V . , . . . Carolina Watchman. LOCA L . APRIL 22. Htm Mr. W. T. Linton. papr hw been started at Raleigh, tailed the Capital. ; -v, heaviest frost of this J fell last night. Itbid u appearance of a young mow. n not forgot tho Railroad mooting to bo UH to morrow night Aito tho BailToad mooting at Meroney's Hill to-morrow night. Tbe Premium list is now in tho Sffm .oo he reedy tor dutribution. ts-Indepondont Order of Odd Fellow o No. 2. wUl ouiubly celebrate the 20 of (next Monday.) Wo are indebted to Messrs Bernhardt & Sons for courtesies extended to ub, who are, by the way, just now receiving their new stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Their stock is large and comprises nearly everything the farmer, mechanic, or the people of leisure may desire. The business managers of the firm, Messrs. C. T. and P. M. Bernhardt, by their courtesy, and close attention to business, hare built up a good trade and grown deservedly popular with the people. Success to them. If our citizens would put forth a little more effort if they would resolve to increase the trade of their town if they would only show a disposition to keep abreast with the "times none hare a richer or more extended scope of country to draw from. The trade of a large belt of counties naturally seek this point, and it needs only the proper effort and encourage ment to secure it. We have lost much already. but we have lost nothing that we can not regain with the proper means. We most keep up with other places and tiie times. hen we resolve to do this, all our lost trade will return. At St. John's Ltjthebak Church, the tjmy sharp attack Pastor, Kev. J. O. Neiffer preached a pastoral From the Philadelphia Times. sermon as announced on last Sabbath. Text: n l.ivlrv for wadmii ia shown in "I am the good shepherd, and know mf bavin? Mrs Monlton naked if she did not as aEV. l wf m. m. sheep, ana am Known 01 mine, as the Father kiss bim this great, oily lubber, who baa knoweth me, even so know I the Father ; and kissed all the animal creation and put his I lay down my hie for the sheep: St. John mouth on every thine but tbe Bible. 10th ch. 14th & 16th verses. . . . i a As on last Sunday, the mutual and respective The variety of kissing introduced in duties of naator And flnrk wore Hwlt noon .nt tbe Beeclier business ia calculate J to a- nn this occasion elaborated in snerifir. detail mazepeople who do their kissing by an Th anhieotwa.wi.il bandied .d ifTTTtff l ncre nave oeen w parox ysmai I . . 1 ? a . in appropriate and seasonable thoughts. If the inspirational aiss, toe ! I - v.i l . a .a i 1. ...... n n rt i i the true, ideal chnrch-soirit is ever reached . i loe eniuusaauc a--, sow uuiy it will be when the pulpit and the pews under- a I Ma-. n m . I NEW J Co operation in Farming. a dUnatca left here a few days ago from a i 'SmZm to her husband, that read : "Is rnivivv mm joallTingl bend me some money, . n.,lAd of Beef, consigned to some onfst Hickory was one of the novelties in the frtiftUeol-wek-Air . the Harrow -.-Judge Cloud, Mr slcitor bob-on, and Port-Master Bringle set nff W the oarrowa of the Yadkin on Tuesday morula UU. A nioetinr of the eitisens will be held at w.-.n.,'. Bell Friday night Wrd.inat., to take Zm .MmrM for the advance- ou"" Bisut uf the welfare of the town. i Railroad meeting will be held atMeroney ' Hall to-morrow night. Everybody I earnest, ioriud to be present and take part in the pro esvdtngs. (literal Gorman of tbe Horse Marines, now Mayer of Raleigh, is getting himself in rsther v..j oder about Raleigh, by vainly imagining aw iU l.w and the law is in him. But Mai Ss Si wmm like all law breakers he will come to grief. stand, and act ont toward each other the line of conduct indicated by the spirit of the text. The attendance here was good, and the music even better than usual. kiss : the kiss of reeoucilaiiou, tbe kiss of grace, merer and peace, and the kiss w e mi e Candidates' for the Convention. Messrs. Editors : It is time the people of mutual. Tbe other kisses are reserved for tbe rebuttal and euro-rebuttal testimo ny. It would not do to bring them oat all at once; there ia a limit to human eu durance. The most popular of the hymns sune bv Rowan was thinking of suitable men to repre- Sankey, tbe vocal partoer of Moody, the sent them in the approaching Convention ; and revivalist, has this choroa : "Hold the fort, for I am coming.'' Jesus signals still ; Wave the answer back to heaven ; "By thy grace we wilL" Sara the Shelby Banner: Thomas it is very important that we should send our best men. I beg leave to suggest the names of Hon. Burton Craige and Luke Black mer, Esqr What say you? MILL BRIDGE. Through the politeness of our worthy sheriff C. F. Waggoner, we went down yesterday and took an inventory of the jail-stock on hand. The following is the list of those who are to be consigned to the tender mercies of Judge Cloud next week. One fact speaks volumes : there are fourteen in all, of whom twelve are colored J NAMES. CHARGES. Ohas. McRary, Colored Stealing Bacon John Mullin, White Stealing Money John Hall, Colored Bastardy John Cousin's Colored Fighting A. D. Sales', M Gambling Knos Sherrill, White Barn-Burning Wm. Winford, Colored Bastardy BEECH KB St." HE OF Hit C EN'CIS. IHN9- Oscar Sumner, Tom Postern, Sam Allison, Joe Wheeler, Wm. White, John Maxwell, John Berry, of Caleb Setzer. case. Bastardy Stealing Stealing Shoes Stealing Sausage Stealing Clothing &c. Gladdou, was tried this week in cur Court for the murder of Calvin Rippy, was found guilty and sentenced, by His Hon or Judge Schcnck, to be banged on the 23rd of this month. Gladdou is a vunne "If this trial convinces meof my hut man. about 23 years old, of erender'build. pale faced and feminine features. He grew up in ignorance and pretn-itiroly ac quired many evil habits. He served out two years in the South Carolina peniten tiary for robbing the marl. fProm tbe Cincinnatti Commercial. band's guilt, I will part, with him on the steps of this Court House. But I hare no fear of such a result. A correspondent of tbe Prairie Farmer says : The one chief advantage of large farms is that their owners are thereby ena bled to employ abundant help and keep it constantly employed, and to secure great er returns from agricultural implements, reaping machines, grain drills, etc. Most of these advantages can just as well be secured by a system of co-operation a mong neighboring farmers, making one mowing machine or reaper cut over as much ground as if it were owned by tnousaim acre lariuer, having one corn shelter used in common in a neighborhood, and having three or four farmers dob together, changing works when a stress ot harvesting or other pressing work makes it necessary. I know many places where this is done, generally where a father has settled three or for sons on and Everybody elSC farms Ot their own m his neitrhboihood. rt. ? . T . , . , Each manages for himself, bnt each is ready to turn in and help when it becomes necessary. It ia always noticed that farmers working thus in common are usu ally prospered, and there can be no doubt that the co-operative principle la to be credited with greater success. In fact, some such way as this is the only means by which expensive labor saving machin ery can be profitably ased on small farms. KIM'S COLUMN. iDYBTlttiEllTSr A FOBTTOT XT E-ry family W QawiL- fiu Soid y Agasta. KtK un. ra. witii tvo Cwroa 300 Broadway, N. Y 8S an ily Patwr in Ai Ire. AM. aru (A)-, 4w HBO. F. KLUTTZ. Wholesale V Retail Drur gist SALISBURY, W. 0. lomercnantB, House keepers, Young Folks. COEE"Plcto Area. Ladles' Bone! u Accessory to mnrder Tbe last is the only capital A Citixsns' Mswtinf will be held at . u.n nt M inula v nieht for the jiiruun... " purpoe of nominating municipal officers for tbe mauinc year. It w hoped that the citizens will generally turn out and that harmony may prevail. About a doseu young men, wer'nt at all cold abaut their prises drawn in the Benbow swin dle, of course not, they knew better all the For about the tenth time this year the hog ordinance has been repealed. One day it is enforced and the next day repealed. This hog question has been rather a troublesome one for years back, and yet it seems to be no nearer settlement than when ifcwas first discussed by our city fathers. If Salisbury was able to employ street sweepers as they do in New York, Phi ladelphia, and Baltimore, we would be oppos ed to allowing hog to run at large in our streets. But Salikburv does not compare with those time. Any way they had the fun of (Wl ing cities in many respect, and we are opposed to ries for little while, even though their go!- aping things that make us appear ridiculous dsa prospects ware suddenly and with wilne i ,n comparison. If hogs are not to be allowed fiifkied. to run at large on the street, the penning of themwithiu the corporate limits should not be But frr the want of harmony among our allowed. Two or three hundred hilhy leading eitisens. bailor the vant of energy and hog pens to poison the air and to be ei - eoUrprise commensurate with the requirements d tired through the coining spring and summer, otias yssgfm by . whom we are surrounded, would not present a very flattering prospect flaliaWy would be to-day tbe foremost com- for the health of our town. In a sparcely set" laereial town and business mart in the interior tied town of broad open streets such as ours, ef the State hoes can be in no one's war and do no harm on the street, and it is far better to have them The paawnger fare on the N. C. K B. had run out at large then to have them penned up- ftssa changed. First class fare is now four within the corporate limits. He think that tela per mile instead of four snd a half; and certain stock hogs should not be allowed to run oad claea three and a half cents per mile, at large on the atreets, and that all private iaetsad of three csnta, as heretofore. A wise places should be kept closed so as to keep hog eaaaga. We can afford to ride with the white out ; but we are opposed to having them penned folks sow. up. Hogs as scavengers serve a good purpose on the streets at all times and especially during Tkscentlemanlv clerk of the Court. Mr. Jno. th water-melon and fruit season. We have M. Harsh Inform, us that there are for trial at f hg in the tow? ny Jt and l,,ey bcione Another Ox That Was Gored. To the Editor of the Courier-Journal. Our "3,500 murderers" in Louisiana seem suddenly to have faded out of mem ory. No allusions whatever are made to them. Why ? Was it a myth, old Gen eral, or something good, gotten up a cor tain purpose ? It certainly was a fine thing for Congressional orators, certain editors and Northern preachers. (Dr. Swing expounded and swupg oti it glor iously.) But it, and our Louisiana ' ban ditti." have ditd out : mortuum est. This mystified us, until it was discovered that Baron Munchausen's arithmetic manufac- tin-ed the numbers, and that 80 or 80 per cent, ot tbe murders were prcpttrated by Republican voters (negroes,) and 95 per cent, of tbe thefts and robberies, where upon Republican orators, editors aud preachers suddenly grew sileut. Louisiana. Black Hills. -A shadow comes upon the effulgent yarns about the Black Hills gold discoveries. Gold which parties claimed to have brongbt from the Hills was examined by some miners at Sioux City the other day, who declared that it had been dug out ot the ground for sever ul years, and bore evideucies of having been carried about for sensational purpo ses. This announcement caused great excitement among parties who were pre paring to go to the gold fields, and the men who bronght the "specimens" got out of the town as quickly as they could. Nevertheless, a St. Louis dispatch re ports the making np of two parties, that will agregate eighteen hundred men to start to the Black Hills as soon as the weather permits. A Crow Story. The Sanilac Jeffer sonian has this remarkable story : "There is in this villiage a crow belonging to Fly Brown' children. A favorite amusement of bis is to light down ou the clothes line, after the clothes have been hung out, and pick off the pins and carry them away and hide them. Oue day Mrs. Brown The unfortunate man was thrown from was hanging out clothes, being watched his perch in front of the wagon, the wheels i closely by Jim. 8 ion he begau to take of which horribly mangled his body. J pins out and carry them to the top of the Before medical assistance reached htm lie was dead. Aaheville Pioneer. Killed. We learn that on Wednes day a man named Uobiuson, who resided ou Beaver Dam, in Haywood county, met mm WW 1 with a ratal accident, tie was driving a two horse team, when the anim-ils became frightened and dashed off at a fearful speed Old Yolks, Smokers, ters, Farmers, Grangers, Whenever you need anything in the way of i n t y . unuuo, DIEO. e are sorrv to announce the death of Mr. Mary C. Woodson wife of Oils Woodson. She died this morning, at six o'clock. Her funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, from Sl John's Lutheran church of this place. Lumsdkk. In the town of Hampton, Ta., Friday afternoon 2rth inst.. 10 minutes nat 6 o'clock. Mrs. Elmira Lmnsden. tho hwlnvMl wife ot Bey. J, D. Lumsden, of the Virginia to coontry merchants at MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. PERFUMERIES, DYE-STUFFS SEEDS &c, If yon want the best articles for tho least money, go to KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE. nation Needle buuk. wok n m. , . p- r. r ulocx uo.. Hew eaaaaBHamBiBnnfiSjII TO MAKE enough MOINEY 4 I keep yon s yea r between the ages of 16 GARDEN SEEDS. 10.000 papers warranted fresh and genuine juat received from Landreth, Baist, Ferry, BHggs, and Johnson, & Robbins, At 5 cents a Paper. Liberal discount nJlitf. Conference. Methodist Episcopal Church South. i ro - . . ueu o 3 ears, i montD ana 17 aas alter a protracted affliction from pneumonia of 16 1 weeks and 3 days, which she bore as a Christian only can endure, and fell weetly asleep in nope of a blissful home in Hearen. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. IRISH POTATOES 25 bbls, Rose, Goodrich & I'eer- Charles Lamb, Es say ist, denounced all less, Just Received at npiniuuiw uquors an ei uaro nation. foor fellow ; he knew whereof he spake, by sad ex perience, and if living, would apply the same to Alcoholic Excitants, advertised as Cure alls. But there is one Tonic and Alterative in exist ence tbe best the world has ever known which contains no alcohol. It is Da. Wai. KKu's California Viheqak Bittuu. 4w in the next three aav SMsaoloved oe and 70 enoeM take an aceney Cor Tan ! TaiTCD Wliily, a large, aperkling, literary and family paper, (91 50 a year) pore, laatiaifr ive, and a'tnuaing ; ball of iu pages mil efbeew tiful picture, the other keif eoeaaiaiae; te enoiwaa reeninc mat lev. Jambs Pa area contributing editor. Like that paper, the Londesi Illuatrated JMsft es ie mtrmt mmt miirelv onaectartan and wOO- eaL During a vear it furniehea over J.lOd pictures, snd the equal of 9 large 'Octavo r4 .me. of reading aiattar. IT .IV fit A WIT, . extra each, week, a large engraving, Si in a year), siae, 17x14 inches. Twees are exnwwire famumila of the finest steel enirrsvinfe, op Wgy tinted paper, with margins suitable for fraat. ing, and are tnuy a sue art aonary mwrj panr. .t Beetdea, each aubacribvr ia prearuted with tbe chromo. -Kiold Fiah. Kruiu and Flower," site 2x1 i feet, in 27 oil color, painted by S'otonlw tkelaroewtmmd uvat uummm 4 hmiOumo mrmdtrfmUj bmMmttkmm ssernrf dmeed, ItUjnM the paper fmr wkiea ncr,e,aW kaM been w4ing larger and finer than any oth er, at half the usual cost. lie mmm .(nearly 1000 subscriber a day being received! proves So complete, so laugit ive, so leu of 1 as well as entertaining matter is thu pa- KLUTTZ8 DRUG 8T0RE. CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. A large stock, warranted Extra cleaned, Fresh & Genuine, at low price at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. i SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected by McCubbms, Beall, aud Julian Buffing Bates : CORN new 86. COTTON 13 a 15 FLOUR $3.50 to 3.75 TO COUNT IBCHANTS. I have the largest stock of Drugs, Dyes, Grocers Drugs Sec., in Western Carolina, and am now prepared to sell at Baltimore Price, thai saving yon the freight. Special attention to bot tling Kfsenres, Laudanum, Paregoric, A Hartford, C'nn., dispatch reports a triple murder. One Anton Liuburg, a Swede, wlnlo drunk, fatally stabbed An dre Johnston in his sick bed. Another man, John Fullertoii, who entered the room at the time, ens ulo stabbed to death. Fullertou's wife wa also stab bed to death ; after which the man cut his own throat, and he died with the rest. i'ruly a regular Ii unlet scene. house laying them down by tho chimney After taking four or five Mrs. Brown remonstrated, saying: Now, Jim, that won't do." Whereupon this 'ebony bird' quietly picked up the clothes piu, and walking d.wu th'. roof to tho eaves, drop ped it to the ground, and then walked back, got another, and dropped it in the the saute maunr, and so continued tiutil he had dropped them all." MEAL 95. BACON county) 12 to 15-bog round Opodeldoc, Caster d: Sweet Oil fee. Write I 0 1 A 1 OES Irish 90a Sweet75 to SI for prices, lo do n o .... I tiUUO to IO. CHICKENS $2.50 per do. LARD 15 FEATHER? new, 50. RYE a 90 to SI BEESEWrAX-28 lo 30. WHEAT-Sl.25aSl 50. BUTTER - 25 DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8. Blackberries, 8 eta. per, that we venture to assert thsl to everibiak ing, observant American, a years subscription casta $lJii ia, in actual, oseful value, worth fifty dollaia. AUDITS. "lieeoeBbinalionia wne qualled. ll is an taafs ess sines eWnrwaeaaeni aafeess. Every good American takes at leant one paper, of coarse. He takes this paper be- . (I) it Mine nicest, newest ago doh ; zi . rent bargain ana It sella itkelf. Be quick, if you want an aceney. This Usee oil veer any agent can make from $10 to $30 per day. 8end throe stamps tee apsciaaeoa and Uk eral term, with report from aaenta, eobscribers, and press notices; or, better yet, to tare time, send $2.50 at once for a eomplsss esUnt, and make $100 while you would otherwise be wait- -ing. Yoo are sore to take bold anyhow.' Mmm ey rjmmdi t( net psryeeSh; wfiaeW, oriflbeU.ri torv you want is already occupied, Address all onirr for mecimen. -1 user irti one, or outfits to T. K. MOORE, Publihev The Illostreted Weekly," P. O. Box, 6460, No. 11 Dry 6c New York. i is the cbeepeel ttving a greet bargaio- thtm suit the hard time tks approaching term of Rowan Superior Court, a'tait 136 civil, and 66 criminal cases!on ti e docket. Quod thing for the lawyers. as a general thing to poor people who would be subjected to very great hardships were their hogs kept penned. Allison, colored, get his name m the paper free gratia. He la a provident donkey, and in taking thought for the rainy eaya to come abstracted about a dozen pairs of soe from a box at the N. C. R. R. depot, for which be now aings that sad refrain, "In the prison cell I sit," Ac SOTDATS DEVOTIONS Last Sunday, was bright and beautiful, albeit unseasonably cool, and throngs wended their way to the several places of worship. We be lieve that, in proportion to population, Salis bury is one of the best Church-going places we know. i H . ma . ... . . . I xcraonai ; a. ll. l inmi, bjxir.. the talen- The Finsx 1 BESBYTERI AN Lhcech was tsd Rsreasnistive from Davidson, in the late closed on account of the absence of the Pastor, IejnWswe. was ia town several days this week. Rev. J. Rumple, who was in attendance upon We sJso noticed His Honor Judge Dick, V. S. Concord Presbvtery. Laak. Esq., Col. 8. McD. Tate. Amos Howes. . Dr, R. A.Shimpoch, T Geo. Walton, Lt. Gov. Araifield, Bro, Mills, Hon. W. A Smith, and gentlemen of not. W. ST. C. R. K. The Raleigh Neics says : We learn that the commissioners appoiuted by the Legislature to act en behali of this road, have made arrangements satisfactory to all parties. Tbe sale of tbe road has been ordered, aud the State will become the purchaser at the limits fixed by the act ($850,000), she being iu a position to outbid all opposition. As soon as possible alter the sale and confirmation thereof, work will be begun to puali forward the extension west from Old Fort. Peniten tiary labor will come useful iuto play. A correspondent writes to dccUre that Rignold, the handsome actor, was mar ried years ago, and that his wife came over to this country in the same steamer with him. Well. well, if this ia in. what can he done for the vouni? women of this ! t 'reign admixture country who arc exchanging twelve pho tographs of Montague, thier fallen favorite, for one of Rignold, upon whom their ad miration is now concentrated ? bun. An old barn on the premises of r. Achen in the North Ward, fell down on Wed h.J last A cow was caught under the fall. if ruin, end when extricated from under the dekria, tu found chewing her cud quite phi 'oejekloally. Several tons of hay, more or hex, en top of her seemed to make no difference toner. ft Ptinter : One of the pret sights we have ever seen was that of a lit- tUkeke seated upon the carpet catching at the foldea un-beame as they glinted through the window. With open, outstreched hand she irupcd again and again, the streaks of light, WrenUy lost ia wonderment that when her aPk n a . aaa elated it wee upon nothing. Oh ! the witching greet end innocence of baby-hood ! l he weather ha been on a recrular bunt, and V halery spring of the poets has been violated V the cold, ruthless hand of the hoary old Ktag. Vegetable, fruit, corn Ac, have afl bowed their nipped heads and died, and Proepeet is that peach brandy is going to be m or the reach of poor folks. Old men say "lu u the coldest an ei ep for the season, which for fifty yearn. ada to be found At the First Methodist Church, the astor Rev. Leo W. Crawford preached from hillippiane 4th-ch. 4th verse. "Rejoice iu the Lord always; and again I say Rejoice. Theme : devotion to God an unfailing source of joy. 1st Proposition : Religion proposes to open in the bosom of man an unfailing source of hap piness The impression has gone abroad that the fruits of piety are mainly if not entirely to be enjoyed in the life to come. That here the christian must sow the seed but not reap the harvest. Here he is to bear tbe cross but not wear tbe crown here be ia to toil on in sor row and tears, but at no time to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. The sermon was designed to combat this error and if possible convince the hearers that on earth, Religion not only achieves its grand est victories but also bestows its priceless re wards. - Anentnwi, called tolh uis Dense Ma. ' . - " - . Holetee has a card in another Wan. He is too well known as a prompt i relihl. k..:-w :- . " rami m rwautiw a nonce iron. ua. m MeMannen oners a splendid smut and JJhtf asaehine for sale. The Western N. aUil Road is sgein to be nee notice . r.neL.KrWielJ ? WSBBS) At 8t. Luke's, Episcopal Church, the Rector Rev. F. J. Murdoch, preached a beauti ful sermon from the text: "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities " Roman V HI XXVI! 1st clause). From our infancy 8 iid the preacher, we have all been taught that there are sere gifts of the Holy Spirit, to-wit: The spirit of Wisdom, of Understanding, of Counsel, of Knowledge, of Ghostly strength, of True Godliness, and bf Holy Fear. In the Hebrew text of the Old Testament (Isaiah 11th A 2nd.) the Spirit of True Godliness is not mentioned, but in the Greek translation which the Jews used, the omission ie supplied and the number explicitly stated to be seres (Revelations. XV ch. V verse). The first four erifta concerns man's intellect, the last three en relate to his will and affections. Mr. Murdoch confined himself to the exposition of the la'tpr clause, having explained the former on the Sun day previous. Such sermons outside the do main of controversy are calculated to lead men into the way of troth, and to make them hold the faith in tbe unity of the Spirit, in the ootid of pcote, and in lbs righteousness of life. The Mamfactcre of Domestic Winks The following act ot the late General Assembly will be fouud of inter est to the manufacturers of domestic wines iu our State. An Act to encourage the manufacture oj Domestic Wines in tins Slate : Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina, do enact, that all wines made from grapes, blackberries, current, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries, manufactured iu this State from fruit raised in this State, may be sold iu bot tles corked or seal.'d up, and not to bo drunk on the premises, when sold iu any quantity whether greater or less than one quart ; Provided, that uolhing herein i & contained sh ill authorize any person to sell any of these wiues mentioned iu this geci ion tu any person who is a miuer un der twenty -one years of age. Sec. 2. That this act shall not apply S a a o any wines which liave or contain any of spirituous liquors ud snail only apply to eucn wines as ferive their ardent spirit from viuous fermentation. See. 3. This act shall be in force from and after ila ratification. The progress of Christianity in J apan is reported by missionaries as very slow. Fourteen missionary societies have repro sentatives iu that country, but couveite are ridiculously few. There are seven treaty ports in which, and for about tweuty-fivo miles arouud, foreigners are tolerated, but missionaries are regarded lees avorabiy than other visitors, and are not allowed to preach outside of their own quarters iu the cities. One paper says : "Forty girls will run after a snob with a gold-headed caue where one will sby to a follow with sonud horse sense." Aud another quoting the foregoing says: "When we say that for ty men will run after a flirt who can sing a little and thump on a piano to where one will shy np to a plaiu, hard sense girl who is not ashamed to hlp her moth er get dinner, the case stands about even. To which we add in the language of the illustrious John Good; ''Egad, you're both tight, gentlemen." AM ACT To Prevent Discrimination in Freight Ta riffs by Railroad Corporations Doing Business in the State. J NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, Mount 1 lkasa nt. Cabarrus C.. K. r The eoond five month term of this Inatitu ion will begin Jan. 4th, 1875. txoonse Ibr Board. Tuition. Room Rent. .! W a m . . .. ' ivasning, r uei and Lights. Irom 570 to 590. r or Catalogue apply to L. A. B1KLE, President. Coif s rl oarseneess The Wilson Advance says : The money realised by i be Wilson Gift Con cert aud which the Superintendent refused to accept, aud which has caused so much agitation in the State, has been invested for the benefit of the orphans. Over three huudred dollars in provisions have been already shipped to Oxford, and the receipt acknowledged iu the last Children's Friend is as follows : Contributed by friends of orphans, through Todd, Si'henck Co., Baltimore, 6 barrels flonr, 519 pouuds sugar, 181 pounds coffee, 44 gallons moIases, 553 pounds hams, 302 pounds breakfast slrips, 225 pounds lard. It is right that tbe orphans shoold have tbe benefit of this contribution. It was intended for them and they have received part and will get tbe balance in dan time We think tbe fact too should be published in justice to the committee. - af ' I e" W-. The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact. Section 1. It shall he nylawful for any Railroad Corporation operating in this State in charge for the transportation of any freight of auy description, over its roads, a greater amount as toll or compen sation than shall at the same time be charged by it for the transportation of an equal quantity of ihe fame class of freight transported in the same direction over any portion of the saint; railroad of equal distance, and any railroad company violating this section shall,forfeit and par the sum of two hundred dollars for each e SI ana every oOence to any person suemg for the same. r. aW. nssn a i m sec. x. it snail be unlawful for any railroad company operating in this State to allow any freight they may receive for a a shipment to remain uusutpea tor more than five days, unless -otherwise agreed between the railroad company, and the shipper, and any company violating thi act shall forfeit and pay tbe sum of twenty- five dollars for each day said freight remains unshiped to any person sueing tor the same. Sec. 3. Nothing iu this set shall be e , taken in any maimer as aorideius or controlling tbe rates of freight charged by a railroad company to or from any com petiug point (such ar junction with other railroad), or termini of any railroad iu as mm a f m t tins state, bat said railroad company shall have the same right lo charge sneh rates tor carrying such freight aa they possessed before tbe passage of this act provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any freigh received at a local point so far as tbe road receiving such freight ia concerned. Sec. 4- This act shall be in force from and alter its ratification. NOTICE ! Yadkin Rail Read Company. The annual meeting of the Stockholder of the Xadiliii Kail Kroad Company will be held in the town of Salisbury, N. C" on Satutda imeoin uay oi Mir next. Let all lii ainrk- holders be present or represented by proxy. The meeting is one of great important lo the Company and of vast interest to the Road. Manv Stockholders. April 6, 1875 tf. FOR SALE. My farm situated on Grants creek about 9 miles from Salisbury is now for sale. This farm contains about 240 acres, of the best farming land in Rowan County. Has on it a good two story dwelling House a double barn and other necessary buildings and also a 11 .P II - . i , . mmm wen oi excellent water, rartiea wihing to purchase good snd cheap property will find it to their interest to give roa a call, can alwar be found at Kluttz, Uraham A Rendleman'a Store Salisbury, N. C. R. FRANK GRAHAM. March 18, 1875, 3mo. 7THEO. F. KLUTTZ DRUGGISTf Salisbury, N. 0. Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring Extracts, Essence, Spices, Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye-Stuff, Toilet aud Laundry Soaps, Lye, Matches, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys Ace, al ways on band of best quality at v r t !iri'o TrjiT-i oiwrn' mmmsj m u j ms mm vsuu. DI'T I'D 1 1 V I V Iv It ETW HIIYVH - . T?nr Vnnnir T urliof qm. flontlomoi A THIRD AID SURE EZKXOT. rut luuui jjuuivu mm uuuuumuu. t Fine Perfnmeriea, Elegant Soaps, Cosme tics, Soaps, a ebons, Toilet Sets, Vases, Hair, and Teeth Brushes, Pocket Books Sec, in endless variety at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Coughs AND ALL THOAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC .TABLETS. Ciprs ili yon Say ? Sold br Druggist generally FULLER A r X LLl LLKR. . hicagmlll. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA. ARE TOU Nervous or Deb Hi ted I II, im mrn hiiD 1 1, fin ml nil tirtfmm ' .. I Are you an Uancu.d that any from 2 cents to 8d cents, and can sell 1 quire mure of an effort than you feel ihrm Kr tk tvi st .r.htwta nri.M our i ' making ! J V 1 - Tbrn try JUKI 1KHA. the woadsrftrl celebrated d CCIla aTsrv U aulifa.K 1 sod iariguratwr, which ecu we eeaaaV lallj mm, CIGAR is acknowledged the best in the j e haipart rigor to all World at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. PURE WINES & LIQUORS for roediral and church purposes alwaya on band at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE. Astral Oil 50 cents per gallon at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8T0RE. HIGH PRICES. For Cotton, Corn, Oats. Meal. &c, and low Prices for fresh New Spring and Sum mer Goods. We take pleasure in stating to our friend. that we are now daily receiving our itock of SPRING AUD SUMMER GOODS which have been selected with great care and I e m. m . mm .mm mm oougar. i price mat will allow us to sell to our customers at uneasily low figures. Call and examine our Stock, AND BE CONVINCED THAT WB ME.IS BUSINESS. We think we can accomodate you to every thing you want. Takk Nones We will not be underpaid by anybody. Thankfal for the past faror, we solicit con- tinned patronage. WALTON ROSS. April 8. 1875-lmo. - . thy PIL Ouly 25 cents Lt S. Warrranted asfwr 3lti m OCX? money refunded. After years of experi- men ting, I have at last found the Great Remedy for Chills, Fever tc Ague, Sec , and can confidently recommend ii to my friends and the public. Try It TEA S.!; Finest Teas in the mark et, Put up in air tight, Ub cans, 25 per cent less than usual Prices at KLtJTT'8 DRUG STORE. Iv short whenever yon want Preaerip lions carefully prepared, or need1 anything usually kept In a First doss Drug Store, and want to be certain of getting; jest what yon call for, and of being politely and, promptly served. Be sue ta sell on or send to THEO. P. KLUTTZ, D.uggut Salubvbt, N. C. i Jan. 28, 187 if It i no alcoholic appetiset, which sUmaJaya lor a short time, only to let Ike uftVrer faille a low ocpia in misery, net n ia a tonic acune dirrcUy ub the liver an It regulate tbe Uowcla. quiet the sad gire aoch a healthy tone - te- the rule in as to suou make the Uit14 f like a new person. " It operaUoo i not violent, bat lae lied by great gentleness ; tbe panant lence no aaaot-n ensnre. no 'bnt gradually his troubles i "Fold their teuu, like the And silently teal ewar." This is no new on tried diacorery, oeen long used witn wouderfol and i prunoanced by tbe hiebest "the moat powerful tunic and altersirre Aak yo-ir druggial U it. P r sale by WM. P. KIDDLE t Co lurk. e . GABDIH ft FLOUR . aflT LANDBETH'S, BUI9T8, A FERRY'S, A large tot of Seed from the above jUAt receired end sold low. 84 for OT j togue and call and boy your Seed, if you wish to have a fine Garden, from ' BLISav BARKER. . . ' t a. lilb, 1S74. if. Geo. If Bcia, esNSsiic. i BUIS & BAEKEE WHOLiSALE & RETAIL Drtfjirti Corner Main A fisher & sali-hi;rv, M. c.w -mm a Where may be found a fall Pwre Drags, Mediciwes, DywaewtV Pin Ha kerchief Ei tracts, Perciga Deeaisrle Oet ogee, Sosps, Hair, Tooth A "ail knaW, Havana A American Cigar. All grades ef SMOKING A CHEWING TOSACCOT A fine lot of Bra A Glees tAi-F; sls ike celebrated Prrkiiw A Hose Nee Kerusene Lsaasa which we rw.sH fmr eearev v aesaey, r reoc jarsswy, I W iee by the eouJe or eeUan. Maleea. Cslilbrais Seem A Pert Imported Gi a, sod ie tact SlSijlhhee, kepi in a arst cis urwg btorw. Sien sjwlwial aaeaseb; a 'Ar mmdf the sVe prwtsr. ewe or Umt mlber ecsstf s tar Smmrt taw eaef esse and no one need ana nasal muj as ger ia baring their ed. Feb. leih, 187i.-U. -.,r rmi a.