection with fertilizers of any kind. 4 THE COMPANY GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CARGO will be ANALYZED BEFORE IT IB OFFERED FOR SALE. A Diver's Story.. I am a direr a diver from choice and I am proud of my profession. Where is such courage required aa is needed here ? It is nothing lo be a soldier ; a diver, ing it. An appaline shipwreck occurred, not long ago, upon the wildest part of the coast of Newfoundland. .The tidings of this calamity reached the ears of thou sands; but, amid tbe crowd of accidents which followed in quick succession, it was soon forgotten. Not by us, however. 4 Examine the Analyses and Letters of Prof. P. B. WILSON, Balitimore : Prof. H. C. WHITE, Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia ; Prof. F. A. GENTH, Philadelphia, Professor of Applied Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. IMPORTED ONLY BY" IBB GUANAHANI GUANO COMPANY, PETERSBURG, VA. no uce is piain.y visiwe, ana no voice is raise it; the round of tbe ladder broke heard. I could not see his face plainly, beneath me, but the door was not raised ; but his eyes, through bis beery mask, my tuba eame down through it and kept glowed like coala of fire. it partly open, lor it was a strong tube "I will go !" I exclaimed. I sprang sad kept strongly expanded by close fro m bim. He clasped his hands together wound wire. but dared not follow. I seined a bar of iron, and tried to prise Good hrarcn ! I thought, what fearful it op; I raised it slightly, bat there was thine is here? What urn un ho an no war to pet an inrt hr I ImU . bowerer-but I forbear. 1 will tell my dreadful as to paralyse tbe soul of aprac- round, and found some blocks; with these story, and leave others to judge concern- Uced direr. I will see for myself. I raised the beery door, little by little, 1 walked forward. I came to the cabin placing a block in, to keep what I had door. I entered tbe forward saloon, bat gained. But tbe work was slow, snd saw nothing. A feeliug of contempt laborious, and I had worked a long while came to me. Rimmer shall' not come before I bod raised four inches, with me again, I thought. Yet I was The sea rolled more and more. Tbe awe-struck . Down in the depth of tbe submerged vessel felt its power, and rock sea there is only silence oh, bow solemn 1 ed. Suddenly it wheeled over, and lay I Daced the Ion? aalrvnn which hA unnn its 'wl We found that the vessel had sunk upon echoed with the shrieks nf drowning n.. I ran round t ik . i .i j i i : . . r . r i o cFu wucic iue water . uiu wis uy no aengers. Ah ! there are thoughts which to try and lift up the door. Bai when I means great ana iuai a uarmg man migui sometimes fill the soul, which ore only came to tbe other outlet, I knew it was easily reach her. , ffct by those to whom scenes of sublimity impossible; for the tube would not permit bhe was a steamer called the Marmion, are familiar. Thus thinking, I walked me to go so far, and then I would rather and had been seen going suddenly down, to the after-cabin and entered. hare died a thousand deaths than hare WltUOUt an instant S Warning, bV SOmC had lint mv hand rnrhpH ttiA Annr Ventured aman an noar tViA o.Kir, with a crash which mortal terror bad I returned to the fallen door; I sat down made convulsed, I should bare fallen to n despair and waited for death. I aaw the floor. I stood nailed to tbe spot, no hope of escape. This, then, was to be t or there before me stood a crowd of peo my end. pie men and women caught in tbe last But tbe steamer gare a sudden lurch struggle by tbe overwhelming waters, again acted upon by tbe power of tbe and fastened to tbe spot, each in the posi tion in which death bad found bim. Each one had sprung from his chair at the shock of the sinking shin, and, with one common emotion, all had started for the fishermen near by. She had, undoubted ly, struck a hidden rosk, and thus been in one moment destroyed. I spoke to my associates of the plan, and they approved it. No time was lost in making the necessary preparations, aud a short time beheld us embarking in our small schooner for the sunken ship. There were six of us, aud we anticipated extraordinary success. So deep' was the water that no vestige In offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community a Second Season we do so with the utmost Confidence, feeling satisfied that the high opinion, we formed, and expressed last season based on its Chemical Constituents have been most satisfactorily borne out by the iesi, oy wnicn an remmzers must be judged, that of the Plantation. Last season, owing to the lateness at which we commenced importing we were forced to put our Guano on the market at once, but now having continued oar importations during the sum mer and fall, and having large and well ventilated Warehouses in this City and City Point, we are enabled to put our Guano on the market, in a condition as to dryness, and freedom from lumps, equal to any Manufactured Fertilizer. We solicit a careful peraual of our Circular containing the certificates sent us, and which can beliad on application at this OFFICE, or from any of oar AGENTS. Having nothing to con ceal, we made an innovation on established usage, by publishing those letters received unfavora ble to our Guano, but careful inquiry in many cases proves that the cause of its failure was not owing to any fault in the Guano, but to those far beyond our control- We have frequently heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertilizer, Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi mony of well known Farmers and Planters from Maryland to the extreme Western counties of North Carolina, justify us in claiming a place for our Fertilizer Superior to many, and Second to iNone. We confidently expect the continued patronasre of the Aarricultural Community and no exer tion shall be spared on our part to make T : a A.- J H Local Agents at an tilirj X 1 lllVJ-jyc ivjyuwi DcttOSSET & CO., General Agents for North Caiolina and Virginia, AT WILMINGTON, N. C. Jas. A. McCONNAUOHEY, - Agent, Salisbury, N. 0. Sit-1 . . .. v- s MORE STOVES. and better ones than ever. Come now and eet the BEST. Get the stove called the ACORN COOK CxUAXAHANI THE STANDARD FERTILIZER FOR THE COTTON, TOBACCO &GEA1N CE0PS OF THE SOUTH. -;o: DIRECTORS. President, N. M. TANNOR, of Rowlett, Tannor & Co. Vice President. ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & Co. JOHN B. STEVENS, of Stevens Brother. S. P. ARRINGTON, of John Arrington & Sons. JOHN R. PATTERSON, of Petteraon, & Sons. a R. BISHOP of Bishop & Branch. or a suip s mast remained above the sur face, to point out the resting place of the Marmion. We were compelled, therefore, to select the scene of our operation? ac cording to the best of our ability. Down went tbe sails of our schooner, and Rim mer and I put on onr divine armor. We fixed on our hemlets tightly and screwed on the hose. One by one each clumsy article was adjusted. The weights were bung, and we were ready. "It looks teiriblc blackish' said Rim mer to me. "Oh," I replied gayly, "it's only a lit tle mist all right 1" "Ah !" He nttercd a low exclamation, which sounded hollow from bis car venous hemlet. "All ready," 1 cried in a lend voice, which they, however, could not easily distinguish. Then, making a proper sign, I was swung over the side. Down we went, I first, and Rimmer close behind me. It did not take a long time for us to reach tlio bottom. We found ourselves upon what teemed a broad plain, sloping downward, toward the south, and raising slightly towards thenorih. Looking torwaul then, a dim black object arose, which our experienced eyes knew to be a lofty rock. As ye, we could not be certain that this was the place where the Marmion had struck. But soon a round, black object became difrcernablc, as we glauced at the rocky base. door. But tbe water of the sea had been too swift for 'them. Lo 1 then some wildly grasping the table, others the beams, others the sides of the cabin there they all stood. Near tbe door was a crowd of people heaped upon one anoth er some on the floor, others rushing over them all seeking madly to gain La est let. There was one who sought to dim- oer over tue taoie, auu aim was tbtre, holding on to an iron post. So strong was each convulsive grasp, so fierco the struggle of each with death, that their t!.. Z r waves, one nan oeen nauueed upon a rock, in such a way that a alight action of the water was sufficient to tip bar over. She creaked, and groaned, aud labored, and then turned upon her side. I rose; I clung to tbe Udder; I pressed the trap door open, while tbe steamer lay with her deck perpendicular to the ground. I sprang out, aud touched the bottom of tbe sea. It was in rood time : for a cm the mass went over Then, w ith a last effort, I twisted the iron fastening of the weight which kept me down; I jerked it. It wis loosed, it broke, it fell. In a moment I began to ascend, and in a few minutes I was float- ing ou toe water tor the air winch is Programme of the Mecklenburg - - The bdlowiur pro era name for the If tk. lenbarg Centennial celebration at Char lotte, on tbe 20th of May, baa been ar ranged by tbe Executive Gosamittee, of wnicb Dr. Joseph Graham is Chaii and Thomas W. Dewey, Esq., is ry : Ooe hundred guns, si sunrise, and rfa ging of city bells, under charge of tbe Artillery Committee. To march at 10 o'clock a. m.. Grand Procession, through the principal streets of the city, under charge of Chief Mas eta W snai and thirty Assistant Marshals, as fol lows : Military Companies. Fire Companies. Masnme Lodgea. Odd Fellows. Knights of Pvlbia. Good Templars. Patrons of Husbandry. County Organisations. Other Associations of City County, State and Citiaeue. Press Organisations. Various Centennial Committees, Accompanied by Various Bands of Maaia. and their own Spe cial Banners, Emblems 't and Insignia. The Procession will be formed in taa -J following order : Military Companies on both sides of South Tryon street, right front resting bj front of Central He tel. Fire Companies on West Trade snd on Church street, opposite Fu Grand Lodges, Oasjrl other city, count tail and Chit-ens' and Press' eeJEast Trade street. Masonic Ledges. Odd FrIWwm. of Pytbiaa and Good Templars, on North 1 ryon street, from the square to be fat lowed by Bind of Music with Military Company, lo be assigned by Ubief State ilea riatis. a. OrgauiaaUaas, hold bad not vet been relaxed: but each one stood aud looked frantically to the pressed dowu for the diver's consumption 'hsl as gunrd of honor or escort door.' constitutes a buoyant mass, which raises I 1 carriages, the following i . . . , . Ira ?J s.s it - i . ri The To the doorgood heaven 1 To me, to him up from the sea. me they were looking ! They were glar- Thanks to heaven ! There was the ing at me, all those dreadful, those terrible strong boat, with my bold brave meu ! eyes! Eyes in which the fire of life had They felt me rising; they aaw me, and been displaced bv the chilline gleam of came and saved me. death. Eyes which still glaied like the eyes of the mauiac, with no expression. They froze me with their cold aud icy stare. They had no meaning; for the soul had gone. And this made it still more horrible than it could have been in Hie; for the aopuling contortion of their faces, expressing fear, horror, despair, aud whatever else the hum m soul may feel, contrasting with tbe cold and glassy eyes made their vacancy not mure fearful, flo upon the table seemed more fiendish than the others, for his long black hair was disheveled, and floated horribly down and his beard aud monstache, all loosened Rimmer had fled from the horrid seene President of the United States, Got of Tennessee snd staff, Governors of other States, Governor of North Carolina and suff, United Slates Senators and 8a pi esss aud Supetior Court Judgee of North Cars olira, Mayor of the city, and other iovi. hen I entered the cabin, but remained ted guests, orators and reader, acebmaas in tbe boat to lend his aid. He never I ied by committees. went down again, but became a sea cap tain.. As for me, I still go down, but only to vessels whose crews have been saved. Rimmer struck my arm, and pointed, by the water, gave him the grimness of a I signed assent, aud we moved ouward demon. Oh, what woe and torture! what more quickly. unutterable agonies appeared iu the d s- A lew moments elapsed; we had come pairing glances of those faces faces nearer to the rock. The black object I twisted intu snssmodie contortions, while now looked like the stern of a vessel the souls that lighted them were writhiusr JOHN MANN, DAVID CALLENDER, W A K. FALKENER. FRANK POTTS, General Agent. f you want one that will outlast any other, and Sit m made of all NEW IRON, and warranted o give satisfaction &c. Various styles, of cook- dk stoves at a small profit. TIN WARE, Skxxt Iron A Copper Ware made of the bkst Materia i., on hand or made to order. Merchants supplied at Low 1 'rices. Cash run for all kinds of Copper, Brass dec. Ask for Bbowm's Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury, N. C- L. V. Brown. I am well prejwred to cut good STENCIL PLATES for marking Tobacco, Flour Patent articles Ac. "rjr permm doing any kind of work or bui- should have a stencil to advertise his busi- j" it is acknowledged to be the best snd ctsapest way to let people know whst you are doing. One mark with stencil msy get s customer, !r you, that will put Hundreds of Dollars " your handB. Try it and you will get s cus- u v J never bought of. F0R SALE BY MERONEY& BRO., SAL18BTBY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. CUORLOTTE, N. C. In offering this Fertiliser to the people of Rowan, snd surrounding counties we are satis fied that we offer them ths best Guano for the leant money now on the market throughly tried during the past season snd the result have been even better for. Below we append two of the numerous certificates we have received. whose hull lay there. Suddenly Rimmer (truck me again, and pointed upward. Following: the direction of his hand, I looked up, and saw tbe upper surface of the water all fonray and in motion. TJiere was a mo memary thrill through my heart, but it passed over. e were in a dangerous position. A storm was coming on ! But should we turn back uow, when we were bo near the object of our search 1 Already it lay before us. We were close beside it. No, I would not. I signalized to Rimmer to go forward, and we still k p: our course. Now the rock roe up before os, black, rugged, dismal. Its rough sides were woru by the action of the water, aud some places were covered by marine plants aud I weie-bU and rise nameless ocean vegetation. We passed My weights could not aud struggling (or life. I heeded not the dangerous sea, which, even wheu we touched the steamer slight ly rolled. Down iu these awful depths, the swell would not be very strong uulcss it should increase ten-fold fury above. But it had bceu incrcacing, though I had not noticed it, and the motion of the water began to be ftlt in tbe abysses. Sudden ly the steamer was shakeu aud rocked by the swell. At i his the hideous forms were shaken and fell. The heaps of people rolled assunder. That d mnn on the table seem- We take the following from the Brook lyn Atgus. Colonel Julian Allen in North Carolina. Colouel Julian Allen, an extensive to bacco merchant of New York, has been spending some weeks in the South. An Atgus reporter, encountering him on his return, entered into conversation with him, In substantially the following man iter : "Uow did you like North Carolina ?' . t a a i w . "Alucii oeyoiiu my expectations. It is a beuatitul section, and on this, ray first visit since the war, to the South, I found the people poor but honest, kiud and very hospitable.' "flow about lb.eir political status and opinions t" " 1 be people, as a mass, nave been ru correctly judged, throngb tbe deceptions of adventures ; in other words, by the "carpet-baggers" who misled the colored Parade to be through the nrincinal streets, to arrive at the Speaking Q rounds, at 12 o clock m. After tbe varioae panics and organisations, ice., have arranged by tbe Chief Marshal aad As sistants, the Centennial will be opeaed itb prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Robt. Hall Morrison, I) U.afier which of the Mecklenburg Declaration of pendence bv follow ed by address by Aits the addresses, there will be, at 3 o P. a Grand Barbecue. After wl Military and Fire Company display. At niRht, at 7 o'clock r. m., Oread Torch Light Procession with Lanterns, Emblems, Transparencies, Alter which address will be delivered I the Stand in Independence Square, am tbe site of tbe original Declaration of Maw 20, 1775. corners of Trade and Ti streets. There will be general ills lions of the houea on principal sti I he L lebratiun to Uoaclade with a Grand Pyrotechnic Display cousistiug of beautiful Kmhlems, Figures, Mottoes, fee , appropriate to tbe occasion, under charge ot iho Artillery Committee. J Civil Rights and the Right or SutTerage not of Federal Origin. 'u li 4,Mwb!!!l onward' we clmlrel oer a spur, which pulled at them with frautie exertions, but mere and gain deliverance from the "ear- suffrage upon any than we hoped I jutted from the cliff, and there lay the could not loosen them. The iron fasten- pet baggers," wbeae rapacity knows no Enqyurtr remarks , AN IMPORTANT TEST, PAID OVER 600 PER CENT. Salisbury, N. C, October 10th, 1874. Messrs Meroney & Bro. Gentlemen that f have given fart 1 1 1 un nnw in tu in onr entintrv MY PRICES ARE LOW AS FOLLOWS .'it over my farm at the rste of 200 pounds to the sere under Cotton, and lOOpoundstotheacreon bedone must be done speedily. 'iNMourtii inch letters 5 cents per letter Jorn. jn me sin ox wiooer i. picaea irom un ruw ui vuiwu iw ivug, wsuvu nau uku ne-half nA fi :i... A I friilirprt at the xhnvp ratf. 8 nonnds of ,etd cotton : from another immediately by the side of Three -fourth A nn. ;ni. ittA. i thin one. of the same length, to which I had applied no fertilizer, I picked 11 ounces the same , They roar be ent to anv part of the U. S. day showing's difference of over 8500 per cent, between land fertilised and not. I counted the "J mail at .m.ii ... nnmhor nf unonpnptl no a in each, and maKinff calculation on mis uasiB. i nnu uiai uie iuiiu a . . - "" wi. 1 1 r " . . . m , . .l nend in v, : 1 .... ' wiitwmt th (xiianahani arould vie d ounces to tne row. u row or iou pounug to uie acre ' ' i i - kumic niw v a w w ; - . ,,ia 1 , .1 t -.V . - - rw,and the Stencil will be promptly forwarded made neatly o t eritreet Salisbury, N. C. run April 8 L. V. BROWN. t (illftAS Arli. !.. i ..tH it utf Snmnifr on an old neia wnicn womo nave himiuitu it iwh, miu. V. Atteutiotns mvltSO " . . .u .i. ,u ..m tt ,,rOn.n.him yielded me a er- irood crou. Improved Bracket, the aasy.iaiuuia mi , 1 3.?, rrrv hundred oer cent, in nWor of the V.ilv,. which can be with- l naa one row .u """" BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUM BER WOOD PUMP is tbe acknowledge Stand ard of tbo market, by popular verdict, the bent pump for me least mone Blat;hlpj Prop Check drawn without diatnrbinir the ioints id the copper chamber which never orackg, scales or rusts and will last a trade get y tr,i l,mPi b caretul and Ree tnat it nas te ij a above If yoi do not know then ' de8cr'Ptin circ liars, t gether Nill 1 18 &na address of t ie agent i earest JJth hUe Promptly furnished by addiessing 5- BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, I8?,lnercs Si-, Philadelphia, Pa. lb 111 ftp r. .t m m k lecu5' i'y si nome. rerms iree with Gusnshaai it will yield 12 pounds to the row, 80 rows or 960 pounds to the acre showing a difference of over 600 per cent. I have not had an opportunity to test the Corn yet, but from general observation, I feel war mhiJ Sn raakin the statement that tiuanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. On one acre of ground, as a tert, I sowed 400 pounds of Ouanahani broadcast, subsoiiing at the same timT5 inches deep. This acre, under ordinary circumstances, has average 700 pounds of seed cotton ; this year the yield will be at least 1800 pounds- A. t-Jturai. ftrjf' for tale by Dealers and the tr Sat! Jn order to be sure thst you J barf ' rop. be caretul and Ree that it i : In replv to your inquirv as to the merits of the Gnanahani Guano, I will state . . ; , , , . pven it a fair, and, as I think, a thorough test, and believe it to be one of the best warmngly in our ears, aud told us of a w in ne in our country. In the month of February I bouaht two tons and applied swift-approaching danger. What was to " m . - las a a , We hurried forward. Rimmer rushed to the cabin. 1 went forward to descend into the hold. I descended the ladder. I walked into the engineer's room. All was empty here, all was water. The waves of the ocean had entered, and were sporting with the works of mau. I weut into the freight-room. Suddenly I was startled by au appalling noise upen the deck. Tbe heavy footsteps of some oue running, as though in mortal fear, or most dreadful baste, sounded in my ears. Then my heart throbbed wildly; for it was a fearful thing to hear, far down in the silent deptba of the ocean. Pshaw ! it's only Itimmer. I hurridly asscended tho deck by the first outlet that appeared. When 1 speak of hurry, I speak of the quickest move- UUanO. ' - . . ' . ... ... . . j: ,x I , r ' . ; r sm satisfied that it is a good r ertilizer ana isae pleasure in rfromuwiuiiig n io ever mr- rjoucu armor, out iuis moreiueni or mine i . l:. Ulnn fulltr wuul if nrti anterior to anv limno on the I :u. T l 1 I - . (ner WnO WlSnen W IUucinuu a was A. iuoulu uunwu, oiiiaug uuh market. lriTmnna uurrD upon the deck. JUAI A UlaO .1 llLiIjlV. T. r. Xh was Aiumer. lie stepped forward and clutched my arm. He pressed it with a convulsive Steamer. intra had trrown atiff. One of them I The Marmion there she lay upright, wrestled off in mv convulsive efforts, but with everything still stauding. Sue had the other still kept me down. The tube. gone right down, a:.d had settled in such also, was lying down still iu my passage a position, among the rocks, that she way through the machine ro-ms. 1 did stood upright lure, just as though she lay not know this until I had exhausted my at her wharf. We rushed eagerly along etrengtb, and almost my hope, in vain and climbered up her sides. There was efforts to lcosen the weights, aud still tbe a low moan in the water, which sounded horror of that scene in the cabin rested ed to make a spring directly for mc, 1 people aa weir ae misrepresented the I u referring to tbe recent opinion of tk fled, shrieking all were after me, I whites. All but their lauds having been Supreme Court in the case of Mrs. Miner. tuougnt. l rusueci out, witu uo purpose awept away by tbe war, tbey need enter coniending for the privilege to vats but to escape. 1 sought to throw oil my prise, capital and honest help from North the Fourteen Atuc-iidmcnt, in whisk the ern enesry ; with that tbey could begin to Court decided that the "constitution of ths be losened I build up a prosperity for their homes once I United States docs not eonb r the rirht of the Cincinnati "It is thus by the Supreme Court of the Ui Stau-s that the right of suffrage it tbe control of the several States, neither of the recent amendments more iu relation to this right than la bid discriminations on account of color, or previous conditio at This is all. No right Is conveyed a State to the Federal (overasaaat which it had not before the adoption of these three amendments. Jadge Hughes, of the United Slates Circuit Court la the ss s Davis Co., N. C. Messrs Meroney & Bro. , ' . . T f i vt . in r,ilv tn vnnr inniiirv as to the merits of diiananani Liuano, 1 Ufiniusaim . - tr J j"- - - -l j ... . . ould WE SELL GUANAHANI AT 38 PER TON. TOalatrT: r Freight added. CALL AND SEE US. H M Stintok & Co MEB0N EY & BRO. He stamped his foot; and tried to hold me back. He pointed to the boat and implored me with frantic gestures, to go up. It is appalling to witness the horror struck soul trying to express itself by eigue. It is awful to see these signs wheu upon me. Where was Rimmer ? The thought flashed ac roses me. He was not here. He had returned. Two weights lay near, which aeemed thrown off iu terrible haste. Yes, Rimmer had goue. i looked up ; there lay the boat, tosiog aud rolling among the waves. 1 rushed down into the machine-room, to go back, so aa to loosen my tube. I had goue through passages carelessly, and this lay theie, for it was unrolled from above as 1 weut on. 1 went back in haste to extricate myself; I could stay here no longer; for it all the gold in Lrolcouda was in the vessel, I would not stay iu compa ny with the dreadful dead I Back fear lent wings to my feet. 1 burned down stairs, into the lowerhold once mure, aud retraced my steps through the passages below. I walked back to the place into which I had first deacended. It was dark; a new feeling of horror shot through me; I looked up. The aperture was closed ! Heaven I was it closed by mortal hand? Had Rimmer, in his panic flight blindly thrown down the trap-door, which I remembered to have seen open when I descended I or had some fearful beine (rum the cabin that demon who sprung toward me I I started back in terror. But I could not wait here; I must go; I must escape from the deu of horrors. I sprung up the ladder, and tried to laise the door. It resisted my efforts; I put my benmtcd head against it, and tried to I . mmw US a a limit. W illi such draw backs, bow can the people improve their condition ?" How about the social labor system T "The uegro works, iu most eases, well and at low rates, and kindly feeling exists between the former owners and them selves- With more ready capital and tbe incentive of thrift, tbey could do better, and avail themselves of great advan tage." Uow about loyalty T Do tbey feel their defeat I ' I "I think that the questions of the war 1 District of Virginia, recently are definitely settled. 'I hey are thorough- decision which this finding of the 8a ly loyal, and accept the situation ; though Court practically confirms. Aa careless and misguided Congressional en- ment charged that the defendants aula act men ts opus a painful reminder of the I fully prevented certain legally past, yet even that is borne with resigns j voters, qualified according to la lion. There is not a correct understanding rotiug si a municipal election iu P between the people of tbe South aad the burg. Judge Hughes said that the Administration. I al courts have no jurisdiction to "Have yoa seen and talked with Presi- rights which accrue from the cttieensbip dent Grant ou the subject of your visit I" of a Stale, bat only sack as items frees ''I called to ace bim ou my way. Our conversation convinced me that the Pres ident does not receive faithful reports, and forms bis impressions from incorrect statements. Every man in North Caro- citiaenship of the United States, the right to vote was among the rights accruing from State citizenship. This position was maintained by aa elaborate argument. It was asserted thai "the right lo vote, even of eilisens of the Uui- liua who holds office advocates a 'third term." The people themaelves are anxious ted Slates is left, even by the Fo for honest officials, and care little who is A mend meu t itself, to be rernlated elected. Their ouly cry is 'Give as boa- defined by the States, which have alwa est men. never inuiu party "Do tbey show s)oy aversion to North ern men I" "To none but 'carpet baggtra.' Polite ness is predominant. Yoa will receive kindness on all sides, and from good plain Christian people, whose mode of life is primitive, but houest in the extreme. I was kindly and cordially received by everyone to a degree that I shall remem ber ; and it was universal on railro ids, io hotels , every w here. I saw aad con versed with leading men, aho Sena to a and Governors, all of whom wire perfect tlemcu." held thai power.' It is decided U Stale has the power of regulstiug the right of suffrage in both Slate or National slat tious. Tbe Court that decided thus is not likely to decide that tbe Federal Goveru mem ban a right lo keep a hotel in Gen town, Maasschusetis, or to dictate to taa driver of a stage coach in Alabama as to whom be shall carry, or what rates be shall charge. If tbe tight even efa of the Lotted States to vote tbe pleasure of the State, most eertaioly the right of a person lo conduct a theatre or a hotel or a hack Is without taa i aria diction of tbe Federal GoverasaaaL" i aire. Jan. 19, 1875, Jy Feb. 13th, lew, ifcaos.