Carolina Watchman, APRIL 15. The Wilmington Journal, in- ppeaking of the so-called restrictions at tempted to be imposed by tbe Legislature op tbe action of the Contention, expresses the opinion that if iJiey are ignored by tbe GQiitervative party, it will prove its- death warraut. If this is true, the party ought to peris? h rather than subscribe to We are indebted to the Hon. A. such degrading terms. If the Democratic- Conservative party can't win on sound principlee,--if it can't win by acting in CAN VASE RS WAITED. We are offering liberal inducements to persons canvas-sing for tbe Watchman. ft. Herrimoo for public documeuts. T A gentleman from a neighboring dependent of Radicalism, -if it en't tri- 1. . i ml- i 1, ..Mil..nt MitTincr 5nft rl isC-l'flCf fill town. Mid to a a tie otner aav : -we uuiy - - get your paper, but nobody knows compromises with Radical leaders and foam it, who is in business in your town, making dishonorable and nnmanly con- r merchant don't advertise. I think cessions to son soap ana paiiiate au,Ci . i m m i . earea Com- opposition, then it ought to die. J tiese sccaljed restrictions agreed upon by rerv ivcuk Legislature, eive tbe lie to - - . J T AJ ' V they make a great mistake 3 u this.' is unnecessary. icalism upon his garments. If the peo, pie want a, good Constitution, tney must sea to it that uo Ba4 has a hand in mak ing it. 'JM.a nrMAnt constitution baa be?n a burden and a prolific source of trouble and litigation. It. is a Radical measure. It has cursed tbe State long enough. Iet it be wiped out; but in order to dd it effectually, we must elect true North Lar olioians. and Democratic Conservative -delegates, jjs ' After the vile attempt of Radicalism to force upon the people the Civil. Rights aboroinaJion, surely no heed will be paid to any one who continues to act with that party in North Carolina. About 25 Counterfeiters bare been eyPPj act and promise of tbe Democratic recently arrested in Virginia, rbe held party i North Carolina, - endorse Rad fit operation was where North Carolina, icalism, and attempt to CQnciiate it Tennessee and Virginia run together. Dy yielding to its demands. Better They were all men in prosperous circum stances, having accumulated property by their nefarious practice of making coun terfeit money. They were engaged in ling spurious coin principally. have had no Convention thau to have T S secured it on such humiliating terms No party can wio while it pursues such a policy, and ought not to do so. Tbe idea of the great Democratic party North Carolina writing a libel upon its We are glad to sec again on our pagt history, all for fear of one of the streets our vonne friend, Frank Brown, moat corrupt and villainous organisations sbo has bw residing for several years that ever curbed a people. . ... t t i it i i , 1 lit. Way LO Will IS ID IUI urirtniwj i.i rt in Mississippi. He, hke nearly every uc " - i ,i i . , , a i. xt . every connty to go forth among the people pody else wno leaves oai.soury ororwi d . , uj jufaul0U, attempt to Carolina, returns very soon fully satisfied trammel and bind them to the ear of that he can do as well in the old North Radicalism repudiate the so called re state as any other. Many who have frictions and declare in favor ot an olci ... o. ii lasuion ;oi in aroim uuumhuiiuu. moved away from tb.s State would come back if they were able to do so. And t wjn forever ditroyed in North this is generally the trouble. They ex-1 Carolina. Nothing else can save us pend their money in the serch for a bf t- from disgraceful defeat. We don't pro ter home, they never find it, but they do P 10 t0, u.Rnd8 rfJ - , . , - t icalism, if a weak Legislature does say it nod to theirsorrow that they are out of ,. ' in the Legislature f But why did the Legislature refuse to pass the bill requiring public officers to insert all legal notices in tbe county pa pers? There is tyot a man who opposed ii that eau give wry good reason tor it. The bill was intended to protect tbe de fenceless, widows and orphans, yet these champions of right refused to shield them .from the land sharks and money rings. Let the Press see that better meu are sent to tbe next legislature. NEW MILLINERY STORE. At thmld stand of Foster A Horab. Just received a mil line of Hals, aad Bon nets, trimmed and untrimmed. Ribbon, Scurfs and all tbe latest French and American novel- lie, at x nod to theirsorrow that they are out funds and are unable to return. Mr. Brown will locate at Charlotte for tbo present. The local sides of the Raleigh pa- pers ami the Charlotte Observer "went )nto ecstacies over Miss Anna Dlfkinson, the spinster who is strutting the stage through the South, for the double pur pose, we suppose, of making money and enlightening ''ihe heathens" of this "ben pighted" section. It is painful to witness JL . . . I . j . CC I r w wuni cxiirun'f uurueweptiptrrc gu 111 puu- ing these traveling monstrosities. They tell ns that Miss Anna is a very talented Jady a very genius. Well, have we got po talented ladies, native and to the manor born 1 We think we have some far superior to any ever born in Yankee land. But thpy will never be found Strutting the public rostrum ! They would die first. We have no sort of patience with women lecturers : We believe that such things are immoral in their tendency, sinful-abominations in the Might of Heaven. is policy. THE RAILROAD. Since tbe guage has been changed on the North Carolina Railroad and it is in the hands of a corporation that is likely la hold it for ?5 or 30 year" to 0 there is little or no prospect of its ever being restored ho as to le-establish rapid transit for passengers or freight, without a change of cars or breaking bulk, between and Norfolk, via Raleigh. This being tho fact handrcds of miles of North Carolina Railroads will be ren dered almost worthless, unless there is something done to relieve them. There must be new lines opened np ns feeders, aud the sooner it i? done the better. Suppose the managers of the Roads east of this place, and especially of thos? ly ing between icre and Norfolk, the Raleigh A Qaston aud the Seaboard & Roanoke Roads uuite their energies and proceed Jo complete the projected Road from the Coal fields in Chatham County to Salisbury, thereby uniting Salisbury aud Raleigh by Tbe time is rapidly approaching an a,r l,ne and opening up close connec or considering the matter of selecting Uo b7 wa7 lhe Western N. C. Rail nitahl rvirwtwh.toa ma rtftloata tk road with Norfolk, Western Norih Convention. We feel sure Rowan will Carolina and the South & South West not be behind other counties in the char- We ould lheQ halre lhe shortest and acter of the men her people will send to moAi d,rect ln,e "om neary a" portions that bodv. We have a large number of of M State to the great port cf Norfolk, suitable men for the high trusf,. Among nd no olher li,je co0 be6in to compete those we have heard mentioned is the Hop fHh iu 1 "w 1,ne wortld also help Wl- F. E. Shober who is, by-the-way, a most milgt0" and Fayetteville and would be ' . 1 1 " f . I T 1 1 C , , excellent man and would reflect credit on .ine Inaa,, 6 01 1110 aieigu oc uaston the countv should be be neh-ctpd fr tb Railroad. It would still be better when plane. llie Western N. C. Railroad shall b We suppose a County Convention will completed. Instead of the Cast howling bj held about the first of June, foi the ovcr change of gauge, if they will go to nurnose of nominating eandidte. Tn orkand build this connection between Ra MT l r 1 D ' the mean time the people in the respec five Townships should mako up their minds as to whom they want, aud have their delegates on baud at the count Convention. . the Railroad. leighand Salisbury, they w ill do something that wil) make them rejoice in a few years that the guage was changed. It is the only salvation now of many of the East ern Roads, and they will stand greatly in their own light if they fail to see it and Jndee Pearnon. it i. ...iA i. in b act upon the suggestion here made. It is - '-I I . 1 1 ;l 1 tbe Candidate of both parlies in Yadkin county for the Conjeniiou. Shame on Democrats or Conservatives that will tjT" The Radical newspapers are mak- a agree to such a thing. Pearson was a ing a desperate effort to get somebody to sort of compromise candidate when he ran believe that the object of the Convention- for Judge in 186S ; and has he not since is to set aside the Htmestead provision of violated every principle of Democracy, of the Constitution, pnt the negroes back Conservatism, of State rights, of constitu into slavery, and do many other terrible lipna liberty, exhausted the judiciary, and things that can be prevented only by powaets witb a' party that favors the com- electing Radicals to that body. Is there i mingling of negroes with whites in steam any body so stupid as to be deceived by boats, on railroads, iq hotels, in churches this sort of balderdash, nonsense? Meu and in the public schools? Is such a are generally actuated by tbeirginterests, man worthy of, or intilled to, the support and since Conservatives, are alone inter- of Democrats or Conservatives ? For esled in the Homestead question, it is not decency's sake let the Conservatives of l'kely that they will do anything detri- Yadkin vote for some body else, if they mental to their own interest. Surely are beaten out of thejr boots, Conservatives are not so poor in resources as 10 ou compeuea to iook lo tne negro Une of tbe sharpest observers and party for protection. If the sad ex peri allrnurrl on il; 1 I 1 . t . s- - .1 r",o"ut" muoiucitd iueu 01 iniii place uays ence 01 me last ten years is worm any- the Usury law will work great good; thing, it is from the fact that it has con it will tend to make men more cconomi- vinced all who are capable of being eal; that tney will buy less goods for a convinced, that Rtdicalum in all its form while, and that they will go to work to try is unreliable, corrupt, and dangerous. Its to pay tneir debts. They have become con- false promises, deception, venality, and vinced that the high rate of interest paid open disregard of the rights of the people for money was most ruinous, and they can never be atoned for aud should never Will M a great measure cease to borrow be palliated. Its crimes smell to heaven cspn at a lower rate; lhat some will nec- Let no one be deceive ! This cry about essanly be oppressed, but that was to be the Homestead has been heard before expected. Jl is the natural result of the The Conservative party, if it touches th oppressive and iniquitous system of eouveu matter at all, will do so to improve it aud t iansl Lti.w.u t 4 au m .!... TT . i JlJ . - - - . t . a i .a ! iDini, ii iulubji, jienuys iiiai i noi to oo away who it. Ann tne same The stupid attempt of a pettifog ging Legislature to restrict tbe Delegates of tbe sovereign people in Convention assembled, is something that true Demo crats and Conservatives can not pass by in silence. .It really Bmakt of an attempt to fleft bul the Democratic Conservative party, At any rate, it was a degrading Compromise, an unmauly concession to Radicalism and those who feared its prtscr. There Jias uoi been a stump speaker on the Conservative side since 1S6S, that has not denounced every line and every pro vision of the present yaukee constitution, and that has not promised to use every honorable means to have that constitution overthrown; and notwithstanding these denunciations aud promises, when a num ber of them get into the Legislature they eat their words and solemnly decree, thai a large portion of this same constitution shall not be changed. Was ihere ever sneh down right trifling with the people? Just such duplicity, unmauly concession and disgraceful compromising with Rad icalism, will keep tbe good people of the State at the mercy of their political enemies. It was the want of back -bone that first gave tbe State to the Rtdical paxty.,,.Jt was by the connivance, the cowardice of Conservatives aud their dis position to compromise matters that ena bled the Radical leaders to bankrept the State and rob her of her Railroads and hold the plunder after they bad stolen it. It was the want of back-bone that sug gested the high-handed outrage of restric ting the people's Convention. It was linvdity and ignorance, fear of Radicalism and the love of compromise that made the last Legislature endorse the most oppres sive, inharmonious, uusuited and abomiua ble Constitution that was ever forced upon a people by a foreign enemy with bayonets. The time is at hand for the people to awaken from their lethargy. They can not with safety to their most vital interest remain longer indifferent to what is going on around them. They have trusted their public matters too long iu the hands of the upstart, the time-server, the stupid and the ambitious politician. They must arise aud take hold of lhe helm or the old ship of State must founder. Scalawags, civil right endorsers, corruptiouists, aud tricksters must be taught a lesson, and now is the time to do it.- Let lhe people be sure to select such men to the Conven tion as will do what is right though the heavens fall. Let them elect such men as will give us an old fashioned North Carolina Constitution. We feel coutid m i the people will not allow .the opportunity now offered to redeem North Carolina to pa8 away without putting forth all their energies to save her, and place her again on the high road to prosperity and happi ness. The opportunity now offered through a Convention to secure a .good Constitution, to ride the State of Radical burdens aud Radical rule, to rebuke civil rights, and give us cheap government is too important to be allowed to escape us. Orders executed with care and dispatch. Finking and Stamping done to 0t6tr. The Store will be conducted on the Cah aya- tera and no good or work will be charged to any one. Thin role hi nnvariMe. MRS. S. J. HALYBURTON. Ap-il, 15th 6wa. Z Whm a man "does not wWi to be regarded as orthodox" and calls himself "a heretic:' and "free-thinker," and then cap the.climoy spell ing hi gn with a 'k" (knata), we feel verv easr under hi ehnraei of purilanwin, bigotry," Ac. If the Watchman, ha'l exctiangeu Willi The Children's Friend and had read the reasons given for declining the money offered, the article from which we have quoted would 1 I TL.J never nave peen wriuen. The above is a stunner ! It almost makes us feel like crawling into a hole and drawing the hole in after us. The first sentence is a model of its kind, and could have originated with same one of Napoleonic brain only. A dis covery kfl been made, and yet the master mind and polished intellect who proclaims the result of his own vigilance and erudition can't for the life of him explain tbe mystery which he imagines he sees and oyer which be chuckles t like a monkey sounding his war crv. it . Because a man savs he does not wish to be regarded as orthodox, does it follow that he can not be a heretic, a free-thinker? Won't some body learned answer this question for us? there pleonasm or rhetorical inaccuracy in writing a word and following it by one or more to explain or define it just as we deQned or limited heretic by. adding a free-thinket ? Do tell us, Master of Bellesletters? If it is some what redundant, if such repetition is not euphonious, is it not, at least, admissible in newspaper writing where there are so many tastes to serve that are not professors or mem bers of college faculties ? Do explain how much we missed it in giving the definition of a word not generally understood by the readers of country newspaper ? Spelling is, indeed, an accomplishment, and we would be glad if we were a proficient orthog rapher. It may be that wc spelled gnat 'wid a k,V and that it was not a mere typo grahieal error, so common in newspaper articles hurriedly prepared for the press ; and we shall not, therefore, attempt' to fix the re sponsibility upon our boys or give any other excuse for it, since all great men have shown a similar want of appreciation for good spelling But the article in the Waicliaian to which the abovo is a rcjomder was misunderstood and misapplied. The words puritanism, bigotry, &c., were not intended for Mr., Mills, nor for anybody in particular. Hi refusal to accept certain money raised for the benefit of the orphans, was made a sort of text for remarks that were intended to have a general applica tion ony. Yet Mr. Mills ha assumed the whole of our article a applicable to hiuielf. Whcth er there i Sines in this he alone must be the judge. B it since he has raised the question as lo the tenor of our article, we would like to know whether there is religious consistency in accepting money from one set of traveling minstrels and refusing it when tendered by another set ? And wether every thing that men do in this life is not done for a consid eration, or for the hope of reward ? We want light. Now, the fact is, the Watchman was the first paper in North Carolina to denounce the managers of gift concerts and lotteries for using the name of the Oxford Orphan Asylum to ad vance the interest of their own enterprises ; and it also took the liberty to express the hope that Mr. M ills would not countenance an sucb use of the Orphan Asylum, or receive any tuonevsso raised. We have not forzotlen Mr. Mills' reply to the Wutehman, nor the manner NOTICE! Yadkin Bail Road Company. The annnal meeting of the Stockholders of the Yaddin Rail Broad Company will he held in the town of Salisbury, N. C, on Snlutday the Slh day of May next. Let aU the stock- hoiuersbe present or represented by proxy. The meeting is one of "great important to the Company and of vast interest to the Road. April 6, 1875 tf. FARMERS -amu Ha. J ' Y The economical (?) Legislature at its last session refused to pass a bill re quiring Sheriffs, Clerks, Guardians, Trus tees, ore, to advertise in the county pa' per?, on account of its being too expensive, that it would be a bin don too grievous to be born by the dear people whom they iove bo wen ana more particularly, we opine, because it might be an unpopular move on their part. Hut, What will the dear people say when they learn that an advertisement was ordered by the Leisla- ture in tbe Mew lork Journal of Com merce, for which a bill has been rendered aprainst the State for -inserting 1 42 lines 7S times, 2,215 20 ! ! ! This is economy with a vengeance. What. does the Press of the State think of this kind of treat meut, and what does the dear peopb think of this sort of economy ? Loncord dun. It proves that the Legislature was con trolled by op-starts aud impracticable men, who never bad sensible and pradi cal ideas about anything, especially bnsi ness matters There was no necesity for the Legislature ordering advertisements : XT. . I mm iu .vMuien Daners. it iionif tinners i" -r were patronized it would do more good and give more information to the public generally, Charlotte Democrat. We venture the assertion that the ad vertit emen t referred lo could have been inserted in every paper in this State, 78 times, for tbe a uouat charge 1 by the Jour HIGH PRICES. For Cotton, Corn, Oats, Ileal &c, and low Prices for fresh New Spring and Sum mer Goods. We take pleasure in stating to oar friend. that we are now daily receiving our stock of mm AND ' SUMMER GOODS which bave been .selected with great ooebd bought at prices that will allov us to sell to our customers at unusa'.ly low figures. Call and examine our Stock, AS DUE COX VINCED THAT WE MKAX BUSiyESS. V) c think wo can accomodate you to every thing j on want. Takk Notick We kiI not be undersold 6y anybody. Thankful for the past faror, we solicit con tinued patrouagc. WALTON & ROSS. April 3, 1875 lmo. SALISBURY'S GREAT BARS A! El STORE. Tile u:id ?rijr:iecl take pleasure in infmning their custom? aad Ih-s community at largo that they are now iu rcceuLt or a large stock of Spriutj and Stun ner g td. selected with great care and direct from the Ea-dern markets con siisug in part of all kinds of Dry Good No- tious, HATS, BOOTS, & SHOES, CLOTHING, GE0CEB3, &C, &C Which they art determined to sett tote dom or caxh. tlijfhet Cah pnoc paid lor all kind of Counts produce. Oar plan U SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIME W USING THE FARMERS' PLOW; It will ran lighter. It will turn your land better. It will mike yoo better crop, Jt will you 1cm to keep it in order, than any other Plow you have ever need. t It "I r r t - We w4U furnish yen Pofwtn one year lor one plow in ordinary land for one Dollar. Wkatfc yon pay your blacktnith to do lhe ame on vonr old-Uuhioned Plow ? We have iuM made a great red oet ion in Price ? . All we auk of you is. Try it, and then if you don't like it bring it back and your nfoney be refunded to you. WE WARRANT EVERY PLOW. - MERONEY & BRQ. 8lisbory, N. C April 1, 1875 ""T u "TSTT' jjjrHEfc3EZipnilWlssMsBBB BJ BbS A BEAUTIFUL fflSTALIC GRAVE COVERING Is pow offered to every one interested in boau'ifti'ig and prniietiug the revet their deceased relative. Thy are made in f.oir six:, with a variety of tyl s, lenin in price 4Ves tU to $60. acordiiir; to . nd tlp. Can be tatuttd any color d-sirrd, aandrd er galvaiiix.-d t auit die t.utc of purchasers. A gilvauix d platr, cnutainiug whatever inscription piirties u-ii;-, i furnished wiib ech mnnnd frtc.qf ekitrge THIS HANDSOME DECORATION is offered at such prices to pUce it eitkin reach t all. We invite tbe'ekoeat and pablic gtirrally t call mid xmine for therasclves. Sp(:imcu can b seen at J. A. llamsay's office. C. PJLYLBB, Agent Sailisburjf, IK. (' Aug. C. 1874- tf ' FOi SALE. A No. 1 If .me Shuttle Sewinji Machine, in first-rate ninniiur order, with i.ihlc and all necenfr flsii,rc-s for salt- for Sio. Applv at , lli t onwe. March . 1874. if. orstyle in which it wan done, tboueh it wan, if our memory jctvcb us riehl, more than two ; ill! c L" SLoino o n " cmnl - ' vuivi w ni.o ctjva ."iiiiiii profits and we believe that the public will find it to their interst to call and examine our stock before purchasing; rlewhere. NO TROUBLE to SHOW MODS. We beg to return nnr thanks for past patronage and hope by fair dealing; and strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. McCUBBlXS, DEAL & JULIAN. April 1, 1875 if. year ago. We claim to be a close observer of matter- ami thinga, and wc may write other sermons ereafter, wlntn we feel like it, and a suitable text presenfiHUclf. In the mean time we will try not to forget that ail men do not sec things In tbe ame light, do not think or act alike. A ROYAL ORGAN. Tbe stomach has been well named a "roval organ," since it sways and controls the entire system, every gland, tissne and nerve sympa thizing with it as the servants of a prince sym pathize with their master. Each one of them is fed and sustained by it even the brain it self, the ot-ntre of sensation, is absolutely de pendent upon it for sustenance. Consequently, when the stomach fails to perform its all-ini WKITEL00K 8 VEGETATOR. SUPERIOR TO ANY FERTILIZER MADE In The U2HTED STATES. FOR COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO JfcJ Forsaie by J. McDALGllLIK, A Son, Charlotte, N. C. . WEIL & BRO. Gnldnhoro, N. C. II. MTiIOCSTON, A Co. Morme-N. C. Ml'HtftA Y. to., Wilmingum. N. fj. WILLLXMSOX, ITCH I IU II, A THOM AS, Raleigh, N. C. W. L. JlrGHER. Franklinun, N. ('. TKMBEKLAKK FARES, I'scifie. N. C. BRANCH A CO. WtUofi. N. C- W. A. lNOfKlR, DURHAM, N. C March, i, 3oio Kerosene and Soline Oil At Kedueed Prices at EKH16S' Next to Mcroney & Bro. LOOK OUT FAIR WARNING. All person indebted to McXeely A Walton . . i . . ... arc retpiesiea to come lorwara ana make settle ments before the 1st. day of April, or thev will portant office, the subordinate organs also falter find their accounts in tbe hands of an Officer in their dut3ff The reason why Hosteller's collection. Stomach Bitter bave such a wondrously bene- March 8in 1 mo. Gclal effect upon the general health, and are such a reliable Dreventive of di:i.o. i timt . - ' i it: r r,, i . . k they speedily overcome weakness or disorders " ,ne J'.'V " lrloea at oucls per of the stomach, ami thua insure complete noilr- 5 1 al - . . . innieni oi me enure system ana a nealtlilul qa 4.- TTTTT T "nTTXT performance of its various functions. Unlike WbW 1 XAdlJ JDU I those stiumhuite whose alcoholic principle is A gallon oi tlie liest Kerosene Oil at unmodine-1 by judicious medication, the spirit- ENNISS' DRUG STORE. ous basis of these Bitters, which is of the parent Next to Meroney & Bro's. ucM-upu'jii, npiu in soiuuon ueroai alteratives -r a w a . 7 and invigorates to which a foremost rank has JrreSCl lDtlOll lepar tDieilt. un : 1 ! n .... 1 jl. & I uf , (r ' "ii Prescriptions Carefully Pomponndtd day or not alone the faot that these m.vereurn bo- :i u. iTs 1 jL i- 7l . : comiwiuon 01 ;,., ra,c ;, 1 .lnaicli. To Mmuun of vv"' aesaxa vuiiwttf a aimi IllUt HIC I reL'tllar 'eH O I NATIONAL HOTEL Mrs. Dr. Rttfvee has again r nin.-.l hr bosioeas in this well kuowu boos-, aud she earnestly sdirt tbe patronage of bt-r uld friends auJ tbe public at largf. Guests stopping at this House wilt find nothing neglected that will adl to their oomfort neither on tbe part of tb proprietress oe thst of the cUtk. Mr. D. R. Kraley. The Omnibus will be found at the ivpo usual to convey paaeeogrs tu aad r at Honee. Dee. (M, 1874 J y NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am low pit-on ixl to do all kinds of rejiain r,g with dispatch. With g od tools aud tPnty-five y-ani exp-riene in th business sat i fuel i-n 1 s:uarantr-d. Eprial attfotiosj giv,-ti to Kucine and B-iilrr work. Cotton yloolen, Miniug and Agriculture Machiuek vaud wood turning ofallkioda. Shop on Corner of Fulton and Coaueil StrVet. Salisbury. N. C. E. U. MARS II. July 1G.;1874. tf. ue 1 nal of Commerce. And what a, a a tKia it will be beiier for tbe country for those course will be taken with the Laborer's ereat favor shown t., n.n.r ftr 1 w. a.. a ... LI . ,!!-' F . " D T W ,"l"rB to uo "1 i iae meir mouey Lan law, aud with other matters about vat ot tp.e Stale than to lend it out here wbich Rad newspapers effect to bo so ut a high rate oi interest. He says there much concerned. will be no scarcity of money; that tbure will 1 be as mucb to be bad at 6 and 8 per p n 1. as tbe people will waut to bor. If tbe people are wise there is one thing they will do in tire coming election for delegate to the Convention, and that is, vote for bo one who has tbe smell of Rad ii another one of those compromise meas ure of which the last Legislature was bo prolific! Waa it giveu to the Journal of Commerce as reward for denouncing our people as savages because they favor- ad a Usury law t aud by way of soft oaping those yfto opposed tbe measure are so happily combined that the full effect of each is exerted upon the disordered or debili tated system. The digestive and secretive organs are the first to experience their benefi cent operation, which extends, bv avmDsthv. o the brain, the nerves and the circulation. The influence thus exerted is fruitful of those great sanitary results which have bnilt op the - - .' .4 f . 1 . 1 1 , , icukauun 01 mis iriuy national meuicine. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. JNO. n. ENNISS. Drumriat. Next lo Meroney & Bro. NOTICE. Chancre of time of holding: the Superior Court for Bo won Court ty. In pursuance of an Act of the General As sembly of North Carolina, ratified 22nd day of March, 1875, entitled an "Act to change the time of hoidinjf c-rtain Courts," the Superior Court for Rowan County will hereafter begin on e sixth Monday after the third Monday in March and September. The spring Term, 1875, of Rowan Superior Court, will therefore begin on Monday tbe tweo- My farm situated on Grants creek about 9 vni !oa Ir.mi Am 1 i d.. -t la nsmmu fate o U This farm contains about 240 acres, of the '7-h f April best farming land in Rowan County. Haa on All Jurors, Suitors, Witnesses and others in- it a good two story dwelling House a double terested, aie hereby notified, thai all proeeasaa barn and othet necessary buildings and also a and recognizances heretofore issued or taken well of excellent water. Parties wishing to from Rowan Superior Court and made return purchase good and cheap property will find it able to the Spring Term 1875 thereof, shall be to their interest to eive me a call, can alwava deemed returnable into said Court as If the be found at Klottx, Graham & Rendleman's same had been made to conform to the change Store Salisbury, fi. C. shove provided lor. . . R FRAXK GRAFT VM JOHN M. HOEAH. March I. 1875, Smo. V Clerk of Rowan Superior Court, Mood: Hot Lost, How Res W! rfatm Jt published, bmw edition of jfLTTay . t- CLLVi:awei.i.'8 Cei.eukatku wMeaesBT Yt y us the radical cure (without meoicinej 01 SPEKMAToURHCKA or rxminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal I passu. 1m po tency, Menu I and 1'hysical Incapscilv, Im pediments to Marriage, etc; also, C'oMlBf- tiok, r.riLEP-Y and Fit, inductd by self-in- ooigfnce or sexual extravagance, Ac. rice, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Tbe celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirtv yesra' successful, practice, that the slarmi og cne quences of self-abuse mav be without the dangerous use of internal aaedibne or the application of the knife; totaling out a mode of csjre at once sitiple, certain, and eftve tual, by eseans of which every anflerer, no mat ter what hi condition may be, asay care Lum- seii n.WT, pnvaUly. and rudtcaie. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and erery man in tbe land. Sent unpr seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, CAS. J. O. KLINE 6t CO. 17 Bowery, 3Tew York; Post Office Box, April lo 875. Amm Wm 1T3 1 aMa It BELL& BRO. Offer the bft selection of Jewelry n bff ound in Western North Carolina. Cuessatiagef LADIES A GENTS' GOLD WATCHES Gold Opera and Test Caia OOLDPLATBB Jewelry. SILVER HARE, GOLD PESS,. They are agents for the celebrated Spectacles and Eve Glasses. ed from Minute TrysUl PEBBLES. atcltea. Clocks and Jewelry warranted 12 mouths, charges as low as tani Willi good work. Store on Xlain ireet.S doon above LUotd. 2p . 1874 ly. HOETH CABOLDIA C0LLS0L Mocxt Plkabsst, CaaxBsrs Co, K. C The second five months term of this tion will beirin Jan. 4th. 167&. Expenses for Board, Tuition. Boos Washing, Fuel and Lights, trout $70 to I For Catalogue applv to L. A. B1KLE CRAIGE & CHA1GE ATTORM V Al LAW 1XD 'oliritors in Bankrnptn. Special attenliou paid lo A Fresh Supply of Brigg s Garden Seed received this day at Bexl to Meroney 4 Bro. iug in Bukruptcay. Sept. 6, II 4RD WARE. When yon want Hardware figures, call 00 the undersigned ntHe-e Granite Bow. D. A. ATWELL. Salisbury ,N. C.,Mny l-lf. Blacaier aid Mmii Attcney b. Conn elor And Solicitom. . AM SALISBURY, If. January?? 174 I' nUnii i in 1 in i 1 1 ii 1 i 1 H in i i ',